Glen WisemanChapter 14 free porn video

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All three of the Metchettes were waiting for Glen outside the grocery store. Glen had been in the line behind them and was now dealing with the slow checkout girl. Actually, she wasn’t a girl. She was an elderly woman that had coke bottles for glasses. Even though the store had optical scanners at the checkout line, you still had to present the barcode to the reader. Unfortunately, this woman just couldn’t seem to find the barcode. She would pick up an item, examine it for the barcode, present it to the machine facing the wrong way, and then go through the process again. You had to wait for her to make a mistake before she got it right.

He watched with incredulity as she tried nine times to scan a simple can of beans. The woman in line behind him had a young child that was in a cranky mood. Glen knelt down to the kid and said, “I’ll bet you a penny that it takes her more than ten attempts to ring up the next item.”

The kid frowned and looked at his mother, worried about talking to strangers. Seeing an opportunity to keep the kid busy for while, she handed him a fistful of pennies and said, “Take his bet.”

For the next twenty items, Glen and the kid counted attempts to scan in items. Half the time the kid won; a fact that kept him very entertained. The mother smiled appreciatively at Glen while she took the moment of peace to read the National Inquisitor. After about twenty items, the kid said to Glen in a very solemn voice, “She’s kind of slow.”

Glen laughed aloud as he glanced at the woman examining another of his items. At least she didn’t have her hearing aid turned up. He answered, “you’re so right.”

For the next few items, they changed the bet. Glen bet that the woman would require at least fifteen attempts on one of the next five items. Together they kept score. Glen lost the bet by one attempt. He gave the boy a stack of coins. The kid’s eyes lit up as he eyed the candy machine. Finally, the manager came over and sent the woman on a break. He took three minutes to ring up the rest of Glen’s purchases. As he worked, he asked, “Is there any chance of getting Sandra back here? I’m losing customers.”

Glen laughed and answered, “None, I’m afraid to say.”

“Damn. It’s quicker to drive thirty minutes to the store in the next town over than to stand in line here. I know, I did it the other day.”

Glen frowned and asked, “Can’t find anyone else?”


The manager rang up the total. Glen paid it and picked up his two bags of groceries. He turned to the kid and said, “Next time!”

The kid looked at the handful of pennies, smiled back and answered, “Sure thing.”

The mother smiled and watched as the manager quickly rang up her groceries. She said, “Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. It was my pleasure.” Glen left the store carrying his two sacks. He always took paper rather than plastic. When you have to burn your trash and start fires in the fireplace, paper was a much better choice.

He stepped beside Sandra and said, “Your old boss really wants you back.”

Wanda laughed and asked, “Where did he find her? Turtles R Us?”

Sandra grabbed his arm and said, “I saw what you did for that lady. She would have had a real headache if you hadn’t entertained the kid. You’re going to make a great father.”

Glen laughed and answered, “I was doing it for me. I was about to have a headache watching her work.”

The trio laughed. Sandra went with Cliff to his truck. They got in and headed to the house. Wanda and Glen headed to his truck. An old brown van was parked next to it, which was odd since half the parking lot was empty. He was walking past the van when he noticed the bumper stickers. The whole bumper was filled with right to life and Jesus Saves bumper stickers. His first thought was that someone around here was really religious and then he got a sinking feeling in his stomach. He shouted, “Run back into the store, Wanda!”

She didn’t even ask why, but did as she was told. Four men climbed out of the van to follow her. One of them was carrying a board. Glen backed up, keeping himself between Wanda and the men. One of them shouted, “get out of the way.”

Glen, looking at them with anger in his eyes, answered, “I suggest that you leave here, right now.”

The men quickly realized that Glen was going to be a problem and turned their attention to him. As they charged him, he threw both bags of groceries at them. It slowed two of them down for half a second. The one with the board dropped the board and caught a bag of groceries. He dropped the bag and bent down to retrieve the board. The other man had just swatted at the groceries. Cans ended up rolling all over the ground. The new hazard slowed his attackers.

Glen realized at that moment that he was going to die if these guys had their way and committed himself to getting really mean. He kicked one of them in the balls hard enough to lift the guy off the ground. One of the men did the same in return to him. Glen didn’t even flinch as the kick connected with the cup he was wearing. Instead, he whipped the silk scarf from his pocket and had it wrapped around the throat of one of the attackers in two seconds. The knot was tied so tight, that the man went down struggling for his breath. It was now two on one.

The man with the stick swung it at Glen. He blocked it with his forearm. Glen swung his other arm in a backhand motion catching the other man in the head with his forearm. Despite the padding of the sweater, the metal plate that Glen wore under the sweater made a resounding crack when it connected. His forearms had absorbed the force of the blows, distributing the force across his whole forearm. Still they stung.

Glen was now facing one attacker and that guy wasn’t so anxious to attack. He had just broken a board on the guys arm and it didn’t even phase him. The guy he had kicked in the balls was starting to rise, so Glen kicked him in the face. The steel toed work boot that he was wearing inflicted considerable damage on the guy. Glen knew he wouldn’t be getting up for quite a while. The fourth guy decided that escape was the better part of valor and ran.

Glen stood over the remaining three waiting for one of them to make a move. It wasn’t long before the deputy arrived. He surveyed the scene and put cuffs on Glen. He was using the new style plastic cuffs and had pulled them very tight. The deputy grunted, “You’re under arrest.”

Glen hadn’t even been placed in the back of the car when Wanda raced over and began raising hell with the deputy. She screamed, “Why are you arresting him? You’re letting one of the attackers get away.”

The Deputy shouted back, “Shut up bitch or I’ll cuff you and put you in the back with him.”

Wanda spread her legs and put her hands on her hips. She glared at the deputy and snarled, “You and what army.”

She was quickly cuffed and put in the back of the car with Glen. She was very angry and wanted to kick out the door of the car. This was the same Deputy that had given Glen all of the tickets when he had taken her to the hospital. Glen grabbed her and turned her around. He cut the cuffs off her with his knife as he told her, “Calm down. You did everything like you were supposed to. You were magnificent. Everything is okay. I expected this. Deputy Dog out there doesn’t like me. Wait until the Sheriff or the other Deputy gets here.”

Glen watched as the Deputy got on the radio and called in the Sheriff. He stood there like a proud peacock talking loudly into the radio. He talked with the dispatcher long enough, that before he even had replaced the radio in his belt, two other cars pulled up. The Sheriff got out of one and surveyed the area. He went over to the three men on the ground and asked, “Did you request an ambulance?”


“You should have requested one when you were on the radio with the dispatcher. Did you check them out?”

“No. I was busy arresting the person that did that to them.”

The Sheriff groaned and examined the men. He stopped at the one of the men and swore when he realized that he wasn’t breathing. He used his knife to cut off the silk scarf and proceeded to attempt CPR. The other deputy called in an ambulance. Once he was done, he took over for the Sheriff. The Sheriff searched the body and pulled out his wallet. Glancing inside, he pulled out the drivers license and saw that the man was Jed Randolf. There was another card that indicated his membership in the Last True Church of Jesus Christ. The death threats that had originated from that outfit gave Glen a very good self defense argument. The man fit the description of one of Wanda’s attackers.

The Sheriff looked up at the first deputy and said, “Well, while you were busy arresting him and talking on the radio, this guy died. Maybe we can save him yet, but I doubt it. He’s already turning cold.”

The Deputy looked stunned and answered, “I didn’t know. I didn’t want that bastard getting away.”

“Was he running away or attacking them on the ground?” At the shake of the Deputies head, the Sheriff turned to the look at the other two on the ground in disgust. They were a bloody mess. The faces were caved in where Glen had hit them. He had broken the bones. He stated, “He fucked them up real good. They’re going to be in the hospital for a long time.”

“Well, he’s a murderer now,” replied the Deputy in self-righteous anger.

Not willing to leap to conclusions, the Sheriff asked, “So did you find out what happened?”

“Not yet. I arrested him and the woman. Then I called you.”

The Sheriff swore as he realized what had happened. The Deputy had talked for at least three minutes with the dispatcher and hadn’t done anything else except stand there. He walked over to the car where Glen and Wanda were being held. He opened the door and asked, “What in the hell happened here, Glen?”

Glen looked at the Sheriff and saw the anger in his eyes. He took a deep breath and stated, “Those guys tried to get to Wanda and finish the job they started the first time. Unfortunately for them, I was between them and her. When they attacked me, I responded with appropriate force.”

“You killed one of them. His name was Jed Randolf,” stated the Sheriff in a tone that suggested that he would be more than happy to have Glen arrested and convicted of murder. It seemed to him that Glen was too eager to kill and that was something he didnít want in his town.

Wanda had looked at the man on the ground and recognized him. She remembered the minutes after Glen had subdued Amos. She realized that she wanted to kick the shit out of the dead guy. She pushed down the desire as she stated, “He was one of the bastards that attacked me last month.”

Glen looked at the Deputy who had been attempting to revive the man. The Deputy had stood up and shook his head. He turned his attention back to the Sheriff and replied, “In a fight of four on one, lethal force by the one is appropriate as self-defense.”


“Yes, four. One of them ran away after seeing the first three go down.” Glen pointed his nose in the direction the man had run.

“Do you have an impartial witness?”

Glen laughed and answered, “I haven’t yet canvassed the neighborhood to see if anyone saw it. Deputy Dog saw to that.”

The Sheriff barked a short laugh and then said, “That’s a good description.”

The woman that had been standing in line behind Glen in the store was trying to tell the first deputy that she had seen everything. He was ignoring her and staring hatefully at Glen. The Deputy shouted, “Shut up bitch. I’ll get to you in a minute.”

The Sheriff heard what was going on. He exploded and shouted, “Anderson, you’re fired. Get out of here before I have you arrested for disturbing the peace and interfering with a crime scene investigation.”

The other Deputy had gone over to the woman and started talking to her. It was tough because she was very upset by the treatment she had been given by the other man. She shot a hopeless look at Glen and turned to face the Deputy. The conversation between the two was long and animated. The Sheriff got on his radio. He requested the coroner and a state trooper. He was informed that the other deputy had already requested a coroner.

The little boy from the grocery store came over to Glen. He looked at him with wide eyes at the sight of him sitting in the police car. He asked, “Are you in trouble for fighting?”

“Yes, fighting is not a good thing to do. Always try talking first, do you understand me?”

The boy nodded and wondered if was a good idea to be around the man that was in trouble. Glen noticed and said, “Why don’t you join your mother? She’s probably very worried about you being around so many bad people.”

“Are you a bad person?”

“I try not to be. Sometimes, though, things just kind of happen. It’s sort of like spilling your milk. You don’t want to do that, but whoops there it goes. Today, I spilled the milk.”

The boy looked at Glen and the Sheriff. The Sheriff smiled down at the boy. He told the Sheriff, “He just spilled the milk. Does he have to go to jail?”

The Sheriff, touched by the fact that Glen had let the kid understand the seriousness of the situation without scaring him, answered, “I have to learn if he spilled the milk by accident or on purpose. If it was an accident, he won’t have to go to jail.”

The boy smiled and said, “I saw them try to hurt you. If you hurt them, it must have been by accident. Don’t worry, you won’t have to go to jail.”

Glen smiled and answered, “Thank you. I’ve been real worried and you’ve cheered me up. I think the Sheriff wants to talk to me some more. He’s a good man, so don’t worry about me. Now, get back to your mother and cheer her up.”

The boy went back to his mother as the ambulance arrived. It was fortuitous, since it gave the boy something else to be interested in while his mother talked to the Deputy. The Sheriff went over to the EMS. While the EMS personnel were busy with the two living men, the Sheriff warned them that they were suspects in an assault and needed to be secured to prevent their escape.

Cliff and Sandra showed up in the truck driving too fast. Sandra had started screaming that Wanda was in trouble, so Cliff had returned to the store. However, they had been on a road on which it was not safe to turn around and had to continue on a while before they could return. Cliff got out and walked over to the Sheriff. The Sheriff glanced at Cliff and noticed that he was dressed the same as Glen. He swore when he saw the silk scarf sticking slightly out of a pocket. He said, “Give me the scarf.”

Cliff smiled and slowly pulled the scarf out of his pocket. He handed it over to the Sheriff. The Sheriff examined it and asked, “What in the hell is this?”

Cliff said, “You’ll have to ask Glen. He showed me how to use it, but I can’t remember what he called it.”

The Sheriff led the siblings over to the car with Glen and Wanda. The door was wide open and Glen was sitting there happily with an arm around Wanda comforting her. The Sheriff asked, “Didn’t he cuff you?”

“Yes, but it was rather uncomfortable, so I removed them. Did the same for Wanda. You will notice that neither one of us has attempted to escape.” Glen smiled up at the Sheriff.

“How did you get it off?”

“I cut it off.”

The Sheriff was getting frustrated and asked, “He didn’t search you?”


“Get out of the car.”

Glen slowly got out of the car. As he stood up, he held out his knife to the Sheriff. He held it by the blade, offering the handle to the Sheriff. The Sheriff grasped the handle and using proper knife etiquette, stated, “Thank you.”

Glen released the blade, giving control of the knife to the Sheriff. The Sheriff’s hand shook as he accepted the blade. He hadn’t even seen it until Glen had offered it to him. If Glen had meant to hurt him, he could easily have done it. He decided to approach this in a less confrontational manner. He said, “Would you mind disarming completely? Empty your pockets, placing the items on the hood of the car.”

Glen walked over to the front of the car. He removed the sheath for the knife. Then emptied his pockets. The roll of quarters made a dull clunk when he set it down on the hood. He emptied his back pockets. When he removed the garrote, the Sheriff raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Glen adjusted the bulky neck of the turtleneck sweater and removed an iron collar. He set that on the hood with a more gentle motion. He then rolled up the sleeves on the sweater and removed the leather armbands that held the metal bars to his forearms. He lifted his sweater and removed a small metal plate that protected his stomach.

Same as Glen Wiseman
Chapter 14 Videos

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Glenn yawned, and stretched his arms wide. Rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 9:03 am. He shifted the covers and swivelled, placing his feet on the cold wooden floor. What day was it? Thursday? No. He remembered Thursday had been a short while ago. It must be Saturday. Thank God. No work today. Maybe he should go for a nice trip into town. He could pick up the items on his shopping list, and have a quick venture through some of the smaller stores which he rarely got...

2 years ago
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Glenelg meet

I was on my own for two weeks as Anne was off in England visiting her parents for probably the last time as their health was failing, for my part I still had to work plus her father and I never really got on with each other,By the first weekend I was bored and when I got bored my thoughts turned to sex and being on my own I was thinking a bit of cock was in order. I jumped in my car and drove down to Glenelg there were a few public toilets in the area that were often frequented by guys looking...

4 years ago
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Glendas Awakening

Chrissy and I were at Ian's place. Ian was about 28, 3 years older than Chrissy. About 5 years older than me and is a lot more experienced and active sexually then me. Ian was well built and just under 6ft tall. Even though he is considerably older than me I still found him extremely sexy. Chrissy is also quite sexy to look at. Chrissy was aware of her looks and did not mind highlighting her assets. On this occasion Chrissy had on a light dress with a low neck line. Whenever Chrissy bent over I...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Nicole Black Cums Hard During Anal

Stunning brunette Nicole Black is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to hardcore pounding. This gorgeous slut can’t wait for her man to come home, so she starts playing with herself. Her man finally shows up while Nicole is in the middle of her solo play. The sight of Nicole’s body out in the open made the man want to fuck her. He showers Nicole’s body with kisses while his hands wander around her smooth skin. Nicole can’t keep herself in check as she dry humps...

2 years ago
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Second Date with Farmer Sam

Friday afternoon I was at work when I recieved a phone call it was SamMy Farmer friend he asked me if I had any plans for the weekend and I said no why what did you have in mind and he said maybe we could hang out this weekend an see what we can get intohe said he would even cook me dinner so I agreed and he told me he would pick me up around seven so after work I went home and showered and changed into something I recently bought that was tight on the skin even for a big girl like meit was...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Wife Part 4

“Oh fuck!” The news hit me like a truck. What was I going to do, and how was Louise going to explain it to Lee. I knew I was going to be sacked within minutes. “Calm down, it is okay.”“Okay?” I was almost shouting, “Okay, how can it all be okay?” “I have spoken to Lee and Claire already.” Louise, was so calm in her words and demeanor. “Once, the baby is born, Claire is adopting it. We have sorted it out and it has all been through the solicitors. Lee thinks it is his. I told him that after he...

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BurningAngel Janice Griffith Janice Griffith Squirter

Well isn’t this romantic! One brunette Janice Griffith gyrates sexily in the sunlight wearing black gothic lingerie whilst waiting for her dark prince Xander Corvus to come find and fuck her. Simply the thought of getting his nice fat cock makes her pussy drip with antici…pation! That trickle of cunt juice turns into streams upon streams of girl cum once Xander starts pounding away at her precious twat! All squirts and smiles, Janice is the human equivalent of a waterfall, having...

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She had been one of my brother's best friends for as long as I could remember, but I hadn't seen her for almost four years, since she went off to college in California. Both she and my brother had returned home for Christmas, and Eileen came over to talk to my mother and brother. I had just come off duty, being the low man on the pole at the station. A day spent driving around in a patrol car in this small town was mind-numbing and ass-crushing, and all I wanted to do was take a long, hot...

2 years ago
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My wifersquos been a slut all along part 5

The next morning.Dina woke up she had gotten a text from Roosevelt the rules she said was to follow.1. She was to only have unprotected sex with him. 2. she was allowed to have oral sex with me only once a week .3. She was only to have intercourse with his permission.4. she was not allowed to have anal sex. 5. she was not to have eye contact with any other men in his presence.Dina read these rules. Then he sent another text. That he would be there in 20 minutes to pick her up. she was to dress...

4 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 17 Sunday

The following morning, when it was obvious all had woken up, Mike sat up and said, 'guys, I am going to be greedy first thing, if the angels agree, and steal them away from you for a while. Angels, would you be willing to re-create my fantasy, it is selfish but, what the hell, its fun. The four girls laughed and giggling got out of bed and left the room, Mark said, 'hay what gives, what fantasy and where have they gone?' 'Well if you follow me you will find out, the first time they did...

2 years ago
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Jennifers ReeducationChapter 4

This final chapter of my story is intended merely as a lesson to those young female recruits out there that have not as yet experienced the chaos of combat. The fact that our fighting force was mostly female is a demographic reflection rather than a credit to female superior fighting skills. I had been guided into the “sniper mentality” by my ill treatment whilst a prisoner of the North Koreans and the slings and arrows of our own society that historically held feminine accomplishments...

2 years ago
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The Monthanizer

The Monthanizer AUTHOR'S NOTE: This one's a rollercoaster of a story that Areat on deviantart commissioned me to write. The TG elements mostly come later but I think the entire thing is a fun ride. Areat deserves all the credit for coming up with the idea and being patient. I have to admit, I was a bit of a pain to work with. In any case, please enjoy this yarn. * * * Lacey Harris checks herself in the mirror and looks ahead in time to see the light turn green. A horn honks behind...

1 year ago
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My Friend Wes

blowjobs-swallowing-voyeurism-jacking off My Friend WesPart-1-of-1 Mom and I moved a lot after she and Dad got divorced. The first place we lived was the nicest but it turned out to be too expensive when my dad wouldn’t come up with any money for us to live on. It was a huge apartment complex but there were some nice houses on the street further north from us where I befriended Wesley, an older kid who I think was eighteen or so at the time. He’d converted their basement to a huge bedroom...

3 years ago
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Dressed in holiday style II

I was up by 1 p.m., showered, changed into some fresh panties and donned some hated boy clothes to hit the streets. I stopped by a local coffee shop (not the national chain-brand type) and over a mocha latte the barrista was kind enough to give me a few pointers about where she thought the best holiday lights in the city could be found. I tipped her handily for the information and then went to my fave camera shop, where I chatted with the proprietor a bit and bought a couple of new high speed,...

3 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 4 The Second Lesson Part 2

With eyes that had grown a little smoky, she looked at me and said, "I think I'm going to go first with this lesson. You've already made me come more than once, and now it's my turn to do something for you." "New rule," I said. It's not a contest, and we do not keep score. Sometimes one of us will come more than the other. Because of the stamina issue, it will likely mean that you have more orgasms than me. There is also the issue that I'm sneaky and will make you come when you...

3 years ago
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Jenna Gurl for Color Part 1

Jenna - Gurl for Color Part 1 By Jenna Shannon My dear reader, hopefully some of you will remember me, for others please take a few moments to peruse my earlier works. It has been quite some time since I have had the pleasure of converting my delicious adventures to print. Such is the life of a secret prissy gurl! A little background... I am a tall (over 6'), thin, flat tummied (aerobics have become a way of life),...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 50 Reconciliation

February 5, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I owe you an apology for earlier. Not for what I said, but how I said it.” “And I owe you one for interfering in something I shouldn’t have.” “I’m going to need to talk to Dad, too,” I said. “But again, only for walking away, not for objecting to his classification of April as not being a ‘nice’ girl.” “I thought for a moment you were going to say, ‘make Mom’ instead of ‘make me’.” “For a moment, I was. But at that split second good sense overcame my...

1 year ago
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Hannah’s insufferably girly script stared at me from the slip of paper in my hand. There was only one word on it.LoganFollowed by a heart with a toothy smiley-face in it which I couldn’t easily look away from. It was the eyes. They were following me when I moved the paper around in my hand, like those of a haunted painting.Ugh. I gave the back of Hannah’s head another glare and, for the hundredth time, mentally repeated the argument we’ve had over and over this last month. Only this time I won...

1 year ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 5 Grandfather

Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach. This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore...

3 years ago
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Die beste Freundin meiner Frau 3

Ich drückte mit meinen Schwanz gegen ihr Loch. Langsam, ganz langsam gelang es mir, meinen triefnassen Schwanz hineinzudrücken. Puh, das war ganz anders als ihre Fotze. Eng und trocken. Wie ein Schraubstock umfasste ihr Schließmuskel meinen Schwanz. Ich sah, wie Anna eine ihrer Hände zwischen ihre Beine nahm. Offenbar streichelte sie sich den Kitzler. Ich drückte langsam weiter und steckte bald bis zum Anschlag in ihrem Arsch. Was für ein geiles Gefühl.„Okay", meinte Anna, „jetzt kannst Du...

3 years ago
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Bachpan Ka Khel

Hi. Mai pahli bar koi story kisi site pe likh rahi hu. Meri umar abhi 23 sal hai. Ye ghatna aaj se 5 sal pahle hui thi jab mai mama ke gaon gayi thi. Garmiyo ki chutti thi. Main apni ma ke sath apne mama ke yaha aai thi. Waha light nahi thi. Raat ko hum chatt par sotey thay. Din me mai frock pahanti thi aur sotey samay samij aur skirt pahanti thi. Ek raat main mummy se gussa ho gayi aur mene unke pas soney se mana kar diya. Mamaji ne haste hue kaha- bitiya naraz ho gayi. Aa aaj mere paas so ja....

4 years ago
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Just another Monday evening

It had been a typical Monday so far, sitting in the car driving home I was trying to concentrate on traffic and run through some of the things that had happened at work, listing things for the next day, however, my mind kept wandering… A couple of months ago I had come across a gentleman on a BDSM website and we had started chatting as we seemed to share some interests. And tonight, we had arranged to meet for the first time. I was hoping traffic would be good so that I had plenty of time to...

3 years ago
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Priya8217s Sex Fantasies 8211 Part 2

Hi all. This is Priya again with auto-wala fantasy. I have received many mails about the review of my 1st story. Sorry guys, I wasn’t able to reply to every mail. But thanks to one and all for all the appreciations and suggestions. And guys please do not ask for my number and for chats. As the future parts(stories) are not related with maths or teacher I am changing my title but the part number continues as usual. After all the pleasure given by my maths teacher I was very much habituated to...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 37

Just like Jeff I am a very smart person. Alright, not just like Jeff, but I am very smart. But just like Jeff that doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to think things through before I say them or rely on them. Jeff kept pressing to join my birthday drinking celebration. I kept refusing. I was driven by emotion. He limited his arguments to logic. "I recall hearing on the news that something like fourteen hundred college-age kids die each year due to alcohol. If you need the citation, I...

1 year ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 03 Confessions

This is a work of fiction. The characters and locations are the properties of their respective owners. I own the story line. Chapter 3- Surprise Confessions Hermione flitted around the living room to make sure that everything was ready for her guest. She was running through her mental checklist when the doorbell rang. She almost dropped the bottle of wine she was holding. She took a deep, steadying breath and castigated herself; she and Ginny frequently got together when Ron, Harry, or...

1 year ago
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Her boobs and I slowly caressed

Dear Visitors of Kerala Erotica. I am from Tamil nadu and I used to visit this site minimum twice a day and found most of the stories interesting. Here I just wanted to share an unforgettable experience with you all. I am working as a Director in a Garment export company, which paid me well and provided me with a accommodation, car, bike etc., It all so happened in 1996 and those days I was a bachelor and lived alone in the guesthouse provided by the company. Once my Chairman from Holland...

3 years ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 22 The Big Question What Is Our Relationship

The airport was a zoo with everyone returning from the holiday weekend. It was tough getting through the terminal and seemed to take forever to get our bags off the luggage carousel. Thank goodness for the car service, the driver was one of the guys who regularly took care of me and I also took care of him because of the good service he gave me. He got our two cases into the trunk and then took us home quickly and quietly. We still weren't talking much. The cats demanded attention just as...

2 years ago
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The Maintenance Man Book 1Chapter 10

The liner landed late the next night, two women stepped off heading for the king's palace. Unknown to them eyes were closely following them, curious as to where the man that was usually with them was. Knocking at the palace door, it was slowly opened a mousey looking man peeking out then rushing out to hug Nissie. "I heard you were coming back here, you should have called, I'd have had rooms ready for you and your master, by the way where is Mr. Mark?" he said. "He is still on the...

3 years ago
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A husband writes about his wife8217s penchant for biting other men8217s balls

My wife Fran and her sister Brenda have a good relationship. I can take both of them to bed and fuck them whenever I want. My wife Fran is 53 and she likes to have other men fuck her between her size 48 tits. And as soon as they are ready to come they shove it down her throat and just pop their nuts. We go out to bars on the weekends and she wears a button down shirt so she can open it to show how big her tits really are. The other night we helped to close the place. The bar tender had been...

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