Glen WisemanChapter 20 free porn video

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In the dark, the cold sucked the warmth from Glen as he lay on the ground near the edge of the woods. The ground had begun to give up its heat at the end of September as nights cooled down. By the end of October, the ground was cold. Lying upon it, the ground felt like ice. The night air was chill, the faint breeze cut through his clothes making him even more miserable. He shivered, but did his best not to make noise.

The past two days had been more exhausting than a human being should have to experience. He had made the funeral arrangements for Cliff. Spaces for parking twenty cars behind Cliff’s house had taken him hours to clear. He had taken care of the twins and CJ, none of whom wanted to leave his side. Last night, he had written an editorial for the next edition of the magazine that explained what happened when narrow minded people decided that you were evil. The hardest thing to deal with had been the press. Gathering in town like vultures circling a dead cow, they wouldn’t leave him alone.

The funeral had lasted longer than expected and was very well attended. Even the twins were surprised by how many people knew Cliff and liked him. Oliver and his whole family had shown up. Just about every customer that he had ever helped in the store was there. After a request from the pastor of the church, they had decided to give people a chance to get up and tell a story about Cliff. The number of stories about how he had helped this person or that person was overwhelming. The twins cried through most of it; CJ was inconsolable.

Glen’s recollections of the funeral were interrupted when the radio ear-piece crackled. George announced, “A caravan of cars has just gone by our place. They’ll be there soon.”

A minute later another voice said, “The bastards just turned onto the road.”

Glen pressed the button that would allow him to talk. He said, “Okay everyone, get comfortable and stay still. You won’t be cold much longer. It’s show time.”

Glen took his own advice and shifted to where he would be more comfortable. The change in position was necessary. He could hear others shifting around him as a sudden need to piss flooded over him. Another crackle followed. Sue, their researcher, said, “They’ve stopped in front of the other house. Someone has gotten out and they are checking out the place.”

Glen waited for the next update. He had placed people at key points along the road to make sure that they didn’t end up with them coming through the woods behind them. He was glad that he had done that now. There were people in the woods around the Metchette home. He had been afraid that they would attack there thinking that the twins were in the house. To convince them otherwise, the door was still open from when he had kicked it in the other night.

Another crackle on the radio and then Sue announced, “The man went into the house. He didn’t find anyone and is on his way back to the cars.”

Glen smiled, happy that his ploy had worked. Everything was going exactly like he had planned. All of the people helping had park in the woods in the area he had cleared earlier. Their cars would not be visible unless someone went behind the house and followed the path there for a good distance. He had put it there for that reason and one other. Everyone that volunteered had to drive past the spot where Cliff had been staked and burned. It was a very visible reminder of the type of people with whom they were dealing. He didn’t want anyone to feel guilty for their actions tonight. A reminder that they were dealing with a pack of murderers would help assure that. He hoped that no one would feel bad for anything they did tonight.

The ear-piece crackled again. Oliver said, “They’ve stopped in front of the drive and are getting out. They are all armed.”

Glen didn’t say anything and wouldn’t say anything until he gave the order to fire. In the darkness, he couldn’t make out much other than a few human figures moving across the field. The moon, a little past full was hidden behind clouds. CJ said over the radio, “They are at quarter field. Get ready with the lights. Front and left only.”

He glanced at the hunting stand in the corner of his property where CJ, with night vision glasses, watched the religious fanatics move towards his house. Her position allowed her to spot anyone trying to sneak around the edges of the woods.

The fanatics moved directly toward the house, spreading out as they went. The lights in the house were on and a dummy was placed by the window. CJ said over the radio, “They are at midfield. Trio, your target is in the back. Your call now.”

Glen took a deep breath before pressing the talk button. With a calmness that he didn’t feel, he said, “Lights and Fire at will.”

The lights of the house came on illuminating two dozen men spread out across the field. Most of the fanatics raised their rifles and fired blindly at the house. Glen had expected that. With the lights shining in the eyes of the fanatics and his people in the dark, they had a great advantage.

Glen looked through the sight of his rifle at Anderson and taking a deep breath let half of it out. Holding his breath, he put the crosshairs in the center of Anderson’s chest and squeezed the trigger. He could hear the twins fire together a split second later. Anderson flew back at least six feet. The distance covered by Anderson when he was hit, suggested to Glen that the twins had aimed at him also. His was the first shot from the people in the woods, but it was immediately followed by a thunderous roar from each side of him.

He worked the bolt on his gun to put another round in the chamber and took aim. He finally had a clear shot at the Reverend Jonathan Corwin. Rather than aiming at his chest, he lowered the scope until it was aimed at his stomach. He squeezed the trigger and watched the Reverend collapse to the ground holding his stomach. The Reverend stayed on his knees for a second and then fell forward.

By now, the majority of the men that had been sneaking toward the cabin were on the ground. The others, realizing they were exposed and without cover turned to ran back towards their cars. Glen watched as they fell to the hail of bullets around them. He fired a round at one of the men and watched him drop. He put another round in the rifle by working the bolt and aimed at a fourth man. The man dropped before he had a chance to fire. He looked around for another target, but didn’t find one.

A pair of men who had been well behind the rest actually made it to the road. Shotguns wielded by Oliver and his uncles sounded. In the field, no one was left standing. Without targets, everyone stopped shooting. The sudden silence was as deafening as the shooting had been.

Glen remembered that one of the Special Forces guys had told him that most fire fights last for less than two minutes. He wondered how long this one had lasted. It felt like forever, but he only had enough time to get off four shots and had only fired three times. He imagined that less than two minutes had passed between the first and last shot.

He took a minute to scan the field for movement. There wasn’t any. Glen stood up and touched the button on his radio. He spoke into the microphone, “Okay folks. It’s time for most of you to go home. The Sheriff will be here in about thirty minutes and there’s no need for him to know who was here. Follow the ropes back to your cars. Let Sue know that you have left. If anyone is hurt or missing, we don’t want to find out to late to help them. I personally want to thank everyone that came tonight.”

He could hear calls from along the woods as people shouted, “You’re welcome.”

Wanda and Sandra came over to Glen. They had their arms around each other, spiritually supporting one another. Leaning over to them, he kissed them both. Worried about their safety, he said, “You had better get in the house. CJ will join you there.”

They looked towards the house and didn’t move. Hugging them both, he said, “I love you so much. I just want to know you’re safe.”

They smiled at him and then walked over to the cabin while he watched them go. They stayed in the dark and approached the rear of the house. The door opened well before they reached the cabin as CJ entered it. He watched the field checking for any movement and checked their progress to make sure that they reached the door safely. The door opened, but he didn’t move until they had entered the cabin.

He turned and strode out into the field carrying his rifle at the ready. If he spotted any movement, he was going to fire. He was a solitary figure moving in the open space and looked small. His shadow stretched across the length of the field, a silhouette painted on the trees at the far end. He walked with a purposeful stride until he reached the first body. He knelt down and checked it for signs of life. There were none.

He went from body to body checking each one. He had not realized just how bad a bullet from a hunting rifle could tear someone up. Of course, almost everyone was using rifles that could bring down a charging Bull Moose. He came across Anderson’s body. Three shots, all of them within an inch of each other were centered on the front of his chest. There was nothing left of his back where the bullets had exited.

Glen didn’t feel remorse for the damage done to Anderson. Anderson had seen the evil that the Reverend Jonathan Corwin had spread before joining his group. He had seen Wanda battered and bruised by that cowardly attack. The fact that he had joined, signified to Glen that the man was basically evil. The attack on the Sheriff was a cowardly move. He had no pity to spare for a man that would utilize a man’s medicine as a weapon against him.

Glen continued checking bodies, looking for any that may have survived. He found himself checking the same people twice and realized that he had been walking in circles. He needed some way of marking who he had checked so that he didn’t walk over to them again.

He stopped his search when he reached the Reverend Jonathan Corwin. The man was still moving and groaning. Glen knelt down next to him after making sure there wasn’t a gun within reach of the man. The Reverend Jonathan Corwin, voice weak from his injuries, said, “Demon, you’ve killed a lot of good Christians. I know your master in hell is happy.”

Glen was quiet for a moment and then said, “We didn’t hunt you down. We didn’t threaten your people. We didn’t jump your wives and beat the hell out of them. We didn’t grab one of your people and burn them at the stake. You did all of that and yet you see us as evil?”

“You are a Satanist. You killed Christians working for the glory of God.”

“All injuries your people received were delivered in self defense.”

The Reverend was livid. His rage gave his voice strength as he said, “My people have fought witchcraft for centuries. My children shall continue the work of the Lord and see that you are sent to hell.”

“Give it up already. The only ones you are sending to hell are your followers.”

“Never. Evil must be stopped.” The Reverend twisted on the ground from the pain in his abdomen.

Glen answered, “Today, good triumphed over evil. I know you won’t believe that, but it did.”

Glen looked up as Oliver strolled over to him. He could tell that Oliver had been pushed almost to his limits. There was a tension in the way he moved that Glen had never seen in him before now. Oliver had gone from car to car along the street checking to make sure that no one was in them. They had not seen anyone stay with the cars, but he had to check. He had never been so scared in his life as when he went from car to car expecting to get shot at any second.

Oliver stopped and examined a couple of the bodies as he came driven by the fear that one of them would sit up and shoot him. Taking his time to reach Glen, he knelt down on the other side of Reverend Corwin. Looking at the man on the ground, he asked, “Are you the Reverend Jonathan Corwin?”

The Reverend’s eyes grew large at the sight of the black man., convinced he was the master of lies come to gloat over his victory. He shouted, “Satan! Be gone!”

Oliver laughed at the comment with a chilling effect on the Reverend. Of course, it only made sense that Satan was a black man. The man’s lack of imagination was staggering. There was no way that Oliver could convince the Reverend that he was a devoutly religious man. He had actually stopped by his church on the way here to get blessed by the preacher - asking that a prayer be said over him to protect him from evil.

All goodness aside, he couldn’t resist the temptation the Reverend presented. He looked up to heaven for forgiveness and said, “I came here to send your soul to hell. You were a most perfect vessel for evil, but you failed your mission.”

The Reverend screamed in terror as he believed the statement. With a weak gesture he pointed to Glen and shouted, “He’s the evil one.”

Resisting the temptation to look at Oliver, Glen said, “May God have mercy on your soul. You were corrupted by pride, that most insidious of mortal sins, and committed murder in your desire for power over your followers.”

The Reverend didn’t appear to hear a word Glen stated. His eyes, wide with fright, were fixed on Oliver. His forehead broke out in a cold sweat, fed by fear. Oliver said, “He’s a good man and is protected by God. He fought evil this night and won. You are the evil one here.”

Glen almost laughed aloud at that, but kept control of himself. He could see the realization cross the Reverend’s face as he considered his life. Over the last few minutes he had begun to see the evil that he had done in the Lord’s name. The terror felt by the Reverend as he imagined the hell he was facing was plainly written across his face.

Oliver reached out for the Reverend. The Reverend let loose a loud scream of terror and died before Oliver had a chance to touch him. Checking for a pulse and not finding one, he stood up and said, “I’m probably going to go to hell for that, but I just couldn’t resist. It wasn’t right for him to die thinking he was the good guy.”

Glen realized that the Reverend had died of fright. He didn’t think it was possible, even though he had grown up his entire life hearing that phrase. He said, “I understand why you might feel guilt. However, you also gave him one last chance to repent before he died. That was something that his pride wouldn’t have allowed him to admit unless faced with the devil himself.”

“Perhaps you’re right. Maybe it was for the good after all.”

Glen stood up as the sound of a siren broke the quiet of the night. Saddened, he looked around at the scene of death arrayed on his beautiful front lawn. He knew that he would never be able to look upon it the same way as he had in the past. Aloud, he said, “They ruined this place of beauty for me.”

Putting a hand on Glen’s shoulder, Oliver said, “The seasons shall wash the land clean.”

Glen looked down at himself and asked, “What can wash my soul clean?”

The sight of Glen standing there with filled with self-doubt hurt Oliver. He had seen how Glen had tried to protect Cliff and the twins. He said, “The only sin that I’ve seen here tonight was the misbegotten pride that those people had. They placed themselves above man, law, and country. They thought they were the right- hand of God. What is that? Pride.”

Glen sighed and said, “You’re right. Still, I feel dirty.”

“That’s because you’re a good man,” replied Oliver.

Glen led Oliver to the house to wait for the Sheriff. The sirens slowly moved closer, but were still quite distant. The Sheriff had promised to take his time responding to the call unless he had been told that all hell had broken loose. Since the call to the office had been a normal sounding emergency call, he took his time.

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Glendas Awakening

Chrissy and I were at Ian's place. Ian was about 28, 3 years older than Chrissy. About 5 years older than me and is a lot more experienced and active sexually then me. Ian was well built and just under 6ft tall. Even though he is considerably older than me I still found him extremely sexy. Chrissy is also quite sexy to look at. Chrissy was aware of her looks and did not mind highlighting her assets. On this occasion Chrissy had on a light dress with a low neck line. Whenever Chrissy bent over I...

3 years ago
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A Story for Stefani

It was just another evening, or so I thought. I was tired of going out alone, and I was even more tired of the dating scene. Ever since Sandy left, my life has been dead, or at least it had felt dead.“Hey old dude!” said a familiar voice on the phone. “Whatcha doing tonight, old buddy?” Wow, it was Jackson. I hadn’t heard from him for at least 5 years. I just knew that he went on a cruise in the Caribbean, and met a woman in the Virgin Islands and ended up marrying her and then moving to...

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My Little sis WOW

I moved out of my mom's house while I was in college. Mom was very supportive to me, even helping me set up my apartment. Being on my own was great but... I missed my sister.Ginger was just about to turn 17. She had started to fill out every inch of her petite 4’ 11'' figure. With blond hair and 34 B tits, I craved every quick view I could find her in. And Ginger loved to go out with "bad boys" as often as possible. I must have trained her well in her sexual activity.I decided to come over...

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Blue Lights Pulsing

Blue Lights, Pulsing I don't need to hear the siren. It's the blue lights, pulsing against a darkening sky, that start the trembling. It's always been that way. I wasn't going all that fast. I never do, not down here. I like to linger on the long, low bridge over the river, to see how the wide water catches the light today, to sniff the faintest tang of salt, to watch the black cormorants wheel and dive. It was when I went away from that I got lost. Sometimes I...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday

It was a hot summer day, and it also happened to be my in laws birthday. My daughter called me and told me he would be stopping by to see her when she got home from work at 7, but she had to work a little later and wouldn't be home till almost 11. I told her I would give him the messege and tell him to maybe stop by and say hi there. Well I decided to take a shower and wash off since I was sweating all over the place, I couldn't look this sweaty and dirty when my son got here. I hoped into the...

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I lost a bet dare

A few years ago, I won a bet with my girlfriend and as a result she had to do whatever I told her to do for 4 hours. We had already played exhibitionism games & dares anyway, so I made her walk the mall with almost nothing on (white button-down, no bra, short skirt, no panties….) and then flash the drive-up window guy at Wendy’s, but when I told her that she had to strip naked and lock her clothes in the trunk …. she refused … until I agreed to do whatever she wanted for a month, beginning that...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 40 The Senator Presents Her Body

It took slightly longer than the other times but the din in the main assembly hall of Blanke Schande College did eventually dissipate. When it did senator Rebecca Arnold signaled Tom Barry towards the microphone again. Tom’s penis was still quite stiff and just so aroused by all that was going on. “Ladies and gentlemen” he began, “There is still one more task I have been asked to do before I can officially declare the opening of BSC’s academic year. Everyone in this room will no doubt be...

2 years ago
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Best Laid PlansChapter 18

Jan finished her embroidery of how she had sex twice on the afternoon of the high school initiation and started the story about Sandy's lesbian encounter with the camp counselor. Bill listened intently, but stopped her to say, "I 'm dying to hear the rest of this, but I think we've been out here too long. Let's go sit in the kitchen. If that movie's over, Nancy may come looking for me and think you and I have been screwing around or something." "I wish we had been fucking. I'm hot...

4 years ago
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SEVEN ASIAN BLOWJOBS IN SEVEN DAYSVOTE FOR THE BESTPLEASE SEE:- INTRO AND DAY ONE – MEI- DAY TWO – EMI- DAY THREE – YUZMIN- DAY FOUR – YONG-JAEDAY FIVE – JOYCEJoyce looked like a calm, normal Asian girl. After the last three days, I was looking forward to normalcy. My body ached, and my nose hurt like hell. The man in the suit had brought a doctor over from the mainland the night before, but I had to take some painkillers and other stuff to reduce the swelling. Joyce had a pleasing bit of...

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My 1st Threesome

My GF of 2 years, in the 1st year always asking me if id like to participate in a threesome with her, FFM. Well as she was previously a lesbian on 8 years i can understand the reasons. But i have always been faithful and honest, not wanting to push the boundaries, only fantasise about them.She has a friend in her own country which i will call Dee. I had a dream about having sex with this friend, well i told my GF this and she then went and told Dee which was nice of her...Dee then decided that...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Aria Banks Toy

Bubbly blonde Aria Banks can’t wait for her boyfriend to leave the apartment so she can have some fun with her favorite toy, but she can’t find it anywhere. Luckily, Aria doesn’t give up, and finally finds her favorite dildo hidden on top of the refrigerator. She bounces up and down on it, loving every inch as it plunges inside her tiny pussy. But when her man comes home and catches her in the act, he shows her that the real thing is even better than her toy. He fills her extra small pussy with...

2 years ago
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Cock and More cock

Part 1: I love to suck cock ! Little cocks, medium sized cocks but I especially like to suck big, big cocks. I like cocks that are skinny, I like cocks that medium in width and I like fat, fat cocks. I like short cocks, medium length cocks, and especially like long, long cocks. I just like to suck any and cocks of all sizes. I especially like uncircumcised cocks but enjoy circumcised cocks as well. I just love cocks!!!! But I have never sucked a black cock. Hopefully some day...

3 years ago
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Mysteries of the Universe

So, I'm at this part with my friend Jim. It seemed a little stuffy and the girls seemed a bit up-tight."Hey, Jim," I say, "got any leads on a good hookup?""Well," he said, "there are a few nice girls. Do you know Taylor?""Not really. She's the tall girl, right? Brown hair, likes wearing plaid?""That's the one. She's great. We hookup 3-4 times. If I wasn't with Sandy now, I'd totally go for it again. Times like this that i wish i was single." I knew he wanted her bad."Think she's in my...

2 years ago
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family affairs part 3

Characters.The story is not real it is a story of mine for a porno. enjoy.ChloerachelnadineGary (dad of chloe)peter (dad of rachel)steven (dad of nadinemelissa (mother of chloe)daniel (mother of rachel)jade (mother of nadine)part 3After the fun the girls had in there room they had to clean them self up. Gary peter and steven were finished watching the tv and desided to go eat with there wives. As the familys were talking around the table about verious things the 3 girls joined them at the table...

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Harrys Protg Ch 11

Sunlight streaming through the windows awoke Sierra, who stretched, feeling fine but with slow memory recall. She wondered how she managed to get home after falling asleep at the pub. It was amazing. On to way to the toilet she saw a small stack of groceries – more than enough to survive the day. She went out to catch fish for breakfast. After lunch Sierra walked to the village and enquired at the store. Mrs Chalmers pointed across to the pub and said late yesterday Mrs Petrie from over...

4 years ago
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Within The Family 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS Readers. This is David Jones aka David Rajan, and this is my story. I hope you enjoy it. This is the story of how it all began. This is about my first sexual experience which also turned out to be my first incest experience. Let me tell you a little about me and my family. This may bore you a little but it is vital to the story. I was born to two environmental scientists living and working in Galway, Ireland. Actually, my dad was an Indian who fell in love with a British girl(my mom)...

2 years ago
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What Happens in Vegas Part 2

The Hot Wife Brian, Katie and Nick enjoyed the great steaks, wine and ambiance of SW Steakhouse at Wynn Casino. It was a classy place with a great bar with an outdoor area showing off the beautiful landscaping but Brian was glad he managed to spend only $750 on the dinner and wine. And Katie hadn’t pulled any sexual stunts with Nick, which he had sat through the entire dinner fearing. Perhaps she had gotten that out of her system earlier with Karl and Wally at the bar? Nick’s phone rang and he...

Wife Lovers
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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 54

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 5 Part 4Nanci knew that this was only the beginning. She knew very well that almost everyone in that office was in collusion with her tormentors. She wondered why humans could be so cruel; why there was pleasure in other's suffering... now; his words took a different meaning.Often he would complain of her cruel demeanor and wanton disregard for his feelings; every time she had attributed those words to a character...

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BillyChapter 5 The Party

The week passed without any further word from Billy and it was finally Friday, the day of the party. I left for home at noon, thinking that I should be present to make sure everything was in place. Since I had little idea of what those things should be, it was a puzzle as to how I would even know if they were 'in place'. Well, so long as I was there, that was the important thing. As I pulled in, I found myself weaving past vans, trucks and cars, all seemingly arranged to make my path to...

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KinksChapter 7

As soon as I got to school Sandra came up to me and put her arm through mine. I grinned at her. “You okay?” Her answering smile said it all, but she nodded as well. “Yes,” she whispered. She let go of me a few moments later. We didn’t hold hands, but she kept her hand close to mine as we walked in. I think she just didn’t want to advertise that she was with me now, yet still wanted to be close. Well that was okay, I felt exactly the same. At first break I found Bondy with Talulah, Sandra...

3 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 20

Mary's sleep was restless at best with the constant flickering of the TV reminding her of what she had been through. She shuttered at the thought that she had enjoyed everything to the point of repeated orgasms. Here she was locked, practically naked, in a dog cage with a very explicit video of her and another woman playing over and over and her pussy was soaking wet with her excitement. How could she ever get back to a 'normal' life? As these thoughts ran through her mind the lights came...

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The SisterhoodChapter 4

Jane pulled back from her revelry. That had been five years ago. In that time she had only taught a few of the skills to a few women. She had used some of the skills to coerce a very talented physics major with a flair for art into producing her own Rod of Sappho. Upon leaving California, she had left him in the hands of her counselor, who had taken five of the sessions with the rod. Five of the sessions would be plenty to insure the physics major lived a very happy existence. But Jane felt a...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 5

Why Cooper James had decided to camp along the Klamath River where he did was a mystery to me. If he'd left Seattle headed for Santa Rosa, he had two choices, one was to take the coastal route along highway 101, or the inland route on I-5. He must have chosen the I-5 route to begin with, because we were only a few miles west of it now. We were on highway 96, the road that followed the Klamath river across the Klamath National Forest. It met up with highway 263 a few miles west, and from...

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Early Panty fetish

When I was in my early teens, I was a very randy fucker with my hormones raging just looking for some kind of sexual stimulation to get me started wanking. It wasn’t long before I noticed women’s panties hanging on the washing line. I would take notice of who was happy showing their underwear and those who hid theirs amongst other items of washing as not to bring attention to their smalls.As I mentioned in an earlier posting, I came from a small village so knew pretty much where all the good...

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Sorkanas Rise Naconas Arrival

Sorkana's Rise, Nacona's Arrival By; Malissa Madison Sorkana was watching as the wings appeared ready to meet the leading edge of the fall. Both Western and Ice Mountain were working this one together, and Southern and Fort were providing two wings each to fill out the flights of both Weyrs. Right on time, Dellith and Lilith arrived leading the Queens wings of both supporting Weyrs. grinning now she heard the silent questions between gold dragons and their riders. 'Why does it...

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the surprise I loved

I never had never heard the term shemale or transexual. Didn't know anything about it. I joined the military right out of high school. Ended up in the far east and started out on the town. I saw a great looking girl in a bar and started to chat her up. I bought a few drinks and we were both starting to loosen up. Then out of the blue she asked if I wanted to get out of there and sme place more private. Now I had a few girlfriends in high school and had sex with a few of them but i had never had...

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