Glen WisemanChapter 14
- 2 years ago
- 27
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A sprawling ranch style house stood at the end of a cul-de-sac in a suburb of a large southern city. The house had been built by the owner over a one year period. It was the best built house in the entire development. Outside, it was plain in style. Simple lines across the front and back. Inside, it was splendid and very well organized.
The house abutted against a wooded area. It spanned two lots and was adjacent to an empty lot. The empty lot had been converted into a large playground. The owner of the house owned that lot as well, and had built the playground for his children as well as the neighborhood children.
The road ended in a large circle. Nets were set up on opposite ends of the circle, giving the children in the neighborhood a place to play street hockey. Since the only cars that ever touched the road belonged to the owner of the house, it was a safe place for kids to play.
A large sign stood near the road stating the rules of play. Most of the rules were designed to protect the owners from lawsuits. The rules stated that children were to be supervised by an adult, that they took responsibility for injuries, and there was to be no fighting. The rules were signed by the Smith Family.
Glen was in the safe room, an extension that ran off the basement separated from it by a very heavy steel door. The other end of the safe room was sealed by a steel door that lead to an escape tunnel that ran to a small shed in the woods. Inside the shed was the hidden exit and several ATVs.
Glen edited the last article for the magazine. He was pleased with how the magazine had evolved. It now had a regular readership of over ten thousand subscribers. The advertising revenue was steady and production costs had been minimized. They could look at their administration web site and see exactly how many people had visited.
Sue continued to work on the magazine and now had a regular editorial. Sandra continued to sell advertising and Wanda remained the web mistress. The business was good and money was no problem. It wasn’t the kind of money that would make a person rich, but it covered the bills and allowed them to save for a rainy day. They knew that rainy days could arrive without warning, announcing its presence with thunder and lightning.
His work for the day had finally been completed. Satisfied, he looked up at the clock and realized that the kids were going to be home from school soon. A little more than seven years ago, on the very same afternoon, the twins have given birth to twins. They had gone from having no children to having four in one day, two boys and two girls. Wanda, formerly known as blue, had given birth to the boys. Sandra, formerly known as red, had given birth to the girls. The irony of that had been the subject of many jokes.
He smiled to himself as he remembered that day. It was as if it was yesterday. He had been so excited and the twins had breezed through the birth. It was as though they were protected by God. He had nearly burst with pride when he had been shown the children for the first time. From the first moment, he could tell them apart. Jake was more outgoing that his brother Jack. Susan was more extroverted than her sister Louise. Even as infants, when Jack and Susan put their heads together, you could be sure that the result would be exciting.
He had enjoyed watching the mothers with their babies. Each would recline on a sofa and hold a pair of children to their breasts as they feed them. They didn’t always feed their own. He had watched many times as a look of bliss settled upon the faces of the mothers as the children would suckle contentedly. He couldn’t get enough of watching the loving moments between mother and children.
He had become a much better father than he had thought possible. As a man in his forties, he wasn’t embarrassed to be seen playing hide and seek with the kids. Anyone that had the gall to make a comment was severely rebuked. He had been quoted as having said on many occasions that there was nothing more important than raising children to be loving and compassionate.
Most people didn’t understand his insistence on being loving. His boys would cry when hurt. Rather than telling them that big boys don’t cry, he would comfort him and let them know that the pain would pass. When asked if he was worried that his boys would grow up to be sissies, he would reply that it was impossible; they came from tough stock.
The children had started taking self-defense lessons this year. He had resisted starting them earlier stating that their bones were still too soft. He had insisted they take them because he realized that they all possessed that same innocence that marked their mothers. They might have to defend themselves one day and he wanted them prepared.
The children were amazing in the same way as their mothers. Each pair of twins seemed to share a common mind. Even the boys and girls acted in concert at times in very spooky demonstrations. The teachers at school often suggested that they cheated on tests. All four of them would get the same problem wrong in exactly the same way. Of course, the teachers had separated them to different corners of the room to stop it, but that hadn’t stopped them.
He glanced up at the clock and realized he had better get upstairs. The kids would be home in ten minutes and he still had his surprise to set up. The school year was almost over and the weather had turned warm. He had decided that it was time for a major afternoon of play.
Glen joined his wives outside on his driveway smiling at them. All of the children in the neighborhood were due to come home from school any time now. Other mothers had gathered around them smiling as they waited for their children. All of the kids would gather at the playground. Wanda noted the look on Glen’s face asked, “What are you up to now?”
Rather than answer, Glen opened the garage door and started carrying out small containers filled with water balloons. The twins looked at him in surprise. The other mothers started laughing. He then brought out a bunch of super water guns, each loaded with water. He set all of the stuff around the circle.
All of the mothers moved over and picked up the water pistols. This included his wives. As one, they all turned the weapons on Glen and started spraying him. He was taken by surprise, having expected a parent versus kid water war. He ran over and picked up a water pistol himself and returned fire.
The children came around the corner in mass and saw the activity. They all ran to the circle, shouting in glee. The huge number of water balloons brought them to an immediate halt, their eyes wide with delight. As one, kids picked up water balloons and started throwing them in the direction of their mothers.
His children, from different areas around the circle, simultaneously lobbed water balloons at Glen. He didn’t stand a chance and was immediately drenched. The kids took turns, first soaking Wanda and then Sandra. There was lots of running and laughing as adults and children played in the circle. By the time the water pistols were empty, the water balloons had all been thrown.
Half of the mothers were laying on the grass lawn laughing uncontrollably. No one cared for the moment if Jack or Jill had gotten in trouble at school or received a bad grade on a test. For now, the kids were being kids and their mothers were young again. The kids, with their limitless energy, had all run over to the playground. Soon, swings were swinging and lines had formed behind the slides.
Glen looked around at the women around him. It hadn’t been his intention when he thought of this water war, but he was happy with the results. By accident, he had created his own wet tee-shirt contest and was now enjoying the sight that the wet clothes provided. Wanda and Sandra knew what he was doing and smiled at each other as they silently planned their evening. Glen would definitely be ready for sex by the time the kids went to bed.
Mothers slowly collected themselves and thanked Glen for his creative ideas on entertaining the kids. They moved over to the benches and watched the kids play. The standard topics of conversation raged at the benches. Mothers discussed the kids, their problems, and worries about the future.
Glen watched as the twins joined in the talk, happy at how they had integrated into the neighborhood. Going into the street, he started picking up the broken balloons. He cleaned, happy to have created such a wonderful play time for the kids. Occasionally, he would stop and watch the kids while they played. A smile played across his face, as he considered how healthy and balanced they were.
One of the neighbor kids, came over to Glen and started helping him clean up the drive. Glen looked down at the boy with a smile and asked, “How’s it going, Steve?”
The boy looked up at Glen and said, “Much better. The kids at school are being nicer to me now.”
Glen nodded as he listened with a serious expression on his face. The boy was an only child and hadn’t known how to deal with other kids. He had pushed his way into groups that didn’t want anything to do with him. His first three months at school had been miserable. Glen had talked with him one afternoon when he noticed the boy sitting on a bench crying. Glen answered, “I’m glad. I was sure that if you followed your own interests that the other kids would come to you.”
Steve smiled as he continued picking up the broken balloons. He answered, “Thank you.”
“You’re quite welcome,” replied Glen. He wanted to make sure that this neighborhood was free of drugs. It was his desire to be the guy that kids came to when they had problems. He wanted them to feel free to tell him about other kids that were doing wrong.
Steve picked up a couple of more balloons and then ran back to the play ground. He helped one of the smaller kids into the swing and helped get them started. Glen watched with interest, pleased to see the boy reach out to help others.
One of the mothers, a particularly lovely woman, came over to him. Despite the fact that her white cotton shirt was soaked and she wasn’t wearing a bra, she didn’t seem embarrassed by the clear view of her breasts that it provided him. He struggled, mostly successfully, to look her in the face. When she was convinced that she had his full attention she said, “You are so good with the kids. I wanted to thank you for your help with little Steve.”
“Oh, it’s my pleasure,” replied Glen. He looked over at the playground and added, “These kids are not going to have problems with drugs or peer pressure. None of them will join a cult. They’ll all grow up to be good citizens and leaders in anything that they choose to pursue.”
She looked at him for a moment. This wasn’t the first time that he had expressed that sentiment. She asked, “That’s important to you isn’t it?”
Glen nodded with a sad expression on his face thinking back to the bad citizens he had known. He said, “It’s the most important thing in the world.”
She didn’t know what prompted that and knew that she would never know. She changed the subject by saying, “We are throwing a swim party for the kids on the last day of school. I want to make sure that the fearsome foursome are there.”
Glen laughed at the common reference to his kids. He answered, “They’ll be there. I’m bringing a little something to help entertain the kids.”
She couldn’t imagine what he would bring, but knew that it would be great fun and safe. Knowing him, it could even be a clown or a magician. She asked, “Are you still going to run the bicycle safety course this weekend?”
“Of course, summer is coming and the kids will be out riding their bikes. I just want to make sure that they all know how to do it safely. I’ve arranged for a policemen to set up a training course and to register their bikes.”
Glen returned to the cabin after taking a short hike around the property. They had been waiting three days for Amos and there had been no sign. Everyone’s nerves were getting frazzled as they waited. Glen, tired of staying in the house, had finally taken a walk. The trio said they would watch from the window in case something happened to him. He opened the door and stepped in, shouting that he was back. He glanced at the couch and saw the Metchettes looking at him in fear and with duct-tape...
The Metchettes’ mobile home was nice as far as mobile homes went. It was a small mobile home, but the Metchettes had picked it up for almost nothing. It had been repossessed and they had paid only the balance due. Their permanent house was being built a little ways down the street. In fact, the construction crew was down there working on it right now. Glen sat in one of the cheap chairs that came with the mobile home and looked around at the living room. It was very small, but he recognized...
The new house was finished three weeks late. It was supposed to have been completed near the end of August and it was completed in the middle of September. Today was moving day, but it was rather a subdued event. The majority of their possessions had been destroyed in the June fire. They had replaced most of their clothes and their weapons. In fact, they had purchased replacement weapons before they had shopped for clothes. The general consensus among the Metchettes was that they would...
Time marched on as May was followed by June. The temperature was warmer and everyone spent more time outdoors. Glen, carrying his fishing pole, went to the stream. He was surprised to discover the trio lying on a blanket getting some sun. All three of them were nude. All three bodies were very similar; Cliff a masculine version of the twins. The light brown hair, blue eyes, and slender bodies were very attractive. The girls had beautiful breasts that didn’t turn into pancakes as they lay on...
Glen was surprised by the change of seasons. September seemed to come so fast and now it was almost over. Every afternoon was spent in the outbuilding that he had turned into a woodshop. He was now producing very nice quality furniture. He laughed as he recalled his early attempts. He kept the first one in a corner of the workshop. A number had ended up in the fireplace. He went over to his wood pile to see how he was holding up on his supply of wood. The supply had significantly dwindled...
Five days had passed since he had discovered the three people on the road. Late October passed into early November. The colors of fall faded as the leaves fell to the ground and slowly turned brown. Even in five days time, the weather had turned colder. Glen had started working on the interior of the house. Glen drilled the hole for the wiring to pass through the stud. He only had one more wall and the ceiling to finish drilling and then he would be ready to start running the wire through...
The article that Glen was reading for the December issue of the magazine was really good. It described the sexual options that existed in a marriage of two men and two women. Although the language was not explicit, the variety of options that were discussed was very exciting. He had a taste of it when the trio returned home and the memory of that evening was enough to get him hard in a flash. He set the article aside and went into the bedroom. Wanda was in the shower. He removed his bathrobe...
The cold winter weather of December had settled in with its full force over the night. Four inches of snow covered the ground. Glen woke up feeling great. He slipped his jeans on, not bothering to put on underwear. He stepped out onto the patio. He took a moment to appreciate the view from there. It was outstanding and if it hadn’t been so cold, he would have stayed out there longer. He picked up an armload of firewood and went back into the house kicking the door shut with one foot. He...
Glen parked his truck in front of city hall to attend the proceedings in the court room inside. The two guys that had attacked him at the grocery store were here for their arraignment hearing. A month had passed since the attack and only now had the two guys recovered from their injuries sufficiently for the hearing to be held. He had cracked the skull of one of the men and caved in the sinus cavity of the other. They had been in very bad medical shape for a long time. Throughout the two...
For the first time in ages, Glen had spent an entire week at home alone. The twins were in New York attending the conference. They had called last night excited about the Broadway play they had seen earlier. Their excitement had pleased him, since he had given them the tickets for the play on their birthday as a present. They were taking the moonlight tour around the city on a boat tonight. He figured it would be another couple of hours before they called. For the past year he had been...
Glen sewed the turkey closed with great care and set it in the roaster. Even though it was the smallest turkey they could find, it was still too large to put a lid over it. He struggled for a moment with the aluminum foil to make a tent over the turkey. It wasn’t pretty looking, but it was functional. He put the bird in the oven and closed the door with satisfaction. The trio was still asleep. They had slept through the night without nightmares. In fact, they hadn’t suffered from nightmares...
Glen sat in his finished kitchen room eating a bowl of Wanda’s favorite cereal. He was out of Cornflakes and couldn’t keep a banana in the house to save his life. He had bought a bunch of them and the twins had used them last night in a fruit salad. He sighed and looked around the cabin. It was almost done, but had already become too small. It had never been designed to accommodate four adults. Wanda came breezing out of the bedroom wearing the blue bathrobe he had given her as a Christmas...
Thanksgiving was in a week and the November weather was cold and damp. It threatened to snow, but wasn’t cold enough to deliver on that threat. Instead, it rained with a savagery that made one huddle in the house with a feeling of thanks for having a house. Glen walked quickly from the woodshop to the house, trying to keep from getting overly wet. The twins greeted him with open arms. Both were wearing his shirts and nothing underneath. He couldn’t help himself as he tried to peek down the...
For some people, the first of May is just another day of the year. For communists, it was a day to show off their weapons to the world. For pagans, it is a religious holiday celebrating spring and a renewal of life. For Glen, it was his birthday and he always made a big deal out of birthdays. His thought on the matter was that it was one of the two most important days of a person’s life. The other being the day of their death and one didn’t get a chance to celebrate that. One might almost say...
Sitting in his new office, Glen looked over the material that Wanda had brought over for him edit. It was the next edition of their e-zine and what he had read so far was actually quite good. He couldn’t believe what the trio had done in just a couple of months. They had actually arranged to have family councilors contribute articles on alternative marriages, readers to contribute letters describing their experiences, and a large number of advertisers. He had just finished an article by a...
The Southern Kitchen was packed that night as every table was taken and each table was filled. Glen was happy to see that business was good. He liked Oliver and was pleased to see that he was doing well with his business. Oliver greeted them at the door. The twins kissed him on the cheek and Cliff gave him a handshake with a manly hug. CJ looked around the restaurant with wide eyes. This was only her second time here and she was very impressed. Intimidated by the class of the place, she...
In the dark, the cold sucked the warmth from Glen as he lay on the ground near the edge of the woods. The ground had begun to give up its heat at the end of September as nights cooled down. By the end of October, the ground was cold. Lying upon it, the ground felt like ice. The night air was chill, the faint breeze cut through his clothes making him even more miserable. He shivered, but did his best not to make noise. The past two days had been more exhausting than a human being should have...
Glen finished sanding the walls. He wiped them down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. It was going to take a long time to get rid of all the dust. When he finished with that, the walls would be ready to be painted. He would have to wait for a day when the weather would be warm so that he could open the doors without freezing to death. Until then, he would start to work on installing the bathroom fixtures. Cliff, on his knees, vacuumed the floor with the wet/dry vac. He worked slowly and...
In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger sister, Casey, then aged sixteen, and she asked to join them. Although reluctant to take his sister’s virginity, Glen gave into temptation, and as Stephanie looked on, he became the first man to make love to his young sister. During their session in...
My brother and I had our birthdays this summer; both Cancers. As such, our personalities are very similar; quiet, good-natured, unassuming. Maybe we're just boring. Glen turned 71 and I just turned 58. I've admired my brother since I was a kid and I have wonderful memories of helping him with chores around the house when I was just five or six years old. For example, we always got up early on Thanksgiving morning to trim the mulberry trees in the front yard. He would cut the branches from...
This story continues on from my previous two stories, A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, and A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie – Part 2. If you have not already read those stories, here is a brief rundown on the story so far, to put you in the picture. In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger...
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My stepsister was a real bitch. She knew she looked good, and that her ass was a perfect upside down, heart-shape. She knew she had knock-out tits and smooth beautiful skin to go with her light brown hair. Her eyes were blue, her body perfect. And she knew it, and she showed it. She showed it to me, around the house. That’s what made her such a bitch. She knew she had the goodies, and she teased me continually. She would wear tight shorts that rode up between her ass cheeks, and...
The next day when I got to work, I found out that I’d be traveling for business starting tomorrow and lasting a week. I called Kathy and told her. I told that since we always do things together, she should not see Pat without me there. She said that she would call her mistress and let her know that we always did everything together and she’d have to wait until I got back. When I got home, my wife said that her mistress was OK with waiting a week. I left the next morning heading for the ...
"She doesn't have any security," Eva said around a Haagen-Dazs ice cream bar. "Who would want to hurt a model?" Wolfgang shrugged. He was drinking coffee. "I don't know," Eva replied. "A crazy person? Who would want to hurt John Lennon?" "Hmph." Wolfgang nodded at that as he watched the woman eating lunch in a restaurant across the street. Cindy was seated with another woman, a petite blonde girl who seemed to spend most of her time on her celphone, and a man. He was tall and...
I had to fight the doctor but I was able to check myself out on Thursday, three weeks and one day after I arrived. I did receive copies of all the tests they ran, especially the CT scans; all the results came back normal, which was a tremendous relief to me. Kawai, Honda and Mutou were there to help me gather my things. I didn't have much to take personally, but medically there was a ton. They had even expected me to purchase a wheelchair. I opted for a rather elegant cane. It had a white...
Lisa had already apologized for not turning the camera on, but she continued to apologize several more times throughout the day while I was at work. I told her it was OK every time she apologized. Then she texted, “I guess we could just do it again, and I’ll make sure to turn on the camera this time.”I thought to myself how weird this was. She didn’t seem eager, but she didn’t seem hesitant either. Oh well, I’m sure she is just wanting to make this stop. I replied, “We’ll talk about it...
Wife LoversThere was a distinct change in Gus's demeanor on the job. It had become evident when he returned to work the first week of January. He seemed to be more driven and demanding of his people. Over the year that he had spent on the jobsite, he had worked hard to develop a good relationship with his crews, encouraging them to give him their best performance. Now, he was more insistent. Never rude, but not very complimentary either. This wasn't the same Gus, they thought. It was Wade Boudreau...
Saturday I awoke with Peyton cuddled into my side. I couldn't think of a better way to wake up in the morning. I glanced at the clock. Five in the morning. I thought back to the night before and realized we were out pretty early. "Good morning," purred Peyton, looking up at me and smiling. "How long have you been awake?" I asked. "Half an hour," she said. "I was just admiring you as you slept." "So, you okay with last night?" I asked. "Definitely," said Peyton with a smile....
They spent the next two days on the cash management project and preparations for the session on the retail business beginning the following Monday. Sandy was funny. Now that she was recognized as the company treasurer by bankers, O'Rourke's people ran a phone line through another secretary to answer "Miss Donnell's office" if she were out, to a button on her phone which she picked up if she were in. The same line ran to Purcell's old office which she used in her capacity as...
OLD BLACK MANFor 2 last 2 years or so when walking the dogs in the early evening usualy between 7 & 8 I get to the bottom of my road & let the dogs off there leads so they can have a runaround as theres a green there. Theres a house that I usualy stand outside waiting for the dogs to finish & the guy that lives there is always in his front garden & He always says hello & is quite chatty.His name is Bazzle & hes a 61yr old BLACK man who lives on his own. Anyway ive also...
Judy stood next to Tuck, who was looking over the ground they'd be fighting on by noon the next day. "Picking the right ground used to be half the battle," Tuck told her. "Robert E. Lee's biggest mistake of the Civil War was not pressing ahead at Gettysburg and securing the high ground. If he'd have done that, like as not everyone would still be using 'y'all' in every sentence. His second big mistake was actually fighting the battle in ground that favored the other side, instead of...
On the front porch, Hanna was kneeling down, sucking her Uncle’s cock. Swirling and sucking the head before licking the underside of his cock. Fondling his balls, she made love to his cock. Her mouth was hot and wet, sucking his cock like a pussy. Up and down his fat cock, sucking him deep inside her throat. “Ah, just like that. Your one sick little girl, sucking your own Uncle’s cock.” He groaned. Letting go of his cock with a “pop!” She got up. “Says the pervert who rapes teen girls....
“So, did you boys enjoy yourselves?” I saw Rico and Carmine blush at the question and had to smirk. What teenage boy wouldn’t enjoy being able to have sex with ten women multiple times over four hours? Their performance had been pretty impressive as well. Of course, Ari told us she got Rico off in the shower, and Carmine’s shit-eating grin when he came to breakfast told me that Zara hadn’t skipped her morning blowjob just because her husband wasn’t in bed with her. Having six men made the...
Aval enathu meethu paduthu enathu ithzhil mutham kuduthaal, avalin mulaigal enathu maaril pattu kondu irunthathu, avalin thopil enathu thopulil pattukondu irunthathu engalin thudaigalum pinikondu irunthana enathu kaigal avalin kunthalail irunthathu kati piditha padiye. Aval enathu pakkathil saainthu paduthaal aozhuthu avalin pundail irunthu enathu sunni sarukiya padiye velliye vanthathu. Avalin pundaiyilum enatu sunniyilum engalin iruvarin kanjugalum kalanthu irunthana. Pinbu avlin idathu...