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My fatly erect and sensitive clit was poised over the red glowing knob and so close that it felt like it was being roasted as it danced wantonly in the rising heat. The sensation was like nothing I had ever experienced. Waves of pain and pleasure coursed through me simultaneously. The fear and lust had destroyed my reason, leaving only the irrational desire for unnatural intercourse with the iron phallus. If my tongue had been free, I would have begged him for consummation. I would have pleaded with him to shove the hot iron cock through my pussy and plunge it deeply into my body, destroying my sex utterly and driving me instantly into what my body was convinced would be the most cataclysmic orgasm I could, and would, ever experience, leaving my body and my mind totally destroyed.

The tension itself finally broke me and I climaxed while imagining the flaming iron ravaging my pussy. My vaginal muscles flexed violently and forced a stream of liquid to shoot from my spasming pussy and splash onto the glowing iron rod, showering it with hot juice that flashed instantly into a cloud of steam.

The feeling of relief was incredible. The orgasm poured through me like a flood in the desert, rushing into the dry, thirsty places and instantly saturating them with a refreshing torrent. I rolled my eyes back into my head and surrendered to the overwhelming sensation. My body shook and quivered all over with the sudden release of the intense sexual tension that had built up inside me. The only thing that kept me conscious was the hard ball of fear that remained in the pit of my stomach.

Without making a sound, my captor watched me moan and twitch in a glorious fit of ecstasy. He watched, motionless, while I performed my dance of lust, shaking and straining convulsively against my bonds while I climaxed shamelessly, brazenly showing him the degree of control he had over my body and my mind. When I finally stopped quaking and ran down to an exhausted lethargy, he returned the now-darkened iron cock to the brazier, where he carefully covered it in glowing coals to allow it to recharge its heat.

"Marvelous! You are the best specimen that I have been fortunate enough to find in some time. Your breasts are magnificent. Your skin is golden. Your face is beautiful. You burn with a sexual heat that outshines the coals. And yet, there are still improvements to be made! You will see. You will see. I have learned a thing or three since I started. You just wait and see. Now, let us begin."

He rolled the stand with the electrocutor on it out of the way; but still to hand, I noticed. He replaced it with another wooden box that he sat behind me before I got a good look at it. He reached over my head and brought down two clear plastic funnels attached to tubes that went back to the box. I guessed what the contraption was even before he showed me the quart-size collection bottle.

"One job of the female is to provide nourishment for her children. You will demonstrate to me that you can perform this function. If you do not, or cannot, I am prepared to help you."

He held up a large brown bottle of fluid. All I could make out on the label was "metaclopromide", a word I remembered from the pamphlet on milk donation. It had something to do with stimulating lactation, but if I remembered right, it was part of a treatment that took days to work as the breast tissue hormone levels increased. I had no idea if injecting girls with this stuff would make them lactate instantly and I was highly dubious about being subjected to the treatment.

He rubbed some greasy white stuff on my nipples and they immediately began to swell and itch. They got warmer and warmer until they felt like they were burning up. They grew so large that I could easily see them poking out on the ends of my breasts.

My tormentor watched and giggled as my nipples turned bright red and swelled to the point of bursting. When they stopped growing, he put the funnels on them like little party hats. He pressed them down and they stuck to the cream, making a seal. He then turned on the machine, which made a loud rhythmic thunking noise. It sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't identify it at first. When I felt the suction pull my nipples up into the funnels, I remembered where I had heard that sound before — it was the sound the vacuum pump in the school Physics lab made when it was pumping the air out of a bell jar. His homemade breast pump wasn't going to take Empty for an answer.

"You have five minutes to begin producing milk. If you cannot, the machine will continue to run and your breasts will rupture and you will give blood instead. Either way, I will take no less than a pint. Milk or blood, it is your choice. I give you the option of having the injection to assist you in this task. If you want the injection, nod your head."

At that moment, the pump sucked all the air out of the wide part of the funnels and my nipples were sucked up into the narrow end, making me jerk. He interpreted this to mean I was asking for the drug and he picked up a syringe with a long needle and filled it from the bottle.

When he had the syringe filled, he jabbed one breast with it and then the other, shooting a massive dose of the drug into each one. He wasn't as gentle or as careful as Bambi had been when she had injected my breasts with her serum and it hurt like hell. He did sterilize the needle and the injection site each time, for which I was grateful. When he finished the first dose, he immediately filled up the syringe and gave my poor breasts a second dose from a different angle. Each injection was as unpleasant as the last. The pain was annoying, but sufferable. It was the idea that some foreign substance was being put into my body without my consent that bothered me the most. I wondered what the effects had been on his other victims and I had an unsettling thought - was he crazy enough to continue to use a treatment that did not produce the desired effect? If not, then what would be the effect of the drug on someone whose hormones were already geared to milk production?

I braced myself for agony, but the drug seemed to have no effect. I felt nothing but the insistent pull of the pump on my nipples, through which something was going to be sucked very soon now, as the vacuum built up in the machine. If I didn't do something quick, it was going to be my blood that the device sucked and that was going to hurt one awful lot.

I closed my eyes and reached for the trance state. Given the situation, I expected that it would be very hard to achieve anything like a meditative mood, but I had done it so many times that I slipped right in. Once there, I got to work concentrating on making milk as quickly as I could.

I visualized the process right down to the smallest level. I summoned the feeling of warm milk filling my mammary glands. I imagined the creamy white fluid flowing through me. I felt my breasts swell and my nipples open and fluid begin to flow out of me. Slowly, I opened my eyes to take a peek. It was happening. Fluid was being sucked up the tubes, and it was milk instead of blood. The suction eased as the liquid filled the machine and was pumped into the bottle. I went into 'cow mode', letting my body yield to the demand of the pump attached to my breasts.

"Wonderful! Marvelous! You continue to impress me. Many girls fail this test and the result is most unfortunate. You seem well suited to this task. Your voluptuous proportions are functional as well as extremely pleasing to the eye."

His praise felt good, even if it was only the ravings of a lunatic. I relaxed and let nature take over. My breasts were keeping pace with the pump, now. The milk was flowing smoothly and the level in the bottle rose steadily. I closed my eyes again, happy to have a momentary break from the torture that I knew had not ended, even though it was very welcome after my bout with abject terror.

While I relaxed, I worked on metabolizing the drug he had unnecessarily injected into my breasts. Just because there had been no sensation or immediate reaction to it didn't mean there would be no effect at all, and I didn't want anything sneaking up on me later when I might have other things on my mind. Since the drug had been injected directly into my breasts, I focused on them, increasing the flow of blood and accelerating all the biochemical processes.

I had developed a wonderful rapport with my body. In the trance state, I could extend my mental control over just about any aspect of it that I chose. If I could visualize it, I could do it, as long as it was possible, didn't require more energy than I had available to spend on the task, and I understood enough of what was happening to activate the proper biological systems. My mental analogy of being a general who commanded an army of soldiers was a good one, but the catch was that I needed to know what had to be done and I had to know who to order to do it, at least the first time through.

The skin-changing business that I was so fond of was a good example. I had become very familiar with my epidermal cells and how to get them to move pigment around to get the effect I wanted. I had fooled around with my 'makeup' enough to make the whole thing almost a reflex. Once I had learned to put on the Dragon face, it was easy to learn how to animate it. Once I learned to make it move, it was easy to make it more realistic. Each effort resulted in better-trained troops who could carry out complex operations with minimal orders from me. If this sounds absurd, think about how complicated a process speaking is and how each of us nevertheless learns to do it at an early age. No one thinks 'I must breath like this, or hold my tongue in this position, or open my mouth just this far'. It all becomes a programmed action, so we don't have to think of the details or worry about the complexity of the action, we can just open our mouths and say, "You want fries with that?"

The catch was in dealing with the unknown. If I didn't understand what was going on, I was more or less helpless to do anything about it. I knew next to nothing about molecular biology or biochemistry, so I was helpless to do anything about being dosed with a complex drug like metaclopromide except to try to burn it up as quickly as possible.

I was 'going with the flow' with the homemade, but effective, breast pump and was starting to enjoy being milked. The sensation was a very primal one and reached deeply into my mind to produce a state of contented euphoria. The only other thing I knew of that could reach that deeply was sex. Indeed, the two activities seemed to share the same primitive pleasure-center in my brain and one sometimes stimulated the other. Lactation sometimes made me horny and sex sometimes made me lactate.

Sometime later, I was floating along on my own private cloud when I became aware of a growing feeling of fullness in my breasts and a feeling of increased weight on my chest. Annoyed at having my reverie disturbed, I opened one eye to check on conditions in the external world.

By accelerating the rate at which I metabolized the drug, I had inadvertently thrown gasoline on the fire. The stuff had stimulated my milk production enormously. 'Enormous' was a good word for it, too, as that was what my breasts looked like.

I had gotten largely accustomed to having big tits. I had been well above average in the breast department when I was still a D-cup. The process to turn me into an HH-cup had been traumatic, but very rewarding, and I would not have gone back for anything in the world. The inconvenience they caused was more than made up for by the pleasure they gave me and the way they fascinated my lovers and admirers.

The large dose of the drug and my attempt to burn it up quickly had combined to swell my breasts to prodigious proportions. They sat on my chest like huge milk bags and my flesh was stretched to the limit to contain the large reservoir of liquid in them. The sound of the pump had fallen off to a soft purr as the amount of fluid available increased beyond its demand.

I began to feel pain. A sharp ache was developing in both breasts as they threatened to grow beyond the ability of my skin to contain them. Something had to be done and quickly.

I turned my head to look at my captor. He was sitting at a table in the corner, fiddling with another of his torture devices and was unaware of my situation. The risk of more punishment seemed small compared to the inevitable damage I was about to undergo. I cried out to get his attention,

"Heeeuuh. Heaaaa!" I managed to force a raspy croak from my sore vocal cords.

Surprised that I would break Rule #1 and risk further punishment, he turned immediately and took in my situation. He knocked over his chair in his rush to come to my aid, his concern evident in his speed and his body language. I was touched.

"My goodness! That's incredible! You've exceeded my expectations! Here, let me turn up the pump. You're overloading it."

He thought I was doing it on purpose! He thought I was inflating my breasts to the point of rupture because I was trying to please him. I didn't know whether to be furious with him for putting me in this situation or pity him for being so clueless and self-centered.

He reached behind my head and I heard the noise of the pump motor rise to a higher pitch. He replaced the full collection bottle with an empty one and set it back where I could see it. He turned the pump control some more, coaxing it to an even faster speed and watched closely to see if it had an effect. After a few seconds of watching me suffer steadily increasing pain, he turned it up some more, and then again a few seconds later.

It wasn't helping. My eyes started to cross from the pressure and the pain. My captor took another look at my face and turned the pump up all the way.

The pump raced to its top speed with a horrible clatter before settling into a loud rumble. The pulsing suction on my nipples became a steady pull. The pressure started to ease off almost immediately and the pain slacked off shortly afterwards. I breathed a deep sigh of relief when my vision cleared and I dropped my head back on the hard metal with a thunk.

The crisis over, I slowly drifted back to my state of bliss and resumed my examination of the similarities of different types of pleasure. It was going to take some time before the accumulation of milk in my breasts could be sucked out and even longer before the effect of the drug wore off and I would be able to turn off the tap. I found the courage to smile to myself when I remembered that this was one of the horrible things Bambi had thought of to scare me into a compliant state. My breasts had, indeed, been turned into udders overflowing with milk. The difference was, I loved the feeling now instead of being terrified of it, and I was terrified then when I should have loved it.

My captor sat by my side this time instead of wandering off to tinker. He stood ready to swap out the collection bottles when necessary and to reduce the pump speed when that looked to be advisable. His attentiveness told me that he was ashamed of violating the terms of our implied agreement — that I would cooperate and he would do me no serious harm — or at least no unintended serious harm.

It was that gray area as to just what each of us thought of as 'serious' that bothered me. To some people, having a quarter-inch hole poked in the middle of your tongue would be serious. To others, it might even qualify as mutilation. To me, it was an interesting bit of piercing. Several girls at school had had something similar done to them. They happily showed off their metal studs and their colored beads to anyone who was curious. Mine was unusual in that it was a larger-diameter hole held open by a hollow sleeve instead of a solid stud. It looked like I might have some trouble eating soup, but that was the worst inconvenience I could foresee. I was already thinking of ways I could show it off.

I wished that I could pull my tongue back into my mouth so I could explore the piercing. It had been pulled out so long that the muscles had been stretched and it was no longer uncomfortable, but it had dried out from being exposed to the air and the warmth of the room. My whole mouth felt dry and I realized that it wasn't just from being held open by the gag. I was losing a lot of fluid to the milking and I was becoming badly dehydrated. I needed a drink in the worst way.

I decided to risk appealing to my leather-clad tormentor again. Perhaps he was inclined to be more forgiving of transgressions of his rules now that he had failed to take adequate care of me. I rolled my head over and waited until I could catch his eye. When he did look at my face, I wiggled the tip of my tongue around to show how dry it was.

He watched my tongue dance for him, but he didn't get the message. I tried to talk but my throat was so dry all I could do was make a hoarse breathing noise. It sounded like wind blowing through dry leaves.

Finally he got the point. He looked around the table at the collection of full milk-bottles and calculated that I had put out a goodly percentage of my bodily fluids and I needed refreshment. Fortunately he seemed prepared for this. He slipped the rod out of my tongue so I could withdraw it into my mouth. Then he reached under the table and came up with a length of plastic tubing that he poked into my mouth through the ring gag.

I wondered how he expected me to be able to suck on the tube without being able to close my mouth. I was trying to illustrate my difficulty by waving my recently freed tongue around when he slid the drinking tube through the hole in my tongue and poked it against the roof of my mouth. Reflexively, I clamped my tongue over the back of my throat. Of course, this did no good as far as keeping the tube out of my throat because it was already through my tongue, but it did tip me off as to how I could drink. With my tongue sealing my throat, I could suck on the tube. I tried it, and it worked like a charm. Water flowed through the tube and I swallowed greedily. It was another example of my captor's ingenuity that he had thought of this.

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The God of Jesus The God of Israel

Note: I’ve submitted this story for the Winter Holiday’s Story Contest 2016. If you enjoy it, please vote. Also, per the non-erotic focus category, there’s no sex. * ‘You’ll be fine, Stanley, until the kids come along,’ an older friend warned me before I married Jill. ‘Then there could be issues.’ Now I know what he means. Like me, he’s Jewish. Also like me, he married a Christian girl. Before we had Crystal and Michael, religion wasn’t an issue. She went to church and I went to temple. We...

3 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 18

Jason had woken up that morning feeling like he had more sleep in one night than he had had the past week. He no longer felt like he had fallen so far behind in the journal that he had no hope of catching up. He dared to think he might close the gap further before he went to bed that night. After all, Elizabeth had developed her defense; all she had to do was test it and refine it. The only question which remained was whether she would reveal the formula of what he assumed was a potion. To...

4 years ago
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The Wish Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I threw open the door of the attic in Ms. Hallewell's shop. Storming to the back of the room, I found the lamp, and without hesitation rubbed my hand on it. I needed to speak with X. Within less than a minute, the blue cloud had formed, and the light illuminated. "Why, hello there, Mikey boy." X said, his English accent still a surprise. "What the hell?" I said, feeling the...

4 years ago
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Marrying My Mother

I am Jai, 19 years old. I am 6 feet tall and heavy. I ran away from home when I was 16 because my dad is a drunken bastard who beat me up. He beat my mother Indira too. My mother is just 38 years old. She is 5 feet 2 inches tall. Her figure is slim. She has nice pert boobs and a shapely ass. Her hair reaches her asscheeks. She has a round face and is very fair. Her waist is thin and stomach is flat. I wish Indira were my wife and not my mother. Even when I was away from her, I called her almost...

2 years ago
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Teen Titan Chronicles 2

I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic, it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...

1 year ago
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Ana meets Bob at the swimming pool

On Thursday evening waited for my sweet Ana with dinner ready for her. She had spent the last hours in Jim’s bed and I knew she would be tired for doing some cooking. She was happy seeing everything was set for a romantic dinner.As soon as we got to our bed, Ana removed her blouse. I examined the usual bite marks and dark bruises she had every time she came back after her encounter with that black bastard…Ana stripped off her cotton thong and she threw it to me. It was soaking wet. I went down...

3 years ago
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Bet Your Sweet AssChapter 16

“You know, I’ve been thinking, Larry, I love this whole sharing thing, and I want to keep it going, but I want to shake up a few things from where they have been,” Mom told Dad as we all sat down to prepare for Natalie signing her ass over to me. “I’m listening,” Dad assured Mom, even as Natalie perused the contract that was initially proposed between us. “It’s just silly to pretend that we’re not vastly different from each other in terms of desires, dominance, submission, kinks, vanilla,...

3 years ago
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Primal 69

We love to snuggle on the couch and watch movies. Funny thing is we've never finished a single one. I take the blame for that because my blood starts to boil after being wrapped in his arms snuggling on the couch. His strong, masculine arms embrace my soft curves and my attention starts to wander from the movie to his beautiful body. I hate it when he wears clothes in the house because I want full access to him at all times. It happens slowly at first. His strong hands reach inside my...

3 years ago
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Lake Nicaragua

Finally, summer vacation was here! Six whole weeks of doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The minute I got through the door at home I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs, turning the shower on and tossing my bag down onto my bedroom floor. I unzipped my skirt and it dropped to the floor, I kicked it towards the laundry bin and began unbuttoning my shirt. I wasn't sure what was with Miss Chapman today, considering it was supposed to be the last day I would have thought it would...

4 years ago
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Severely tortured for flashing

Severely punished for flashing Part 1- the beginning That morning, after a hot shower, I had severely whipped my buttocks and thighs, back and front, until they were covered in black and blue raised welts. With my cock and balls freshly shaved, I drove out to the forest naked, my 12 inch cock rock hard. I parked the car, tied up my balls tightly with a shoelace and walked along the winding path, my cock swinging from side to side.After a few minutes, I rounded a bend in the path and came face...

2 years ago
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Hold On

Grabbing his cock in her hand she began to lick it feverishly as if she couldn't get enough of his hard member. Letting her lips smack against the head of his cock, as she inserted it in her mouth that was hot and wet just like her pussy. She looked up at him as she knelt there on the floor, his pants pulled down to his knees and he had the look of full bliss of the sensation of her mouth on his cock. He ran his fingers through her hair dark hair, keeping it away from her face so he could watch...

Straight Sex
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Pecker Pump

My accident had totally disrupted my entire life. I was paralyzed from the neck down and would remain that way for at least a year, or so the doctors said. My arms didn’t work, my legs didn’t work but worst of all, I couldn’t get an erection. I could feel it if someone played with it, but it would not rise. Luckily I had a lot of money from an inheritance so I didn’t have to worry about missing work. Meanwhile my wife, Linda, got tired of blow jobs and hand jobs and started going out a lot...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Timber Grove

"Welcome to Timber Grove" a Timber Grove Story by TGTrinity ///// 1 ///// "The Sapphire Ring" Agent Samantha Brown (Sam to her friends) sat at her desk looking over her current case folder. It was filled with all of the work she had been doing for the last year, yet she knew that those that weren't here in town would read it like fiction. She brushed her curly red hair out of her face as she got up and placed all of the files in a safe under her desk. Being in Timber Grove...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Pretty girl

I was out in the mall shopping with mum walking and talking when she asked what would I like for my birthday ,as it was we were passing a lingerie shop and I stopped and looked in the window. The main mannequin weas wearing a very sexy ensemble of baby doll , thong, suspenders and stockings and I loved it .SO i replied to mum "I'd like that" She looked at me and said "you're serious aren't you" I nodded . "well " mum said " I know the lady who runs that store lets go in and see what she has'We...

1 year ago
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Nail Polish Fetish

Nail Polish Fetish By Margaret Jeanette Jenny Wright was in a quandry. She was having lunch with her best girlfriend, Julie, and Julie could see something was bothering her. Julie asked what it was. "I hate to say this but after four years of marriage somethng has gone out of it. Robert is attentive but when we make love he comes right away before I am even getting warm, not hot. Also, he isn't as attentive around me as he was when we first got married. I just would like to...

3 years ago
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Never Get Drunk With Your Grand Dad

Well hello again and let me give you a brief description about myself. I’m 26 smart looking guy from a place called Malad in Mumbai. The following incident took place a few weeks back, when my mom’s father – my Grandad came visiting home. It was a friday and my dad just informed me that my Grand dad would be coming over from Kochi for the weekend. Usually I wouldn’t mind such a visit, but I knew my dad was going to be out of town for the weekend and it would be upon me to take care of my Grand...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Vengeance is for the Weak

Vengeance is for the Weak Hi, my name is Jaina. I'm 18 and I'm finishing my senior year. I was nominated top of my class and I also won prom queen at my high school. I'd like to think that I'm pretty attractive. My breasts are so round and perky; it's almost as if they're defying gravity. And my legs are so long and shapely. But I have to say my most beautiful feature is my face. I have these gorgeous hazel green eyes that make boys forget how to talk. My glossy pink lips are also oh...

1 year ago
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Don Venutos Sissies

Don Venuto's Sissies! Players: Capo De Matzo, counsel to Don Venuto. Don Venuto also known as the Godfather; Mario Venuto, son of Don Venuto; Ms. Rosa Cappella, professional dominatrix; Carol Evans, mother of Mark Evans; Mark Evans aka Martha Evans; Helen Andrews owner of the Little Miss Muffin Boutique; Ralph Summers, a friend of Mark, aka Robin; Steve Franks, friend of Mark, aka Susan; Sandy Summers, Ralph's mother; Tracy McCall, Mark's girlfriend. Jack Summers, friend of...

3 years ago
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Alternate Lifestyle

The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside the restaurant. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet a couple at the restaurant to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex. This meeting was set up via an online chat room and we had never seen each other. We planned to have dinner together and then decide if we were compatible and we would take it from there. My eyes almost...

3 years ago
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Pussy for Rent

PATRICK – by Ric I'm rich, tall and slim, damn good looking. Oh, you say tha I shouldn't call myself good looking, it sounds so egotistical? Well, fuck you. I can see myself in the mirror, and I've never had to ask twice to get into some female's panties. And by the time I get to those panties, they're always soaking wet. So what should I call myself, ugly? Forgive me for being so snappy, but my looks are relevant to this story. Not particularly relevant, but just part of my background,...

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Bully Degraded My Family 8211 Part 4

Hi, this is me your writer southindian fucker returning with the fourth installment of the story, bully degraded my family series. Thanks for the big support and keep supporting. If you want to write stories for you email me Email id : So coming back to the story Story continues. We all were tensed about what to do as we all were trapped near the national highway. Having a high chance to get caught. Rahul:what will we do bro? Ravi:don’t know bro!What will we do with the two bitches?? We all...

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Who needs abs

Living in Miami in her thirties, Lyla made great money as an established fitness trainer. Working with professionals who held lucrative positions, Lyla had a long list of getting people into shape. Lyla herself was quite the looker with nicely trimmed abs but her overall appearance was arousing to the eye. Having brown hair, nicely trimmed abs, and the same exact face as Jilian Michaels there was only one thing that separated Lyla from the celebrity, the fact that she was five-foot-ten. One of...

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Single Mom Gmommas Funeral

“Hey, baby,” sniffled Linda Perkins.“Hey, mom! I missed your calls. I was seeing patients,” Rochelle explained.“It’s okay. I was just calling to tell you G-momma passed away in the nursing home last night.”“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, mama!”The older woman sobbed, “Thank you! I’m workin’ on the arrangements with Paul and Dianne. I’ll let you know when the service is gonna be.”“Okay! Take your time. Is Clarence around,” she inquired about her mother’s husband.“He’s mowing the lawn.”“Alright. I need...

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Mom And Me Had Sex Adventures

Hi, I am encouraged by your kind feedbacks and hence I will continue sharing my experiences. Hope you will enjoy this sex story. My mom is a hot modern woman, who works in an MNC. I am a teenager, good at studies but a lot of perverse thoughts in my mind. Ever since I grew pubic hair and I figured out about birds and bees, I have been in constant state of arousal with my mom. She is confident, dresses up conservative but is a fun loving person who laughs off my every silly thing. Like I once...

2 years ago
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Swim Team

I was always the short one in high school, never taller than the normal people. The only people shorter than me were the petites and the ones with disorders. It was when I was seventeen that I met Kiefer. He was tall and handsome, well built for swimming. He and I were on a coed swimming team at the local high school and today my swimsuit had the swim teacher eying me with deep disapproval. It was black and backless, with the suit coming together just before my ass. Kiefer watched me swim for a...

1 year ago
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7 of 9 gets help from Tom Paris

Lt Tom Paris had to hurry from the Bridge to sickbay. Voyager had just received an emergency distress call from the Delta Flyer. Apparently some strange gas had gotten into the shuttle and was messing up the ship's systems as well as physically harming Seven of Nine. Seven of Nine and the Doctor had been the only members of that particular away mission and with Tom being the only medical assistant he had to leave his post at comm. and head down to sick bay.Seven of Nine and the Doctor both...

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My Boston Vacation Part 1 and 2

I walked of the bus and there she was. Standing by her car waiting for me. She waved at me and I walked over to her dropped my bag and hugged her. She was tall than me I’m 5’9. She had black curly hair, fair skin and those beautiful green eyes were still her best asset so I thought. I saw her big and great looking tits. Maybe a D cup I was thinking. She was wearing a nice tight blue shirt and black skirt that was just over her knee. Her legs were really thick and yes she was a little bigger...

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Day and Knight Volume III

DAY AND KNIGHT VOLUME III Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle Note: this is a very long, multi-volume, story beginning with ?Day and Knight Volume I? published in early March 2007. A LOOK BACK and A LOOK FORWARD? In volume I of this story, two dancers were introduced; Patti Day who was white and Susan Knight who was black. The girls were professional dance partners in point of fact, but were as different as their last names. They were now the featured act at Clairet?s Musical Review...

3 years ago
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Helping OutChapter 2

Thursday night, he finished before she did – and got up to see what was going on. Creeping up the hallway, he needed to be extremely cautious; those sounds ... He didn’t even touch her door, but stood outside of it, listening. He could make no sense of the sounds, initially – the grunts, gasps and whines. He was pretty sure she didn’t work out. But there was a rhythm to them – something hauntingly familiar... Lucille had three fingers in her hungry cunt, jamming them into it at a rate that...

1 year ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 44 Seventeenth Birthday Part 2

When you hold my hand, I understand The magic that you do, You're my dream come true, My one And only you, --Only You (The Platters / Ringo Starr) Kristen noted that I was no longer very cheerful on the ride home. It was obvious that my mood changed after I talked with Sherry. Kristen knew Sherry's problem, and I think she understood my mood. Despite the fact that I decided that I was going to take charge of my life, it was evident that there were still some problems caused by the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Sister

I was quite a bit older than my baby sister. Mom split up with my dad when I was three, then a few years later she remarried. Six months after that (if that tells you anything) she had my half sister Cindy. She was a cute little kid, all blonde pigtails and big blue eyes and freckles. By the time she got to be ten years old I was going on sixteen — more than old enough to start noticing girls. Cindy was very body-shy, especially in front of me, but every once...

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