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Inhaling deeply, Jasmine closed her green eyes as she savored the sweet perfume from the vase of pink roses centering the kitchen table. This was her weekly pleasure she indulged in. All her friends enjoyed getting their nails done or massages, but she enjoyed the aroma of fresh roses each day. As she straightened her back to get ready for her day, she wrapped the floor-length, white satin robe tighter around her. The temperature had been steadily dropping all night as winter was fast approaching.

‘I hate the cold.’ She sighed aloud. ‘I can’t wait for it to be summer again.’

She stepped quickly through her warm and inviting home, stopping briefly at the thermostat to turn it up, and back into the comfort of her bedroom. She slid the robe off, exposing her bareness. A quick glimpse in the mirror before entering the bathroom revealed a nicely defined body, smooth lines, and ample breasts. Fully aware of her body and sex appeal, she smiled and stepped into the shower. As she closes her eyes and allows the water to fully engulf her body, her minds drifts off to recall the events of the weekend…


It was just another evening, having dinner with a close friend, and then a relatively short drive home. She had a few drinks that night and was very confident and fully aware of herself. She knew she had a charm and arrogance about her that most men could not resist. However, despite her awareness, she maintains a simple attitude, full of charisma. She turned the music up, cranked the heater on high, and rolled down the windows. Taking in the chill of the evening, paired with the warmth brewing inside the SUV, Jasmine smiled and embraced the night.

Suddenly, her car was spinning out of control after contacting the black sheet of ice on the road. It was late and fortunately there were no cars in site. The SUV stopped on the side of the road, without a scratch on it or the driver. Jasmine quickly put the car in park and dropped her head between her hands, crying softly. She was grateful for not being hurt, but shaken by the experience. Her thoughts drifted slightly as she sat there, collecting herself.

Soft lights behind her, reflecting in the mirrors, caught her attention bringing her back to the present situation. She lifted her head and turned her eyes towards the rear-view mirror. A police officer had stopped, apparently to see if she was alright. She saw no other lights in either direction and said a soft prayer of thanksgiving for her fortune. She continued watching the mirror as the officer opened his driver’s side door and stepped out of the car. He was tall, with a muscular build, and appeared to be close to her age. Despite the situation, a smile came to her face and her heart quickened as she watched him approach her vehicle. He tapped lightly on her driver’s window and she turned to face him. The faint glow of the street lamp illuminated his features just enough to let her know of his rugged good looks, mesmerizing eyes, and endearing smile. Catching her breath, she rolled the window down the rest of the way and said good evening.

‘Ma’am, are you alright?’ He asked.

‘I am fine officer, just a little shaken. Thank you for stopping.’ She replied.

‘It’s very late and quite dark out, you really shouldn’t be sitting here alone. Is there something wrong with your vehicle preventing you from heading home?’

‘No sir, I lost control and when my car stopped on the side of the road, and I was unhurt, I took a moment to regain my composure.’

‘I am glad you are unharmed. A beautiful woman such as yourself, it would be a shame if something happened to you.’ The corners of his lips began turning upwards, and a sparkle danced in his eyes. A smile spread across his face and the pale lighting enhancing his dimples. She hadn’t noticed them before. He had brown hair, hazel eyes, and guessing, she figured him about 6’2′. Perfect, she thought!

Catching a peak at his name tag, she playful engaged in a very flirtatious conversation. ‘Why thank you, Officer ….. Cortez. A handsome man like yourself, I am sure your wife gets jealous of you being out here all night.’

As the night went on, they found that they had a lot in common and yet again to her good fortune, he was not married, not even a girlfriend. ‘That’s about to change!’ she thought to herself. His shift was over in about half an hour and she gave him directions to her house and they exchanged phone numbers. The ride home became much more pleasurable as she began thinking of all the exciting things she planned to do with Officer Cortez!

Upon coming home, she lit candles in the bedroom and throughout the house. She flipped through the XM Satellite radio to find some music fitting of her mood and went to the kitchen to open a bottle of wine. Setting the glasses and bottle of wine on the coffee table, she went into the bedroom to slip into something a little more inviting. Officer Cortez would arrive any minute and she wanted it to be just right. She undressed and staring endlessly into her closet, all she could manage to see putting on was her white robe. Checking her reflection in the mirror, she heard the doorbell ring.

‘This is it!’ she said aloud and quickly went to answer it. As she opened the solid Cherry wood door, a smile crossed her face when she saw the bouquet of softly colored roses. Soft pastels, they were her favorite, as they always smell the sweetest. She leaned in to inhale their aroma, closed her eyes, and smiled.

‘They are so beautiful. Thank you.’ She said, her eyes searching upwards to meet his. Her tiny 5′ frame became lost against his height and stature. He was still dressed in full uniform. Jasmine had always had a thing for police officers. Tonight was different though. This one was different.

Jasmine had wanted to become a veterinarian her entire life. She had just opened her own practice a year prior. Work left her with little time to have a social life. She had dated here and there and her friends were always setting her up. Yet no one had ever made a real impact on her, that is until now.

This one was unique. He just seemed to take her breath away. She was mesmerized by his presence. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Her pulse quickened and her body seemed to be screaming for his touch. As if reading her like an open book, Officer Cortez stepped inside and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in close. He kissed her lips gently at first, then with more firmness in his grip, he pulled her tighter, kissed her harder, then released her. ‘Wow!’ she thought to herself. ‘If that is what a kiss is like, what’s the rest of the night going to be like?’

‘Where would you like the flowers?’ He asked. Taking them from his hand, she walked to the kitchen where she retrieved an extra vase from the cabinet and filled it with water. She placed the flowers in the vase, arranged them slightly and carried them towards the bedroom.

‘I know the perfect place for these.’ She stated as she looked back at him over her shoulder with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.

As if on cue, he followed her into the bedroom, keeping just the right amount of distance between them. He had an air of confidence that surrounded him in the most erotic way. She placed the flowers on the table, facing the mirror one last time, basking in the glow of her sensuality. As she became aware of him standing next to her, she turned to face him.

His attraction to her overwhelmed him as he could no longer keep his hands off of her. He wrapped his strong and steady hands tightly around her waist, pulling her up to meet him. Pressing his lips firmly against hers, he ran his hands around her buttocks, then down around her thighs. Squeezing tightly, he thrust her up into his arms, stepping forward and placing her captive between him and the wall. The jolt was enough to expel the wind from her lips causing her to release a slight
whimper. This excited her, having a man take control her body along with their intense desire for one another. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to glide her hips and pelvis over his. Pressing forward, he slid his hands to the sides of her waist. Applying a steady pressure, his hands slid upwards, beyond her rib cage, over her breasts, stopping briefly to squeeze her shoulders and then down to her biceps. He slammed her arms open and against the wall, exposing her fully to him.

His kisses became more intense with each movement. He rotated his hips within the confines of her grip. She could feel his enlarging penis through his uniform. Until now, she had not noticed that he had taken off the belt containing his weapon, clips, handcuffs, and other items. Bare beneath her robe, she was fully aware of the thickness and length of him. Trembling from his forceful touch, she was excited beyond her imagination. He reached beyond her biceps and intertwined his hands with hers, sliding them up the wall, fully extending her arms above her head. Just as she felt she would not be able to take another breath, he began kissing her neck, nudging her head to the side, exposing her weakness.

‘There!’ she exclaimed! ‘Oh YES, Right there!’ He clinched his teeth around the soft part of her neck where it meets her shoulders, tugging and biting her. His hands squeezed hers and he pushed her harder into the wall. Shaking from the excitement, her hips raised, again revealing the hardness between her legs. Jasmine was fully aware of her excitement for him and could hardly contain her overwhelming desire to ride him. She squirmed in his arms with the thought of having his large cock inside her.

His lips wandered from her shoulders to her collarbones, back to her neck and down to her breasts. With her hardened nipples exposed now he began to flicker his tongue across them. Playfully, he would bite them, suck them intently, and begin again. Her breath had quickened and soft noises escaped from her lips. He released his hands from hers and ran them down the length of her arms, to just below her rib cage. Gripping her, he picked her up higher, sliding her up against the wall. She released her entangled legs from around his waist and wrapped them over his shoulders, placing her pelvic area just below his face. Their eyes met and they both knew that this would be a night they would never forget.


Jasmine felt the rush of the warm water between her legs, giving her added pleasure. She was now aware of her hands gliding over her body and giving intense pleasure to her pubic area. She felt the wetness of her pussy, heated with passion and desire. She inserted one finger and then another, moaning with delight. Lost in the moment of her exciting weekend, she closed her eyes again and squirmed with delight.


She wiggled and screamed out in pleasure as he began massaging her tender pussy with his mouth. His hands moved to her breasts, pinning her against the wall, yet still playing with them and causing her more arousal. She gyrated her hips, opening more of herself to his full exposure. He gladly received it, taking her in and forcing his tongue inside her. He intently pursued her clitoris creating a vacuum within his mouth. Biting her, pulling on her, and grinding his teeth brought sheer pleasure and excitement to her. She could barely contain herself anymore and felt the release triggered by him. Her breath escaped her.

Her body went limp after having the most amazing orgasm she has ever known. A proud Officer Cortez smiled and slowly released her, gliding her down the wall, to rest once again around his hips. Scooping her into his arms, he turned around and approached the bed. Kissing her with overwhelming passion, she surrendered her body to him, savoring every moment. Gently, he laid her body on the bed and began unbuttoning his shirt. Watching his eyes, she spread her legs and began exploring her body. Seeing his pleased reaction, she began inserting her fingers into her very moist vagina. His tongue playfully ran across his upper lip, causing her nipples to tighten even more.

After dropping his uniform shirt and black tee-shirt to the floor he began to undo his pants. Her eyes scanned his chest and biceps, sending an extreme amount of sensation through her body. She released her hand from her pussy and sat up, pushing herself up on her knees in front of him. She kissed him with every ounce of desire she felt as he grabbed her wrists, applying a firm amount of pressure. It was enough to leave finger prints on her, but not enough to hurt her. She twitched under his force and smiled as he knew she was enjoying him. Pulling her hand to his mouth, his tongue twirled around her fingers. He kept watchful eyes on her as she gasped with pleasure.

‘Intriguing’ she thought. ‘What’s next?’

As he worked over her once buried hand, sucking intently on her fingers, she began manipulating his neck and chest with her tongue. Biting here and there, she would hear him release soft grunts of pleasure. All the more excited, the harder she would bite him and the louder he became. The last taste of her erased from her fingers, she pulled away from his grip and raked her hands over his pecks and abdomen. Forcefully, she undid his black belt, the button to his pants, and then the zipper. Sucking away at his nipples, her hands wrapped around his waist and under the waistband of his boxers. Finding their intended destination, her hands tightened around his firm ass, pulling him into her.

Sliding herself into a seated position on the silk comforter of her bed, she pulled his boxers and pants to the floor, exposing all of his manhood in front of her. Licking her lips in the most seductive way she knew how, her eyes met his. Absolute pleasure filled his eyes as he watched her consume him, stroking him, sucking him, and squeezing him. Moans of sheer pleasure escaped him and she reached underneath him, massaging his balls while taking him deeper into her throat. She knew she had given him something amazing that night, which fueled her desire even more to take him in and create the best explosion of his life. She could feel him wrap his hands in her long brown hair, gripping her at the base of her neck and pulling her in. Excited by his sheer delight, she enveloped him deeper, harder, and faster. His member became engorged and she knew that he would soon experience absolute pleasure, because of her. A moment later, he released his pleasure, overflowing her with his goodness.

As her hand pressed harder against her, she knew by the sounds of her moans she was getting close. The sheer pleasure she was experiencing overwhelmed her and she began squirming with delight. Her cries would not be heard by anyone else, but echoed through the bathroom and beyond of her 3000 sq. ft. home. The only other sound heard was the calming rain of the shower. Her release was fueled by the passion and desire of a man she had only just begun to remember. She hadn’t even gotten very far in their encounter and already she had pleasured herself to a most intense orgasm.

Extremely excited by her display of erotica, Officer Cortez scooped her into his arms and placed her in the center of the bed. He laid upon her, wrapping his body over hers. Kissing her with intensity and desire, he moved throughout her body, pleasuring every inch. He explored her thoroughly, giving way to three more very intense orgasms before returning to their starting position. Breathless, she could feel him pressing against her and his penis enlarging with each movement. He was larger than anyone she had ever experienced, but well aware of her desire to have him inside her.

Having explored her body, Officer Cortez knew that Jasmine held a treasure between her legs. She was very tiny, a sweet tight pussy for him to penetrate. The sheer thought sent excitement through his body, making his cock even harder. Thrust
ing his hips softly and slowly, he gently kissed her lips. They could feel one another’s heart beating in unison with their own, fast and hard.

His penis in line with her eager pussy, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He reached back, grabbing her legs and pulling them forward, wrapping them around his neck. While exposing herself more to him, he gently slid his large cock into her tight, wet, hot pussy. He could feel her warmth against him, hugging him, squeezing him inside her. His desire to thrust harder into her seemed to overwhelm him as he tried to steady himself and not hurt her. He could hear her squealing with pleasure as he stretched her wider than she had ever been. Her bottom lip quivered as she tried to steady it with her teeth. Her body trembled below him as he lowered himself deeper into her. They danced the dance of love, embracing the moment for what seemed an eternity, until he could no longer take the softness of his movements. He eased out of her until the ridge of his penis broke through to the outside of her vagina. He teased her vigorously, placing the ridge in and out of her. Her moans sent him into a wild frenzy of needing more. Deeper he went inside of her with each stroke, quickening his pace. This is what he longed for, riding her with fury, thrusting himself deeper and deeper, making her scream with pleasure. On and on he pressed into her, feeling her come over and over again.

She could feel him becoming engorged again within her, reaching a climax of absolute ecstasy. His pace slowed and his breathing increased as he encased her with his body, kissing her gently. Together they lay there, basking in the pleasure they have brought one another, excited to know that it will happen again and again.


Already out of breath, the water turning cold, Jasmine tried to regain her composure. This amazing man can send her out of her mind and body with just a thought of their evening together.

As she stepped out of the shower, she wrapped the towel around her, tucking it into place. Looking in the mirror, she reached up and released the clip holding her hair, allowing it to fall past her shoulders. She finished with her daily essentials and opened the door softly to the bedroom.

As she glanced across the room to where the most wonderful night of her life had taken place, she smiled softly at the sight of Officer Cortez asleep in her bed. Dropping the towel to the floor, she climbed under the covers on his side of the bed. Lowering herself just below his abdomen, she began kissing on him, licking and sucking, awakening him in the most pleasurable way. She hummed with pleasure as his hand guided it’s way up her back and tightened on her hair, just at the base of her neck.

‘Good Morning!’ He whispered.


The End.

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Erotic Experience With My Story Reader

Hi, All! I’m Vasanth Kumar from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I’m working in a reputed IT Company in OMR. I write some stories in ISS. I also receive feedback from the readers. To send feedback, send me a mail @ looking for feed back from all, especially Aunt and Girls … Recently my Story published a few days ago. I got few responses and feedback from the ISS readers. Among them was a Young Lady from Chennai. Now to the story … She mailed me that my story was super and she felt very erotic by the way...

2 years ago
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Erotic 8211 Ultimate Pleasure And Fun With A Friend

Hi I am Roy (name changed), I am fan of Indian sex stories. I read it regularly & I liked the most of the stories of the writers. I am new, please pardon me for any mistakes I made. :) You can give the feedback to my story on Note : Story is divided in two parts Part 2 is very erotic. Now story is about 4 years back I was in 12 th. At that time I was average looking guy. I was not that open to public and I used to avoid an eye contact with beautiful girls because I didn’t felt gold to stare...

1 year ago
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Erotic Literature

Reddit Erotic Literature, aka r/EroticLiterature! Do you ever feel like leaving porn behind and starting off and enjoying something completely different? What could be so different but still provide you with the same kind of sexual satisfaction as porn could? Well, that’s what I’m here to explore with you today with the amazing subreddit by the name of /r/eroticliterature. If you are someone who has a vivid imagination and you can think up any sexual scenario in your head, then you’re going to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Erotic encounter with my friends mom Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

My name is Zen and this is my real story of an erotic encounter with my friend’s mom. I saw her for the first time and fell in love with her. It was 4 years back when my other friends and I used to meet at night time for playing cards. We used to sit on a bench near four-way, discuss cricket, tease each other by their girlfriend’s name and many other things. One night, one of my friends introduced us to Harry. Harry was a few years younger to us. As there was no boy of his age in the locality....

Extra Marital Affair
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Erotic Education 7 Naughty Neighbours

Nice new neighbours are at least as naughty and horny as we, I notice with Chrissy when we check them out.Nice naughty mighty moans and sexy sighs I hear at my far side of the plot, surely some new number going on!Nice new occasion for the erotic education of our girls, so I signal them to come with me & be very silent indeed.Nice naughty nubile neighbour lays at her back, half outside her tiny tent, long legs wide-spread, love lips licked.Naughty neighbours interesting intimacies have only...

3 years ago
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Erotic Education 5 Chrissy Comes

CHRISSY COMES TO STAY ALL HOT HOLIDAY IN OUR TENT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chrissy comes unexpectedly to my tent, around midnight, in full moon lightHave I slept, or was I still day-dreaming at night of cute Chrissie at my lap?Right hand under my head, gazing the twinkling stars, left hand in my tent"I need to take a leak, pappa Peter! Will you help me & kiss my cunny dry?"She seems to wear only a long wide white T-shirt &...

1 year ago
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Literotica Audio

I can’t believe that I’m actually reviewing audio porn when I could just as easily be looking at some titties right now. All right, I’ll be nice to all the audiophiles out there. I’ll admit it, though, I’ve jerked off to some sound clips that I received from babes I’ve been banging in the past. I definitely get the appeal of listening to some skank moan in pleasure in your ear. You can close your eyes and pretend she’s in the room with you. If she’s got a professional recording setup, it’ll...

ASMR Porn Sites
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EroticAllie Bedded Reporter

Note: This story contains explicit sexual content and is for adults only. It should not be read by people who are offended by such material or are not legally allowed to access such material. All characters in this story are over the age of 18 years old. Heya! My name is Allie Bird, 27 year old blonde journalist extraordinaire. You probably know me from my advice column, Actu-Allie. Or maybe from my food column, Culin-Allie. Real Allie fans will, of course, know about work with the folk music...

2 years ago
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Erotic Author Melanie punished

That morning had started well for Melanie Pearson. She had just checked her on-line bank account and discovered another hefty sum being paid into her account from her Publisher, Paddle Cane Publications. She would use this latest payment to book an all-inclusive holiday somewhere for her partner Diane and herself. She smiled at the thought – it would be their fourth foreign trip of the year. Her mood was lifted further when she found a note on the bedside table from her girlfriend, Diane,...

4 years ago
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Erotic Story Of Spanking And Sex

The idea of Thanksgiving had always sat a little uncomfortably with Alice, as a British woman from a Catholic family living in America. She was embarrassed by it all somehow, as though she was somehow personally responsible. But nothing made her feel worse than spending Thanksgiving with a new boyfriend’s family – the first time she had ever met them.warmth of the city - erotica Her boyfriend, John, was a good person. Good Christian morals, a decent upbringing, respectful, considerate,...

1 year ago
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Erotic Education 1 Erica3

Erica meets me in our local park where we walk and chat about erotic educationI offer her a lesson in love in practise, in a secluded part of the water-parkI offer her a first ever orgasm from licking love lips after her golden showerErica eagerly follows me to my place for more privacy for next lessons in loveI teach the teen to play for pleasure her love lips so she can come without meErica likes my love lessons, especially how she can climb up from first heavenErica likes most how to...

3 years ago
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Erotic Experience With my Neighbour

So this erotic incident occurred in my life a while ago, I’ll be using made-up names throughout the story for obvious reasons. Also, I’m pretty young so please forgive me for my teenage like way of expressing words. A little bit about me, I’m a tall brown guy with a fair complexion. My height is 6’3 and I have an athletic build and a 6-inch penis to top it all off. Now let’s come to the main lead of the story, my neighbor, let’s call her Priya, she is in her late 20s, 5’7 tall and a near...

2 years ago
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Erotic Session With Colleague

Hi, Readers, I would like to share one of my experience in this sex story with you all. It happened around three years back. I was working in a private organization for past few years. One new lady Smitha joined our department. She was beautiful with good assets. Came to know that she was married and having one kid. For first three months, we used to exchange casual hi and smiles. One day, we met at lunch time and exchanged few things about our life. She was wearing salwar kameez with little...

4 years ago
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Erotic Coupling With An Amazing Lady

Hello ISS readers. I am Rahul, a 28 year young guy, I live in Pune and I am going to narrate you an erotic incident which happened with me few weeks back. So let’s get to the story. I live in Pimpri area and also I work nearby. Few weeks back, me and my friend went to megamart for shopping as we needed certain ladies dresses for my friend’s fiancée. There came the a lady, short heighted, around 5 ft tall and extremely fair, with her domestic help who was a girl of age around 18 and her son,...

3 years ago
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Erotic Journey In Bus With A Stranger

Hi all I am reader of ISS from past 3 years. I am basically from a small town in Karnataka which is attached to the capital city Bangalore. Sex was too conservative in our family. I used to fantasize about lot of girls in and around and masturbating myself. Often I found few stories very interesting and always dreamt of I could be there. I am a working guy age 26yrs working in MNC Hyderabad. Any interested girls or aunties who want to have secret relationship do contact me on I often tried...

3 years ago
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Erotic Sex With An ISS Reader

My love to all iss readers… After reading my previous story, i received a mail from an random women.. We had good conversation over email for few days, after which she decided to meet up and by this time.. We knew most of the things about each other but i had never seen her yet and it made blasted my curiosity.. Ruhi decided the place and we were supposed to meet at west of chord road, bangalore.. She told me that i was going to picked by her and then she would take me to some place.. Next day,...

2 years ago
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Erotic encounter Aunty

My s*s:"Hey ..(she murmured)…don’t speak so loudlyMami:My My…why r u blushing so much? Nothing wrong in discussing about it na?.. Now you will be marrying in another 15 Days and you still don’t no about “it”My s*s:” Its Ok ,Its Ok”Mami: ”Look can I teach her …she is not even listening properly,Neha..Look at me now you will have to learn this otherwise you will be in trouble only”Archana: ”look Neha,I know why you are so shy, but Viraj is sleeping and it’s only you,Mami and me!!”My...

1 year ago
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Erotic Beauties

Want to see some hot naked girls at EroticBeauties? When you’re done with all the hardcore stuff that you’re inevitably watching if you’re a fan of porn in general, maybe you’d like to switch over to something more sensual and erotic. We all have those periods when we just want to chill out from all the rough and hardcore stuff and dive into a world where everything is meant to give us a sense of calm and passion. Erotic Beauties is up to the task, and it’s going to show you how softcore...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Legend of Zelda Betrayal of the Triforce

Legend of Zelda: Betrayal of the Triforce by Jim Ruggeri I've been writing for almost a year now and I love reviews, please review a story or shoot me an email at [email protected] I take requests too, so if you've got any ideas floating around it would be great to hear them! Three golden treasures, once reunited, will grant the bearer one wish, an ultimate power, to be used for good... or evil. Once the wish is fulfilled, while the objects will remain beautiful, they...

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TASK FORCE An Author’s Note:        The twentieth story in what has become a year of tales on June second.  The last one for the foreseeable future.  An admitted amateur, the flowing of the telling of my stories more important to me then the proper punctuation of English, I’d be the first to admit to the briefest of proof readings and probably more comma’s then periods.  Actually virtually all my tales are typed in a matter of hours with open endings, usually not even planned out until I sit...

2 years ago
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© August 1998 ed. 10/17/04 - Kristen Kathleen Becker Kriste was jarred awake; fear paralyzing her. She felt invisible hands groping, pulling and pinching at her flesh and her mind spun in a haze of shock and disbelief as she gradually realized what was happening to her. She was being punished! It was the dreaded "hazing of the unpopular" and she couldn't believe that her classmates were actually inflicting it on her. She could hear urgent whispering by the men around her bed...

1 year ago
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Let's play at Play Force One today! If you’re like most people, then you probably stopped keeping up with your favorite porn flash games years ago. Back when that shit was really popping. Who could forget the amazing games like Reiko the Biker Girl or all the sexy flash animations pumped out by Zone-sama? Those were the fucking days. But, belief or not, flash games are still going strong. They’ve gotten more complicated with complex gameplay and even sexier animations. With the huge surge in...

Free Sex Games
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Porn Force sounds precisely like the type of force I love to reckon with, but that isn’t saying much; slap the word “porn” on damn near anything, and I’m going to have to take a look. Maybe the keyword, in this case, is actually the “force” part of the title, implying strength and energy as part of a physical motion. I think we might have gone over something like that in physics class back in school, but I’ll be honest, I was always too busy studying human anatomy to hear what the teacher was...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Erotic Essay Nudist Olympics 1

I will prove i my that the main attraction of the exciting I will provide below a number of videos from the winners of the first Team Gold "Estonian Exotic Erotics" as proof.I will register world wide rights for the concept of Erotic Olympics, which can be held only once every four weeks.I will state the rules below, propose a number of other arousing sports for fans to watch, often in HD slow-motion.You can compare it a bit with synchronic swimming or ice-dancing, even with Olympic gymnastics...

2 years ago
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Erotic Tale Of Dad And Daughter 8211 Part 2

I had received a lot of feedback from some devils and some bitches. Thanks for loving the last part and sending me your love on email. I hope you guys will like this part too. Till now I had developed an urge for my daughter Deeksha after seeing her masturbating naked and I had erotic sex with slut Sadaf. Now forward After the first round of sex Sadaf and I went to clean ourselves in the bathroom. She cleaned my penis my face with water. I cleaned her pussy face all filled with cum. Then I...

1 year ago
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Erotic Equals

Who ever said that size doesn't matter ?! "Damn!" thought Brit. She'd got too wrapped up in her assignment and had lost track of time while working in the quietness of the computer lab at Uni. The last late-night bus had just left and whereas normally she'd just call her boyfriend to pick her up, a stabbing feeling in her gut reminded her that he'd broken up with her two weeks ago. "It's not you, it's me", was his lame excuse.She still couldn't fathom why he'd left; he hadn't given any better...

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Literotica Group Sex

Sex stories make for a perfect build-up to a night of masturbation marathon, or for a cool down after you have gassed yourself out jacking off to porn. And lucky for us, the internet is flooding with so many of sexy stories we could make an encyclopedia if we put them all together.One of the best sites to find erotic stories for a horny pastime is’s a diverse site with all sorts of genres to choose from. Besides, there is a whole lot more than just a bunch of sex stories, I...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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Erotic Dream Cream Catcher Ch 04

Katherine held the vellum envelope pulling out the invitation. To raise money they were giving a benefit. Please come dressed as your favorite character real or otherwise. At the stroke of midnight everybody will reveal their identity. Please come in the spirit of giving, and having a great time. Steven hesitated but I mentioned he would be so handsome as the Phantom of the Opera. He was very athletic built. Over six feet tall, dark blue eyes, dark hair. In his tuxedo, black satin cape and the...

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Erotic Dream

His sleep was troubled lately. Sometimes you just can’t turn your mind off. From thinking about the day’s problems to erotic fantasies, sleep constantly eluded him. After a couple hours of tossing and turning, he finally managed to drift off. The dream started as it normally did. There was a female in the bed with him. How she got there, he didn’t know, nor did he care. Only that her skin was soft, smooth, and crying out to be touched. She began to caress his chest while he put his arm...

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Erotic Story Heaven

I was sitting at work and died.Then I woke up and realized I was a teenager again, and I was a woman! I was not just any woman, I was my own year old twin sister! Wow, I always wanted to fuck my twin sister, so now I can fuck myself as her!So I went into the hall, and realized I was not reliving my life, I was in heaven! And stretching before me was a hallway of endless doors.I went into the first one, and saw my mother fucking my father. Or was he fucking her? Either way, they were fucking. I...

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