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An Author’s Note:

       The twentieth story in what has become a year of tales on June second.  The last one for the foreseeable future.  An admitted amateur, the flowing of the telling of my stories more important to me then the proper punctuation of English, I’d be the first to admit to the briefest of proof readings and probably more comma’s then periods.  Actually virtually all my tales are typed in a matter of hours with open endings, usually not even planned out until I sit down in front of the computer and let it flow.  That being said, for those who take the time to read my stories, I say thanks.  For those who critiqued, to the vast majority I say thanks.  Though I have never responded to any critiques, to the articulate critic who’s been so generous with his reviews of my tales, actually gets what I try to accomplish in telling a tale, I’d like to add a special thanks and let him know I myself read very few stories on the site but enjoy scanning the critic’s responses on more then just mine.  While most to me receive praise, his is head’s above the rest, much more then not, an entertaining read in itself.

       All that being said, I’ll add that my stories tend to have a common thread and though they can be brutal, even sadistic, they’re not over the edge for the most part which leaves a limited window I’m comfortable with, only so many scenarios.   There have maybe been a couple instances that I could have been a little outside the lines, otherwise most stories are more realistic then not, at least possible.  Again a thanks to the followers of my tales as this story will have a number of chapters, more then most, but on the other hand I don’t foresee a reason for any other new stories at this time, just maybe some follow-ups on others?. J LEWIS


       A city of crime, a one man task force given free reins to administer his brand of justice, the tale begins.             

Chapter One

       Walking into the dark, obviously vacant building, glancing around in the hazy shadows of late dusk, he feels the probing sting at the back of his neck as he ducks past a deteriorating brick archway.  Reflexively grabbing for his neck, the dimness growing rapidly darker, his knees give out as he slumps numbly against the exposed brick wall, the particles of dust from the cracking plaster filtering through the air obscuring his view of the man standing over him with a syringe in hand as he loses consciousness.

       Awaking bound flat to the metal table by a seemingly endless amount of medical tape, he can only move his eyes as a single bare light glares down across his face.  Hearing a clanking sound, feeling the head of the table slowly rising into a vertical position, he’s forced to stare toward a black curtain just a few feet in front of him in the otherwise sterile environment of the heavily padded underground room.  Only able to grunt through the thick cloth rag stuffed and harshly taped in his mouth, his dark brown chiseled body ripples as he fruitlessly struggles to free his arms, legs.

       ?Well!... Glad to see you’re finally back with us? You’ve found your girlfriend!?

       A man’s deep, stern voice resonates in his ears as his eyes dart back and forth as he cranes his neck, unable to see the person positioned somewhere behind the steel table.

       ?What’s the matter?... The bindings too tight?... Can’t move??

       Grunting, twisting, shuddering against the hard metal, his fists clench as he jerks against the layers of tape encircling his naked body.  The steel table jerking on its axis, his muscular body glistening, his anger’s more obvious then his fear.

       ?If you’re done wasting your time.?  The voice continues.  ?There’s something behind that curtain for you to see!... Something you’ve been looking for? Ready??

       The curtain spreading slowly apart, another stark light shinning down from the concrete ceiling above it, his dark eyes widen as he realizes his girlfriend’s totally naked body’s obscenely displayed in front of him spread-eagled and bound.  Harshly shackled well up off the floor by wrist and ankle cuffs to what appears to be a set of roughly hewn railroad ties formed into a crude pair of pillars, her severely stretched olive toned body glistens under the makeshift swaying light.

       Brutalized, the welts, bruises seem layered across her heavily marred flesh as her hazed eyes barely rise toward his from her slumped head.  Jerking in his confinement even harsher, his animalistic grunts reverberate against the padded walls as he stares enraged at her ravaged body, up toward her swollen face, the thick red ball gag between her puffy, split lips spreading her jaws impossibly apart.

       ?Well? What you think??  The voice sarcastically asks, still from behind the table.  ?Looks pretty good like that doesn’t she?... Especially for getting the shit fucked out of her between floggings for the past couple days!?

       Still grunting, feverishly struggling with the bindings, the bound man glares toward the hooded, shirtless outline of his nemesis stepping past the side of the table, toward the girl, stopping in front of her.

       ?She does have nice tits, huh??  The voice sarcastically asks as only his muscular backside’s visible from just to the left of the spread-eagled girl, his hands conspicuously concealed in front of him.  ?You went looking for her? Now you’ve found her!... Only took you a couple days too!?  He smirks as the girl’s eyes widen as she slowly shakes her head back and forth, grunting, glaring toward his hands.

       Glancing back toward the table, again toward the slumping girl, he adds.  ?Watch close!... I want you to see something? We had some fun the other day doing this while I was having a nice conversation with her about you!... Making our plans to get you here!?

       Reaching out, gripping her left breast firmly in his left fist as his shoulder muscles ripple under the stark lighting, thrusting a sinisterly long gleaming skewer downward, the razor sharp instrument jams though her bulging breast from just above her swelling nipple.  ?Oomph!!?  Her muffled grunt’s barely audible through the gag as her head slumps back as the skewer’s jammed inward a second time.  ?Aaaggghhh!... Aaaggghhh!?  A couple of louder screams through the glistening rubber gag as her swollen eyes widen, glare pleadingly toward the creaking table, her naked body shaking between the thick square posts.

       The skewer being worked, probing, finally tearing through the lower curve of her swollen breast, blood drips from the quivering sharp metal tip as her raw grunts, gurgles mingles with the bound man’s own enraged animalistic grunts through the rag stuffed in his mouth as he’s forced to watch.  Glancing back, releasing his fingers from the quivering skewer impaling the bleeding breast, the hooded man slowly steps toward the other side of the wooden posts.

       ?What are they?  D’s? Double D’s?... Firm too aren’t they?? No matter how many times I jam a needle through ‘em they bounce right back up!?  The sarcastic voice continues as the hooded man grips the right breast, gives it a twist.  Sadistically displaying a matching skewer in his raising hand, twirling it back and forth between his finger and thumb, he flips its tip just above her dark right nipple.  Gripping her tit, a harsh jab, another deeper jab and yet another even deeper jab as she inaudibly pleads, viciously jerks in her restraints with each sadistic thrust, he glances back toward the metal table with a smile as blood drips across his fingers cupping her breast.  Again a twist of his hand back and forth and he jams downward a forth time, the skewer penetrating, completely impaling her right breast as the tip plops through.  Head slumping forward, her moans are barely audible, actually raw whimpers as he lifts her chin above her stretched shoulders, saliva drooling from her gagged mouth dripping across her bleeding breasts.

       ?Not much of a response anymore? Huh??  The mocked disappointed sounding voice continues as he remains facing her.  ?Guess her voice is raw from her screams while she was being flogged and sodomized the past few days? She was really loud at first!... Squealed like a pig? Especially when I was ramming one of these skewers through her clit? Look? Her ass is still bleeding from my cock!?

       Gripping both breasts, twisting, rotating his hands back and forth, the skewers gleam in the reflecting light as fresh blood drips from their flashing tips.  Still his back to the creaking table, listening to the harsh grunts from the bound man, lowering his right hand and gripping his own semi erect shaft from his unzipped Levi’s, he forces the head of his cock between her spread thighs.

       ?Shaved her pussy before I left to find you today? Even the bikini cut’s gone just for you.?  He grunts as he forces over half his thick shaft inside her in a single thrust.  ?Damn!... That pussy’s still pretty tight!?  He smirks as he glances back toward the table.  ?Thought you guys were supposed to have big dicks!... Why ain’t she loose then??  He smirks as he glances back toward the moaning girl.  Another thrust, his scrotum slapping up between her spread butt cheeks, his shaft completely disappears.  A few quick thrusts, smacking her across her buttocks, the sounds of his open palms across naked flesh overshadows her grunts.

       ?I think she likes it? Don’t you??  He sarcastically grunts as he pounds in and out, again twists his fingers while stretching her breasts, the skewers jerking, glistening under the bright stark light.  ?Yeh? I know she is? Her pussy’s wet!... She must want me to fuck her, huh??

       Slipping his cock out from between her stretched legs, stepping around the pillars, gripping both bruised breasts from behind as he stares over her shoulder toward the mounted reclining table, he wastes no time jamming his throbbing cock deep inside the rim of her stretching rectum, two, three harsh thrusts as he forces her body to involuntarily jerk with each pounding.  Able to watch the hysterical rages of the bound, wild eyed man, at his body jerking, heaving against the impenetrable bindings of the steel table, he sadistically grins as he listens to her gurgling whimpers.

       ?Ass still tight too!... Bleeds a little though each time I ride it!?  He scoffs as he flexes his hips, buries his shaft painfully deeper between her twitching thighs.  ?It’s really tight on my cock!... What a fuck!... Damn!?  Leaning forward, whispering a threat in her ear, he holds still as she turns her head toward the side, hesitantly begins flexing her buttocks, grinding against his throbbing shaft.  ?Watch her fuck me with her asshole!?  He quips as he slowly twists the skewers with his fingers, completing a full rotation, a rotation and a half.  Her hips jerking, her pubic mound jaunting outward, her flat stomach ripples as she grunts with each forced thrust. Riding her, he feels the nipples stretching, tensing as she grips his shaft deep inside her rectum, her breasts dripping bright red droplets of blood across his fingers.  ?Tits stretch good? Damn? Watch those nipples twist like rubber bands while she fucks me with her ass!?

       Another half twist on her elongated nipples, finally a couple more thrusts by him from behind her butt cheeks, slipping his cock out from between her crimson tinged thighs, he slowly zips his trousers over his glistening cock, steps past the heaving semiconscious girl toward the table.  Glancing back toward her battered body, her head slumped between her swaying breasts; he thinks to himself how she’s still good enough looking to him in her tortured pose between the ties to keep his dick hard as he closes the curtain.

       Looking back toward the frustrated, frantic man still taped just as tight against the table, he amusingly stares into his obviously hate filled eyes.  ?Well let’s see? A ruthless gang-banger and a stripper bound in front of me? How’s it feel watching your woman sodomized gangbanger?... Fucked in both holes? Her tits impaled??  Leaning closer, whispering into his ear as he glances back up toward the curtained twin pillars, he adds.  ?I’m not even close to being done with her yet? But when I am? Know what?... She’s going to be smuggled over to Hong Kong or someplace like that when I’m finished? Then she’s going to become a cheap fuck slut in some whorehouse over there until she’s worn out!... Then? Who knows?... But then? What the Hell? Who gives a shit?

        Leaning down, placing his hand just beneath the man’s throat, feeling for his jugular vein, the tip of a third skewer between his thumb and forefinger pressing inward, he glances closely into the instantly changing glare of the man’s eyes from hate to trepidation, the overwhelming knowledge of facing his demise giving off that hint of fear impossible to conceal, even to a tough guy.

         ?You? You fucking psychopath? You’re not going to be so lucky!... I just wanted you to see her first!... Like she is? Realize what I’ve been doing with her? Too her!?  The satisfaction of watching his eyes widen, seeing his heart pounding deep in his chest as he gives his pathetic last ditch struggle against the unrelenting tape as he grunts through the stuffed rag, his head jerking back and forth, the satisfaction of ridding the world of another asshole’s overwhelming, almost as good as the sex with her as the hooded man smirks.  ?Now? Say goodnight!?

Chapter Two

       Waiting in the receptionist’s chair, a foot on her desk, he smiles as she enters the room, a frown on her face.  ?Just waiting for my appointment? Hon!?  He quips as the Chief a few steps behind her, walks in.

       A shake of the head, unlocking the door to his office, the Chief nods for him to follow.  Shutting the door behind them, nodding toward a chair in front of his desk, he asks with a sigh.  ?Okay Detective? Let’s hear it.?

       ?Done!... Two-seven? Sir!?  He answers as he tosses the manila folder across his desk.

       ?And??  The Chief asks as he leans back in his chair behind the stack of paperwork cluttered in front of him, sorts through the folder of the individual in question.

       ?And I’m still in the process of submitting a particular detainee who happened to be his significant other with an intensive interrogation process to retrieve invaluable information from her as to the identities and whereabouts of other dastardly individuals wreaking havoc upon our community.?

       ?So? Still fucking her? Huh??

       ?Among other things Sir? Yes Sir!... I guess you could say that!?  He shrugs.  ?Anything any humble public servant like myself would be willing to do for the Chief of Police who also happens to be my good ‘ol boyhood buddy? Anything to cleanse the streets of our fair city of their rabble.?

       ?Okay? Where is he now?... What did you??

       ?You don’t really want to know Chief? Really!?  He butts in, raising his hand.  ?Let’s just say you might not want to be eating any sausage for breakfast the next couple weeks.?  Standing, taking a step toward the door, he adds.  ?If there’s nothing else? It’s time to get back to work? Some more interrogation seems in place? Seems like my job’s never done!?

       ?Be careful out there Detective!........ And keep me informed damn-it!?

       ?Yes Sir!?  A quick salute, just as quickly out the door, he gives a quick pat on the receptionist’s shoulder with a smile as he glances down toward her cleavage.  As he steps out into the hallway, he smirks.  ?The three of you sure look lovely today Mam!?

             ?Bite me.?  She smiles back as her fingers rest on the typewriter keys.  ?Keep your dick in your pants, asshole!?

       ?Keep your tits covered then!?  He smirks back as he watches her glance down toward the top two buttons spread apart on her blouse.

       Arching her chest outward, another smile, she begins typing as she answers.  ?You didn’t want me too last Saturday mister!?

Chapter Three

       A leisurely lunch at a favorite Chile parlor and its back to work, deep into the bowels of the secluded building, to the locked entrance of the padded room.  Swinging the iron door open, glancing toward the bronze toned body still straddling the floor between the creosoted cross ties, he shuts the clanking door behind him, sets his black leather athletic bag on the floor next to the right hand post.  Realizing this will be their last day together before she’s picked up to be hustled out of the country, he eyes her naked body, some of the remnants of  his interrogation techniques highly visible, the other remnants just from his personal amusement. Stepping in front of her, raising her chin in the palm of his hand, he smacks her across the face with his other open hand as he belches the onions from his cheese coneys.

       ?Wake up!... Rise and shine girlfriend!?

       Her brown swollen eyes blinking, barely staring back through her crusted tears, drool continues to drip from the chewed mouth gag, down off her chin, between her thrust out breasts.  Her naked body barely trembling, the remnants of blood glisten from the punctures across her abused but still firm mounds as she hangs between the pillars, exhausted physically, mentally, basically acquiescent to her own fate.

       ?Time for another round of interrogation? But first? Let’s clean you up a bit sweetheart.?

       A barely transparent, half full plastic bottle of rubbing alcohol, a couple white terry cloths from his gym bag, he soaks one with the open bottle, pours a splash across her shoulders.  ?Oomph!?  Another splash across her breasts.  ?Aaaggghhh!?  The searing burn of the alcohol splashing across her raw flesh rejuvenates her senses. A third splash against her bald pubic mound followed immediately by a forth up between her spread thighs.  ?Aaaaaagggghhh!...  Aaaaggghhhh!!!?  Her screams escape the frazzled mouth gag.

       Swiping the wet cloth across her shoulders, her back, up and under her jerking breasts, he lowers his hand, shoves the cloth between her thighs.  ?Aaaaggghhh!?  Stuffing the corner of the damp cloth up between her slit, pressing and twisting, he feels her body squirming, a spurt of urine dribbling down her thighs as she jerks, her discolored fists clenching and her toes curling  in the creaking cuffs stretching her limbs between the wooden posts.

       Using the dry towel, again swiping across her naked body, he spends an inordinate amount of time working her incredibly firm breasts.  Melding, twisting, he stretches and tugs as her body sways back and forth, almost vibrates between the posts.  Staring into her dark eyes, seeing there’s still some life left in them, the disgust, the pain, the hate, he smiles and reaches down, pinches and twists the nub of her raw, burning clit.  ?Oomph!?

       A smile at her response, stripping his shirt and jeans, pressing against her naked breasts with his bare chest, he slips his swelling shaft between her perfectly aligned thighs stretching almost impossibly straight across to the pillars.  Gliding the tip of his semi erect cock up between her spread labia folds, the tingling turning to heat surrounding his shaft, the alcohol still lining the insides of her vagina walls, he ignores the discomfort, actually senses a stimulating satisfaction of the mounting burn as he glides inward, his foreskin stretching back as her quivering vagina grips him like a moist glove.

       A single long thrust, maintaining just barely a continuous pressure as their bodies join together and he feels her body rising ever so slightly upwards on his shaft.  Her eyes rolling, her head turning, he feels her firm globular mounds pressing, dragging across his muscular pecks as he tiptoes onto the balls of his feet.  Her trembling body being lifted, completely mounted on his throbbing cock, the alcohol still tingling, he feels the warmth of her nakedness against him.

       ?Wiggle!?  He orders as he twists her chin forward in the palm of his hand, their eyes just a couple inches apart.  ?Grind that pussy back and forth or??  Pressing a hand between their chests, tweaking a nipple with his finger and thumb, he pinches inward, slowly twists.  ?More skewers though these? Understand??

       Seeing her barely nodding, a fresh tear streaking down across her cheek, he feels her pubic mound hesitantly jaunt forward, her vagina quivering around his pulsing shaft as it barely rotates.  ?That’s it? Ride me nice and slow? Work that pussy or I’ll jam my cock back up your ass again instead!?

       Grunting through the gag, squinting her eyes as her hips flex back and forth, she feels his fingers continuing to press into her bruised breast as she instinctively struggles for her self-preservation, obeys his orders.  ?Nice and steady? That’s it? Fuck me girl!?  Lifting, painfully twisting in her creaking restraints as she grunts with each forced breath, she clumsily rides his cock, her body aching, her mind fatigued by the uncountable hours of being tortured between the wooden rails with virtually no sleep, just terror after terror.

       Stroking his hips, slowly penetrating, forcing his cock completely inside her searing slit, he grunts with each thrust, feels her butt cheeks’ slapping across the fronts of his thighs.  Gripping her oily straight hair, jerking back, he watches the saliva drool from the mouth gag, its bright red cover now just a dull pinkish tint on the chewed gag as her eyes clench tightly closed.  A couple more thrusts, holding still, he feels his cock pulsing along with the burning sensation.  A few moments of pressing against her, slipping his shaft out from between her thighs he steps back, watches her trembling body slump between the posts, their mixing bodily fluids dripping to the floor from between her spread legs.

       ?Taking the gag out now!?  He states as he reaches behind her neck, unties the black elastic cord.  ?You know the gig?  Don’t say shit unless I ask!... Or you know the consequences.?

       Slipping the ball from her mouth, from between her stretched lips, he drops it to the floor as he grips her chin, checks her parched lips, her bruised mouth.  Reaching in his gym bag, untwisting the cap from a clear plastic bottle of spring water, taking a couple gulps as it splashes down across his bare chest, he holds the half empty bottle up to her lips.  ?Want some??  He asks as he lets the water splash across her chin, drip between her breasts as she feverously arches forward, opens her mouth.

       ?Thirsty huh??  He smiles as he holds the collapsing plastic bottle a little higher, watches her anxiously tilt her head back as he lets the water again splash downward across her face. ?Tastes good after a couple days of dehydrating don’t it??  Watching her shake her head as her reddened eyes stay fixed on the tilted bottle, he tilts it even further as he slips the neck of the container between her puckering lips.  Teasingly offering, pulling back the bottle again, he amusingly watches as she finally presses her swollen lips around the top of the bottle, gulping, swallowing as the water also pours off her chin, drips across her naked body jerking between the posts.

       Her first water in over two days, the bottle nearly empty, he smirks.  ?Like sucking a dick kind of? Huh??  Letting the rest of the water pour across her naked breasts, drip off her quivering nipples, he runs his open hand across the firm tit flesh, up and over the globular mounds, back and forth as he feels her wet, thick nipples slide across the palm of his hand.  Dropping the bottle, sliding his other hand down between her glistening brown breasts, across the arch of her ribcage, into the hollow of her flat stomach, inverted navel, his fingers press into the slight outward hump of her pubic mound.

       ?Okay? Time for another talk.?  He states as he clenches his fist, presses it against her spread slit, forcing his knuckles between her dripping, spread thighs.  ?Time for more answers now or a serious fist fuck up to my forearm!... It’s up to you!?  Spreading her labia by his other fingers circling above his clenched fist, stretching and twisting the folds of the damp flesh; he scowls as he rams his fist upwards.  ?Now? I need a name of an asshole’s girlfriend you know so I can find him!?


Chapter Four

       Driving down the dark streets he watches the street walkers, the hookers through the freshly tinted glass of what seems like the twentieth or so undercover junker he’s taken from the impounding lot since his ultra secret wrecking crew of a one man task force was conceived between him and the Chief.  Answerable only to him, he listens to the car radio’s fm station; turning off his police radio as he searches for his next prey, knowing once he finds her, this car will be crushed and disposed of like all the rest.

       This time a kind of good looking Hispanic, an acquaintance of his latest ‘informant’ he’s just finished with and who’s on her way to the Orient by now, he smiles as he glances down across the seat at a fairly recent mug shot of the next girl, the smoldering cigarette in his hand barely a nub.  Still not even close to twenty-one, thinking that without the gangbanger’s tattoos and the couple piercings, she could be hot, a looker, instead of the look of a cold blooded bitch.  But then again, she’s soon going to experience how it feels to be on the other end, to be enticed to give up her asshole gangsta boyfriend just like her friend was enticed to do after a couple fun filled days of abuse.

       A slight mist turning into a light but persistent rain, flipping the wipers on, he shakes his head as the passenger side blade scratches annoyingly back and forth across the wet windshield.  The streets following suit begin to rapidly thin out, just a handful of girls standing on the stoops of a few of the semi historic but rundown buildings where this girl’s supposed to be the Queen Bee.  Turning the corner on a red light, passing a marked two man cruiser, he holds the swiveling rear view mirror in his hand as he watches the cruiser’s brake lights flash.  Watching his mirror as he turns another corner, he turns down an alley, sits with his lights off as the marked car drives by.

       Last thing he needs tonight is to screw up a fresh ride, he thinks to himself, be seen stopped by a couple rookie gung-ho cops only to be let go in the hood.  Waiting a few moments, flicking the cigarette out the window as he shifts the column shift into reverse, he glances into the mirror at the sudden image of a girl approaching the rear of the car.  Eyes widening, glancing toward the seat, the folder laying atop his stun gun, he thinks? Holy shit!  His mind races as he slips the stun gun between his jeans, the folder under the seat, barely forcing it through the crap crammed underneath it as she taps on the partially open driver glass window.

       ?Looking or hiding??  The girl gives a fake smile as he cranks the window down a couple more turns as he lights another cigarette.

       ?Maybe both!?  He answers as he glances out at her while reaching under his seat making sure the police radio next to his nine millimeter’s off, amazed at the good fortune of already finding who’s he’s just started looking for.  ?What are you doing girl? Are you looking, hiding, or what??

       ?All depends? Whatcha’ avoiding the Man for anyway??  She scolds as she glances back over her shoulder, then back into the car as the patter of rain splatters across her bare shoulders, already trickling down across her tanned chest, disappearing between her youthful but big, firm melons she’s so adamantly exposing through the clinging wet cloth of her halter to keep his eyes from the alleyway.

       ?Getting those tits wet? Want in out of the rain??  He can’t help smirking as he slips his hand under the seat while watching the mirror, the front and back of the alley, practically chuckling to himself at the thought of this dumb ass cunt thinking she can pull one over on him, like he’s some kind of fool she can help roll.  Pulling out a wad of folded bills with his free hand, he flicks it, slips it back in his pocket as he catches a glimpse of the young punks at either end of the alley clumsily closing in.

       ?Watcha got in mind??  She plays her game, arching her back while barely covering her rock hard nipples showing through the wet top as her eyes momentarily dart back past the rear of the car while giving a quick nod to the shadows.

       ?In or out girl? Two hondo for a titty fuck in my car? Right now? Front seat!?  He smirks, plays her game, the car in gear, his foot on the pedal.  The car held still by the handbrake, he cranes his neck lower, takes a long draw on his Marlboro, watches both ends of the alley though the cracked windshield and the loosely tilted mirror as the silhouettes of the punk thugs slowly approach halfway down either end of the alley alongside a few garbage cans and a couple cardboard boxes.  Thinking quickly, he quips.  ?Hop in or I’m outta here? Those cops could be coming back around the block any minute!... Quick!... What is it?... Gonna let me play with those titties you’re so proud of for a few bucks or what??

       Watching her stepping around the car, hesitating as she again obviously watches the shadows, he flicks his cigarette out the slit of the window, slowly steps on the pedal, lets the car roll slightly backwards as he leans over, releases the door handle.  The door creaking open as he restrains himself from driving away, he blurts.  ?Well?... Hop in or I’m the fuck outta here!? 

       ?Okay? Okay!... But its two big ones? And right now!?  She can’t resist as she rasps, bends across and slips over the front seat, the door slamming shut as he drops it in gear, guns the engine.

       Falling back against the back of the seat, she feels the car crushing a cardboard box, nicking a couple trash cans as it careens down the alley, past one of the ducking punks planning to roll him.  Sliding almost sideways on the rain dampened street, working the steering wheel, a half block or so away, he hits the brakes at the changing light.

       Grabbing the dash, jerking her head back toward the alley, toward her boys left in the alley, she feels the stun gun pressed against the top curve of her damp left breast, the jolting current knocking her against the car door as the front of the car lights up in a blue haze two, three times.

       ?Aaaagghhh!... Agghhh!!!?  Slumping across the seat, her body numb as it reflexively trembles, she momentarily wonders if she’s paralyzed while she lays limp as he slips the cuffs quickly over one wrist, the other, snapping them shut as he’s done at least a thousand times before during his career, not all the time while working.

       Catching a couple green lights, turning on a one way southbound street and he leaves the harsh inner city crime district with his latest prey, almost too easy, too good to be true.  Sometimes luck’s as important as being a good cop, he thinks to himself as he glances toward the dazed girl, her left breast bulging above the tight wet halter, the twin reddish welts to either side of the top of her barely covered thick nipple glistening.

       Holding the stun gun in his right hand, pressing it above the puckered cloth of her damp halter top outlining her jolted nipple, he firmly addresses her.  ?Move? Or open that fucking mouth and I’ll burn that tit up? Understand?... I said understand??

       A micro short burst, her body lurching against the seat again, she grunts, nods without speaking as her head jerks up and down, her hard ass look quickly seeming more like a young girl’s terror.  Cringing against the door, the seat, her hands almost numb already from the tight, metal cuffs, press behind her as tears streak down off her cheeks marring her cheap makeup.

       A short drive, jerking her from the car, forcing her into the vacant building with the stun gun still pressed against her firm breast, guiding her down the double flight of stairs into the subbasement, he approaches the iron door with his prey.  Unlocking it, dragging her by the wrist-cuffs, he forces her to the freshly vacant platform with the pair of wooden crossties; their shackles just recently left open, hanging from both.

       Lowering the stun gun toward her belly button, pressing it inward as she reflexively arches her shoulders forward, he again gives a short flick of the button.

       ?Aaagghh!?  A short squeal, the breath knocked out of her, he drops the instrument, grabs her slumping body across his shoulder, holds her upright between the posts.

       Hastily releasing the handcuffs from behind her back, slipping the leather cuff onto her right wrist attached to the inside of the post that he faces to his left, stretching her left arm up toward the other post from her slumping body, tugging, pulling her bowed body upwards, he fastens that cuff.  Kneeling, cuffing the right ankle, leaning across, spreading her legs, cuffing the left ankle, he stands, tilts her head back by her long black hair.

       Taking a deep breath, a look into her hazed eyes as she begins to collect herself and ?Smack? a harsh slap across her face with his open hand.  Watching her neck twist, her face turn away, he cups his other hand.  ?Smack!?  Stepping toward his gym bag left in the corner, a bottle of water and he uncaps it, soaks the four leather straps attaching the cuffs to the well used wooden posts as he steps around, tugs, stretches the bindings as her body spread-eagles above the floor. 

        ?Okay? Adjusted these cuffs a little tighter? Now to strip you bare assed naked.?  Tearing at her skanky halter, finding the hem to the dark top to thick to rip, he watches a globular bare breast bounce out as he continues.  ?The next few days are going to be memorable to you? Very memorable and painful too? Bitch!?   Flicking out his pocket knife, probing at the cloth with the gleaming razor sharp blade, he jerks the easily sliced damp material from her chest and drops it to the floor.  Slicing precariously close against her thighs, leaving a noticeable reddish scratch up her left leg, he rips her skin tight red shorts away along with the black thong.

       Ignoring her disoriented stare, stepping back a step, glancing her naked body up and down as he steps around her, he slowly shakes his head as he counts the sluttish tattoos across her shoulder, her inner thigh, the ‘tramp stamp’ decorating the small of her back and some punk’s initials above the nipple on her left tit, obviously one of her boyfriend’s.  Again thinking how decent she could look, her naturally tan body actually impressive, firm and unlike most girls, her bare chest fuller looking out of clothes then wearing them, he grips a jiggling breast, feels the almost sponge like resistance against his fingers of the tattooed globe as he squeezes around its base, watches the dark tan nipple spreading, thickening between his fingertips.

       Guessing ‘C’ cups, actually quite large for her slender frame, maybe even D’s, he grips, squeezes the other breast with the same results before releasing it, watching it bounce.  Cupping her chin, lifting her face upwards in his palm, he stares into her once dark brown, but now swollen and reddened eyes, the pupils hazed.  Traces of saliva drooling across her chin as he slips the tattered used ball gag between her stretching lips, he presses her cheeks together between his fingers and thumb, rasps.  ?You’re going to be here for awhile bitch? The bindings attached to these cuffs are going to stay wet so they continue to shrink.?  Fastening the strap behind her neck, checking the left cuffs, the right, he continues.  ?By this time tomorrow you’re going to think your arms and legs are being ripped from their sockets?. But then again that’s just the beginning of your problems.? Cupping both melons, he smiles.  ?These tits are going to have more welts then you can count before I’m done with them!?

       Again stepping back a step, he’s more then satisfied with his work so far, also satisfied that he’ already scaring the shit out of her.  Enjoying the look of sheer terror in her pleading eyes, he steps behind her and waits a few moments without speaking.  As with most of the others before her, he watches as her naked body begins squirming, her clenched fists and toes flexing as she gyrates between the solid posts as she so stupidly struggles to release herself.  Watching her tits bounce, her thighs ripple as her body almost reflexively jerks back and forth, he again paces slowly around the posts, already planning her drawn out interrogation as his cock hardens against the crotch of his jeans.

       Soaking in the looks of his fresh prey as she finally holds still, stares back at him, her body hot, even with the sluttish art work marring her youthful skin, taking his time as he visualizes his plan in his mind, he thinks to himself that he might as well give her a couple or maybe three workouts, harsh workouts before he even starts to question her.  A serious flogging of the tits with a flat strap for a start always draws their undivided attention, especially if he concentrates on their bare nipples, then maybe for her, a nice supple birch switch to sting across the gapping fleshy orifice of her pussy, that’s after he takes a while to tweak out her bikini cut pubic hairs with a set of pliers until its bare and raw, especially jerk a few of the nubs from around her labia.  Then a good hard fuck in both orifices between her stretched thighs to feel how tight she is, and she can remain there spread-eagled for the rest of the night to contemplate just what she’s facing the next day, and beyond.

       Satisfied with his plan, smiling as it seems to always be the same with maybe a minor revision or two, he stands behind her, unzips his trousers and slides his hands down the sides of her naked body.  Letting his fingers slip into the taut flesh curving inward between her ribcage and her hips, letting his firm cock press between her spread legs, flicking it upwards, twisting his hips to brush his swelling shaft back and forth across her spread vagina, he grinds it across the nub of her clit as her body noticeably trembles in front of him, facing the empty table.

       An hour or so of fucking her and he’ll leave her for the night, let the bindings dry and stretch her good and tight, he thinks to himself as his cock hardens between her quivering butt cheeks.

Chapter Five

       Back to back tight pussys he thinks to himself as he pulls into the half empty parking lot in yet another new sled from the impounding lot.  The morning stop at the donut shop, a couple glazed Danish, a cup of coffee, and a Marlboro, the hat trick for a cop and he’s ready for a new day at the office.  A short drive, keys in hand, unlocking the outside deadbolt of the vacant warehouse, down the stairs, unlocking the iron door, flipping the light on from what was pitch darkness and he smiles toward the slumping body between the crossties in his expertly concealed cell.  Head tilted forward, her chin pressing against her sternum between her outthrust breasts; he steps in front of her.

       Her head slowly rising, her stretched body obviously in pain, aching from the bindings drying overnight, shrinking and tugging at her straining arms and legs, he can’t help but noticing her fingers, toes darkening as the leather cuffs sink into her swelling wrists and ankles.  Her naked body hoisted another good couple inches or maybe more in the obscenely spread pose he left her in, her swollen red eyes flutter from the light, blink and blink again as they stare pleadingly toward him, again more like a frightened child’s then a streetwise gangbanger as he notices the puddle of urine on the floor between her stretched thighs.

       Cupping her bare breasts, glancing toward the twin red welts above her nipple from the stun gun, he tweaks that tan nub between his thumbnail and fingernail.  A muffled grunt from around the tattered ball gag, he tweaks the other nipple just a little harsher.  Her eyes blinking, her head tilting back, he slips his fingers from her nipples, reaches behind her neck and unties the strap of the gag.

       ?Not a word bitch? Or I’ll zap both tits until you pass out!... I mean it!?  He orders as he lets the gag drop to the floor, splashing in the puddle of urine.  ?Now that we’ve already been intimate I think it’s time for a little understanding between us.?

       Leaning closer to her face, cupping her chin, he quietly speaks.  ?You’re going to be mounted like this until I’m done with you? Do everything I say? And I mean everything? And just maybe I won’t torture you quite so bad!?  Watching her widening eyes, appreciating the terror of what she’s trying to comprehend, he adds a little more to his threats.  ?Get one thing certain? No matter what? You’re going to be tortured? No way around it? And that’s just because that’s what I like to do!?  Smiling, he adds.  ?Your tits? Cunt? Asshole’s going to get more attention then you can ever imagine.?

       Stripping his shirt, shoes, finally his Levi’s, reaching around and gripping both her butt cheeks, he pulls her taut body toward him.  Feeling her pubic mound pressing against his bulging crotch, sliding his chin across her left shoulder, he nibbles on her ear as her naked breasts flatten against his bare chest.  Squeezing, feeling her trembling body, her heart pounding, he listens to her whimpers, smells the fear with the closeness of their pressing bodies.

       ?I’m going to fuck you again now?  I expect you to fuck me back before I leave again for awhile.?  He whispers.  ?Then latter today when I come back I’m going to whip your pussy with a birch switch until it’s raw!... Then fuck it again while it bleeds.? Holding her tight so he can feel her body shudder as she pathetically groans, he licks her earlobe as his cock flexes between her thighs.  Feeling the dampness of her labia folds stretching around his bulging shaft, he whispers again.  ?I’m not going to forget your titties either?  ?I’ve got something for them as soon as I’m done fucking you? Over the next couple days they’ll be looking like pin cushions between being flogged across the nipples and being pinned!... But for today, if you work ‘em for me real good while we fuck? I’ll just let you use them as candleholders to keep you out of the dark.?

        Another audible moan, her body shaking, he can feel her tears dripping across his shoulders as he sinks his fingernails into her quivering butt cheeks.  ?One last thing for you to think about!?  He adds.  ?I’m going to keep hurting you, fucking you, sodomizing you until you beg me to tell you want I want? Then you’re going to cooperate completely? But for now? I’m just going to fuck you some more.?  Gripping tightly around d her waist, he rams his cock home in a single thrust.


       Sliding out, just a moment of hesitating, thrusting back in, he rams his cock inwards even deeper.


       Sliding his hands from her buttocks, gripping both breasts, he jerks her forward as he leans his shoulders back, thrusts his hips outward.


       Barrowing even deeper, beginning to pump in and out of her quivering slit without hesitating, he stretches her breasts in his clenching fists as he leans back, twisting, tugging at her tit flesh as her body jolts forward from her stretching arms, legs with each savage thrust. Gazing into her hazed eyes, beginning to stroke her in a more relaxing rhythm, he feels his cock throbbing, stretching against her vagina walls.  Grunting, taking longer, slower strokes, he straightens, leans forward against her perspiring chest as he forces the upper curve of the rear of his stiff cock to grind against the nub of her clit.  Tiptoeing, forcing her body upwards as he mounts her, he feels her thighs quivering, her swelling clit reflexively responding as it’s flattened, stretched between his pumping shaft and her pubic bone.

       Her grunts becoming rasps, her breathing heavier, he takes a final, harsh thrust, hesitates before slipping his cock completely free from between her legs and steps back.  Watching her head tilt back, her stomach flexing above her quivering thighs, he decides it’s about time for her first interrogation, then again, maybe right after lunch.  But first, reaching down for the drenched ball gag, stuffing it back inside her mouth and tying its ends behind her neck, he steps back and reaches into his gym bag.  Finding what he’s looking for, he steps back in front of her, between her bare breasts, looks into her widening eyes as he proceeds to manipulate her breasts one at a time to leave her something to think about while he’s gone.


Chapter Six

       Again left alone bound ever tighter between the crossties as the light’s turned off, the metal door’s slammed shut.  The nasty, frazzled ball gag again shoved deep inside her mouth, her body cramps, aches as the bindings continue compressing into her wrists and ankles as she tries to jerk, twist loose.  Gagging from the bitter taste of the soaked gag, her head titled forward, she frantically glances in the flickering shadows of the darkness from one quivering breast to the other, her discolored fingers virtually numb as they flex from the creaking bindings as her heart thumps in her chest at the surreal scene.

       Wide eyed, watching the dull flames barely flickering from the pair of thin whitish colored candles mounted on skewers jammed through her bare breasts, she feels the melting wax tracing downward, pooling across the raw wounds of the impaled nipples, dripping off the jiggling, searing nubs.  The initial pain of her impaled nipples slowly compounds with the heat of the molten wax spreading across her flesh, covering the raw piercings.  Minutes passing, the candles melting, shaking her breasts and arching her back, she frantically tries to flick the accumulating molted wax from the mounting heat of her scorching tit flesh.

       Her straining efforts fruitless, tilting her head back, struggling to breathe, to calm herself, she bites into the ball gag in disgust, tastes the remnants of the acrid fluid collecting beneath her on the floor.  Shaking her head as she forces herself to think, to try to tear loose, a couple deep breathes, tensing her arms, legs, barely raising herself between the pillars, dropping back down, she flexes her shoulders, twists her torso while she grunts through the disgusting gag.  The pain tears through her aching limbs as she again stares down toward the candles flickering above her wobbling breasts, the wax still dripping, still collecting around, dripping from her coated nipples, scorching her tender, raw flesh.

       Another few minutes, another painful attempt for relief, again just more agony without dislodging the shortening candles, her efforts only bringing more excruciating pain from the taut bindings.  Tears streaking down her cheeks, the candles beginning to dim as they burn down ever closer to the glistening wax mounds forming around her nipples, she lets her head tilt back, glances up toward the barely visible ceiling from the flickering candle light she’s letting off.  Acquiescent to the constant ache of her bindings pulsing through her body with each heartbeat, she just slumps between the crossties, closes her swollen eyes as she feels a trickle of warm wax dripping across her twitching stomach, the heat of the nubs of the candles beginning to transfer to the metal skewers impaling her searing flesh.

       The door rattling, being unlocked, she apprehensively glances around as he enters the room, flicks on the light, slams the door behind him.  Grunting, reflexively shaking her breasts as the practically burned down candles still flicker, she stares down toward her breasts, pleadingly back into his eyes as he steps in front of her.  The pain of him gripping, jerking one, then the other skewer out from the mounds of molten wax, she grunts as her raw nipples stretch, twist as he tugs.  ?Aaagghh? Oomph!?

       The pain intense, yet mixed with a sense of relief, twisting her head back and squinting her eyes shut, she hears his sarcastic voice.  ?They’re hour long candles?  Still had a couple minutes left on ‘em.?  Opening her eyes, glancing down toward her searing breasts, she watches his fingers peeling the wax away, melding her breasts as he examines the redness of her flesh, massages the oozing piercings of the nipples.  Again she barely comprehends what he’s saying as her head slumps back.  ?Didn’t want to leave you in the dark again while I was gone!... Next time I might just turn you upside down and use your pussy and asshole for a set of candle holders!?

       Watching him again reaching for his athletic bag, grabbing a clean white towel, a fresh plastic container of rubbing alcohol and stripping the cap, she moans as he soaks a third or so of the cloth.  Dropping the container back into the bag, cupping a breast, he swipes back and forth, ignoring her muffled screams as her body reflexively quivers, her head jerking back and forth.  The pain unimaginable, feeling him gripping her other marred mound, swiping across that nipple, scrapping the remnants of the wax away from the scolded, impaled flesh, her naked body flexes in her restraints as she frantically clamps down into the remnants of the gag gasping for breath.

       The room spinning, darkening, the pit of her stomach churning, she fights back the choking sensation in her throat as her naked body spasms, her brutalized breasts exploding with unmanageable pain.  Head falling back, body slumping, the pain fades along with her consciousness.

Chapter Seven   

       So far so good, he thinks to himself as he takes the time to give her naked body a good long look, stretched between the posts unconscious.  Sliding his fingers across her bare flesh as he sponges it down he appreciates the firmness of her youthful body.  The impossible to duplicate gravity defying breasts only an early developing woman child could develop stand out, separate.  Globular yet natural, in a couple, a few years at the most they’ll undoubtedly be sagging, full of stretch marks, even more tattoos, what a waste.  Continuing across her thighs, between the rounded rumps of her butt cheeks, he sponges the folds of her labia, just puffy enough to barely protrude, perfect for clamps, perfect to be stretched, even pierced.

       Checking her tattoos, shaking his head, he can’t understand why girls like this let punks put their brands on them for life, the same punks who’ll go through one girl after the other, knocking up a few on the side.  One thing though, her punk’s not going to be around long enough, he’ll be paying that table across from her a visit in a day or two.  Then again, she’ll be taking a cruise herself, with a one way ticket.

       Unbinding the mouth gag, again dropping it into the spreading puddle on the floor between her legs, he caressingly sponges her face, swipes across her lips, nose, forehead as he takes in her natural beauty.  A nice slow soothing layer of salve generously applied across her breasts, her swollen nipples, even some between her spread thighs, he feels her semiconscious body responding.  Again, her face appearing calm, not the hard ass look, she’s actually quite pretty, even kind of exotic as she flutters in and out.  The right makeup, without the tattoos, she could have been a model, then again, she’d probably rather be a stripper.

       Her eyes fluttering, the eyelids barely parting, the tip of her tongue’s visible between her spreading lips.  The moisture from the sponge glistening across her face, he leans forward, tilts her head back with his left hand as he presses his lips across hers.  Cupping the tip of her tongue with his lips, gently tugging back, he stretches her tongue outward, nibbles on it with his teeth.  Softly sucking on it, flicking his tongue across it, he hears her moan, feels her breasts’ pressing against his chest.  Slipping a finger between her thighs, flicking her clit, he continues sucking, nibbling on her tongue as her hips twitch, she moans again.

       Thumb and finger manipulating her responding nub, slipping in a couple more fingers into her damp slit, he continues pressing his mouth across hers, continues feeling her reflexive responses.  Hearing her moans, her sighs with each breath, he probes a little deeper, pinches the swelling nub a little harsher.  Enjoying himself but restraining himself, he releases her tongue, slips his hand down from her quivering slit.  Stepping back a step, his eyes fixed on her response, he sees the haziness in her eyes, sees the rippling stomach muscles under her defined ribcage as her head lifts.

       Stepping behind her, out of her view, he smiles.  Now to inflict some more pain, another night of her rollercoaster treatment, everything calculated to mess with her mind.  Tomorrow he’ll be able to lure another punk ass gangbanger into his lair with her help.  Slipping the last cigarette from the crumpled pack, lighting it, tossing the pack on the empty floor, a deep puff and he steps in front of the girl.

       Her expression confused, in pain, in fear, yet having been treated almost tenderly, she watches as he takes another drag, twists the cigarette around.  ?Take a puff!?  Holding it to her lips, watching as she hesitantly sucks in, coughs, he flips the cigarette back around, holds the glowing tip in front of her face.  The smoke trailing upwards, another cough and she turns her head.  A smile, lowering his free hand, cupping, squeezing her left breast, he lowers the lit cigarette between her breasts, toward the swelling left nipple.  The salve still glistening, a tinge of crimson spreading across her areola, he tilts the lit end against the puckering nub.

       The searing sound actually audible, her head jerks back as it takes a moment for the sensation of the burning cigarette to register.  Her raw nipple already seared, the heat of the Marlboro intensifies as he presses inward, forcing the nub of her nipple to invert into her bulging tit flesh.


       Enjoying her scream, letting that tit drop, sway between them, he cups her right breast.  Another squeeze of its base, another long, slow draw off the cigarette, he presses the reddened tip against that glistening nub.  Another moment of the heat transferring through the salve, another escalated searing pain against her already scorched flesh and he’s satisfied with another of her screams.  ?Aaaggghhh!?

       Glancing down at the bent cigarette already half burnt down, he takes another draw, glances at the crumpled package on the floor.  ?Damn? Last one.?  He smirks as he releases her breast, gives it a light smack.  ?No more cigarettes for you tonight!?  The ball gag again picked up off the floor, again stuffed between her lips, he again ties it behind her neck.

       Stepping toward the door, flicking off the light, he lets her hang between the posts to contemplate her treatment, wait for tomorrow.  A last glance, he shuts the door, locks it tight.  As he leaves the building he realizes that by noon tomorrow he’ll have all the information he needs to get the next asshole.

End Part One













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Chloe sits in the bar, attempting to calm her nerves with the drink in front of her. The first one hadn’t had the desired effect, the second was doing a better job but her heart was still going faster than she would have liked and she’d had to put her drink down, the ice had been clinking too loudly from her shaking. As she contemplated a third a voice spoke up behind her, “Hello gorgeous.” Her heart rate spiked and the shaking came back with a vengeance, she didn’t want to turn around, but...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The CurseChapter 18

'Entertain' was the last hit in the alternative charts for Sleater-Kinney, who announced a 'permanent hiatus' soon after in July, 2006. It was a hard driving indictment of the business with a difficult skip beat and a great power riff on the bridge. It ended with a chant, sung over scratchy and discordant guitars. It was a personal favourite of Karen's who'd used Janet Weisz's drumming as a practice piece. Mick thought The Curse's cover of the song had a number of things going for...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Holiday Ch 07

Sunday – Ist Day as BBC slut wife We managed to get up and shower for a late breakfast, and my wife surprised me by not wearing her ever-present bra and panties to the dining room - only a T-shirt and shorts. The waiter, Andre, did his usual flirting, "Missy, ja look especially good this mahning! (his eyes on her chest) Didja have a fine night?" She blushed, and I thought her nipples pushed harder against their slight covering. "Yeah, I did!" she answered. "A fine Jamaican night, Missy?" he...

2 years ago
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Valentine Magic

"How come I don't have a body like Summer's," Amanda wondered as she stared at her wet, naked body in the mirror. She turned a little sideways and frowned as her breasts barely stuck out from her chest. Her hair hung wetly down just to her shoulders, framing her oval face. She wrinkled her nose as she wished for the sprinkling of freckles over her nose and cheeks to just disappear. Methodically, she blow-dried and brushed her dark blond hair, fussing with it until it curled just slightly...

3 years ago
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Meri Padosan Sangita

Us society ka naam Aman Society tha aur real mai wahan se sab dharam ke log aman shanti se rehte thay. Sab log ekdusre ke kaam aate thay,sab festivals milke dhum dham ke saath manate thay. Jab koi bhi dispute hoti to sab log ek saath milke solution dhoondte aur problem ka faisla karte. Isse koi bhi baat haath se jyada bahar nahi jati. Society ke 3rd floor pe apni biwi aur beti ke saath rehte thay Mr Pramod Bhosale. Woh sushil swabhav ke pati patni job karte thay. Unki beti Sangita,ab HSC pass...

3 years ago
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Dominated By My SonChapter 6 A Reluctant Mother

Time passed blissfully; with Helen as a partner in slavery the boys didn't wear me out quite so much, not that this did me much good. Being less tired from the attentions of the club my son took me with even greater frequency. And I loved every blessed moment of it, as did Helen! In the periods when the boys as a group or our sons weren't using us individually Helen and I would get together and chat, our conversations spanning normal everyday things and the delightful things our sons were...

2 years ago
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Feeding TimeChapter 5

Some greater power must have intervened in the next week and a half. Wendy and her beautiful, thirsty niece seemed to be in different orbits. Jenna spent several days and nights at Taylor's house, and even took a weekend with their family when they went out of town to a resort in New Jersey. Wendy did miss her-she was a remarkable and very helpful young lady-but when all her feelings about Jenna's absence were distilled, it was relief that was left. She was stressing to some extent, about...

4 years ago
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Punishment ParkChapter 8

Tanner surveyed the park he’d created from on high as he took the rope by Georgina’s hand on those final three occasions, having little regret at his humiliating usurping by a dominant woman; she having had him succumb to his previously guarded pleasures of submission, his ever growing masochism teased to a fine zenith on seeing the smug and leering faces of womanhood as he spend his seed as though it were his last, bound, gagged, and struggling, suspended on the taut noose for their...

4 years ago
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Moms Boy

I'm a 51 year old married man of 25 yrs. with 3 k**s the youngest 13. I love my wife and would not hurt her, but, if she found out what I have done she would never forgive me. Our sex life is not that great, maybe once or twice a month, by mutual agreement. I do use viagra with some results. We live in N.C. and my folks live in Va. We go to Va. every other Chistmas. Last year was a Va. Christmas. We stay a week. My mom is 70 and my dad is 76. My dad and I are about the same physical size, both...

4 years ago
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Diary of erotic self torture

Since I didn't like your comment of "you suck" I am going to do the self torture today Diary of self torture ? I have read about this and have gotten so hot, I decided to try it.? There are 3 sessions.? The first I am completely alone. The idea is to lock myself into some form of self torture with the keys frozen in ice.? I must wait until the ice melts to get free.??? In the second and third, a friend, Lori assists as you will see.? She controls the key.Session OneIt is now about 8:30...

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What an amazing night!I was still new to my job as Senior Artworker, and I was told that I had to attend a series of meetings with one of our clients - down south - somewhere in Northamptonshire. I was going to be there for a few days. That was going to be a gruelling five-hour drive. As I ran this through my mind, I realised that there was one bright spark on this trip and her name was..... (let's call her Jessica.)"Jessica" and I had met online about a year ago and hit it off almost...

2 years ago
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Interrogating You

You are a mess, a beautiful mess, but still a mess.Your arms and legs are tightly secured to floor and ceiling to form a human “X”. Your hair is damp and limp. A light sheen of sweat covers your nude body in the flickering candle light. I do love the ambience that candles give to an interrogation, don’t you?I must say, the glistening sweat on your tightly stretched limbs really brings out your muscle tone. Have you been working out? Difficult for you to answer with the ball gag in place, but it...

2 years ago
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Harleys House of Whores

While on a mission to stop Poison Ivy from dosing Gotham's water supply with a dangerous toxin, Batman and Robin have gone missing and Alfred has called in Batgirl to help find them. "I'm so sorry for interrupting your birthday celebrations, Ms. Gordon, but I was unsure of where else to turn." The butler says humbly. "It's alright Alfred, " The redhead replies as she pulls her cowl over her face, "the party was kind of a bust anyway." She heads over to her motorcycle and gets on. "Send their...

4 years ago
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A Very Special Birthday Present

It was my fortieth birthday and my sweet husband Kumar had promised me a very special present. I wondered what it might be — a nice meal in an expensive restaurant perhaps, or a weekend of pampering at a health spa. Whatever it was , I knew that in his thoughtful way he would choose something very memorable, but I was not prepared for the night of pleasure that was his gift to me.First I should tell you a little about us. We had met fifteen years earlier when I was working as a nursing sister...

3 years ago
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Fucked Horny Maaya Aunty

Hi to all ISS readers and I welcome you to my fucking paradise story. Myself I am Michael George and this is my another new story which was happened a month ago. Let me tell about myself, my stats are 5.10 height with good looking physique and handsome looks and here comes my dynamite cock with 7.8 inches ready to deliver any kind of women on earth. So for comments or any sex related things please feel free to knock knock at and your details are quite safe with me Now turning back to the...

2 years ago
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My little sister Lily Chapter 2 Lilys first lover0

She smiled at me. “What’s that?” I returned the smile. “Breakfast, silly.” I sat down on the bed and passed her a plastic bowl with her ‘skillet’ in it. “Yum, avocado.” She crawled onto the blankets and over to me, she kissed my cheek and I couldn’t help but stare. This was the first time seeing my sister and lover naked from head to toe. She smiled when she realized I was inspecting her body. I ate slowly and watched her. She gave me a show. She sat cross legged so I could see everything...

3 years ago
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My Tryst With the Professor Part II

Lexi was on Cloud 9 as she walked to her Introduction to Political Science class the next Monday morning. All of her relentless teasing had finally paid off, since she had spent the entire weekend, plus the couple of nights leading up to it, in bed with Dr. Claar. She smiled to herself, remembering the achingly slow way he teased her their first night together, not even a week ago. His lips explored every inch of her body, driving her wild with desire. And when he made his way back to her...

4 years ago
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Flashing a New Friend Part 1

Flashing a New Friend – Part 1 I had been in an online chat room talking with a bunch of guys about our wives. I began chatting with one guy, Cody, in particular. We had many similar interests. We both thought our wives were hot, and told each other about them. We shared what turned us on and what our wives enjoyed sexually. We eventually traded pics of us as couples. Cody and his wife made a very good-looking couple. I knew that Kelly, my wife, would also think they were attractive. I told...

4 years ago
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Remote ViewingChapter 6

Early Monday morning it was back to the grind. I was still in a good mood having gotten to know Tom and Courtney... or, as I should start calling him: Ben. He has changed his name to Ben Porter, now. I spent the night Saturday, and learned still more about him on Sunday. For example, he had technology from the future! His car was amazing, as was his personal computer. He seemed to have a small arsenal to draw on, and I now had a way of communicating with him that was not only secure, but no...

1 year ago
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Daddys baby girl all grown up

This story is complete fiction. My name is Katherine Isabella. Or Kat. I am 17 years old and very mature for my age. My mother left us 3 years ago due to some guy sweeping her "off her feet". Dumb cunt. Anyway, my father is 32 years old, well built, with dark black hair and grey blue eyes which are intensely sexy. He's always spoiled me and given me everything I wanted. A gorgeous wardrobe, shoes, room and everything. He had just left for work not knowing what I was going to do. Last night I...

2 years ago
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Honey the 100lb Popsicle

I saw her the first time she walked in, of course. I expressly design my classroom so there is a door at the back. Most of my students make an effort towards attendance and punctuality, and there's no need to embarrass them by having to interrupt the class and slink down to their seat. And I really don't want some poor woman, for example, whose period started unexpectedly to have to walk all the way to the front of the room and across to the door with blood running down her legs and her face...

4 years ago
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A Visit to Germanys Sex Doll Brothel

Meet Elena, 168 centimetres of flame haired sex doll complete with ample bosom and a butt tight enough to crack the toughest of nuts. Sadly, she is not my doll, but I did enjoy the pleasure of an hour and a half in her company, thanks to Germany’s only bordello staffed by dolls. Elena, for want of a better description, is a working girl, a TPE temptress who turns tricks.Elena entertains her clients at the aptly named Bordoll, a brothel hidden away in the suburbs of the industrial city of...

2 years ago
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chennai sexy black aunty

Dear friends, this is Yuva Raj, living in Chennai city. I am aged 25 now and average looking with slim athletic body of 6’2 in height and weighing 70kg. I am basically a software engineer and working in Chennai itself. I don’t know why, but I have great passion about sex. Right from the moment I became a big boy, I took interested in sex and explored the ways of intimacy between a man and woman. This is one of my successful attempts in seducing a mature house wife and fucked her.I was staying...

2 years ago
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The Virginity Ultimatum

Let's face facts. Your father was a horndog. An absolute, sleazy, four timing bastard. A completely immoral fuckmachine with an inner compass that always led him to the direction where the sex stuff was happening. You really had to wonder how the hell he did it for so long. Four seperate girls all at the same time within a three year time span. None of them even found out until after he died, when they all met up pregnant during the funeral. Amazing how the bastard worked. You wished you had...

3 years ago
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Savita ka pyar

Hallo my sex readers ye koi story nahi hai ye mere or meri savita ki prem kahani hai.ye bat un dino ki hai jab maine service join ki thi.ek bat main aap ko batana bhul gaya ki meri age 38 hai aur main gujrat me jamnagar district ka hu.mob.no.9998200728 ye mera contact no. Hai. Meri premkahani padhne ke bad sayad har lady ko mujse milne ki itcha ho sakti he.ab hum kahani ki or chalte hain.subah2 jab main apne kam per pahuncha to jaise hi apne dept.ke sidhi pe paun rakkha to kisine muje aawaz...

2 years ago
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The professor and the student

College was great and had many sexy very developed girls. The professor was hot and the girls all had a crush on him. One girl sat in the front row and wore no panties and spread her legs for him to see. He told her she would have to come to his office after school as he needed to punish her. At four o’clock she knocked on his door and he let her in. He shut the door and locked it. She was a sexy thing with big full tits and a round ass and her pussy was shaved as he could see with her legs...

1 year ago
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Goody episode 2

Introduction: Dot found her first job and a new friend in Goody To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass. They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed MomChapter 4

She was in the kitchen fixing dinner when Ralph got home. He gave her a perfunctory kiss on the cheek, said he has glad to be home and he would be in the den going over some papers and to call him when dinner was ready. So, what else is new She thought as She mashed the potatoes. The afternoon had been a rousing success from a sexual standpoint. She had especially liked the part where Dirk had eaten her pussy after having cum in it three times. It made her feel kinky, which in turn kept her...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 28

Beep ... Beep ... Beep... When I awoke I was in another hospital bed dreaming about committing murder against the inventor of the beeping machine - again. There was no pain, however. I liked waking up in a hospital without serious pain. It was novel. As was my custom, I took inventory. Arms, legs, hands, feet, head, eyes, ears ... All present and accounted for. There were three IV poles, a computer monitor keeping track of everything from my breathing, to my blood pressure, and a monitor on...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 966

Money Alert Please, I repeat, please, DO NOT use the $1, $20, $50 or the $100 bills as they have pictures of former slave owners on them! Send them all to me and I will dispose of in the proper manner!!! Do not just throw them away as they need to be disposed of properly and I am certified to do so. E-mail me for a discreet method of transfer. Thank you for your patriotism. Compliments of Allan B How Government Works Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle...

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Snatched off the street

Never take a shortcut you aren’t’ familiar with was what I was taught as a young k**. ‘Don’t go down dark alleys.’ ‘Always walk where other people are, in a crowd or something’ Well this time I didn’t listen to that warning, and cut across some train tracks to save some time going home in Brooklyn, NY one night. No one was around, late afternoon, so I thought, why the hell not. I was walking down an empty street lined with trailers left behind by trucking companies that closed for the day....

1 year ago
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Teenager8217s Journey to Eternal Love 8211 Part ll

And after a few days, Arman did it quite impressively. That day of every week our batch’s classes started an hour later than whole college, but that morning Neha Sameer Zahid and Faiz messaged me that there is a workshop which would start an hour before college and so I should be at the basement auditorium at 8.30. I thought its normal and reached there. I was surprised coz I was alone there in cold and whole college was empty. Then when I was looking here and there, I noticed various kinds of...

3 years ago
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The Love of Cock

My neighbor and best friend Josh introduced me to beating off and then sucking his cock when we were young and this became an almost daily ritual until we were seniors in high school, when I exchanged sucking his cock for eating pussy. He was the more dominate one and, though he would often suck me, it was my responsibility to take his cock and cum. Over time we became less cautious in where I sucked him. He often spent the night at my house and after my parents went to bed in the next room...

3 years ago
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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 14

It did not take long, once the Wizard Eliun had introduced himself, for the rest of the crowd to disperse. "They'll be back at dinner time," Fenthil offered as he too prepared to leave. He paused at the doorway and looked back at me. "This is communal living for the most part, Pacasin. A small community of the elderly men and women, who for the most part, had only one hard choice outside of accepting a life in the hermitage. Remember that while you're here, please." I nodded bowed to...

2 years ago
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HornetChapter 8

During the next three weeks, we "reasoned" with some of the other pushers at school, and we were able to convince most of them that we were serious about coming down hard on drug pushers. The few that refused to cooperate and stop selling drugs were treated the same way that Ed Boson had been. When the word got around about just how painful it was to have your elbow broken, the drug supply in school dried up to the point that the only drugs brought in were by users who just had to have a...

4 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 5 Planning for Change

Sharon did not implement Ann’s advice immediately. She knew that they couldn’t afford it. The cost of completely replacing her wardrobe would have been the financial blow that would break their back. Instead, she went through the house for a week making an honest assessment of what they owned. At the end of the week, she came to the conclusion that her house was filled with junk that was never used. For the next week, Sharon started planning how to change her situation. At first, it seemed...

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Girlfriend Ki Gand Maari

By : Yashverma4550 Hello friend’s mera naam Yash Verma h or me bhopal se hu b.e 3rd yr ka student hu mujhe chudai krna bhut pasand h agar koi b ladki under 22 sex karna chahti h to banda hazir h.meri story aapko kaisi lagi meri id pe zaroor mail krke btana meri id h.meri physique 5.11 ht wheatish rang or lund 6.5 h or meri gf 5.5 ki h or 32 28 34 ka fig h bhut sexy h or cute b. Ab me apni story pe aata hu.ye incident tb hua jb me 2nd yr me tha me ek ladki pooja ko bhut pyar krta tha par wo...

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Discovering My Mother Is A Slut

By : Momlover55 Before you scroll the page down and go into the main story pls give a read to the preface. Preface: I never though I would get such a response to my previous stories, yes, I made more than 50 friends through my previous two stories, thanks a lot for your comments that you sent to my mail. You can check the other stories by the author” tab and read my previous stories. Most of us like incest stories don’t us? Specially the slut-mother stories? But there are also quite a lot us...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 493 Screw Science

Fucking for science, that is a new one. I moved behind the first of the girls and gently placed my hands on her tits. Her nipples were already rock hard. Over the heavily padded thing there, she bent forward and reached between my leg to put my dick in her mini volcano. A backward push slid two inches inside her. She started rocking her hips to get more of me in her. When she started doing all the work, to fuck her pussy with my dick, I got a good hold on her hips, and then we got into the...

2 years ago
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Imagining You Having Me

It is late, I'm so very hot and I'm thinking of you. I so wish that you were here, I would give anything to have you with me, to feel your strong hands touching me, touching my body, to feel your breath on my skin, to feel your lips against mine. I have imagined what it would be like, and I just know that it would be incredibly erotic, so sensual.The room is completely dark and silent. I lay back on the bed and close my eyes, I am imagining that you are here, right next to me.I caress my neck,...

4 years ago
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My Vacation 05

My Vacation 05 We awoke Tuesday morning rather early considering we were both on vacation. I was the first up, so I decided to start some breakfast. I quietly slipped out of bed, and stepped into the slippers. I grabbed my robe, and headed for the kitchen. Of course the first stop was to use the bathroom, where I had a minute to again admire how I looked. And that thought added a spring to my step which added to the bounce in the chest area. I was thoroughly enjoying the...

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