ReflectionsChapter 5 free porn video

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I had gotten instantly hard when she came into focus on the computer screen. That outfit was hot but then the erection slowly faded as she sucked on that obscene dildo and by the time she started to berate me, it was gone. I guess I'm not voyeur type – certainly not via web cam.

I was pretty sure I could get out of here tomorrow right after lunch. Frank could handle the rest. The customer was happy that I had made the trip and that is all what counted. I just wasn't ready for a confrontation that I knew was coming once I got home. Maybe I'm a wimp after all. Just don't know.

Things went well for most of the day. I had kept my reservation for the red eye flight and sent a text to Clarissa with the flight no and asked her to arrange for the limo to meet me at the airport.

There were delays and weather issues and it was almost seven in the morning when I walked into the house. Clarissa had just come out of the shower and was getting dressed to go to work.

"Baby, I'm happy you're home safe."

The hug and kiss was nice and I started to feel the pressure in the CB building up.

"Why don't you fix us some breakfast while I finish getting dressed."

"Sorry baby, I had the flight from hell and I just want to take a shower and crash. I'll use the guest bath and bed. Where you able to get some time off for this afternoon?"

She looked stunned – another refusal to comply.

"Yeah OK, I thought we could talk over breakfast but I understand. I'll be home around three this afternoon."

I just left my bag in the hallway, stepped into the guest suite and closed the door behind me.


I was stunned by his refusal to make us breakfast. Sure he was tired but that had never stopped him before. He was different, distant. What is going on? Is my marriage to this wonderful guy really in trouble? Did I again push too hard. I'm going to have to prepare myself for the worst and see if I can salvage this thing. I was having a really great time being the bitchy Domme and throwing him an occasional bone of TLC. Is that who I want to be?

For most of our marriage the occasional Mistress/slave weekends were truly enough. So why this change in my attitude, my desires?

I started to get an idea of what Terry was going through. He kept telling me that he was confused by his reactions to the various things we had done over these last 10 days. Maybe we do need to talk but I'm not going to give much. We have an agreement and have he'll have to use the safe word.

Maybe that is a good strategy this afternoon, challenge him. Ask him if he's using a safe word to get this time for a discussion. Put him a bit on the defensive.

I got home shortly after three and Terry was in the kitchen by the coffee maker getting ready to pour himself a cup.

"Hi babe, can I have a kiss and a hug. Kinda missed that this morning."

He just smiled and opened his arms. I was a bit pissed that he didn't come to me but decided to cool it for now. I really had no idea where his head was at this time.

The kiss and hug was really nice – eventually we separated.

"Clarissa, what would you like to drink? I've got fresh coffee, a soda, wine?"

"Hmm, I think for right now coffee sounds good. Mind if I get out of my work clothes before we start?"

"Not at all, go right ahead. I'll fix your coffee."

I went upstairs and quickly shed my work clothes but kept the stockings and high heels. Threw a see through robe over, pinched my nipples to make them extra hard and went back down stairs. Let's see if can't addle his mind with my hot looks.

"Hmm babe, thanks for the coffee. Like always it's just perfect."

I sat down across from him and in the process managed to accidently pop out one of my nips from under the bra. I saw him look – positive that by now his cock was doing another stress test on the CB – and ignored both him and the nipple while concentrating on my coffee.

"So baby, is this a 'safe word' kind of talk?"

"No, not jet. It kind of depends where it goes. Right now I'm looking at it as a 'time out' as specified under our agreement."

"OK, I can accept that for now but if the talk goes some place I don't care for I'll stop it and won't continue unless you use a 'safe word' at that time. OK?"

"Sure, I understand. I would appreciate it if you let me talk without interrupting. I've got some things on my mind that I need to put out there. I promise I'll listen to your response the same way. Once that is out of the way we can have a give and take kind of talk if it is still needed."

He took a sip from his coffee.

"Clarissa, I'm really unhappy and very disappointed in you. I don't think you have been totally honest with me and that hurts."

I started to say ... He held up his hand.

"Remember, no interruptions please."

I nodded

"Like I was saying your deception hurts. You denied the other day that you had an agenda with this whole chastity thing. I just don't believe you. I think you are working on getting me to accept being a cuckold. Please don't deny it. I'm not stupid. That little stunt with the big dildo and web cam. Your eagerness to get back to that meat market where you flirted with those three guys. The way you were pissed when I objected. These are all signs."

"I know nothing happened, but what about the next time? I can tell you right now that if one day you tell me you are going fuck XYZ whether I agree or not, we are done. I'll have you served so quick with divorce papers that it will make your head spin."

"I'm not saying that you don't have some very small chance that I might – that is a very, very small chance – agree to being an occasional cuckold. The thing is that if I agree and again a very BIG if and I don't like it are you prepared to stop? Because if I ask you to stop and you don't we are done."

"The thing that troubles me most is, why would you want to?"

"Am I such a lousy lover? Have you lied all these years about my 'skills' to make you cum? You know how fragile my ego is. How I need constant assurance of your love. Is that the problem? Am I too needy?"

"Taking a lover is not going to help at all. I know I have a submissive streak and sure as hell have enjoyed our FemDomme games. Those kinky long weekends are really fun for me. But what you have tried to put me through these last few days was not."

"I know, I've agreed to the chastity trial thing and right now I have no intention of backing out but if you turn into a 24/7 bitch I will pull the plug on it. You will have to find ways to make it fun for me."

"I suspect that you're trying to break down my will power with your constant teasing – you're doing it now. The old Clarissa would thrown on one of my old extra large tee shirts and come down bare foot or wearing flip-flops, not that flimsy thing that you are wearing over your bra and panties, stockings and the 'fuck me' pumps."

"That's why you were so upset about the trip. I took three nights away from you where could work on me. Get him horny 'til he can't stand it anymore and he'll agree to be a cuck in exchange for a blow job and if you absolutely had to – a mercy fuck before locking me back up. Is that the plan?"

Terry had gotten pretty agitated during the last few sentences. He paused and took a sip of his coffee, then took a deep breath.

"Clarissa, I just don't know what your aim is and most importantly WHY?

"You better have some really good explanations and just the right words to convince me that this is a good thing for us because right now you are slowly killing me. I've got a thousand little cracks in my heart – mostly from you not being honest with me."

"OK, your turn – I hope you make it good. I hate to lose you but if I feel you are trying to deceive me, I'm going to pull the plug on this whole experiment and who knows if we can put the genie back into the bottle."

I just sat there in stunned silence – he had thrown down the gauntlet. He was ready walk out of our marriage. Suddenly I realized that I really had hurt him by not being honest. I had been a selfish bitch these last few days. I need to fix this. But how?

"Baby, I think I need a glass of wine after this – no stay down. I'll get it myself. Want any? A refill on your coffee?"

He just nodded and I poured him a new cup. Black as his soul as he likes to say. That is his coffee. He teases me all the time about all the stuff I put in there. He calls it "dessert" not coffee.

I took a sip of my wine and realized that I had stalled long enough and better started talking.

"Babe, Terry my love please, please believe me that I did not – no sorry, that is not true. Yes I lied to you when you asked me if I have a master plan. You know me too well. I don't do anything spontaneous except sex with you. I always have a plan."

"So please accept my apologies for lying to you. I should not have done that. It was stupid. I swear it was the first and only time ever."

"So yes, the plan was – is? – to get you to accept being my cuckold. It has nothing to do with you not being enough for me. Hell, 'til now you've been the best fuck I've ever had. Add to that that you can switch from animal like fucking to being the greatest seducer and lover is clearly a bonus for me. You do anything for me in the sex department and do it really, really well. So baby, please no insecurities there. You are a top notch lover. Period."

"It certainly is NOT a size thing. Please babe believe me. Your cock is the perfect size. I adore your cock."

A look of doubt clouded Terry's face.

"You are thinking of that big black dildo you never saw before that I had on Monday night for the cam show. That was just part of the game. I've never had it more than maybe a third inside me when I was trying it out. It doesn't do a thing for me. Like I said it was part of the game. Just think, all the different toys that I have, except for that new one, are more or less the same size as your cock. That is what I'm comfortable with. So please no inferiority complex about cock size."

"So why risk all that for a fling?"

"Just like you being confused about your subbie side, so am I to a small degree about my Domme side."

"I want to know what it feels like to get fucked by some guy who really doesn't care about me. Doesn't care if it hurts or not, if I get off or not. Just get fucked by some truly Alpha kind of guy. I had forgotten about it but I experienced it once way back during my first year in college. Some tight end from the foot ball team. Hot looking but a real loser in the personality department. Every girl on campus was after him. So he'd fuck them once maybe twice. If they were really hot three times but that was the max."

"About four weeks ago one of our customers brought a new guy along and he reminded me of that guy. Brought back memories. Actually my panties got flooded during lunch because of this guys attitude. His boss tried to reign him in but did not have much luck."

"I just sat there and thought back of those three nights – yes I was a three nighter for that jerk back in college and how much I enjoyed those."

"His boss later came into my office and apologized for the guy. Told me that he would have never hired the guy but his dad owns half of the company. I told him that it was OK, that I was a big girl with a very thick skin – so not to worry. That I appreciated his concern and position and that we were all good."

"Well I wasn't. I made three or four trip to the bathroom and got myself off thinking of that guy back in college. I don't even remember his name. But it all came back. His attitude and the way he took total control of me. He wasn't abusive but there was no doubt in my mind that I would do whatever he wanted from me."

"You may remember that night. You came home late after a dinner meeting and I virtually raped you in the entrance hallway between the garage and the kitchen."

Terry smiled – he remembered.

"Yes, I do remember. I wondered what had gotten into you that night but I sure as hell enjoyed the ride."

"Anyway, that got me thinking. What if can get Terry to agree to being my cuckold. To have a chance to every so often trying to relive those three nights."

Terry took a deep breath – I knew he was going to say something.

"Hold it babe. Remember we both promised to not interrupt."

"I don't mean that I even remotely was thinking of a three night kind of thing. No one night at a time is just fine. Just to experience once again submitting to some guy who really doesn't give a shit other than to get his rocks off.

"Look babe, I know you can be that guy – well sort of – you can fuck like an animal and take me special places but if you perceive even the slightest idea that you might have hurt me because I made a different sound. You stop and ask me if I'm OK. It's in your nature. You can't help it. That is what you will do. That is a big reason why I love you so much. You care. You want me to be happy and satisfied."

"You might try after our conversation tonight but you won't succeed. Sooner or later you'll screw up and ask if I'm OK and the magic is gone."

"Can you understand that?"

There is absolutely no danger to your ego. I love you and always will. You are the greatest lover any girl – well any girl that doesn't have fantasies of almost being raped – could have. Yes I think that is a good way to describe what I'm trying to say, what I think I need."

"Consensual rape"

"OK, now you know. I have no idea if once is enough and I'll be good for another ten years or if the first and second guy don't come up to my expectations, that I'll give up. Just don't know."

"Would I want you there watching tied to 'cuck chair' like in our role play games? Again, not completely sure. Certainly not if it would stress you to the point that you use a safe word."

"Certainly the Domme side of me likes the idea of having you helplessly watch. Yes it does. I feel my pussy getting wet thinking about it. But the thing is that it's my submissive alter ego that is looking for this, the driving force behind his. Not the Domme. So I'm not sure if I would want you witnessing me being submissive to some guy. It might ruin the mystique of being your Goddess. Can you understand my confusion?"

Before he could say anything, I continued.

"Maybe – depending how things develop there could be two versions of cuckolding in our future. One where I'm just the subbie slut to some animal without you around and the other where once in while we take our role play into real time. Like I said I think I would enjoy that but if it doesn't do a thing for you than it would be off the table."

I took a deep breath.

"Any questions?"


"Now I need a drink and a bit of thinking. I'm going to get myself a drink and my pipe and go out on the patio."

The old pipe ploy. Well at least I knew he was taking me seriously.

Why the old pipe ploy. In his last year of high school he spent the summer vacation on a tramp steamer in Mediterranean with one of his friends whose dad was the captain. He had told me the story a long time ago. They were in some bazaar in Tangiers and he was going to buy a copper plate for his Mom. The guy had given him a price but before he could hand him the money, his pipe went out. So Terry first futzed with the pipe. The thing is that the seller got concerned about the sale and dropped the price and when there was no reaction, he dropped it some more. Terry being a smart boy suddenly caught on – that's an Arab and he expects to haggle. So some more stalling, more price drops. The end of the story he bought that plate for half of the original price.

Terry doesn't smoke all the time but once in a while he does. It's clear that he'll use that pipe from time to time to gather his thoughts. Gain some time. Once I accompanied him on a business trip to China and during negotiations he did the same thing. It's almost like the Indians smoking the piece pipe. They all sit around the table and pass cigarettes around before starting the serious talks. Terry always declines and fires up his pipe. Funny thing, every time he needed some time to think over a proposal his pipe needed attention. Obvious hesitation would have cost him face – by working on his pipe, he got around that.

So I poured myself another glass of wine and also cut up some cheese and grabbed a plate with crackers to take out with us while Terry got his pipe and single malt.

By an unspoken agreement we sat across the table from each other, rather than our usual lounge chairs. We were still negotiating. Terry got his pipe going – I do love the smell of the tobacco that he uses – and had a sip of his drink.

We sat across from each other in total silence for what seemed an eternity but probably was no more than five minutes.


Oh how I wished he would call me Darling, Princess or the best Goddess.

"Clarissa, OK now I know why, at least I think so. What you have told me sounds reasonable so I'm going to accept it. But how are you going to deal with my insecurities? You know they will become an issue sooner or later, especially if your needs as you perceive them become stronger because maybe the first few guys don't measure up to your expectations."

I've told you before, watching you flirting has a certain appeal to me, at least for now. It may get old really quick. Just don't know. But anything beyond that does not. I don't think I ever want to watch you with some other guy. But that situation is still a long way off".

"So tell me, how do see this thing working? What did you have in mind in case I agree to this?"

"Babe, I think what I would like to do is for the rest of the day – I mean after we've gotten to some form of agreement – is to have a swim, maybe a nice massage from you. We can go out to dinner, throw some burgers on the grill or call for Chinese. I don't care. After dinner I would like you to provide your Goddess with the best oral services ever. Show her what she could lose if she lets this fantasy of hers get out of hand."

I saw a frown on Terry's face and there was an increase in the amount of smoke. Not sure if he was getting aggravated or excited by the picture I was painting.

"Relax babe, please let me finish. After a certain number of orgasms and a bit of relaxing I'm going to unlock that beautiful cock of yours and I'm going to drain it 'til I'm 100 percent sure that you won't be able to get it up again for at least six hours or so. Just like last Saturday – no holes barred. Just one thing babe. Please don't try to be the macho beast I told you that I needed. It won't work and we both will wind up disappointed or worse. No I want you to be the caring lover that I so adore and cherish."

He relaxed a bit, had sip on this drink.

"OK, so far I'm with you. I can do that. Then what is next."

"Tomorrow, I turn into the Bitch Goddess. I'm going to verbally humiliate you, tease and taunt you. Trash talk, like never before and when I get bored with that, send you off to the other room to sleep. The last thing you'll hear before falling asleep is me getting off with my dildo calling for my lover to fuck me harder, make me his slut..."

"It's going to be rough on you and really hope that you will accept the treatment and look at it as 'foreplay'.

"I book to adjoining rooms in the hotel with the 'meat market' as you called it. The place is far enough of the beaten path that the chance of running into friends or acquaintances is rather remote. I most certainly do not want to broadcast to the world that I'm having an affair. We open both connecting doors. This is my security blanket. I want you to be able to come to my rescue if the guy turns out to be more than I can or want to handle."

"We have a nice dinner, I'll continue to tease you but not to the point that people will notice. Then we have a repeat of the last time. I get up to go to the Lady's room but head from there to the bar. After you pay the bill, you go and find a seat at one end of the bar away from me and just sit and watch. Only sodas for you from that point on. You can talk to people but turn down any advances from any of the sluts there. I'm sure you'll be hit on. I don't care what you tell them but do not go and dance with any of them."

"When I find the guy that I think will fit the bill I'll come up to you and let you know we're going to my room. It will be humiliating. The guy may say something. I want you to take it. Don't react. I'll reign him in if I think it's too much. Give me about ten minutes, then come up to the other room and wait. Listen and wait."

"I'll insist on his wearing a condom and my ass of off limits to him. It belongs to my loving husband."

I had a wicket grin on my face.

"Babe, I need you to go out and buy those condoms tomorrow. Get a nice assortment of sizes, will you."

"Now, I won't be surprised if the guy tells me around eleven that he has to leave, get home to his suburban wife and kids. I'll shower, make sure I'm totally clean and sweet smelling before I join you in the other room. There will be no sex but we'll cuddle as if we had had a marathon fuck. We'll get up early in the morning so that you can make your golf game. In other words. A very normal Saturday. Well almost normal ( I had a wicket smile on my face) there will be a week's worth of my undies that need washing when you get back from your game."

"We'll have a chance to talk about what happened the night before. I know it's not easy for you but I really would like you to try to put your feelings into words. It will give me some guidance of where to go with this whole thing."

"Same for Sunday, a normal Sunday, no Goddess stuff and we share the paper as always."

"Do you think that you could try to do this for me? Be a cuckold for one night, to see how we both feel about it after. Please."

I got up and planted myself on Terry's lap, made him put his pipe away and started to place soft gentle kisses all over his face.

He took my head into his hands and moved away so that he could look into my eyes.

"I can stop this any time I want to by using the safe word?"

"Yes darling – any time".

"I will stop the cuckolding but I cannot promise that our marriage will ever be the same. I will have tasted power I never had before. To be brutally honest, I don't know if I could give that up. I just don't know."

"There is no 'reset to factory defaults' button for us. I know it's a big risk that I'm taking. The problem that I see is that the same risk exist if we don't do this thing. In the first place I may resent you for taking the power away from me and if we don't do this at all I may grow resentment towards for not letting me have this power trip in the first place."

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“If its bride is my wife, the house takes my life,” Maxamed rocked back and forth on his sofa, whispering to himself in the dark room. “It’s a colonizer. My nation but its plantation. The house will furrow into her soil a crop of toil.” He wasn’t sure what he was saying. “The house will supplant me as it delves her. I have seen it. That is prophesy. I have a foretoken. The house has spoken.” “Maxamed?” Khadra walked into her living room and switched on the light. “Who are you talking...

4 years ago
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omg waht a good friend i have

a few nights a go a round 2am i was going to the gas staon to get some chips and pop as a late night snack when i see a friend of mine i call her jen wont say real name any way she was buying some cigs to smoke i can tell she been crying face was red i ask her if she had been and she said yes i ask y and she told me a bout a fight she had with bf she cheated and she dumped his ass i said aww iam sorry she said can u walk me home be cause these guys a hit on me as i was walking here so i said ya...

2 years ago
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A Dream of the Heart

We ended our regular Friday nightclub gig at near 2am, the usual time with the usual bored, drunken crowd in attendance. All they wanted to hear were the oldies from the sixties and seventies and eighties, maybe a few early nineties songs. They would even get a bit surly if we tried to play something original or anything newer than those eight-year-old nineties songs. Oh well, maybe tomorrow’s crowd at the other place would be more open-minded. I had a few new tunes that I wanted to try out,...

3 years ago
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Sexy in Lungi

I am a handsome guy of 24 years of 5’8” height and not a very muscular body and fair. I am staying in Kolkata .We recently shifted to stay in a place where there are mostly muslim families living. I quite liked muslim guys who are usually quite handsome and stylish staying around the place. From my rooms window ,I could see the muslim guys sitting and gossiping amongst themselves. They were usually clad in lungies or tight jeans. I wanted to be friend with some of them,but there were mostly the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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A Coffee Encounter

  Shopping.My favourite pastime.I love shopping for clothes, shoes, especially underwear and… I like to shop alone.My husband hates shopping, he thinks it is boring. On the odd occasion that we go together he refuses to enter ‘women’s’ shops and prefers to wait outside. He is probably watching the girls go by. I like to watch the girls too but he doesn’t know that.This fantasy started on a shopping trip on my own.I had been in town for a couple of hours but had bought nothing so far. I'd had a...

1 year ago
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Magic 101Chapter 12

I slapped a dome over Charity to keep her out of this, prevent her from getting any of her power back until I let her. Then I began shrinking the shield I had placed over the bruiser, changing it into the kind of siphon I had used on Charity. It took almost a full minute to drain this guy. He had several artifacts, including a spelled blade that looked particularly nasty. When he was on his knees, panic in his eyes, I stood over him and kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. My shield...

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Skinsuit Spies

It was a busy day in Washington, DC. And not just for the everyday person who works a normal full/part time contract trying to provide for themselves and their families. Not just for the rich folk and their companies. The employees of Secretech were also hard at work, furiously typing away on computers and testing their signature tech. The leader of the organisation, Sir Donovan Clyde, was in a meeting with special "employees". See, Secretech may pose as an ordinary IT/Cyber-safety company, but...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 3

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth 3  By Don Abdul (c)2011 Part Three: Exploring Deeper and further Jamal swung by the following morning right after his morning run and he took her hard and rough right over the kitchen table as she attempted to make breakfast. He was such crazy fun and great fuck too. She found herself getting wet again just thinking about their sex that Sunday morning, he had smeared maple syrup all over her tits and pussy, and then licked it all up while he fingered her...

4 years ago
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Sudden Urges4

My sudden urges had persuaded me into calling my neighbor, Dennis and to offer my services. Sexually. I had never actually done it before with another man. I'd read about it on porn sites. I'd written a couple erotic short stories about my thoughts and desires. Hell, I'd even played with myself and stuffed a dildo in my ass. But, to actually put it out there. Something had come over me. After that things went crazy for a couple days. It was all a blur. Or maybe I was trying to forget my...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Boss8217s Friend

Hi to ISS reader’s this is varunvking back to share my another experience with you for those who read my story first time I am varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with an average body 6 feet height and have a experienced 6inch tool. Any reader’s can contact me through This is my experience of fucking my boss’s friend. Now coming to the story I have already fucked my boss and she became my sex buddy and she had a friend named mohini (Name Changed) who is a business partner of my boss...

2 years ago
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The Gift

"I am a gift, from Viktor Kropusek to Arthur Wilson, given in thanks and apology. Do with this gift as you please, for as long as you please." He'd just walked into his house. The girl stood by the fireplace. She'd lit a fire. She wore a simple strapless summer dress of a gold knit material that reached half way down her thighs. She had a broad foreheaded face with beautiful gray eyes. Her hair floated about her shoulders, a wheat colored cloud. Her feet were bare. He blazed into anger,...

3 years ago
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Nadia Finds Her Man

Nadia fumbled through her draw in search of her favorite dildo. It was a lifelike eight-inch cock, with balls, and suction cup base. She had used it so much these last few years, she was afraid that she’d wear it out.She stuck it to the wall about waist-high. She then got on her knees. Imagining she was looking up at Paul. The handsome man she saw earlier in the day. He wasn’t anyone she’d date, or even anything special to her. He was just a handsome man she saw earlier that day. And his image...

3 years ago
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Victorian Commune female ABDL

After inheriting a small fortune you have created in a small commune town in the middle of no where Maine. The commune is designed to organize a community to cater to your eclectic sexual taste, but provide as small profit. You are the owner, administrator, and sole profiteer of the commune. Guests/customers will come to tour the ambiance, and purchase the bric-a-brac on weekends. Where the commune performs in British Victorian fashion. However, during the week everyone creates the bric a brak,...

2 years ago
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Amateur dramatics

My wife and are both keen amateur actors. Recently I’ve got more into directing but my wife, Sylvie, stills prefers to perform. She’s in her forties and has a full but still very attractive figure. Recently our amateur dramatic group put on a farce. One of those sex romp things where everything gets mixed up and nobody knows who is getting off with whom. As director it was my responsibility to do the casting and I made sure Sylvie got a part that involved a lot of kissing and canoodling with...

2 years ago
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The YVirus Ch 04

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

2 years ago
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The Masgayrade Ball

You are Vance the Second prince of the Royal House of Chardeny and the declared crown prince... and you hate it. Your entire life has been scheduled and decided for you. You take massive amounts of lessons on etiquette, swordplay, history, etc..., you have a fiancé from the ducal house of Argent that you have never met, let alone like, love, or even want to live with, and no one bothered to ask you because this is all mandated by your father, the king. One of your responsibilities when you...

2 years ago
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Woman With A PastChapter 3

Dinner was forgettable and the live band hired for the after-dinner dancing was, in a word, execrable. Despite being a terrible dancer, I gallantly danced with each of the three women at our table: Betsy, Marsha, and Shirley. Shirley was getting a lot of stares from the other people on the dance floor, and I could tell she was regretting having come to the reunion. "Do you want to go and sit down?" I asked her, reacting to her obvious discomfiture. "Actually, I want to just leave," she...

2 years ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 02

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

2 years ago
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Pune Lo Parichayam Aina Telugu Ammai

Ee incident 2014 lo jarigindi. Pune lo job vachindi naku. 15 days varaku hotel book chesaru office vallu. Pune ki vellaka mundu nunde flat kosam search cheyadam modalttanu online lo. Facebook groups lo kooda post cheyadam modalettanu. Na post ni oka ammai like chesindi. Ramya…Pune Infosys lo working ani facebook profile lo undi. From hyderabada. Mana telugu ammaye ani Friend request pettanu accept chesindi. Saradaga chat cehyadam modalettanu. Ammai chudadaniki sannaga undi ,23 years of age 5’4”...

3 years ago
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This Cant Be Love Can ItChapter 3

We got up, got dressed and I turned on all the exterior lights and soon we were engaged in an intense game of basketball. The first one to score 21 points wins, and you have to win by two points, like 21-19. Each basket, regardless of where it was scored from, counted as one point. When I bought the house, the prior owners had installed a basketball goal, and one of the first times Bo, Alice and Carrie came over to my house, Carrie had asked if I played. I had been a four-year starter on my...

3 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 32

I awoke to find Liz standing naked in the bedroom we shared with a cell phone pressed to her ear. She saw me stir and turned around, giving me the opportunity to ogle her from the front. “He said you’d want royalties,” she said with a laugh. “He’s started to stir so I’ll put you on speaker.” “You asshole!” Sarah said. “Sorry,” I mumbled in a sleepy voice. “Do you know what Matt did last night?” Sarah asked, completely ignoring my apology. “For $50, I’ll tell you what Travis did last...

3 years ago
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Two Can Play Ch 09

It was the morning after the night before. Rachel and Kate were very late up, they had missed breakfast and upset the chambermaid by being in their room when she wanted to clean it. ‘Do you think we should go to the conference?’ Rachel asked. Kate yawned. ‘I suppose we could put in an appearance, collect some papers and reports to impress Desmond, then do the shops.’ ‘Sounds good.’ A little before noon they entered the conference hall. Half an hour later they emerged into a chilly, faintly...

2 years ago
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Caught stealing panties

Introduction: True story, no exageration. Leave feedback! I am a long time reader but first time poster to this site. Please leave honest feedback. My favourite genre is True Stories as they interest me the most. Im getting really tired of stories labelled as true, that go on to describe a boy with an 18 cock fucking the shit out of his sister and her 9 friends, who are all DDs. So here I present to you my TRUE story, 99.9% true (names have been changed), with no omissions or exagerations. This...

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When Mike walked in the door from his partying, drunk and swaying, he heard a loud moan come from upstairs. Now, Max had never much thought of his mother in a sexual way, but right now he was a drunk horny teenager who wanted pussy. He went upstairs, slowly and quietly and peeked through the crack on his mothers open door. There she was, legs splayed open for the world to see, a large 10” dildo stuck in her cunt. He thought, ‘Damn, that thing must be 2 inches thick, atleast!’ He...

1 year ago
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The Crimson King Ch 10

‘Are you sure this is where she is?’ The private detective Chambliss had hired shook his head as they sat in the limousine, staring at the huge mansion with its imposing dark windows. ‘My source says that the cameraman, Leon Antonidas, bought some maternity clothes and had them delivered here.’ ‘That doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s here.’ The detective tossed a manila folder into his lap and Chambliss extracted a sheaf of photos. The subjects were enjoying a picnic on the side of the...

1 year ago
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Feminization of a cuckold slave

My gradual transformation from a regular marriage relationship to one of servitude began 3 years ago when my wife found me sucking off another guy at a party. Though she was shocked, she didn't leave and told me to finish what i had started, sitting down on the tub next to us as she began taunting and humiliating me. When she saw him cum spurt after spurt into my open mouth and then swallow it with delight, i immediately entered servitude to her - she now owned me. The next day i was told i...

Erotic Fiction
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Dare Book IChapter 7

I was lying on the bed chewing a piece of old yellowish rawhide, long and round and super tough until my teeth could work my saliva into it. Then it was just really tough and I could almost dent it. My mates chewed the stuff all the time to keep their teeth clean, but that didn't work for me. I still brushed my teeth twice a day, although I sort of resented it and wished it wasn't necessary. It was September maybe, and it was raining, but it wasn't the start of the long wet winter yet....

2 years ago
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Lilys awakening Part 2

When I got out of my bedroom I realized I was lost. This farmhouse was more like a mansion with its many levels and passage ways. I found the kitchen by following the smell of coffee and bacon. I wasn’t drinking coffee yet because my Dad said I was too young, but I loved the smell of coffee and adored bacon. Who doesn’t? The huge kitchen was empty and there was a note on the table; Dear Lily, Michelle and I left for the hospital with Michael for his weekly check-up. The farmhands are at...

3 years ago
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Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes

FAIRY TALES AND NURSERY RHYMES My name is Colin. I am a single man and, as I have to travel around the country in connection with my work, I seize any opportunity I can to explore local nightlife. On the occasion about which I am writing I was working in Birmingham. It was a substantial project and it looked as though I was going to be staying in Birmingham for at least three weeks. I was delighted to be staying put for a decent amount of time as this would enable me to really get...

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How I learned about sex

One my 16th birthday my brothers decided to give me a private party, at the time I did not know that my sister was invited. To my suprise my sister has been playing with Nick and Gar for months,just sucking them off and playing with there dicks there was never any intercourse. It was on a Saturday in the winter time we had just had a snow storm and 8 inches on the ground. That was about the size of Nicks dick at the age of 15. I loved to pump that dick. My parents as usual went out nothing...

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Sex Du JourChapter 6

Cooper Graham. He is straightened and risen before me, wholly and every inch starkers and buck naked and without a slight stitch on. He has slumped and lobbed his clothes down to the floor, after I have worked out the same that is, and as he eyes and gazes direct at me, I feel the hots and salaciousness steel and gee up in my flesh and veins, enticing me to inspect in-depth his unclothed body, to leer and gawp and letch after his shapely and well-formed and curvaceous self. I am on the...

3 years ago
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My Algebra Tutor

It was late January, the day after my 19th birthday. The temperature outside was freezing, around 28 degrees. As I smoked my cigarette outside Wallace Hall. I looked up and saw this tall gorgeous man, about 6’3 walking towards me. As he walked by me towards the entry doors I smiled and said hi. I didn’t give him another thought until I saw him come back out, this time he asked for a cigarette. I handed him one, and lit another for me. I was so cold but I was determined to talk to this hunky...

3 years ago
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A Lazy River Ride

My first submission to Literotica. Please leave comments and criticisms if you have them. Hope you enjoy. * He leaned his head back and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and smiled. The bright sun shone warmly down on his face. He let his hands dip into the water, the tube carrying him gently down the lazy river. Most of his body was submerged and he let the tube do all the work of holding him up. He could hear the din and buzzing of visitors to the water park in the distance. He heard a...

1 year ago
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The Exhibit Part 1 Demonstration

Part 1: The Demonstration "He got the idea from the story of Snow White," MzDominica explained, waving one hand over the glass coffin. It was on a platform and tilted at an angle of forty-five degrees, so the man inside had his head higher than his mistress continued. "A sensory-deprivation chamber... without light, without sound, without feeling, taste, or smell -- except what I put in -- but on exhibit for everyone to see and enjoy." A woman had just entered the exhibit room, having followed...

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Airtight Night

 Some time shortly after the night with the two girls wearing nothing but oil we were invited over to Sue and Jake's place for a barbecue on a Friday night in a late Indian summer. Melanie donned a pretty summer dress with a button-through front and white, stiletto-heeled, strapped sandals and we went over around seven o'clock. Jake greeted us at the front door and led us through the house to the back yard, apologizing en route for the fact that Sue had been delayed at work but would be joining...

Group Sex
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Pakathu Veetu Velaikaariayai Soodaga Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil pakathu veetu velaikaariyai soodaga sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar ganesh vayathu 32 aagugirathu. Aanal inum enaku thirumanam aaga vilai athanaal naan eppozhuthum oru kama veri piditha aan thaan. Eppozhuthu yar pavadaiyai thuki kuthiyai kanbipaal avargal kuthiyil en sunniyai vitu ookalam endru veriyaaga irupen. Niraiya vibachaarigalai kasu koduthu oothu irukiren, enaku thirumanam aagiya...

3 years ago
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Back of the Closet

I was sitting at my home office desk randomly surfing for just the right picture to jack off to, when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. With blinding speed, I minimized the window and looked up at the college student that I had hired to clean house. She was a pretty young thing with long brown hair and brown eyes to match. Perhaps a little on the heavy side, but still well proportioned. What I saw in her hands, though, caused my heart to skip a beat. She was carrying the...

4 years ago
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Para8217r Ruma Boudi

Ami tokhon class 12 ae porashona korchi. Samne boro board exam, ar tar upor entrance test er jhamela. Eirokom matha pagal shomoy amar jibone ek ghotona hoy gelo Ruma Boudi’r saathe. Ruma Boudi amader ulto dike’r barite thakto. Choto bela teh mone aache Baptu Da onek jagjomok kore Ruma Boudi ke biye kore enechilo. Prochur lok ke nemotonno kora hoyechilo oder boubhat ae, amio Baba Ma’s saathe gechilam. Mone aache Ruma Boudi ke khub shundor dekhte lagchilo shei din. Tarpor joubon ae pa rekheche...

2 years ago
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Seducing my Bosss Daughter Part 2

Orgy My boss had gone to France for the weekend and left his eighteen year old daughter in my and Laura’s capable hands. What was he thinking! Ashlie, as you have doubtless discovered in part one, is a gorgeous brunette with big brown eyes. Her body is a joy to behold with an amazing bubble ass and pert boobs, which barely quiver as she walks. It didn’t take long for my lesbian radar to pick up on her bicuriosity. It was just little things, the coy glances and the way she gazed at my breasts on...

1 year ago
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Promotion Pays Off

Recently, I'd had the opportunity to watch my wife have sex with someone else, and it turned out to be an unbelievable turn-on for both of us. We planned to repeat the experience as often as possible. This is one of those times. Finally - my hard work had paid off. I had just received a promotion to director of my division, with a healthy raise, and a celebration was in order. My wife and I, along with some family and friends, were at a local eatery, where we had a large room to...

1 year ago
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The Silk Scarf

Michael sat at the table playing with his drink. He'd gotten his first real paycheck today and decided he deserved a dinner in the best restaurant he could afford. Of course with what they were paying entry level trainees at Donaldson & Rhobes, his choices quickly narrowed to a few. So he found himself on 11th Avenue instead of Broadway, but still he felt like he was on top of the world. Not bad for a kid from the sticks now living on his own in New York City. The 21 year old was looking...

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Blood Diaries Ch 02

Chapter Two- The Truth I had fallen asleep on Thomas’ bed. The last two days had been really odd and somewhat stressful. I woke up to a loud knocking on the door. Thomas was jolted from his slumber on the chair by the window. He got up first and went to the door to see whom it was. ‘Ummm, Dana, is Dean a tall guy in a nice suit, holding that dress you wore to Yule Ball?’ he asked. ‘Yeah, I guess that must be him… does he have a purse that doesn’t match the dress?’ I said jokingly ‘Wine red...

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