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Peter looked across the room, for perhaps the fiftieth time that afternoon. He attempted to hide his gaze by putting his hand across his forehead as if he was in deep thought.

As subtle and as artful as he thought his surreptitious look was, his action was not lost on Andrea. She turned her head, letting the sheer sides of her blond hair flick across her face as she looked across the room towards his table. She was most careful not to look directly at him, instead letting her eyes sweep across his position towards the open window. Her causal glance was rewarded with a deep blush from Peter?s face as he quickly looked down at his work.

The large common room was laid out with over thirty tables and chairs. Each student was seated at his or her own table, their books and papers occupying much of the table surface. It was a hot afternoon and all of the long dormer windows had been opened to allow a gentle breeze to enter the room.

Andrea?s Mountford?s beauty was legendary within the sixth form college. Daily she spurned the attention of male sixth formers. She was always tactful, but such was the boys? humiliation at being turned down for a date that they rarely dared to ask twice. Unknown to anyone was her particular interest in one boy. Andrea had no interest in the jocks and school athletes who were part of the popular social crowd at the school. Even at her young age, she already had a clearly defined sexual preference - and was practical enough to know that her extreme good looks would win her any boy that she wanted. She had decided that that boy would be Peter Trent.

Peter was very, very different. Although he was extremely good looking and his body was perfectly proportioned, he was not overly muscular. His skin was smooth, almost feminine compared to the rest of the boys. His facial features were neat and his whole demeanour was studious rather than athletic. The sixth form girls found him attractive and Andrea was sure that he could have dated many of the girls if it were not for the fact that he was painfully shy.

Andrea had decided, quite some months ago, that she would ask Peter to the school Prom. She had researched her intending date and had learned everything about him. She knew that Peter lived alone with his mother, having lost his father during his early childhood. She knew, without doubt, that he was absolutely besotted with her? and yet was certain that he would never be able to buck up the courage to ask her out.

Andrea too, had no father. She lived with her mother and her aunt in a large, modern and well-designed house on the outskirts of Cleveden. The low profile house was the last house in an exclusive cul-de-sac. It was set in its own extensive grounds and had been cleverly designed to disguise the true extent of its size when being viewed from the roadway. The pool and tennis court, as well as the beautifully manicured lawns, were all completely secluded and hidden from view.

Both her mother and her aunt worked in private nursing. Andrea?s mother was the matron and major shareholder of a small and exclusive cottage hospital, which was situated close to where she lived. Sheila, her sister, also worked in the same hospital as a nursing sister. Their income, along with the insurance they had been paid when they had both lost their ?doctor? husbands in the same car accident, provided them with an excellent standard of living. Andrea?s mother had given birth to Andrea at the age of seventeen. She had had a hurried marriage, but a very happy one until her husband?s tragic death. Her younger sister, who had lost her husband at the same time, had come to live with her after the tragedy. Andrea?s mother, Cynthia Mountford was now thirty-four years old and her younger sister, Sheila, had only recently celebrated her twenty-fifth birthday.

Because of Cynthia?s relatively young age for parenthood, the relationship between Andrea, her mother and her aunt, was such that they could talk easily to each other. No subject was taboo? or too controversial, or too embarrassing, that it could not be aired within this ?all female? household. However, there had been a genuine looks of surprise when Andrea had first told them of her sexual preferences for a male partner and the intimate details of her sexual desires. Although surprised at the admission, both Cynthia and her sister realised that Andrea had inherited this particular trait from their side of the family. What had particularly surprised both of them, were Andrea?s plans to help achieve her goal.

Andrea had been delighted when, after their initial shock, they had helped with suggestions and planning until eventually, as the time for action became nearer, there had developed an ?expectancy?? a frisson of excitement, within the house.

It had been at breakfast that morning that Andrea had announced to her aunt, Sheila, that today would be the day, that she would be asking Peter to the School Prom. Both her mother and Sheila had laughed openly. ?I bet, from what you have already told me of Peter, that he will be blushing down to his toes when you speak to him.?

?I know mother, I think he will? but I bet he manages to say yes.?

As the bell in the corridor sounded for the second time Andrea glanced around the common room. She noticed that the room had emptied quite quickly. The sporty, non-academic types had been the first to leave, keen to get out into the sunshine and down to the sports fields. Only a few students were left within the room as Andrea got up from her desk. Her lithe body moved gracefully, the short pleated navy-skirt swaying against her long shapely thighs as she moved purposefully towards the desk where Peter was still studying. He looked up and blushed profusely the moment he saw her approach. His face looked shameful and guilt ridden as he looked at her anxiously. ?Perhaps?, Andrea thought, ?he thinks I am going to say something about the surreptitious glances he has been giving me all afternoon.?

She deliberately stood with the front of her bare thighs pressing against his desk as she looked down at him. She knew that her good looks and authoritarian demeanour intimidated him. To her delight his blush deepened until his whole face was suffused in a bright red glow of utter embarrassment. He looked up at her, his guilty expression distorting the beautiful features of his face.

Her tone was light and friendly as she spoke to him. ?Oh Peter, sorry to interrupt your work, but I wondered if you had decided whether you were going to the Prom this weekend??

Andrea noted that Peter had blushed again. Purple blotches had appeared upon his cheeks as he willed himself to look into her beautiful face. His hands were trembling as she held his gaze with an enquiring look.

His lips trembled? it seemed that he was almost near to tears as he looked at her anxiously. ?Er? no?. er miss.? His voice sounded tremulous as he tried to string his words together. ?Er no I don?t have a date ?er ? mmmm.?

?Now Peter? there is no need to call me, Miss.? Andrea was well aware that her authoritarian manner had prompted this formality. She gazed deep into his eyes, seeing his look of artless supplication as he nervously looked up at her. The look in his eyes delighted Andrea. It was if he had bared his entire soul to her. She spoke to him once more.

?Well Peter, I was thinking it will be quite a nice occasion? and I have two tickets, but no date. So would you like to pick me up at this address? say around seven-thirty?? Andrea did not wait for a reply, but merely put a printed card down upon the desk and turned away from the blushing boy. She knew from his expression that his emotions were in turmoil; however she was quite certain that she would see the little Ford convertible car that he drove, arrive at her house promptly at seven-thirty. She knew he would have a busy time making his preparations. Most of the boys would have already hired Tuxedos or dress suits and she imagined there would be very little time or choice left for Peter to organize himself for the Prom.


Peter had dutifully driven up to the house at the appointed time. Rather than waiting for Peter to knock, Andrea had met him on the pathway that led to the front door.

?I am not the sort of girl to keep such a smart young man waiting. You look very nice Peter? a white shirt and black evening dress really suits you. I am all yours for the evening? as long as you get me home for midnight. Mother has given me strict instructions not to be one minute late.?

Peter was mesmerised by her words and the apparition of such a beautiful girl. Andrea was wearing a sheer black cocktail dress, which showed off her firm breasts and narrow waist. The hem of her dress came to just above her knees, revealing her beautiful tanned legs. He could not help blushing nervously as she got into the car and placed her hand upon his knee. ?Now you will promise to get me home by midnight? my mother can be very strict.? Peter was so enthralled by her beauty and the intimate touch of her delicate hand upon his knee that he hardly heard her words.


The dinner and dance was an enormous success, thanks to Andrea?s exquisite social skills. She managed to make Peter feel mature whenever they were in the company of others? and yet while they were on their own, she talked to him more as if he were a much younger boy.

For the first part of the evening, Peter had been hesitant in his conversation. At one point he had looked mortified when the captain of the football team had come over to their table just after they had finished their meal. He had ignored Peter completely and had smiled at Andrea as if they were old friends.

?Well Andrea, you look delightful! I would be honoured if you would care to have the next dance with me.? Andrea had smiled at Peter and then turned back to the tall muscular teenager.

?Thank you very much Patrick, I must say you look very nice in your Tuxedo. Peter and I are going to dance later, but for now we are quite happy to be on our own listening to the music? Thank you all the same.?

Peter could hardly have believed his ears as Andrea had refused the invitation. His heart suddenly began to race as she placed her hand over his and smiled at him, completely ignoring the crestfallen look of the football captain.

Several times during the evening she had summarily refused invitations to dance, each time looking at Peter and holding his hand. Although she had observed Peter on many occasions, assessing his physique as much as she could with a visual appraisal. She had not had the opportunity to touch him. She subtly used the dance floor as a further opportunity to examine Peter?s body, carefully building up a mental picture of his physical appearance. Sometimes touching his waist, other times his arms or shoulders as they danced.

Artfully she had built up a picture of his body, which she found to be exactly to her liking. She also relished the fact that mentally he was extremely malleable, demonstrating no tendencies towards bravado or false confidence. Several times during the evening, she looked at him, holding his gaze firmly as she spoke. ?You look very smart Peter. It is so nice to be taken out by such a smart young man.? Her words always had the desired effect and she would watch him blush profusely, at the same time looking at her with such love and supplication, that she felt a thrill run through her body.

Andrea easily managed to keep Peter unaware of the time until it was too late for him to do anything about it. Abruptly, during a slow dance, she looked at her watch and then at Peter.

?Oh Peter? what on earth have we done? it is almost midnight and it is a good forty minutes drive to my house. Oh dear? we must leave straight away?. Peter had looked crestfallen as they hurried back to the car and began their journey back to Andrea?s house. He began to feel very uncomfortable as Andrea spoke to him as they drove. ?Oh dear I was having such a lovely evening Peter? and I thought, well I suppose I hoped, that you were keeping abreast of the time.?

?I am, so sorry? erm Andrea? erm? perhaps your mother won?t be too cross. We should only be about forty-five minutes late. Er perhaps I could explain it to her? I mean that it was not your fault, but mine.? Andrea smiled to herself as Peter spoke the last words. ?Yes,? she thought, ?that is exactly what I would like you to do.?

?Oh would you Peter, I would be so grateful. I am afraid that my mother? and my aunt will be very, very annoyed. But if you tell them that I did ask you to get me home by midnight, then perhaps they won?t be so cross.?

Andrea placed her hand upon his knee and saw his face immediately flush to a bright crimson. ?For that gallant gesture Peter, I am going to kiss you before we go into the house.?

Peter?s emotions were in turmoil at the promise of a kiss. He could never have contemplated what was to happen as he stopped the car outside the house.

?Put you hands down by your sides Peter and lean back against your seat? come along hurry, I don?t want to appear even later than we are.? He felt rather mystified at the instruction but her authoritarian manner made him obey. He placed both hands down on the sides of his seat and looked at her, his face flushing with redness as he looked her in the eye. Andrea smiled to herself as she watched his embarrassment and then his surprise as she leaned across and undid the middle button of his shirt. She could feel his heart beating wildly as she slipped her hand inside his shirt and laid her flattened palm across his chest. Slowly and sensuously she held his nipple between her fingers as she delicately placed her lips against his. She forced his mouth open with her tongue and kissed him deeply; the kiss completely robbing him of his breath and his sanity as she held him for over a minute. His body shuddered with a deep and reluctant emotion as she let go of him and slipped her hand out from the inside of his shirt. She thrilled as she realised that he had obeyed her implicitly, even though the moment had had him completely under her spell. He had kept his hands on the car seat, in exactly the way she had instructed him.

?There? Peter? that was for being such a brave boy.?

Peter was almost near to fainting as she took his hand in hers and walked him up to the house. Before he could recover his equilibrium, she pushed open the door and quickly led him inside.

Peter flushed to a deep shade of crimson as soon as he saw that both Andrea?s mother and her young Aunt were standing waiting in the centre of the large open hallway.

They were both dressed impeccably. Andrea?s mother was wearing a plain dark navy-coloured skirt and crisp white blouse, while her young aunt wore a severely cut black business suit. Both women had their hair tied back in a sophisticated style, accenting the exquisite bone structure of their faces. It was quite easy to see where Andrea had obtained her beauty. Cynthia Mountford looked younger than her thirty-four years and had often been mistaken for Andrea?s sister rather than her mother. Her make-up had been immaculately applied adding to her innate beauty.

Sheila was similarly made-up. Her glasses added to the severity of her business suit, giving her a studious and rather serious appearance.

Andrea addressed her mother. ?This is Peter Trent who has been my date for the evening. I must apologise mother for being late? the time just seemed to fly by.?

Andrea knew that the beauty of the two women, allied to their severe expressions would have the young boy completely at odds with himself. She looked at him, feeling a sudden thrill as his blushing face immediately confirmed her opinion.

Cynthia spoke first, her beautiful face and well-groomed hair adding a cool authority to her appearance. ?What is the meaning of coming home so late? It is now ten minutes to one o? clock in the morning, both your aunt and I have been worried that you may have been involved in an accident. Well Andrea? what do you have to say??

Andrea did not have to look at Peter before he answered. ?I am sorry, Mrs. Mountford. It was entirely my fault. I promised Andrea faithfully that I would bring her home by twelve. She had told me that she must not be late and I let her down. I am so sorry.?

Andrea was delighted with Peter?s reply. Not only with the fact that everything that she had planned seemed to be working out, but also with the forthright contrition that Peter displayed, without stammer or excuse.

?Well Peter, if it really is your fault? and I presume from what you have told me, that it is. Then I forbid you to see Andrea again. Your lateness has shown me that you do not pay heed to her? or to the worry that you have caused her aunt and to me. I will bid you goodnight young man.?

Peter blushed again, his face colouring up to a deep crimson. ?Oh please Mrs. Mountford, I really have no excuse but I am really sorry for the worry I have caused. I don?t know whether Andrea would want to see me again, but I really do care about her? I just? erm, I really just forgot about the time. It was Andrea that suddenly realised how late it was. Please, please accept my apology??

?I am sorry Peter, but saying sorry and admitting your fault is fine for you? because you know that there is no penalty. Therefore the only way I can punish you is to forbid you ever to see my daughter again. If you were my son, then I would give you a good smack-bottom which would make you remember? and therefore modify your future behaviour.?

Peter?s face was blotched with purple patches such was his embarrassment and confusion. He looked at Andrea and then back towards her mother. ?I am sorry er. Mrs. Mountford, I truly am? erm I don?t know what else to say.?

?I can see that you are Peter, but you only have yourself to blame. I do intend to punish you for the distress that you have caused me - and my sister. I can of course smack your bottom, but otherwise I stand firm in what I have said? that you must not see my daughter again.?

She turned towards Andrea who had managed to hide both her amusement and her admiration for her mother?s performance.

?Did you wish to see this young man again, by that I mean, go out with him again??

Andrea managed to look suitably chastened. ?Well yes mother, I really like him? although you know that I would never ever disobey you or go against your wishes.

Mrs. Mountford looked sternly at Peter who was blushing furiously and looking down at his feet. ?I can see that you do not care to be punished, so you had better set off home. I expect you to respect my wishes? not to have any contact with my daughter again.?

Andrea, you may say goodnight to Peter? and Peter? I want you to drive very carefully on the way home.

Peter looked forlorn and yet his heart was beating wildly after he had heard that Andrea did want to see him again. Mrs. Mountford could discern that his eyes were glistening as he looked up at her. His voice trembled with acute embarrassment as he tried bravely to look at her. ?I am so sorry Mrs. Mountford? erm? erm? I really would like to see Andrea again.?

Andrea felt a thrill run through her body as her mother spoke again. ?In that case Peter, I will punish you if you are sure? I will not cause you embarrassment by punishing you in front of Andrea. Please go through that door to the right of you, which is my office. Take off your evening suit and strip right down to your underpants. Everything else off ? including your socks. Andrea? you may go and get ready for bed, you may come down and say goodnight to Peter before he leaves. Off you go, both of you!?

Peter was absolutely dumbstruck. He felt his face flush and his cheeks begin to burn with shame. He had not intended to accept a punishment, in fact he was quite sure that he had not elected to be punished?  rather he had thought that Mrs. Mountford might relent and let him see her daughter again. He was about to protest when Andrea turned towards him.

Andrea placed her hands upon his burning face and turned his head towards her. Quickly she tilted her head down and kissed him earnestly on his trembling lips. ?Thank you Peter,? she whispered, ?you are such a brave boy and partly because of that? and your gallantry, I would really love to see you again.? She turned and walked along the hallway to the stairs, slowly ascending the staircase without looking back.

Mrs. Mountford looked at the young boy, feeling a sudden thrill run through her body as she held up her hand to stifle any protestations. She spoke again. ?Not another word Peter. Off you go? I will be through in a few moments to punish you. You will find a clothes hanger behind the door. Please use it for your suit and put the rest of your clothes on one of the chairs. I want you to stand in the middle of the room and wait for me. I expect you to be ready within five minutes.?

Blindly Peter stumbled towards the dark wooden door. He turned the handle and walked through. His mind was in turmoil, nothing in his young life had prepared him for such embarrassment and humiliation. He felt stupid and embarrassed beyond his worst nightmare. It had all happened so quickly that he couldn?t quite believe what was happening to him.

Peter closed the door behind him and looked around the brightly lit room. He felt near to tears as he glanced around the opulent office. There was a large desk at the end of the room and several leather sofas against the walls, which were completely lined with bookcases apart from one other doorway. The second doorway surrounded a large hardwood door, which was ajar.

Peter could see only blackness beyond the opening of the doorway. A patterned carpet filled the open space in the middle of the room, the colours looking vibrant beneath the bright lamps of the modern light fitting, which hung from the centre of the ceiling.  Several hard-backed chairs were placed around the front of the desk. The desk surface itself, which was covered in green hand-tooled leather, was bereft of clutter having only a telephone and desk-pad upon its surface.

Peter turned towards the door behind him and saw a wooden coat-hanger which was hanging from a brass hook. He felt completely foolish and humiliated as he began to loosen his bow-tie. His mind raced with the sudden realisation of his predicament and thoughts of his impending punishment. He was almost delirious with shame and anguish as he stripped down to his boxer shorts. He felt a tear run down his cheek as he placed his socks inside his shoes and moved to stand in the middle of the room. He could not believe how utterly stupid and gauche he felt as he stood on the patterned carpet, naked except for his boxer shorts.

As soon as Andrea had heard Peter close the door behind him, she immediately rushed up the rest of the flight of stairs. It took but a moment for her to shed her evening dress and place it on her bed. Her beautiful body was naked beneath, except for a sheer pair of panties, which she quickly removed. She took the white, semi-transparent baby-doll nightdress and matching panties, which she had laid out earlier and carefully put them on, checking her appearance in front of her floor length mirror. She noted that the neat small vee of blonde hair, which she had deliberately left unshaved above her pubis, could be seen through the material of her panties.

Her bare breasts pressed against the diaphanous material and to her delight, she saw that the pink aureoles of her nipples were clearly visible. She twirled around, smiling wickedly to herself as the almost transparent nightdress lifted to reveal her bared midriff. She leaned forward to her dressing table and squirted a mist of Chanel No: 5 over the deep cleavage of her breasts before leaving the room for the second staircase. This was a small auxiliary staircase would lead her down to the rear of the office to which Peter had been sent. Having descended the staircase, it took only moments for her to reach the corridor, which had been left deliberately unlit. She tiptoed stealthily on her bare feet, carefully controlling her breathing as she felt her way towards the leather office chair she had placed in the corridor, exactly opposite the half opened door.

She could see Peter quite clearly as he struggled with his clothes. Her heart skipped a beat as he moved to stand in the centre of the room. She had already made certain that no-one from inside the room could see beyond the doorway and yet as he looked towards her she had an anxious moment. Reassuring herself that he could not possibly see beyond the door, she settled herself comfortably in her chair to observe him.

Her assumptions of his physical good looks were entirely accurate. His body was perfectly proportioned and firm, without having the hard muscular build of the jocks and football players, which she despised. She could see that his upper body was entirely suffused in a mighty blush as he stood trembling on the ornate carpet. His legs trembled as he looked around the room. She could see him anxiously glance towards the door as heard movements outside. Her eyes focussed on the bulge beneath his shorts. ?Perhaps he is a little bigger than I gave him credit for,? she thought.

Cynthia Mountford checked her appearance in the hall mirror. She had loosened the two top buttons of her blouse and had put on a thin rubber apron, which she often used at the hospital to protect her uniform. The ebony-backed hairbrush, which she held in her hand, glistened as she turned it so that the wooden-back was turned towards her.

Sheila moved to stand beside her. She had changed out of her business suit and now wore a starched white sheer cotton tunic dress, which was her normal attire at the hospital. Around her neck was a hung a stethoscope, the red tubes trailing down sexily between her breasts to the shiny chromium diaphragm. The hem of the dress finished at mid-thigh allowing her long lightly-tanned legs to move freely as she stood astride and faced the mirror. Cynthia turned to look at Sheila and whispered to her. ?I think our young man will get the shock of his life when he sees you walk in.?

Peter trembled and blushed as he heard the door open behind him. He turned to look backwards, his eyes opening wide in surprise as Sheila walked through. He blushed immediately as she looked him at him. She could see his surprise at her nursing tunic and the stethoscope around her neck. ?I am just going to check that you don?t have a heart problem Peter, don?t worry it is only a precaution.  Now turn around and face the other door and stand up straight with your hands upon your head.?

Peter flushed to an even deeper shade of red as, unsteadily; he turned towards the open door at the far end of the room.

?Come along, hands upon your head.? She could see that he was trembling from head to foot as he turned away from her and hesitantly placed, first one hand and then the other on top of his head. Sheila risked a quick smile over his shoulder towards the open doorway, wondering whether Andrea had taken her place yet. She placed her hand upon his back, feeling him shudder at the first cool contact of her palm against his bare flesh. Gently she placed the cold metal of the stethoscope flat against his back. She saw goose-bumps appear on his smooth flesh as she spoke to him. Her voice was soft and gentle.

?Breathe in, there?s a good boy? hold your breath for a moment, I will tell you when you can breathe out.? Peter stood still, his whole body trembling and his heart beating wildly as Sheila ran the stethoscope over his back.

Deliberately Sheila held his waist with her other hand, knowing that even as nervous as he was, her touch would eventually arouse him. She moved around to the front of him and looked him in the eyes. ?Take a deep breath please Peter.? She ran the stethoscope over his chest as the same time laying the palm of her other hand over his left breast. She let her hand move slowly, feeling the nub of his nipple harden under her palm as she moved the ice-cold stethoscope over his wildly-beating heart.

He was shivering as she stood back and looked into his blushing face. ?You are fine Peter. I am just going to check that you do not have muscle strain or a hernia before Mrs. Mountford comes to smack your little bottom.? She watched his face flush to an even deeper shade of red at her words, knowing that in a moment he would absolutely die of shame.

?Now stand up straight and arch your back, I can?t stand to see little boys slouching.?  She could feel his nervousness as she moved behind him and bent down on one knee. Making sure that she could accomplish her task before he had time to protest or hinder her, she reached out with both hands and grasped the legs of his boxer shorts. With one swift movement, they were around his feet! Quickly she grasped his ankle and spoke to him sternly.

?Lift your foot, come along boy? I haven?t got all day.? In less than a couple of seconds, Peter had found himself standing completely naked, with his hands still placed on his head.

?Now stay where you are and don?t move an inch.? She moved around him, seeing that his face had coloured to a deep purple. She looked down at his genitals, noting that his penis was larger than she had expected and that he had been neatly circumcised, so that the tip of his penis showed just beyond the foreskin. She reached forward, watching his face flinch, as she cupped her hand under his testicles.

?Oh Miss? er please miss.? Peter protested as she encased his testicles in her hand. She marvelled at the soft feel of his flesh as intimately she held him, as she delicately stimulated his genitals.

She could see that he wanted to protest this invasion to his privacy. To his chagrin, she immediately admonished him.

?Keep still you naughty child. Now turn your head to the right and give me a nice big cough.?

Although her words were stern, her fingers were soft and gentle, cleverly kneading the soft and sensitive flesh of his scrotum to deliberately arouse him. She lifted the soft orbs of his testes in the palm of her hand and repeated her command.

?Come along Peter I want a nice big cough.?

Peter, in his anguish and utter humiliation managed a weak cough. His face burned with embarrassment as he felt the nurse cup his scrotum more firmly. He could hardly contemplate his utter humiliation, as he stood naked before this beautiful young woman. Sheila was delighted as she firmed her grip around his scrotum and lifted his testicles, drawing them forward away from the juncture of his thighs. She could see that he was near to tears as he uttered a louder cough. ?And again please.? She waited until he managed another loud cough. She could feel his body tremble as she gently squeezed his scrotum before letting go.

?Well done Peter, you seem fine. Now stay as you are.? She moved away and fetched two chairs from the front of the desk. One of the chairs she placed behind him with the seat pointing towards his bottom; the other, she placed in front of him with the side of the chair facing towards him. She made no pretence as she looked down at his penis and testicles, noting that his penis had grown perceptibly, revealing more of the glans as his foreskin recoiled.

Andrea was delighted with the scenario as it unfolded before her. She could see his penis and testicles quite clearly. She too was pleasantly surprised at the size of his penis and the plump scrotum, which bulged beneath the somewhat turgid flesh. She wished that Sheila would handle his penis so that she could observe the young boy with his penis erect. She did not have long to wait as she saw Sheila move to the side of the naked teenager, allowing her a clear view.

Sheila spoke to the boy again. ?I see that you have been circumcised Peter. Was it done at birth? or did you have a problem with your penis later in life??

Peter could not believe his ears at her question, or her nonchalance as she took a firm hold of his penis. He gasped as she stretched the flesh, pulling it forward with one hand as she retracted the foreskin with the other. ?Well Peter, I asked you a question. ?Were you circumcised recently, or was it done when you were a baby.?

His stammering reply delighted Sheila. ?Er? I don?t remember it er? miss. It erm must have been done when I was erm a child.?

?Well you are really still a child aren?t you? having to have your bare bottom spanked because you were naughty.?

The intimate touch of the young nurse was too much for the virgin boy. He felt his penis throb as she slipped the foreskin down the shaft of his penis and then back up over the glans. He took his hands from his head in acute shame and embarrassment only to feel her let go of his penis and give him a sharp smack of her hand upon his bottom cheeks.

?Don?t you dare move young man, now put those hands back upon your head and keep perfectly still while I examine your penis! My you are a naughty boy, no wonder you are here to have your bottom smacked. Now keep still while I retract the skin. It seems that you have a problem.?

She could feel his whole body tremble as she pushed the foreskin back revealing the whole glans-penis.

?Your foreskin is very tight. Does it hurt you when you have an erection??

She saw the boy shudder as his face turned a deep crimson. His embarrassment was almost palpable as she looked into his face.

?Come along answer me? does it hurt when your penis is erect?? Peter shuddered and answered through trembling lips.

?Erm? yes erm? sometimes erm miss.? His voice was trembling as if he were about to cry as Sheila stretched the skin back again, feeling his member throb between her fingers.

?Do you masturbate Peter? does it hurt when you play with your penis?? The boy looked absolutely shocked as Sheila looked into his eyes. His face immediately coloured up, blotches of purple spreading over his cheeks as he tried to protest.

?Oh noo miss? I mean? er no I haven?t er? I haven?t er touched myself?er that way? oh please miss honestly? I have never done that.?

Sheila could hardly believe his reply and yet looking at his face she knew that it was true. ?My God?, she thought? a real virgin in every sense of the word.

?Well Peter, you will have to have something done about it. But for the moment you are here to have your bottom spanked.? She looked over his shoulder as Cynthia entered the room.

Peter blushed profusely, trying to turn his head as he heard the door open and close and the proximity of movement behind him. It was the voice of Mrs. Mountford that suddenly made him shudder from head to foot. Her voice was loud and firm as she addressed him.

?Now keep still Peter, surely you are in enough trouble already.? She moved past him and sat down on the hard-backed chair which had been placed in front of him. Immediately the boy began to shiver when he saw her rubber apron and the shiny ebony hairbrush clasped in her long articulate fingers. He shuddered in both fear and sexual emotion as Sheila retracted his foreskin one more time before letting him go.

Her deft touch had left his penis semi erect and throbbing visibly. To his horror Mrs. Mountford reached towards his groin and grasped his penis, squeezing the sensitive flesh as she pulled him to her side. ?Come along Peter over you go. Within seconds she had the boy across her lap with his hands braced against the carpet and his head hanging down over the side of the chair. The rubber apron felt cold and smooth against his genitals as Mrs. Mountford placed her hand on his bottom and squeezed the flesh of his buttocks as if gauging their pliability. Peter felt utterly helpless, his helplessness rudely exacerbated, as he felt the cheeks of his bottom being spread to reveal his sphincter. His cheeks burned as he looked at the carpet only inches from his face. He was acutely aware of his naked bottom being raised in the air and the feel of Mrs. Mountford?s firm and shapely legs as his penis pressed against the thin rubber apron.

In the same instance, he felt his legs being lifted up, as Sheila sat down behind him and hoisted his shins up underneath her arms. She rested his knees upon hers as she held his legs apart and placed her cool hands on the backs of his thighs. He shuddered in dread, his whole being utterly humiliated by the two beautiful women. He gasped as they held him with his bottom in the air and his legs spread wide apart. Cynthia looked at Sheila and spread the cheeks of the boy?s bottom apart, showing her the neat puckered rosebud of his sphincter. Sheila nodded showing her delight and approval at the perfection of the young boy?s body.

Cynthia raised the brush and looked at Sheila before taking aim.


?Arggghhh.? Peter cried out in surprise and anguish at the severity of the stroke, as the hard ebony wood of the hairbrush smacked against the tender flesh of his upturned bottom for the first time.

?Crack, crack!!!? The first strokes of the hairbrush all landed on the left cheek of his buttocks. ?Crack!!! Crack!!! Crack!!? Mrs Mountford started a steady cadence of strokes, each sharp smack leaving a vivid red mark as she applied the hairbrush to his bottom. She made sure that every stroke landed on exactly the same area of his left buttock. There was no respite as Mrs. Mountford took up a steady rhythm, placing each stroke accurately on top of the preceding one.

It seemed like no time at all that thirty sharp strokes had been applied to this one particular area of his bottom. The pain was absolutely intense as Peter cried out in anguish. He wriggled and shivered as the pain seared through his bottom. ?Oh pleeeeeease Miss? er please noooooo more... please I can?t stand any more!?

Cynthia was sure that the boy was near to breaking point as she altered the positioning of her strokes to his right cheek. She knew that his cries were genuine as she proceeded to redden the pale flesh of his right buttock, again keeping the strokes one on top of the other. He wriggled and cried out as his chastisement proceeded without interruption. The pain continued to build and build, making him cry out in absolute and utter anguish.

?Oh please no? oh no more I really can?t stand any more oh please. Arggghhh arggghhhh? arggghhhhhhhh. Pleeeeeeeaaase noooooooooooo.?

It was only a few minutes later before Cynthia heard the boy begin to sob pitifully? she knew that his spirit and his endurance had come to an end. He began to cry incessantly, his sobbing, a testament to his pain and despair. Cynthia diligently continued spanking him with the hairbrush, until he had received thirty strokes to the second cheek. She could hear his utter distress as he wailed incessantly, hardly able to speak.

?Oh pleeeease   Misss? please nooo more. I really can?t take any more? oh please miss I am sooo sorry.?

Mrs Mountford dropped the brush to the floor and began to smack the soft flesh of his buttocks with her hand. She began to scold him as she delivered the satisfying slaps to his upturned bottom. ?Well Peter, do you think that you will remember to have more concern for other people. Do you think that you will remember your smacked bottom??

?Oh please misss? oh please noo more.? Peter sobbed; his naked young body shivering as Mrs Mountford stopped smacking him and placed her hand gently over his reddened bottom.

His tears were flowing freely as Cynthia and Sheila gently got him up to a standing position. He tried to rub his bottom, but Cynthia quickly took hold of his wrists and made him place his hands upon his head. His face was contorted in pain as tears rolled down his cheeks. As he sobbed he drew in his breath, almost choking as he tried to deal with the hurt to his bottom. Mrs Mountford took his head in her hands, standing so close to him that her breasts pressed against his chest. She could see the utter distress in his eyes as she gently wiped away some of his tears from his cheeks.

?Come along now, you have had your punishment. Now let me get you over to the corner so you can reflect on your hurts. Keep you hands on your head and face the corner. Come along now!? Both Sheila and Cynthia propelled him to the corner until he was almost touching the bookcases. Peter could not believe that they were going to make him spend time in the corner until he felt a sudden sharp slap to his bottom.

?Stand up straight with your legs spread apart and stay there. You will spend fifteen minutes reflecting upon your punishment while you are facing the corner. I am going to arrange some medicated and soothing lotion for your sore bottom. However if you move I will give you exactly the same punishment over again. It will be no more and no less, but an exact repetition of what you have already experienced.?

Cynthia slapped his bottom three times with the palm of her hand. ?Smack? smack..smackkkk.? She stood by his side and looked at his face. ?Do you understand me Peter?? Peter could do nothing but sob as Mrs. Mountford watched him. ?Oh please miss? yes? er I will stay here.?

?Very well then Peter, I will leave you to reflect upon your hurts.? Now stand up straight. Get your feet spread wide apart on the carpet. Come along now? further apart than that.?  She slipped her hand between the inside of his thighs and slapped the inner flesh until he had shuffled his feet well apart. ?Now stay as you are, if you dare to move I shall spank you again.?


Andrea had been in her element. She had observed his body in every detail and had delighted in his acquiescence during his punishment. ?So malleable?, she thought as she had watched him shiver and sob as he had been beaten. She got up from her chair and tiptoed down the corridor to the hallway. She was impatient to compare notes with her mother and Aunt Sheila. What a beautiful boy, she could hardly wait to have him under her power. To be able to caress his flesh and feel his plump penis and balls whenever she wished.

It was just fifteen minutes later that Andrea pushed the small trolley into the room. She was delighted to see that Peter was standing exactly as he had been placed. He tried to look around as he heard her enter. She heard him gasp in shock as he suddenly realised that it was her when he heard her voice.

?Poor Peter? did it hurt very much??

?Oh please miss? oh no er please don?t look at me like this? oh pleeeeeeeeeease nooooooooo.?

Peter immediately took his hands from his head and clasped his hands over his genitals. He bent forward, his head touching the bookcase as he tried to cower so that she could not see his front.

Andrea smiled to herself as she stood behind him. ?Now don?t be embarrassed. I know how shy you are, but mummy says that you are to obey me. She is only in the corridor, so she may come in at any time. She says that you are to stay with your hands upon your head until I can get you bending over my knees. I have brought some lotion to put on your sore bottom, it is really red and mummy doesn?t want you to blister. Please be a good boy Peter! I have to do exactly what she says otherwise I think she may smack you again. I know it must really have hurt you. Please Peter, put your hands back on your head and stand up straight.?

Peter was in turmoil? he just didn?t know what to do. The thought of Andrea seeing him naked shocked him to the core, but for her to see him like this... sobbing with his bare bottom reddened from a sound spanking, made him feel near to fainting. He stifled a sob as Andrea moved closer to him. To his utter shame she reached around his waist and took hold of his wrists, her young body pressing against his back as she tried to lift his hands away from his genitals. ?Please Peter, I have to do it.?

Sobbing with shame, Peter relaxed his arms allowing Andrea to lift them on to his head. ?Oh please miss,? he sobbed as Andrea stroked his back. Please I don?t want you to see me like this? oh miss I am so ashamed.?

Andrea was thrilled that he was calling her Miss rather than Andrea. She knew that the shift in their relationship had never been far away. His acquiescence when she had made him put his hands by his sides while she kissed him in the car had proved to her that her dominance of him could be accomplished quite easily.

She moved back and spoke to him again. ?It is very late Peter, please do as I say and I promise you that it will all be over before you know it. Now turn around and face me. Keep you hands upon your head? come along now.?

Peter was trembling from head to foot as he turned around. He blushed profusely as he saw her. The short baby-doll nightdress and her long bare legs made him blush as much as his utter shame at being displayed naked in front of her.

Andrea was careful not to look down at his genitals. Instead she looked him in the eye and smiled compassionately at him. ?Poor baby, I know you must be embarrassed, but I have to do this. Now keep your hands on your head and go and stand facing that chair.?

She could see that the boy was trembling from head to foot as she looked away from him and took hold of the handles of the small trolley. She had brought a variety of creams and unguents as well as a box of medicated wipes. She had covered the jars and containers by laying a towel over the top of the trolley.

As she turned she saw that Peter was standing obediently in front of the chair where he had been spanked. She pushed the trolley to the side of the chair, allowing enough room for the boy to stand in between.

She could see that his whole upper body was suffused in a red blush. She avoided looking at him as she sat down on the chair. She looked towards the trolley as if in thought; savouring the moment when she would look at him. Slowly she turned her head and looked straight at his genitals. She knew that he was blushing furiously as he stood naked and ashamed in front of her. His body was trembling violently as she carefully observed his penis and testicles. She was utterly delighted with what she saw. Slowly she raised her head and looked at his face. He had raised his head and was looking upwards, his face a picture of pure anguish and humiliation.

?Look at me Peter.? Her voice was gentle but insistent as she placed her hand gently on his left hip. He shivered at her touch and looked down, blushing instantly as she caught his eye. She knew that he would not be able to help himself from looking at her sheer nightdress and bare legs. She kept her eyes on his - and watched as he tried to avoid looking anywhere else, but at her face. Gently, she smoothed her fingers over his hip, observing him as his eyes darted to her legs and then back to her face. She reached out and placed her other hand on his right hip. She could feel a shudder run through his body at her intimate touch and his own naked vulnerability.

Peter felt absolutely defenceless and exposed as he stood before the young girl. He desperately wanted to lower his hands and clasp his genitals. The helplessness of standing before her with his hands on his head made him aware of every inch of his nakedness. Andrea held his hips, delighting in his shame and his acquiescence. She looked down again at his plump genitalia, glorying in his shame as she saw his foreskin slowly retract as his penis began to swell.

Peter was acutely aware of his penis as he felt the first throb of his impending arousal. He shivered with shame as a second pulse of emotion throbbed within his penis. He felt utterly bereft of any self-esteem. His emotions were so stretched that he sobbed as he spoke.

?Oh please miss? oh please? I?m sorry? I feel so ashamed.? Andrea felt a thrill run through her body as she realised she had him totally at her mercy.

?Poor baby? my you have had a difficult time. Just come around to my side.? She pressed against his hips until he had managed to shuffle around to the right side of the chair in front of the trolley. ?Come along then sweet child lay across my lap and I will get that little bottom of yours feeling a little more comfortable.?

To his horror Andrea nonchalantly reached forward with her left hand and scooped up his penis and testicles. He shuddered in shame as she held them firmly.

?Oh pleeease nooo miss? oh? ah oooh.?

Quickly she slipped her right arm around his waist and bent him forward. She watched him reach out with his hands as he lost his balance and fell across her lap. In a delicious moment she positioned his penis and testicles between her legs and then extricated her hand before squeezing her thighs together.

?There we are Peter, now just lie still while I attend to your bottom. Are you comfortable Peter? Just tell me if you start to feel uncomfortable!?

Peter could not manage to answer. He could not believe that he had been made to lay naked over the lap of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The very girl that he would have liked to impress with his maturity. Andrea? the one girl that had come to occupy his dreams, night after night! He had never felt so ashamed or humiliated. He could not help sobbing with shame and abject despair.

Andrea was in heaven as she looked down on the bare upturned buttocks of the young boy. She squeezed her thighs together waiting for the inevitable answering throb of his penis. Gently she raised her knees, pressing her tiptoes against the carpet and gently rubbed her thighs against each other. She heard him gasp as the tender flesh of her inner thighs rubbed sensuously against his penis.

Andrea realised just how easily she had obtained the first part of her goal. Here he laid? his naked upturned bottom over her lap. His psyche subdued and acquiescent to her will. She allowed herself a moment to examine his bottom. With utter glee she saw that the marks of the hairbrush where vivid against his pale skin. She leaned her head forward and with a shiver of delight, placed the flat of her palm across his buttocks.

?Now keep still Peter, I don?t want to hurt your poor bottom. My, my? it does look red.? Peter gasped feeling helpless as he felt her hand smooth across his upturned bottom. He felt hopelessly inadequate, utterly foolish and stupid as she spoke to him as if he were a child. ?Poor, poor baby, I am just going to part your buttocks, I promise to be very gentle? now, here we go? just relax there?s a good boy.?

She heard Peter stifle a sob as she placed her fingers delicately on each side of the deep crevice of his bottom. ?Remember? just relax now,? she cooed, as she plied the flesh open. Peter shuddered as she scored her finger along the deep crevice, her nail brushing over his sphincter. She could feel him tense his muscles anxiously as she examined the neat opening of his bottom. ?Well Peter, you seem to be alright there. Now stay absolutely still while I reach for the cream.?

He gasped again as she squeezed her legs together. Despite his utter embarrassment, she could feel his penis becoming erect between her thighs. Deliberately she let her legs rub together as she reached for the towel and uncovered the jars. She took a plastic bottle and held it over his buttocks. ?Now don?t move Peter, this may sting a little.?

?Oh please nooo miss, I am alright now? oh please miss don?t.?

She saw his buttocks contract as she poured the cool liquid into the crease of his bottom. Deftly she slipped her hand along the crevice, smoothing her fingers firmly over his sphincter as she coated her hand with cream.

?Now don?t be silly Peter, of course you have to have your bottom attended to.?

Delicately she began to apply the liquid to the cheeks of his bottom. Her hands were slow and sensual, as time after time again, she dipped into the crease of his bottom, each time probing more firmly as he squirmed upon her lap.

?Poor baby Peter, does that feel better. You have been such a brave boy.?

Several times she changed to a different cream as he squirmed and shivered over her lap. She ignored his protestations, realising that he was acutely aware of his burgeoning erection.

?There, there? poor baby, does that feel nice and cool on your bottom?? She continued, delighting in each touch, her hands skilfully eliciting sexual sensation from the boy. She ignored his obvious attempts to evade her touch; his body shivered and trembled as her hands moving expertly over his bottom. She slipped her right hand between his legs, letting her fingers stroke against his perineum. Skilfully she let her fingers tease the small hairs at the base of his penis. She leaned forward so that she could see how he was reacting to each subtle and deft touch of her fingers. Each intrusive and intimate touch of her hands, was accompanied by, squeezing or rubbing, her legs together.

Her proficiency and competence exquisitely plundered his young body of every sexual sensation. Artfully she probed and stroked his most intimate areas in an almost callous and torturous extraction of his innermost feelings. He gasped and moaned as she aroused him to a fever pitch. With a delight she had never experienced before, she kneaded and prodded his flesh. His gasps and groans of sexual torment and anguish were music to her ears as she toyed with him as if in a reverie.

Suddenly she felt a sudden change in him, realising that he was close to ejaculating as his penis begin to pulse and throb violently against the sensitive inner flesh of her thighs. She quickly took her hands away from him when she realised what was happening. Raising her right hand she smacked him hard upon his buttocks. The sharp staccato slap was designed to avert any sexual release. 

?There we are,? she said brightly. ?I think that will do.? I am going to let you up now. But first you must promise me that you will obey my mother?s instructions and place your hands upon your head as soon as you are standing upright.?

Peter was in a haze of embarrassment. He knew that his penis was erect and throbbing violently. He did not know what to do.

?Oh please miss er please? may I cover myself misss? oh please.?

?Of course not you silly boy!?  She said brightly, as if it were the strangest request in the world.? You know what mummy has instructed. Surely you don?t want another spanking. Your bottom is very sore, it will hurt terribly if she has to take you over her knee and use that wicked hairbrush on your bare bottom again. Now come along? up you get and let?s have no nonsense. Now promise me that you will put your hands on top of your head straight-away. Now? do you promise me??

Peter sobbed with humiliation, but made no reply. Wickedly, Andrea raised her right hand and smacked him smartly across both cheeks of his bottom. His reaction was immediate. ?Oooohhh arggghh.? He wriggled his bottom and shivered as she raised her hand again and smacked him again.

?Oh please noo? er miss. I promise.? He shivered and shook as his tears of shame began to flow freely.

?Oh pleeease miss? I am so embarrassed.?

?Alright sweetie?, she said softly. Just do as I ask and stand up with your hands upon your head. It really is for your own good that you obey me.?

Andrea put her hands around his waist and helped him to stand upright. She could see the utter humiliation and embarrassment in his eyes as he stood upright next to her chair and nervously placed his hands on his head, reluctantly leaving his body bared to her gaze.

She remained seated and placed her arm around the back of his legs, letting her hand slide upward over his bottom. She deliberately looked at his erect penis, feeling his body shiver in utter embarrassment as she leisurely stroked her hand over his buttocks. She was delighted to see that his penis was standing out from his body facing upwards at an angle of forty-five degrees. The foreskin had receded so that the smooth corona of the glans-penis was now fully exposed.

She was also delighted to see how big his penis had grown. She watched fascinated, as his swollen member throbbed and pulsed, the shaft moving up and down under its own volition. She looked up at his blushing face. His head was tilted upwards towards the ceiling. Andrea knew that his humiliation was such that he wanted to distance himself from his embarrassing predicament in any way that he could.

She stood up and faced him, her breasts naked, save for the diaphanous material of her night-dress, pressed against his chest as she looked him in the eye. She moved her feet forward until she could feel the tip of his penis touch her bare legs.

?Stay still and look at me Peter.? Her voice seemed to compel him to obey her. She took his head in her hands and kissed him full on the lips. Again she forced her tongue into his mouth and kissed him deeply. As she drew her head back, she was delighted to see a look of pure love and supplication in his eyes.

?Well sweet boy, I am going to let you get dressed and go home now. You have been a very brave boy and I am very proud of you. I will also be very proud to go out with you again.? She kissed him lightly on the cheek and turned away. She knew that he was watching her bare legs as she exited the room.

Andrea had had time to freshen her make-up and brush her beautiful blonde hair before putting on a towelling dressing gown over her nightdress and sitting in the hallway, waiting for him to finish dressing. As he entered the hall, she was delighted to see him blush to a deep red and avert his eyes. Quickly she opened the front door and waited for him. She lightly kissed him on the cheek and ushered him through, closing the door firmly behind him.


Andrea had been sitting with her friend Antonia in the school canteen for almost half an hour and she still had not seen Peter come for his lunch. Like most pretty girls Andrea attracted friends that were also pretty. Her friend, Antonia, was slim and petite. She had almost jet-black hair, which was cut fashionably short, accenting the lush and perfect condition. Her breasts were small and firm and thrust sexily against her silk blouse, jutting out firmly without the aid or need of a bra. Like Andrea, Antonia?s family were, financially, very well-off, which enabled her to spend a considerable amount on her appearance.

Her superb figure allowed her to wear the most fashionable of clothes; her long legs and firm breasts were always clad in the highest quality materials. She, like Andrea, would often attract the sly and longing looks of many of the boys at the college.

Andrea looked pensive for a moment and then smiled to herself. ?Of course?, she thought, ?he would obviously be so embarrassed that he would avoid any contact with me, especially in a public room and sitting next to Antonia.?

Andrea smiled to herself and got up from her table. She whispered to Antonia and winked before she set off to walk down the corridor to the restrooms and reapply her make-up.

Andrea and Antonia had no secrets from each other. Antonia had been kept informed of Andrea?s plans for Peter and had made a point of arriving earlier that morning so that she could find out how the evening had gone. It had taken over an hour for Andrea to relay every detail of Peter?s treatment. Antonia had interrupted her friend several times to ensure that she did not miss any of the delicious details of the young boy?s humiliation.

Andrea checked her appearance in the mirror, smiling at her own reflection as she admired and accepted without modesty, the exquisite beauty of her face and figure. Confident of her perfect grooming, she headed out of the building and toward the far end of the school grounds. She had often seen Peter sitting and reading on the lawns towards the rear of the college. This area was not popular with most students, being the only part of the extensive lawns, which did not have a view of the sports fields.

As Andrea headed up the rise? she smiled to herself as she saw him. He was laid out, face down on the grass, reading. There were several textbooks laid around him and she presumed rightly, that he would have been there for some time.

She watched him turn his head towards her just as she reached his position. She observed with delight, the deep blush that suffused his face in its entirety as soon as he saw her. She did not speak, but sat down on the grass beside him and looked into his eyes. ?Well Peter, I was waiting for you in the canteen. I waited for over half an hour before I came looking for you. What are you doing here? Didn?t you want to see me??

Although Andrea?s words might have been similar to that of a normal conversation, between boy and girl; her authoritarian tone had Peter blushing profusely.

In fact Peter could hardly articulate his words, such was his embarrassment. ?Oh er no erm Miss. I am ?erm just embarrassed.? He looked down at the grass. I erm, just er didn?t know whether you would erm? want to see me again? erm after? erm? yesterday.?

Andrea placed the palm of her hand softly against his cheek, watching him blush again as she leaned her head close to his. ?Silly boy, of course I want to see you again. I have some very good news for you. Well I hope it will be good news? if you want to see me again, that is??

Andrea could see the look of longing in his eyes as he answered her. ?Oh yes? er Miss? I would love to see you again.? She watched him as he looked down in embarrassment.

Her delight showed in her face as she raised his head, her fingers placed gently under his chin.

?Well let me tell you about it. My mother telephoned your mother today, to see if she thought you would like to stay with us during the summer vacation. Mother thought you might enjoy the pool and the tennis courts - and that you would be good company for me while she and my aunt are at work. Your mother was delighted, it seems she can now go and visit some of her relations while you are with us.?

She saw the look of anxiety on his face and the deep flush of red which followed.

?Don?t worry Peter; mother would never mention your smack-bottom.? She smiled brightly at him, as she enjoyed his embarrassment at her mention of his spanking. The huge blush that covered his face made him tilt his head down towards his book. Andrea leaned forward and laid her hand gently on his bottom. ?Does it still hurt, Peter?? She could see that he was so embarrassed, that he could hardly breathe. ?Don?t worry Peter, I would never mention it front of anyone, but you were a very brave boy.?

Had Peter actually heard the conversation between Mrs. Mountford and his mother, he might have thought very differently about the placation that had been proffered by Andrea?

??Hello, is that Mrs. Trent? It?s Cynthia Mountford here? Andrea?s mother. ?yes? yes, she enjoyed herself tremendously and said that Peter was the perfect partner for the evening. That was really the point of my call. As they are off school for the next nine weeks, Andrea suggested that I invite Peter to stay with us for a while. Before I extend the invitation to him, I wondered whether it would be permissible and of course whether it would fit in with your plans? ?Oh really, well if that is the case, I will telephone Andrea and ask her to invite Peter. I am sure that he will enjoy the pool and the tennis courts. He is welcome to stay for the whole period that you will be away. We are quite relaxed here so why don?t we just leave it that you will call when you return. I am quite happy to have Peter as our guest for the whole nine weeks. So please feel free to extend your visit to your relatives if you feel so inclined. I am sure Peter will be very happy and comfortable with us.?

The conversation meandered for a while before Cynthia casually turned its course to her purpose.

?Peter seems a very handsome and healthy young man, but as I am the Matron of the Birchwood hospital, I have to ask this question. Should I know of any medication or special dietary considerations he may need while he is here? ?Oh really well that?s good to hear. Does Peter get a regular check-up?  ?Yes it can be expensive? but you are right, he will get a free medical examination when he enters university at the end of the summer. However, as it has been quite some time since he was examined, I could have a look at him for you while he is staying here! The hospital will do the usual fluid tests for me without charge? and of course a clean bill of health is always reassuring isn?t it? ?Oh no trouble at all I assure you? pleased to be of help. Being Matron can have advantages at times! I have to have written confirmation of course ?so if you could scribble a note of permission and pop it into an envelope for me, Peter could bring it with him when he comes later this afternoon. Would that be alright? ?Wonderful, I look forward to meeting you at some point? and do have a pleasant visit with your sister.?


The bombshell came after dinner. Peter was seated next to Andrea at the dining table, facing Cynthia Mountford and her sister. He had felt very gauche and uncomfortable at first as they had all sat down to dinner. The knowledge that Mrs Mountford had taken him over her knees and smacked his bared bottom had sent a shiver of embarrassment through his young body.  Although Andrea had told Peter to just dress causally, but with a jacket, Andrea had put on a very smart white and quite revealing tunic dress. She had deliberately left the top three buttons undone, allowing the firm swell of her breasts to show as she leaned forward.

A young and extremely pretty maid served the meal. Although the dinner was informal, the young maid wore a traditional back dress and white apron. What was less traditional was that her loose-fitting ?A-line? skirt was extremely short, showing off most of her beautifully long and slender legs. Her waist, which, was tightly cinched with a wide waistband, showed that her stomach was perfectly flat. Her breasts, were very full and wonderfully firm, unusually so for such a slender torso? jutting outwards and upwards from her slender ribcage. Peter had looked at her several times to make sure, before he realised that he could actually see the clear outline of her nipples against the silky material of her uniform. Although he had little time to ponder over the young maid, her extremely brief and revealing dress did seem at odds with her role as maid to the household.


Earlier Andrea had shown him his room, which included his own ?on-suite? bathroom. She had been careful to keep their conversation to the demonstration of the various fittings of the room? where the towels and toiletries were kept? the operation of the motorised curtains, which covered the panoramic window ?etc. She had mentioned that Kate, their maid, would attend to his laundry and the changing of his bed linen and that she would keep his clothes and room tidy for him. To Peter?s surprise, after he had been shown the gardens and pool area by Andrea and returned to his room, he saw that the maid had unpacked all of his belongings and arranged them neatly within the drawers and fitted wardrobes.

Andrea, Cynthia and Sheila had made sure that they put Peter at his ease as best they could as they all sat through the meal. Cleverly they had carefully avoided asking him any direct questions. Instead they had casually included him in the general conversation. The young maid had caught Andrea?s eye several times as she served the meal and had given her a knowing look.

As the meal was finished it was Peter that spoke and unknowingly prompted the start of his own demise. ?Oh? er Mrs. Mountford? I almost forgot. My mother gave me a letter to give to you.? Peter had managed not to blush as he addressed Cynthia. He reached into his jacket pocket and retrieved a sealed envelope, which he handed across the large modern oak table towards her. Had he known the contents of the letter, he might have been far less forthcoming!

Cynthia avoided looking at either Andrea or Sheila as she took the envelope. She could already feel a frisson of excitement emanating from Andrea as she opened the letter and silently read the contents. She did not look up as Kate, the young maid, started to clear away the plates. It was as if the maid already knew the contents of the letter and wanted to be in the room to see what would happen. Cynthia waited for a moment before addressing the young boy.

?Oh thank you Peter, yes I almost forgot. I had asked your mother if there was any medication that you required while you were staying here with us. She told me that you were generally very healthy, but that you have not had a medical check-up for two years. Two years is a very long time between health checks? so? as I am Matron at the local private hospital, I made an offer to your mother, to give you a medical check-up while you are here.?

She watched his face quickly blush to a deep beetroot red as he realised the import of her statement. He suddenly looked down at the table to hide his acute embarrassment as she continued.

?My sister and I are both qualified nurse-practitioners, so we will be able to give you a most thorough physical examination. Your mother obviously thinks a lot about your welfare. In fact, I think she was really worried that it had been so long since you last saw a medical professional. She was certainly pleased when I told her that you could be examined without cost, especially when I have a surgery right here in the house.? She watched the boy?s cheeks continue to glow with embarrassment as she leaned back and continued.

?Well Peter, we might as well do it right away and then we won?t have to worry about you while you are here.? They all looked at the young boy as he sat rooted to his chair. They could see that his face was glowing bright red even though he was looking down at the table. His young body was shivering with embarrassment as he vainly tried to hide his shame. Cynthia continued as if she had said nothing to embarrass the young boy.

?I?ll let Andrea take you to the surgery. When you get there, I want you to strip off and fold your clothes neatly. I want you fully undressed, as this will be a very thorough examination. Now I know you will be well behaved and not make a fuss, so off you go and Andrea will show you where to go and get undressed.?

Peter was shivering and shaking with embarrassment as he got up from the table. His lips were trembling as he looked across at Mrs. Mountford. ?Oh erm? please erm miss? I don?t need erm? a  medical? I am erm quite fit and well.?

Cynthia could see that he was close to tears with the shame he was feeling as she spoke kindly to him. ?Now Peter, your mother was so pleased with my suggestion that I could hardly go back on my promise. Just be a good boy and do as you are told. You already know what happens to little boys if they are naughty? and I know you wouldn?t want me to have to ring your mother and tell her that I was going to have to smack your little bottom. I deliberately avoided telling her how naughty you had been in getting back late from the Prom? and that I have already had to spank you. Now you wouldn?t want me to have to tell her that you have been naughty on a second occasion and that I was going to have to smack your bare bottom again? now would you??

She was delighted as the boy looked down in humiliation and shivered with shame, seemingly resigned to what was in store for him. ?Now take his hand Andrea and take him through to the surgery. If he misbehaves, I want you to smack his bare bottom for me. Will you promise me that you will spank him if he is naughty??

Andrea looked at her mother. The expression on her face was serious as she saw Peter look at her out of the corner of his eye.

?Oh mother, I know Peter will be perfectly good. He really is very well behaved at school. I?m quite sure that I won?t need to smack his bottom. He is my friend and I know he wouldn?t let me down.?

Andrea turned to Peter and waited while he raised his head. She looked him in the eyes as she spoke. ?You wouldn?t make me have to smack your bare bottom, would you Peter, I would be so embarrassed?? Andrea looked at his panic-stricken expression. She hoped Peter did not realise that she would not be in the least embarrassed; in fact she could hardly wait to have his bared bottom over her knees.

Peter?s eyes were glistening with tears as he looked up at Andrea. ?Oh.. please nooo miss. I really will be good.? The last part of his sentence was almost a cry of anguished embarrassment as he looked down at his feet.

Cynthia spoke again, her voice firm and resolute. ?Right off you go both of you.?

Andrea led him through the downstairs corridors of the large modern house towards the surgery. The surgery had been used by her late father to consult with his private patients and although it had not been used since his untimely death, however like all the rooms in the house, it was always kept clean and in pristine condition.

Peter trudged the last few yards to the white painted door of the surgery. He did not dare to look at Andrea or to speak to her, as she held his arm and guided him as if he were a young child. He stood still, his body still shivering with acute embarrassment as she opened the door and beckoned him through.

The room was extremely large and very well appointed. Hygienic black and white tiles covered the entire floor. The room was dominated by a large overhead surgical lamp, beneath which stood a medical examination couch. The leather surface was covered with a crisp white sheet, which hid the stirrup attachments beneath it. To the right of the couch was a large set of scales and behind that a row of three sinks with shelves of medical paraphernalia above the gleaming stainless steel. To the side of the sinks was an open doorway leading into a large tiled bathroom.

Had Peter been able to see inside the brightly lit bathroom, he may have felt even more embarrassed than he did at the moment. Unknown to Peter, immediately after Cynthia Mountford?s conversation with his mother, Cynthia and Sheila had inspected and set out the bathroom in singular preparation for his examination.

A low rubber covered bench had been moved to the middle of the room, to the side of it had been placed a table, on top of which, were several large bulbous ended glass syringes. There could have been no mistaking their purpose, or for that matter, that of an elevated plastic bag of fluid which was suspended from tall, chromium plated stand above the bench. The bag was partly encased by a cloth sleeve, which contained a small heating element to keep the contents at an optimum temperature.

A red rubber tube snaked down from the bag to the tabletop. The end of the tube was fitted with a shiny metal nozzle, which was gently curved. The phallic shaped device broadened quite rapidly and then narrowed. Behind the narrow part was a flange, which was shaped so that it would fit snugly against the sphincter. The tip of the nozzle ended in a small oval ball. A large gaping aperture in the end of the ball allowed water to be expelled in quite copious amounts and was controlled by a small tap, which was set into the handle of the nozzle. The nozzle had been placed on the table beside several jars of lubricant.

Next to the jars stood a metal shaving-mug and shaving-brush, alongside which, were several safety razors and a variety of other instruments. The purpose of some of the instruments, such as the three sizes of speculums would have been instantly recognizable, whereas other medical paraphernalia looked ominous without seeming to have an immediately recognizable purpose. On a shelf beneath the tabletop were a variety of bowls, jugs, washcloths and towels.

Behind the bench, against the wall, was a series of sinks and next to them stood a modern surgical stainless steel toilet bowl, which was custom set into the floor. Next to the toilet bowl was a stainless steel bidet with a number of taps and controls at each side of it.  Above the sinks were sets of shelves upon which had been placed neatly folded rubber aprons and boxes of surgical gloves. To the other side of the room was a large white bathtub with a flexible shower attachment and to the right of that was a large stainless steel autoclave.

Andrea smiled to herself as Peter looked anxiously around the room. Within the main surgery and to the left of the examination couch was a modern office desk. One chair had been placed in front of the desk and behind it was a comfortable executive chair. The surface of the desk was finished in a gleaming white acrylic material, upon which had been placed a clipboard and several sheets of paper next to a very modern switchboard type of telephone.  One corner of the room was curtained off to make a small privacy cubicle? and it was to this portion of the room, that Andrea led Peter.

She turned him towards her and took his face in her hands, her soft palms placed against each burning cheek. As soon as she was able to look into his eyes, she could see the full extent of his abject embarrassment and humiliation. She felt a rush of excitement run through her beautiful body as she spoke to him, relishing the look of utter anguish written across his innocent young face.

?Now Peter, go into the cubicle and get undressed, everything off including your underwear. Aunt Sheila will be down soon to start your examination. Now promise me you will be a good boy and not make a fuss.? She pulled the curtain aside and pushed him through the opening. She watched him as he stood beside the small table and chair, which were the only furnishings of the cubicle. He seemed frozen in embarrassment and disbelief.

?What?s the matter Peter? do you want me to stay to help you get undressed??

Andrea saw the look of deep humiliation upon his face as he looked at her and protested. ?Oh noooo?. erm no miss please erm? no? I will do it erm miss.?

She smiled, inwardly delighted at both his anguish and his acquiescence.

?Well done Peter, I will draw the curtain for you. Try and hurry, but do fold your clothes properly, mummy hates untidiness.? Andrea stepped back and drew the curtain closed, leaving Peter trembling as he contemplated his fate. His hands were shaking as he began to undress himself.

Peter?s feelings were so acute that he could not have articulated them. He undressed in a haze of utter embarrassment. It seemed utterly alien for him to be once again undressing in Andrea?s house and waiting to present himself naked to her mother. He shivered in embarrassment as he self-consciously removed his clothing. He felt close to tears as he stood in just his underpants and folded his trousers, laying them on the tabletop. 

Drawing in his breath he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear and pushed them down. He was shivering in humiliation as he stepped out of the shorts and tucked them under his trousers so that they could not be seen. He clasped his hands against his genitals as he stood naked, his flesh covered in goose bumps as he stood and waited.

Sheila took her time as she moved down the corridor. She had changed into her nursing uniform, allowing the thin white cotton material to move sexily against her body as she walked. She had dressed deliberately, making sure of her hair and makeup before deliciously slipping her uniform over her naked body. She loved the feeling of being entirely naked beneath her uniform. She delighted in the sensation of the smooth cotton material as it played against her skin; the feeling of letting it caress her breasts until she could feel her nipples suddenly become erect. She looked down at herself, noting with wicked delight, the sharp outline of the nubs of flesh as they pressed against the sheer cotton.

She turned the handle of the surgery door. As she entered, she was conscious of the sound of the boy?s involuntary sharp intake of breath. She knew that he had probably been waiting in trepidation for the very moment that she would enter. She knew exactly how embarrassed the boy would be feeling, naked and vulnerable, wondering what was in store for him. She walked across to the cubical and immediately pulled back the curtain to see him cowering against the table with his hands covering his genitals. Sheila was delighted to see that her memory of his beautiful naked body was as accurate as she had hoped. ?What a delightful body and face,? she thought, as she looked him up and down.

?Now Peter, let us have no nonsense while I prepare you. You may call me Nurse Sheila? or just nurse. Now come along and follow me to the bathroom.? She turned and led the reluctant youth, still clutching his genitals, towards the large white tiled room that she had helped prepare earlier in the day.

She turned and watched his young face as he entered the room, delighting in his look of dread as he saw the bench and the table with the plethora of instruments and syringes that had been laid out on top of it.

?Alright Peter, I want you on the bench on your hands and knees? facing that way. I am going to give you an enema. Now don?t look so shocked, you can?t expect Matron to examine you without a thorough cleaning, now can you?? Sheila could tell that it was not only her words but also the beauty of her face and body that was having such a devastating effect upon the psyche of the young boy.

She was absolutely thrilled when she saw his stricken expression. He was standing shaking with embarrassment, his hand clasped against his genitals as he blushed profusely. ?Come along, you will have to take your hands away from your body, if you are going to get into the position which I require. Now let?s get the ground rules straight and get you to start obeying my instructions immediately, shall we? Stand up straight and place your hands by your sides!?

Sheila did not wait to see him obey, but instead walked to shelves above the sinks and took a pair of rubber gloves, which she began to put on. She turned towards him, seeing him blush as she snapped the rubber gloves against her wrists and smoothed the rubber over her fingers.

She was delighted to see that he had obeyed her at last. He stood shivering with shame, his hands twitching nervously by his sides, as he looked at her in deep humility. She made no pretence of being disinterested as she examined him from head to toe. Carefully she looked at his penis and testicles as he stood meekly with his hands by his sides. She could see that his penis was beautifully plump, but was even more intrigued to see that both his testicles were very swollen, keeping the skin of the scrotum tightly stretched around them.

?Right get up on the bench on your hands and your knees. Come along, no dawdling now, we have a lot to get through.? She moved behind the bench as she saw him blush to a deep crimson. She watched as he turned towards the bench and clumsily got up on to it on his hands and knees. She smiled as she saw that he had placed his knees tightly together. He looked around at her curiously, his blushing face advertising his utter shame.

?Right young man. I want your knees spread as far apart as the width of the bench will allow. It is well padded so you will be quite comfortable.?

She waited for a moment as he struggled with his modesty. Slowly she watched him shuffle his knees to the outer extremity of the bench. His penis and testicles were clearly visible as she moved forward and tapped the inside of his thighs with her fingertips.

?A bit further Peter, there is still plenty of room? get your legs much further apart.?

She could see him blush and struggle with his embarrassment as he finally got his knees to each side of the bench. Sheila could clearly see his penis and testicles hanging down between his legs as she delivered another blow to his modesty.

?Well done, that?s better? now go down onto your elbows and rest your head upon your hands? lay your head so that it is turned to your right.?

She could see him shiver with embarrassment as her words sank in. His whole frame was twitching nervously as he lowered his body until his forearms were flat against the rubber surface. Gradually he spread out his elbows, allowing the top of his chest to touch the cool surface. It seemed to be with a weary acceptance that he laid his head on his hands. Sheila had made sure that by instructing him to lay with his head turned to the right, that he would have a full and perhaps reluctant view of her preparations.

Peter was in turmoil; his face was burning with shame as he adopted his humiliating position. He was aware that the cheeks of his bottom were now spread wide open and that his penis and testicles were hanging down between his legs, rudely and shamefully on view to the young nurse.

?There, what a clever young boy you are. Now just stay where you are until I am finished with you.? She looked at his blushing face as she buried her fingers into one of the jars of lubricant. She could not resist re-coating her fingers liberally as she saw him watching her every move.

?Now Peter, I want you to relax your little bottom so that I can slip my finger up inside you. Just r-e-l-a-x? she almost murmured the words as she moved behind him and placed her left hand upon his quivering buttocks. Sheila felt a tingle of excitement run through her body as slowly and deliberately, she slipped her fingers between the cheeks of his bottom.

Her first intimate touch upon his flesh made Peter moan with utter embarrassment. He felt utterly foolish and helpless in his open and vulnerable position; the utter ignominy of having to allow her hands full access to intimately explore between his buttocks.

?Now just keep still like a good little boy.? Her words belittled him further as she gently stroked her finger over his sphincter. She smiled to herself as her first intimate contact made him gasp out loud. Quickly she began to stroke her fingertip along the crease of his bottom, watching his sphincter recoil each time she brushed over the sensitive rosebud of flesh.

?Now Peter, take a deep breath please.? Her softly uttered words caused the boy even greater concern as the movement of her hand grew bolder. Her fingertip pressed hard against the quivering entrance to his bottom. Suddenly she saw the sphincter dilate and immediately probed against the quivering muscle, watching as her fingertip disappeared up inside him.

?Oooohhhh arggghh.? He cried out, as she deftly increased the pressure, sliding her whole finger right up inside his trembling bottom. His naked young body shivered and shook in an involuntary spasm as she impaled him thoroughly.

?Shhhhh?. Just relax now.? She quickly reached for the nozzle and slipped it beneath her fingertip. With a practiced motion she slipped her finger out of his bottom and at the same time substituted the round metal nozzle.

?Nice deep breaths now Peter!?

?Oh noooo please Nurse!?

Ignoring his protestations she slipped the device upwards, watching as the flesh stretched around the broadening metal nozzle until suddenly his sphincter closed over the narrow part, seemingly sucking the device inwards until the broad flange stopped it.

?Oooohhh argggh.? He groaned as the nozzle invaded his anus. He tried to rear up as the device stretched his sphincter wider than he ever thought possible. Nonchalantly, Sheila pressed down firmly on the small of his back until he settled back into his position.

?Now keep still, I don?t want you to move until I have finished. You wouldn?t want me to spank your bottom would you Peter? ...Well would you??

She felt his body shudder with embarrassment. ?Oh nooo? er please er misss? erm nurse.?

She smiled as she saw his buttocks quivering as he tried to accommodate the sensation of the large nozzle now firmly embedded inside his bottom. She quickly took off her rubber gloves and threw them in the bin. Bending over him she laid her left hand over the cheek of his bottom as she turned the tap on the nozzle to the left. Before he could protest at the sudden influx of water, she slipped her hand between his thighs and cupped his testicles, letting her fingers gently encircle his bulging scrotum.

He gasped with embarrassment as he felt her fingers gently close around his swollen testicles. He felt utterly helpless as she held him captive.

?You may feel some sensation in your penis and testicles? it often happens as the water goes in. It is perfectly normal? just relax and let the fluid do it?s work.? Sheila knew that the sensation of the water rushing inside him would be quite intense. She could feel his body shivering as he breathed deeply.

?Oooooohhhhh?. Oh?oh!? Peter gasped as the water seemed to rush everywhere inside him. The sensation was like nothing he had ever felt before.

Sheila let her forearm brush against the tip of his penis as she reached underneath him and held her flattened palm against his stomach. She let her other hand stroke over his buttocks as she comforted him. There now? be a brave boy? you are doing very well? just a little more to go before I stop it.?

Sheila moved to the sinks and prepared warm water in jugs and bowls, which she placed near the bench, before turning her attention back to the stricken young boy.

She waited for several more minutes before turning off the tap and once more slipping her hand under his stomach. She could feel his penis move against her forearm as she gently moved her hand over the lower part of his tummy.

?Right I want you to stay in that position for five minutes while I shave your bottom. I am going to take the nozzle out of your little bottom first? so take nice deep breaths for me please.? It was as if she was indifferent to his feelings as she grasped the nozzle and immediately pulled it from his bottom in one deft movement.

?Arrrggghhh ooooOOOOHHHH.? Peter cried out as his sphincter was stretched over the broad metal nozzle. ?Ohhh? oooohhhhhhhhHHH.?

He had hardly had time to come to terms with the stretching of his sphincter, when he felt a heavily lathered shaving brush slap between his buttocks. ?Now do try and keep still, little boys can be so tiresome when they have to have their little bottoms shaved.?

Peter wanted to protest, but felt so belittled that he kept silent as Sheila lathered every inch of his bottom before moving the brush brusquely over his scrotum. He felt near to fainting with embarrassment as the young nurse began to shave the crease of his bottom. Inch by inch the razor moved over his most intimate flesh. He gasped as she held his scrotum and pulled the skin tight as she shaved him behind his testicles.

?Right Peter, I want you to shuffle you knees together and then squeeze your buttocks tight. Come along let me see how you do.? Sheila watched as the boy struggled to obey. His movements were awkward but he managed to accomplish the task.

?Now kneel up, but keep your buttocks clenched and shuffle over to the toilet and sit on it.? She watched him as he got up. It was quite obvious to Sheila that his penis had become slightly engorged, although it still hung down between his legs. She watched as he shamefully shuffled to the toilet bowl and sat down. She knew that he would be utterly embarrassed when he released the enema. With a professional smile on her face she looked at him and waited, knowing that he would find it impossible to retain the enema for much longer. She quickly donned another pair of rubber gloves and gathered up a large wad of tissue. She moved forward just as she heard Peter expel.

Peter looked down in utter shame as the enema spilled from him in a rush. He blushed profusely as the water emptied noisily in the stainless steel toilet pan.

Sheila smiled at him and spoke.

?That?s a good boy; now open your knees so I can reach underneath you.? She saw the boy?s stricken look as she reached between his legs, brushing her hand against his penis and testicles as she reached to wipe his bottom with the wad of tissue. Quickly she helped him stand up and sat him down on the bidet. She noted that the toilet pan contained almost clear water as she used the foot flush to empty the toilet pan.

?When did you last go to the toilet Peter??

Peter blushed as he looked at her. ?Erm? just before dinner? erm nurse.?

Sheila nodded as she reached down to the bidet controls and turned a tap.

?Now keep your knees together and stay still. Don?t you dare move an inch! I don?t want water spilling everywhere.?

She smiled to herself as the boy sat bolt upright, when suddenly, the cold water jetted upwards against his sphincter. She watched while he sat there cocooned in shame as she let the cold-water pound up against his bottom. After a minute or so, she turned off the tap and took him by the arm. ?Come along Peter? let?s get the rest of you shaved.? She watched him blush as she led him back to the bench. Water from the bidet was dripping down his legs as he stumbled rather than walked to the bench.

Sheila watched his face as she began to instruct him. ?Right young Peter comes along now! Sit on the end of the bench and spread your legs out to each side, keeping your feet on the floor? then I want you to lie back on the bench with your arms spread out above your head.? She watched as the import of her words dawned on him. His face suddenly flushed to a bright crimson as he realised the position he was to adopt.

?Come along Peter, I can see that I will be spanking that little bottom of yours if you do not obey me a little more quickly.?

In a haze of embarrassment Peter obeyed, his face blushing profusely and his lips trembling as he spread his legs wide and then to his ultimate shame lay back with his arms outstretched on the bench above his head.

His mind was in complete turmoil; his emotions so stretched with embarrassment and humiliation as he looked up at the young nurse. Her cool expression and the beauty of her face made him shiver with shame, as he lay out naked before her. Had she been a stout matronly type, like the school nurse he may have felt less embarrassed. But her slender body and delicate features had him utterly stupefied. Her innocent face and studious air made Peter feel utterly ashamed of his nakedness in front of her.

Nonchalantly, Sheila pushed his knees even further apart, before taking off her gloves and reaching for the shaving foam and razor. With a little shiver of excitement running through her body, she bent over him and casually began to lather around his penis and testicles with the shaving brush, until the whole area was coated in thick white foam. She could see that he had turned his head away from her in his shame and that his face had turned from a bright red to a deep crimson as she put down the shaving brush and picked up the razor. It was a delicious moment for Sheila as she announced her intention.

?Now Peter look at me. I am going to shave your entire pubic area? that includes your penis and testicles. Now I don?t want to hear any protest from you? and I insist that you keep perfectly still. Do you understand me??

Sheila could see that Peter was absolutely distraught as she looked at him directly. His lips were trembling and she could see tears of shame in his eyes. ?Well Peter, are you going to obey me??

His voice trembled as he almost whispered his replay. ?Ooohhh? y?yes n?nurse.?

Nonchalantly Sheila took a firm hold of the very tip of his penis between her finger and thumb and stretched it upwards away from his body as she spoke. ?I am pleased to hear it Peter? now remember no fidgeting.?

Peter gasped in utter shame as Sheila causally held his penis in her fingertips while she applied the razor to the shaft. Over the next few minutes, she shaved his entire pubic region, nonchalantly handling his penis as if it were of no consequence. She could feel the flesh gradually engorge under her hand as she deliberately stimulated it each and every time she touched it, all in the pretence of moving it out of the way of the razor. She heard him gasp several times and then suddenly cry out when she slipped her fingers around the head of the shaft and casually withdrew the foreskin as she placed his penis flat on his stomach, facing towards his naval.

?Do stop being a baby, Peter, I have nearly finished shaving you? so for heaven?s sake, please keep still.?

Peter?s shame knew no bounds as she casually slapped a washcloth against his pubis and wiped the remains of the lather away from his groin. She wiped between his legs several times, before leaning forward and carefully making sure that he was completely free of pubic hair. She lifted his scrotum examining the soft pink skin to make sure that not one hair had escaped her attention. Peter could feel the cool air against his freshly shaven skin; he had never felt so utterly naked and ashamed. He could not help looking down at himself, groaning with utter embarrassment as he saw that his penis was fully erect and was jutting out from his smooth and naked freshly depilated pubis. He turned his head away in anguish as Sheila spoke to him.

?Oh how embarrassing Peter?, look your penis has become erect! It just amazes me how children are unable to control their little penises.? Her words seemed to reduce his stature to that of a young and immature child as he turned his head away in utter shame. ?Well you had better keep still. I am going to shave under your arms so that Matron can examine your lymph nodes. So let?s get those arms stretched well above your head.? Peter could not help looking at her beautiful face as she leaned over him and began to apply lather to his underarm. Although the brush tickled he managed to keep still as she shaved his armpit. He could feel her sweet breath on his face as she moved the razor carefully over his skin. He watched her in deep embarrassment as she moved around the bench and proceeded to do the other arm, carefully shaving every hair until his skin was completely smooth.

Sheila was well aware that his penis was still fully erect as she bade him stand up. Rather than embarrass him further at this stage she moved over to the bathtub and turned on the powerful taps. She watched as the bath filled to half-full in less than two minutes. She felt the water with her fingers, noting that the automatic control had provided a perfect temperature.

She turned to the young boy and smiled as she saw him standing by the bench. Although his penis was standing straight out from his body, he had obediently kept his hands by his sides. He had lowered his blushing face, resting his chin on his chest in shame.

?Come along Peter, hop into the bath and sit down. I am going to give you a nice warm bath until you are squeaky clean all over.? She watched a fresh flush of colour suffuse his cheeks as he stumbled towards the bath. His penis was bobbing to and fro as he walked, compounding his utter humiliation at every step. He studiously avoided looking at her as he reached the bath and got in. He sat down quickly as looked up at her, thankful that his erect penis was beneath the surface of the water.

Sheila busied herself bringing soaps, shampoos, jugs and washcloths to the side of the bath. She had contemplated making the boy stand up in the bath and hold the safety rail above his head. However she rather fancied the idea of first bathing the boy as one would a younger child.

?Right close your eyes and tilt your head back, I am going to wash your hair.? She watched him and waited until he obeyed. She loved the look of his perfect features as he sat upright with his young face pointed upwards awaiting her ministrations. Sheila thought that perhaps he was able to shut out some of his embarrassment as he squeezed his eyes shut. Carefully she poured warm water over his head until his hair was soaked. Gently, almost lovingly, she began to wash his hair. Her hands were soft and sensuous as she lathered him. Her fingertips played with the hair at the nape of his neck before smoothing the lather around his ears and under his chin. She could hear the boys breathing become deeper and more regular as she rinsed his hair and began to lather his smooth chest. She moved behind him and sat on the edge of the bath as she slipped her delicate fingers beneath his arms and began to soap the smooth skin under his armpits. In a most intimate way she slipped her forearms further underneath his arms and gently soaped his chest. Her fingers played over his nipples as she slipped her arms further forward. Her voice was soft and low as her cheek moved next to his. ?There we are, we soon have you all nice and clean, won?t we Peter.? She whispered as she busied herself soaping the young boy.

?Mmm? you will be a nice clean boy, won?t you? Lots of soap to make your skin soft and squeaky clean. Now just lean back and I am going to do your toes.? Carefully she leaned him back against the bath and gently rested his head on the rim. She noticed that his eyes were still tightly shut as she moved to the other end of the bath and lifted his leg from the water. Lovingly she lathered his foot, her fingers slipping between each toe as she washed him thoroughly. She carefully let his leg back down into the water and proceeded to wash the other one in the same fashion.

?Let?s get these little ?piggies? nice and clean shall we?? Her slender fingers slipped and probed between his toes as she diligently lathered his feet. ?There we are I?ll just let your leg back into the water and you can lay there and soak for a moment.?

She could hear the boy?s breathing deepen as she stood back and admired his young body. She left him for several minutes before gently placing her hand upon his cheek.

?Wakey, wakey Peter. I want you to be a good boy and stand up for me now. There is a safety rail above your head. I want you to stand up and hold onto the rail so that you don?t slip. Do you want me to help you or do you think you can manage on your own?? She watched as he stood up awkwardly, he looked nervous and embarrassed again as he stretched his arms above his head and grasped the bar above him. He stood with his legs together and Sheila noticed that although his penis was not fully erect, that it was still plump and pointing forward, rather than hanging down between his legs. She watched his face colour up again as she stood back and looked him up and down.

?Now look at me Peter. I want you to stand with your legs as wide apart as you can? until your arms are stretched up fully. Will you do that for me?? She saw his cheeks flush with red and an anxious expression appear on his young face, as self-consciously he spread his feet apart until his arms were fully stretched holding the bar.

?Now Peter, you see, you can be a good little boy when you try. Now be a brave little soldier and don?t make a fuss while I wash your little penis and testicles. I promise I will be very gentle with you.? She placed her hands on each of his hips, marvelling at the narrowness as she slipped her hands around him and stroked her palms over his firm buttocks.

?Now I want you to remember to relax your bottom when I need to get inside the crease. You will be a good boy and obey me won?t you sweetie??

Sheila delighted in the embarrassment that her words caused the young boy. She watched in delight as he shivered in anticipation. Deliberately she coated her hands with liquid soap, making sure that he could see her every move. She moved closer to the bath and looked up into his face as she gently cupped his testicles in her right hand. Without preamble she slipped her other hand around his hips and dipped her fingers into the crease of his bottom. Slowly and sensuously she began to soap him. She felt him shiver as she withdrew her hands for a moment and then placed her fingers around the shaft of his penis. Nonchalantly she pushed the foreskin back and began to soap the head of his penis with her other hand. She held him firmly as he wriggled and tried to escape the acute sensation.

?Arggghhh ooooooohhhhh.? He moaned in anguish as her fingers assailed his senses.

?Now do try and keep still, this has to be done? you do want to be clean don?t you Peter?? Sheila knew that her question to the boy was entirely rhetorical. She continued to diligently soap his penis, completely ignoring his protestations as her fingers plundered his na?ve sexual senses. Suddenly she let go of the shaft of his penis with her right hand and slipped it between his legs. Without warning she slid her soapy fingertips deep between his buttocks and located his sphincter. Deftly she slipped her finger inside him. She could feel his whole body quake as she curled her finger upwards, at the same time as she slipped her left hand down over his penis, pushing the foreskin back tightly. She felt his penis began to throb uncontrollably as she held him firmly.

?Arrrgghhhh ooooohhhh oh please erm miss er nurse oh pleeeeeassse.?

?Just keep still Peter, I have nearly finished.? Sheila held him until she was sure that he was almost on the brink of an ejaculation. Suddenly she slipped her finger from his bottom and let him go. Wickedly, she took the shower attachment and sprayed him with cold water. She watched him shiver with sensation as she played the water over his genitals, directing the spray firmly against his penis and bulging scrotum, until she was quite sure that the moment had passed.

?Now Peter,? she said brightly. ?I am going to dry you off and you will be ready for your medical examination.

It was ten minutes and three fluffy towels later that Peter stood before the young nurse. She had made him stand with his legs apart and his hands placed flat upon the top of his head. She stood back and examined him, delighting in the look of his naked body as he stood shivering in shame.

His plump penis and bulging scrotum somehow seemed larger, now that his pubis had been completely shaved. The smooth flesh looked pale under the overhead lights. Sheila took her time as she re-examined his body. She was delighted with how she had handled the boy. She stepped forward and touched her fingertips to his freshly shaved pubis just above his penis. She admonished him as he tried to draw back from her touch. ?Now Peter that was very naughty? now keep still while I check that you are completely smooth. She bent down on one knee and replaced her hand, smoothing her fingers around each side of his penis. Peter involuntarily tried to avoid her touch again, thrusting his bottom back as her fingers traced a pattern around his genitals.

?Alright Peter, turn around and bend over and touch your toes.? She watched him blush as he reluctantly obeyed her. He felt utterly foolish as he bent over. ?No Peter? not like that you silly boy! Spread your legs and touch your toes properly.? Sheila waited until he was bent over to her satisfaction. With a thrill of anticipation she moved to his side and leaned over him. She placed her left arm right around his waist, bringing the palm of her hand face upwards under his tummy. She held him tightly as she smacked his bottom three times in quick succession.

Peter was mollified. He had thought that the instruction to bend over was for her further examination of him, rather than to access his bottom for punishment. ?Oooohhhh? nooo please erm nurse.?

Sheila ignored him as she gave him another three hard smacks. ?Now Peter, are you going to be obedient or do you want me to take you over my knees and give you a sound spanking.

Peter was so humiliated that he could hardly speak. ?Oh please nooo misss? er I will be good? I promise.?

?Well I hope for your sake that that is true, now stand up and turn around and face me and place your hands back upon the top of your head.?

She waited while he obeyed, before once again smoothing her hands around his shaved pubis. She looked him straight in the eye as she took a firm grip of his penis and slipped the foreskin back until she had revealed the entire glans-penis. ?Now keep still while I examine you properly.?

Without letting go she went down on one knee and raised his penis. She lent her head forward, knowing that the boy could feel her breath against his penis as she examined the flesh behind the foreskin. She could feel the flesh begin to throb between her fingers as manipulated the flesh in the pretence of a thorough scrutiny.

?Well you seem to be thoroughly clean. I can see that a smack bottom is far more effective in getting obedience from a little boy such as you. I have never known such reluctance, Peter. I shall hope that we can remedy your waywardness as well your health while you are here with us. I have no idea what Andrea will think of you when I tell her how difficult you have been.?

Sheila looked at his face as she let his penis go. She was delighted to see that it had become erect and was throbbing visibly as she stood upright. Peters face was bright red with embarrassment and indignation as Sheila looked him in the eye. She placed her hand on each side of his face, feeling the heat from his cheeks as she held his head. His crestfallen expression and utter humility delighted her as she spoke to him.

?I am afraid Peter that I am going to have to ask Andrea to take you in hand. She obviously likes you, but I am sure that she would not be willing to put up with a recalcitrant young boy. I am sure that if I ask her she will be willing to teach you the error of your ways. It is far better that you are dealt with now, rather than grow up to be a selfish and difficult adult.?

Peter was so embarrassed he did not know where to put himself. There were tears in his eyes as Sheila let him go and stood back. Her voice softened as she realised just how embarrassed the young boy was feeling. She did not want him in tears at this stage, after all she thought he has a very much more embarrassing time to go through.

?Well Peter, we will say no more for now. I am sure that you will try and be a good boy and do your best for Matron when she examines you. You must remember that your mother was delighted that you are to be examined entirely free of charge.? Sheila turned away from him and went to the sinks. She took a glass specimen jar from the shelves and held it forward as she returned to stand in front of the naked young boy.

She knelt down and nonchalant placed her fingers around his penis. She placed the glass tube over then shaft and moved it forward until the rim was pressed against his groin. ?Now Peter take hold of the jar with both hands and hold it there while you give me a urine sample.? She watched his jaw go slack with disbelief as he slowly took his hands from his head and placed then against the jar.

?Hold it tightly now and do me a ?wee, wee? into the jar.? The boy looked dumbfounded as Sheila stepped back. ?Come along, I am sure you can manage a little ?wee wee? can?t you?

Peter?s face was bright crimson as he looked at the young nurse. ?Erm  do you mean erm here erm nurse??

?Of course you silly boy, now come along.? The cold of the glass allied to the boy?s nervousness seemed to act upon his bladder? it was only seconds before he was urinating helplessly into the jar.

?That?s a clever boy? now you see you can be obedient if you really try. Perhaps I won?t have to ask Andrea to take you over her knees after all.?

Peter could not believe what he was hearing. It was unthinkable to him, that Andrea the girl he had mooned over for months could possibly do such a thing. His mind was in turmoil as he finished urinating. He stood helplessly as the nurse took the jar and placed it below the tip of his of his penis, drawing her fingers down the shaft to extricate the last drops of urine from him. He shivered, feeling a huge shudder run through his entire body as she squeezed the very tip of his penis to expel the final drops.

?What a clever boy, now just stay there while I label this and then I will take you through.?

The nurse held his arm and walked with him through to the examination room. Her action at taking his arm was quite deliberate as she had accurately anticipated his likely reaction. The next few moments eclipsed any embarrassment that Peter had already been subjected to.

Peter was walked into the examination room, he first saw Mrs Mountford standing by the examination couch. Beyond her, seated at the desk, a second nurse, who was dressed in standard blue nursing uniform, was reading from a clipboard. Peter had not expected to see anyone else and was rather hesitant in moving forward. As the second nurse got up from the desk and lowered her clipboard, Peter suddenly realized to his horror? that it was Andrea!

He immediately tried to cover himself. Wrenching his arm from the nurse, he clasped both of his hands to his genitals. His exasperated gasps of humiliation betrayed his abject horror. He simply could not believe that Andrea was there!!! His feeling of horror was so intense that he cried out in anguish like a young child. He felt utterly foolish and belittled as Andrea moved forward and spoke to her mother, completely ignoring Peter?s naked gyrations and fevered movements.

?Will you be working from this form mother?? Andrea showed the clipboard to her mother and then looked over to Peter. Her expression was cool and professional as Peter stood cowering before her.

Peter almost pleaded with Mrs Mountford as he stood shivering with his hands clasped to his genitals.

?Please er Miss? er pleeeeeeeeeeeeease not in front of Andrea?? Mrs Mountford seemed almost preoccupied with the form she was looking at, as she spoke to the naked young boy. ?Don?t be silly Peter? Andrea is a very proficient young student Nurse. She has been helping me every Saturday at the hospital for the last two years and already has the status of a first year student nurse. What on earth is the matter with you? Now go and stand in front of the desk over there and we will get started.?

Peter felt a fresh flush of colour suddenly cover his entire body. He could not believe that he was to be examined in front of Andrea. He was acutely aware of his smoothly shaved pubis seemingly accenting his nakedness. He clasped his hands more tightly over his groin as he bent forward. To Peter, his humiliation seemed to have been made even more acute by Andrea?s cool appraisal of him as she stood by her mother?s side. Her nurse?s uniform, fitted her perfectly. The broad belt showed off her flat stomach and narrow waist to perfection while the shortness of the dress revealed her long tanned legs. Her cleavage was visible between the open collar of the uniform, the material accented the beautiful contour of her breasts. The finely woven material had been carefully pressed and fitted her exquisitely. Andrea was perfectly groomed and very much at her ease. The neatness of her appearance and confidence of her manner, further accented the difference between her authoritarian position and the misery and shame of the naked young boy.

It was Sheila that got Peter moving. She gave him a sharp slap on his buttocks, before taking his arm and marching him to a central position in front of the gleaming white desk. ?Now stand up straight and place your hands upon your head. I want your legs spread apart, come along now? let me see you get in position. If you do not obey me, I will fetch the hairbrush and we will hold you over that desk while your bottom is soundly spanked. Now Peter? which is it to be??

Peter blushed profusely, his body trembling with embarrassment, as he slowly took his hands from his groin and stood up straight. Acutely aware of the cool air accenting his completely hairless penis and testicles, he forced himself to raise his arms and place the flat of his palms upon the top of his head? and then, with an even greater effort, he shuffled his feet apart. ?Come along, get them well spread. My, my you are being a naughty boy today.?

He felt utterly foolish and humiliated as he placed his feet over a metre apart before Sheila was completely satisfied with his position. He was aware that Andrea would have a perfect view of his bottom as he stood facing the desk. It was only with an embarrassed resignation to the futility of his protests, that he managed to stand as he had been instructed.

He felt his face burning with anguish and indignation as he stood and waited, knowing that sooner or later Andrea would return to her desk and see his naked and hairless penis and testicles. His embarrassment at the prospect of having to stand in such a position while Andrea looked at him was almost too much to bear.

He could feel tears of shame welling up in his eyes as he heard Andrea approach. It was almost with complete indifference to his plight that she walked past him and around to other side of the desk. She did not even glance up at him as she pulled up her chair and arranged several forms upon the white surface. Peter was trembling as he waited for the inevitable. To his utter shame and embarrassment Andrea slowly raised her head and looked towards him. He could see her eyes travel up and down his body, her cool appraisal adding fuel to his humiliation as she looked directly at his completely shaven genitals.

Andrea was delighted with the look of his penis and testicles. The skin of his plump scrotum seemed almost pale against the rest of his body now that it was bereft of hair. His penis hung down over the bulging sac as he stood with his legs shamefully apart. She squeezed her legs together in a sudden frisson of delight, carefully hiding her feelings by adopting a clinical and professional expression. She knew that the boy would be completely embarrassed by having had to have his penis and scrotum shaved.

She did not smile or give him any recognition of their friendship. Instead she seemed clinical and detached from him. She lowered her head and began reading the first of the forms as Mrs. Mountford came to stand at his side.

Peter could smell Mrs. Mountford?s delicate perfume as she stood close to him and gently placed the cool palm of her hand flat against his stomach. Peter shivered at the first contact as she raised her stethoscope and placed the ice-cold diaphragm against his chest.

?Right Peter breathe in and hold your breath until I tell you to breathe out again.? Peter obediently took a deep breath as the Matron began to move the diaphragm over his chest. ?Well done, now breathe out.? Mrs. Mountford changed the position of her hand, slipping it around his waist as she stood even closer to him. She could feel the boy trembling as she moved the stethoscope over every inch of his chest.

?No abnormalities, but ?P? is 100.? She called to Andrea as she moved around the naked boy and faced his back. Peter?s face was one complete flush of red as he watched Andrea filling in the results on the form.

Mrs. Mountford took her time admiring the boy?s naked buttocks before moving forward, her body almost touching his bottom, as she placed the stethoscope on his back. Almost mischievously she slipped her hand around his hip, her fingertips deliberately resting on the delicate area just in front of his hipbone. She could feel his body shiver as her fingertips touched the crease of his groin. Andrea could see the look of consternation in the young boy?s eyes as her mother began to run the stethoscope over his back. Andrea knew that sooner or later, her mother?s delicate touch would arouse the boy. Cynthia gave Andrea a knowing look as she glanced over the boy?s shoulder.

?Again no abnormalities, ?P? is raised and regular. Cynthia dropped the stethoscope, letting the tube hand between her breasts as she moved around to the front of the boy and raised her hands and placed them on each side of his neck.

Her fingers were cool against his fevered skin. Her touch was gentle yet probing as she handled the boy?s quite nonchalantly ?No nodes apparent left and right side of neck.? Peter looked at Mrs. Mountford?s beautiful face, shivering as she slipped her hands down from his neck. Her palms caressed his skin as she slipped them over his chest and under his arms.

Her touch was gentle and deliberately sensual as her fingertips moved outwards to the freshly shaved area of his armpits. Cynthia deliberately let her body move closer to him, so that her white tunic touched against the tip of his penis as she began to examine under his arms. She looked into his eyes, seeing the utter shame as she sensuously kneaded his flesh. She felt a shiver run through his whole body as the material of her dress rubbed against the tip of his penis.

?No nodes apparent.?

Mrs. Mountford looked across at Sheila who was busy fixing stirrups to the examination couch. Sheila had deliberately waited until the boy?s examination had started so that he would not be able to see what preparations she was making. She knew that the sight of the stirrups would have given him a good idea of what was in store for him.

?Oh Sheila would you bring me the small stool please.? Cynthia made sure that she held the boy?s attention as she waited for Sheila. She looked into his eyes seeing his utter anguish as Sheila wheeled the low stool to Cynthia?s side.

Cynthia held the boys gaze as she sat down on the stool. His expression was showing his anxiety and trepidation at what was coming next. She placed her hand on his hip and let her fingers slide down the crease of his groin. She could hear his sharp intake of breath as her fingers got dangerously close to his penis and testicles.

Peter could not help reacting to her gentle touch as she smoothed her hands over his skin. His heart sunk in despair as he felt his penis throb with the first manifestation of his arousal. He could do nothing but stand there helpless as Matron called to Andrea.

?No swelling of the groin lymph nodes.? She intoned, as she thoroughly examined both sides of his groin.

Peter could not help looking at Andrea who was ticking boxes on the forms she held in front of her. She looked up at him, her expression cool and clinical, bereft of any emotion that she felt. She could see that the boy was blushing more profusely than ever. She waited until her mother pushed gently back on her stool, leaving the boy?s body completely within her view. She saw immediately that his penis had swollen during the last part of the exam and as she watched, she could see the flesh suddenly pulse, making the head of the penis bob up and down. She heard him groan in despair and anguish as he realised that she was watching him.

Cynthia placed her stool to the side so that she would not interfere with Andrea?s view of the boy. ?Arch your back and keep your legs well spread while I examine your testicles. Come along young man? there that?s the way. Now I want you to give me a nice big cough when I tell you.? She looked up at his blushing face as she reached forward and gently cupped his entire scrotum in her hand. She could feel the flesh recoil at the cool touch of her hand. Deftly she encased the entire scrotum as the boy groaned in embarrassment.

?Right give me a nice big cough please.? Peter felt his penis throb violently as Matron cupped his testicles and lifted them. He was so embarrassed that he could not help looking at Andrea to see if she had observed this intimate part of his examination. He saw immediately that she was watching him intently. He was not quick enough to avert his gaze? and their eyes met? much to Peter?s utter shame.

?Come along another nice big cough please.? Matron rolled his testicles within the scrotal sac. She could see that his penis was engorging rapidly as she let her fingers play with the swollen orbs inside the puckered pouch of his scrotum.

?The testicles are very swollen although there is no sign of hernia. Would you make a note please Andrea, that we will have to take a semen sample?? Peter gasped in shock as the matron casually announced her intention.

?Now keep still Peter while I retract your prepuce. Now keep perfectly still and don?t fidget. Little boys can be so awkward when they have their penises examined.?

?Ohhh? er please er  miss.? Peter did not know where to put himself as he looked down to see Matron casually take a firm hold of his penis and immediately retract the foreskin. He almost jumped out of his skin with the acute sensation. His penis had engorged fully and Peter could feel it start to throb constantly.

?Oh really Peter? do keep still.? Nonchalantly Cynthia pushed the foreskin back until it was stretched tight. She could feel the boy shiver and shake as she slipped her fingers over the head of the glans penis. ?Argggghhhh?ooooohhhh.? He could not contain himself as Cynthia casually stretched the skin back as she examined the head and the glans. Peter was shivering and shaking with sensation as matron continued her intimate examination, seemingly oblivious to his distress. Her voice was cool and calm, ignoring the boy?s gasps and groans as she spoke to Andrea.

?No abnormalities? prepuce is tight and restrictive. The penis has become engorged and erect during examination. Please make a note that I recommend therapy with resultant semen extraction. I am going to examine his prostate now.? She looked across the room and spoke to Sheila would you bring some gloves and lubricant please, while I get this boy positioned.?

Peter was shivering with embarrassment as Matron took her hands away from him, leaving him standing spread legged with his erect penis pointing upwards, away from his groin. She completely ignored him as she stood upright and grasping his wrists, took his hands from his head. ?Now Peter lean forward, just as you are with your legs spread and put your hands flat down on the desk.

Peter was blushing furiously as the Matron made him bend forward until he had placed his hands wide apart on the edge of the desk. To his dismay Peter felt Mrs. Mountford place her hand on his shoulders and gesture for him to lower his head. He looked forward and blushed immediately as he saw Andrea looking into his eyes.

The last part of the examination had been so embarrassing that it had given Peter little time to contemplate the matron?s intention of taking a semen sample. He shivered and shook, cocooned in shame as he bent forward with his legs spread wide, while his erect penis throbbed violently. He heard the nurse walk towards him and felt her cool hand upon his bottom.

?Now Peter I want you to relax your bottom so that Matron has complete access. I am going to spread the cheeks of your bottom and I want no nonsense? do you hear Peter.? Sheila?s voice was stern as she leaned over his waist and placed one hand upon each buttock.

?Now just relax.? Peter shivered as Sheila stretched the cheeks of his bottom widely apart. He found that it was impossible to resist as his legs were so widely spread. To his utter shame he felt Andrea gently place her hands on either side of his face. Carefully she lifted his head until he was looking directly into her eyes. ?Just relax your bottom now Peter. I am sure Mother will be very gentle when she penetrates your little sphincter.? Andrea?s words compounded his shame more than he ever thought possible. Her beautiful face moved closer to his as she spoke once more. ?Be a brave boy now.? Andrea had observed her mother as she moved the stool directly behind the boy, holding her gloved hand upwards so that the lubricant did not drip.

Almost immediately, Peter felt matron?s fingers gently smooth between the crease of his bottom. He shivered as her finger scored across his sensitive sphincter and began to probe. Gently but insistently he felt her press against the tight stricture. The deft and practiced movements of her finger probed more firmly as she lubricated the entrance to his anus. Without warning her finger suddenly slipped through the opening to his bottom. He tried to rear up but Sheila leaned her body against the small of his back while Andrea held his head more firmly. She whispered to him as he cried out in anguish.

?There we are Peter, just be a brave boy while Mummy has a feel around inside you.?

Peter had never felt more humiliated or foolish than right now. His modest nature could not contain the absolute ignominy of his position. His face was bright red as he looked at Andrea?s beautiful face, knowing that she was privy to every nuance of his distressing position. Peter?s thoughts were in turmoil; how could he ever have dignity again, he thought, as he was forced to look up at her while she observed him with his bottom cheeks stretched widely apart and his anus being thoroughly penetrated and vigorously probed.

The boy?s humiliation was written right across his face as Andrea looked at him. She thrilled at his utter anguish as he tried to rear up again. ?Just relax there?s a good boy.? Andrea?s voice was soothing as she looked into his eyes. She stifled the thrill she felt as he tried to rear up again. Andrea knew that her mother had slipped a second finger firmly up inside his bottom and had pushed both fingers firmly until they could go no further.

Peter was near to fainting as Mrs Mountford smoothed her fingertips over his prostate gland. She could feel an involuntary spasm inside his anus as she prodded the soft mound of the gland. She reached forward between his legs and placed her fingers delicately around his penis, making sure that she did not stimulate the young boy any more than was necessary. She could feel the shaft throbbing violently and knew that soon he would be very close to ejaculating. ?Please make a note Andrea: The sphincter is rather tight and could benefit from some therapy and I can confirm that the prostate is temporarily enlarged and will benefit from semen extraction.? Peter blushed in shame as Andrea took her delicate fingers from his cheeks and began to write on the forms in front of her.

Quickly matron withdrew her finger and without allowing Peter any respite from his ordeal, both she and Sheila took hold of his trembling body. Standing him upright, they guided him towards the examination table. It was only a matter of seconds before they had sat him upon the end of the table and laid him back with his arms stretched out on the surface above his head.

Andrea caught a glimpse of the embarrassed expression on his young face as they hoisted his legs upwards, until they were placed high and wide within the confines of the surgical stirrups. The deep broad leather loops held his calves? comfortably; but their depth made escape impossible.

Andrea got up from her desk and walked to the side of the examination table. She noted that Peter?s eyes were firmly closed, probably, she thought, to shut out the dire ignominy of his position. Delighted with the events of the evening so far, she looked over his naked body. She took her time examining him from head to foot, revelling in the look of his shaved genitalia? which now seemed even more noticeable, particularly as his legs were stretched so widely apart. She knew that his position was the most shameful possible for a young boy. While his eyes were tightly shut, she took the opportunity to bend over and take a closer look at his penis, which was still throbbing visibly. She stifled the impulse to take his penis and testicles in her hands, knowing that her opportunity would not be long in coming. Instead she looked back at his face, knowing that sooner or later, he would become aware of her presence.

However she did not have to wait for him to open his eyes voluntarily, as Cynthia Mountford quickly took charge. Standing between his widely spread legs she addressed him. ?Come along open your eyes Peter, I need your full attention.? She waited while he reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at her. ?Right Peter, I have examined your testicles and they are very swollen, quite enlarged in fact! Tell me, when did you last masturbate? You do know what masturbation is I presume??

The boy?s face was crestfallen as he looked up at her. ?Erm yes erm miss, erm matron. I mean, I know what it is.? He hesitated for a moment. ?I don?t erm, I mean masturbate? erm I have never done?? his voice was trembling with embarrassment but he managed to continue,  ?I have never masturbated Matron? never!?

Matron was fairly sure that the boy was telling the truth, having discussed the subject thoroughly with Sheila and Andrea.

?Well Peter, that is admirable. Little boys should certainly not masturbate; it can lead to a malformed penis as well as soreness and sometimes other problems. However, in your case, your testes are rather swollen and so is your prostate gland. Therefore it is ?medically? necessary for you to have your semen extracted. We will probably need to do this several times a day until your testes are of a normal size. I will take a sample from you now, which should certainly stop your testes from becoming painful.? She leaned forward and looked at him keenly. ?Now I want no nonsense from you while I take a semen sample, do you under stand me??

Andrea could see that Peter had suddenly realised the import of what Cynthia had said. He looked astonished and then suddenly leaned forward and clasped his hands to his groin, covering his penis and testicles.

?Oh please miss.. please noooo? not in front of no? please don?t miss. I really couldn?t bear that? oh please nooo.? Cynthia could see that his shame and anguish had completely overwhelmed him. However she was delighted that he had provided this opportunity to announce another of her intentions.

?Sheila, please take his hands and get him back in position. Andrea, would you stand by in case he is unruly?? Cynthia watched Sheila who gently took his wrists and moved them away from his groin. She placed his arms back upon the examination couch, stretching them out above his head. She tutted at him as his penis and testicles were shamefully exposed again.

?Now let?s have no more fuss, what on earth is Andrea going to think of you?? Sheila?s voice was soft and gentle as she stood at the head of the bed. She raised his head a little and placed a large heavy pillow over his arms and under the back of his head. This had two effects; one was to raise his head so that he could not help but look down at his own naked torso and his shamefully erect penis, the other was to effectively stifle any movement of his arms, which were now firmly pinioned under the pillow.

Cynthia spoke again. ?I will discuss your behaviour and your punishment later. But be assured that you will be punished for that little outburst. Now keep still and stop behaving like a spoilt child.?

She moved between his legs allowing room for Andrea at her right side. ?Now Andrea would you bring a specimen jar and collect his semen sample for me. If you come around to my right I would like you to hold his testicles out of the way while I slip my finger up into his bottom.? Andrea thrilled as Peter reluctantly looked at her in disbelief. His face flushed to a deep purple as Andrea gave him a sympathetic smile as she reached for a glass container. Peter looked at her in utter disbelief as she held the container quite casually. It made Peter feel quite light-headed with humiliation as she stood there holding the container that would hold the contents of his ejaculation.

Nonchalantly she reached forward and cupped his entire scrotum in her left hand. Her delicate fingers seemed to amplify the boy?s complete humiliation as she drew the bulging sac forward and lifted the swollen orbs in her hand.

Cynthia spoke sharply as Peter groaned in utter anguish. ?Come along behave yourself, I want no nonsense.? Her words were punctuated by the deft movement of her hands as she placed a large glob of lubricant on her index finger and casually slipped it between the widely spread cheeks of his bottom. Sheila could see the boy?s reaction and quickly leaned over him, her breasts touching his head as she placed her hands upon his chest as he tried to rear up. She felt a sudden thrill as she smiled down at his anguished face.

Peter was in absolute mental and physical turmoil as he felt a firm pressure against his bottom and then the intense almost sexual sensation as a finger was slipped upwards into his sphincter, deftly penetrating his bottom in a single well-practised move.

His head moved from side to side as Cynthia slipped her free hand around the shaft of his penis and gently slid her fingers upwards. She increased the firmness of her fingers as she collected the foreskin and slid it down the shaft, exposing the smooth corona. Peter gasped in anguish as she stretched the skin back tightly. His gasps turned to a loud moan of anguish as Cynthia penetrated his bottom with a second finger. Suddenly he began to shiver uncontrollably as Cynthia hooked her fingers inside his bottom and callously scored her fingertips over his prostate gland. Sheila held the boy firmly as Cynthia proceeded to milk him.

The well-practiced movement of her fingers denied his feelings any respite as she methodically milked her hand up and down the shaft. Groan after groan escaped from the young boy?s lips as her fingers explored the very core of his senses. Andrea watched in fascination as his mouth sagged open and his eyes rolled up in sexual anguish. His breath was heavy and laboured as Cynthia plunged her fingers even further up into his bottom and glanced at Andrea.

Andrea felt a thrill run through her body as she observed the state of the boy. She could not believe the effect their ministrations were having upon his young body. His back was arched and his stomach moved up and down in violent spasms as they brought him to the pinnacle of sexual sensation. Carefully she squeezed his testicles as she felt the scrotum contract violently, his soft and swollen testicles almost jumping in her hand as she placed the tube against the tip of his penis. ?There we are Peter, now let me have a nice big sample? some along now.? Cynthia?s voice was cool and calm, belying the rapid motion of her hands as she expertly plundered his sensibilities. The girls watched as Peter?s body began to shiver uncontrollably. His slender torso was in absolute spasm as Cynthia?s delicate fingers firmly elicited every vestige of sexual arousal from his prostrate form.

The inevitable ejaculation manifested in an eruption of semen that surprised even Cynthia. She milked him mercilessly as he reluctantly ejaculated into the container. Thick milky-white globules of semen splattered against the sides of the container in unbelievably copious amounts, as Cynthia nonchalantly denied the boy any respite from her expert ministrations.

Andrea squeezed her legs together in delight. All that she had thought of over the last few weeks and come to fruition. Everything that she had planned and schemed for had exceeded  her wildest expectations. She knew with an unswerving certainty that this was exactly what she wanted. To be able to have this young boy, utterly embarrassed and humiliated, being forced to orgasm at her will and discretion, thrilled her more than she ever thought possible. To have such a beautiful body and acquiescent mind completely under her control, to do with as she pleased, when she pleased? she thrilled again at the thought. Deliberately she squeezed his testicles firmly as she watched his anguished gyrations as the last reluctant spurts of semen were wrung from his body. His eyes flew open wide in disbelief as he realised that Andrea had squeezed him in such a nonchalant and intimate fashion. Andrea looked at his reddened face as it contorted in emotional and sexual anguish. ?Yes my boy, she thought, ?you will serve me well.? It was no surprise to any of the girls when Peter fainted in one last gasp of terminal fatigue, his senses well and truly plundered.


Cynthia allowed the boy to wake naturally and placed a glass of iced water to his lips as Sheila held his head so that he could drink. She saw the boy blush again as he observed Andrea holding up the glass container of semen and reading the measurement scale upon the side of the smooth cylinder. He shivered visibly as she spoke to him. ?My? my Peter, you are a productive little boy!? Cynthia watched as he blushed profusely and turned his head away. She took the glass from his lips and spoke to him. ?Right young man, I am going to examine the rest of you and then take a blood sample? after that Andrea is just going to bend you over her desk and give you two vitamin injections into your little bottom? after that you are finished. Now that isn?t so bad is it??

The boy?s sudden rush of embarrassment was almost palpable as Cynthia finished her sentence. He suddenly shivered, a huge involuntary spasm running through his entire body as her words sank in.

The next thirty minutes were as embarrassing as anything that had gone before. Cynthia had deliberately stimulated him as she examined his stomach, her fingers sensuously kneading his tender flesh as she delicately pressed against every inch of his torso. She took her time, running her slender fingers over his lower abdomen and down to each side of his groin. The delicacy of her touch and the smoothness and vulnerability of his freshly-shaven skin, made each contact of her fingers a sensual agony of unwanted sexual stimulation. He could feel his penis begin to distend as she touched him. He could actually feel the tip of his penis move against the smooth skin of his pubis as it gradually became engorged.  His cheeks burned with shame as each touch of her fingers heralded his shameful erection. Cynthia smiled to herself at the young boy?s obvious discomfort. Her fingers were knowingly arousing him and yet she carefully avoided touching his penis or testicles.

Cynthia had almost mischievously decided to avoid any direct contact with his genitals? knowing that her tender touch would make him erect without any further stimulation. She also knew, that because he had become erect without her touching his penis, that he found it even more shameful than if he had been overtly aroused.

Cynthia continued her examination of the young boy. His beautiful body thrilled her and - she delighted in the knowledge that her daughter had made an admirable choice. She made sure that his penis was not only erect, but that it was throbbing with engorgement, before she brought her examination to a close.

His face was a picture of embarrassment as Cynthia beckoned for the girls to remove his legs from the stirrups. After he had been released , he had been made to stand in the centre of the room with his hands placed at each side of his hips.

?Now stand up straight Peter, I hope we are to have no more nonsense from you.? He had been denied any modesty as he stood as instructed, his erect penis jutting outward from his smooth and shaven pubis. He had been made to stand shivering in shame while Sheila had fetched a white fluffy towelling bathrobe and had dressed him in it as if he were a young boy, unable to manage it for himself. She had made sure that the towelling cloth of the gown rubbed against the very tip of his penis. She deliberately moved the cloth over the sensitive opening of his urethra as she had dressed him, causing his body to shiver and shake. He gasped with anguish as she moved the material to and fro over the tip of his erect penis, while tying the belt of the gown into a bow.

He had looked down at himself in shame, shivering in humiliation as saw the tented material of the gown. He had stood shamefully while Andrea, and her mother and aunt, busied themselves within the surgery. He felt so embarrassed that he looked down at his feet rather than watch what they were doing.

The final ignominy was perhaps ten minutes later, when Andrea came towards him and gently took his wrists and led him to her desk. Upon the corner of the desk had been placed, a small kidney shaped tray with two syringes and several small bottles laid inside it. Next to the stainless steel dish, was a large container of alcohol and next to that, several surgical swabs.

?There we are Peter now we are nearly finished.? She stood him facing the desk and moved behind him. Before he realised what she was doing she had reached around his waist and had had loosened the tie-cords of his gown.

?Be a good boy and bend over the desk so that your chest is flat against the surface. There that?s the way? over you go.? She had pressed against his back until his blushing face was pressed against the surface of the desk. He shivered involuntarily as he felt her take the hem of his dressing gown and raise it up and over his back, fully baring his buttocks to her view. His shame was tantamount as she laid the hem of the gown up over his shoulders as if she had bared his bottom for punishment.

He felt even more naked than if he had been entirely unclothed. He could feel the cool air float over his flesh, punctuating his absolute humiliation as she bared him. Andrea savoured the sight of his bottom cheeks as she plunged the needle of the syringe into the rubber seal of the smaller of the two bottles. Deliberately she placed the syringe next to his head so that he could see the gleaming needle as she poured alcohol onto one of the swabs.

With the gentlest and most delicate of touches, she placed her hand on his left buttock, feeling him shiver as she swabbed a small area on the underside of his bottom. ?There we are Peter, now hold still while I inject you.? She could see the boy shiver as her fingers came into his view and she picked up the hypodermic syringe from the desk-top. Andrea felt a thrill run through her body at the very moment that the needle pierced his bottom. She heard him gasp in shock as the needle sank into his flesh. Callously she squeezed the plunger watching his young body shiver and try and rear up as the contents emptied into his buttock.

Quickly she rubbed the injured flesh, knowing full-well that the injection was far more painful if the contents of the syringe were emptied quickly. He gasped again as she tapped his buttocks smartly with her fingertips. ?Well done Peter, only one more to go.? She saw him shiver as she moved to the side of the desk, so that he would have full view of her hands as she emptied the contents of the larger second bottle into a new syringe. She moved around behind him, feeling his buttocks quiver in anticipation as she placed her hand gently on his right bottom cheek.

?Hold on then sweetheart, it will all be over in a jiffy.?

With intense pleasure she swabbed the lower area of his right buttock. She had chosen the lower area so that she could plunge the needle upwards. Andrea felt an intense and overwhelming rush of pleasure course through her body as she plunged the needle into his flesh. She had to draw in her breath hard to her stop her head swimming as she pushed the needle in, making sure that it was up to the hilt before she pressed the plunger as firmly as she could. She had not known what to expect, but was delighted when the boy reared up, his body upright and his back arched as he gasped in shock and pain.

?Oooooohhhh?. Arrrggggghhhh? missssss.? He hissed in his anguish as Andrea callously emptied the contents of the syringe into the soft flesh of his bottom. ?There we are Peter,  all done.? ? She patted his bottom to amplify her words. ?Now just bend over again so that I can rub your bottom to better distribute the contents of the syringe.? Deliberately she pushed him back down over the desk and placed her hand on the quivering flesh of his bottom, kneading  the firm but pliable muscle of his buttocks as the boy winced and shivered in pain.

?There we are it is all over. Now Mummy would like a word with you and then I will see you in the television room.? She patted his bottom and reached around him and helped him to stand upright. To His embarrassment, she reached around his body and fastened the tie-cords of his gown, her hands fumbling around his groin. She placed his hands to his sides as she whispered to him. ?Now Peter stand up straight and face the desk, Mummy is going to have a little talk with you before you come back through?.? She lowered her voice placing her lips to his ear?? then sweetheart I have something to tell you? something? which I think you might like.?

Cynthia Mountford had kept the boy standing as she took her seat behind the desk. She waited until Sheila had pulled up another chair to sit beside her, before she looked up and addressed the boy.

?Well Peter, you appear to be in good health. I shall have the results of your blood and urine samples back tomorrow and if they are both within normal range then we can assume that you are a very healthy young man.? She looked at his still blushing countenance as she continued. ?However, we have identified a problem which needs rectifying. That is that your testicles are very swollen for a boy of your age and that your prostate gland is also swollen. Now don?t be alarmed it is not enlarged or hardened? it is just swollen. Both these problems are due to a build-up of seminal fluid. It is entirely due to your age and probably late puberty. Do you understand what I am saying Peter??

Peter was beginning to blush as she asked him the question. He managed to stammer an affirmative reply before she continued. ?Because you are of a young age I am proposing to administer some therapy which, although possibly embarrassing for you is entirely necessary. I want you to agree to my treatment and follow my recommendations and instructions. Now Peter are you willing to do this?? Peter blushed once more and looked at her, his bottom lip trembling as he spoke. ?Erm? er.. what are you going to er? do er Misss?? Cynthia smiled at him and spoke reassuringly.

?Now Peter we are both trained nurse practitioners. I could not possibly allow you to stay here with us knowing that you have a problem. Don?t you think that your treatment is best left to us and that we would give you the best therapy possible?? Peter looked rather nonplussed. ?Oh I am sorry miss? er Mrs Mountford? er I just wondered what you were going to do.?

Cynthia ignored his obvious question and again had the boy agreeing to something, that in actuality, he had not agreed to.

?Now you have just been examined  in a thoroughly professional way and you may have found it a little embarrassing, but we have not caused you any discomfort? and I think we have treated you very gently, wouldn?t you say??

Peter blushed and lowered his head. He mumbled his reply in utter shame at her words. ?Er yes Miss.?

?Well then Peter, what would you say to your behaviour? no, let me tell you and see if you agree. You were sluggish and tardy when asked to do something. You protested at the most common of procedures? in fact you were really quite rude and un-cooperative? would that be a fairly succinct summary of your behaviour?'?

Peter blushed profusely and hung his head in shame. The beauty and delicacy of the two young women who sat before him increased his shame. Their criticism, when summed up as it just had been, made him feel awkward and gauche. He hung his head even lower. He felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment as his body began to tremble. He could not bring himself to speak, such was his absolute and abject humiliation.

?I can see from you from your expression that, on reflection, you agree with my summing up? is that so? Please raise your head young man and look at me when I am speaking to you.? He blushed again, his cheeks absolutely on fire as he reluctantly raised his head to look at the beautiful young woman. Finally he managed to speak. ?I am so sorry Mrs. Mountford.? Cynthia looked at him almost sympathetically as she watched a tear roll down his blushing cheek.

She held his gaze as she continued. ?Well Peter, as you know, your mother has given me permission to look after your physical needs while you are here staying with us. I understand that she is leaving in the morning to visit your aunt. Now I am sure that she would not want to receive a telephone call, telling her of your behaviour.? Peter began to tremble. Cynthia could clearly see his bottom begin to tremble as she looked at him. In that case Peter, will you agree to alter your attitude and to accept my authority while you are in my house? or do you want me to call your mother??

Peter trembling and the words gushed from his mouth. ?Oh nooo? er please Miss? oh please. I really am soo sorry and I j?just? erm felt? erm?  embarrassed. Please  Mrs Mountford,? he looked across to Sheila? ?and erm nurse, I promise I will do as you say and erm accept my treatment.? He began to cry, tears rolling down both cheeks as he pleaded with them. ?Truly? I am so sorry.?

Cynthia looked at him, she knew that Sheila was watching her as she delivered the next sentence. ?I presume then Peter that you agree to my terms and will be less recalcitrant in future. Is that correct??

Peter looked at them through his tears. ?Oh yes Miss... and erm nurse. Please don?t call my mother.? He sobbed the last few words as he stood trembling before them.

?Well that is settled then? we will commence your treatment as soon as I have your other results. I would hate to think that we could not look after, or not provide the best treatment for a guest in our own house. Now Peter? look at me and listen and then answer my questions. I punished you the other night, because you were thoughtless in bringing my daughter home late. Now would you ever bring my daughter home late again??

Peter was blushing to a bright crimson as looked at Mrs. Mountford?s beautiful face. He dare not look away as he stood like a chastened schoolboy in front of his headmistress. ?Oh please Miss? I would never do it again? I am so sorry for it.? Mrs Mountford smiled at him in a kindly way. ?I believe that is true Peter? and I believe the reason you would not behave in such a way again is because you remember, probably all to clearly, that I punished you for it. Am I correct?? Peter dropped his head in shame? and then remembering her instruction, reluctantly raised his head and met her gaze.

?Yes Miss??

?Well done Peter, you are beginning to learn. Now for your behaviour today, I am not going to spank you with the hairbrush? but I do want you to remember my words. So I have decided,? ?she paused for effect, looking the young boy straight in the eye before continuing, ??to have my sister, that is nurse Sheila, to take you over her knees and give your bare bottom a thorough hand-spanking.

?Oh pleeeeese Missss?oh pleeease nooo.? The words had escaped from his lips before he had had time to think? such was the shock of her pronouncement. He trembled as Mrs Mountford merely raised her hand to silence him. ?One more word Peter and it will be the hairbrush.?

He stood trembling, his face one almighty flush of crimson as he looked at her in utter shame and confusion.

He could not move for embarrassment as the slender young nurse got up from her hard-backed chair and carried it around the desk, placing it in the middle of the floor. He turned his head around and watched her, his whole psyche smothered by trepidation and anguish as she sat-down on the chair.

Sheila?s physical beauty was not overt, or as beauty is often described of film stars or glamour girls, but finely honed and classical. Her face was neatly featured, her mouth small and her lips pretty beyond the ordinary. High cheekbones and beautiful intelligent eyes, framed by thin wire-framed spectacles, gave her a studious demeanour? and yet there was something extraordinarily angelic and innocent about her face that justified her actions, somehow making them valued and humanitarian. 

Her body was slender, her waist narrow and unusually slim, not just from side to side, but also from front to back. When viewed from the side her waist tapered upwards to her rib cage which seemed the most slender of supports for the fullness of her exquisitely shaped breasts. Her physical appearance allied to her authoritarian manner had Peter completely under her thrall.

Her voice was soft and low as she spoke to him. ?Come and stand in front of me Peter, with you hands placed at your sides.? She looked at him steadily as he turned around and approached her. She could see his body begin to tremble even more violently as he neared her seated position. ?Right young man, come closer.? She reached forward and took hold of the belt of the dressing gown and drew him towards her. She looked up into his face and spoke sternly. ?Now young man, you will follow my instructions to the letter, do you understand me??

Although Peter could hardly focus, such was his utter embarrassment, he managed to find his voice.

?Y?yes nurse.? He muttered weakly.

?Good boy? now it will all be over soon, so take your punishment bravely.?

Peter could not help looking at her legs as the nurse quickly undid the three bottom buttons of her tunic, baring most of her thighs. She delighted in his blush as her fingers undid the bow of his gown. He shivered as she parted the white towelling baring the front of his body to her view. She was delighted in his nervousness, involuntarily punctuated by his sharp intake of breath as she placed her hands delicately upon his naked hips.

?Take your gown off Peter.?

He did not have to comply as Mrs. Mountford moved behind him and quickly pulled the gown from his shoulders and slipped it down his arms. She took the gown and stood back as Sheila manoeuvred the boy around to her side, his shins pressing against her thighs. Sheila heard his second sharp intake of breath as she nonchalantly encircled his penis and testicles with the forefinger and thumb of her left hand. ?Now Peter we must be very careful with your testes, they are still very swollen and may be rather tender.?

Grasping his genitals firmly, she pulled him so close to her that he stretched out his arms as he began to lose balance. Placing her right arm around his hips, she tipped him over her knees. The boy gasped in utter embarrassment as she squeezed his penis firmly between her fingers before extricating her hand and trapping his hanging genitals between her thighs. As Peter tipped forward he reached out for the floor, placing both palms flat down against the black and white tiled surface.

For the first time, Sheila was able to look at her sister without being observed. She smiled in triumph as she placed the cool palm of her hand over the boy?s buttocks as Cynthia pulled up a chair behind his legs. Peter gazed at the linoleum tiles in shock, his head pounding with humiliation. He shivered as he felt the cool hand of the nurse being placed symbolically upon his buttocks. It seemed, to Peter, to accent his vulnerability and his utter degradation? and to herald what was to come! He was acutely aware of the soft skin of her thighs pressing hard against his penis and testicles. He shivered in embarrassment and trepidation!

Suddenly he felt his legs being lifted and spread widely apart. He blushed in shame as he tried to turn his head to look backwards. Cynthia Mountford was not content to simply hold his legs apart. Instead she pushed his ankles forward, making him spread his knees wide, until his feet were placed together on her lap. She held him in this position with her hands supporting his legs around the calves. His final position bared every aspect of his entire lower half to their view. His bottom cheeks were spread widely apart and Cynthia could see his perineum and the apex of the skin of his scrotum as it disappeared between Sheila?s shapely thighs.

Sheila spoke almost primly as she raised her right hand. ?I hate to have to do this to you Peter, but it is my duty to make sure that you are properly punished.? Sheila did not have to hold the boy by the waist as he was already well confined to his ignominious position by Cynthia. Deliciously she placed her left hand inside the cleft of his buttocks and pulled the quivering flesh towards her. She heard him gasp at the intimacy of her touch.

Smack..smack? smack? smack? smack? Sheila began a brisk rate of spanks. Not to his bottom as Peter might have expected, but to the inner part of his thighs and their juncture with his buttocks. Sheila knew that this would embarrass the boy even more than a mere spanking to his bottom cheeks.

She squeezed her legs together in delight as she saw his pale flesh jiggle as she proceeded to spank him diligently. Although she was only using her hand, the rate of spanks came so quickly, one after the other, that Peter felt his flesh begin to smart. The sensation seemed to amplify the ignominy of his position. He gasped in torment as she increased the rate again. It was perhaps Cynthia Mountford that instigated his feeling of helplessness and utter shame as she moved his knees even further apart, allowing Sheila to smack the unprotected inner rise of his buttocks.

Unbelievably to Peter, his hand spanking became a torment, far more severe, and far more humiliating than he had expected. Where he had thought initially, that the pain would be bearable, he suddenly realised that the crease of his buttocks and the tender flesh of his inner thighs was really hurting. The prolonged and intense spanking soon gave him real cause for concern. But this was not Peter?s only worry, he could not contain the sensual result of his penis rubbing against the inner flesh of the young nurse?s thighs. Sheila was well aware of what she was doing to the boy. She deliberately squeezed her thighs together and moved them cleverly over the boy?s captive penis. She concentrated her spanking to the middle of his buttocks, causing him to involuntarily move and jiggle about. She sensuously stimulated his genitals; sometimes barely touching the flesh and other times squeezing her legs together firmly as she cleverly brought him to a state of sexual arousal.

It delighted both Cynthia and Sheila that the pain of his spanking, rather than subdue his erection, seemed to inflame his sexual arousal. They had discussed the boy?s psyche at length with Andrea, after Peter?s first spanking ? and Cynthia had predicted that the boy could be easily moulded to suit her daughter?s sexual preference for her complete domination of him.

As the spanking continued, Peter felt himself losing the battle to control the involuntary gyrations of his hips and thus the sensual stimulus to his penis and testicles. Her thighs moved incessantly against his burgeoning penis, causing him to gasp and groan, as the head of his penis seemed to become more and more sensitive.

Even the severity of his spanking, or the ache and strain on the sinews of his legs, did little to subtract from his deliberate sexual arousal at the hands of the young nurse. He felt utterly open and vulnerable as his knees were kept widely spread by a firm pressure against his feet.

Cynthia smiled to herself as she pushed forward again, until she was sure that his legs were stretched apart to their widest extent. She knew, without any doubt, that his position, laid across her pretty sister?s legs with his legs so widely parted, would make him feel utterly vulnerable, in fact, almost helplessly violated.

Sheila spanked the inside of his thighs and his legs as if he were a small boy. Her words were designed to shame him just as much as his spanking.

His chastisement continued unabated. ?Do not attempt to clench your buttocks Peter, I will not have you try and evade your due punishment. Naughty children must be punished? smack? smack? smack!!!  It is my duty to make sure that you learn your lesson. Please keep still or I will have to prolong your spanking. Now be a good little boy and relax your buttocks so that I can administer your punishment to best effect. You must be made to realise Peter, that this is entirely for your own good.?

The spanking seemed to continue forever. Peter could not contain his tears or his sexual arousal. He felt utterly humiliated and bereft of any self-esteem by the time Sheila spoke to him. ?Now Peter, I am going to complete your spanking? I want you to tell me why you have been spanked. Come along I want to hear what you have to say.? Peter sobbed; he watched his tears fall to the floor, forming a small rivulet, only inches away from his head as felt Sheila cease her spanking and nonchalantly place her hand inside the cleft of his widely-spread buttocks. ?Come along now Peter answer my question. ?The boy struggled to contain his emotions as the tears flowed onto the floor beneath his head. ?Oh please miss? I am sorry er? miss. I don?t know what to say.

Sheila lifted hand and smacked him across both cheeks of his bottom. ?Well you have been a naughty and a silly little boy? and you have been spanked for your naughtiness.? Now come along? tell me why you have been spanked.? Peter blushed in shame as he felt Mrs. Mountford release his legs, letting his feet down to the floor. At the same time he felt the nurse?s hand reach beneath his buttocks and grasp his penis and testicles. ?Come along Peter I am waiting for a reply.?

Peter blushed profusely as he felt compelled to utter his shameful words.

?I have been naughty er miss.?

?That won?t do at all Peter. You have been a naughty and a silly little boy and you have had your bottom spanked because of your naughty behaviour. Now tell me Peter, Why have you been spanked??

Peter blushed again as he spoke again. ?I have been a naughty and silly little boy? ?he sobbed as he continued. ?Erm ?and I have had my bottom spanked for my naughtiness.? Sheila looked across at Cynthia whom had gone to sit behind the desk. They both smiled at each other as Peter spoke his shaming words.

?Now Peter do you promise that you will be good and behave yourself properly when you have to be examined again.?

Peter sobbed as he tried to raise his head. ?Oh yess miss? I promise.?

Sheila smiled at Cynthia again, watching as Cynthia picked up the phone. She felt the boy shiver with shame as Cynthia spoke quickly and concisely. ?Yes Kate, would you come and fetch Peter and take him to see Andrea in her sitting room. Yes straight away if you please.?

Sheila placed her left hand firmly around the boy?s waist as she slipped other hand further underneath the boy and took a firm grip of his penis. She could feel the engorged flesh throb as she gently retracted his foreskin until the flesh was stretched tight. She moved the swollen shaft gently, feeling the tip of rub against the flesh of her inner thigh. She heard the boy gasp as she deliberately stimulated him. She knew how sensitive the tip would feel as she repeated the procedure several times, making him gasp and sob with anguish.

His anguish suddenly turned to a feeling of horror as he heard two sharp knocks at the door and then the door immediately open. He blushed profusely upon hearing the sharp click of heels upon the floor and realised that the maid must have entered the room. He shivered with shame at the thought of being seen, held naked over the nurse?s knees? and now to his abject horror? in full view of the young maid! He shivered again in humiliation as he heard her approach him.  With his head only inches from the floor it was difficult for him to increase his field of vision. In desperation, he tried to look around. To his utter dismay he suddenly saw her high-heeled shoes and pretty ankles as she came into his view and stood over him.

Kate looked at the boy and realised exactly why Andrea had chosen him. He was without doubt the most physically perfect boy she had ever seen. Even in his ignominious position, his body looked beautiful. His narrow waist, his long perfectly proportioned legs and beautiful bottom, made her want to touch him.

?Oh? er have you finished smacking his bottom Miss Sheila? or has he got some more smacks to come??

Peter could hardly believe his ears? or the feeling upon his bottom as the young maid placed her hand across the flesh of his buttocks.

?He seems very red and hot miss.?

Peter could not contain his feeling of humiliation and blushed to a deep purple as the nurse answered her.

?He has only been spanked with my hand Kate, but I am hoping that his bare-bottomed spanking will remind him of his poor behaviour. He has been a very naughty little boy.?

Kate smiled at Sheila as she smoothed her hands over the young boy?s buttocks. She could see that even the tips of his ears were bright red with shame. To Peter?s utter amazement and pure embarrassment, he felt the maid place both hands upon his buttocks and delicately insert her fingers in-between the cheeks of his bottom. Gently she prised them apart. ?Oh miss, you have given him a thorough spanking? the inner part of his bottom is nearly as red as his face, no wonder he is crying like a baby.?

Peter could hardly believe his ears or the utter shame of being touched so nonchalantly, as he felt his bottom being stretched wide. He felt utterly humiliated and shamed to the very core of his being. He could hardly countenance his anguish, as the young maid leaned forward and nonchalantly examined his upturned bottom. ?How could they allow such a thing?? he thought. His whole being in complete turmoil as he lay shamefully across the young nurse?s knee?s.

Although he could not stop sobbing with the indignity and shame of his chastisement? neither could he control his penis. He could feel a constant throbbing in his groin as the nurse sensuously and subtly moved the soft flesh of her thighs against his erect organ.

?Well Kate if you will help me get him upright, you can take him into see Andrea? he can do his corner time there.?

Peter blushed again and protested, his voice surfacing through his sobs. ?Oh pleeease nooo, er Miss? erm nurse? oh please not in front of Andrea.?

?Don?t be silly child.? Sheila spoke as if should be no concern to him at all. ?Of course you will have to reflect upon your punishment. Andrea already knows full well that you would be having your little bottom spanked, she knows that we do not tolerate naughtiness in this family. Now come along, let?s get you up off of my knees and Kate will take you through.? She looked up at the maid and smiled at her. ?Will you tell Andrea to make sure that he spends fifteen minutes in the corner with his naughty bottom bared.?

Peter began to shiver with humiliation. ?Oh please no nurse? I promise I will do anything rather than that. Oh please miss? miss? anything.?

?I am sorry Peter, but I will not relent. You will spend fifteen minutes facing the corner with your bottom completely bared.?

She looked across at up at Kate. ?Now Kate, will you help me get him up and then you can take him through.? They helped the sobbing boy to his feet and watched with amusement as he desperately clasped his hands to his erect penis and pulled it towards his tummy. His penis was so engorged and stiff that he was hardly able to cover himself as he bent forward with his knees together and his bottom thrust outwards in a vein attempt at modesty.

He felt three sharp smacks to his bottom as Sheila stood completely upright and spanked him hard across both cheeks. ?Come along Peter stand up straight with your hands on your head. You will either obey me immediately, or I will ask Matron to spank you with the hairbrush. It is your choice, but I will not be kept waiting.?

Sheila knew she had won her battle when the boy exhaled a sigh of complete and utter despair. She stood quietly and watched as he slowly uncovered himself, allowing his erect penis to spring forward as he placed his hands upon his head. His face was flushed to a deep crimson and she could see his chest heave with hyperventilation as he stood up straight and looked anxiously towards the young maid to see if she was watching.

To his abject horror he saw that the maid was looking straight down at his erect penis. She did not seem at all concerned with his embarrassment as she spoke across him to the nurse.

?His penis seems ?erm?very stiff, Miss Sheila and his testicles seem very swollen for such a young boy.?

Peter blushed to an even deeper crimson as the young maid nonchalantly mentioned his erection. She was talking to the nurse as if he was merely there as an object, rather than a person. His embarrassment was made all the more poignant by her youthfulness and the fact that she was extremely pretty. Her short black dress and tiny apron showed most of her long and slender legs and she seemed completely unaware of the brevity of her costume as she bent forward, showing the beautiful contour of her young breasts as the material gaped open. She leaned further forward and lowered her head as she closely examined his genitals.

?I know.? Said Sheila. ?Young boys can be particularly sensitive. But in Peter?s case, he is producing rather more semen than is usual. I am particularly worried that he might be tempted to masturbate, which can cause all sorts of problems for younger teenagers. I am very much against young boys playing with their own penises. Therefore I am therefore going to institute a regime for him, while he is here with us, to ensure that his testicles are thoroughly and regularly discharged.? She paused again, admiring the deep flush of redness that had again suffused the boy?s cheeks as she spoke her shaming words.

She completely ignored his gasps of protest as she continued. ?I would like you look for signs of any self abuse while he is with us, as children must be well managed in that department. Now if you would like to fetch me the dressing gown and dress him in it.? She paused? ?Oh and take a safety pin from the trolley over there and pin it up at the back for me, you can carry his clothes with you and deal with his laundry in the usual way.

Peter shivered and shook in utter humiliation as the maid casually took his arms and slipped them through the arms of the gown before closing the dressing gown around his body. He could not contain his emotions, tears of shame ran down his cheeks as she casually tied the cords and then, quite nonchalantly, took hold of his penis and moved it sideways, hiding it behind the folds of the gown. Peter looked at her with an expression of utter surprise. The shock of her casually taking hold of his penis seemed such an incredulous action. She spoke to him softly. ?Now Peter, stand up straight and put your hands on your head so that I can see where to place the safety pin.? As he obeyed her, Kate, quite brazenly lifted the back of the robe and bared his bottom. Quite deliberately she pinned it up higher than need be, so that his bottom was clearly bared right up to the small of his back.

She turned her head towards the nurse. ?There Miss Sheila, I think that his little red bottom will be quite visible when he stands in the corner.? Sheila could not help smiling mischievously at Kate as she stepped back to see the boy?s reddened bottom bared to her view. If a boy could be compromised in a more revealing way, then she did not know of it. Kate had secured the back of the gown so high that the gown acted more like an apron. Not only revealing his reddened bottom, but the small of his back. She had folded the sides of the material upwards so that his hips were completely bared. In fact it was only his genitals that were covered? and then only when viewed from the front.

The journey along the corridor from the surgery was an absolute nightmare for the young boy. For as soon as she had closed the surgery door, the young maid bade him stop by one of the small side-tables that uniformly graced the modern corridor on both sides. She moved around to face him, her arms holding his clothes with his shoes placed on top. She stooped and placed them on the surface of the table and moved closer to him, placing the cool palms of her hands on either side of his burning cheeks.

?Now Peter, I know that you find this all a bit embarrassing. But it is far better than being disobedient again. Both, Madam? and Miss Sheila can be very kind and caring? but you have to be obedient. Do you understand me??

Peter could hardly speak, such was his abject embarrassment. His lips were trembling and tears flowed freely down his reddened cheeks as he stammered his reply. ?Oh miss I will try to be good? oh I really don?t want Andrea to see me like this.?

Kate looked into his eyes; her expression was sympathetic as she caressed his cheeks. ?I know Peter, but that is part of your punishment. If you did not remember your punishments, you might decide to be naughty again? and then your punishments would not have been effective? would they? I know that Madam would not hesitate to smack you with the hairbrush again. I heard your punishment the other night after you brought Andrea back from the Prom. I heard every stroke quite clearly? and I heard you crying out and sobbing. So I know that you have already been soundly spanked. Now you wouldn?t want that to have to happen again? now would you??

Peter blushed again as he realised that the young girl knew all about his shameful spanking. He shivered as he looked into her pretty brown eyes. ?Oh no Miss, I wouldn?t want that again.?

?Well then Peter, will you promise me that there will be no fuss when I take you into Andrea?s sitting room. I know that she really cares for you? and you would only make it difficult for her if she had to report your disobedience to her mother.?

The young maid looked deep into his eyes, her pretty features portraying a look of concern. Peter felt hugely embarrassed at her close proximity. Her breasts were almost touching his chest as she held his face so that he was made to look into her eyes.

?Now Peter, do you promise to obey me? Make sure you are truthful? or I will make you bend over here and now and spank you myself.?

Kate watched his face suddenly colour up to its previous deep crimson. She knew that her words had shamed him and yet she felt a sudden delight in having this perfect specimen of a young boy under her authority. Of course she had been always been made well aware of Andrea?s plans for the young boy, but had not realised until now, how enjoyable her own part would be. She decided to prolong his acute embarrassment as much as she could, knowing that when he reached Andrea?s own personal sitting room that he would absolutely die of shame.

Peter felt absolutely embarrassed as he stood facing the girl. He was acutely aware of his predicament as the cooler air of the corridor reminded him of his shamefully bared bottom. He felt utterly ridiculous, knowing that the hem of his dressing gown was pinned up high over his back. He felt, completely and absolutely, stupid and humiliated.

Kate looked him straight in the eyes. ?Well Peter do you promise to obey me?? She held his head steadily in the palms of her hands, watching him blush and tremble as she waited for his answer.

?Oh yes Miss, I will? erm I promise? oh I couldn?t stand the hairbrush again.?

?Well sweetheart, let me dry your tears and then I am going to test your obedience.? She watched his anxious expression as she took her hands from his cheeks and reached into the pocket of her apron for a tissue. She saw him shiver with the aftermath of his tears as she gently wiped his blushing cheeks. She stood back and placed the tissue back into her apron pocket.

She looked at him seriously. ?Now for your obedience test Peter.? She held his gaze as she spoke softly to him. ?I want you to stand with your legs spread apart and then bend over and touch your toes.? She saw his horrified expression but raised her hand before he could protest. ?Then I want you to ask me to smack you bottom to remind you to behave yourself.? She paused once more, still with her hand raised to stop any protestation.

?Now in view of your promise? please do as I have instructed you.? She heard his sigh of anguish, as he looked at her in utter embarrassment. She waited silently as he hesitated - and then to her delight placed his legs apart. He looked at her anxiously and helplessly for one last time, before he lowered his head and bent forward, grunting as he stretched his fingers out towards his bare feet.

Kate looked over him as his bared bottom came into view. The dressing gown, with its large safety pin prominently displayed, slid towards his shoulders as he managed to touch his toes with each hand. With a feeling of utter delight she moved around to stand close to his side. With an almost guilty feeling, she placed her left hand on his bared hip and reaching around and under him, cupped his testicles between her cool fingers.

Peter felt almost faint with his embarrassment as he felt her delicate fingers slip around his hip and over his freshly shaven pubic area. As her fingers encased his scrotum he gasped with dismay. Somehow it seemed a total manifestation of her control over him. In fact, it was the most significant of all gestures as she held his vulnerable masculinity within her fingers.

She delighted in his loud gasp as she encased his swollen orbs in her slender hand. She moved her fingers, gently rocking the testes to and fro within their scrotal sac. It was a poignant moment, a tremendous thrill, as she realised that the boy was entirely subject to her will. She listened to his erratic breathing, stealing himself perhaps, for what must surely come next. With a deliberately and sensual movement of her hand she smoothed her fingers upwards and delicately took hold of his penis. She was delighted that he was still completely erect. She felt the still-rigid flesh pulse uncontrollably between her fingers. Callously, she stretched the foreskin back, hearing him gasp in distress as she bared the glans penis.

?Now Peter? I want you to ask me to smack your bottom? so that you are reminded to obey my instructions.?

The boy sighed in absolute misery. His voice was trembling as she heard him recite the embarrassing words. ?Oh? er pleeease erm miss? please smack my bottom? erm to remind me? erm to be good.?

His reluctant gasp was perhaps one of complete surrender as she squeezed his penis firmly and laid her right hand delicately upon his bared bottom. Almost dizzy with delight she raised her hand and, savouring the moment, brought it down as hard as she could upon his bared and quaking flesh.

?Smackkk smackkk smackkkkk.? She spanked him three times in quick succession. The force of her smacks actually surprising her, as she quickly realised that palm of her hand was stinging painfully. She looked down at the imprint of her hand upon his upturned bottom cheeks, and could not resist the overwhelming impulse to smack them again.

?Just a few more smacks Peter, so that you can remind yourself to obey my instructions. Remember, if Madam has to spank you, it will be very, very painful. Do you understand me?? He gasped as she stretched his foreskin back tightly and raised her right hand again. ?Smackkkk? smackkkk? smackkkkkkk? smackkkkkk.?

Kate ignored the acute sting in her right hand as she raised it for the last time. ?SmaccccckkkKKK.? She watched the flesh of his bottom cheeks jiggle, as she smacked him as hard as she could. She squeezed his penis firmly and felt it throb intensely in response to her ministrations. She took her hand away immediately. She did not want the boy to realise her prurient interest in his young body. Certainly not just yet!

?Now stand up straight and place both hands back upon your head. I want you to walk in front of me; your hands are to remain on your head. I will instruct you where to go. Now stand up straight and let me have a look at you before you move.?

She moved around to the front of him and looked down at his midriff. There was a distinct bulge in the material where his penis poked rigidly against the front of his dressing gown. She smiled at him as she caught him looking at her face. She knew that he had realised how ridiculous he must look.

Suddenly she felt a wave of pity for him, knowing that the reason for his present predicament ? and everything else that had happened to him over the past days ? was as a result of his physical perfection. Kate quite understood Andrea?s preoccupation with the young boy. She herself had not been able to resist touching him ? and now she fully understood exactly what Andrea had seen in the young teenager.

She picked up his clothes and stood to the side to let him pass. Her instincts told her just how embarrassed he must feel at being made to walk in front of her while she viewed his bared bottom. Well, she thought, it will be nothing to the shock he gets when he enters the sitting room. Kate did not intend to deny herself the enjoyment of witnessing the boy?s impending embarrassments? or, for that matter, her involvement in them.

?Right off you go Peter!?

She walked behind the boy, instructing him where to turn as they walked, in single file, through the large modern house. She took the opportunity to lay his clothes down upon the last table in the corridor before entering the room where she knew Andrea would be waiting for him. She wanted her hands free in case the boy became difficult, which she had thought, that in all probability, he would.

Peter?s shock as he entered Andrea?s own private sitting room was exactly as Kate had predicted. Upon entering the room, he immediately saw not just Andrea, but Antonia sitting on one of the easy chairs facing Andrea. He felt utterly stupid and gauche as he stood rigidly, as if petrified.

Andrea had changed from her nursing uniform and was wearing a short loose fitting skirt of navy-blue. Her legs were encased in sheer nylon stockings and she was wearing very slender high-heeled shoes. Her blouse was a pale-grey silk, which clung to her body, showing off the beautiful form and firmness of her young breasts. She was beautifully made-up, her pretty lips painted a soft pink and her eyelashes with the merest touch of mascara. Above her eyes she wore had applied a subtle hint of eye shadow. Her ash-blonde hair shone with health and was tied back into a chignon above the nape of her slender neck. Her appearance had been carefully thought-through and was deliberately designed to heighten the disparity between her well-groomed and sophisticated appearance and the semi-nakedness of the young boy. Here she sat, comfortably at ease and serene, while coolly observing Peter?s blushing and trembling form? his dressing gown pinned high at the back revealing his naked reddened buttocks, recently and soundly spanked.

Antonia, who was always fashionably dressed, was wearing a slim plain black dress that hugged her body perfectly. Her delicate features were accented with bright red lipstick and a deep dusky-brown eye shadow. Such was the complete and utter perfection of her appearance that Kate could hardly take her eyes off her. Kate had always admired the sophisticated dress sense and beauty of Andrea?s young friend.

Antonia looked so impeccably groomed, and imperturbable that the boy immediately froze. Her beauty and air of sophistication seemed so at odds with the trauma of embarrassment that hung like a cloud around the young boy, that it seemed as if Peter might faint there and then.

Both Andrea and Antonia looked up at the boy at the same time. The expression on his face looked so shocked, that it seemed for a moment as if he might try to flee from the room. His face flushed immediately and he began to tremble. Kate had predicted his possible reaction - and quickly took a step forward. Without preamble she slipped her hand around his hip and underneath the front of his dressing gown. Without any hesitation she cupped his bulging scrotum. Gently but firmly she encased his swollen testicles in her hand. At the same time she smacked his bottom three times in quick succession, rudely awakening him from his shocked stupor.

?SmackkKK? SmackkKK? Smackkk.? She spoke sternly as she held his genitals captive.

?Now Peter, we will have no nonsense. I want you facing the corner with your hands firmly placed upon your head. If you do not obey me I will fetch Mrs. Mountford. I can guarantee, that she will have you over her knees, and crying like a baby, with your bottom bared in front of everyone in no time at all!? She held him firmly.

?Now are you going to do as you are told - or is it going to have to be the hairbrush upon your bared bottom? Remember, you will have all of this to go through again, but next time, we will all be looking at the imprint of a hairbrush upon your bare bottom.? She did not wait for a reply as the boy gasped and trembled under her touch.

Peter could feel a ringing in his ears and could hardly see through the tears that welled up in his eyes. He had been dreading the moment when Andrea would see him with his dressing gown pinned up and his bottom bared to her view. But he had not anticipated, even in his worst imaginings, that Antonia would be present too!

?Oh please Miss.?

He really did not know what to say, or what to do; he felt the young maid?s slender hand gently squeeze his testicles and lead him forward into the corner of the room. He stood shaking as she released her grip on his genitals and put her hands on his shoulders. ?Now come along straighten yourself up. Now I want you standing with your legs spread well apart. Come along now.?

She bent down on to one knee and placed her hands gently on the inside of his thighs. ?Come along Peter, we will not start your fifteen minutes of corner-time until you are properly in position.?

Reluctantly, with his body visibly trembling, he shuffled his feet apart. Each time he moved his feet, the young maid prompted him by gently slapping the inner flesh of his thighs until she was satisfied that his legs were widely splayed. She could see his testicles quite clearly from her position and knew that the only reason that his penis was hidden from her view was because it was erect and pointing forward.

Peter was acutely aware of Andrea?s and Antonia?s presence as the young maid made him adopt his humiliating position. Eventually, Kate seemed satisfied with his stance. She left him with his legs spread widely apart and his back arched, his hands shamefully placed upon the top of his head.

His bottom was completely bared to the small of his back and both Andrea and Antonia could see the redness of his bottom as they watched him from the comfort of their loungers. They watched as Kate moved back and stood by the door. The boy?s body occasionally shivered and shuddered as he tried to deal with his shame. He seemed to have lost all control over his emotions; he would gasp in shame and then suddenly sob audibly, sometimes shivering so violently that his head would jerk under his hands.

Yet another gasp escaped from his lips when Andrea spoke to him for the first time. His only consolation perhaps was that his face was hidden from her view.

?Well Peter, you may say ?Hello? to Antonia - and then you will have to spend the next fifteen minutes in the corner while you reflect upon your naughty behaviour.?

Peter felt absolutely shamed as Andrea spoke to him. He felt utterly foolish and awkward. How on earth was he to greet Antonia? Even in school, he had always avoided her gaze whenever they would inadvertently meet. Her beauty? and that of Andrea?s had so overwhelmed him that he would shyly keep well out of their way. Before his ignominious date with Andrea, he would never have dreamed of ever having the nerve to talk to either of them.

He found the beauty of both Andrea and Antonia completely intimidating. He had never considered for a moment, that his own physical appearance might be special in any way - and he had really never thought that any girl would have found him attractive. Peter was not the sort of boy who would admire himself in the mirror or take special care of the style of his hair or his grooming, other than to be scrupulously clean and smartly turned out for school as his mother had always taught him, he had really never considered his appearance.

He was, like most of the boys at the school, totally in awe of the beauty of the two girls. He had never mentioned his fascination with Andrea to anyone, and had on many occasions, blushed to himself when he had realised that he had been staring at her. Often he would shiver at thought of her catching him looking at her, even though he would always keep a good distance away. Most times he would make sure that he avoided being in their proximity at all, such was the effect the girls had on him.

But now? to be in the same room with them? his bared bottom on display to both of them? this was more than his young psyche could cope with.

It was Antonia?s voice that broke the silence. Her soft, well-modulated tone had Peter blushing immediately. ?Don?t worry Andrea, the boy is obviously very embarrassed? and I am sure that he did not expect to be showing his naughty bared bottom to me this evening. My it looks very red? nearly as red as his face. Perhaps you ought to take his dressing gown off, he looks very hot and bothered.

Andrea looked at Peter, seeing him shiver upon hearing Antonia?s embarrassing observation. She also made sure that he could not see her, before she gave Antonia a mischievous smile.

Her reply was intended entirely for Peter?s ears. ?No Antonia, he will have to keep it on? and I am afraid? with it pinned up to reveal his naughty little bottom. Mother thinks that it is far more shaming to stand like that while doing ?corner-time?? after all it is part of the punishment.?

Andrea stood up and walked over to the trembling boy, hearing him gasp as he realised that she was approaching him. Deliberately she placed the cool palm of her hand, not upon his buttocks, but upon the small of his back. She did not intend to deny herself the pleasure of touching his buttocks, but she knew that her gentle touch would make him realise, just quite how much of his body had been bared to their view. She felt the boy shiver as her fingers slowly moved down to the cheeks of his bottom. She heard him gasp in anguish as she smoothed her hands over his naked buttocks. She could feel him tremble as she leaned against him, placing her cheek next to his. ?Now Peter, be a good little boy and stand there quietly for fifteen minutes.? She heard him sob in shame and felt a shudder run through his body as she smoothed her hand over the cheeks of his bottom. To add to his shame she deliberately patted both of his reddened cheeks with the flattened palm of her hand.

?Your bottom is very warm Peter, if you are a good boy I may put some cream on you later? would you like that Peter mm? some nice cooling cream?

The boy stammered in utter shame. ?Erm? noooo erm Miss, I will be alright? erm pleeease Miss.? Even if Peter had been in agony, he would have refused the cream! He remembered all to vividly the recent shame of being made to lay across her knees, totally naked, while she applied lotion to his bottom. The burning recollection of his utter humiliation at standing in front of her, with his penis erect and his hands upon his head, was still indelibly imprinted on his young mind.

Andrea smiled at Antonia as she took her hands away from the boy and returned to her seat. ?Alright Peter, just stay where you are and stand quietly now.?

She turned to Antonia and resumed their conversation as if the boy had been completely dismissed from her thoughts.

Some time later Peter was aware that both Kate and Antonia had left the room. He could hear Andrea move occasionally, but apart from that, the only sound within the room was that of the ticking of the ornate Grandfather clock. He felt horribly vulnerable and embarrassed, acutely aware of his bared buttocks and the view that Andrea would have of him. Andrea was well aware of the boy?s embarrassment and distress. She could see his penis quite clearly between his widely spread legs and realized that it had become less engorged. Although the flesh was still plump, it was now hanging downwards between his legs.

Occasionally he would sob involuntarily as a stab of embarrassment ran through his body. It was certainly a full fifteen minutes before he heard Andrea get up from her settee and approach him. He shivered as he heard her footsteps stop near to his position and her soft voice address him as she stood to his side. He would have liked to have been able to place his legs together and take his hands from his head, but he really did not dare to move.

?Well Peter, it seems that your time is up. Now stand up straight and listen to what I have to say.? I want you to keep your hands upon your head until I tell you that you may put them down. She placed her hand gently upon his shoulder and moved her head close to his until her lips were touching his left cheek. She felt him shiver as she kissed him gently. She could feel his face burning with humiliation as she gently touched her lips to his reddened face. ?Now Peter I am going to talk to you about our relationship. I know you have been embarrassed by having your little bottom smacked, but it has been your own fault and I am sure that Aunty Sheila didn?t smack your bottom cheeks too hard.? She felt his whole body shudder with embarrassment as she took her hand from his shoulder and placed it gently over the very center of his bared buttocks. She heard him gasp with embarrassment as she continued.

?Now Peter I am very fond of you and I feel great affection for you. I want you to tell me whether you would like to continue seeing me.? Peter shivered again and quickly turned his head towards her and looked into her eyes. Andrea could see the look of surprise upon his face and the sudden realisation of what she had said. Even though his lips were still trembling he spoke to her. His voice was almost tremulous as he answered.

?Oh? please miss erm? erm yes? erm I mean I really would? erm I mean, I would love to erm? keep seeing you. I think? erm miss that you are?? His voice trailed off as if he was afraid to say what he really meant. Andrea could see the deep look of love and yearning in his eyes as she looked into his blushing face. Her hand gently stroked over his bared buttocks. She felt him tremble with embarrassment and try to avert his eyes from her gaze as she stroked her hand over the cheeks of his bottom. ?Don?t be embarrassed Peter? just tell me how you feel. Look at me Peter and tell me!? She waited until his eyes met hers again. She did not really need him to tell her how he felt about her, she could see it clearly written all over his face. She stilled her hand against the cheeks of his bottom as she waited for him to reply. His face flushed to a bright red as he answered her. ?Oh please miss? erm?? Suddenly he seemed to buck up the courage to say the words that she knew were clearly on his mind. ?Oh please erm? I love you? oh so very much miss.?

Andrea took her hand from his bottom and placed both of her hands at either side of his face. Her flattened palms rested gently against his burning cheeks.

She thrilled when she saw his look of utter innocence and absolute supplication. His face was like an open book printed so clearly that, where, to her delight, she could read every one of his innermost secrets. She held his gaze and spoke to him, as if she were his teacher and he her pupil.

?Well Peter? if that is the way you feel, then we will have to do something about it.? She moved around to his front and stood facing him with her hands holding his cheeks. Gently she moved her head forwards and placed her lips gently against his. Sensuously and lovingly she kissed him. Her tongue slowly slipped between his parted lips and entered his mouth as she kissed him deeply.

She held him for nearly a minute before eventually moving her head back and looking at him. She could hear him quickly draw a deep breath as she looked deep into his eyes, noticing that they were almost defocused with the sensuality of her kiss. She knew that he was uncomfortable with his hands still placed upon the top of his head and that he would have loved to have held her in his arms. Andrea, however, was quite determined that he would not be allowed to do anything of the sort.

?Peter? look at me and listen? do not speak at all, just listen to what I have to tell you.? She paused and looked into his face. She was reassured by his look of absolute innocence and was delighted when she saw that she had his rapt attention. She was also quite curious to see the effect her words would have upon him.

?I have decided Peter, that I am going to make love to you. I know you are young and have had very little experience in sexual matters? and I imagine that you have heard some of the boys talk about making love to girls, albeit in the rather vulgar fashion that boys seem to talk about such things. However, you can forget about anything that you may have heard.?

Her voice became firm and authoritative. ?I am going to make love to you? not the other way round. I will supervise you completely? and I have also asked Kate and my friend Antonia to help with your supervision.?

She pressed her palms against his cheek as he opened his mouth to speak. His expression was one of shock and bewilderment as she silenced him and continued.

?You will be prepared and placed in position by Antonia and Kate. You will obey their instructions without complaint or fuss. When you are in the required position and properly prepared, I will come to you? and make love to you.? She paused for a moment and then added.

?Peter, I have already told you that I have a great affection for you? and I also think that you are a lovely boy. Now do not speak but just stay as you are until Antonia and Kate return. In the meantime, I am just going to rub a little cream into the cheeks of your bottom. So I want you to remain with your hands upon your head and your legs spread as they are right now.? Her voice suddenly became a little firmer.

?Now, while I fetch the lotion I want you to arch your back and push your little bottom out for me. Just relax your cheeks and bend forward a little so that your cheeks are nicely spread for me? She saw his face blush to a bright red as she let go of his cheeks and moved away from him. She could see that he was totally embarrassed and also that he was anxiously dying to ask her questions. She stood before him and unbuttoned the cuffs of her sleeves. She was aware of his look of embarrassment as she carefully folded the silken material back until both forearms were bared. 

Peter was in shock. It was a whole myriad of thoughts that filled his mind. The exquisite excitement of her words when she told him that she had a great affection for him? the absolute surprise when she said that she was going to make love to him? the embarrassment when she had told him that he would be prepared and placed in position by the young maid and Antonia. All these things raced through his mind, as at the same time, he felt the awful embarrassment of standing with his legs spread wide with his bottom bared, awaiting Andrea to prepare to administer a lotion to his bare buttocks. He could hardly contemplate the casual way that she had instructed him to push his bottom outwards and relax his bottom cheeks. He shivered with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement as he watched her.

Quite deliberately Andrea ignored his look, and quickly walked past him to one of the larger bookshelves at the other side of him. She bent forward and opened a drawer in the lower part of the bookshelf. She took a small dispenser from it and pressed the plunger until she had coated the palm of her right hand with a generous amount of cooling gel. She placed the dispenser upon the shelf above the drawers and held her hand steadily as she approached the blushing boy. She avoided looking at his face as she moved to his side and immediately placed her moistened palm against the cheeks of his bared bottom. She heard him gasp as she let her hand slide between the cheeks of his bottom as she chased the liquid to stop it spilling to the floor. ?Now come along Peter, relax your bottom cheeks and give me proper access. Now push your bottom outwards as far as you can please.?

Deliberately she placed her other hand upon his hip and slipped her fingers under the front of his dressing gown, holding her flattened palm against his tummy just above his pubis. She could feel his stomach flutter with the touch of her cool hand as she placed it against his timid freshly shaven flesh. He gasped and groaned, his body shivering in humiliation as she diligently applied the lotion to his bottom. Suddenly she slipped her fingers firmly up between the cheeks of his bottom, her fingertips pressing against his sphincter as she admonished him. ?Now come along Peter, relax those cheeks and let me have proper access. Your little bottom is very red.?

He expelled a deep breath through his teeth as she impudently teased his sphincter, her fingertips exploring every inch of his bared flesh as she smoothed the lotion in-between the quivering cheeks of his bottom. She could see that his face was blushing a bright red as she slipped her left hand down over his tummy and cupped his penis and testicles firmly in her hand. Her fingers deliciously held his plump penis and full scrotum as she delved between the cheeks of his bottom.

Peter could feel his cheeks burning with shame and indignation as Andrea casually handled his genitals while she delved between the cheeks of his bottom. To his horror, he felt his penis throb against her hand. He shivered as she nonchalantly moved her hand and gently encircled the shaft of his penis with her delicate fingers. The coolness of her hand made him aware of every nuance of her touch as she carefully held the tip of his penis between her finger and thumb. He almost cried out in humiliation as she slipped his foreskin down the shaft of his penis. At the same time he felt her slide her hand downwards. Her palm was turned towards the deep crevice of his bottom and her fingers were stretched forward, parting the flesh, as she delved down between the cheeks of his bottom and then up between his legs.

?Argggghhh.? He gasped as she grasped his testicles and held them firmly; her forearm wedged tightly between the cheeks of his bottom as she reached between his widely spread legs.

At that very moment, to Peter?s abject horror, he heard both Antonia and Kate enter the room. He shivered in dismay as he heard Antonia speak. ?Oh Andrea, I see that you are attending to his little bottom. We have prepared everything, so when you are ready we can take him upstairs and deal with him.?

Andrea smiled to herself as slipped the boy?s foreskin up over the head of the shaft and then back down until the skin was stretched tight. She could feel the flesh of his penis pulsing alarmingly as she brought him to a full and humiliating erection. Her voice was quite calm and cool as she turned her head and looked at Antonia. ?Well done! I have had a word with Peter and he understands quite categorically that he will be under your charge. I have told him that you will be preparing him and that he must obey you without delay. His penis is already fully erect? little boys are so predictable aren?t they? I would like you both to make sure that his erection is maintained until I come upstairs. Would twenty minutes sound about right to you?? She had turned her head back to Peter as she spoke the last few words. She did not want to miss one second of the boy?s utter shock and humiliation as she pronounced his fate.

To her delight, he had hung his head and was blushing profusely as she let go of him and stood upright. Without a word she moved to stand in front of him and, reaching upwards, took his wrists and placed his hands at his sides. She could see that his erection had tented the front of his dressing gown as she reached for the ties. Before he could protest she had unfastened the cord to the gown and parted the material, baring his body to her gaze. He gasped in anguish as she reached up to the lapels of the gown and slipped the garment down over his shoulders, letting it slide to the floor.

Peter could not help himself as he protested. ?Oh please Miss, oh please no? not in front of the erm?? Andrea admonished him immediately. ?Don?t be silly Peter, now look to it and go with Kate and Antonia, I will be up to see you shortly. She placed her hands upon his shoulders and turned him around so that he was facing both, Antonia and Kate. She saw that he had immediately reached down and, bending forward with his bottom thrust back, was attempting to cover his penis and testicles as best he could. He was shivering with shame as Antonia stepped forward and took hold of his wrists. For Peter, the shame of Antonia seeing him in such a state was overwhelming. He could not believe that the girl was seeing him completely naked for the first time and now intended to remove his hands from his genitals so that he would be completely bared to her view.

Andrea could see that Antonia?s cool and sophisticated appearance had the boy at sixes and sevens.

?Now Peter?? Antonia?s voice was soft and gentle as she looked into his eyes. I believe that it is forbidden for you to play with your penis. Now come along take your hands away and place them by your side. I shall not hesitate to spank you on your bare bottom if I catch you touching yourself in such a familiar manner.? Her words had the boy gasping in shame as she bared his genitals by placing his hands at his sides. His erect penis sprang forward immediately, bouncing up and down as it jutted out from his body at an angle of ninety degrees.  His face was absolutely bright red as he looked at Antonia with a crestfallen expression. ?Oh Please miss? erm please.? Really Peter did not know what to say, such was feeling of utter anguish and humiliation.

Andrea moved forward and smacked Peter across both of the cheeks of his bottom. ?Now Peter stop being silly, please accompany Antonia upstairs, where she will prepare you. Or perhaps you would like me to take you over my knees and spank you soundly in front of everyone. Are you going to obey me Peter?? The boy was so shamed that he turned his blushing face towards Andrea.

?Oh no miss, I will do as you say.?

Obedience at last, Andrea thought, as she watched Kate and Andrea stand at either side of the naked boy. They both took hold of each of his wrists and led him out of the room as if he was a small child. Peter could not believe that he could feel so humiliated as he walked in utter shame and anguish. He felt utterly ridiculous and humiliated as the two girls forcibly led him, his wrists held firmly by Kate at his left side and Antonia to his right. He looked down at himself, his whole body in an absolute and unrelenting torment of foolishness and embarrassment as his erect penis bobbed up and down as he walked with his bare feet upon the marble floor towards the wide staircase.

Antonia and Kate managed to give each other a knowing look as they reached the top of the stairs and headed down the corridor to Andrea?s bedroom. They could see the boy was shivering with embarrassment as they led him into the beautifully furnished room. They hardly gave him time to observe the modern chromium-plated four-poster bed, or the nests of tables, which had been placed at either side of it, laden with candles ready to be lit. They ushered him to the en-suite bathroom where everything they needed for his preparation had already been laid out.

Antonia and Kate held his wrists firmly as the boy looked up at them as they came to a stop. They both delighted in his look of embarrassment and guilt as they stood him next to the large circular bath, which dominated the room. It is rather peculiar, thought Antonia, that the boy should look guilty at being naked, when in actual fact he has had no part in deciding his own fate.

?Now Peter, you will obey me or quickly find that your bare bottom is over my knees for a sound spanking. I want you to stand in the bath with your legs spread apart and with your hands placed upon your head. Now? come along and do as I say.? Peter looked askance as Antonia lifted his wrist and, reaching around him, slapped him firmly upon his bare bottom. ?Quickly now into the bath with you!?

Peter could not have been more embarrassed as he looked at Antonia, who appeared so cool and confident, an utter contrast to his own blushing and shivering naked form. He could not help looking into her piercing and intelligent blue eyes as she spoke to him. Her beautiful clean-cut features, so radiant and exquisitely made-up, made him feel small and belittled. She seemed to look at him almost sardonically as he stood shivering with anguish and embarrassment.

His sigh was audible as they let go of his wrists and stood back. They watched him with an undisguised prurient interest in his young body as he awkwardly stepped over the side of the bath in to the few inches of water, which the girls had previously drawn.

They did not speak but revelled in his acute embarrassment as he stood upright and then, with his face blushing to a deep red and his lips trembling he shuffled his feet apart and raised his hands and placed them on his head. He looked at Kate, who seemed totally unconcerned with his embarrassment at being made to stand in front of them naked. She merely looked him up and down, her eyes lingering on his genitals as she examined him fully from head to foot.

Peter shivered as he stood naked in front of the two girls. He could not have thought of a more embarrassing situation than that in which he found himself. Antonia?s sophisticated appearance and innate beauty unnerved him. Her cool and assured manner as she examined his naked body made him feel utterly self-conscious and humiliated. He was acutely aware of his erect penis as both girls looked towards his smoothly-shaven groin. The young maid seemed totally unconcerned with his embarrassment. Her low-cut blouse and short skirt made her seem almost flirtatious as she casually and deliberately examined every inch of him. He felt his cheeks burning as he stood in silence and shame

Antonia and Kate were quite deliberate and overt as they looked at his young body, observing every detail of his nakedness as he stood shivering in embarrassment. They both noted that he had placed his feet quite widely apart, no-doubt thought Antonia, knowing that he would suffer even more humiliation were his legs not sufficiently spread.

She deliberately looked at his genitals again, noting that his penis was still stiff and jutting outwards from between his widely spread thighs. She thought he looked quite delicious with his entire pubic area smoothly shaved. She could see that his entire body was without blemish or imperfection of any kind, and as she examined his genitals she thrilled at the smooth plumpness of his testicles. The pale skin of his scrotum was smooth and firm, tightly bulging against the underside of the shaft of his penis.

Antonia realised that Andrea had certainly chosen the boy very carefully and must have examined him in great detail over a long period of time before inviting him to the school ball. Even though Antonia had seen Peter many times at school, she would never have believed how beautiful his young body would look when naked. Antonia could now see that his body was absolute perfection. Although she was dying to touch him, she decided to prolong his embarrassment? and savour every moment of her own authoritative position.

She looked at his, seeing him immediately lower his head to avoid eye contact as she stood facing him. ? Look at me Peter, there?s a good little boy.? Her voice was deliberately soft and gentle? and her words deliberately embarrassing as she waited for him to look at her. She had guessed correctly that this approach would further add to his obvious embarrassment. She stood waiting in silence until he eventually raised his head and, though reluctantly, his eyes nervously met hers. She could see that his lips were trembling as he looked towards her, anxiously awaiting his fate.

?Now Peter, as this is the first time that I have had a chance to examine you without your clothes on. I am going to give you a thorough inspection.? She turned her head towards the young maid, who was delighting in the boy?s nakedness. Kate would you lift his penis up out of the way so that I can feel and examine his testicles. Then I would like you to turn him around with his legs spread wide so that I can have a look at his sphincter.?

Peter blushed so mightily that his entire upper body suddenly suffused into a bright shade of red. He was almost in tears of shame as Kate quite nonchalantly moved forward and extended her left hand. To the boy?s utter dismay, she curled her slender fingers around the shaft of his penis and retracted the foreskin back from the head of the glans penis before she lifted the rigid shaft upwards until it was pressed upright against the flat of his stomach.

The boy was shivering visibly as he steeled himself for what Antonia would do next. To his utter dismay she reached forward with her palm held upwards. Slowly and deliberately she slipped her hand between his widely spread legs. She let her fingernails score gently over the flesh of his scrotum, seeing the flesh recoil as she suddenly cupped his entire scrotal sac in the palm of her hand. She closed her fingers around his plump testes, feeling a thrill run through her body, as she held the very essence of the young boy in the palm of her hand.

?Now try and keep still Peter.? She moved her fingers to and fro, feeling the plump soft egg-shaped balls move within the scrotum as she examined him intimately.

?Yes Kate that feels fine, let me have his penis for a minute will you, I want to fully retract the foreskin to see that there is plenty of movement.? Kate could hardly stifle her giggle as she let go of the penis and watched Antonia take the boy?s penis in her hand, and with a casual and practised movement, slip the foreskin down the shaft until the skin was stretched tight and the whole head of the glans was shamefully revealed. Antonia was aware of the deep shudder of shame that coursed through the young boy?s body as she brought the foreskin back up the to the head of the shaft and then stretched it back again, making him shudder with the sensation of her skilful manipulation. She held his testicles firmly as she stretched his foreskin back and looked at him. ?Now do try and keep still Peter, I can?t stand little boys who are always fidgeting.? She watched him blush in shame as she casually stimulated his penis and testicles.

Peter could hardly countenance the position he was in. Antonia looked so cool and calm. The simple silk black dress that she was wearing seemed to cling to every single contour of her body. The sensual movements of Antonia as she gently but firmly handled his body were not lost upon the young boy. He was aware of the movement of her slender arms, which were bared to the shoulder. The cold metal of her simple gold wristwatch brushing against his skin as she casually handled his penis. The bright red fingernails, which were exquisitely manicured, scraping across the most sensitive part of his penis and scrotum as she handled him in such a nonchalant manner, all played a part in his feeling of abject humiliation. His face and upper body was flushed and burning with the manifestation of his shame, so much so, that he felt as if he might die of the embarrassment.

?Now Kate if you would get him into position, I will examine his sphincter. I might as well wash him while he is in that position and then I think we can wash his genitals and under his arms.

Peter could hardly believe the intensity of the embarrassment he felt as the girls handled him as if he was merely an inanimate object. He shuddered repeatedly as he stood naked with his hands upon his head and his feet spread wide in the shallow tepid water.

Kate moved to stand directly in front of his body as Antonia stepped back, taking her hands away from his genitals. Without preamble Kate placed her hands upon either side of his hips and turned him around. Her voice was soft as she spoke to him as if he were a mere child. ?O.K. sweetheart. Take your hands from your head and bend over and grasp your ankles.? She accompanied her instructions by placing her hands upon the inside of his thighs. ?Now? keep your legs spread as wide apart as you can? come along lets have them spread all the way.? Her hands pressured him until he was bent over with his legs spread so far apart that Kate had to steady him. ?Perhaps you will be better Peter if you bend your knees then you can grasp your ankles more easily.? She ignored the boy?s grunts and groans until she had his body in such an embarrassing position that Peter gasped in shame.

?There we are sweetheart, your little bottom is nicely wide open for inspection.? She placed her hands upon each cheek of his bottom and splayed the flesh outward until his sphincter was stretched wide. She turned her head to Antonia. ?There you are Miss. His little bottom hole is ready for your inspection.? Antonia was barely able to stifle her amusement as she dipped her hands in the water and then began to soap her fingers. She could see the boy trembling with the ignominy and awkwardness of his position as she softly spoke to him as if he were a small child. ?Just relax Darling, your buttocks are nicely spread so this shouldn?t cause you any discomfort at all.? Her words made the boy shiver visibly as she slipped her right hand between the trembling cheeks of his bottom. ?Now keep still sweetheart.? No sooner had she spoken than she slipped her forefinger straight up through the reluctantly relaxed ring of muscle that guarded his anal passage.

?Arrrgggghhhh.? Peter gasped loudly as Antonia deftly penetrated his sphincter and slid her finger fully up into his bottom. His awkward stance and the widely spread cheeks of his bottom afforded him no opportunity to tense his buttocks in order to evade the swift penetration of her finger. Antonia felt a thrill as she quickly located his prostate. She slipped her other hand between his legs and underneath his testicles before grasping the shaft of his penis. Deliberately she prodded the smooth mound of his prostate with the fleshy tip of her finger, immediately feeling the answering throb in his penis as he gasped in anguish. ?Oooooohhhhh? er pleeeeease? miss.? His cry of surprise was ignored as Antonia quickly slid her finger in and out through the opening to his bottom. His body shivered and shook at the utter indignity as Kate held his cheeks firmly apart.

?I think that will do Kate. Now if you will turn him around, you can wash his little penis and testicles and then perhaps under his arms. You can get him dried off, but I don?t want you to use any talcum powder or lubricant. I will go and prepare the bed. If he is recalcitrant in any way, then I want you to spank his bottom? Peter shuddered visibly at the young girl?s words. His cheeks, which were already suffused in red, became blotched with patches of deep purple as the import of Antonia?s casually uttered instruction sank into his fevered mind.

The next ten minutes were a nightmare for Peter as Kate took every opportunity to handle his bared body and his smoothly shaved genitals in the most embarrassing way. She pressed her soft breasts against his sensitive flesh, deliberately stimulating him as she washed under his arms. Eventually, to his utter dismay, he was made to stand spread-eagled before her, as she looked him in the eye.

Peter looked back at her in dismay. He felt so vulnerable and embarrassed as he saw her casually examine him. She seemed to have no concern for his utter embarrassment and humiliation. In fact she seemed quite at ease with the situation. Her attitude was one of complete authority as if he was but a mere child rather than a mature teenager.

?Right young man you are going to have to behave like a good little boy while I wash you behind your foreskin. I know it can be embarrassing for young boys to have their little penises washed. But I am going to be very gentle with you. So stand up straight like a big boy. There that?s the way? now spread your legs as wide as you can and bend your knees? come along now.? Kate delighted in the dismay written across his face as he adopted the embarrassing position. ?Hands on your head now! I don?t want you trying to play with your penis.?

She tutted at him, her pretty lips parting widely as her tongue touched the back of her perfect teeth. ?I don?t know what it is with little boys, always wanting to touch their little willies. Now don?t fidget!? Making sure that he was still watching her, she leaned forward and placed her slender fingers underneath the shaft of his penis. Again she made sure that she had his full attention as she curled her fingers and thumb sensuously around the rigid flesh and delicately retracted the foreskin.

He gasped with the acute sensation as slowly and deliberately she retracted the skin, until she had bared the entire glans to her view. She felt him shiver with sensation as she brought her other hand up against the very tip of his penis and formed her finger and thumb into an ?O? shaped ring. Deftly she slipped her hand forward, the inner part of her forefinger and thumb making contact with the entire rim of his glans penis.

?Arghhh? ahhhh? oooooOOOHHH.? He moaned as she began to move the enclosed ring of her finger and thumb backwards and forwards over the sensitive corona of the bell shaped head. He shivered and shook as her hand began to move in a flurry, cruelly stimulating his most sensitive private part until he cried out in acute agony.

?Arggghhh? peeeease miss? oh please stop.?  She ignored him as she soaped behind the rim of the glans, wickedly bringing him to a full and throbbing erection. ?What a fuss you little boys make? now keep still and stop fidgeting while I soap you properly.?

Kate was thrilled with her authoritarian role as she brought the boy to the very brink of ejaculation. His penis throbbed mightily as she nonchalantly stimulated him to an absolute fever pitch. His body was shivering and shaking by the time she stopped her ministrations. She knew that he was near to his limit of endurance as she stilled her hands. ?What a lot of fuss you make Peter, in fact I am convinced that you have been far too much fuss, especially when we have only your welfare at heart. Now come along and get out of the bath and bend over and touch your toes.?

She stood back and watched him as he clumsily got out of the bath and timorously stood shivering before her. She examined his beautiful face, which was blotched with red and purple, as he looked at her, his absolute shame and anxiety written over his face.

?Come along Peter, there is no escaping. Over you go and touch your toes. She turned away from him as he looked at her anxiously. His shame and humiliation caused his face to become even redder as he bent forward. Before he could complete the task, Kate spoke to him again.

?Legs wide apart and grasp your ankles? come along now.?

Peter grunted and groaned as he obeyed the young maid. He felt utterly ridiculous as he took hold of his ankles. His legs were stretched as widely apart as he could manage without falling over. He was aware of how utterly shameful his position was as he felt the young maid lean over him and slip her hand around his waist and up underneath him. He gasped as her finger encircled his scrotum and held him captive.

?What a naughty little boy you are? now keep still.? Peter shivered as her hand squeezed his testicles gently.

?Smack? smack smack.?

His surprise and shame knew no bounds as the hairbrush smacked against the quivering cheeks of his young bottom. He could not believe that the young maid was spanking his bottom. He shivered in utter embarrassment and humiliation.

?Now keep still and take your punishment you naughty child.? Her words were accompanied by a series of sound smacks against the flesh of his bottom as she gave him six more strokes. ?Right young man? up you get and stand up straight with your legs wide apart and your hands placed upon the top of your head. Any more nonsense and I will take you over my knee and spank your bottom soundly.?

There were tears in his eyes as Kate moved to stand in front of him and looked into his face. He could not evade her gaze as she stood holding the hairbrush with her face only inches away from his. Casually she lifted the hairbrush upwards, the cold smooth wooden back of the brush tapped upwards against the shaft of his penis.

?Now young man. I want to hear what you have to say for yourself.? Peter felt a tear roll down his cheek as the maid held her face only inches from his. The tip of his penis brushed against the front of her dress as she held it upwards with the back of the hairbrush.

Peter looked at her in utter anguish. ?Please miss I am sorry miss?oh please.? Kate looked at him and her expression softened. ?Alright Peter, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Now stay as you are and I will dry you off.

She dried him with a large fluffy bath-towel, making him bend and touch his toes as she dried between the cheeks of his bottom. The final ignominy was when she led him from the bathroom, making him place his hands upon his head as she took a firm hold of his erect penis and led him in shame and embarrassment towards the brightly lit bedroom.

Antonia?s voice was crisp and clear as she watched Kate lead the young boy by his penis until he was standing by the side of the bed.

?Was he misbehaving? I am sure I heard you having to spank him.?

Kate answered quite casually. ?Oh it was nothing serious. I had to give him a few smacks with the hairbrush. He has apologised so I think we can forget all about it.? She looked towards the bed, which was covered in just a single sheet. A long bolster, was laid towards the head of the four-poster bed and on the floor at the foot of the bed there was a pile of firm pillows.

Antonia spoke to the blushing boy as Kate released his penis and stood back watching him. ?Come along Peter come and sit upon the end of the bed with your feet on the floor.? Rather than wait for him to obey she moved forward and put her hands upon his hips. She manoeuvred him until he was sitting on the end of the bed.

His rather shameful positioning was accomplished quickly and easily, without the boy being consulted in any way. Deftly they laid him backwards and slipped the bolster under his head. They stretched out his arms and, lifting his head, folded the bolster over them. The end result was that his head was laid comfortably upon the bolster with his arms held firmly captive beneath it.

Before he could protest they had lifted his legs and spread them widely apart until his feet were rested against the uprights of the four-poster. They positioned cushions under his calves and ankles so that his legs were raised high and his bottom was effectively lifted from the bed. Antonia slipped a slender cushion underneath the small of his back so that his bottom would remain raised and accessible at the foot of the bed.

Peter looked down in shame. He could see that his penis was sticking out obscenely from between his widely parted thighs and that his testicles and bottom-hole was clearly visible to the two girls who had paused for a moment to stand looking at him from the foot of the bed. Antonia bent forward and looked closely between his legs before she continued with her preparations. She fetched two small stools from the dressing table before she moved towards one of the two occasional tables, which earlier she had placed at the side of the bed to hold the candles

?Yes Kate, I think that will do nicely. Now if you would fetch the syringe and our other prepared items, I will light the candles.?

Peter laid in shame as Antonia moved around the bed. He could see her lighting the candles and then watched her as she moved to the doorway and turned off the lights. Suddenly the room was dimmed to near darkness. The only remaining electric light to illuminate the room was the shaft of light, which emanated from the open bathroom doorway. Soon even that was extinguished as Kate came through carrying a large tray, which was covered by a white cloth. She placed the tray between the stools at the foot of the bed and returned to the bathroom door to switch off the light and close the door. The room was now lit only by the soft flickering illumination of the candles.

Peter felt himself blushing again as the girls came to stand at either side of the bed. He looked up at them as they sat down at each side of him and looked down into his reddened face.

Their faces looked even more beautiful as the soft and gentle light of the candles illuminated each exquisite feature. Their lips glistened and their eyes seemed to be deep liquid pools of affection. He felt utterly naked and vulnerable as they both placed a hand upon his chest and leaned forward until their faces were almost touching his.

?Now sweet boy. We are going to leave you for a few moment, so just lay as you are and relax.? Antonia?s voice was soft, almost a whisper as she moved her head forward and gently kissed the boy on his cheek.

They left him for almost ten minutes before Peter heard a rustling in the room. He looked to his right to see Antonia approach the bed. As he looked at her he saw her place her finger to her lips, indicated that he should not speak. She moved silently around the table of candles and leaned forward. Gently she placed her hands upon either side of his face and tilted his head back so that he was looking into her face. ?Stay still Peter, there?s a good boy.? Her voice was soft and gentle as she lowered her head until it was close to his. Antonia made sure that she completely obscured his view as she looked upon him lovingly. He felt the mattress move slightly and the soft feel of smooth flesh slide down against either side of his waist. He was unable to see Andrea as she knelt astride his body, the inner flesh of her bared thighs pressed softly against him as she let her weight rest upon the mattress.

Andrea was wearing a grey silk robe that, when she was standing, reached down just below the cheeks of her bottom. The robe was tied with a single silk cord around her waist. The neck of her robe was open right down to the deep cleavage of her beautiful firm breasts. Beneath the robe she was naked. The plump mound of her pubis was completely bereft of hair, having being deliciously and smoothly shaved by Antonia just a few hours earlier. Gently Andrea placed her hand upon Antonia?s shoulder, and gestured to her with a small tap of her fingers. Antonia slowly withdrew her body from her position over the boy. Immediately Andrea leaned forward until her face was close to Peter?s. She looked at him as she gently let her bottom rest upon his hips. Her voice was soft and low as she spoke to him. Her cheek touched his as she whispered in his ear. ?Now my darling sweetheart, I am going to make love to you. Just lay as you are and don?t try to move. There, there my sweet boy.?

She could feel the boy shiver with sensation as she squeezed her legs together. Suddenly the boy?s body stiffened as his penis was grasped firmly by Antonia. At the same time Andrea felt Kate lift the hem of her gown and slide her hand gently between the cheeks of her bottom and upwards between her legs. Andrea shivered as she felt Kate cheekily slip her fingers between the crease of her sex as Antonia simultaneously held the head of the boy?s penis and pressed it against the plump firm flesh of her pubis.

Carefully Antonia and Kate expertly introduced the head of his penis into the moist orifice as Andrea raised her hips. Andrea thrilled as she felt the rigid shaft of his penis deliciously press against the plump peach slices of her labia. With a sigh of satisfaction Andrea lowered her hips onto him, feeling the firm flesh of his penis slide upwards into her vagina.

Peter gasped, his body in utter abandonment at the intensity of feeling. It felt like his whole being was being encased in a velvet glove of pure sexual sensation.

His breath escaped from his lips as if his body had just expired? the pleasure so intense that his feelings were unable to cope. Andrea looked down into his eyes, a knowing smile on her lips as she saw his look of love and complete supplication to her will and control.

Peter could dimly see the outlines of her face, the candlelight just catching the angles of her beautiful features as she looked deep into his eyes. He gasped as she began to move against him. Her movements were so expert and intuitive that she was able to cleverly extract every possible nuance of exquisite sensation from the young boy. It felt to Peter as if his whole body was being drawn into an abyss of exquisite torture - and then squeezed until every nerve ending had been comprehensively milked of sexual sensation. He gasped and groaned as Andrea drew down on him and then gently lifting her hips, squeezed and firmly withdrew, seemingly sucking the sweet essence from his body.

?Arrgggghhhh?. Oh? oh.? Peter was unable to contain his emotions as Andrea milked the shaft of his penis. The muscles deep inside her contracted over the shaft of his penis? holding him deep inside her and squeezing him between her thighs. She would hold him captive in the throws of ecstasy before drawing upwards, her sheath sucking and cajoling the flesh of his penis into renewed stimulation. She watched his face, his features contorted into an anguished open-mouthed expression as she varied her position. She smiled to herself as she watched him. His innocence betraying everything he felt. She could read him like an open book, using his innocent countenance as a gauge against the effectiveness of each movement she made.

She knew that he could not last. It was as if she was drawing out every drop of life-blood from his young body. She watched him avidly, looking into his eyes, to see the look of pure rapture and supplication as she moved sinuously against him. Unseen to Peter she raised her hand and watched his face in anticipation.

Suddenly his mouth opened wide and he cried out as if he had been stung. She knew immediately that Antonia had penetrated his bottom with the lubricated syringe. She thrilled as she thought of the bulbous hardened rubber nozzle deftly penetrating his bottom? and Antonia waiting with the plunger extended ready to expel the cool liquid straight up into his bottom as soon as he began to ejaculate. Andrea pressed her pubis down hard, arching her back as she let her pubic bone score against the shaft of his penis. Her own orgasm was heightened as she watched the boy throw his head back and moan.

?Oh? miss.? Andrea smiled to herself. Peter?s voice was almost a hiss as he tried to cope with the acute sensations that she was eliciting from his young body. It was her moment? the moment she had been waiting for. She lowered her head and looked deep into his eyes. Her voice was soft and low as she spoke to him. ?Tell me sweet boy, who?s little boy are you?? She watched as his body arched and his mouth opened wide. ?Oh? miss?oh? you? yours? arggghhhhhh.? His flesh became rigid, every sinew locked in a violent spasm as she lowered her head and fastened her lips over his. She held him firmly as she raised her hand again.

She knew how traumatic and anguished his orgasm would be as the girls executed their pre-planned strategy. At the moment of ejaculation, Antonia deftly and cruelly depressed the plunger of the syringe, emptying the large volume of liquid straight up into his bottom. At the same moment Kate held his scrotum in both hands and squeezed firmly. Andrea thrilled and shivered with excitement. It was like riding a bucking bronco. Almost cruelly, she squeezed her legs tightly around him and held his head firmly as she robbed him of his breath and his sanity. Andrea could feel him ejaculate inside her. She could feel every pulsation of his penis as jet after jet of thick viscous semen gushed upwards inside her. The feeling was intensely satisfying to Andrea as the boy struggled beneath her. His body was writhing in utter sexual anguish and abandonment, robbed of breath and bodily control. Andrea held him firmly, like a good horsewoman would hold her steed. She thrilled at the absolute domination that she exerted over him, his tortured movements held firmly under her absolute control.

Her mouth completely covered his as she thrust her tongue deep inside him. She smoothed her hand down his chest and placed her hand over his nipple. Even as he struggled and fought for breath, she nonchalantly and callously squeezed his nipple hard between her fingers.

Abruptly she withdrew her mouth from his, watching as he inhaled desperately, his chest heaving as he filled his lungs. His cry was anguished as he let out his breath. ?Arggggggghhhhhh?ahhhhhh.? She watched in delight as his eyes glazed and became unfocussed. She could feel a huge tremor run through his body as he lost consciousness.

She turned and smiled at Antonia who nonchalantly withdrew the phallic shaped nozzle from the young boy?s bottom. ?The little sweetheart has fainted,? Andrea said as she raised her body and allowed the boy?s, still erect, penis to slip out of her. She looked down at him as she daintily got off the bed and, primly adjusting her short gown, she sat by his side, watching his face as he began to breathe more normally.

She had to wait for several minutes before he seemed to come to his senses. She placed her hand gently upon his chest and bent her head forward. With great delicacy she lowered her head and kissed him lightly upon his trembling lips. As she raised her head she was delighted to see a look of absolute adoration and rapture upon his young face. She put her finger upon his lips and kissed him lovingly upon the cheek. ?Don?t say a word Peter. I am going to let you rest and then I am going to make love to you again. Now close your eyes like a good boy and just relax? there that?s the way? close those eyes? there that?s it? there just you relax now.?

All the girls retired to Andrea?s bathroom. They quietly closed the door so that they could not be heard within the bedroom. It was Antonia that spoke first, her face screwing up prettily as she convulsed in laughter. ?My god, no wonder the poor boy fainted, I have never seen anyone so racked with emotion. He must have been ejaculating for absolutely ages. I?ll just wash the syringe for you and then if you would like me to douche you, I will be more than delighted.? Andrea laughed along with Kate as Antonia went to the sink to wash and fill the large syringe.

Kate watched Andrea with an unembarrassed prurient interest as she turned on the shower and stepped back. Unashamedly she let her silk gown fall to the floor, her naked exquisitely proportioned body looking firm and beautiful as she turned towards Antonia and spoke.

?OK Antonia, but be gentle, I know just how persuasive your fingers can be.? She walked under the shower and stood with her arms spread outwards. She bent her body forward and placed her hands against the far wall of the cubicle. Spread-legged, she shuffled her feet backwards, until her pretty bottom was thrust outwards, with the water from the showerhead just running over the concave arch of her slender waist.

Antonia gently slipped her hand between Andrea?s legs and sensuously cupped the plump mound of her pubis in the palm of her hand. Gently she introduced the large phallic shaped head of the syringe to the opening of her sex. Cheekily, Antonia parted the lips of the labia with her fingers and delicately slid the nozzle up into the naked girl. She watched her friend shiver with delight, as she stood spread-legged with her bottom thrust out towards her.

?Here we are sweetheart, a nice big squirt.? They watched as Andrea almost reared up with the acute sensation of the water inside her vagina. ?Oooh?oh.? She could not help the explosive gasp that escaped from her lips as the water continued to jet upwards, making the sensitive inner membranes tingle as Antonia depressed the plunger until the entire contents had been expelled form the syringe.

?Wow? uh oh, Antonia. I thought you said that you were going to be gentle. You just can?t help exploiting a situation, can you?? The girls laughed as Andrea stood upright and began to shower.

Antonia put her hand upon Kate?s shoulder. ?Will you get the silk ribbons Kate? I am not going to use the syringe again; I think we will be better with fingers. I will let you take him to the toilet when he has had a little rest. So as soon as Andrea has finished her shower we will go and use Andrea?s dressing room for her makeup.?

Peter had been woken from a fatigued and languid sleep by the switching on of the bright bedroom lights. He had looked up to see Kate standing over him casually observing him. Her prurient expression had made him blush as he suddenly looked down at himself to realise that he was still naked. He had quickly tried to cover himself before he found that the bolster still effectively pinioned his arms.

Kate had smiled at his confusion and embarrassment before she had helped him get up from the bed and had taken him to the bathroom. She had left him to expel the water from his bottom and then to shower. He had blushed profusely when she had re-entered the bathroom and had insisted upon thoroughly washing his genitals and then drying him. Now as he stood by the foot of the bed, he was again obeying her instructions.

?You love her don?t you sweetheart, it?s written all over your beautiful little face.? Kate spoke softly to Peter as she made him stand facing the foot of the four-poster bed. She delighted at his nervous blushes as she examined his naked body. ?Now stretch out your arms. I am going to tie some pretty pink ribbons around your wrists. I won?t tie them tightly, they are just to remind you to keep your hands where I put them.? She busied herself placing the boys hands so that he was gripping each post of the four-poster bed. She stood back to examine his position - his arms were stretched outwards and upwards, gripping the posts of the four-poster. She looped the ribbon around his wrists and hands and then around the posts, leaving the ends hanging down rather than tying them with a knot. ?Now I want your feet spread as widely apart as you can manage.? She bent down on one knee and tapped the insides of his thighs watching him blush as she manoeuvred him until his legs were spread wide so that his genitals were level with the surface of the bed.

She smoothed her hands over the back of his legs and upwards over his buttocks. She heard him gasp as she slipped both hands between the cheeks of his bottom and grasped his genitals, holding both his penis and scrotum firmly.

He gasped with embarrassment as she nonchalantly handled his genitals as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He shivered as she casually squeezed his scrotum, her slender fingers eliciting a cry of embarrassment from the young boy as she hefted his genitals as if weighing them in the palm of her hand.

?Shush,? she whispered as she let go of him and stood upright. ?Now just stay like that while I have a little look at you.? She stood back and admired his body as he stood facing the bed. She thrilled at the sight of his body spread widely apart like the cross of Saint Andrews. She moved around to the side of the bed so that she could examine the front of him. She noted with delight, the furious flush of colour as she caught his eye. He looked utterly embarrassed as she casually looked over his body. She noted that the tip of his penis hung down between his legs and was almost hidden by the surface of the bed.

Exactly the right height she thought as she moved back to stand behind him. ?Now my sweet child,? she thought, I am going to enjoy myself with you. She stood up close to him and pressed her body against his as she reached around him. Her right hand slid around his waist and down over his smoothly shaven groin until she was able to clasp her fingers around his scrotum. Her left hand smoothed over the firm flesh of his stomach and moved down until she could grasp his penis. ?Ooohhh..ooohhh.? He gasped as she nonchalantly slid her fingers down the shaft of his penis, retracting the foreskin until she had bared the head fully.

?Now don?t make a fuss, Peter. I am just going to retract your foreskin and make your penis become fully erect. So be a good little boy and just relax now.? Peter gasped with embarrassment. There was no way that he could possible relax as the maid?s gentle fingers began to coax his penis towards an erection. He could do nothing but gasp and moan as she skilfully manipulated his genitals, her fingers knowingly eliciting the maximum sensation from his na?ve young body.

?Oh do keep still Peter, I want you fully erect.? Abruptly she let go of him and, standing back, smacked his bottom three times. ?Now just stand still and stop wiggling about while I attend to your little penis.? Peter shivered in shame and sensation as once more the maid stood with her body pressed to his back as she reached around and took a firm hold upon his penis and testicles. Her fingers began to toy with his genitals. His penis, already semi-erect, now burgeoned into a full and throbbing erection. Even this did not seem to satisfy Kate as she continued to stimulate him until the boy felt near to ejaculating. Kate cleverly recognized the signs and was delighted to see his penis bobbing up and down of its own volition as she took her hands away from him and observed the results of her ministrations.

?There now you see, you can be a good little boy when you try,? she chided him as she moved around and watched him from the side of the bed. Peter looked at the maid in embarrassment and guilt. Even though he had been deliberately stimulated, he still felt guilty at having an erection ? and worse still, that he was standing with his legs widely spread and having to display his engorged penis to the young maid. He blushed again, shivering in shame as he watched her look over her shoulder towards the bedroom door and smile as Antonia entered the room.

Antonia looked absolutely radiant. Her hair had been freshly brushed and shone like silk under the bright bedroom lights. She wore fresh makeup and looked even more stunningly beautiful than when Peter had first seen her. Antonia seemingly ignored Peter as she strode purposefully into the room. She was carrying a tray, which was covered by a white cloth. She walked around Peter and, bending daintily on one knee, placed the tray on the floor behind him. Nonchalantly she placed her hand upon his bottom and spoke to him. ?Right young man, just relax your buttocks, while I pop some lubricant up into your bottom.

Peter blushed and shivered as Antonia casually slipped her fingers between the cheeks of his bottom. With her other hand she removed the cloth from the tray and dipped her fingers into an open jar of moisturising cream. She pulled his cheeks apart as she slipped her other hand between the deep crevice. Nonchalantly she spread the cold moisturising cream over the muscle of the sphincter and then, without warning, deftly thrust her forefinger up into his bottom.

She smiled as the boy raised himself onto his tiptoes. She felt a thrill at her absolute power over him as she delved deep within his bottom. As if it were of no consequence, she removed her finger and slapped him lightly across both cheeks. ?There we are, what a lot of fuss little boys make when they have to have their little bottoms penetrated. Now do be a good boy and keep still, while I check your little penis and testicles.?

Peter was absolutely gasping with embarrassment and humiliation as Antonia casually reached between his legs and cupped his testicles. ?Yes? mmm? yes I think they still seem quite full. Now I will just check that you are still fully erect.? She reached around and slid her moisturised fingers down the shaft of his penis. She looked around the boy and saw Kate watching her every move. She looked at her and smiled mischievously. ?Yes Kate, I think you have done a good job, he seems quite firm. Now, would you come here and hold his head back for me while I switch out the main lights, so that we just have candlelight again.?

Peter felt the cool fingers of the young maid smooth over his shoulders and move sensuously up until her hands were placed upon either side of his neck. Gently she slid her fingers under his chin and tilted his head back until he was looking up towards the ceiling.

Kate held his trembling body in this position as Antonia moved quietly to the bedroom door and beckoned to Andrea. Andrea was wearing the same grey silk robe. But this time the robe was unfastened; the smooth silk, which hung down from her shoulders, was swept aside by the fullness of her firm breasts.

Both Kate and Antonia could not keep their eyes off her; such was the stunning beauty of her naked body in the soft candlelight.

Peter stood shivering in trepidation, his head held firmly tilted backwards, looking upwards towards the ceiling. He could see nothing of what was happening in the room, but could hear the movements of Andrea as she climbed upon the bed. Suddenly he felt her smooth firm flesh against his, as she positioned herself so that she was sat facing him. Carefully she placed her legs at either side of his hips, the inner flesh of her thighs barely touching him as she spread her legs wide. Almost immediately, he felt the wonderful sensation of her naked breasts being pressed against his chest. He gasped in awe of the exquisite sensation as her firm nipples touched his. He seemed to be engulfed in a cocoon of exquisite sexual sensation as her breasts pressed gently against his chest and her legs wrapped themselves firmly around his hips.

?Arrggghh? oh? oh?arrggghh.? He groaned and gasped as she slipped her hands down between their bodies and cupped his testicles with one hand while encircling the erect shaft of his penis with the other.

?Oooohhh? arrrggghhh? sssss?? Peter could not contain his emotions as Andrea guided his erect penis between the plump and smooth lips of her vagina. He gasped, crying out loudly, as he was subjected to the most exquisite of sensations, as his penis was lovingly encased in Andrea?s velvety sheath.

Once she had drawn his penis carefully into her, she slid her hands around his hips and grasped the cheeks of his bottom. She shivered in delight as she pulled his cheeks apart and then towards her, feeling his rigid flesh fill her as she held him captive between her thighs.

Kate had made sure that the boy would not be able to see anything of Andrea?s preparations as she held his head firmly in position. Now as Andrea placed her head close to his, Kate let his head tilt forward until Andrea was able to look deep into his eyes. His expression was one of complete adoration as Andrea slipped her hands upwards around his slender torso and held him to her. He could not help the words that escaped from his lips as Andrea looked at him with tenderness and affection.

?Oh miss? oh? I love you miss.? Andrea could feel his young body tremble as she held him close to her. She thrilled as he spoke those words, knowing that he was unable to contain his na?ve and truthful emotions.

?There, there sweet boy. I know? I know? I have known for quite some time.? She smoothed her hand over the smooth skin of his back as if she was comforting a young child. She looked to her right and saw that both girls were standing behind him and awaiting her signal. She took her right hand from him and gestured to both Kate and Antonia. Immediately she heard the boy gasp as Kate reached in-between his legs and grasped his entire scrotum firmly in her hand. She held the neck of the sac completely encircled between her forefinger and thumb, ignoring his anguished gasps as she pulled his scrotum backwards between his legs. Both girls watched the reluctant withdrawal of his hips as he drew them backwards. Before he could complete the movement, Antonia smacked his bottom firmly. ?Slaaaappp.? She could see the flesh of his buttocks quiver at the sharp shock of her hand upon his unprotected flesh.

?Argggghhhh? ohh? oooooOOOH.? Peter cried out in utter abandonment as his hips moved forward and Andrea felt the first delicious thrust of his penis inside her. She pressed down with her pubis against the shaft of his penis, feeling him shiver with sensation as once again Kate pulled his scrotum back between his legs, this time squeezing his testicles gently before Antonia cruelly delivered a second sharp slap to the soft cheeks of his bottom.

?Arrrgggghhh.? He cried out in utter abandonment as the girls began a steady and rhythmic torment of his young body. Expertly and callously they exhorted his na?ve young senses to even greater efforts. His body began to shiver and shudder as, time after time his testicles were pulled back, making him jump and consequently thrust his bottom backwards, only for it to be soundly spanked by Antonia. The callous slaps of her hand upon his buttocks would drive his hips forward, thrusting his penis deep inside the tight, all-enveloping, sheath of Andrea?s vagina.

Andrea watched him. His features were already anguished and tortured as his body was expertly controlled and manipulated by the young girls. She thrilled at the feeling deep within her, as she raised her hand again for the girls to quicken their ministrations to his young body.

?Arrrgggghhhh?. Ooohhhh.? He could not help his cries of utter abandonment. His mind was in turmoil; never had he felt such utter sexual torment. He felt as if he was being stripped of every vestige of bodily control, his body plundered and robbed of sanity. His nerves were inflamed and defenceless to each touch and caress, to every slap and exhortation applied to his young body by the three girls.

In surprise, Andrea felt herself suddenly orgasm. She could not help it. It was not just the sensation of his penis thrusting between her thighs, but the utter control of having the boy held firmly between her legs as his body writhed in anguish under her complete control. The more anguished and abandoned he became, the greater the thrill she felt. She could feel the firm muscles of her vagina contract rapidly against his throbbing penis as she let the feeling of her orgasm wash over her in a wave of ecstasy.

Callously she raised her hand again and waited expectantly while Kate drew his testicles back between his legs once more. She felt a shiver of excitement travel through her as she saw Antonia pick up the hairbrush. She pressed her pubis down hard against his penis, feeling him move his bottom backwards as Kate pulled his testicles back between his legs. She heard him gasp in complete astonishment as the ebony smacked hard against the cheeks of his bottom. The sound was as satisfying as the young boy?s reaction. He thrust his hips forward in complete and total abandonment, his cries echoing around the bedroom as he threw back his head in torment.

?Arrggghhhh?. Oh? argggghhhhhhhhhhhh.? His mouth was wide open and his lips trembling, as his hips moved reluctantly. The girls quickened their pace. Backwards and forwards his hips moved under the complete and utter control of Kate and Antonia.

Kate?s clever manipulation of his testicles as she cajoled him to thrust his bottom outwards, was rewarded with the perfect presentation of his buttocks to Antonia, who spanked them soundly with the smooth ebony back of the hairbrush. His hips were being made to move vigorously and reluctantly, the hairbrush smacking hard against the soft flesh of his bottom as the girls spurred him to even greater effort.

Eventually it was Kate?s voice that heralded the finale to the boy?s anguished and emotional torture.

?I think he is going to cum now miss. Would you like Antonia to penetrate his little bottom now?? Her voice was quite cool and innocent as she looked up at Andrea.

Andrea watched the boy?s face as she slid her hands down his back and grasped his buttocks. Her fingertips met between the deep crevice of his bottom as she deftly grasped the two hillocks of flesh. Firmly and nonchalantly, she stretched the cheeks of his bottom wide apart, feeling Peter?s body suddenly stiffen.

Using the leverage upon his buttocks, she held him firmly against her, as Antonia delved between the cheeks of his bottom and deftly inserted her finger up through the puckered ring of his sphincter. The feeling between her legs was exquisite as the boy stood up on his tiptoes and threw his head back violently as he wailed and ejaculated violently into her vagina.

Almost cruelly, they held his slender young body firmly in the throes of an anguished and tormented sexual release. He shivered and shook in deep emotion, unable to control his limbs, his mouth wide open and his breath rasping loudly against his larynx.

Andrea knew that Antonia had begun to thrust her finger upwards between his bottom cheeks. She could feel the boy shivering in response. His young body was in absolute torment as he struggled with his feelings. Antonia could feel him shiver violently, but rather than ease her stimulation of him, she moved her hand rapidly between the cheeks of his bottom. Her forefinger was straight and rigid as she moved it upwards in a series of quick thrusts, her fingertip prodding firmly and effectively against his prostate gland. Cruelly she slipped a second finger up through his sphincter, pushing both fingers deep inside him as she spurred him to an even greater orgasm.

The boy wailed and cried out in pure and anguished torment. His young psyche was unable to cope with the acute sensations that the girls were inflicting upon his young body. His mind was in complete turmoil. A shiver of deep and undiluted emotion seemed to envelop him. Every nerve and every fibre of his entire being was being stretched beyond his endurance.

Andrea felt yet another thrill run through her body as she moved her hands upwards from his bottom. She clasped his face in her hands and drew his head towards hers. Almost reverently she looked deep into his eyes and... savouring the prospect of his extra torment, she kissed him? fastening her mouth against his, she robbed him of his breath and his sanity.

It was over an hour later when Andrea came into his bedroom. She was dressed in a full-length robe made of silk. She was freshly made-up and her hair was tied back, accenting the beautiful contours of her jaw-line and the high cheekbones of her finely featured face.

After his traumatic and anguished orgasm, she had delicately slipped away from him. Antonia had held his head, gently tilting it backwards so that he had still not been able to view her naked body. His emotional torpor had been so great that Antonia and Kate had had to physically hold him upright and manhandle him along the corridor to his own bedroom and onto the bed. They had laid him with his arms outstretched above his head and with his feet placed apart. Carefully, almost reverently, they had washed his genitals and in-between the cheeks of his bottom. They had dried him and covered him with a single sheet. Like a concerned mother with a young child, they had watched him close his eyes and, pausing for a moment, they had listened to his breathing become deeper and more regular. It was Antonia that had turned to look back at Peter as they left the room. She had thought how beautiful he was as he lay beneath the sheet, the soft and dimmed bedside light illuminating the fine contours of his face.

Now as Andrea sat carefully at the side of him, she looked down upon him in his repose. She saw his eyelids flutter for a moment and then open. She watched his expression change as he realised that she was there. She thrilled with satisfaction as he looked up at her, his face openly displaying a look of pure love and adoration, so deeply etched, that she felt a shiver of excitement run through her entire body.

She bent her head forward and gently touched her lips to his. Her kiss was soft, her lips, delicately placed upon his for the briefest of moments. She raised her head to look at him once more. She was deeply moved as she observed his innocent and guileless face. She knew then and there, that he had given himself fully to her. Written upon his face was, not only his love and adoration, but a deep respect and utter supplication ? a complete abandonment of his self-will, given up unreservedly and entirely to her.


Peter had drifted into sleep as Andrea had sat watching him. He had slept the night soundly, his young body lulled by fatigue and made languid by his experiences of the evening. He awoke at just after six in the morning to the sound of the motorised curtains being drawn back and bright sunlight entering the room from the large panoramic window. He looked to his left and saw Kate standing by his bedside holding the remote control for the curtains. He could see that she had placed a small tray on his bedside table upon which was placed a cup of tea and a small milk-jug and a bowl of sugar-lumps. He looked up at her and blushed as he remembered the events of the previous evening. He quickly looked down at the bedclothes as if to check that he was indeed covered. He saw that it was not just the sheet that covered him, but also a large thick quilt had been placed on top and hung down luxuriously over both sides of the bed. Kate smiled at him as she saw his furtive look to see that he was covered up.

?Drink your tea and then Nurse Sheila is going to pop in and see you. She has a lot to do this morning before she leaves for work at the hospital. I don?t know what Andrea had planned for you to do today. But it is going to be very warm outside, so I imagine that you might both enjoy a swim in the pool. Now drink your tea and I will be back later.?

Kate smiled at him, noticing that Peter could not help looking at her body as she posed prettily by the bed. She had deliberately dressed in a provocative manner in readiness for what she had to do this morning. She had enjoyed embarrassing him and knew that her appearance would further humiliate the naive young boy.

She had deliberately chosen a ?shirt-waister? making sure that the tops and inner parts of her breasts were clearly visible between the deep ?vee? of the neck of her white silk shirt. She wore no bra and thus the material clung almost magnetically to the soft contour of each breast before tapering tightly against the flat and slender frame of her waist. The ends of her blouse had been tied together just below the under part of her breasts, leaving the firm flat flesh of her midriff completely bare. Her skirt was short and hung low, well beneath the sexy oblong hollow of her navel, accenting the sharp contour between such a tiny waist and the swell of her hips. All of the ?Y? shape of the cleft at the bottom of her back, which dipped to the deep crease between her buttocks, was clearly visible. Her skirt, which was made from fine black cotton, flared outwards revealing much of her firmly toned thighs below the shortened hem. To add to the pure sexiness of her outfit, her long slender legs were supported by the most delicate of high-heeled shoes.

Andrea had often said that she dressed coquettishly and Kate could not have disagreed with her description as she had assessed her appearance in front of her mirror this morning. She had twirled around making sure that the tops of her sheer hold-up stockings and the firm flesh above them could be seen quite clearly as the skirt flew outwards as she turned.  Beneath the flared skirt she had chosen to wear the flimsiest of thongs. The scanty support ran around her hips and descended between the deliciously firm mounds of her buttocks, broadening only to cup her plump pubis in a small lacy triangle. Kate was well aware that if she were to bend, even as little as a few inches, the thong would be clearly visible as it sloped down tantalisingly between the cheeks of her bottom.

She looked into Peter?s eyes and watched him blush as he realised that she had seen him admiring her. ? Now don?t let your tea go cold.? Kate turned sexily and walked to the door. She was aware that he would be watching her as she exited the room. Well Peter, she thought, I can guarantee bigger blushes than that by the time I have finished with you.

Peter lay in bed and sipped his tea. His mind raced over the events of the previous evening. The thought of each embarrassment that he had suffered made the cheeks of his face blush to a bright and livid red. He realised that he had started to shiver as his thoughts replayed every nuance of his humiliations. And yet, above all of this, prevalent and strong in the deep recesses of his mind, was the comfort, the safety net of an all-enveloping love that he felt for Andrea.

Perhaps even more than this, there was the excitement; the almost unattainable hope that he was being loved in return. His naive and innocent psyche did not for a moment contemplate that he was being toyed with or that he was being used. His months of unfulfilled yearning for Andrea had built within him, an adoration for her that could not contemplate any callousness or wickedness within her nature. To Peter, Andrea was the epitome of perfection; the Holy Grail of all that he had aspired to. Surely the way she had looked deep into his eyes, could only be pure love?

His reverie was broken as Sheila entered his bedroom. She did not knock but walked in and smiled down at Peter as she approached the bed. She was carrying a small tray upon which were three cylindrical objects wrapped in sealed foil. She placed the tray next to his bedside lamp and watched him as he looked up at her; his expression was one of guilt and embarrassment. Sheila was delighted with what she saw. She knew that this was probably the first time that he had been able to reflect upon what had happened to him and had guessed correctly that he had made little headway in ratifying his situation. His look of guilt she knew to be his first acceptance of his position. Probably foremost in his mind would be his remembrance of his spankings and his humiliating medical examination.

?Well Peter I hope you slept well. I see that Kate has brought you some morning tea. Now there are one or two things that I need to do with you before I leave for the hospital. So if you would give me your full attention.?

Peter blushed, although he did not know why. He looked at her, feeling the embarrassment that all young boys seem to feel when they are close to a beautiful female. The authoritarian look of her pretty and intelligent face allied to her immaculately groomed and uniformed appearance made him blush furiously. He could not help look into her eyes as she addressed him as a schoolteacher would address a pupil. Her appearance made him feel completely subjugated to her.

Her white nursing uniform had blue and gold epaulettes on the shoulder. The sleeves were short, leaving her slender arms bared. The contour and deep crease of her cleavage showed the firmness of her breasts, the tops of which were tantalisingly visible between the lapels of the dress. The material swelled and moulded to her shape, clearly delineating the exciting fullness and springiness of her firm flesh. The dress was severely tailored. It emphasized the delicacy and slimness of her tiny waist and then widened to accommodate the full firmness of her hips. The hem was quite short and only descended to her mid- thigh, showing much of her beautifully tanned athletic legs.

Her hair was pulled back severely beneath her nurses cap, displaying her pretty jaw-line and delicate facial features. Her lips were drawn back in a smile over her perfectly white teeth as she used her little finger to delicately push back the rim of the delicate wire-framed glasses, which rested upon the pretty bridge of her nose.

?Tell me Peter, when do you usually go to the lavatory? That is... to empty your bowels.?

Peter blushed profusely. He was so taken aback by the question that he did not answer. ?Come along sleepy-head I need to know about your bowel movements. Now tell me when and how often you go.? Peter blushed again and then rather reluctantly furnished the information. ?Erm... well I go in the morning... erm before breakfast erm and then... erm well er... that?s it... erm just once a day.?

?Now that wasn?t too hard was it?? Now put your cup down and then turn over so that you are lying on your tummy. Come along... we have a lot to do this morning and I don?t want to be late at the hospital.?

Peter blushed and, not quite knowing the reason why, obediently put his cup on the tray and with his face blushing to a deep red, turned over so that he was laid with his burning cheek pressed upon the pillow and his face turned towards the young nurse.

?That?s the way, my you are learning that disobedience doesn?t pay.? She stepped forward so that her shins were touching the edge of the bed.

She observed that his blushes were beginning to deepen as she spoke to him softly. She put the back of her hand against his brow. ?I hope that is a blush and not the start of an illness Peter.?

?Now I want you to spread your legs until your feet and touching the edge of the bed at each side. Quickly now!?

She could see the boy begin to blush to an even deeper and brighter red as she watched the covers of the bed move and could discern that he had indeed spread his legs as widely as the bed would allow.

She watched his face as she uttered her next sentence. ?Now sweetheart, turn your feet so that your toes are pointed inwards.? She could feel the heat of his cheeks burning against her fingertips as she stroked them lazily over his face.

Peter had no idea what was in store for him. But he felt utterly vulnerable as he realised that by turning his feet inwards that the cheeks of his bottom had seemed to relax and then part.

He lay there, breathing heavily as Nurse Sheila gently lifted the covers from his shoulders. Slowly and methodically she began to fold them back uncovering his bare body. She could feel the boy shiver as she bared him to the waist... and then with a sudden thrill she folded the sheet and the quilt over once again, leaving his trembling body bared right down to the backs of his knees.

Peter felt utterly vulnerable and ashamed as his body was bared to the eyes of the young nurse. He felt the cool air against the cheeks of his bottom and between his widely spread legs. Somehow the fact that the covers still covered him from the knees downward seemed to heighten his feeling of shame.

?Erm... erm... what are you going to do... erm miss??

Sheila thrilled at the sight of the naked boy. His body was indeed perfect, she thought, as she admired the firm contours of his buttocks. She felt a real desire to run her hands over his slender waist and narrow hips before smacking that deliciously upturned bottom.

?Just relax Sweetie, I am not going to smack your bottom if that is what you are thinking. I merely want to ensure that we get you into a routine of visiting the bathroom at the same time each day. So I am going to give you a little suppository.?

Peter was blushing and trembling as he watched her reach for the tray and tear the foil off the first of the three large tubular suppositories. He could see the pink torpedo-shaped lozenge appear from its wrapping and then he watched in abject dismay as she held it delicately between her finger and thumb. She bent forward until she was lost from his view. He could not help shivering as he felt her cool fingers gently slip between the cheeks of his bottom as she pulled the flesh towards her. He felt utterly vulnerable as he lay with his legs parted and his bottom bared to her ministrations.

?Just relax and arch your back so that you can push your little bottom upwards sweetie... you won?t feel a thing, I promise.?

Peter blushed again ? and shivering with utter humiliation, he arched his back. He felt utterly ashamed at the prospect of offering his bottom to her. It seemed almost an obscene position as timidly he raised his bottom as far as he could.

Sheila watched the cheeks of his bottom quiver as she placed the pointed end of the suppository against his sphincter. She watched as the surface of the lozenge glistened and immediately began to melt from the heat of his body. She pushed with her fingers, feeling a little thrill as the large slippery object disappeared up into his bottom. She felt him shiver as she stood upright and took the tray and placed it on the bed next to him. She unwrapped the second and third of the suppositories and glanced at his face. She could see that he was blushing a deep red and breathing heavily as she placed her hand upon his bottom once more.

?Now sweetheart, up with your bottom again. She placed her hand between the crevice of his bottom and pulled the flesh towards her. She heard him gasp as she deftly pushed the second suppository up into his rectum. She left him no time to protest as she took the third lozenge and gleefully pushed it up firmly. She could feel the resistance increase as the train of suppositories moved upwards within his rectum.

?Ngh... oooohhh.? She heard him groan loudly as the third lozenge pushed the other two deeper up into him.

She could not help patting his bottom as she took the tray and placed it on the bedside table. Quickly she bent over him again and smoothed her hand over his bared buttocks before taking hold of the covers and quickly drawing them up to his shoulders.

?Right Peter, I told you that wouldn?t hurt. Now turn over so I can talk to you. Don?t worry, they won?t come out I promise you.?

Peter hardly knew where to look as he turned over and lay on his side facing her. His face was suffused in a deep red and although he did not realise it, his lips were trembling in shame.

He could not have described how vulnerable or how humiliated he had felt as the pretty nurse had pushed the suppositories up into his bottom. His embarrassment was further exacerbated by her instruction for him to arch his back and to raise his bottom into the air. The suppository had stretched his sphincter wide... and yet in the position she had placed him, he had been unable to resist. As the second and third lozenge had been inserted he had felt so utterly vulnerable. The juxtaposition between the demure prettiness of the nurse - and his embarrassing position of pushing his already open bottom towards her, had shamed him to the very core.

Sheila looked at him, noting his abject embarrassment and distress. She leaned forward and gently kissed him on his forehead. The result thrilled her as she watch his eyes glisten.

?Now Peter, pay attention to me. You know that we have found a little medical problem with you. We have told you that we can easily remedy it and Matron is going to institute a series of therapies to make sure that you stay fit and healthy. So I want you to co-operate with us so that we can best effect your treatment. Do you understand me Peter??

Peter was blushing furiously, but was also very touched by the caring gestures and soothing voice of the pretty young nurse. He was about to reply when the nurse carried on, her voice even softer as she looked into his eyes.

?Now I know that you are fond of Andrea... and perhaps what you don?t know is that Andrea is very, very fond of you. In fact I suspect that she is in love with you. She was terribly worried when her mother told her of your little problem and she has insisted that we do everything we can to help you. It is for her sake, as much as your own, that we are going to see that you adhere to our routine of care. I hope that you understand all of what I am saying. I am going to give you a few minutes to think about it and then it will be time for you to go to the bathroom.?

Peter was near to tears. He was consumed by the thought that Andrea was fond of him and almost astounded by the nurse?s words when she had told him that she thought that Andrea might be in love with him. He could not stop the tear that trickled down his cheek as he looked up at the pretty nurse.

Sheila looked into his eyes. She could see that her news had had the desired effect. It had been Andrea?s instructions that he be told. It had been late the previous evening, when she and Andrea?s mother had been having one last glass of wine before retiring to bed. Andrea and Antonia, followed by Kate had excitedly entered the sitting room to tell them the news.

?He is the one for me, pure and simple.? Andrea?s gushing statement had heralded the telling of every detail of the young boy?s deflowering. Both Sheila and Cynthia had listened with amusement as Andrea described the intimate details of his surrender to her. She had related the happenings of the evening and the deep emotional affect it had upon Peter.

Andrea had stated that she was utterly determined that his subjugation should continue unabated. Cynthia was amused by her daughter?s enthusiasm as they had listened to her.

?I want him to become used to ejaculating several times a day. I may not personally want to have sex that often, but I got a real thrill when he was forcibly milked during his examination... and I want to milk him as often as possible. Then of course there is the fact that I can?t wait to put him over my knees and spank him. The greatest thrill I got tonight was when Antonia penetrated his bottom as I was holding him inside me. I just loved having his body and his mind under my complete control. It was a wonderful feeling knowing that I was tormenting him and having his bottom penetrated just when and how I wanted.? Andrea had turned and squeezed Antonia?s hand. ?And, by the way mother, Kate has a lovely dominant streak too. I think she really enjoyed her authority over him. His body is just so beautiful.? Sheila had noted that Andrea?s cheeks were flushed with excitement as she had continued. ?Anyway I am such a lucky girl... can you imagine... a beautiful penis to play with and a beautiful bottom to spank, both... whenever I feel like it!?

Cynthia and Sheila had discussed the details with Andrea and Antonia. Their discussion was frank and completely without embarrassment. At one point Andrea had asked her mother quite openly whether she had enjoyed having the boy under her control. Cynthia?s answer did not surprise Sheila one bit as she listened to her. ?I can honestly say that had I had my time over and I was in your position Andrea, that I could not envisage any life more pleasant.?

Andrea had laughed. ?I just can?t wait until I am able to say: Now take your trousers down Peter and come and bend over my knees. You will have to explain all the psychology of what I want to do and what I am feeling to me sometime. I just know what I want... and thanks to everyone, I just can?t wait to get him started on moulding him into my perfect little toy. One to keep I might add!? As Kate had appeared carrying a tray of champagne in celebration Andrea had looked seriously at Sheila.

?Well don?t forget to tell him that I love him... after all,? Andrea had said, ?I do love him to the hilt. In fact I love everything about him... and although his face, and probably his bottom will be one long flush of red for the rest of his days... I will diligently look after him and care for him.?

Now as Sheila looked at Peter as he lay in bed, she looked at him lovingly and wondered at his future. She spoke to him in the softest and gentlest of tones.

?You will be starting to feel uncomfortable soon and you will need to go to the bathroom. I won?t embarrass you by staying, but I want you to use the bidet thoroughly once you have been to the toilet and then put your dressing gown on. Now as to my earlier question: Have you decided to be a good boy and do what we all want of you... that is to accept your therapy without fuss and let us get you well??

Peter blushed. ?Oh yes miss... erm nurse. I promise... erm I think I need to go to the bathroom now.? He looked at her anxiously obviously hoping that she would leave. Sheila smiled at him, knowing that sooner rather than later he would be blushing furiously and vehemently regretting his promise.

Sheila smiled at him and turned quickly, she turned again as she reached the door and smiled at him once more. ?Well done Peter, that is a very mature thing for a little boy to say.? She opened the door and closed it softly behind her. As soon as the door had closed Peter leapt out of bed and ran through to the bathroom, clutching his stomach.

Kate gave the boy about ten minutes before she entered the bedroom. She closed the bedroom door silently and stood listening. Although the bathroom door was open, she did not go in. She waited until she heard the boy towelling himself dry after having used the bidet. She heard him turn off the taps and then the sound of him taking his dressing gown from the hook behind the bathroom door. Briskly she walked into the bathroom just as he was tying the belt of his dressing gown.

?Well Peter, if you are all finished in here... would you come with me please.? She watched him blush and look down at himself to make sure that the fluffy white robe properly covered him. She moved forward and took the lapels of the robe and adjusted them so that lay straight. Instead of letting them go, she pulled him forward and kissed him on the lips. She watched his face blush bright red as he looked at her anxiously. ?Don?t worry Peter, Andrea doesn?t mind me giving you a friendly kiss. Now take my hand and come with me.?


Same as The Date Videos

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

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Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

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Esther III

Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...

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Katherines Style Part Two

The next day I was in full Katherine mode from the moment I unlocked her door. I greeted Sunshine just like Katherine did, using the same tone of voice and gestures. Of course Sunshine reacted just she would with her female owner. As soon as I took her for a short walk and fed her, I went straight to my bedroom, well after the prior day I felt so much more comfortable there, I wanted it to be my bedroom. I took a shower and shaved everything again. I didn't know how I was going to...

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Esther IV

Hope you like Esther's latest installment! ESTHER FOUR By TamarainRubber I obediently followed Esther down the long narrow hallway that led into an enormous room filled with the sounds of clinking glasses, soft whispers and a bevy of leather-clad women and men dolled up as maids, rubber babies, and crossdressing sluts like me. Strangely enough (and very much to my pleasure), there was little if any evidence of the S&M parties I had only read about, but never...

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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Esther stone

Esther sat on the side of the road, freezing, she feared that if she didn't find a place to stay soon, she probably freeze to death.Lately life had been pretty fucked up for Esther, both her parents had die before she could barley talk, and this year she had run away, because her foster parents were abusive.She had no one now, and was stranded on the side of the road. Esther picked herself off of the ground and started walking again, until a huge house came in sight. "Warmth." She said, she was...

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Esther Stone part 2

When Esther had woken up the next morning laying next to Romeo, she almost freaked out, but the all of the memories from the night before flooded into her brain."Oh god." She sat up and looked at Romeo's sleeping figure next to her, his teal hair was tossed about the pillow, and he chest heaved up and down, Damn he is so hot, she thought, I acted kind of crazy last night, her face burned, ugh, what the fuck was wrong with her these days? She felt Romeo's body shift a little and her heart sped...

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Esther II

Esther II By TamarainRubber I had found the woman I had been dreaming about, hoping she would be my lover for years to come. Esther was the first real lady I had encountered who actually seemed to be honest about wanting to share my passions. I prayed that I would not be disappointed. From how she reacted, I didn't think I would be, but I was the planet's biggest skeptic. For the past four hours, Esther made me try on an incredibly sexy collection of female fetish wear that...

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Athena Goddess of Wisdom

Chapter 1 – The Birth of a Goddess Zeke cracked his knuckles and spread out his fingers. They touched the black glass in front of him and the desk lit up. A white keyboard appeared and he started to type on the touchscreen desktop. His fingers bounced around the screen, typing across the keyboard of light. You see, Zeke was a genius beyond his years. He was currently eighteen and in his second year of college. His masterful mind crossed with a youth of video games made him into one of the...

1 year ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said. ..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in this country...

3 years ago
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Athena Ch02

“You ready sweetie?” He blinked, as if coming out of a stupor and looked back to her, to Athena, her expression playful, but her body language pressing. It hadn’t been so much of a question as it had been an order. Meekly he looked back at the window, looking through his own reflection to the street outside. They didn’t have far to go, but the short walk from her limo to the Hotel’s lobby was lined by an eager group of camera-toting men, the dreaded paparazzi. “But… The photographers,...

4 years ago
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He stood hugging himself tightly, not that it helped keep him warm anymore. The cold had long since seeped so far into him the only thing that kept him from running to find somewhere warm was the fear that, should he leave his spot, he’d return to find it taken and his chance of seeing her, Athena, gone forever. The singer Athena had caught the world by storm, nobody a year ago, the young woman had taken to the celebrity lifestyle like a duck to water and was now breaking records with her...

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Mathew and Beth part 3 Trip down southquot

It was a warm night in Georgia when I arrived for a very special meeting, This was not about business but it was very important to him as he was coming to meet for the first time his internet “friend”. Shannon his friend was a very subservient women who was proud to be just who she was and although for this first meeting they had something a little different in mind to give her master a new experience. What she didn't know was that I had a surprise for her as well, he was a bit of a romantic...

3 years ago
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Athena 1

Athena - 1 "Look at that stream! We should stop and go swimming!" Athena exclaimed as we barreled over a small bridge in the work van. I stop the van and put it in reverse and stop again, this time on top of the small bridge. I peer out of the window and gaze upon the stream. The water was crystal clear and as still as glass. I could see an almost perfect reflection of the trees on it's surface. "but we don't have bathing suits..." I responded. My response was flirty in...

2 years ago
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Hypothermia can I survive 3 cold women

Hypothermiaby oggbashan © Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.****************I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it...

2 years ago
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Athena Ch 01

There was something very special about Athena. I knew it right away from the moment we met. It was more than the fact that her hair framed her face like gilt around the most perfect of portraits. It was more than the fact that she took life as a game and played it. She was carefree without being spoiled. She was innocent without guile. She was unique. It was remarkable, really, that she was so enchanting, so child like, so incredibly unselfish. She had been born into wealth. Her father had...

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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

2 years ago
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Clothespin Girl Superhero

Once a upon a time, a long long time ago yesterday in fact. Today I began my plan to catch the elusive one. The one who rescues clothespins from clotheslines. The plan was a simple one to string up 7 clotheslines facing the wind knowing that if she was near that she might hear the cries of the clothespins. Now that the 7 lines were up I just had to wait and hope the wind would do it's job and carry the cries of the clothespins. This quest started years ago when I first put a clothespin on my...

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