Appleby Blush Ch 10
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 1: The Case
Sandra Wilson wasn’t happy. But then, she hadn’t been happy since the whole DeVere-George Blair business. Okay, it might have been an operation that the Vice squad shouldn’t have had any part of. But they’d prevented murder, killed one of the most dangerous assassins in Europe and avoided a full-scale scandal. What was their reward?
Heads had rolled!
It had become political, fast. Donny Webster, Head of London Met’s Vice team, had been forced into early retirement. Taffy Boyd, the Narcotics wireman who’d surreptitiously helped them, had been transferred to some stick-in-the-mud hamlet.
And Jack Palmer had almost got thrown in jail. The only thing that had saved him was his hasty resignation and signed documents confirming he’d never publicly discuss the case. It was so unfair. Jack had been a fundamental part of their achievements. Now he’d been reduced to working as a private investigator, whereas she’d been promoted to take charge of Vice.
Frankly, it stunk.
So did the rumours reaching her ears right now—about a certain Donald Appleby. The apparently legitimate global businessman had been mentioned too many times for her liking. There were too many loose ends, all seeming to point to some sort of involvement. They had so many Vice cases on the go and almost without exception, Appleby’s name seemed to crop up somewhere or other.
The brunette had Jack Palmer to thank for her instincts. Her friend and ex-fellow cop had mentored her well. Those same gut feelings had led the team to Dominic DeVere, and to George Blair, of course, even though they eventually hadn’t been able to pin a thing on the Labour leader. The Commissioner’s decision to break-up their team had seen to that but Blair had been heavily involved all the same.
Thank goodness he hadn’t won the General Election, although had the British public seen those compromising photographs of Alistair Brinkley-Jones before they’d voted, in all likelihood it would have been Blair and not the Conservative leader who’d taken power.
Brinkley-Jones reign as Prime Minister had been the shortest in political history and that was no more than the scumbag deserved. Sandra Wilson had brought lots of criminals to justice for their involvement in vice, but those in high places always seemed to find a way out.
She wasn’t going to allow that to happen with Donald Appleby…
She couldn’t prove a thing—yet—but her antennae had gone up and intuitively she knew this was something she should follow up. A secretive phone call to Taffy Boyd had seen the Welshman do some checking behind the scenes. He’d confirmed that Appleby was on their list of people Narcotics were interested in, but with nothing more than a few unusable comments from contacts to support that curiosity.
She helped herself to a coffee from the machine and glanced at her watch. It would be another couple of hours before her team arrived. God, she hated these ridiculously early starts but her workload didn’t give her much choice
At times like this she wished the old team were still together. What she’d give for Donny Webster and Jack Palmer to be working on this with her. She still had Alex Goodwin, of course—good old reliable Alex. The barrel-chested man had taken the splitting of the team hard, too and some of the fire had gone out. Although he continued to keep himself in great shape, he was pushing sixty and his main objective nowadays seemed to be reaching retirement.
They hadn’t spoken much recently. The barrier that had been between them ever since she’d ended their affair had solidified once he’d married Sally. Their sudden wedding had surprised her, even though Goodwin had known the female chef for a long time. Six months later he was separated again and although she could have asked him about it, opening up some old wounds was the last thing she wanted.
Alex was still loyal to her, of course. She knew that. He’d run through a brick wall if she asked. That’s why she’d ask him to help on this case. She needed someone she could trust, especially with the rumours of bent cops still being whispered throughout the Met.
It wasn’t just that, of course. The two female cops she had set up to work undercover with her needed some protection. Kirsten was sufficiently experienced to take care of herself, of course. But Alice was new to all of this. The twenty-four year old female Detective reminded her so much of herself at that age. Alice had the same eagerness and fearlessness as a young Sandra Wilson and despite her stunning looks, had a sharp brain on her. This was no stereotypical blonde!
Still, it would be her first real case and she’d need some extra guidance. And who better to provide that than Alex Goodwin. Having the two of them working in the same Unit was unusual and this would be the first time they were both involved in the same case. But the more she thought it through, the more sense it made.
Alice had been okay with the idea when she’d told her she was going to involve her father, too. She’d assess Goodwin’s reaction when she spoke to him before the team meeting.
‘Angela, pop into my office,’ Donald Appleby instructed.
Replacing the phone before she could answer, he unfastened his belt and worked his trousers and boxers around his knees. It would save time. Reaching forward, he unscrewed the top of a small phial and allowed a single drop of the liquid to splash into the drink he’d just poured. It settled in seconds, turning the white wine into what appeared to be rosé.
A blush wine would have been a better term. Appleby Blush.
The large floor to ceiling window behind his desk framed the London skyline as if it were an oil painting. It wasn’t the scene behind him that his secretary’s gaze fixed on as she entered his office. It was the way her pony tailed employer was idly fondling his erect cock.
The lewd scene always aroused her.
Walking across to the impressive desk, the young woman took the glass he held out to her and threw it down in one go. He never got tired of looking at her, a cross between Demi Moore and Jeanne Tripplehorn, though her jet black hair was much shorter than either. She loved the way her employer always offered her wine before their lovemaking sessions. The drink even seemed to increase her arousal…
She was already unbuttoning her white blouse as she made her way around to his side of the desk, her deep brown eyes focusing on the semi erect cock that grew larger with every jerking stroke of his hand.
‘Let me help,’ she breathed in that upper class voice as she rounded the desk and ripped the cups of her bra upwards. Her Playboy-like breasts bounced free.
She fed one to his mouth as her hand replaced his, corkscrewing her fingers around the shaft as he immediately took one of her pink nipples between his lips. Her free hand found his pony tail, gripping it tightly as his teeth playfully pulled on the hard bud.
Appleby felt his manhood grow further under her expert touch. Young flesh was the fifty-year-old man’s lifeblood. There was never a shortage with his status and his secretary was as hot as they came. The recently developed liquid aphrodisiac she’d just consumed always turned her from a shy but voluptuous looking woman into a sex crazed bitch.
The drug brought out the animal in a woman, arousing them beyond anything they’d ever experienced. A single dose generally kicked in for a two hour period, but with some females it seemed to last much longer. A couple of drops kept the woman on heat all night.
Appleby Blush, they’d christened it. It would make him millions…
Reluctantly easing his lips from her breasts, his attractive secretary sank to her knees and took his hardness between her talented lips. She was almost salivating as the need overpowered her.
Appleby placed a hairy hand onto the back of her head as he moaned, tightening it
in her short, dark locks as she began to mouth-fuck him. Damn, this woman was good. Every bit as good as any he’d ever had—except maybe for Carmella of course. Closing his eyes, he reflected on how wonderful life was. Not that he hadn’t worked hard to put himself in this position. He had—very hard. That was why he was in his office at seven every morning.
It was his office… his building… his business.
From humble beginnings, he’d built it into the multi million pound organisation it was today—remarkable for a business founded on prostitution. But he’d learnt very early that real success came from control and his girls had provided him with that control. Clients quickly came around to his way of thinking when he presented them with photographic evidence of their indiscretions.
Especially the most powerful of them. But, of course, they had the most to lose…
He didn’t survive simply by extortion, of course. He rewarded his clients, too. The party he was hosting in a couple of nights would be the biggest and grandest yet—an opportunity to thank existing contacts and provide a tangible demonstration of the incentives available to the new contacts he was attempting to cultivate.
All the girls who worked for him would be on duty at the party, providing their services to carefully selected guests. The action, naturally enough, would be recorded on the hidden cameras around his mansion and used as appropriate going forward.
More than anything however, if his talks with Joseph Nmobu went well over the next couple of days, the party would crown his greatest achievement. Negotiating a contract for the mass production Appleby Blush was the final step in his master plan. A combination of the aphrodisiac and narcotics would see him able to rapidly expand his business interests throughout Europe. Then worldwide…
His scientific team’s discovery had been a complete accident. Seeking a cure for something he could no longer remember, they’d stumbled across an aphrodisiac so strong that it virtually turned woman into sex-crazed nymphomaniacs. It worked equally well with men, but Appleby knew his fortune would be enhanced by its application to the female sex.
Like the sexy bitch on her knees between his legs right now.
Angela was a sophisticated woman with a body to die for, even if there wasn’t much between her ears. She’d resisted his early advances for some time—she’d only recently married, after all, and would never dream of cheating on her husband. In Appleby’s world, any such resistance invariably meant an early exit from their well paid job. But this stunning bitch was so stylish, so classy, so sexy, he’d seen her as a challenge.
He wasn’t sure whether she would have eventually given in and nor did he care. A single drop of Appleby Blush had made the question hypothetical, as well as rewarding his foresight in keeping the refined woman on his payroll. Not only had she displayed a wild side he could never have imagined, she’d proved to be an insatiable bitch.
It was just as well he prided himself on his stamina.
Even at fifty years of age, the bespectacled Appleby maintained a sexual appetite the equal to any younger man. But then, he thought of himself as young at heart. The way he pulled his silvery grey hair back behind his head into a ponytail gave him a youthful, rebellious look and even under the expensive looking dark blue suit his muscular build was clear.
His hand went to Angela’s jet black hair, gripping it tightly between his fingers. Fuck, he was congratulating himself on his sexual prowess and yet if the sexy bitch kept sucking him like that, he’d cum soon. And he hadn’t fucked her yet.
But that pleasure was only moments away…
He reached across her bobbing head and opened the small silver box, wetting his finger with his tongue before scooping up the white powder. He rubbed it across his lips before dragging her upwards and smiling encouragingly as her fevered eyes stared into his.
‘Open up,’ he softly told her, nudging her pink lips with the side of her finger.
As her mouth obediently widened, he rubbed the wet remains of the white powder into her gums, mixing it with the saliva that hung from her lips and trailed down onto his towering manhood. The sex crazed bitch sucked on his finger like she had on his cock.
One day, he’d fully initiate her into the delights of cocaine, but maybe not yet. One step at a time…
The recent interests he’d established in Columbia and the Middle East had added narcotics into his business mix—swelling his earnings potential and providing a tool to support his prostitution and money laundering activities. Now, with Appleby Blush to support his other activities, the possibilities were simply endless. The ethical question had never been an issue for him or for any of those who worked at the highest level of his business. Where money was concerned, people lost their morals quicker than Essex girls lost their virginity.
Angela was an Essex girl. And right now, she had him on the verge of blowing…
‘God, you’re a sexy bitch,’ the young man groaned. His voice sounded strained as the cute, dimpled blonde grinded her body down on him. They’d continuously made love since they’d woken and yet she still wasn’t satisfied.
‘You don’t want to fuck again?’ Alice Goodwin teasingly murmured as she rotated on his cock. Her long blonde hair swayed seductively and her hands on his chest dug in harder. ‘I didn’t hear you complain last night.’
He grunted, reaching up to cover her bouncing breasts with his palms. The half light that covered the bedroom added to the eroticism of the scene.
Alice moaned. She knew that one night stands were frowned on in the Met but she didn’t have time for a steady boyfriend and with such a high sex drive, her need for relief was constant. So picking up a guy in a bar and then going back to spend the night at his place was the perfect way of satisfying her needs, particularly as she made a point of keeping her identity secret. Without exception, she never saw her one-night lovers again.
‘Just trying to work off some energy before I leave you,’ she teased, tightening her velvet vice around his hardness.
He groaned again at the sensation, arching his back on the bed and staring down at their union. A thin blonde landing strip guarded her labial lips and the sight of them stretching around his manhood brought another moan.
‘Geez, Belinda,’ he mumbled, starting to caress her breasts again.
Alice’s smile sexily touched the corners of her lips. She always used that name. As well as preserving her anonymity, it was fun pretending to be someone else. Since Sandra Wilson had told her about the undercover Appleby case, her sex drive had scorched into the stratosphere. This was her first real chance to prove herself. Her dad hadn’t wanted her to become a cop, and always went on and on about the dangers involved. He meant well, but for God’s sake sometimes he made her head ache.
She was twenty two, not an immature teenager!
Every objection only firmed her resolve. She had her mind set on a successful career in the Met and try as he might he’d never been able to dissuade her otherwise.
She paused in her movements, holding her lover inside. ‘That’s nice?’ she teasingly asked, raising herself until just the head of his cock was inside her.
‘I’m close,’ he told her, his fingernails digging into her hips as he tried to hold back.
She grinned down at him in that cute way of hers. The timing was perfect—as much as she was tempted to prolong the session, she needed to get into the office for Wilson’s team meeting. Sandra would be telling her dad right now about Alice’s involvement in the case and she could just imagine his reaction. On top of that, he’d be pissed that she hadn’t confided in him, but Sandra had made it clear that she wanted to be the one to break the news.
‘You’re close?’ she mimicked, returning her attention to the man beneath her. His breath was coming in short, heavy pants. ‘I guess Belinda is just too hot for you, eh?’
He shook his head but his narrowed eyes gave the game away. They were filled with arousal and she tightened her internal muscles on him again.
‘Geez, Belinda,’
‘Want to cum for me, baby?’ she whispered, bracing a hand on the nape of his neck and pausing to look down at their union. Perspiration covered their bodies and her lover’s chest was rising and falling as if someone was pumping adrenalin through him.
Leaning forward, her lips found his and she flicked her tongue across his mouth like a cat licking at cream. It was time to build up the pace. She started to move, softly at first and then powering down on him. As he grunted she began to grind down even faster. She moaned with each rapid down-thrust, becoming lost in the moment as the sound of their skin slapping against each other juddered through both of their bodies.
The smooth flanks of her inner thighs were aching from their night of sex but she ignored the minor discomfort. She changed direction, now rotating her hard buttocks in circles on his cock. His hands found her breasts again. Her nipples were deliciously hard against his palms, but the speed of her movements was such that he was unable to keep hold of them. Her hips worked faster as she took him towards the finishing line.
His body bounced on the bed. Her tits danced an erotic dance. His groans increased. Her inner thighs tightened around his sides, controlling him like a rodeo rider on a bucking bronco. She threw her head back and gasped, tightening the walls of her pussy around him as she gave him the ripple.
‘Belinda…’ he gasped, confirming the moment had arrived. ‘Oh fuck—’
Alice came with him, groaning aloud as his orgasm fired hers. Life really couldn’t get much better…
Kirsten Tobin awoke with a start. At first she thought she was hearing things, but her boyfriend’s elbow in his ribs confirmed it was the phone.
The brunette glanced at the clock. Eight thirty. It had been three in the morning when she’d finished the report for Sandra Wilson. Her boss had told her to email it to her when it was finished and then take the opportunity to grab some extra sleep before arriving at the Met this morning. As long as she was there for the team meeting, she’d said.
Rubbing her eyes, she reached for the phone as she lifted the crumpled white sheets and swung her bare legs over the side of the bed.
‘Miss Watson, please.’
Miss Watson? Damn, it was a wrong number. She was just about to hang up when realisation suddenly hit her. Her heart leapt.
‘Yes? That’s me.’
‘Miss Watson, my name is Tony Daly. I’m calling from Appleby Modelling.’
‘Yes, hello…’ she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
‘You recently answered one of our adverts and requested an audition.’
‘Yes, yes I did.’
‘We’d like to see you,’ the deep voice continued. ‘Sometime this afternoon. I’m assuming that will be convenient?’
Kirsten’s heart beat faster—Sandra would be delighted. They’d dangled the bait and now they had their second nibble. Alice had been invited to the Agency and now she was too. But Alice’s was tomorrow, wasn’t it?
‘That will be fine,’ she answered. ‘What time did you have in mind?’
‘Three thirty,’ came the reply, the tone suggesting there was no room for negotiation.
‘That will be great, Mr. Daly. Should I ask for you or Mr. Appleby when I arrive?’
The voice laughed softly. ‘I deal with the modelling side of the things, Miss Watson,’ he explained. ‘Appleby Productions is only one part of the Appleby Empire.’
‘Yes, yes, of course,’ she answered, smiling to herself. Making him think she was dumb would give her an advantage.
‘Good. I’ll see you later this afternoon.’
As the dial tone filled her ear, Kirsten stared at the phone for a moment, lost in thought. She was at the crossroads in her career with the Met, she knew that. Okay, it had been her childhood ambition, but the force wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Other people had told her she had the looks and figure to be a model, so it was ironic that their current case should focus on a modelling agency. Maybe a side benefit would be that she’d get an insight into whether that sort of future was possible?
Chapter 5: Wilson receives an invitation The soft pressure between Carmella’s legs slowly brought her out of her sleep. Half conscious, she opened her legs wider so that the tongue running down the length of her labial lips had more room to continue its exquisite explorations. Arching her back, she thrust her hips forward to meet the lapping contact on her deliciously sensitive clit. ‘Mmmm, yes, baby,’ she murmured, her lips parting as the pleasure shot through her. Her hands found the head...
Chapter 9: The Party ‘You both understand what’s expected?’ Carmella asked Marcia and Tony Daly as they stood outside the heavy oak front doors of Appleby Mansion. Their position at the top of the downward curving concrete steps allowed the three of them a clear view of the cars making their way along the drive. The vast array of trees bordering the long drive were decorated with a variety of coloured lights, all adding to the ambience as well as cutting through the looming darkness. The...
Chapter 8: Marcia initiates Alice Donald Appleby replaced the phone and relaxed against the leather interior in the back of his limousine. The conversation with Emmanuel Nmobu couldn’t have gone better. All that remained was for the two brothers to sign the contract and the biggest deal of his life would be finalised. That ceremony would take place during the forthcoming party at his house. Immediately afterwards, he’d ensure that he met the brother’s final request. Carmella was already...
Chapter 7: Paris in the springtime Kirsten glanced around her, marvelling at the hustle and bustle. The two kilometres Avenue des Champs-Élysées was one of the most famous streets in the world. The two women had finished their shopping and were enjoying coffee and a slice of cake in the open air, outside of the Restaurant Le Fouquet’s Parisian brasserie. On their journey by private jet over the English Channel, Carmella explained that Paris cafes were more than a place to sip coffee. They...
Chapter 6: Kirsten and Alice head in different directions Alice checked her lipstick in the dim light of the taxi one more time. Carefully reapplying a layer of gloss over the pale pink colour, the young blonde woman excitedly blew a kiss into the compact mirror. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the driver check her out and smirked to herself. She felt hot… Snapping the compact shut, she dropped it back into her clutch purse, squeezed her thighs together, and looked out the window. ...
Chapter 3: Alice is initiated Sandra Wilson glanced at Kirsten first and then Alex. ‘Where’s Alice with the coffees?’ Goodwin craned his neck to peer out of the open door. ‘There’s a queue at the machine. And the stuff is hardly drinkable. Can’t we get another machine?’ ‘I’m campaigning for it,’ Wilson said dryly. ‘I’m due to see Colin Turner at half eight and he wants to brief me on how to complete ‘his’ quarterly report. To present him in the best light of course. Then he’ll change a...
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Hi I am Sanju From Banglaore averagely built 31 yrs old, first and for most thanks to the ones who have posted their sorties which has given me the confidence to share my life experience to you all. This is about my friend Luthra’s(Luth) wife Sheeba, Luth became my close friend in the 2008, he and Sheeba had daughter who was all most 1 year old .Luth was a model and he need to travel often. I have only heard from luth about his wife, it was a love marriage and it was against her parents wishes....
Hello everyone…This is ricky..And today I will tell you about my first oral sex and how I blackmailed my hot & sexy mami and fucked her…..Toh aap logo ko zyada bore na krte hue mai apni story per aata hu..Mai aap sabhi ko bata du ki yeh story bhot lambi hai kyuki maine is story ko detail mei likha hai. Meri ek hi mami hai jinka naam hai shalini gupta….Age 32 aur unka rang bhot gora hai…..Unke measurements 36-34-37..Aur vo kuchh kuchh shruti hassan ki tarah dikhti hai….Is story ki main...
Hi dosto me sandy fir se aap ke samne tarak mehtaka hot chasma ka agla episod pesh karta hu… Please reply me on, com Pichli bar aap logo ne pada ki kis tara sabhi ledies komal bhabhi ki chudai ki dastan sunte hai … Kis tara komal bhabhi ne sodi ko seduce kiya aur apni aur akarshit kiya… Aur end me apni chut ko sodi ke land se mila hi diya… Ab age.. Daya bhabhi :- waaa komal bhabhi aap be to sodi bhaisab se ekdam achese chudai ki meri chut to ekdam garam ho gai hai lagta hai ghar jakar...
Penny ran in the rain towards an old and seemingly empty building. If her intel was right this was Dr. Claw's hideout and secret labatory. She was ready to fishish this by herself. No had known she was gone, not uncle Gadget or Brain. She was 14 and ready to finish this herself. Even if she got in trouble she had her watch communicator and her trusted computer book. She was ready for whatever Dr Claw could throw at her and this battle would end this night forever. Penny ran to the door...
To say I had an average, normal childhood would be a lie. I never really knew my father, he left when I was pretty young. My mother, well, she wasn't much of a mom. By the time I was 10 I had ended up living with my Aunt and uncle. At the time I wasn't exactly clear on why I had to go live with them. Calling me a bratty little shit at the time I moved in with them was to be kind. I was a terror on two feet. I had met my aunt, uncle and their daughter, my cousin, a few times at family...
Fiction statuary: Ye story do married men ki hai jo aapas me bhot ache friend ban gae aur fir friend se kuch ek fiction staury hai jo 80s k zamane pe based hai. now lets begain the story! Ye baat hai year 1980 ki ek sehar me ek gujrati family rehti thi aur us family ka sab se kubsurat jawan ladka tha Shekhar, uski umar hogi 26 saal. wo goaura chita, ache rang roop wala, gujrati maard tha. uski sahadi 2 sal pehle hi hui thi. uski height thi 6″ aur waist 42. uske ghar me uske mummy papa...
Gay MaleIf It’s Got To Rain, Let It Rain On England Sandra looked out at the wind driven rain as it beat a staccato against the window. She sighed, the weather only deepening her depression. Why couldn’t he have been a better man, she thought to herself, then things may have been different. But no, over the years he had turned into a drunken, crude, slob who thought of nothing but his own enjoyment and where the money for the next drink was coming from. The fact that it usually came from her no longer...
Hi all….I am back after a hiatus with a new experience….well it’s a story as told by my ex colleague and one time close friend Geeta…..this is in her own words……I do sometimes even now get naughty shorty with her……..well now her life in her own words….. Seven years of good marriage ….nice husband loving and caring and a little naughty 5 year old kid…nice job and a tension free life.i had everything but still did not find much excitement in my life. Hail from a conservative and orthodox south...
Hello all, This is a true story about my life, in Mumbai, I was 21 years old then. Since I had just completed my graduation and was preparing for my MBA entrance exams I used to study in the morning and workout in the evenings. The first time I saw da (using initials) while I was jogging in the park. She was wearing jeans and white top brisk walking in the park, just to give you her brief… She was 33 years with the most amazing boobs and the ass to die for…. She smelt good. With every round I...
Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty-Nine The Chrysalis Left Behind You Year 1 A.S. Day 164 She woke up naked in their bed and stretched. His arm was around her still and she had to shift him a bit to finish stretching before slipping out from under the light blanket that was around her feet where she had kicked it in her sleep. Her pussy had a pleasant achy feeling of having been well used from the previous evening and she was just basking in how good it still felt to her right now. She...
My GF is a few years older then me and has a nice slim body with a great pair of 36d's. Almost every time we fuck I get to slide my cock between them before I fuck her. When ever we go shopping we pass through the ladies department and I always run my hands all over the bra's and panties and tell my lady how good she would look in them. A couple of days ago we finally picked out this nice red lace bra and panty set. After we got home I asked her to model them for me. As I was waiting on the...
Kathy had just gotten into an argument with her parents about her job now that she’d gotten one. Unlike most other teens struggling in college however, her parents had just thrown her out of their house when they found out she’d been erotic dancing to pay for all of her luxuries rather than the desk job they believed her to have. They didn’t even let her keep her car, not letting her have the keys they’d taken because, “It’s in our name, we’re not letting some little SLUT take our car! Get...
Joyce lay on top of the bed staring at the ceiling. She had watched the clock go round for three whole hours. Two cars had started up within that time, one almost immediately after she got back to her bedroom, and the other one two hours later. An hour ago she had heard Robbie in the shower, then twenty minutes later heard a door down stairs slam shut. All was quiet. She slipped into the ensuite and started the power shower. She cleaned her teeth and looked at her clouded reflection in the...
It was a cloudy summerday. Well and what does one do on such a cloudy summerday being home alone? I dont know what you will do but I prefer surfing the net, hunting for peeing pics, free pictures of nude pissing, most of all for my preference number 1 - watersports. But also love fuck, anal, blowjob, gangbang, lesbian & Toys. Simply the best for me: Golden Showers! Today I give it another try via Adultcheck and WOW...look at this what I am striking. A GaySite containing nothing but...
Mi aai ani maavshi ata chaanglich jodi kamli hoti.Gela mahinabhar maazi nusti aish chalu hoti.Roj sakaali aai ani maavshi aaltun paaltun maaza sota halvoon mala jaaga karit asat.Mi hi shaletun aalyavar roj sandhyakalli aai ani maavshiche stan daaabat base. Pan ajun doghinnahi kamrekhaalana nagda karnyaachi dhitaai angaat alli navhti.Mala maahit hote ki doghihi kaahihi bolnaar naahi pan mich jara ghaabrat hoto.suttichya diwshi tar mi gharaat nagdaach firat ase ani aai ani maavshi pan fakta...
The limousine pulled through the imposing rod iron gate, the words “EROS ACADEMY” emblazoned above it. As the wheels rolled up the long driveway, past the manicured lawns and fountains, Michael felt his heart flutter as he looked at the tremendous building on the other end of the grounds. He could see other cars and gaggles of people milling about. He swallowed hard. “Darling please, you seem so nervous, try to relax. This should be a happy day for you,” came a slow, slurred voice from across...
NovelsI woke up early with the sun and heat, noticing trickles of pirspiration building on my skin. I watched a trickle run down my chest between my tits, and decided to get undressed. He was naked beside me due to the heat, and I joined him naked. I woke to find he had cuddled up to me, I could feel his erection pressed against my back. This instantly sent a shiver of excitement through my body, my nipples stood erect to I gave them a few sharp pinches, making my pussy ache with...
Hello all. Am submitting my first story on ISS. Hope you like it. Please share your views and feedback on I (Neil) had recently completed 18 years of age. Standing 5 feet 5 inches tall and have an athletic build. My cock is thick and 6 inches long and I prefer to keep my balls shaved. My mom gave me birth at the age of 19 years and she is 37 years old now. She is 5 feet 4 inches tall, fair complexion, have black eyes, long black hair and is very good looking. She has a slight bulge in her...
IncestHello, I am Rose, and I am a foot lover.I am neither unapologetic nor ashamed. I have many fetishes but this is one of the strongest. I have had an interest in feet since I was a kid. I do not discriminate, I enjoy both male and female feet, looking at them, kissing them and licking them. Of course, I enjoy the same on my feet. I hear that it is more common in men than women, but I have never been conventional.Since I have such a fond interest in feet, I have always taken care of mine and I...
FetishIt was time for another party and my parents were hosting again. They were popular hosts because our house was the best for a big weekend orgy. Friday afternoon found people gathering and sex occurring. Babs asked me to again mark our room as off limits. I did. Friday afternoon saw us watch Ben and our Dad double penetrate Aunt June. She was making noise until Hannah mounted Ben's face and pushed June's face into her butt. Someone had already fucked her ass and filled it with a load. I...
The Alchemist was getting ready to close his tattoo shop when the bells on his door chimed. He turned and there she was, a shattered angel. She stood paused, frozen in his doorway, neither in nor out, motionless on the threshold, undecided. The setting sun bled over the rooftops from across the street, staining her hair and cheek with the illusion of mortal wounds. The empty hunger in the crushed blue of her eyes screamed of lethal injuries hemorrhaging but invisible on the surface of her skin....
SupernaturalI’d dropped off my seventeen-year-old daughter, Clair at college and my darling husband, Mike had left for work and would be staying away overnight on business. On the face of it, I had no reason to rush - and yet I hurried home. And when I got there, I continued rushing, all the way upstairs. Reaching under the bed, I hastily pulled out a box and stared at the cover. EIGHT AND A HALF INCHES OF JOY it proclaimed in bold, capital letters. Modelled on the porn star… and then a name I couldn’t...
ToysIt was mid summer and I was working half days at the bugger joint, one of our regular customers, that was a college student, came in as I was clocking out. I served him and went to clock out, as I exited the side he pulled up in his car and asked if I was heading home. He looked at me and smiled and said '...let me drop you off, I've something to ask you any way...' thinking nothing of it I decided to accept the ride home. He introduced himself by saying ' name is Luther, and keep your...
After a much needed soak and a somewhat half hearted orgasm I got dressed and eventually found my way to the kitchen. I hadn’t realized just how hungry I was until I opened the refrigerator and found it to be damn near bare. My grocery shopping trip the previous day was interrupted by Roxie, not that minded, but now not only was I starving but I was also out of coffee. This just would not do so I headed off back into town. The effects of last nights blizzard were obvious but thankfully the...
A New Orientation.... by LaShaunda The changes that have happened to me in the last year have been unbelievable. I could never have imagined the new direction that my life would take. I am examining myself in the mirror, and diligently checking my physical appearance for the slightest imperfection. I must look perfect at all times, and like the naughty little Asian sexpot for my expecting "honored clients." I am wearing my standard "VIP masseuse's uniform" of a red and...
After watching various girls perform their particular sporting prowess’s I made my way to the water-cooler for a drink. Rosie was there with a tall, slim girl. Blue eyed and long blonde hair, tied back into a ponytail, fairly flat chested and legs that seemed to go from the floor to her armpits. She wasn’t what could be described as a “looker”, a bit plain really but she had a pleasant smile as she greeted me. “This is Sophie” Rosie said by way of an introduction, “She’s our under 14’s...
It was a hot, muggy and cloudy Tuesday afternoon at the end of July. As usual, my uncle had gone off golfing and the store was dead. Maybe ten customers all day and none since lunch. Then, in the middle of that sultry afternoon, The Rack walked in. She was a real bombshell, probably about ten years older than me, and her boobs were incredible. They were huge and yet appeared to be firm, no hint of sag. She wore a peasant blouse and there was a real strain on the neckline, I can tell you. She’d...
Straight SexWe'd been hanging out, having a few drinks and laughs. I love your sense of humor, your laugh. As you move my eyes take you in. I smile on the inside. After deciding to call it a night, I hunker down on the couch for a few hours of sleep. You give me a blanket and go to bed. Images from the night, watching you, drift through my mind.. About fifteen minutes after you say your good night's, I'm laying there half awake. There is very little light, but I watch your silhouette as you quietly walk...
Let's start the story. (THIS IS A TRUE STORY) I woke up at 6:45 AM with only one thing on my mind: the PE teacher assistant. I took a shower, got dressed, and ate breakfast before heading off to school. I have PE class 5th period, so I had to wait pretty much all day to see her. But boy was it worth waiting. I finally arrived at PE class rushing to change into my gym clothes so I could see her. The moment came where my class all sat down in roll call order and the teacher did attendance....
It was a windy, chilly Saturday under bright sunshine when we left Austin. We went straight west through Fredericksburg to I-10 headed west. Considering it was in the middle of winter I wanted to avoid any really bad weather, so we avoided I-40 and any mountain areas. We kept with I-10 all the way until we were north of the LA mess and then picked up I-5 to 580 to San Rafael and on up to my folk's house. It was a little over twenty-four hours of driving which we spread over three-and-a-half...
(I thank Mrs Priyanka for sharing her experiences. Part of it is true, sex with her brothers and clients is true, Rest is all fiction. Please send suggestions and comments to or ) ……………. My project tomorrow was to convince, lure and entice an NRI couple into buying a plush villa or a farmhouse. I am working as an executive in a Real Estate firm, owned by Mrs and Mr Bhatia. My job is to make the customers take the bait and Rahul Bhatia will fleece them and I get my cut. If it were a single...
IncestJenna Foxx is a privileged black girl with one of the most overprotective fathers in the world. Even a request as small as going out with some friends becomes an ordeal with him. He decided to let his guard down for once and let Jenna enjoy herself a little though. It turns out that Jenna was actually headed to the party of the year, and not a chill gathering with a few girlfriends. She brought back a wealthy little white boy from a private school on the other side of town. He was a great...
xmoviesforyouSarah's Diary [Sarah didn't keep a written diary since her childhood. This short journal was written in the back of the workbook she was using for her course work.] Sarah's Diary - Tuesday 25 May I've started a diary just to try and get my thoughts together before I go to sleep. Otherwise I shall probably spend the whole night with things running round and round in my head. I startled the bank cashier this morning by paying in the cheque. Met R for lunch in refec. Spotted by Judith...
I had a high-flying career and was married for the last 10 years. But my husband was mostly away on business most of the year, saying that right now was the time to earn. I agreed with it. We could earn now and relax later. But lately, I had been feeling lonely and quite horny. I was angry and frustrated as I missed sex with a person. But because we had mutually decided to live like this, I couldn’t say much on it. I couldn’t say I changed my mind. So, I waited for things to change. I wanted...
CheatingAina time: 4:09 PM, day 241 of 1450 (25 days after the Red Bird Festival) Earth time: 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Wednesday, March 16, 2044 The group of ten women and three men reached their goal in mid afternoon, the edge of the ledge before it dipped below the water. The group consisted of Jennifer and a reunion of the 1410 marriage class, all twelve members that Mark and Kara had chaperoned into the canyon maze so many years ago. The killer ivy grew lush and vibrant a short distance...