Appleby Blush Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Chapter 7: Paris in the springtime
Kirsten glanced around her, marvelling at the hustle and bustle. The two kilometres Avenue des Champs-Élysées was one of the most famous streets in the world. The two women had finished their shopping and were enjoying coffee and a slice of cake in the open air, outside of the Restaurant Le Fouquet’s Parisian brasserie.
On their journey by private jet over the English Channel, Carmella explained that Paris cafes were more than a place to sip coffee. They were an institution, a cultural phenomenon. She was pleased she’d worn her favourite coral halterneck dress with its bust ruching. The top displayed just enough of her tanned cleavage to be classically sexy, while the floaty skirt showed her long legs to perfection. She felt it matched the vibrancy around her.
‘It’s a dream,’ she softly breathed.
Carmella smiled warmly. ‘A wonderful one?’
‘More than I could ever have imagined,’ the young cop answered, her deep brown eyes glowing with excitement.
‘La plus belle avenue du monde.’
Kirsten felt a shiver run up her spine. The Columbian woman’s accent was delicious enough anyway, but when the mature beauty spoke in French it elevated her sexiness to another level.
‘The most beautiful avenue in the world,’ Carmella added by way of explanation as she reached across to push a loose strand of dark hair away from the brunette’s eye. ‘And this is one of the most famous restaurant and hotels. It’s such a wonderful venue to relax after a heavy morning shopping, don’t you think?’
Kirsten nodded. Carmella had outlined the role of an Appleby model on their journey to Paris and while it clearly involved hard work, it was every bit as glamorous as she’d imagined. There hadn’t been a single thing to raise suspicion of anything untoward and it was already clear to her that the investigation was a wild goose chase. Sandra Wilson didn’t get much wrong but she was way off beam with this one…
‘What is it?’ Carmella asked, noticing the change in expression.
Kirsten’s faraway eyes returned to her companion. She’d felt a pang of guilt at investigating someone who had been so good to her. Carmella had even invited her to a gala party at Appleby’s house in a couple of days. ‘Sorry, I was just marveling at everything.’ It wasn’t exactly a lie, after all.
Her beautiful companion leant forward across the table and patted her hand. ‘You’ve enjoyed our day so far?’
The cop laughed aloud, pulling her long brown hair across one shoulder. ‘I’ve enjoyed everything, Carmella—the flight, the shopping, the city, the experience.’ She paused and then laughed again at her own exuberance. ‘Thank you,’ she murmured, giving the Columbian woman a grateful look. ‘I appreciate it.’
Carmella’s hand squeezed hers. ‘The life of an Appleby model is never dull,’ she chuckled, playing a finger over her red lips as if in contemplation. ‘Here we are in Paris. I was in Barcelona last week and I flew to Monte Carlo a couple of weeks before that. Next week it’s New York. You won’t get much rest, Kirsten, but it’s a life I can recommend. And believe me, you wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in you.’
‘I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that,’ she said, licking a finger and picking up some crumbs from her plate. That cake had been so light! When she caught Carmella’s eye, they both laughed again.
‘The pastry was a rare treat. We have to watch our figures,’ Carmella smiled, loving her young friend’s enthusiasm. ‘Today, I’m showing you what’s possible if you work hard enough, follow my guidance and are prepared to make sacrifices. After that, it’s up to you.’
‘I won’t let you down,’ Kirsten quickly replied, sitting forward. The excitement was back in her brown eyes. She paused for a few seconds to try and gather her wits. She was acting as if she’d morphed from a cop on an undercover investigation to an aspiring model overnight. Was she seriously thinking about this?
Carmella’s voice brought her back to the present. ‘It’s a dream we all should have,’ she said, her sexy eyes gleaming. ‘But there are those who dream, and those who make it happen. How do you feel about your assessment with Pierre Laroche?’
‘I feel nervous.’
Carmella laughed out loud again, tossing a hand through her perfect hair. ‘Oh, darling, you have no need to be. Laroche is an expert in his field and his techniques are the most advanced of anyone I know. And I’ve already told you—after all my years in the fashion industry, I’m a very good judge of these things. You’ll pass with flying colours, believe me.’
‘I hope so.’
The Columbian beauty smiled confidently as she delved into her bag and produced what looked like to be two miniature bottles of wine. Reaching for the two empty glasses on the table beside them, she poured the drinks and passed one to Kirsten.
‘I stole them from the plane,’ she laughed, picking up the other glass. ‘Pink for you and white for me. We’ll do it the French way and drink them in one go.’
She’d finished her drink before Kirsten had time to react. The brunette giggled and then immediately followed suit, lightly coughing as it her drink hit the back of her throat. ‘There,’ she told Carmella, holding up her empty glass.
‘A good sign,’ her host told her, before turning to her left. She pointed a finger at each of the shopping bags tucked away beside them in their small enclosure. ‘Eight in all,’ she said, laughing heartily. ‘Such a shame, I usually return home with twenty.’
Kirsten joined in with the laughter. She could easily believe that. The Columbian woman had shown an extraordinary aptitude for finding and purchasing ‘bargains’.
‘Now,’ Carmella said, glancing at her watch. She smiled sweetly. ‘It’s time for your meeting with Pierre. Just be true to yourself and go with what feels right. Trust your instincts and see where it takes you. What can go wrong?’
Sandra Wilson threw the buff coloured file down on her desk and tossed her small, rectangular, black-framed glasses on top of it. How could she concentrate? The Appleby case was going nowhere. Turner was applying more and more pressure. And then there was Alex Goodwin…
She’d tried to avoid spent the barrel chested cop most of yesterday and knew he was puzzled by her attitude. So was she. Her analytical mind had gone over it a thousand times and she’d come to the same conclusion. It wasn’t the sex with Alex that was worrying her, it was the emotional attachment. He’d expect far more from her than she’d be able to give.
Casual sex was one thing, but another relationship was something else…
The frustrating aspect was that her body’s burning need remained. It might not be as all consuming as after her session at the Appleby studios, but it was definitely there.
She’d spent the whole of the last thirty six hours—other than when she was masturbating—trying to come to terms with what had happened. There was only one conclusion. Exposing her body in a skimpy bikini during the photo shoot had brought alive the sexual yearnings she’d bottled up in the last eighteen months. It was that simple.
But if the happenings at the agency had lit the fire, her sexual encounter with Goodwin had really fanned the flames. She’d almost forgotten how good sex could be!
And now she’d had a taste again, she wanted more. Therein lay another problem.
Fucking Alex Goodwin might have been the safe option the other night, but the full ramifications of her decision to seek him out had come back to haunt her now. Re-establishing a connection she’d ended a year and a half ago was a backward step and she could see simply by looking at his body language that her fears were justified.
She wearily took to her feet and headed across the office towards the coffee machine in the far corner. Two of the younger guys were talking there as she approached and she saw them glance at
her body before hurrying off. Laughter trailed in the air behind them and she knew what they were thinking. She knew what they were all thinking.
Leaning against the machine for a few moments, she glanced around the floor. Most of the eyes on her immediately diverted. They respected her because of her position and because she was good at her job. But most of them would fuck her in a second. She’d heard the whispers, how hot she was for someone ‘of her age’. How she kept herself in good shape. How she must be gagging for it because she didn’t have a boyfriend…
Usually she ignored the ever present sexual nuances. Today, they sent a tingle to her sex.
Turning back to the machine, she checked the small menu. What was the difference, they all tasted the same. She pressed for cappuccino, but pulled a face as the discoloured water spilt into the plastic white cup. For a few seconds, she stared at the murky liquid and then, holding the cup high, allowed the drink to splash down into the slop shoot.
Maybe she needed something stronger than coffee?
Turning back to her office, she took her time sauntering back across the floor, aware that she was putting an extra swing in her hips as she walked. God, even her thoughts made her feel horny. Let them look, she told herself, feeling her body react to all the eyes that would be staring at her ass. If you’re man enough, come and get it boys…
Pierre Laroche’s deep voice resonated around his large office. ‘So, Kirsten, has Carmella explained the process?’
The brunette uncertainly shook her head. ‘No… not exactly.’
‘But you know it’s an assessment.’
She nodded. ‘Yes.’
‘My methods are unusual but very rewarding,’ he explained, pouring a drink and handing it to her. Giving her another glass of Blush after the one Carmella had fed her was a calculated risk, but after the session she was unlikely to have much of a recollection of anything outside of the sex. And he wanted her body to guide her reactions, not her mind.
‘Passing the assessment means you’re officially eligible to become an Appleby model,’ he continued. ‘Carmella will take care of the contract details, of course.’
Kirsten took a sip from the glass, her gleaming brown eyes covering Laroche. The feeling of arousal that had begun to consume her during the short taxi ride after leaving Carmella was now at a fevered pitch. He wasn’t anything like she’d visualised. It wasn’t that he was much older than she’d thought—she had no real expectation. Nor was it the fact that he was handsome in a mature sort of way, despite the thin, salt and pepper hair.
She just hadn’t anticipated that he’d be black…
‘What I’m interested in is your mental attitude, your aptitude to be a successful model. Believe me, Kirsten, many young women like you have aspirations but few have what it takes.’ He walked across to the padded table beside her chair and rested his hands on the rail at the top. ‘You’re willing to put yourself in my hands?’
It was the opening line to all of his weekly shows on the Eurotica French TV cable channel. What made today’s show out of the ordinary was that the young women were usually primed to act the part. The seduction of an innocent was always special and he’d watched the recordings of this woman in action on the Solomon Sloane show. That performance—aided by the advanced publicity—guaranteed a huge pay per view audience.
He’d ensure they weren’t disappointed.
‘Yes,’ Kirsten replied, gulping down more of the drink. It eased the nervous dryness in her throat. ‘Whatever it takes…’
‘Indeed,’ Laroche smiled, pulling a chair across to the table and resting his hands on the back of it. ‘I think we need to understand a few things first. Please lie down here on the table.’ His face was a picture of calm as he watched her comply. ‘Comfortable?’
‘Yes thanks,’ she hesitantly said, smoothing the floaty skirt across her thighs as she settled herself. She was and she wasn’t. Her position reminded her of lying on a therapist’s couch. She felt vulnerable, too, and that thought sent little bolts of excitement through her.
When he stood to remove his suit jacket, she couldn’t prevent herself from checking out his package. The bulge suggested that he was at least as big as Tony Daly.
Her nipples hardened at the thought…
‘Fashion and pornography have one thing in common,’ he rasped, pushing his rimless glasses up his forehead as he stood beside her. ‘Do you know what?’
The brunette’s eyes widened. Pornography?
‘Sex,’ he continued, watching her reaction. ‘A pornographic actress indulges her body and a fashion model indulges her mind. Both are essential in order to produce the highest quality of performance in their respective spheres. You understand?’
She nodded slowly, even though she wasn’t sure what he was getting at.
He smiled at her as he circled behind the table. Resting his hands on her shoulders, he leant forward and kept his voice low. ‘For this session, Kirsten, I need you to do two things. I want you to indulge your mind and I need you to think of yourself as a pornographic actress. Your ability to demonstrate that will determine the outcome of the assessment. Understand?’
She hadn’t thought of it that way. Feeling sexy had helped during her audition with Daly and the subsequent shoot afterwards. It would help her through this. And the feeling of the fingers gently stroking her shoulders was already making her feel sexy…
‘Yes,’ she said. Her voice was little more than a whisper. Fixing her gaze on the ceiling, she wondered why anyone would place a mirror there. Staring at her reflection, she realised that her prone body presented a sexy image. The sight, and Laroche’s rhetoric, was definitely affecting her. So were the fingers he was digging into her shoulders.
‘What I want you to do,’ he continued, walking around the table and casually sitting in the chair, ‘is to coordinate the thoughts in your mind with the feelings inside your body.’ His voice was low and soothing. ‘I’ll guide you with a series of questions. I hope that’s clear?’
She nodded, more in an attempt to move things forward rather than confirmation of any understanding. Her palms were clammy and her body was practically screaming for attention. Whatever he had in mind was okay by her…
Alex Goodwin took a sip from his mug of coffee and pushed forward in his chair. The Met canteen seemed to have become the norm for his brief meetings with Brendan Kaminski. Two colleagues sharing a break together…
‘Well?’ the swarthy Homicide cop asked, shuffling in his seat opposite Goodwin.
‘I don’t know,’ Goodwin said for the second time, this time accompanied by a shrug of his broad shoulders. ‘I told you, I didn’t get the chance to talk to her yesterday.’
The acute feeling of frustration still burned strongly in his body. Sandra had deliberately kept out of his way yesterday, though to be fair she was heavily involved in some more of the shit that Turner was piling on her. He could tell the signs. Turner had decided he wanted her out and was now placing unreasonable demands so that he’d have some evidence to prove she wasn’t satisfactorily doing her job.
‘Why not?’ Kaminski snapped out the question.
The barrel chested cop almost reacted, but choked back the annoyance he was feeling. Okay, it was natural that Brendan should want feedback on Wilson’s open night—he’d supplied the lead after all. But what could he tell him? Sandra hadn’t even confided in him yet.
‘There’s a team meeting this morning,’ he responded, taking another gulp of coffee. ‘I’ll know more after that.’
Kaminski grimaced. ‘Hell, Alex—’
Goodwin leant forward aggressively and tapped his fingers on the rectangular table. ‘Look, what else can I tell you, Brendan? You’ll have to be patient like the rest of us. This is a delicate fucking op
eration, you know.’
The Homicide cop backed off. ‘Okay, Alex. I hear ya.’
Goodwin thought back to Turner and Wilson’s broken relationship. Why the fuck had he allowed himself to get drawn into telling Brendan Kaminski about everything? If this got out, there’ll be hell to pay. ‘Good. Just chill out and I’ll update you later, okay?’
Kaminski twisted his face into a smile. ‘Okay… okay, Alex, it seems to me like I’m not the only one who needs a couple of chill pills…’
Goodwin’s grey eyes hardened. The Homicide cop’s words had really hit the spot. What the hell was wrong with Sandra Wilson She’d called out unexpectedly at his apartment, fucked his brains out in the lift, and then left without a word. And she hadn’t said a thing to him in the day and a half that had passed since then. What was he to think?
He realised Brendan was tapping the back of his hand.
‘What?’ he snapped.
‘Geez, Alex,’ Kaminski said, lowering his voice and glancing around the room. ‘I’ve never seen you this uptight. I just said I was out this afternoon but I’d call you later. Okay?’
Goodwin’s frustration dropped to simmering point. He leant back in his chair again and shot Brendan a half apologetic look. There wasn’t any point in taking it out on him.
‘Okay,’ he wearily conceded. The sooner he and Sandra talked things through the better.
Kirsten had been vaguely aware that Pierre Laroche’s soft tone had helped her descend into a meditative state. Maybe she should have resisted, but she’d felt better as her mind sank deeper. Her body remained on fire but now she was in her own world.
And it felt reassuring to listen to that voice in the distance.
‘You like black men?’ the voice suddenly asked.
She felt the surge of heat between her thighs. How did it know?
‘And you like Tony Daly. You showered with him, didn’t you? Think about that, Kirsten.’
Within a few seconds, she returned to the moment. The heady aroma of the scented shower gel filled her nostrils. She’d rubbed it across his skin, taking her time as she covered his chest, back and hard buttocks. His muscular body had felt so smooth under her hands.
‘You liked the feel of his body, Kirsten,’ the voice said.
She couldn’t understand how it knew. She hadn’t spoken, had she? These were just thoughts passing through her mind…
‘Why don’t you touch his body again,’ the voice said. ‘Remember how it feels.’
A hand was taking hers and placing it on a naked chest. Someone was standing to the side of her. It couldn’t be Laroche—he was wearing a shirt—it must be Tony Daly.
She stroked her fingers across the chest, seeking those nipples again. For a few silent moments she caressed one, tweaking it between her thumb and forefinger. Did a man experience the same sensations as a woman when having his nipples pleasured, she wondered? Would he moan like she did when having them sucked?
‘Why don’t you see?’ the voice asked. ‘Go ahead.’
A body was bending over her and his skin was against her face. It was Daly’s ebony skin. Her tongue reached up, tracing a path to his right nipple. Yesss…
He did moan as she sucked on it!
‘That’s nice, Kirsten,’ the voice confirmed. ‘Now the other.’
She left a wet trail as she slid across to his left nipple. Her movements were rougher now, flicking it with her tongue, worrying it between her teeth, just the way she liked Matt to do with her. Daly’s hand slid to the back of her head, holding it up from the padded table. Her fingernails trailed lightly across his hard stomach as she licked around the hard bud.
God, she was so horny…
‘So good,’ the voice growled. It must be enjoying watching what she was doing to Daly. ‘How does that feel?’
‘Incredible,’ she grunted, beginning to float on a bubble of arousal. She had to widen her legs to allow the heat to escape. They brushed against Daly’s thighs.
‘Remember when Tony Daly oiled your breasts, Kirsten? He can’t do it now because you’re wearing a dress. Why don’t you pull it down your body? That would make you feel better…’
Her hands were on her straps as soon as the words left his mouth. As soon as she’d dragged the dress down to her waist, she was fumbling with her bra. The feeling of the cool air on her breasts was breathtaking, but nothing like the sensations of the hands that immediately covered them. Tony Daly’s hands. She gasped at the touch. They were rubbing something into her flesh and across her hard nipples.
Chapter 2: Kirsten’s Audition The taxi pulled up outside the sumptuous looking building that boasted Appleby Modelling in red across the cream façade. Next to the words was the smaller red apple symbol that connected all Appleby businesses. Kirsten had spent an hour on the computer researching as much as she could before leaving the Met. Now she was on her own. She raised her eyebrows as the driver told her the fare—was travelling to Croydon really that expensive? Maybe she should have taken...
Chapter 5: Wilson receives an invitation The soft pressure between Carmella’s legs slowly brought her out of her sleep. Half conscious, she opened her legs wider so that the tongue running down the length of her labial lips had more room to continue its exquisite explorations. Arching her back, she thrust her hips forward to meet the lapping contact on her deliciously sensitive clit. ‘Mmmm, yes, baby,’ she murmured, her lips parting as the pleasure shot through her. Her hands found the head...
Chapter 9: The Party ‘You both understand what’s expected?’ Carmella asked Marcia and Tony Daly as they stood outside the heavy oak front doors of Appleby Mansion. Their position at the top of the downward curving concrete steps allowed the three of them a clear view of the cars making their way along the drive. The vast array of trees bordering the long drive were decorated with a variety of coloured lights, all adding to the ambience as well as cutting through the looming darkness. The...
Chapter 8: Marcia initiates Alice Donald Appleby replaced the phone and relaxed against the leather interior in the back of his limousine. The conversation with Emmanuel Nmobu couldn’t have gone better. All that remained was for the two brothers to sign the contract and the biggest deal of his life would be finalised. That ceremony would take place during the forthcoming party at his house. Immediately afterwards, he’d ensure that he met the brother’s final request. Carmella was already...
Chapter 6: Kirsten and Alice head in different directions Alice checked her lipstick in the dim light of the taxi one more time. Carefully reapplying a layer of gloss over the pale pink colour, the young blonde woman excitedly blew a kiss into the compact mirror. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the driver check her out and smirked to herself. She felt hot… Snapping the compact shut, she dropped it back into her clutch purse, squeezed her thighs together, and looked out the window. ...
Chapter 3: Alice is initiated Sandra Wilson glanced at Kirsten first and then Alex. ‘Where’s Alice with the coffees?’ Goodwin craned his neck to peer out of the open door. ‘There’s a queue at the machine. And the stuff is hardly drinkable. Can’t we get another machine?’ ‘I’m campaigning for it,’ Wilson said dryly. ‘I’m due to see Colin Turner at half eight and he wants to brief me on how to complete ‘his’ quarterly report. To present him in the best light of course. Then he’ll change a...
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While Jeff thought the one year holding period would never come it finally did. Not wanting to affect the price of the stock he sold seventy five percent of John’s company stock in small lots over a period of time and reinvested the proceeds. The twenty percent in capital gains tax was a big nut he had to pay but it was something he was going to need to face sooner or later. More than offsetting this tax was the twenty four percent rise in the price of the John’s stock that occurred during...
I caressed the long, silken tresses of the exquisitely nude young Asian who knelt proudly before me, then turned to her equally exquisite sister - a three-dimensional photocopy of the one I had just petted. "Lovely," I proclaimed softly. They were, but I had an ulterior motive for letting them hear me say so. These two were obviously proud of their beauty and used it to great advantage in their lives and in their enterprise. The twins ran a business in San Francisco catering to the needs...
Gail pulled into Al's driveway and stopped behind a BMW that was sitting there. "Whose car is THAT?" she asked. "Oh." he answered. "That's my Mom's car. She wants to put up a good front for her clients. She's a lawyer." Gail looked over to him. "What about YOU? What do YOU have." He shrugged his shoulders at her. "Nothing but a bike. Mom's getting me a car for graduation. We been looking around, and seeing what's what. Sometimes we look on line, and other times we see something in the lots that...
Our relationship started off like any ordinary vanilla relationship does, I think. Well, okay maybe not, this is us I’m talking about, after all, right? We’ve always been a little colorful. I remember it clearly though, great sex, but neither of us truly in control, not just yet. I think we were testing the waters. It was me, though, who started in on it. We are after all both switches. People wonder how we both can be switches and how we manage to share control. Yet, somehow we managed,...
The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...
"Come live with me and be my love And we will all the pleasures prove That hills and valleys, dales and fields, The river and the mountain yields." Ariana's voice was high and clear in the darkness, the sweet melody drifting through the air and off into the trees. She was singing to Rachel, who was stretched out naked beside her on their sleeping bag, eyes closed, perfect lips smiling. There was no moon that night, but a sky full of stars blazed down at us. Rachel lay on her back, her...
never knew my parents. From what i've been told, they died in a car accident when we first came to America. I wouldn't have it any other way, they're the only family I know and I love them. I look like your typical asian kid, I've been told I'm very good looking. I have very feminine features when it comes to body type and other physical features. The most noticable to me is probably my girly butt. I've caught a lot of men staring at my ass ever since I was twelve. Being...
There was. This spaceport had more holes than a Kermac T-cruiser after meeting up with the Devastator. While the north end of the corridor and the People mover ended up at the spaceport terminal with all the necessary controls, the south end of the corridor, after about eight klicks ended up in the open at a freight transfer field with stacked containers and crates. Robotic cargo handlers and drones were impervious to rain, fog and the sweltering sauna conditions buzzing everywhere with...
The time was around 5:30pm and I got home and wanted to jack off. While jacking off, I was looking at porn and dreaming of doing it with my “hot” mom. This was in my bedroom. After I cummed, I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. My bathroom door was open, and while cleaning myself, my dick was fully erect. I heard a “what are you doing?” and I turned around and it was my mom! I told her that I was going to take a shower, and she said “can I join you?”...
He couldn’t get her out of his mind. She consumed his every thought. Those lips. He had kissed them a thousand times and yet he still craved more. That smile. Those stolen moments. He could still taste the sweet peach juice upon her lips following the very first time their lips locked. Fuck. He craved her.Aiden knew he shouldn’t but Melody oozed seduction. Something he just couldn’t resist. Even a quick glance in those emerald green eyes, veiled by dark lashes, made his cock twitch.So many...
CheatingHe stood in the back of an empty parking lot, surrounded by shadows. His name was of no importance, only his purpose. The place in which he existed did not matter either, as he could shape it to his will, freely. The world was his oyster, and anything he wished would appear before him, anything he desired would come forth. He walked slowly through the dark parking lot.
Jim sat in the armchair, drumming his fingers. It had been 15 minutes since Heidi had walked out. Where was she? He got up and went to the kitchen. There was a full bottle of milk in the refrigerator as he’d known there would be. Why on earth was she so sensitive? He heard the door open and then close again. “Heidi?” He walked out into the hall. It was her. “Hey.” She seemed OK. He cleared his throat. “Look, are you alright? I didn’t mean to…” “I’m fine,” she said brightly. “Do you want coffee...
Oh dear excuse Mistress a moment, help Her up, it seems Mistress has guests, please wait here as Mistress goes to see who is at the door. What a surprise, My pet, two of Mistress lady friends, Anne and Sally, have arrived – go and get some more wine and glasses, please My pet. Mistress’s friends look on in astonishment as Her sexy slave gets up from his kneeling position and obediently goes inside to do as told. Oh My pet, the questions, the curiosity. Mistress laughingly and with great...
This story is a work of fiction. All characters included are fake and do not resemble real-life individuals. The story has been written from the inspiration of cutecpl77 and taken into composition under their sole permissionAll Rights ReservedI always wanted to visit India but never had the chance until the last term when our university had signed an agreement of internship with an Indian company working within the hospitality sector. This was the chance the person they should send was me and...
As Pelle had promised, the Saturday was spent doing work around the cabin. He helped Ingeburg fire the baking oven and the young woman spent time kneading some dough of wheat flour, sweetened with dried berries and honey, to bake biscuits. This was something she knew well and she worked hard at it. The dough had to rest for some time before she could form biscuits, and she used that to clean the cooking area and the copper pots and pans. Pelle was busy splitting firewood for their use, and...
After our first visit to the gloryhole in Miami my fuck buddy, V, and I discussed it over the following days. V said it had turned her on but was not sure that she had the nerve to go back. Well, a few nights later we were out drinking at a local bar and it was amazing the change that came over her after a few drinks. She became quite flirtatious and suggested that she needed some fun. On Washington Avenue is an erotic museum, containing many images and art work depicting sex through the ages....
I cut short my last long letter as I was really too tired to write more at the time. Our dinner party was of the gayest. The lovely evening and the softened light of the waning moon, which had only risen as we left, unusually late, from the dinner table, drew us to the terrace, and Sophie and I soon began to wander away from it, with the benevolent intent of favoring Louisa and Tom. We led the way to the nearest summer-house, and left them to their own enjoyment, keeping watch the while to...
Hey friends, I am back with another juicy story for you all to enjoy and have fun. It’s a long read so do take time and have patience. My name is Abhishek, 19 years old, slim body 5.8” with short black hair. I loved photography since childhood and in no time it grew like an obsession. I started taking lot of pictures whenever something interesting occurred. It was further fueled by my elder sister as she makes TikTok videos. I am the one to do all the camera work and editing. Anushka didi is...
IncestThe next morning early, the three had ridden no more than half a mile from camp, when Eli pulled his horse back. “We got riders coming in, hold up and get your guns ready,” he told them. They were suddenly surrounded by sixteen members of a cavalry patrol, handguns drawn and hammers backed. “Stand your position men, United States Cavalry here. You’re trespassing on government property,” a big sergeant in front of the troop yelled. “Mister, you best put them pistols away before we shoot...
Ryan stared at the raven haired beauty. “Julie?” he finally said. Julie raised arched an eyebrow at him. “And I thought you were supposed to be a genius. Five years living together and you can barely remember my name?” “But what are you doing here anyway?” This made no sense. She didn’t go to either Mt. View or Ryan’s school - she was going to some private all girls school last he had heard. Julie nodded her head at her father Gary. Samantha and Janet were already grilling him angrily....
Unexpected Developments by DeeDee Littlething I was in the most boring place on Earth when she walked into the door. With the top that looked painted on, the heels, and the curves everywhere she fairly screamed out when mixed in with the shoppers looking for a roll of TP or aspirin. It was pretty early in the day to be out dressed like that, not that I would complain for a single second. The day got even better when she walked over to the photo department....
The following tells of the events that have occurred in the past years at my school. The Academy as I here people call it. I like to keep a watchful eye on our city, with the help of my magic. And these events caught my attention from the very beginning. There have been many rumors going around of my death but I assure you they are greatly exaggerated. Perhaps I do not teach, or even interact with the student like I used to. But I have been watching. And here I have recorded the unbelievable...
FantasyMain ek MNC Co. Me job karta hu meri wife Anjli house wife hai or uske jija Ranvir ka aapna business hai .. .Asal me Ranvir fhufha lagta hai parr Ranvir ki wife or Anjli ek hi age ki thi to Ranvir Majak Majak me Anjli ko sali hi manta tha .. Kai baar Anjli ne mujhe Ranvir ki sex ki aadto ke bare me bhi bataya jo uski wife se pata chali thi ki usko daily sex chahiye ghanto Tak lage rahte hai period me bhi nahi manta..Ranvir ki wifet hori se tang lagti thi… Ye story ek din ki hai jab Subha...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Sister's Public Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melody Samuels For the last month, an itch has built between my thighs. Ever since my younger half-sister, Alicia, rode our brother's cock in the middle of the cafeteria, hiding her activity by looking like a cute, little girl sitting innocently on her big brother's lap, my lusts were inflamed. I always had an exhibitionist streak. I enjoyed...
True story !!! ******************** !!! Decided just to share a story to see what you people think about it Been single a while and to be honest not interested in a relationship right now so the only way to fulfill my needs is with my ex Sean!! Got a text off him at the weekend asking was I busy!! Work is crazy at the moment so sometimes I'm not free which disappoints me very much as I love what this guy can do with his hands !! Fortunately I wasn't working last weekend so I obv said I'm...
Since this is my first story on this web site, I figured I tell you a true story about the love of my life that I lost twice in my life. The sun was shinning in the window as I woke from our first night together. All my life I had wondered where my first love had gone. I knew she had married when I was away in the Navy and that her husband had died shortly after their daughter had been born. Over time I had married too but now I was single again. I tried for years to locate her with no suggest....
EroticHii boys and girls mai ek high profile girl hu ya phir aap keh sakte hai ki mai ek bhut badi randi hu kyuki sabhi mujhe yhi khte hai sabse phle me apne bare me bta du me Suzzan Khan meri age hai 27 years or me delhi me rahti hu me dikhne mai kafi sexy or hot hu mera hot figure joki 34 28 38 he jise dekh kar log apne pant ke andar hi apna maal chod dete hai me jb bhi bahar jati hu to bhut tight jeans pehanti hu or panties nhi pehanti jisse meri ass puri shape me dikhti he or sbhi usse ghurte hi...
Tuesday Week 12 After a night spent tossing and turning, but at least having had sufficient sleep, he prepared his breakfast then got ready for the road. He had morning tea at a rest stop overlooking Hinchinbrook Island, and then continued onto Townsville for lunch. As he'd not long ago been here, as soon as he had eaten, he set off for the last leg of the day's drive and pulled into the caravan park in Charters Towers just before 3:30 pm. After he had settled in, he got some steak out...
I enjoyed my time as a researcher for the Post Office, partly because of the work and party because it was a big office with a lot of women. That means statistically it is more likely there will be one or two that you will find attractive and, equally, some who will fancy you. If your tastes are as broad as mine, “one or two” is more like ten or twenty, and so it was in that place. Women of all shapes and sizes, aged from eighteen to sixty-something.The one who made the biggest impression on me...
Office SexListen to what happened when I went to buy some lingerie.
Rachel was standing in front of room A-12, waiting for Alice. "We have a problem," she said. "Can we talk inside?" asked Alice. "No. Next door is empty. A-11. We can talk there." Once they were in the room, Rachel started in. "It's these two newbies. Corrine and Nancy." A knot formed in Alice's stomach. She knew what was coming. "They seemed nice enough, at first. "But a new woman came in our room. I think her daughter is immune. "She fell on her knees, went through the...
Dad knows what’s bestChapter oneThe early yearsI was born in the early sixties on a farm about two miles from anywhere, I never knew my mother because two days after giving birth to my younger brother something happened and she was rushed into intensive care where they tried everything to save her but she slowly slipped away. At this time I was only three years old and to be truthful have not many memories of her only what I’ve been told by either my dad or my three older sisters, my sisters...
Needless to say, Rosie offered me a job at Marchmont Ladies, the upmarket escort agency which she ran out of her tenement flat. And of course I was happy to accept, if a little apprehensive as to what to expect; glossy brochures and easy words are all very well, but reality can be quite messy, and who knows what sort of man I'd have to pretend to like.Still, the money was excellent. I'd earn enough in one assignation to pay the rent for a whole term. If I had enough clients I could probably...
Oral Sex