Appleby Blush Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 22
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Chapter 3: Alice is initiated
Sandra Wilson glanced at Kirsten first and then Alex. ‘Where’s Alice with the coffees?’
Goodwin craned his neck to peer out of the open door. ‘There’s a queue at the machine. And the stuff is hardly drinkable. Can’t we get another machine?’
‘I’m campaigning for it,’ Wilson said dryly. ‘I’m due to see Colin Turner at half eight and he wants to brief me on how to complete ‘his’ quarterly report. To present him in the best light of course. Then he’ll change a couple of commas and semi colons and pass it off as his work. Maybe that’ll be a good time to mention it?’
Goodwin exchanged glances with Kirsten but wisely didn’t respond.
‘No?’ Wilson asked. ‘Well maybe when I’ve got the report completed, assuming you can put up with the slosh they serve here until then?’
This time she stared at the two cops sitting in her office, as if wanting to provoke them into an answer. Geez, she sounded more and more like Donny Webster each day—although her ex boss wasn’t quite so subtle. She knew what the problem was: she’d been in the office since six again and was beginning to feel the pressure.
The early mornings wouldn’t bother her had they been fruitful, but instead the long hours she was working were necessary to keep her head above water with Turner’s inane demands and had nothing to do with putting criminals behind bars.
Plus the fact that last night’s pointless function had gone on far too long and tonight she was attending a ridiculously long seminar arranged on the back of the Government’s new initiative to crack down on Vice in its Capital city. It was all rapidly becoming a joke.
Maybe that was why she was taking such an interest in Donald Appleby? It was a chance to get involved again, do what she was good at?
It wasn’t just the job, of course. With her workload it wasn’t possible to form any sort of lasting relationship and the need to fend off the not too subtle come-ons from smarmy politicians and fellow senior colleagues in the Met had become all too regular. Occasionally she thought that she should just give in and go with the flow—there were limits to the satisfaction that could be gained from her vibrator—but a series of meaningless affairs with married colleagues or connections was the last thing she needed.
She stood and stretched, catching her reflection in the small window that looked out into the alley. For a brief second, she caught Alex Goodwin’s reflection and if she wasn’t mistaken, his eyes were on her ass. If it weren’t for the fact he’d want something more from their relationship, she’d even consider hooking up with him again just for the sex.
She glanced at him again as Alice returned with the coffees. No, getting it on again with Alex would be far more trouble than it was worth…
‘Okay,’ she began, even as Alice passed around the coffees. ‘I have twenty minutes before I have to visit his Lord and Master. Let’s make them meaningful. Alex—what do you have to report from yesterday?’
For a moment, she saw a flicker in his eyes as if he had something to disclose. But then the flash was gone again as quickly as it had appeared. ‘Nothing positive,’ he grunted. ‘I’ve been through all of the files again and there’s nothing you’ve missed. Lots of mentions of Appleby Modelling but nothing individually that could lead to anything untoward.’
Wilson felt the disappointment inside. ‘You think this is a wild goose chase?’
‘No, I’m not saying that,’ he instantly responded, thinking of his conversation with Kaminski. There wasn’t smoke without fire and with both Vice and Homicide interested, they were sure to find something eventually. He wanted to be the one that helped Wilson make the breakthrough.
‘Then what?’ She could tell from his expression that maybe she was riding him too hard, but hell, she wanted some good news if only to help her get through the meeting with Turner.
‘Like you, Sandra, I’m not a great believer in coincidences,’ he slowly said, holding it in. ‘There’s something there, I can smell it.’
‘My dad’s sense of smell is powerful,’ Alice told them, trying to lighten the mood. That endearing smile touched the corners of her lips as she sent a grin around the room. She’d only been gone from the room for a few minutes to get the coffees and she’d returned to tension that you could cut with a knife.
Wilson nodded as she glanced at the young blonde. Alice had the same cute dimples as her father although that was about the only similarity she could think of. He was gruff and she was demure. He was slightly slow witted and she was bright. But on the other hand… both had hearts of gold.
‘Okay,’ she murmured, turning to Kirsten. ‘Tell us how your audition went, Kirsten. Especially what Alice needs to know for her session today.’
‘I’ve briefed her already on what to expect,’ the brunette began. It was better to keep the details vague with Goodwin there, especially as Alice had insisted she make no mention of the bikini test in front of her father. ‘I passed the audition—’
‘You passed the audition?’ Goodwin interrupted. ‘How’d you do that?’
Kirsten batted her eyelashes at him but gave the finger as she turned towards him. ‘I thought of your best quality, Alex, and so I charmed them into submission.’
‘Touché,’ Alice laughed, grinning at her father as he sent a growl in her direction.
‘While I didn’t get anything specific yesterday,’ Kirsten continued, shuffling on the chair. ‘It’s set things up going forward. The agency is run by Carmella Santiago and I’ll get to meet her if I get through the second part of the audition.’
‘Carmella Santiago?’
Kirsten paused to look at Goodwin. ‘She was a supermodel years ago, Alex. When you were in your sixties…’
Wilson ignored the quip and glanced at her watch. Usually she loved the interplay but right now she only had another five minutes. ‘Go on…’
‘If I can get really close to them, I’ll have the opportunity to dig deeper. And there’s a bubbly redhead at reception—Marcia—who’ll be worth talking to. I’ve told Alice to look out for her, too.’
‘Okay, keep probing but be careful. I don’t want them getting wind of anything,’ Wilson said, standing up and gathering her papers. ‘Alice, is there anything you want to cover before your audition?’
‘Not a thing,’ the young blonde chimed. ‘I’m looking forward to it. And if all else fails, I inherited dad’s sense of smell.’
‘Funny,’ Goodwin grunted.
‘She’s a cop?’ Tony Daly repeated for the third time as he paced across his office floor. ‘That’s unbelievable.’
‘It’s true,’ Carmella breathed in that sexy Columbian accent. She looked stunning, sitting back comfortably in the chair, one hand brushing through her silken hair. Her short pleated skirt displayed her olive skinned legs to perfection, and the Kirsten Stiles tailored purple blouse that clung to her breasts left very little to the imagination.
‘I can’t believe she fooled me,’ Daly said, taking a deep breath to shake off his nerves. ‘I should have known, should have suspected something…’
‘How could you?’ she calmly responded. ‘Anyone would have been fooled in the same circumstances. That’s why Donald invests in so many connections, so that we don’t have too many surprises.’
‘What do you think the cops know?’
‘Tony,’ the beautiful woman purred, pushing her sunglasses onto the top of her wavy hair. Her ocean blue eyes glimmered sexily at him in the cool, white light of the office. ‘Have a seat and stop fretting.’
She waited until he crossed the room and plonked his muscular frame in his chair. It wasn’t like him to react as nervously as this. There was frustration as well as anger.
‘Okay, listen to me,’ she said, her unwavering brown eyes staring at him. ‘They’re doing is slipping two undercover women in as models—’
l come to that,’ she said patiently. ‘They know nothing at all. Not a thing. That’s why they’re trying to position the women inside the agency. In the hope of finding something.’
‘So we throw them out? Tell them they’ve failed the audition?’
‘Not at all, Tony.’ Despite her sweet smile, Carmella’s business head had been working overtime since her conversation with Donald last night. She had a clear plan of action. Who was it that said ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer? ‘What would that achieve—they’d only look at other ways to infiltrate us.’
‘No buts, Tony. The plan is simple—we draw them in and feed them false information. That way we control what happens and we control them.’
Daly’s face changed as the simplicity of what Carmella was saying.
‘Sounds good,’ he murmured.
‘And we slowly bring them into the fold…’
He looked up at her quickly, a confused look on his face. ‘We do?’
‘Of course,’ she huskily murmured, fluffing up her hair. It hung long and wavy over her shoulders. The colour tended to change dependant on her mood and today it looked sensational highlighted in hues ranging from light blondes to copper. ‘We just have to be a bit smarter as the chances are they’ll compare notes.’
‘Smarter? How?’
‘The other cop is called Alice and she’s in reception now. Don’t worry, I’ve asked Marcia to look after her for the moment so we have plenty of time. I want you to go through a normal audition, and be very careful. But if there’s an opportunity to safely get usable information on video then I want it taken. Understand, Tony?’
Daly ran a black hand over his shaved head. ‘Okay…’
‘Good. After the audition you tell her we want her back again but then leave it to Marcia and I from there. It’s important we tackle the two of them in different ways.’
He nodded again. ‘And the other one—Kirsten?’
His eagerness struck a chord with the Columbian woman. ‘So that’s it, Tony,’ she said with a chuckle. ‘I do believe you’re actually looking forward to servicing the brunette.’
Daly’s grin confirmed the accuracy of her observation.
‘How silly of me,’ she laughed, holding up the papers in her hand. ‘Well, well… that explains a few things. These are the stats from yesterday. The viewing figures and ratings are the highest yet. And the advanced bookings for your forthcoming show with have exceeded all records. If she can turn my main stud on like that, it explains why we’re getting such a huge reaction from our viewers.’
‘She’s hot,’ he said, a sly look appearing on his face. ‘And the fact she’s a cop adds a bit more spice…’
‘Indeed,’ Carmella smiled, feeling her body react to the way he was talking. Watching her black stud fuck their new women each week was always a sexy sight, but seeing him with someone who genuinely turned him on should be something else. ‘But slowly does it. The last thing we want is for things to backfire and bring down the London Met on us.’
‘Slowly? What do you mean?’
She couldn’t help but smile at his tone and the look that settled on his face—like a child who was being denied sweets. ‘Use the next session, Tony, to get her worked up again. No more than that. I want to make sure we have her gagging for it so that she practically begs you fuck her. Only once I’m sure she’s ripe for plucking can we let loose the Daly beast…’
‘Patience, Tony,’ she murmured. ‘Some things are even better when you wait, don’t you think? For example, I’ve always wondered about that black cock of yours.’
His eyes narrowed. ‘Wondered? Wondered what?’
Carmella smiled at his slowness. Despite her long session with Donald last night, she was definitely feeling it. ‘Is it really a beast?’
His disdainful face stared into hers, as if she’d just insulted him. ‘Yeah, of course.’
The Columbian woman grinned at his cockiness. ‘Are you hard right now, Tony?’
He nodded slowly as realisation dawned on his face.
‘Come here and show me.’
The way he jumped to his feet made her smile. It was amazing after all this time working together that she hadn’t sampled the goods. That hadn’t been her intention when she’d walked into his office but now it seemed an irresistible idea. When he made his way around the desk and stood in front of her, his hands went to his belt.
‘That’s it, Tony,’ she breathed. Her Columbian accent always thickened when she was aroused. ‘Show me.’
Pulling the belt free, he yanked down his zipper and pulled open his jeans. With a triumphant grin, he dragged out his member and fisted it infront of her.
‘Here, let me do that,’ she throatily told him, taking his impressive black flesh in her palm. He was so big she couldn’t wrap her fingers around the thick girth. He was everything she expected and her searching brown eyes looked upwards to meet his. ‘Oh yes, Tony. It’s every bit as big as it looks on screen.’
Daly grunted as she slowly began to jerk him.
‘Tell me, Tony,’ Carmella asked, licking around his large crown. ‘Have you ever dreamed of this?’
Before he could answer, she spat on his shaft and then linked a second hand to the first around the base. When her wet mouth descended, she took it slowly at first, savouring the sensation. She’s waited a while to act out her fantasy and now the moment was here she wasn’t going to be rushed.
‘Good?’ she murmured, coming off him long enough to spit again down one side of his length and then the other. The way he grunted in appreciation added to her excitement. She worked the saliva into his veiny flesh with both hands, corkscrewing them around his black shaft while her piercing gaze studied every expression on his face.
‘Yeah,’ he grunted, dropping a hand onto her hair. He wrapped a few stands around his fingers. ‘Oh yeah…’
‘Looks like you’re about to blow…’ she teased, sexily lowering her head again and taking the stiff member as deep inside her mouth as she could. Onscreen he could last for ages but she hadn’t yet met a man who could resist her technique.
She sucked harder, her hair bouncing on her shoulders with each bob of her head. The way he raised his butt from the chair to shove himself deeper into her throat made her growl. Her intention had been to see if she could take him to the edge and then pull away just before he exploded. But now all she wanted his hot cum.
She yanked her head from him and looked up into his eyes. ‘Nearly there, Tony? Come on, baby… you’ve always wanted your Columbian mistress to give you head, haven’t you? Want to cum in my mouth, Tony? Come on, give me what I want.’
‘Oh fuck,’ he moaned as her mouth covered him again. A combination of her words and sucking mouth was doing the trick. ‘Oh fuck… oh fuck…’
She sucked him hard for a good minute before slurping off his shaft again. ‘Come on, Tony. Or is it Solomon?’ His porn name. He throbbed in her hand. ‘Come on baby,’ she encouraged, jerking him in both hands. ‘Give me it…’
His breath caught. Her lips covered him and her hands jerked him once, twice more. It was enough for him to burst like champagne from an uncorked bottle, sending the first blast of cum down her talented throat. Then he was pushing his hips forward, firing round after round inside the sexiest mouth he’d ever encountered.
Carmella almost choked, such was the creamy tide and the wanton way she’d instinctively taken what was hers. She accepted it all, swallowing his cum like the expert she was. Her hands continued jerking his cock to make sure she had it all. Satisfied, she wiped her mouth as she sat back.
Next time, she’d have to let him fuck her…
Alice was determined that nothing would prevent her from succeeding in her first undercover job and so when the red haired girl at reception apologised for the delay and offered her a drink, she jumped at the opportunity to e
ngage her in conversation. This was Marcia, no doubt, and the chance to find out some background to the agency was perfect.
Kirsten hadn’t oversold the woman’s attractiveness. The curvy beauty looked stunning in that chocolate coloured top and the way her breasts bounced as she slid from behind the reception desk confirmed she was braless. Her glossy red lips added to her overall charm and her face reminded Alice of a Kayden Kross, Destiny Davis or Heather Kozar.
So did those magnificent breasts.
She might not be into the feminine sex, but Alice could appreciate a sexy woman when she saw one and she had to admit the redhead was something out of the ordinary. Quite why she was sitting behind a desk rather than in front of a camera left her dumfounded.
Her eyes fell to the rounded globes of Marcia’s buttocks as they swung them from side to side as the redhead walked along the corridor. Alice tried to imitate the sexy sway so that when it was time for her audition she’d be able to replicate the movement. Kirsten had been asked back again and it was important that she was, too. Maybe then she’d be given some respect rather than being considered the inexperienced kid on the block?
Marcia kept glancing over her shoulder, making idle conversation as she led the way to a small coffee area. She took a glass of pink looking liquid from the small fridge and handed it to Alice. ‘My fruit energy supplement,’ she explained, nodding towards the small black sofa. ‘All the models here drink it. See what you think.’
Alice took a seat and then sipped at the drink, trying but failing to place the distinctive taste. ‘It’s good.’
Marcia laughed, nodding at the glass. ‘Drink up. It’ll help calm you for the audition, too. Even Carmella takes it.’
‘The boss,’ Marcia explained, folding her tanned arms beneath her large breasts as she leant back against the wall. They spilt even more over the vee of the chocolate coloured top. ‘So, you want to be a model?’
‘Doesn’t everyone?’ Alice asked, returning the redhead’s warm smile. ‘It’s always been a dream of mine.’
‘Yeah. Mine too.’
‘But you’re perfect, Marcia. How come you’re at reception…’ She paused for a moment, realising what she was in danger of appearing condescending. ‘Sorry, I mean, I’m sure it’s a great job. I just meant that…’
The redhead laughed happily at her discomfort. ‘Oh, I do modelling, too, Alice—topless mainly. Here, what do you think?’
Before the blonde could react, her hands went for the bottom of her tee shirt and yanked it over her breasts. The large swells bounced before settling and Alice tried to contain her gasp. Marcia’s tits were pretty much perfect—full, round and high, with the sixpenny sized light pink nipples melding naturally with her freckled, tanned skin.
‘Hey, don’t look so shocked,’ Marcia giggled. ‘You need to get used to some female nudity if you want to make it as a model.’ Stepping forward, she took one of Alice’s hands and pulled it to her right breast. ‘Don’t be shy,’ she laughed, those green eyes boring hypnotically into the young cop. ‘You can’t tell the difference, can you?’
‘Difference?’ Alice stuttered, feeling the wonderfully soft flesh in her hand. Those nipples were so hard. For an absurd second, she was unable to stop herself from gently squeezing the flesh before shyly removing her hand.
‘You were supposed to check it out, not fondle it,’ Marcia grinned, dragging the tee shirt down again. ‘But you have a nice touch. You wouldn’t think they weren’t real, would you?’
‘Not real?’
‘Nah. I had them done a couple of years ago.’ She stood with her hands on her hips. ‘Okay, you’re turn.’
The suggestion made Alice blush. ‘My turn?’
‘Yeah, sure, we’re all girls together. Like I said, Alice, this is a modelling agency and we’re always dressing and undressing beside one another. Come on, I want to see yours, too.’
She waited until the blonde had drained the rest of her drink and then took the glass and placed it on the side of the black sofa. Pulling Alice to her feet, the redhead’s hands went immediately to Alice’s blouse, making sure to stand just inside the girl’s comfort zone. She grinned mischievously as she flicked open the buttons as casually as if she were peeling an orange.
Chapter 2: Kirsten’s Audition The taxi pulled up outside the sumptuous looking building that boasted Appleby Modelling in red across the cream façade. Next to the words was the smaller red apple symbol that connected all Appleby businesses. Kirsten had spent an hour on the computer researching as much as she could before leaving the Met. Now she was on her own. She raised her eyebrows as the driver told her the fare—was travelling to Croydon really that expensive? Maybe she should have taken...
Chapter 5: Wilson receives an invitation The soft pressure between Carmella’s legs slowly brought her out of her sleep. Half conscious, she opened her legs wider so that the tongue running down the length of her labial lips had more room to continue its exquisite explorations. Arching her back, she thrust her hips forward to meet the lapping contact on her deliciously sensitive clit. ‘Mmmm, yes, baby,’ she murmured, her lips parting as the pleasure shot through her. Her hands found the head...
Chapter 9: The Party ‘You both understand what’s expected?’ Carmella asked Marcia and Tony Daly as they stood outside the heavy oak front doors of Appleby Mansion. Their position at the top of the downward curving concrete steps allowed the three of them a clear view of the cars making their way along the drive. The vast array of trees bordering the long drive were decorated with a variety of coloured lights, all adding to the ambience as well as cutting through the looming darkness. The...
Chapter 8: Marcia initiates Alice Donald Appleby replaced the phone and relaxed against the leather interior in the back of his limousine. The conversation with Emmanuel Nmobu couldn’t have gone better. All that remained was for the two brothers to sign the contract and the biggest deal of his life would be finalised. That ceremony would take place during the forthcoming party at his house. Immediately afterwards, he’d ensure that he met the brother’s final request. Carmella was already...
Chapter 7: Paris in the springtime Kirsten glanced around her, marvelling at the hustle and bustle. The two kilometres Avenue des Champs-Élysées was one of the most famous streets in the world. The two women had finished their shopping and were enjoying coffee and a slice of cake in the open air, outside of the Restaurant Le Fouquet’s Parisian brasserie. On their journey by private jet over the English Channel, Carmella explained that Paris cafes were more than a place to sip coffee. They...
Chapter 6: Kirsten and Alice head in different directions Alice checked her lipstick in the dim light of the taxi one more time. Carefully reapplying a layer of gloss over the pale pink colour, the young blonde woman excitedly blew a kiss into the compact mirror. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the driver check her out and smirked to herself. She felt hot… Snapping the compact shut, she dropped it back into her clutch purse, squeezed her thighs together, and looked out the window. ...
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Straight SexI had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the...
Love StoriesHalo iss readers, this is sudeer sharma again from raipur. I am going to narrate the incident how i fuck my mossi. This incident happen when i was 17 years old. I was not virgin that time but had have sex only one time and was very anxious to fuck any one. It was my summer vacation and i was spending my time at my mosi house. There are four members in the family mosa, mosi & my two cousins. They are living in two room quarter provided by the government and my mosa ji was in the government...
IncestPlease read first part (link on top). Next day in the morning I was thinking how could I put my hands on Rakhi aunty. I remember she said she would like to have sex with chachi and my step mom. I thought what is she planing to do. I thought that it would be good to spy on her to see what she is planing. She was sharing my chachi’s room , went to her room. I did not see her there I was about return back suddenly the bathroom door open and my chachi came out of there. Man… What can i say she was...
IncestThere’s always a first for everything. In the case of Nicole Doshi, it is going to a guy’s house on the first date. The sexy hottie in a sultry pink top, black skirt, and leather thigh-high stiletto boots can’t resist the sexual charm of Donte Inferno. Nicole feels excited as Donte welcomes her to his house. The gorgeous blonde asks for permission to remove her boots to let her feet breathe. Donte not only gives the beautiful bombshell permission. He also wants to help Nicole...
xmoviesforyouChapter 4: Meeting Irene and Her Friends When Alethea awoke, she smelled bacon cooking and smiled. She semi- shouted, "Mm. Something smells real good, honey." She heard the response, "My sleeping beauty has awakened. The bathroom's all yours, hon, but then hop back in bed. I want to serve breakfast there." It was Henry all right, but the voice was a bit different somehow - a bit more breath under the voice, pitch not quite as deep. Alethea spied the bedside clock. 9:45 AM!?! So...
CAST in this chapter: Amos Jones (mechanic, B)—Mary (B), Luanne (B), Molly (W), 4 children Bill Zafir (chemist, W)—Alice (surgeon, W), Sarah (ballista, W), Jane Martin (W), 5 children Bob Martin (W)--recently rescued teenager Ezra Pond (navigator, W)—Margaret (W), Sue (W), Beautiful Flower (I), 3 children Jimmy Winslow (hunter, narrator, W)—Angie (farmer, W), Jean (hunter, W), Martha (EMT, W), 4 children John Williams (generalist, W)—Adel (women's coordinator, W), Janice (ballista, W),...
Andy loved taking pictures of his lovely wife, Sally. The pictures often drew praise from friends and family, and this led to Sally thinking about a career in modelling. With Andy’s support, she took some modelling lessons and applied for work. It was disappointing at first. Many times an interviewer would ask her to remove her clothing; the result was always the same: either Sally stocked out in an angry fit or the company rejected her application. It was clear to both Sally and Andy...
Indore college ki ladki byepass pr akeli this will be mine first post on ISS, after reading and following this website from a long time finally got some time to write for you all mai Nikshey hu indore mai rehata hu, yaha se Engineering kr raha hu. Ye meri pehali. Story hai issliye please mujhe emails karke batana kaisi lagi meri story aur agar koi ladki patt jaaye yaha se to fir kya kehane mera email id Ab mai apni story pr aata hu mai Indore byepass k paas hi 1 college mai padta hu. Humare...
"Our" freighter AIs were confident that the warship's AI understood our environmental needs, and we would find breathable Earth-normal air at 1000 millibars pressure: about 21% oxygen, about 2% water vapor and other minor components, the rest nitrogen. We should have a 1 g gravity field, Earth-normal lighting and 25 degrees Celsius ambient temperature, radiation levels below a standard that they had come up with for several of their species, and a noise and vibration level below some...
Damn baby...haven't been to your site in a while..soooo, after I got happy twice this morning I was about to get cleaned up and head off to a meeting when I got a call telling me it had been even though I had cum twice already and my dick was sore--I had been jackin' like a madman, I thought what the hell..sat back down and found your titties...well, I watched them swing and sway, edging over and oover, getting right to the point of cuming and then letting go of my dick, amazed...
The mail that week brought me a check from Lust Magazine, another check from Swank Magazine, one from Big Tits Magazine and another from 18Eighteen Magazine for layouts I had submitted within the past six weeks. That was about typical of the time it took to mail in my submissions, get approvals, and have the checks returned by mail. Chances were that I had three or four other submissions in to all of those magazines as well as others since these had gone in. I deposited all the checks, wrote...
Skye Blue’s apartment got flooded due to a plumbing mishap, so her nice neighbor Honey Gold is letting her stay over until the mess gets sorted out. Skye is worried that this will be an inconvenience for Honey, but Honey assures her it’s fine, because she has to leave for work now anyway. It turns out that Honey is a dancer at a lesbian bar, which surprises Skye because she never realized that Honey is a lesbian. Later that day, Honey returns home, and Skye asks her how work went....
xmoviesforyouTrevor found himself lying half naked in a bush, his shirt was off and his pants were around his ankles."How did I get here!" he asked himself. He looked around at his surroundings and as he picked up his clothes which were strewn across the yard his memory came flooding back.Several hours earlier...Trevor had made a huge mess of things. His Spring Break visit was supposed to be a time to reconnect with his family but instead he brought a boozed up Bar Fly home for a romp in his Superman...
After an exhausting evening Bella was made to wait at the door and humbly kiss the guests as they left; some of the males groping her pretty arse as they departed. She was glad of the alcohol she had been treated to as this masked from her the ugliness of some of the brutes she had been forced to entertain, though she remained reasonably coherent. Bella eyed the vase in which the phone was hidden, which was tantalisingly close. Jane ushered her into the embrace of one of the leaving males,...
Time Share Three-Way Part 1[/Image]================================================================I have to admit that one of the things that kept me driving was the thought of the hot tub at the time share that was waiting ahead of me. My wife was flying in a couple of days later since she had to work on a project before joining me, so I had had enough of driving by the time I pulled into the welcome center and collected my key.I only lugged my bag into the single bedroom unit and...
Jolene woke up early that morning having the symptoms that all women have that time of the month. She felt bloated, her back ached and her breasts were sore but yet she was incredibly horny! She lay in bed lifting her shirt up and exposing her 36b cup breasts. Her dark pink nipples were pert and she touched them feeling them and wanting to almost cum. Damnit, just my luck to be on my period on Valentine's Day of all days , she thought to herself. Touching her nipples gently she moaned softly....
Fetish“Because when you’re really scared to do something ... do it right away.” —Henry V. O’Neil, Live Echoes 20 MAY 2020 I broke the code! Or stumbled on it, is more like it. Sunday afternoon, after we’d had brunch together, we all went to Joan’s house. I decided to do a late recording of a concert and had all my girlfriends (except Em and Sophie) sitting with me as I played love songs for them. Each girlfriend got a song just for her and each song ended with a kiss on the cheek as the...
I was shaky when I stood up from the keyboard. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. Her response was swift, arriving before the adrenaline wore off. She didn't know I could be that assertive. After acknowledging her surprise, she played the proper submissive and promised to follow my instructions. We would meet in less than 24 hours. I loved my wife, so I couldn't tell her about my game with Sharon. She wouldn't have understood, but I was merely playing a game. I knew I wouldn't step...
Jamie was on his way home after work. After a pretty rough day he was pushing his car hard, using the speed to try to relieve some of the stress.Before long he raced past a police car parked on a side street. "Shit", he muttered. "Just what I need". Sure enough, although he had brought his speed down to the limit, he looked in hia rearview and saw the police car pull out and follow him, lights flashing. Jamie found a safe spot and pulled over.The officer that got out of the police car was not...
Marnie was my age, eighteen, but looked a lot younger: she had barely any boobs, which I noticed when we showered after lacrosse. She didn’t have many hairs down below, either – just like me. Maybe that’s why we clicked: we both looked younger and more innocent than we really were. Because Marnie certainly was no innocent: one night I caught her in an empty classroom frigging herself as she looked at a lingerie catalogue. I closed the door and we never mentioned it again, but nor did I mention...
Anne The Geek Giving credit where credit is due, based on a suggested story premise by Beth. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I was only 3 weeks out of high school when the events that would change my life entirely occurred. I was alone at home when I snuck into my little sister's room. I had done it a thousand times before. I'd wait for when mom and Becky were gone, and I'd sneak in and try on her clothes. I loved how they felt. When I felt like...
Javon's parents sold a company that they had started and built for years. They are now wealthy, but still want to live a normal life. He is their only child who was born later in their lives. Although spoiled as a child, his parents raised him to be a responsible adult. He and his family moved to Miami to escape the cold Chicago winters. Javon's first week was spent at a hotel right across the street from South Beach.Javon's first sexual experience was with a woman named Josie and her...
MILFI was waiting to see my lawyer, Jessica. They called my name. I was sent in and sat down. We talked about my case for a while I noticed she was looking down my top. She asked me to come to her side of the desk, there is a huge amount of papers to sign, as I did the signing, I noticed her looking at me, I felt a little tingle. Now I’m 22 and I would say sexy, I’m bi-curious, she is gorgeous and a very well dressed 23, a certain amount of seductiveness about her. The sun coming in on her face...
It was Saturday and I had to work 8:-noon. I returned home and Carol was still wearing her night clothes. A short neglige which barely covered her panties. She welcomed me with a wet kiss and said she had to take a shower I got a beer out of the fridge. Half way thru the beer, I heard her say ‘Honey, come look at this’ I entered the bathroom and she stood before me completey naked. There was my angel completely nude and dripping wet. My eyes first looked at her beautiful blonde hair and...
IN THE PALACE OF THE GODS (atop Mount Venusia)The Queen of the Gods had been treating her two lovers, the demi-goddesses Herena and Hastashia, to a hot golden shower over their lusciously formed bare tits when she had received her summons from her lord and master. ‘Would you like a sample?’ she offered Lermes, the winged messenger who was smaller than most of her cousins yet still commanded a body built for all manner of sins, her pert breasts playing host to a very erect set of nipples as she...
WatersportsFor those of you who absorb useless facts, read on. For those that don't, skip the italics and enjoy! Otherwise, here are some interesting details about the Drive-In Theatres. They were created in 1928 by a man named Richard Hollingshed, who started out with a projector mounted to his car, and a screen nailed between two trees. Using his lawn sprinkler, he simulated rain storms, and liked what he saw. Richard used blocks and various cars, and was able to find out the correct angle of where...
My name is Annie and this is the beginning of my story about how I became a hot wife. When it started I was 34 years old and married for 11 years to my husband Rob… I am Japanese and have long black hair, dark brown eyes, and I weigh 110 lbs and am 5’- 4” tall. My measurements are 34C-29-34, I have been told that I am a very pretty woman and have a very cute smile and an outgoing personality… It makes me a little embarrassed to talk about myself like that, but anyway that is what some people...
Wife LoversShe received the post on Monday and she tore the envelope open excitedly. She had been waiting for this for what seemed like forever! Quickly she read through the letter, searching for the answer she hoped was in it. There it was, she had been accepted! Chelsea Bell had applied to a well known college in the United States to study. She had chosen this school, partially for its reputation for having a good sociology program. She wanted to become a criminal sociologist. But she had also chosen a...
By : Bulli Hi dosto mera naam Ravi hai or mai apna ek sweet sa experience aap logo ke sath share karne wala hu girls or aunty apni chut me ungali karne se nahi rok payengi mai apna parichaye de du mai chhattisgarh ke bilaspur sehar se hu meri age 25 hai or mera lund ka size 7 inc lamba or 3.5 inc mota hai aap logo ka zyada time waist na karte hue mai apni story par ata hu or ye story nahi hai ye ek real incident mere sath jo hua aap jaise-jaise ye story age padhte jayenge aap Kalpana means...
Hi, Ami Raj,ei site er ami ekta fan,ami santiniketan e thaki ebong ekhane porasona kori,amio amar jiboner e kahani apnader sunabo.kemon laglo amake jannben ei mail address e.kono mohila sex korte chaile mail e janaben ei ghoto nati tohkon kar jokhon ami class 11 e pori.ami khub ekta misuke chilam na.tai kono girlfreind chilo na.notun notun tokhon sex somondhe jene chi.riti moto khub agroho tokhon ei sob bisoy niye.february mas chilo tokhon.sunlam paser ekta gramer er barite ekta biye...
She lived for these moments, naked in the black night, little pinches from the twigs, stones and roughness of the ground, sweating even in the cold, her pussy tingling. One with nature, the orgasmic execution she had carefully planned a certainty now that she had gotten past the outer perimeter of the elaborate security system. All her senses were at peak level, and the area within fifty yards of her reverberated as its sounds let her monitor the small animals, one owl, and she thought a...
That evening Betty was so thoroughly fucked that she was finally not horny for the first time in a long time. It was strangely satisfying to her because she wasn’t frustrated either. She had plenty of orgasms that day. Betty was bruised from all the rough sex, her nipples and cunt were stretched. Her asshole was sore. Her throat was hoarse from all the dicks she sucked. Her hair was a complete mess, and she was dripping wet. Betty had also made more money in a single day then she had made...
Nick was a bit of a neighborhood bully growing up. He was just always so much bigger than the other kids and from an early age, just had that angry white kid mean streak to him, only unlike the other kids in his class, he certainly had the muscles to do something about that anger. He was able to channel some of it into sports. For a while. But that ultimately just made him bigger and meaner by the time he graduated HS. Most of the girls he grew up with were infatuated with him though, at least...