Murphy 4Chapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
I was just putting their plates on the table when I heard the storm coming down the stairs. I looked at them as they raced into the kitchen and stopped, side by side, smiling up at me.
Damn if they weren’t dressed better than I could have done. They both wore plain white tee shirts with no logos, no screened pictures, no nothing. They each wore khaki camping shorts, from Bass Pro Shop, with pockets all over them. They wore a pair of their brown, high top, hiking shoes from Bass Pro also. They looked good and they knew it.
I reached down and hugged them, picking them up and squeezing them as they giggled and laughed.
“Eat your breakfast and don’t get egg on your shirts, I’ll be back by the time you finish and we’ll go buy some things.”
I dressed as much like them as I could, I wanted them to know I like the way they were growing up and accepting responsibility.
When I came back down, they were through eating and looked up at me as I stopped for inspection like they had.
“Papa Murphy, you look like us, we sure are proud you are our Papa,” Luis told me and they ran to me. We hugged again, then I showed them how to put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
There was already a load in there, so I added detergent and set it to run while we were gone. We walked out to the RV storage shed and got my pickup. It was dust covered and rain spotted, but still looked good.
“We need to wash this truck Papa Murphy, it’s dirty,” Rico informed me.
“We’ll go by Mr. Pride Car Wash and they’ll have it looking just like new in a few minutes. Then we’ll go buy some things for the Murphy Mamas.”
We weren’t but a few blocks from Poplar Ave. east, here in Germantown. When we got to the car wash, there weren’t that many cars this time of day and we were soon standing inside, looking through the big glass as they hand washed and rinsed the pickup.
We walked out as they were drying it to a spotless clean, inside and out. I pulled two five dollar bills from my pocket and handed one to each of them.
There were two Mexican boys wiping the vehicle down like it was a show car.
“Give them a tip, for a job well done and thank them.”
Each of them walked up to one of the boys and presented the tip, smiling.
“Gracias, Little Amigo’s,” both of them said, grinning at me. They slapped hands and ran back to get in.
“Papa Murphy, that was good, wasn’t it, giving a tip for a good job?” LuÃs said.
“Yes it was, you boys remember that too, when people work and do a good job, they need to be told and rewarded.”
“Will we have money one day in our pockets too?” Rico asked.
“You sure will, as a matter of fact, I’ll buy each of you a money clip today and give you some money to carry in your pockets. You’ll have to be responsible with it, never pull your money out in public. Never tell others you have money, never buy junk food or candy or toys with your money either.”
“Then what will we buy, if we can’t buy those things?” Luis asked.
“You’ll know when you see it. I like buying for others, not just myself. Just think about Mama Kelly and Mama Meg. They buy all the time for others and hardly ever buy for themselves.”
“Yeah, I kinda like that Papa Murphy, so if we ever have money, we buy gifts for others we love and not for ourselves?” Luis asked.
“You can buy yourself something special, I know you’ve seen Bobby spend his money and sometimes he spends money on himself. Just watch all the Murphys and you’ll soon learn how to handle money and not just buy junk because you can.”
“Does Bobby have a job to make money and put in the bank?” he asked.
“No, he will have a job at the resort, just like both of you will. We will all work there to make it a fun place for people to come and play naked. We’ll all make our money that way. We’ll even put you both on the payroll and you can make your own money. Just remember, some boys won’t have money, but you never make them feel bad by showing them you do.”
“Yeah, we have seen Bobby when he buys things for his girls, he never makes them feel bad because they are like Rico and me, broke on their ass.”
“Yeah, Bobby is good with money, I want you both to be good with money too, you will earn your money and it will be yours. I want you to start putting some money in the bank each time you get paid, so you will know how to save money too. You never know when you may need a lot of money, so you need to save some all the time.”
“Is that the way you got all your money Papa Murphy?”
“Yes, I worked and saved and cut corners and never spent money on junk. Then one day I got the chance to start the company where Uncle Jerry and the Three Amigo’s work. It was a good business and I made a lot of money. I still saved all I could. Then one day a man and his daughter asked me to sell my business for a lot of money. More money than I had ever dreamed of. So I worked hard, I saved my money and invested it in a business, then I sold it for lots of money. Do you see how it works now?”
“I think I do Papa Murphy, will you show Rico and me how to do all that? We want to be just like you and Bobby.”
“Sure, you just watch us as we work and buy things that make people happy. Learn to spend your money on things that will make you more money and then your money will be working for you all the time.”
“Wow, I love this shit, Papa Murphy.”
“Yeah, I love this shit too Papa Murphy,” Rico said and grinned.
“You boys remember to work hard, save your money, never be wasteful, never tear your toys or games up and watch Bobby and I. We’ll make sure you both have a chance to have a lot of money one day. But you’ll have to work and earn it. No one will give it to you, understand?”
“I do Papa Murphy, we never had any money, Mama didn’t either. We want to buy her things and make her happy like you do. We will work hard at the resort and earn our money, won’t we Rico?”
“We sure will, we can work hard. We used to help Mama clean the house.”
“Good, Papa Murphy is proud of his boys. I’m proud to know you’ll both be Murphy Boys too and make your own money.”
When I pulled into the Zales parking lot, I reminded the boys that we had a sworn secret, that we weren’t going to tell anyone until we got to Florida. They crossed their heart and I did too.
I didn’t know kids did that anymore.
When we got to the sales counter, I told the lady who I was and what I was here for. She smiled and said they had my purchases ready for me. When she went back to get them, I took Rico and Luis over to look at the money clips. I wanted to get them used to carrying money in their pockets. I wanted to see how serious they were about wanting to be like Murphys, at this early age.
I saw a lot of clips with diamonds, made of silver and gold. That was too fancy, even for me. I found what I wanted. A simple leather, tri-fold bill clip made like a card holder. Two sides folded, one over the other and third side stayed over the bills when opened.
When the lady came back with my packages, I showed her what I wanted out of the case and she tried to sell me something a little more flashy.
“These are for my sons, I want them to learn to be responsible with money in their pockets,” I told her and she smiled. Then she looked down at Rico and Luis.
“Are these your sons? They sure are some handsome young men, and so well behaved too.”
If she only knew what these little shits were like when they cut loose.
“Thank you, I’m proud of them,” I told her as she smiled and rang up my purchases. I had already paid for the three ring sets in Zales Jewelry store in Brownsville, when I placed the order after seeing the one I wanted there. They didn’t have but one set and I wanted three alike.
When I handed her the money for the two money clips, I handed her an extra hundred.
“Will you please break this up into smaller bills? Two twenties, four tens, two fives and ten ones.”
“Sure, would you like me to put the bills in each of them?”
“No thank you, I want to show them how to do that.”
I picked up the bags and the loose bills and we walked out to the pickup.
When we were seated with the air conditioner running, I handed each of them a leather money clip. I pulled mine out of my pocket and lay it on the console.
“OK, now for your first lesson in carrying money. Look at how I put all my bills in my clip. I have the bills all facing up, with the presidents heads showing. Then all the heads are pointed the same way. See what I mean?” I said as I showed them.
“Yes we see, all of them are in the same way,” Luis said.
“Now, tell me what else you see as I look through my bills.”
“We see a LOT of money Papa Murphy. Man-O-Man, that is a lot of money,” Rico said.
“I wasn’t talking about how much, what else do you see?”
“I see the big bills in back, then the other ones in front,” Luis said.
“Yes, that way I can get out the bills I want, when I pay for something, without taking all the bills out. See?” I showed them how to slip a bill from the middle without pulling another bill out too.”
“Yeah, I see now.” Luis said, as he arranged his bills all one way, then put them into the folding leather clip in order.
Rico watched Luis closely, then put his in the folding clip also. All the ends neatly together.
“You boys did good, I’m proud of you for that. Now, I think we need to go somewhere and let you both buy some things, so you can show me what you’ve learned about carrying money in just one day.”
“Yeah, lets go Papa Murphy, we want to buy some things,” Rico said.
I figured the best place to take them for this was Wal-Mart. They would have a big choice of things to choose from. I was hoping they’d listened as I tried to school them on responsibility and good judgment. We’d see soon.
“Papa Murphy, we want to do this ourselves,” Luis told me when I walked with them.
“I’ll just go to the section you’re in, then you can shop and pick out what you’d like to buy. Don’t try to spend all your money, just show me you can be trusted with fifty dollars apiece. I won’t fuss at you, no matter what you buy.”
“I know what you mean Papa Murphy, I will help Rico too. You stay right here, we will be over there and you can see us.”
As they walked away, I couldn’t help but think they looked older, even taller today. Maybe it was because I wanted them to be responsible, not bigger or older. I could see the tops of their heads and I knew they were in the jewelry section. I had an idea what they were doing, but I wanted to be surprised, so I stopped watching and just glanced at them now and then.
They were gone about twenty minutes and came back running with their little plastic shopping bags in their hands.
When we got to the pickup and were buckled in, Luis held his plastic Wal-Mart bag up to me.
“Wanna see what we bought Papa Murphy?”
“Is it for me?”
“No Papa Murphy, you gave us the money. Rico and I talked it over, we want to wait to make our own money to buy you something.”
“You showed good judgment. Since it’s not for me, wait and let the person you bought it for be the first to see it.”
“Yeah you are right, we will wait, but we want you to be there when we give it to them.”
“Good, now we all have gifts and we all have secrets. Want to get something to eat? Your Mamas won’t be back for a few more hours yet.”
“Yes, shopping makes me hungry,” Rico laughed.
“How about some good bar-b-que, you boys like bar-b-que?”
“We love it, we like ours really hot too, Papa Murphy,” Rico told me.
Since it was already 2:00, we had missed the noon crowd. We stopped at Corky’s bar-b-que place on Poplar, one of the top three in Memphis.
We were seated in a booth next to the window, me on one side, the boys on the other.
“We need to pee, Papa Murphy,” Rico said as the young waitress walked up.
“The restrooms are right over there in the back,” she pointed and smiled at them.
“We’ll be right back, don’t go away,” Luis told her as they both ran from the booth.
“Hi, I am Jaidyn, I’m your waitress. Would you like to wait for the boys to come back?”
“No, bring each of us a Coke and give us a few minutes to look the menu over,” I said as I looked up at her.
She’s young, maybe college age. Probably Cuban, or possibly Peurto Rican. She’s tall and slender. A tennis player or swimmer, I thought.
Nice butt, really nice boobs and some long brown legs, like Valeria’s. Damn, I miss my women, I better stop this, I thought as she walked away.
The boys came back and slid in the booth, looking for Jaidyn.
“Where’d she go?” Luis asked.
“I told her to bring us a Coke and let us have a minute to look at the menu, you want me to help you order?”
“No, I will order for us, is that OK Rico?”
“Yes, let me pick it out though.”
They sat looking on the same menu, though there was another one lying on the table.
They talked over each and every item on the lunch page and turned it over. They went back to the one they liked best as Jaidyn came back with our drinks.
“Have you decided on what you’d like?” she asked them, then smiled at me.
“Yes we have, My name is Luis and this is my brother Rico. I will order for my brother and myself. We want the large bar-b-que pork sandwich and a large order of fries and we would both like the sandwiches extra hot please,” Luis sounded just like Bobby and I had to smile and wink at him when he looked up at me.
Rico was sitting on the outside, looking up at her. I could tell he was looking her over good and knew before he opened his mouth he was about to make friends with her.
“You are very pretty, like our Mamas, are you Mexican?” he asked, surprising me with his manners.
“No, my mother was Cuban, my father was American, so I am a mixed up Cuban,” she told him and smiled.
“Rico is right, you are very pretty. Do you live here now?” Luis asked her.
I knew I better head this off, no telling what these two boys would come up with next. They sounded just like Meghan and Kelly when they meet a pretty girl and want to take her in.
“Yes, I live here. I was going to University of Memphis, but I may have to go back to Florida to live with my grand momma, she is in poor health. May I have your order sir?” She looked at me.
“I’ll have the same as them, but make mine mild,” I smiled and she did too. Pretty smile.
“We’re going to Florida to live, we’re The Murphys, we’re going to live on a big naked resort there, aren’t we Murphy?” Rico said.
I knew it, I just knew it.
“Yes we are, but Jaidyn may not want to know all that information.”
“What part of Florida, I went to a nude resort a few times when I was a teenager, with my mother and father. Before they were killed in a car accident.”
“We’re up next to the Alabama line in the panhandle, north and east of Pensacola. We’re up near Blackwater River State Forest”
“Really, my grand momma lives in Pensacola, that sounds like where we went years ago,” she smiled really big, then she was gone with our order.
Damn, she sure looks good walking away in that short skirt and her legs are longer than I thought. Hair just like Valeria and Gabriela too. Down past her butt even.
“She sure looks good, don’t she Papa Murphy?” Luis asked.
“Yes she does, almost as good as your Mama and Aunt Gabby, when she walks away.”
“Can we take her with us Papa Murphy? To see her grand momma,” Rico asked.
“Boys, we can’t be asking girls to go home with us like this, we could get in trouble with the law if she thinks we’re trying to hurt her or something.”
“We’ll tell her we’re not gonna hurt her. You got our Mama and our Granny to go, why can’t we ask her to go? Luis and I really like her, I bet she is a lot of fun too, don’t you Luis?” Rico pleaded.
“Look boys, don’t get upset. I’ll make a deal with you. We’ll ask her if she’s going back soon. If she is, we’ll ask her if she would like to meet your Mamas, but you can’t tell her you have three Mamas.”
Damn, I just know this is going to get all balled up. I wish Meghan and Kelly were here.
I had no more than had the thought, when she called. I hate talking on a cell phone in a public place, but answered when I saw her number.
“Hey Baby, how’s it going?”
“We’re through, we called home and no answer, where are you and the boys?”
“We’re getting a sandwich at Corky’s on Poplar, we just ordered, are you close by?”
“Three blocks away, hang on Baby, the Murphy women are knocked up and wound up too. I wish we could all five fuck you right there on a table.”
“All of you are?”
“YESSSSS, Victoria is knocked up all the way to her big titties, I just knew you would plant that Murphy seed in their womb. Murphy, you better eat a big meal and get some rest, she wants some of your ass as soon as we get home.”
“Tell her to bring it on. Y’all come on over, I’ll tell the boys and we’ll get a bigger table.”
“We’ll be there in three minutes.”
“That was Mama Meg, they’ll be here shortly, they’re going to eat with us.”
“Yeahhhhhh,” Rico cheered.
“Can we ask them to take Jaidyn with us?” Luis asked, grinning.
“Tell you what, lets just let them talk to her, I bet they’ll make it happen.”
“Can I just whisper one little whisper to Mama Meg about her?” Luis asked.
“Like what?”
“Like, I think she sure is pretty.”
“OK, just that one little whisper, then you will see how us men can get the women to do the things we want them to do.”
“Yeah, I like that Papa Murphy,” he grinned.
Jaidyn came back and I told her we had more family coming unexpectedly and would need a larger table. She moved us over to the center of the room to a big round table.
We had just sat back down when the door flew open and I heard the Murphy jingle.
Oh Hell.
Hey, Hey, we’re the Murphys
We’re gonna have some fun
We’re headed down to Florida
Livin naked in the sun.
I jumped up when Luis and Rico did, they were dancing and singing along. I was trying to get them to stop before we were thrown out. There were only a few couples and a few scattered people eating at this time of the day. They all looked up when the singing started and I looked around for the manager.
He didn’t show up, but Jaidyn came back smiling that beautiful smile and the singing stopped.
“Oh My God, is this our waitress?” Meghan asked.
I knew she would. I can see the wheels turning.
She looked at Kelly, they both looked at Maren, Valeria and Victoria. Here we go.
“Meghan, this Jaidyn. Jaidyn, this is Meghan, Kelly, Valeria, Maren and Victoria, and yes, we’re all the Murphys,” I introduced them.
“May I have your drink orders? I’ll get those for you while you look at the menu,” she said with that cute accent and pretty smile. This girl was in for a cyclone ride if she wasn’t careful.
“We all want bottled water please and a small bar-b-que salad each,” Meghan said, then they all exchanged looks again as they stood to allow me to seat them. I looked across the table and Luis and Rico were seating Valeria and their Granny.
“Oh My God, I could just scream, that makes me so happy to see those two learn so fast,” Meghan said.
Valeria and Victoria grabbed the two boys and hugged them.
I looked at them and we shared a wink before the three of us sat back down. I noticed that Luis had managed to leave a seat on the other side of Meghan and he quickly sat beside her.
I watched as he looked around, then looking at me, before he tapped her on her arm. This kid is only four, here he is about to play on his Mama Meg’s sympathy toward all young girls, to get what he wants.
Conniving little shit.
I watched as he pulled her hair back so he could whisper in her ear, holding his cupped hand up to cover his whisper. She looked at him, then whispered to him as Jaidyn brought their water.
Here we go.
“Jaidyn, that’s such a pretty name for a pretty girl like you, how do you spell it?” Meghan asked, squinting at her name tag.
“J-A-I-D-Y-N, I really like it and my mother said it was her mother’s name too.”
“I love it, where are your folks from?” Kelly asked.
“My mother was from Cuba, she came here in a boat as a young girl and she met my daddy, he was American and they got married. He was in college and he became a teacher and we moved to Pensacola, then he and my mother were killed four years ago in a car accident.”
“Oh Baby, I’m so sorry. Do you go to school up here now?” Kelly asked.
“Yes, I’m a Junior at UM, but I may need to go back to Pensacola to be with my grand momma, she is not well.”
“Does she live in Pensacola too?” Valeria was in on it now.
“Yes, she lives there in my mother and daddy’s home.”
“What are you majoring in, I graduated from UM last spring,” Maren was in the mix now.
Jaidyn needs to just throw up both hands and surrender.
“I’m specializing in special education and I’m taking computer science and programming too, but I want to teach boys and girls, Luis and Rico’s age.
She was done now, stick a fork in her. That did her in.
“If you go back, will you continue your education?” Meghan asked.
“Oh yes, I have already signed up for an online correspondence course to get my degree. This is something I promised my mother I would do before she died.”
“I know we’re keeping you from your job, what time do you get off?”
“I get off at 4:00.”
“Can we all meet with you, after you get off? We may have something you’d be interested in,” Kelly said
“But I’m not sure I’ll be staying here.”
“I mean in Florida, we own the Little Beaver Nature Resort.”
“That’s the name of the one we went to, I remember that name. You mean you own it?”
“Yes, we just bought it in August and we’re adding on and making a lot of changes. We need to talk about your future Jaidyn,” Meghan told her.
“But I want to be a teacher, if there’s anyway possible.”
“There is a way possible and we can make it happen, will you please meet with us? We’ll meet you anywhere, or you can come to our house,” Kelly was involved now and she was determined to help this young girl.
“You have customers waving for you Jaidyn, go take care of them, we’ll wait on you. Do you have a car?” Kelly asked.
“No, I have to take a taxi to work and back because it’s so far, I walk everywhere else.”
“Go, then get your sexy ass back over here when you get off work, now get, before I take you over my knee,” Kelly laughed.
It was only 9:00 when we walked back up the hill to the bungalow. I saw a big SUV turning in the main gate and watched as it slowly came our way. I saw the sign on the door, ‘Polaris’. Damn here they are and I don’t see Bobby ... this may be my best one yet. I’d love to get Chelsea to walk naked down to the lake and stand on the beach. DAMN. She jumped from the SUV before it even stopped and ran for me. She was naked. Meghan and Eden were talking, they didn’t see Chelsea until she was...
I heard the doors slamming and knew they were back with Jaidyn’s belongings. When I got to the kitchen, they had pulled alongside the back entrance and were all walking in naked with an armload of clothes and a few boxes each. “I’ll get the rest, you can help Jaidyn put her stuff away,” I told them. “This is all I have Murphy,” she said and I noticed she was calling me Murphy like the others now. “I got news for you Jaidyn, by this time tomorrow, you’ll have more than that pickup will...
“Murphy, this is Francine. How are you, you handsome devil? I’ve been trying to call Kelly and Meghan and can’t get them ... where are they?” “Francine, they’ve all gone into town to get new cellphones and new vehicles. We’ve invested in some new businesses here and these are some perks that come with them.” “Well then, don’t tell them I called. We’ll just surprise them when we get there Saturday. Murphy, Jonas and I are so happy, we’ve completely turned the business over. We’re moving in...
My phone rang and I grabbed it. “Murphy here.” “Murphy, Charles Winterford here. Chelsea told me you called back and placed a huge order, man you don’t mess around do you?” “No, we love these first two 800’s and we want to build an ATV trail up here. I asked Chelsea to get you and her mom and y’all come on up tomorrow. We need to have a drink and kick back while we deal you a membership.” “She told me all that Murphy, if you’re serious, we’ll be there early.” “Hell, leave at daylight, we...
“Hi Geri; that’s my brother’s name, but I see by your name tag you spell it differently. This is my wife to be, Meghan, my son to be Robby; and this is our home tutor for Robby, Maren; and this is our friend Allisyn, from our neighborhood back home.” “Good to meet all of you, and we’re delighted you’re here. We have organized activities, and sports, going on all the time, if you’d like to check the boards at any time you’re here. We have trail rides each day, or you can go as a group; we...
Her swollen, light brown pussy was seeping through her tight lips as I looked down at her. She held out her left hand, with her ring upwards and I kissed her ring and the back of her fingers. I leaned down and kissed her pussy as she bucked her hips up to meet my mouth. “PLEASE, just one kiss there Murphy, you don’t know how much we all want you. I mean all six of us too. We can make love for years to come, fuck me and make us a baby in my belly Murphy. We all want your babies, put one or...
When we pulled into the gravel parking lot behind the office, all the others were still sitting around the huge table and in chairs and even on the ground. We parked with our ATVs, backed up to the wall of the office building. I thought maybe Ginger would have lost some of her fire by the time we got back, but she walked right through the crowd over to where Bobby and the Golden Girls were talking animatedly to Meghan, Kelly and Valeria. I stayed a few feet away. This was their show ... I...
Meghan and Kelly were sitting side by side, strapped in the co-pilot seat. I went to the back to get a coke. Rico and Luis were lying in the floor naked, sleeping with Lelia, Tia and Gabriela. They were all worn out, for different reasons though. I called Kurt and told him what I wanted him to do and why. “Damn Murphy, I love it. Those kids have shown me more affection since we all met down here. I just love doing things for them now and Jason loves to come out here on the job with me. I...
Monday morning was busy, I fixed Meghan’s and my breakfast, and she was on my cell phone by 8:00, calling the number of a builder Bonnie had given her. She had her first interview with a prospective tutor at 9:00, so she was in a hurry to get as much done as she could. At 8:30 she called the zoning commission about the building we needed, and had that OK’d in a matter of minutes. The doorbell rang and Meghan was on the phone again so I answered the door. “Hello, my name is Anita Blakely,...
Bobby and I continued our scouting of the cove. There was something about this little cove that kept me thinking of it. It was only a hundred yards wide, at the widest part, and narrowed down to, maybe, thirty yards at the shoreline. We walked back, along the shoreline, to the main part of the lake, and looked back. I could see the beach from this point, with all the teens, and the younger kids swimming, and playing naked on the sand, and in the water. The adults were either on the beach,...
I walked back to my camper, thinking about Ellen, and that healthy ‘softball player’ body; those muscular thighs, and all those fucking freckles; they were just about to drive me fucking crazy thinking about them. I remember reading a story once about a boy and girl. I like remembering stories like that. The girl was virtually covered with freckles and the boy was blindly in love with her. She didn’t see how anyone could love her with all those freckles. They were close and she finally...
So I’m a sucker for a pretty girl that begs me to let her kiss my dick; what can I say? “As soon as it gets dark, will you be alone?” “Not sure yet, if someone else wants to come too, will it be alright?” “All of you?” “Maybe, will that still be alright?” “What will all of you have in mind?” “Tonight, probably just touching it, and kissing it, and getting naked, will that be alright for the first night?” “Yes, maybe better. What about the next night, if there is one?” “I want you to...
We gathered up our towels and oil bottles and headed back to take showers at the public showers again, before going into the condo. On the way back to the condo, I went to the bus and grabbed three legal pads and some wooden pencils. This was going to be fun. When I got to the condo, I had Bobby sit down with me at the table while the others were busy finishing up dinner. The roast smelled good and I was anxious to tear into it. I gave Bobby the size of the bedrooms I’d like to have and...
“Do you like Murphy?” “Yes, he is a handsome man and I can see it in his eyes, he is a kind man. I can look at you and Gabriela and see how much you both love him too.” “Will you meet the rest of the family? They will want to hug you and help you too Tia.” “Are you sure?” “Tia, they will all love you, you will see. They’re all beautiful women that just love to help girls that have no home and no job. If you’ll agree to go with us to Florida, we’ll help you become a citizen, that is if you...
Saturday was here, and I was excited. I needed to calm my ass down some, so I decided to go fishing one more time on Sylamore Creek. I walked upstream once again, loaded with plenty of beer, and bait, and my trusty Garcia spinning rig. I rounded the bend past where I was when I called Meghan, and she was in my mind like a warm feeling, as I placed my beer in the water to keep cool. I then baited up with a worm, and some fluorescent orange faux salmon eggs. I had left my phone in the camper...
“Mom, you awake?” Robby asked, as he looked across the small RV to where he saw his Mom lying naked in her bunk, with her back to him. She had kicked the cover off her, and he couldn’t help but look at her dark tanned body. “I’m trying to wake up, Robby. Good morning. Did you enjoy your night?” “I sure did, Mom, did you?” “Yes, I did, as a matter of fact; I met the man next to us in the little pop-up camper, and we drank a few beers, and ate a snack. I really liked talking to him; he lives...
"Murphy, I can't do this anymore. You disrespecting me is not acceptable. I'm done," I said. "Even once more and I'm gone." We were standing out toward the backyard fence. I'd pulled her there, her resisting, to have it out with her, party or not. This was one time that I wasn't going to be waitin' until we got home, not this time. "Jack, stop being so pissy. It was just a birthday kiss. It's Don's birthday. Everybody gets kissed on their birthdays," said Murphy. Her words made...
I pulled my cell phone out and looked at my signal. Full bars. I looked to see if I still had my banker in Marion and my accountant’s numbers stored. I called my banker first and we talked for thirty minutes. He told me I needed to move some of my account balances around, that I was wasting the opportunity to make what little interest there was available. “I thought we’d already done all that.” “Well, we forgot to make sure all your dividends would be roll back into your invested CD’s on...
The next morning, very early, Kelly made a call to her Dad’s attorneys, and they were on the case before the call ended. Meghan and Kelly were worrying and fussing over the two girls, as if they were their own born children, Bobby and his friends took them in, and made sure they were well accepted by the younger crowd, that met at the lake each day for fun and frolics in and out of the water. Just after noon that day, Kelly got her phone call. Meghan and I sat listening as she took the...
Meghan was in the kitchen, making salads, when Robby led me back through the maze of rooms to get there, I may need a map until I learn my way around here. “Hi, Murphy, I heard you come in, and knew that Robby had hustled you to get you in your swim trunks.” Meghan said, as she grabbed me in a big hug. She was wearing a pull over shirt, that let the beauty of her magnificent tits show through, and shorts that weren’t even tight but looked so fucking sexy on her butt, I could have taken her...
I woke at daylight, as is my habit now-a-days. I need to break that habit; but I like the mornings, so I just enjoy it. I fumbled in my small duffel bag, and felt for the vest I sometimes wear fishing. Slipping it on, I pulled my cell phone out of the end pocket of the duffel bag, and slipped it into my vest, and snapped the flap closed. I put my shorts back on, that I wore yesterday, and found my wading shoes; I grabbed my worms, and artificial salmon eggs, my spinning rod and reel, and...
I stopped at a small supermarket on the edge of town and Kelly ran in to buy some ground chuck and buns, they’d all decided we should try out the new grill accessory we had with the Newell coach. The RV park she had picked was one of the better ones we’d stayed at, there was plenty of afternoon shade and a big playground for the boys, as well as a walking path around the entire grounds. There was a huge private swimming pool exclusively for guests parked in the RV park. We were parked near...
I showered and dressed in a white Polo shirt and khaki’s and headed across the river on the I-40 Bridge. Taking the Front Street exit, I drove about six or seven blocks and turned down a street that led to The Pier. I was a few minutes early; but when I parked, I looked up to see Meghan and Robby coming toward me. My heart gave a jump, and a jerk, when I saw her smile. They were both in my arms, as soon as I shut the door, and we hugged like a family. I had never in my life even taken more...
When morning came, I awakened to three of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever been exposed to. I smiled, then I laughed out loud as they all grabbed me and we hugged for the longest time. “Thank you all, I love each of you, I love all of you. I’m the happiest man on earth. “We love your sexy ass too Murphy. Now, you’re the man of the family, you’re the head of the clan, your wives are hungry and we know all your children are hungry also. What are your plans to feed us this morning?” Meghan...
I looked up to see Maren, Victoria, Louise, Kathryn, Justine and Christine headed into the bungalow. I knew they were all getting hungry. I guess they’ll eat a brunch, since it’s past breakfast. Lisa, Jackie and Jaidyn took Iris with them into the bungalow also. While everyone that hasn’t eaten earlier ate brunch, I walked over to talk with Harry. He’s about my height, a lot heavier and true to his name ... hairy as hell. He’s about Old Man’s age and very tanned all over. His hair on his...
While we were dressing, Bobby called information, got the name of a shuttle company and ordered us a shuttle van to meet us here at 11:00 and take us to the border. We ate our breakfast at the cafeteria near the mall, then went back to wait for the shuttle to take us to the border. Juan Rodriguez was the driver and we found out he owned his own shuttle company, with three shuttles to shuttle tourists to and from the border. Bobby and Tia sat in the front seat with him and I heard them...
“Yes, I can, and I’m not offended. The first few times we fucked, I was sore; but I just love him, and his big dick now.” “Did you see the way Ray just stripped off naked, and is walking down the path beside Allisyn? Its like he has known them, for ever; I hope Bobby isn’t jealous.” Dave said. “Oh, don’t worry, Bobby and Allisyn are friends, they have sex with each other; but they also fuck others. She is four years older than him. We told Bobby, that as long as the girl says, yes, and, as...
Carol bit her lip as she felt her body sway in the car seat. She wore big, dark sunglasses, but they were only to hide the 'x's of electrical tape that sealed her eyes shut. In darkness, she became sensitive to her own body, feeling it push and swing against the seatbelt as Murphy drove her to their special night out. "Almost there. You nervous?" Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder. With a smile, she nodded. "I'm excited, though. You've been planning this a...
BDSMI could really get used to this, waking up to the smell of breakfast each morning. When I had staggered to the bathroom and made my bladder happy, I went to the kitchen to see Maren, Bobby, Allisyn and Vicki cooking breakfast. “Morning Murphy, sit down and I will pour your coffee.” Vicki said, she talked slowly, and deliberately, and though her words were drawn out, she was just barely lisping. “Put the coffee put on the table, and sit in my lap Vicki, I want a big hug,” I told her, and she...
This girl had no clue just how many clothes a person her age can really own. She’s about to find out. It may take a month, but she’ll have enough clothes in her closets to outfit an army of girls. When we were all dressed and the ‘wild ones’ were ready to go, we headed down to meet our shuttle. The vote was once again Mexican food and we chose the Casa Rio Restaurant, since we’d enjoyed their food the last time. Gabriela was the leader of the pack as she told Lelia and Tia±a all about last...
Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as Net Nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...
Mom, Dad, Maren, and Kelly walked down the beach to the east, now, I had waited for a while, and finally gave up on Chelsea coming out to meet me. I was walking west, not in any hurry, just thinking of our stay at the resort, picturing in my mind all the changes that were taking place, and seeing the place when it was completely finished. I wished I could be naked, as I walked in the late evening sun, but there were still a lot of people out, mostly couples, now as the Moms and Dads, with...
We all took a shower and for the first time in a long time, we slept naked and didn’t even make love. As much as I like making love to each of them, and as much fun as we have fucking like wild animals, I like sleeping naked next to the ones I love, just as much. Bobby and I woke up as the sun shone through the east window. He and I both drank a cup of coffee from the small pot in the room as we sat on the balcony overlooking the river a few blocks away. Maren came out a few minutes later,...
There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...
She watches his silhouette through steamy glass, taking his enticing measure, as he manipulates warm suds against his undulatory locomotion, his torso's repetitive wavy gestures mesmerizing. His forward, then backward undulations give away his masculine needs. She aches to touch, to be touched, then acts upon her own needs while observing carefully his thrusts. Unable to stand the tension any longer she rises up, her robe falling open, as she knows he's peering at her as well. She hears him...
SeductionA more bilateral approach becomes imperative, especially after your own warm, soft, and now quite wet hand slips under my robe to join my own knowledgeable digits along my pulsing length, with a mingling of our slickness reasoned by nature to be the more perfect by unification.You're drawn to engage your heightening senses more fully, my understanding complete. A swift desire to install by imitation, my own warm strong and likewise wet hand, (to meet one of your own) directs my next move. I...
SeductionHusband has the worst day of his life."If anything can go wrong-It will."Not only that, "Everything goes wrong all at once."************************************************************When I woke up this morning, I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to be anything but another good day in this wonderful life of mine. Boy was I ever wrong.By the end of the day, it would turn out to be the worst day of my life.My name is Stony Adams. I am a 48 year old engineer with an electrical design...
There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...
MILFIt was in the days when I had to travel 30 miles on the bus to and from work, now the bus was every hour so if I missed one I had to wait an hour for the next.Across the road from my stop was a pub so one time I had just missed the bus and decided to have myself a drink and in I walked only to be meet by a crowd of cross dressers and gays wow was I happy, I ordered my drink and sat at the bar no one talked to me so three beers later off I went to catch my bus.This happened a few times over the...
After the show the old lady led the exhausted and somewhat drowsy white boy to a room on the third floor. Callum was asl**p before his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile downstairs Achmed was talking with Ijah and Jamaal about the boy. It was clear to Achmed that Ijah feelings towards the boy were growing, this worked to his advantage. At the same time there was a growing jealousy within Jamaal, he angrily demanded his share of the money from the show tonight. Achmed happily paid the boy, but he...
Mike & Joanna had been married for 30 years and Joanna started to worry about their sex life. In the beginning it was great and frequent, but then it had deteriorated into something far less. She knew it was mostly her fault as it seemed her sex drive had waned.Over the last couple of years, she began to enjoy sex a lot more and Mike seemed to be very happy. She even started to indulge his requests to dress sexier in more revealing and tighter outfits. Skirts got higher and she started to...
Daniel was in no hurry to cum, he also had another agenda for the first time the three of them used me for hours and my mind went numb and I turned into their 'Bitch'. All I knew was that if I did not please them they would never let me go or so I thought! So after the first few hours Bruce and Charlie was able to release my ankles and hands and I was conveniently theirs to use as they wished which they did for the best part of that day! Over the past year or so they had taken me numerous times...
When I was sixteen, I was still a virgin, but I had already learned how to get myself off. I hadlistened to the brazen talk of the other girls at school and learned many things. My littlefingers served me well. I never fell asleep at night before relieving the daily tensions withmy fingers deep inside my slippery pussy.I had never seen an adult cock because I had no attraction to the immature, but horny, boysat school, finding their interest in me undesirable. On the other, I began having...
Jordan, my college buddy, and I were soaking up the suds at Peggy's bar, reminiscing about old times. It was our annual reunion after graduating from the nearby college. It's just that Jordy and I were the only participants. Years ago we agreed to meet at Peggy's each year to have a few brews and catch up. Of course, Peggy's was our favorite watering hole because it was one of the few bars in town that looked the other way when we showed them our fake ID's. By the looks of the customers at...
MatureHey gang! I'm sorry I haven't brought you a story in a while, I've been trying to slow down on my sexapades. But I have a couple now. Now that school is over and I'm back in my home town, my girlfriend and I had been staying at her sister's place just visiting. We all get along very well, as if she was my own sister. I would always joke about having a threesome with them but they would always say no, that is typical for black girls. Its not really there style. I just wanted to experiment, and I...
First TimeHer name was Mrs. Susan Patterson. She had been living in the house next door to Alex’s new house for over 15 years. She unfortunately, had lost her husband two years ago. She had discovered that her husband had cheated on her and that he never loved her. She had been very secluded and sheltered because of the event. But she seemed to have a change of attitude once Alex’s family had moved in. Her relationship with Alex started when his parents had offered that he would maintain her lawn...
It was early spring when I finally made my way through the mountains of Ered Luin and started my journey into Mirkwood, the elven forest. I had seen a few elves in pubs here and there, mysterious yet comforting folk they are, but strangely enough, through all my years of travelling, this was the first time I ever set foot on elven grounds. Something was different in this forest than any place I had been, as if a thousand spirits were living in the wind. The trees were ancient, almost as...
I was just getting started into my day as my phone rang. It was the receptionist telling me there was a Mr. Keller and Mrs. Bernaby here to see me. I told her I wasn't sure who they were. She said they told her it was regarding the contract that was discussed over the past weekend at the charity event I attended.Immediately I realized it was regarding the auction at Anthony's party. I felt a knot forming in my stomach as this brought back the reality of what I got myself into. I met them at...
IncestIt is 4:00pm. As your husband leaves to drop your son off at his Mom’s he reminds you that your dinner reservations are for 7:00pm. You will need to leave at 6:15pm. You sit down at your dressing table and start to paint your fingernails. In a few minutes the first coat is on and they start to take on the same shade of red as your toenails, which your husband painted the night before. As you wait for the first coat to dry, you sip the wine he poured for you just before he left and listen to...
The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...
Somehow, Yann and Juan managed to coax a fourth and fifth load out of me on the way home. It was proof to me that my life had slipped into fantasyland. Even in high school, I would have had a hard time with four in one day. Ok, maybe not in high school. But now, at my age, this was crazy. Juan stopped the car in front of my door. "Yann? Isn't that Sean's car?" Yann's legs were still wrapped around my waist. He'd taken the pants all the way off since we were going home and had been...
Business wise things were really on a roll, so much so that Clare was pressing me to talk to a tax expert to ensure that I didn't pay more than I had to. I gave up my flat and bought a three bedroom house so that the girls could come and stay with me. However, in the year four A.D. Things took a new turn. I was picking up some Brake pads and Discs when I got a call from Eric asking me to drop in to our tyre supplier to pick up a pair of Pirrelli Cinturato P7s. I picked up the tyres and...
As I wondered through the back paths of a wooded area, I heard something that seemed rather strange. I stole my way to the area as to where I believed the sound to be coming... It was under a thicket of a weeping willow tree that I witnessed the gathering of five well built young men. In their midst was one very young and thin boy that was bowed over a fallen tree trunk. He was naked from the waist down and his feet spread wide apart, his butt crack smeared with a glistening substance. One of...
Part Ten I woke to the sound of a Harley some distance off and approaching. For a moment or two I didn’t know where I was. A dark room filled with an unfamiliar smell, a bed with musty sheets in which I lay naked. The side of my face was sore and my hip joints ached. The burn in my groin brought it all back to me in the next moment, and I sat upright, pulling the quilt around me. The kerosene lamp had been turned down or had gone out. The dogs began to bark in a howling chorus. Outside,...
WendyI was walking through the mall and I saw a woman I thought I had seen before, but could not place her. I kept going as I was shopping for stuff for the house. I was furnishing my basement with some furniture and carpeting. I stopped at the food court and she was eating a burger and fries and I normally eat at the same restaurant so I ordered and got my food. I was walking past her and she looked up at me and she said “I think I know you don't I?”I was trying to place her face and then it...
Hi readers… I am Keerthan(name changed) from Tamilnadu,27. I would like to share my real ‘sex’perience with my aunt Akila(name changed). This happened few years back when I was 22. She is not very fair, but she has assets that can make any dick hard. She is 5.2″, 36-30-36, wheatish color. I was infatuated to her in my childhood days. She had visited to my native after she got married(newly). I was 9 years old that time and had no idea about a girl’s private part. One morning I went to wake her...
Hi friends, I hope you guys enjoyed my story. For those who don’t know me I’m Kevin, from Chennai but currently settled abroad. To get a better picture of me please read . Guys and girls get ready for action. This is once again going to be about Priya. So the very next day I and Mark were ready to fuck Priya to the core, now onwards I’m gonna call her just Priya. She is no more a bhabhi just a Slut. But we had two problems one was Suresh and the second one was Diya. I promised Diya that I would...
My name is Amanda Johnson and I am a 38 year old post operative transsexual and owner and headmistress of a rather unique school, a school that turns troublesome and reluctant boys into shemales. This is the story of St Judes academy for shemales. My own transformation happened over 10 years ago when in my mid twenties I decided to transition from male to female. Being the son of a world famous actress, my gender change was largely kept secret and only a select few of my parents...