Murphy - 4Chapter 2 free porn video

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Hey, it’s me again; Bobby,

Murphy kinda wanted me to tell you about us meeting the Allendorph’s; he and Mom, ran to the bus, singing some silly song about five o’clock, somewhere; whatever that means. Must have meant something to them, though, Murphy’s dick was hard, and Mom was grinning.

Anyway; Ray, Juli, Allisyn, and I all went to see Geri, and found out that the new people would be out, behind our bungalow, on the next paved drive, we could see it from here, now. Geri’s gonna call us, and let us know, when they get here, but Ray and I are gonna walk on over there, in a few minutes, to be ready for them.

“Hey, the phone’s ringing.”

“Shoot, I bet that’s them, Ray, there’s only one empty parking space over there, and that looks like the name Allendorph painted on the side of that big Ford pickup. Let’s go, Juli and Allisyn will know where we’re at.”

“Hey, Geri, yeah ... I’m running over there, now, thanks, Geri.”

Ray and I were at the parking space, by the time they got out of the truck, damn, he sure is a big man.

“Hi, I’m Bobby Murphy, and this Is my friend Ray Davis, are you the Allendorph’s?”

“Yeah, good to meet you, Bobby, and you too, Ray, I’m Kurt, and this is Jason, and Jennifer. You’ll have to give us a minute to get used to seeing folks naked, I reckon. Jason, are you, and Jen, okay with this?” Kurt was smiling, and Ray and I didn’t even think about being naked, we just ran over here.

“Hi, Bobby, Hi, Ray, we’re glad to meet you. Kurt, Jas and I want to get naked, too, can we?” Jennifer said, she was staring open mouthed at my dick, as she talked; I almost got a hard on.

Jason was tall, like me and Ray, and he’s filled out good, he must work out, Kurt sure looks like he does. Jennifer, is really pretty, she’s got flaming red hair, and a cute smile, and a nice butt, she don’t have big tits, but I like her anyway. I think I like her a lot, I hope she don’t have a boyfriend.

“Kurt, if you’ll back the trailer in here, we’ll all watch for you, and it won’t take but a few minutes, and you can get back, Murphy said, you’d be in a hurry.”

“Thanks, Bobby. Damn Jen, you and Jas are already naked; you both must have been getting some sun, you’re as dark as Bobby and Ray.” Kurt said, as he looked at his kids.

Damn, I really like Jen, now, her tits are really nice, not big, but very nice. She has more freckles on her face, and across the tops of her titties, than I saw at first. She turned toward Kurt, and I looked at her butt, damn she’s got a few freckles on her butt too. My dick got hard.

“Jason, you help Ray watch that side, and Jen can help me watch this side.”

Jennifer smiled at me, when I said that. I hope she likes me. I like her more, every time I look at her.

“How old are you, Bobby?” Jen asked me, and smiled again. Damn I like this girl. I sure hope she likes me.

“I’m fourteen, I’ll be fifteen in December. How old are you?”

“I’m fifteen, my birthday was last month; we’re about the same age, aren’t we?” She smiled again, and now my dick is really hard, I need to ask Murphy what to do, when I don’t want a hard-on, and it gets hard anyway.

“Yeah, you’re pretty, Jen, I hope you don’t mind that I am looking at you, but you look really good; I like your red hair, and your freckles.” I had a knot in my throat, when I said that.

“Thanks, Bobby, you’re cute too, you sure look older, I mean, you look so big, well what I mean is...” Jen giggled, and I liked her more than ever now.

“Come on back, just a little more, Kurt, that’s good. I’ll get the tongue jack, if you’ll get the wheel chocks.” I told Kurt when he got out.

“Jason, and Ray already have them set, do you know how to level these trailers, Bobby? If you do, I’ll get on back to work, Jen, Jas, I’ll be over on the other side. Just borrow Bobby’s phone, and call if you need anything.”

“OK Kurt, and thanks, we already love it here, when Mom gets here, will you and Mom get naked, and go swimming with us?” Jen said.

“Sure, we will, we’re here to have fun, and this is a nude resort. Bobby, look after my girl, here.” Kurt told me, and I looked at Jen, as we grinned at each other.

“Bye Kurt, I love you,” Jen said, and her face turned red, and Kurt’s did too, they must not say that a lot.

“I love you too, Jen; Jason, son, I love you, and I want you both to have a great time, just hang around with Bobby, and Ray and have fun, see you after while.” Kurt was gone then.

“I like Kurt, he sure is big man.” I told Jen, as I jacked the leveling jacks, while she watched the bubble in the level.

“Right there Bobby; you got this one level, let’s get the other one.

“Yes, Kurt is a good man, and he loves our Mom, like she was a princess.”

“Jason and I weren’t sure at first about Mom marrying him. He’s so big, and tall, and she is no bigger than me. Now we like him; Jason and I, just didn’t know how to come right out, and tell him how we feel.

“We’re glad he brought us out here, Jason and I like being naked, and I know you do, you are so long, and tall, and dark and tanned, all over ... I mean, well dang, Bobby, you know what I mean.” Jen giggled again.

“We got the back leveled, Jen, did you and Bobby get yours done?’ Jason came up, and looked at our leveling bubbles, and he and I high fived, then we all high fived.

“Lets hook up the lights, and water; and you can check out everything inside. Mom and I had a small RV, before we met Murphy, and we always had stuff fall over, when we traveled.”

“What do you travel in now, Bobby?” Jason asked.

“Look right through the trees, there, at that big-ass bus.” Ray said.

“FU--UCK, is that yours Bobby?” Jason looked at me and grinned.

“Yep, Murphy and Mom bought two of them.” I grinned.

“DOUBLE FU--UCK.” Jennifer said, and we all laughed. Damn I like this girl.

“Come on, and we’ll show it to you. You gotta meet my Mom, and Maren. I want you to meet my friend Allisyn, too, she’s four years older than me, and she and I are just best friends. Ray’s sister, Juli, is about your age, Jen, and she’s pretty like you are.” I said, and Jason and Ray both poked me in the ribs.

“Well, she is!” I said, and grinned, as we all walked toward the bus now.

Ray and Jason were walking ahead of us and I looked at Jen, and smiled.

She reached out, and took my hand, and we both smiled, now, I felt good. I wasn’t all the way hard, but I saw Jen looking at my dick, a lot and smiling at me.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Bobby?”

“No, I have a lot of friends, who are girls, and we have a good time, but I don’t date yet; do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, I don’t date yet, either, Jason is my best friend, I guess, we spend a lot of time together, and we get along good too. I think Jason likes you, Bobby, as a friend for me, that is. He’s kind of over protective of me, around boys, and he smiled when you and I were talking. I hope he likes you, and I hope Mom does too.”

“Really, I know my Mom, will like you. You better get ready; she’s got big titties, and she loves to hug everyone, even if she’s naked, it don’t bother, my Mom.

“You’ll like Maren, too, she’s my school teacher, and she lives with us, and travels with us, too.”

“You have to have a private teacher, there’s nothing wrong with you, is there?”

“No, Murphy wants us to travel, and we just hired Maren to be my private tutor, so I could travel all the time, too.”

“Wow, that must be real fun, to get to just go all over the place, like that, and still go to school.”

“Well, we just now got it all approved, and we’ll start classes, after Monday.”

“Where do you live? In Memphis, is that right?”

“Yeah, we’re going home, Tuesday, I wish we weren’t, now.” I looked at Jen, and smiled, and she squeezed my hand.

“Me too, Bobby, when will you be back this way?”

“I’m not sure, but we’re coming back in November, I know; around Thanksgiving, Mom and Murphy are getting married down at my new grandparent’s home in The Keys.”

“Wow, I bet they get married on the beach, too, won’t they?”

“Yeah, we’re all gonna be naked, at sundown, Mom says, and they’ll get married. I’ll be so glad too, Murphy is gonna adopt me, and I’ll have his last name, and I’ll be a Murphy, too.”

“You really love him don’t you? I can tell, by the way you talk.”

“Yes, I do, I love Murphy more than I could ever describe to you; I heard you tell Kurt, you loved him. I tell Murphy, every day, I love him, and we hug each other, and it doesn’t matter if he and I are naked, we still hug, and Murphy has taught me so much, too. I mean, about how to love a woman, and how to treat people; you’ll see; hey, he’s here now. He and Mom, went in the bus naked a while ago, and I know she was gonna give him some ... I mean, I... , well. you know.”

“I know, Mom and Kurt get that way a lot. I wish I could see them make love, I bet Mom has to get on top, coz he’s so much bigger than her, well what I mean is, he is a big man,” Jen giggled, and I really liked her when she laughed.

“Mom likes it on top, too; oops, I shouldn’t have said that.” I laughed.

“It’s okay; so you’ve seen your Mom and Murphy ... doing it, I mean.”

“Well, yes, and they have seen me, too. I bet you don’t like me, now that you know I’ve already fucked some other girls, do you?”

“No, silly, of course I like you, you were telling me the truth, you weren’t bragging.”

“You’re not mad ‘cause I’ve don’t it with other girls?”

“No, it just means, that you can show me all that you’ve learned.” Jen smiled a funny smile then.

“Murphy’s been giving me lessons in how to make a woman feel good.”

“Good, I expect to get a full demonstration.”

“It’ll take us a while.”

“I’ve got a while, I’m only fifteen.” Jen smiled. I felt like I could have kissed her right then, so I just leaned over, and kissed her cheek, anyway.

“Come on in, and we’ll find Mom, and Murphy, I want you to meet them, and you’ll see why I think they’re so special.”

“They must have already left, let’s look in the big bedroom.”

“Gosh, Bobby, I love your RV, this thing is like a house.”

“Wait until you see this bedroom, there’s a huge water bed in here.”

“OOPS. Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Jennifer Allendorph, she’s Kurt’s daughter. Mom, Dad, look at her pretty red hair.” I pointed to her pussy, thinking I would embarrass her, but I didn’t.

Murphy and Mom were naked, and lying in bed, they were like they always are, neither made a move to cover up.

“Come here, Jen and give us a hug,” Mom held out her arms, and Jen just crawled right up between them, and hugged Mom, then Murphy. I think I’m in love! Damn, what a sexy butt, and that bright, flaming red pussy hair, shining, back there.

“Well, are you going to come give your Mom a hug; or just stand there ogling Jen’s cute butt.” Mom said, and laughed.

I crawled right up beside Jen, and laid down beside her and Mom. I hugged Mom, and she kissed me on the mouth, I looked at Jen, and she was looking at me.

She looked at Murphy, then Mom, then she kissed me, like Mom did.

“Jen, I like your freckles, remind me to tell you and Bobby, a story about freckles, some time.” Murphy said. Jen turned and hugged Murphy then, and she just squirmed down between me and Murphy, and smiled the biggest smile.

“I take it you like our son?” Mom said, and smiled.

“Yes, Ma’am, I sure do! Bobby is the bestest boy I’ve ever met; and I haven’t known him thirty minutes.” Jen said, as she hugged me, to her naked body,

“We think so too, remind me to tell you a story about how Murphy and I met. I think you and I, may just have some things in common.”

“I know Murphy and Bobby have some things in common.” Jen giggled, and looked at Mom, and Mom laughed out loud.

“Yes they do. You and I will talk more about what they have in common; and if you like, we will talk to your Mom, just in case you and Bobby want to be better friends.” Mom told her.

“Ms. Meghan, right now, I feel like I want to be Bobby’s friend, for the rest of my life.” Jen said, and looked at Mom again, this time, they both looked the same. I think sometimes, women know what each other are thinking.

“I hope you are too, Jennifer. I don’t want to scare you off, but you need to know, that we’re a loving family, you saw me kiss Bobby. You may see Murphy and me with our friends, like this too. We all sleep together, a lot. Would that bother you if you saw Murphy, with another woman, or maybe, even Bobby and I making love?”

“REALLY, OH WOW, I hope I do get to see you, and Bobby make love, wow, that makes me feel so good.” Jen said, and put her hand between her legs, and squeezed her thighs tight, trapping her hand against her pussy.

“Jen, you give Murphy a big hug and a kiss; then get your sexy butt over here, and hug me, and give me a big hug and kiss.” Mom said.

Jennifer squirmed, and turned to grab Murphy in a big hug, and really kissed him, like Mom does, this time. She rolled right over my body, with hers, and fell on top of Mom; they went into a groping hug, just like Mom and Kelly. Jen kissed Mom, like she kissed Murphy, damn I wanted a kiss now.

“Kiss Bobby, while your laying on me naked, Jennifer, kiss him good.”

I leaned over close to Mom, and Jennifer turned to face me. With her face right on top of Mom’s huge naked titty, we kissed for the first time. She reached down, and took hold of my dick, it felt as hard as a steel rod, Jen rubbed me up and down, as she kissed me.

“If my Mom says we can, I want you, Bobby,” she said, and I knew right then I loved her, I just didn’t know at the time how much I did love her.

“Your Mom may not like me as a friend, that way.”

“Mom will love you. Just like your Mom and Dad accepted me, and love me, right now. It may be a while before she will lie naked in bed with us, but she will love you the minute she lays eyes on you. She will see what I see, what Murphy, and your Mom see, when we all look at you.”

“Wow, Jen.” I said, and I grabbed her and we kissed again. Mom and Murphy were holding us, like they knew exactly what she and I were feeling right now.

“Hey, can we join the party?” Allisyn said, as she, Juli, Ray, and Jason stood at the bedroom door.

“Come on in; Jason, this is my Mom and Dad, call him Murphy. Mom, Dad this is Jason, just call him Jas, we all do, he’s Jen’s brother.”

“Come on in, Jas, good to meet you, hope you don’t mind that we were just relaxing naked in bed.”

“I told them that you would welcome them like this, you are both the best friends to us kids, now that we are trying be grownup.” Juli said.

They all crawled up on the big water bed, and we all hugged, I even hugged Jason, and he hooked his thumb over his shoulder at Jen, and gave me a thumb’s up with it.

I grinned, and hugged him again. Jason hugged Jennifer, and I saw them holding each other so tight; but I wasn’t jealous, I wanted to hug them both as they hugged each other. So I did!

Juli and Allisyn were getting all the hugs they could, and they both were as taken with Jennifer as I was, we were all sitting cross legged at the foot of the bed, as Mom and Murphy cuddled on the other end. We were all talking like crazy, and laughing, the whole time Jennifer was holding my hand, her naked knee over mine.

She was turned a little toward me, and I could plainly see her small pussy now, barely covered with flaming red curly hair; her little pussy lips had an almost smug look, they were so tight.

I sat and listened to all that was said, and all the laughter, and looked at all the smiles as we sat, and accepted each other, as friends, and equals.

I knew then, that I was blessed with a Mom and Dad that could make total strangers feel so welcome, and wanted, and so comfortable, that they could sit naked on the very bed Mom and Dad were lying on, naked, also.

I looked at Jennifer, and she looked at me, and we smiled as she gripped my hand, and I held hers tighter, as we looked at each other. I looked at Mom and Dad, and they were watching Jen and me, Jen looked too, and we all four smiled. That was all I needed, and I looked at Jen, and she had tears in her eyes; she wasn’t crying, but her eyes were full of happy tears, as she looked at me, and leaned forward to give me a quick kiss.

I didn’t know what all I was feeling. I just knew it felt better than good. it was a week later, before it really hit me what it was that Jen and I had shared that day.

We shared many other things, that Labor Day weekend. We shared with our friends, and our families, we had fun, and we ran naked into the lake, and swam.

We all slept in the bus, and when Jerry and ‘The Three Amigos’ got here with Kasey, and Lydia, we really partied the days and nights away. Us, and the grownups, too.

We ate all our meals together, with someone trying to be the first to get up each morning, and cook breakfast for the rest of the bunch.

The more I was around Jennifer, the more I knew she was like my Mom. The more she was around my Mom, the more Jennifer wanted to be like her. I found out how much like Mom she really was when Angelina and Gloria arrived late Thursday evening, and bared their sexy naked Mexican asses.

I’m not going to lie about it, I wanted to get on top of those sexy brown bodies, and either fuck, or be fucked; but it was Jennifer that made it happen. With the two of them, at the same time, and Jennifer holding, touching, sucking, caressing and kissing each of us, we fucked like snakes, in a twisted ball of naked legs, arms, titties, butts, two bald headed brown pussies, and one small red headed pussy, plus one hard-on from hell.

On Labor Day, Jennifer and I shared even more; we also shared what each of us felt in our hearts. This was in the afternoon, right after we had all eaten a huge meal. We were all sitting around, the grownups having a drink, and we were all talking.

Jennifer and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other; Mom handed Jen two condoms, and a felt marker pen. I looked at Murphy and grinned.

Jennifer looked at Mom kinda funny, “Why the marker pen, Ms. Meghan?”

“Bobby knows. He’ll show you.” Mom said, and kissed me with her tongue to the back of my mouth, and then she grabbed Jennifer, and sucked her lungs empty. I looked, and Janie, Jen’s Mom, was kissing Jen on the mouth, and they were touching each other, all over. Janie grabbed me, and kissed me, just like Mom had, and my dick jumped against her belly.

Kurt stepped over and grabbed Jen, and lifted her off the ground, as they hugged, and I saw tears in the big man’s eyes, when he set her back on the ground. Kurt grabbed me next, and I thought he was half Anaconda the way he nearly crushed my bones.

“You take good care of our girl, Bobby.” He leaned over and whispered.

I’m about to get ahead of myself, so I’ll tell you all about that stuff later. Right now, Jennifer and me, and the rest of the gang are going down to the lake and swim naked, get some sun, and let Jen, and Jas, meet all the friends we’ve made here.

“So, what do you think of Bobby’s NEW friend?” Meghan asked me.

“I think our son is in love, and hasn’t even realized what’s happened, yet.”

“I do too, Murphy, I know he’s very mature for his age, and since you’ve come into his life, he’s even more mature. I really believe he’s afraid he’ll do something you’ll disprove of; he’s only fourteen, and he wants to be just like you. He already is in SO many ways too.”

“I know you and I bypassed the ‘I like you’ stage and went straight to ‘I love you’, yet he and Jennifer are so young.”

“He wants to graduate in 2 ½ years, you know that. He wants to start a new business, just he and I, and he wants to run it. That’s not the mindset of a boy that’s too young to be in love.”

“I know, and Jen’s smart, way beyond her years, but they both are so naïve about it. I want them to be in love, and I want then to have what you and I have.”

“I want Bobby to be loved, like you love me, Meghan, he deserves it. But we can’t tell him WHO to love, or WHEN to love. If we try to change what they feel in their hearts, right now, we’ll ruin it for them, and anyone else that may be in their lives later.”

“I see your point, Murphy, you always see things the right way, and I want to make things right; I’m with you, we’ll let them love each other, and they can work out the rest. If they need help, they’ll come to us, we know that already.”

“That’s the Meghan I love, now that they’ve all gone to the lake, let’s get that pussy of yours lathered up again.”

“Get your rubber on boy, your ass is mine.” Meghan laughed’ and sucked my dick into her mouth.

“Hello, anyone home.”

“So much for a hot piece of pussy, I’ll get your sexy ass tonight, if I have to throw you over my shoulder, and take you off into the bushes.” I was up, and jerking my shorts on, as Meghan threw her long tail shirt on.”

“Hi, Dave, Gail, come on in.”

“I bet we interrupted you, didn’t we? I’m sorry.” Gail said.

“Don’t be, she was taking advantage of me, back there.”

“Well since we broke up an afternoon quickie, want to have a snort? Gail refreshed the Crown jug population, while they were in town.” Dave said.

“You talked me into it, ‘it’s five o’clock somewhere’.” I sang.

“Oh, Gail, you’re not going to believe what Murphy came up with. He wants to get Alan Jackson, and Jimmy Buffet, here for a free concert, when we have our official re-opening after all the additions and renovations.”

“Wow, that will bring the crowds, what about the nudists?” Dave asked.

“We want to throw the party over on the other side, and if the naked people want to come, they have to cover their butts.” I told them.

“Murphy even wants to have free boiled shrimp, and free margaritas for all the Parrot Heads.”

“Damn, I love it, Meghan, let us know if you get it put together. ‘Margaritaville’, here we come.” Gail said, as she danced in a circle.

“You’ll know, we’re not letting you get that far away from us.” Meghan said.

“We met the new additions to our clan, they both are just darlings, I thought for a while, Bobby was going to have to peel Juli off him, but now she’s all over the new boy, Jason.” Gail laughed.

“Hey, they’re just kids, it’s all fun to them, and they’ll sort it all out.” I told them.

“I agree, Murphy, we’re just going to sit back, and watch them. Juli and Ray know we trust them, and their judgment, if they need us, we’ll be here.”

“That’s exactly what Murphy and I were just talking about, Dave, at least, we know they have responsibility, and good judgment; and they look after one another, even if they are all horny little devils.” Meghan laughed.

“Dave, I need a favor, my brother is coming in, tomorrow late, and if you would, park your SUV over on this side of our bus, so he can get his rig in between our RV, and your bungalow, he’ll be bringing the other bus down like this one.”

“Hell, yeah, what time will they be getting in Murphy?”

“Well, I’m not sure what time they’ll be leaving Memphis. But I don’t expect them until late in the night, unless those girls can convince him to leave early, then it’ll be just before dark when I think he’ll be here.”

“We’ll have it out of the way for them. Gail’s already told me, I could have some of the Mexican pussy, if they offer it. She’s got her eyes set on a couple of these young studs, for a good ride.” Dave laughed, and Gail poked his arm.

“Well, you have to admit, these teenagers are about as exciting to watch, as an x-rated movie, when they all get together, and start with that grinning, and hugging, and kissing, I can’t help it if I get all heated up, watching it.” Gail laughed, and turned red.

“We know exactly what you mean, Gail, they all came over this afternoon, and piled in on Murphy and me in bed, Bobby brought Jen and Jason, right in with them, all naked, then here came your two, and Allisyn, all naked, and we had them all on the bed, at one time. Murphy just sat back, and let them have fun. You know what they told us?”

“There’s no telling what they came up with.” Gail answered.

“It was Allisyn that said it for them, ‘that they loved us for not treating them like kids, while they were trying to be grownup’.”

“Well, it has to be a message in there somewhere, the more we trust them, the more they act responsibly, even if they are naked.” Gail laughed at herself.

“You and Dave have a right to be proud of Ray and Juli, they are very well mannered, and no matter what, they accept the decision of the group, when they all decide what they are getting into next. Meghan and I are very proud of Bobby, also for him being so outgoing, and accepting the decisions of their group, and for accepting new friends inside their little circle. I have to admit, though, if there’s a girl involved, they get in faster.” I told them.

Dave and I were having another round of Crown and Coke, after we had all eaten a mid-afternoon snack.

“Murphy, we saw someone pull in at the trailer over where Bobby said the Allendorph’s are, Gail and I are going over to see if it’s Kurt’s wife, what was her name?”

“Janie is what Kurt called her on the phone. If she’s there, tell her to get naked, and come on over, so Dave and I can look her over.” I grinned and Meghan kissed me, and then raised my dick up to kiss him on the head, She loves us both.

Meghan and Gail came back, in just a few minutes, and they had Janie with them. She was naked, and she was an angel.

I see why Kurt fell on his face, in such a hurry, when he got to know her.

Janie has long coal black hair, and dark eyes, her skin looks like she is permanently tanned, and her smile is so genuine.

“Janie, meet my husband-to-be, Bob Murphy; just call him, Murphy, everyone else does; even the kids, and this is Gail’s husband, Dave.

Of course Dave and I were on our feet, in an instant, as they walked up.

“Hi, Janie, good to meet you, I just met Kurt, this morning, and he told me, you and the kids wanted to come out, and get naked.”

“Hi, Murphy; Hi, Dave, good to meet you both,” Janie smiled.

“I see now, why Kurt is such a happy man, Janie.” I said, as I looked her over, for a small woman, no taller, and no bigger, than Gail, or Maren, Janie had tits as large as Meghan’s, and they were proud to be here too.

“Isn’t she just darling?” Megan asked, as she hugged Janie to her, and their big titty mounds just mashed all into each other, and my dick got hard.

“Thanks, Meghan, when Kurt called me, he told me, that Murphy, had told him, I had to be naked, when I came in the front gate, I thought it was a rule. I didn’t know he was joking. I stopped, and pulled my clothes off, and walked into the office naked. I met Geri, and we talked for a few minutes, and she told me where our trailer was parked, and Murphy’s name came up. Well, I said, yes, that Kurt told me, that Murphy said, I had to be naked when I got here.

“Geri laughed, and told me that was Murphy! I don’t mind though, I love being naked.”

“We love to see you naked, too, Janie. You’ll just fit right in, with us, I am so happy that you let Jason, and Jennifer, come on out, and stay, they’re all down at the lake, somewhere, with Dave and Gail’s kids, and our son Bobby, as well as Allisyn and all the others, that gather around them, when they go to the lake.”

“Yes, they called me, after Kurt had called them; they were so excited, they didn’t even want to wear clothes to get here.”

“Meghan, is Maren still in there, on that computer? She’s been on that thing since she got her programs, to tutor Bobby.”

“Yes, she is, Murphy, go in the bungalow, and make her get her naked butt, out here, she can start on that, Tuesday.” Meghan said, I was already on my way.

“I’ll be right back, if I have to carry her out here.”

“Don’t be surprised if he does, either.” I heard Meghan say.

“Maren, listen to me. You are the best thing that could ever possible happen to Meghan, Bobby, and me. But you need to stop trying so hard. We love you, and we want you to be a part of what we all do, even being naked with friends.

“Now you just find you a stopping place on that thing, and lets go get drunk, and have a good time, and meet new friends, Jerry’s bringing a bus load down from Memphis, and we’re all gonna have fun, these next five days; after that, I expect you to take a whip to Bobby, and make him learn.

“I want you to come out here, have a drink with me, and relax.”

“I’m sorry, Murphy, I’m not normally like this, I am just so excited to be with you, and Meghan, and Bobby, that when I think of all you’ve done for me, I just want to be the best I can, to try and repay you somehow.”

“We don’t need to be repaid. We have you, and that’s enough payment; we know Bobby will learn, and we know you will make sure he has an education, far and above high school level.

“Now just shut that laptop down, until Tuesday morning. There’re a lot of people going to be here, and I want you out there with Meghan and me; I want some more of your sweet pussy too; now come here, and stand in front of me, do you trust me Maren?”

Same as Murphy - 4
Chapter 2 Videos

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Murphy 5Chapter 10

I heard the doors slamming and knew they were back with Jaidyn’s belongings. When I got to the kitchen, they had pulled alongside the back entrance and were all walking in naked with an armload of clothes and a few boxes each. “I’ll get the rest, you can help Jaidyn put her stuff away,” I told them. “This is all I have Murphy,” she said and I noticed she was calling me Murphy like the others now. “I got news for you Jaidyn, by this time tomorrow, you’ll have more than that pickup will...

3 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 19

“Murphy, this is Francine. How are you, you handsome devil? I’ve been trying to call Kelly and Meghan and can’t get them ... where are they?” “Francine, they’ve all gone into town to get new cellphones and new vehicles. We’ve invested in some new businesses here and these are some perks that come with them.” “Well then, don’t tell them I called. We’ll just surprise them when we get there Saturday. Murphy, Jonas and I are so happy, we’ve completely turned the business over. We’re moving in...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 15

My phone rang and I grabbed it. “Murphy here.” “Murphy, Charles Winterford here. Chelsea told me you called back and placed a huge order, man you don’t mess around do you?” “No, we love these first two 800’s and we want to build an ATV trail up here. I asked Chelsea to get you and her mom and y’all come on up tomorrow. We need to have a drink and kick back while we deal you a membership.” “She told me all that Murphy, if you’re serious, we’ll be there early.” “Hell, leave at daylight, we...

1 year ago
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Murphy 3Chapter 2

“Hi Geri; that’s my brother’s name, but I see by your name tag you spell it differently. This is my wife to be, Meghan, my son to be Robby; and this is our home tutor for Robby, Maren; and this is our friend Allisyn, from our neighborhood back home.” “Good to meet all of you, and we’re delighted you’re here. We have organized activities, and sports, going on all the time, if you’d like to check the boards at any time you’re here. We have trail rides each day, or you can go as a group; we...

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Murphy 5Chapter 13

Her swollen, light brown pussy was seeping through her tight lips as I looked down at her. She held out her left hand, with her ring upwards and I kissed her ring and the back of her fingers. I leaned down and kissed her pussy as she bucked her hips up to meet my mouth. “PLEASE, just one kiss there Murphy, you don’t know how much we all want you. I mean all six of us too. We can make love for years to come, fuck me and make us a baby in my belly Murphy. We all want your babies, put one or...

1 year ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 17

When we pulled into the gravel parking lot behind the office, all the others were still sitting around the huge table and in chairs and even on the ground. We parked with our ATVs, backed up to the wall of the office building. I thought maybe Ginger would have lost some of her fire by the time we got back, but she walked right through the crowd over to where Bobby and the Golden Girls were talking animatedly to Meghan, Kelly and Valeria. I stayed a few feet away. This was their show ... I...

1 year ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 12

Meghan and Kelly were sitting side by side, strapped in the co-pilot seat. I went to the back to get a coke. Rico and Luis were lying in the floor naked, sleeping with Leli­a, Tia and Gabriela. They were all worn out, for different reasons though. I called Kurt and told him what I wanted him to do and why. “Damn Murphy, I love it. Those kids have shown me more affection since we all met down here. I just love doing things for them now and Jason loves to come out here on the job with me. I...

2 years ago
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Murphy 2Chapter 5

Monday morning was busy, I fixed Meghan’s and my breakfast, and she was on my cell phone by 8:00, calling the number of a builder Bonnie had given her. She had her first interview with a prospective tutor at 9:00, so she was in a hurry to get as much done as she could. At 8:30 she called the zoning commission about the building we needed, and had that OK’d in a matter of minutes. The doorbell rang and Meghan was on the phone again so I answered the door. “Hello, my name is Anita Blakely,...

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Murphy 4Chapter 4

Bobby and I continued our scouting of the cove. There was something about this little cove that kept me thinking of it. It was only a hundred yards wide, at the widest part, and narrowed down to, maybe, thirty yards at the shoreline. We walked back, along the shoreline, to the main part of the lake, and looked back. I could see the beach from this point, with all the teens, and the younger kids swimming, and playing naked on the sand, and in the water. The adults were either on the beach,...

1 year ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 4

I walked back to my camper, thinking about Ellen, and that healthy ‘softball player’ body; those muscular thighs, and all those fucking freckles; they were just about to drive me fucking crazy thinking about them. I remember reading a story once about a boy and girl. I like remembering stories like that. The girl was virtually covered with freckles and the boy was blindly in love with her. She didn’t see how anyone could love her with all those freckles. They were close and she finally...

2 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 3

So I’m a sucker for a pretty girl that begs me to let her kiss my dick; what can I say? “As soon as it gets dark, will you be alone?” “Not sure yet, if someone else wants to come too, will it be alright?” “All of you?” “Maybe, will that still be alright?” “What will all of you have in mind?” “Tonight, probably just touching it, and kissing it, and getting naked, will that be alright for the first night?” “Yes, maybe better. What about the next night, if there is one?” “I want you to...

4 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 3

We gathered up our towels and oil bottles and headed back to take showers at the public showers again, before going into the condo. On the way back to the condo, I went to the bus and grabbed three legal pads and some wooden pencils. This was going to be fun. When I got to the condo, I had Bobby sit down with me at the table while the others were busy finishing up dinner. The roast smelled good and I was anxious to tear into it. I gave Bobby the size of the bedrooms I’d like to have and...

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Murphy 5Chapter 5

“Do you like Murphy?” “Yes, he is a handsome man and I can see it in his eyes, he is a kind man. I can look at you and Gabriela and see how much you both love him too.” “Will you meet the rest of the family? They will want to hug you and help you too Tia.” “Are you sure?” “Tia, they will all love you, you will see. They’re all beautiful women that just love to help girls that have no home and no job. If you’ll agree to go with us to Florida, we’ll help you become a citizen, that is if you...

4 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 6

Saturday was here, and I was excited. I needed to calm my ass down some, so I decided to go fishing one more time on Sylamore Creek. I walked upstream once again, loaded with plenty of beer, and bait, and my trusty Garcia spinning rig. I rounded the bend past where I was when I called Meghan, and she was in my mind like a warm feeling, as I placed my beer in the water to keep cool. I then baited up with a worm, and some fluorescent orange faux salmon eggs. I had left my phone in the camper...

3 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 2

“Mom, you awake?” Robby asked, as he looked across the small RV to where he saw his Mom lying naked in her bunk, with her back to him. She had kicked the cover off her, and he couldn’t help but look at her dark tanned body. “I’m trying to wake up, Robby. Good morning. Did you enjoy your night?” “I sure did, Mom, did you?” “Yes, I did, as a matter of fact; I met the man next to us in the little pop-up camper, and we drank a few beers, and ate a snack. I really liked talking to him; he lives...

2 years ago
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Murphy and Jack

"Murphy, I can't do this anymore. You disrespecting me is not acceptable. I'm done," I said. "Even once more and I'm gone." We were standing out toward the backyard fence. I'd pulled her there, her resisting, to have it out with her, party or not. This was one time that I wasn't going to be waitin' until we got home, not this time. "Jack, stop being so pissy. It was just a birthday kiss. It's Don's birthday. Everybody gets kissed on their birthdays," said Murphy. Her words made...

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Murphy 5Chapter 14

I pulled my cell phone out and looked at my signal. Full bars. I looked to see if I still had my banker in Marion and my accountant’s numbers stored. I called my banker first and we talked for thirty minutes. He told me I needed to move some of my account balances around, that I was wasting the opportunity to make what little interest there was available. “I thought we’d already done all that.” “Well, we forgot to make sure all your dividends would be roll back into your invested CD’s on...

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Murphy 5Chapter 9

I was just putting their plates on the table when I heard the storm coming down the stairs. I looked at them as they raced into the kitchen and stopped, side by side, smiling up at me. Damn if they weren’t dressed better than I could have done. They both wore plain white tee shirts with no logos, no screened pictures, no nothing. They each wore khaki camping shorts, from Bass Pro Shop, with pockets all over them. They wore a pair of their brown, high top, hiking shoes from Bass Pro also....

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Murphy 3Chapter 4

The next morning, very early, Kelly made a call to her Dad’s attorneys, and they were on the case before the call ended. Meghan and Kelly were worrying and fussing over the two girls, as if they were their own born children, Bobby and his friends took them in, and made sure they were well accepted by the younger crowd, that met at the lake each day for fun and frolics in and out of the water. Just after noon that day, Kelly got her phone call. Meghan and I sat listening as she took the...

1 year ago
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Murphy 2Chapter 3

Meghan was in the kitchen, making salads, when Robby led me back through the maze of rooms to get there, I may need a map until I learn my way around here. “Hi, Murphy, I heard you come in, and knew that Robby had hustled you to get you in your swim trunks.” Meghan said, as she grabbed me in a big hug. She was wearing a pull over shirt, that let the beauty of her magnificent tits show through, and shorts that weren’t even tight but looked so fucking sexy on her butt, I could have taken her...

2 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 5

I woke at daylight, as is my habit now-a-days. I need to break that habit; but I like the mornings, so I just enjoy it. I fumbled in my small duffel bag, and felt for the vest I sometimes wear fishing. Slipping it on, I pulled my cell phone out of the end pocket of the duffel bag, and slipped it into my vest, and snapped the flap closed. I put my shorts back on, that I wore yesterday, and found my wading shoes; I grabbed my worms, and artificial salmon eggs, my spinning rod and reel, and...

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Murphy 5Chapter 8

I stopped at a small supermarket on the edge of town and Kelly ran in to buy some ground chuck and buns, they’d all decided we should try out the new grill accessory we had with the Newell coach. The RV park she had picked was one of the better ones we’d stayed at, there was plenty of afternoon shade and a big playground for the boys, as well as a walking path around the entire grounds. There was a huge private swimming pool exclusively for guests parked in the RV park. We were parked near...

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Murphy 2Chapter 2

I showered and dressed in a white Polo shirt and khaki’s and headed across the river on the I-40 Bridge. Taking the Front Street exit, I drove about six or seven blocks and turned down a street that led to The Pier. I was a few minutes early; but when I parked, I looked up to see Meghan and Robby coming toward me. My heart gave a jump, and a jerk, when I saw her smile. They were both in my arms, as soon as I shut the door, and we hugged like a family. I had never in my life even taken more...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 4

When morning came, I awakened to three of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever been exposed to. I smiled, then I laughed out loud as they all grabbed me and we hugged for the longest time. “Thank you all, I love each of you, I love all of you. I’m the happiest man on earth. “We love your sexy ass too Murphy. Now, you’re the man of the family, you’re the head of the clan, your wives are hungry and we know all your children are hungry also. What are your plans to feed us this morning?” Meghan...

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Murphy 5Chapter 18

I looked up to see Maren, Victoria, Louise, Kathryn, Justine and Christine headed into the bungalow. I knew they were all getting hungry. I guess they’ll eat a brunch, since it’s past breakfast. Lisa, Jackie and Jaidyn took Iris with them into the bungalow also. While everyone that hasn’t eaten earlier ate brunch, I walked over to talk with Harry. He’s about my height, a lot heavier and true to his name ... hairy as hell. He’s about Old Man’s age and very tanned all over. His hair on his...

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Murphy 5Chapter 6

While we were dressing, Bobby called information, got the name of a shuttle company and ordered us a shuttle van to meet us here at 11:00 and take us to the border. We ate our breakfast at the cafeteria near the mall, then went back to wait for the shuttle to take us to the border. Juan Rodriguez was the driver and we found out he owned his own shuttle company, with three shuttles to shuttle tourists to and from the border. Bobby and Tia sat in the front seat with him and I heard them...

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Murphy 3Chapter 6

“Yes, I can, and I’m not offended. The first few times we fucked, I was sore; but I just love him, and his big dick now.” “Did you see the way Ray just stripped off naked, and is walking down the path beside Allisyn? Its like he has known them, for ever; I hope Bobby isn’t jealous.” Dave said. “Oh, don’t worry, Bobby and Allisyn are friends, they have sex with each other; but they also fuck others. She is four years older than him. We told Bobby, that as long as the girl says, yes, and, as...

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Murphy Carol The Party

Carol bit her lip as she felt her body sway in the car seat. She wore big, dark sunglasses, but they were only to hide the 'x's of electrical tape that sealed her eyes shut. In darkness, she became sensitive to her own body, feeling it push and swing against the seatbelt as Murphy drove her to their special night out. "Almost there. You nervous?" Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder. With a smile, she nodded. "I'm excited, though. You've been planning this a...

4 years ago
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Murphy 3Chapter 5

I could really get used to this, waking up to the smell of breakfast each morning. When I had staggered to the bathroom and made my bladder happy, I went to the kitchen to see Maren, Bobby, Allisyn and Vicki cooking breakfast. “Morning Murphy, sit down and I will pour your coffee.” Vicki said, she talked slowly, and deliberately, and though her words were drawn out, she was just barely lisping. “Put the coffee put on the table, and sit in my lap Vicki, I want a big hug,” I told her, and she...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 7

This girl had no clue just how many clothes a person her age can really own. She’s about to find out. It may take a month, but she’ll have enough clothes in her closets to outfit an army of girls. When we were all dressed and the ‘wild ones’ were ready to go, we headed down to meet our shuttle. The vote was once again Mexican food and we chose the Casa Rio Restaurant, since we’d enjoyed their food the last time. Gabriela was the leader of the pack as she told Leli­a and Tia±a all about last...

4 years ago
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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as Net Nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...

2 years ago
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Murphy 4Chapter 5

Mom, Dad, Maren, and Kelly walked down the beach to the east, now, I had waited for a while, and finally gave up on Chelsea coming out to meet me. I was walking west, not in any hurry, just thinking of our stay at the resort, picturing in my mind all the changes that were taking place, and seeing the place when it was completely finished. I wished I could be naked, as I walked in the late evening sun, but there were still a lot of people out, mostly couples, now as the Moms and Dads, with...

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Murphy 4Chapter 6

We all took a shower and for the first time in a long time, we slept naked and didn’t even make love. As much as I like making love to each of them, and as much fun as we have fucking like wild animals, I like sleeping naked next to the ones I love, just as much. Bobby and I woke up as the sun shone through the east window. He and I both drank a cup of coffee from the small pot in the room as we sat on the balcony overlooking the river a few blocks away. Maren came out a few minutes later,...

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Murphys Romance no not the Sally Field movie

There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...

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Murphy Bed Magic

She watches his silhouette through steamy glass, taking his enticing measure, as he manipulates warm suds against his undulatory locomotion, his torso's repetitive wavy gestures mesmerizing. His forward, then backward undulations give away his masculine needs. She aches to touch, to be touched, then acts upon her own needs while observing carefully his thrusts. Unable to stand the tension any longer she rises up, her robe falling open, as she knows he's peering at her as well. She hears him...

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Murphy Bed Magic II

A more bilateral approach becomes imperative, especially after your own warm, soft, and now quite wet hand slips under my robe to join my own knowledgeable digits along my pulsing length, with a mingling of our slickness reasoned by nature to be the more perfect by unification.You're drawn to engage your heightening senses more fully, my understanding complete.  A swift desire to install by imitation, my own warm strong and likewise wet hand, (to meet one of your own) directs my next move. I...

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Murphys Law

Husband has the worst day of his life."If anything can go wrong-It will."Not only that, "Everything goes wrong all at once."************************************************************When I woke up this morning, I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to be anything but another good day in this wonderful life of mine. Boy was I ever wrong.By the end of the day, it would turn out to be the worst day of my life.My name is Stony Adams. I am a 48 year old engineer with an electrical design...

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Murphys Romance no not the Sally Field movie

There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...

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Little Ones Secret Memories Part 1

Feel as you will – Think as you may. This is my story. Judge me not for writing – Judge yourself for reading. This is MY story. This story is written by me. This story is written as I remember my life. I am a woman. This is my story. What you will find if not in this segment, in some segment of this story: Older men, young girl(s) – Beastiality - First time – Pregnancy – Exhibitionism – Voyeurism – Public Places -...

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After The Divorce Male Multiple Orgasms

I knew the coming discussion would change my life, yet I debated with myself whether it was for the better or worse. My wife decided that we could not live together anymore and filed for divorce. The court served papers on me today.In recent weeks, maybe the past three months, one of my neighbors, single and in her early 30s, spends a lot of time helping around the property and helping with garage sales. We enjoy having dinner together, having a couple beers or glasses of wine together. We have...

1 year ago
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Hot Night In A Train With Aunty

Guys I don’t know how hot this story is,this is my real story,nothing made up.Also a warning this has some weird fetish too. Well I was traveling from chennai to Mumbai in ac compartment.It was the first time ever I had seat at the end of bogey where only two berths were present,lower and upper berth at one side only. I had the upper berth.I was just fearing if the lower berth person will be a talkative person and ruin my journey because I usually time pass with my laptop and if there are four...

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Fucking The Electricity Board Aunt

Hi I’m Mathen. I have read many stories in iss and I wish to tell my experience. It happened in my 18. I’m living in a place little like village in Trichy. Let’s come to the story. One fine I was preparing for some internal examination as my parents were out of station I was left alone in home. I use to masturbate once in a day watching porn movies as I have a lot with me. As I was alone, I was watching some porn stuff in my mobile. Meanwhile I was rubbing my penis. Due to regular masturbation...

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The Great DepressionChapter 7

A few months after her husband's death, Elizabeth had sold Sara, their horse. Sara was worth much more than the meager twenty dollars that she got for her, but she needed the money and had no choice on the matter. She tried to sell the carriage along with Sara, but Mr. Golden who bought the horse was not interested in the carriage since he already had one. From that day on, Elizabeth and her son had to walk whenever they had to go to Norwidge. But the town was just half a mile away and a lot...

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Teen Love Part 1

Ding dong! The doorbell rang when I was downstairs. I knew my sister would answer the door. Sarah, my sisters friend was coming over for a sleepover. Our families were very close and she was constantly over at our house. I got off the couch and went upstairs to find my sister at the door letting Sarah inside. Man she was hot! She was very short and skinny, only 95 pounds. She had beautiful tan skin, small breasts, and perky little ass. Sarah had dark brown eyes and even darker hair....

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Becoming a Career Sissy Maid

I have been submissive for as long as I can remember. Growing up I adored my mother and would watch everything she did around the house. Eventually I would help her with more and of the cleaning, cooking and laundry. She playfully called me her maid when I was helping her and I began to refer to her as Ma'am. When I was 13, we decided that I should go to a friend's Halloween party as a French Maid. For some reason this really excited me! My first masturbation fantasy was imagining...

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mother and son made to fuck

I have posted a few stories of how a son, desperate to fuck his mother, has a Horney friend act like he is breaking in to steal some jewels, but ends up stripping the mother and son stark ass naked, gives the son a viagra and shoves his face inbetween his mothers legs and when his cock gets good and hard, he makes mom suck on every inch, till she gags. I usually come all over the keyboard before the intruder makes the son fuck his own mother. So much to my surprise when I had a new friend from...

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Honeymoon in Paris

I find myself sitting alone in a café waiting for my wife to reappear. Although we had been together for a year, and had already established the sort of relationship it was to be, we had now taken the plunge and got married. During the ceremony, when we promised to foresake all others, etc., I had given her a big wink which she returned. That was not for us! And now we were on our honeymoon in Paris. It had taken us no time to find out that there were other things to do than visit...

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A Well Deserved Reward

This was a fantasy that I dreamed up for myself a while ago. Tell me what you think! ,) AT ST. GEORGE HIGH School, Jeremy, a junior, stayed at school late for his photography club meeting. By the time he got out it was 6 o’clock, sighing because he had probably missed his ride home he walked the halls searching for a bathroom before begging a ride from someone. He noticed that the principal was walking around too, obviously making sure no one was in some dark corner fooling around. As he was on...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 135 Still Welcome To Tour

Warren and Sophia joined the tour in New York City. All of their friends were happy to see them. They met with Ted Kantor, who ran the tour. "Two slots, one before and one after intermission. That OK?" "That's fine," Sophie told him. "I must admit, I'm a bit surprised. Sixth place at Worlds and we get two slots?" she laughed. "Oh, to hell with that," Ted said. "You're former world champions, you're three-time national champions, and we all know that that sixth place was a...

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BurrChapter 29 The Talk

When we got home we put Suzanne's car in the garage. I handed the keys to her and thanked her for letting me drive. The way I said it, "Suzanne, thank you for letting me drive your car," made her blush for some reason. I was coming to realize that I would never understand women, but I was starting to think I had some mystical power over her. Suzanne, who normally was in control of any situation acted like a schoolgirl around me. She praised me for the little things I did, such as holding...

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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 10

I had apparently blacked out. I was still in Wizen's room. He was absent, but across the room, facing away from me, was someone else. From the long blonde hair pulled back and twisted into a plait, I guessed it was a woman. Her silver-grey robe was similar to the one Wizen always wore. I cleared my throat and she turned to face me. She was pretty, perhaps my age or even younger. But the expression on her face was one of sadness. Her mouth was so tight and her eyes so dull that I couldn't...

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Bangalore House Owner 8211 Part 2

Hi all, sorry for the late update. I was little disappointed with no girls or aunties reply. However I was busy in fucking a girl from tirupathi.. I recently met her in Accenture interview. We met there exchanged our nums and I am a good at chatting so.. I got that girl in my hands within 4 days. I fucked her nearly 20 times.. Not continues.. And now she gone to tirupathi for marriage proposal.. I am alone again. Hmm by the way I am middle at explaining my story with my Bangalore House Owner ,...

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Three Square MealsChapter 110 All encompassing and obscuring

John watched the last of the prisoners file out of the dreadnought and into the morning sunshine, their hands raised to shade their eyes against the brightness. Nearly a thousand Terrans had gathered outside the crashed Kirrix capital ship, appearing shocked and relieved that the worst of their ordeal was now over. His eyes were drawn to a statuesque woman approaching him, her white armour sparkling in the sunlight as she weaved her way through the crowd of Terran civilians. She paused for...

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Mom8217s Hunger Towards Sex

Hi, guys, I’m new here, myself dev and I have a lesbo friend but I’m not a lesbo sorry, I’m a boy and this story was one of my friend she asked me to upload this story as she fears about privacy. This story will be narrated in tamil so some boys and girls can enjoy tamil readers enjoy this and give me a feedback to Idu oru real story nu solalam en friend enkita sona ava husband died before 4years apo avanga son oru 13 age dha .(im narrating as she does) na oru middle class family enaku oru...

2 years ago
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Team Photos 3 Caitlyn

Introduction: Caitlyn gets some of Lauren Team Photos 3 Caitlyn What was that? I was still riding the waves of bliss after cumming so hard, but I could swear that I saw the bathroom door closing. Did Alex just come in? Was he watching me? That dirty perv! Cant a girl get off in private? I didnt know whether to be disgusted or turned on. I loved showing off and exposing myself to Lauren, but this was different, it was Alex. I didnt want him, I wanted my sweet, innocent little sister. I...

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Private Gina Gerson Submissive Blonde Teen Likes Anal

The stunning blonde teen Gina Gerson returns in My Personal Plaything and ready to do what she loves most, anal. Tied to the bed and forced to submit to whims of Jolee Love, Gina must fuck her man, Jason Steel. Watch as she gets started with a nice sloppy blowjob, deep throating, gagging and getting things wet and ready for a rough pounding. Then she gets exactly what she’s been craving, a hard anal fuck, watch as Gina puts that ass to work, riding, moaning and screaming all the way until a hot...

3 years ago
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Cousin Ko Kali Se Phool Banaya

Hi Doston mera naam Deepak hai main Chandigarh ka rahne wala hun main ISS ka bahut bada fan hun aur maine ISS ki almost sari stories padi hain isliye aj mera bhi man hua ke main bhi apna expeirnec share karu ye kahani meri aur meri Cousin ke bare me hai. Yahan main apni cousin ke bare me bata du uska naam shivani hai who thodi sanwli hain par uske features bahut ache hain aur uska figure to kisi ko bhi mast kar dene wala hai. Ab main seedhe kahani par aata hun. Ye aaj se 2 saal pahle ki baat...

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