Murphy 4Chapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
My phone rang and I grabbed it.
“Murphy here.”
“Murphy, Charles Winterford here. Chelsea told me you called back and placed a huge order, man you don’t mess around do you?”
“No, we love these first two 800’s and we want to build an ATV trail up here. I asked Chelsea to get you and her mom and y’all come on up tomorrow. We need to have a drink and kick back while we deal you a membership.”
“She told me all that Murphy, if you’re serious, we’ll be there early.”
“Hell, leave at daylight, we get up early.”
“See you in the morning Murphy, my wife Sandra is standing here smiling, she and Chelsea are ready to get naked right now.”
“Tell them to be naked when they come through the gate or the guard will kick them out.”
“I’ll tell them, thanks for the order Murphy.”
When the women came back I caught Meghan and Kelly and called a little meeting of my six Murphy Women. When we were together, I told them about the Winterfords coming tomorrow and asking Kurt and Janie over for steaks and drinks.
I told them we’d have a lot of fun this weekend, so be prepared. Of course that had just the affect I wanted it to have. The all begged me to tell more.
When our meeting had broken up, Victoria caught my arm and pulled me over to the side. She grabbed my neck and pulled me down for a kiss.
“Murphy, I need a favor,” she said.
“Whatever it is Victoria, you got it.”
“Louise and I really like each other and she wants me to sleep with her and Olmon tonight, well, more than tonight.”
“Victoria you are your own person, you don’t have to ask my permission for that. I like both of them and I’m sure they’ll wind up being a part of the big family we’re planning here. Olmon is a fun, happy man. I really like him and I know he’ll make sure you’re treated with respect.”
“Murphy, Louise wants you to fuck her sometime, her daughters told her about you fucking them last night and she was having a fit to get some of your cock too. I may have added to it a little. I told her you could reach places in a woman even her doctor didn’t know about.”
“Victoria, have fun. Don’t forget about me and Bobby.”
“I’ll never forget you and Bobby, I’m carrying your babies and I just want to be with Louise. We really like each other a lot.”
“I approve Victoria, now forget it, it’s a done deal.”
“Thanks Murphy, I love you.”
“I love you too, Victoria,” I grabbed her and kissed her as she held me tight. I spanked her on her sexy butt, she laughed and skipped away, to run over to Louise.
I watched as they pulled Olmon up from his lounge chair and herded him off to the side. They were both talking, Victoria and Louise both had their hands on his waist as they talked. They all laughed, then with a big smile, he grabbed Victoria and hugged her voluptuous body. Louise turned his head to face Victoria, he kissed her and they all hugged.
I like that Old Man, he needs some more women though. He’s surrounded by his naked daughters and grand daughters, but he needs more women like Victoria.
I made up my mind right then, I’m going to drown his ass in pussy.
When the sun was just about down and the lights came on, Old Man and I started the big grill and cooked what looked to be close to fifty burgers. Damn, I counted and there were thirty two of us here now, in what I had already come to think of the Clan. I knew Kurt, Janie and Jason would be here this weekend.
We have more coming this weekend too. Charles and Sandra Winterford, will be here tomorrow, with Chelsea. Damn, just wait until Bobby sees her. I hope we can work out a way for her to be here, Bobby needs more women.
Harry Schoen, his girlfriend Ivy and his daughters Mallory and Meredith will be here Sunday. Early I hope. I wonder if Mallory and Meredith like hung young studs like Bobby. Hell, I’ll help that along if need be.
There was someone else and I forget who. Now I remember, it was Robert, the John Deere salesman and his girl friend.
I thought of Rico and laughed out loud as the others looked over at me. Old Man, poured me another drink.
MAN-O-MAN-O-MAN, I love this shit.
I handed my spatula and apron to Old Man.
I went right then and found the wild bunch. I’ve been so busy today, I’ve neglected them.
“Papa Murphy, did you come to play with us?” Rico yelled as all four of the naked ass little whirl winds came running to me.
“I sure did, come over here to this shed, I’m going to show you something and I want all of you to keep it a secret, just between us. Got it?”
“Yeah, we like secrets Papa Murphy,” Luis said as they gathered close.
“We do too Papa Murphy, don’t we Lilly?” Jessie agreed.
“We sure do, hurry and tell us Papa Murphy, we’re excited,” Lilly said as she backed up and sat on my knee as I squatted down to whisper to them.
“Jessie, you and Luis open the door to the shed, be real quiet and don’t say a word when you see what’s in there either,” I said as I pointed to the wooden door.
“MAN-O-MAN-O-MAN,” Rico said as they all ran to the small Polaris ATVs. These were a smaller version of the one I rode today, made just for kids. Well maybe a little older kids than these, but I’d help them learn safety. Maybe I can get Chelsea to help me.
“Papa Murphy can we ride them, are they ours?” Luis asked.
“Yes, they belong to you, I want the four of you to learn all about them. I want you to promise Papa Murphy that you’ll be careful and never act foolish on them. We’ll take them for a ride tomorrow early, just don’t tell anyone. This is our secret, remember.”
“We’ll keep it a secret Papa Murphy, can I drive one too?” Lilly asked as she stood on the seat where she had been sitting and hugged my neck.
“You sure can. If all of you will learn to be careful and not drive too fast, I’ll even get two more and you’ll each have one.”
“Wow Papa Murphy, we love you so much. You just know all the good things we like.” Rico told me.
We all hugged, shook hands and swore to our secret, then closed the door.
The burgers were ready and the kids’ plates were waiting for them on the picnic table as all four little naked asses ran to eat.
When we had eaten and cleaned up the area, all the women wanted to go for a swim in the lake. We took the kids and headed that way. They were running and screaming like wild animals as we all ran to the water.
I looked over to see Old Man, Louise and Victoria all huddled together. I knew he was about to get his dick twisted half off by Victoria.
Bobby and his girls all swam out to the diving platform where the lights shone in the water. They dove and swam and played in the water as Meghan, Kelly, Valeria and my new Murphy Women stayed with me. Joe and Krissy were with Geri and Maren. Meghan nudged me as she saw Krissy lead Geri around to back up against Joe as he stood in waist deep water.
Damn, I’m proud of Joe. I’m proud for Geri too. I’ll tell her tomorrow that she and Joe get a raise and tell her to put Krissy on the payroll too.
Kelly and Meghan pulled me over to the side as the Herman sisters and their daughters all played with the little wild ones.
“Murphy, Daddy called while we were in town, it’s a done deal,” Kelly said as she hugged her big brown titties to me on one side and Meghan on the other.
“Great Kelly, does that mean he and Francine will be here soon?”
“Yes, they’ll come here next week some time, then ride down to The Keys with all of us in the two new coaches, I’m so excited. I told him about the one Jerry had coming. He promised not to let it out.”
“Murphy, that’s not all she wants to tell you either, this will make you wish she and I could fuck you right now,” Meghan told me.
“I already wish for that. I still want us to take a trip, when we have settled down some. Maybe a three day with all of our Murphy Women, down to the beach.”
“Murphy, there’s a lot more women lined up, wanting into the exclusive club known as Murphy Women.” Kelly said.
“Really?” I grinned.
“You know dang well there are, there’s nine right here in this group that already worship you and they just met you yesterday,” Meghan said and bumped her pussy against my hip.
“What are we going to do about all of this?”
“We’re going to fuck them and knock their sexy asses up with babies and have a really big houseful of Murphy kids,” Meghan told me.
“You two better be sure about this, Old Man has all but given his blessing for this to happen.”
“Louise has too, they want their daughters and grand daughters to be so happy here, they’ll never leave,” Kelly told me.
“Well, just so you two will know and you can tell the others, so we don’t have secrets, no one but the little wild bunch and me that is. I have some guests coming this weekend and I have some surprises that will make you want to forget the doctors orders and give me some pussy.”
“WHAT Murphy? You know Kelly and I can’t take that shit when you pull your surprises like you did with the rings.”
“You’ll just have to wait. Speaking of rings, I need to get Zales online and order some more hardware,” I laughed.
“Murphy, I’ll tell you my secret, if you’ll tell us yours,” Kelly said as she nuzzled my neck and rubbed her pussy on my other hip.
“But I have lots of secrets and lots of surprises to spring on all of you.”
“Tell us a big one, Kelly is dying to tell you this,” Meghan laughed.
“Do either of you really know the reason Old Man is here with us?”
“Well, they like being naked, and bought a membership,” Kelly said.
“Well, that’s sort of true, but there’s way more than that. He and I made a land deal, we are now the proud owners of the thirty five hundred acres he once owned as well as that huge lake back there. Kurt and his brother are getting ready to remove that big dam and reconnect the two lakes. There’s already an air strip back there that will soon be repaved. Its more than long enough to land your corporate jet on, or any other shuttle jet. We’ll have connections to the local airports.”
“OH FUCK YESSSssssssssssssssssssssss. GOD, we love you Murphy. I could fuck you right now, if our babies weren’t at risk.” Kelly said as she lifted her legs and rode my hip with her pussy.
Meghan was all over me too, she was crying and fucking my hip with her pussy.
“Well, there’s more, but you wanted a really big one and I was about to tell you both about that deal anyway,” I laughed.
“We don’t care, we love your sexy ass anyway Murphy. Kelly you tell him what Jonas told you today,” Meghan grinned.
“Murphy, do you remember when you and Meghan bought all those shares in our company when you sold out?”
“Yes, I was thinking about that when Jerry told me what Jonas had done for him.”
“Well, listen to this. You, Bobby and Meghan EACH own close to a hundred thousand shares in the new corporation. That’s besides all the sales we’ve generated with River Silver Manufacturing. Daddy told me that you and your partner in that corporation, were about to be approached by the same investors that just bought us out. Murphy, you’re going to have more money than you ever dreamed just from that deal.”
“Damn, really?”
“Yes, really, now tell him about the stock we own Kelly.”
“Well, the stock just split two for one, for the second time since we all bought in and that’s when the investors went into a bidding war for our corporation. That’s how you, Meghan, Bobby and the bunch at Marion wound up with a hundred thousand shares each.
“The shares are now worth forty nine fifty a share as of today at closing and going up like crazy with the news of the pending buyout.”
“Damn Kelly, I’m proud of you and Jonas. Now, we can all live here and not worry about anything for ever.”
“I know, Meghan and I are thinking about setting up trusts for each of the Murphy women and Bobby’s girls too. We need to make sure they have their share. Meghan even suggested we set up a huge trust and as each baby is born, we automatically start a trust for them.”
“Great, I want to do that too. I know some more young people I’d like to track down and help out too. Meghan, you remember those girls at the river when we met, and the girl at the campground store with all the freckles?”
“I sure do, they were having so much fun and I remember you telling me they watched as you bent my ass over and fucked me that first night we met.”
“Hell, it was either fuck you or get raped.”
“Well, we both loved it and look where we are now. I love you Robert Murphy the second. Now tell us what you have in mind, I know Kelly and I will love this, if it involves bring those cute young girls down here to live.”
“Well, like I said, I have a lot more ideas that I’ve already put into place and you’ll see them all in the next day or so. We’ll need more help and we need smart, pretty young girls that will bring us lots more business.”
“How many girls are you talking about?”
“Six more.”
“Fuck, I love this. Do Kelly and I get to help you and Bobby knock them up?” Meghan laughed.
“If they come here, we’ll be sure we’re there when they get their little bellies full of Murphy seed,” Kelly said.
“Where do they all live now Murphy? We want to start now and bring them here.”
“Yeah, tell us and Meghan and I can hunt them down, if need be,” Kelly agreed.
“I’ll get the names and numbers off my phone tomorrow and give to both of you. I think it would be fun if each of you told them who you were and asked them to come down to work. Some if not all are still in school, so we’ll offer them the same thing we did Jaidyn and pay for their education.”
“We need to find us a law student, we’re going to need one in the family,” Kelly laughed.
“We’ll do that too, I bet if we tell our girls what we need, they’ll come up with someone they think will fit in here,” Meghan said.
“Now that we have that all agreed on and we know we’ll never have to worry about money for the rest of our lives, we need to talk to you about Kathryn, Christine and Justine,” Kelly said.
“OK, I hope there’s no problems.”
“Well, the only problem you have is fucking all nine of them. They asked us three times today if we were sure we didn’t mind and what you’d think of them if they wanted your baby,” Meghan told me.
“Yeah and we told them over and over that we loved them already like sisters and we hoped they would live here and raise their girls and their families,” Kelly added.
“Kathryn told us, that all the girls wanted to fuck you, with no rubber. They want to stay here and raise their babies on the resort. That was when Kelly and I decided we needed to do something for all of them. We want them to have an active part in running the different parts of the resort, we want all our family to have a vote in our plans. We want to go public with our stock and we want each of them to own equal shares of stock.” Meghan said.
“But you and Kelly bought the place, you can’t give up your ownership.”
“We’ll each retain twenty five percent, we’ll have it drawn up so family members can only sell stock back to the corporation, not to an outsider, or to another family member. That way, there’ll never one person trying for a hostile takeover, when were gone,” Kelly told me.
“I talked to my accountant today, he’s running the numbers on us going public. He said we could get our initial investment back in ten years and still retain controlling stock. I like your ideas too. I think we could offer a certain number of shares to each lifetime membership, that way, we’ll have a lot more members paying annual dues, to cover expenses.”
“Damn, I like that idea too Murphy, we need to have a corporate meeting as soon as Jonas and Francine get here. Kelly, we need to know when Jerry and the Three Amigos will be here so we can include them,” Meghan added.
“I agree, I’ll get with daddy, I know he’ll be busy for a week, but he and Mom are planning to come here as soon as they can. His lawyers can come here with any documents he needs to sign. He already knows Jerry is leaving, they have a young man with a family, transferring in Monday to train with Jerry for a few days, then they’ll be here. I’ll find out for sure. Damn Meghan, I can’t wait until those sexy ass Mexican girls get here,” Kelly laughed.
“I love that Mexican pussy too and we both know Murphy loves it,” Meghan laughed.
“Yeah and we’ll all be able to fuck again by then too. I just love this shit,” Kelly laughed.
We rounded the wild bunch up and told Joe and Krissy we would take care of them tonight so they could have some time to themselves. They smiled at Geri and Maren as they walked toward their bungalow.
“Old Man, I’ll meet you here at 6:30 in the morning, we have four little wild asses we need to take for a ride,” I told him as he, Louise and Victoria walked by.
“I’ll be here, Robert will probably come out with the truck that delivers your equipment and he’ll be early too.”
“What equipment?” Meghan asked and smiled at Kelly.
“Just some tools I bought today, to help work around here.”
“Oh, we thought you were buying real equipment,” Kelly laughed.
We all went through the big showers on the way to our beds for the night. Luis, Rico, Jessie and Lilly were excited to be spending the night together again. I don’t think it’s sunk in, that they’ll see each other every day from now on and will one day, run this place themselves. This will be fun, teaching them all to get along or have to face the wrath of the others.
Hey, I like that shit too, we’ll call it Murphy’s Law. When one of our members gets crossways, or out of line, they have to go before all the members of the family and have their punishment handed down.
Damn, I’ll have to tell Old Man about that, he’ll love it too. He and I can sit down one day and come up with a creed for all the kids to live by. Shit, if it wasn’t so late, I’d get his ass out and have a drink. Damn, I bet he’s fucking Victoria about now.
Lucky bastard. Just wait, I’m going to fuck his daughters and grand daughters and knock them up too. I’ll give him one more chance to tell me no, before I do.
“Murphy, are you all right? You sure are mumbling over there,” Kelly laughed and snuggled her pussy up behind me. Rico, Lilly, Jessie and Luis wanted to sleep next to me so we could all get up early. Damn, Meghan, Valeria, Jaidyn, Shawna and Linh are on the other side of Kelly.
There’s three available pussies over there and I’m not getting any. Hell, these kids need me too.
I woke up at 5:30, just like always and as soon as I hit the floor I went to go pee. The three boys were right beside me as we peed a three way pee into the commode. I looked back and Lilly was grinning as she waited her turn.
“Put the lid down Papa Murphy,” she grinned and hopped on the pot.
Damn, I guess they come here knowing that phrase.
I fried all of us some eggs, bacon and made toast. I was drinking my coffee when Old Man came in and got a cup.
“I thought I smelled bacon, I’m glad you get up early, I can come over and eat with you, until we get our furniture delivered, then you can come eat with me some,” he laughed.
I put more bacon on and took two more eggs out.
“Murphy, do you go along with what the women worked out yesterday?”
“You mean about Victoria and Louise wanting to sleep together?”
“Yeah, that and the part about my daughters.”
“Well, they told me what your daughters told them, if that’s what you mean.”
“Yeah, them girls came to me as soon as they got back from town. They told me they wanted you.”
“Old Man, I told you yesterday that I never wanted anything to come between us, if you think this will, we’ll put a stop to it now.”
“Murphy, my girls want you, hell my grand daughters want you too. I want them to have the best, I just want you to treat them as good as you do all your women.”
“Then its settled?”
“As far as I’m concerned it is. Are you happy with all that?”
“Old Man, I may act like a fool at times, but that’s just an act. I’m no fool.”
“I knew you’d let them have their way, thanks Murphy.”
He and I helped the naked wild bunch with their plates then ate our breakfast. The four kids gobbled theirs down and ran to brush their teeth.
They were back, standing by the back door with their hands on their hips, looking at us.
“Lets go ride some,” Old Man said and they nearly tore the door off the hinges as they ran out.
I’d found a piece of one inch board that had been cut about a half inch thick and a foot long. I grabbed that and a roll of black electrical tape I took out of Joe’s tool box.
When we got to the tool shed, I opened the doors and turned the lights on. I broke a short piece off the strip of wood and slid it under the throttle pedal. I checked the travel of the pedal and slid it in lower, then taped it to the pedal with about twenty wraps.
Old Man had seen what I was doing and had the second piece of wood broken when I was through with the first. When I had them both blocked to a slower speed, we rolled them out of the storage shed and got the two 800’s out too.
The kids had their asses in high gear before we even got them strapped into the seats with the racing harnesses. I was glad I thought to have four youth helmets sent with them when I ordered them.
“OK kids, here’s what we’re going to do, Old man is going to lead, I’ll bring up the rear. Since Luis and Jessie are the oldest, they’ll start out driving. Don’t be upset, all of us will have fun and get plenty of driving time in. We’ll make plans now to do this each morning we can.
“Look men, here’s the starter, as soon as the engine starts, let off the starter. Make sure its always in neutral when you start the engine, see this light? Now start your engines.”
They started with a roar as both fired off at the same time, I listened to the engines rev up and knew we may be a little slow, but that was fine for the first day.
“Here’s the gear shift, keep it in low range, see the L marked here?”
“We see it papa Murphy.”
“Now, here’s the brake pedal on the floor, put your foot on it and see how it feels. Got it?”
“Yeah, we got it, we’re ready.”
“Listen to me, if you think you’re about to run off the trail or turn over or you’re not sure about what’s happening, just stop and turn the engine off, until you ask about it. OK?”
“Watch Old Man’s brake lights, when he hits his brakes in front of you, his lights will come on real bright, you hit your brakes and slow down, don’t stop unless he does.”
“We got it,” Jessie said, as he buckled his helmet.
“If all of you learn to ride and learn to handle the ATVs really good and listen to Old Man and me, we’ll get two more and all of you will have one. You understand?”
“Yes, we understand.”
“Good, if you mess up, it’s gonna be just that much longer before we get two more.”
“We’ll do good Papa Murphy,” Lilly smiled and I wish I had a camera right then, I’ll have to remember to bring one tomorrow.
“Head’em up, move’em out Old Man,” I said as he fired his machine off with a roar. I watched as the two boys started theirs, then started mine.
Old Man and I both wore our helmets, we can’t expect them to learn if we don’t set an example.
It was only 9:00 when we walked back up the hill to the bungalow. I saw a big SUV turning in the main gate and watched as it slowly came our way. I saw the sign on the door, ‘Polaris’. Damn here they are and I don’t see Bobby ... this may be my best one yet. I’d love to get Chelsea to walk naked down to the lake and stand on the beach. DAMN. She jumped from the SUV before it even stopped and ran for me. She was naked. Meghan and Eden were talking, they didn’t see Chelsea until she was...
I heard the doors slamming and knew they were back with Jaidyn’s belongings. When I got to the kitchen, they had pulled alongside the back entrance and were all walking in naked with an armload of clothes and a few boxes each. “I’ll get the rest, you can help Jaidyn put her stuff away,” I told them. “This is all I have Murphy,” she said and I noticed she was calling me Murphy like the others now. “I got news for you Jaidyn, by this time tomorrow, you’ll have more than that pickup will...
“Murphy, this is Francine. How are you, you handsome devil? I’ve been trying to call Kelly and Meghan and can’t get them ... where are they?” “Francine, they’ve all gone into town to get new cellphones and new vehicles. We’ve invested in some new businesses here and these are some perks that come with them.” “Well then, don’t tell them I called. We’ll just surprise them when we get there Saturday. Murphy, Jonas and I are so happy, we’ve completely turned the business over. We’re moving in...
“Hi Geri; that’s my brother’s name, but I see by your name tag you spell it differently. This is my wife to be, Meghan, my son to be Robby; and this is our home tutor for Robby, Maren; and this is our friend Allisyn, from our neighborhood back home.” “Good to meet all of you, and we’re delighted you’re here. We have organized activities, and sports, going on all the time, if you’d like to check the boards at any time you’re here. We have trail rides each day, or you can go as a group; we...
Her swollen, light brown pussy was seeping through her tight lips as I looked down at her. She held out her left hand, with her ring upwards and I kissed her ring and the back of her fingers. I leaned down and kissed her pussy as she bucked her hips up to meet my mouth. “PLEASE, just one kiss there Murphy, you don’t know how much we all want you. I mean all six of us too. We can make love for years to come, fuck me and make us a baby in my belly Murphy. We all want your babies, put one or...
When we pulled into the gravel parking lot behind the office, all the others were still sitting around the huge table and in chairs and even on the ground. We parked with our ATVs, backed up to the wall of the office building. I thought maybe Ginger would have lost some of her fire by the time we got back, but she walked right through the crowd over to where Bobby and the Golden Girls were talking animatedly to Meghan, Kelly and Valeria. I stayed a few feet away. This was their show ... I...
Meghan and Kelly were sitting side by side, strapped in the co-pilot seat. I went to the back to get a coke. Rico and Luis were lying in the floor naked, sleeping with Lelia, Tia and Gabriela. They were all worn out, for different reasons though. I called Kurt and told him what I wanted him to do and why. “Damn Murphy, I love it. Those kids have shown me more affection since we all met down here. I just love doing things for them now and Jason loves to come out here on the job with me. I...
Monday morning was busy, I fixed Meghan’s and my breakfast, and she was on my cell phone by 8:00, calling the number of a builder Bonnie had given her. She had her first interview with a prospective tutor at 9:00, so she was in a hurry to get as much done as she could. At 8:30 she called the zoning commission about the building we needed, and had that OK’d in a matter of minutes. The doorbell rang and Meghan was on the phone again so I answered the door. “Hello, my name is Anita Blakely,...
Bobby and I continued our scouting of the cove. There was something about this little cove that kept me thinking of it. It was only a hundred yards wide, at the widest part, and narrowed down to, maybe, thirty yards at the shoreline. We walked back, along the shoreline, to the main part of the lake, and looked back. I could see the beach from this point, with all the teens, and the younger kids swimming, and playing naked on the sand, and in the water. The adults were either on the beach,...
I walked back to my camper, thinking about Ellen, and that healthy ‘softball player’ body; those muscular thighs, and all those fucking freckles; they were just about to drive me fucking crazy thinking about them. I remember reading a story once about a boy and girl. I like remembering stories like that. The girl was virtually covered with freckles and the boy was blindly in love with her. She didn’t see how anyone could love her with all those freckles. They were close and she finally...
So I’m a sucker for a pretty girl that begs me to let her kiss my dick; what can I say? “As soon as it gets dark, will you be alone?” “Not sure yet, if someone else wants to come too, will it be alright?” “All of you?” “Maybe, will that still be alright?” “What will all of you have in mind?” “Tonight, probably just touching it, and kissing it, and getting naked, will that be alright for the first night?” “Yes, maybe better. What about the next night, if there is one?” “I want you to...
We gathered up our towels and oil bottles and headed back to take showers at the public showers again, before going into the condo. On the way back to the condo, I went to the bus and grabbed three legal pads and some wooden pencils. This was going to be fun. When I got to the condo, I had Bobby sit down with me at the table while the others were busy finishing up dinner. The roast smelled good and I was anxious to tear into it. I gave Bobby the size of the bedrooms I’d like to have and...
“Do you like Murphy?” “Yes, he is a handsome man and I can see it in his eyes, he is a kind man. I can look at you and Gabriela and see how much you both love him too.” “Will you meet the rest of the family? They will want to hug you and help you too Tia.” “Are you sure?” “Tia, they will all love you, you will see. They’re all beautiful women that just love to help girls that have no home and no job. If you’ll agree to go with us to Florida, we’ll help you become a citizen, that is if you...
Saturday was here, and I was excited. I needed to calm my ass down some, so I decided to go fishing one more time on Sylamore Creek. I walked upstream once again, loaded with plenty of beer, and bait, and my trusty Garcia spinning rig. I rounded the bend past where I was when I called Meghan, and she was in my mind like a warm feeling, as I placed my beer in the water to keep cool. I then baited up with a worm, and some fluorescent orange faux salmon eggs. I had left my phone in the camper...
“Mom, you awake?” Robby asked, as he looked across the small RV to where he saw his Mom lying naked in her bunk, with her back to him. She had kicked the cover off her, and he couldn’t help but look at her dark tanned body. “I’m trying to wake up, Robby. Good morning. Did you enjoy your night?” “I sure did, Mom, did you?” “Yes, I did, as a matter of fact; I met the man next to us in the little pop-up camper, and we drank a few beers, and ate a snack. I really liked talking to him; he lives...
"Murphy, I can't do this anymore. You disrespecting me is not acceptable. I'm done," I said. "Even once more and I'm gone." We were standing out toward the backyard fence. I'd pulled her there, her resisting, to have it out with her, party or not. This was one time that I wasn't going to be waitin' until we got home, not this time. "Jack, stop being so pissy. It was just a birthday kiss. It's Don's birthday. Everybody gets kissed on their birthdays," said Murphy. Her words made...
I pulled my cell phone out and looked at my signal. Full bars. I looked to see if I still had my banker in Marion and my accountant’s numbers stored. I called my banker first and we talked for thirty minutes. He told me I needed to move some of my account balances around, that I was wasting the opportunity to make what little interest there was available. “I thought we’d already done all that.” “Well, we forgot to make sure all your dividends would be roll back into your invested CD’s on...
I was just putting their plates on the table when I heard the storm coming down the stairs. I looked at them as they raced into the kitchen and stopped, side by side, smiling up at me. Damn if they weren’t dressed better than I could have done. They both wore plain white tee shirts with no logos, no screened pictures, no nothing. They each wore khaki camping shorts, from Bass Pro Shop, with pockets all over them. They wore a pair of their brown, high top, hiking shoes from Bass Pro also....
The next morning, very early, Kelly made a call to her Dad’s attorneys, and they were on the case before the call ended. Meghan and Kelly were worrying and fussing over the two girls, as if they were their own born children, Bobby and his friends took them in, and made sure they were well accepted by the younger crowd, that met at the lake each day for fun and frolics in and out of the water. Just after noon that day, Kelly got her phone call. Meghan and I sat listening as she took the...
Meghan was in the kitchen, making salads, when Robby led me back through the maze of rooms to get there, I may need a map until I learn my way around here. “Hi, Murphy, I heard you come in, and knew that Robby had hustled you to get you in your swim trunks.” Meghan said, as she grabbed me in a big hug. She was wearing a pull over shirt, that let the beauty of her magnificent tits show through, and shorts that weren’t even tight but looked so fucking sexy on her butt, I could have taken her...
I woke at daylight, as is my habit now-a-days. I need to break that habit; but I like the mornings, so I just enjoy it. I fumbled in my small duffel bag, and felt for the vest I sometimes wear fishing. Slipping it on, I pulled my cell phone out of the end pocket of the duffel bag, and slipped it into my vest, and snapped the flap closed. I put my shorts back on, that I wore yesterday, and found my wading shoes; I grabbed my worms, and artificial salmon eggs, my spinning rod and reel, and...
I stopped at a small supermarket on the edge of town and Kelly ran in to buy some ground chuck and buns, they’d all decided we should try out the new grill accessory we had with the Newell coach. The RV park she had picked was one of the better ones we’d stayed at, there was plenty of afternoon shade and a big playground for the boys, as well as a walking path around the entire grounds. There was a huge private swimming pool exclusively for guests parked in the RV park. We were parked near...
I showered and dressed in a white Polo shirt and khaki’s and headed across the river on the I-40 Bridge. Taking the Front Street exit, I drove about six or seven blocks and turned down a street that led to The Pier. I was a few minutes early; but when I parked, I looked up to see Meghan and Robby coming toward me. My heart gave a jump, and a jerk, when I saw her smile. They were both in my arms, as soon as I shut the door, and we hugged like a family. I had never in my life even taken more...
When morning came, I awakened to three of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever been exposed to. I smiled, then I laughed out loud as they all grabbed me and we hugged for the longest time. “Thank you all, I love each of you, I love all of you. I’m the happiest man on earth. “We love your sexy ass too Murphy. Now, you’re the man of the family, you’re the head of the clan, your wives are hungry and we know all your children are hungry also. What are your plans to feed us this morning?” Meghan...
I looked up to see Maren, Victoria, Louise, Kathryn, Justine and Christine headed into the bungalow. I knew they were all getting hungry. I guess they’ll eat a brunch, since it’s past breakfast. Lisa, Jackie and Jaidyn took Iris with them into the bungalow also. While everyone that hasn’t eaten earlier ate brunch, I walked over to talk with Harry. He’s about my height, a lot heavier and true to his name ... hairy as hell. He’s about Old Man’s age and very tanned all over. His hair on his...
While we were dressing, Bobby called information, got the name of a shuttle company and ordered us a shuttle van to meet us here at 11:00 and take us to the border. We ate our breakfast at the cafeteria near the mall, then went back to wait for the shuttle to take us to the border. Juan Rodriguez was the driver and we found out he owned his own shuttle company, with three shuttles to shuttle tourists to and from the border. Bobby and Tia sat in the front seat with him and I heard them...
“Yes, I can, and I’m not offended. The first few times we fucked, I was sore; but I just love him, and his big dick now.” “Did you see the way Ray just stripped off naked, and is walking down the path beside Allisyn? Its like he has known them, for ever; I hope Bobby isn’t jealous.” Dave said. “Oh, don’t worry, Bobby and Allisyn are friends, they have sex with each other; but they also fuck others. She is four years older than him. We told Bobby, that as long as the girl says, yes, and, as...
Carol bit her lip as she felt her body sway in the car seat. She wore big, dark sunglasses, but they were only to hide the 'x's of electrical tape that sealed her eyes shut. In darkness, she became sensitive to her own body, feeling it push and swing against the seatbelt as Murphy drove her to their special night out. "Almost there. You nervous?" Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder. With a smile, she nodded. "I'm excited, though. You've been planning this a...
BDSMI could really get used to this, waking up to the smell of breakfast each morning. When I had staggered to the bathroom and made my bladder happy, I went to the kitchen to see Maren, Bobby, Allisyn and Vicki cooking breakfast. “Morning Murphy, sit down and I will pour your coffee.” Vicki said, she talked slowly, and deliberately, and though her words were drawn out, she was just barely lisping. “Put the coffee put on the table, and sit in my lap Vicki, I want a big hug,” I told her, and she...
This girl had no clue just how many clothes a person her age can really own. She’s about to find out. It may take a month, but she’ll have enough clothes in her closets to outfit an army of girls. When we were all dressed and the ‘wild ones’ were ready to go, we headed down to meet our shuttle. The vote was once again Mexican food and we chose the Casa Rio Restaurant, since we’d enjoyed their food the last time. Gabriela was the leader of the pack as she told Lelia and Tia±a all about last...
Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as Net Nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...
Mom, Dad, Maren, and Kelly walked down the beach to the east, now, I had waited for a while, and finally gave up on Chelsea coming out to meet me. I was walking west, not in any hurry, just thinking of our stay at the resort, picturing in my mind all the changes that were taking place, and seeing the place when it was completely finished. I wished I could be naked, as I walked in the late evening sun, but there were still a lot of people out, mostly couples, now as the Moms and Dads, with...
We all took a shower and for the first time in a long time, we slept naked and didn’t even make love. As much as I like making love to each of them, and as much fun as we have fucking like wild animals, I like sleeping naked next to the ones I love, just as much. Bobby and I woke up as the sun shone through the east window. He and I both drank a cup of coffee from the small pot in the room as we sat on the balcony overlooking the river a few blocks away. Maren came out a few minutes later,...
There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...
She watches his silhouette through steamy glass, taking his enticing measure, as he manipulates warm suds against his undulatory locomotion, his torso's repetitive wavy gestures mesmerizing. His forward, then backward undulations give away his masculine needs. She aches to touch, to be touched, then acts upon her own needs while observing carefully his thrusts. Unable to stand the tension any longer she rises up, her robe falling open, as she knows he's peering at her as well. She hears him...
SeductionA more bilateral approach becomes imperative, especially after your own warm, soft, and now quite wet hand slips under my robe to join my own knowledgeable digits along my pulsing length, with a mingling of our slickness reasoned by nature to be the more perfect by unification.You're drawn to engage your heightening senses more fully, my understanding complete. A swift desire to install by imitation, my own warm strong and likewise wet hand, (to meet one of your own) directs my next move. I...
SeductionHusband has the worst day of his life."If anything can go wrong-It will."Not only that, "Everything goes wrong all at once."************************************************************When I woke up this morning, I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to be anything but another good day in this wonderful life of mine. Boy was I ever wrong.By the end of the day, it would turn out to be the worst day of my life.My name is Stony Adams. I am a 48 year old engineer with an electrical design...
There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...
MILFAuthor's Note: This story is a direct continuation of My Girlfriend's Penis. I recommend that you read that story, first. "What the fuck?!?" I exclaimed for the second time that morning. Where were my cock and balls? My penis wasn't huge, but I had always been proud of it. I continued to stare down at my body. There, below my flat chest and toned abs where my penis should have been, was a hairless mound. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, but the view hadn't changed when I...
Just a Lust Slut by sanboa I had studied Japanese throughout my college years and wanted to put it to good practical use. Like many others who have an interest in Japan and East Asia, I went there to teach English for a couple years. The bubble economy had just popped and things there were getting a little bit tighter than they had been. Companies and individuals were not paying as much for little extras like English lessons. But I still had to pay huge amounts for food and...
Early in the morning, Mike gets up as quietly as can, showers, shaves, and dresses in a suit and tie. Chuck and Lynn are intertwined on the bed. He goes downstairs to make some coffee before heading out. Waiting for his coffee to brew, he is surprised when his wife enters the kitchen wearing her short robe. It is partially open displaying the curvature of her breasts and light triangle. Fuck, he can’t believe how horny he is knowing she is going to fuck his buddy some more.He holds her close...
CuckoldJessie almost immediately came down the staircase, looking as if she had rushed all the way from the upstairs study room since she still had her reading glasses on, and gave her husband a big hug of greeting as soon as he closed the front door behind him. “Welcome home, Carl!” She smiled as she continued with her embrace, clearly very happy to see him. “Glad to be back.” Carl let out a light chuckle as he tried to hug her back, only that the paper bag full of groceries in his right arm...
Nasty Boy/Lovely Girl Part 2 By Wendy Wendy's punishment for the next two weeks was very intense. I could not begin to write a detailed synopsis of each and every event and humiliation which Wendy had to endure. But I will try to give the reader some of the high lights, or low lights from Wendy's perspective, which might be of most interest to the discerning and interested reader. The first events which I will recount...
There is magic in the world. Narnia was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the magic that a wardrobe or closet can do. You find yourself directly in the crosshairs of such a magical encounter. Whether malicious or benevolent, that is up to you... This is merely the introduction to a much more interesting tale. (Dear reader, if you like this story and any of its chapters please remember to take a second to click "Like". It only takes a second of time and really helps motivate every...
FantasyAbigail Mac is at her desk working when her boss, Sinn Sage, comes by asking for reports. Abigail tries her best to keep things professional as Sinn leans against her chair and compliments her outfit. Abigail’s uncomfortable but accepts the compliment, although it’s when Sinn asks her to stand up so that she can get a better look that Abigail draws the line. Sinn pouts as she’s denied, lamenting that Abigail’s no fun. As soon as she leaves, Abigail grabs the phone and...
xmoviesforyouLooking at Samantha, I still thought she was too desirable for her own good.All she had left on after Peter had finished with her was a pair of high heels. I walked over to her and kissed her full on the mouth, teasing her just a little with my tongue.‘I think, maybe, it’s my turn now, Sam…’Sam looked at me, and swallowed. I grinned wickedly back at her. I was intending to enjoy this, and take full advantage of the submissiveness she’d admitted to me only yesterday!‘Get back on the bed, slut....
FemdomIt was now 6 weeks after Kim's first session with Maarshi. She knew at the time it would be a life changing event for her and so it turned out to be. After the first session of Magarshi style white wife taming, the scene was set for him to dominate her. And dominate he did. After the first time Magarshi told Kim he would be seeing her daily for a few weeks. Kim didn't feel she could argue this point after what had happened and even if she did it would have been pointless. This was a man that...
EroticAfter all my classes were over on my first day of classes I had to visit the bathroom on my way back to my dorm. I had been holding it in for a while so I could make it to my own restroom. I was pushing the door open when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw Steven, “I know some freshmen like making a name for themselves in the first few days of classes but I don’t think going into the girl’s bathroom facilities would be a good way to make a name.” He pointed down...
Well the moment of truth came about. Brad told me his Dad & uncles were coming to visit. I knew that he was suspicious about my being pregnant again, especially after during the time of the month I was most fertile I was visiting his Dad. But I thought maybe it’s for the best. Well the day came. Brad had arranged for the k**s to stay with his Mom and then, Doug, Uncle Cal & Uncle Ben arrived. What was a surprise was my husband; Brad also invited my Mom, Maureen over. I was seated on one...
Copyright© 2001-2003 There once was a gaucho named Bruno, Who said, "About sex, well, I do know, Sheep are just fine, Chickens, divine, But iguanas are Numero Uno." It was a simple question but I felt my heart pounding in my chest and froze with a stupid open-mouthed gaze. Mom looked from grandmother, her mom, to me and back again. My frozen stupidity only lasted a mere couple of seconds but it was long enough for me to realize that mom knew something was wrong. For two...
Let me set the scene.My living room has two windows,one on one side and one on the front with the front door and porch.I never close my curtains because I don't care who looks in even if I am naked.The young men in my neighborhood have frequently gotten some nice peeks.This one morning I was sitting on my couch, which faces the front window, with my bath robe hanging open and masturbating with my Magic Wand.I was just finishing my second orgasm when I saw a figure in the window.It was a young...
"Just what do you mean Friday night's orgy is cancelled? You know very well that Connie looks forward to it, in fact it's almost the highlight of her week." "Just what I said pop, Saturday is the culmination of almost two months preparation and we need an early start because Anne and Meredith have to meet this Bristoll at six-o-clock. Then when they go we follow two hours later." "What do you mean we? Connie and I aren't going to follow, I mean we've had nothing to do with this...
Some background: My name is Suman. We are a married couple in our 40s. We were virgins on our wedding night, but we have always had a good marriage and healthy sex lives. As years passed and the world changed, we also changed. We saw some of our friends and relatives in different relationships. Even though a couple of our friends hinted at swapping, nothing came of it. We used to discuss it and shared our fantasies about it. When we traveled for holidays, we would sometimes arrange for massages...
This is the conclusion to Grace and Lucas’ story. I hope you like it. As always, your comments are always valuable. Enjoy * Lucas again avoided Grace as much as he could. He could tell she was mad at him for walking out but he needed to sort out his feelings. He owed her that much. His sister had called telling him that she was coming for a visit. He was thrilled, he missed her since she and her husband moved. They weren’t that far but work and other commitments meant they didn’t see each...
For no particular reason, not one that I consciously admit anyway, I've always thought that the name Yvonne was erotic. It conjured up thoughts of a femme fatale, a siren calling ancient seafarers to her rocky shores, a temptress flitting behind a sheer veil. Then the Yvonne of my masturbatory dreams walked into the used bookstore that serves as my cunt web. Not that I ever managed to get enough use of that back room with the bed; most of the time, I had to flog Peter The Great something...
or "Filling This Most Perfect Cup" "Bless me, Father, for I have s-sinned. It has b-been three months s-since m-muh..." and that's as far as I got. I started crying uncontrollably. "Child, what is it?" Father McGuire's concerned voice came through the screen. "Nothing's so bad that it can't be corrected, especially with God's help." "Oh, Father," I cried, "nothing will help. I've prayed and prayed, and it's still the same." "Tell me, child, what is it?" "It's my...
Suddenly I woke up. My hand slipped to his thigh. A large rod warm. I side the bed sheet & to my believe it was my son. He was fully naked. The penis was fully erected & standing. He was smiling. I suddenly hug him & kiss him. Lips with lips a warm timed kiss. I was excited. He was expecting me & mastrubating. Let me cool. But he was warmed & not in a mood to leave me. His hand was holding me tightly. I simply let him to fulfill his desire. The desire of every men & women. The sex. Every one...
IncestJess let out her breath in a small grunt as she put down her box. Her boyfriend Kyle, coming in behind her, sc****d the door frame slightly as he side-stepped into the small dorm room carrying a box of his own. He put it down heavily on the tiny bed and turned to the love of his life. Jess smiled at him as he approached. "Thanks for helping me move in, honey," he said. Kyle put his arms around Jess's waist in a loose embrace and let his forehead rest against hers, a small smile on his face....