Murphy - 2Chapter 5 free porn video

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Monday morning was busy, I fixed Meghan’s and my breakfast, and she was on my cell phone by 8:00, calling the number of a builder Bonnie had given her. She had her first interview with a prospective tutor at 9:00, so she was in a hurry to get as much done as she could.

At 8:30 she called the zoning commission about the building we needed, and had that OK’d in a matter of minutes.

The doorbell rang and Meghan was on the phone again so I answered the door.

“Hello, my name is Anita Blakely, and I’m here to see Ms. Robertson about a tutoring position.

“Come on in, Anita, she’s on the phone right now, but she’ll be right with you.”

Anita Blakely was a tall slender girl, with shoulder length light brown hair. She looked fit, and healthy, and had a nice smile. I led her to the kitchen table, where we had all of Meghan’s notes and pads.

When Meghan got off the phone, I took it, and walked over to her desk with her legal pad, she was using to record all the calls. I didn’t want her to have to be interrupted as she interviewed Ms. Blakely.

I took four more calls about the tutoring position, and one from the builder Meghan had talked to. I gave him the address of Henry’s place, and told him to measure the big shed there, and give us an estimate. He said he’d call us back, before noon, and if we let him have the bid, he could start the first of next week, and he’d handle the building permit, and builder’s insurance.

Of the four calls, there was one that wanted an interview after they heard the requirements.

I walked over, and sat down at the table to listen to the conversation between Meghan, and Ms. Blakely.

“So we could possibly be gone for a month at a time?” She asked Meghan.

“Yes, I am sure there will be times when we will be gone that long, if not longer. I would rather tell you that, than you think it would be just a weekly trip or two a month.”

“As much as I need the job, and as much as I would love to travel with you, I just can’t at this time. I’m helping my sister take care of our Mom, she’s confined to a wheel chair, and one of us has to be there or be able to go at a moments notice. I really wish I could, but I just can’t put all this on my sister.” She said.

“I understand, Anita, I’ll keep your number, and if something should come up, I’ll give you a call and see what your situation is then, and you keep my number, and call me if things change. We need to hire someone ASAP, and I think you would fit right in with us.”

“Thank you both for letting me interview, have fun in your travels.” She said, as she got up to leave.

“Well, she would have been a good tutor, and she was very polite, and Robby would have liked her looks too. Maybe we will find someone that won’t have any previous obligations.” Meghan said.

“We will, Meghan, you’ll see. I talked to the builder you called, and he’s going over to Henry’s, to take the measurements, and call with a bid. He wants the job, and he’ll take care of the permits and insurance, and can start a week from today.”

“Good, if he gives us a fair price, we’ll let him do it, we need it built, and both RV’s parked, so we can pack one, and hit the road.” Meghan smiled, and kissed me.

“Have the kids even been in the house, today?” I asked.

“Not that I’ve seen; they usually raid the kitchen, as soon as they come in, they’ll be in here before long, just let them play and have fun.”

A few minutes later Robby, and his two concubines, came in sleepy eyed, and smiling.

“Morning, Mom, morning, Murphy.” Robby kissed each of us, on the cheek. He was wearing a pair of his red silk looking boxers, and the boy looked good. He was really filling out in his upper body, and the sun was doing wonders for his color.

“Morning, Ms. Meghan, Murphy. We sure did sleep well in the big bed, last night.” Kasey said, as she bent to kiss Meghan on the cheek, while Lydia kissed me, with a quick but lingering kiss on the lips. I looked at Kasey, and she was naked under her t-shirt. I raised Lydia’s shirt and she was too.

They both smiled at me, and went with Robby to take a shower.

“They are going to fuck you, Murphy; you know that, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t know that.”

“Well, just be ready, because they are feeling their sexuality now, and they love the way you pay attention to them.”

“What are we going to do about it?”

“We are going to have fun watching you fuck their sexy little asses.” She grinned.

“You amaze me, Meghan.”

“I love you unconditionally, Murphy. I want you to never regret meeting me, loving me, or marrying me. I know you have been a bachelor all your life, and you like pussy. I want you to love me, and make my pussy happy. Let me get you some fresh pussy for you, because I love you.”

“How can I refuse an offer like that; what will it cost me for the added benefits?” I smiled.

“Just a good licking, and never go behind my back.”

“I would never do that, no matter who it is.”

The kids all ate sausage and biscuit sandwiches, and Pop-Tarts, and drank juice, for breakfast. As soon as they had cleared their mess from the table, they were right back in the RV again. They took Robby’s Game Station and other electronic devices out, to hook them up on the big flat screen TV.

Meghan and I ate a light lunch, and at 1:00 I answered the door again.

As soon as I saw her, I knew she was the one.

“Hello, I am Maren Eriksson; I called about a tutoring position.”

“Yes, Maren, I am Murphy, come on in and meet Meghan, she will interview you,” I said as I looked this girl over.

“Meghan, this is Ms. Eriksson. Ms. Eriksson, this is Meghan Robertson.”

“Hello, Maren, such a pretty name, and you look stunning.” Meghan was immediately taken by her looks.

“Thank you Ms. Meghan I would really like to know about the position. My Father told me to take the job, and travel with you, and see America.”

“Well, sit down, and we’ll go over all the details, and you can decide if you like what we have to offer. If you do, and think you would like to travel with us, as a member of the family, we would love to have you.” Meghan was as awed as me.

“First of all, Maren, are you involved with someone that will want you home more often than we can get back here?”

“No, Ms. Meghan, I have broken up with my boyfriend, and I am ready to move on with my life. I knew when I saw the ad, that I needed this. When I talked to you about it, and you told me you would be traveling most of the time, I knew I had to have this job if I could possibly get it.”

“Call me, Meghan, and this is, Murphy, which is actually his last name. Murphy, and I will be married in a month, or so, and we want a baby as soon as we can.

“I’m sure you saw the big RV out front, we just bought that one, and another like it; we will be going to Biloxi, Mississippi, for Labor Day, with friends, we want our tutor to be with us.

“The tutor position will start ASAP, and will be for four years until Robby, our son, graduates. We would like to keep the same person all the way through if that’s possible. Could you stay with us that long, if you are hired?”

“Yes, I would love to travel, I have never been in but three states in my fourteen years here in America, and I watch the travel channel, and all the Discovery shows, to learn more. I love it here, and I would love to swim in the ocean, and see the mountains.”

“Maren, Murphy and I like you. Could you teach a fourteen year old boy, that is just now exploring his sexuality? He has two sixteen year old girlfriends with him in the bus now.”

“If you are asking if I would be able to handle him, yes I can. I have had my internship as a substitute teacher, in the more undisciplined schools, in Memphis and I have handled the young men older than Robby’s age.”

“Good, I have one more very important question for you, and I hope you’re not embarrassed, when I ask you.

“Are you offended by nudity? our family and friends dress only when we are required to; and we would much rather be naked than clothed, even our son and his friends.”

“My family and I are the same way, and at home we are hardly ever clothed, or wearing very little, if we are.”

“If you took this position, you would be living with us in the close confines of the bus you see out there; would you be offended if you saw Murphy and me making love?”

“Not at all, Meghan,” She smiled at Meghan, then at me.

“Would you be willing to take a drivers test, to get a Class B CDL to be legal to drive the RV, or would you not feel comfortable driving such a big vehicle?” I asked her.

“I have never driven something as large as the bus you have, but if you could teach me, I would be willing to take the drivers test.”

“Murphy can teach you and me at the same time, I need to learn to drive it as well.” Meghan said.

“Maren, would you like to have the position as tutor, and our family traveling companion.”

“Oh Meghan I would love it, would it pay my expenses when I am traveling with you?”

“Maren, we would want you to live with us here, when we’re in Memphis, as well as on the road, all your expenses will be included, as well as all medical, and liability insurance.

“When we are in Memphis, you may visit your parents any time you’re not schooling Robby. You will not be our maid, or cook, or servant. We will ask that you do your part, as we all do; here, and in the bus.”

“Would I have my own bed when we travel?”

“We have the master bedroom, which is where Murphy and I will sleep. The other bedroom will be Robby’s and his friends. There are six large bunks as well, you will have your pick of those.

“When we are home, you will have your own room and private bath, and the run of the house and gardens.”

Maren sat and looked at Meghan then at me as she seemed to be considering the details. I watched as she pushed her chair back and walked to Meghan. She leaned over, and whispered in her ear, as she looked at me.

Meghan smiled, and stood to hug her. Maren grabbed her like a long lost friend, and they held each other for a long time.

Meghan pulled back from their hug, and held Maren by her shoulders then kissed her on the cheek. “Go tell Murphy, what you just asked me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, ask him, you will see that he will be your best male friend, ever.” Meghan told her.

Maren came around to me, and I stood up to see what this was all about.

“Murphy, if I get homesick being away from my parents, may I come sleep with you and Meghan, some times, if it hurts really bad?” She looked up and me, with her big blue eyes, and I felt like I had a daughter. Then I looked at her body, and didn’t want her to be my daughter.

“You can sleep the first night with us if you like. Meghan and I love each other unconditionally. If you won’t be embarrassed to wake up and see us making love, you can sleep with us any time,” I told her, and she really hugged me now.

Maren was as tall as Meghan, and very athletic; not in the sense that Ellen in Mt. View was, but athletic as a tall young girl, that swims and exercises regularly.

She was wearing a button up blouse, and a short skirt just a few inches above her knees. If her skin wasn’t naturally dark toned, she sure got a lot of sun.

Her hair was lighter than either Lydia’s or Kasey’s, and I knew by looking that it was natural.

She had nice size breasts, and a nicely rounded butt, and hips to match, not wide, but very appealing, and very sexy.

“When may I move in, and start?” She asked, as she held on to me, and laid her head on my shoulder, looking at Meghan.

“You are on the payroll as of now, if you accept the job. We’ll pay you $38,000.00 a year with $200.00 a week cash for spending money, in case you need it. That will be strictly for YOU; all your expenses, no matter how small, or how large, will be paid by us.”

“As long as you live with us, and tutor Robby; as we travel, we will buy your clothes, just as we would buy our own. If you like I can call my investment broker, and have him set up an investment fund, and deposit your salary direct.

“You can move in today, if you like. I’ll help you, and we can get those three horny kids, to dress long enough to help us.”

“I never thought I would make this kind of money at my first job out of college, the $200.00 a week sounds like a lot of money to me.” She laughed.

“I would love to move in today, Meghan. My parents have gone to Nashville, for the week, to visit Mom’s ailing Aunt. I told them that if the job was available, and attractive, I was going to accept it.”

“Good, you call your parents now, and tell them you are starting today, and we are going to help you move.” Meghan said, as she handed Maren the phone.

“Murphy, hand me your cell phone, I am going to call the paper, and cancel that ad. We need to call all those that have already called us, and tell them the position has been filled.” Meghan said, as she was dialing.

While Meghan took Maren on a tour of the house, I started making calls to those that had already called about the job. I got a lot of disappointed responses, and one very upset young lady that cussed me out for not at least letting her interview.

I felt bad, but when Maren walked into the house, Meghan and I, instantly knew she was the one; and she was. The more we knew about her, the more we liked her, and the more comfortable she became with being around us.

Meghan took her out to the bus, and I followed just to see her reaction to seeing the three teens naked; they were all sitting cross-legged on the floor, naked, and laughing, as they played the video games.

When Meghan introduced Maren to them, each of them jumped up to hug her. She hugged them back, like it was natural to hug a naked person; I did see her take more than a glance at Robby’s young dick that seemed to always be either as hard as a railroad spike, or in an at-ease position, but never flaccid.

Robby looked at me, and gave me a thumbs up behind her back, with a big smile.

Robby, Lydia, and Kasey, took over then, and showed Maren the bus, and explained it all to her.

“I really like the big bed in the master bedroom,” Maren smiled, as she came back.

“You’ll learn to like it even more after you’ve slept in it a few times.” Meghan said, and they both grinned.

“The other bus has a waterbed in the master bedroom.” I told her, and smiled.

“Wow, I’ve never made love in a water bed.” Maren said, and looked at Meghan, as if, maybe, she had said something wrong, then the two of them burst out laughing.

I hugged and kissed Meghan, and the kids, then hugged Maren, too, before I left for Marion. They were going to take my pickup, and move Maren’s belongings over to our house, and I was going to drive Meghan’s SUV to the office.

I noticed Maren’s small late model Subaru in the drive, and told Meghan to ask Maren if we could buy her car, to pull behind the RV.

I was on cloud nine, and it was caught in a whirlwind. I called my accountant and told him I was planning to sell out, and asked him for the amount we owed on the business.

He told me we owed two more payments of $5,000.00, each, and it would be free and clear. We still had five more years of depreciation yet to go, and my home and property was paid off last June.

Damn, I was better off than I thought. I thought I owed more on the business, but I know I paid a lump last year, to keep from paying taxes, too.

I called the bank, and told them to make a withdrawal on my personal account, and pay the business off, and mail the papers to my accountant.

I asked them where the deed to my property was, and they told me they had mailed it to me when it was paid off. Damn, I’ll have to find that in the office, now.

When I got to the office, Jerry caught me up on all that had gone on that morning, and we talked over the business, and what we needed to take care of now, before it was turned over to the new owners.

I called Harry Silverstone, and told him about the buy-out of my business, and the deal we got for the new cookers. Harry was screaming at the top of his voice, when I told him we got 8 million, and he still owned the company, and manufacturing rights.

“Jerry, there’s something I want to give you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did; the only things I want out of it, is my fishing tackle, and I’ll come back in my pickup and bring some help to load it all.” I told him when I had found the deed to my home, and land, and handed it to him.

“What’s this, Murphy? You’ve done enough already. DAMN Murphy, you can’t do this! Hell, you paid a fortune for that house and land.” He was in total shock.

“It’s paid off, free and clear; and I can do what I want with it. I want to give it to you.”

“Murphy, damn it all,” He stopped in mid-sentence, and smiled, then hugged me; he knew it was no use saying more.

“Now you have a place to call home. If you happen to get married one day, you can live without worrying about a damn thing for years to come.

“And speaking of getting married, Meghan and I are going to ride down to The Keys, about Thanksgiving weekend to see Mom and Dad, and we will be getting married on the beach; we want you, Karen and Gloria and Angelina to go with us, our treat.”

“Murphy, you amaze me, and I have known you for twenty years. Meghan must have more money than you do.”

“She does.”

“Damn. Thanksgiving, huh? We can shut down Wednesday, and be back on Monday, that will give us five days.”

“That’s what I was thinking; with you, Maren, Meghan, and me driving, we can drive the 1200 miles in less than 24 hours.” That will leave us three days to get married, get naked, and get some sun.” I laughed.

“Who is, Maren?”

“Oh she’s the fulltime, live-in tutor, we hired this morning. She will live with us, and travel with us, so Robby can get his education and be with us as we travel.”

“Damn Murphy, this shit is wilder by the minute. Hey, I just thought of something, Gloria and Angelina both have their Class B CDL’s; hell, they can drive that big bus too, that will give us six drivers, two hundred miles each.”

“You start making plans and tell The Three Amigo’s to get ready to party.”

“That’s over three months, but we have a lot to get done here, with the sale of the business, and the other stuff we’ll have to take care of.” “We’ll tell Kelly, and Jonas, what we’re going to do, they’ll agree; it’ll only be one extra day, we always close on Friday after Thanksgiving anyway.”

“Murphy, when are you going to start living in Memphis?” Jerry asked.

“I started Friday night, I’ll go by, and get most of my clothes, and other things. I’ll be back, and get the rest and my fishing gear one day this week. Move your stuff that you want to keep over, and give what you don’t want of yours and mine, to Gloria, and Angelina, I’m sure they’ll be buying a home now.”

“Hell, I’ll get them to help me move today, all I need is my clothes, they can have the furniture, and appliances, I may ask Karen to move in with me, Murphy; we really get along, she told me about you two. I told her that was before we met, and we agreed that we wanted to see if we feel the same for a few months, before we talk serious.”

“Hell, Jerry, ask her to marry you, and we’ll have a double wedding. Mom and Dad would be hollering grand kids, before we leave there.”

“Murphy, do you really think she would marry me?”

“Hell; don’t ask me, ask her.”

Jerry looked at me for a few seconds, then walked to the warehouse door, I saw him wave, and then step back inside the office.

Of course all three came into the office and we all hugged, and laughed, and talked, ‘bout all that was happening. Angelina told me they had sold their old car to their cousin, for $300 dollars, and now had more money than they ever had in their lives.

Jerry took Karen’s hand, and led her to his office, and closed the door.

“What’s that shit about, Boss?” Gloria asked with a worried look.

“He’s going to ask her to marry him when we all go down to see Mom and Dad at Thanksgiving. Meghan and I are getting married while we’re there.”

“Damn, Murphy, are you really getting married? And Jerry, too?” Angelina asked, and they both jumped me for some more hugs and congratulations.

“Yes, I’m marrying Meghan on the beach at Mom and Dad’s, and we’re all going down for five days, well, it’ll take us a day there, and a day back, but we’ll be partying all the way there, and back.” I told them.

“Damn, I know you, Murphy; I bet all of you will party naked then.”

“You just think you know me. Both of you are going too, and we’ll all party naked.”

“OH FUCK, MURPHY; are you serious? We can go too? On that big bus, Jerry told us about?”

“Yes, you can drive a truck can’t you?”

“Yes, but we never drove a bus.” Gloria said.

“I’ll teach you, on the way; they all drive the same; you just have to swing wider when you turn.”

“Fuck, Gloria, we’ve never been to Florida, we’ll have to buy some of those tiny ass bikinis to wear.” They were already planning the trip.

We all heard the scream, and then the door opened with Jerry grinning, and Karen hanging onto him, like a vine as she kissed, and hugged him, crying, and laughing, at the same time.

I went to Jerry, and shook his hand, then we hugged, I looked at Karen. “Welcome to the family, Karen, you’ll love being a Murphy.” I said, as we hugged, and she cried against my chest as I held her.

Gloria and Angelina ran to her and Jerry, and hugged them tight, and congratulated them.

“Guess what, we’re going to be at your wedding, and we’re going to drink margaritas and dance naked on the beach.” Angelina said, as she started dancing with her hands above her head, in a circle, singing something in Spanish.

“Murphy, Jerry told me you were giving him your house, I’m afraid I will wake up, and still be stranded up at the camp ground. This has been like a dream, since I met you up there. I am so happy, I don’t know what to do next.” Karen was still crying, and laughing.

“You just love my brother, with all your heart, and have our Mom and Dad a house full of grandkids to spoil.” I hugged her again.

“Jerry asked me to move in with him, is that alright, Murphy?” She asked, through her happy tears.

“Do you want to?”

“Hell, yes I want to, I don’t want to be away from him again, ever!”

“Then pack your clothes, and move in, you’re a grown woman. I already told Jerry that I’ll be over one day this week with some help and get my fishing gear out of your way.”

“Jerry will you talk to your landlord, and see if Angelina and I can have your apartment?”

“I sure will, I have two more months on my lease, I’ll call him now.” Jerry said, and went to his office, holding tight to Karen’s hand, pulling her along.

They were back in a few minutes. “I told him I’d vouch for both of you, and he said you can sign a six month lease, when my lease is up, you won’t even have to pay a deposit.”

“We’ll have to get some furniture; the trailer we live in came furnished.”

“You can have all of mine, and the appliances. I’m getting a new fully furnished house, it’s the least I can do for you two.” Jerry told them, and I couldn’t be prouder of my brother than I was right then.

Now Angelina and Gloria were crying, and hugging Karen and Jerry both.

“I’m going by and get some clothes, I’ll be back soon. Keep up the good work. If anyone calls that you think I need to talk to, call me and I’ll call them back. Otherwise keep doing what you’re doing.”

“‘Bye, Murphy, we want to meet your new family soon.”

“I’ll tell Meghan, and we’ll all have a get together at our place soon, on a weekend. After all of you get moved, and settled.”

“Wow, we’ll love that; but she is rich, we won’t even know how to act.” Angelina said, and she acted suddenly shy.

“You would never know she has enough money to pay her bills, she is just like us, and she loves to get naked, and have fun. Not necessarily in that order.” I said, and they all laughed.

After we all shared another round of hugs, I left and went over to the house to get some of my things.

I called Meghan to see how they were coming along.

“Hey, Murphy, when are you headed back this way?” She asked.

“I’m just getting some clothes from the house, and I’ll be headed back, I am moving in with your sexy ass. You better be ready for me.”

“I’m ready, now just get your sexy ass home, we’re having a pool party. Only you, me, and Maren. Robby is spending the night at Kasey’s, and they’re all going to a movie. This will give us a chance to get to know Maren better.”

“Where is she now?”

“She and I are swimming while we wait for you. Murphy this girl can swim better than you, even.”

I grabbed large trash bags, and dumped my underwear, socks and t-shirts in it, along with all my shorts I wear on weekends, and fishing. Then, I grabbed the hangers in my closet, and lifted all I could carry out to the truck. I laid those on the rear seat, and went back for more. Three trips and I had all my every day pants, pull-over shirts, and dress shirts, and pants.

I picked up my large duffel bag that I hardly ever use, and threw it in the truck too.

Meghan had already bought me several casual shirts, and pants, and told me she loved buying for me.

I wanted to buy for her too, as soon as I got this other stuff taken care of. Maybe Robby will go with me and he can help me pick out things she might like, an engagement ring.

The traffic was heavy but moving along, and I eased along with the flow, thinking of all that had happened in the past ten days.

Meghan and I were making things happen fast, and we may take another trip, even before Labor Day, and see how the other bus rides, and runs.

I’ll ask if she has any plans for us over the next few days; I may just get with Robby, and get Lydia, and Kasey, and we’ll all head out for a few days, just to ourselves; it will give Maren a chance to be with us in close quarters, and even drive the bus some.

I dialed Robby’s, number.

“Hey, Murphy.” he said, as he answered. “What’s up, you back home yet?”

“No, be there soon though, I wanted to ask you something, and keep it under your hat for a few days.”

“Sure, are you going to pull a surprise on Mom?”

“I was thinking about it, you want in on it?”

“Heck yeah, Dad.”

“OK, don’t even tell Lydia and Kasey, but I was thinking all of us should take off for three or four days, with the other bus to give it a run ... we may even go to the gulf.”

“Wow, Murphy that would be great. Lydia is going to stay a week with her Dad, in Nashville, she’ll be mad.”

“Well, don’t tell Kasey then. If you want to, we can wait until Lydia gets back.”

“Heck, no, I want to go. Will Maren go, with us?”

“Yes, this will be a chance for her to go, and be cooped up with us, for a few days, what do you think of her, Robby?”

“She’s just what I had in mind, Murphy. We had fun today moving her stuff over to our house. She and Mom are fun together, Mom needed someone like her, Murphy, and I like looking at her, too.” Robby laughed at that.

“Well, when will you be back?”

“We’re going to a movie, tonight, the girls are in the shower, now, and then tomorrow Lydia’s Dad will pick her up early. I’ll get Kasey to come home with me, and we’ll be ready for whatever you want.”

“Sounds good; tell her to bring an extra bikini, so she’ll have a dry one to put on.”

“I will, they all bought more bikinis today, and Mom and Maren had so much fun, Murphy, you will just be so happy to see Mom with her, they are like sisters, the way they act silly.”

“I’m glad we hired her, then, I want your Mom to be happy, just like you do.”

“I think Mom wants to get all our home school stuff, in another week, so we can start.”

“I’ll find out when that is, and make our plans, keep it quiet; we may just leave tomorrow, before noon.”

“Wow, sounds great, Murphy, I’ll see you early tomorrow, then. Give me a heads up, so I’ll know.”

“I will, we’ll have to slip around, and pack the girls some extra swimsuits, and some t-shirts, and shorts, they don’t need any underwear.”

“Dang, Murphy, I love the way you think, bye.”

“Bye, Robby.”

The more I thought about it, the more I was ready to go. I have waited for this time to come, and I am getting antsy; now I have a beautiful woman, that loves me, and a ready made Son, whom I love as if he came from my own loins, plus we have wheels to go in.

When I got home, I took my clothes up to our room, and hung them in the closet, it took me three trips, and I knew Meghan would re-hang each hanger, and place all my other clothes in the right drawers she had cleared out for me.

I grabbed my duffel bag, and packed what I thought I would need for the trip.

I took the large duffel bag I had brought with me, and went to Robby’s room, and got him five sets of shorts, and pull-over shirts, and some shoes.

Same as Murphy - 2
Chapter 5 Videos

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Murphy 5Chapter 19

“Murphy, this is Francine. How are you, you handsome devil? I’ve been trying to call Kelly and Meghan and can’t get them ... where are they?” “Francine, they’ve all gone into town to get new cellphones and new vehicles. We’ve invested in some new businesses here and these are some perks that come with them.” “Well then, don’t tell them I called. We’ll just surprise them when we get there Saturday. Murphy, Jonas and I are so happy, we’ve completely turned the business over. We’re moving in...

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Murphy 5Chapter 15

My phone rang and I grabbed it. “Murphy here.” “Murphy, Charles Winterford here. Chelsea told me you called back and placed a huge order, man you don’t mess around do you?” “No, we love these first two 800’s and we want to build an ATV trail up here. I asked Chelsea to get you and her mom and y’all come on up tomorrow. We need to have a drink and kick back while we deal you a membership.” “She told me all that Murphy, if you’re serious, we’ll be there early.” “Hell, leave at daylight, we...

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Murphy 3Chapter 2

“Hi Geri; that’s my brother’s name, but I see by your name tag you spell it differently. This is my wife to be, Meghan, my son to be Robby; and this is our home tutor for Robby, Maren; and this is our friend Allisyn, from our neighborhood back home.” “Good to meet all of you, and we’re delighted you’re here. We have organized activities, and sports, going on all the time, if you’d like to check the boards at any time you’re here. We have trail rides each day, or you can go as a group; we...

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Murphy 5Chapter 13

Her swollen, light brown pussy was seeping through her tight lips as I looked down at her. She held out her left hand, with her ring upwards and I kissed her ring and the back of her fingers. I leaned down and kissed her pussy as she bucked her hips up to meet my mouth. “PLEASE, just one kiss there Murphy, you don’t know how much we all want you. I mean all six of us too. We can make love for years to come, fuck me and make us a baby in my belly Murphy. We all want your babies, put one or...

1 year ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 17

When we pulled into the gravel parking lot behind the office, all the others were still sitting around the huge table and in chairs and even on the ground. We parked with our ATVs, backed up to the wall of the office building. I thought maybe Ginger would have lost some of her fire by the time we got back, but she walked right through the crowd over to where Bobby and the Golden Girls were talking animatedly to Meghan, Kelly and Valeria. I stayed a few feet away. This was their show ... I...

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Murphy 5Chapter 12

Meghan and Kelly were sitting side by side, strapped in the co-pilot seat. I went to the back to get a coke. Rico and Luis were lying in the floor naked, sleeping with Leli­a, Tia and Gabriela. They were all worn out, for different reasons though. I called Kurt and told him what I wanted him to do and why. “Damn Murphy, I love it. Those kids have shown me more affection since we all met down here. I just love doing things for them now and Jason loves to come out here on the job with me. I...

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Murphy 4Chapter 4

Bobby and I continued our scouting of the cove. There was something about this little cove that kept me thinking of it. It was only a hundred yards wide, at the widest part, and narrowed down to, maybe, thirty yards at the shoreline. We walked back, along the shoreline, to the main part of the lake, and looked back. I could see the beach from this point, with all the teens, and the younger kids swimming, and playing naked on the sand, and in the water. The adults were either on the beach,...

1 year ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 4

I walked back to my camper, thinking about Ellen, and that healthy ‘softball player’ body; those muscular thighs, and all those fucking freckles; they were just about to drive me fucking crazy thinking about them. I remember reading a story once about a boy and girl. I like remembering stories like that. The girl was virtually covered with freckles and the boy was blindly in love with her. She didn’t see how anyone could love her with all those freckles. They were close and she finally...

2 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 3

So I’m a sucker for a pretty girl that begs me to let her kiss my dick; what can I say? “As soon as it gets dark, will you be alone?” “Not sure yet, if someone else wants to come too, will it be alright?” “All of you?” “Maybe, will that still be alright?” “What will all of you have in mind?” “Tonight, probably just touching it, and kissing it, and getting naked, will that be alright for the first night?” “Yes, maybe better. What about the next night, if there is one?” “I want you to...

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Murphy 5Chapter 3

We gathered up our towels and oil bottles and headed back to take showers at the public showers again, before going into the condo. On the way back to the condo, I went to the bus and grabbed three legal pads and some wooden pencils. This was going to be fun. When I got to the condo, I had Bobby sit down with me at the table while the others were busy finishing up dinner. The roast smelled good and I was anxious to tear into it. I gave Bobby the size of the bedrooms I’d like to have and...

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Murphy 5Chapter 5

“Do you like Murphy?” “Yes, he is a handsome man and I can see it in his eyes, he is a kind man. I can look at you and Gabriela and see how much you both love him too.” “Will you meet the rest of the family? They will want to hug you and help you too Tia.” “Are you sure?” “Tia, they will all love you, you will see. They’re all beautiful women that just love to help girls that have no home and no job. If you’ll agree to go with us to Florida, we’ll help you become a citizen, that is if you...

4 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 6

Saturday was here, and I was excited. I needed to calm my ass down some, so I decided to go fishing one more time on Sylamore Creek. I walked upstream once again, loaded with plenty of beer, and bait, and my trusty Garcia spinning rig. I rounded the bend past where I was when I called Meghan, and she was in my mind like a warm feeling, as I placed my beer in the water to keep cool. I then baited up with a worm, and some fluorescent orange faux salmon eggs. I had left my phone in the camper...

3 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 2

“Mom, you awake?” Robby asked, as he looked across the small RV to where he saw his Mom lying naked in her bunk, with her back to him. She had kicked the cover off her, and he couldn’t help but look at her dark tanned body. “I’m trying to wake up, Robby. Good morning. Did you enjoy your night?” “I sure did, Mom, did you?” “Yes, I did, as a matter of fact; I met the man next to us in the little pop-up camper, and we drank a few beers, and ate a snack. I really liked talking to him; he lives...

2 years ago
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Murphy and Jack

"Murphy, I can't do this anymore. You disrespecting me is not acceptable. I'm done," I said. "Even once more and I'm gone." We were standing out toward the backyard fence. I'd pulled her there, her resisting, to have it out with her, party or not. This was one time that I wasn't going to be waitin' until we got home, not this time. "Jack, stop being so pissy. It was just a birthday kiss. It's Don's birthday. Everybody gets kissed on their birthdays," said Murphy. Her words made...

3 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 14

I pulled my cell phone out and looked at my signal. Full bars. I looked to see if I still had my banker in Marion and my accountant’s numbers stored. I called my banker first and we talked for thirty minutes. He told me I needed to move some of my account balances around, that I was wasting the opportunity to make what little interest there was available. “I thought we’d already done all that.” “Well, we forgot to make sure all your dividends would be roll back into your invested CD’s on...

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Murphy 5Chapter 9

I was just putting their plates on the table when I heard the storm coming down the stairs. I looked at them as they raced into the kitchen and stopped, side by side, smiling up at me. Damn if they weren’t dressed better than I could have done. They both wore plain white tee shirts with no logos, no screened pictures, no nothing. They each wore khaki camping shorts, from Bass Pro Shop, with pockets all over them. They wore a pair of their brown, high top, hiking shoes from Bass Pro also....

3 years ago
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Murphy 3Chapter 4

The next morning, very early, Kelly made a call to her Dad’s attorneys, and they were on the case before the call ended. Meghan and Kelly were worrying and fussing over the two girls, as if they were their own born children, Bobby and his friends took them in, and made sure they were well accepted by the younger crowd, that met at the lake each day for fun and frolics in and out of the water. Just after noon that day, Kelly got her phone call. Meghan and I sat listening as she took the...

1 year ago
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Murphy 2Chapter 3

Meghan was in the kitchen, making salads, when Robby led me back through the maze of rooms to get there, I may need a map until I learn my way around here. “Hi, Murphy, I heard you come in, and knew that Robby had hustled you to get you in your swim trunks.” Meghan said, as she grabbed me in a big hug. She was wearing a pull over shirt, that let the beauty of her magnificent tits show through, and shorts that weren’t even tight but looked so fucking sexy on her butt, I could have taken her...

2 years ago
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Murphy 1Chapter 5

I woke at daylight, as is my habit now-a-days. I need to break that habit; but I like the mornings, so I just enjoy it. I fumbled in my small duffel bag, and felt for the vest I sometimes wear fishing. Slipping it on, I pulled my cell phone out of the end pocket of the duffel bag, and slipped it into my vest, and snapped the flap closed. I put my shorts back on, that I wore yesterday, and found my wading shoes; I grabbed my worms, and artificial salmon eggs, my spinning rod and reel, and...

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Murphy 5Chapter 8

I stopped at a small supermarket on the edge of town and Kelly ran in to buy some ground chuck and buns, they’d all decided we should try out the new grill accessory we had with the Newell coach. The RV park she had picked was one of the better ones we’d stayed at, there was plenty of afternoon shade and a big playground for the boys, as well as a walking path around the entire grounds. There was a huge private swimming pool exclusively for guests parked in the RV park. We were parked near...

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Murphy 2Chapter 2

I showered and dressed in a white Polo shirt and khaki’s and headed across the river on the I-40 Bridge. Taking the Front Street exit, I drove about six or seven blocks and turned down a street that led to The Pier. I was a few minutes early; but when I parked, I looked up to see Meghan and Robby coming toward me. My heart gave a jump, and a jerk, when I saw her smile. They were both in my arms, as soon as I shut the door, and we hugged like a family. I had never in my life even taken more...

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Murphy 5Chapter 4

When morning came, I awakened to three of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever been exposed to. I smiled, then I laughed out loud as they all grabbed me and we hugged for the longest time. “Thank you all, I love each of you, I love all of you. I’m the happiest man on earth. “We love your sexy ass too Murphy. Now, you’re the man of the family, you’re the head of the clan, your wives are hungry and we know all your children are hungry also. What are your plans to feed us this morning?” Meghan...

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Murphy 5Chapter 18

I looked up to see Maren, Victoria, Louise, Kathryn, Justine and Christine headed into the bungalow. I knew they were all getting hungry. I guess they’ll eat a brunch, since it’s past breakfast. Lisa, Jackie and Jaidyn took Iris with them into the bungalow also. While everyone that hasn’t eaten earlier ate brunch, I walked over to talk with Harry. He’s about my height, a lot heavier and true to his name ... hairy as hell. He’s about Old Man’s age and very tanned all over. His hair on his...

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Murphy 5Chapter 6

While we were dressing, Bobby called information, got the name of a shuttle company and ordered us a shuttle van to meet us here at 11:00 and take us to the border. We ate our breakfast at the cafeteria near the mall, then went back to wait for the shuttle to take us to the border. Juan Rodriguez was the driver and we found out he owned his own shuttle company, with three shuttles to shuttle tourists to and from the border. Bobby and Tia sat in the front seat with him and I heard them...

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Murphy 3Chapter 6

“Yes, I can, and I’m not offended. The first few times we fucked, I was sore; but I just love him, and his big dick now.” “Did you see the way Ray just stripped off naked, and is walking down the path beside Allisyn? Its like he has known them, for ever; I hope Bobby isn’t jealous.” Dave said. “Oh, don’t worry, Bobby and Allisyn are friends, they have sex with each other; but they also fuck others. She is four years older than him. We told Bobby, that as long as the girl says, yes, and, as...

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Murphy Carol The Party

Carol bit her lip as she felt her body sway in the car seat. She wore big, dark sunglasses, but they were only to hide the 'x's of electrical tape that sealed her eyes shut. In darkness, she became sensitive to her own body, feeling it push and swing against the seatbelt as Murphy drove her to their special night out. "Almost there. You nervous?" Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder. With a smile, she nodded. "I'm excited, though. You've been planning this a...

4 years ago
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Murphy 3Chapter 5

I could really get used to this, waking up to the smell of breakfast each morning. When I had staggered to the bathroom and made my bladder happy, I went to the kitchen to see Maren, Bobby, Allisyn and Vicki cooking breakfast. “Morning Murphy, sit down and I will pour your coffee.” Vicki said, she talked slowly, and deliberately, and though her words were drawn out, she was just barely lisping. “Put the coffee put on the table, and sit in my lap Vicki, I want a big hug,” I told her, and she...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 7

This girl had no clue just how many clothes a person her age can really own. She’s about to find out. It may take a month, but she’ll have enough clothes in her closets to outfit an army of girls. When we were all dressed and the ‘wild ones’ were ready to go, we headed down to meet our shuttle. The vote was once again Mexican food and we chose the Casa Rio Restaurant, since we’d enjoyed their food the last time. Gabriela was the leader of the pack as she told Leli­a and Tia±a all about last...

4 years ago
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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as Net Nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...

2 years ago
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Murphy 4Chapter 5

Mom, Dad, Maren, and Kelly walked down the beach to the east, now, I had waited for a while, and finally gave up on Chelsea coming out to meet me. I was walking west, not in any hurry, just thinking of our stay at the resort, picturing in my mind all the changes that were taking place, and seeing the place when it was completely finished. I wished I could be naked, as I walked in the late evening sun, but there were still a lot of people out, mostly couples, now as the Moms and Dads, with...

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Murphy 4Chapter 6

We all took a shower and for the first time in a long time, we slept naked and didn’t even make love. As much as I like making love to each of them, and as much fun as we have fucking like wild animals, I like sleeping naked next to the ones I love, just as much. Bobby and I woke up as the sun shone through the east window. He and I both drank a cup of coffee from the small pot in the room as we sat on the balcony overlooking the river a few blocks away. Maren came out a few minutes later,...

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Murphys Romance no not the Sally Field movie

There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...

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Murphy Bed Magic

She watches his silhouette through steamy glass, taking his enticing measure, as he manipulates warm suds against his undulatory locomotion, his torso's repetitive wavy gestures mesmerizing. His forward, then backward undulations give away his masculine needs. She aches to touch, to be touched, then acts upon her own needs while observing carefully his thrusts. Unable to stand the tension any longer she rises up, her robe falling open, as she knows he's peering at her as well. She hears him...

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Murphy Bed Magic II

A more bilateral approach becomes imperative, especially after your own warm, soft, and now quite wet hand slips under my robe to join my own knowledgeable digits along my pulsing length, with a mingling of our slickness reasoned by nature to be the more perfect by unification.You're drawn to engage your heightening senses more fully, my understanding complete.  A swift desire to install by imitation, my own warm strong and likewise wet hand, (to meet one of your own) directs my next move. I...

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Murphys Law

Husband has the worst day of his life."If anything can go wrong-It will."Not only that, "Everything goes wrong all at once."************************************************************When I woke up this morning, I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to be anything but another good day in this wonderful life of mine. Boy was I ever wrong.By the end of the day, it would turn out to be the worst day of my life.My name is Stony Adams. I am a 48 year old engineer with an electrical design...

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Murphys Romance no not the Sally Field movie

There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...

1 year ago
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Vishwas Tod Diya Slave Banakar 8211 Part 1

Myself Sandy age 29 yrs height 5’7″ looking normal not very handsome nor disgusting.Now coming to the sex story most of the person know Hindi very well than English and also emotion come in Hindi so I narrate me story in Hindi. Ye bat 2015 ki h meri ek gf thi jise me bahut pyar karta tha vo v mujhe karti h esa me sochta tha.Me ek marketting ki job karta tha jisse auchi income ho jati thi.Par kuch problem ki vajah se co. band ho gai aur me berojgar ho gaya tab meri gf ne rang dikhaya karib 2...

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Old ManChapter 5

Five months into the project. A lot of the women are starting to show. We're right at 97%. I'm averaging one woman a day, which means just about 150 with 5 or so who didn't catch. I'm not sure of all the logistics. The women stay around for a week or so, then disappear. They get tested and are given the chance to try again if they aren't pregnant. For some reason 3% don't get pregnant. I've been told there's a research team investigating it. After pregnancy has been determined, they...

2 years ago
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A wild bus ride

That late afternoon, just before I got off the office, my sexy wife appeared there. Anita looked very nice with a dark hips length jacket, a long split skirt that revealed her ankles and a pair of sexy stilettos.She sat down onto one of the chairs. Her skirt opened to reveal her athletic toned legs encased in black thigh hose held up with a red lace garter belt. Ana smiled at me, since I was a bit surprised about finding her there at that time."I need someone to take a bus ride with me...

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A changing Life Chapter 2

The woman, Sandra almost dragged me down the corridor into a treatment room, everything was white and clinically clean, a heady perfume of some sort filling the air. "Undress and climb onto the table." She had a thick Germanic accent leaving no room for discussion. "And if there is any funny business I will use this." She picked a bar like object up from the stainless steel trolley table beside her, it looked to me like a sort of cattle prod from pictures I had seen in books....

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Love Never ChangesChapter 12

Shaun was sitting at a table when I entered his room again. There were covered plates on both sides, silverware, and a carafe full of water. I walked up to the table. He stood up, came to my side, held my seat for me while I sat down, then went back to his side. I noticed that a fine bead of sweat broke out on his brow from doing that. “I don’t know if it was customary in our home to say anything religious before a meal. I will certainly wait if you wish to do so,” he said. “No, I was...

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Seducing My Straight Best Friend Loved Getting Gay Head

It was the first day of Community College – a freshman, which was an exciting transition from high school.  A College Boy!  Now I was in the big league…By this point in my life, I had developed a fairly well known reputation among a relatively small group of my friends.  I liked giving my cute straight friends blowjobs, and I had been told by several that the talk was, “Kevin has a soft touch.”I first noticed my soon to be friend, Austin in the cafeteria during lunch, and then saw that he was...

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Motheracutes big jiggly ass 1

Because of my extreme , rebellious and outgoing Personality , I turned out to be the black sheep of my Family . This is why my Dad abused the fuck out of me . His problem c***d had a stubborn mind . He just couldn´t break me . As I turned eighteen he gave up the beatings . Despite all the troubles I put my Parents through , my Mother never gave up on me . Somehow she tried to understand me . Never becoming too tired to soothe me with her consoling words . Unfortunately I had a lot of troubles...

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The Weekend Part Two

I handed her a silk-like scarf, a large piece of a nylon stocking, a black cloth glove, knitted gloves, and a blindfold. “And these are for?” she asked. “Later,” I said. Finally, I showed her a hair brush with very soft bristles and a long, round, plastic handle. She looked at me with a puzzled expression. “Teasing,” I said. She smiled, but looked like she wasn’t sure what I meant. After our exchange of toys, Gail produced a printed list of items and handed it to me without saying a word....

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Little RunJust For Fun

All I could focus on was her thick white thighs. They looked so tempting and so mouth watering I was practically drooling right before the football that was just kicked caught me in the left temple. It didn't really hurt me as much as I made it seem , but I wanted to use it as an excuse to sit out of the game, and next to her. It didn't matter what they wanted to call me because of it. I never would have guessed how intoxicating her smell would be. Who knew a Marine could...

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Moms Boy Hunger

Chapter 1 He was so young. Couldn't have been more than eighteen. And here I was old enough to be his mother. Lord, my own c***dren were his age.Why was I doing this? It was insane. Respectable women don't do things like this with the young boys they hire to cut the grass.But his cock was so big. I'd noticed it right away in the crotch of his tight jeans when he'd come to the door politely asking if I wanted the lawn mowed. I just couldn't stop myself from seducing him.My cunt had been itching...

1 year ago
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HardcoreGangbang Jasmine Jae The Big Bamboozle

Jasmine Jae wants it all… the money, the power, and the cock! She stages her own kidnapping, then sets up a fake ransom video, all for the purpose of extorting millions from her crooked husband. But she loves the plan a little too much. The excitement gets her pussy so hot and wet, she hungrily submits to the sexual lust of the gang that’s aiding her wicked plan! She desperately begs them to fuck her, and they immediately descend on her. Jasmine sucks all their hard cocks, sloppily...

2 years ago
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Getting Out Of The Rut Chapter 9

 Carol leads the wayIt took seconds to shut down my kit and in another minute there was a knock on the connecting door.I rolled the dessert trolly to the door and opened it. Carol stood grinning at me.“Your order ma’am,” I said. “I know this is kinda crazy but there’s a lot of food here that could go to waste. I... thought maybe you might need to get some energy back.” I glanced at Eddie as I said it, doing my best to look suggestively conspiratorial.Eddie looked at me, I looked at him, he...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! My son was still living at home when he brought Jennie home to meet his parents. Jennie made a nice enough first impression with us but at the time we didn't know she would soon be our -in-law. It wasn't the first time he had brought one of his girlfriends home for the night. They were college kids and we, being the liberals that we are, had no objections. The first time there was any one-on-one personal interaction between me and Jennie was one day...

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IHaveAWife Sophia Leone 23905

Irresponsible Sophia Leone lost her dog again! It’s the third time this week, and it’s also the third time this week that her neighbor JMac has returned her dog to her, complaining that her pooch is doing its duty all over his lawn. And this time there’s an added bonus: Sophia’s dog bit JMac’s wife! He’s thinking of filing a complaint to have the dog put down, but Sophia tells him she’d be crushed, that Sparky is all she has in her life. The spicy Latina excuses herself for a few minutes, then...

3 years ago
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Junior YearChapter 30 Searching for Clarity

I talked Fritz into taking me to a local surf shop so I could replace the board I broke. When we walked in, there was an older guy and a woman in her early twenties. I think Fritz was surprised when I went up to the older guy. When I say older, I would guess he was my parents’ age. I picked him because he just looked like he’d surfed all his life. “You need a replacement?” he asked when he saw my broken board. “Yeah, I borrowed a friend’s to learn on and tried to kill myself.” He looked it...

2 years ago
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First Time I Lost a Bet

I'm Jeff and this is how I got cuckolded for the first time. At the time I was a sophomore in college and lived in three bedroom house with two other guys. Nick who was an easy going nice guy and Dwayne, an arrogant black guy who thought he was the greatest thing on earth, especially when it came to women.I had dated my girlfriend Jen since our senior year of high school. After graduation we both went to local schools, me the local state university and Jen went to the local two year school to...

4 years ago
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A Dream

I see you across Rick’s crowded backyard. It’s another mid-summer barbeque party at Rick and Vanessa’s with all the friends. Last time we were both at one of these parties it was when Rick and Vanessa were getting engaged and you were with her, and I was jealous. None of that matters now, fate has blessed us today with the perfect opportunity, and we just have to play it cool until then. For a few hours we have to act like friends and be social, mingle with our other friends, drink beer, eat...

3 years ago
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Edging Sex With A Milf

This story of edging sex is a much shorter version of what I generally post. After a lot of feedback, I wanted to share something about what happened with no previous context. I hope you enjoy it. This happened about a year and a half ago or so, just before the pandemic hit the city of London. I am working in a corporate IT job with really flexible hours. I met a woman on the Ashley Madison app who surprisingly was not fake. We started the initial chat and quickly caught on. We were desperate...

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Out Of The Frying Pan

Out of the Frying Pan... By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Paul Ritter arrived home from work and reluctantly reached into his mailbox. The reason for his trepidation was that each day brought a new wave of bills and notices of late payments. He shook his head in disgust at the...

2 years ago
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Hope Chest

As a busy executive, I never found time for my family. As a consequence, my first wife divorced me, moved with my children to California, and left my life for good. At first, I tried to maintain a relationship with my children, but they became strangers to me and I to them. There was never enough time to establish a bond. I willingly continue to send alimony and support payments, although the court-ordered time has expired. When I was 50 years old, my long-time secretary retired necessitating...

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