Murphy - 3Chapter 5 free porn video

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I could really get used to this, waking up to the smell of breakfast each morning. When I had staggered to the bathroom and made my bladder happy, I went to the kitchen to see Maren, Bobby, Allisyn and Vicki cooking breakfast.

“Morning Murphy, sit down and I will pour your coffee.” Vicki said, she talked slowly, and deliberately, and though her words were drawn out, she was just barely lisping.

“Put the coffee put on the table, and sit in my lap Vicki, I want a big hug,” I told her, and she placed the pot on the table, and fell onto my lap, even though we were both naked; she hugged her firm teen tits to me, and I felt her sob as she clung to me like her life depended on it.

“Thank you, Murphy, I love you,” she said, and I almost started bawling with her then.

That one sentence was music to my ears; she looked at me and smiled, and kissed me on the mouth.

“I love you too, Vicki, tell your Aunt we want you to stay with us until we go back to Memphis; we will be back here a lot, and we want your phone number, and email, if you have one.”

“I will give them to you, Murphy.” She said, and smiled again, I knew she had a long way to go, but she was headed in the right direction, now.

I knew Maren would work with her while we were here, and see her when we came back. I was hoping we could get her to a speech therapist while we were gone too.

I pulled her to me and hugged her tight, before letting her go help with the cooking.

Bobby looked at me, he had tears in his eyes, but he was smiling. I gave him a ‘thumbs up’, and he gave me one.

Meghan and Kelly came in, and sat on either side of me, they rattled their cups on their saucers, and Vicki giggled as she came over and poured coffee for them.

I kissed Meghan, then Kelly, and told them to thank Vicki for the coffee.

“Vicki, thank you for the coffee, will you please stay here with us, and do this each morning.” Meghan said.

“I would love to, Ms. Meghan.” She answered in her slow, deliberate voice.

“OH My God, Vicki, come give me a big hug,” Meghan screamed, and Vicki ran to her. Kelly jumped up, and I moved over so they could both get to her, I thought they were going to turn the table over, so I pushed the coffee cups back from the edge.

When they had settled down some, Maren came over, and squatted down next to them, as Vicki sat cross ways on Meghan’s legs, with Kelly on one side, and Maren on the other.

“She has a long way to go; she and I have talked, and she will practice her speech all day, every day. Soon, she will be able to talk faster, as she loses her lisp. She and I will work together, while we’re here, and each time we come back; if we need to, we will find her a therapist, locally, that will help her, but first I want her to try this herself, I know she can do it.

“When I was in high school, I had a bad lisp also, and I could have killed myself, I was so torn up about it. I had one teacher that helped me more than anyone. She told me to talk slowly and make my words come out the way I wanted them to. She told me to practice every day.” Maren told all of us.

Jonas and Francine came in, and we all had breakfast, with talk of the day ahead, and the trail ride we were going on. Maren and Vicki were going to stay at the Cabin and work all day on her enunciation.

Joe and Krissy rode up with the horses, each with a naked baby sitting astride the saddle in front of them. They were leading the other horses, and we told them that we didn’t need one, Maren would be staying here. Joe took the saddle and bridle off one horse and turned it loose.

We all watched as the horse walked back towards the stables on its own when Joe threw his hands up in front of the horse.

Just like Jonas and I had told then, Meghan, and Kelly, and Francine, went wild over the babies. They had to hug and kiss each of them, and wanted to hold them while we rode. Jonas came to the rescue, and told them that they were safer with their Mom and Dad, since none of us were used to these horses.

Joe and Krissy never said a word, but I could tell they were glad he spoke up.

“We packed sandwiches and drinks on this horse; we’ll stop and have us a short picnic on the way.” Krissy said, as we helped the women mount up. I loved this, I got to grope butts good as I pushed them.

We were all mounted and ready to go, now. I had the digital camera, and I had already started taking pictures when Joe and Krissy rode up.

Jonas and I each had a map of the entire property, and we made scribbled notes as we rode; our main interest was the south side of the lake. This was where he and I wanted to concentrate our efforts to have the RV Park in operation, by winter.

We had four months to complete it, but we could advertise the projected opening date, as soon as we got a crew in here to start ‘pushing’ the roads through, and marking off spaces large enough for the monster RVs to set-up.

Meghan and Kelly had made the appointments with the contractors for 3:00 this afternoon. We would show them where the Survey Crew would start the staking for the access roads, and where the heavy equipment could be moved in.

We also looked over the area, near the shore of the lake on the south side also; from above the lake, we had a better view, and a lot better idea of how the condominium complex would look. Kelly and Meghan were ready to start on them today, when they saw what we had in mind.

When we stopped for a rest, a drink, and a sandwich; Meghan, Kelly, and Francine were on Joe and Krissy’s kids in an instant. They all romped and played in a big open field, that one day would be filled with big RV’s from all over the States and Canada. Soon it was time to move on, and turn back to the area where the bungalows were; Joe took us down his favorite trail near the lake shore, and the view was really one of the best we had seen on the whole place.

We had seen what we went to see. Now we had in our heads the layout of the property, and where we wanted to start immediate construction. We already knew where we wanted to add more bungalows; that area had been cleared long before by the Brackens, they had just never made the final decision to expand.

We met with the contractor about building roads, and getting the RV Park under construction. He and I agreed to meet the next morning, and ride back over there, in his Jeep, to mark the area off.

Jonas and I met with Meghan and Kelly, when the contractor they wanted to build the condos showed up. We showed him on the lake map where we wanted to start; he promised to have us a sketch of the proposed layout, in a week, and if we approved it, he could start right away.

Meghan and Kelly wanted him to move his equipment in immediately, and start building the roads, and get them graveled so he could move building materials in as soon as we approved his plans.

The next three days were just as busy, now that we were talking to builders and contractors. The second day, we looked across the lake and saw three huge Caterpillar dozers moving along the high ridge above the lake, pushing trees, and piling them up, as they cleared the path for the first roads back to the RV park, and the condominium construction sites.

At the end of the second day, we had our first company meeting with all our employees. Jonas and I cooked forty steaks with all the fixings and trimmings.

We had the maintenance crew move more picnic tables in front of the two bungalows where we were staying.

Geri had made a list of all the employees, and their job descriptions; even the part time housekeeping help that cleaned the bungalows every other day, and when they became vacant.

When Meghan and Kelly had gone to town earlier in the week, they had planned this meeting, and had t-shirts made up for all of us, and the employees, with Little Beaver Nature Resort screened on the back; including two kiddy sized ones.

I counted heads, and was shocked; there were forty of us here, including every one in the MacGuire and Murphy clans.

Since this was our first meeting, we all wore the t-shirts. Meghan spoke first and introduced herself, and the rest of us.

Jonas was next, since he was the president of the corporation. He assured each of them, that as long as they continued to work as they had with the Brackens, they would have jobs here with us.

“There will be a suggestion box at the office, not for guests, but for each employee to suggest anything about the resort, or their job, which might help us all be better at serving our guests.

“I’m sure you’ve seen all that is happening around you, and especially over in the undeveloped portions of the property; we have plans to build twenty five new bungalows by this time next year, and twenty five more the next year.

“We will announce soon, the opening of a large RV park, on the high ground, above the south end of the lake. Construction will also start on the first condominium complex, which will eventually total twenty five units along the shore of the lake on the south end.

“Within the next few months, we will start construction of a new convention center next to the new steak house/seafood restaurant on the east side of the lake.

Kelly took over then, and spoke to the employees briefly about benefits and salaries.

“I just want all of you to know that we have reviewed the quarterly payroll records; all hourly wages will be increased one dollar per hour, beginning with this pay period.

“We will have medical and health insurance available, in the near future, for all of you. We will start a profit sharing plan, as soon as our attorneys have all the legal work finished.

“All of this is for you, the employees; in return, we ask that you work hard for us, to make this the best nature resort possible.”

Kelly drew a big round of applause for the wage increase, and added employee benefits.

After the meal, we all made it a point to meet, and talk to each of the employees, and let them know we needed them, and they would have to work extra hard to make the resort prosper, which meant that the profit sharing would grow according to the growth of the resort.

Meghan walked over to me, and put her arms around me and hugged me.

“I just want you to know, that I love you more than ever now; for letting Kelly and me do this. She is leaving tomorrow, with Jonas and Francine, and she wants to be with us tonight, before she leaves. I want her to be with you, Murphy, I will be with you every night of my life; she can’t. Will you give her one night; for me?”

“Meghan, I...”

“Please, Murphy, for me?”

“Even this, I will do for you Meghan. I will love her and make her feel special, and feel loved; at the same time, I will miss you.” I kissed her in front of all the employees, and our friends, and family, which brought another round of applause.

We looked around, and smiled at the crowd, and I noticed Bobby over by the two high school girls, that worked part time in housekeeping.

That’s my boy!

Before we all dispersed for the night, we pitched in, and cleared the tables, and made sure there were no food scraps left, the ‘possums and raccoons were plentiful and made messes of any garbage left out.

I looked around, and Meghan was gone; I saw her talking to Kelly over in front of the RV. Kelly looked like she was crying, and I went to them.

“Murphy, I can’t do this, I can’t take you away from Meghan for one night, and feel good about it. Please tell her, and make her understand that I love her, just as much as I love you.” Kelly was really crying now.

“Kelly, I felt the same way, and Meghan made me realize that this is how much she loves me, and how much she loves you, nothing will ever come between us, not one night together, or one night apart.

“Meghan wants you and me to have this night together; because she and I are together every night, and she wants you and me to share the same thing.

“I promise you both, that when our babies are born, I will tie you to the bed if I have to, to keep us together.

“You may need to start training a new CEO, Kelly; you will be my wife, and the mother of our babies, first and foremost. I suggest you have a long talk with my brother real soon.”

“Murphy, I love you, wait for me in the bus. Meghan and I are going to take a shower together.” Kelly told me, and I kissed Meghan, before she went into the bungalow. I felt like part of my heart was torn out, as she walked away with Kelly.

Hell, they were laughing and giggling like school girls; and here I am hurting, I need to tell Bobby to throw out all the sage advice I have given him, and just concentrate on perfecting his cunnilingus abilities, that’s all that really matters.

I was lying on the water bed, loving them both, wanting them both to be here. But I was determined to make this work, for all of us.

I looked at the door when I saw a shadow, then there were two shadows, and my heart was racing again as Kelly and Meghan crawled into bed, one on either side of me.

“Murphy, you were right. We can’t do this. Kelly is going home with Jonas and Francine tomorrow. She will be in Memphis next week, with us, for as long as there are three of us, we will be together,” Meghan told me.

“I love you both, too much, to give up either of you; I didn’t realize that, until I was faced with having only one with me for the night. Kelly, you need to get a replacement for yourself in your corporation, we’re about to start a family together, and you are about to be my wife.”

“I agree with Murphy, Kelly, I can hardly stand the thought of you not being with us, you are part of us now.” Meghan said, as we all three lay together.

“I love you both, so much, I could easily fuck each of you, without a rubber, but I want to have a BIG family, and I want both my wives to have a boy and a girl each.

“Please come to me, and let’s make love now,” I said, as I reached over to get a condom.

Before Jonas left with his family, the next morning, I got him, Kelly, and Meghan to meet with me for a few minutes.

“I would like to hire an assistant general manager, before we leave. Not because I don’t think Geri can handle the job, but because she will be too busy to keep track of all the construction going on, and do her job too.”

“Who will we get on such short notice, Murphy?” Meghan asked.


“Damn, I like that idea. What do you think, girls?” Jonas said.

“I love it, he is young, and he cares about the place; he can hire and train someone to run the stables. Let’s do it.” Kelly agreed.

“We need to tell Geri first.” I suggested, we all agreed.

Meghan and I took Kelly aside, and the three of us said our goodbyes, with the promise to be together in a week.

We stood with Maren, Bobby, Allisyn, and Vicki, as we watched Kelly wheel their big bus out, and head toward the main gate.

No one said a word, as we all went back to what we were doing. I took Meghan by the hand, and we walked to the office to see Geri.

“Geri, we have all agreed that you will need an assistant, to keep up with the construction projects, and report to Murphy and Jonas. We are going to offer the job to Joe Kessel.” Meghan told her.

“That’s great! Joe and Krissy are good people. Joe will do a good job, and you can count on him to see that it’s done right.” Geri agreed with our choice.

“Let’s walk around the lake to the stables, Meghan, I know a place that’s hidden from view where you and I can relax for a few minutes, I need you.”

“I need you, too. I’ll run in and get two condoms, in case we need each other twice,” Meghan said, as she stepped up inside the bus, to get them, before we walked naked down the trail to the stables.

We walked along, talking about what all had happened since we came here, for just a visit. Now we owned fifty percent of the whole resort, and the five hundred acres of land, plus the six hundred acre lake.

“You know, we’re about to put close to two million into this, don’t you?” I asked, as we walked and held hands.

“Yes, and I am getting horny thinking about what it will look like when we get through. If we never make a dime in return, we will still have a place to invite all our friends and family over the years; and just think, when all our little babies start growing up, we can come here, and raise them to be free, spoiled ass, little rich kids.” Meghan said and pulled me back to her for a kiss.

“I like that part the best, raising our babies here, out in the open and not worrying about public opinion.”

“Yes, me too, we’ll need to start picking out names soon. I am so excited about all of this, Murphy.”

“Remember the day at the Gulf when we made love in open daylight on the beach, with everyone around us, and no one knew it?”

“God, yes I do. I loved that, why do you ask that now?”

“Remember the night when we stopped to pee, and you got turned on watching our son getting fucked, for the first time, and you wanted me to take you from behind?”

“OH God YES.”

“Look,” I said, as I led her out into a large clearing on the south side of the lake, where there was a natural sand beach along the lake shore, for over a hundred yards.

“Damn, are we going to fuck right here?”

“We sure are, maybe someone will walk by.”

“Damn, Murphy, I love you so much.”

“Put a rubber on me, Meghan, and bend over, I’m going to take your pussy, from behind, and I’m going to hold your big tits, and pull you back hard on me.”

“Fuck me good, Murphy, right out in the open daylight, and I hope we have a parade, with a marching band, come by while we’re fucking too.” Meghan said, as she bent over in front of me.

Same as Murphy - 3
Chapter 5 Videos

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Murphy 5Chapter 4

When morning came, I awakened to three of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever been exposed to. I smiled, then I laughed out loud as they all grabbed me and we hugged for the longest time. “Thank you all, I love each of you, I love all of you. I’m the happiest man on earth. “We love your sexy ass too Murphy. Now, you’re the man of the family, you’re the head of the clan, your wives are hungry and we know all your children are hungry also. What are your plans to feed us this morning?” Meghan...

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Murphy 5Chapter 18

I looked up to see Maren, Victoria, Louise, Kathryn, Justine and Christine headed into the bungalow. I knew they were all getting hungry. I guess they’ll eat a brunch, since it’s past breakfast. Lisa, Jackie and Jaidyn took Iris with them into the bungalow also. While everyone that hasn’t eaten earlier ate brunch, I walked over to talk with Harry. He’s about my height, a lot heavier and true to his name ... hairy as hell. He’s about Old Man’s age and very tanned all over. His hair on his...

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Murphy 5Chapter 6

While we were dressing, Bobby called information, got the name of a shuttle company and ordered us a shuttle van to meet us here at 11:00 and take us to the border. We ate our breakfast at the cafeteria near the mall, then went back to wait for the shuttle to take us to the border. Juan Rodriguez was the driver and we found out he owned his own shuttle company, with three shuttles to shuttle tourists to and from the border. Bobby and Tia sat in the front seat with him and I heard them...

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Murphy 3Chapter 6

“Yes, I can, and I’m not offended. The first few times we fucked, I was sore; but I just love him, and his big dick now.” “Did you see the way Ray just stripped off naked, and is walking down the path beside Allisyn? Its like he has known them, for ever; I hope Bobby isn’t jealous.” Dave said. “Oh, don’t worry, Bobby and Allisyn are friends, they have sex with each other; but they also fuck others. She is four years older than him. We told Bobby, that as long as the girl says, yes, and, as...

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Murphy Carol The Party

Carol bit her lip as she felt her body sway in the car seat. She wore big, dark sunglasses, but they were only to hide the 'x's of electrical tape that sealed her eyes shut. In darkness, she became sensitive to her own body, feeling it push and swing against the seatbelt as Murphy drove her to their special night out. "Almost there. You nervous?" Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder. With a smile, she nodded. "I'm excited, though. You've been planning this a...

2 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 7

This girl had no clue just how many clothes a person her age can really own. She’s about to find out. It may take a month, but she’ll have enough clothes in her closets to outfit an army of girls. When we were all dressed and the ‘wild ones’ were ready to go, we headed down to meet our shuttle. The vote was once again Mexican food and we chose the Casa Rio Restaurant, since we’d enjoyed their food the last time. Gabriela was the leader of the pack as she told Leli­a and Tia±a all about last...

4 years ago
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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as Net Nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad...

2 years ago
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Murphy 4Chapter 5

Mom, Dad, Maren, and Kelly walked down the beach to the east, now, I had waited for a while, and finally gave up on Chelsea coming out to meet me. I was walking west, not in any hurry, just thinking of our stay at the resort, picturing in my mind all the changes that were taking place, and seeing the place when it was completely finished. I wished I could be naked, as I walked in the late evening sun, but there were still a lot of people out, mostly couples, now as the Moms and Dads, with...

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Murphy 4Chapter 6

We all took a shower and for the first time in a long time, we slept naked and didn’t even make love. As much as I like making love to each of them, and as much fun as we have fucking like wild animals, I like sleeping naked next to the ones I love, just as much. Bobby and I woke up as the sun shone through the east window. He and I both drank a cup of coffee from the small pot in the room as we sat on the balcony overlooking the river a few blocks away. Maren came out a few minutes later,...

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Murphys Romance no not the Sally Field movie

There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...

4 years ago
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Murphy Bed Magic

She watches his silhouette through steamy glass, taking his enticing measure, as he manipulates warm suds against his undulatory locomotion, his torso's repetitive wavy gestures mesmerizing. His forward, then backward undulations give away his masculine needs. She aches to touch, to be touched, then acts upon her own needs while observing carefully his thrusts. Unable to stand the tension any longer she rises up, her robe falling open, as she knows he's peering at her as well. She hears him...

3 years ago
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Murphy Bed Magic II

A more bilateral approach becomes imperative, especially after your own warm, soft, and now quite wet hand slips under my robe to join my own knowledgeable digits along my pulsing length, with a mingling of our slickness reasoned by nature to be the more perfect by unification.You're drawn to engage your heightening senses more fully, my understanding complete.  A swift desire to install by imitation, my own warm strong and likewise wet hand, (to meet one of your own) directs my next move. I...

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Murphys Law

Husband has the worst day of his life."If anything can go wrong-It will."Not only that, "Everything goes wrong all at once."************************************************************When I woke up this morning, I had no reason to believe it wasn't going to be anything but another good day in this wonderful life of mine. Boy was I ever wrong.By the end of the day, it would turn out to be the worst day of my life.My name is Stony Adams. I am a 48 year old engineer with an electrical design...

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Murphys Romance no not the Sally Field movie

There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...

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On Display A Mannequin Fetish Part 2

For the remainder of the week, Nathan did not return to the store. Michelle sometimes doubted the entire bizarre proposal even took place and carried on with her usual routine. Though deeply in thought of the man, she didn't allow it to interfere with her regular schedule. She had been working some days, in addition to evenings, though was able to keep up with her studies and hide her employment from her parents, who forbade her to work while in school. The following Tuesday, Michelle was...

1 year ago
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NubilesET Evelyn Claire Mary Got Popped In

Mary Pop once watched over Brock Doom, but now that Brock is grown and has kids of his own he finds that he needs someone to help him out with his son, Seth Gamble. Seth refuses to take responsibility for his messes despite his dad asking him to clean up after himself. As Brock is contemplating his next move, Mary Pop appears and tells him to take a few days off while she takes care of Seth. Brock agrees, and Mary goes to work. She starts by snapping her fingers to summon Seth to the living...

2 years ago
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Meeting a jackoff buddy online Part 1

I was sent out on a project outside ofCincinnati a 30-day project. Feeling horny and thinking about my other jackoff buddy Mike. I logged into a adult local chat. Made contact that went by principle33. Making small chat told him I was married and in town and had a local room outside of the city. He told me his name was Dave he was married had 2 small k**s. His wife wasn't interested in sex after the second one. That he was curious, looked at cocks on the Internet, never been with another guy....

3 years ago
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Bathroom Sex With A Babe In Delhi

Hi, this is Samir again with another story. Its about a bathroom sex fantasy which came true with a girl who I met in a night club. For new readers, I am samir, young smart goodlooking and very horny and hot boy from Delhi, im well educated and well placed too. For comments, suggestions and any other things plz email me on Coming to story, in my quite a previous story, I did tell you I met a girl in a night club in Delhi. Well after we had sex, we became friends and used to catch up often. We...

2 years ago
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Meeting Amanda Sarahs Unexpected Arrival Chapter 8

“So Tommy, are you going to explain what’s been going on between you and my daughter? Don’t you dare tell me nothings been happening between the two of you! I’m not that stupid. Shit I walk in the door and she isn’t sleeping on the couch and don’t tell me the storm bothered her. That storm was the night I left. Then I hear her calling you from upstairs, wanting you to come back to bed!” “Sarah I, we, we can explain.” Poor Tommy was starting to stutter. The best he could remember, he...

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Miss GarforthThomas A woman scorned

Melissa Garforth-Thomas was a very fortunate young woman some twenty and three years of age.. Virtuous, Handsome financially secure She had received a very generous gift of property in her Great Aunt Melissa’s will due to her parent’s foresight in naming her after the old lady and her parent’s subsequent divorce which the old lady abhorred. Hence Melissa was very well set up with a handsome fiancé and a wedding to plan as soon as he returned from the new world. Scorned. One morning...

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CrosswindsChapter 2

Author’s Note: Contains elements of incest. Have fun if that’s your thing. Diana Masters trained her deep emerald eyes locked on the reddish-yellow streak of fuji apple she tossed high in the air. The soaring ball kissed the bright orange leaves of the tall maple tree in the college atrium. It made a loud, slapping noise as it came back to her cupped hand. Her other hand clutched a brown paper bag that bounced with a brisk rhythm off her shapely hip. The crimson mid-length dress she wore...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always had an obsession with my sister's pussy. When I was 18 years old, I walked in on her fingering herself in the living room. We were home alone at the time, and even though she screamed and quickly covered up, I remember every second of it. I couldn't stop staring at her. I noticed her beautifully even pussy lips, her throbbing clit, and her moaning. Ever since then, I would try to peek at it. When she got out of the shower, looking through...

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Clementine in HellChapter 14

"You still miss her don't you, Viola? Even now, after all this time?" Estella and Jules had flown back from the States, where they had been living since just after their marriage. The couple had brought their two sweet little children with them to start a new life in Estella's native town. Little Estella was getting on for three and already as lovely as her mother. Little Jules was six months old and adorable, smiling delightedly whenever he caught anyone's eye. Estella was clearly...

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The office

As I was zoning out at Pam, the search committee called me over to tell me I didn't get the manager position. I start sulking and thinking to myself "if Jim weren't on there that job would've been mine". When I left work, I started driving back to the farm miserably when I suddenly crashed into a ditch. When I came to, I was in a hospital with the people of the office there and a curvy young white nurse. I hear them chattering, asking if I'm going to be alright but I hear a voice in my head...

Mind Control
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The Find Book 3Chapter 21

On the way to Grenada Island, Diane and Beth sat and talked with Lucile. Diane said she heard about a lot of things and Lucile told them that most of the things they heard are probably true. Lucile said to Beth, “You will not want to leave! What they have coming up in your field is just unbelievable The are getting ready to open an electronic factory and a software manufacturing business that will do billions of dollars. Thirty billion easily for the first year, no problem. The Toy as they...

2 years ago
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A Reluctant VoyeurChapter 3

October 29, 2014: I'm not just chronicling the mind probes, now. I'm trying to keep a running account of everything that has to do with my apparently unique ability, and that includes today's meeting with doctors Christy and Austin. It came off rather strangely, beginning with a phone call from Janet asking if I could meet her and Dr. Austin for lunch at a restaurant on South Havana, not too far from the labs near the Denver Tech Center. I told her on the phone that I had rather a full...

3 years ago
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Custom Made Vaginas Pt 01

This is a story about extra sensory mind control. It is a fictional story about what I wish I could do to a woman’s body with my mind. It happened to me on a rainy afternoon out on my Harley trying to get home. The thunderstorm was raging with lightning striking close by. The terrain was flat. Scanning the landscape, there were no bridges or buildings in which I could hide. I just kept on the throttle, hoping I would get out of the storm before the lightning hit me. I was wrong. I do not...

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Cinemas arent what they used to be

Many years ago in Cardiff there was a rather old fashioned cinema called the Prince of Wales, which I found one day while I was in the city shopping during a brief week stop over there. The ‘good times’ that I had there during that week and on subsequent visits made for some happy memory entries in my diary. So, I have brought them from the diary to the page so that others can enjoy them. When I first passed the cinema I had to stop when I saw the films advertised, I cannot now remember what...

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Quickies At Work

Hi, readers, this is Aarush from Navi Mumbai, I’m 24 average dick and 5″6 height not so fair in color. So this sex story is about my daily routine quick sex which is happening every day and it continues since the past one week and I hope it would happen till my partner gets satisfied. The girl in this sex story is married South Indian woman with a perfect mallu figure and especially huge melons and a perfectly round shape ass that makes me hard all the time. So after being good friends at work...

4 years ago
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Always Leave Them Wanting MoreChapter 2

My phone’s alarm went off at 8:30 and the morning was as awkward as to be expected. We both needed to be at the theater by noon, so Christy was quickly finding her clothes so she could get back home and get herself ready for the long day. “I, um, I don’t want this to sound like I didn’t have a great time last night. But I’m not usually like that,” she said as she put yesterday’s socks on. “I’m usually a bit more reserved. I think it was the adrenaline from the play that made me...” I...

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Sizzling Sex With Minisha 8211 Part I

Hi, I am Rohan from Delhi. I am a constant reader of ISS and since a very long time I was thinking a lot to share my experiences of sex life with the readers of ISS but was not sure enough that whether I should do it or not. But at last I decided to do so & here I am with one of mine most exotic & unexpected experience. Let me tell you that I am 32 & married, working with an IT MNC company on a senior level. People do say that I am handsome & can give complex to anyone. My wife also says the...

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The Resurrection of Linda

Linda was on all fours ? her hands and knees holding up her horizontal body ? completely naked The Resurrection of Linda  Chapter 1 ? What the Hell am I doing here? Linda was on all fours ? her hands and knees holding up her horizontal body ? completely naked.? She had been told to remain in this position or her tits would be removed from her body.? She was a unique female to be in this position.? She was middle age, slightly past her prime ? whatever her prime had been!? She was short,...

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Kristin A Hot Italian Babe

Sometimes things are not what they appear -- in fact, more often than we might know, things aren't really what they appear to be. That was the case of my good friend Sam and his youngest daughter, Kristin. I'd met Sam in my college years and I'd been his best man when he'd married his college sweetheart, Marie. They'd been happily married for several years and I'd watched them grow in their love and in their family as Marie had their first baby and then a second and a third. The third...

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Thanksgiving Study Session

The week of Thanksgiving is often a stressful time for most college students. Often the library is filled with anxious students writing multiple page term papers or studying for pending finals. Such was the case for Nikki Randall. The five foot three inch, blue-eyed blond had seven major papers due the week after Thanksgiving that she needed to finish and found the library to be more quiet and calm then at home, even though she lived alone. She found at home she'd be tempted to clean the...

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