Deathbed Ch. 3 free porn video

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Part Ten

I woke to the sound of a Harley some distance off and approaching. For a moment or two I didn’t know where I was. A dark room filled with an unfamiliar smell, a bed with musty sheets in which I lay naked. The side of my face was sore and my hip joints ached.

The burn in my groin brought it all back to me in the next moment, and I sat upright, pulling the quilt around me. The kerosene lamp had been turned down or had gone out. The dogs began to bark in a howling chorus.

Outside, the Harley pulled up and stopped and a voice began over the dogs. It continued in a low and complaining tone as the barks gradually subsided, though I couldn’t make out the words. It didn’t seem to be a conversation, since no one answered in the silences, and though it was somehow familiar, it didn’t sound like the rider’s voice.

Where was he? He’d covered me and gone, though he’d said he would take me all night. If that had been his bike, he’d apparently left and come back. It was still night, the blackness was defined only by the slightly lighter rectangle of the window and a faint beam of light coming up the stairs through the half-open bedroom door.

Between my legs seeped the sticky moisture of sex, now cooled, but still redolent of what had happened in this bed. I could smell my own sweat and the scent of a man: sharp muskiness and the crushed-herb tang of semen. Now I realized why his aura of suspended decay had such an effect on me. I recalled Deadman’s powerful naked body, his hands, the look in his eyes as he took me, and my insides went hot and soft.

I’d confessed a crime to him–he’d forced me into my most vulnerable state and made me admit what I’d done, and for some reason I felt relieved. As I had been raised Catholic, confessions of sin and guilt resonated deeply with me, but only in the throes of sexual passion could I ever open my confidence to anyone.

I recalled the previous confession I had made while in bed with a man, and its result, and the relief began to flee. What if Deadman had gone to fetch the police and returned to betray me? What if they were just behind him?

Searching by touch, I found my clothes and put them on. The voice had fallen quiet. I crept down the stairs past the bloodstains on the wall and floor and through the front room, navigating by the light from the kitchen.

Someone was moving around in there, clanging utensils. My purse and gun were still where they had fallen, so I picked them up, closed the purse and peered into the kitchen. Stephanie was chopping potatoes again, her back to me. Her long, inexpertly crimped ash-brown hair hung over her shoulders.

“Excuse me–” I began, and she jumped, her knife slipping.

“Ow! Shit, you scared me!” she said angrily, waving a cut and bleeding forefinger. “What are you sneaking around for?” She put the finger in her mouth and took it out, I couldn’t see the cut any more.

“I wasn’t sneaking around. I was wondering if–”

“Whatever,” she snarled, turning back to her task. “’Taker just got back and he’ll be hungry, so I have to get the food ready.”

“Got back from where?”

“How the hell should I know? He had to go on one of his rides and fetch someone. He’s right out there with the passenger.” Stephanie bobbed her head at the door that led to the veranda. “He doesn’t tell me where he goes. Just orders me around!”

“A passenger? Not…the police?”

She laughed in a high shrill tone. “Cops? Him? You’ve got to be kidding! He HATES cops! There isn’t a police station in fifty miles, anyway. Only state troopers come all the way out here, and you wouldn’t catch them *dead* near *this* house. Ha!” It apparently hadn’t occurred to her to ask why I was concerned about the police. “No, he’ll eat and then he’ll leave with the passenger, but he won’t be gone long, damn him! I wish he’d ride off on that noisy, stinking bike and never come back!”

“What is he to you?” I moved into the kitchen and took my jacket from the chair where I had left it, the house had grown chilly. “Does this house belong to your family?” Shouldering into the jacket, I crossed the room to peer out the window. Nothing was visible but a portion of the driveway beyond the rise of the veranda. The Firebird was gone.

“Of course it does!” she snapped, dumping several handsful of potatoes into a skillet along with a chunk of dubious fat from a tin can. “It belongs to Daddy! ‘Taker just comes here and commandeers the place whenever he likes and sleeps in our beds and eats our food and sends us on errands and makes us wait on him! We all hate his guts!”

Turning for a moment, she glared at me. “And we feel exactly the same about *you*, understand? I don’t know why he decided to keep you here–I don’t know what you’re doing here at all, whoever you are! You’re not even *dead!*”

“Um…no. Is he really what he says he is? Uh…undead?”

“Du-uuh! Of course he is!” She stood with arms akimbo as the potatoes sizzled, looking me up and down with chilly blue eyes. Since she had on far too much makeup, her glare lost a large part of its malicious effect. “I guess he must think you’re cute or something–you don’t look like anything special to me–but he’s never kept anyone here before.” If her expression had been more pleasant, I thought, she might have looked much prettier than she did. Her eyebrows went up. “Oh! Did he do it to you?”

“What?” I knew I was blushing bright red.

“Oooh! Now I get it–he said you were his woman! ‘Taker brought you here to *screw* you! He screwed you in mine and Aitch’s bed up there!” Stephanie’s nose wrinkled, but her eyes gained an avid, prurient inquisitiveness. “That is SO gross! I didn’t think he *ever* got laid! What’s he like in the sack–I bet his dick’s just monster, right? Did he do it to you up the–?”

“None of your business!” I was appalled, my few women friends had never asked me such questions, knowing that my somewhat askew sexuality wasn’t a matter for light conversation, but she seemed to lack any feminine insight into my nature.

“Oh, la-di-da!” she replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes at what she apparently considered my over-delicacy, then asked a question that took the breath out of my lungs. “So you’re in love with him? You’re going to stay with him?”

“WHAT?!” In love with the rider? A man I’d met only a few hours before? A huge, uncouth biker? A man who’d virtually kidnapped me and forced himself on me–though with my tacit consent? A man whose very humanity was in question?

But I was the sort of woman whose desires ran in dark directions, as he seemed to have known from the beginning, and although I’d never loved any of the men I had slept with, he wasn’t like any man I had ever met. I hadn’t sorted out how I felt about him, and I had no idea how he felt about me, other than the obvious fact that he lusted after me. Or he had lusted after me–he’d left me alone after finishing, so perhaps he’d taken all he wanted.

“That’s…that’s the craziest thing I’ve heard all day, which is saying something! I’m leaving here as soon as I can!”

To my utter surprise, she looked crestfallen. “You’re not the woman of his dreams, I guess. Too bad–we would have gotten rid of him if you had been!” The Firebird pulled up and parked outside, and Shane got out: her brother. “But that wouldn’t have happened in a *thousand* years, let alone fifty, no matter what the contract says! He’s so big and nasty and smells like a–”

The scent of scorching approached my nostrils. “Your potatoes are burning,” I said. Her eyes opened wide and she turned to stir them. “What contract are you talking about?” I recalled that he had said the Devil’s promises were worth no
thing. “You mean…his contract with Hell? Is that really–?”

“It’s not like he doesn’t deserve his job, no matter how much he hates it!” she hissed, scraping stuck potatoes off the bottom of the pan and adding another chunk of fat. “I hope he steps out of bounds and gets taken away himself! He’s never going to find a woman who will be faithful to him anyway–he might as well give up and break the terms and get it over with!”

Snorting, she broke a few eggs into the pan and clapped on a lid. “Then we’ll have our own damn house to ourselves! Just family, the way it used to be!” Shane opened the kitchen door and came in with a sack of groceries. “You stupid prick!” Stephanie screamed at him. “’Taker’s gonna kick your ass for coming in the house!”

“No, he isn’t, you dumb slut!” he shouted back. “He told me to put the stuff in the kitchen!” They stuck their tongues out at each other and she threw some potato peelings at him. “Bite me, you bitch!” He flipped her off and left, making a face at me.

I rolled my eyes and tried to piece together what she was telling me. “’Taker needs to find a faithful woman to be redeemed from service to Hell? That’s the Devil’s stipulation?” It sounded fairytale, medieval. What did a dead man walking sound like?

“Uh-huh. A woman who’s always loved *him* and never will love anyone else! Fat chance, right? Who would fall in love with a bastard like that? Who in their right mind would even want to *fuck* him?” Her face sharpened into prurience again. “Did he, like, *make* you do it? Did he tie you up or something? That’s really gross!”

I ignored all but one question. “Love…?” Who *would* have always loved him and been faithful? I wasn’t a faithful woman, quite the opposite, in fact. I had slept with several dozen men for varying reasons, and I had betrayed every one of them. Other than my father and my daughter, I didn’t believe I had ever loved anyone. My mother had died from complications of pregnancy just before I had been born.

In a sense I had killed her. I had been taken from her dead body by Caesarian section, so I had never known her, either to love or to despise. Perhaps that was why I didn’t have much to say to other women.

Certainly I hadn’t loved my husband. It hadn’t cost me much emotion to shoot him, and less to shoot my lover, who had been his best friend. Both relationships had been matters of convenience alone. “Love defined how? Sex? Devotion? Sacrifice?”

“How should I know? The whole thing’s gross and weird and so is he! He doesn’t have any more time anyway, which is such a pisser! Another forty hours, and the limit of the contract is up and he’s permanently bound to Hell. We’re stuck with him forever!” She banged a bottle of hot sauce on the table and scrubbed a plate with a grubby towel. “I’ll have to cook his damn food until hell freezes over!”

“Forever? How are you going to last that long?”

She smirked at me. “We’re the same as he is. Undead. Isn’t that a crock?” She grinned at my wide eyes. “Me and Daddy and my husband Aitch and my stupid brother. We all died in a car accident years ago. Boo!” I jumped and she laughed. “Ha, ha! Scared you! You’re in the house of the living dead! Bwaah!”

I realized she was telling the truth, but her juvenile glee made fear ridiculous. She wasn’t truly dangerous, the way the rider was, she was only a spiteful girl who didn’t like having another woman around, no matter how she had tried to attach me to the rider. Was she concerned for the virtue of her big blond husband?

I wondered if he had recovered from his injuries as quickly as Deadman had. Her face fell when she saw that I retained my equilibrium–she’d apparently hoped I’d run out screaming. But the sight of the rider’s fury after I had shot him had inured me now to almost any kind of lesser fright, supernatural or otherwise. Nothing could be worse than his unholy wrath.

“Your family is cursed, the way he is?” I thought of another cursed family I knew.

“No,” she said as if it were obvious. “We’re good people! Decent people! ‘Taker saw us standing along the road next to the car and he stopped and looked at us, and told us he wouldn’t take us with him because that wasn’t where we were supposed to go. So we asked him to help us get the car out of the ditch and he did, and we just came home and we’ve stayed here ever since.”

“For years? No one else came to get you?”

“Like who? What, God or something? We don’t believe in shit like that.”

My jaw dropped slightly. “Oh.”

“So here we are. He takes advantage of us because he can. Everyone around here knows who he is and won’t let him in their houses, so he uses our place for a crash pad when he’s around. The rest of the time we mind our own business. We’re not looking for an impossible redeemer the way he is! We’re just fine the way we are!” For a moment her face changed, a hint of human sorrow crept into it. “I can’t ever have children. Dead people don’t have children…”

I couldn’t get my mind off the idea of Deadman’s redemption. It did sound impossible. A woman had to have always loved him and have been faithful? How long did she have to remain true to him–eternity? Where would he find a woman like that?

She had to be someone he already knew, I supposed, and if he hadn’t found her in fifty years he wouldn’t ever find her. Maybe the whole stipulation was a fraud. Surely a contract imposed by the Devil had myriad loopholes in Hell’s favor, though perhaps the condition had to be possible of fulfillment in order for the contract to be valid. What were the legalities of damnation, and who was the final judge? I could hardly believe that I was taking this seriously, but obviously there was more substance to my childhood theology than I had realized.

Mind spinning a bit from all the peculiar revelations I had heard, I opened the kitchen door and went outside. There next to the veranda stood the big pale Harley, leaning slightly over on its kickstand like a tired horse. Surrounded by his spread-out black leather coat, the rider knelt with his back to me tinkering with something on the engine. He had braided his hair and tied a bandanna over his head.

I walked to the railing meaning to speak to him, but a short distance to the left of him stood another person–a man. He was tall, somewhat overweight, and dark-haired, his white dress shirt splotched with blood, and all around him sat and lay the dogs as if guarding him. Obviously it was the passenger Deadman had gone to fetch. The man turned, and I looked into my husband’s eyes.

Part Eleven

“Hello, Roy,” I said, feeling only a little faint. Nothing of this kind was going to surprise me ever again, I knew. Deadman didn’t turn around.

“Bitch,” my husband replied dazedly. “I’m dead. You shot me dead.”

“Yes, I did. Did he bring you here?”

“I was wandering around. I didn’t know what to do. Where to go. Tony kept saying the rosary and he left with someone else. She had a shining face, but I couldn’t go with her. Didn’t want to go with her…angels are too fucking New Age-y.” He looked around and up at the house. “This dump is where you ran off to?”


“This enormous guy came up alongside me. He told me to get on the bike, and I told him to fuck off. He touched me and I couldn’t move. He put me on the bike. We came a long way, I think. Or just a short way–I don’t know. A strange road. Like glass.”

“I saw the strange road. It must be his route between places.”

“You’re not dead, you murdering bitch,” said Roy. “Why not? You ought to be dead, not me.”

“I don’t know, actually. I almost was killed. I almost ran your BMW off the road.”

ou stole my fucking car, you bitch. First you shoot me dead, then you steal my ninety-thousand-dollar custom Beemer. You better not have wrecked my car. I’m still paying on it.”

I sighed. “You’re dead, Roy. You don’t owe any more on your car.”

“I should have killed you. No, I shouldn’t have married you. You’re damn sexy in a slightly twisted way, but you’re a deeply conflicted, passive-aggressive, necrophilac bitch. You murder your own family and friends, and you spend too much of my dough. My psychiatrist says you’re symbolically emasculating me by spending my money.”

“Which would mean that you equate your money with your prick? Par for the course, Roy.”

“Where did you get that gun? Did you buy it with my money?”

“Papa gave it to me before I ever met you. Papa has a modicum of foresight.”

“Oh, fuck your Papa! Fuck you! You killed me! It hurt.” He sniffled.

“So I hear.”

“Your eggs are ready, ‘Taker!” Stephanie yelled in the kitchen. “Don’t blame me if they’re overdone! Daddy hasn’t adjusted the damn propane tank yet and the stove’s still running hot!”

Deadman got up and brushed off his hands, looking at me for the first time. When our eyes locked, I felt a great wave of emotion pass through me. Heat, desire, memory only a few hours old. I had never before felt the way I had felt in bed with him, and all of it washed over me in an instant and left me shivering.

I saw his pale face flush at the sight of me, he ran his tongue along the line of his lips as if his mouth had suddenly gone dry, but he said nothing and came up the steps toward me, gaze riveted to my face. It felt as if we were the only two people in the universe, but I couldn’t help wondering if he actually meant to kiss me in front of my dead husband.

When the rider stood before me, he paused for a moment. I knew my eyes were speaking plainly to him again, and his focus dropped to my lips, but he stepped to one side.

As he passed me wordless on the way to the kitchen door, Roy spoke again. “I loved you, you pretty bitch. I really loved you. Tony told me what you’d done. I went through hell. I didn’t want to kill you. I love you.” Deadman stopped where he was, just abreast of me, and slightly turned his head as he listened.

“Why didn’t you and Tony just call the police if you thought I should be punished, you idiot? None of this would have happened.”

“Call the police? You crazy? That’s not the way we do things in the family. You know that. We take care of our own. I love you. You’re mine. My wife. It’s my right to kill you.”

“I’m not your wife any more. I’m alive and you’re dead. No one can be married to a dead man.”

“I love you, baby,” he blubbered. “You vowed to be faithful to me and then you cheated on me with everyone under the sun, but I love–”

“I don’t love you, and I never did.” I met Deadman’s eyes, which were intent on me. “I married you because I wanted to have children and you had money. You never told me how your family had made that money. Death. You sold death disguised as pleasure, poison to bring on oblivion. Heroin, crack, methamphetamine. You sold poison to people who only wanted to relieve their pain, and you killed them.

“All of you were criminals and racketeers and drug-addled perverts. You never told me that your grandfather raped your mother until her husband stabbed him to death, that all of her children including you were her own father’s offspring, and that your damned family was so inbred from generations of incest that it was a miracle you didn’t walk on all fours. I wanted children because I wanted to give life for once instead of taking it. You never told me that your sisters died as babies because they were too deformed to live. All of you were cursed, including my daughter. You were dealers in death and you profited from death. You might have made a bad choice in marriage, but so did I. Maybe I knew what you were even though you hadn’t told me. Maybe I thought I deserved you.”

“That doesn’t give you the right. You don’t have the right to take matters into your own hands.”

“I loved Irene. I loved her even though I knew she wouldn’t live the moment she was born, and I didn’t want to see her in any more pain. It wasn’t her fault she was born to such a family and that your curse passed on to her through me. I let the doctors torture her for three years, and then I gave her the only gift that would relieve her pain. I know it was a sin, and I’ve suffered for it ever since. Why do you think I finally confessed to Tony? It was eating me up inside, because I felt my child’s last breaths through my own hands. I blurted it out while he was fucking me in your bed because I lost my mind with grief on her birthday. I gave Irene life and I gave her death. What did it matter if her death was a little sooner rather than later? What difference did it make?”

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There was no time to dwell on it. I had my own follower to worry about. As soon as I thought of that, thoughts about myself vanished. I had sent Elspeth off, both of us knowing that I would be meeting an old lover. How could I have been so callous? Rather than risk Boston traffic, I phoned. Elspeth picked up on the first ring. Doh! I had no idea where Elspeth wanted me to go. The GPS in my phone led me to a large house with an iron fence. Someone opened the gate as I drove up. In another...

3 years ago
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First Time Swapping

FIRST TIME SWAPPING Here we are Rajiv and Reena, the sexy couple from Orissa is sharing our first sex swapping experiences with ISS viewers .I am Reena writing this new experiences of fucking for your enjoyment and quick response in this subject on our email address are three sexy married couple friends in our mid of thirties and have started our own small swinger group here at Cuttack. For lack of a better term we just called ourselves “The Players”. We are Ashis and Arati, Jayanta and usha,...

3 years ago
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The life of Jake A story of drama sex and high school

"Hey, how was the next two?" I asked. "Sucktacular, douche bag." he replied in mock anger. He got in the shower too. He was taller than me, with glasses. But he didn't wear them despite his need.  " Hey your still here. Isn't Jenny waiting for you outside?" " Shit!" I got out and looked at my watch.  5:25. Jenny, my girlfriend for 4 years should be outside the locker room. She is so hot. Brown hair, a little shorter than me but only by an inch. And a 34C. She lives with me now...

2 years ago
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Peter Spies on his Wife

Another exciting Sunday night. "Goodnight honey" she said as she pecked him on the cheek. As soon as Susan left the room, Peter closed the spreadsheet he had been pretending to work on when she'd walked in. The web site he'd been looking at appeared and with the collection of amateur photos he'd been looking at. He was particularly fond of one girl in particular and he never tired of browsing through her seductive photos. God knows it was the only way he was going to get off tonight....

3 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 25

Megan, Sammi, Eric, and I sat on the bed, staring at our visitor. Sometimes, you wonder why something surprises you, but it does nonetheless. The romantic mood was mostly gone; mostly, but that didn't keep Megan from slipping her hand between my legs and absent-mindedly stroking me slowly. I doubt she realized she was doing it. She had eyes only for the girl in the corner. Sammi was doing similar things with Eric, paying no more attention. It would be interesting when Julie returned with...

3 years ago
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Doing twins 2

“Do you really mean it, Aunty? Can I really touch you… there?” If the boy had any doubts about my intentions, I dispelled them by taking his trembling hand in mine and guiding it between my legs. I sighed when I felt the back of his hand against the warm furry mound of my hairy cunt. Only the thin material of my white panties kept his hand from making contact with my cunt. I held his hand there for a moment. When I took my hand away, the boy kept his hand between my legs, starting to move it up...

1 year ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 16

To perhaps alleviate some of the confusion of many, many names, here is a list of some that are mentioned, but were introduced in previous episodes of the Transformations series. Dr. Julia Waxman, Psychiatrist, Director of Transformation Frank Waxman, Julia's husband, General Manager of Transformations, former fashion exec, General Manager of Magnuson Foundation. Gerald Magnuson, wealthy philanthropist, primary backer of Transformations. Paul Ventri, CFO of Transformations and president...

1 year ago
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Out To Sea

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mary had always enjoyed a good ocean view, but seeing one from somewhere in the middle of it was even better. The waters were calm this night, the moonlight’s glow reflected upon it surface. Mary sighed, relaxing ever muscle in her body. The warm breeze caressed her gently as she leaned her elbows on the rail of the cruise ship. She could still here the muffled sounds of the ballroom party not but a few doorways behind her; the band playing their tune,...

1 year ago
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Putting Friendship to the TestChapter 4

Sex with Susie did get better, lots better. I was in her room almost every night after that, and by the third or fourth time Susie could do it great without any problems at all. We started to experiment with different positions, and when we were out of ones I'd heard of Susie started making them up. Pretty soon we were using up three or four rubbers every time we got together. It was looking like the econo-pack Ronnie and I bought at Wal-Mart wasn't going to last the semester. The only...

2 years ago
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Ponygirls for Christmas

Ponygirl's for Christmas By: DonnerTie "What about this one Lizzy?" I held up the black latex corset. A look of utter embarrassment spread across my friends face. Her cheeks had turned crimson red, and she quickly averted her eyes. "No I don't think so Kelly" she managed to whisper. She tried to hide her discomfort by turning back to the rack of latex and rubber outfits that hung in front of her. I looked down at the shiny piece of material in my hands. It felt deliciously smooth to the...

2 years ago
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the connection

i have been exposed to sex for the better part of sixteen years...from the first time i ever had an erection i knew i enjoyed it, the sneaking around, having to hide this enjoyment, in essence i discovered in hiding this enjoyment i essentially made it my own...something that i could have to myself (like thinking to yourself, but physically) for years i kept this ritual to myself and thought i could maintain this escape for a long timebut the night i lost my virginity i lost that to which i...

3 years ago
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Linda went to the doctors

Note: This story was made up and it not true.I had to get a new doctor, my doctor retired. This new doctor I have his name is Dr. Jones. He is new, came out of school not to long ago. He is 25 years old, he has dark brown hair, he has glasses on.Dr. Jones been treating me for 3 months now. Linda’s doctor just passed away. She is looking for a new doctor. Just a reminder, Linda is 40 years old, her hair comes down to her shoulders, light brown, she wears glasses, she’s a BBW weigh about 200 lbs....

2 years ago
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Wellcome to! A dating site that helps futanari and those attracted to futanari meet someone special. Whether you're seeking true love or just a new friend, start your search here.

3 years ago
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Voyeuristic sister

She knew for certain there would be a surprised reaction from her little brother, as she gained the courage to push open his bedroom door and reveal her voyeuristic self; but nothing prepared her for the startling yelp that leapt forth from the very core of his being when she did just that. Nor was she even remotely prepared her for the sight that followed. It was as if he had tried to jump up, but became immediately paralyzed by the moment of his orgasm: his young body all-at-once tensing and...

1 year ago
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Life With sis Pt 11

After our day with Lexie and Terece I was really tired. After we said our good nights I think I fell asleep before my head was even on my pillow.I woke up feeling something soft and warm rubbing my face, it was Steph rubbing the hair from my forehead. When I opened my eyes she smiled and said she couldn't sleep and wanted some attention. I moved over the best I could so she could fit in bed with me, I figured she just wanted to be held awhile.Instead, she gave me a couple of soft and gentle...

3 years ago
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Twin obsessionsPart 3

Sixteen-year-old Megan jumped when I slide my hands over her hips and wrapped her up in my warm embrace. She snuggled into me. I loved the feel of her petite body against me. The bathroom mirror had already started to fog, I called to my twin, "James! Get your ass over to our girl." Our girl.. I liked the sound of that, so did she I guess as she beamed her beautiful smile up at me. She really was beautiful.. And all mine, well, my brothers too. James ran in and jumped into the hot water, Megan...

3 years ago
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Replay without Amanda

I was sitting on my bed studying when Andy returned to the dorm room after his last class of the day. I didn't really think much about it when he closed and locked the door to our room behind him."Can you believe last night actually happened?" he asked.I looked up at him and smiled. "No, I never thought anything like that would happen to me," I calmly remarked.Andy and I had had our first threesome experience with another friend of ours, Amanda. All three of us took the same Chemistry class the...

1 year ago
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My life with Steph

‘We should be getting back.’ She said. ‘Yeah I was thinking that myself, I don’t know how long we’ve been away but I bet your mothers starting to wonder where we are.’ ‘Aye she’ll not be happy if we’re late for dinner.’ I kissed her once more before freeing my arm from beneath her, I retrieved our clothes from the fields and we hurriedly got dressed. ‘Jesus your back’s a mess.’ She said to me ‘Does it hurt?’ ‘No, well not yet anyway.’ ‘I’ve scratched it pretty badly, I’m...

1 year ago
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Out Of The Woods

It's all my fault. No matter how much I blame the GPS it was still my mistake. Trusting technology over common sense got us into this situation. Damn! I can call it a situation, but it's more serious than that would ever convey. We're lost. Stranded and freezing. We could soon die, if we don't do something. If I don't do something. It's all my fault. The sandy surface of the California shore was burning our bare feet as we crossed down closer to the tide line. Daphne was kicking the sand up...

Love Stories
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Chinese Business Liason

Men lusted after her, and drooled and pursued her relentlessly. She spurned them over and over again but to no avail. She was always cold and haughty but it only seemed to make them want her more. We began kissing and the heated presence of my body against her body after nine months alone, had fired her passions to an explosive level. She was aware too of my throbbing excitement ... of the huge bulge in my tight pants. The cloth of my crotch seemed to give off waves in torrid temptation to...

2 years ago
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Wife Friends Get Even When They Peg Me

Well what did I do to deserve this!!! Here I was tied up and blindfolded in my own BDSM playroom. So I cheated on my wife with our neighbor Carol, it was just a blowjob and after all; Carol was the one who asked to suck my thick seven inch cock. I did not deserve to be tied up to our bed and “ambushed” by my wife and Carol. My wife must have been really pissed; I got five lashes with a thick leather belt followed by being “pegged” by my wife in my virgin asshole. It really hurt at first, but...

3 years ago
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she knows

i wake up one morning at my friends house by his s****r (shes about 5’4’a nice 125 nice thick ass 36DDD titties long hair with blue tips and big green eyes) shaking me asking me if i want something to eat i look at her and say ‘ babe its 5 am ‘ shes in her all blue thong and no bra she has her titties in my face asking am i hungary i say sure so i leave the room in some boxers she sits me domn and then gets on top of me she starts to grind real hard but yet slowly. kissing my neck and rubing my...

4 years ago
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Under His Spell

I hated him. I always had. But now more than ever. I hated the way he made me feel. But he was just so bloody gorgeous. And every time he looked at me with his whirlpool green eyes, my legs just turned to jelly. Just one glance from him would make my stomach do multiple flips, and my cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. He knew exactly how much control he had over me; he knew exactly how manipulate me and get exactly what he wanted. And he loved it. Every last, lustful second of it. I’d known...

Straight Sex
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How It All Began Ch 10

"Someone needed that," came a dusky, croaky voice. "Mmm, I always need that from you," replied Jack. With his muscles weak from exertion, Jack rolled over and moaned contentedly. Fay propped herself up by her elbows watching Jack's seed leaking from her flushed, glazed pussy. Fay rubbed his spunk over her shaved Mons playfully and rolled onto her side admiring the sheen of sweat on Jack's tanned body; as he recovered his composure. "So, does it feel good to be back?" asked Fay still slightly...

3 years ago
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The Face Sitting Class

It was the last French class of our college semester and all we had left was general discussion of French culture. Miss Malory Millieu was a striking woman in her early forties and the most alluring teacher of the most interesting class I’d ever taken. The class was small, five guys and nine girls, two of whom were women in their thirties. The discussion took an eventful turn when one girl asked, “Miss Millieu, why are the French people always associated with oral sex?” Undaunted with the...

Oral Sex
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Cloud Nine Ch Two

Gene liked his job, and it showed. He had progressed to middle management rapidly, and confidently expected to continue his climb up the corporate ladder with few, if any, bumps on the road to success.He breezed into his office, saw Cynthia sitting behind her desk, and, for the thousandth time thought of how much he would like to fuck her. She had come with the office, and he had never taken the time to read her file and even find out how old she was. She looked young, and he rebuked himself...

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just a spanking fantasy

………My sassy mouth always seems to get me in trouble.   I am ordered to lower my jeans and panties mid thigh and go to the corner. I must press my nose firmly in the corner and push my bottom out, my back arched.  After 15 mins or so of corner time, I am allowed to pull my panties back up, however, the jeans must stay where they are.  I am then ordered to stand at his right knee for scolding.  Then he gently takes my wrist and lowers me over his lap.  He allows his hand to rest on my shaking...

1 year ago
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Best Gift Last Gift

“Fuck yeah!” I screamed into my cell phone as I headed west on I-70 about two hours short of Columbus, OH, on a beautiful, sunny July Sunday. I had to scream into the phone: I was cruising down the road at 70 miles per hour with both windows down and the sunroof open. The car sounded like a wind machine, although the engine was purring and it was driving as beautifully as a car costing many more dollars. It was a 1996 Ford Probe, one of the greatest cars for the money Detroit has ever...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Girlfriend Ko Choda

Hi friends mera naam luv hai .. Naam me hi pyar hai delhi ka rehne wala hu . Meri hught 6 ft colour fair body atletic aur dikhne me theek thak hu .. Jo ladki ek baar dekh le vo waps zaroor dekhti hai .. Chalo ab ap logo ko bor naa karte hue mai sidha apni story pe ata hu. Mera ek friend hai gattu (gaurav) uski ek girlfriend hai maahi jo bht hi sexy hai . Use dekhte hi mera lund khada ho jata hai .. Are mai to apko batana hi bhul gaya mera lund 6 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai jo sch hai m nt...

2 years ago
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Donal Ch 01

The sun had set and a steady drizzle now fell from the darkening skies. He had first sighted the boar a half-mile back down the glen but it had spooked at an untimely breaking of a twig as he had approached. Donal’ had cursed and carried on with his hunt, taking more care of where he placed his feet. A sudden flash of lightning threw the jagged spikes of the Black Cuillins into stark relief off to his left, the sharp blade of rock of Am Bastair, the executioner, prominent amongst them. An...

2 years ago
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Mom Swapping Incest Orgy 8211 Part 2

I am Honey and here the description is about how our daughter is introduced to sex fest with his own brother.Let us hear from the boys . We som,John and Ali became the closest friends and more then blood relation that is sex relation friends. We all discussing how our fuck life with mom is progressing John: Friends do you know that at first my mom told I am as good as my dad but now she is telling that I am much more better than dad but she can not engulf my full cock as it is touching her womb...

4 years ago
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HealerChapter 2

The man who called himself John Healer didn't waste any of Albert Cosgrove's generous grant of funds. On the other hand, he didn't live like a pauper, either. His object was to have enough long-term resources to make it possible to travel freely, live comfortably, and avoid detection. Avoiding detection included such simple but effective devices as paying cash for everything while on the road. And since John Healer was more or less constantly on the road and in possession of no fixed...

4 years ago
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Sold to her mothers boyfriend

After a couple of weeks the fun was over for Bob and Sandra. Sandra was getting more and more desperate to keep Bob happy. Candy could hear Sandra moaning and grunting at night... she could hear how quickly Bob came, he would leave soon after. One afternoon Candy came home from school to find Sandra drunk on the couch. When she asked what was wrong Sandra told Candy that Bob was going to leave her if she couldn't keep him happy. Candy asked what she could do. She suddenly saw a light come...

1 year ago
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She had made it pretty obvious from the first time they chatted on-line that she enjoyed being dominated. It really wasn’t in his nature to be dominating, but he easily slipped into that role during their chats. She was drop dead gorgeous, stunningly so, so he couldn’t imagine that she would ever have trouble calling the shots in her relationships if she wanted. It seemed the more dominating he became, the more she craved him. He spent many chat sessions describing what he would do to her. She...

1 year ago
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Virtual Slavery Ch 08

8 Lynn When I entered on my calendar the flight to San Diego to meet with the CEO of a biotech company started by former researchers at the Salk Institute, the phone call I both dreaded and anticipated came within a few hours. And when I flew into San Diego on a beautiful January day that denied the possibility of Boston’s winter, Jefferson was there to meet me. He was wearing tan slacks and a coffee colored short sleeved silk shirt that drew tight across his broad shoulders as he took my...

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Ruthie Throws an Orgy Ch 07

After the very productive formal meeting and the great time that everybody had in the informal meeting at Jim Howell’s office, Ruthie and Pam and I were all quite hungry, so we stopped again at the restaurant that had been finding so much favor with us lately. While dining on Beef Broccoli and Egg Foo Yung and rice, we talked more about the orgy we would have later that month and about Ruthie’s approaching divorce. Pam had to work the next day, so I dropped her off at her apartment, where...

3 years ago
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Visiting My Girlfriends Family

"They’re going to love you. Trust me," she assured as they walked toward the front door. Chris knew that she was probably right. But the question of whether or not his girlfriend's parents would like him wasn't the issue that had made him uneasy. He just had never done the whole "meet her parents" thing. With any girlfriend. Back in the town in which he grew up everyone knew everyone, or at least knew of everyone, so he already felt comfortable enough around the parents of any...

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Horny Married Cousin Didi 8211 Part 2

After that steamy massage, my cousin sister Shweta didi and I did not get any alone time. But we were stealing glances at each other continuously. We also made sure to make use of the few seconds when no one was watching or with us. She would just rub my dick and I would pinch her sexy ass. When the vacation was over, she left telling me to visit her as she always does. But she was really urging this time. I usually say I will go. But this time, I promised her that I would visit her after 2.5...

1 year ago
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Natalies New Job Part 7

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mark never thought it could be so enjoyable as he spurted his hot sticky white goo in her. And her convulsions shortly after, when she came as well, made him appreciate the sensation even more. Now he embraced her tightly, mingling his pubic hair against hers, savoring the feel of her breasts squashing against his chest, their hard nipples grinding against his. He didn't want the sensation to end, his penis within her warm vaginal canal, but when it...


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