Fucks On A Plane free porn video

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I’m not psychic. I know we’ll sit next to each other because you are being extremely dorky and anal-retentive about just where exactly your seat is as you shuffle down the isle toward me. Maybe you’ve been screwed for over-head cargo space very recently, because you keep looking at your boarding pass, and then counting the seats from where you’re standing, arriving at the empty seat next to me, checking how full the cargo bin above it is, and then looking back down at your boarding pass. I’ve seen you do this 5 times already. You're sitting right here next to the window It'll be fine.

I know we’ll talk because you’ve already managed to nervously chat up two stewardesses and the older guy behind you, and you’re not even past the first-class cabin yet.

I'm not huge on talking on airplanes. In fact, normally I’d throw on some headphones and feign sleep before you sat down. It's nothing personal, I just hate the airplane conversation. The irony of the airplane conversation is that getting to know the passenger next to you actually dehumanizes them, because they’re always a boring replica of every other person you’ve ever had the airplane conversation with. The airplane conversation makes everyone the same. I’d rather just assume the person sitting next to me is amazing, and then not give them the opportunity to prove me wrong.

You on the other hand… Ok I’ll admit it: I’m looking forward to talking to you. It doesn’t hurt that you’re super cute with your curt red-hair and your adorable freckles and your bright green eyes. And yes your clingy pink sweat-pants and your starched, white, open, button-down shirt over that tight, wife-beater-tank top is easily the sexiest god-danmed thing I’ve seen in months (and I get around). I think it has something to do with the fact that you're not even trying, and yet you look amazing. Genuine. Lovely. I have a feeling you’ve had dozens of conversations on airplanes without ever once having the airplane conversation.

And now as the line moves I see why you’re worried about room in the over-head bin. You appear to be dragging a 300lb magicians trunk down the isle. Yeah, there’s no way you’re hoisting that obviously full-sized suitcase into the overhead yourself without a forklift. You’re 5'5", 120 pounds tops. I don’t know who in their right mind let you get this far with that elephant crate but I’d bet several hundred thousand dollars they were male… or lesbian. Welp, you have the window anyway, so I stand up to white-knight shove that monster into a bin for you and let you in to your seat.

You take me in as I stand. You like the look of me too, or at least my height. “Thanks cutie” you smile as you brush your palm across my stomach on your way into our row like we’ve been dating for weeks. It was not an accidental brush. It was your open palm and spread-out fingers, sliding luxuriously across my midriff. Your pinky actually hooked inside the waistline of my pants there for a moment as I fought your cement-block suitcase into the bin. The TSA literally doesn’t fondle me as effectively as you just did in the course of an actual pat down. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m far from upset by this, I mean, your touch surprises me, but it doesn’t surprise me that you’re touchy.

By the time the drink service arrives we’re already through the pleasantries and the flirting has begun in earnest. And can I just say? You’re delightful. Earlier, you seemed like you might be a little girly. Geeky and naive maybe? But here, now, with me, you’re all woman. I mean you’re still sweet and geeky, but also canny, chic, demure, and you manage to pull all of this off while cursing like a sailor. I could happily chit-chat with you forever. You flirt like an absolute pro – our back-and-forth is like a dance: quick; witty; smooth; sensual. You surprise me and the stewardess by ordering two Jack and Cokes off the cart, but then you push one at me without asking, giving me a dark little wink. The stewardess raises an eyebrow at us. Dang girl. That was so smooth.

Our flirtation escalates as we sip at our drinks. We make each other laugh and blush. You effortlessly work in more contact; your fingernails on my knee, or on my forearm, like the most natural thing in the world. I tingle with your every touch, fixating on you. Drinking in your exposed collarbones, and elegant neck. Your beautiful lips, and sexy freckles. I don’t touch back, playing it cool; but I sorely want to; like, I bitterly, viscerally, feel-it-on-the-back-of-my-tongue want to touch you back.

You’re taking me in as well. I see how your emerald eyes dart to my comparatively large hands and partially exposed biceps. I know that – probably despite yourself – you think my disorderly hipsterish man-bun is pretty; that you like the hard line of my chin, and my muscular jaw. I know from when I stood to help you with your luggage, that you like that I’m tall. I angle toward you. My shoulder into the seat, attempting to accentuate these parts of myself for you. I want you to want me, even though I already know you do. You adjust to face me as well, and now we have our very own little space together. Intimate and safe, like a pillow-fort. The armrest creates a border between us. It seems like a formidable thing to me – a demilitarized zone – but you toy with it; attacking across, and expertly retreating. Making a game of violating my airspace. One hand loosely holding your drink, the other camped on the armrest when it isn’t making forays into my space, to tug at my shirt, or lightly brush the back of my hand. Your every touch a bomb dropping.

Your eyes sparkle as you set me up to give you compliments. Like when you mention the in-flight system on Virgin Atlantic where you can send “winks” (you wink at me as you say the word) to another passenger you think is hot. I don’t miss any opportunity, winking back, grinning. Smoothly replying I don’t need an app to wink at the hottest girl on this flight. You flash that bright, naughty smile at me. I’ll take it to my grave. You swish the ice in your empty cup, attacking across the line again. Resting your cold hand on hot forearm to ask if I want another. I do, and I tell you this round is on me.

I sit back and start to unbuckle, to grab another round from the back, but before I have the lap-belt off you’re above me – astride me. Your lips tantalizingly close to my ear, your hand on my chest below my shoulder. I gasp at the suddenness of your proximity; the overwhelming sensation of your softness. I inhale you with that gasp; the elegance of your expensive perfume co-mingling with the naughtiness of the cheap whiskey on your breath.

“Nah, that’s ok.” you whisper “I got it.”, and I understand. It was just a pretense for a wholesale invasion – a means for you to wholly occupy my space and wrecking-ball demolish that itty-bitty imaginary line between us that I thought was so daunting.

“You sure do” I agree, running my fingers up your soft thigh, giving you a little squeeze. I couldn’t help myself.

“Easy tiger” you tease, sliding into the aisle. But you don’t fool me. I could hear the delight in your voice. Could feel you exploring my deltoid as you made your reluctant escape. So you like my shoulders too.

Things take a turn for the serious when you return with the second round. Taking no chances this time, you occupy my hands, placing a drink in each before you climb across. Smiling down at me sensuously as you too-slowly make your traversal. I rest my head back against the seat and watch, behaving myself as you work your way across me. Our conversation ironically veers into the banal now as we try to fit the puzzle pieces of our separate lives together into something that might make sense. It’s immediately obvious that it won’t work out.

The closest thing we have is that I’m sometimes in NYC and you’re sometimes in Toronto. I’m disappointed and so are you, and you ask what my preferred social networks are. In the moment, it’s easy to tell myself that we’ll keep in touch; that we’ll meet up sometime. I want to. You want to. We both know we wont. I tell you I mostly Twitter, and give you my handle.

“What? no tinder?” that naughty smile of yours again as you pick up the flirting, pretty much right where we left off.

“I’d sign up for farm-dating-with-christ.com if I knew I’d find you there” I shoot back.

“So you’d swipe right on me then?” you ask, that restless hand of yours settling on my instep.

“I’d swipe that pretty white shirt clean off your freckly little shoulders” I promise, taking a sip. Why be coy? We only have another hour together tops.

“Oh yeah? Right here? Mile-High style?” you beam at me, taking a sip of your own. Ok, that is an option that honestly hadn’t even occurred to me and you’re so smooth you made it sound like it was my idea.

“Um.” is all I can manage.

Your eyes narrow "ah c'mon now" your naughty grin "This can't be your first time"

"Oh but it is" I admit grinning darkly back. It’s true, but I’m neither ashamed of it nor worried that it might be a buzz-kill for you. In fact, by now I know you well enough to know my confession will be a massive turn-on for you. Not just because you’ll find the honesty, and vulnerability hot, but also you bought me two drinks and felt me up before you knew my name. You like to drive – to have your way. So go on then. Bust my cherry.

You smile wryly, seeing through me. “My ass”. Your hand slides up my instep a few inches and encounters my raging hard-on. You hold my eyes in silence for a second or two, searching my soul, trying to decide if you're being played. “Ok then” you whisper, leaning in, our lips meet, your cold to my hot, your soft to my stubble.

“Give me 5 minutes and scratch the door. Time it so the stewardess doesn’t see.”. You kiss me again, deeply. Your tongue exploring as you climb over me back into the isle. You taste sharp and fresh, like sunrise in october. I grab a whole heaping hand-full of your luscious little ass this time as you cross. Squeezing you in a way that I know will spread your labia as you climb across my lap. You flinch, grunting lustily into my mouth ‘MPH’. My cheeks puff with the force of it. I feel dizzy when you’re gone. Shakey. My heart pounds through my light whiskey buzz. I check my watch.

Three minutes later the aft stewardess makes a trash run, and I stroll down the isle to join you, running my fingernails across the door. I will remember this walk forever. Every single sleepy overweight passenger I pass. You quietly open it, pulling me inside and latching it behind me. I never use airplane lavatories unless I absolutely can’t help it. At 6'4", I just don’t fit in the space, and together with you, I’m having to lean back on the door just to have a place to stand. How on earth is this going to work, I barely have space to tilt my head to look down at you.

You know what you’re doing though. You already have your sweatpants off. You’ve thrown them over my shoulder, you’ve made me one-part fuckbuddy, one-part closet. I lean down to kiss you, but bump the door noisily in the process. You grab my wrist, shushing me with an annoyed little shake.

“Don’t move” you whisper “Just stand there”, as I feel your hands on my belt, expertly yanking it apart. I produce a condom from my pocket and you grab it, putting it between your teeth for safekeeping as you strip drop my jeans, and stroke me exquisitely. “Dang boy” you purr, running one hand under my cock, filling your palm with my weighty scrotum. Your other hand runs up under my shirt, and gives me an exquisite little nipple pinch.

“UMPH” I grunt jealously at your hands. I can’t reach below your waist without bending and hitting the door again, but I can get under your shirt. For the moment you’re so close I’m limited to your back, which is fine with me. I explore lightly with both hands over the swell of your upper-ass and lower back, sweeping up over your shoulder blades, pulling you in to me. “MMM. fuck” I whisper as you fold my hard-on up under your tank-top, massaging it against your soft belly with one hand, while you continue to work my chest with the other. I rake my nails up the back of your neck, threading my fingers into your hair. I want to kiss you again. To feel your lips on mine. But it’s also somehow hot that I can’t. I can’t even really see you. If it weren’t for the mirror over the sink my only view would be of the top of your head. In the mirror however, I can see you lifting my shirt, your freckled cheek flushed, your lips parted in that salacious lust-buzz. I feel that buzz too, accidentally moaning as your lips and teeth encounter my nipples.

Your hand shoots out from under the collar of my shirt, your fingers finding my mouth and plugging it rudely. Your fingers taste like whiskey; I lick them hungrily, leaving one hand on the back of your head, encouraging you to bite at my chest to your hearts content – I’ll be good I promise – while my other swoops around your waist and works it’s way around your hand and my throbbing boner and onto your breasts, which are squeezed beautifully into me. I work over the swell of your chest, freeing your erect nipples, playing them between the meat and nail of the tip of my thumb. Now it’s your turn to moan, and I Consider shoving a few fingers in your mouth to get even but I don’t really want to spare a hand.

That gives me an idea, so I momentarily abandon your breasts, grabbing into the sweatpants you hung over my shoulder and fishing out your panties. I pull your head back by your hair, take my condom back in my teeth, and gently feed you your own panties. Our eyes meet while I have your head held back, and you blush, grinning wickedly at me as my thumb works them into your willing mouth. We would make a good couple you and I.

You use your grip on my mouth to shift me sideways, so that I’m facing the sink instead of the toilet. You abandon my mouth to reach sideways, dropping open the diaper changing station over the toilet. I release my grip on your hair, sensing you are about to climb, which you do. Planting one foot expertly on the trash shoot and an arm on the diaper station, you encircle my waist with one leg. I grab it, your weight is nothing to me, I could hold you here with this leg alone, but then your other leg joins it, and your chilly, naked lower-half clings to mine. My hands clasp your lower thighs, and I can feel your wetness against my warmth.

Now I can reach your lips, but your panties have become an impediment; one I can’t remove while my hands are occupied holding you up. I want to kiss you so bad. You stoke my hair and neck, watching me hungrily consider your swollen lips. Unable to spare a hand to retrieve what I put in your mouth. You dig them for me, kissing me deeply -- ah thank god. Your kiss though-- you push your hips back to allow me to bring my hard-on between us. You bite my lower lip as you settle back in to me, grabbing the head of my cock and working it up and down. I pull you in tight, my arms wrapping around you like vines, my hands exploring into your crotch from below. Spreading your labia with one hand, and working my fingers around your clit with the other.

You break our kiss with a gasp as my fingers explore you, wrapping one arm loosely around my neck and with the other, stealing back the condom and forcing your spit-soaked panties into my mouth. “Mmmmpphh” I moan, surrendering my mouth to you. It feels so good to give.

“mmm that’s right cutie.” you purr, unwrapping the condom, working it down on to me, grinding your hips in circles as I work my fingers into you. Settling down onto my cock now, your fingernails biting into my neck and shoulder. I spare one hand for a moment to pull the back of your shirt up so I can see your lovely naked freckled back in the mirror as your work yourself around on my cock. You cum for me, I think at the realization that I’m watching you grind yourself on me in the mirror.

I take control as you begin to shudder, settling you down onto my pulsating shaft as far in to you as it will go. Holding you there, your full weight nearly supported entirely by my cock as your first orgasm sputters and contracts around me. With your weight on my member, I can spare a hand to firmly massage your soggy cunt just north of your clit. Working my fingers and palm expertly against your convulsing tummy.

Now, for the record, normally I’d give you some shit-talk right now, as you helplessly come your brains out, impaled on my shaft while I slow-masturbate you into semi-consciousness with a well-practiced clitoral massage. I might, for example, tell you to come for me like the slut you are, or maybe start counting your orgasms for you (One, down, 9 to go bitch), or make you say a dirty word or two, but alas you’ve pretty effectively gagged me here, so you’ll just have go without. You buck and shudder, wrapping your arms under mine and around my chest, your cheek on my collarbone, you squeeze, holding on for dear life as you involuntarily churn and shudder, my hand working merciless little circles, drawing your orgasm out.

Momentarily I feel you subside, and I lift you back up. You pant heavily on my shoulder, stroking my hair. “That’ll do pig” you pant, biting my ear, “lets have 7 more just like that”. We would make an epic couple.

And then, as if on-cue the fasten-seat belt light comes on, and the captain informs us that we’re beginning our approach. We look at each other, your disappointment is palatable, and I feel exactly the same. Fuck. We should have started earlier.

Wordlessly you drop to your knees, ripping off the condom and swallowing me whole. I jump, to the extent that’s possible, actually thankful now for the panties in my mouth because you’re a blowjob fucking rembrandt, suddenly doing things with your tongue and fingers that I’ve never even read about. “MMMMPPPHFFFKK!” I grunt through your soggy underwear as you mercilessly deep-throat me. The sight of your delicate, freckled shoulders, your soft hair in my fingertips, the sensation of your tank-top clad breasts flattening against my legs…

I explode into your throat in about 15 seconds (record time), just as the aft stewardess politely knocks on the door. “Everything Ok?”

“Ye-yeah” my voice cracks as I fish your panties out of my mouth to answer. You’re holding your lips all the way to my torso; the entire length of my cock down your hot throat, as I throb load after load into your esophogus. You’re lightly tickling my nuts with your fingernails, and doing this thing with your teeth where you’ve closed them just enough that the base of my shaft encounters them, constricting itself against the sharp edge of them as it expands with each contraction of my orgasm. The sensation is indescribable – exquisite, rapturous, unbearable. “AAAAAH’ll be out in just a second” I manage.

Then the scramble as we pull our clothing back together, the thumping of too many appendages in too small a space.

“uh-huh” intones the Stewardess disapprovingly as we crack open the door and walk-of-shame it back to our seats, plopping down next to each other for almost certainly the last time. Heh, 'for the last time’.. It’s utterly ridiculous but I’m already nostalgic for you. I want to say something, but there isn't really anything to say. That was all we get you and I. Then I feel your head settle against my shoulder, your arm entwine into mine. You’re fast asleep 15 minutes later when they announce tray tables up and seat-backs in their upright positions. I watch you snooze, dreading our return to earth. Literally tearing up at the thought of my inevitable zig to my connecting flight; watching you zag for yours, but right now, right at this very moment here and now, we’re still in the air. The earth has no hold on us.

Maybe if I end the story here we’ll stay aloft forever.


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On The Plane

Well, fantasies do run wild sometimes when you yearn for some cock.... This is one of mine >.< . hope you guys like it ^_^ You make your way to the bathroom (on the plane)………a few moments later, I join you. You meet me with a kiss – with your kiss is a hidden promise! I bite my bottom lip as I look at you with my brown eyes – the look that says I want you so badly. You quickly pull my dress up (only to discover I am wearing NO panties!), as I also try to undo your pants….it is very...

3 years ago
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Wet Fingers on a Plane

Me and my girl were in the airport waiting on our flight to depart...It was early morning and we had both been arguing so we were not in the best of moods.When we eventually got to our seats on the plane i put my head phones in and listend to some music and she read som mag.About half an hour into the journey i could feel her han rubbing my thigh. when i looked down i could see her beautifull fingers with her freshly pollished, bright red nails, rubbing up and down my inner thigh. I looked at...

1 year ago
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Chicks on a Plane

The year was 1980. Or just it 1979. Whatever. Ted was a guy who fought in Vietnam against the Nazis. During this time, he, his pal John, and his other seven buddies got captured by Nazis who tortured them by making them watch Last Jedi. This seven nameless committed suicide afterwards. Afterwards he got a drinking problem. He wasn't an alcoholic, he just splashed beverages everywhere but his mouth. And because of a wartime injury, his leg would shoot towards, causing him to kick over tables and...

1 year ago
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Magic the Gathering A New Planeswalker

I glanced into the darkness of the alleyway. I couldn't see anything, but that didn't mean no one was there. This time of night you had to be careful. I quickly peeked at my watch, I was supposed to be at work already. The alley was a shortcut that could cut fifteen minutes off my route. "Screw it" I jogged into the alley. I had barely stepped into the alley when a big arm grabbed me by my collar and threw me deeper into the darkness. As I staggered back up to my feet, I noticed four men...

1 year ago
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Adventures In Planeswalking

Please note that this is based off the card game Magic: The Gathering and I Do not own it. If I did I would be really rich. You are the planeswalker John Doe, and you hail from the 'Master plane' of Earth, and are on a mission to build an empire on any plane.

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Auf dem Echsenplaneten

Marcos wachte auf. Der Absturz mit dem Raumschiff auf dem unbekannten Planeten hatte ihm mehr zugesetzt, als er sich erst gedacht hatte. Er konnte sich errinnern, dass er in der Nähe der Absturzstelle eine Höhle gefunden hatte, in der er sein Lager aufgebaut hatte. Aber das hier sah nicht nach der Höhle aus. Das hatte mehr Ähnlichkeit mit einem Kerker. 'Wie zum Teufel komme ich hier her', dachte der kampferprobte Hühne bei sich. Der Raum mass ca 4 x 4 Meter, und bestand nur aus einer Strohliege...

1 year ago
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My Encounters In Planetromeo

Well, it was almost 2’o clock in the afternoon. My Parents and Grandparents were going to a wedding function at our ancestral home 1 hour drive away from where I live. Well the question erupting in your head is who am I? Well I am Neel (Name changed) and I am a bit plumpy, people say I have beautiful teeth. So once my parents left, I logged on to Planet Romeo and was looking for gay boys. Since I live in a small town, every one is either some I despised, or people who had blocked me, or people...

Gay Male
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Queen of JariloChapter 2 Planetfall

Walker made his way towards the dropship, Kaz following behind him. The hangar bay of the Thermopylae was bustling with activity as the ground invasion force loaded up. The bay was cavernous, open to the darkness of space save for a flickering, almost transparent force field that contained the atmosphere. There were squads of UNN Marines clad in their black, ceramic armor, carrying XMR modular rifles that could be configured for various battlefield roles and users. There were Borealan packs,...

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Planet Suzy is a major porn forum catering mostly to straight content that includes celebrities, amateurs, and hentai. Because it is a forum, the site does not provide any content of its own, but instead depends on the community to provide all the content.This is done through 3rd party file sharing websites. For pictures, you’ll be going to an image host where you can directly see the photos, but for videos, you need to actually download the videos rather than stream it. This is fucking...

Porn Forums
1 year ago
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3X Planet! Everyone who prefers to watch Asian porn will surely enjoy what 3xplanet.com has to offer, as this is a site dedicated to all Asian porn clips. There is really a lot of content for you to explore here, from basic porn to hentai and a lot of other shit. However, as every other site, the ups and downs will always exist, and I am here to tell you the good and bad side of visiting 3xplanet.com… although seeing as their overall content revolves around Asians, I am not sure how anyone...

Free Porn Download Sites
2 years ago
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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 18 The Grork Core Planets

“The ancients took war seriously. The AIs made sure we trained until the last second, and we have tasks yet to complete,” said Linda. Porquenta says he is benefitting far more than he expected from the contact with both Jones and the ships, but he is hard-pressed to keep up. The AIs analyze every battle in exhaustive detail. They asked for information about every aspect of the vessel from the Schlogg about our moon dreadnaught. They are continually talking to the teams on the ground in Bekta...

4 years ago
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My wife Elaine is 19, petite with long black hair, small but very firm tits and keeps her pussy shaved. She likes to have sex with strangers in strange places and in public. She gets her excitement from being used, abused and humiliated in front of people The more people who see her, the more she likes it.We had been married for a little under a year before I found out about her eccentricities. We where very happy (or so I thought) and I had no reason to suspect her of any infidelities. That is...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose on a plane

continuedShe looked down and realized the view he was getting and slurred a little as she said" look what you're doing to me you making me be such a naughty lady". My friend told me he realized how drunk she was and vulnerable and decided to take advantage of the situation and he told me this is how went downHe told her" you love being a naughty don't you"and she panted "oh yeah I love it I've always been such a good girl" Then said" you love showing me your pantyhose pussy don't you" She...

4 years ago
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exposing gf to yg lad on plane

This is a true story but not one of the most outrageous that you will be reading from me.I was on a long haul overnight flight with a young girlfriend late last year. We had had a lovely few days on a sunny Island. We were tanned, tired and happy. My girlfriend was a very sexy 27 year old who had dark hair and a lovely slim body with beautiful legs and very firm 34b breasts. For the flight she was wearing a calf length wrap around skirt (the kind that ties at the waist but is open its full...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 141 Leaving on a Jet Plane

I awoke with Gwen hogging most of the bed. She came to my bed because she was afraid. She slept like the dead, while I stayed awake most of the night. It wouldn't have mattered whether she was in the bed or not, I wouldn't have slept well either way. There were some inherent problems with the gig. I would be ten thousand miles from home, in the middle of the Arabian Sea, if things went bad and I lost control of the group, I couldn't just walk away. Even thought R2D2 had all the money, I...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 116 Sex on the Plane

The spread of Nudism was everywhere and had even shown up on the aeroplane as the four flew from the USA into Germany. All the female air hostesses on Lufthansa were young and topless and wore the shortest of tight, black, mini skirts and no underwear. Those miniskirts were a part of some incomprehensible bureaucratic health regulation otherwise these hostesses would have been completely naked. Another reason might also have been that they just looked red hot in them ... but the airline...

3 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysEmpire Planets

Two days of workouts, sports and sex later, they found themselves orbiting a blue-green planet named Ardent. Slightly smaller than Earth, but it had 2 small moons and it appeared to only have one massive continent that accounted for roughly one-third of the surface area of the planet, although there were many fairly large islands in the ocean. The continent itself appeared to be split into 4 regions by either water or mountains, so despite being one continent, each region was probably quite...

2 years ago
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Vorwort: Kommen sie zu Starfucks und wählen sie einen unserer einzigartigen services: 1) Eine exakte (eins zu eins) Kopie ihres Stars Wählen sie ihren Star aus unserem großen Arsenal menschenähnlicher Androiden, die allesamt menschlichen Berühmtheiten - Celebrities - nachempfunden wurden und vergnügen sie sich mit ihm hier bei uns im Cafe. Alle Modelle wurden so konfiguriert, dass sie eine mindestens 18 Jahre alte, erwachsene Version der von ihnen gewählten Berühmtheit darstellen." Kleidung,...

2 years ago
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It's Sunday again. And I again invited my four friends to drink alcohol and watch football. Surprisingly, Amy's sister, Lucy, and her husband came to visit us. Tony and my other three friends were silent about the incident of the previous Sunday. Amy and Lucy had been hiding in the kitchen, but from their drunken laugh, I made sure they had a good time. Several times they had brought more alcohol and nuts. With each subsequent loading of the table, I felt Lucy's nipples swell more and...

2 years ago
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Fucksow Kristen meets her lesbian cold Mistress and sissy girl Denise

I had a change clothes in the car and at the last minute at my posh office, near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, I got dressed without anyone seeing me and I left 10 minutes later. Old baggy jeans, white Reebok trainers, and a forgotten blue T-shirt. Hair braided in a high ponytail, soft pink lipstick and barely a very slight line of the eye. Round glasses that I used 15 years ago with a light frame ... and so I have crossed all of Tacoma to almost the outskirts. My name is Kristen and I have 49...

1 year ago
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We’re used to seeing dudes doing all the work in porn. They are the ones who always do the fucking and banging, and the chicks are just there taking it. Well, I don’t know about you, but from time to time, I like to just kick back, relax, and let the chick do everything. If you want that too, then you should check out /r/SheFucksHim. This place is made for guys who like to relax during sex, as they let the chick do all the heavy lifting. Listen, it might seem unfair to let chicks do all the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Deep Fucks! Well, it happened. Finally, we’ve got dedicated websites that serve nothing but deepfake videos. It was only a matter of time before these kinds of websites became common, and I am not in any way surprised. I knew deepfakes would take off and sell like hotcakes from day one. I remember a few years back when the first realistic deepfakes came out; I recognized the potential instantly.Whenever we as a species evolve any kind of new revolutionary technology, it will immediately be used...

Deepfake Porn Sites
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The Pervert Planets

The development of (comparatively) cheap and easy faster-than-light travel and terraforming technologies brought on a wave of colonization unlike any before seen. Among the most enthusiastic colonizers were those "fringe" groups who's beliefs and practices were looked on askance by mainstream society. Sector 3030Y is perhaps the most interesting result of this trend. Consisting of twelve adjacent star systems in which every planet, moon, and large asteroid was terraformed, the "Pervert...

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Fun on an Airplane

Story: Sierra was the perfect submissive. As a child, when sex was still a strangeconcept, she would lie in bed and fantasize about doctors coming into her bedroomand forcibly giving her shots. She was not sure why she dreamt of being medicallyexamined under duress. Her family was strictly Catholic and Sierra attendeda private Catholic school. When she was in fifth grade, she started to secretlypurchase magazines that were forbidden by her family. She also started takingout books from the...

2 years ago
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Tripletit 02 Saving the Planet

Saving the Planet Tripletit Copyright Oggbashan April 2008 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.The events in this story happen shortly after those in my story ‘Tripletit’ but it can be read on its own.Introduction.Tripletit. That isn’t the planet’s real...

3 years ago
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An Exciting Truth Or Dare in the Aeroplane

Hi everyone, this story is happened to me when I was in Australia. I was 22 yrs old then. The girl in the story was 24. Her name was Sneha. I am from a town in Maharashtra, India and studied in an English medium school. She was from a nearby village and studied in the same class as me till year 10. While in school, I never thought of her as a potential fuck. Anyways, years later, after my year 12, I decided to move to Australia for further study and consulted a...

1 year ago
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Mother son new planet

100% fiction! THIS STORY INCLUDES mother son INCEST. IF YO YOU FIND THIS OFFENSIVE, PLEASE SKIP READING IT. Year - 3151 place - EGL head quarters. “Earth” the home of all human beings is going to became an abandoned planet, due to selfish activities of humans made earth unstable, the resource of earth vanished suddenly earth is nothing but a waste land. Due to the unstable nature of earth, all the nations formed a committee called EGL that is Earth Guardian League through which they found a...

4 years ago
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Dolly From Another Planet

Dolly From Another Planet By Kim Babes Meet the characters: Jenny -- Almost 6 years old, blonde hair with ponytails, blue eyes, the perfect little girl. Pete Johnson - Skinny, dark hair - think of the nerdish guy from the TV show "Yes, dear". Grandma Thift - In her eighties, very feeble and in love with her granddaughter. Jenny's parents - Mid thirties, attractive, and both fit. Roberta - The computer. Thoughtful, resourceful, but has a mind of her own on what's best...

2 years ago
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"D-234 is on line, we approching to destination. End over". "Your stewardess are so wet, please my honey fuck me, forget this airplane"."What aboat the people inside?""Let them and fuck me pilot"."Hmmm your is on me know, what a fealing hmmm"."I will show you that I have a monster for you"."Yes tell me that thing, I become so wet". "Here is my tits hmmm"."Yes nice tits hmmm"."Let`s finished that I can`t stand it so long"."Here is ohhhhhh"."Nice fuck my pilot". "But there is a one...

1 year ago
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Fucks new maid

Hi friends, this is Abhijeet am from Mumbai and am 37 yrs .few months back I had taken an extra office to use as a pleasure den in an new colony which was made for poor slum dwellers. The reason was that there were lots of women from the lower class living there and I wud not have to search for a hot fuck too much. Few months back I had locked up my office around noon and was going down using the steps when I saw the office below me had its door open and a woman was cleaning the floor, I paused...

3 years ago
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Penitentiary Planet

“I am persuaded that those who designed this system do not know what it is they are doing ... I hold that the slow and daily tampering with mysteries of the brain to be immeasurably worse than the torture of the body.” – Charles Dickens, commenting on Philadelphia’s Eastern State Penitentiary in 1842. Twilight Zone, anyone? Corey Jamison was an inmate ending the second year of a four-year stretch of solitary confinement. That was the point when the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 19b Arlicherb planet

The rest of the journey was quite uneventful; we slept in actual crew quarters, two cadets to a cabin. I shard mine with Two Three. I had almost forgotten about Bennett Waite and my dilemma. Should I report him? Every morning we repeated that oath and pledge not to tolerate intolerance to other sentient beings. On the other hand I never liked tattle tails. The ship so we were told already approached the Arlicherb system and we were assembled in a conference room and the Instructors kept...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet Synopsis: In the future, Explorer Marshall Dupree lands on a planet for repairs, to find a dark secret that grants him his wish at the cost of who he is. [-][+][-] My name was Marshall Wayne Dupree, but now to my horror, I am now Marcia Winona Dupree and must live with my new identity that has ended my career as an Explorer, leaving me as one of the many concubines in service to the Galactic Federation Explorers. Now instead of being the giant of a man at I was at...

2 years ago
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Secrets of the Force Incest Planet

A/N: This story has been directly commissioned by a reader of mine that prefers to remain nameless. I have never found something like this on Chyoa, at least in the Star Wars category, so I hope you find it enjoyable. By the way, this story is also partially inspired by an incest tale on this site known as Stranded! by goodson. I am giving it a lot more plot and a Star Wars setting though. But if you have read that story, it could give you an idea of what to expect. Anyway, read, enjoy, and...

2 years ago
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Fucks Sake

Copyright© 2000 Kenny N Gamera Suzy wandering into the room as her father looked down at the ground in dejection. Quietly, she went to the corner and waited as he finished the business with the man from the Geisha house, the bad Geisha house where the corporate leaders took their American and British customers. There the Europeans would make complete asses of themselves and give the Japanese rest one more edge in whatever negations they were holding. Suzy knew the man only to be her father's...

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