Fun On An Airplane free porn video

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Sierra was the perfect submissive. As a child, when sex was still a strangeconcept, she would lie in bed and fantasize about doctors coming into her bedroomand forcibly giving her shots. She was not sure why she dreamt of being medicallyexamined under duress. Her family was strictly Catholic and Sierra attendeda private Catholic school. When she was in fifth grade, she started to secretlypurchase magazines that were forbidden by her family. She also started takingout books from the library that talked about sex and romance. In the summerof her ninth grade year, when Sierra was fourteen, she went on vacation tovisit her grandparents and friends in New York . She and her family had livedthere for twelve years. Excited to go to New York , she tried to get throughthe few weeks before her trip. Her grandparents were not much fun, but seeingher old friends made up for anything. Sierra craved more adventure in her lifebut never went beyond reading forbidden books and fantasizing.

As she traveled through the airport, she drew looks from men. Although onlyfifteen, she looked older and carried herself in a mature manner. She had longauburn hair and blue eyes. She was average height, 5?5, but often wore highheels. Her weight was 118 pounds. Her breast size was 34B and she was self-conscious,thinking that one breast was slightly larger than the other. Her waist wassmall and she had a curvy butt and hips that she constantly obsessed over,thinking they were far too large. In truth, they merely emphasized her femininityand attracted both men and women. She was often approached while waiting fora bus by groups of men asking if she was eighteen. She would respond with hertrue age, and she was often not believed.

As she boarded the airplane, Sierra was nervous. She was not used to flyingand was terrified. Her seat was 19A, a window seat, just as requested. As sheput her bag into the overhead bin, her top rode up, exposing her belly buttonand firm stomach. Embarrassed, she quickly tugged her shirt down and headedtoward her seat. She sat down, making sure her knee-length pleated blue skirtwas straight and that her button down white shirt was tucked in again. Sheapprehensively was crossing and uncrossing her legs, dreading take-off. Sierrahoped the people sitting next to her would be friendly, or maybe there wouldbe no one sitting next to her so she could lie down. After ten minutes, a largeAfrican-American man smiled at her and sat down in the aisle seat. Sierra goggled;he was easily 6?7 and was pure muscle. His head was shaved and his teeth ablinding white. She glanced around and realized that the flight was mostlyempty, she and the man were two of only six other people in the last twelverows. He reminded Sierra of a man in the movie ?Save The Last Dance?. She hada huge crush on the lead, Sean Patrick Thomas. He was a black man who she constantlyfantasized about. Her friends made fun of her, saying that she should not bethinking about a ?nigger'. The plane began to make its way down the tarmac,quickly picking up speed. Sierra gently whimpered in distress, causing theman to glance at her.

?Are you scared of flying?? Asked the man.

?Yes. I don't?I don't know why. I know its silly. I just??

The man looked her over, noticing her perky tits, her firm legs, and the innocencethat clung to her. The airplanes air-conditioner was on full blast, and hernipples pressed against the cotton of her shirt. Her pouty mouth shone withpale pink lip gloss, and her large blue eyes were full of fear. He also noticedthat she was reading ?Cosmopolitan?, hardly the kind of magazine he would expecther to be reading. He had an idea, but was not sure if it would work.

Part 2:

?I have some anti-nausea medication with me, its for people who get sick andnervous when they fly. Do you want me to give you some of the pills??

Sierra hesitated, she was always told not to accept medication from strangers,and although she badly needed some relief from the sickness and anxiety thatwas clutching at her, she refused.

?Its all right.? Sierra said, ?Thanks for the offer.?

?No problem? grinned the man. ?By the way, my names Jeff. Whats yours??


Just then the plane took off and Sierra started to softly cry.

?Oh my god, oh my god, jesus. Oh god.?

?Here's a water bottle, take the pills, they'll make you feel better. Itsjust anti-nausea medication.?

?All right,? sniffled Sierra.

She took the pills and leaned back in the chair. After a few minutes, shestarted to feel a lot better, but woozy.

Unbeknownst to her, she had been given GHB, a drug that would make her malleableto any commands, increase her sex drive, and take away some of her memory ofwhatever events would take place.

?Sierra.? Jeff said commandingly, ?Look at me.? She looked over, puzzled.

?The pills I just gave you have Ecstasy in them, an illegal drug. When weland, I am going to report you to the police for taking drugs. They will arrestyou. I am part of an operation that makes sure teenagers that break the lawsare locked up.?

Stunned, Sierra just stared at him. ?But?but?you t-told me it was anti-nauseamedication!?

?Well who are they going to believe? I am hired by the police and you arejust some teenager on an airplane. Besides, how old are you??

?Fourteen. Oh my god, you can't do?

Jeff cut her off. ?Yes I can. You are so young that no one will even listento you once you are arrested. Your parents will be furious and humiliated,I bet they already think you are a bad kid. I can tell by what you are readingyou rebel. You are wearing a gold cross and you are dressed modestly, but I'msure that is just what you're parents make you do.?

Sierra's mind was slowed down by the GHB. She felt just like she did whenshe and her friend had stolen and drank some of her dad's whiskey. Dizzy, slightlystupid, and out of it. She was now panicking, tears rolling down her face,as she begged him not to tell the police.

Part 3:

?Please. You can't do this. I have never taken any drugs or anything likethat. I can't be arrested, my parents will kill me. I'll be totally embarrassed,and my life will be ruined. Please. I'll do anything.?

Jeff smiled cruelly. ?I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. It's my job.I have to turn you in. Besides, I don't really believe you will do anything .?

Sierra cried out, ?No, I really will do anything you want. Just tell me whatyou want.?

?Well,? said Jeff, dragging out the word. ?I guess there is one thing youcould do??

?What is it? I'll do anything.?

?You have to simply allow me to do whatever I want to you during this flight.When we land, we will get off the plane, and you will never see me again. Iwill not tell the police, and you will be free to do whatever you wish.?

?What do you mean, I don't understand??

Jeff's face twisted and he hissed, ?Do you agree or not, slut. Decide now,because in one minute, my offer will be canceled.?

?Ok. I will?do it.?

Being nighttime and the plane being mostly empty, it was almost total darknessunless you chose to turn on your individual light. No one was paying attentionto the odd twosome in the back, and honestly, no one cared. It was dark andeveryone was tired.

Jeff reached out and grabbed her hair, harshly yanking on it. ?You will callme Master or Sir whenever you speak, otherwise I will punish you.?

Sierra had pain shooting through her skull from the vicious hand graspingher hair. ?I'll do anything, Master.?

Just as suddenly as he had grabbed her, he let go and gently stroked her hair. ?Iknow you will try your best. Just remember you must always address me as Master,and you must keep quiet. If you alert anyone to what we are doing, I will tellthem I am arresting you and making sure you are subdued. No one will pay attentionafter that. Also, you are not a person for the next few hours. You will referto yourself in third person. For instance, you will call yourself horny littleslut.?

Jeff was quite confident that she was a stupid whore. If he was challengedby anyone on the flight, he would have no badge and the jig would be up. Buthe was quite sure that she was dumb enough to stay silent, after all, she wasalso drugged.

Sierra was terrified, but was also fascinated. She was not sure why, but herpussy was getting tingly and she was breathing faster. She glanced down andsaw her nipples straining against her shirt.

Part 4:

Jeff looked at her, ?I'm going to ask you questions, and you are going toanswer them honestly. If you try to lie, I will know and you will be punished.Are you ready to begin?


Sierra nodded but quickly caught herself. ?Yes, Master.?

Jeff nodded approvingly. ?Are you a virgin??

Sierra blushed, ?Yes.?

?Have you ever had a boyfriend??

?Once. But only for a few weeks.?

?How far did you let him go??

Looking confused, she asked. ?What?do you mean, Sir.?

?I mean, did you ever touch his cock? Did you touch your pussy? Did he fingeryour asshole??

Now a bright red, she quickly shook her head. ?No. Never. No. He just kissedme, but I didn't like it.?

At his blunt questions, Sierra started to feel horny. What did he mean ?fingerher asshole'? She hated addressing him as Master, but got a strange thrillout of it as well. Her panties felt soaked and she uncomfortably shifted inher seat. She wanted to go to sleep. Her head felt heavy and she was havingtrouble thinking straight. Ecstasy was a weird drug. She didn't know why peoplethought it was such a big deal.

?I will always address you by slut, whore, cunt, or cocksucker. Do you understand,cunt??

?Yes, Sir. I have??

?Do NOT speak without me giving you permission. Beg me for permission to speak,bitch. Also, you may not use the word ?I', I let it go once, but from now onI will punish you.?

?Master, please, please let me speak.?

?That is not good enough. Nice try. Make the begging better.?

?Sir, your lowly cocksucker whore begs for permission to speak. Please letthe bitch speak, she desperately wants to speak.?

?Fine. You may speak, slut.?

?The cunt really has to go to the bathroom. She has to pee.?

?No. You can't. Just hold it in.?

?The whore has to pee. She can't hold it. Please!?

Jeff reached over and quickly pinched her thigh with all his strength, whileat the same time clamping his other large hand over her mouth, anticipatedher shrill scream.

?Cocksucker, if you don't call me Master, it will just get worse. Now thankme for your punishment.?

Sobbing, Sierra nodded. ?Thank you, Master for my punishment.?

?Good bitch. Good girl. What do your panties look like??

?Uhhh? They are white and have a butterfly on the crotch, Sir.?

?I don't know if you are telling the truth. Maybe you are lying to me.?

?Your cocksucker is not lying, Master! I swear. That's what they look like.Cunt swears.?

?I don't know if I believe you. Take off your panties and hand them to meas proof.?

Sierra knew her panties were soaking wet with her arousal and she was humiliatedto show him. But she was terrified of being punished again, so she slowly startedsliding her hands up her thighs.

?Do it faster. I want to see them NOW.? She quickly slid the panties downher legs and handed them to Jeff. Jeff smirked as her trembling hand handedover the panties.

?You were not lying about the design, but you did not tell me you were a badhorny slut and got them all wet.?

?Sorry, Master. Slut didn't?Cunt didn't mean to do it. She just??

?What, this turns you on? That makes you a slut. A whorish little cunt.?

The captain turns on the intercom, jolting Sierra. ?This is the captain speaking;we are now cruising at approximately thirty five thousand feet. We will bearriving in New York in about sixty three minutes; due to the shortness ofthe flight, drinks will not be served.?

Part 5:

?Master, can your whore ask a question??

?What do you want, cocksucker??

?Sir, I really?I really need to pee. I drank a lot in the airport and I didnot have a chance to use the restroom, please. Please, your horny slut needsto use the bathroom.?

?Since you begged so nicely, I will allow you to pee after I finger your asshole.?

Shocked, Sierra froze in horror. ?Sir, you mean you want to?Jesus. No.?

?You do not say no to me. No nasty little cunt says no to me. Just for that,I will not be as gentle with you. I will also make you wait longer before Iwill allow you to pee.?

?Master, your cunt is sorry. Please. I will be happy for you to?to fingermy asshole.?


?I also?I will be happy to wait until I am allowed to pee. Sir.?

Sierra squirmed in her chair. Despite herself and her shame, she was gettingeven wetter. She desperately wanted to touch her pussy and her nipples, butknew that her Master would not allow it. She could feel her skirt getting dampwith the musky scent of her arousal, and was humiliated. She urgently neededto pee. She was not sure if she could hold it in much longer. It was nauseatingto have to beg to urinate. She felt a pathetic little baby.

Jeff grinned. So far, so good. She really was a pathetic cunt. He knew shewas a virgin and he was getting horny just thinking about getting his handsall over that body. He wanted to finger her asshole and cum in her mouth. Shehad no idea how bad it was going to get. He couldn't push her over the edgethough. If she lost it, he would get fucked. Once the stewardesses were alerted,it was over.

Jeff moved to the middle seat and raised the hand-rest. ?Take off your skirtand put it under the seat. Then I want you to lay your head on my lap. Youwill pick up the blanket and spread it over yourself, so it just looks likemy girlfriend is lying in my lap. No one will see your face, as your hair willbe covering it. If you do not move, the blanket will cover you and no one willknow that you are a disgusting whore.?

Sierra did not think she could handle it. The only thing keeping her fromscreaming was the threat of arrest and the drug. Although it why she was beingblackmailed, she was feeling pretty good from the E. She wanted to be touched,but not by him. He was sexy?and although she was disgusted with herself, shewanted to obey him. It reminded her of her medical fantasies when she was alittle girl.

When she lay on him in the proper position, Jeff started to have his fun.She was trembling, but at the same time, desperately craved stimulation.

?Before we start, open your mouth.?

Sierra obediently opened her glossy lips hesitantly. Jeff quickly stuffedher wet panties into her mouth. Anticipating her gagging and revulsion, hestroked her hair reassuringly. ?This is to help you keep quiet. If you startto choke, breathe slowly through your mouth.?

Jeff put his large ebony hand under the flimsy airline blanket and strokedthe smooth globes of her ass. He squeezed the resilient flesh and slowly draggeda finger down the shadowy crack until he reached her anus. Sierra jolted, andhe held her down with a whispered warning. ?Remember. Be sure not to make asound.?

He took out his hand from the blanket and pressed his finger into her droolingmouth until it was slick with her spit. He then reached back into the blanketand slowly slid his finger into her anus. He could only get the tip of hisfinger in before her virgin anus started to press against him in desperation.Nothing had ever been pushed up into her asshole, and she was trying urgentlyto make sure nothing ever would be. Ignoring her futile actions to expel hisfinger, he pressed passed the sphincter and slowly eased his finger up intoher slick, damp rectum. He knew he was causing her tremendous pain from theway her body was clenched, but he also knew the GHB was taking the edge off.With his other hand, he played with her rosebud. He viciously pinched it andthen rubbed it soothingly. Swirling her finger in her asshole, he felt thetissues of her body clamping on his finger in a fruitless effort to stop him.He slowly inserted a second finger into her rectum. Sierra mumbled franticallythrough the gag.

?I know you don't like this. I don't care, whore. Stay still and it'll beover faster.? Using the hand he had used to play with her rosebud, he unzippedher fly and started to jack off. She was in the perfect position for the tipof his cock to rub against her drooling mouth. He rubbed himself as he thrusthis rigid cock into her panty drool filled mouth.

He slowly finger fucked her tiny asshole with his large black fingers. Soon,he was thrusting them faster and faster, knowing he was causing her body tocramp in agony. He was getting closer to cumming and whispered in her ear.

?I am going to take out the panties and I am going to cum into your mouth.You are going to hold it in your mouth until I tell you differently.?

Jeff pulled the panties out of her mouth and thrust his 9 inch cock down herthroat. As she gagged and her throat closed around him, he came in hot spurts,filling her mouth with gooey white fluid.

Pulling his fingers out of her asshole, her rectum made a small farting noiseand Sierra cringed. She was holding the revolting semen in her mouth and evenworse, she was feeling very close to cumming and peeing.

?Now swallow.? Sierra struggled to get the liquid down her throat. It wasgetting stuck and tasted horrible. After a few swallows, she managed to downit.

?Good cunt. Now thank me.?

?Sir, thank you for fingering my asshole and letting me swallow your cum.Your lowly cocksucker does not deserve the honor.?

Part 6:

?You want to pee, don't you??

?Please, Master. I desperately need to pee.?

?So pee. You have permission.?

Sierra started to sit up, expecting to be allowed to visit the bathroom.

?Uh-uh. No. You are peeing right here on the seat.?

Sierra started to snivel until snot was pouring out of her nose and mixedwith the drool and cum that was still caked on her chin and cheeks.

?Please, Master. P-please.?

?Do it.?

Jeff pressed his hand directly on her bladder, causing the inevitable to occur.Sierra started to piss herself, the blanket, and the seat. Sitting in her piss,Sierra felt the warm liquid surround her body, trickle down to her anus, andsoak into the seat. The acrid scent made her want to vomit.

?We are done now. There are only about thirty minutes left to the flight.You are to sit here in your urine until we land. I am going to sit next toyou to make sure you do not move. When we land, I will give you back your skirtand I will leave.?

Grateful for his mercy, she kissed his hand. ?Thank you, Master. Thank you.?

Her clit was itching and she wanted to touch her soft pussy, but he was goingto be watching. After the flight, Sierra was given her skirt and ran to theairport bathroom. She tried to clean herself the best she could with the tissues.Her asshole throbbed, but she was grateful that she was not being arrested.She quickly shoved her fingers up her pussy and stroked herself until she came,fantasizing about Jeff.

Her grandparents were waiting after she collected her baggage.

?Honey! How was your flight?? Inquired her grandmother.

Already forgetting much of the flight, she responded, ?It was fine.?

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Hello friends and ISS lovers. I am narrating you my true story. Kaise maine apni best friend ko satisfy kiya…. Mera naam saajan hai mai 6ft tall hun aur ek average looking ladka hun. My dick size is 6. I am very disappointed on my dick size that how can I satisfy my partner with this size???.. Ye story 2012 ki hai us samay mai graduation complete kar k apne ghar aaya tha aur ghar pe hi rehne lga mere mom dad dono dusre seher mein rehte the aur mera bda bhai mere saath hi rehta tha. Wo kbhi Kbhi...

4 years ago
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Funtime With Raj On Weekday

After our last encounter I wanted more of love from raj then my husband and I planned it my way Tuesday evening I called him up to come to my place and he agreed. I dressed myself well in saree and matching blouse which reveals enough cleavage boobs and also shows my back. He arrived and I decorated room with candles. As he entered he was shocked to see the environment and asked me about it. ” for a special night, everything has to be special ” he soon threw his laptop and we hugged and he...

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Cascadia University was a busy place, Always crawling with students and teachers and mentors of all kinds and shapes. There was only minimal campus security and the campus itself was luxuriously outfitted, with an attached spa, pool, and recreation rooms. It was a normal Tuesday morning in all respects, and a stream of students entered the building, packing the front hall of the building before spreading out in to the many, many other rooms that made up the building. In the midst of this...

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Funtime with a whore

The following is a mail sent to me by a friend Soham (name changed) from Calcutta. Here he describes his experiences with a whore at a whore joint in the Park Street area of Calcutta, a place where I have been several times in the last 10 years. I am reproducing it with his permission. It’s great stuff. Read it… Last Sunday afternoon I had gone to the Park Street area to recover some long outstanding payment. I was expecting a cheque but I was paid a part in cheque and the remainder about...

3 years ago
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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 2

Geri smirked when Ron pressed the button for the elevator. It was a college town, but it wasn’t a big town, and, in a small town, someone always took notice. Her smirk was ratcheted up by the count in her head of all of the noticers. He was the shiny new professor taking the hometown dancing star up to his room. All things he could find out later. Hell, if their names weren’t on their office doors, would he even know hers? “You need an apartment,” she said, as she took advantage of his...

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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 4

Via didn’t know what she was doing. Ron reclined back against the headboard stroking long black hair as the hot Latina mouth hesitated around his cock. She looked like she was about to be hit by an oncoming train. “Start with your tongue,” he said. “I’ll show you the pace I like.” She nodded and coughed. He smiled and took hold of her neck and cheek. He lifted and lowered her whole head. She let her eyes fall shut. They closed tight. She was concentrating. She was telling herself over and...

3 years ago
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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 5

“He’s not responding still?” Susannah told the others as they walked in a pack towards Ron’s office. He had fled the end of the period like a bat out of hell. “I’d been getting my texts returned.” “Me too,” Joss frowned. “Well, maybe this is the no evidence thing he was talking about?” Aly suggested. “Wouldn’t make sense to have us blowing up his phone twenty four seven.” “I guess not,” Susannah said. “But we had tried on all of those clothes and lingerie. He hadn’t seemed to get any of...

4 years ago
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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 6

CH knocked on Ron’s office door after their Thursday class. He smiled, pulled her in and closed the door. She relaxed with the click of his lock. “You look good, new shirt?” he said absently. “I got it at the thrift shop.” She lifted her flannel lapel. “Excellent,” he hadn’t been listening. “I have special plans for you.” “Me? Really? You’ve seen Olivia, right? Hers are my favorites. I mean, those are the prettiest, right?” “What?” Ron stopped at CH’s ramble. “Ger too, yeah, she’s got...

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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 7

Cassie’s warm wet mouth rode up and down his cock. He suffered to breathe. He frowned despite the skill she had developed. His hips rose and fell out of his chair. He chased her. He had been having a hard enough time checking Cassie’s work before he had shut her up. He shuffled the papers and finally gave up. “If only you sucked dick like you solved mysteries.” He brushed her hair out of her eyes. She was smiling brightly around his cock. Her throat hummed with joy. 7 She had been hot when...

2 years ago
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Funhouse MirrorsChapter 9

Ron couldn’t believe it. He rubbed Susie’s shoulders as he looked over what could only be called a serial killer hunting board. There were dozens of colors of post-its. A rainbow of six threads overlaid Veidt’s notes to the path of personality changes experienced by his six women. There were pictures and printouts. He had to buy a second corkboard to hold her entire map. “Alright, this is so much clearer,” he smiled for the room. “Where’s Jocelyn?” Cass laid her highlighter on the papers on...

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Porn Fun has quite an interesting name; Porn is fun anyway right, so calling a site Porn Fun is one hell of a URL. Well, pretty much guarantees free homemade videos. The content of the site is entirely user-generated. There are all sorts of nasty action here teens sucking and taking in huge dicks, dirty MILFS, filthy grannies, lots of jizz being let out in all corners, seductive moans from sexy bitches and the fun only gets better with the short and long videos. I tell you what;...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Sexy And Funny! Welcome to a place that’s full of laughs and full of wanks. The site focuses on both the funny and sexy as the name would suggest and tries to bring it to your screen as authentically as possible. Now, I don’t know about you, but I love me a bit of banter when it comes to sex. It helps keep things fresh. I’ve gone through so many women that I would certainly have gotten bored with sex if I didn’t use a little bit of humor here and there to spice things up.Want...

Popular Porn Blogs
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Today’s site is a relative newcomer to the Asian porn tube scene. It was mid-2018 when JAV Fun started serving up videos of beautiful Japanese women in unsavory situations. The site’s popularity has grown steadily since. As of this writing, they’re getting about 5,000 visitors a day.Why Is This JAV So Much Fun?I’m going to cut right to the chase here. JAVFun has a feature that makes it really stand out from other JAV sites. What’s that feature? Cunts and cocks.Wait a minute. Shouldn’t every...

Asian Porn Sites
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Feme Fun? I get it. Regular porn doesn’t do it for you anymore. Your dick probably doesn’t even twitch when you look at mainstream porn. You’ve seen sluts masturbate, get fucked, and do all kinds of kinky shit and yet it still isn’t enough. You need something more. More than what the regular fetish or BDSM pages on the popular sites can give you. Well, step into the dark world I have for you today. Shit that you could never let see the light of day. Things you could never ever tell your wife or...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Fap For Fun! I’ve seen some of you neckbeards lurking in the back of an FYE where they have all of those DVDs covered up by 18+ cards. That’s just pathetic. And you know that cashier is judging your fat ass when you bring up that degenerate loli fuck fest that you have clutched to your chest with shaking hands. You guys already have it bad enough. Why make it so much worse on yourself? Have some fucking dignity and fap to hentai bitches without leaving your mom’s basement. If you’re going to be...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Swinger Porn Fun! What’s worse than finding out your parents are a couple of sexy swingers? Cumming upon them at a party. Well, maybe that’s just a matter of opinion, because I know plenty of you freaks out there would love to get down with any kind of swinger, cuckold or hotwife situation. Not everyone has the confidence to pull off, though, not to mention a wife who’s down to let you have a little strange. Fortunately, sites like SwingerPornFun let you live vicariously through swingers and...

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Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mzansi Fun! So, I’ve heard ebony girls make your cock hard. Well, what if I told you that there is a website that basically only offers naughty images and videos of these gorgeous black girls… and it is free? Of course, there are many free porn websites with the ebony category provided, but the most significant difference is that is just made for them and the lovers of hot black babes.Right off the bat, you will be able to see what the fuck I am talking about. You have girls of...

Black Porn Sites
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Vintage Porn Fun! It’s fucking amazing how much porn we can access. Take a stroll over on ThePornDude to get a glimpse as to just how much goddamn porn is out there, not to mention the numerous varieties. From VR porn to pornographic games, chatrooms, sex lines, etc. To some extent, I think that if you made sexual smoke signals out of a campfire in your backyard, you would still find someone to beat off to it in your neighborhood.But sometimes, you want to go back to a simpler time. Every kind...

Vintage Porn Sites
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My Girl Fund sounds like an online piggy bank where the neckbeards and incels can save up for a mail-order bride or an adorable waifu pillow, but Nah, it’s something even better than that. You aren’t exactly going to be buying a girlfriend outright, but if you’ve got the coin, you can definitely have a babe pretend over the internet. Nobody ever said you need to leave the house to get the GFE!Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve no doubt noticed how much the online porn landscape has...

Sex Chat Sites
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Venus Fun! Purchasing sex toys (or other paraphernalia) has always been a tricky affair for most people. Most people would prefer it if they didn’t have to go into a sex shop and buy the goods for themselves. Besides, you don’t want to see the cashier that always has dried jizz on his hands fingering your purchases.And you shouldn’t have to do that anyway! If you can buy a car and have it delivered to your home, why the fuck shouldn’t sex toys be the same? They are, and they have been that way...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Blackfun day

I had a a thing with black guys. only for the black guys ifantasies about whatthey do to me.I prefer older men of color i had a old black friend as my neighbour we know each other very well.we met in pub and got together about our sexuality from that day . Am going to tell about how we enjoyed . That day we finished drink and got up.We went to his room,which was conveniently close to the bars.Wow he started to unfasten my pants. I slip my hand inside his pants and feel his cock half hard .I...

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funky foul times brings out more funky foul char

hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are, or is you all, y'all, or you's being among yourselves doing, huh? I feel kind of crappy, or pissy I guess, well at least I am not thinking about possibly jumping into a body of water other than to try to do some, or such swimming, if you know what I mean, read between the lines, fill in the blanks, & in times like these we need a Savior, … & what better Savior than our Lord, & Savior, the Christ, the Messiah-Deliverer? you know, but then...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 2

Part 1: Board Meeting DELTA ALPHA DELTA Alpha Chapter Minutes of the House Board Special Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Board members present: Ms. Allen, N. (President) Ms. Hunter, G. (Vice-President) Ms. Miller, B. (Secretary) Ms. Lee (Treasurer) Ms. Green, R. (Senior Class Representative) Ms. Smith, J. (Junior Class Representative) Ms. Hunt, W. (Sophomore Class Representative) Ms. Tucker Ms. Wilson Board members absent: None Alumni Representative: Absent Guests: Ms....

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Fundraising Pt3 Belinda Alone

Two days went by, and I had not heard or seen either of the girls, and then on the Friday afternoon my doorbell rang. I opened my front gate and standing there was Belinda. “Do you want to come in?” I asked her.“Yes please,” she said, and quickly walked past me and went straight into my house. I locked up quickly and followed her into my lounge. Belinda was waiting for me there, standing and nervously twirling a couple of strands of her hair with her fingers. “You probably know why I am here,”...

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Fundraising for the Band Trip

Cassie Walters picked up her backpack and opened her laptop. She pulled up a spreadsheet were she entered the money she earned on her last babysitting job for her band trip to Europe. The trip was in five weeks, and she only had half the $6,000 the trip cost. Last night she would get $40, to lower the total she needed to $2,960. It was depressing. She spent every hour she could selling candy, washing cars, and other menial jobs to raise money. The trip meant everything to Cassie, she was an...

2 years ago
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Fun Sex

I had sex with two boys during my first semester of college. I’m not even sure it could be called sex. Even growing up in small town Texas in a very conservative family, I had an idea of how sex should be, and that’s what I expected. Boy was I wrong. The two boys I’d let fuck me were both so anxious to fuck, there was almost no foreplay and no variety. Both times, it was pretty much, ‘wham bam, go get me a beer.’ Neither of them went down on me, and even though I was perfectly willing to give...

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Fund Raising

Brighton was a company town. The town's sole major industry and employer was a fairly new vehicle manufacturing plant established there as a result of the very high rate of unemployment that existed since the town's last major employer, a white goods manufacturer, had closed down, throwing some very highly skilled engineers and blue collar workers, as well as machine operators and administrative staff out of work. The town council and state government had it made it so attractive, utility...

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fun ways to masturbate and stay horny during the d

some of these things you can find around the houseHey girls, it's me again. I am a very horny girl and like feeling horny all the time, so I decided to make a list of fun stuff to do during the day to stay horny, I'll start with all the anal ideas. (I have tried every idea I'm writing about)- If you have a very small or sensitive ass marbles might be fun for you, try popping them in one at a time until you wish to stop. then, just leave the marbles inside you while doing a task. the only thing...

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Fun orgy with friends

My wife and I of 10 years had been talking about expanding our sexual experiences to other people ever since we had read an article about swingers. We had talked several times over a couple of years and finally came to the conclusion that we both were interested. I am Jim and my wife is Merrian. Merrian is a very cute five foot red head and a lot of fun. Her hair is to her shoulders and she has a great figure and very pretty. I have always considered myself a lucky man. Truthfully I had some...

4 years ago
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Fun With the Colte FamilyChapter 7

"Fuck," Adam muttered, "Sarah's not home ... Chris, what the hell?" He turned slightly in the car seat, giving Chris a look of wounded confusion as they pulled into the driveway of their house. "You said she was going to be here!" Chris's face turned red as he desperately fought the urge not to laugh at his twin brother. He gripped the steering wheel of the Honda Civic tightly, looking straight ahead at the odometer, not wanting to look directly at Adam's face. You're getting mad, ...

4 years ago
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Fun With Angel Met In Pub

Hi all, my name is josh. I am a student living in USA. This is a real story happened the last march when I visited new york. I’m open to meeting girls and ladies below 40 in USA and India when I visit. Please email your feedback to All the amazing hotties out there I can give you real fun. Coming to the story, I was visiting my friend and we decided to hit a famous pub in new york. It was a crowded place, after five rounds of drinks I hit the dance floor. There I was eyeing a beautiful Indian...

4 years ago
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Fun With Shapeshifters

Fun with Shapeshifters By Holly Fairfa [Authors Notes: This story is quite a change from my other ones. Please let me know what you think about it - good or bad.] Chapter 1 "Another SRU story! I can't go to sleep yet. I love these stories!", I thought as the browser started displaying the web page. It was almost midnight and I was avoiding studying by surfing the web. Plus I didn't have any classes tomorrow, though I was expected to put in a few hours of labor at...

1 year ago
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Fun Night at Bar

Mo turned to me and asked if I was a willing participant with them. I sheepish said I was, but not for all of them. He smiled and told me to get dressed. Ken was very concerned how I was feeling after 14 guys had their way with me in Las Vegas a week ago. It the first time in my sheltered life, from just having a few sexual encounters to enjoying my first gang bang. So, we talked back and forth for over an hour about that fun event. I told him how very sore I was and now worried that I might...

Sex With Stranger
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fun at the club

We had booked online for one of the fun party nights at the club after our first visit to the spa. We had had a great time but most importantly you had enjoyed yourself and your confidence had meant you wanted to explore more. We had both spent the day letting you try on all kinds of sexy outfits till we found the perfect one for the evening’s fun, we had decided on a Basque with half cup bra top and peep hole panties with stay up stockings. The stockings were an extra as you had sexy Fuck me...

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