Fund Raising Redone By RoxanneChapter 2 free porn video

Part 1: Board Meeting
Alpha Chapter
Minutes of the House Board
Special Meeting
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Board members present:
Ms. Allen, N. (President)
Ms. Hunter, G. (Vice-President)
Ms. Miller, B. (Secretary)
Ms. Lee (Treasurer)
Ms. Green, R. (Senior Class Representative)
Ms. Smith, J. (Junior Class Representative)
Ms. Hunt, W. (Sophomore Class Representative)
Ms. Tucker
Ms. Wilson
Board members absent:
Alumni Representative:
Ms. Taylor (chair of Rites of Spring committee)
President NATALIE ALLEN called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. The agenda was adopted. There was no consent agenda. Approval of the minutes of the November 6 board meeting was postponed until the December 4 regular meeting.
President ALLEN recognized B. TAYLOR, chair of the Rites of Spring committee. Ms. TAYLOR reported that the committee had met, and cut the budget for the Rites weekend formal dance, and the after dance weekend, by almost 55%. Ms. TAYLOR also reported that the fund raising was less than 40% of year to date budget, and future prospects appear dim that revenues will meet expectations. She expressed concern that the event will have to be moved from The Lodge to the Campus Holiday Inn, and the event contracted from three days and two nights to a four-hour dance. She spoke with the catering department at The Lodge; they would not refund the sorority's non-refundable deposit, but they would apply it to another event within 24 months of the scheduled event. Finally, Ms. TAYLOR expressed concern that the cost of the bids would have to at least double last year's bids.
After a considerable discussion, President ALLEN appointed Ms. G. HUNTER to chair a special committee to look into other fund raising opportunities. Ms. B. MILLER and Ms. R. GREEN were also appointed to the special committee.
There being no further business, after a motion made, seconded and passed, President ALLEN adjourned the meeting at 10:35 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Miller,
So that is how we got to today, Friday, April 11, 2003. Perhaps I should start at the beginning.
My name is Gabby Hunter. My real name is Gabrielle, but nobody except blood kin, and the clerk who typed my birth certificate ever know that.
I'm the president-elect of Alpha Chapter of Delta Alpha Delta Sorority. We call ourselves the Deltas. I was appointed chair of a special fund raising committee. Our big spring fling, called the Rites of Spring, is in trouble. It appears that the Rites Committee set an over ambitious goal; three nights at The Lodge; entertainment on Friday night, the big formal dance on Saturday night. It should be wild, if it happens. Barb, Rox and I have the responsibility to find the money to make it happen. After the Rites Committee cut the budget, we still need another three or four thousand dollars. To do it right, we need twice that much new money.
We spent a few days tossing fund raising ideas around. They were pretty tame at first. We got beyond the bikini car washes and bake sales; they don't pay the kind of bucks we needed.
Barb suggested a cheesecake calendar. We looked into that, and only found six women willing to pose in bikinis. We knew we could convince some of the pledges to pose. Rox looked into the production of a calendar, and reported we were too late to get it done this year.
Rox suggested a wet t-shirt contest. At first, she suggested we do it at the sorority house, and charge admission. Barb suggested we see if one of the frats would host it. The problem was there are plenty of foxy babes on campus, and three bars in the area held their own wet t-shirt contests. I said the contests didn't pay enough, and to win, the t-shirt not only got really wet, but it didn't stay on the entire contest. Luckily, they didn't ask me how I knew all that.
One day that week, after volleyball practice, I was talking to Brandy Scott, a varsity volleyball teammate of mine. She is a member of Sigma Mu Alpha Sorority. The Sigs were in the same boat as the Deltas, almost broke. Brandy told me that Kappa Tau Lambda Fraternity had a lot of money. Last year, the Kaps hired them to serve at a party topless. She said they got groped a lot. A couple of the women had to fight to protect their virtue, but a few others didn't bother to put up much of a fight. The Kaps paid the Sigs big bucks.
Brandy said they talked to the Kaps again this year. The Kaps wanted more. All the Kaps ideas were way over the line; two three-day wrestling weekends; with all the girls naked except the wrestlers who haven't lost yet, with the losers wearing nipple clamps, clit clips and handcuffs; teasing of the losers, hourly drawings where the winning boy could select a girl to give him a blowjob; drawings for guys to shave gals pubes; a midnight drawing each night, with one gal selected for the high bidder to have sex with her for the night. The Kaps offered two thousand dollars a night for each of two weekends or twelve thousand dollars for the six nights. The Sigs talked it over. They decided it was almost enough money, but it went too far. Even though they were party animals, not enough girls were willing to party quite that hardy.

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