Life Redone (Part 1 Of 10) free porn video

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One night I was on my way home after a long day at work. It was late and very dark out, but as I gazed out of my passenger window I noticed a broken down car with a dejected looking man sitting on the back bumper. I always considered myself a nice enough person, but I wasn’t usually the type that would do something like this. I was too cautious, and this seemed dangerous. But still, something caused me to slow down and pull off to the side. The man rose as I parked my car, and I noticed his face was partially veiled with some kind of clothing. Still, I was able to make out a worn smile with years of stubble surrounding it.

“Need any help?” I offered, as I walked towards his car.

“I think it just needs a jump” he responded in a weary voice. “Thank you so much for stopping. You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been here.”

“Some people…” I started, though I knew how difficult it was for me to step up. I went into my trunk and found the jumper cables that I have stashed for just such an occasion. We lifted his hood and attached the cables in the right spots. It wasn’t long before the man’s engine turned over and he was back in business.

“Really, I can’t thank you enough” he said, as I returned the cables to my trunk.

“It’s no trouble” I replied with a smile. As I said this, the man went into his pocket and pulled something out. I felt a brief stop of my normal heart beat pattern, but didn’t think he would do something to harm someone who helped him. Still, he wasn’t the most normal looking person from what I could tell.

“Take this” he said and handed me an odd looking box of some sort. With that, he started back towards his car.

“What…what is it?” I asked, studying the strange object in my hand. The man laughed.

“Ever had a moment you wish you could go back and change?” he said, and I could see a smile form. “Congratulations. You have ten chances to think of a moment and re-live it. Afterwards, only you will remember it, and it will have no consequences on society. Of course, you won’t gain any physical benefits, only memories. So, choose wisely”

After the man had finished speaking, he drove off perpendicularly to the road, and quickly disappeared into a flash of darkness. I stared into the distance for a few seconds, clutched the box in my hands, and quickly got back into my car. As I continued my drive home, the man’s words echoed in my head and I tried to think what to make of it.

“What good is it?” I asked myself internally. “If I can’t make any physical gains, that means going back for money is out. I can’t change any future outcomes, so I can’t make any money for the future either. He said all I get are the memories of the event.

I continued to think things through. His tone was almost suggestive when he asked if there was anything I wanted to re-live. Perhaps, do over. Could he have meant, sexually? Of course, there were a ton of moments from my youth that I would have loved another shot at. He couldn’t have known this, but I was happily engaged with my long term girlfriend. We had been together for so long at this point, that I had started to lose memories of certain previous events. The way this machine was set up, though, meant that I could technically go back to any moment, whether I had a significant other or not, and see what things could have been like. And, yes, there were a few times I was tested, in this relationship and others, where I didn’t act the way I wanted to because of the commitment.

Technically, these events would never exist. I would have the memories of the events, but not even the other party would remember anything. It was truly an incredible opportunity to get a shot at some of the times I missed out on. I know it was somewhat terrible of me to want, but part of me felt like I needed this to make up for a relatively calm young life that was spent primarily in committed relationships.

I would certainly have time to think about things. My girlfriend was gone for the week on business, allowing me free thinking time. I pulled up to my house and made my way inside. I sat down on my bed and gently placed the machine on the bed. It had one button on it. Written in very small letters was ‘start’ and ‘finish’ next to that same button. I imagine one click started it, and one click ended it. I turned the box around and noticed ten small lines printed on the side. So, one click on, one click off, and one of those lines must disappear.

Could I really do this? Was it right? Is there even anything I wanted a shot to re-do, that badly? At first, I shook my head no and looked towards the television. I flipped the screen on and tried to ignore the lure, but soon my mind was racing with memories of opportunities I had blown in the past. There was that time I was single and got a chance to hang out with my very attractive female friend alone. We both wanted it, but we were young, shy, and stupid. We sat there half naked and made the occasional grope. An embarrassing display. I also had a crush for multiple years in school on a cheerleader and never did anything. And, of course…

My thoughts converged on one opportunity that was always painful to pass up. I was in a relationship during my entire college life, and that really put a damper on a lot of things. I remember one night, in particular, I was online bored and chatting with a bunch of friends. My best friend during college was a petite, blonde girl named Amanda. We flirted but we knew the boundaries due to my long term relationship. That night, she was babysitting for a friend, and wasn’t shy in letting me know the circumstances.

“The kid went to bed and I’m here for the next five hours alone” she mocked. “Too bad you have a girlfriend.”

What could I say in that situation? I could only laugh and pretend I wasn’t overly disappointed. In reality, I had many flashbacks to that night, and wondered how things could have gone had I been free. Did I really want to try this thing, though? I looked at the box again, turned it over a few times in my hands and pondered. I had no idea how this would exactly work, but I would be forever curious if I didn’t at least try it out. I could always stop midway through if it didn’t feel right.

There was no use making any special preparations. I decided to go for it, and whatever happened, happened. I didn’t exactly know what to do, so I thought hard about that night and held my breath as I pressed the button.

A burst of light. That was it but there I was, sitting in my old room on the computer. I looked up to the computer screen and saw an instant message.

“The kids went to bed and I’m here for the next five hours alone” it read. This time there was no too bad.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I resembled just how I looked years ago. Mostly the same, with slightly less of a muscular build. I could only smile.

“What’s the address?” I asked her. And just like that, I was on my way. I had no worries about staying out late or doing anything crazy, as a simple button push would end the whole thing.

“Just stay alive” I thought to myself. I drove a little faster than usual, not fearing any tickets as I got onto the highway. The trip was about thirty minutes, and I laughed as the former top hits came onto the radio. I followed the directions and soon arrived at the house where Amanda was babysitting.

I got out of the car and rang the doorbell. She answered with a smile and offered the same hug that she normally gave me. She was dressed casually, in a gray t-shirt and jeans. She was a runner and had very fit, toned arms, legs, and body. From what I had seen over the years, she probably would have loved to call herself a “B” cup, as her smaller bust stuck out slightly under her shirts at school. She was a little tanned from running, but not overly. She had medium length blonde hair and nice blue eyes.

“So why has it taken so long for us to finally hang out?” she asked me as I followed her into the large house.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” I laughed, and then shook her off when she shot me an inquisitive look. This device was incredible. It brought me back to the exact moment I wanted to re-live, and it convinced the other party that I was single, even though I hadn’t been at the time. I didn’t know if that was a built in feature or if my train of mind had done it.

“You know” she started. “They have a hot tub in the back.” She grinned at me and bit her bottom lip.

“You should have told me to bring a bathing suit” I laughed.

“Bathing suit, underwear, same thing” she winked and got up to head towards the backyard. She smiled back towards me and pulled her t-shirt up over her head, leaving me a view of her petite back with only a bra strap on it. I followed behind her and caught up to her as she lifted the top of the jacuzzi up. This was definitely the most skin I had ever seen on her, using the little bit of light to see a toned, flat stomach and smaller but perky breasts covered by her black bra. I was next to lose my shirt, and as I got it over my head, I caught her glancing at my body. She slowly undid the button of her jeans and slid them down her sexy legs without taking her eyes off of mine. I broke the gaze and took a look at her ass covered by her black panties. I yanked off my shorts, making sure to leave the device in the pocket, and left myself in just blue boxers.

She made her way into the hot tub and I quickly followed. I took a seat near her, our bodies completely covered by the veil of the water in the dark. I tried to think back to just how flirty we were, but struggled to remember. Obviously, it had to be a pretty extreme amount if a night like this could have come about so easily.

“Sometimes” she broke a small amount of silence. “After I’m done babysitting, I come in here myself. I take advantage of the jets” she giggled.

“I bet that is quite the scene” I laughed, excited by what could be coming soon.

“I’ll show you” she started with a grin. “If you help me.”

I nodded and she made her way down, a little lower into the jacuzzi. She motioned for me to come up behind her and support her back. I eagerly did, putting my hands on her petite body as she lined herself up with a strong jet. I saw her reach under the water, and her hands came back up with her panties, which she gave to me with a wink. Within a few seconds I heard a moan and she quickly started to shake slightly against me. I knew all reserved nature could go out the window at this point, and I allowed my hands to explore her body for the first time. I unhooked her bra and saw her perky breasts for the first time, reaching around and cupping them in my hands. I felt her nipples poke against my palms, before I dropped my hands to explore the rest of her. They roamed over her tight body, and then down to her slim legs. I gently rubbed the inside of her thighs before I stopped between them, feeling the blast of water against my hand as she pouted at me for taking away her pleasure. I let the jet resume its assault on her clit as my hands gripped her tight ass, propping her up closer to the jet.

“Fuck” she moaned as her body began to shake harder against me. I used one hand to keep a grip on her ass, which kept her closer to the jet of water, and the other went back to her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard as she spasmed against me.

“Fuck it’s too good” she said, and I felt her push back against me, trying to put some space between her and the jet. But I kept it right against her clit and she screamed and came hard, her body convulsing against me as her head rolled back against my shoulder. I turned her head towards me and kissed her for the first time, our lips pulling on each other’s as she continued to shake. I felt her vibrate into our kiss as she continued to cum hard. My hand went between her legs to block the jet briefly, before my fingers took the place of the jet and started to rub her clit. She went stiff against me and whimpered into our kiss as she came immediately again. I felt up her body and could feel her tight stomach rippling as she finished her orgasm. Finally, I let her back away from the jet and she backed into my very obviously erection.

“Holy shit, you weren’t lying” she said as I poked her back through my trunks. “It’s been a while since we talked about that. I almost forgot” she laughed and pulled the tie to my swim trunks. She pulled them off me and gripped my hard on, rubbing her smooth hands against the length.

“It’s only right that I return the favor” she smiled. “I bet I could make you cum so fast on one of these” she smirked and teased as her fingers explored me. “If I do, you have to eat me out after this” she made the bet without letting me respond, but I had no argument.

“Ready?” she smiled as she helped me down towards the lower part of the jacuzzi. I felt the strong jet of water plow against my thigh as she rubbed my back with her hands. After enough time without a reaction from me she became curious.

“What the heck is going on?” she said as her free hand plunged into the water and felt for the jet. “Oh you sneak, it’s not even on you.”

“Maybe you just can’t make me cum as fast as you think…” I teased her just as I felt her pull my cock against the jet.

“Not so talkative anymore huh?” she teased me back and bit down on my neck from behind me. I felt incredible pleasure wash over me as the water massaged the underside of my cock. She jerked my shaft and kept the head near the jet as I squirmed from the pleasure.

“I know you’ll never last” she continued to tease and bit down on my ear. “Why don’t you just cum for me now” she smiled and I felt her finger run up the big vein on the underside of my cock. I tried to push back as the pleasure completely overtook me.

“No, no, you’re not going anywhere until you cum” she flicked her tongue against my ear lobe as my orgasm rushed on. “That’s right” she cooed as my cock started to quickly stiffen in her hand against the jet. She continued to jerk me against it, and no matter how much I tried to hold back, it was only a matter of seconds until my cock erupted, blasting my seed throughout the hot tub water in quick, hard bursts. She mercifully pulled me away from the jet and slowly jerked me through the rest of my orgasm as the last of my cum shot through the water.

“Now back to your end of the deal” she smiled and climbed up on the side of the jacuzzi. She spread her gorgeous legs open wide and motioned for me to come towards her. I kissed up the insides of her thighs and finally found her gorgeous looking pussy. I wasted no time in flicking my tongue against her clit, finding it between her tight lips. She started to moan as I then began to suck on her clit, driving her wild as she played with her breasts. I wrapped my arms around her legs and brought her closer to me as I alternated sucking on her clit and flicking my tongue roughly across it. My hands climbed up her body and stopped on her breasts, taking over for her hands as I twisted her nipples. Her body began to buck against me and soon she came, a little liquid leaking from her pussy as she nearly squirted. Her hands ran through my hair, pulling it as I brought her over the edge and kept her there with my tongue still roughly flicking against her clit.

“Fuck that was so good” Amanda moaned and pulled me back up for a kiss, tasting her own juices. We kissed for a while and I explored her mouth with my tongue, before our tongues eventually wrestled each other. There had been so much sexual tension between us at school, and even though it had finally been achieved in a weird way, it was still being unleashed like it was really happening. Between making Amanda cum and our prolonged make out session, I was ready to go again and it didn’t take long for her to notice.

“Do you want to?” she asked me.

“So badly” I responded and looked at her with lust.

“I’m not on the pill and I’m sure you didn’t bring a condom…” she continued.

“Let’s just go for it” I encouraged, knowing there would be no consequences. She nodded and turned around, bending over the side of the tub. She turned around and winked as she presented her gorgeous, firm ass. I came up behind her and grabbed her ass for a while, and then kissed her back. I put my cock between her legs, and rubbed it against her clit. She squirmed with a mixture of nervousness and excitement as I teased her clit. My hands reached around and felt around her body and breasts again, before I finally found her opening and slowly slid myself inside.

“Ohhh fuck” she moaned as I entered her. She was very tight, matching the rest of her petite figure, and I struggled to enter completely. I felt myself pushing her tight walls apart as I worked my way deeper inside her. I felt myself rub against her g-spot, which drew a quick moan, as I finally got myself fully inside, against her cervix. I paused for a little bit, letting her adjust to my size, as I brought her head back around for another kiss. As we kissed a little harder, I withdrew a few inches and thrust it back home, making her vibrate in a deep moan into the kiss. My hands found her breasts again and pinched her already hard nipples. We kissed passionately as the slow fuck hit a nice rhythm. I dropped one of my hands down and started to rub her clit while I slowly fucked her deeply. I counted about five seconds in my head before goose bumps overtook her body and her pussy clenched down on my cock. It gripped me a few times tightly and convulsed for a few more seconds before she came down.

I gave her about a second to catch her breath before I grabbed her hips and started to pound her full speed. She began to scream as my cock pounded against her g-spot and cervix with each thrust. It wasn’t easy to hold back my own pleasure as her tight pussy felt incredible. As the pace picked up, water started to splash out of the hot tub. Amanda’s firm ass jiggled ever so slightly with each rough pound. The constant friction against her g-spot forced her to another, more powerful orgasm, as her body shook below me. She had to hold onto the side of the hot tub to stay upright as her orgasm rocked her body.

“You probably shouldn’t cum in me” she said as my cock slowly started to stiffen inside her tight pussy. I had tried to delay my orgasm, but her tight, orgasming pussy had just been too much to contend with. I didn’t say anything, and instead continued to pound her harder, faster, and deeper. My cock hardened more as my orgasm built stronger.

“Really, I’m not on the pill, remember?” she protested, but my body was firmly on top of hers and easily continued to pound into her without any resistance. Instead of pulling out, I started to rub her clit as my rock hard cock continuously rubbed her g-spot. Instead of any more reminders to pull out, I figured it would be more fun to have her orgasm cause mine. I held my own back as I rubbed her clit furiously, and soon she came again, shrieking as her pussy sprayed liquid against my cock this time and squeezed me over and over. Her massaging pussy brought me over the age, and with one final deep burying of my cock, I let loose rope after rope of hot, sticky cum deep insider her pussy. I felt it burst out in quick, thick shots, before slowing down but still rocketing more cum inside her. She moaned and had to accept my full load, as my entire cock remained out of sight deep inside her most sacred, unprotected area. It was so warm and inviting that it brought out one of my biggest orgasms ever, as I felt myself flood her pussy.

From this angle I could just get my hands on my clothes. Unsure of how she was going to take being creampied, and knowing I had gotten everything I wanted and more, I grabbed the device. I pulled my cock out, watched the extreme amount of cum start to pour out of her pussy, and forced myself to hit the button.

That same burst of light. And there I was, fully clothed and back in my bed where I had left. The device temporarily glowed, and one of the ten lines warped off. Then it went back to normal. My thoughts began to race again as I thought about the nine opportunities I had left. This was going to take some planning.


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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 3 The Great American Incentive Plan

Based on the copyrighted work of Gail, titled Fund Raiser. Her original ideas, and some of her characters and situations, are used with her permission. A personal archival copy is permitted, any other use, including reposting, is prohibited. All rights reserved. Brandy and I got together late that same afternoon, to talk about the Kaps' idea. The money sounded good, but their ideas were way over the line. We agreed to talk briefly with a few of our sorority sisters that evening, and we'd...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 4 Im Coming for Your Panties

"Tell you what; let's wrestle first. Just wearing our underwear. The first to lose a piece of underwear has to walk to lunch in just her blouse and shorts." I was shocked at the proposal. I didn't want Brandy to know I could wrestle. This seemed to be a good opportunity for her to discover how bad I really was. I could let her win. "OK, but with two conditions." "Which are?" "First, we wrestle in the underwear we are currently wearing, and we go to lunch in the clothing we are...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 5 Commando Lunch

Based on the copyrighted work of Gail, titled Fund Raiser. Her original ideas, and some of her characters and situations, are used with her permission. A personal archival copy is permitted, any other use, including reposting, is prohibited. All rights reserved. I pulled my shorts on, slipped my T-shirt over my head, and tucked it in. I'd never worn shorts this tight, with a front zipper, commando. It felt different. Brandy's nipples were bold peaks erupting through her shirt. I looked...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 6 Second Meeting With the Kaps

Brandy and I made arrangements to meet with the two Kaps negotiators the following Saturday afternoon at the fraternity house. The guys were excited about our raffle ideas. They accepted them all. We agreed to work on more ideas, and agreed that no changes or additions would be made without unanimous agreement. At that meeting, they accepted our ideas on most ticket prices, and on raffle prices; food and drink sizes; sales prices; hats and shirts; and sponsorships and advertising. We felt...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 7 Showing Brandy That I Can

Brandy and I met on Tuesday, after classes. We worked up the agreement, as we understood it. Thursday night, she and I had dinner with the presidents of our sororities. They gave us their blessing to go for it, provided there were no major changes from what we wrote. That night, Brandy e-mailed the agreement to our contacts at the Kaps. We went over to the Kaps house at 2 P.M. Saturday. They took us into their study, and presented us with the finished agreement. They had already signed...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 8 Wont Make the Same Mistakes Again

We walked back to Brandy's apartment. Along the way, Brandy told me if we wrestled again, I shouldn't expect to win. She said she wouldn't make the same mistakes again. My only reply was "neither will I." I wondered, silently, if she thought I was good, or just got lucky? I knew the answer was yes, to both choices. We spent an hour in her hot tub. Then we went inside, and shared a hot shower. Then we went to bed, but we didn't sleep. I was exhausted when I finally left that evening,...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 9 Cat Fight and Side Bet

On March 24th, four days before the first night, Brandy phoned me, all excited. "Big news, Gabby!" "Oh?" "Yeah, remember when we were freshmen and sophomores, how much unpleasantness there were between our houses?" "I think there was some kind of big feud between the presidents a year or two before, wasn't there?" "It was the year before we joined. Both girls were dating the starting quarterback. Neither knew the other was sleeping with him. When they discovered it, they had a...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 10 Lets Get This Show on the Road

The last week before the first wrestling night was a busy one at the Delta Alpha Delta house. We ranked our wrestlers, and with the assistance of my brother, Mark, a high school wrestling coach, we selected the six girls we could pre-select. Gabby Hunter, that's me, was our number one wrestler. I'm a 21-year-old junior, an art history major, and a starter on the volleyball team. Rox Green was our number two, a 22-year-old senior, a business major. She was a three-sport high school...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 11 Setting Up the First Match

It was probably just about 7 o'clock when a man's voice came out of the speakers. "Good evening, my name is Jim Tracker. I am the chairman of this Spring Strip Wrestling Extravaganza." That was the first time I'd heard that name. The tickets just called it a Fund Raiser, and listed the names of the fraternity and two sororities. Most of the girls, all of us still wearing our bikinis -- a condition which would end for some very shortly gathered on the corners of the stage. The speaker...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 12 The First Match

Linda took a running start, charging at Rox. Rox just stood there and watched her coming. Linda held her arm out chest high, hit Rox just above her breasts, and Rox was flat on her back. Linda grabbed at Rox's bra, pulled it up and over her head and removed it. Dahman held the microphone to his mouth. "Stop wrestling. First round over. Total time for round and match, 16 seconds. One minute interval between rounds." Linda helped Rox up. Rox was covered in mud from the back, but there...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 13 Labeling and Shaving or Clamps Clip and Cuffs

"Rox, I have to thank you for making my job easy. I have to explain all the rules, and I can explain most of the ones I haven't already because of your quick exit." "In the first eight matches, the four women who lose the fastest pay a big penalty. Chances are Rox will be one of the unlucky four. The woman who defeated each of the four fastest losers gets to shave the off the loser's pubic hair. Then she gets to write her name in indelible laundry marker, in one-inch letters, anywhere...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 14 Tears Tears and More Tears

Jim repeated, "Leslie Nazario, panties; Leslie, please meet the lucky raffle winner at spot number 2 on the deck." When Leslie got there, she looked like she had been crying. She stood there, in front of the raffle winner. He knelt down so her bikini bottoms were at eye level, grasped the waistband, and pulled them down. Leslie just stood there, with her suit down around her ankles. The guy pulled on her suit and she put her hands on his shoulders to support herself, then she lifted one...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 15 Playing Rough

Dottie got the same running start that Linda and Janey too, charged Barb the same way the two Sigs did, and hit Barb right where Linda hit Rox. Barb went down flat on her back, like she'd been hit by a truck. Dottie grabbed Barb's bra by the cups, and ripped it off. She was waving it in the air at 20 seconds. I was really worried, as our third girl was now half-naked. Only one of the Sig's garments had even been touched. We had lost seven garments in 2 minutes and a few seconds. Barb had...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 16 Double Naked

Ashley Law was our next wrestler. The Sig's card was blank, so the girl who just lost her bra had to pick a card from the Sig's box. Gigi Ross was the girl drawn. I didn't know Gigi. Like the three girls before her, Gigi started out fast and rough, charging Ashley and trying to clothesline her. Ashley had seen this move three times already, so she sidestepped Gigi's charge, and shoved her in the back as Gigi skidded past. Ashley turned to go after Gigi, who was face down in the mud. She...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 17 More Than Five Naked Girls More Than Fifteen Half Naked Ones

Jim continued, "After this match, we'll have at least five naked girls, and about fifteen half naked ones. How good is that?" A loud cheer answered him, from hundreds of happy guys. As one of the half naked girls, I wasn't quite as excited. I was doing this for the good of the house, and to some extent, Jim continued, "After this match, we'll have at least five naked girls, and about fifteen half naked ones. How good is that?" A loud cheer answered him, from hundreds of happy guys. As...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 18 Directly From the Pit to the Table

I wasn't paying much attention to Maria and Nan. I was getting more and more nervous as each match began, with me still a spectator. There were only two matches left. Ann Kelty and I were our two yet to wrestle. Ann was our fifth wrestler; I was our best. But I wasn't feeling like the best. I knew Brandy was one Sig yet to wrestle, and while we were close and I could give her a good match, she was likely to beat me most of the time. I had no clue who the Sig's other wrestler would be. The...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 19 Brandy Doesnt Waste Any Time

Brandy didn't waste any time. The command to wrestle was still reverberating from the speakers when she was airborne. Unfortunately for Brandy, Ann wasn't standing where Brandy landed. Brandy didn't miss her by more than a few inches, but that was enough. Brandy landed face down in the mud. Before she could recover, Ann reached down, unhooked Brandy's bra, rolled her over, and eleven seconds after it began, the first round was over. Ann began on top of Brandy. She was slowing moving when...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 20 I Have to Wrestle Her

I finally got to claim garments from two Sig girls, and put them on. Jim got on the microphone and said there was no need for a drawing. There were only two cards left. He told me to get into the mud pit. I still didn't know who I was going to be wrestling, less than a minute later, but she knew I was going to be her opponent since the seventh match began, almost half an hour ago. Jim was playing the suspense for all it was worth, when he finally said, "Will the last Sig wrestler get into...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 21 I Understand Why

Seventeen minutes and thirteen seconds. Holy shit, I understand why I'm so exhausted. We wrestled more than three times longer than any of the other girls. Marie and I were sitting, naked, on hay bales on the side of the ring. I was exhilarated at my victory. I didn't deserve it, but I'll take it. Right now, I'm not hurting, but when the high wears off, I'll have a hard time moving. Best of all, I just won $225! I'll have to buy a bottle of Advil tomorrow, and a new bikini, but that was...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 22 Now I Know What Else Can Go Wrong

Half an hour after I got stripped naked while winning a mud wrestling match, I asked myself what else could go wrong, when I drew my brother's raffle ticket, and he came up and leered at my naked body. About ten minutes later, I knew the answer. The eight surviving wrestlers had our names put into a hat, and two of us were drawn to wrestle first in the quarterfinals. The first name read was Janey Lewis, a Sig. The next name was mine. At least I didn't have to wrestle Macy. I hadn't...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 23 The Shaving Isnt Over Yet

The next two wrestlers drawn were Barb Miller and Ashley Law. They were both Delts, so I knew we'd have two girls in the semi-finals, because the four remaining girls were Sigs. Barb and Ashley were not what one would call friends. Their history went back to the beginning of their freshmen year. The story I'd heard was at a fraternity party, one of them had gone upstairs with the other's date, the aggrieved party followed, and there was some hair pulling and a blouse ripped off. Both...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 24 My Side Bet With Brandy

I hoped the next match would be Brandy and Macy. Brandy knew how to wrestle, from the summer practicing with her neighbor. Besides, if Brandy lost now, I'd win our side bet. Unfortunately, the names drawn were Nan Corser and Brandy Scott. Nan was the girl chosen at random to wrestle. She beat Maria Cuban our number 3 -- fast enough to shave and label her without losing a garment of her own. Brandy beat our number 5, needing a few seconds longer, and losing one of her garments, but fast...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 25 After Midnight

All the girls were required to stay and party until at least 2 A.M., when liquor sales had to end according to state law. If the program lasted until after 1 A.M., we had to stay at least an hour. The program ended late, just after midnight. Our biggest fear was that when the wrestling ended, the guys would be all over the gals. Surprisingly, it didn't happen. Part of it was security, which was really real. People who were impaired but awake were actually being driven home before the party...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 26 Dancing and drinking cut short by the 2 AM curfew

There were so many naked and half-naked girls around that it wasn't a rarity, so the guys didn't act as much like assholes as they often do when there are only one or two. Luckily, it was a warm spring night. Escorts Barb Miller was the only member of Delta Alpha Delta who walked back to the sorority house wearing both pieces of a suit. This walk was in the dark. Next week, only Barb and I would walk back wearing two pieces; that walk would be in broad daylight. Hosing off. Gabby...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 27

Saturday was fast approaching, we all had spent the early afternoon getting ready. We (the Deltas) had two wrestlers in the finals, and the Sigs had two, very tough wrestlers in the finals also. We had seven wrestlers that had gotten their pussies shaved bare at the event this last weekend. Seven of them had the names of the winner on their breasts, because they were defeated in under five minutes. Six of them also wore the same name along each side of her butt crack, because they had been...

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Urban Mythose redone

Note : This story is completely fictional! 1.0: Palea felt warm, secure, enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and dampness. She breathed into her mask and curled up into a fetal position relishing the sense of security. She had awoken…Later under the glare of bright lights as hands roughly examine and probe her body. She shrieked in terror as she is invaded by needles and tubes while a cloth cleans off the fluid from her incubation chamber. The voices were much less comforting than she was used to,...

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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Lifeboat Introduction

This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...

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Lifeboat Chapter 1

Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

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Lifeguard Blows His Mate and Me

Last night I went to the pool late and ended up having a threesome in the showers.Usually, I go to the pool during the day.  It feels warmer, I get some work on my speedo tan, and in the middle of the day, the pool is generally quiet.  Yesterday (Friday) I was busy with work all day and time just got away from me.  The pool closes at nine pm and just before eight pm, I decided to go for a late-night swim.  I really wanted to get out of the house and had nothing else planned.The pool was quiet...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Lori Redone1

The next morning, I was sleepy and stiff as the plane approached our destination. The terminal was packed. Seeing Wade, I waved. He and his grandfather looked tired and haggard. I lost sight of them as we went through customs. We were all staying at the same hotel, so I knew I would see him soon. My cunt twitched as the little shit had promised to give me a fuck to remember. I had no doubts that he could deliver what he said. My mind was alive with the thought of what I hoped was going to...

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