Pastro John Visits School Teacher
- 3 years ago
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We landed in Santa Fe in a snowstorm. Because Santa Fe was smaller than the other cities where I'd shown my work, I'd arranged for a rental car — a big mistake. Before we arrived at the Inn at Loretto, where we'd booked our hotel accommodations, the falling snow had turned into a blizzard. I'd lived in three bodies for over 150 years, and I'd never driven in the snow, let alone a blizzard that shut out the sun and limited my vision to the hood ornament, if the sedan Hertz had given me had had a hood ornament, that is.
"This is impossible," I muttered.
"Pull off the road," Grace said nervously from the back seat.
"I'm not sure I'm on a road," I replied.
"There are lights on our right," Mary said. "There," Mary said pointing. "Pull in there."
With a shrug I turned the wheel to the right and promptly struck... something.
"You hit the curb, I think," Mary said.
I put the car in reverse and promptly went... nowhere. When the tires couldn't connect with a surface that would allow them to roll, they screamed in protest. "We're stuck," I said.
Agnes chortled. "Buckaroo, it would be my guess that you've never driven in the snow."
"You're a superlative guesser. Have you driven in snow?"
"I'm from Chicago. What do you think?"
"Can you get us to the hotel?"
"No, we're stuck."
"The lights, Mary. Do they represent a place where we can wait out the storm?" Grace asked.
"I don't know."
"I'll check," Bill said.
Cold air rushed into the warm vehicle when he opened the door. The door slammed shut, and he disappeared into a flurry of white. I worried that another car would come along and crash into us.
"This doesn't bode well for our opening tonight, Agnes," I said. "No one will venture out in this to see our art."
"Humph, foiled by the vagaries of weather," she grumped.
"Maybe the storm will be short-lived," Mary said. My Mary, the optimist.
Bill opened the rear-passenger door. "It's a coffee shop, and it's open," he said and helped Grace out of the center seat into the blizzard. I turned off the engine, and all of us trudged through the falling and drifting snow toward the beacon of light.
Mary's hope came to pass. We were drinking hot drinks when the storm lifted as if carried aloft by a mythical God of Weather. The surface winds still whipped the snow into a swirling froth, but the clouds stopped adding inches of the white stuff to the ground. We could see the rental car from our booth in the coffee shop. It looked like a banana split submerged in whipped cream.
I called Hertz and told them where they could find their vehicle.
"The charges will continue to accrue," the clerk said pedantically.
"I don't think so," I said.
I called our hotel and told them our plight. They said they'd send a van for us, but it would be a while. I thanked them but said that I'd make my own arrangements. I hung up and asked the waitress if she had the number for a tow truck. She did, I called the number, and told the man who answered my call what I wanted.
"You've got it, bud," he said.
Fifteen minutes later, we clamored back into the rental car, and a humongous truck towed us through the drifting snow toward the Inn at Loretto. Light glowed through the snow covering the glass in the rental car.
"It's like we're in an igloo on wheels under the Aurora Borealis," I quipped.
My cheery comment attracted only a derisive snort. The source: Agnes.
After we'd removed the luggage from the rental car at the hotel, I told the tow truck driver to take the vehicle to Hertz at the airport. "Note the time you deliver the car," I said as I paid him in cash.
"You've got it, bud," he said.
We checked into our rooms, and I called the concierge. "I need a limo and a driver for tonight and tomorrow morning. There are five us," I said.
"Of course, sir," he said stiffly. I think I would have preferred, "You've got it, bud."
The air was bitter cold but calm. No moon. But for starlight, it was a dark sky. The limo stopped in front of the gallery. Luminaries lit the walkway and the gallery's roofline. Ruth Sage had turned a disaster into a festive occasion. As we walked toward the entry doors, I heard the groan of tree limbs complaining about the weight of the snow they carried. Snow puffed the tops of all horizontal surfaces, and with the luminaries, the scene looked like a Christmas card.
"Beautiful," I breathed, my breath huffing like smoke from a steam engine.
"But colder than a witch's tit," Agnes said. She was hanging onto my arm. It was our show. We'd decided to make an entrance together. Behind us, Mary and Grace held Bill's arms.
"Never knowing a witch, I can't attest to the temperature of a witch's tit or any other part of a witch's body. Regardless, that tidbit of folklore makes no sense," I said.
Agnes cackled. "Supposedly witches have no maternal instincts, making their teats cold for a suckling child. It's a metaphor."
"Your mind is unique, friend. Guard it well."
"I have. I shall."
We made our grand entrance, bringing a blast of cold air inside with us, and sending art lovers near the door deeper into the gallery to avoid the draft.
Ruth Sage rushed to greet us. "You made it!" she said. "I worried the storm would keep you away. They closed the airport and diverted all flights."
"Neither rain nor sleet nor snow... etcetera. Gimmee a hug, Ruth," I said and held out my arms. She moved into them without hesitating and hugged me tight.
"How'd you do in the pre-show?" I asked while my arms still wrapped her waist.
"Better than I expected. What with the nasty weather, only half my buyers made it. The other half might or might not drift in before the night ends. There are sold stickers on six of your paintings and two of Agnes's sculptures."
"Get me a cup of hot green tea, and Agnes a glass of red wine, and we'll work the crowd."
"You've got it," she said with a grin.
What? No bud?
Over the next few hours, Ruth's buyers drifted in, and before the night ended, sold stickers dotted all of Agnes's and my work. Katrina arrived with a bigwig from the pharmaceutical company in tow. He praised both my paintings and Agnes's sculptures, and to my chagrin, he approximately doubled the orders for our small pieces. He wanted twenty paintings and fourteen sculptures. If allowed, Katrina could indeed bury an artist with private commissions. The problem with private commissions wasn't the near term. The near term was more profitable than it would be otherwise. The problem lay in the increasing-price system that came from traditional openings.
Which was the reason I was so pleased when I met Joseph Pound. He introduced himself without mentioning his business and asked me to talk about my work. From my earlier attempts to put sold stickers on my paintings, my hyperbole had been honed to perfection. At the time, two paintings still needed buyers, so I was loquacious.
Pound, I guessed, was sixty years old, maybe a little older. He was gay. That was obvious. His ears and cheeks poked out like Howdy Doody's, and he had a toothy grin reminiscent of the puppet's happy smile, but his nose and cheeks weren't freckled.
"For an artist, you are a talker," he said.
I didn't sense that he was putting me down with his comment.
"That's good, if the artist knows what he's talking about. You do," he said. "I'm from the Big Apple, but my roots are in the heartland of this great country, so once every couple of years I go on a scouting trip in search of promising new talent. I've shown the work of some of the greats, abstract expressionists like Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Helen Frankenthaler, who explored the essential questions of human existence. I also showed Andy Wharhol and Jasper Johns with their pop art in the sixties and seventies. I turned down Maplethorpe in the eighties, and I've been looking for another valid new movement in American art since. You're microcosm/cosmos approach to art might be it. It certainly has more validity than some of the craziness some folks try to call art nowadays."
He sighed. "I grew up in the age of drive-in movies and eateries, when remaining in the closet was to be admired, not scorned. I may be an anachronism. Maybe I want to recreate the past. I don't know, but I'd like to run with your microcosm/cosmos art. It fits our time, and it is art."
He handed me a business card. "Check me out and give me a call. I believe I'd like to show your work and the work of your colleague, Ms. Porter."
"I'll check you out, Mr. Pound, but if what you told me is accurate, I'd be pleased to show my work in your gallery. Would a winter show next year work for you?"
He nodded. "I saw you speaking with Katrina Leonard. Is she the reason you're booked for a year?"
"Partly. I have an opening scheduled in Phoenix in three months, and Katrina arranged some private commissions that removes the possibility of another opening until this time next year."
Ruth stepped up to us. "Hello, Joseph," she said. "I didn't see you arrive."
He smiled like Howdy Doody and said, "I'm sneaky."
Ruth linked her arm through mine. "What is your opinion of this young man's work?"
"It's promising. If he can link the microcosm to the cosmos, he might start a new movement in American art, something that's sorely needed in our business, Ruth." He looked at me and said, "Excuse me for speaking to Ruth as if you weren't here, but..." He turned back to Ruth. "... Mr. Carson is tied up with Katrina. If he commits to a show with me, will he honor the commitment?"
"Yes, I believe he will," Ruth said.
"Mr. Pound, I need openings in galleries like yours to insure that my work remains a good investment for my buyers." I smiled. "I'm young, but I don't need the extra money that comes from private commissions versus traditional openings, so I can and will take the long view. Please excuse me for speaking to Ruth as if you weren't here." I turned to Ruth. "Mr. Pound says he's shown the work of Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Helen Frankenthaler, Andy Wharhol, and Jasper Johns. Is this true?"
"Yes," Ruth said.
I turned to Pound. "I'll show my work with you." I took his elbow. "Excuse us, Ruth," I said as I guided Joseph Pound away to a quiet corner of the gallery. "Let's talk turkey."
He chortled. "All right. A December show next year. Twelve large paintings and ten of the smaller paintings. What about Ms. Porter?"
"I'll speak for her."
"Very well. I'll want seven large sculptures like she showed in Frazier's gallery earlier this year, and six pieces like she's shown here."
Joseph Pound had done his homework. The meeting wasn't as impromptu as I'd first assumed.
"What's the split?" I asked.
"Fifty/fifty. I'm sure you're doing better with Ruth, but I won't take less. I don't need to. On the other hand, I take care of crating, shipping and frames."
"What about photography?"
"That cost is mine, too."
"Let's talk about pricing?"
"We'll deal with that later, but the pricing will exceed any price achieved for similar work up to the time of the show. Your work has increased about twenty percent per show. If your work remains in high demand, a similar jump is not out of the question."
"Very good. We have a deal." I gave him a business card. "Fax the contracts to me at the number listed on the card."
"Are you Ms. Porter's agent?"
"No, I'm her friend. Would you like her to verify the commitment I made on her behalf?"
"No. I just wondered if you were getting an agent's cut from her work?"
"No, no agent's cut, just the pleasure of her company."
Looking like I'd lit her up with her welding torch, Agnes said, "You did what?"
"You heard me. Did I screw up?"
"No! Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It's been a dream of mine for years to show in New York City. What gallery?"
I showed her Pound's business card.
"Joseph's Gallery! You're kidding."
"Is that good or bad."
"Good, the best!"
I grimaced. "He wouldn't bend on the split. It's fifty/fifty. If that's not good enough, I'll reopen negotiations. He will pay for crating, shipping, and photography, though."
"Hoo boy!" she said softly.
"I committed you to seven pieces like you showed for Frazier, and six like you you're showing here tonight, but I couldn't tie down the pricing. He did say he'd consider a twenty percent bump if our demand continues to hold. The show will be in December next year."
"Christmas in New York," she breathed, her eyes shining with happiness.
I made it a point to sit with my sister for part of the flight back to Phoenix. I'd seen no evidence of a quickening romance between Grace and Bill, and I was curious. I'd no sooner taken the aisle seat next to her than she patted my hand and said, "You're worried about me again, huh?"
I chuckled. "No, worry wouldn't describe my feelings."
"What would?"
"Ah, Bill, huh?"
"Little brother, there's no spark between us, and not just on my part."
"The day we met him..."
"That doesn't count. That was surface attraction. I did the right thing by moving slowly with Bill. I like him. I admire him for the professional he is, for his talent, but... well, he's no James, Brent." She sighed. "Or you."
Instead of patting my hand, she gave it an affectionate squeeze. "The two of you raised the bar, and I can't have either or you, you because you are my brother, James because of what he does, but I'm happy about the height of that bar, and I'm in no rush. One of these days, I'll meet a man who will step up to that bar and sail right over it."
"Thanks, that satisfies my curiosity, except for one thing. Why did Bill accept our invitation to the opening if he isn't interested in you?"
She laughed. "Because of you, you ninny."
"Oh, he harbors no romantic inclinations for you, if that's what you were thinking. Bill's not gay, but he admires you more than any man he's ever met. Those were his words to me. Brent, he'd like to be your friend."
I slowly let the air out of my lungs. "I didn't know."
"That's because you've been looking at him as a potential lover for me instead of a potential friend for you. Also, Bill isn't very adept at making friends. He lives with his mother not because he's a momma's boy but because she's his best friend."
I remembered the conversation I'd had with my mother about the nature of friendship. "What do you want or expect from a friend?" she'd asked me, and then told me to make a list that defined what I wanted from a friend and another list that described what I was willing to give in return.
"Friendship is a two-way street. To get you've got to give," I muttered, half under my breath.
"What?" Grace said.
I spoke normally. "To get you've got to give. That was something Mom said about friendship."
"You certainly learned that lesson well. You gave so much to Mary that she fell in love with you. Agnes thinks you walk on water, and James makes a point of spending time with you when he's around," she said. "Would you like Bill for a friend?"
I didn't answer immediately. "He's an environmentalist. How rabid is he? With 150 years of memories, an extremist of any kind turns me off."
Grace chuckled. "I don't know rabid he is. Ask him."
I pursed my lips. "He's sitting alone. Trade seats with him, and I'll do just that."
I stood up and let Grace into the aisle, and then took her window seat. Seconds later, Bill sat next to me.
"Grace said you wanted to talk to me," he said.
"Yeah. What environmental organizations do you belong to?"
He sat back in his chair as if I'd struck him. "Huh?"
"Do you belong to any environmentally conscious organizations, you know, like Greenpeace or PETA?"
"No, what a strange question. Why did you ask it?"
"Then you wouldn't classify yourself as a tree hugger?"
' "No. Is this about my belief in conserving water if you live in a desert?"
"Yes and no. I've got no problem with that belief as long as you don't want to put explosives in swimming pools and public fountains and blow them to smithereens. I do have a problem with rabid environmentalists. It seems to me that they'd be happier if Homo-sapiens as a species became extinct."
He huffed a laugh. "And you thought because I believe in water conservation in the desert than I might be... ah, a tree hugger or a rabid conservationist?"
"I didn't know, so I asked. Don't get your shorts in a twist, Bill. What about Lake Powell? Do you think it should be drained?"
"I don't know enough about the ramifications of draining the lake or leaving it as it is to have an opinion one way or the other. You're making my head hurt, Brent."
"Sorry about that. Are you an early or late riser?"
"Moderate, probably. Why?"
"Would you be interested in joining the group for sunrise tai chi?"
"No, the commute from my house would be prohibitive. Besides, I know nothing about tai chi."
I nodded. "What's your favorite leisure activity?"
"What about physical activity?"
"I run and belong to a gym."
I groaned. I was getting nowhere fast.
"About Lake Powell," he said. "In retrospect, I do have an opinion. I enjoyed the boating weekend. I wouldn't want to see the lake drained."
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Comments and MSTs welcome...this story could be changing drastically based on what you say! Please do not archive this story without my written permission. Thanks! PASTEL ANGEL copyright 1999 by Scott K. Jamison Chapter One: Angel Rising Mitch turned the key and opened the tiny door. He stuck his hand inside, and felt the presence of an envelope. *Please let this be a check. Please please please.* He took the envelope out of his post office box and was...
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On the way, I had a bout of sneezing. Cold breeze and wet clothes had affected me. I had caught cold. As luck would have it Sameer’s bike broke down barely five minutes after we started. After dragging the bike for about a kilometer, Sameer managed to park it in a safe spot. We waited for a bus at a bus stop nearby. No bus stopped as they came fully overloaded.We tried to hail taxies but none would stop. It was frustrating. However, looking at our pathetic condition, one car stopped by. The car...
SeductionFor most people, life generally plods along at a fairly mundane and unexciting pace. For another breed of person, life is altogether more exciting, with the continually travelled highway producing many a twist and turn along the way. Kate Howard, if asked would place herself in the first category. For the most part this was how it had always been for Kate. She neither asked nor expected of much and in may ways was as happy as she could be with her life. All in all a few ups and downs, yes, but...
I was a petite 32 years of age, happily married for the past seven years with Raj, who had a managerial job in a company that required him to look after two offices; one in Mumbai and another in Pune. He had to visit each office once in a week. Raj loved me a lot. We did not have any children. After seven years of marriage, we did not have a great sex life; but I was pretty satisfied with my husband as he did not spare any efforts to make me happy and feel comfortable. I craved for a child and...
SeductionIf my luncheon with Dr. Crane proved anything, it was that we could never be friends. My advanced maturity to the contrary, he couldn't get past the age gap. What's more, he was thoroughly ensconced in academia. I wasn't, which made me an inferior outsider, and with the exception of our discussion about Jane Wilson, he treated the luncheon as an art critic interviewing an up-and-coming young artist. Neither of us brought up Sherry and Vivian. After lunch, he followed me to my studio to...
Past The Point of Pain By True?s Doll-AnnSince I have been with my Master we have explored many limits and why I have them. One activity I have struggled with for a long time is due to past abuse from my ex-husband Dick, anal sex has not been an easy boundary for me to have tested. When Dick and I first began our sexual relationship we each had an open mind about many things, exploration with new activities was never an issue. We both seem to always enjoy testing ourselves and each other,...
I didn't think. I ignored my sister's warnings. I ignored my own reservations. I knew I couldn't have a casual relationship with Mary, but she was looking at me with such longing that's all I saw, all I thought about. I kissed her. I kissed her and she melted. Her lips melted into mine, and she twisted her lithe body until her breasts melted against my chest. She moaned into my mouth, and our embrace deepened but still remained soft somehow. I felt the tip of her tongue on my lips, and...
The ease with which Jacqueline Manceaux breezed through life provided a perpetual source of annoyance for Denise. She shone like the sun, even in her darkest hours, and to be fair, she had more than her fair share of them. Denise strove not to take any sort of snide comfort in the misfortune that often befell Jacquí, as she was affectionately called by the hordes of her closest friends. In contrast, Denise felt like an ogre in Jacquí's company. On those rare days when she felt well above...
LesbianThe air was cold and wet, the stars obscured by heavy clouds. I shivered and put my arm around Liz's waist, pulling her close, as much for her body heat as a friendly gesture. We were walking toward the pickup after going to a movie. "Hot chocolate," I said. "The night calls for hot chocolate." "Sounds good," Liz said. "My studio. We can warm our insides and talk." "All right. I would like to take another look at your paintings before you ship them to San Diego." Twenty...
We all swam ashore at dawn for tai chi, and James and I sparred while the ladies prepared breakfast. When we finished, they applauded our efforts and flashed their tits from afar. We fished; we did some water-boarding behind our new jet skis, and we explored Lake Powell. Mary and I made love often, and James and Deanna, or James and Grace, or all three of them went below for privacy from time to time, and the three of them slept together at night in the V-berth. James must have got the hang...
I was in my late thirties, college graduate and up and coming accountant, I was at my desk in my cubicle when the mail boy arrived. He handed me a package that had obviously been opened, nothing unusual about this save the fact it was clearly marked "..PERSONAL..." Items that were clearly marked for the company was usually opened and inspected for content and quality as well as to how to process what was inside. But mail marked "...PERSONAL...'was never opened, or it was, it was closed back...
I am a 32 year old heterosexual male. This is a dream unlike any other I've had! The realism was INCREDIBLE! I was in a nightclub or cabaret from the 30's or 40's. I was sitting at a table having a drink when I realized that I was a woman! I looked down at myself and noticed a pair of very large breasts coming out of my chest! I was wearing a VERY tight silver gown that had LOTS of cleavage! I actually felt their weight on my chest and I also felt them as I cupped them with my now...
Past made perfect "So lets assume I wanted to make a man dress and act like a woman. How could I do it?" "Against his will?" "Yes." "Well, if you were being crude, you could kidnap him, drug him, and use threats of rape or other bodily harm." "I would rather something more subtle." "LIke what?" "Hypnotics." "Not terribly effective, or so I've heard." "It depends on how they're used. For example, did you know it was possible to plant a memory? To make a man remember...
Past experiences - First love This is a story about my first love, I will write more of my experiences in time and share them. Feedback will be dearly appreciated and I will write back. [email protected] I was only 16 at the time and I enjoyed going to clubs with my older friends. Though I was clearly underage somehow I always managed to blag my way in without needing fake Id, besides I was only two years away from the legal age. With so many places to go in London we would often...
LesbianWhen Grace and I walked into the house after leaving Dr. Crane's cocktail party, Mom was waiting for us, and she didn't look happy. She said, "Grace, a young man named Troy Crawford called you, and, Brent, Sherry Crane wants you to call her. They both sounded upset when they called, but neither of them would tell me why." She gasped. "Grace! What happened to your face?" "You explain, Grace," I said. "I'll call Sherry. Did she leave a number, Mom?" "Yes. It's on the pad next to...
Standing over the prone teenager, I smiled and said, "Did that satisfy your 'needs', Janie?"Rearranging her clothes she smiled up at me and replied, "And then some, Rev.! I don't think I've ever cum that hard before! You were amazing."I wiped her juices from my beard, but the scent lingered making me uncomfortably hard. Coming to my senses, realizing the depth of depravity I'd just visited on this impressionable young girl, I stammered, "I..I don't know what came over me. I should never have...
TeenThe next morning, I wake up to Luke shaking me and telling me wewere running late. I had forgot to set my alarm. Luke had already showeredand was standing beside the bed wrapped in a towel. I so wanted to suck hisdick but I know he hates to be late. I took a fast shower and dressed.Breakfast was a banana that I grabbed on there way out the door. We raceoff in the car. We get close to my school and all I see are fire trucks everywhere.Luke gets as close as we can and the fire and smoke seem to...
13We get to the bathroom and Luke starts the shower. He waits until I get inand he follows. He kneels behind me and says grab your ankles. I reach downand grab my ankles. This spreads my ass as he starts feeling my hole. Goddamn Mattie, you are still gaping open. Your little hole is bright red. Ifeel his fingers as he pushes around my hole. He stands up and grabs thesoap. He starts lathering my ass and cleaning me up. He reaches between mylegs and soaps my dick and my nuts and then does my...
..Saturday morning I wake up and go pee. I peeking my bedroom and Luke's isstill sleeping. He is shirtless and my sheet is covering from his waistdown. I close the door and go back to Luke's bedroom. I open the door tothe hall and John's coming out of his bedroom. He has a huge duffle bagpacked and says good morning. He tells me to come on down and letstalk. We get downstairs and John throws his duffle on the floor near theback door. We sit at the kitchen table and John says we need to talk...
John was at a party comprising pastors, deans cardinals and all sorts of other religious men and their wives. There was a lot of chatting with pompous men and very prim wives.Janice was different. Janice was dressed in a scarlet dress that finished just below her pussy. (I bet she caused a lot of gossip amongst the other wives) Janice was a free spirit. John could not figure how she became the wife of such a boring, pompous dean of the cathederal (John's boss).Janice's dress was low cut in a...
The girl walked confidently into the bar. She strode up to the stool next the guy on the end and sat down. He’s an older guy, around fifty, about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes and a wide-brimmed straw hat shading his light complexion. Once seated at the bar, she removed her sunglasses and ordered a margarita on the rocks. When her drink arrived she smiled demurely at the man to her left as she raised the glass to her lips.The guy she sat down next to and smiled at is me. I live alone in...
IncestAlex and Angelina met in an internet chat room for practicing pagans. Alex was 20 and Angie had just turned 18. Alex always presented himself as a strong, brash, brave character, this was what he wanted to be, though in reality, he was not. Angie too, was a timid, shy young woman, she wanted to be a strong and powerful, as her new devotion to the Goddess had inspired her to do, but given her history with rape she knew she wasn’t strong. Upon meeting with Alex, studying magick with him, they...
The sunlight gently creeps through the window in the early morning. The room is silent, all but for the gyrations of Angelina, sitting on the lap of her lover, Alex. Both of them drunk, Angelina is moaning and panting, rocking back in the chair, her hands on top of Alex’s on top of her breasts, trying to grind her clit into his hips, despite having her back to him, she vainly ended up trying to fuck the air around her. I hadn’t seen her in three years. Three fuckin’ years. She was like a drug....
The ease with which Jacqueline Manceaux breezed through life provided a perpetual source of annoyance for Denise. She shone like the sun, even in her darkest hours, and to be fair, she had more than her fair share of them. Denise strove not to take any sort of snide comfort in the misfortune that often befell Jacquí, as she was affectionately called by the hordes of her closest friends. In contrast, Denise felt like an ogre in Jacquí’s company. On those rare days when she felt well above...
Past experiences – First love This is a story about my first love, I will write more of my experiences in time and share them. Feedback will be dearly appreciated and I will write back. [email protected] I was only 16 at the time and I enjoyed going to clubs with my older friends. Though I was clearly underage somehow I always managed to blag my way in without needing fake Id, besides I was only two years away from the legal age. With so many places to go in London we would often move...
On line dating never conjured up any sort of romance or eroticism for me. It was a means to an end, to find that someone as my life moved forward, ever closer to the stage where no-one would ever be interested. At least for the moment, however, someone was interested. Matt was an attractive forty five year old. He was tall, which was just as well as I was no short-arse myself. He looked after himself, but was at that stage when paunches were becoming a fashion accessory. He was a quiet,...
TransSometimes I like thinking back about my past sexual experiences - replaying them in my mind can really turn me on. I've a few favourites and I've decided to make note of a few of them by writing them here. I remember once, in my mid 20's, I had just broken up with my first long term girlfriend. It was thrilling to be single again, not knowing who I may meet next.Shortly after the break up, I was at a local nightclub. I spotted a girl within my circle of friends and thought she was pretty hot. I...
I found myself being black mailed at work by the mail boy and his friend(s)....I had been told to get a room at a motel and await their arrival...once they arrived I asked... ".. is this all you are gonna want...nothing else..." they looked at each other and turned to me saying " our bitch, when we want you you are to come, do what we want you are to do, you are never to refuse us nor deny us. If you do, we tell your secrete, no one at work will ever know unless you spoil our fun..." I...
I've been very happily married to Kate for the last five years, sex was terrific if a little predicable. Kate was still very beautiful with a slim but curvy figure; great legs and a small by shapely bust. Things changed when Kate had to go and stay with her mother because she was having her hip replaced operation and needed someone to look after her for a few weeks. I was looking for a receipt so I could finished off my monthly expenses, I had looked everywhere, so now I was looking in places...