Past Is Gone - Part- 2 free porn video

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On the way, I had a bout of sneezing. Cold breeze and wet clothes had affected me. I had caught cold. As luck would have it Sameer’s bike broke down barely five minutes after we started. After dragging the bike for about a kilometer, Sameer managed to park it in a safe spot. We waited for a bus at a bus stop nearby. No bus stopped as they came fully overloaded.

We tried to hail taxies but none would stop. It was frustrating. However, looking at our pathetic condition, one car stopped by. The car had one vacant seat. The owner offered to take one person. Sameer and I looked at each other. I then said, “Would you mind, if both of us occupy only one seat?”

When the owner-driver raised eyebrows, I explained, “Sir, we have been waiting for the last one hour for a bus or a taxi, without success. What we will do is; I shall seat in my husband’s lap, so that we shall occupy only one seat, if you don’t mind. This is an emergency situation. I hope you won’t mind. It has been raining badly and if you didn’t give us a lift, we do not think we shall be able to leave this place for hours.”

The owner was sympathetic. He looked at me. Completely drenched in rain, I must have looked highly erotic. Anyway, after a brief thought, the owner of the car agreed. Sameer looked at me quizzically. He was surprised at my naming him as my husband. I turned to Sameer so that others could not see and placed my finger on my lips gesturing him to keep quiet. Sameer went in first and I slid into his lap. Others in the car looked at us strangely. There was a lady too in the front seat. All the passengers including the driver were completely wet like us.

Sitting in Sameer’s lap for the next 45 minutes was an experience. I could feel his hard cock poking my butts. Under any different situation, I would have shouted. However, I was helpless. His both hands straddled me tightly, as the car moved with fits and jerks due to stopping and moving traffic. Sameer’s left hand was on my left breast. I could not help and neither could he; because we were all sitting tightly sandwiched with each other. I had a tingling sensual feeling of arousal with Sameer’s fingers squeezing my breast. I thought he was deliberately poking his fingers into my breast, taking advantage of the situation.

The car dropped us at about two kilometers away from my flat. We had to walk the distance. I was unable to walk. I had a severe headache. I was sneezing badly. My eyes had turned red. Sameer held me tight with his hand and supported me as I staggered along with him in the pouring rain. When we reached my house, I was almost dead. I could not walk one step.

Sameer looked at me. I was a figure to watch. My clothes were plastered on my body. My bra and petticoat were clearly visible. On that day, I had put on a low cut thin cotton blouse and lacy bra. I was wearing nylon Saree. The saree was tied well below my navel. I knew that he could vaguely see my areolas and erect nipples. I was turned on with Sameer playing with my breast in the car. I saw Sameer looking at me in that state. I blushed. I felt as if I stood naked in front of him.

When Sameer saw that I caught him staring at my body, he felt awkward, looked away and made some apologetic murmurs. I looked at my chest and saw that my breasts were jutting out of my bra. My areolas were faintly visible. Seeing expressions on Sameer’s face, I adjusted my saree hurriedly.

I was sneezing badly and coughed a lot. Sameer asked me if I had any medicines in the house. I did not have any medicines. Sameer said he would bring some medicines and asked me to get home. With great difficulty, I climbed up the stairs.

As soon as I opened the door, the phone rang. I ran into the house, forgetting to lock the door behind me, I switched on the phone. My hubby Raj was on the line asking me how I was. I was sneezing badly. He had heard about the rain in Mumbai. I told him that I was totally wet, almost naked and dripping. I had a terrible cold and my head was spinning. I told him that Sameer and I had just returned home from the office with great difficulty. I asked him to call after five minutes. I would then talk to him in detail.

He hung up. I reached the bathroom with a towel. I wiped myself, covered my body with the towel, left my saree and under wears in the bathroom and came to the bedroom; just wrapped the towel around me. I started the hair dryer for drying my hair. Just then the phone rang and it was my husband on the line again. As I had my hands occupied, I put the phone on a shelf and turned the hands-free speaker on, so that I could hear his voice even from a distance. He said he was unable to wait and wanted to hear all about what happened.

I told him the happenings in the office and how with great difficulties Sameer and I came to our house. I also told him how I sat in Sameer’s lap and how he squeezed my boobs. My hubby was eager to know if I felt Sameer’s cock with my butt. I should have got irritated. However, I was blushing. I did not reply Raj. Raj kept asking more questions on Sameer. He said that he was excited and missed being there with me. He said he had his cock in his hands and was masturbating. My poor hubby!

The narration of my adventure in the rain with Sameer aroused him rather than making him feel jealous or slighted. At the other hand, he had his cock in his hands and was masturbating! I heard his heavy breathing sound. My poor hubby! His condition was no better than Sameer, I thought. He needed me badly too!

After a while, my husband seemed to heave a sigh and said, “Darling, why did you not invite him upstairs? Where would the poor fellow go alone in this torrential downpour in the middle of the night? Call him on his mobile and ask him to come to you. Let him stay with you for tonight. Surely he would like it very much. I would like him to take your care as you are not feeling well. Lastly, be nice to him. Go along and remember...”

Before he could start, I said, "Past is gone, Future is not known. Today is your own to enjoy’ right?”

My hubby was overjoyed hearing this. He said, “Exactly. So enjoy and tell me when I should come, so that I shall enjoy it too. Remember, you will not hurt anyone including me. And just last one, don’t be a prude.”

I said, “Okay baby! I am now turning off the phone okay? Bbe darling! I love you.”

My hubby said, “Bye darling! I love you very much more.”

As I cut off the phone, I heard a loud coughing sound behind me. I turned to look back and saw Sameer dripping wet, standing frozen at the bedroom door looking at me with a small plastic bag in his hand. I was shocked to see Sameer. Oh God, he must have heard my talk with my husband! The phone dropped from my hands. I was almost completely naked except the towel loosely wrapped around me, wearing only the Mangal Sutra (a necklace that signifies a married woman) apart from the towel. A loud scream escaped my mouth. I shouted, “What the hell are you doing here? How did you enter?”

I heard Sameer fumbling and mumbling in low tone grumbles telling me something like: “I told you I shall get you the medicines. The door was open, I just came in, I did not anticipate this situation.”

I was almost melting down of shame. I was also angry. Hearing him mumble, I did not know whether to laugh or cry. I looked at myself. The towel hardly hid anything. My breasts, areolas, hardened nipples my mound were partially visible. I wrapped the towel tightly around my body. I must have looked like a model on the cover page of playboy magazine.

I ran to the bathroom. The bathroom door was just behind Sameer.  Sameer stood between me and the bathroom door. I had to walk past him and push him to make way into the bathroom. As I tried to go past him, he took me in his arms. He wanted to kiss me. He raised his hand and made a feeble attempt and managed to pick one of my breasts in his hand. I asked him, “What are you doing?” His look said it all. He was full of lust, his eyes were moist and pleading. But he hardly appeared self-confident. He appeared confused and hesitant. I wrested myself out of his clutch and ran into the bathroom.

I closed the bathroom door. I did not know whether to be furious or frightened. I did not know what to say. I needed my clothes. I called Sameer and said, “Sameer, please for God’s sake, give me my clothes from the almirah, something to wear please.” I was feeling dizzy. I had a bout of sneezing again. 

After a few seconds, I heard a tap on the bathroom door and Sameer saying, “Here your clothes.” I held the door slightly ajar, making sure that I hid behind it and picked up clothes from Sameer’s hand and closed the door quickly, afraid lest he might put his foot in the door and force it open and might see me naked again. A shiver of excitement ran through my body. I was unsure why this excitement crept in me. Did I secretly want him to see me like that?

I saw the clothes brought by him. he had given me a night robe with the towel. Poor fellow! Either Sameer did not know where to find my bra, panty etc. or he felt too embarrassed to bring them. Anyway, I quickly changed into the robe and looked out of the door, opening it a little. He was there waiting for me to come out. I was still not properly dressed. However, I came out, quite tired. I asked Sameer to go in the bathroom to dry himself and change. I gave him a towel and Raj’s night dress to wear. I went into the bedroom.

I was feeling so ashamed and angry with myself. How could I be so careless as to leave the door open behind me? On one hand, I was scolding myself, on the other hand, I had a typical erotic feeling that I was unable to understand. It was kind of feeling I had,when a class fellow kissed me in school when I did not know anything about sex. I felt it strange, bad, excited; all at the same time. I thought I felt something similar then.

I said to Sameer shouting angrily from the bedroom, “There is some etiquette called knocking the door before one comes in.” Sameer came out and entered the bedroom, when he heard me shouting and said, “Sorry, I knocked so many times. But you were so busy talking to your hubby. Anyway, I apologize again.” Sameer said standing ill at ease in my hubby’s pajama.

I realized that the fault was mine, not his. A felt really bad for him.

I had no bra and no panty on me. But I was too tired to change. Actually, the whole day’s exercise had drained me completely.

I sat on the bed and told Sameer, “Sameer, I don’t think, I am feeling very well. I am very tired today. I have a severe cold. I feel dizzy. May be I should sleep for a while. I am not in a position to cook anything right now. I already have something cooked, can I get up after some time and cook for you?” Before I could finish the sentence, I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

While I was in the state of drowsiness, I had some hallucinating hazy images fleeting off in my mind. I was in my school. A huge black teacher loomed over me pointing a finger at me and shouted, ”Complete your home work… You are not doing your home work. You cannot go home…” Was it the image of my boss? Perhaps.  Then after some time, I saw a huge cockroach in front of me. I was so scared. I started screaming. However, no sound would come out of my throat. Then a man looking like Sameer came out of nowhere and lifted me up in his arms and made me sit. I vaguely felt him giving me something to drink.

Suddenly a huge winged dragon attacked me when Sameer was carrying me up in his arms. I was so scared that I clung my arms around Sameer’s neck and held him tight, hiding my face on his chest crying, “Sameer, save me, this is attacking me. It will eat me up… Please…” I literally screamed out and that time I actually heard myself screaming.

Then I heard Sameer’s soothing voice, “It’s all right dear. You are fine. Don’t worry. I am with you.” That was when I woke up. I saw Sameer’s face so close to mine, I could have kissed him. He gently laid me on the bed. I looked at the clock. It was 11.30 pm. I saw Sameer sitting by my side, looking down upon me. I vaguely recollected, as if in a dream; Sameer lifting me up and making me sit and giving me medicine; while I was half asleep and was having nightmares.

When he saw that I woke up, Sameer gave me cough syrup and a tablet and asked me to take them. I looked at him questioningly. He placed his finger on his lips, smiled half-heartedly and said, “Don’t worry. These are medicines, which I have bought from the medicine shop prescribed by a doctor. By the way, I did not undress you or did anything to you.” I saw that my harsh snub had hurt him.

I smiled and replied, “Sameer, do not talk nonsense. I am sorry for my harsh words. It was spontaneous. I know that you have taken so much care of me. Even if you had undressed me, It would have been ok with me. You idiot! I do not know how to thank you.” I pulled him closer, embraced him rather for an extended period of time and spoke whispering “Thanks for all you have done.” in his ears and kissed him on his cheeks, very close to his lips. I was so over powered by desire that it took me a great mental effort to avoid kissing him on his lips.

I could not describe how dumbfounded he looked when I kissed his cheeks. He sat there awkwardly for what appeared to be a long time and then said, “It is pretty late, I must leave now.”

Just then my phone rang. I motioned Sameer to sit in a chair. It was my hubby Raj. When he asked, I told him that Sameer was there. He was worried about my health. I told him that I was better. However, he did not pay attention to that. He asked me repeatedly to make Sameer stay for the night and look after me. He made me promise him that I shall make Sameer stay. He wanted to talk to Sameer. I handed over the phone to Sameer.

After a few minutes’ talk, Sameer switched off the phone and said, “Raj wants me to stay here for the night to look after you. He insists that I stay. I do not know what I should do.”

I smiled and said, “Then why don’t you stay? I am not going to eat you. Besides, how will you go in this rain? It is already too late. You may sleep in the drawing room.”

While I was sleeping, Sameer had cooked food. He had made some chapattis, fried the rice and warmed up the rest of the items in the microwave.

I was not feeling too well. I gripped my head between my hands and looked at Sameer. I felt feverish and started to have a body ache. He could see my discomfort. He moved over immediately to my side and laid me on the bed. Sameer covered me up with a bed sheet and brought the plate with the food. I refused to eat. However, he persisted with me to eat a little so that I have strength. He brought his plate and we both ate in silence. He took away the plates after we finished eating and sat by my side. He felt my forehead for a temperature. I had a fever and I was feeling drowsy. He made me take Paracetamol and asked me to sleep. I looked at him gratefully and said, “Thank you for staying back. It would have been difficult for me if you had left.”

Sameer smiled and said, “It’s ok. I am here and that’s it. Relax and try to sleep. Anytime you want anything I am here. He was trying to move to a chair nearby. I clutched his arm rather hard and told him pleading, “Please sit by my side. I am having severe back ache. I am not feeling sleepy. Besides, I am scared of those nightmares, if I fall asleep.”

Sameer smiled and sat by my side I held his arm tight and tried to sleep. However, I couldn’t. My whole body was aching. I could not control a loud sigh clutching my back and poking my thumb hard into my shoulder blades.

Sameer saw that I was having pain in my shoulders. He made me turn around with my back to him. He rested his four fingers of his both hands on my both collarbones and dug his thumbs hard and deep into the cavity below the collarbones. At first, I cried out in pain as his thumbs dug deep forcefully into my shoulders.

However, after some time, I felt easy and much better. I looked at him and said, “It feels much better. Please carry on.”

Sameer pulled me towards him saying, “Better you come a bit closer so I could massage your shoulders better. I readjusted my position. He made me sit in his lap so that he could massage my shoulders better. I was not in a position to protest. Besides, I had already sat in his lap just a little while ago, so what the hell! After some time, I could feel his cock rising and poking my butts. I had to open three top buttons of my gown so he could rub my shoulders better. If Sameer had tried, he could easily have grabbed my boobs. I was also afraid of that. However, he did nothing.

I was getting aroused with Sameer’s presence. I had his muscular hands on my shoulders. I felt his manly warmth. It was the first time for me to feel any man so close to me other than my husband. I had felt his cock in his pajama and I was tempted to touch it. I hated myself for thinking like that. I was however, helpless. The fragrance of Sameer’s body caused my pussy to start leaking. I had no panty on me. I had to move away or else he would know that I was horny.

I slowly moved away from him. I had severe pain in my legs. I squeezed my calf muscles for a while. Sameer saw it too and said, “If you like, I could massage your legs.”

I said, “No, it’s ok.  It will be alright.” I stretched out on bed and gradually fell asleep. I felt Sameer pulling up the bed sheet from below my legs to cover me up. He saw me rubbing my one toe on the other calf muscle to massage it. I didn’t know when I fell asleep. I slept fast and deep. I had not slept so well for many days.

Sometime later, I felt pain easing in my legs. In half asleep state, I felt Sameer’s hands massaging my legs. He knew how to massage legs alright. He squeezed my calf muscles so deftly that I felt the pain vanishing. His touch was so arousing. I opened my eyes a little. The clock showed about four am. I had slept for about four hours.

I was going crazy with Samer’s touch on my legs. He limited himself to my calf muscles and did not push his hands upwards. I wondered at his control. I knew it must have been tough for him to maintain that control. I felt pity for him. Under normal circumstances, I would have pushed his hands away from my legs. However, I was feeling terribly turned on myself. I actually wanted him to push his hands upwards to feel my thighs and to feel my very wet pussy. Oh God! What was happening to me?

I pretended to be asleep. I hoped that he would take the initiative and push hands upwards. However, he was so stupid! He kept massaging my calf muscles. The pain in my legs was completely gone. I was feeling better. He perhaps knew that my pain had eased. His touch became gentle. He was no more massaging my muscles, he was simply enjoying the feel of my legs. I was having a tough time controlling my ecstasy at the feel of his hands caressing my legs. In spite of my best efforts, a low moan escaped my lips.

Oh God! Unknowingly, I let out the fact that I was awake and enjoyed his gentle caress of my legs. I was not sure that he heard my low moan. I decided to keep quiet and enjoy his touch. I opened my eyes a little and saw that his one hand gripped his crotch as he  caressed my legs with the other. I was sure that he had a big hard on. I saw a big tent in his pajama. I realized that I was then in a situation which was impossible to come out of. It was not because of Sameer. It was because I was not able to resist my urge.

My husband was fully responsible for this situation. He insisted that Sameer should come closer to me, he should stay overnight etc. I wondered if, in my husband’s dirty mind, he wanted me to fuck Sameer. If that was so, then be it. I decided I shall tell everything honestly to my husband and accept whatever happens then. However, at that moment, I just could not control the itching in my pussy. The fact was that I was becoming a slut and wanted a cock of a man other than my husband in my pussy. There was nothing I could do at that stage.

Perhaps Sameer knew that I was no longer asleep. He removed his hands from my legs and pulling the sheet down to cover my legs, he rested his hand on my waist, on the bed sheet with which he had covered me. I was afraid he might move his hand to catch one of my breasts. Actually, I wanted him to. But I was too scared to take initiative. I was breathing harder with each passing moment. He certainly noticed it. Because he then bent down and brought his face level with mine and whispered in my ears, “Neena, are you feeling better?”

What a stupid question to ask! I slowly opened my eyes and looked into his. I saw his face facing mine. His nose was almost touching mine. I felt irritated at his question. Instead of replying, I smiled lecherously. My smile must have spoken more than I could have. Sameer hesitatingly looked at my face. What I did then was something I had never done before. I gripped his head between my palms and pressed his head down so hard that his lips were pressed hard onto mine.

That was all the signal Sameer needed. He bent down and kissed me so vehemently on my lips that I was breathless for a while. His reaction was a clear indication that he was dreaming for this moment for weeks or months. For months he had controlled his explosive urge to do this and with my one movement, all hell broke loose. It looked as if he would just not move his lips away from mine. We must have kissed for at least three minutes.

He caressed my lips all round. He kissed the upper lip and squeezed and sucked on it. Then moving to the lower lip, he sucked onto it for a length of time. With his lips, he made me close my lips and sucked my lips. With his tongue, he coated my lips with his saliva. He opened my lips with his lips and inserted his tongue into it. All his saliva was getting into my mouth and I lapped it all up happily.

While we were kissing I felt his one hand moving up and down behind my back; pulling up and down a little bit of my gown as he slid his hands behind me. I could also feel his big cock grinding with my thighs. All this while, he let out slow rhythmic ecstatic moans and ummms… He wanted to enact all those acts that perhaps in his mind he had planned since he saw me the first time.

His erotic caresses and kisses were driving me crazy. His hands behind my back moved up and down exploring the crevices and valleys in my back, causing ecstatic twitches in my pussy. I was beyond any decency and shyness. My hand instinctively reached his groin. His pajama was fully wet with his pre-cum. I caught his cock in my hand with his pajama. My palm was coated with the slime of his pre-cum. He trembled feeling my hand on his crotch. He caught my fingers and made my hand rest on his pajama there. With his other hand, he unbuttoned his pajama and pulled it down to uncover his cock. His naked cock was in my palm.

Gosh! It was slush with his pre-cum and thick like a hose. I slid my palm over it to assess its length. It was pretty much longer than my husband’s, for sure; and it was growing as I slid my palm and fingers around it. That was the first time I had felt an adult penis in my hand other than my husband’s

I shivered at the feel of Sameer’s cock in my hand. It was hot and erect like a flag pole. As I gripped his cock in my palm, I was amazed at its girth. The base of his cock had some hair sticking into my fingers. His bulbous head was big like a large mushroom and flared up on the top. His tiny aperture was leaking his pre-cum in drops of fluids, which got formed out of the hole and disappeared as it slid down the length of his cock.

I was still lip locked with Sameer cranking his cock gently with one hand. Sameer slowly lifted his head, looked straight into my face and stuttered, “I did… not... hmm... mean... to…, I mean… Would… you… mind…? I mean …. are you okay... with.,. this? I hope … it’s okay… please?” Sameer whispered into my ears wearily. He was still not sure of my readiness.

I barely controlled laughing. Instead, I smiled, looked straight into his eyes and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay darling. I am more than ready. Now don’t hold back. Now no time to think. Whatever will happen will happen. Remember what my hubby said? ‘Past is gone, Future is not known. Today is your own to enjoy.’ Make love to me. I am horny as hell and I am waiting.” I closed my eyes. I wanted to savour every moment of this love making.

Sameer inserted his hand between our bodies and unbuttoned my gown lovingly. I shuffled to let him pull it off my head. I undid his pajama and pushed his top off him. We were two naked bodies entangled with each other intimately. As soon as we dispensed with our clothing, Sameer stopped. He slid a little away from me on the bed. I wondered what got into him. I opened my eyes as he sat up on the bed and looked at me intently.

There was enough light in the room for him to see my naked body lying down in front of him. I was facing the ceiling. His stare swept all over my naked body. My black, thick and long disheveled hair was spread all around my head and covered a part of my breasts. The red dot on my forehead gleamed and seemed to have caught his fancy. His eyes then were focused on my neck and necklace (that was my mangal sutra). My breasts were perked up and my nipples bloated with an erection. He caught one of my breasts in his hand and rolled his fingers around it as if wanting to be sure that the breast he was caressing was real.

I closed my eyes to feel his hands moving all over my naked body enjoying his gentle caresses and occasional grunts of pleasure leaving his mouth. His palm was moving ever so slowly on my flat tummy feeling my skin and the contours of my midriff. He poked his finger into my belly button and lovingly moved it around in for a few seconds. Oh Gosh! How did he know that that was the most erogenous part of my body! Did my hubby tell him that?

I was delirious at his playing with my belly button and would have stopped him if he had not moved down to feel and caress that small rise in the contour of my stomach before a big fall towards my vaginal mound between my legs. With closed eyes, I was savouring each small movement of his hands on my body. When his palm began to caress my mound and barely reached my pussy, I could not restrain a small low moan escaping my mouth.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He watched my nakedness. He was perhaps storing the details in his memory bank. I smiled and slowly sat up. Without uttering a word, I got up from the bed and stood in front of him. He looked tantalizingly at me with my shapely, round and full breasts firm and standing up proudly with erect pink nipples based on circular dark chocolate color areolas. I shuffled my legs and sitting naked on the bed posed like a model and asked him, “How do I look?”

Sameer slowly stood up with his big cock hanging. He spent a few seconds surveying every inch of my body starting with my hair, forehead, eyes, nose, lips, chin, neck, shoulder blades and breasts. when he laid his eyes on my breasts, a low “umph” escaped his lips. He raised his hands and grabbed my breasts. As if weighing them, he lifted them up in his palms.

He slowly murmured, “Your breasts are so much more beautiful than I had ever imagined in my wildest dreams. You are a goddess of love and very fuckable.” I was glad that finally, he had the gumption to tell his mind. I smiled at him invitingly.

I looked at his lithe and muscular body with no fat on his flat tummy. He had some hair on his belly and chest but not thick bush like my husband. His hands and biceps were muscular. His cock had a bush of hair around it. His testicles were sizable hanging like a bag full of things inside. His thighs were slim yet muscular and shapely. He looked quite tall while standing.

Holding my breasts for a while, Sameer pulled me closer to him. He had his arms around me. He enveloped me tight in his embrace.  He lifted me up a little to level me face to face with him in his arms and again he placed his lips on mine and this time he kissed me gently rolling his lips all over my lips. His one hand moved behind me sizing up my spine and caressing and occasionally pinching my buttocks. I clung to him like a climber hangs around a tree. He inserted his fingers deep into my ass crack. I exclaimed “Ouch” letting out my excitement at his touch.

I was holding his big cock in my one hand barely able to shag it because our bodies were tightly pressed against each other. My other hand was behind his back and I too was exploring his masculinity and curve of his firm buttocks. As he squeezed my ass cheeks I did his. He looked at me. I smiled back mischievously again sucking his saliva into my mouth. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and kept pumping it in and out as if tongue fucking my mouth. This was a style, I did not know. I enjoyed Sameer fucking my mouth.

Sameer lifted my naked frame effortlessly in his arms and pressed his lips on my breasts and sucked them both one by one. It was a delirious experience of having my breasts kissed while I was in the air. I encircled my arms around his neck and again kissed his lips and said, “You fucker! You had always been wanting to fuck me from day one. But you wanted to seduce me with your kindness and benevolence. A remarkable slow seduction. Is it correct?”

Sameer smiled at me. His smile said it all. He carried me back to bed and gently rested me on the bed. He then moved to my sumptuous tits and placed his lips on them. With the other hand, he gripped my other breast and squeezed it hard. I caught his cock again and rolled my fingers around its girth. I held his voluminous testicles. I caressed them lovingly and deftly. My hubby told me that men loved their testicles being handled delicately and lovingly.

“Argh…” escaped from Sameer’s mouth as I handled his balls. I pressed my lips and kissed Sameer’s nipples one after the other.

Squeezing my breasts in his large palms, Sameer said, “Oh, how I wanted to suck them from the first day I saw you. Yes, I wanted to fuck you from day one. But who wouldn’t? All the men in our office would have liked to fuck you if they had their way. But I was lucky. I loved your resistance, your stubbornness. That drove me further. Believe me, my helping you was not intended to achieve that. I dreamed of kissing your soft lips.” Sameer pressed his lips on mine as he completed his sentence.

I savored the sweet taste of his lips. I inserted my tongue into his mouth and pushing it in and out, started to tongue fuck his mouth. His hand caressed my breasts and moved gently to caress my flat belly. He was ever so gentle and loving. His caress drove me crazy. His fingers rested on my navel and he inserted his finger into my belly button. He dug his finger gently and caressed my belly slowly moving his hand lowering them between my thighs.

He caressed my mound for a while, driving me nuts. I always kept my mound trimmed. Raj liked it and I guessed that Sameer did too. I wanted his hand to feel my mound, touch my cunt and finger it. He caressed my pussy for a while and gently spread my pussy lips apart. Oh! What a feeling! I was having an orgasm already with his hand touching my pussy lips. A spray of juice flowed out of my pussy, wetting his palm. His palm must be drenched with juices flowing out of my pussy.

He felt juices leaking out of my pussy. He dipped his two fingers into my pussy hole just a little and extracted it out with all my feminine juice coated around it. He put the fingers in his mouth and licked it clean. His face showed that he enjoyed the taste. I caught his head in my hands and lowered it onto my belly and pushed it downwards between my thighs.

Sameer moved over to my legs, spread them apart to look at my pussy. I saw the expression of his amazement seeing my pussy. I knew he had not seen any pussy for at least six months. He lowered his head and kissed my pussy lips. I was uncontrollable at the touch of his lips on my pussy lips. He kept kissing my pussy lips with his lips. He then wiped his tongue onto my pussy lips. He spread my pussy lips and inserted his tongue to scratch interior labia. His action drove me up the wall. I was getting closer and closer to my orgasm. As he kept scratching his tongue, I gave out a sigh and mumbled, “Oh… I am coming… It’s so good…”

I slouched on the bed after a huge orgasm. However, the electricity inside me was still flowing at high voltage. I was horny as hell and wanted Sameer to fuck me hard. Perhaps with all my reservations and prudence; deep down in my heart, I had always wanted Sameer to fuck me. I caught Sameer’s head and begged him, Sameer, I am a bitch in heat now. Please fuck me.”

Sameer was not the one to listen to me. He removed his mouth between my legs and inserted his two fingers in my love hole. He exclaimed, Neena, you are rather small there!”

I was proud of my small fuckhole because it gave my husband Raj a great thrill. Raj loved to feel me grip his thin and comparatively smaller cock tight when he fucked me. That made him ejaculate faster and gave him a big boost.

My excitement became uncontrollable as Sameer carried on finger fucking me. He was driving me nuts. I cried out, “Sameer what are you doing? Please take your fingers out and give me your fat and long rod. My cunt is going nuts. Fuck me now.”

However, Sameer would not stop. He increased his pace of finger fucking me. My head was spinning out of control I was delirious. I was riding on a huge wave of another big orgasm as Sameer kept pumping his fingers in and out of my pussy. I let out a loud moan this time and said, “Gosh! I am coming again… What has happened? Oh goodness… Ahhh…”

With a big sigh, I again dropped down on the bed and caught Sameer’s hand and stopped him. Sameer looked at me and smiled mischievously. His eyes twinkled as if asking, “That was good, wasn’t it? How did you like it?”

I caught his hands and pulled him on top of me. I made him straddle me between his legs and with his cock poking my body, I pulled him down on me to kiss me hard once again. This time, I said, “Sameer, I am yours. Please kiss me hard. Squeeze my breasts as hard as you can, bite my nipples and let them ooze blood, fuck me black and blue. I want your big and thick cock inside me. Fuck your bitch until morning.”

I was amazed at my utterances. I had never spoken thus even to my husband. Here I was behaving like a slut in heat.

Sameer raised his body to come properly on top of me, he raised my legs and rested them on his shoulders, leveled his long and thick cock pointing straight at the centre of my cunt hole and waited. For the first time that night, I held my breath. I was going nuts to make him fuck me. But when the moment arrived, I wondered how it would feel to have such a big cock pushing into my tiny hole. I was worried. I had no difficulty in Raj’s penis entering me at all, but this?

It was, however, too late to worry. I knew that a woman’s vagina passage is highly flexible and expands as required. All the same, I knew that to stretch it would mean a lot of pain too. I had to be ready to bear that pain. I held his cock. I rubbed it on my pussy lips. My repeated orgasms had made my pussy full of my juices. His pre-cum was sliding down his cock. I said, “Be gentle, don’t hurt me.”

With my one hand, I pushed his cock’s mushroom head a bit into my pussy hole to nudge him to do the rest. Sameer thrust his pelvis forward gently to push his hard shaft into my eagerly waiting love hole. His long, thick and hard cock made an entry into my pussy. This was the first time ever that I took such a thick and long cock into my pussy.

His first push was not painful. It was exhilarating. So many emotions passed through my mind. I was no longer a monogamous woman. I had turned into a promiscuous woman. I could no longer claim to be truly faithful to my hubby. However, it was not just my lust. It was more fulfilling my husband’s fantasy than the fulfillment of my lust. However, at that time my single focus was to enjoy cardinal pleasure that a woman has when she is fucked by a long, hard and thick cock particularly of another male.

As Sameer thrust his rod deeper by about an inch, I began to feel the pain of my small cunt hole and vaginal passage getting stretched. It was, of course, enjoyable and erotic to feel Sameer’s hot cock rubbing along the walls of my vaginal passage. As he entered deeper slowly; push after another slow push, the pain increased. Sameer had barely penetrated half of his long cock into my pussy and I was wreathing in pain. However, I decided not to let Sameer know except saying, “Slowly darling, It hurts a little.”

Sameer withdrew his cock and the pain eased. He looked at me worried. I knew he wanted to fuck me hard and so did I. I smiled and caught his waist to urge him to push it in. He gave a thrust to get back to the halfway. That was not so painful. He stopped and looked at me. I smiled and urged him to go on. He gave another thrust. Again a bout of pain but not unbearable. He pulled back and gave another thrust to push it all in. I felt like crying out. But I bit my lips and remained quiet. I bid of perspiration came up on my forehead.

In the distance, I could hear vehicles whizzing past on the road near our colony. Close by, I heard a lock click open and the door being shut. I was too preoccupied to think of anyone coming in or going out in the next flat. My mind was focused on nothing other than what Sameer’s hard cock was doing to me.

Sameer let his big cock remain imbedded there for a few seconds. The pain eased. He pulled it off and again shoved it in. I could feel my entire passage full. All my stretched out skin tightly gripped his huge girth all around. The slime of our juices had eliminated any hard rubbing of our skin. The pain was only due to stretching of my inner walls. I  raised my pelvis a little to urge Sameer to go on. He slowly shoved in and pulled out. It was time, I thought, that he stopped worrying and started fucking me. I pulled a pillow and placed it beneath by butts and thrust my pelvis up to nudge him to fuck me harder.

Sameer resumed his shoves and pulls and slowly increased his pace. His hard rod was pushing all the way in and out of my hot cunt setting me on fire. I drove my pelvis up and down to push his shaft further down if that was possible. His rod reached the peak of my vagina and was hitting my uterus hard. His incessant thrust made me go over the edge as my pussy twitched nonstop gripping his big shaft.

His each thrust was followed by a loud moan escaping my mouth. Sameer humped me harder and harder. I began to match his rhythm stroke by stroke. I had not felt so aroused for a long time. I was not fucked so hard by my husband since we were married. My husband had made me a woman from a girl. Sameer that day made me a woman of the world.

As Sameer fucked me, he kept saying, “Neena I love you, you are so good.”

In response, I told him, “Sameer you are a bloody good fucker. I love you too. Please fuck me hard and let you're all be drained into me.”

Sameer was close to his climax. His face was strained. He looked at me as he fucked me to ask, “Neena, I am about to ejaculate….”

 I told him, “Pump all your virility into me. I am not going to get pregnant. I am infertile. Go ahead, I want to feel you manly juices into me as my gift.”

I was going to reach the climax too. With a big “Oh… Sameer let out a big sigh and released all his hot semen into my hungry pussy. I felt loads of his semen forcing its way into my uterus, filling all my emptiness and flowing out of my pussy. I was feeling an electric charge running through my body as I experienced a huge orgasm for the third time that night.

Both Sameer and I collapsed on the bed. I did not allow Sameer to come off from atop me until he was fully drained. I felt so happy to bear his load on my body. After releasing all he had, Sameer slowly slid down. I sat up and cleaned my cunt and Sameer’s cock with a clean cloth. Sameer had not slept a wink that night and fell asleep instantly.

I wanted to take a shower with hot water. I stood up and came out of the bedroom. The bedroom door was fully open. I started going to bathroom. I did not bother to dress. As I was going, I was horrified to see my husband Raj lying on the sofa with his legs stretched on the table in front of him, in the drawing room, fast asleep. My whole world came down crashing. I did not realize when he came. Then I suddenly remembered that clicking of the lock. The bedroom door was fully open and he must have seen us fucking.

I quickly went back, hurriedly put on my night gown and went to my hubby and sat next to him. I had no words to speak. I took his one hand in mine. Tears began to roll out of my eyes. I began to cry. I felt as if I should die at that moment. Some tears fell on Raj and he opened his eyes and saw me. He looked tired and his eyes were hazy.

I embraced him as I cried louder and said, “I am sorry darling. I have committed a huge sin. I have cheated you and deserve to be kicked out.”

Raj took me in his arms and said, “What happened? Why should you be sorry. It is okay, darling! Just relax. Remember what I told you? Past is gone, Future is not known. Today is your own to enjoy without hurting anyone. You and Sameer were so engrossed. I was horny, not hurt, seeing you two in action. But I decided not to disturb you.”

Raj stood up and taking me in his arms and yawning, he said, “It is still too early to get up. I had a tough night travelling in the rain. I would like to stretch by you and Sameer; if you don’t mind. Come on, be by my side darling, I love you!”

It was a huge shock for me to hear my hubby say that. I relaxed as he led me to the bed, where Sameer lay naked, fast asleep.

Raj laid me by his side between Sameer and him and took me in his arms. Kissing me, he asked, “Was he good in bed, darling? Did you enjoy making love to him?”

I looked straight into his eyes and said, ‘Yes, honey! He was good. But you are better.”

My hubby then made me turn with my back to him. He wanted to fuck me from behind. I was as horny as he was and wanted to be fucked by him too. He fucked me hard that morning for several minutes and ejaculated all his juice into my pussy. Sameer woke up hearing our loud moans and shaking bed. After his initial shock of seeing Raj fucking me right next to him; what happened then was mind boggling and is a long story.

Summing it all up, I would like to conclude by saying that after that night, we had many sessions when I was jointly fucked by my hubby and Sameer together or separately. That one year was unbelievable.

Well, the good news was, I was pregnant after so many years of our marriage. My parents, in-laws, Raj and I were thrilled to have our first baby! Sameer was thrilled too! He became an uncle to my newborn.

While writing this, I was compelled to smile at the rhyming of the new born. I spoke out, “Past is gone, Future is unknown, present is your own to enjoy; and as the result there is a newborn”

Same as Past is Gone - Part- 2 Videos

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 31 The Dragonessrsquos Hung Son

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Azuliana – Azkobez Hold, The Otsal Mountains It had been a long, long time since I had been anything but a human woman. A busty one at that. Now I was a halfling...

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Reddit GoneWildAudio, aka r/GoneWildAudio, aka GWA Reddit! Do you remember, back in the day, when the highlight of our porn life was either to buy a porn video, get some bootleg shit, or make one of those calls where you get to talk to an actual sex worker? Well, this subreddit is sort of like that, but not really. It is called GoneWildAudio and I think that pretty much explains what it has to offer… right?As for Reddit by itself, I think it is safe to assume that everyone knows and loves...

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Reddit GoneWildTube, aka r/GoneWildTube! When you think of the best porn that money has to buy what do you think of? Probably some of that high-quality professional studio type shit that you can see on many of the premium porn sites out there. Well, there are many people who actually don’t want to see that kind of content and instead want to see real and amateur content from real and authentic people. It’s not hard to see why there is such a high demand for such content and so there are...

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Reddit GoneWild Stories

Reddit GoneWild Stories, aka r/GoneWildStories! Everyone likes masturbating to videos nowadays because people’s attention spans have been reduced to just a few second bursts over the past two decades. You can’t expect generations who have grown up staring at screens to pay much attention to the world around them anyway, especially when all those hot juicy porn videos are online and freely watchable.There are millions of porn clips on the internet right now, and there has been for a long...

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Reddit GoneWildPlus, aka r/GoneWildPlus! Ah, you gotta love the ‘gone wild’ category overall, because that means that there will be lots of lovely babes doing something naughty. Well, on you have a variety of categories that are seen as ‘gone wild,’ and this one in partial is dedicated to all the pretty plus sized chicks. I think you can get that from the title as well since I am talking about r/GoneWildPlus/ subreddit.So, if you are interested in the plus-sized chicks, and you...

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Reddit Gone Wild Curvy, aka r/GoneWildCurvy! I’m back again to talk about Reddit and one of its many beautiful subreddits. /r/gonewildcurvy/ is one of those unforgettable subreddits that cater to real men, or so to speak. So, if you are somebody who got excited with the thought of curvaceous amateurs getting naked and doing who knows what, I am sure that you will appreciate what /r/gonewildcurvy/ has to offer.As you might have already been able to guess, I like Reddit quite a lot. I think it...

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Reddit Gone Wild, aka r/GoneWild/, aka Reddit GW! Are you a fan of amateur sluts showing off their hot bodies for all of the internet to see? I mean, who the fuck isn’t? That shit is the best. Maybe you’re one of those babes who wants to show off the body they have worked so hard to achieve. Let the tiddies free, go spread eagle, bend over and show everyone your plump ass, or whatever other kinds of kinky photos you want to take. I’m talking about exhibitionism.We all have a bit of that drive...

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Reddit Asians Gone Wild, aka r/AsiansGoneWild! Is this your first time here? I highly doubt you have never heard about Reddit before, but in case you have not, I shall talk about this site a little bit. However, my main focus here is to talk about their section called ‘Asians Gone Wild’ and I think that that name speaks for itself. I mean, what else the fuck could you possibly expect, than a bunch of hot Asian chicks being… wild?Reddit is a wonderful place filled with many subsections, to...

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Reddit Streamers Gone Wild, aka r/StreamersGoneWild! I admit, I get a lot of mileage out of mocking Reddit users. Some of you make it so easy with the fedoras and neckbeards, not to mention that embarrassing incel and nofap bullshit. I admit you’ve been right about a few things, though, like hentai. Who would have thought I’d be jerking off to breast inflation cartoons on the regular? Reddit, that’s who. Lately, I’ve been hooked on r/StreamersGoneWild.StreamersGoneWild is a subreddit devoted...

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Reddit GoneWild18, aka r/GoneWild18! I spent all morning snorting crushed Viagra and jacking off to some perfectly ripe, beautiful teens. I’m always in awe of those perfect perky tits, never touched by the ravages of age. I love those pretty young faces and tight asses, not to mention their fun, sexy attitudes. I was about to bust my seventh nut of the day when security noticed me and I had to split before I ended up with a third strike. Hard as a rock and in need of more teen fap material, I...

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Reddit Petite GoneWild, aka r/PetiteGoneWild! Small girls tend to be very feisty and eager to please, at least in my experience. Luckily for all of us, Reddit is basically a site that has it all. Their subreddit called r/PetiteGoneWild/ really got my attention, and you are about to learn why. Although I am pretty fucking sure you can get the hang of what the site is all about, if you just visit it yourself, I am still here to provide lots of information for those who are interested.I mean,...

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Reddit Gone Erotic, aka r/GoneErotic! Do you like to browse through images that are naughty, but in a tasteful way? Well, this subreddit, called r/GoneErotic/, is basically all about showing off gorgeous women and handsome hunks in a seductive scenario. As they say, this is more than just showing explicit images; it is about the way they show them and how they leave your imagination to run wild.There is a lot for you to browse through because Reddit is an overall amazing place. So, if you are...

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Reddit GoneMild, aka r/GoneMild! Now before you say, ‘oh ThePornDude, what the fuck bro are you going pussy on us with this mild shit,’ just hold on a goddamn minute! If you think beating off to a teen’s tight pussy or trying to lick your own balls as you watch a camgirl’s hanging tits get slapped around with a flaming baton like it’s the fucking circus, then you don’t know shit! Have you ever been waiting in line at the movies and noticed a mom with her skirt hiked up a little too high,...

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Reddit GoneWild30Plus, aka r/GoneWild30Plus! If you know anything about my horny ass, you know that I get off to bitches of all walks of life. Fuck yeah, I’m like most horny bastards that get off to college teens showing off their pussies for the old perverts to get off to, and for sure, I enjoy getting off and getting off Asian sluts (see what I did there); few things make me harder.And that includes the kinds of horny bitches that are 30+ you can find on Yeah, teens...

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Reddit AltGoneWild, aka r/AltGoneWild! Do you love staring at those bad looking bitches? I’m not talking about when your mother strips out of her sweatpants showing you all the shit she shoplifted from the local big box store as you try to hide your mystery boner, either. I’m talking about the goddesses over at If you get off to the pieces of ass that have piercings all over their bodies and more ink than original skin cells, you’re going to love this subreddit!So if the...

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Reddit AssholeGoneWild, aka r/AssholeGoneWild! Ah, here we are again. With the wonderful world of and many of its beautiful subreddits… and today, we shall be exploring a subreddit called r/assholegonewild/. The main gist of this subreddit are assholes, in many shapes and forms, so if you like to see naughty girls spread their asshole wide open, you, my man, have come to the right place.Of course, the perfect description of r/assholegonewild/ would be Gone Wild – Asshole Style, or at...

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Reddit GifsGoneWild, aka /r/GifsGoneWild, or Bodies in Motion as the title says, is a subreddit dedicated to all amateur people who want to expose their bodies to the public. When you’re looking for a good time that involves watching people from all around the world show off their bodies for free, then /r/gifsgonewild is the place to go. If you ask me, gone wild content is something that we have seen a fair amount of on Reddit, but there is so much more to explore out there when it comes to all...

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Reddit WeddingsGoneWild, aka r/WeddingsGoneWild! Every subreddit with the ‘gone wild’ in its name is obviously a pornographic or at least a naughty one. I think that is a given, and that is why I am here to introduce r/WeddingsGoneWild/. Now, I know that this might sound odd, but at the same time, it is not that odd, really. You have loads of gorgeous brides who decided to get a bit naughty before or during the wedding. Quite simple.I am aware that the very sound of this subreddit might look a...

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