Past Desires – The Beginning free porn video

Alex and Angelina met in an internet chat room for practicing pagans. Alex was 20 and Angie had just turned 18. Alex always presented himself as a strong, brash, brave character, this was what he wanted to be, though in reality, he was not. Angie too, was a timid, shy young woman, she wanted to be a strong and powerful, as her new devotion to the Goddess had inspired her to do, but given her history with rape she knew she wasn’t strong. Upon meeting with Alex, studying magick with him, they became fast friends. Angie, as many do, began to fall in love with her friend. Alex, being totally inexperienced in the art of love, acquiesced to Angie’s not-so-subtle hints, more out of curiosity than anything else. So it came to pass that Alex, the noncommittal lover, and Angie, his infatuated courtesan, began to ‘try’ a relationship.
They did usual things that all people do in the beginning of a relationship, exchange phone numbers and pictures, email each other all the time, even the occasional webcam chat. Of course though, as can be expected, their raging libidos soon got the better of the two. Being that they lived far away from each other they could not meet physically, so once the dirty talk began their relationship would change, even before they knew it. It came about thanks to not-so-innocent Angelina, who knew surprisingly little about her body, despite her past with rape. Alex, being intrigued, became all the more creative and playful with their flirtatious talk.
‘Umm, Alex…I wanna tell you something but I don’t know if I should.’
‘What, baby? You can tell me, it’s ok. What is it?’
‘Umm…I, uh…I masturbate. Oh my God, I can’t believe I just told you that! I’m so embarrassed…’
‘Hey I do it too, shit, everybody does it.’
‘Well, I didn’t know if I should tell you.’
‘Well…what do you do when you masturbate?
‘I um, I…touch this little spot up at the top, like this little…bump? It feels so good!’
‘Your clit.’
‘Your clit, clitoris. This little thing on top, a tiny little organ with the sole purpose of giving you pleasure.’
‘Yeah, my clit. I like touching it.’
‘That’s good, baby.’
‘I love you. I wish you were here.’
‘I know. I wish I was too. Hey…what would you do if I was there?’
‘Well, I couldn’t have a relationship without being able to kiss you. And it’s ok if you’re bad at it, ‘cuz I’ll teach you how!’
‘Well, what else would you wanna do?’
‘We can’t do anything else! My mama won’t let you outta her sight!’
‘Yeah but, what if we could do other stuff?’
‘…Like what?’
‘Well, like, can you imagine us in a bedroom, and I start kissing you?’
‘Yeah, I like that.’
‘What if…we started having sex?’
‘I’d take all your clothes off, kiss you all over. I’d show you my dick and start rubbing it against your clit. I’d put my dick inside you, make you scream so loud. You’d fall asleep with me still in you, just resting your head on my chest.’
‘…oh, Alex…’
‘You ok baby?’
‘Yeah…but I kind of feel like…masturbating.’
‘Baby, can I please masturbate with you? Please!’
‘What, like…on the phone right now?’
‘Well….ok, I guess. Hang on.’
Alex hears a good deal of rustling on his end of the phone as Angie goes to slide down her jeans, as Alex himself slides a hand under his pajama pants, ready to stroke his hardening cock, then a clunk followed by a ‘damnit!’ as Angie dropped the phone. The sound from the receiver rustles as she picks it up, sliding her other hand underneath her panties, resting her index finger on her tiny clit. Taking a deep breath and saying ‘I’m ready’, the two exchange ‘I love you’s’ before Angie begins slow, steady breaths, this was an indicator to Alex that his little girlfriend had indeed begun her first masturbation session with him. The excitement that they both felt was intense enough that they both reached orgasm within a few minutes, Alex couldn’t stop saying ‘I love you’, frantically masturbating and entranced by the sound of Angie’s breath, quickly becoming frantic and uncontrollable. She held her breath as her climax approached, her finger flying over her clit, moaning as she heard Alex groan out load, coming down hard with his first orgasm in the presence of another. Breathless, the two laid there enjoying the feel of physical consummation, or as close to it as the faraway lovers could get. Angie once more told Alex ‘I love you’ before hanging up the phone, going to sleep and thanking the Goddess for bringing him into her life. The next night, the two of them were talking on the phone again.
‘Alex, you ever heard of astral projection?’
‘Yeah, I’ve been practicing it.’
‘Well, a few sites I was on said that when two people astral project…they can have sex with each other.’
‘Sex? Like, from a distance?’
‘Uh huh. Alex, we could have sex!’
‘I like that idea. Wanna try it?’
‘Uh…hold on. Damnit, Sarah, I told you to leave me alone when I’m talking to Alex!’
Alex hears in the background the crying of a little eight-year-old girl, Angie’s sister, Sarah.
‘Grr, they always interrupt me!’
‘Now, Angie, hold on baby. What’s going on?’
‘My sisters always want to interrupt me when I’m spending time with you, baby. I hate it, because I love spending my time with you.’
‘When do you spend time with them, Angie?’
‘Well…I help ’em with homework, and…’
‘Angie, I want you to do something. The next time they come in to spend time with you, let them. In fact, take Sarah up into the bed with you, give her a hug and tell her you love her.’
An hour or two later, little Sarah comes back into Angie’s room, still teary-eyed from being yelled at before. She approaches Angie on her bed and in a little voice asks to join her big sister. This time, Angie picks up the child, sets her on her lap, and apologizes, before hugging her little sister and telling her ‘I love you and I’m sorry.’ She is met with a tiny kiss on the cheek as Sarah says, ‘I love you too, Sissy.’ Alex listens with a smile, and hears soft sobs on the other end.
‘How…did you know that would happen, baby?’
‘Because your little sister loves you.’
Pressing her little sister to her breast tightly, Angie sobs a little while longer before wiping her tears and giving the child another kiss before Sarah hops off the bed to go play, Angie shutting the door as she exits.
‘…Make love to me.’
‘Right now?’
‘Yes. I need you.’
‘I wanna tell you one thing before we do this.’
‘Angie, I’m falling in love with you.’
Angie feels herself tearing up a little again as she hears the words she’s been waiting for. Practicing the art of astral projection as he had been, Alex slowly begins to relax, bringing himself to a meditative state, relaxing his mind and letting himself rise out of his body. Going to a place in the spirit world that he was searching for, Alex realizes the intricacy of this little place, a green hill with a winding path, at the top of which is a small pink house, with a white gate adorned with flowers. He found himself inside a bedroom, completely pink, as Angie slips her naked body overtop of his, looking deeply into his eyes, whispering ‘I’ve waited for this for so long.’ Alex rolls over on top of her, kissing her and inching his way down, licking and sucking on her nipples. Feeling both her nipples and his cock harden, Alex gently presses his cock against her clit, beginning her moans. Mist and moaning whispers wrap around the two as they levitate in the air, erratically turning about as each tried to mount the other. Angie succeeds in mounting her lover a final time before their mutual climax. As the vision faded and the spirit world
retreated back behind the Veil, the two awoke, finding themselves content, Angie a bit teary-eyed from finally fucking the boy she loved.
‘Alex…I love you so much…’
‘I love you too, baby. I think we need to sleep now.’

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