Glen WisemanChapter 14
- 2 years ago
- 27
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For the first time in ages, Glen had spent an entire week at home alone. The twins were in New York attending the conference. They had called last night excited about the Broadway play they had seen earlier. Their excitement had pleased him, since he had given them the tickets for the play on their birthday as a present. They were taking the moonlight tour around the city on a boat tonight. He figured it would be another couple of hours before they called.
For the past year he had been having sex two and three times a day. He should have appreciated the break, but found himself more horny than ever before. It didn’t seem like it had been that long ago that he had gone for several years without a woman in his life. Things had changed so much in his life, that he didn’t feel like the same person any more.
For the moment, he was rather perturbed that Cliff had chosen to stay at the other house. He had wanted to stay there with him, but Cliff had said that he was going to entertain CJ and that this was the last chance they would have alone. Glen understood, but he felt like Cliff was taking undue risk. In fact, he felt that Cliff had placed him in undue danger. He paced the house trying to decide what to do.
He looked outside, trying to see if there was anyone out there. There was a full moon tonight, but the sparse clouds were hiding the moon as much as not. He decided to turn on the flood lights he had mounted them several months ago. They lit up the entire five acres around his cabin. Flipping the switch, he looked outside and saw movement at the edge of his property. A deer, white tail flashing in the dark, bounded into the woods. He smiled and wondered what else he had scared away from the orchard. The trees had bore very few fruit, but lots of animals had come by waiting for them to ripen. There was no way he was going to be able to beat them to the fruit.
Entering his office, he sat at his desk adjusting his holster so that it didn’t dig into his hip. He turned on his computer and connected to the Internet. After checking out a few web sites, he decided to download a couple of Appleton stories from the Books Online site. He had always enjoyed the Tom Swift stories as a young boy and had been shocked to learn that they were now available online. The stories were corny by today’s standards, but they reminded him of a time in his life when a young boy, armed with a tool set, could go on wonderful adventures.
He had downloaded three stories when he suddenly lost his connection to the Internet. That wasn’t anything to worry about that, he was so far from the telephone switching station that his line was usually pretty unreliable. He pulled up the first story and started reading. Chuckling at the use of the word, ‘chum’, he realized he hadn’t read that word in ages. He wondered if anyone even used that word anymore. Reading the story, he realized how much the language had changed in a hundred years.
He was about a third of the way through the third chapter of the story when he heard a noise outside the cabin. Standing, his hand moved to the holstered pistol automatically. As he left the office, he picked up the pump shotgun by the door. The lights in the house were off with the exception of a few night lights. They produced enough light that he could move easily through the house yet didn’t give individuals outside a target to shoot at.
He looked through the front window and saw CJ running towards the house screaming. She was naked and he could see long red scratches where she had run into branches in her dash through the woods. He opened the front door and shouted, “The door is open. Get in.”
She ran into the house and collapsed upon entering the house. She was sobbing and crying so much that it was hard for him to understand what she was saying. She finally calmed down enough to say, “They got him.”
Glen had already figured that out. He handed her the shotgun and shook her to get her attention. When she was looking at him, he said, “I’m going over there in a minute. I want you to stay here. Lock the doors. Shoot anything that moves outside. You’ll have to shoot through the glass of the window, so stand back from it. I’ll come here with the Sheriff. You’ll see his lights flashing. Until then, shoot anything that moves. That includes me. Do you understand?”
She shivered and answered, “Yes.”
He said, “I’m going to turn off the lights outside. I want you to turn them back on in five minutes, okay?”
She answered, “Yes.”
“Good. Get some clothes out of my room and put them on. That should take you about five minutes. Once you’re dressed turn on the lights.”
CJ looked blankly down at her naked body and then up at him. She said, “Okay.”
He was now giving her explicit things to do and that gave her something to concentrate on. Returning to the front door, he closed and locked it. He moved to the back door and flipped all of the switches off. The lights outside went out throwing everything into darkness. He grabbed the shotgun by the back door and picked up some extra shells. Heart racing a hundred miles an hour, he stepped onto the back porch while closing and locking the door behind him. He crouched down and ran directly to the woods, entering them near the white flag he had set there for that purpose.
He found the rope that they had strung through the woods. The lights came on behind him, early, but not early enough for him to have been spotted getting out of there. He took a deep breath as he stood next to the rope, happy to have found it. It marked a cleared path with no fallen branches or major impediments. Moving in a fast walk he held his right hand out and letting it brush against the rope. His pace was fast since he didn’t have to look where he was going. He was at the midway point when he heard a horrible scream cut through the night with chilling effect.
He picked up his pace, afraid that he was too late. He couldn’t run too fast because there was always the chance of tripping or falling in the dark. After five minutes, he reached the end of the rope. Looking around, he found that he was exactly where he expected to be - behind and to the side of the house. Two trees in front of him hung a white scarf on one of the branches.
He knelt down and examined the situation. The sliding glass doors to the sauna room had been smashed. Glen swore as he stared at them, the damage had confirmed his fears that would be how they would enter the house. Based on the way that CJ was dressed, they had actually been in the sauna when the fanatics broke in.
He crept towards the front of the house, keeping cover by keeping close to the woods. Moving slowly and carefully, he inched forward since he didn’t want to rush in and possibly jeopardize Cliff. Despite the scream he had heard in the woods, he still hoped they hadn’t done anything too serious yet.
When the front yard came into view, his stomach heaved, but he fought to keep its contents down. Without regard to his safety, he charged the two men that he saw standing there. He fired the shotgun, knowing even as he pulled the trigger that they were too far away for it to do much good. The men fled and he followed, firing at them the entire time. He could hear others running away from the scene as well.
He followed them to the road, hearing them start up a number of vehicles. He fired the last round in his shotgun at the fleeing cars. He pulled his pistol and emptied it in the direction of the cars. He screamed as the last car disappeared behind a bend in the road, “I’m going to fucking kill each and every one of you bastards! You are dead meat! Do you hear me? I’m going to kill you as fucking slow as I can!”
Glen collapsed on the road, losing the contents of his stomach. Tears blinded him as he retched. He stayed there for at least ten minutes, on his hands and knees, filled with rage at the fanatics and anger at his own impotence at preventing this. Beaten, he finally picked up his shotgun and pistol. The empty pistol was returned to its holster. He reloaded the shotgun after checking the barrel.
He walked back to Cliff’s house like a beaten man. When he saw Cliff tied to the stake, he bent over again and threw up. The bonfire at his feet continued to consume the lifeless flesh. Glen went to the front of the house looking for a hose to put out the fire, but there was nothing. He kicked in the front door and went to the phone. The line was dead. He realized they must have cut the line before attacking. That was when he had lost his Internet connection.
Glen searched the house and found the car keys. Numbly, he carried them to Cliff’s truck, struggling to make it work. He headed towards town to get the Sheriff and then thought better of it. He stopped at the first house that he saw and pulled into their driveway. Honking the horn several times to get the owners attention, he got out and was approaching the house when the owner stepped out onto the porch with a shotgun. The two armed men looked at each other for a minute. Glen finally broke the silence by shouting, “Call the Sheriff. There’s been a murder at the Metchette place.”
The man stared at Glen for a moment and then croaked, “Murder?”
Glen snapped, “Yes, a murder. Get the Sheriff.”
The man shouted into the house, “Honey, call the Sheriff. Tell them there’s been a murder at the...”
Glen finished it for him. He shouted, “Metchette place. Tell him this is Glen Wiseman!”
The man on the porch asked, “That you, Glen?”
The man lowered the shotgun with relief. He knew Glen only slightly, but Glen had a good reputation. Word had gotten out about all of the charity work he had done in the area. He had met Glen at the Orphanage as a member of the Elks that had catered the Christmas Eve Party there. He remembered the wooden chests that Glen had created for each child and the happiness that Glen had delivered. He called over, “Damn, I didn’t recognize you. All I could see was the shotgun in your hand.”
Glen looked down and realized for the first time that he was carrying the shotgun. He set it down and collapsed on the driveway. He couldn’t move or talk, his shoulders shook as he cried like a baby. The man on the porch came over to him awkwardly, not used to dealing with an emotional outburst from another man. He shifted nervously from foot to foot trying to decide what to do.
Glen realizing that the man was watching him, slowly pulled himself together. He looked up and said, “They burned him at the stake.”
The man came to a decision and called to the house, “Honey, I’m taking Glen over to his place to wait for the Sheriff there. I’ll be home late.”
His wife came to the front porch and shouted back, “I’ve called them and they are on their way. Don’t go doing anything crazy out there, you hear me?”
The man groaned and shouted back, “You know me better than that, woman!”
The man helped Glen to the passenger side of the truck. Once Glen was inside, he went around and got in the drivers seat. He started up the truck and backed out of his drive. It didn’t take him long to get to the driveway of Cliff’s house. Glen said, “Stop here.”
The man said, “I’ll take you to your house. You need to recover.”
Glen shook his head and said, “CJ is over there. I told her to shoot anyone and anything until the law arrives. That included me.”
The man parked the car along the road. Glen said, “You may want to grab a gun from the gun rack. No telling if they’ll come back.”
The man pointed to his shotgun next to him and said, “Brought my own.”
Glen nodded and said, “Let’s get out of the truck. Too easy of a target.”
They exited the vehicle and could hear the siren cutting through the silent country air. It was almost impossible to tell how far away there were. Glen positioned himself behind a tree facing the road and waited. His hands were shaking so hard that he could hardly hold the gun.
He had no idea what happened to him, but the next thing he knew was the powerful smell of ammonia salts assaulted his nose. Looking up, he saw the Sheriff looking down at him. Glen groaned and said, “Those fucking monsters killed him.”
The Sheriff had already seen what remained of the body. He was more concerned about CJ and asked, “Where’s CJ?”
Glen answered, “She’s at my place. If you go over there, you better be in a car with flashing lights. I told her to shoot anyone except the law.”
Relieved, the Sheriff turned away for a second and said, “Jim, get Glen in your car. Go over to his place and get CJ. Keep your cherries on. Once you have them both, take them to the hospital. Don’t bother stopping once you are on your way.”
Glen found himself stumbling towards a car door being directed by an arm around his back and a hip against his side. He fell into the car and sat there numbly. It seemed like he had just gotten in the car when he was joined by CJ. He looked out the window as the scenery flashed by. He knew, even as the highway signs flashed by, that he wouldn’t remember the drive in the morning.
He was led from the car by a helpful nurse. In the emergency room, he remembered crying some more and then a needle. There was nothing until morning when he woke in a hospital bed. CJ was in the bed next to his. He looked around in panic as the events of the night before returned. The Sheriff was in the room and a state trooper was in the hallway outside the door.
Glen, in an empty tone of voice, said, “They got him.”
Dale answered, “Yes they did.”
“I tried to kill them, but they got away.”
“You were lucky. It looks like you actually hit a couple of them. We found blood trails from several points to the road. They were waiting to ambush you, but didn’t expect you to come from the woods like you did.”
Glen listened to what the Sheriff said and tried to make sense of it. He had been shooting wildly in the dark. He asked, “How do you know what they were trying to do?”
“We caught one of them before he died. He was only too happy to answer my questions.”
Glen got out of the bed. His legs felt weak, but he was basically okay. He said, “Excuse me a minute.”
The Sheriff glanced at the bathroom and chuckled. He said, “I predict that if I don’t excuse you, then you’ll piss on me rather than in the bathroom.”
Glen chuckled as he walked to the bathroom. He closed the door behind himself and splashed some water on his face. He cupped his hands and took a mouthful of water out of them. He rinsed his mouth and then spat out the water. The taste of hours old vomit in his mouth threatened to make him sick again. He stepped up to the toilet and released a strong stream of urine. The act of pissing brought him back in touch with reality. No matter what human and emotional concerns you have, biology is still the king.
He returned to the room feeling much better. He actually noticed that he was walking around with his bare ass hanging out the back of the hospital gown. He climbed back into the bed and asked, “What time is it?”
“It’s ten. We let you sleep.”
Glen thought about his plans for the day and said, “I have to leave here soon to pick up the twins at the airport.”
Dale shook his head and replied, “No. We already have that in hand. A trooper is going to meet them there with my wife.”
“That’s going to scare the hell out of them.”
Well aware of what would happen at the airport, he said, “My wife will be there. She’s good at that kind of thing.”
CJ stirred in the other bed. She woke up and looked around. Looking over at her, Glen could see the fear etched in her face and understood its source. Cliff must have put a pretty good fight for her to escape. If they were lucky, she had no idea what would have happened to her if she had been caught. She looked at Glen and tears formed in her eyes. She said, “They got him.”
Glen returned to the cabin after taking a short hike around the property. They had been waiting three days for Amos and there had been no sign. Everyone’s nerves were getting frazzled as they waited. Glen, tired of staying in the house, had finally taken a walk. The trio said they would watch from the window in case something happened to him. He opened the door and stepped in, shouting that he was back. He glanced at the couch and saw the Metchettes looking at him in fear and with duct-tape...
The Metchettes’ mobile home was nice as far as mobile homes went. It was a small mobile home, but the Metchettes had picked it up for almost nothing. It had been repossessed and they had paid only the balance due. Their permanent house was being built a little ways down the street. In fact, the construction crew was down there working on it right now. Glen sat in one of the cheap chairs that came with the mobile home and looked around at the living room. It was very small, but he recognized...
The new house was finished three weeks late. It was supposed to have been completed near the end of August and it was completed in the middle of September. Today was moving day, but it was rather a subdued event. The majority of their possessions had been destroyed in the June fire. They had replaced most of their clothes and their weapons. In fact, they had purchased replacement weapons before they had shopped for clothes. The general consensus among the Metchettes was that they would...
Time marched on as May was followed by June. The temperature was warmer and everyone spent more time outdoors. Glen, carrying his fishing pole, went to the stream. He was surprised to discover the trio lying on a blanket getting some sun. All three of them were nude. All three bodies were very similar; Cliff a masculine version of the twins. The light brown hair, blue eyes, and slender bodies were very attractive. The girls had beautiful breasts that didn’t turn into pancakes as they lay on...
Glen was surprised by the change of seasons. September seemed to come so fast and now it was almost over. Every afternoon was spent in the outbuilding that he had turned into a woodshop. He was now producing very nice quality furniture. He laughed as he recalled his early attempts. He kept the first one in a corner of the workshop. A number had ended up in the fireplace. He went over to his wood pile to see how he was holding up on his supply of wood. The supply had significantly dwindled...
Five days had passed since he had discovered the three people on the road. Late October passed into early November. The colors of fall faded as the leaves fell to the ground and slowly turned brown. Even in five days time, the weather had turned colder. Glen had started working on the interior of the house. Glen drilled the hole for the wiring to pass through the stud. He only had one more wall and the ceiling to finish drilling and then he would be ready to start running the wire through...
The article that Glen was reading for the December issue of the magazine was really good. It described the sexual options that existed in a marriage of two men and two women. Although the language was not explicit, the variety of options that were discussed was very exciting. He had a taste of it when the trio returned home and the memory of that evening was enough to get him hard in a flash. He set the article aside and went into the bedroom. Wanda was in the shower. He removed his bathrobe...
The cold winter weather of December had settled in with its full force over the night. Four inches of snow covered the ground. Glen woke up feeling great. He slipped his jeans on, not bothering to put on underwear. He stepped out onto the patio. He took a moment to appreciate the view from there. It was outstanding and if it hadn’t been so cold, he would have stayed out there longer. He picked up an armload of firewood and went back into the house kicking the door shut with one foot. He...
Glen parked his truck in front of city hall to attend the proceedings in the court room inside. The two guys that had attacked him at the grocery store were here for their arraignment hearing. A month had passed since the attack and only now had the two guys recovered from their injuries sufficiently for the hearing to be held. He had cracked the skull of one of the men and caved in the sinus cavity of the other. They had been in very bad medical shape for a long time. Throughout the two...
Glen sewed the turkey closed with great care and set it in the roaster. Even though it was the smallest turkey they could find, it was still too large to put a lid over it. He struggled for a moment with the aluminum foil to make a tent over the turkey. It wasn’t pretty looking, but it was functional. He put the bird in the oven and closed the door with satisfaction. The trio was still asleep. They had slept through the night without nightmares. In fact, they hadn’t suffered from nightmares...
Glen sat in his finished kitchen room eating a bowl of Wanda’s favorite cereal. He was out of Cornflakes and couldn’t keep a banana in the house to save his life. He had bought a bunch of them and the twins had used them last night in a fruit salad. He sighed and looked around the cabin. It was almost done, but had already become too small. It had never been designed to accommodate four adults. Wanda came breezing out of the bedroom wearing the blue bathrobe he had given her as a Christmas...
Thanksgiving was in a week and the November weather was cold and damp. It threatened to snow, but wasn’t cold enough to deliver on that threat. Instead, it rained with a savagery that made one huddle in the house with a feeling of thanks for having a house. Glen walked quickly from the woodshop to the house, trying to keep from getting overly wet. The twins greeted him with open arms. Both were wearing his shirts and nothing underneath. He couldn’t help himself as he tried to peek down the...
For some people, the first of May is just another day of the year. For communists, it was a day to show off their weapons to the world. For pagans, it is a religious holiday celebrating spring and a renewal of life. For Glen, it was his birthday and he always made a big deal out of birthdays. His thought on the matter was that it was one of the two most important days of a person’s life. The other being the day of their death and one didn’t get a chance to celebrate that. One might almost say...
Sitting in his new office, Glen looked over the material that Wanda had brought over for him edit. It was the next edition of their e-zine and what he had read so far was actually quite good. He couldn’t believe what the trio had done in just a couple of months. They had actually arranged to have family councilors contribute articles on alternative marriages, readers to contribute letters describing their experiences, and a large number of advertisers. He had just finished an article by a...
The Southern Kitchen was packed that night as every table was taken and each table was filled. Glen was happy to see that business was good. He liked Oliver and was pleased to see that he was doing well with his business. Oliver greeted them at the door. The twins kissed him on the cheek and Cliff gave him a handshake with a manly hug. CJ looked around the restaurant with wide eyes. This was only her second time here and she was very impressed. Intimidated by the class of the place, she...
In the dark, the cold sucked the warmth from Glen as he lay on the ground near the edge of the woods. The ground had begun to give up its heat at the end of September as nights cooled down. By the end of October, the ground was cold. Lying upon it, the ground felt like ice. The night air was chill, the faint breeze cut through his clothes making him even more miserable. He shivered, but did his best not to make noise. The past two days had been more exhausting than a human being should have...
Glen finished sanding the walls. He wiped them down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. It was going to take a long time to get rid of all the dust. When he finished with that, the walls would be ready to be painted. He would have to wait for a day when the weather would be warm so that he could open the doors without freezing to death. Until then, he would start to work on installing the bathroom fixtures. Cliff, on his knees, vacuumed the floor with the wet/dry vac. He worked slowly and...
A sprawling ranch style house stood at the end of a cul-de-sac in a suburb of a large southern city. The house had been built by the owner over a one year period. It was the best built house in the entire development. Outside, it was plain in style. Simple lines across the front and back. Inside, it was splendid and very well organized. The house abutted against a wooded area. It spanned two lots and was adjacent to an empty lot. The empty lot had been converted into a large playground. The...
In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger sister, Casey, then aged sixteen, and she asked to join them. Although reluctant to take his sister’s virginity, Glen gave into temptation, and as Stephanie looked on, he became the first man to make love to his young sister. During their session in...
My brother and I had our birthdays this summer; both Cancers. As such, our personalities are very similar; quiet, good-natured, unassuming. Maybe we're just boring. Glen turned 71 and I just turned 58. I've admired my brother since I was a kid and I have wonderful memories of helping him with chores around the house when I was just five or six years old. For example, we always got up early on Thanksgiving morning to trim the mulberry trees in the front yard. He would cut the branches from...
This story continues on from my previous two stories, A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, and A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie – Part 2. If you have not already read those stories, here is a brief rundown on the story so far, to put you in the picture. In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger...
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Gay MaleI guess it’s safe to say that I am a bit of a freak, or more specifically a pervert. My various fantasies were created over a span of five decades and over the years, no matter how hard I tried to hide this fact from my partners, eventually I was found out, oftentimes with devastating results. Until recently I had never found anyone with whom I felt comfortable enough to share my innermost secrets, however I was able to subtlety steer some of my previous lovers into some wilder unabashed...
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Glenn yawned, and stretched his arms wide. Rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 9:03 am. He shifted the covers and swivelled, placing his feet on the cold wooden floor. What day was it? Thursday? No. He remembered Thursday had been a short while ago. It must be Saturday. Thank God. No work today. Maybe he should go for a nice trip into town. He could pick up the items on his shopping list, and have a quick venture through some of the smaller stores which he rarely got...
I was on my own for two weeks as Anne was off in England visiting her parents for probably the last time as their health was failing, for my part I still had to work plus her father and I never really got on with each other,By the first weekend I was bored and when I got bored my thoughts turned to sex and being on my own I was thinking a bit of cock was in order. I jumped in my car and drove down to Glenelg there were a few public toilets in the area that were often frequented by guys looking...
Chrissy and I were at Ian's place. Ian was about 28, 3 years older than Chrissy. About 5 years older than me and is a lot more experienced and active sexually then me. Ian was well built and just under 6ft tall. Even though he is considerably older than me I still found him extremely sexy. Chrissy is also quite sexy to look at. Chrissy was aware of her looks and did not mind highlighting her assets. On this occasion Chrissy had on a light dress with a low neck line. Whenever Chrissy bent over I...
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It has been 3 month of lockdown in the apartmy room mate been very very strangei would see him walk in boxer fully hard sometimes , his bbc always freaking hard and i started being scaredsome night i could ear him watching porn and cum , grunting next room making me feel he was an a****li never discuss it, he was making me worried , he was way bigger than me it happened on friday night , we were watching netflix and he was hard like a horse in his sweatpantsi was feeling nervous and said i...
It had started with a simple bbq, but several of the neighbors had cracked open a few bottles of their home made wines, jugs being passed from hand to hand it was quickly turning into more of a block party. Kids were running up and down the road and in an out of several houses and gatherings of lawn chairs were appearing in the falling dusk. Two or was it, three bbq's were converted into what looked like mobile mini bonfires pulled out closer to the edge of the road to light the night with...
Each day that week, as Gretchen arrived home from school, Katrina would serve as her toilet slave, filling her belly on her daughter's excrement. The woman looked so forward to her daughter's bowel movements that her cunt would start to flow long before the young girl arrived home. Each day Gretchen would dream up some new way of feeding her mother the shit that she made, and each day the teenager became more and more obsessed with her human toilet. Katrina noticed that her daughter was...
"Mommy, I'm so lonely." "Kimmy, what do you mean? You know Daddy and Mommy are here for you." "I don't have any girl friends or boy friends. I'm all alone. You and Daddy have each other. I heard you and daddy making love last night. I don't have anyone." "Oh, baby. I'm sorry. We knew that living way out here was a bit of a trial on you but I never..." "But Mommy, I love it here. It is beautiful and peaceful. But it is also very lonely for me. There aren't any guys or gals for...
…The continuation of our adventure with Martin and Clara. After the night, Linda and I and Martin and Clara had sex in the same room, we didn’t have contact for a couple of weeks. That was until I ran into Martin at a party of a friend of ours, Steven. Linda did stay at home that evening, because she didn’t really like Steven. I didn’t think, Martin would be there as well, but when I arrived, I was happy to see him sitting next to Clara, holding hands. They looked great. At some point, when I...
I broke down and finally called the number of a girl I talked to online for a very short amount of time. I was very nervous having never done anything like that before. I had a very particular fantasy I wanted to indulge and thought this was the best way. A sexy sounding lady answered the phone.“As you might already know I specialize in making fantasies come true, and you’re in luck because I absolutely love strapon play. That is what excites you isn’t it? Girls with strapons right?”I mumbled...
By: Arundev Dayal Sunita’s flight landed on time despite heavy rains. Kolkata to Jorhat takes not much time. He did not expect anyone at the airport. His elder sister Anita has been widowed about a month back and her only son Dipankar, better known as Dipu, is still a boy having just completed his class 8 examination was in his summer holidays. Anita was married at a tender age. In fact she was on her teens then and there was a hush although regarding this marriage. Her child birth did not...
Exactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...
SwingersMy Mominlaw Jayalaxmi’s 50th birthday. My wanted to celebrate it with a great range. Previous night when I was pressing my wife’s feet at about 11 pm My mom in law call. I got shivered on hearing her voice. Jaya: Bastard, what are u doing? Me: I am your slave mom in law. I am pressing your daughters sacred feet. Jaya: Stupid, how long it will continue? Me: Till mid night mom in law. I am your slave. Jaya:(with anger voice) Idiot, I will cut your nose, press her feet till 2 p.m. And sleep under...
IncestHi everyone. This is Dinesh from Chennai. 25 years of age. This is indeed not a complete sex story. But a short romance between my girlfriend and myself. I’m writing this story to forget about the incident and overcome the love I lost. So let’s get into the story. My girlfriend’s name is Devi Priya (for this story). We both were in love for a couple of years. We were in a long distance relationship. So it’s was very hard for us to meet because of the family restrictions and other stuff....
My boss gave me two days off as a reward for rescuing a contract worth over £45,000. I decided I wanted some me time so I left for work as usual and spent the morning riding on the train round Glasgow underground, I loved riding the train as a k** but had never had the time since starting work 8 years before. Finally, I got bored and went for lunch, after lunch I decided to go to the cinema, I found the nearest and paid £3.50 entering the cinema I took a seat of to the side and settled down...
I had just turned 19, 2 days ago. I was about 5'3" with blonde hair and bright green eyes. I was also pretty curvy, 34c bust and a firm and hot ass. I was a virgin, I don't know why but i would always turn down sex. I was very self conscious and wouldn't let anyone see anything. I had always dreamed of sex and wanted it badly. Every so often i would get really horny and rub my clit but i never put anything in it. One evening, my mom and sister had gone shopping and my dad was on a...
IncestWritten by aweiawa on Dec. 16th 2003, 20:12 translated by jack4fun on Nov. 24th 2011, 07:57Heini's story part 1 Enjoying a comfortable glass of wine Heini told the following story: Just on my 16th birthday he pissed off, my creator. All of a sudden he wentaway, and I haven't seen him again since then. I even didn't want to see him again.The story which I want to tell now started about 4 months later.As an exception I hadn't school this day afternoon, because a teacher had becomeill. So I laid...
This is my first incestuous experience with my cousin Kavitha. I stayed back in Kochi for more than a month and was lucky enough to get to Kavitha aged 20 to begin with, to be followed by a few adventures with her younger sister Savitha who has just turned 18 this summer, before I got the opportunity of screwing their mother, my aunt Sarita rarring at 37. Without wasting any further time, let me straight away start narrating what followed after the wonderful night with Kavitha. Ever since I...
Incest}7 words .85Chapter 7The Auction(Sheila’s Despair)The auction took place in the family room that Cindi like to refer to as the dungeon. A stage was set up at one end and chairs were placed all around the room in a theatre style. George was the auctioneer. Before the auction began the slaves were brought into the room then hung on hooks along the walls. It was like being at an art auction. This made it easy for the different masters to examine the bodies in anyway they wished by just...
Charlene was a bit nervous about starting to her new job. But the money her husband Phillip had left her, when he died almost five years ago now, was gone. So she had few other options except to get a job. Phillip had been an investment counselor and when the stock market tanked back in '08, they lost a big chunk of their life savings. Phillip had just started to turn things around when he died in a car accident. Now at the age of 29, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to stand up to...
Office SexIf you were wondering I am 5’10”, brown hair, blue eyes and I have a fairly muscular build. I wouldn’t say I’m the most attractive guy around but I’m not far off. Well in my opinion anyway. About 3 years ago the house next door to me was sold to one of my mother’s friends. She had a daughter who was two years younger than me called Jess. She was gorgeous. She has long, straight, hazel hair that falls below her shoulders and rests on her breasts. She had green eyes, a slightly freckled face...
Bob invited me around to his studio as he wanted to film a 'Fetish' Video for a client .....Bob often made films to order and had built up quite a good business over the years.....not all clients want full on porn some were more discerning and this one was a man who had a big obsession for Crossdresser's in tights.Bob had several contacts that would pose and help in making video's for a little cash and I was one of them so when he told me what was required I laughed and said ''Is that...
Hi my name is Charles and I've been a firefighter for the city of Philadelphia for almost nine years. For the last three of those years I've been involved in a sexual relationship with one of my first cousin. A relationship that doesn't involve vaginal intercourse at all, it is mostly oral with occasional anal. There is also quite a bit of petting and masturbation as well as other things we do to pleasure each other. I think a quick statement of my views on the art of felatio would be...
There was a boy standing in the bathroom with her. He was kinda’ cute, kinda’ handsome, with dark, serious eyes, a mouth that seemed frozen in a humorless line, and tousled brown hair. He wasn’t fantastically fit, nor was he terribly overweight, he was entirely average from all appearances, until she looked at his eyes. His eyes, and the way he carried himself, even just standing there in the steam, exuded quiet, implacable confidence, and something else, something dangerous, like he might...
I couldn't believe it. After more than a year of lusting after my mom and two sisters, I finally had figured out a way to watch them at will. My walk-in closet, right next to the bathroom, provided a perfect view, thanks to the quarter-inch hole I had put above the medicine cabinet's mirror. In the first five minutes I already had watched older sister Barbara pee. True, I hadn't seen her jumbo tits yet, but hey, I was only 14. I had years of peeking ahead of me. Life, all of a sudden,...
I felt sick and nauseous, today would be my first day back in school. Mom had called Principal Lassiter, and explained my current situation. He had promised to keep an eye out for trouble. Though I doubted that would do me any good. At least I would have Marjorie to keep me company. We had more talks in the days leading up to going back to school and had decided to keep as close to each other as we could manage. Forcing the bile that threatened to creep upwards from my stomach back down, I...
The phone rang. I pulled it from my jeans pocket and saw that it was Brad. Shit! I really didn't want a call from him right now. Maybe I should just ignore it. But somehow he always knew when I'd just ignored his calls. And then that was even worse.I answered it, thinking only fleetingly about "the speech" that I'd composed and honed over the years and knew now that I would never actually give. I don't know why I even thought of it anymore. Maybe it made me feel just a little bit in charge of...
… It was a usual Friday night for Gotham city. All sorts of criminals were out in force due to the absence of Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin and even regular Robin. The four were off-world helping the Justice League and Titans take care of some sort of universe ending threat. Gotham wasn’t left unprotected though. At the old Gotham East Docks, a slim, feminine, hooded figure made her way up atop a tower of old containers. “Oracle. I’m in position.” Spoiler said into her...