Glen WisemanChapter 14
- 2 years ago
- 29
- 0
Five days had passed since he had discovered the three people on the road. Late October passed into early November. The colors of fall faded as the leaves fell to the ground and slowly turned brown. Even in five days time, the weather had turned colder. Glen had started working on the interior of the house.
Glen drilled the hole for the wiring to pass through the stud. He only had one more wall and the ceiling to finish drilling and then he would be ready to start running the wire through the house. He could hardly wait for that part of the job to get finished. As much as he enjoyed the soft light afforded by kerosene lamps, it would be nice to get rid of the odor they generated. Most evenings were spent with the single light over the desk and the dull light from the fireplace.
His work was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. He ignored it and drilled another hole in the next stud. The knock was repeated a second and a third time. Tired of it, he shouted, “Fuck off.”
“It’s the Sheriff. We’ll break down your brand new door if you don’t answer!”
Glen was going to ignore the Sheriff until he realized that the guy would probably carry out his threat. He set down the drill and stormed over to the door. He threw it open and challenged, “What in the hell do you want?”
The Sheriff smiled at Glen. Glen stood there in blue jeans and work boots. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and he was covered in sawdust. He looked like the construction worker in the diet cola commercial; the rugged blue collar man that the white collar women went wild over. The Sheriff replied, “Well, I had a little talk with the judge about the Metchettes.”
“What’s that?”
“Not what, who. The Metchettes are the three people you rescued last week.”
“I don’t want to know their names. I don’t want to know anything about them.” Glen had done his bit and now it was over. All he wanted was for his life to return to its normal isolation. He would work on his house and everyone else would stay away. He liked it that way. He turned and went back to where he had been working.
Dale smiled as he considered the effect that his next statement would have. He stated, “You’ll have to know their names. The judge has awarded you custody of them until they recover.”
Glen stared at the Sheriff for a full minute as he tried to make sense of what he had just said. He finally blurted, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Dale stated, “Well, you see it’s like this. Those three kids have lost everything. They have no money, no car, no home, and no relatives. They are stuck here until their property is recovered. In the mean time, they need a place to stay while they recover from their wounds, so the judge has awarded you custody of them.”
“What in the hell does that mean?” Glen was afraid that he understood very well. The idea that the kids were that down on their luck caused a twinge of guilt. Still, his cabin wasn’t really the place for them.
“You have to take care of them until they recover.”
“No, I don’t,” Glen might not be a lawyer, but he knew a judge didn’t have that kind of power. A judge can’t arbitrarily make another person responsible for someone else. He argued, “The judge can’t do that.”
“Well, I guess you’ll have to take that up with the judge. He’ll be back in ten days. Until then, you have to take care of them.”
Glen couldn’t believe that a judge would issue an order like that and then leave for ten days. There had to be some mechanism for him to contest this situation. This was ridiculous and he knew it wasn’t true, but he took a look at the Sheriff and realized that arguing the legality of it wasn’t going to work. Instead, he fell back on stubbornness as he replied, “I won’t do it.”
Dale was enjoying this. He had threatened to play rough and now he was going to deliver on that threat. He stated, “Yes you will. If you don’t, I’ll just have to put you in jail. They’ll stay here anyway.”
“I guess you’ll be taking me to jail then. I don’t want people out here.”
Dale laughed gleefully and then said, “I was hoping you’d say that. I’m going to arrange for you to have visitors in the jail. People will be talking to you nonstop the whole time you are there.”
Glen knew the Sheriff well enough to know that he would carry out that threat. He fumed at the invasion of his privacy that this represented. He was going to have to put up with strangers for ten days. He stated, “I can’t do it. This place isn’t fit for human occupation.”
“That isn’t stopping you from living here,” countered the Sheriff.
“Shit,” retorted Glen. He looked around his unfinished cabin and tried to imagine four people living in it. He added, “I don’t even have beds for them. They’ll have to sleep on the floor. They’d be more comfortable in your jail than here.”
“Well, we thought about that,” replied the Sheriff with a grin. He pointed to a truck and stated, “That truck has two mattresses from the hotel in town. They’ve been refurbishing the rooms and donated the beds. They also threw in sheets, blankets, and pillows. The church has contributed a bunch of clothes.”
“Damn it Dale, why are you doing this to me?” Even as he complained, he felt guilty about it. The Sheriff might be doing this to him, but he was doing it to help out the three kids.
Dale looked around with a very self-satisfied smile. He hiked up his pants. He was proud of himself for having come up with this idea. He stated, “Well, you need to interact with people. Now you have to, whether you want to or not. The fact that the Metchettes are taken care of at the same time sounds real good to me.”
“I guess I’ll put them up at the hotel in town. Ten days shouldn’t cost me that much.”
“Nope, that won’t do. They need to be watched in case there are unforeseen complications due to the treatment they received at the hands of that madman.”
Glen fumed. He realized that there was nothing he could do. He said, “You aren’t going to let me get out of this, are you?”
“I don’t have a bathroom.”
“You will soon. Until then, they can use your outhouse.”
Glen grumbled, “It’s more an out than a house.”
The Sheriff laughed at the statement. He shook his head and turned to a couple of men in the truck. He shouted, “Bring that stuff into the house.”
Glen watched in horror as two men climbed out of the truck and proceeded to carry a couple of mattresses into the house. When they got inside the cabin, one of them asked, “Where do you want it?”
Glen answered, “Anywhere else except here.”
“That’s funny. Seriously, where do you want us to set up the beds?”
Glen pointed to the far end of the cabin. It put the maximum distance between where he stayed and where they would stay. He answered, “Over there.”
The men quickly set up two queen size beds in the areas he had framed in for bedrooms. While one of the men arranged the mattresses on the beds, the other went back to the truck and brought back a box of bedding material. He nodded at Glen and then stated, “It’s sure good of you to do this for them folks. They really are down on their luck.”
Glen just turned away. He wasn’t doing this out of the goodness of his heart. The Sheriff had forced him into doing it. In a way, that made him feel even worse about himself. There was a time when he would have been the first to volunteer to help. Glen went over to his recliner and sat down, trying very hard, but unsuccessfully, to ignore the activity within his cabin.
The Sheriff leaned against the wall and watched Glen fidget. He knew that this was a tough time for the son of his friend. He waited to see what Glen would say or do next. He was surprised to see that he didn’t do anything. The degree of submission Glen was demonstrating was very uncharacteristic.
After the men who had set up the bed left, another car pulled up in front of the cabin. The Sheriff let the woman and her teenage son into the cabin. They carried boxes of clothes that had been donated for the Metchettes. Glen numbly watched them come and go without comment. He wondered how many more people would end up trooping through the house.
After all of the activity died down, it was very quiet in the cabin. The only ones there were Glen and Dale. Dale stated, “Glen, snap out of out and talk to me. They’ll be here soon.”
Glen looked over at the Sheriff with an even gaze. He stated, “I will do as I must. Don’t expect me to thank you or jump up and down in joy.”
“Before they get here, you’ve got to understand some things. These kids have had a tough time. The boy was raped. Now rape is tough on everyone, but often worse when the victim is male. The twins are very fragile. They were treated brutally. They all suffer from nightmares. You are going to have to be very gentle around them.” Dale stared at Glen.
“Look, I’m not the right person for this. I mean look at me.”
“Glen, you are the only one around that can take care of them. You’re here twenty-four hours a day. Hell, you’re the only one that I know that doesn’t have a real life to live.” It wasn’t a nice assessment of Glen’s life, but it was accurate. He added, “Living here, they won’t have to deal with other people until they are ready for them.”
Glen thought about it. He stated, “Don’t expect me to coddle them. I’m not a wet nurse.”
“I don’t expect you to coddle them.” The Sheriff heard a noise outside and looked out the window. He said, “They are here. You might want to put on a shirt.”
“Are you telling me that I’m not pretty enough?”
“Nah, I just don’t want you exciting the women.”
Glen actually laughed at that. He turned and put on a shirt. There was a knock on the door, which the Sheriff answered. Glen turned to watch a group of four enter the cabin. The deputy led the twins into the cabin. They were followed by the young man. It was the first time that Glen actually looked at the three of them. He put their ages in the late teens or early twenties. They all had sandy brown hair and you could tell that they were all related.
The Sheriff waved the trio over and stated, “Glen, this is Cliff, Sandra, and Wanda Metchette. Metchettes, this is Glen. You’ll be staying with him for a couple of weeks until we can figure out what to do with you.”
Cliff smiled uncertainly as he extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Glen looked at the hand and just nodded in Cliff’s direction. Cliff didn’t know how to react and stood there awkwardly. Finally, he put his hand back in his pants pocket and stared at Glen. He decided that he didn’t really like this guy.
The twins, almost in harmony, stated, “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
Glenn just stared at them wondering which girl was which. He frowned as he decided that he would never be able to tell them apart. He nodded in their direction and then went over to the wall of the cabin and leaned against it. He watched the three of them stand there nervously.
Sandra smiled uncertainly and nodded her head in Glen’s direction. She was tired already and wanted to take a nap. She meekly asked, “When will we be going to your house?”
Glen actually smiled at the question while the Sheriff laughed. The Sheriff answered, “You’re there. This is where he lives.”
Wanda, the much more conservative and introverted of the two twins, burst out, “It isn’t even a real house! We can’t live here.”
Cliff interrupted, “Girls, we’re safe here.”
That stopped all arguments. Glen had hoped they would argue a little more about staying here. He was all ready to use that to suggest they go somewhere else. He stated, “Your beds are over in the corner. They brought some clothes for you.”
Dale stated, “Well, kids. I’ll leave you to get settled in. Don’t worry about Glen, he’s gruff but has a good character. He’s the one that found you.”
All three of them started to thank him, but he held up his hand. He was about to say that he should have left them there, but a glance at the Sheriff he stopped himself. Instead, he said, “Don’t ever mention it again.”
The Sheriff slowly shook his head and opened the door. He stated, “I’ll be seeing you tonight at the diner. My niece has arranged an account there for you to pay for your meals from donations. Now, I’ll expect you kids to tell me how he’s treating you. Okay?”
The trio all nodded, very nervous about being left with this strange man. With a quick glance in Glen’s direction, Cliff answered, “I’m sure we’ll be okay.”
Glen walked over to his recliner and noticed the magazine on the floor next to it. He shoved it under the chair with his foot. The bottle of hand-lotion was still on the desk. That wasn’t so telling of his normal nightly routine. He watched the Sheriff leave. He went over to where he had dropped his drill and went back to work.
The trio stood there in shock. They weren’t use to being ignored so effectively. For several minutes they watched him drilling holes in the studs. Finally, Sandra went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to look at her before asking, “What?”
“What are you doing?”
Glen looked at her for a moment and then answered, “I’m drilling holes in the studs.”
He shook his head as though he had just bitten into something extremely sour. He replied, “I’m getting ready to run electricity through the house.”
“Oh. Will you be done soon?”
“I plan to work for another couple of hours.”
Sandra pouted and said, “We’re really tired. Can you stop while we take a nap?”
Glen looked at the trio for a moment. “I guess I can stop drilling for a while. You have your choice. I can drill holes, I can use the power saw, or I can nail some electrical boxes onto the studs. Which would you prefer?”
Sandra frowned as she answered, “They are all noisy. Can’t you do something quiet for a while?”
Wanda stated, “I need to go to the bathroom. Where is it?”
Glen returned to the cabin after taking a short hike around the property. They had been waiting three days for Amos and there had been no sign. Everyone’s nerves were getting frazzled as they waited. Glen, tired of staying in the house, had finally taken a walk. The trio said they would watch from the window in case something happened to him. He opened the door and stepped in, shouting that he was back. He glanced at the couch and saw the Metchettes looking at him in fear and with duct-tape...
The Metchettes’ mobile home was nice as far as mobile homes went. It was a small mobile home, but the Metchettes had picked it up for almost nothing. It had been repossessed and they had paid only the balance due. Their permanent house was being built a little ways down the street. In fact, the construction crew was down there working on it right now. Glen sat in one of the cheap chairs that came with the mobile home and looked around at the living room. It was very small, but he recognized...
The new house was finished three weeks late. It was supposed to have been completed near the end of August and it was completed in the middle of September. Today was moving day, but it was rather a subdued event. The majority of their possessions had been destroyed in the June fire. They had replaced most of their clothes and their weapons. In fact, they had purchased replacement weapons before they had shopped for clothes. The general consensus among the Metchettes was that they would...
Time marched on as May was followed by June. The temperature was warmer and everyone spent more time outdoors. Glen, carrying his fishing pole, went to the stream. He was surprised to discover the trio lying on a blanket getting some sun. All three of them were nude. All three bodies were very similar; Cliff a masculine version of the twins. The light brown hair, blue eyes, and slender bodies were very attractive. The girls had beautiful breasts that didn’t turn into pancakes as they lay on...
Glen was surprised by the change of seasons. September seemed to come so fast and now it was almost over. Every afternoon was spent in the outbuilding that he had turned into a woodshop. He was now producing very nice quality furniture. He laughed as he recalled his early attempts. He kept the first one in a corner of the workshop. A number had ended up in the fireplace. He went over to his wood pile to see how he was holding up on his supply of wood. The supply had significantly dwindled...
The article that Glen was reading for the December issue of the magazine was really good. It described the sexual options that existed in a marriage of two men and two women. Although the language was not explicit, the variety of options that were discussed was very exciting. He had a taste of it when the trio returned home and the memory of that evening was enough to get him hard in a flash. He set the article aside and went into the bedroom. Wanda was in the shower. He removed his bathrobe...
The cold winter weather of December had settled in with its full force over the night. Four inches of snow covered the ground. Glen woke up feeling great. He slipped his jeans on, not bothering to put on underwear. He stepped out onto the patio. He took a moment to appreciate the view from there. It was outstanding and if it hadn’t been so cold, he would have stayed out there longer. He picked up an armload of firewood and went back into the house kicking the door shut with one foot. He...
Glen parked his truck in front of city hall to attend the proceedings in the court room inside. The two guys that had attacked him at the grocery store were here for their arraignment hearing. A month had passed since the attack and only now had the two guys recovered from their injuries sufficiently for the hearing to be held. He had cracked the skull of one of the men and caved in the sinus cavity of the other. They had been in very bad medical shape for a long time. Throughout the two...
For the first time in ages, Glen had spent an entire week at home alone. The twins were in New York attending the conference. They had called last night excited about the Broadway play they had seen earlier. Their excitement had pleased him, since he had given them the tickets for the play on their birthday as a present. They were taking the moonlight tour around the city on a boat tonight. He figured it would be another couple of hours before they called. For the past year he had been...
Glen sewed the turkey closed with great care and set it in the roaster. Even though it was the smallest turkey they could find, it was still too large to put a lid over it. He struggled for a moment with the aluminum foil to make a tent over the turkey. It wasn’t pretty looking, but it was functional. He put the bird in the oven and closed the door with satisfaction. The trio was still asleep. They had slept through the night without nightmares. In fact, they hadn’t suffered from nightmares...
Glen sat in his finished kitchen room eating a bowl of Wanda’s favorite cereal. He was out of Cornflakes and couldn’t keep a banana in the house to save his life. He had bought a bunch of them and the twins had used them last night in a fruit salad. He sighed and looked around the cabin. It was almost done, but had already become too small. It had never been designed to accommodate four adults. Wanda came breezing out of the bedroom wearing the blue bathrobe he had given her as a Christmas...
Thanksgiving was in a week and the November weather was cold and damp. It threatened to snow, but wasn’t cold enough to deliver on that threat. Instead, it rained with a savagery that made one huddle in the house with a feeling of thanks for having a house. Glen walked quickly from the woodshop to the house, trying to keep from getting overly wet. The twins greeted him with open arms. Both were wearing his shirts and nothing underneath. He couldn’t help himself as he tried to peek down the...
For some people, the first of May is just another day of the year. For communists, it was a day to show off their weapons to the world. For pagans, it is a religious holiday celebrating spring and a renewal of life. For Glen, it was his birthday and he always made a big deal out of birthdays. His thought on the matter was that it was one of the two most important days of a person’s life. The other being the day of their death and one didn’t get a chance to celebrate that. One might almost say...
Sitting in his new office, Glen looked over the material that Wanda had brought over for him edit. It was the next edition of their e-zine and what he had read so far was actually quite good. He couldn’t believe what the trio had done in just a couple of months. They had actually arranged to have family councilors contribute articles on alternative marriages, readers to contribute letters describing their experiences, and a large number of advertisers. He had just finished an article by a...
The Southern Kitchen was packed that night as every table was taken and each table was filled. Glen was happy to see that business was good. He liked Oliver and was pleased to see that he was doing well with his business. Oliver greeted them at the door. The twins kissed him on the cheek and Cliff gave him a handshake with a manly hug. CJ looked around the restaurant with wide eyes. This was only her second time here and she was very impressed. Intimidated by the class of the place, she...
In the dark, the cold sucked the warmth from Glen as he lay on the ground near the edge of the woods. The ground had begun to give up its heat at the end of September as nights cooled down. By the end of October, the ground was cold. Lying upon it, the ground felt like ice. The night air was chill, the faint breeze cut through his clothes making him even more miserable. He shivered, but did his best not to make noise. The past two days had been more exhausting than a human being should have...
Glen finished sanding the walls. He wiped them down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. It was going to take a long time to get rid of all the dust. When he finished with that, the walls would be ready to be painted. He would have to wait for a day when the weather would be warm so that he could open the doors without freezing to death. Until then, he would start to work on installing the bathroom fixtures. Cliff, on his knees, vacuumed the floor with the wet/dry vac. He worked slowly and...
A sprawling ranch style house stood at the end of a cul-de-sac in a suburb of a large southern city. The house had been built by the owner over a one year period. It was the best built house in the entire development. Outside, it was plain in style. Simple lines across the front and back. Inside, it was splendid and very well organized. The house abutted against a wooded area. It spanned two lots and was adjacent to an empty lot. The empty lot had been converted into a large playground. The...
In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger sister, Casey, then aged sixteen, and she asked to join them. Although reluctant to take his sister’s virginity, Glen gave into temptation, and as Stephanie looked on, he became the first man to make love to his young sister. During their session in...
My brother and I had our birthdays this summer; both Cancers. As such, our personalities are very similar; quiet, good-natured, unassuming. Maybe we're just boring. Glen turned 71 and I just turned 58. I've admired my brother since I was a kid and I have wonderful memories of helping him with chores around the house when I was just five or six years old. For example, we always got up early on Thanksgiving morning to trim the mulberry trees in the front yard. He would cut the branches from...
This story continues on from my previous two stories, A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, and A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie – Part 2. If you have not already read those stories, here is a brief rundown on the story so far, to put you in the picture. In A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie, seventeen-year old Glen lost his virginity to his Aunt Stephanie, aged thirty-one. They then began a casual affair, for several years. In Part 2, four years later, they were caught in bed by Glen’s younger...
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Chrissy and I were at Ian's place. Ian was about 28, 3 years older than Chrissy. About 5 years older than me and is a lot more experienced and active sexually then me. Ian was well built and just under 6ft tall. Even though he is considerably older than me I still found him extremely sexy. Chrissy is also quite sexy to look at. Chrissy was aware of her looks and did not mind highlighting her assets. On this occasion Chrissy had on a light dress with a low neck line. Whenever Chrissy bent over I...
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Last Saturday my wife Anne and I attended a party at my manager's house. My wife didn't want to go because she doesn't like John very much. She says she knows that John cheats on his wife and he is generally a jerk. I asked her to go to the party with me because I was up for a promotion and I didn't want to chance offending John, so Anne agreed to go to support me. John and his wife Susan live about ten blocks from us in a very nice, very expensive neighborhood. During the ride to John's...
It's been a few days since we visited the adult store, and surprisingly, we haven't played with any of our toys or slaves. Kristen and I had sex several times, but it almost felt like before any of this had happened to us. Perhaps more frequent, but no real exercise of power or control. Just a married couple getting it on. I realized that we still had two, or actually three Leaks still to deal with: Susan's friends Jen and Sally as well as Stephanie's husband Rob. I was also eager to...
You've got to know where to look. Sometimes, it finds you. In that case, be ready. In the meantime, I have written about numerous girls with numerous fantasies in a single yellow book. These are their stories. This is about an old friend from the past. Her name was Amber. She was one of my first female friends and my first real crush. We met in seventh grade. There was something about her that was different just by looking at her. We became friends. Eighth grade came. I asked my friend to...
She pushed me down into the chair that I had been standing next to and pulled off my pants. My cock was only somewhat hard but with her small hands she worked it until it stood at stiff attention. I squeezed and played with her small breasts while she stroked my cock. After it was hard she wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and with out pause deep throated me. Compared to her small body my cock was rather large. She brushed her hands over the sweet spots on my hips as she took me all...
Leeza left me last August. It was inevitable I guess. In the beginning she was attracted to me because I hung around the rodeo crowd and even tried my hand at calf roping and bull riding, but I knew it wasn't going to be a life for me. I wasn't good enough at it, and going from town to town wasn't my idea of any kind of life. But Leeza was like one of them groupie girls who hung around the rodeo cowboys because in our part of the country, they were the closest thing to rock stars. And women...
Straight SexFor a planned first time meeting with a web contact, i felt confident that Mike would show up atmy motel and the night would work out. Opening a new package of pantyhose and then slowlypulling them over the soft smooth skin of my freshly shaved legs, i smiled to myself. Even if Mikedidn't show up, getting a room so close to that seedy adult bookstore guaranteed me options for agreat time without him if necessary. But i did hope that he would show up. i love having a date along to at least...
That evening after dinner, I started back to work on my book. At first, the going was slow but soon the words started pouring through my fingers onto the keyboard. I was composing on the fly just like I had done when I first started writing my stories. I felt a renewed vigor coursing through my mind as my newest story began unfolding.“What’re you smiling about?” My grandfather inquired from his comfortable recliner in the office.“Oh nothing.” I replied. “My story just seems to be coming...
Every time global cinema comes up, “Hollywood” pops out. Well, it is the best film making hub in the world. But I’m not here about that; I’m all about the people Hollywood has made famous. That’s right, the freaking sexy celebrities. The place is an incredible, ideal climate, sunny and mild terrain which makes me be like “I want to see some titties”. Not that we don’t love the movies, just the craving for a little more thrill from the show.When a site is about movie stars, like Egotastic, it...
The FappeningWhen I got out of the shower, I dried off and and went over to where kit had put the underwear for me to wear. I picked them up and there was a leather bra that had holes where the nipples are and leather panties that had a hole round the back in line with my ass. I put them on and they were a very tight fit, I then noticed there was some other things with a letter.There was a: red ball gag, hand cuffs, leg cuffs and a blindfoldThe letter said:Put these on and come into the bedroom and get on...
Luxure TV is a video porn website that’s been around since at least 2010. At first glance, the site just looks like an average video page, and in many ways it is, but beneath the veil is a pretty fucked stash of amputee porn, and other weird shit. Fucking furries taking it too far if you ask me.Who the fuck jerks off to this shit!?You’ll find plenty of “normal” porn here as well, although I don’t know why you would come here for that when there are so many better alternatives. The front page...
Extreme Porn Websites"I don't look too bad for a 34-year-old mother," Jennifer said to herself as she looked in the mirror. She saw a very attractive woman in the mirror, shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and freckles across her nose. When Jennifer was young she hated those freckles but now... now they seemed cute. In fact, she thought that the freckles helped make her look much younger. She knew that she could easily pass for her early twenties. Jennifer was often asked for id in bars to prove that she...
I hadn’t planned to run this morning because we had our game against St. Joe today. That meant I could sleep in, or so I thought. I heard the door open and Duke bolted to go outside. Peggy told him to hurry up, and for some reason, he minded her. “What are you still doing in bed? Aren’t you running today?” “I have a game today and don’t want to tire out my legs.” “You should probably get some cardio,” she suggested. I really am a ‘stupid boy’ sometimes. I had no idea what she meant until...
Harley Haze is an absolute treat. Don’t let her cute voice fool you though! This babe loves to have sex and can’t wait to show you how much of Alex Jones big cock she can fit in her mouth and in that beautiful wet pussy! She loves being a tease peeling down her panties revealing that sexy ass and shaved pussy to you. She is set up and ready to fuck looking like that; and that is exactly what Harley wants. She wants fucked hard. She loves feeling that cock penetrate her pussy so...
xmoviesforyouLast night was crazy!I'm dating this guy, tall white handsome...whatever.... asshole. We met at my place, I dressed up nice and sexyi a tight tube dress, red stockings and heels, I looked soo hot! We we going to meet up with his buddies to go to the city tonite! There was a cool tranny show in town. Wanted to check it out! We were driving through the ghetta (where I live) and went to some random donut shop. I stayed in the car and he went in and picked up a donut or two. I was in the car...
Steamy glances over the candlelight mean its time to pay the bill. You gesture to the waiter and he brings you the plate with the bill, you pay with cash leaving a nice handsome tip because you'd rather have your hands on my ass then wait for the change. We walk to the door; and, as you wish, your hand rests on my ass gently guiding me. You hold the door open for me, and I step out, turn my head and wink at the waiter, then blows him a kiss. His face immediately turns a bright red; he...
Bunny used to have two big tits. Now she had one and hoped to keep it. Those magnificent mammaries had helped her have a lucrative and enjoyable career as a professional corporate hostess. When breast cancer struck she retired to her home town and married her first love. She was an action girl. Making things happen was very satisfying. In the past she’d arranged corporate retreat orgies and other sex parties so she knew how it was done. That wouldn’t fly in this small town but fundraising for...
Erin leaned back as she massaged her temples and released a heavy sigh. Yesterday’s events had left her drained but determined, and along with the janitor, she was the first one to enter the school the next morning. After sitting down at one of the library tables with books, the newly arrived librarian gave a startled glance at Erin then wearily ignored her to brew herself some coffee. It was 5 a.m. Erin was angry at the situation she was in. The damn bastard, Brady King, was going to make...
I I have been working out of town for the last 2 weeks. I have been staying at a hotel at New Smyrna Beach. 30 minutes up the road is Daytona. Last week I went to a club the name I will not mention. I sat down and ordered a crown and coke. This blonde girl about 27 sat next me and we chatted for about an hour. She after I wanted to go into the champagne room. I ask how much and she replied 100 dollars. I said sure and we went to the back room. Now these clibs are no nudity but in the bag they...
As Keith mulled over this problem he found himself relishing that wonderful moment when everyone had gotten naked together in those little groups just a few days ago. He had found himself surrounded by five lovely girls all of whom were just so keen for him to slowly strip them of all their clothes in as sexually a provocative manner as possible. The first thing Keith found himself doing, and to Portia’s great surprise, was to plunge his hand down under her short skirt and into her panties....