A Glow in the Darkness
- 4 years ago
- 29
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Andrew grabbed Ledger by his left arm, pulling him around, then dragging him around the nearby corner out of the square, “Come on kid, we need to get you out of here right damned now,” Andrew said to the resisting boy. “We need to get away from here before the city guard arrives.” He continued to pull Ledger along. After a minute Ledger snapped out of the shock and started running on his own. “SPOOK!” shouted Andrew, “Come on boy, time to go!”
The scared dog saw his master and friend running away from the place with the bad noise and decided they had the right idea and was quickly ahead of them, tail down, ears flat, yipping in terror, making for the Inn that was his home for the moment. When he arrived, he went straight to the stall with the mule, curled up in the back corner, shivering and refused to come out for the rest of the day. He waited in the stall until his master came out to him later that day with food for him.
Andrew had Ledger back to the Inn and sitting at what had become his regular table in a back corner away from the windows and doors. Andrew wanted to be able to see who came in before they could see him. Once they had tankards of the bad, warm ale in their hands, he asked, “Ok Ledger,” Andrew whispered, “What in the nine hells did you do?” he demanded.
Ledger was lost in thought again. He shook himself, trying to lose the image of the destruction he had caused. In a hoarse whisper he said, “The bullies, they were threatening a little girl with robbery and harm. I had to stop them, Andrew. I had to stop them.” He took a drink of ale and sputtered, holding the mug away from his face, looking at it in disgust. “What is this shit? It’s awful.” He sniffed at the mug and held it even further away from his face.
“It’s the ale they serve here, so drink up, you need it.” Again, Andrew asked, “What did you do?” His voice sharp, his temper was getting hotter as the seconds passed.
Ledger seemed lost in another world when he answered. His voice hoarse and low, filled with barely controlled anger. “I had to stop the bullies Andrew.” He slammed his fist on the table hard enough to bounce the mugs a little, causing eyes to turn his way for a few seconds. “I have been bullied and beaten my entire life, Andrew,” he snarled, “I felt could stop them, so I did.” He took another swig of the foul ale and choked it down. “Things just got, well, a little out of hand,” he said sheepishly, his voice dropping to a bare whisper.
Andrew looked at him, eyes wide, his jaw now hanging open in disbelief. “If that is what you call a little out of hand, I never want to see totally out of control,” Andrew sipped the ale, trying to avoid drinking too much of it. “So you blew them,” he paused, trying to keep control of his anger, lowered his voice, “You blew them into freaking paste, and leveled the market square.”
Ledger looked even more sheepish now, face red, eyes downcast, “Yeah, I just wanted to punch them hard enough to get the point across. Instead, I blew them apart and left a crater.” He took another drink and choked on the ale, his face getting a faint greenish tint to it from his stomach wanting to send the nasty stuff back up in protest.
“I don’t think you noticed it kid, but you destroyed the entire market square with that blast,” said Andrew.
Now Ledger started to look scared, “Did I kill everybody that was there?”
“No, I don’t think so. Just a lot of injuries from the blast force that shoved everybody and everything into the far walls,” replied Andrew.
“I guess it could have been worse. I think this is what my mother tried to warn me about the power just before I was sent away.” Ledger lifted the tankard, looked at it, put it to his lips and sucked the down the warm ale. He shuddered and shook while gasping for air, then sat back in his chair to relax.
Andrew watched him for a few minutes. He waved to Jessa and asked for a refill of Ledger’s drink. Jessa looked at the empty tankard, “He drank all of it?”
“Yeah, he surprised me too,” said Andrew.
Jessa returned to the tap with the empty tankard. She returned with it and held out her hand. Ledger seemed at a loss for a second, “Oh, how much?”
“A Silver,” she said.
He handed her four gold and said, “My bar tab until gone.”
Jessa nodded and left. Andrew started in a new direction. “Ledger, when did your mother join the Merc’s?”
Ledger had to think harder than normal. He was finding out quickly it wasn’t just that the ale was not good, it was also lethally strong. “I recall her saying she joined them late. That she only had a few small missions before the one that nearly destroyed them.”
“She joined them very late Ledger. My father’s journal has a reference to an ambush on a caravan they were traveling with.” He sipped his ale, gasped for air then continued. “The ambushers had explosive arrows. Enchanted explosive arrows.” He gave Ledger a hard look. “The Mercs’ took the bandits down, but made sure to capture the enchanter alive, or in this case, the Enchantress.”
Ledger looked hard at Andrew. “Are insinuating my mother was with the bandits?” His voice was noticeably slurred now as the Ale began to take its toll.
“Ledger, all I’m saying is that is what happened. From what I have been able to put together from my father’s journals, an Enchantress joined the Merc’s on the way to a location they had been hired to protect during the harvest season. He didn’t list her name though, only that she was captured and brought along,” said Andrew. He started to take another sip, then stopped, putting the mug down.
Ledger lowered his head to the table, he took a long breath then sat back up. “Andrew, I’ve never known my parent’s full history. I had to hide to protect myself most of my life, so asking questions like that was not possible.” He took another swallow of the bitter ale, “It was in the last year before I left home, that I began to discover I could almost perform any form of enchantments. It was only the day before I fled home that I came into my power for the first time.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, fighting the urge to just lay his head down and sleep.
“You say you had to flee your own home? Why? Why in the hells would you have to flee from your home? Wouldn’t your parents have protected you from outside harm?” asked Andrew, not sure he could believe what Ledger was saying.
Ledger snorted in derision, “Protection? By them? Andrew, I’m lucky I’m still alive I was beaten so badly several times by my brothers and sister.” He took another heavy pull from the mug now, “My sister, my own damned sister,” he snarled in anger, “She planned to cut off my cock and dance on me while I bled out.” He took several more deep breaths, trying to calm himself. “That Andrew, that is true hatred. That is true evil walking the world. That is what I fled from. And from the events these last two days? I know for a fact that she is here, right now, in this city.”
Andrew sat in contemplative silence. To him, the family was everything. That was the reason why he was away from home, to protect them from the evil that had begun to stalk the lands for the old gems. He took a long pull from the ale, coughed and took another, smaller sip this time. “Well, I guess we had different lives growing up.” He put a hand on Ledger’s shoulder, “Listen, I may have found a job for you on the caravan. They’re short on drivers for this run. Can you handle a cart with several horses or mules?” he asked the shivering boy.
Ledger was well on his way to being completely shit-faced-drunk now. It took a minute to focus his eyes and work out the question then form a coherent answer. “Yeah, I can drive a cart, I think. We’ll get paid too, right?” This a slurred mess that was hard to understand.
“I should think so,” said Andrew.
“What about this girl you mentioned, what about her?” slurred Ledger. He was starting to sag down in his seat, his eyes closing even as he fought to keep them open.
“Free passage for her. We all could travel free if we wanted. I would rather work and learn from veterans of the combat trade,” said Andrew.
“Yeah, work...” Ledger lost the battle and his eyes finally drooped closed, his mouth falling open, then his head fell to the table and he started to snore loudly.
“Took it long enough for that crap to kick in,” said Andrew, now more than a little bit bleary himself. “Jessa, some help here getting this idiot to his room.” He stood, then grabbed the edge of the table as the floor threatened to come up and smack him in the face. “We need to keep him out of sight for the next week for his own good.” Jessa turned and ran upstairs rather than help lift Ledger. Andrew grumbled about women never helping when needed. He got Ledger up and the small amount he had drunk hit him in the head now. “Bear crap, that shit is strong.” He pulled Ledger on his shoulders up and dragged himself across the room to the stairs. Getting him up was challenging since his own balance was slightly off now. Andrew struggled, but he managed to get Ledger to his room and on his bed. Jessa checked that the room key was hanging by the door. She locked it with her master key on the way out.
Next, she escorted Andrew to his room. She could see the ale was too much for the boy. He was only fifteen and not at full growth yet. She could tell just by looking at him he would be a giant of a man when he fully filled out. He had made it to his bed and collapsed heavily on it. She was pleased that he was had filled out in the way that mattered to all women, whether they wanted to admit it to themselves or not. She considered for a moment seeing if he was interested in a bit more fun in bed. When his eyes closed and he snored loudly, she decided he wasn’t. She closed and locked his door and returned to running her tavern.
The market square was a scrambled mess. The city guard had arrived as folks had begun to straighten out the mess the explosion had made. Several people had serious injuries but would live. Most just had bumps and bruises. The worst was a broken arm and a few cracked ribs. His table had crushed him into the wall behind him. The watch commander looked at the crater in wonder. It was ten feet across and almost as deep. He had never seen anything like this before. Turning to a merchant that was nursing a bruise on his left cheek, but doing better than most, he asked, “Are you sure of what you saw when this happened?”
“Yes my lord, several of the local bully boys had little Glernia cornered near the center of the hole. They stopped suddenly and the girl ran away. A few seconds later, BOOM!” Big hole and every loose item and person went that way from the blast.”
“You didn’t see anybody else nearby afterward?” asked the commander.
“I couldn’t say, I was a bit addled by the blast right then and was digging myself out from under a collapsed table,” said the old merchant.
“I have never seen the like. Who was here that wasn’t right after the blast?” asked the guardsman.
The old man thought about it for a minute, looked around at who he could see still around. “I know a few folks left as soon as they could stand and walk.” He glanced around and spotted a glowing gem on the ground, “I don’t recall seeing the enchanter boy around right after. His table was really close to the blast too.” He stooped and picked up the glow-stone and pocketed it. “Shame really, he had been doing really good business after the palace stones fell apart.”
“A stone enchanter? Here, now? Where is he staying, do you know?”
“Well, last I heard he was set up at the old flop in the inner city. He has been around for about a year now,” said the old merchant.
“Thank you, and no, I didn’t know he was here.” The watch commander yelled for his second and soon had him on his way to the old flop in the inner city. He returned in less than an hour with word that the boy had packed up and left the day before. He didn’t say where he was going though.
“Damn. All right then. Start searching all the Inns in the area. Ask around, see if any of this lot might have a clue as to his whereabouts,” he ordered. “A real stone enchanter, and he’s been around for a year already. I wonder if he was responsible for the failures,” he thought.
All afternoon the city watch asked and searched. Nobody seemed to know anything. Word had quickly and quietly gone out that nobody was to assist the guard in finding the boy. The folks of the Crossing knew who really ran the city, and it wasn’t the prince. It was when he entered the Rusty Shovel that he found a clue. One barmaid admitted to having seen him a few times staying with some fighter type. She wasn’t sure where he went when he left though. Now the Guard commander had to wonder, is he here, or at an outlying Inn. If anywhere, it would be the Broken Wheel. He knew how asking about the boy there would go. He left the Shovel to continue searching across the city.
Andrew woke up late in the afternoon. He tried to sit up and regretted it immediately. His stomach hurt. His head hurt. “I will never touch that stuff again,” he groaned. He managed to sit up without his head exploding so he figured he wasn’t in too bad of shape. Thinking about the little he drank versus what Ledger drank, oh lord that boy was going to be sick for days. “How did folks just suck that shit down like that,” he wondered.
Andrew splashed some water from the basin on his face, then rinsed his mouth out with a bit of gumweed to remove the sour taste. A simple cleanup completed, he tried to open the door. It was locked. He didn’t remember locking it. “Jessa, it had to have been Jessa.” Andrew smiled thinking back to the previous night and her visit to him. He had learned more about pleasuring a woman than he had ever imagined possible. “She is a good woman,” he thought. “I just have to avoid developing feelings for her, or anybody else I bed with.”
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Ledger was feeling rather pleased with himself at thinking up the enchanting of his boots and pack the way he had. He continued thinking of other ways of helping others with magical items when his pack suddenly returned to its full original weight. Then he felt his boots fall away from his feet. He looked down and saw that the different pieces had separated as if the glue and bindings had just vanished. The pack pulled him off balance and he fell backward, landing on his butt and jarring him...
Andrew wandered around the market for a time, looking at the wares the merchants had on display. Something about the scene was bothering him though, like an itch he couldn’t scratch. He wasn’t sure what it was, but something about this market kept niggling at the back of his mind. He looked around, studying the stands and stalls, ticking off what he could see for sale. Food being the main product sold here of course. Clothing, small housewares, and minor tools off in their own little corners....
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Ledger took off running as the boards behind him broke and fell into the river below. Coming up to another gap, he jumped and the mass of the pack pulled him back, then slammed him forwards across the gap when it caught up to him. His feet hit the boards and more shattered as he stepped clear, now at a full sprint. He saw the third gap ahead of him, the largest missing section of the bridge. “Oh shit oh shit oh shit,” was all he kept saying as he jumped the gap. Again, the mass of the pack...
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I’m ramya.. I’m from Hyderabad. I’m 5.2feet. I am white in complexion and have long hair till my ass. My size is 36-34-36 I’m 36 now.. I got married when I was just 14. My husband is 32 that time .at that small age I don’t know anything about sex.. He used me like a doll in his bedroom… I can’t bear the pain… He uses to give.. He have a cock only up to 4.5″ But at my 14th age that is a rod… As the time passes I became pregnant when I was 15… And I gave birth to a cute boy when I’m 16. His name...
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Two hearts beating, the only sound, the slight yet relaxed rhythmical breathing of two souls in the half light afforded by the red numerals on the digital clock. In another time it would have been the muted mechanical ticking of a mantle clock or grandfather clock that tapped out the time in a comfortable yet strangely familiar beat. In this digital age it would appear that this would be a poor substitute yet at the same time this is a warm, embracing and friendly light that softens the...
Hey, everyone. It’s your Ramya again. Sorry for the delay. I hope you guys are fine and well. I have an important thing to tell you that I will tell at the end. Without wasting any time lets jump into the play. Readers who are new and who forgot just go and update your wisdom by reading past parts. I can’t help it because I am writing this for years. Ha ha ha. Sun rose I woke up pretty early as usual and done with my works and did a special puja. It’s the result day for Raghu. I woke him up...
IncestHey, guys and girls this time I am back in a very short interval. I’ll say why at the end. 7th part was a massive hit. Mails getting pouring and so many positive feedbacks. Many ones said some suggestions too. Respects for them! I am very happy. I hope you too had fun on that part. I’m getting both angry and a pleasure to write this part. because here I faced my first rival in my life. And that bitch learned her lesson. Ha ha, she should. The intro is enough to let’s jump into the course.! I...
IncestHey, folks! Ramya is back with her journey. You guys maybe thinking why I am posting stories after a big interval. Almost a month. Nothing serious I am so lazy to type. Ha ha. New readers go and grab a bite on old voyages! So without delaying any further let’s go back to the train. The train reached Hyderabad. We got down. Same city. But we are couples now. Many things happened in last week. Picked a taxi and went home. We planned for some major changes in the home. First, we decided to merge...
IncestHi. This is your Ramya again! Nice to meet you, folks. How are you? I hope you all are well! New Readers go and read my past parts to get knowledge about my life. Let’s go into the sex story. I slept like a rock after having a hardcore session with Raghu. I woke up as the sun shined through the window. I was so wet when I woke. Morning hotness.. lolz … I went downstairs and smiled at all people. And straight away went to the kitchen. Sister smiled at me big. I too winked at her. And asked for a...
IncestHi.. This is Ramya again… Thanks for all your response.. I’m so glad and thankful to your responses! .. I am coming after a long time.. Sorry i was busy. Here I’m going to continue my story… After that night seeing my son masturbating for me.. I can’t get a sleep. In my sleep too..his words”I love you Ramya” is echoing in.my dreams.. The next day as usual I woke and went to bath. Before bath I went to my sons room it is still open!! Its my mistake to not to come to his room for years so he is...
IncestEpisode 1; Kathy was in the ninth month of her first pregnancy. She was at home on maternity leave as the baby was due in a few weeks. It was pretty boring for her seeing as the nursery was already finished and her husband was at work. Before lunch, Kathy decided to have a shower. After her shower, Kathy was in her room drying off. While doing this she looked herself over in the mirror. She had never particularly happy with her body. Getting pregnant made her feel worse, despite her husband...
Ledger woke with the cheery, bright morning sun shining directly on his face from the high window. His eyes immediately rebelled, squeezing shut in reaction to the unwelcome, cheerfully bright light. Rather than fight them to re-open, he rolled over to his right side and promptly hit the wood floor face first. His faint groan of pain sounded like the screaming of several banshee’s singing loudly in the middle of his head. Next, he tried to move his arms to push himself up a little. They...
Ledger, Brena, and Andrew sat quietly in the common room of the Rusty Shovel Inn and Tavern. They had been quietly discussing the upcoming trip across the continent over a light tea. They had concluded that the ale and beer here were to be avoided at all costs. “Brena,” said Ledger. “Whatever those leaves happened to be, keep a good supply of them for the trip. I may not need them, but others might.” He sipped his tea and grimaced. “That ale messed my taste up. Nothing taste good right now,”...
The following day had little of note except that the food was noticeably better now that the old cook had been removed. The one time Jessa came out and tried to flirt with Andrew almost led to a fight with Brena. Andrew had decided after their fun in the shower that he wouldn’t have any more time with Jessa. He could ill-afford to have Brena angry with him in the coming months. This was going to be a trip that could very easily get them all killed if she were not focused on survival at all...
Decisions vary in scope and importance. We make them all the time; their making defines us as people, tells others who we have been, what we are, what we might be. Maybe you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, or hot summer nights with a tall glass of cold lemonade. A slender girl with legs that climb all the way to heaven, or one with curves that don't quit, promising to send you freefalling into love. The high-paying stressful job that will line your pockets with green and...
The last chord rang in the air. Three steel strings, plucked on the fingerboard, bright and keening, silver dissonance. The left hand held the neck of the guitar while the right hand fell gently upon the strings by the bridge. Gentle pressure, gradually increasing, the sound fading, fading, fading, then blending with the silence that filled the room. Suddenly, a sharp noise, then a rush of sound: applause rang out from the grateful customers in the coffee shop. The musician, eyes closed,...
In my dream, an African girl and I entered into a room. The walls were a mix of grey, green and blue. The duvet was a shade grey. There the bed was the only object in the room and we were the only subjects. I helped her lay on the bed. My fingers circled around her body. Around her breasts, while teasing her nipples. They caressed her face, than went down onto her neck only to travel on her chest and parade freely on the hills and valleys. Finally they reached the forest of passion. I rubbed...
All Rights Reserved Edited by my friend, takemedown... MORNING AFTERGLOW... My Point of View by tcs1963 I open our bedroom door, looking inside, I see you're still sleeping. Since the beginning, I have always loved to watch you sleep. So vulnerable, yet strong and beautiful. You're laying there prone on your tummy. Our blanket tangled around those beautiful legs. The wrapping barely covers your nakedness. The glow of my handprint still glows vivid pink on your cheeks. You are wearing...
"You're taking this the wrong way, Stevie," Taylor was riding in the passenger seat and trying to explain what she meant before her best friend and sister-in-law got too angry. "Now, remember, I love Gerry, too and I am not happy that my mom pushed him so far so fast or that she changed the rules of the game after he'd already made a deal with her - BUT - I was watching him before he left today and I didn't see a boy in a dress." "Jesus, Tay, you're getting to be as bad as your mother....
I had found the stone lying on a beach in Fiji. It was a regular grey stone, except that it had been etched with an image of something humanoid and around that were some illegible symbols etched in the surface. Time had worn the stone to the point that even someone that could read whatever language it was would have had a hard time deciphering the lost symbols. It didn't take me long to figure out what the stone did, though. As I walked into my vacation bungalow and set the stone down...
Susannah comes. It’s even more intense this time, a constant throb of sensation that pulses out from her clit and overwhelms her every single thought with pleasure. A part of her mind floats above it all like a tiny boat riding a massive swell, but all it can do is marvel at the sheer power of the orgasmic bliss that keeps hitting her over and over. Her muscles tense up, locked tight in an attempt to hold onto the moment forever and all the ecstasy that comes along with it. She lets out a...
Myra stepped out of the shower, dripping the teardrop shaped dollops onto the bath mat, and stood there feeling the cool air of the room drift around her body before reaching for the towel on the rack. The cooling effect surrounded her body as if she had immersed herself in a pool of peppermint menthol tingling her every pore. She did not want to dry herself, however, she opted to grab the towel and run it across the sensual skin of her naked body. She rubbed the towel over her body, hoping it...
Love StoriesFrederic was lying in bed. His cock was rock hard, and he knew just the person to help him solve it. "I've never tried controlling people at a distance," he thought. Frederic pressed his powers, and yes, finally, the telepathic control went though the wall, into his sister's bedroom. Barbara was sleeping soundly when she woke up with the incredible urge to fuck her brother. She has gotten used to this. It's been 3 weeks since Frederic got his powers. All this time, he managed to...
OK, quite a lengthy one with a little mix I hope you enjoy. Stone is a bodyguard — ex-military who heads a small team responsible for close protection of Dave Devine. Dave Devine is a gangster, a king of the underworld with a wife and daughter who are both very sexy and very kinky. I did think about submitting the chapters individually, but opted instead to lump all 25000 words together in one hit (no pun intended … gangster … hit … geddit?) *ahem* Right, well, yes, I decided to put the piece...
I cannot recall the first time I was spanked and why it had such a profound effect on my being...and why all these years later it still resonates such a deep rooted impulse within me.On the outside I give no clues to my kink I don't wear rubber or live in a cage...I don't have memories of a traumatic c***dhood it was annoyingly idyllic.However as a boy I noticed this growing trend the mild excitement on hearing or seeing a pupil thrashed by a teacher or reading my comics depicting spanking in...
Gerry had showered twice and washed his face a dozen times, but he was pretty sure that a little mascara remained from yesterday's training in the maternity dress and foundation garments. His mother was due to come by in the next half an hour or so to pick up Mila and Gerry to take Gerry shopping for a new blazer and some new shirts and pants to wear while he filled in for the receptionist at his mother's investment firm, where his wife and sister also worked. A little gurgle came from...
"It's called 'Galactorrhea,'" Dr Annette Falcone sat at her desk, a file open and test results strewn about her desk. "It is an abnormal development of milk production. Typically, the condition manifests itself in women who are caring for an infant and start lactating spontaneously, but it has been known to happen in men. It is very rare though." "I did a little research on my phone while Gerry was in the examination room," Stevie said, "and I found a condition called 'gynecomastia.'...
"See," Bob Williams said, "your married name threw me off, but," he pulled a book out from behind his back and slammed it on the reception desk. It was open to a page with pictures of young people, all of whom Gerry had once known in high school. It was his year book - Bob's too. Bob pointed to Gerry's picture and grinned even wider. "I gotcha." Gerry started at the picture from seven years earlier. He still had short hair then, cut in a traditional young man's style and the color was...
"Good morning, thank you for calling Wentworth Investments, this is Gerry speaking, how may I help you, today?" The phone rarely rang before nine thirty, so Gerry had a pretty good idea who was calling at nine-oh- seven on Thursday morning. "Well, hello, Miss Morley," the snide voice on the other end of the phone oozed through the receiver. "How are we doing today, sweet cheeks?" Gerry sighed. "Good morning, Mr Williams. How may I direct your call today." "Oh, I'd say that my...
The electric chime sounded as Taylor and Gerry entered Amanda's Boutique during lunch on Friday. "Oh, it's my favorite bride," the proprietress beamed at them. She pulled a garment bag from a rack and handed it to Gerry. "Here you go, sweetheart. Take this out back and try it on. Try on EVERYTHING, though. The panties can go on over what you're wearing for now, but I need to see you in the bra, with the stockings and then the dress. I'll help you with the veil when you come out." Far...
"No, wait," Taylor was nearly giddy with excitement, "let's get a picture of us both getting ready. Just like I did with Stevie on your wedding day." She placed her phone on her dresser, set the timer and hurried back to stand next to Gerry. "Three, two, smile!" she said as the telephone imitated the sound of an SLR camera taking a picture. "Let's see it!" She grabbed the phone and looked at the photo. "Aww, that's great!" She showed Gerry the photo of himself and his sister, both...
Stoned Magic ring short story Melissa was on her lunch break, the usual sandwich and coffee in the park. She was looking out at the play ground, when three teen boys sat at a bench nearby. One was tall, the other two a head shorter. Each with a smoke in their mouth. The smoke drifted past Melissa, and by its smell they were smoking drugs. When she turned her head, they looked stoned she was disgusted not just by the smell, but to do it near young children on the...
The Infinity Stones. Each one has power over an element of the universe. The Blue Mind Stone, which strengthens and enhances mental powers. Both intellect and the ability to process information and reason, as well as psionic powers of telepathy and telekinesis. Boosted and controlled by wielding the Power Gem, one could enter and control all minds at once, a manifestation of the universal subconscious. The Green Soul Stone, allowing complete power over the soul. Steal, control, manipulation and...
Stoned by Jennifer Adams ©©Jennifer Adams, 1999 Michael walked briskly in the early morning chill. He was trying to escape the scene of the crime without trying to look like he was escaping. He had just thrown a rock and broke the stone statue in the garden of old lady Winters. He hadn't meant for the rock to strike the statue. He rather liked it. It was almost erotic in its dainty, feminine figure. There was even the subtle hint of anatomical correctness to it...
When we were separated my wife went thru and ordeal that took her years to tell me about after we got back together. She wasn’t too used to being single and sort of went along with anyone in doing stuff. She had not been very experienced in sex before we wed but had gained experience quite rapidly with me. This didn’t help her on this episode. She had went dancing and drinking at a local night spot on this date and had met a guy she thought was nice and was good looking. He said his name was...
Stoned Sharon By Solon Plorry The man shouted at the attacker! He had beaten me so bloody and laid one last hard kick at my head before he went away to join his girlfriend, his soft shoes making a welcome squishy noise as he faded out. I lay in the fetal position, almost afraid to breathe. I had been beaten to within an inch of my life, I think, and all I could do was moan. My chest felt caved in, and pain flooded my senses. I wanted to die! A calloused hand was on my...