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Life is strange. Just when you’ve got a handle on things, when you can finally see the path ahead – everything you’ve taken for granted seems to vanish in the pure light of day. Paradigms shift, leaving you breathless and unsure of yourself. Your children grow up and leave to begin a life of their own. An uncle you hardly remember leaves you his prized Bill Evans collection – on vinyl. Your wife bails on you for no apparent reason, then you find out she was fucking your best friend. Your friend is diagnosed with some dread disease a few months later and begs for forgiveness. Instead, you get a puppy and are quite happy with your choice to leave all your life’s nagging questions behind.

Because sometimes you fuck up, even with good intentions halfway in mind. You start digging a hole for yourself and keep on digging even when you know you’re dead wrong. Then someone comes along and asks you a really profound question – something mind-bending like ‘why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?’ – and you’re left so completely befuddled not even another pint of Guinness clears away the rain in your brain. And just when you think the world couldn’t possibly be any more pointless and fucked-up you hear there are going to be a bunch of faculty laid-off over the summer, even tenured profs like you. Your stomach burns, you can’t sleep, but by that point the puppy has eaten all your running shoes and what the fuck, where would you run to, anyway?

Then one night you run in a girl so completely different your whole world comes unglued. Paradigm shifts don’t mean a thing because nothing matters anymore, nothing’s important – nothing but that sweet face, her easy smile, the soft, bubbling laughter that keeps you up all night. She digs Bill Evans so you find an old turntable at a garage sale and all of a sudden you’re happy your wife took off. She loves your new dog and reading old books on rainy afternoons with her head propped-up on your shoulder. Her friends become your friends and Friday nights are suddenly fun again, the way they used to be – in that other life. She shows you the way to get out of the hole you’ve been digging by fucking you senseless three times a day. You look back into the hole and see an early grave staring you in the face, and that’s just about the time she tells you she’d like to get down and screw your nuts off again.

So what the hell. Who gives a shit she was a student of yours once upon a time, that was like fifteen years ago and who gives a damn even if you were teaching at her boarding school way back when. You’re on the high side of forty now, and she’s like, what? Almost thirty? Still, nothing makes sense because nothing matters, does it? You’re a leaf on a stream, just going with the flow. All that once felt old and stale is new again, and the only thing that matters is the way you feel when you look in her eyes. You’re happy letting all those unanswered questions you walked away from drift away on the currents.

But be careful, Slick, because sometimes these things have a way of coming back at you.


Different? Really?

How so? I mean, come on! Who are we kidding here?

Was she really so different?

Or was it that she was simply new? New and young? And let me guess: cute as hell, right? Aren’t they all? Yeah, yeah… yada yada yada… remember that other girl – twenty five years ago? The one that used to lean on your shoulder and read Byron and Yeats? Forgive and forget? ‘Til death do us part, right? Right?’

Could it be you were just another middle-age crazy? That somewhere along the line you forgot how to forgive?

Or did you ever know how to?

‘Who? Me?’

See what happens when you start asking questions?


Classes start in late August, somehow you escaped the job-cutters’ axe – this time around. Even so, you understand what it means when you’ve been loaded up with senior seminars and freshman intros. Your days are numbered, aren’t they? You’re being judged, graded, marked.

Feels good, don’t it? Is the hair on your head a little whiter than it was last May?

‘Why can’t you pick up your clothes?’ you say from the bathroom. ‘I mean, really, how can you mistake the floor for a clothes hamper?’

‘Stop whining, would you?!’

‘Whining? Me? I can’t even see the floor anymore.’

‘Yeah. You. Whining. You seem so uptight…’


You knot the tie around your throat while you look at yourself in the mirror and you try to shake the feeling that a hangman has slipped his noose around your neck, and that suddenly this life feels like a never-ending trip to the gallows. Without saying a word you slip from the house and walk across campus to a classroom building, walk unnoticed into the seminar room you will call yours for the next three months. You put your case down on the table and turn to write your name on the blackboard:

‘Dr Robert Drucker: American Foreign Policy – 1945-1989’

You scribble out your office number and student hours and take a seat, sit quietly while the early morning stragglers stumble in. Some wise-ass brings an apple and puts it on the table by your case. He smiles, says something witty and wholly unoriginal and you turn, look away, because the thought of having to deal with another pimply-faced Ivy League smart-ass makes you want to vomit. Your head hurts, you want to run away to… somewhere, anywhere. But hey, but no such luck. Not today.

There are twelve people in the seminar, and the waiting list for your course is a long one. You’re very popular, or so you’ve been told. The kids love you. Hell, even politicians come to you for advice, and you turned down more than one offer to work in the White House last year. Big deal. Once was enough. Never again.

The fact of the matter is that you love Boston. You gaze at The Yard through trees full and green with summer at old red brick everywhere and this place feels like home. Teaching is what you do. All the old passion returns for a moment, and as the bell rings you’re happy to be alive, to be here doing what you do best. You look at the assembled faces around you, inquisitive faces alive with bright promise, and you smile.


You walk in the house a little after four and the smell of shit hits you in the face like a cold slap in the face. The puppy has let loose all over the living room and you can see piles in the kitchen, too. The pup, a little brown and white spaniel, sits in the corner, cowering.

‘What the hell have you done?’ you scream as you advance across the room toward her. By the time you reach her she’s shaking so bad, her eyes are so full of sorrow, that you pull back from the edge of wherever it was you were going and wonder just what kind of monster you’ve become. You pick her up, bring her to your chin and hold her.

‘Where’s Sara?’ you ask as you carry her to the bedroom. ‘Why didn’t she take you out?’

You walk into the bedroom, see her clothes are gone, and most of her other things, too. You feel cold and a sudden emptiness fills the air around you. You put the pup down on the bed, walk around the house, see that even her books have been cleared-out and you understand all too well what’s happened. There are some toiletries she’s left in the bathroom, some Chanel you gave her on her birthday in July, but she probably didn’t want to cart along the memories, did she?

You hear a key in the door, hear her familiar footsteps as she comes in.

‘Bob?’ she calls out.

‘In the bathroom.’ You come out a minute later with a bucket and some cleaning supplies and head to the first pile.

‘I just want to talk to you… one more time. Say goodbye, I guess.’

‘Not necessary. I get the picture.’

‘Okay,’ she says mildly. You hear her walk across the room, put her key on the table in the kitchen, then she walks out the door.

You never looked at her, did you? Not even once?

By the time you no
tice the pup has squatted and dumped a new load. On your bed.

‘Appropriate,’ you manage to say. You get her leash and take her out for a long, long walk.

‘Better late than never,’ you managed to say as you walked out the door.


It’s going to be a problem, you know, this leaving the pup alone all morning, but there’s not enough time between classes to walk home and back to walk her. You see Peter Kauffman leaving the faculty offices – with a huge Golden Retriever on lead – headed your way.

‘Hey, Bob, didn’t know you had a Springer,’ he says as he walks along. Your pup is curled up around your ankle now, shaking like a leaf as the bigger dog comes up and sniffs her.

‘Got her in June. Trying to figure out what to do with her while I’m in class.’

‘Take her with you,’ he says as he stops by your side.


‘Take her to class. At this age it’ll only take a few days to train her to sit quietly…’

‘No rule against it?’

‘Nope. Not for faculty, anyway. How’s Sandy?’

‘Got on her broomstick and flew away.’


‘I got tired of her constant mess. Complained one time too many.’

‘Ah. Like C. S. Lewis.’


‘Dogs are much more practical,’ Kauffman said contentedly. ‘Right. Well, off we go!’

Seminar that next morning was a subdued affair – like you knew it would be. The first assignment you gave them required a solid two hundred pages of reading, and as you surveyed the red-eyed, coffee-stained seniors struggling to keep their eyes open you just had to smile to at yourself, didn’t you. Except you’d brought the dog along, remember? You had her in your lap when the students filed in and all the girls in the class had to come over and ooh and ah all over her. Fun, wasn’t it?

‘What’s her name?’ one of the girls said. Her name was Jennie. Jennifer Westhoven. You’d noticed her the day before.


‘Cute,’ Jennifer said. ‘My dad had Springers.’

You smiled at that, didn’t you? ‘Okay. Who wants to tell me the key differences between the Yalta and Potsdam conferences?’

So… Molly was an instant success. She only jumped up to nibble your chin once before she started nibbling your favorite necktie. Within a week she sat quietly in your lap. You were pretty sure Miss Westhoven wanted to as well, weren’t you?


That first Friday, as office hours drew to a close, the girl ran up just as you were about to leave.

‘Is it too late to ask you a couple of questions?’ Jennifer said breathlessly.

‘You’ll have to walk along with us.’

She reached over and scratched Molly behind the ears and you could feel her nubby little tail wagging a mile a minute. The three of you walked down an old planked floor that had probably seen thousands of such exchanges over two hundred years, only this time everything was different, everything felt new and alive to you. You felt something for that girl, as dangerous and unethical as you knew that to be.

And she was trying to impress you, wasn’t she. Asking questions she obviously knew the answer to, trying to show she had read all the assigned material – and then some. And you? Dancing around the topic like a boxer, probing, testing – trying to land that knock-out punch. She was old enough to know better, wasn’t she? But, so were you. Soon you were in front of your house, trying to think of a way to make that feeling last.

‘Uh, listen. I’ve got to see my ex tonight and I’ll be gone a while. If you’re not busy, would you mind staying with Molly?’

‘Sure,’ she said. Remember how she said that simple word? Guileless enthusiasm, isn’t that what you thought at the time? Charming?

Who was charming whom, do you think? What did Goethe have to say:

‘Already fire and eddying smoke I view,

‘The impetuous millions to the devil ride,

‘Full many a riddle will be there, untied.’

Oh! Faust! Won’t you ever learn?


You rode the Red Line from the square down to Mass Gen that evening, walked over to Oncology and rode up, lost in thought. A couple of residents chattered about drug interactions until the elevator doors opened, and it’s funny, but why does ‘interaction’ stick out in your mind even now? Margaret was at the nurses’ station making additions in a patient’s chart and you walked up to her side, leaned over next to her, as ever your charming self.

‘Hey, Bobby.’

‘Hey yourself. Howya doin’, Kiddo?’

She shrugged, flipped through a stack of lab reports, scribbled furiously on one of the charts, cursing under her breath while she wrote.

‘Well? What was so important you needed me tonight?’

‘Tom wants to talk to you. And I want you to listen, alright?’

Maybe you can’t remember the way you crossed your arms reflexively, belligerently, and while you could tell Margaret was prepared to be pissed… for some reason she wasn’t. She seemed too tired that night to be angry anymore. Too tired, you thought, to feel much of anything anymore.

‘Bobby, he’s not doing well. Do you understand what I’m saying?’

‘He’s dying, right? I got that a while back. What’s changed?’


‘Okay, so what new ground do we have to cover?’

‘You know, Robert, I understand this is hard for you to grasp, but we were unhappy. You and I. We’d been unhappy for years. Everyone knew it. Tom knew it, he wanted to help…’

‘I’m sure…’

‘Just shut up and listen.’


‘He did. He got me to a counselor, worked his ass off to keep us together, and I fell in love with him all over again because he did… want to help. I can’t believe you can’t see it, Bobby. It wasn’t what he… he didn’t set out to do this, alright? And neither did I. But it happened.’

‘And God leaned over and tossed a few thunderbolts your way, didn’t he? Just reward and all that…’

‘Goddamn Bobby, tell me you don’t think that way. I mean it. Are you some kind of a Goddamn kid or something? Can’t you grow up? Or don’t you have feelings for anyone but yourself?’

‘None that I’m aware of.’

You’d meant that sarcastically, of course, but do you remember the way she looked at you?

He was your best friend, after all. Come to think of it now, you’d known him since second grade. Since you were seven years old. You played ice hockey together all the way through high school, you both made it into Harvard, but he went on to Johns Hopkins for med school while you stayed in Boston to finish up at The Fletcher School. And Margaret had been there through it all, hadn’t she? Well, at least since third grade. He was Best Man at your wedding and it was awkward because everyone knew he loved Margaret at least as much as you did. Once or twice in junior high they pretended to be an item, right?

Yet some part of you was always convinced Tom never got married because he was just waiting to swoop-in and take Margaret away from you someday. All the buddy-buddy doesn’t mean shit when women are in-play. Isn’t that what you always told one another? Way back when? Do you still believe that?

So, you were surprised when you saw not anger in her eyes, but dread. Maybe even fear.

Was that what you wanted to convey that night? Did you want her to think you’d been a psychopath all your life? Did you know you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams?

‘I hope you’re able to get past all that now, Robert,’ she’d said. ‘Throw away the hate. If anyone deserves your hatred, it’s me. Not Tom.’

‘No problem. I hate you. There. Satisfied?’

She turned then. Turned and walked away. Got in an elevator and disappeared. You saw a nurse had been listening and that the woman was shaking her head silently, reprovingly.

‘What room is Tom Parker in?’ you asked.

‘I’ll walk you down. I’ve got to adjust his IV.’

When you walked in the door the sight of your friend r
ipped through your soul like a scythe. In your mind’s eye he was still playing forward, passing the puck to you against Andover, helping you score the winning goal, and the State Championship. Winners never quit, do they? But this guy had quit, therefore it couldn’t possibly be Tom.

But there was no running from truth that night.

You wanted to check the name on the door because there just had to be a mistake. That pale yellow scarecrow wasn’t your friend, couldn’t be – no way! No fucking way!

But it was. The eyes never lie and you could see it in those glassy-black orbs. You’d always loved him, and he you, the way best friends do. That’s why the betrayal hurt so bad, right? Best friends don’t stab one another in the back?

You went to the side of the scarecrow’s bed, looked down into the stranger’s searching eyes one more time. What did you see?

Hope? Scorn? Pity?

Or did you feel the love you’d known for decades. The love the three of you had known as kids and students and on Friday nights at pubs and Saturday baseball games. When he stood by you in the maternity ward and looked down at Stephen, then Bill a few years later. When your father died, who was with you? When his mother died, who did he turn to?

Why had it taken so long to remember all that?

Remember? You took his hand then, squeezed it gently because it felt like the bones in his hand might shatter. ‘Thanks for coming, Bobby,’ he’d said to you, and it was like the issue had been in doubt. In doubt! Can you imagine that?

How could he think that? After all that you’d been through together?



Yet all you could do was nod your head.

You sat with him that night for a long time, came to terms you could live with, and even Margaret dropped by for a while and it felt like old times again. Sure, he’ll hop out of bed and off we’ll crawl to another pub – any time now.

But no. We didn’t do that.

And after a while you left his side, when sleep came for your friend. And Margaret was out there in the hall. Waiting.

She hugged you and cried into your chest. For a long time. You leaned back, wiped away a tear running down her cheek the way you used to, then you kissed her forehead and even her hair smelled the same and it all came back like a fierce tide leaving you washed and clean. Without saying a word you hugged her again, and your hands around her felt so right.

So right.

You sat in roaring silence on the ride out to Cambridge, lost in passing memory, and when you walked out onto the sidewalk in front of the Coop the world was bathed in moonglow. Silver light washed across The Yard casting plaintive shadows, and you thought the full moon looked unnaturally hot and bright. Maybe you’d looked across this landscape a hundred times before but everything looked new that night. Really new. Was it that all you’d lost had suddenly come alive again, that all the love you’d thrown away had come back to you on this moon-born flood?

You stopped, held your hands out in the silver glow and regarded your own flesh, your own remorseless humanity, and found yourself wanting. The thought left you breathless and unsure of yourself. Then you thought of Molly and the girl, Jennie, back at the house.

‘What the fuck am I doing?’ you said into the silver air. ‘What have I been doing?’

You walked to your house, slipped the key in the lock and opened the door. Molly came bounding up to you and you picked her up and brought her cold nose to yours, you could still smell her puppy-breath and it made your heart sing. Jennifer had been reading on the sofa and fallen asleep. You walked over and tapped her on the head and the girl woke with a start.

‘Oh! Dr Drucker!’

‘Hey there. Did Mighty Mouse here give you a hard time?’

The girl laughed, you laughed too as you walked into the kitchen.

‘Sorry I fell asleep…’

‘Want some coffee before you go?’

‘Sure. That’d be great.’

You talked a while, mostly about school and what to do ‘after’. Polite stuff, chit-chat. She was easy to talk to and you enjoyed her company, then you made excuses and walked her to the door and you watched her shadow as it disappeared across campus. You put Molly on lead and walked her for a long time, praised her and loved her because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right?

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A very dark fantasy, derived in part from people and situations I have known, but mostly fiction. The phone rang. Fuck, I thought to myself. I'd just finished dinner, started the dishwasher, and settled in for a couple hours reading the latest thriller in a series I enjoyed, made all the better because of the Kindle. I'd finished the first thirty pages, as the Kindle counts them, and that was when my cell bleeped at me. I wear my cell in the V of my polo shirts, in a holster that makes...

2 years ago
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A Good Neighbor

I love to masturbate. It isn’t a substitute for sex, it’s its own event. It’s a cleansing, rejuvenating gift I give myself, and it helps keep me sane, energized and motivated. It also gives me something to look forward to each day. But then, you know that from my previous stories. You also know I have a straight jacking-buddy named Mike. Because I love jacking-off, and because I also love men, it’s natural that I also love to jack with other men. I love being in the presence of men, I love...

1 year ago
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Interrogating You

You are a mess, a beautiful mess, but still a mess.Your arms and legs are tightly secured to floor and ceiling to form a human “X”. Your hair is damp and limp. A light sheen of sweat covers your nude body in the flickering candle light. I do love the ambience that candles give to an interrogation, don’t you?I must say, the glistening sweat on your tightly stretched limbs really brings out your muscle tone. Have you been working out? Difficult for you to answer with the ball gag in place, but it...

3 years ago
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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 30

CHAPTER 30 - Rape victims feel responsible. Heather was not the same after his near sexual assault. Too make matters worse, Ellen continued to date men on occasion. One Saturday night, more accurately Sunday morning, Heather watched from the bedroom window as Ellen walked her date to the door and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him goodnight. He was green with jealously. He went into the baby's room with a blanket. He threw himself under the crib and wrapped himself...

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My stepsister Lisa part 2 movie night

The morning after our first sexual encounter, Lisa went to visit her friend Hailey, who lived in the next town over. She stayed the night, hence we hadn’t talked very much apart from a goodbye when she left. Trying not to alert any of our family members, she tried to act normal. I could tell she didn’t know how to behave around me though. She seemed afraid to look me in the eye, but had a shy smile on her face anyways. It was starting to get dark when she returned, going straight to...

1 year ago
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My fathers friend watching

I knew I will be alone this weekend so my girlfriend and I (girl too) were planning to play around at my house. I was looking forward to it. But, thing doesn't go the way we expected! We had a guest! But it was planed and the show must go on! (I'm sorry for my English but I'll try my best)My name is Min. I have long hair with medium build. My parents never daubted that I was into girls not boys. I knew I will be alone this weekend so my girlfriend, Jane, and I were planing to play at my house....

3 years ago
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Dates with secrets

Author's note: Hey there. I would suggest you activate game mode for this story. It won't take away from the story if you don't, but you will end up getting chapter options that continually don't make sense. So, hope you like the story, leave some likes and don't be affraid to comment. Thanks. You are sitting in front of your computer looking at your phone. You just received a picture from your best friend. One of him and his girlfriend. They met online last year and are now celebrating their...

1 year ago
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Excellent time

Since I have been at the high school, I have always had a crush on Josh. He was perfect. He is popular, a cheer leader, and good looking. Everyone wanted to fuck him! I really did. It was after school and I was staying after for Art Club. Mrs. Bazzle the art teacher said we could walk around school and take pictures. I was walking around the gym when I spotted Josh. He was practicing for cheer leading. He spotted at me and winked. Josh was a senoir, I was a freshman. It would be kinda weird for...

2 years ago
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Her Grotesque

WARNING SUBJECTS IN THIS STORY INVOLVE: Monsters! Piss! Rape! BDSM! SM! Extremely strenous detailed scenes A disgruntled voice groaned; stirring and moaning in confusion as eyes blinked and shut hard from a ghastly bright light. The girl groaned and was dazed for a few moments, her head pounding and throbbing in excruciating pain as she managed to sit up. Her palms dragging behind her to support her weight while she rubbed her head, weakly opening her eyes again and squinting them...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 8

A couple of days after they got back from their shopping trip, Mark decided to make a new shield to protect their home. For his first tower, he used one of the trees that had been hit by lightning and it was now missing its top. The tree still reached 40m into the air. It was located on the other side of the shallow gully, on a small ridge and about 50m from their tree. Mark also got smart. He made two glass spikes and added a copper coating to the base. He embedded several crystals in the...

3 years ago
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ColorsChapter 8 Bubblegum Pink and Playdough Blue

Sam walked into the hotel room to find Max sprawled on the bed in sweatpants and a Puysegur PE Department t-shirt. She was always amazed at how he could see a hotel room as a home away from home. On the other hand, she was eager to get back to their little apartment. "Hoover's okay!" She said it as a statement. She knew he would not be that relaxed otherwise. "Yeah, seems to be. They're holding him overnight for observation." "I'm glad since he is — from what I hear — the only...

2 years ago
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Smitha Bhabhi Summer Camp

This is my first story here and I hope you like it. Not sure if this is the best way to write, but will try my best to share my experience without losing steam. This happened 2 summers ago, when i went to drop my friend in a summer camp, who used to teach dance to kids. If you like my story, please send your feedback to I would be happy to hear from you and encouraged to submit more. Let me get going now.. It was a hot Saturday and around 9.00 AM, I just dropped my friend on my bike and was...

2 years ago
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Getting even

By now you all know my wife Kat and my story this however is very different about two weeks ago I ran into one of Kat's girls that we haven't seen in awhile, seems her and her husband had moved and were trying to get close again. She had her sister in law with her and when we seen each other we huged and kissed and felt her up and she rubed my dick then remembered the sister in law and begged for forgiveness. I went home and told Kat who called to see if things were alright and was informed yes...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Alexa Grace Spying On My Sister

Logan Long is excited to receive his x-ray glasses in the mail. He tries them out on his stepsister Alexa Grace, and is shocked to find that they work: He can see right through Alexa’s clothes to her bare tits and panties. Once he realizes how cool the x-ray specs are, he keeps on creeping on Alexa so he can enjoy her sexy body and big ass. He quickly learns that Alexa often doesn’t wear a bra, and occasionally goes commando besides.Eventually Alexa gets sick of the creepy looks...

3 years ago
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Three Into One Will Go

The sun reflected off the ripples of the water like an erratic lighthouse. Even with my sunglasses on, I had to squint as the light bounced around like a madman with a laser gun. I sat on the side of the pool dangling my feet in the refreshing water, keeping my legs slightly cooler than the oven temperature that the rest of my body was enduring. Tears of sweat poured down my body that was begging me to put it out of its misery and cool down. There was hardly a cloud in the sky. Only a few wispy...

2 years ago
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Dominated By Horny Divorced MILF Reader

Hey guys, this is Nikhil and I am back with my recent encounter. For those who don’t know me, I am a guy in twenties based in Kolkata. I’d recommend reading my story – ““. One fine morning, I woke up to the tone of my mobile and it was a new message on hangouts from Shanaya. “Hi Nikhil, read your story and it made me cum”. I thanked her and a general intro occurred. Shanaya was from Mumbai, 33 years old, divorced and was working in an IT firm. We started chatting frequently and she told me...

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Night on the town

The sun is just beginning to hide behind the buildings of downtown, as you walk down main street. Your eyes are fierce, and there is only one thing you can think of: Burying you cock into some young hottie...or two. Your not a bad looking guy: short dark hair hidden under a ball cap. Intense blue eyes that seem to pierce through whatever they are looking at. And you keep a nicely trimmed goatee that hangs about two inches off the bottom of your chin that the ladies just seem to love. The night...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 12 Vulcan Telepathy Boot Camp

"Computer, start recording!" "Acting Captain, Commander Malcolm Reed, starlog March 27h, 2155. We are en-route to New Xindus on a diplomatic mission to mediate in inter-racial talks between the Xindi, with the goal of reinstating the Insectoids to the Xindi council. This mission has been requested by the Aquatics. The estimated arrival time is 8 weeks from now. After their neurological shock, Captain T'Pol and Commander Tucker have regained consciousness and have started a...

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Summer stories2

A few minutes earlier they’d unexpectedly met on the landing, she in bra and panties, he naked. He’d followed her into her bedroom and he had delivered hasty sex; its youthful thrusts had been both urgent and surprisingly harsh, coming inside her after only a minute or so. He had left her lying on the carpet where she’d earlier slipped, ‘Sorry mum’ he’d said as he left the room to return to his own bedroom. She was unhurt from the fall but her mind was racing through many confused thoughts....

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A Strange Sexy Breakfast

An almost chubby guy whom I met online invited me to his flat for a late weekend breakfast. It was a very friendly chat, not a nasty web cam involved sex chat at all and I thought then we could never end up having sex even if we met. I was so wrong. He had a nice flat and he had prepared a lot of things for breakfast when I got there. We immediately sat at the table and started eating and talking about almost anything that came to our minds for a while. I was gobbling up a delicious pie made by...

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Frat girls

About 6 years ago i lived in a giant apartment building. It literally had 12 apartments, mostly 1br studios cept for two of them. Then, on my floor i noticed a new girl moving in across the hall and struggling with a dresser. Being a gentleman, i offered to help and introduced myself. Her name was alyssa, she had strawberry almost red natural blonde hair, a very young petite body with tiny breasts and was around 22 years old.I told her i read tarot and commented on her mariah carey poster and...

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Winter FiresChapter 8

June came to an end and July arrived. The festival would take place on the Saturday, the Fifth. Marianne said, "Plan on having the whole of the following week off, Simon. I expect we'll be partying all over the weekend, and you'll definitely want Monday off — and I'd like to be able to spend time with you all that week. Besides, you deserve some time off after what you've been through, you hero you!" Simon had waved off the last part, but had put in for the leave anyway. To his relief...

3 years ago
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Hot Black Latino Phone Chat Hook Up

This took place a few years ago before I had a computer or a cell phone and before I knew about hook up sites. As always the name has been changed but this is how it happened.I rushed home from work, changed my clothes and threw some more in my overnight bag and hit the road. It was going to be a long ride - bout 3 hours and I didn't know if I was wasting my time, and gas. I had been to several ABS and even a few saunas, and knew it could be hit or miss. You see several weeks ago while...

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With another stranger

Like every Thursday late afternoon I'm going swimming at the swimming pool. That day wasn't too busy there so I enjoy this 45 minutes more than usually. After swimming pool I've taken shower and went to changing room. When I opened my sport bag with clothes to change I realise I haven't pack any underwear to change after swimming. "Oh well. It's good that isn't cold outside" I thought and put on my joggers on naked body from waist down. Went outside and it wasn't cold, was actually quite warm...

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On my back, I woke groggily. Pushing something out of my face, it slapped back softly. Opening my eyes, a cock dangled over my nose, the head bouncing softly on my lips. Tilting my head, opening my mouth, I grabbed Jake's cock, pushing clear to his pubic hair as his cock slid effortlessly down my throat. He arched forward, pulling my legs up, spreading my thighs. His fingers danced over my slit, dipping into the soft flesh. I could feel his fingers dance on my clit. I drove my face hard on his...

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Welcome to the club

Jane's family had moved to our small town a few months ago. This was her first year in college and she was finding it a bit stressful trying to adapt to college life and make new friends. She had always been quite shy and didn't find it easy to initiate new relationships. As the first weeks passed, Jane found herself becoming friends with Alice, but didn't really know too many other people around campus. Alice mentioned that she was going to a party on Friday night and wondered if Jane would...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 29

Bill Canning and Sam Quade sat in their Mercedes in the upmarket housing area of Pickford's Meadows, watching the comings and goings of the residents. This particular house they had been watching for quite some time while the former's feverish brain plotted revenge for the murder of his older brother John. In his mind, Desirée Denning was equally to blame for Clete Anderson's murder of the young man. Desirée, he believed, had enticed John into raping her and thereby incurred...

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Training my virgin younger brother

Hi ISS readers, I am Indu, 18 yrs old plus 2 student from Kerala, sharing with you my sexperience! I am happy that all ISS readers enjoyed my story, which was a real experience. Let me start from where I stopped last.One morning, as usual, I was sliding down my BIL’s big cock, riding him madly to enjoy a great cum. In fact a third orgasm in a raw in three different positions! Riding on top is my favorite position! My BIL also enjoys it, as he could squeeze my big balls at will, and delay his...

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SwapChapter 20

Why are you sucking your thumb, Debra, John Windom asked. Are you unhappy? I miss my kitty, she said. John had figured out what she meant when she referred to her kitty. Mama and Papa said I could play with my kitty to get the good feeling if I was in my room with the door closed, she added. I don't have a kitty. I have a pee-pee. I miss my kitty. Debra if you play with your pee-pee, you can get the good feelings you got when you played with your kitty, John said. Can't either, she...

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Fucking my friends little sibling

After a night out I stayed over at my friends sleeping in the spare room. In the morning my friend had work and left without waking me but she told me the night before she had work and I could stay until she got home again. Waking up in the morning I felt groggy and tired but one thing I did notice was I woke up with morning glory, I was rock solid and made a huge tent of the quilt. I needed to sort this out. I slid my hand down into my panties where it was stretching them and slid them off...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 18

That began a very painful period for me. Hassan took great delight in torturing me until I thought I was going to go insane. She didn't use physical pain, instead she inflicted mental scars. Some of the key moments over the next three years remain etched in my memory. She started her methodical demolition of my spirit by describing how Brenda had died. "You only have yourself to blame for her death, Sean. If you had only listened to reason, if you had 'emerged' on Gael in the proper...

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Confessions of a gold digger Part 2

Paul is the best lover I have ever had. I have been with him now for almost 6 months and there have been a lot of new and exciting experiences in that time. We have both had fantasies come true and it's all been because of our relationship. This is just one of the many fantasies that came true for both of us. It's the time we both got to sleep with his sister.After sleeping and living together (I still had my grandmothers house, but I spent most of my time at Paul's) for about 2 months, Paul...

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By Jax_Teller I had been on this adult website that was much like face book but all adult. Reading threads and messages from people I never met in real life, sharing experiences, being social. I had long given up hope of finding the one submissive I was looking for but still liked to stay in contact with the freaks I call community. I read a thread by a young woman who was asking if anyone had experience in anonymous sexual encounters. I have had many and shared some of my experiences...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 26

Earth time: Monday, 4:29 PM Mountain Standard Time, January 3, 2011 Aina time: 8:30 AM day 83 of 1408 H.E. I was standing in a barren cornfield in the center of Nebraska. It had taken us close to four hours to drive here from Pine Bluffs. A'moth and Isabelle were walking around a short distance away, the dry icy snow crunching and squeaking beneath their boots. The car registered to my new identity was parked on a narrow farm road about a hundred meters away. I shivered in the cold. The...

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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 6

"Hmmm. Black high heels for the little-titted brunettes, and white high heels for the big-boobed blondes... and all of us naked!" And Tara did read that night - every word of the pamphlet which explained the laws of Titshurt to new residents. Twice. Much of what Tara read in that pamphlet, she already knew, having learned it the hard way. She read that she had to wear a bra 24 hours a day within the Titshurt town limits (which included the residential districts on the surrounding hills),...

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Wild Sex With Tulsi And Sneha

Hiii this is charan back again with nice story .I wanted it to translate in telugu for telugu people . It happened between my two teachers and me .So boys mee sullalu tayaru cheskondi and amailu ,auntilu me pukulu tayaru cheskondi rasalu karchukodaniki .Mee viluvaina abhiprayalu leka evaraina natho matladali anukunte nanu sampradinchandi na mail id ki :- Naa b tech ipoina tarvata nenu groups coaching ki velle vadini. Chala mandhi vachevaru apudapudu alasyanga velthe place undedi kadu .Ekkada...

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Seasoned Pussy Part 1

My high school years was going really good. I had learned about sex and was trying to fuck every girl I could. I was up to eight, two long term girlfriends and six girls that I banged several times and tossed. My best bud lived across the street from me. His mom, Rose, was like a second mom to me. Rose and I were pretty close. She was a short little Hispanic woman, not over five foot tall and chubby, like a ball with arms and legs. She had always flirted with me from the day I met her. Alot of...

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