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Stoned by Jennifer Adams ©©Jennifer Adams, 1999 Michael walked briskly in the early morning chill. He was trying to escape the scene of the crime without trying to look like he was escaping. He had just thrown a rock and broke the stone statue in the garden of old lady Winters. He hadn't meant for the rock to strike the statue. He rather liked it. It was almost erotic in its dainty, feminine figure. There was even the subtle hint of anatomical correctness to it in the nipple and crotch areas. Not to mention the perfect proportioning of the waist, hips and rear. The breasts appeared to be smooth, taunt and firm. Well, marble was about as firm as one could get. The face was angelic in its innocence and beauty. She truly was a sight to behold. To say he was more than a little disappointed by the recent turn of events would be an understatement. He had meant to hit a Blue Jay that had been annoying him all morning. He didn't even want to do the bird any real harm. He just wanted to scare it away for good. Its incessant call was striking a nerve with Michael and interfering with his morning activities. He had chased it into Winters' garden but there it just flew from tree to tree taunting him. He could almost sense it laughing at him. As he fled, he could here the startled cries of the old woman who was rumored to dabble in the black arts. She surely had noticed that her precious center piece was rendered garbage. The stone had cut the beauty's nose clean off. It was truly amazing that such a subtle flaw could attract so much attention. Michael knew how much it distracted from the sculpture, he had seen it. As he headed up his walk, he stole a glance over his shoulder and almost stopped dead in his tracks. Old Lady Winters was looking right at him. He tried to turn away nonchalantly as though he had nothing to hide. He could feel her eyes trained on his back, boring holes into it. It was as though she were looking into his very soul. He rationalized that it was impossible for her to do since there was no such thing as magic. He had already chalked the rumors about her to be just that, rumors. He continued on into his house and tried to settle back down to his work. For the rest of the morning, he couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness. He just couldn't seem to settle down and concentrate on what he was doing. His mind just kept going back to the beautiful statue that he had single handedly disfigured. By mid-afternoon, he had given up on trying to get anything accomplished and decided to go out for a walk to try to calm himself. It was much warmer now that the sun at reached its apex, so he left his coat behind and walked out the door into the lovely May afternoon. He decided that it would also be best if he avoided the area in question so he casually walked off in the opposite direction. Soon, he was deep in thought as he walked not really paying any attention to where he was going. He thought about the events of that morning and he thought about how he would miss seeing the beauty standing in the center of that garden. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone talking to him. " Hello? Michael, isn't it?" He looking in the direction of the voice and is was Old Lady Winters. He had somehow managed to walk right passed her yard. " Uh... Hello." He managed to answer. " Yes it is Michael." " You know, I made a terrible discovery this morning." She said. " You did?" He asked, trying act surprised. " Yes." She noted. " It seems that some vandal has broken my statue's nose clean off!" " Oh, that's terrible!" He acted in stunned surprise. " What makes you think it was a vandal?" " Well, I am sure that if someone had done it by accident, they would have notified me to apologize." " What if it was an accident and the person realize that there was any damage?" He asked innocently. " Oh, I suspect that the person who did it knew that there was damage to the statue." " Perhaps the person is afraid of what might happen if they were to admit to it?" He inquired. " What might happen over an accident?" She answered with a question. " Who knows anymore? People have been know to take offense and the slightest thing anymore and seek revenge ranging from harassment to physical violence. All over accidents less that this. I have heard of two men working together all morning and shooting it out over a bicycle left in a driveway by mid-afternoon." He said cautiously. " Well, I am sure that I would not harm anyone over a harmless accident. Malicious vandalism is another matter all together. That is why I say that they person who did this must have done it on purpose." She defended. " I am only pointing out that it may not have been done intentionally." He rationalized. " Do you know anything about this?" She asked directly. He knew she had seen him this morning so pretending to know nothing about it at all, might be hanging himself. He replied. " I thought I heard something this morning when I was outside, but that is all I know." Her expression never changed. She still wore the subtle smile she had greeted him with. She said. " Hmm. That is too bad. I shall have to replace the statue and I would have liked to make the guilty party pay for a new one. Perhaps I will catch the them sooner or later." " Maybe." He said, with a sigh of relief. She bought his story about knowing very little about it. He was actually feeling pretty confident about removing suspicion that he even helped her remove the statue from its pedestal and place it in the garage when she asked him for help. He figured that it would even help cover his tracks a little better since the guilty party wouldn't be willing to hang around long enough for her to get suspicious. By sticking around, her suspicions would be averted because she would think that if he were guilty that he would not want to help her out. It didn't take too long, but the statue weighed a lot more than he had imagined it would have. He actually broke a sweat moving it. After it was safely in the garage, she invited him in for a cup of coffee. He normally wouldn't have accepted a hot drink on a warm day, but she was offering, and he did want to put her more at ease about his involvement, and he seemed to suddenly develop a taste for coffee at that moment so he agreed. He had just finished the last of the coffee in his cup and stood up to leave, feeling as though he could now get back to work without his mind drifting. As he thanked her and made his way to the door, he began to feel stiff in his joints. With each step, his movements became more and more restricted until he could barely move at all. He soon realized that even his restricted movements were slowing to a halt. He had but to reach out and turn the knob and open the door and he would be free of this woman. Seconds ticked as his hand slowly moved less than half an inch. Then the movement slowed to a quiver. Old Lady Winters sat watching the whole scenario play itself out. She waited until even the quiver stopped. Then she stood up and walked to where Michael was standing. " I'm afraid that you won't be going anywhere, any time soon." She said with a giggle. She reached into a near by drawer and retrieved a pair of scissors and began cutting up the sleeve of Michael's shirt. She began talking to him as she worked. " You see, it wasn't bad enough that you broke my statue. Then you wouldn't even own up to it. I knew it was an accident. All I wanted was an apology, perhaps an offer to help replace it, but an apology would have sufficed. I waited until I saw you later in the day and again you would not admit to your transgression. Then to add insult to injury, you boldly denied, not only having anything to do with it, but even knowing anything about it. This angered me more than anything else you might have done. It was then that I decided that you would take her place in the garden." By this time, she had removed his shirt and undershirt and was now working on cutting his pants off of him. " Oh, don't worry, I can repair Starlette. It is but a small task. I think as a reward for being such a faithful guardian of my garden, I will allow her to live your life. As the female she is, of course. It also a small matter for me to change everyone's thinking to believe that Michelle, not Michael was living up the street. Your mother will not remember having a son, but a daughter. You, on the other hand, will replace Starlette as the guardian of my garden. There really is nothing for you to guard against since you would be powerless to prevent anything from happening. You will just be there to add atmosphere to it." She had finished removing his underpants as well as his shoes and socks. She touched his forehead and his body started moving on its own and followed her down the stairs and into the basement of her home. When he was where she wanted him, she touched his forehead again and all movement stopped. Not that it mattered since he had no control over his movements anyway. Now he was scared. He was learning the truth in the rumors and it was not a pleasant lesson. He could only hope that she was just trying to scare him a little. Surely, she would not want his tall manly self to dominate her garden. He would tower over everything. " That must be it." He thought to himself. " She must be trying to frighten me. In a little while, she'll release me from this spell and warn me not to cross her again. I will then apologize and be on my merry way. Getting home will be a little tough since she cut my clothes up, but I'm sure I could manage. Then! Then, I will move far away from this place and never look back." If it was fear she wanted to instill in Michael, she was doing an excellent job. Not being able to move on his own was bad enough, but all her talk about making him become a statue in her yard was scaring the hell out of him. She stood in front of him and raised her hands and began to speak very softly. He could barely hear that she was speaking let alone what she was saying. She had moved slightly to the side and he could still see her out of the corner of his eye. He also noticed that he could see his reflection in a large mirror on the wall. He tried to calm himself down a little by once again rationalizing his situation and comparing it to the laws of possibilities. " There is no way she could turn me into a marble statue. I AM human after all. It's impossible to turn living tissue into stone. Oh sure, I can move a muscle on my own, but that is because she slipped me a "Mickey". She must have put some kind of drug into my coffee to cause temporary paralyses. She must have touched a pressure point to get my body to respond. Very soon, I will regain control of my body and she will have to confess that it was all a hoax to frighten me into apologizing." As she continued to make chanting sounds. He noticed that he felt like he was being crushed. No, more like compressed. He focused on his reflection in the mirror and discovered that he was now about the same height as the woman standing next to him. It was then that he noticed that the reflection of the woman next to him appeared to be extremely old and even looked decrepit. Out of the corner of his eye, he focused on the woman and she looked just as she had when she first spoke to him this afternoon. She looked to be in her mid to late fifties and most, yet the image in the mirror looked ancient. I focused his attention on his image in the mirror and found that it was now slightly smaller than that of the woman's. Not only was his stature smaller, but the rest of his body appeared to have shrunk symmetrically with his height. He still had the same proportions, they were just smaller in size. He continued to watch as his reflection continued to shrink. It soon became apparent his reflection was nearly a foot shorter than the woman's reflection and the rest of it stayed in proportion. Soon it was closer to two feet smaller. He guessed that would make it about three foot tall, about the same height as the statue that the woman called Starlette. Finally the woman stopped her chanting and he sense more than see that she was tired. He heard her step away from him and heard what he guessed to be a chair legs scrape on the floor. He heard the chair slightly grown as though it didn't want to be sat on and he figured that she must have sat down to take a rest. He had been standing there for quite some time and estimated it to have been about an hour to an hour and a half. " Funny." He thought again. " What ever it was should be wearing off by now..." Fear was beginning to grip him once again. His thoughts were interrupted by the woman talking. " Well, we're about half way finished." She was out of breath. " What's the matter? Nothing to say?" Her breath was coming a little easier now. " Oh, why would I think you anything to say now? You're more afraid of me now than you were before... Besides, it's not as though you could answer me if you wanted to, huh?" She stood up and walked in front of him. He was finally able to see her. It was then that he found true terror, because he could now see that she really was two feet taller than him. Somehow, she had shrunk him down to the size of the statue he carried from the garden. " This was really happening to me!" His mind screamed. " She is really turning me into a statue! Oh no! Now what!... No wait." He tried to collect himself. " I am still human. This is probably just one of the influences of the drug she slipped into my coffee. This can't be real... Can it?" He continued to stand there frozen. Then again, what else could he do? She said. " Okay? Ready for the next part?" She waited a moment and answered for him. " Ready as you'll ever be? Okay then, let's get started shall we?" She giggled again. She reached out and took hold of his manhood and whispered something under her breath. He could feel himself become erect. He could also see it in the mirror. Then she raised her hands over their heads and once again began to chant. It began as a burning pain in his lower stomach and quickly spread to his crotch and then to his stiff member. He wanted to double over, but was powerless to do so. All he could do to not loose consciousness was to concentrate on his reflection in the mirror. He watched in horror as his penis began to loose even more size than it had when he had shrunk. It was still hard, but continued to get smaller. He also noticed that his scrotum was shriveling. As his penis continued to melt away, his scrotum began to take on a different look. It seemed to be stretching further between his legs and then appeared to be separating as his penis became only a nub that looked as though it was slipping between the folds that his scrotum had become. It wasn't long afterwards, that he began to recognize it. His mind reeled. " Oh no, not a pussy! I've got a pussy." He whined in his mind still unable to utter a sound. " This has to be an illusion." He told himself. The reasoning was beginning to loose its weight. It was becoming apparent, even to him, that he was becoming a female the same size and shape as Starlette. He felt his waist constrict and an expanding feeling shrouded his hips and buttocks. He felt a sensation that was hard to describe run through his legs and feet. Then the same sensation traveled up his torso and was replaced by the feeling of expanding in his chest. He watched in the mirror as twin mounds began to swell on each half of his chest. As they swelled, his nipples expanded and took on more definition. They were also rigid.Finally, the swelling ebbed and there were two smallish, firm breasts capped with expressive nipples. " Tits! I have tits!" He cried to no one but himself. " Will this humiliation never end?!" The odd sensation returned, moving up his chest and down each arm, leaving feminine smoothness in its wake, his limbs became delicate and fingernails took on a slightly longer feminine shape. Then it slithered up his neck and he could feel it spread out over his face as he felt and watched his facial features soften and become finer. They could even be described as dainty. He looked at the reflection and saw that he was not a copy of Starlette. His features were different. If he had to compare them, he would say that they were even more alluring than Starlette's. He felt an itching in his scalp and felt a slight tickling on his back and shoulders. He checked the mirror to confirm what he already knew. His hair was growing out. He thought it would have been blonde, but it remained the same dark brown it had been when ordeal began. It cascaded down his small shoulders and stopped just short of the middle of his back. If he was still able to move, he would be paralyzed in shock. He couldn't believe he had become the beautiful creature reflected in the mirror. As things settled down, he felt his hips shift a little to change his center of balance as they tilted slightly forward. The woman once again stepped away from him and found her seat. He could hear her breathing hard without her talking to him this time. While she rested, he studied himself in the mirror. " This is unbelievable! I have become a vision of loveliness." He thought as he took it all in, from his long wavy hair to his dainty feet. He was now the epitome of femininity. He was now a she with an innocent looking beauty. He was a little frantic seeing that she had not only shrunk him, but changed his sex as well. He tried not to think about it. He knew that they had been there quite some time during his gender change. Finally, she stood up and touched his forehead. " Come my child. It is time for you to take your place in the garden." He followed her up the stairs and out the back door of her house. Night had fallen and it was under the cover of darkness that she led him to the pedestal and directed him to stand on it. She touched his forehead again and he stood still. She posed him the way she wanted and stepped back and waved her hand toward the wall of the house and a mirror appeared. He wanted to die when he saw that she had arranged him in the same feminine pose as his predecessor for all the world to see. She raised her hands and chanted again, only shorter this time. Then she lowered her hands and said. " In the morning we'll see who is the kook my little marble beauty. Oh, you are right, you're not marble now, but tomorrow..." She turned and walked back into the house. It was a long night for Michael. By the light of the moon, he could see his complexion becoming lighter and lighter. Soon his skin began to take on a polished sheen. The sun was coming up when he realized that the mirror on the house reflected a marble statue of female sensuality. He was now a she and she was made of stone. If she could have cried, she would have. There was no denying it now with her sex on display for the world. A short time later, Old Lady Winters came out to admire her new center piece. She walked around the small statue a couple of times and finally said. " Well, well. You sure did turn out nice. I am really pleased with my sculpting this time... Oh don't worry, it won't be so bad. You'll get used to it after a while and who knows, my anger with you may dissipate in a year or two, you never know..." She turned and walked into the garage. By late afternoon, she emerged and went into the house for a few minutes and went back to the garage. Several minutes later, two women exited the garage and walked over to the statue on the pedestal. " Mrs. Winters, I am so sorry for what I did all those years ago. I am just glad it is over and thank you for my new life." The young woman, who strongly resembled the statue Michael had broken, looked up at her replacement and said to the older woman. "She really is lovely. I agree, you really out did yourself on this one." She seemed to think for a moment and added. " You know, I remember who this was. He couldn't seem to get enough of looking at me. I'm sure she'll enjoy looking at herself in the mirror for a while. What have you named her?" The older woman thought a moment and said. " She is so beautiful I'd like to name her something very pretty to match her looks... I know! She's as pretty as a Lilly. Her name is Lilly." The young woman smiled and curtsied. " Pleased to meet you Lilly. I hope you will not only have a pleasant stay in the garden, but a short one as well." On that note, the women went into the house and a short time later, the young woman known as Michelle left and Lilly watched her walk to her new home. Lilly did learn to enjoy her new lot in life, at least until the day that she too could leave the garden. Even if she had to leave as a female it would be blessing enough. Day in and day out, she watched Mrs. Winters putter around in her garden. She was grateful that the annoying blue jay that had led to her demise had chosen to move on. That was a small blessing in itself. She watched as spring turned into summer and the garden came into full bloom. She enjoyed the smells of all the different flowers. After a time, the mirror had been removed. She thought it was nice not to have to look at herself all the time. Of course, it didn't really matter at that point since her new image was burned into her mind. She knew what she looked like and although she had gotten used to it, she still found it embarrassing to be a man in female stone body and the fact that she was now just a thing that didn't even have human worth. Michelle was still a frequent visitor to the garden and she would chatter away to Lilly for hours. Poor Lilly viewed it with mixed emotions. She really enjoyed the company, but she hated hearing about how her life was being lived by someone else. Soon, summer turned into fall and that was soon followed by winter. Both of those seasons were very lonely because as the weather grew colder, both Mrs. Winters' and Michelle's visits grew shorter and less frequent until they were almost non-existent through the winter. Finally, the weather broke and snow faded to be replaced by the greens of spring once again. Michelle and Mrs. Winters began to return to the garden. During one of Michelle's visits, she told Lilly that Mrs. Winters had ordered a carved statue to take her place and that she would soon be free of her pedestal. Of course, she wouldn't be able to return to her old life, but one would be provided for her. After such a long time, Lilly finally had something to look forward to. She waited and watched. A couple of weeks later a large van pulled into the driveway and unloaded a large crate and took into the garage. It was still rather cold outside so visits by either Michelle or Mrs. Winters were still occasional. So it hadn't surprised her when no one came to help her down. It was a few weeks later, when she heard a lot of commotion in the front of the house, but she couldn't see around it to find out what was happening. Several weeks passed and spring had given away to summer once again. She wondered if she had been forgotten since she hadn't heard from anyone in such a long time. She knew that it was much warmer now and Michelle or Mrs. Winters should have been out in the garden by now. The flowers had come up on their own and the garden still looked pretty good for not being tended to. She was actually starting to worry that something had happened to one of them more than getting freed. Summer was in full swing when Michelle finally appeared. Her eyes were red. It was obvious that she had been crying. She explained that father time had finally caught up with Mrs. Winters and that she had died about a month before. She had many things to do as she was the executor for the estate so she hadn't been able to come to the garden. She also explained that she did not have the power Mrs. Winters had so Lilly was therefore stuck as a female nude statue. She said that she had even more bad news. It seemed that a great nephew had inherited the house and garden and was planning to move in with his family with in the week. The nephew's wife had seen Lilly from the window and took an instant dislike to her full frontal nudity. Michelle tried to obtain Lilly, but the wife would have none of that. She didn't want that statue in the same neighborhood that her children were going to live in so the nephew had sold Lilly to a museum of art. As soon as Michelle had finished laying all that out onto poor Lilly, a truck backed into the driveway and two men got out and came over to where Lilly stood. " Excuse me, Miss." One of them said to Michelle. " Is the statue?" Michelle said that it was and the younger man said. " Whoa, what a babe! Too bad she's not real." The other one said. " Never mind! Let's get this thing out of here and to the museum. I got a date with a real woman." They picked Lilly up and carried her to the van. The younger man didn't miss the chance to cop a feel. To him it was just smooth marble. To Lilly it was a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment. She loaded into the van where the younger man had as much of his way with her as he could. At the museum, she was unloaded and placed on a pedestal in a small garden outside. As the van drove away, Lilly could hear the call of a blue jay. It got louder and louder until she felt it perch on her upturned hand. She looked at it and recognized its markings as the one she chased over a year ago. It looked her in the eye and then made a sound like it was laughing. She realized that somehow, it seemed to know who she was, or who she had been and it was now mocking her. She looked past that infernal bird, only to see her own naked reflection in the mirrored glass of the museum. She thought. " Now I know Hell had come early for me." The jay continued its taunting laugh... FIN

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After kissing Kim good night, I climbed into bed, but I couldn't fall asleep right away. I must have driven twelve hours yesterday, and I felt exhausted. But for some reason my mind was racing, and I couldn't go right to sleep. Ever since Amy got out of the hospital, I'd been very worried that Nick might try to finish what he started with her. But with Nick over a thousand miles away and spending the majority of his time dodging the police, I felt that Amy was truly safe for the first...

2 years ago
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My County Tis of MineChapter 14

Monday in school Kurt and I were talking and he said something like "Mom and I were in bed..." and then quickly corrected himself, but still stumbling, spit out," She was, you know, sitting on the edge on my bed..." All I could think of was; My, My, My perhaps Kurt and his mom me and mine, what a party! I made a note that I would have to watch those two and see if I could see any signs of them playing. Before I had started having talks with my father I would have been all over him about...

3 years ago
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Kalani Chapter One           “ A fter all that I have done for you!” Those words were constantly playing over in Kalani’s mind as she drove down Peachtree Street in her Range Rover. The vibration of her Palm Treo interrupted her thoughts, as she picked it up she smiled to herself, it was a text message from Danielle, Dani to her - and only her. I DON’T KNOW IF I TOLD YOU BUT JUST IN CASE I HAVEN’T – I LOVE YOU BABE! That message brought about a warm feeling for Kalani. Danielle Mackenzie...

1 year ago
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AssParade Ariella Ferrera Jynx Maze Sharing The Gardners Cock With My StepMom

Jynx Maze was studying in her bedroom when she noticed the gardener shirtless in the backyard. She decided to put the books down and start touching herself instead. Her step-mom , Ariella Ferrera, came by to see how her studying was going, when she noticed that Jynx was not paying attention to her work. But when she noticed what was distracting her, she decided to join her step daughter and they both started masturbating to the gardener. Eventually, the gardener noticed what was happening...

2 years ago
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My wife and our new neighbor part seven

I woke at 7 o’clock the following morning and found that I had another erection, so I quickly worked myself off before getting up and making the coffee.I could hear talking coming from our bedroom and knew that they were all awake, I text my wife to ask if they were ready for coffee and she confirmed that they were.I knocked and was summoned in, Christy was sitting up in bed with Jason to her right and Chris on her left. It was very erotic, seeing her in bed with two black men and unlike the...

Wife Lovers
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The Guessing Game Part I

Kayla examined herself in front of the mirror, twisting her hips and watching her skirt shimmer as it caught the light. It clung tightly to her body and ended just a few inches below her perfectly rounded ass. Dashing on a bit of red lipstick, she was ready for her night out. The sound of the doorbell announced the arrival of her friends, who had so far kept her in the dark about where they were taking her. The front hall was alight with laughter and chatter at she pulled on her thigh high...

Group Sex
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Kama Veri Piditha Velaikaari Amutha

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Ravi, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan niraiya kama kathaigal padipen enkau tamil kama kathaigal endraal migavum pidikum. Eppozhuthum kama kathai padithu padithu pengalai ooka vendume endra aasai manathil athigamaaga irunthathu. Appozhuthu en veetin arugil ule veetil oru azhagana velaikaari vanthu irunthaal aval paarka azhagaga irunthaal. Vayathu 36 irukum, ilamaiyaaga thaan irunthaal aanal aval paarvai aangalin sunniyai viraika vaithu aval kuthiyil vitu ooka aasai...

2 years ago
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Break time for Kathy

Kathy was 35 years old, but didn’t look it. She was slightly built, with thin but shapely legs, and a modest bust. Her black hair had not a single silver strand yet. She easily could pass for ten years younger. She loved her job, teaching her fifth grade class. The k**s were still k**s. Cute, inquisitive, often eager to learn. Afterward, she wondered what made her do it. She’d been feeling so horny. And she felt so sexy. So on that day, she just “forgot” to put on her panties. Her skirt was cut...

2 years ago
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Michele part 1

Michele is a tall and beautiful woman of 35 years. She has long reddish brown hair, green eyes. Her body does not give any sign of her two pregnancies because she keeps herself in shape by doing her exercises each day. She is quite tall, almost 5 feet 9 inches, and her figure is 38-26-34. Her belly is firm, her tights are thin and long and her buns are round and very firm. Whenever they go out, her husband, Steven, is quite aware of the looks she gets from men and women alike. And, she is...

3 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 20

As we went downstairs, I was following him. He opened the door to the ground floor, but quickly closed it, and said, -Salih is here! Run!- We ran upstairs, quickly washed ourselves, and went back downstairs, dressed. His brother, Salih, was eating on the dining table. -hey brother! Come have dinner…what have you been doing upstairs?- -just talking with her. You know, we cannot expose to everyone she is here!- I felt so shy. Now I had to face his brother? In my religious community, this almost...

3 years ago
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There’s an old saying about those of us who would rather fish than work. It goes something like this; ‘the worst day fishing is better than the best day working’! I was having one of those days. Work had gone well. I was having a good day. But, I was getting ‘antsy’. Being as it was Friday; I skipped lunch and headed home. Perhaps it was a bit of the kid in me that made me feel like I was playing ‘hooky’. I suppose in many ways I just refused to grow up. As soon as I got home,...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 19

"Tony, could I ask you a favor?" Even though it was Tuesday, Allie Smidt was in her cheerleading uniform. I knew the varsity cheerleaders were doing something at the JV game tonight, but I didn't know what. "Depends, can you sing?" Allie's eyes went wide in surprise. "Of course I can sing. What does that have... ?" Sometimes you can see a brain make a connection in a person's eyes. I saw it in Allie's. "No. I don't want to be in your play." "But you said you can sing." "I...

3 years ago
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Don and Donna

It never would have happened if Sis hadn't taken that job at summer camp. Or if Mom hadn't gone back to our old place for a week. Or maybe I was really ready for this to happen but just didn't know it yet. You see, we were just moving in to our new house. The moving van was in the drieway, a big long wide driveway with a basketball hoop off to one side. Mom had parked our own rental truck out on the street, because it was towing our car and she didn't want to try backing up with that...

1 year ago
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The Couple and The Virgin Neighbor Boy

My name is Josh and I’ve been happily married with Millie for 6 years. Having been sweethearts since high-school, we never had a lot of previous experiences and we were both a bit shy then, but eventually developed a wonderful sexual relationship and very pleasurable sexual skills. Millie was raised in a very conservative, strict, religious family, so I was very pleased to see the hot woman she turned out to be in bed.Our adventure began when I was fired 1 year ago, blame the economy, and we...

3 years ago
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My Moms 2019 8211 January

Hello, my dear Readers. This is a diary, written by Varun, mentioning the sexual escapades of his mother, Priya. Happy Reading! When 2019 started, never in my wildest dreams did I think, it was going to be the year my homely conservative mother will be transformed into a sex hungry MILF slut. As we enter the third month of 2019, I, as a son, noted down the events in my mom’s life. During the most sexually significant life of her year. It all started in the second week of January 2019. I saw...

2 years ago
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Breeding Mommy Chapter IX

“That was a great class,” I said in a slight pant, rolling up my yoga mat and turning my head towards Vanessa.“It definitely was,” she agreed, drops of perspiration beading down her face, “what are you doing after class?”“I was going to head to the floor and do a quick workout,” I replied.My workout was almost exclusively a butt and leg workout meant to tone and fatten my butt for Tiger, but I didn’t tell Vanessa that.“Okay, well, I want to go for a coffee if you have the time. Maybe after your...

1 year ago
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The Dream of Being a WWE Superstar

This is day one of your journey to being the best WWE Superstar has ever witnessed. You get to control what happens to you, some might be good paths to take, others you should avoid but that is all up to you. Your name is Michael Fischer and this is the beginning of your path. Before any of the fun starts, you stand at five feet & eight inches, weigh approximately two hundred and eighty pounds. You are not fast but you make up for lay the smackdown on someone whoever comes your way. You have...

3 years ago
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Punishment 5

Punishment 5 - by Debbie Johnson Chapter 1 - Delivery It was now Friday morning at 10.00am. Jim was standing in front of the full-length hallway mirror reciting his mantra. He was reciting it there, because Karen insisted he now do it there, so that he would have a visual aid to help get his mind-set as feminine as possible. As he said each part of his mantra (which he was instructed to do in as feminine a voice as possible) he was to gaze at any part of his body that his...

4 years ago
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Two Wrongs Part Three

Helen got dressed early as she was so excited at the thought of Emily coming over and admitting to Mrs W that it was she who broke the vase. She could not wait to see the embarrassed look on Emily’s face and no doubt the angry look on Mrs W’s face and wondered how the morning would play out. She put on a sleeveless red top with a white micro mini skirt. She had bare legs and like yesterday did not bother with shoes. Helen didn’t tell Mrs W that Emily was coming over but listened out to make...

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Aunt Mel8217s Dirty Secret

Last summer was one of the most exciting yet unusual summers I’ve ever had. Between getting our new dog and my niece staying with us, my life was never the same. I was an 18 year old girl who was a virgin. I’ve had boyfriends in the past but it never went anywhere. In order to get out my sexual frustrations I would masturbate frequently. Sometimes to my own imagination but mostly to porn and I like ALL types of porn. One night while I was masturbating I was trying to find something...

2 years ago
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A Short Game of Scrabble

On the rack before me were the following tiles: STARBES We were only a few turns into the game, but my wife was already way ahead (as usual). She is an avid Scrabble player and a voracious reader, her mind possessed an incredible vocabulary, including every two- and three-letter word in the Scrabble Player’s Dictionary. But I enjoyed the game regardless of whether I won or lost, and besides it was difficult to feel bad or discouraged about anything when Jennifer was near! Anyway, it was her...

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I was furious, things were going downhill slowly at home, my mother was becoming more and more disinterested in life in general for some reason, I know she wasn't having much success in the relationship department, failed relationships, none starters etc, but I wasn't aware of what it really was until I took the bull by the horns and found out accidentally.It was all sorts of things that went wrong in all sorts of ways, one time it was dinner that wasn't ready after her telling me to be home...

3 years ago
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Cum and Chocolate

Author's Note: My name is Felicia, and some of you might have read my other stories. The stories I've written so far are total fantasies but I'm real. I'm a bisexual person who coincidentally happens to be transgendered ... or vice versa. And I could probably be categorized (if you have to categorize) as a no-op TS. I have no plans to undergo GRS, I'm in a long term relationship with a female partner who won't accept hormone therapy, and I'd have had electrolysis ages ago if I could...

3 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 46 Metube

Not long after, the class was over. The song was long and so it took up most of the class. Lucas left the room along with the other students. Everyone was talking excitedly about the song and its origin. Behind the group of students, Marcus and his girlfriend were talking in low voices. “You said you met him in the first class. What do you think of him?” Amelia asked Marcus, who went silent for a few moments. He seemed to be thinking about what he was going to say. “It’s still too early to...

4 years ago
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Delilah AgainChapter 4

When I made it to the kitchen, they were both there, both in pinafore aprons over their nude bodies. L ... Enid ... had her back to me, the marks of the whip vivid. I thought there was some swelling, too. “Good morning?” Yes, there was a question in my mind as well as my voice. They both turned to face me. Sally mimed a kiss before saying, “Good morning, Master Jerry.” Enid, though, took a couple of steps toward me and fell to her knees, head down and wrists crossed in front of...

3 years ago
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The Lonely Office

Cheryl worked in an office as a purchasing agent, and there was a large group of office workers that liked to get together after work for drinks, or sometimes dinner. One Friday night, the whole group was going to go to a local club right after work.Unfortunately, Cheryl ended up being the last person in the office. But since her computer at home was down for repairs, she decided to use her computer at work to go online and order herself a new vibrator. No one would know, and she would only be...

3 years ago
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The School Bitch

It was just another school day as I walked out of my AP English class. As always it was a bore and I was eager to get to homeroom and see my friends. In my rush to arrive on time, I'd completely forgotten to take the long route to my homeroom and as I feared, I saw Chandler Wilkins coming down the hall. Chandler was the most popular girl in our school. Every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to be with her. She may have been beautiful and popular, but she was also a total bitch. I...

First Time
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BiGirlsChapter 4

A few weeks later the BiGirls celebrated the sixth month of my honorary membership by taking me to dinner and a show. "Buy yourself the sluttiest outfit you're willing to wear," Alice said, "And we'll all go have a fun evening. Just us girls. I'll get you a wig -- dark black, straight hair, I should think, in a cute bob with long bangs. It'll be your full first night out in public as a girl, won't it? No fear, we'll surround you. Go get your nails done at least -- I'm sure Jane...

2 years ago
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The Meeting Chapter One How it began

Chapter One: The Beginning First let me say that the events that happened in our marriage are as accurate as memory serves. Now I will tell you a little about us and what led up to this adventure. My husband and I met in college and were married right after graduating. Neither of us were virgins when we met, but he had much more sexual experiences than I did. I was a shy girl that only had sex with those I fell in love with while he would fuck anyone that appealed to him sexually with no...

1 year ago
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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...

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Ceres Calhouns first time

Ceres Calhoun was a vicious stereotype of a plain jane. Her pale skin, waif body and figure were unremarkable. Her straight brown hair was parted in the middle and pulled int a pony tail by a black scrunchy. She didn't help the image with a brown cardigan, over an off white beige button up blouse tucked into ill fitting brown trousers that exposed her brown socks. Her shoes though were white trail running shoes. Rather they were once white, the were filthy with mud and dirt from executing their...

3 years ago
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Home alone 6

"Archie? What are you doing here?""I wanted to talk to you jazmine.""How did you know where I was?""Your sister called me, I was afraid at first but she said I shouldn't worry about her, she was sorry for what she said that day. And finally told me you would come to this club tonight."I looked back and saw Hannah looking in my direction from the bar, she smiled widely and mouthed the words: "You're welcome," and she went back to her conversation with a tall blonde guy."Would you dance with me...

2 years ago
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What Am I Going to Do Without You Part 2

“Love you, Titi,” Juan called to his aunt. 'What am I going to do without you?' Juan said to himself.Isa was wondering the same thing herself. But eventually, the day came.Juan Escobedo was going to the Naval Academy. He had graduated high school. He had good grades. He was an athlete, playing offensive tackle for the football team. He had even planned to walk on the Navy’s football team. However, there was something bigger than football that he cared about and loved.“Good morning, Juan,”...

3 years ago
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My First Time

Please forgive the spelling and puntuation not my strong points but I think you will This is my first time at writing so please let me know what you think.When I was 15 I got myself a few cleaning jobs as money was tight at home. Which I wasn’t that bothered about I didn’t have many friends to go and see.I used to clean for a man about 50ish but he didn’t look that old he was tanned firm and really easy to talk too.I was usually in the house alone for a few hours before he came home from work...

2 years ago
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Anita pays a bet again

Anita pays a bet again.When we lived in L.A., my dear Victor used to play poker with friends on Friday.That was Friday night and my loving hubby had promised me a romantic dinner outside to celebrate his new promotion in the firm.So, I was in my bedroom thinking to wear a little black dress, a sexy garter belt and stockings with sexy high heels. My cunt started to get wet thinking a sensual night after the romance…I was in the process of completing my hair and makeup when the doorbell rang.I...

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Brand New Me

I wake up, and I don’t know where I am or what time it is. The sun is streaming through the window, a rich, warm sunlight like nothing we ever get back in London, but it feels like the middle of the night. I’ve never felt this completely disoriented in my entire life. I look around, taking in a small room dominated by a half dozen cheap mattresses lying on the floor. There’s a hookah next to where I’m lying, and it definitely brings back a few memories-someone told me that a ball of hash...

1 year ago
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First Love Part 2

My ‘first time’ was with Denise, who I met during my first year of college at the Homecoming Dance. She was a junior on the swim team and editor of the school paper. She wore a gray plaid skirt, white long sleeve shirt with a burgundy bow. At five feet four inches tall with shoulder length blond hair, she looked stunning. As we danced to a slow number on the crowded dance floor, Denise pressed herself against me. Taking me off guard, her lips met mine as she kissed me. I kissed her back very...

2 years ago
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Goods Friday

First off let me tell you this is a true story nothing has been changed how ever there are a few things not revealed just to keep you wondering. I was written by the man who it happened to and it's in all his own writing so please no comments about his grammar, or punctuation. It all started on Good Friday 2009. I walk every morning to the bus stop to get to work, there is no way I can get there any cheaper. A monthly buss pass is $65.00. it takes me just under an hour to get there using the...

3 years ago
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First date with new Black Daddy continued

Darron sat on the edge of his king sized bed looking at me standing in front of him. I edged myself between his thick legs and ran my hands through his beard while we kissed passionately. His room was big and masculine with a dark wood bed frame and furniture. i pulled his shirt off over his head and he held my hips and pulled me down on top of him while he fell back. His thick build dwarfing me and i rested comfortably on his hard body feeling his huge cock brushing up against my belly was...

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The Perfect Sunday by loyalsock

It was 2:00 in the afternoon, we were in bed all morning, all I wanted to do was to stare at her perfect Angel body, I know I know, I hate that cheesy bull shit too, but she was different, her plum lips, "blow job lips" my friends called them, her blackish brown eyes, she hates them so much, most guys would fantasize about blue or green but I told her they reminded me of the night, my favorite time of day. Her breasts, C cups, hers are possibly the greatest pair I've ever seen, they were...

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Into Temptation Part 1

It was Monday morning and the early September sun filtered through the curtains into David and Kate Holden’s bedroom. David watched from his bed as his wife got dressed. A lacy white bra covered her ample 38DD breasts and his eyes were drawn to her wonderful bottom as she added the matching knickers. After twenty-nine years of marriage he still marvelled at her figure. The forty-nine-year old’s exercise regime of regular swimming and horse riding kept her tummy taut and her bum firm.He only...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Caught ch2

“Annie what do you say? He asks the heavy set woman. “HHmm we could have some fun with him, couldn’t we, Earl ?! She replied looking at the smaller guy who then smiled and asked the tall well proportioned woman, ”What do you think Mary? You wanna fuck with him or just strip him and send him on to jail? Either way he’s gonna get fucked!” he said with a grin, and obviously becoming aroused himself. Mary looked down at me over her mountainous breasts, she must have been at least 6 ft with...

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