Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 3 free porn video

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As I carefully made my way to the outskirts Vladikavkaz there was silence in the truck. Isidora clung to my arm, still quivering, pale, and visibly shaken from our close brush with death. Badra was deep in contemplation. She'd done what she felt she had to do, but it was obvious that she was having difficulty reconciling herself to the fact that she has just killed two men, both of them her fellow Chechens.

Once clear of Vladikavkaz, I pulled off at a small roadside monument, a tribute to some long-forgotten battle. I reached over into the back seat to retrieve the handheld GPS 1 unit I'd brought in my carry-on luggage. My plan was to navigate back roads using the GPS and the small-scale Russian maps that Badra had found for me. As I punched buttons on the GPS, Isidora turned to me.

"Where will we go?" She spoke in English. Her voice was tiny and she sounded like a lost child.

"I'm trying to find a way to get us across the border to Georgia. We'll take back roads or jeep tracks and maybe we won't run into any more trouble."

Badra sitting in the back heard our conversation but she understood no English. She sounded like her old self when she spoke.

"What are you two jabbering about? Speak a language I can understand."

I turned to Badra and responded in my weak Chechen. "Isidora wants to know where we're going, and I told her that we'll try to get across the border to Georgia."

Isidora's eyes grew large. "When did you learn to speak Chechen?"

"I speak Russian, and I spoke a little Chechen when we met. I've been talking pretty much non-stop to Badra for the past week, so I've learned a lot." I should have given more thought to how I phrased this answer.

"You understood Chechen and you spoke English to me?" Some fire had come back into Isidora's eyes and her voice was squeaky.

"Only a little. Your English was probably better than my Chechen, so I thought it was best to speak English. There were other reasons too." I left those reasons unspoken.

Isidora crossed her arms in front of her chest and sat back in her seat with an angry look on her face. She spoke Chechen to me now.

"I see."

Then Badra spoke up.

"Will you two lovers quit your quarreling? We're in a dangerous situation here and we need to make a plan."

"I'm working on it." I responded. "I just have to let the GPS lock on so I can see exactly where we are, then we can use the maps to find the best way to cross into Georgia."

Badra thought otherwise. "We shouldn't try to cross the border here. Everyone, the Russians and the Chechens will be on the alert. It might be best to wait and then cross in an entirely different area."

"I don't think it would be a good idea to try to go back to Grozny. We'd have to cross all the Russian checkpoints again, and I'm not sure if I could pull it off with two prostitutes in the truck." I had thought Badra was suggesting that we return to her apartment in Grozny.

When Isidora heard the word prostitute, her ears pricked up. She totally misunderstood my attempt at humor.

"Prostitutes? What prostitutes? Is Badra your whore? Do you think I will be?"

"No." Badra tried to calm her. "We just had to put on a little act to pass the checkpoints leaving Grozny. Trent has never laid a finger on me. We are simply partners in your rescue."

Isidora accepted this explanation, but she was still angry.

"Well, I won't be your whore either." She sulked and then moved as far away from me as she could and still remain seated in the truck. Isidora had had a very hard day, and given her quick temper, I could understand why she might be a little testy.

I could see Badra roll her eyes in the rear view mirror, but she had other more important things on her mind.

"I have a sister who lives in Malgobek 2. It's less than an hour to the north. It's the last direction anyone would be looking for us."

I thought for a minute, and then decided that Badra, as usual, was right. "OK, Malgobek. How do we get there?"

For once Badra let me down. "I don't know. I always took the bus. It's north, just go north. We'll find it."

I sighed and pointed to the bag that held the map set. Badra handed it to me and I placed it in Isidora's lap. Isidora gave me a petulant look, and I could tell that she was still upset. I ignored her and dug out the maps that covered the area and soon located Malgobek. We could be there in 45 minutes.

The map said that Malgobek is a city of about 35,000, and I knew that it's center for about a dozen U.N. refugee camps for dislocated Chechens. It hasn't seen any destruction like Grozny.

Badra's sister lived in a well maintained home in a residential area on the edge of the town. A solid concrete wall with substantial wrought iron gates surrounded the house and property. There was a large and well-tended ornamental and vegetable garden in the back. It was a hell of a lot nicer than most of the other houses I'd seen in Chechnya. All the more exceptional, it was in a part of the world where there aren't that many houses to begin with. Except for farming villages, most people lived in stark concrete apartment buildings. When I questioned Badra, she explained.

"My brother-in-law's father was a big Communist and big Communists got big houses. When Communism fell he became a big capitalist and got even richer." There was a disdainful tone to her voice.

"He died four years ago, and my sister and her husband got his house. We thought it was lucky, but it turned out to be the opposite. Two years ago a criminal gang tried to kidnap my brother-in-law. They wanted to hold him for ransom. They thought he must be rich because he lived in a big house. The fools tried to take him from a public bus, and the other passengers resisted. The criminals threw a hand grenade into the bus and ran. My brother-in-law was killed along with four other innocent people." 3

"I'm sorry Badra. It's a sad thing." was all I could think to say.

"Yes, it was a sad thing, but it helped me today. The criminals were never caught. The two men I killed this morning could have been them. I told myself they were and now I am at peace. Revenge you know. An eye for an eye." She had a tear in her eye, but she wiped it away and quickly she was her normal self.

Badra had called ahead, so her sister was expecting us. The large iron gate swung open as we pulled up, and I eased forward to park in an empty garage beside the house. When the garage was closed and locked, the truck was completely concealed from external view. With the gates to the house closed, no one could see inside the property. We would be safe from detection for as long as we wanted. We left the weapons concealed in the truck.

Badra's sister Salma was a junior version of Badra. She was dark haired and slender and maybe three years younger. She was a widow but she was upbeat and didn't seem as serious as Badra. Her two young sons probably kept her too busy for much introspection. They were four and six, and they were curious, full of questions, and active, never stopping in one place for more than a few seconds. Her sister greeted Badra warmly, but the two boys tried to climb her like she was a tree. Isidora and I were introduced as Badra's American friend and his fiancée. Isidora blushed at that. Salma, Badra, and Isidora immediately began to gossip, trading all sorts of womanly information. I soon found myself cut out of the rapid-fire conversation but I didn't mind. It was late in the afternoon, and the events of the day were starting to catch up to me. I asked if I could shower, and was shown to the small bathroom. I was pleasantly surprised to find hot water. Clean clothes were laid out for me afterward. They must have belonged to Salma's husband. I changed and lay back on the small living room couch listening to the steady sound of women's gossip. The tension of the past days drained away, and soon I was fast asleep.

What seemed only moments later I was awakened by a blow to my chest. Small voices screamed. "Come. Eat. Come, American let's eat." Salma's sons were taking turns jumping on me. When they saw my eyes open, they shouted with glee and dragged me by the hand to the kitchen.

After the meal, Isidora caught my eye and gave me a little smile, the first I had seen since long ago when I was her prisoner. She took my hand.

"Come, walk with me in the garden."

The spring air was clear and cool, and the garden was just beginning to show signs of life, but it was a still and pleasant evening. We walked quietly for a while and then Isidora spoke.

"After you left, I thought I would die. I did not eat. I could not sleep. I was insane with grief. I had lost the two men in my life that I loved the most."

"Isidora I had no choice..." She cut me off.

"Shhhh. I've thought about it for a long time. I can't be happy about the things that have happened, but I can't hate you. I love you, and I accept the way things are. I will never hold the past against you." She turned and looked up at me and I bent to give her a kiss, but she turned her lips away.

"There is more. Some things happened that you don't know about."

"What things?" I asked.

"After you were gone, my brothers were cruel to me. They called me little whore and worse. They watched me everywhere I went. I was kept almost as a prisoner."

"Isidora, I'm so sorry. They'll never hurt you again." I tried to hold her, but again she fended me off.

"Trent, my brothers hurt me in a way that can not be fixed. They raped me." Her eyes were wild and tears were beginning to flow.

"They came one night drunk. At first they slapped me and called me whore, then they began to tear at my clothes. I screamed, but no one could hear. They just laughed and hit me more. Then they made me stand in front of them and undress."

"Show us how you did it for the American." They said.

"I had no choice. I took off my dress, but they wanted more. I had to remove everything and they joked and made me dance for them. Then they made me touch myself, and finally when there was no way left for me to entertain them, they opened their trousers and raped me. First one, then the other."

At this, Isidora broke down in tears and allowed me to take her in my arms. I tried to sooth her. "It's OK. It's over now, and it doesn't matter. I love you and I will always love you. That's all that counts."

"They told me that no man would ever want me. That I was a whore and would always be a whore. How can you want me?"

I tilted her face to me and looked directly into her eyes. "Isidora. I love you. I love what's inside and who you are. I love your beauty and I love your spirit. I even love your temper. I came here for you because my life was miserable without you. I will always want you."

"I'm not sure I believe you." she said, but she smiled a little smile through her tears.

We walked back to the house with our arms around each other's waist and her head on my shoulder. There were three bedrooms. Badra would sleep with her sister, the boys had their room, and Isidora and I were given our privacy in the third bedroom.

We slept together for the first time that night, but there was no sex. We climbed into bed, I held her close and gave her gentle kisses and petted her until her even breathing told me she was fast asleep. Soon I too slept.

Next morning while Isidora showered I sat at the kitchen table sipping coffee with Badra. I was concerned. Isidora was in a dangerous frame of mind and it was understandable. She was young and vulnerable, and she had seen too much violence and had too much heartbreak. I felt her slowly sinking into a mire of depression, convinced of her own worthlessness and afraid to rely on the ones she loved. I spilled my guts to Badra who listened sympathetically.

"She was raped by the brothers she hated and I killed the brother she loved. Her grandfather and most of the rest of her family are criminals who would use her just to get revenge. They all made her feel like dirt. Is it any wonder she's depressed and confused?"

Badra frowned and shook her head slowly. "Isidora's story is a sad one, but this land is full of sad stories. Families are torn apart, husbands and sons disappear. Senseless violence, murder, suicide, rape, it's too much. Some days I'm filled with such sadness that I don't want to live. It was on such a day you found me."

I was taken aback. "You? Badra, you're one of the strongest, most determined women I've ever known."

"Maybe, but sometimes even strong and determined is not enough. Sometimes existence can seem so futile. Some days I think of my husband and son and the total waste of their lives, of my life too. On those days, I get by, only by putting one foot in front of the other, by stacking stones or some other mindless labor."

I felt like an insensitive fool. All the time I'd known Badra my only thoughts had been of my problems. I'd never considered her situation. "I'm sorry Badra. I never stopped to think about the hell you've been through." I took her hand and gave a little squeeze. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, don't get any ideas. I'm still not giving you any sex."

We both laughed and she continued.

"I tell you how I feel, not because I want sympathy, but to show that it is possible to survive tragedy and live on. I see the love in your eyes for Isidora, and I see the same love in her eyes for you. That a love like that can exist amidst so much sorrow makes me want to live. It gives me hope. I see my young nephews, and how they are so full of life and I know the future will be better. I have hope, so I will go on and try to be happy some day."

Badra had me on the verge of tears. She sensed my discomfort and shifted conversation back to the subject of Isidora.

"I have an idea how we can help Isidora. Let me tell you about my grandmother."

"Your grandmother?"

"Yes, you see, my grandmother was a woman of many talents. She had three husbands and eight children. She was a nurse as well, a very accomplished and very smart woman. I was one of her favorites, and she taught me many things. She was the reason I became a doctor. Did I tell you that I was a doctor before all this craziness started?"

A doctor. Yes, that seemed right for Badra. Now a lot about her made sense. She continued.

"One day, when I was a much younger woman, I went to my grandmother because I was confused. I thought I was in love with a man, but I couldn't be sure. He was wild and handsome, and very experienced with women. I was still just a girl. I didn't believe he could really love only me, so I asked my grandmother for advice. She wanted to meet the man, and she did. After she met him she told me not to worry, that we would love each other forever. I asked her how she could know. Love potion is what she told me."

"Love potion? Come on Badra, that's ridiculous."

"Ridiculous? Maybe, but she made a potion and gave it to me. I drank it with my lover."

"And what happened?"

"It worked. He was the man I married, my husband. He truly loved me, and I will love him forever."

"Badra, that's a nice story, but this is the 21st century. Love potions are for storybooks."

"Trent, Isidora loves you. In the day, with her eyes open when she's thinking logically, she knows that you love her and that she's worthy of that love. But, there is a darker part of our souls. It's a part ruled by doubt and fear, it's an irrational part. That's the part of her that's causing problems. That part may not respond to logic, but sometimes it responds to fantasy, maybe to a love potion. She wants to be convinced, my love potion will let her convince herself."

"I don't know. This all sounds too weird."

"Trust me Trent. Have I ever guided you wrong?"

I thought about it. Except for the part about being a little weak on directions, she had never steered me wrong.

"OK, we can try it. I guess we've got nothing to lose."

Badra smiled and rubbed her hands together. I wondered. Was she a doctor or a witch doctor?

That evening after dinner, Badra gave me a knowing look, and then took Isidora aside for a long walk in the garden. They talked for over an hour, and when they came back to the house Isidora had an eager look on her face. Badra gave me a secret smile and a little thumbs up. Soon Isidora was hinting that it was time for bed. The sun had barely set, but I knew what was up so I took her hand and followed her to the bedroom.

We had just begun to turn the bed down when there was a knock on the door. It was Badra and she held two large glasses half full of clear liquid. She placed them on the table next to the bed and spoke to Isidora.

"For this to have effect you and Trent must drink at the same time and you must drink the entire contents without pause." With that she turned and left, quietly closing the door behind her.

I feigned ignorance. "What was that all about?"

Isidora feigned innocence right back at me. "Just a special drink Badra has made for us. Shall we drink it as she suggested?"

She took a glass and handed the other to me. "Shall we?"

I placed my glass to my lips. Isidora did the same with hers. We drank without pause until the glasses were empty. It tasted suspiciously like straight vodka.

We set our glasses on the table and Isidora turned to me.

"Now you will love me forever." There was a hint of triumph in her voice.

"Yes, I will love you forever." I knew my line, although I wasn't acting.

I took her in my arms and gently kissed her on the lips. She responded with more passion than I had guessed could exist in her tiny body, literally attacking me, using all the kissing tricks I'd taught her. Badra sure knew how to mix one hell of a love potion. When we broke from the kiss we were both panting.

"I want to look at you, let me undress you." I breathed.

She nodded and lowered her hands to her sides. Slowly and sensuously I began to undress her: a button, then a kiss on the nape of her neck; a button then a kiss on her throat. More buttons, more kisses. I worked slowly and very, very methodically. As skin was revealed it was kissed and caressed. I barely had her blouse undone before she was quivering like a leaf. She was very good at quivering. I slid the blouse to her shoulders and she shrugged it to the floor.

She was like a porcelain doll; perfect pale skin and large dark eyes that were now flashing with pure lust. Her breasts were beautiful, full and perfectly proportioned with upturned and very erect nipples. As I stroked those nipples a little moan escaped her lips. She lifted her hands to my neck but I gently placed them back at her sides. She gave a little nod, indicating that she understood our game.

I kissed her throat and worked slowly down to the tops of her breasts, kissing one then the other. When I took a nipple into my mouth, her knees buckled. I caught her, held her steady and when she was solid on her feet again I continued. At first my kisses on her nipples and breasts were gentle, but as my passion built I became rougher, nibbling, biting and suckling with more and more intensity. Isidora was gripping her skirt with knotted fists before I relented and moved to her next item of clothing.

I fumbled to find the buttons that held the waist on her skirt. I undid them and her skirt fell to the floor. I kneeled before her and kissed her stomach and navel. She tasted good everywhere. When I pushed her slip down her legs, there she was again in her little girl panties and socks. She was still sexy in them, maybe even hotter than I had remembered. I removed her socks one at a time, stroking her arches with my fingertips as I did. Then I wasted no time sliding her panties down to her feet. She stepped out of them and stood naked and beautiful. Her fists were clenched as she struggled to play our game by remaining still.

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Oh What A Night

Hi, this is the first time I’ve published my stories, so be gentle with me! ;-) Let me know what you think! I value all feedback! It’s a couple days after Luke and I celebrated three years together and I can’t stop thinking about that amazing night. He had made me feel so great, so attractive, a way I hadn’t felt in a while. Being together for that long and being so young had taken its toll on our sex lives. We got together at the tender age of sixteen, and we didn’t leave it very long until...

Straight Sex
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Nobodys Neighbors

Writer’s note: You may have seen this published on another website. It is a sequel to a story by my favorite writer. She was fully aware of my intent to compose it before I began, and she has read and approved this effort. Her original story was about a middle-aged, upper-class couple, Jonathan and Amelia Russell, who moonlighted as cat burglars in their neighborhood. Under investigation by police and a U.S. State Department agent, they fled the country to Switzerland. In this sequel, the duo...

2 years ago
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Ahriman The Evolution of a Serial Killer 2

Introduction: Part 2 Please read part 1 to understand the story, especially before voting. I woke up to the smell of piss again. I scrambled out of bed and was stripping the sheets when the door slammed open against the wall. She closed it, grabbed me by the hair, and threw me to the ground. No, Mother, please! Youre disgusting! Fourteen years old and still pissing in your bed! Strip those filthy clothes off now! I had to do what she said, even though I knew what was coming. The sick...

4 years ago
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Tiefgreifende Vernderungen

„Mann so ein Kackwetter", fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen. „Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können", meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die...

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SolaraChapter 5

Lt. Cmdr. Jenkins started getting everyone up as we past 200AU and transitioned to near space of the star. Deceleration was in progress and relative speed was already down to 200,000kps as we needed to keep a close watch on the systems Oort cloud and any wayward asteroids. At this distance we were able to confirm the findings of the late twentieth century in the possible existence of one or more planets inside the inner asteroid belt; we found two. Epsilon Eridani: a K2V star, U-B color...

2 years ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 32 Sex Doll

Having had Thanksgiving weekend off work, I still had to be back on Monday morning. I had progressed far enough in my training that I could open the meat department by myself. Most of the early morning work was stocking the coolers and making sure meat was tagged with special sale prices if it had been on display in a cooler for more than 48 hours. After a holiday weekend, there was little left in the coolers and I needed to move a lot of previously frozen meat out of the meat locker into the...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbour Part 5

Caroline had left for work before I got up. I made breakfast and mulled over the events of the previous day. How had my wife suddenly become so sexually confident, and assertive? I felt sure that her close friendship with ‘Miss Crawford’ had something to do with it. It was all very exciting, but rather troubling at the same time.Whilst I was shaving, the phone rang. Of course – it was Jennifer.“Good morning Miss,” I remembered to say.“Peter, would you be a darling and come over in about twenty...

2 years ago
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Sex with ravisha

Hope u all fine. I am regular reader of these stories & decided to share my experience with you all . I am 5″7, weatish,i have a great urge for sex, & it started when i was just in class 8th ,fromm that date till today i am seaching 4 sex, i also get it ,as once who get fucked from me come to me again & again.i have a 7″inch lund which is 3″ broad.i am telling you a story which happened with me ,reading this if you like it you can mail me on This story will make your lunds erect & all horney...

2 years ago
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MILF and Family Ch 01 Mum and Daughter

This story was told to me by one of my previous lover. How true it was, I had no idea but I knew some parts were true from the way things seemed to match and the photos he had shown me. Knowing his charismatic ways and bad boy character, it was not surprised that he really did it. Words used were pretty nasty and crude as this guy loved to swear. Stomach it if you can. Skip it if it is not your cup of cake. Before he met me, he was involved with another married woman with three daughters. And...

3 years ago
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AirBNB VIP Penny

Life was getting back to normal; Lisa had a part-time admin job in town and was getting back in with her circle of friends so we wasn’t on top of each other all the time, Life was good.I had an alert that I had got a VIP booking for today so a quick tidy up and change of bed clothes was needed and Lisa was staying at a friend’s anyway so I had the house to myself. With the VIP service I had to be available between 12 midday to 12 midday as that is what the guest pays for so with everything done...

2 years ago
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Nipple Torture

I am an attractive 29 year old professional woman with a reasonably good income. I live in New York City in a nice apartment near Washington Square. About four years ago I started having an insatiable craving for sex. That’s a pretty dramatic way to start this little story but I might as well get right to the point. I have become obsessed with getting orgasmic relief. It seems that I can’t go for more than a few hours without making myself cum or getting some male acquaintance...

1 year ago
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shared wife

An incident happened the other night, quite by accident, that awakened something in me I didn't know I had. Last Thursday night a friend of mine, Larry, came over to talk, drink a beer, and watch some TV. He works at the same place I do, and since we had a three day weekend, we were in no hurry to end the night. My wife Sandy, had to work the next day, and since she was not a night person she went to bed about 10:30. She is also one of the soundest sleepers I know of. I have actually shaken her...

3 years ago
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Michelles Second Encounter

Copyright© 2006 Chapter 1 Michelle's lithe little body ached, four hours of gymnastics training had taken their toll. She was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, which saturated her hair and soaked the navy blue leotard clinging to her tired form. Her legs where incredibly sore, the muscles tied into knots which any sailor would be envious of. She put her gym tracksuit on over her leotard and tights, and re-tied her hair into a ponytail to keep from having to constantly flick defiant strands...

4 years ago
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Truth or Dare10

I know you are going to think I am full of shit but I really didn’t know. I mean, yes, I knew that was how babies were made, but honestly, I thought you had to want to. Yes, a little bit of internet research had cleared things up a lot. But I was a good girl, I didn’t plan to be naive or ignorant. But I was a good girl, and my parents were very devout Catholics. I went to a private school and sex ed consisted of nothing but abstinence. There was very brief and sterile discussion of...

2 years ago
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Liberty and Justice for AllChapter 2

Catherine couldn't help but laugh at her friend's stupid jokes due to her good mood as she cleaned the bar top to get it ready for the oncoming swarm of drunks and perverts. Most of them wouldn't be there until nightfall anyway though. "Hey, don't make it such a big deal..." she said while throwing away a cloth into the trash and bringing out a new one from a cabinet underneath the bar. Her friend scoffed. "No big deal, eh? You bagged a VIRGIN, Cathy! You hit gold, baby! You brought...

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Mistaken Identity

It was a great party, the booze flowed like water, the food leapt off the plates into hungry mouths, the music was clear, but not deafening, the lighting low and seductive and the guests happy, merry and getting very fruity. Who said forty-something's didn't have fun? The party was actually to celebrate my twentieth wedding anniversary, Louis, my wife, and I had decided to hold a fancy dress, masked party so that only each person's partner would know for sure who was who. It was the sort of...

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Life of A Mafia Wife

We are just getting up and Carlo tells me he’s going out of state for a few days to take care of some business. What kind of business? I never fuckin know, ya know. I’m still in my night gown; nothing on underneath and I get all close and whisper in his ear, “Do you have to go right away?” Carlo just smiles and pushes the gown off my shoulders, “Baby you are so fuckin’ hot knocked up like this.” He grabs my cunt hard and says get on the bed, be my doggie bitch!” I smile and get on all...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debts Part Fiv

continued....“Put your hands behind your head Whore! You better give a great air start, because my cock needs some lubrication tonight! Where do you want me to cum Slut? Speak up!” he said.“I want you to fill my ass with all your white spunk! I want to be shitting your cum for a week!” Emma said.“Well...we have a dirty talking Slut here! But that’s the right answer. I could get to like her. Take my cock in your mouth and make sure it’s hard enough to force open your tight little ass!” he...

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Together Toby and his mother sorted out the meal for the family, fully dressed now, and waiting Cyril`s tractors usual noisy return, they talked over the inevitable mug of tea, Beryl asking if he had enjoyed their ‘romp’ as much as she had, his broad grin, and enthusiastic nod, said it all, then he asked if she was serious about both being tied and spanked and “how would he know to stop?” adding “How many slaps did she want?” she looked thoughtful, then said, “I don’t know, I may not like it at...

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My Daughter Sally0

My Name is John. Nothing extraordinary, even a kind of boring but that’s what I have been named. I own a little house in the suburbs of Chicago. It is one of these houses which were built million times and you have to know from every American movie. I buyed it from my first paycheks. As I moved in, I was only 22. At this time I took a one-night-stand almost every second night. I mostly fucked them in my bed, but in summer I fucked them sometimes outside in my little pool. No girl stayed...

1 year ago
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Captivated Ch 06

Chapter 6: Gossip and Gains Inside the cavern, the foamy surf splashed high over the rock, sending a spectacular spray of water into the air and over the two men bringing their narrow motorboat to dock. Dressed in a thick parka against the surprising chill on that part of the island, Royce squinted his eyes against the fine briny shower. The islander, on the other hand, didn’t even flinch. ‘You come here a lot, don’t you?’ Royce noted, his deep voice bouncing in soft echoes off the...

3 years ago
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my Fathers lover my mistress

Today I am a slave of a beautiful and perfect mistress Denise Reina. Women of power (over people), beauty, and a sadistic mind capable of making anyone into a well trained dog on a leash. She took me in when I felt no love, and allowed me the honor to serve her for the rest of my life (or until she gets rid of me). My servitude started when I was 17 years old. I came home one day from school, and heard the yelling of my parents. My mom was yelling so laude they didn’t hear me come in. “what the...

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My Sea Day on the cruise with Michael

I’ve got so many requests for more stories from my Caribbean cruise with Michael that I figured I’d better get to writing. :)You may remember the first night on our cruise. Me. And 15 black cocks in an hour. If you don’t know the details of the cruise go back and read that story.After our group session Michael took me back to our cabin and made love to me for 2 hours and fed me 3 loads of his beautiful cum.After we were done we were laying in bed and I asked him what the plans were for this...

4 years ago
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AddictedChapter 22 Trouble in Paradise

Hannah was not as comfortable at the Commune as I had hoped she would be, mainly because of the nine o'clock watershed I had implemented a few months after we moved into the Commune. The kids until they turned eighteen had to be upstairs and in bed by nine pm. After nine pm the adults could do whatever they wanted. Yes, we had a few orgies in the game room but more often than not, it meant the downstairs was clothing optional. I don't know where or why, but as the years passed I became a...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 10 The Dark Side of the Loon

July 5th-20th, 2002. Plaistow. London I returned in triumph to The Crown with my supporters, and spent the evening in joyous celebration. People clapped me on the back, and bought me trays full of foaming pints and Jim Beam chasers. "Well done, Des." "Nice one, Dewey." "Good on yer, Dave." Friends from the army, childhood, and neighborhood kept me buoyant on a wave of euphoria and alcohol, and, when at last I was poured into my bed at 23 Kitchener Road, the morning star was...

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Sex at the opticals shop

Hello , I am Tarun from Bangalore. I am 28 years old and smart looking. I am working at a reputed company. Although I am from Karnataka, people confuse me for a north Indian and many times start speaking in Hindi. This is my first story so please forgive me for the mistakes. Any unsatisfied ladies from Bangalore can mail me at [email protected] Coming to the story which happened a few years back is about having sex with the optical showroom lady named Meena. This is a true story. As I...

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Denise Part 1

She lived in an apartment a few miles away. I went upstairs and knocked. She answered and I went in. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips.I turned and there was a lady sitting on the couch. She introduced us, her name was also Denise.They were physically different from each other. The Denise that called me, I will refer to as Denise 1 and the other as Denise 2. Denise 1 was on the slender side with brownish hair that hung slightly over her shoulders.She was not gorgeous, I would say...

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Flight or Fight Decisions

You will find that I use Lewis and Mark in this story for the name of the same person. This person has memory failure after a short series of traumatic events. He does not know his real name and asks to be called Mark. When the narrator refers to him, he is Lewis. When addressed by the new people in his life he is Mark Toward the end I indicate where the story stops being narrated and becomes first person. Obviously a person with no memory has a difficult time telling a story well. It is...

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Having black babies 1

First let me tell you a little about me and my wife. We married very young. I was 18 and my wife was just barely 16 years old. We had already been having sex for a couple of years. Luckely we managed to luck out and didn't get pregnant, as we never used any kind of protection. Fast forward to our early thirties. By then we had 6 c***dren. Two girls and four boys. By the way they were all mixed black c***dren. I had run across some early interracial videos and after the first one we watched we...

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Through My Eyes AgainChapter 20

September 1964 – August 1970 I spent some of my Premium Bond money on proper framing. Lili’s pencil and crayon portrait of Col then adorned my bedroom wall along with the FDJ poster. I often found myself sitting on my bed, looking into her eyes. The feeling that it had been something I had done that had resulted in their betrayal to Oberstleutnant Schmidt grew in me. I sat there, sifting my memories of our time in East Germany trying to identify my mistake. At times, Col’s eyes seemed to...

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Introduction: A story about the great and uncanny town of Krylo! It is unlike anywhere else on Earth. The town of Krylo was unlike any other settlement the world had ever seen. It was exotic, unique, and completely uncanny. For those who know nothing of the small town, then prepare to be amazed, and for those who hold sacred their morals, than perhaps this is not the story for you. Things happen in Krylo that no one can explain, while others just do not understand. The traditions of Krylo are...

2 years ago
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Secret Relationship With My Friend8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

Hey guys. I am back with the next part of my story. Apologies for the long delay since I got busy with my work. Finally, I got the time to write the continuation of my story. If you didn’t read my previous part of the story please do so. Like I mentioned in my previous part, I am not great in writing so kindly bear with me. After myself and Harini flirted and masturbated on the phone for hours we went to sleep after our session. The next day from the morning I was waiting eagerly for her call....

4 years ago
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And the Winner Is

Mr. Stephen King Rural Road 1 New Hampshire, USA Dear Mr. King, My friend Becky said she knew you and I entered this story contest but I didn't win anything so I thought I would send you my story. They didn't even give me any feed back. Could you please criticize it for me? By the way, I learned in my writing class that you should always edit a story before sending it out so I used my spell checker. The Love of Her Life Mary had never met anyone like John. He was the love of her life....

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They all groaned. For those who don't know. Presiding over a test is incredibly boring. And not even my suspicions about Jessica could make me want to look at a bunch of students writing in silence for an hour. So I read a book, occasionally getting up and walking a quick circuit of the room to remind them all I was still there. And it was on one of these small constitutionals that I spotted a phone in Jessica's hand. She had hidden it well. If I was closer to her, or even at a slightly...

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My first threesome Hmong

This has happen back when I was with my ex boyfriend Shane. Just imagine a regular looking Hmong girl. I’m not going to claim that I was hot or sexy. I believe I’m just average looking. I was 5’2, weigh 110, and was a c-cup. My boyfriend at the time Shane was typical Hmong guy, penis wasn’t so big but I enjoyed the sex. We always talked about sex, and I enjoyed it. I love exploring and trying new things with sex. I’ve come to terms that I fucking love rough sex. Shane wasn’t really a fan of...

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