Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 1: Ambush free porn video

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I was riding shotgun in the first armored E-350 1 in the column when, in the rear view mirror, I saw the tree fall. I remember thinking that back home in Virginia I would have called the tree a Poplar, but here in Chechnya I only knew that it was big and tall and that someone had blown it to fall across the road and cut us off from the client.

My driver saw the tree fall and was about to punch the accelerator when the windshield exploded and everything went red. The windshield was bulletproof glass so I was guessing that whatever had hit it was bigger than small arms fire, probably an RPG 2. We were in a world of shit. When I came back to my senses I glanced at the driver and saw that he was either unconscious or dead. I considered my options. Either I could stay in the van, which was now sideways across the road, and wait for the next RPG hit or I could bail and take my chances with whoever might be waiting to pick me off as I came out the door. I guessed that maybe all the shooters were back at the client's limo, and that only one or two were assigned to take out the lead vehicle. Odds were better on bailing.

I reached across and took the driver's Glock 3. He wouldn't be needing it, and the fewer times I had to reload the better. I clutched my MP-5 submachine gun 4 to my chest and rolled out the door and into the bar ditch. No one shot. I poked my head up and saw two yahoos, both lugging RPG launchers. One launcher was empty and they were high-fiveing and running back down the road toward the client's limo. I un-slung the MP-5, kneeled, took aim at the middle of the back of the one with the loaded launcher and cut him down with a short burst. The second man turned to me with a look of surprise. My next burst caught him in the chest and stitched up his face. Then I thought about moving. All the firing I heard was from AKs 5. Someone would come looking for the sound of an MP-5 very soon.

One side of the road, the side I was on, was bounded by a concrete wall about four meters tall. On the other side was a grove of something that looked like olives. The shooters had to be in that grove. I loaded another 30 round clip into the MP-5 and then dashed across the road and into the grove. I ran in almost a hundred meters, and then turned back up the road toward the client's vehicle. I figured that with any luck I could come up behind the ambush, and maybe have a chance of picking a few of them off while we waited for help to come. As I ran, I screwed a silencer onto the muzzle of the MP-5. I didn't have any sub-sonic rounds 6, so there would be some sound, but at least, with all the other noise going on around, the shooters might not be able to pinpoint me.

When I figured I was in about the right position I moved toward the sound of the firing. I'd guessed right. There were six of them. They were crouched behind a little berm at the edge of the grove, and every few seconds one would pop up and empty a clip into the limo. I was about 40 meters behind them. The limo engine compartment was on fire and although the exterior layers of bulletproof glass were shattered the flexible inner layers still seemed to be holding. Someone was alive inside. I could hear what sounded like a Glock returning the AK fire. One of the shooters had an RPG and he was reloading. I took careful aim at his head and squeezed off one silenced shot. A red dot appeared on the back of his neck and he slumped. I congratulated myself. Not bad for an MP-5 at 40 meters! Five to go.

I tried to decide who was the boss. He'd be next. A quick scan, and they all looked the same, so I waited for the next one to pop up over the berm to fire at the limo. When he did, I squeezed off another round. He went down, but his four remaining buddies were beginning to suspect something was going wrong. They were looking in my direction but I was well concealed. Finally they decided that whoever was shooting the pistol from the limo must have gotten lucky. When they turned back, I took the next one with another single shot.

Now the three remaining shooters knew something was up. They were looking all around in confusion, trying to determine who was picking them off and from where. They were getting panicky and it looked like they were getting ready to bolt. I swapped to a fresh clip in the MP-5. They'd probably run my way, and if they did, they'd find me. I'd need all the shots I could get. I slipped the driver's Glock from my waistband racked the slide and made it ready to fire then laid it on the ground within easy reach.

Sure enough, they started to pull back. They weren't too professional about it. One started to run and the others just jumped up and followed. I waited until they were almost in a line, and then popped up and squeezed off a burst into the first guy. I only had to shift my aim a little to get the next man. The last one was on the ground and fumbling with his AK when I nailed him in the face. I was feeling pretty good about the way things were going when I heard a twig break behind me.

There was a POP, and I felt like someone had hit me across the back with a baseball bat. The impact knocked my MP-5 flying, and I fell to the ground on my face. As I lay with my nose in the dirt I heard footsteps approaching. I had fallen directly on top of the Glock, and I managed to get it to my hand without too much movement. Out of the corner of my eye I saw muddy boots next to my left shoulder. I sensed rather than saw a pistol being raised to the back of my head. Instinctively I rolled and tapped off three rounds at almost point blank range. The guy went down in a heap. He was probably the brains of the outfit.

It was quiet now, and I lay on the ground next to the dead man trying to steady my breathing. I thanked my stars for the body armor I was wearing. I was bruised, and I probably had a few broken ribs, but I was alive. After a minute or so, I struggled to my knees and recovered my MP-5. It sounded like the shooting was over, but no use taking chances. If I ran up on the limo too fast, whoever was inside might just as well shoot me. I was tired, and it wouldn't hurt to sit and rest for a bit.

In a while, I heard voices in English. There was shouting and door slamming. It sounded like the cavalry had arrived so I tried to get to my feet. As I stood, I noticed that my shirt felt damp, then the world went black.

I was feeling pretty sleepy, but someone kept pushing on my sore ribs. It hurt and painfully I was dragged back to consciousness. I was on a cot in a dimly lit room. In the next room I could hear men's voices. They were speaking in Chechen. I had been trained to speak Russian in a military language school and there's enough shared vocabulary so that I can muddle by in Chechen. They were talking about the ambush and the hostage. I guessed the hostage must be me.

Just then I felt another prod in my ribs. I let out a little groan and turned to see who was tormenting me. It was a girl. She looked to be about thirteen, but it was hard to tell for sure. She was slender, almost skinny, with dark hair and dark eyes. When she saw that I was looking at her she spoke.

"So, you are awake American man." Her English was heavily accented but understandable.

I decided it would be a little trite and probably useless to ask where I was. I responded in English. No use letting anyone know I understood Chechen.

"How badly am I hurt?"

"Not bad. You bleed some, but is little hole. Bullet did not go in. Make still so I can put bandage."

Then I saw what she was trying to do so I gritted my teeth and held still while she dressed the wound. Apparently my body armor had a chink and the bullet that had knocked me down had grazed my side just under my armpit.

She worked gently and professionally. Obviously she had done this before. When she finished she stood back and studied her work. When she was satisfied she turned to leave, but I took her sleeve. I needed to learn all I could about my situation and she would probably be the best source of information. When she turned back to me she had a look of impatience on her face.

"Please. Don't go yet. What's your name?"

"I am Isidora." She said flatly.

"Isidora? That's a beautiful name." I figured that a little flattery might loosen her up.

"I don't like it. It was my grandmother."

I assumed she meant the name.

"Isidora, where did you learn English?"

"School, mostly TV, Internet. I watch I Love Lucy. Is very funny."

She was warming to me now, but I could tell she still felt uneasy.

"Isidora, do you know what happened today?"

She shrugged. "Some shooting. Some people killed. They bring you here for me to fix."

"Who is they?"

"My brothers, Ramzan and Nurpashi."

"Were your brothers at the shooting today?"

"No, Soslan my older brother. He did not come now."

I interpreted her answers to mean that Soslan, her older brother had been one of the ambushers. I wondered if he was one of the one's I'd killed. I hoped not, and if he was, I hoped that she wouldn't find out.

Just then a man called from the other room.


"I'm coming." She answered in Chechen. Then she turned to me and gave a little smile.

"My brother calls."

She gathered her medical kit together and scurried from the room. I heard her say something to her brother, but the voices were too low for me to understand. Then I started feeling sleepy again. I figured I wasn't going anywhere for a while, and it wouldn't hurt to get some rest, so I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

It was pitch black when I came back to consciousness. A searing pain shot through my left side as I attempted to sit. With some effort I struggled upright and got my feet on the floor. I glanced at my watch. It was gone. They must have taken it. I had to pee.

"Hey! Anybody here?"

It was quiet except for what sounded like wind blowing and splatter of rain on what was probably a tin roof.

"Hello?" I shouted louder this time.

I heard the sound of movement in the next room, and then a dim light shone under the door. There was more shuffling, then I heard the bolt slide back, and the door swung open. There stood Isidora rubbing her eyes.

"Everyone sleeps American man. What do you want?"

"I have to pee."

"Pee?" Isidora was confused.

"Yeah, you know, urinate, tzikat." I used a generalized word that I thought might be reasonably close to whatever pee meant in Chechen.

She laughed. "Oh. Pee. Now I know. Use pot under bed."

I bent to find the pot under the bed, but even that simple motion shot another burst of pain through my side. I bolted upright and groaned. Isidora gave me a look of sympathy.

"Could you help me a little?" I was embarrassed, but broken ribs do hurt and I really needed the help.

Isidora gave a little smirk and came to me. She kneeled at my side and slid a large white porcelain pot from under the bed. The pot had a heavy cover and reminded me of an old crock-pot my mother used to have.

"OK?" She asked.

"Could you take off the lid? I'm not going to be able to bend."

She laughed. "So. You want me do you like little baby? Hold your thing too?"

"No, I think I can manage that. I just can't bend or turn right now." It was humiliating enough to have to beg someone to help me pee. It was worse that that someone was a young girl.

As I struggled to get my fly down, Isidora turned to face the door, giving me a modicum of privacy. When I finished I gave a little grunt and she turned back to me.


"OK." I agreed. She placed the cover on the pot and shoved it back under the bed. She rose and turned to leave, but I wanted to get more information from her.

"Isidora, where is everyone? Where are your brothers?"

"They went to their women. Back in morning. Sleep now."

"They left you here alone with me?" I was mildly incredulous. These people were no professionals.

Isidora was unperturbed. "You can't even pee. I can guard you." She had a point.

Again, she turned to leave, but I had more questions.

"Isidora, why do your brothers want me? I don't take sides in Chechen politics. I'm just hired to protect important people. I don't even know whose side the guy in the limo yesterday is on."

"Why do you tell me politics? I have no politics? What is limo?" She asked.

"A limo is a big car." I explained, and then I went on. "But your brother was with those people shooting at me yesterday. There must be some reason."

"Money." She spat. "They do it for money. If they capture big-shot, they keep him for money. Big-shot get away, they get you instead."

Then it was clear to me. I'd been captured by bandits. This part of the world is full of them 7. Most claim some political cause to camouflage their true motives. Maybe Isidora's brothers would, but Isidora saw no need for such deception.

"You sleep now." She gave me a little smile as she closed the door. Soon, the light went off in the other room.

I didn't think I'd be able to sleep, but almost as soon as my head hit the bed I was out.

A terrible noise roused me. I forgot where I was and sat upright. The pain in my side reminded me. It was light in the room now, and someone was wailing and crying in the next room. I had an idea what might be going on, but there was nothing I could do, so I lay back and stared at the ceiling. About 15 minutes later, my door opened, and a red-eyed Isidora entered. She was carrying a little metal pail and what appeared to be cheese and bread wrapped in a light colored towel. She was sniffling and her dark hair was pasted to her temples. She pulled a small table to the bed then placed the pail, bread and cheese on it.

"Eat." Was all she said.

"Isidora, what's going on?" I'd play as dumb as I could for as long as I could.


"Something bad happen? You've been crying."

"Soslan is dead. He die yesterday, but my brothers are afraid to tell me."

In all probability, Soslan was the one who had shot me, the last one I killed. I wasn't sorry I'd killed him, but when I saw the anguish in Isidora's face, my heart went out to her. She looked so small and vulnerable, and she had given me nothing but kindness. Tears flowed from her dark eyes, and I lifted my good arm toward her. She hesitated for a minute then fell to her knees beside the bed. She buried her face in my chest and began to sob softly.

I held her head to me and gently stroked and petted her. There were a million things I could have said, but none of them would have made the least bit of difference. Sometimes things are what they are and there's no changing them. You just have to live through them.

I held her like that for almost ten minutes. She let it all out and the tears flowed. I felt like shit, but I knew I shouldn't. Soslan got himself killed attempting a violent crime. He'd tried to shoot me. I was only doing my job.

Finally her sobs subsided. She raised her face and looked at me. She was a mess, red eyes, and runny nose, hair plastered to her cheeks. She looked so sad, so hurt. To this day, I don't know what came over me. I kissed her. Not on the lips, on the forehead. It was a kiss like a brother would give a favorite sister.

She gave me a look of surprise, and then her face hardened.

"You are a nice American man. I thank you. But if I ever find the one who kill Soslan, I will kill him with my hands."

Usually I didn't see anyone but Isidora. She tended my wound, brought me my meals, and emptied my chamber pot. She never complained and always had a little smile for me. She learned my name (Trent) but when she said it, it sounded more like Treeent. She no longer called me American man. Since there wasn't much else to do, we talked frequently and our conversations grew longer and covered increasingly far-ranging subjects. Her English rapidly improved and I soon learned she had a mind like a steel trap, never forgetting a thing I said or a new word. It surprised me to discover that she was seventeen. She was so delicate that she looked much younger.

I never left the room and I came to realize that in a way, Isidora was just as much a prisoner as I was. On the second day, the brothers decided that I might be getting well enough to cause trouble so they handcuffed my right wrist to a chain which was in turn locked to the metal cot. They laughed when they did it, grunting something in Chechen about how now I'd have to whack off with my left hand. Isidora had a key, and as soon as they left, she extracted a promise from me that I wouldn't cause her trouble. When I agreed, she unlocked the handcuffs. Whenever she thought her brothers might look in, she locked them again. It was our little joke. The fact was that for the first five or six days I was feeling pretty weak and sore. I was in no shape to attempt an escape.

She talked to me a lot about Soslan. He was the eldest of the brothers, and she had loved him dearly. Isidora's father and mother had died when she was six, and Soslan had assumed the role as head of the family. He was fourteen years older and was the only brother who had ever treated her with any kindness. She considered her other two brothers pigs, and in turn, they only saw her as good for cooking, cleaning and occasionally acting as the clan medic. The clan was apparently down to just her two brothers now, and I seemed to be their only marketable resource. I never hinted to Isidora that I might be the reason that clan membership was in such decline.

Sometimes when she talked of Soslan, the tears would flow, and after the first time, it just seemed natural that I would hold her and pet her as she cried. It made her feel better, but it always left me feeling like scum. I couldn't change the fact that I was the one she wanted to kill with her bare hands yet I was the one that she came to for comfort.

One day I asked her about her religion. I had assumed she was a Moslim, but her manner, and the fact that her brothers saw nothing wrong with her spending time alone with a man caused me to wonder.

"My family is from Northern Ossetia, in the mountains near Georgia. Long ago, we were of the Orthodox Christian religion, but now we have no religion." She thought for a minute. "Maybe criminal is our religion now." Her tone was one of disgust.

"What is your religion?"

"Me? I guess I don't have a religion either. One thing I know, all organized religions are just bullshit. Just look at the evil people do in the name of religion." I was spouting like a college freshman, but she seemed to agree.

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Ambushed by Peg Thebois It had been a month since Clarissa Marshall had grabbed my wrist as I was walking down the hallway between classes but today was the day. I hadn't even seen her and a group of her friends were just hanging out in front of some of the lockers as I was walking right by them. When I felt a hand grab me out of nowhere I immediately cringed, thinking it was one of the big jocks stopping me long enough to take a swing at me. After a moment without a bludgeoning...

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My job in this ambush was to decide when it was to start. Foster placed me just around a curve in the road, gave me a good-sized tree for cover, two muskets, and orders to stop the patrol when it was close enough. I loaded buck and ball and we waited. I guess there was six or seven of us that day. We heard them coming before we saw them, a column of men on foot led by a slim officer on horseback, maybe twenty of them and another rider at the tail. As they rounded the bend and came into view,...

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Black Ambush, aka BBC Surprise! You ever order lunch, and when it gets here, your sandwich is way too fucking big? Some folks would opt to share that party sub with their friends, but any of the girls at Black Ambush would probably try to fit the entire bad boy down her throat at once. Make sure you order that on rye bread, because they like it hard and black! has been serving up unexpected chocolate since the beginning of 2017. “These girls are going to get a BBC Surprise...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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When still a teenager at s*******n in 1961 my best buddy Butt RIP took me under his wing. As we both loved fishing and hunting we often slept with each other to get early starts. As my late Mother and Father just couldn,t be bothered to teach me about the basic facts of life it was Butt who showed me explicit hardcore magazines his father had brought back from his time served in the US Army in West Germany which were very i*****l in bible belt America in thev1950s. Those magazines may have had...

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I was traveling on business when my flight was laid over at O'Hare for bad weather. The airline put me up at a airport hotel and told me it could be as long as 48 hours before they could get me another flight. I took a cab to a bar the bellhop recommended and sat down for a few beers and watched the Bulls. When I got up to take a leak and noticed a lovely brunette sitting by the door. She was about 5-7 with nice tits and lecherous smile. I got back from the head and looked for the brunette. She...

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I was traveling on business when my flight was laid over at O'Hare for bad weather. The airline put me up at a airport hotel and told me it could be as long as 48 hours before they could get me another flight. I took a cab to a bar the bellhop recommended and sat down for a few beers and watched the Bulls. When I got up to take a leak and noticed a lovely brunette sitting by the door. She was about 5-7 with nice tits and lecherous smile. I got back from the head and looked for the brunette. She...

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I was traveling on business when my flight was laid over at O'Hare for bad weather. The airline put me up at a airport hotel and told me it could be as long as 48 hours before they could get me another flight. I took a cab to a bar the bellhop recommended and sat down for a few beers and watched the Bulls. When I got up to take a leak and noticed a lovely brunette sitting by the door. She was about 5-7 with nice tits and lecherous smile. I got back from the head and looked for the brunette. She...

2 years ago
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PterisChapter 8 Ambushed

The anticipated trouble came early on the fourth day of their travels. Pēteris was riding point somewhat over a hundred yards ahead of the three women and the pack horses, and Les was riding drag about a hundred yards behind. There were five attackers, three in front and two behind. The attackers were very good at concealment but very lacking in execution. Swords drawn and yelling, three charged out of the dense woods between Pēteris and the main party and two exited the woods in front of...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Megan Rain Girl Scout Cookies

School girl Megan is out on a beautiful sunny day selling cookies to raise money for a trip when she knocks on the door of J-Mac. After selling 3 boxes to J-Mac Megan is only $700 short to get enough money and it’s the final day. Not wanting to miss out, Megan decides to offer something a little more to get the money she needs. Taking his big dick in her mouth she quickly shows him what a dirty little girl she is before trying to take his big dick in her tight little ass. Will it be enough for...

3 years ago
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What Games We Play

This is a work of fiction, as if you couldn't tell. This story contains adult situations and gratuitous sex. I. If you're too young to read it, leave now. Lots of sex and a happy ending if you don't like then don't read it. For everyone else enjoy. Sincerely: the Wolfman Authors note: What Games We Play was entirely inspired by a Frazetta painting and was written in less than a day. Writing it however has inspired a much longer work. I found this strange game at a store in the mall....

3 years ago
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Jessicas Last Night of Freedom

Pride Week 2024, East LondonHi, my name is Jessica; tied face down on our bed by my Domme Alexis. She is a tall, black, strongly-built lesbian who just about tolerates my additional need for cock, but won't allow anything penis-shaped in the flat. No strap-ons, no dildos, no vibrators longer than a clit-stim. She even checks the candles for any sign of sexual abuse.I wriggle out of the red satin ropes and remove the blindfold when she leaves on a quick shopping trip; applying soothing cream to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Phone Call

True Story..My fiancee and I spent 2 years travelling Europe.. We worked and lived in England and Scotland and would explore Europe from there. We had many sexual escapades, but this is very memorable to me..We were living in a time town in the South called South Brent.. Not a whole lot to do in this town, so when we weren't working in the pub, we would be naked in our room as we were young, horny people. We were very open minded, always trying new things, and had a bit of an exhibitionist...

1 year ago
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Gay Fun With A Professional Massager

Hello ISS readers, This is Karan (imaginary name). I am here to tell you about one of my experiences of gay sex with a professional massager. This happened a year ago. So first of all, let me say briefly about myself. I am 24, bisexual, 6 feet tall, 68kg weight, well-toned body, my dick size is 8 inches. I like to have sex with both men and women. So let us get into the matter. It was early 2020 before the Covid-19 has struck our lives and confined us to our homes.  One Friday evening, my body...

Gay Male
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The Way of WarChapter 31

The nurse provided more pillows to enable him to sit up in his bed the following day. The hours seemed to drag for him and then he saw her hat through the glass partition of the door. She was talking to the nurse. The door opened and she was standing there, her eyes brimming with tears. She came over to the bed and looked at him. “Hello” she whispered, smiling. “Hello darling, have you missed me?” he replied. Tears started to run down her cheeks, has she bent and gently kissed him. She...

2 years ago
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my prostitute wife

This is the story of my wife Rittu whom I got married in1996 she is white complexion tall and fairly attractive her boobs are 36 and her ass is 38. She is innocent and belongs to a middle class family we were living a happily married life and as the time passed I somehow got bored of her and then I started visiting prostitutes. I really used to fuck everyday with different prostitutes some were attractive some were ugly some I used to fuck them in their ass.In the meanwhile when I used to fuck...

3 years ago
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A lil something I wrote

i would offer you a seat on you bed. as you sat down i would be turning on some music.(your choice).after the music started to play i would give you a longing glance,one that would put a smile on your face.take in as much of your smile that i could and sit down on the bed next to you.then i would reach over and close the blinds( not all the way cause i dont want to miss any aspect of your body) i would place my hand on your knee and lean towards you gently kissing your neck. then i would slowly...

3 years ago
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Amy at the Movies

Amy fidgeted nervously with the back of her skirt. The wind was strong today and kept threatening to blow it around her waist. It felt great on her under carriage but the idea of being exposed like that terrified her yet thrilled her all at the same time. Still this was the first time she was out and about dressed to the nines to meet a guy so she wasn't ready for things to go sideways just yet. She marched up to the ticket booth confidently. She was happy she had been perfecting her heel work...

1 year ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 15

It didn’t take either of them long to settle on the motorcycle, listening to the purr of the engine, feeling the wind in their hair. Both felt a sense of renewal, always enjoying how it felt to ride. Adam could tell it wasn’t her first ride the way her body went with the curves of the rode, thankful for that. He rode all around town enjoying the sites, chatting and giggling with each other now and then. Jesse had put her arms around his waist and laid her head on the back of his shoulder. She...

1 year ago
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After School JobChapter 4

I woke up right away. I was lying on the floor, and Vlad was kneeling on one side of me while Addie knelt on the other side of me. She was saying my name over and over again. I also heard her say, "I didn't mean to," a couple of times. Vlad had his hand on my shoulder, but he was talking to her, asking her what happened. I think she was so rattled that she just told the truth. "I just wanted to know what it felt like so I touched it and he started shaking and fell down." "Ahhhh," he...

3 years ago
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A Lovely Bi Experience

A few years ago my son, who lived and worked in London decided to come back up north, and he brought with him a lovely old boy who had been his landlord.I'll call him James, he was in his 80's and his wife had died years before. It turned out that she had cheated on him years before and the daughter he thought was his wasn't. It ended their sexual relationship but they lived together till her demise. I found out he was very Bi, having chatted to my son who it turns out is also and he and James...

4 years ago
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A Chance MeetingChapter 6 Leanne has a party

As Leanne left the room, she said, "Oh Barbara, when you've finished the room can you pop to the off-license and get me 3 bottles of white wine for tonight, and put them in the fridge ready." "But Mistress, you girls are not old enough to drink. I don't think your mum would like..." "... I hope you are not questioning my instructions Barbara, I wouldn't like that and would punish you if you were!" "Oh, no Mistress, of course I wasn't." Babs knew this type of person would love...

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The Crossing Expiation

The Crossing – Expiation is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Also note that my works generally contain sexual themes, objectionable language and behavior that most people should avoid. If you are easily offended, unable to discern the difference between fiction and...

2 years ago
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Bad Wet Kitty

On a Monday afternoon you are very bored. Your parents aren't home, cause they are working and your little sister went to her girlfriends. You're almost falling asleep when suddenly you stand up and went downstairs. You're now at the hall of your big house. You're proud that your father is a rich man. Through the window you see your fathers second car: a Porsche. You want to have a cruise with that car, but you don't have a license. you step to the kitchen and take the daily newspaper. Without...

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Movie stars

It had been almost six months since Maggie's last fuck and she was about to start climbing the walls if she didn't get some cock in a hurry!!! "Will you sit your ass down, girl," Jada said while looking up over the top of her book, "you're driving me nuts with all your pacing!!!" "Jesus christ I can't stand it for another minute," Maggie replied to her cell mate, "if I don't get some pecker quick I'm gonna loose my mind!!!" "You and me both, honey," Jada shot back with a crooked grin, "but...

3 years ago
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A New Start in Life Part 5

A New Start in Life 5 My experience of having a period was to say humbling, uncomfortable and to start with painful, though as the week progressed the sore boobs, cramps and bloating lessened as did the mood swings, so by the time I was ready for my appointment with my councillor I was used to the slight bloating also wearing and changing my maxi pads, how I longed to be back in thongs! I dressed for my appointment with Dr. Harvey, or Jill as I called her, I wore girl briefs...

3 years ago
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The Secret Spanking Fantasy Of My Wife

So I discovered that my wife is an active member of an erotic stories forum and I wish I had not. She might still be with me. It happened like this: We had been together for ten years and I honestly thought she was happy with me. I admit I thought I was lucky to marry her as she was (and is) very pretty and I was not really in her league for looks. But she obviously found something in me though gods knows what. The day I discovered her account at (not the true name of the site I just use...

1 year ago
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His Birthday Present

This story is a work of fiction. I'm lying there in the sexiest thing I own. I'm waiting for him to come in and see what's waiting for him. I refrain from touching myself even though I can feel my juices dripping from my virgin cunt. As I'm imagining what he will do to me when he finds me I hear the front door open. Knowing he is home makes me even wetter. I can't wait to have his hard cock in my aching pussy. Sliding in and out slowly at first then faster and harder as I start moaning his...

First Time
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Robbies Revelation Part 3

I just wanted to say thanks to those who are showing interest in my story. I truly appreciate the feedback. The story is getting much easier to write for me, hopefully its getting easier to read. Anyway thank y'all and here's part III. **************************************************** "What do you mean you want to see everything?!" I blurt out. "Robbie please calm down," she pleads. "You have to understand how everything you just said must sound to me. I'm trying to believe it,...

1 year ago
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The auburn haired girl on the bus Part 2

Shit. Bus is here early. Grab my bags, and once again, running for the bus. I look forward to seeing Em again, and hope it’s a good day. I jump on the bus, the second my foot gets on I scan the bus. No sign of Em. I grab my ticket and run to the higher floor of the bus. Scan again, no sign of her. I lower my gaze, and the bus moves forward without me taking a seat. I smack my head…. Again. This seems to becoming a habit. I take my seat, rubbing my forehead and instantly grabbing my phone....

2 years ago
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Insemination ‘This is your last chance,’ Mazie said. Mazie was my best friend. Her son, Terry was the same age as my son, Danny. ‘You tell me the same thing every month,’ I said as I poured her another cup of coffee. ‘Some month it’s gonna be true. If it already isn’t true.’ ‘What are you saying?’ For the first time, I was scared. Mazie took a sip and hesitated before saying, ‘Well … you don’t even know if YOU can get pregnant anymore. It might not just be Mel. It’s been so long.’ ‘I...

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Fucking her mom

Fucking her mom!The girlfriend doesn’t mind sharing her boyfriend with her mother and the mother is a real whore Milf who can’t be happier to taste a young, male’s cock…I sit now and remember the day I got to fuck my neighbor while studying hard for final exams! Hell that was incredible! Well, I got her mother as well. While I and Deborah continued to study together we got really close by time. And it should have happened one day! She would often time tell me about her parents and how her...

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College Threesome and Then SomeChapter 2

"So, do you like girls?" I asked the next morning as he was pulling his underwear up over his muscly haunches, and I lay there, too reamed and sore to move. "Uh, yeah," Steve said. "I just don't ONLY like girls." I thought that was a pretty good way to sum up how I felt, too. "'Cause I thought you were pretty hot for Kristen." "Yeah, she's got fantastic tits," he said. "Good luck getting at them, because take it from me, she's got very particular tastes," I said. "She...

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Lonely VacationComing up from the pool you slip out of your bikini, admire your smooth hard body in the mirror before stepping into the shower......Feeling the force of the water against your body you are about to start washing when the door opens.......She presses her body against you and you feel her nipples harden.....her freshly shaven lips press against the taught skin of your perfect butt..... Her hands move smoothly, cleaning every part of your incredible body..... Sliding her hands...

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River PiratesChapter 7

The cannon was small, but Capt. Johnson had bought some grapeshot and cannister rounds for it. Either one would play hell with attacking pirates. I made a point of getting to know the three cannoneers, Jim Anderson, Bill Jackson, and Hiram North. They were all veterans of the Indian wars and knew how to handle cannon against gangs of attackers. We all felt a lot more secure when they signed on to the Lovely Louise. Between the cannon and our fast-loading rifles, we would be able to outfight...

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