Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 4 free porn video

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Isidora came running toward me eyes wide.

"It's unbelievable!"

"What? What's wrong honey?" I was confused.

"It's so big!"

"What? Is everything OK, are you alright?" Now I was even more confused.

"The toilet! It's so clean and so big. The paper is like cotton... no, like silk, and the attendant wasn't there. I used soap, towels, everything for free."

Now I understood. Isidora had just had her first experience with an American style public restroom. As I thought back on the contrast to public facilities in most of Eastern Europe, I could understand her surprise. Most places I'd experienced in the Caucasus were not much better than holes in the ground. Ogres who extorted pocket change for grudgingly dispensing single sheets of brownish waxy paper guarded them. Yes, now I understood her excitement.

"Are you sure we should be here? This place must be for very important people or government officials." Her eyes were still wide, but now there was concern on her face.

"No sweetheart, it's OK, we can be here." I assured her.

"It must be very expensive. Are you so rich?"

I laughed. By Georgian standards, McDonalds 1 was a little pricey, but I still had nearly $50,000 worth of Mr. Marks' money. I figured we could afford a couple of Big Macs.

That morning, the thrills came one after the other for Isidora and I shared in her delight at each new discovery. The only fast food she had ever seen before was sold at fairs, items like sausage on a stick pedaled from a vendor's cart. The concept of ordering a meal and having it delivered in seconds was totally beyond her comprehension.

The menus boards were written in Georgian 2, a language and an alphabet that neither Isidora nor I could read or understand. Fortunately, the pictures were universal, and the cashier spoke Russian. Since Isidora had no idea what any of the menu items were, I ordered for both of us. I didn't know what she might like and since I was hungry enough to eat anything, I ordered one or two of just about everything. When trays of hot food were shoved at us in just seconds, Isidora was incredulous.

"So fast? How did they know what we would want?"

The fact that she was speaking English (which had become our common language) was probably the only thing that kept the clerk from smirking. I just smiled and motioned for her to take one of the trays full of food.

Once we got to a table and began to eat, there were more surprises. Everything was new and exciting to her, the different foods, the different tastes and the different methods of preparation. Every bite was followed by an exclamation or question of some kind. Sometimes it was difficult for me to keep a straight face, but I loved her excitement and I loved being there with her as she made each new discovery. I was learning that although Isidora was a very smart young woman, she was a total naïf once beyond the small circle of her life in Chechnya. It would be fun educating her.

As we sat contentedly after a large and satisfying breakfast, Isidora and I considered our future plans. Ultimately, we'd get back to the States, but before we could do that, Isidora would need some kind of travel documents. While we arranged for the documents we'd need a place to stay, and now that our stomachs were full, the idea of a hot shower and a big bed was very appealing. We needed to find a hotel. Since I was spending Mr. Marks' money cost was no object. I quizzed the clerk at McDonalds and he recommended the Marriott Tblisi 3 as being nearby and very nice. Marriott sounded like home to me so I got directions.

As it turned out, the Marriott Tblisi is a five star hotel. When we rolled up in front and the doorman in red coat and top hat rushed out to greet us I thought Isidora was going to explode. She'd seen enough American TV to know what to expect, but she still had a hard time keeping her excitement under control. She was literally bouncing in her seat.

She hung on my arm, and as we entered the hotel lobby she gave her best try at looking worldly and sophisticated. Dressed in long trousers and a man's shirt with her eyes bugging out at the lush colonnaded interior, she didn't carry it off too well.

I decided to go whole hog and took a full luxury suite. The clerk spoke perfect English, but as we finished registering, he asked for our passports. It's standard practice in Eastern Europe for hotels to take and hold the travel documents of their visitors. Since Isidora had no passport or legitimate travel documents, I explained to him that we would be visiting the American embassy very soon and that we would both need our passports. He didn't buy the idea until I slipped him one of my remaining 5000-Ruble notes. The bellman was all smiles as he led us to our room.

Even I was surprised at the luxuriousness of the suite. It was probably larger than all the rooms of Salma's house combined and was furnished with very expensive taste. Once the bellman left us alone, Isidora was a whirlwind of excitement. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"Oh, I can not believe you are so rich. You are my pretty American millionaire."

"Handsome, Isidora." I reminded her. "And I'm not a millionaire."

"Yes, I meant handsome." She shouted over her shoulder as she dashed off to explore the suite.

Within seconds there was a squeal from the bathroom.

"It's even better than the McDonalds! They have a tub and a shower. Look, there are even towels and robes!"

"Why don't we try them out?" I suggested. A hot shower and maybe a nice nap snuggling with Isidora in a fresh king-sized bed sounded like a good idea to me.

"Can we? Now, in the morning?" She asked.

I grinned. "The only thing stopping us is the clothes you're wearing, and I'm just about to rip them off of you." I came toward her with a menacing look.

She laughed, then squealed, and then darted away. I chased her for one lap around the suite, then caught her and deposited her onto the king-sized bed. She was a little breathless, but she gave me a kiss. Her eyes were bright and there was a huge smile on her face.

"I'm so happy."

"Me too." I responded. "But I'll be happier once we get into a nice warm shower."

Getting undressed was just as much fun as it always had been with Isidora, and even as well-fed and tired as I was, she still managed to work me up into a pretty serious state of excitement even before I slid off her little-girl cotton panties. Not wanting to risk losing total control, I quickly took her by the hand and led her naked toward the shower.

That water felt good, but it felt even better to be standing there getting all warm, wet and slippery with Isidora. The newness of it for her made it even more exciting for me. Warm showers were a luxury for Isidora, and a warm shower with a man was something she'd never even dared to fantasize about.

I took the soap and began to wash her gently with my hands. I started at her neck and worked down every inch of her body to her toes, making sure to pay lots of attention to all the most sensitive spots. At first, she sighed contentedly, but by the time I had worked all the way down her body and back up to her neck, she was giving little jumps of excitement. Then, being a quick learner, she took the soap from me and proceeded to duplicate my effort. Just as I had, she also paid careful attention to my most sensitive spots. She was a fast learner!

Once the soaping was done, the kissing started. Isidora had progressed from rookie to master very quickly, and it was only a minute or two before she had me ready to burst. When I could contain myself no longer, I broke our kiss and turned her to face the shower wall standing close behind her. She turned her head to me with a questioning look in her eyes and protested with disappointment in her voice.

"Why won't you kiss me? What are you doing?"

When I made my intentions more clear, she responded.

"Oh!" and then "Ooooooh." and then "Ooooooooooooooh." Then she placed her hands on the shower wall and thrust her hips back toward me.

Neither of us lasted too long, but within minutes, Isidora was ready to try her newly discovered position once more. Unfortunately, the warmth of the shower, and the satisfaction of making love to Isidora had completely drained me. I begged for mercy. I was ready to sleep. Isidora was gracious but extracted a promise for an encore performance soon in the future.

--We quickly dried each other. Isidora gave her hair a quick rub, and wrapped it in a towel. Then we dove under the crisp, sweet smelling sheets of the huge bed. I wrapped Isidora in my arms, took one little kiss, and then I was gone into dreamland.

I awoke early in the afternoon and unwrapped myself from Isidora. The spring sunlight was filtering through the window to make a gentle halo around her as she slept. She must have discarded the towel and now her long dark hair was flowing in disarray down her pillow. I leaned on one elbow just watching her sleep, thinking to myself how truly beautiful she was. I dreamed on for a minute or two, but then she sensed that I was awake and slowly opened her eyes. She gave me a radiant smile and reached to pull me to her. We kissed and caressed gently and with intimacy. At that instant, I was happier than I could ever remember.

"Can we stay here forever?" Isidora asked dreamily.

"Sure, why not. We'll have room service bring us our food, and we'll spend half of every day in the shower, and half in this bed."

"Would you get tired of me?" She teased.


She kissed me again, and this time it was more demanding. She was claiming the promise that I'd made earlier. Her unique power to excite me made keeping my part of the bargain easy. We made very slow very gentle love for a long time that afternoon.

Later, I was on the telephone to the U.S. Embassy. I wanted to learn how to get legitimate travel documents for Isidora. If worst came to worst, we could buy forged documents and sneak into the U.S., but in the long run, it would be better if we could do things legally. The conversation was an eye opener. The normal requirements for entry into the U.S. are mind-boggling 4, even for a person who has valid ID and travel documents. After fifteen minutes of back and forth, and more and more confusion, I asked if I could make an appointment to talk face to face with someone in the consular section of the embassy. At first I was told that it would take weeks to schedule an appointment, but after some argument, I convinced the voice at the other end of the phone that our situation was a serious one. We were scheduled for an interview on the next day, but only after being told over and over that no one ever got appointments that quickly.

Margaret, the woman who met us at the consular section was courteous but business-like. She shook both our hands and escorted us to a private room where we could talk. I didn't see any sense in holding back, so I told her the whole story, everything, right from the beginning. She took notes as I talked and when I finished, she shook her head.

"Mr. Lyons, don't misinterpret what I'm about to say."

I looked at her in puzzlement, and she continued.

"If your story is accurate, I think you've done some brave and noble things, but I also think you've taken some foolish risks and you may have acted in ways that could end up causing Isidora more harm than good."

I tried to be polite, but my temper was starting to rise. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Well, for one thing, Isidora is still a minor. It's possible that you could be charged with statutory rape or even kidnapping. If that happened, Georgian officials would send her back to Russia, and maybe you to."

My voice was a little louder than I'd intended. "Kidnapping? They're the ones who kidnapped me, they're the ones who treated Isidora like a slave." I wanted to say that her brothers were the ones who had raped her, but I couldn't bear to bring that up again.

Margaret was still calm. "Look, I'm on your side. I'm just trying to point out the danger of your situation."

At this Isidora stepped in. "I'm not a minor. I'm eighteen. My birthday was six weeks ago and the age for sex in Russia is sixteen. Trent never did anything wrong with me."

I was surprised that Isidora knew about the age of consent, but, after all, she's a smart girl. I felt a little foolish for never asking her birthday and not knowing her precise age.

Margaret was taken aback, but she continued. "Be that as it may, your situation is still a difficult one. Getting a visa for an immigrant alien into the U.S. can be a time-consuming and complicated process, even in the best of circumstances."

"How about political asylum?" I suggested.

Margaret smiled condescendingly. "Mr. Lyons, political asylum is granted under very restrictive circumstances. Isidora would have to be in danger of persecution for race, religious belief, nationality or political opinion. Having a bad-tempered grandfather hardly applies, even if you could prove he had threatened her life, and you can't"

"Well, what other options are there. I want to go back to the U.S., and I want to take Isidora with me legally." I was getting frustrated.

"Actually, your options here are very limited. Normally, at this embassy, we won't even process visa applications for persons who aren't citizens of Georgia. To get a legal visa, for Isidora you'd have to go through the embassy in Moscow."

"Moscow?" I was shouting now. "That's insane. She doesn't even have the documents to be in Georgia, and now you want us to go to Moscow, halfway across the continent?"

"Look Mr. Lyons, I know this all sounds foolish, but there are rules and regulations that must be followed. I don't have any control over the process, I just follow orders."

I turned to Isidora who was trying to make herself tiny in the corner. "Come on, let's get out of here."

As Isidora started to rise, Margaret had another suggestion. "You know, if Isidora were a member of your immediate family, things could be slightly less complicated."

"Immediate family?" I asked.

"Yes, a spouse for example." Margaret looked directly at Isidora as she said this.

I looked at Isidora and she looked at me. Almost at the same time, we both nodded our heads.

"OK, we could do that." When I said this, Isidora bounced a foot off her seat and grew a smile.

"Even if Isidora were your spouse, it still wouldn't be easy." Margaret continued.

"First you'd have to file a petition, and we'd need a complete biographical information form from you Trent. Then, we'd need the marriage certificate, and of course, we'd need both your passports. If you're married in Georgia, Georgian officials may be willing to bend the rules and issue a passport for Isidora. We'd also need an official and notarized copy of Isidora's birth certificate, but you might be able to get that by mail."

I cut Margaret off. It was getting crazy. "So you're saying that after we do get married and IF the Georgians will issue Isidora a passport, then we've still got to get a copy of her birth certificate from Russia?"

"Well, actually, you'd probably have to get a copy of her birth certificate first, before you could be married in Georgia or get a Georgian passport."

I was losing my temper again. "Ma'am, I hate to point this out again, but if we try to get a copy of Isidora's birth certificate from Russia, we could end up dead."

"So you say, but I'm just telling you what you need to do. I don't make the rules. Oh, and you'd need photos too, but if you had all that, then you could file your petition and maybe get an interview for a visa."

"Interview? All that shit just to get an interview?" I was roaring now, but Margaret continued on in a cool voice.

"Well, actually, there's the interview, and then we'd need a copy of Isidora's police certificate translated to English for everywhere she's lived for longer than six months and, of course, we'd need copies of your Federal Income Tax Returns for the last three years and a letter from your current employer."

I was livid now. "Can you hear yourself talking? Do you hear what you're saying? Isidora and I left Russia in fear for our lives. She has no passport, she has no birth certificate, and she has no way to get a copy of her police records. If we try to get those documents, chances are we'd both be murdered."

"Well." Margaret sniffed. "I'm only telling you the regulations. No need to get angry with me."

I took Isidora's hand. I was angry and I pulled her toward the door. "Let's get out of here"

As the door shut behind us I heard Margaret's last suggestion. "You could always try the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. There's an office here in Tbilisi."

As we walked back down the street to the hotel, Isidora was confused. She thought that for some reason I was upset with her. Her voice was very low, almost a whisper.

"Trent, I'm sorry. I don't want to be so much trouble to you."

I felt like crap when she said that. I'd lost my temper at the mindless bureaucracy and Isidora hadn't understood. I didn't like to hurt her, even by accident.

"Sweetheart, don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. I just lost my temper because of the stupid rules and regulations. It's nothing to do with you."

I thought for a minute and then I had an idea.

"I'll make it up to you. It's Friday, all the clubs will be open. Do you like to dance?"

She still wasn't smiling. "I don't know how to dance, and I have no clothes for dancing."

Isidora was now wearing the same plain skirt, and blouse she had worn when she stepped of the bus in Vladikavkaz almost a week ago.

"No problem. Remember, I'm a rich American millionaire. We can go shopping this afternoon. As far as dancing goes, I don't know how to dance either. We'll learn together."

Now Isidora did smile.

Tbilisi isn't much of a fashion center, but after an inquiry with the hotel concierge we were able to identify a few shops that would suit our purposes. I'm not much at shopping for ladies' clothing, and Isidora was hesitant about just what she'd need, so I took an idea from a movie I'd seen. I asked the concierge if he might not be able to arrange for someone to act as Isidora's personal shopping advisor. A few bills changed hands, and within minutes a nice young lady, maybe five years older than Isidora appeared. I exchanged some of my remaining rubles for Georgian Lari, handed Isidora a wad of bills and sent her and her new companion chattering and giggling on their way. They'd have about three hours before the shops closed, and that would give me plenty of time to do what shopping I wanted to do.

As it turns out, Georgians dress pretty casually for dining and dancing. I found everything I needed in the hotel men's shop. I thought about charging it to Mr. Marks' American Express card, but didn't. No use risking that he might track us by the credit card charges, and we might be in the hotel for a while. Finally, I took a short walk to the shop the concierge had recommended and used the remainder of my Russian rubles for my final purchase. When Isidora made her appearance back at our suite later that afternoon, she was floating on her own little cloud. Shopping seems to do that to all women regardless of age or nationality. As we left our suite that evening we were both properly attired in Georgian style for a night on the town. It was the first time I'd seen Isidora dressed up. She looked very good and maybe a little older: perhaps almost nineteen.

We took a taxi to the restaurant the concierge had recommended. By this time Isidora had become a little more used to the finer things associated with a Western lifestyle, so, as the maitre d' showed us to our table, her eyes merely widened instead of bugging completely out. It was a nice restaurant, with waiters hovering around, lots of glasses and silver and a very fancy menu in four languages. Georgian cuisine is noted mostly for its abundance of dishes. We relied on the recommendations of the waiter, and were served what seemed an endless sequence of foods, all apparently seasoned with walnuts in one form or another. As we sat with full stomachs sipping some kind of peppermint after dinner drink I had some things I wanted to say to Isidora.

"Isidora, things that the lady at the embassy said today have caused me to think. I know my presence in your life hasn't made things easy for you. I've caused you some sadness, and I'm truly sorry for that."

Isidora looked at me sympathetically and took my hand as if to tell me I was forgiven, but before she could talk I continued.

"We started our relationship under very difficult circumstances, but I've come to respect and admire you. You've nursed me when I was sick and you've defended me with your life. We've lived through a lot of difficulty during the time we've been together, and you've always stuck by me. I've come to love you more than I ever thought it possible to love anyone. I can't see going through my life without you as my companion. Will you marry me?" I reached into my pocked and extracted the ring 5 I had purchased that afternoon and offered it to her.

Isidora was in tears by this point but she managed to sniffle out her answer.

"I'd die if I couldn't always be with you. Of course I'll marry you." She took the ring and slipped it on her finger.

With that, the champagne arrived and we toasted our engagement. It was the last drink I bought that night. It seemed as if every Georgian in the restaurant wanted to toast the newly engaged couple, and every man wanted to dance with the beautiful Isidora. For a girl who couldn't dance, she was very popular and a quick learner... as usual. It was a night neither of us will ever forget.

By the time Isidora and I arrived back at our hotel, it was very late, and we were both feeling no pain. Isidora had fallen asleep in the cab and I carried her to our suite, undressed her and placed her in our bed. As I looked down on her sleeping form, I considered how lucky I was. She was smart, beautiful, and courageous. It seemed that whenever we were together, even the bad times were good. I thought all these thoughts as I climbed into bed beside her and closed my eyes.

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She lived in the suburbs with her perfect husband and their three kids. You know the perfect life. I had to come crawling back here when my wife found some pretty upsetting this on my phone and well long story short I’m a weirdo and she got everything. I’m grateful she didn’t tell anyone what was on my phone. My sister would find it particularly unsettling. I definitely would not be invited to sleep in the room next to her sweet 18 year old daughter Valerie that’s for sure. I’d be lying if I...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole slut in training

As some of you read in my other story i am a young guy that wants to expand his number of cocks he has had. I dont know exactly how to do it and i search around the internet and gloryholes caught my attention. I just think they are the sexiest thing ever! like taking load after load whats more hot than that? I knew i wouldnt be able to just go in there and go full board (even though i sucked a few cocks) but not many. I doubted i would be able to swallow all that cum even though i knew i most...

3 years ago
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Human sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs. By Oediplex 8==3~ This is a true story. I don't expect you to believe it, however. My mother and I were abducted by aliens from outer space. They were not little green men. They were BEMs, Bug Eyed Monsters, though actually they treated us quite humanely. My mom is letting me write this story, since in this genre and on this site, anyone who reads it will naturally think it's fiction. But I wanted to tell the real story. ...

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Hawley BattleChapter 18

“Hawley, I told my niece, Staci about you, last night at her bridal shower. She was so intrigued by my description of you, and the details of how you have helped me and so many other girls and women, that before I left the shower - she asked her married twin Laci - to meet with us.” “What did they have to say about me, Angela. I hope they weren’t trying to make you change your mind about moving here with us.” “Oh - No Way. Both of them want to meet you, Hawley. I really think Staci is...

1 year ago
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Beginning of a great long weekend Part 3 the fi

“I think we need to get out of here before we shrivel up like raisins” you say laughing. Looking at me you smile suggestively. “Let’s get into bed and work on that again”.“You’re on!” I say, leaping out of the tub and running to the bedroom with you right on my tail...Continued...Beginning of a great long weekend! (Part 3)As we race out of the bathroom we leave wet foot prints along the floor to the bedroom. I can feel you right on my heels. With one quick motion you wrap your strong arms...

3 years ago
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The Medallion Chapter 9

Jack Winters wasn't sure where he was, but he could tell there was a battle going on somewhere close by. He got up from the canopied bed he had been laying in and walked out onto the balcony of his room. As he looked down, he could see small houses and shop, surrounded by a large stone wall. "Where the fuck am I", he asked aloud, when suddenly the large door on the far wall burst open. A young man, maybe twenty burst in, followed by a woman. She was gorgeous, more beautiful than any woman...

1 year ago
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A Very Fun Shopping Trip

The jewellers ShopWell for some back ground, im a 27 year old Straight man, with Fiance and baby on the way. But i am always horn and need to get my rocks off.I have been thinking of trying public masturbation or flashing for a while now, always fancied the thrill and would love for someone to watch me jack off outside and i almost talked my self into it last week but ultimately i chickened out. Worried that i would be seen by wrong people living in such a small town so i searched for...

2 years ago
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Let me show you something

Let me show you something“Kate was lying outside in the back yard soaking up some sun. Her yard was private so she slipped off her top to avoid tan lines. She started to get warm and decided it was time for a break. Besides, she needed to get some groceries in the house and thought this would be a good time of day to avoid the grocery store rush. Not wanting to fuss much over herself, she slipped on a short skirt, a white blouse and some sandals. She didn’t bother putting a bra on because she...

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New Beginnings

It was a fine July morning when I skipped down the steps into the quad. The manicured grass stood out green against the stone buildings and surrounding gravel paths. As a member of the staff, I was privileged to walk upon that hallowed turf. The sun was already warm and a blackbird sang his heart out as I breathed in the fresh morning air. Most of the pupils had gone home for the summer and I had just locked up my lab. I had eight weeks to spend in this idyllic part of rural England. Still it...

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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 34

Final characters introduced in the story: Wolfgang Patrick O'Connell Mike and Gretchen's son, born 7 November 2053, auburn hair, green eyes Carl Michael O'Connell Pat and Petra's son, born 7 November 2053, reddish blond hair, blue eyes While Pat and I had been busy with our Wives and Sons, a bit of a brouhaha had developed at the University. It seems that some of the other Faculty members were jealous of our Parents and Aunts, and their position in what had become one of the...

3 years ago
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My First Bisexual Experience In America

I have always been curious, for as long as I have seen my first porn movie. I love eating pussy for hours…but the more porn i watched…more i got curious about how the cock would feel in mouth since the actresses seem to devour it in haste… As the months and days went by…i never took any action on my part to make any of this real… Even after I came to US, I had kept this curiosity to myself for years…and one year…I was alone home as my GF went to visit her parents…after few weeks of staying...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Watching HerChapter 6

Fay said it was hard to see because it was so dark back there. She said it was draped with painter's drop cloths. It looked as if it was not against the wall and there was space to hide behind it. She suggested we dance Hazel and Pam behind that for their teasing. Pam led us to her brother's table. Her brother was not there but he showed up fast when he saw the strange ladies. Pam made introductions. Fred was not more than 5'-6" tall. Glen, Ray and I were all over six foot. The music...

2 years ago
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Love is where you least expect to find it

I glanced at the hastily written down directions on the seat beside me as I drove. "SWF to share up-market suburban home and expenses Call Alex 555-3649" I had phoned as soon as I spotted the advert in our local newspaper. I was answered by an answering machine, a cultured female voice spoke clearly and deliberately, " Hi this is Alex, if you are phoning about my advert in the Belmont Bugle, I have found someone, thank you very much for phoning, if the call is for me, personally, please...

1 year ago
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Caught by My Stepbrother

After years of trouble within our family, my parents finally got divorced. I came to live with my mother for a while. But that didn't go well. So at my request, I moved into my fathers' beach home six months later. In the meantime, he had found a new friend. And seemed to be very happy with the new arrangement. His new boyfriend had two sons from a previous marriage. They were quite a few years older than me. But we actually got along quite well. One of the boys still lived at home. The other...

2 years ago
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The move back home

You had graduated college, you were able to find a job right away, had a wonderful partner, even talking about marriage. Until you found out they were fooling around with a co-worker behind your back. You moved out off the appartment. Spent the first month or so just sleeping on different freinds couches, drinking every night and trying to get into bed with anything that moved. After one long weekend of drinking and sexually debauchery. You barely made it into work on Monday morning, your boss...

1 year ago
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Drawn to YouChapter 8

Belle's eyes opened, looking into the dark room. Why did she wake? What time was it? A glance at the clock through sleepy eyes showed that it was 1:06 AM. When she rolled over she noticed that David's side of the bed was empty and cold. That's when she saw the warm glow of the bathroom light seeping through the gap below the door. She climbed from the bed and grabbed her satin robe. Then she walked to the door and slowly pressed it open. There was David drying himself after a shower. He...

1 year ago
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Winifred Was WillingChapter 2

CORNELIA'S HIDDEN DEPTHS You have probably read my sister Winifred's story called "Winifred Was Willing". I want to state right up front that her portrayal of me as "plain" and destined to be an old maid is sheer and utter poppycock. It is true that I have no love of the French powders and scents that my sister Winifred and Annette are prone to employ in their shameless pursuit of male admirers. I seldom simper and daydream about this cute boy or that. There is a huge gulf between my...

2 years ago
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 7 Number 13

My next-door neighbour in number 13 was the only active fisherman left in our street. Not that Claus had all that fishing to do in the waters right outside our town, because the outlet of different phosphates and salts from agriculture consumed most of the oxygen in the waters, plus all the toxic wastes from Russia, Poland and Germany that were brought here by the Baltic. During the winters some of the fish returned, and Claus usually spent two or three months every winter here, but the rest...

2 years ago
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Five Nights Ch 03

THE NEXT MORNINGI took a shower and crept back into the bedroom, careful not to wake Sue, and got dressed. The house was quiet as I made my way to the kitchen, following my nose to the pot of coffee. I poured a cup and looked for who else was awake, wondering what I would say to whoever it was. All the rooms had been cleaned from the night before. When I got to the den I still had found no one, but stepping to the sliding door I saw Marybeth outside on a lounge chair, drinking coffee in the...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Sharing Cousin Nancys TentChapter 5

All of a sudden, my cousin Nancy started to change her entire attitude. She was hanging out with a bunch of prima donna bullshit artists from downtown that thought their poop didn’t stink like the rest of us. One minute she was our Queen in residence and the next she was off with the upper class and wanted nothing to do with us commoners. I really wanted to lock her bedroom door and give her a good spanking before I taught her a memorable lesson with no lube straight up the rear door. That...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 133 I Couldnt Even Eat the Pizza

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) When Katelin and I got back to the bedroom after our shower, my clothes for today were already laid out on the bed, right down to the socks and underwear. Julia decides what I'm wearing every day, so there was nothing unusual in that. I don't even cringe too much at the thought of her going into my underwear drawer anymore. Katelin had a set of clothes hanging in one of the closets, so we were soon dressing ourselves, during which Katelin remarked,...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 13 The Letter

Penny awoke remembering only her Mistress's command: no matter how aroused she might be, no matter how intense her desire for climax, she could not come until the taste of honey touched her tongue. As her eyes opened from her trance and awareness returned to her, she could feel the cold stone at her back. Her arms and legs were trapped in cuffs that were attached to the wall via short chains, keeping her in an "X" position balanced precariously on the tall heels that, together with her...

2 years ago
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A Kittys Revenge

Like many people, I was bullied in school. I was small, slender and effeminate and, as a result, was often called gay, queer, fag and sissy by school bullies. The fact that what they said was sort of true just made it closer to the bone and more painful to hear. Like many teenage boys, I was going through something of an identity crisis surrounding my body and my blossoming sexuality. The feelings that I had always had as a c***d that me being a boy wasn't quite right were now increasingly...

4 years ago
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MoneyChapter 32

I was exhausted and ended up sleeping soundly until seven. I wouldn’t have gotten up, but the girls were all making noise and trying to get Kissa and Fran into some sexy gowns to show off for me in front of the rest of the folks on the patio. Only Dora noticed me sitting up while she was trying to convince the two new girls that this was a tradition. She came to me and said, “Go shower and shave so that you can give us all some kisses. You fell asleep on us while we were gabbing with the two...

4 years ago
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Foie De La ViergeChapter 4

Louez l'Eternel! I was in turmoil. I was confused. What kind of beast was I riding? They say that the Almighty blesses the faithful and the righteous. They say that the humble fly comes to the spider and the beetles to the lizard and dear Jesus, I'd hoped and never doubted, not even once. All this time, and now ... she'd come to me! That's why Christine had seemed so familiar; the reason that from the very beginning I'd imagined her acquaintance! She drew back from me when I dropped...

2 years ago
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Conversations with Jessie

"You're married aren't you?" The clerk asked as she took my money."Why would you ask that?""Evading the question, yep married and for quite a while." She said it with such a smile that I couldn't help but respond."Yes, as a matter of fact I am." Well I know I wasn’t married anymore, but it was still so recent that I still felt married!She grinned like a little schoolgirl. "I knew it! And from the stuff you're buying, I bet she's out of town."I shifted nervously without saying...

4 years ago
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Video Vixens Beeline 50176

BEE-50176 Video Vixens By Iris Licht CASTING COUCH CUMS! Rusty couldn't believe he had someone of Montana's luscious qualityundulating beneath him. The gorgeous brunette drew her legs around hishair-rough thighs and shivered. The office sofa wasn't designed for thiskind of activity, but they managed. The would-be porn stud pushed his heavy cock bulb into Montana's soft,wet flesh. Her cunt lips suctioned his rotund crown, then drew him intoher warm, willing body. She sighed, overwhelmed with...

3 years ago
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Harrimans General StoreChapter 6

Life had been relatively good for Jerry for the past so many months. His business was operating successfully. He was making a profit at a level that exceeded the rosy estimate and projection that he had provided to Sarah Harriman when he convinced her to allow him to manage the operation. He had a very nice apartment that was reasonably close to his workplace. He had developed a relationship with a beautiful Asian woman whose husband was unable or uninterested in satisfying her sexually. And...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Blair Williams VR 23511

It’s time to celebrate! Your startup has finally hit pay dirt, so you’re having a celebratory weekend in Vegas with one of your co-workers, Blair Williams. You want to blow off a little steam, but it turns out that Blair wants to blow more than that! She brought sexy lingerie to make the celebration even more celebratory with you, and it doesn’t even matter to her that you’re married! The two of you are in a hotel together, alone, celebrating, drinking. She’s got a big ass, you’ve got a big...

2 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 41

Wednesday, the Angels went with me to show a couple units. They both borrowed clothes from Yann. My redhead had found a men's underwear company in California that sold thongs and briefs designed with built-in cock rings to put one's business on full display. The twins looked more like porn stars than real estate assistants. "Those are your assistants?" The husband asked me when the Angels and the wife went to view the laundry room. "They're, uh, trying to get a promotion." I said...

2 years ago
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My friend Mausi Hi, this is suresh back again with another experience which happened last 4 years back with my friends Mausi which i kept Confidential till now but I would like to share the story now. Send me your comments to Here I’m narrating the story in telugu my mother tongue language. Apudu na vaisu 22 apati varaku nenu pedda age una varini danga ledu a roju varsham chinaga modalaindi nenu na friend ni kalvadaniki valanu atanu valla mausi dagaraku ochadu amei athani relative. Apudu time...

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Mrs WaxermanChapter 14

Doctor Hooker was in the kitchen watching the back door. As soon as Mrs. Waxerman opened it, their eyes met. She was naked as he’d instructed. Leaving the door open, she began moving their purchase inside. Doctor Hooker did not offer to assist. Once everything was in, Mrs. Waxerman knelt at Doctor Hooker’s feet. “You’re still angry, aren’t you sir?” She asked quietly in her non-Waxerman voice. “Two weeks, at the very least,” he replied, laying a hand on his fiancées head. “I’ve spent my...

3 years ago
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Trafficked Love Ch 19

Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...

3 years ago
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Home Away From HomeChapter 4

The next woman to show up was a naked serf. She introduced herself as Mary Pilot and said that she was sent by her overseer. I immediately suspected that this was some sort of punishment, but I wondered if I should mention it. Oh, what the hell? "Mary, are you here because you want to be or because you were sent to me as some sort of punishment?" She hung her head and said, "I am here because I refused to cooperate when my overseer raped me. I could do nothing to stop him, of course, but...

3 years ago
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3 of us ramble

Noelle is Frank's wife. I fuck Noelle with Frank. Often. I spend weekends with them. We've rented a house in Myrtle Beach in October for the past three years. Noelle enjoys being the center of attention. Frank and I go way back. We met in college. In college we hung out and eventually got high with a girl we both liked and ended up fucking her together. Frank and I experimented with bisexuality together and we have found a nice comfortable place fucking girls together. There have been a few....

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Blair Williams 24425

It is HOT! It’s not even 8am and it’s already 101 degrees in the neighborhood. Dustin Daring is up and fiending for a dip, so he wakes up his sister’s friend, Blair Williams, to come swimming in the neighbor’s pool with him. His sister won’t be up for ages anyway, and she’s so uptight. After a fun dip to cool off, things start to heat up when Blair looks down at Dustin’s pants, and sees how huge the outline of his cock looks in his wet swim trunks. She’s so shocked that she accidentally lets it...

1 year ago
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Cop Games

It was one of those days for me. A lot of tiny littleb.s. jobs. to catch up. One of them was to shoot a head shot portrait for a local judge's campaign poster. It had to be of him sitting at the bench, which seemed rather foolish to me but what did I know. Okay, I knew I needed the money. I always needed the money. Being a reasonably young female photographer sometimes helped me, sometimes hurt me, but it always got me noticed. Being noticed was a good thing, even when being female wasn't....

3 years ago
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Chennai Strange Mature Aunty

Dear friends, This is Shankar from Chennai, I would like to narrate my true incident whic was happend to me a couple of week back.First let me tell you about myself. Am married 5.10, Colour Dark Brown, and a little fat. I would always love to read xhamster stories and used to wonder how could this happen in real life, until i met with this incident. I would always love to have seceret sex with married girls / auntys, But i never had sex with any women other than my wife. I used to travel a lot...

3 years ago
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And I met both

Here I was in a Hotel again, but for a few days this time, and I really was horny, but didn’t really have a plan, so I surfed the web, looked at the online clubs and I finally found a local club that was for abundant women, i.e. BBWs. I really have a thing for a voluptuous woman. I started reviewing the profiles and started messaging a few and finally found a few that would reply back, and we would chat, checking each other out, really trying to see if there was interest and openness. There...

2 years ago
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The escort 7 The house of illusions

As the days passed and the time for my assignation with Mr Harris drew nearer, I found myself wondering more and more about this strange man. He was not at all attractive, quite unattractive in fact; he was overweight, he was shabby. Some men grow old with dignity and gain a patina of sophistication and experience that can be most alluring; he was simply old, in the untidy way of someone who has let himself go.And yet he somehow commanded my attention; partly because I was curious as to...

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