A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST
- 2 years ago
- 42
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“So ya gonna take the job or not?”
Jessie looked coolly at the man sitting across from her. She didn’t like him. Not his silk shirt, not his slicked back hair, not his fake tan. Gino the strip club owner. He was a walking stereotype. Her thoughts drifted mournfully to the Glade plug in working overtime in her office to combat this douchebag’s aggressive use of Axe body spray. Then she thumbed through the bundle of cash he’d tossed in her lap.
“Look, I need this done, and I’m told you’re the only person to talk to about it. I’ll throw in another 10 once it’s done. I just need that bitch out of my club!”
Jessie whistled to herself internally. 20K total plus expenses either meant desperation, or a setup. Either way, green was always her favorite color.
“Yeah, I’ll take the job.”
“Good. And hey, you’re a damn good looking broad. You want a more permanent position at the club once all this is over, you just let me know.”
Before Gino could finish unleashing his white-stripped smile he found himself pinned to the wall by his throat, talon-like fingernails attached to a pale white hand pinched cruelly just behind the edges of his trachea.
“I think you should treat the lady with more respect,” spoke an elegant, but steely voice.
Jessie placed her hand gently on the shoulder of her shockingly pale friend.
“Let him go, Vlad. I’m sure he didn’t mean to offend anyone, did you, Gino?”
“Fuck you,” Gino spat out.
Jessie’s eyes drifted down to the recently grown wet spot at his crotch.
“You know, I might have considered it, but I don’t do watersports. Now get out of here. I’ll be in touch when it’s done.”
Vlad let his grip on Gino pop open and the sleazy flesh peddler huffed his way out of the office. Not for the first time Jessie took a moment to appreciate the delicate features of Vlad’s face. Almost noble, but with a deadly undercurrent that was even more exciting than his pristine features were breathtaking.
“So, what do you think?”
Jessie sighed, “I don’t know. Only one way to find out. Feel like going to a strip club with me?”
A smile split Vlad’s face as his teeth elongated into fangs. No matter how many times Jessie saw it, it never failed to give her goose bumps…and get her very wet.
“You know, when you said go to a strip club with you, I thought you meant WITH you. Not jumping from rooftop to rooftop on over watch like some underfunded Batman.”
Jessie smiled to herself. She knew it was a bit mean to invite Vlad to a strip club investigation and then ask him to work surveillance from the outside, but she knew someone had to stay clear-headed when the shit hit the fan, and going into a den of unidentified sexual power shenanigans was not a safe way to make sure she’d be the one that did.
Plus, it was nice to walk down a street dressed like a slutty superhero and not have to spend a moment thinking about self-defense. Of course, Jessie could throw down with the best of them, but tonight Vlad would pick off anyone foolish enough to get in the way of her goal, giving Jessie a rare chance to simply look like sex on legs.
Not much more than a block away from the club now. JUGS N TUGS screamed out into the night with garish neon. She loved it. It was rare that Jessie could truly let her sexuality flow in public, but this was not the kind of place that was going to criticize a woman for being a horny little devil. The slight chill in the air now that the sun had dropped made her nipples stand out with precision, punctuating the top of her 36C tits and tenting the Harley t-shirt she’d cut to show off her toned midsection. A barely legal mini-skirt hugged her shapely hips and squeezed her thighs together just enough as she walked that a delightful warmth was already growing in her belly.
“Careful, love, don’t get ramped up too soon,” Vlad’s voice chuckled in her ear. A great aspect of having a supernatural being as a partner was he could project his voice to her and her alone, and could easily hear even the softest sound from her.
“Hey, you know I’m at my best when I’m revved.”
“And you're most distracted. I don’t want to have to bail you out too soon.”
Jessie smiled. As she approached the front door of the club she took a moment to appreciate the gentle pressure of her G-string playing between the twin globes of her impressive ass and thought about the likelihood that someone would get to fish that out before the night was over. Sizing up the bouncer in a moment she took a deep breath, let every ounce of sensuality she felt emanate out of her, and tripped.
“You ok miss?” asked the bouncer, rushing to her side. He lifted her firmly and smiled. “Those heels a bit bigger than you’re used to?”
Bingo. A Lancelot instead of a letch. Time to act just a little drunk.
“I’m fine. God, sometimes I’m just soo damn clumsy.”
“You’re not planning on going in here tonight are you?”
“Sure was. Why shouldn’t I?” Wobble just a bit Jessie girl.
“Look, you’re fine as hell and I hate to send a fine woman away, but things haven’t been right at this club for a while now. Tonight’s my last night in fact. I don’t know exactly what’s happening in there, and if some assholes wanna go in there and pay for an ass to grind on their junk then good for them. But I think you’d be better off calling it an early night.
“I just found out my husband of 10 years has been cheating on me. With…a…woman! Well, two can play that game and I want to get face deep in some pussy tonight!”
“Whoa, settle down. I’m sorry that happened to you. Far be it from me to judge another adult’s bad choices. I’ll tell you what. Tell Tammy at the bar that D-Bo said you’re alright. She’ll look out for you. And at the end of your night, I’m calling you a cab. Deal?”
“Deal. Thank you.”
Jessie gave D-Bo a hug and slipped into the darkened interior of the club.
“Nice move Jessie. Good to see you’ve still got it.”
Vlad’s grin at her cosplay faded as soon as the strip club door opened. There was an unnatural silence to that interior that chilled even his undead skin. A silence that typically meant the presence of a very particular…
One click and Vlad couldn’t hear Jessie anymore.
The moment the door shut behind her Jessie could feel it. A pulse in the club that was seductive, and dangerous. Maybe Vlad was right. Getting revved up before walking in could have been a miscalculation given that three steps inside had her body already primed like a ’65 Mustang on the starting line. Not that she’d give that cocky vamp the satisfaction of admitting it. He could just sit out there and wonder what was happening for a little while.
Jessie made her way into the darkness of the club, letting her eyes adjust to the dim sea of writhing humanity scattered around the room. She was surprised by the sheer number of strippers working. Three side stages and a main stage, all with at least two girls dancing together, and in addition it looked like at least half of the patrons were engaged in a lap dance at their table, with no immediate info on how many might be tucked away in the VIP rooms.
As her slow scan of the room continued she saw the bar, stretched across the left side of the room, though with only a handful of patrons. Seemed table service was the preference tonight. Jessie moved that way and caught the eye of a sexy Latina bartender who seemed to be the only one manning the bar.
“Yep. How’d you know?”
“D-Bo said to tell you that I’m alright.”
“Did he now? Well ok,” Tammy said with a wide smile. “What can I get you to drink pretty lady?”
“Shot of Jaeger and a beer.”
“You got it.”
Tammy turned towards the bar which gave Jessie a moment to appreciate the body on her. About 5’1” in heels it seemed like the sexy server snaked her way around the bar. It was a luxurious sensuality that moved the glittering pattern of her bikini top and boy shorts. Jessie had to make a conscious decision not to hop over the bar and grab that plentiful ass with both hands. For a moment, she let herself drift with the fantasy though, imagining reaching behind Tammy and letting the string bikini fall loose so that she could take those impossibly firm DD tits into her mouth. Gently massaging the tightest, fullest ass she’d ever felt while alternately giving her a quick, hard spank resulting in a near earthquake of movement through those glorious cheeks. Then Jessie slowly slid up between those beautiful tits and let her lips meet the plump, kissable mouth of Tammy the bartender…
“So, what brings you in tonight, Miss ‘I’m Alright’?”
Jessie started. She had a strong ability to daydream, an occupational need in some ways, but if it got out of hand it became a hazard. And she was feeling things getting a little out of hand.
“Just found out my husband was cheating on me with some strip club skank. Figure what’s good for the goose…blah, blah, blah.”
“I hear ya girl. Usually, I’ll tell women the one place their guy has absolutely no chance of cheating on them is at a strip club, but the way things have been going around here, I’m not so sure.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just look around,” Tammy gestured around at the dances, both on stage and private going on.
Jessie took her shot and then sat back against the bar, looking out while she sipped at her beer. Things did seem a bit more intense than you usually saw at a strip club. She hadn’t been surprised when the girls on stage were completely nude, but she was a bit surprised that all the lap dances on the floor were nude as well. And she saw a lot of contact. Hands slipping between the legs of customers and dancers. She saw nipples being suckled hard instead of used to tease, girls openly rubbing their pussies and those of their fellow dancers, and faces pressed between legs a little deeply to be just show. She even saw more than a couple of people actively making out and could have sworn she heard some zippers going down. If this was what was happening on the main floor, Jessie could only imagine what was happening in the back.
With that thought she casually let her legs drift apart, her beer bottle resting between her legs, the cool wet glass resting against the thin fabric of her rapidly soaking underwear. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten this hot, this fast. She subtly shifted the bottle back and forth, feeling her lips, slick with desire begin to part, the broad side of the bottle pushing against her rapidly engorging clit. The room was thick with lust and Jessie felt herself riding that wave toward an orgasm right there on the bar.
“I can help you with that y’know.”
Jessie became aware of the slim brunette in front of her and for a moment had to reorient her senses. Then realizing what she was doing, and where, she sat upright, snapped her legs together and accidentally splashed beer all over her skirt.
“Don’t stop on my account baby. That was all kinds of hot.”
Jessie took a breath. Whatever was going on here was powerful. Dangerously powerful. She was on the edge of getting herself off at a strip club bar and hadn’t even given it a second thought.
“Nice to meet you.”
Jessie accepted the outstretched hand.
“Hey Deidre, why don’t you leave this one alone,” Tammy stated sternly as she handed Jessie a towel to clean up the mess.
“Um, how about you take that fat sexy ass of yours and shut the fuck up.”
Deidre looked Jessie up and down like a farmer appraising cattle. It was hard to tell if she was more disturbed by the look or the thrill that ran up her spine because of it.
“Come with me in the back and let’s get you cleaned up.”
Even with her libido turned up to 11, Jessie knew all her alarm bells should be ringing. Strangely they weren’t which worried her more. But the only way to investigate was to investigate, and getting into the back rooms was a good step in that direction.
“Thanks,” Jessie smiled. “I’d appreciate that.”
“Hey, give the lady a house draft since she spilled her beer, Tammy.”
“I’m guessing you don’t want the boss thinking that you didn’t want to take care of a customer in need do you?”
With a weak smile Tammy poured a tall draft and handed it to Jessie. None of this read as OK to her detective instincts, but her hand was being forced in a direction she had to play out. Besides, Vlad was out there listening in on all of it. He’d never let her down.
Vlad looked around the entire club and was getting scared now. Not only did he recognize what was probably going on inside, something that Jessie would need his help with to control anyway, there was also an insane network of magic wards surrounding the club that he’d never seen before. Some of it shouldn’t have even been possible, unless … but there was no point getting worked up over fairy tales. Right now, he had to find a way in before Jessie got in too far to come back.
Deidre led Jessie by the hand through a thick, black curtain in a hidden corner of the club. She showed her to a very comfy looking chair and gestured for Jessie to sit down.
“What do you think of the chair? It’s my own design.”
“You design chairs?”
“Chairs, couches, beds, all kinds of furniture. I love working with wood, no pun intended, and I love fabric. So what better way to bring those interests together? Besides, it gives us girls something comfy to sit on, and I make a little extra money selling my stuff to the boss. So, you ready to see how it works?”
“Yeah, we get spilled on all the time so I took the concept of a hand dryer and turned it into a chair. Look!”
Deidre then brought two flaps that had been hidden along the arm of the chair and pulled them up so they created an arch of sorts covering Jessie from about mid-thigh to her shoulders. Jessie thought to herself that it looked like she was about to get a body perm.
“Oh shoot. You can’t use your arms now. If you want a drink of beer just let me know and I’ll serve it to you,” Deidre smiled.
“I’m good.”
“Suit yourself,” Deidre took a long swig from the glass. “Here we go. You’re gonna love this.”
Deidre reached under the chair and flipped a switch which caused a warm air current to flow all over Jessie’s body. It was a delightful and relaxing sensation as the trapped air currents seemed to caress her with the gentle insistence of a thorough lover. Already feeling heady with desire from the start of the evening and her own internal fantasies, Jessie let her head loll back and surrendered to the dry warmth that was encouraging her engorged center to work counter to the stated goal. It was like floating on a sexy cloud, one that perfectly slid into and around every crevice of her body.
Jessie felt her legs fall open, obscenely wide given her barely covered state, and that warm breath emanating from the chair pooled and stroked from her clit down to her clenching rosebud. She could almost swear the eddy had form. That it was trying its best to lightly penetrate her swollen lips. The only frustration was that with her arms pinned to her sides in this contraption she couldn’t reach up and tweak her sensitive nipples, which were jutting out proudly and absolutely begging to be touched.
And just like that, it went away. The air stopped and Deidre unfolded the flaps keeping Jessie bound in the chair.
“Ready for the beer now,” Deidre smirked.
Jessie had to admit her mouth felt parched, but house brew had all the wrong connotations in this place.
“No thanks, I’m good.”
“Suit yourself,” Deidre smiled as she took a long swig.
Then without warning, Deidre swept Jessie into a crushing embrace and kissed her hard on the mouth. Jessie’s eyes popped open at the sensation of the beer in Deidre’s mouth spilling into hers. The lightly spiced liquid heat slid down her throat, coating everything as it went. It was musky and alluring, one of the best things she’d ever tasted. If Jessie hadn’t been so distracted already from the heat building between her legs, she’d never have been caught off guard by a move like that, but she was distracted. Deidre released her and she stumbled back, licking her lips and trying to self-assess what she’d been obviously drugged with.
She felt her heart rate speeding up while goosebumps covered her body. The odds were she was dosed with an aphrodisiac. She didn’t feel a lack of consciousness hovering around the edges like when some frat boy tried to roofie you, and there was no slowing of her cognitive processes like you’d expect with a sedative. Nope, she just felt good. Really good. Like if she pressed her thighs together for 5 seconds she’d start cumming like a lawn sprinkler good. Not even thinking about the woman in the room with her, Jessie reached under her shirt and roughly tugged at her pierced nipples. Her other hand pressed between her legs, attempting to pause this onslaught of desire so that she could collect her thoughts; formulate a plan.
Deidre stood near her, a firm hand caressing Jessie’s generous backside, nearly causing her to convulse as one finger traced a light pattern down her crack and into the wet nexus between her legs.
“You are so goddamned wet, girl,” Deidre whispered in her ear.
Jessie was so lit up at this point she could do little more than whimper. Everything about this situation had been orchestrated just so to overcome her consider sexual appetite and prowess. To turn her into a desperate leaking slut ready to do anything to get off.
“I’ve got one more special chair for you to try. I think you’re really gonna like this one.”
Deidre took Jessie into her arms once more, gently slipping her tongue between her lips. Hands cupping Jessie’s ass, and then sliding up to maul her aching tits. Mouths battling for supremacy, both women attempting to drill to the back of the other one’s throat with their passion. Deidre’s thigh wedged its way between Jessie’s, and then Jessie had no choice but to slide her drenched pussy against that offered leg, mashing her clit into the toned flesh of her tormentor, searching for release somehow.
Then during it all Jessie felt the leg pull away, leaving her gasping for contact when she was suddenly penetrated to her deepest core. Her eyes opened wide as she felt her pussy stretched to its limits by some unseen invader. The pleasure that suddenly coursed through her veins took over Jessie’s conscious thought and left her no choice but to shudder and pulse as her eyes finally fell upon the tail that was thrusting into her.
Wait. A tail?! WTF?!
“Oh shit, a succubus,” Jessie exhaled, her shoulders slumping.
“That’s right dearie,” Deidre smiled as the wings on her back unfurled, and the dripping tip of the tail that had just been draining Jessie’s sexual energy from her very center withdrew and began to playfully whip around behind Deidre’s shapely ass.
“You are just a font of energy, my dear. I think I’ll keep you around for a while. I wonder what it is you’re up to. Here, you look a little woozy. Have a seat.”
Deidre maneuvered Jessie to a comfy looking leather chair and pushed her into it. With a flick of her hand a set of comfy, but firm, wrist and ankle restraints secured the panting detective to the chair. The back of the chair suddenly kicked back and Jessie found herself splayed wide open in a semi-reclining pose.
“I don’t think we need all those clothes,” Deidre proclaimed with a grin.
Before Jessie could react, Deidre blew a fine mist into the air and the meager coverage that Jessie had enjoyed simply dissolved into the surrounding air, leaving her exposed, reclining, with her legs splayed out obscenely and the wet heat of her womanly center on full display. It was an intimidating scenario, even for someone with the depth of experience Jessie enjoyed. At the same time, the reason she did what she did, was so goddamned good at it was because a part of her craved this edge. Even when a situation presented that seemed well outside of her ability to handle it.
“I think you’re going to enjoy my chair. It’s my favorite way to bring a special girl into the fold.”
With a slight whirr and jump Jessie felt her pussy penetrated by a significantly sized dildo that sprung out of the chair. It pierced her so deep she briefly wondered if her cervix would hold, before she felt the familiar clenching of a gushing orgasm overtake her. It was, quite simply, one of the best moments of her sexual life, even if it was being delivered by a cum draining devilish she-beast who ultimately wanted nothing but to enslave the world.
“But wait, there’s more!” Deidre exclaimed. Using a devilish flourish, she took a full glass of the house brew and spilled it into Jessie’s mouth, but also dribbled it over her tits, down her body, and absolutely doused her pussy and ass.
“This stuff tastes delicious, and works as a pretty damn fine aphrodisiac, but it also has some amazing properties as a lubricant, which believe me, you’re going to appreciate very shortly.”
Jessie felt her eyes start to roll back as her libido got shot into overdrive with a huge mouthful of that delicious brew, but was slightly brought back to reality as she felt a soft, growing lump begin to press against her ass. Each deep, insistent thrust of the monster between her legs began to match a growing pressure against her decidedly non-virginal asshole. Somehow the beer did work effectively to smooth the passageway into Jessie’s clenching bum, and with little more than a slight pop she found herself double penetrated by a chair, her core clenching in rolling waves of orgasm as her body got tossed about like flotsam on the sea as twin invaders ripped every ounce of pleasure out of her and a bemused, horny demon whipped her tail around in front of her.
“You didn’t know it tonight, but as soon as you walked through that doorway you were mine.”
Jessie barely comprehended the words as her world collapsed upon itself. She had been on a good run, but she could feel the endless orgasms draining her and giving every bit of what made her special to the red-tipped strumpet watching her with far too much amusement in her eyes. Jessie wryly realized as she felt her pussy and her ass stretched to their most pleasurable breaking point that this was most likely the end.
“I might have something to say about that.”
In a flurry of motion that most humans would have found simply confusing, but the desperate animal part of Jessie’s brain recognized as salvation, Vlad wrenched Jessie from the chair and threw her towards the exit of this sexually demonic back room before a surprised Deidre could react.
“Get the fuck out of here Jessie,” Vlad hissed as he squared up with a slowly angering succubus.
Barely conscious beyond the hot, wet heat spasming from her insides, Jessie somehow began to drag herself along the floor toward the main stage area. She had the beginnings of a plan, but it all started with getting away from this room.
As Deidre watched her prize slowly crawl away, blocked by this cocky undead bastard, she felt frustration roil to the surface of her typically cool exterior.
“How the hell did you get in here,” Deidre spit out.
“Believe me, baby, it’s a helluva story.”
Jessie looked coolly at the man sitting across from her. She didn’t like him. Not his silk shirt, not his slicked back hair, not his fake tan. Gino the strip club owner. He was a walking stereotype. Her thoughts drifted mournfully to the Glade plug in working overtime in her office to combat this douchebag’s aggressive use of Axe body spray. Then she thumbed through the bundle of cash he’d tossed in her lap. “Look, I need this done, and I’m told you’re the only person to talk to...
I walked into the living room where mom had slunk down into the leather couch. She was worn out from hosting family members that only showed up once a year. Mom had changed into her night shirt and her 40 year old leathery legs jutted out from underneath the hem in tired fashion. I sat beside her and patted her on her bare knee."So, was Jessie everything you thought he would be?" Mom asked after I settled in beside her.I gave her a very peculiar look. I really did not know how to answer her....
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Thanks to FrenziedMaiden for her help and friendship. Jessie is a delicious girl. She lives with just her dad and idolizes him. She is not a virgin, but her partners have never satisfied her. They have never met her expectations. This is a story about how Jessie finds herself and everything she wants. Jessie was 22 and she had to admit that she looked good. Her boobs were high and tight, not too large, but pert and perfect for her figure. Her ass was just fine too. All in all, Jessie was...
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Jessie had just finished with Luke and Robby, so now it was time to talk to Emma about what had happened with Luke. She walked into Emma's room and both Emma and Jessie were only in their robes. Jessie went and sat by Emma and said, "What were you thinking about having sex with your own brother?" she said in a calm voice. Emma responded with the shrug of her shoulders. "Well, I hope you know that it is wrong, and that if you got pregnant, who knows what would have happened." replied Jessie....
Jessie was angry at both Emma and Luke, because she could get in so much trouble if this leaked out to anyone. She planned on talking to Emma later, since it seemed to be more of Luke's fault than anyone elses'. Jessie pulled Luke into to her rooms and as calmly, and quietly as she could with all the anger she had built up inside her, said "What is the matter with you Luke!? Do you know how wrong it is that you fucked your sister?" "Yes," answered Luke. "But in my defense, she told me to and I...
This story is a different kind of collaboration. We decided on a loose set of rules, including the opening line, and a line that had to be included somewhere in the story. Each contribution had to be roughly 1000 words. The title was also jointly agreed upon. After that, it was just "go for it". The text of one of our decisive e-mails: Alright, how about calling the story "The Incu-Succubus"? The first line of our story will be, "'Balthazar, Prusidia, you idiots!' the devil yelled."...
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Eventually, I drifted off to sleep. After I awoke from my nap, I smiled to see the smiling face of "Porn Star Kelly". "Master, I know this form pleases you." "It does, but I'd prefer the original Kelly right now." Her body kind of shimmered and before me was a perfectly proportioned, Kelly Stein. Her breasts had lost two cup sizes, she had lost about five inches in height. She was a tiny bit chunky, but still incredibly hot. "Is this better?" asked in perfect Kelly tone. "Yeah,"...
This is a continuation of the story Watching Jessie (glory hole).By the time I got Jessie dressed to leave the glory hole booth another cock appeared through the hole in the wall. Jessie wasn't about to leave it there. Jessie promised that she just wanted to practice her sucking skills. Jessie knelt down in front of the cock and began kissing and stroking it. As the cock began to grow Jessie stroked it more and licked it all over paying special attention to the head. When the cock was fully...
Introduction: The following is a follow-up to the account described in my previous story starring Jessie. It was a long-time coming. While much of this story is true, we added a lot to it to make it more worth writing, so I didnt feel right categorizing it as a true story. Again, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. It was late afternoon, and Jessie and her husband were on their way from dropping off their son with Jessies brother. As they took care of the kid, I...
This story follows "Watching Jessie "Jessie was so out of it I had to help her get her pants on. I guided Jessie to her car but it was obvious that I would have to drive us to her house. I suggested that we go to the hospital where Jessie could get the morning after pill. Jessie didn't talk to me on the ride home, other than to say that she didn't want to go to the hospital. My suggestion of the hospital had only made her colder to me. I could have stopped the guy from fucking Jessie in the...
What a dilemma I found myself in all brought on by my sexual perversions. The woman I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with had helped convince me to take a lucrative job offer. Frank my potential new boss had my Jessie hooked on his big black cock. Worst of all Frank seemed determined to put his baby in Jessie. I'd played the scenarios out in my head and none of them really turned out the way I'd like them to. Jessie though was determined to make it work out.I had started packing...
Disclaimer: I have posted this story on another site, but it truly is mine.The sun hung high and unobscured in the cool and clear autumn sky. Two professional football teams were making preparations for week six of the National Football League's season while I fought my way through masses of cars, pedestrians and traffic cones. I'd actually never been to a football game, and that streak would continue despite the fact that I was trying to get to the stadium on game day as quickly as I...
Jessie's story Jessie Es war wieder ein langer Tag geworden. Jessie schloss ihre m?den Augen, ihre Finger lagen noch auf der Tastatur. Sie hatte eine Idee f?r eine neue Story gehabt, aber irgendwie war sie zu besch?ftigt gewesen, um auch nur ein Wort zu schreiben. Es war bereits ?ber die Zeit, zu der sie normalerweise Schluss machte, und das meiste ihrer Arbeit war getan. Es war niemand mehr im B?ro, die Luft war rein. Sie ?ffnete ihren geheimen Ordner und begann zu tippen. Die t?glichen P...
Jakob leaned against the door as he watched Jessie drive the truck, her long slender fingers wrapped easily around the wheel. He was lost in thought, mostly recalling their last night in the Webster farm before leaving for college. He had come in late from his last job—harvesting 1500 acres of feed corn. The ground had been unusually rough, possibly a result of the long drought, and the ensuing vibrations had tired him terribly. He was surprised that the house was mostly dark—it was only...
Watching Jessie (part 8)Frank was in the bedroom with Jessie when I got home from work on Friday. He hadn’t been over since last week. Now that he had Jessie pregnant I wondered if he was working on getting someone else pregnant. I was happy knowing that his wife Terry had given me an awesome blow job in the very same room at lunch time. Even though I didn’t get to fuck Terry I knew it was only a matter of time. I felt my cock getting hard as I thought about Terry’s beautiful black body and...
It was hardly the first time the two girls had gone out dancing together. They had, after all, been inseparable ever since the second grade when they first bonded under the thumb of their mutual bully, Deb Connors. From there their friendship had only grown. In fourth grade, they had each earned themselves a month long suspension for a prank their classmates still talked about in hushed tones. In the sixth, Jessie had dragged Lily along with her to volleyball tryouts and the pair had made...
No girl has impacted me like my friend Jessie, and no sexual experience has affected my life more than the one I shared with her on December 26, 2013. Yes, we did slip up earlier that year when I took her in during a snow storm. It wasn't our intention, but we ended up having sex that night, the result of nearly 10 years of unresolved sexual tension. By then, Jessie had been married for a little while, so we both knew it was wrong and swore to never let it happen again. We meant it too, so I...
Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 2: Finding Their Way Chapter 6 - "Crossing Arizona" Friday, June 7, 1872 Jessie slowly - regretfully - opened her eyes. "Uhh," she moaned, putting her hand to her head. "Why the...
And back to the present Distantly I heard someone saying, “Sam? Sam? Sam?” then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was standing beside Janice and was grinning like crazy. She had a small bandage on her forehead. “The doctor has finished his exam, Sam, and there is no sign of physical ... or mental problems,”...
What neither one of us anticipated was that Brian, Jessie's husband would be one to share. Then came that fateful date, when the couple, who had moved away not long after Jessie and I slept together, was back home visiting family for the holidays. It was six months after Jessie had a baby, which, if nothing else did, seemed to rule out any possibility that we would stumble again. There wasn't possibly a scenario that would serve nothing better than ruining someone's life. Still, Jessie...
1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: 1.02 Jessie, Lisa, Aron: 1.03 Jessie, Lisa, Aron, HDTV Condition: 1.04 Mira, Jessie, Introduction: 1.05 Mira, Jessie, First Lesbian Orgasm: 1.06 Mira, Jessie, Jacuzzi: 1.07 Lisa, Aron, Hair Removal: 1.08 Lisa, Aron, Deepthroat: 1.09 Lisa, Aron, Sibling Mating: 1.01 The House of Pleasure THP: The House of Pleasure, THP, is a high end, sexual complex in the Center of Bangkok. It opened two years ago and has become a must layover for business...
Jakob, Jessie, and Sandy took a break for lunch on Sunday. They were covered in saliva, cum and pussy juice--sticky in most places. After showering together, Jakob fired up the grill while the girls made some burgers. Jessie brought them out to Jakob wearing absolutely nothing-her tan lines disappearing since she started sunbathing nude. Jakob admired her lean features accentuated by her large firm breasts that seemed more suited for a much heavier woman. He noticed her nipples were...
Jessie has already told you how Michael and I seduced her, and how she became the third partner in our marriage. And yes, we’re married, more or less. I’ll tell you about that later. For me, it all started when I met Michael at an art show at the museum. He seemed to be something different from the other men there. For instance, he’d take longer than usual when examining a painting or a statue, instead of taking the usual cursory glance and then moving on to the next piece. I took the...
From the minute he’d gotten the Sheriff’s phone call Jakob had known what he had to do. It was like killing a rabid dog or the feral hogs that had threatened his father’s stock. It was either kill Howard Holmes or live their lives in fear—fear that he’d get out of prison and hunt them down to wreak his “revenge.” In the end he’d done what he had to. He had rescued Jessie, his wife of less than a day, from a certain death at the hands of her father. Jakob had carried Jessie, insisting she...
Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 1: On the Trail to Trouble Chapter 1 -- "Prolog: September 1871" Tuesday, September 12, 1871 A chunky, sandy-haired man walked into the Prescott, Arizona...
Jessie and I had a “normal” date Thursday night, dinner and a movie. When we left Emily with the her babysitter, Emily was disappointed that we were not taking her with us. Jessie had to remind her that the 3 of us were going to the zoo on Saturday. The movie was a romantic comedy which Jessie had picked. The movie was ok, however the plot was very predictable. At least I got to be with Jessie. I had my arm around her throughout the movie and we kissed a couple of times, however the theatre...
I woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into Khym International The Agony of Jessie Part 1 Amy woke just as the plane was banking for final approach into the international airport. Seated beside her on the flight was Jessie Gomez. The 18-year-old was still asleep, oblivious to the stares of the male passengers in first class, who could hardly miss the blond teen in her tight blouse and short skirt. Adding to it were her air-conditioned chilled nipples clearly visible...
2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation: 2.02 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Frame Deepthroat: 2.03 Sara, Jessie, Canine, The Mounting: 2.04 Aron, Extractor and Enhancer: 2.05 Aron, Jessie, Mother and Son Mating: 2.06 Lisa, Golden, Bedroom Services: 2.07 Aron, Creatures, Bedroom Services: 2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation: Sara knew Jessie was ready and walked her toward the mounting frame. Without hesitating, Jessie entered the frame, kneeled down and...
Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...
Introduction: The following is an account of my long-awaited first sexual encounter with my friend Jessie, coming with a wild twist. Some details are exaggerated for the enjoyment of the reader, but the integrity remains. Also, in the same interest, preparatory and hygienic details were omitted. The shot glass shook in my hand as I endured the most awkward 10 minutes of my life. Ive never been a drinker, but the alcohol was needed tonight to calm my nerves as I sat across the glass coffee table...
Watching Jessie(bedroom camera part 6)It was late Sunday afternoon when Jessie got back. Frank showed up a few minutes later. Frank told me to go to the office and pull some reports and email them to him. He would keep Jessie entertained. Apparently he had told Terry he was going to the office to do what I was now tasked with. I pulled up the bedroom camera on my phone as I drove to work. Frank and Jessie weren’t in the bedroom as of yet. At least I wouldn’t have that as a distraction as I...
Street and Smith's _New York Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks -- Outlaw Queen By Nicholas Varrick As Told To Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson (c) 2003 Chapter 1 -- "Riders in the Night" "One... Two... Three!" Jessie Hanks yelled, as she swung the saddle back and forth, then upward. This time, it worked. The heavy saddle went over the top of the tethered horse, settling unevenly on the blanket on its...
Author's Notes This is a fanfiction of a erotic comic parody called the “Curse of the Succubus” by the artist known as Lemonfont. I wanted to continue the story idea Lemonfont started especially since I think it may have been a one-shot commission piece. I am unsure where the artist was starting the comic at in the universe. I am however, starting this story on the presumption that it is at the point Wanda Maximoff had her breakdown and decided to alter reality. In this alternate reality, Wanda...
A New Succubus. By Kachakali See more captions and stories on my hobby website http://fantasyspiroscaptions.blogspot.mx/ I used to be a boy in an orphanage. A kind old man adopted me. But he was anything but that. He was an evil warlock in disguise. I thought I was finally going to have a home, but when he took me to his palace, I was locked in a room. It has plenty of things inside for me to do and read. But I've been locked up before. I traded one cell for another. But I am not one...
Again, I suggest reading the first four chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. Jessie & the Tornado, Ch. 5 Distantly I heard someone saying, ‘Sam? Sam? Sam?’ then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was...
(5th in a series)I had by now excepted the fact that my wife, (Jessie) was going to get or already was pregnant with my bosses (Frank) baby. I was partially to blame for encouraging her to fuck other guys but I didn’t expect her to take their semen. Not only was she letting Frank fill her with his semen but Jessie wanted to have Frank’s baby. Jessie’s once tight pussy was now always gapped open her pussy lips stretched and loose from taking Frank’s BBC almost daily and sometimes multiple times...
My brother, Jessie and I had spent the entire week at home and pretty much naked. We had sex several times every day. I couldn’t help but be worried about our parents coming home. I didn’t know what to expect, because I was sure that my Dad knew what was going on, considering he caught Jessie and I in the pool house in the bed together wrapped in each others arms naked. “You are thinking about it again aren’t you?” Jessie was standing in the doorway of the living room. He was naked, but his...
IncestI was driving to my favorite grocery store to stock up on essentials. I saw a blur appear in my peripheral vision and woke up two days later in the hospital. I had a broken leg, a broken wrist and a concussion. A delivery truck had run a red light and broadsided my car. Luckily for me, a policeman was witness to the accident and had quickly gotten an ambulance on the scene. Even better for me was the four moving violations issued to the driver of the truck. The company had sent a...
Hardcore"Hi, Soph!" Jess chirped. "Hello, Jessie," Sophia said, sitting down in the chair across from the couch. "Welcome home. Now, do you mind telling me why you're sitting in my fiancé's lap kissing him?" "I'm trying to get him into bed," she giggled. "Oh, that did not help," Warren moaned. Sophia's mind boggled. She was prepared to believe she had walked into something innocent-until Jessie said that. "You're trying to get Warren into bed," Sophia said. "What...
I hadn't been back in Florida for more than three days and I was already miserable. I missed Jessie so bad. It was like having a part of myself ripped away. I wondered to myself how I had went this long without realizing how much I really loved him. My mom had noticed my depression, but when she would ask me about it I refused to talk about it. Part of me wanted to blame her, because she had left my father. But when I would really sit down and think about it I knew that if she had stayed...
IncestMy girlfriend Jessie is a very reserved person sexually. At 25 she has never been with another person sexually save for her prom night. We were dating for almost three months before we had sex for the first time. We had been dating for six months where this story begins. Jessie is 5’2” tall with large breasts for her size and a beautiful round ass. Jessie could get the attention of any man if she so desired.Instead Jessie tries to blend into the crowd. At least until last weekend Jessie had...
Mom's older brother, Jessie, was always a flirt and often thought he was God's gift to woman. He was always quite the womanizer and knew just how to work the scene, even given his advancing age. I could see this as he mingled with the large crowd of family on our huge deck at the family reunion mom had organized. I watched Uncle Jessie flow through the crowd of family eying female family members like they were just another woman. All of them smiled at him and he reveled in it. I just snickered...
IncestJessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches. “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees. “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat. Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock. “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good...
Jessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches. “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees. “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat. Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock. “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good blow! Jessie pulled...
Mom and grandma went upstairs to change out of their workout gear, as Jessie relaxed on the family room couch. That was quite the workout. He felt good about himself though. It had been a while since he did physical exercise, so it was nice to get back into a routine. The exercises themselves were far different from his usual lifting weights, but he enjoyed the cardio segments and the one which targeted the thighs and buttocks. Knock Knock Knock. Someone was at the door. Jessie was...
When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my car. Jessie’s purse was gone. I noticed that her car was not in the driveway of her parent’s house, and one of her parent’s cars was also missing. I tried calling her cell phone over and over, but she never answered. I left a number of messages begging her to call. Now, all I could do was wait. Had she and her parents gone somewhere? Then why were two cars missing? I paced back and forth from one end of my house to the...
If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. Someone once said that women need a reason to have sex, while men only need a place. Like most generalities, I think that is generally wrong. I think that people need to have a reason to have sex and that if they care for each other, then the love and sex will be even better. All the participants are at least 18. The...
Hi everyone, I am Continuing my story… I looked at the time it was quarter past one. I went near her Me: How is your Leg Pain? Jessie: Now I feel little better. Me: You want me to massage again? J: No, No Need it is fine now. Me: Ok, then you feeling sleepy? J: No, But I want to sleep now. Because tomorrow after reaching home, has to go to my aunt house with my mum. Me: Ok, If you want to sleep you can sleep on my lap. She thought for a while and looking around to see others. Me: No one is...
The two began heading out when Jessie realized that he did not have his wallet. "Hey Ashley, how the heck do I carry my wallet? There aren't any pockets in this dress." "Yep, most dresses and skirts don't have pockets," Ashley replied. "I have something that will help," Jessie's mom said. She left the room and came back a minute later with a small light peach colored purse. "Put your stuff in here and carry it along." "Cool. I could put some cool stuff in here," Jessie...
Queen Lola felt like shit. She felt like some weak horrible little thing that could be thrown around like some rag doll and it was pissing her off to no end. Most of all she felt like this shouldn’t have happened to someone like her. Even though she was a half breed, and didn’t have too many powers or abilities, she was still a queen for Christ effing sake’s she should be treated like one, and not be manhandled by some young pup. Hell, the simple fact that some immature, amateur young wolf...
I stood over the pit looking down at the eggs, some of them would hatch soon, and those that had lay empty, the baby succubi buried in the soft Earth, sleeping. This is where I was born, or rather hatched as are all succubi young lings, some are born elsewhere I’m sure, but their survival is unlikely. I remember the soft Earth, sleeping curled up, being pulled out to feed on the warm milk of a succubus, to then be placed back to my slumber. My kind grows faster than most other daemons, after a...
FantasyAmanda felt like Jessie had enough excitement for the day. After his emotional outburst when Jason saw him clad in his girl's workout outfit, the voice change, and the trip to the nail salon, she took him home to relax. Jessie was thrilled with the way his nails looked. To think that he was so egotistical about how well he painted nails haha. Those women really taught him a lesson or two. As he admired his strawberry shimmery nails he wondered why black was always his favorite color....
Amanda crept into Jessie's room and reached over to turn off his alarm clock. "It's ok honey, go back to sleep...you're not going back to school until that infection goes down," she calmly explained to Jessie, who had woken up. He laid his head back down and drifted again off to sleep. Amanda eyed her son as he slept. He looked so peaceful, and dare she say happy? Although the idea of changing him into a female was extreme on all scales, she felt that this was the only solution to...
Watching Jessie It was Wednesday before lunch time when Terry. Who was Frank my bosses wife walked into my office and shut the door. She was a hot sexy black woman. I stood up from my desk as she said “hi sugar". I couldn’t help but stare at her in her short tight red dress. Terry knew that I liked looking at her. Terry started to tease me for spending Saturday night with her husband instead of her. I responded by saying that I would have much rather been with her but I didn’t think Frank would...
Jessie sat on his bed looking at the new underwear his mom had bought him. Something wasn't quite right about it but he didn't know what. His mom was so supportive and understanding of his sensitive chest and his sudden weight gain in his lower section. He should be grateful that he has such a wonderful family. "What the heck. Let's try these bad boys on and see if they fit." Jessie stripped down and looked at the selection of underwear in front of him. The logical choice, he...