Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 2 of 2
- 3 years ago
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If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. Someone once said that women need a reason to have sex, while men only need a place. Like most generalities, I think that is generally wrong. I think that people need to have a reason to have sex and that if they care for each other, then the love and sex will be even better. All the participants are at least 18.
The first chapter is, admittedly, short. This is to just introduce you to the two main characters, and give you some information about the dynamics between the two. The remaining chapters are longer.
Oh, and if you are looking for non-stop, continuous banging, then you will be disappointed, and probably don’t even need to start. There are plenty of those stories available elsewhere. This is NOT a ‘wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am,’ story.
While there may be some who question — at least early in the story — whether or not this is actually a ‘Romance,’ given some of what happens and some of the interaction between the two main characters, I hope you wait until the end of the story before you judge if this is the correct classification or not.
I would also be very remiss if I didn’t thank BeachBaby179 for her suggestions, guidance and clarifications in making this story much better. She is an outstanding editor, and this story is much better for her hard work. Thank You Beach Baby!
‘Oh God, please let her be alive! Please let her be safe and alive!’ I said in a silent plea.
I immediately resumed digging through the shambles that was left of her parent’s home.
It had only been a little over 30 minutes since I left my house, located next door to her parents. Just a quick trip to the post office to pick up a package I had to sign for since it was certified mail. The post office was supposed to close in less than an hour. If I didn’t get the package today I would have to wait until Tuesday, since Monday was a holiday.
I had called Jessie before leaving to let her know I would be right back, and even offered to take her with me.
‘I will be FINE, Sam,’ she stressed, ‘I’ve just got one more school paper I have to finish, and I will be FINE!
‘Then we will have the rest of the long weekend . . . together.’
Graduation from college was less than two weeks away, and I knew how important her school work was to Jessie. So against my better judgment, I listened to her.
CRAP — Why the hell did I listen to her?
I mean it’s not like our part of Georgia never had bad storms before, but this particular storm — according to the weather prognosticators — was supposed to be especially intense.
This line of storms had already produced tornadoes in Mississippi, Alabama and other parts of Georgia, but who would have ever believed it could come so quickly — and so savagely?
When I left the house, the sun was still shining on what was the warmest day of the year. In fact, The Weather Channel said it was the warmest day in May in over 50 years. Just a beautiful Saturday morning.
The post office was only about five minutes away, and there were only a few people in line, so I only had to wait about seven or eight minutes. Even so, when I walked back outside I could not believe how much conditions had changed.
Before I left my house, there were some strong wind gusts but the sun was still shining and it was HOT!
Now, some 10-15 minutes later, the difference was startling. The wind was blowing hard enough to rock my pickup truck where it stood, the temperature had dropped at least 20 degrees, and dark, angry clouds had obscured the sun.
I jumped in my truck and turned on the radio as I raced back to my house.
‘Winds are gusting up to 50 to 60 miles per hour, folks, and this is becoming a major storm,’ I heard the weatherman say on the radio.
Then I heard the ‘beep-beep-beep’ that signified an emergency bulletin.
Almost immediately, I heard the weatherman begin to report the ‘tornado watch’ which we had been under for the last few hours has been upgraded to a ‘tornado warning.’ He again explained that tornado watch just meant that conditions were right to possibly generate a tornado, while tornado warning meant that a tornado has actually been spotted.
I was almost halfway back home when two things happened. First, it began raining so hard I could barely see 10 feet in front of me, and second my cell phone rang. It was Jessie.
Due to the wind and rain, I had to slow to a crawl while trying to talk to Jessie on the phone. The rain was pounding so hard on the outside of my truck that I had to struggle just to hear her.
‘Sam, where are you Sam?’ she cried out when I answered. I could hear the fear in her voice.
I explained I was only about a mile away, but was having to drive at a snail’s pace because of the conditions.
‘I’m scared, Sam. I mean, really scared,’ she blurted out. ‘I have never seen anything like this before.’
Despite the conditions outside, I started driving a little faster.
She said the trees outside were bent nearly double, and that some of the wind gusts were actually rocking the two-story house her parents owned.
‘Jessie, are you upstairs in your room?’ I asked.
When she said, ‘yes’ I had to start nearly screaming in order for her to hear me over the howling winds on both ends of the phone.
‘Jessie, go downstairs NOW!’ I told her.
She said she would, after grabbing her laptop.
‘No, Jessie,’ I yelled, ‘Go NOW!’
It only took her about 30 seconds to reach the downstairs level, and she asked, ‘Now what?’
‘Go to your parent’s room, grab the blankets off the bed, jump into the tub in their bathroom and cover yourself up. NOW, Jessie, NOW!’
Since her parents didn’t have a basement in their home, I knew this was probably the safest location left in the house.
By now, even as slow as I was driving I couldn’t have been more than a half-mile from our two houses.
Abruptly, the wind and rain stopped. I could also hear over the phone that it must have stopped raining at Jessie’s house as well.
The sky now turned a sickly yellowish-green in color.
Unbelievably, I heard Jessie laugh.
‘Get in the tub?’ she said, ‘I think you just want me to take my clothes off.’ I could hear the laughter in her voice.
I decided that humor was better than the fear I had been hearing, so I began to respond in kind.
I knew what the sudden cessation in wind and rain, and the yellowish-green tint to the sky meant. I had been through one tornado before, years earlier.
‘Well, that would be one way to get you naked,’ I quipped.
‘Anytime you want to get me naked,’ she said, only now I could hear how her voice had turned serious, ‘all you have to do is ask. I promise it won’t be like last time.’
I was just about to respond when I saw a car, about 100 feet in front of me, suddenly go airborne.
I never saw a funnel cloud, but one second the car was driving along, then it was flying about a foot off the ground. It dropped back onto all four wheels, but was now sideways across the shoulder of the road.
Seconds later, I actually felt my truck lift slightly off the ground, then drop back to the pavement. It couldn’t have risen more than a few inches, but it was still enough to almost make me lose control.
At almost the same instant, I heard a loud roaring sound (like a freight train) coming over the phone, then a horrible crashing sound, along with Jessie’s scream!
Then . . . nothing!
‘JESSIE!’ I yelled, over and over into the phone, but there was no response. No sound, no dial tone, nothing!
I frantically began hitting the redial button, but there was no ring, nothing at all.
Just a few seconds later, a large
tree toppled onto the roadway, completely blocking it. Some of the limbs actually hit the hood of my truck before I could slam to a stop.
I continued trying to call Jessie over the cell phone, to no avail.
Finally, I just put the cell phone in my pocket, leaned over and took out a pair of leather gloves from the glove compartment, then opened the door and ran over to the other car. The driver assured me he was fine, just a little shaken up, so I started running to Jessie’s house.
It had started raining again, but not nearly as hard as it had been. Even so, before I was halfway to Jessie’s house I was soaked.
I continued running, trying to dodge downed trees and tree limbs, plus wreckage I knew was from other homes in our subdivision. Luckily the power lines and phone lines were buried underground, so at least I didn’t have to worry about downed power lines.
I live in a four-bedroom, single-story ranch-style home with a separate two-car garage. A covered walkway about 10 feet long joins the house to the garage. My house, unlike Jessie’s, also had a large basement.
Jessie’s parents live in a large, four-bedroom, two-story house beside mine in a cul-de-sac. One other house shared the cul-de-sac with us, a single-story, like mine.
In the few seconds I stopped to look, it appeared the other house looked fine. I couldn’t see any damage at all to it.
My house had a lot of the shingles ripped off, but the roof looked okay.
My garage was gone. I don’t mean it was destroyed or demolished or just in a pile of rubble. I mean you could not tell there had ever been a garage there at all. My late wife’s Mercedes and my riding lawn mower, both of which had been inside the garage, appeared unharmed. Amazingly, the covered walkway, which is just held up by some flimsy two-by-fours, appeared undamaged.
Jessie’s house . . . Oh, God, Jessie’s house!
The entire upper story was missing.
It was almost as if someone had taken a giant knife and sliced off the upper part of the house.
It seemed impossible to believe that anyone . . . anyone could have survived in what was left of the house. The destruction seemed so complete I was almost paralyzed with fear for several seconds before my training as both a former Marine and a present day fireman/EMT kicked in and I forced those thoughts deep inside.
I began running again until I reached her house then ignored splintered wood as I began frantically digging through the rubble that was all that remained. The entire front door and much of the wall around it was simply gone.
‘Oh God, please let her be alive! Please let her be safe and alive!’ I said in a silent plea.
I’m not sure how long it took to reach her parent’s bathroom where I was hoping Jessie had managed to take cover. It probably only took 10 minutes, but it seemed like I was digging through rubble and tossing splintered wood aside for hours.
Within a few minutes my forearms were covered with numerous little cuts and scratches. Luckily, the gloves extended well past my wrists.
There was no floor left above what remained of the house. From the moment I entered the house, open sky was above me.
Finally I reached the door to the bathroom. Amazingly, the door opened although the wall nearly fell forward when I started to swing the door open. I grabbed the door jam and pulled it towards me, and the entire section of wall just collapsed. I barely ducked through the doorway before the wall fell.
The tub was completely covered with splintered wood, along with sheetrock from the missing ceiling.
I shoved all that aside until I could see a blanket covering something in the tub.
Praying that I would not find just a body, I gingerly pulled the blanket down some.
Her long blonde hair was almost completely covering her face, but I gently brushed the hair to the side until I could see her.
She had a bump on her head that was bleeding some, but I could clearly see her chest rising and falling as she was breathing.
I think I began crying in relief.
‘Oh, Thank God, Jessie, you’re alive,’ I said out loud.
At the sound of my voice, Jessie’s eyes begin fluttering before they opened and she started looking around.
She leaned up and put her arms around my neck.
‘Sam, I have never been so scared in my life! I thought I was going to die,’ she said.
Then she started looking up at the open sky immediately above us.
‘How did I get outside?’ she asked, very puzzled.
That was when I explained she wasn’t outside. She was still inside her house, inside the bathtub in her parent’s bathroom. Only the entire upper portion of the house had been ripped off.
‘If you had still been in your room, you would have been killed,’ I said.
Jessie turned white as a sheet, then started saying, ‘You saved my life. By making me come down here, you saved my life.’
Actually, that just made me feel worse. If I had been doing what her parents had asked me to do, I would have insisted Jessie go with me to the post office. Then she would not have been endangered . . . or nearly died.
I already had one death on my conscience, and the thought that another woman I was beginning to care so much for might have died . . . because of something I didn’t do . . . was too horrible to even think about.
Jessie’s parents had left the day before for a few days. Her mother’s parents had been involved in a relatively minor traffic accident, and would probably need some assistance for a few days. So they drove to Valdosta in extreme South Georgia.
Jessie normally lived on campus at the college about three hours away. Usually she stayed there on weekends as well, but since this was a three-day weekend she decided to come home, arriving last night well after midnight.
Since college graduation was less than two weeks away, Jessie said she needed to stay and do some final school papers. Her parents had agreed — but had asked me to look after Jessie until they were back. Not that she really needed anyone to look after her, since she had recently turned 22, but I had agreed.
And less than 24 hours later she could have been killed! Because I did not do what I said I would do.
To tell you the truth, thinking about Jessie made me both excited . . . and nervous. We met less than two months earlier, and were still exploring our relationship.
We began writing each other e-mails, and after a month we had a . . . well both of us were a little hesitant to call it a ‘date,’ but we did go out for dinner. Dinner went so wonderfully, we also went dancing that night.
What had begun as a wonderful time for both of us ended up . . . well disastrously is the only word that would apply.
Part of the reason — a large part of the reason — she decided to come home was so we could continue to explore and define our relationship. And hopefully take that relationship to the next step.
I was trying not to think about that, so I immediately reverted to my training as a fireman and Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic, and began questioning Jessie about how she felt or if she was hurt anywhere else.
Jessie kept insisting she was fine, other than the bump on her head and a rather bad headache, and I could not find any other indication of trauma.
‘Can you stand up?’ I asked.
Jessie got out of the tub with my help, but then I noticed she was barefoot. No shoes.
‘I’m taking you to the hospital,’ I told her. She began complaining, saying she was fine, but I interrupted.
‘Listen, young lady,’ I told her rather forcefully, ‘you have possible head trauma, so we are going to the hospital — and I don’t want to hear any complaints.’
Jessie quieted down. For once.
At least until I reached down and picked her up in my arms.
‘What are you doing?’ she demanded.
I explained that
since she had no shoes and all her belongings were scattered probably across half of Georgia, I would have to carry her.
‘The ground outside is covered with broken glass and thousands of splinters,’ I advised.
‘You can’t walk, so I am going to have to carry you.’
Then she insisted I put her down for a moment so she could grab her laptop, which was still in the tub. I couldn’t believe she had actually stopped long enough to grab it from her bedroom. Not with a tornado bearing down on her house. That, I thought, was typical Jessie!
Finally, Jessie was carrying the laptop, and I was carrying Jessie.
As we walked through the shambles of the subdivision, neither of us spoke at first. The sheer destruction was simply overwhelming. The next three houses, on the other side of Jessie’s house were simply flattened, and several more were badly damaged until the last several houses simply had some shingles missing. It was obvious the tornado had only stayed on the ground for a short distance, before lifting off again.
While I was carrying her through the subdivision, Jessie explained that she had just gotten into the tub, when the tornado hit her house.
‘If you hadn’t yelled at me to go downstairs . . . I don’t know what would have happened,’ she said.
Jessie’s face then turned red, and she said, ‘Oh, crap!’
Thinking she might have another injury of some kind and I might be inadvertently hurting her, I stopped and asked what was wrong?
‘Well . . . I was just thinking about what else we talked about on the phone, and I realized I wanted to do what you asked,’ she offered, with a big smile.
‘What are you talking about? What did I ask?’
I didn’t remember making a request.
‘After I got in the tub, I had planned on taking all my clothes off,’ she smirked, then blushed again.
I think I said something about possible brain damage, but Jessie just smiled.
In just a few minutes we were back at my truck, and after putting Jessie in the cab, I grabbed my medical kit and began checking her blood pressure, respiration and other vital signs.
I just rolled my eyes at her when she offered to remove her shirt and bra so I could check her heartbeat!
Relieved that everything physical appeared within normal parameters, I got in on my side and we quickly made our way to the hospital.
But not before I informed Jessie that while there was no OBVIOUS signs of brain damage, I was still a little concerned!
She stuck her tongue out at me.
Once we arrived at the hospital, I carried Jessie inside despite her continued protests that she was fine and could now walk. I also had to tell Jessie we were NOT taking her laptop inside.
Because of my status as an EMT-Paramedic with the local fire department, I knew most of the hospital staff, including many of the doctors.
As soon as I walked in, the receptionist recognized me and buzzed me back to the emergency rooms where a nurse had me place Jessie on a gurney.
‘What’s up Sam?’ she asked.
‘Her home was destroyed in the tornado, Janice, and she was trapped inside,’ I explained. ‘It took me a while to dig her out, and as you can see, she was hit in the head by debris but all vitals appear to be fine.’
‘He saved my life,’ Jessie opined to Janice, ‘He saved my life, then dug me out of what was left of my parent’s house.’
Janice and I pushed the gurney into one of the examining rooms. Within just a minute or two a doctor (one I didn’t know) joined us.
Janice introduced me as a Paramedic with the fire department. I introduced Jessie and gave the doctor her vitals, after explaining about her home being destroyed.
The doctor introduced himself to both Jessie and me, then added: ‘You know, of course, that unless you are family you can’t stay here while I do the exam?’
Before I could even say that I would wait out in the hall, Jessie had to offer her two-cents worth.
‘Really, it’s okay Doctor,’ she began. ‘Sam isn’t family yet, but he is my fiancé! We’re going to be married!’
I think my jaw must have hit the floor.
Janice says, ‘Fiancé!? You didn’t tell me that Sam! When are you getting married?’
I began shaking my head from side to side, then grabbed the doctor by one arm, and Janice by one arm, and sort of propelled them both out the door and a few steps down the hall.
Jessie's story Jessie Es war wieder ein langer Tag geworden. Jessie schloss ihre m?den Augen, ihre Finger lagen noch auf der Tastatur. Sie hatte eine Idee f?r eine neue Story gehabt, aber irgendwie war sie zu besch?ftigt gewesen, um auch nur ein Wort zu schreiben. Es war bereits ?ber die Zeit, zu der sie normalerweise Schluss machte, und das meiste ihrer Arbeit war getan. Es war niemand mehr im B?ro, die Luft war rein. Sie ?ffnete ihren geheimen Ordner und begann zu tippen. Die t?glichen P...
Again, I suggest reading the first four chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. Jessie & the Tornado, Ch. 5 Distantly I heard someone saying, ‘Sam? Sam? Sam?’ then felt someone shaking my shoulder. I looked up, and realized I was still sitting outside Jessie’s hospital room, and that Janice had been trying to get my attention, before finally having to shake my shoulder. Jessie was...
Jessie and I had a “normal” date Thursday night, dinner and a movie. When we left Emily with the her babysitter, Emily was disappointed that we were not taking her with us. Jessie had to remind her that the 3 of us were going to the zoo on Saturday. The movie was a romantic comedy which Jessie had picked. The movie was ok, however the plot was very predictable. At least I got to be with Jessie. I had my arm around her throughout the movie and we kissed a couple of times, however the theatre...
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Hardcore(5th in a series)I had by now excepted the fact that my wife, (Jessie) was going to get or already was pregnant with my bosses (Frank) baby. I was partially to blame for encouraging her to fuck other guys but I didn’t expect her to take their semen. Not only was she letting Frank fill her with his semen but Jessie wanted to have Frank’s baby. Jessie’s once tight pussy was now always gapped open her pussy lips stretched and loose from taking Frank’s BBC almost daily and sometimes multiple times...
When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my car. Jessie’s purse was gone. I noticed that her car was not in the driveway of her parent’s house, and one of her parent’s cars was also missing. I tried calling her cell phone over and over, but she never answered. I left a number of messages begging her to call. Now, all I could do was wait. Had she and her parents gone somewhere? Then why were two cars missing? I paced back and forth from one end of my house to the...
Jessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches. “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees. “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat. Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock. “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good...
Jessie gasped seeing that Ravi's manhood was over 6 inches. “Wow Ravi how long is it now?” Jessie asked walked forward and dropping to her knees. “7 inches,” Ravi moaned as he felt Jessie’s young mouth engulf his meat. Luke walked over to Jessie and started to suck on her left breast as he inched and played with her right one. Jessie moaned out load as she started to deep throat Ravi's cock. “My gosh Luke" Our nanny is giving me such a good blow! Jessie pulled...
Thanks to FrenziedMaiden for her help and friendship. Jessie is a delicious girl. She lives with just her dad and idolizes him. She is not a virgin, but her partners have never satisfied her. They have never met her expectations. This is a story about how Jessie finds herself and everything she wants. Jessie was 22 and she had to admit that she looked good. Her boobs were high and tight, not too large, but pert and perfect for her figure. Her ass was just fine too. All in all, Jessie was...
Again, I suggest reading the first three chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. * When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was check my car. Jessie’s purse was gone. I had already noticed that her car was not in the driveway of her parent’s house, and one of her parent’s cars was also missing. I tried calling her cell phone over and over, but she never answered. I left a...
Two months earlier On a Tuesday in March, I began doing some work on the outside. There were three very large flower beds in the front yard that had become completely overgrown and filled with weeds, and one warm day in mid-March I put on a pair of gloves and started pulling all the weeds out. I was wearing an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt, along with an old pair of sneakers. I also had on my customary “USMC” cap I almost always wore if I wasn’t working. One of the things I was...
Since our marriage, her adventures have nearly stopped. On rare occasion she’s slept with other men, but it’s much harder to meet safe men than it was at school. Condoms are no fun – I want men to use my wife, abuse her and treat her like the slut she is. Cum oozing out of her holes and down her body is the payoff! So, as an interim to finding a way to more actively share my Jessie, I’ve decided to begin posting her college adventures. I’ve also posted some fairly...
Jessie Gets The Big One Opening her mail one evening Jessie saw that she had an invitation to visit Mimi Echols a friend she had met at Ft. Belvoir. One night Jessie and Marshal had engaged in group sex with Mimi and her husband another Colonel who was since gone missing in Viet Nam. Mimi was at her home in Vermont and wanted Jessie to come up for some fun, and she hinted at a big surprise. Driving up on Saturday she was impressed by the beauty of the fields and farms. Finding her turn off...
Jessie lay in the full body tub as she let the water embrace her sexy seventeen-year-old body. She still could not believe that after she graduated high school at 17, left Texas, and came to New York she became a nanny to the Ross family. There was Bertram the butler, Zuri the youngest girl, she is a cute and sassy little black girl, Ravi was the youngest boy he was from India. He even has a pet lizard named Mr. Kipling, and Emma the oldest and at fifteen she was hot and she...
Again, I suggest reading the first two chapters before beginning this one. Also, I want to emphasize that if you are expecting a story with non-stop sex, then you will be disappointed. Jessie & the Tornado, Ch. 3 In March, I began doing some work on the outside. There were three very large flower beds in the front yard that had become completely overgrown and filled with weeds, and one warm day in mid-March I put on a pair of gloves and started pulling all the weeds out. I was wearing an old...
"That does it. You're fired. Get your ass out of here and when you get home pack your shit and leave." I couldn't believe what I had just heard. This was my Uncle Roy telling me this. He was shouting as always, as he did every time he opened his mouth to me. I am twenty years old and I had been living with him since my folks died when I was fifteen. The court had pressured him to take me in as he was my only living relative. I believe I was more slave than kin. He owned a convenience...
Jessie had just finished with Luke and Robby, so now it was time to talk to Emma about what had happened with Luke. She walked into Emma's room and both Emma and Jessie were only in their robes. Jessie went and sat by Emma and said, "What were you thinking about having sex with your own brother?" she said in a calm voice. Emma responded with the shrug of her shoulders. "Well, I hope you know that it is wrong, and that if you got pregnant, who knows what would have happened." replied Jessie....
Jessie was angry at both Emma and Luke, because she could get in so much trouble if this leaked out to anyone. She planned on talking to Emma later, since it seemed to be more of Luke's fault than anyone elses'. Jessie pulled Luke into to her rooms and as calmly, and quietly as she could with all the anger she had built up inside her, said "What is the matter with you Luke!? Do you know how wrong it is that you fucked your sister?" "Yes," answered Luke. "But in my defense, she told me to and I...
Jessie awoke to find Tony dressing to leave. "Hey beautiful, I was wondering when you'd be up." He said smiling. Jessie rolled her eyes and got up from the hard tile floor, feeling a cramp in her abdomen and thighs. "Do you really need to go?" She asked sadly. "Yeah, I really got to going, I'm already late for my job." "Maybe I can 'convince' you to stay." Said Jessie sexily. She was still naked from the night before (read my first story) and she could see that was...
Jessie was in her twilight years, as she referred to her age, she had turned 70 and was alone. Her husband had died 20 years ago and her children were living overseas. She was thrilled that her two sons had done well in their chosen professions but missed the company provided by their families. Her days were spent pottering about her garden and the occasional visit to friends from long ago. It was on one such visit that a sparkle of her youth returned. Tim and Vera were her friends almost from...
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CrossdressingI have had some kind words about my story a christian wife from a man who lost his fiancé not to an Arab Muslim but to a black Muslim. He is still both sexually excited by what happened but also suffers the loss of her. He wanks himself to defeat still. He has asked me to tell the story of a white man who lost his fiancé to another man. We will name the white man in our story Don and we will name his fiancé, Jessie. Don and Jessie became engaged on Jessie's 21st birthday and he worshipped his...
InterracialAs I grew up on the High Plains Desert Northeast of Denver, on the Nebraska/Colorado border we didn't have too much violent weather. There were times, of course, when my folks would send us to the basement when a threatening green and black cloud would come up out of the Southwest and we'd all fear for our lives, but it just wasn't that often. Every year or two we'd have, a "toad strangler" of a rain storm and some hail, but for the most part, we didn't have too much violent weather. In...
I got a call a few days later from Claire. She thanked me for giving Michael a good time, and told me that I was welcome at their place any time. That was when I first learned that they were living together, and my heart sank as I realized how deep their commitment was becoming. Oh, well, I thought, at least I had him for one glorious night. As it turned out, I had a wedding to go to in three weeks. The wedding was in Elizabeth, only a few miles from Newark. I texted this information to...
Jessie has already told you how Michael and I seduced her, and how she became the third partner in our marriage. And yes, we’re married, more or less. I’ll tell you about that later. For me, it all started when I met Michael at an art show at the museum. He seemed to be something different from the other men there. For instance, he’d take longer than usual when examining a painting or a statue, instead of taking the usual cursory glance and then moving on to the next piece. I took the...
Rick was leaving again, a seven month trip this time. After so many of these excursions, there wasn’t much to talk in the car as Jessie drove to the airport. Years of taking similar long trips meant that preparation for them was rote. All the finances were in order, the kids were prepped for the start of school in the next coming weeks, and all the odd jobs around the house were complete. There was no need to finalize any details. Cars flew past her going ten over the speed limit. Normally,...
The star of this little story is my friend Jessie. Jessie is a gorgeous blonde, with a voluptuous figure. She has perfect breasts, a tiny waist, sexy hips and a pussy with a neatly trimmed bush that accentuates her meaty lips. She is a sorority sister of me and my best friend Shannon. When we were in college, we found out that Jessie was a virgin. She had heard me and Shannon making love one night and she let us know that it turned her on. She was a daddy's girl, spoiled, and a little...
“I’ve got something I could show you,” he says smiling at me slyly making sure I know exactly what he’s referring to. “Jessie!” I reply chuckling to let him know that I am not in the least offended in the way I should be. I quietly reply “If I wouldn’t feel perverted and was 10 years younger sweetheart, you’d be mine.” His voice replies huskily “I would love to see those huge babies!” he smirked. “Shhh, Jessie! Jeez is that all you guys think about?” He grins widely and says “With you darlin,...
PLAYING WITH JESSIE'S OLD PANTYHOSEWhen I was a boy my parents were close friends with a Male/Female couple. Jessie wore pantyhose all the time. I was absolutely convinced her boyfriend, my “Uncle” Courtney, had a pantyhose fetish and that she indulged him. She would let me rub her legs when I was little but my Mom would get angry soon after and make me stop. I remember they once came to visit on a Saturday evening when I was five years old. When they arrived to my house Jessie’s suntan...
Sue and I had a great time in the lingerie section of the department store. Getting caught by the sales clerk was definitely not something we planned on happening, but in some strange way it added a whole new dimension to what we had done. Both of us got out of the store as quickly as possible and headed into the mall. Sue suddenly turned to the right and stopped at a shoe store. This shoe store catered strictly for women, so part of me was uncomfortable, but another part of me was excited to...
CrossdressingEmma ran into her run crying because of her recent boyfriend had dumped her because she was not having sex with him when he wanted it. She was so upset, but for some reason, had the urge to just fuck the life out of somebody, anybody for that matter. But no one was around, she obviously did not want to choose Bertram, she knew he only had a 6 inch cock and does not like doing any work, so she'd have to do all of it. Then Jessie had taken Zuri, Luke, and Ravi to the park which was a mile...
The following story is noting but a pure fiction story Every guy has a weakness about women. Most times its their chest or their ass or even their hips, but mine well mine is toward redheads. Something about them just sets of a series of large waves of uncontrolled lust. I told you this so you could understand why this story happened. My Name is Caleb K.B Wood and I'm 21. I live by myself in a 3-room house. An old friend of mine who died when I was 19 left it to me. I had recently gotten a...
IncestJessie?s story- Pt Jessie?s story- Pt. 1 Tuesday,8 November 2005 It had been another long day. Jessie screwed her tired eyes shut, fingers still resting on the keyboard. She had an idea for another story in the back of her mind, but had been too busy to write one word. It was well past her usual finishing time & her work was almost done. There was no one left in the office- the coast was finally clear. Opening her secret folder, she brought up a new document & started typing. The cares...
I spent the weekend trying to recover from the pounding that I received from Dan, Aaron, and Zach. I was their slave, and I had enjoyed it immensely. What I didn’t plan on was having all of my moans, groans, and enjoyment being filmed from twelve different angles, along with Dan telling me that he was going to share this video with our office mates. I was worried, yet anticipating what Monday would bring to me in the office. Come Monday, my ass was still sore from what Dan, Aaron, and Zach did...
CrossdressingI felt like my life was spiraling out of control. It all started that one fateful weekend when my secret love of cross dressing was discovered by my coworker Dan. He knew he had me, and he had his way with me. Then came the next weekend when Dan invited me to his house only to have himself, Aaron, and Zach take turns with their sissy slave. And now last night, I was humiliated because of my performance with Tracy while being pegged by Karen and Sue. I was a wreck and it was the first day that I...
CrossdressingI came bouncing into the living room and sank down onto the sofa. "What you up to daddy?" I was bored and my favourite pastime over the past few weeks had been to tease my dad; by wearing the shortest little skirts and the thinnest blouses, and letting my nipples push against the translucent material - and loving his reaction even more each time. My mum had left us over a year ago now; silly woman didn't know what she was missing. My daddy was, well a typical daddy really, but to me he...
Licking my lips tasting both our cumm, my heart was pounding as I watched Cindy suck Jessies big cock. Jessie always wanted me to call it "her cock" not a dildo, it's was a real turn on to think my hot girlfriend had a cock for me! I pushed Cindy's blonde head down the thick 8 inch shaft till she gagged, then let her up the once again telling her "That's it suck Jessie's big cock, good girl....can I have some??" she answers with a muffled "Yaaahmmmmmmm.......(let's the cock pop outa her mouth)...
You wake up on the floor of an upstate, high-end New York apartment. Your eyes are black and dizzy still unfocuse as you rub your head. When your eyes begin to come into focus you see to girls in front of you. A chesty brunette and slim young blonde with long legs. "Hi I'm Jessie" says the brunette "And Im Emma" Say the blonde, "And we're gonna have lots of fun together" they say together.
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
essie and I had been dating nearly two years. We met at college our freshman year and hit it off at once. She stands 5'2" is very thin, nearly flat chested, 30A cups, and cute little hips. Her face is adorable and framed by her short, sandy blonde, haircut that she wore cut shorter in the back and longer along the sides of her face. She looked very young; at 19 she appeared all of 15. She is crazy about sex and open to most things sexual. One of her favorite things is sucking cock, and her...
Jessie and I had been dating for a while. We were also fucking like crazy. I came up with an idea to put her band marching into sexual terms. I designed a belt that would pleasure Jessie as she marched. I started with a chain for around her waist. I used the metal shop tools to cut it to the correct size and sanded all rough edges to prevent any scratches on Jessie’s soft skin. I looked for the thickest shoe laces I could find. I found one that was perfect. I knew how much Jessie enjoyed the...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestOn friday night Jessie phoned me and told me to come to her place as soon as I could. I left and arrived around 7:30, I had a key so I was able to come and go as I pleased, I entered and hung my coat up and was about to call out "honey I'm home!" when I head some soft moaning coming from the living room, I thought she was watching porn, but as I peaked around the corner I was shocked at what I was seeing...... There she was on her knees licking pussy, The was a blonde laying on her back, right...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Sorry, this is long but I think you will enjoy reading my experience with Jessie at the lake. I woke to find myself spooning and hugging Jessie. This is not unusual since we always shared my bed when she spent the night, which were most weekends. I lifted my head and peered over to see if Jessie was awake, she was still asleep. It was then that I noticed not only was I hugging Jessie, but my hand was cupped around her left breast and her hand was holding mine in place! I laid my head back onto...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...