Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 6 free porn video

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You love her
But she loves him
And he loves somebody else
You just can't win
And so it goes
Till the day you die
This thing they call love
It's gonna make you cry
I've had the blues
The reds and the pinks
One thing for sure
Love stinks

Nika slid her naked body sensuously over mine and began to give me tiny wet kisses on my chest and neck. I was aroused and tempted. She was a beautiful and willing woman, we were alone naked in bed, and no one would ever know what went on between us. The devil in me said go for it, but, in the end, the part of me that loved Isidora was stronger. I took Nika by the shoulders and gently pushed her away.

"No Nika. We can't do this."

"Trent, please." She begged. "Just give me a chance."

"Nika, I love Isidora, and if we had sex I could never face her again."

"No one would know. It would just be between you and me." She argued.

"I'd know." I responded. "That would be enough."

In the instant that we lay there, both still flush with excitement, I thought about all the implications. If I rejected Nika like this, could we continue to work together? Would she hate me or be vindictive? I also realized that I did feel some affection for her. Nika was a good friend, one I didn't want to lose. As I thought back on my behavior during the past days, I also felt a little guilt. I was in a difficult situation, and there was a lot riding on how well I handled it.

"Nika" I said softly. "I don't want to hurt you. If I weren't so crazy for Isidora, I couldn't resist you. You're smart, brave and gorgeous, just the kind of woman I used to dream about. But I'm crazy in love with Isidora, so you and I have to be satisfied with just being very good friends. Please try to understand."

Tears were forming in Nika's eyes.

"I don't know, I don't know. I'm so confused. I'm so embarrassed." She sobbed. "All I want is someone I can love who'll love me. Someone like you. Why can't I have that?"

I sat Nika on the edge of the bed and retrieved her robe, wrapping it around her. Then I sat next to her with my arm around her shoulders. She buried her face in my chest and the tears flowed. The irony of the situation hit me. I'd held Isidora in almost the same way many months ago.

"Nika, do you know what I wish?"

"No." She sniffled

"I wish there could be two of me. One to love Isidora, and one would love you." I paused for a moment; the tears were still falling. "But, you know that's impossible. I'm only one man, I only have one heart, and that heart is already taken."

"Could you really love me?" She queried.

"Yes, if I were twins, one of me could definitely love you."

Finally the tears slowed. "You don't know how hard it is for me to find someone. All the good men are already taken."

"Not all the good men Nika. You're a very special woman and you need a very special man. He may be hard to find, but he's out there."

Finally, she smiled a little smile through her tears. "Maybe, but that special son-of-a-bitch better show up soon."

Then she had another thought. "You hate me now, don't you."

"No Nika, I could never hate you. You're a good friend, and I love you as a friend. We just have to keep our love on a platonic level."

Then I thought for a minute about what I'd said. "See, I do love you, it's just a different kind of love."

Then she laughed. "I hate that platonic word."

I held her for a while longer. The tears stopped and the tension died away. Finally we both agreed that it was time to sleep. We each slept in our own bed.

Next morning, Nika was quiet as we moved around the hotel room doing our morning rituals, but soon, in the rush to get to the airport she seemed to put the previous nights events behind her and she was her old self again. I'd dodged a bullet, and I made myself a promise. I'd never be so careless with another person's emotions again.

The flight from Manchester to Atlanta went without a hitch. We pulled up to the gate in Atlanta at exactly 4:05 pm local time, and by 4:30, I was on the phone. My first call was to my cousin Garth.

"Trent you bastard. Where the hell you been?" I could hear the humor in Garth's voice, but there was an underlying tone of concern.

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." I joked.

"You and what army?" Then he changed to a more serious tone. "Look, I don't understand everything that's going on, but your new girlfriend has been calling me every hour on the hour. She's frantic wanting to know about you."

This news didn't make me feel too good about my recent behavior, but Garth continued.

"What are you, some kind of cradle robber? She sounds like she's about twelve years old."

I ignored the cradle robber comment and went to the real purpose of my call. "Look, I'll probably be in D.C. soon, I'll try to meet with you, and I'll tell you more. But for now, do you have Isidora's phone number?"

Garth gave me her number, and I committed it to memory. To be safe, I also wrote it on a business card and stuck the card into the back of my wallet. As I was about to hang up I thought of something.

"Garth, how's your love life?"

"My love life? What's that about? You know my love life's in the crapper." Garth was thirty and recently divorced. The divorce was mostly a result of the fact that he liked the ladies a little too much. The ladies liked him back and that had led to problems.

"Maybe your luck is about to change. I've got someone I want you to meet."

I closed the connection before he had a chance to answer. Then, with trembling hands I keyed in the number he'd given me for Isidora. On the second ring a teen-aged girl answered. She wasn't Isidora.

"Hello, this is Trent. Could I speak to Isidora?"

"Trent? THE Trent?" Then I heard a girlish squeal in the background. "It's him, it's him! Isidora it's Trent."

Then Isidora spoke. "Trent? Is it really you?" The wave of emotion that I felt just hearing her voice almost knocked me off my seat.

"Yes, it's me lover. How've you been holding up?"

"I'm fine, but I've been so worried about you. It's been a week and you didn't call. I couldn't sleep or eat. Where are you now? Are you OK?"

I assured Isidora I was fine and promised that we would be together soon. I felt guilty that I hadn't tried to call her before, but rationalized that calls would have been difficult, maybe even dangerous until now. We talked longer than we should have, mostly just trading reassurances and saying the silly things lovers say. I finished by promising to call her again tomorrow.

"Do you still love me?" She asked.

"More than ever. Talk to you tomorrow." Then I kissed her through the phone and hung up the receiver. I thought to myself: Isidora would be happy to know that our love had withstood a major challenge, but I didn't think she'd be too happy to hear about the details. I never mentioned Nika.

My next call was to Gus. He'd given me a contact number in the States, and he'd had plenty of time to travel. An operator answered my call, and within seconds I was transferred to Gus. I explained where we were and why. When I confessed our mishap at Heathrow, he just laughed.

"You don't read the papers do you?"

"No." I confessed. "Not recently."

"Well, the guy you clocked at Heathrow was found wandering around in a daze without any ID. He reported that he'd been beaten and robbed and gave police your description. Everyone thought it was just a routine mugging until they took him to the emergency room for a check up."

Gus paused for dramatic effect. I goaded him on. "And?"

"And, when they examined him they found a plastic aerosol spray bottle full of ricin taped to his leg. 500 micrograms of that stuff, a dose about the size of a pinhead, and you'd have been dead. The British are holding him as a terrorist, and we're not telling them otherwise."

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed so loudly that people nearby stared. Nika sitting across the corridor gave me an alarmed look.

I shuddered when I thought how close to death Nika and I had come. How foolish I'd been to think he was unarmed... and he'd walked right through the tightest of airport security. Then the idiocy of it all hit me; at least they'd made sure he wasn't carrying nail clippers.

Gus continued. "There's more. Ricin is a Soviet era assassination method."

I didn't get the point. "So?"

"Basayev was assassinated yesterday. Whoever did it used ricin."

"Basayev? I don't get it." I was still confused.

"We'll brief you more on this tomorrow, but we figure Marks had a hand in it. We're also guessing that Basayev was whacked because he'd become too much of a liability."

"But why would Marks kill Basayev? That would ruin his whole oil deal."

Gus had the answer. "Not if Marks had acquired an even bigger partner, say someone in the Russian government. That could also explain the ricin. Just to be safe, we're not sharing any more info with the Russians. We don't know who might be involved."

Now I was more confused than ever. The implications were huge. Gus wanted to keep the conversation short and he'd given me plenty to think about. He told me to get the next flight to Baltimore. His people would meet us there. Before he hung up, he had one last question.

"So, tell me. How are you and Nika getting along?"

After Gus hung up I sat and thought for a while. If a higher-up in the Russian government was working with Marks, then there was a good chance that Marks knew all about our operation. I hoped the intelligence people had gotten the evidence they needed while Basayev was alive. I motioned to Nika and guided her to a seat at a deserted boarding gate. Once I was convinced we were out of earshot of passersby, I told her the news. She didn't take it well.

"Damn. That's just typical for Russia. We get rid of the little criminal only to see him replaced by a bigger one."

"We have Marks here in the U.S." I countered. "He's the biggest criminal."

"Trent, you don't understand. It's more than just one criminal. It's the whole Russian mindset that has me bothered."


"I went back to Russia and studied law just because I wanted to change things like this. The Russian people have been under the thumb of Czars, dictators and criminals for too long. It's like they don't know any other way. Sometimes I worry that it's genetic to the culture."

"Nika, look at you." I argued. "You're Russian, and you're not ready to roll over and play dead for criminals like Basayev.

"Yes, but I have advantages. I come from a privileged class, and I spent a lot of time here in the States. Even now, the average Russian lives a pretty desperate life. If he's to survive, he has to conform, and conforming means tolerating or even endorsing the abuses of those in power."

I shook my head. "Nika, you're getting too philosophical for me. I'm a simple guy. I can handle addition and subtraction, but philosophy and politics are beyond me."

She gave me a long look. "You say so, but I don't believe you."

It was time to change the subject. "Let's go find a flight to Baltimore."

We made it to Baltimore that evening, and were met at the airport as promised. Our driver delivered us to a suite of offices in Crystal City, just about a mile from the Pentagon. The name on the door said Advanced Technologies, Inc. Gus was waiting for us. He wasn't his typical frenetic self. In fact, he was quite subdued.

He escorted us to a windowless conference room and waved us to a seat.

"I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

"Give us the bad news." I replied, thinking that I'd rather take my medicine first.

"The mission has been scrubbed."

"Scrubbed?" Nika queried.

"Yeah, cancelled, finito, finished."

"What's the good news?" I asked, thinking to myself that the end of the mission wasn't bad news at all, at least not to me.

"There is no good news." Gus responded gloomily. "I lied about the good news."

"Why scrubbed?" Nika asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"We got nothing. Basayev made a few calls to Marks, but nothing incriminating. There were a few encrypted emails we're still working on, but they're probably nothing too. Marks is just too slick."

"You mean that Marks is just going to get away with everything?" I was incredulous.

"Looks like it. With Basayev dead, we can't work this angle any more, and to be honest, now that we can't be sure who we can trust in Russia, our cooperation with them has ended." Gus paused and looked directly at Nika. "More bad news. Depending on who knows what in Russia, you could be in a difficult or maybe even a dangerous situation."

Nika's eyes widened. "The people I work for, the people who selected me are good people. I trust them."

Gus spoke in a neutral tone. "Sorry Nika. The people you work for may be good and honest, but there's the chance that those they work for may not be. If the wrong parties know about this operation they might want to silence you." Gus paused for dramatic effect. "One way or another."

Nika was angry. "I don't care if the criminals do come after me. There must be some way we can still go after Marks and whoever he's working with."

"What about the guy at Heathrow?" I interjected. "He tried to kill us, he works for Marks. There's got to be something there you could use. For Christ's sake, he came into England on Marks' private jet."

Gus gave a short laugh. "The guy at Heathrow ain't talking, and we don't know how he came into England. He's got no passport or ID. No one at customs or immigration remembers him and he's not on any cameras except in Terminal 2 where he found you."

I kicked myself for not hanging on to the passport and ID. "I saw the stamp on his passport, and I saw his Virginia license. I know Marks had to have sent him."

"We've checked the manifest on Marks jet. He's not listed."

Nika suddenly had an idea. "We have his cell phone."

Gus perked up. "His cell phone? Lemme see."

Nika fished in her purse and pulled out the phone. Gus took it like it was gold.

"This could be good. This could be very good. Let me check it out. There may still be some hope. His call log and his address book could be just what we need."

"So we're not scrubbed?" I asked.

"You're scrubbed, but maybe I can get you un-scrubbed. Let me work on this phone and see what happens."

"What do we do now?" Nika wanted to know.

"Whatever you want. Officially we're done. The driver will take you anyplace you want." Then Gus thought for a minute. "But if you still want to work on this thing, stick around and lay low. Give me a number, and if I can get something out of the cell phone I'll call you."

"I want to stay." Was Nika's response.

I was already dreaming. It was over. I'd be with Isidora tomorrow. I really didn't care about Gus or Marks or the mission. I'd have what I wanted tomorrow.

"Will you help me?" Nika snapped me out of my dream. "I need a place to stay until Gus calls."

I really wanted to be through with all of this, but I did owe Nika some loyalty. I thought about it for a minute. It wouldn't cost me anything and maybe I could kill two birds with one stone.

"Nika, I've got just the place for you to hide out."

It was a little after midnight when we pounded on Garth's door in Alexandria. I'd called and given him a little warning and his lights were on. When he opened the door, he looked at me, then he looked at Nika, then he kept looking at Nika.

"Don't you think it's a little late to be pounding on people's doors?" Garth was smiling and had not taken his eyes off Nika.

"Garth, this is Nika, Nika, this is Garth, my Neanderthal cousin."

Nika was cool, but Garth just stood there staring.

I thought it would be good policy to set things straight right from the start. "Garth, I've got to warn you, Nika isn't one of your standard floozies. She's my good friend, she's brilliant, she's a lawyer, and she's a karate expert. If you mess with her she'll probably kick your butt and then sue you."

Garth was unfazed. "Aw, you're only saying that to turn me on."

Nika just laughed.

Garth had gotten the house and the house payments from his divorce, so he had plenty of room. When I explained that Nika might be in danger and needed a secure place to stay for a little while, he got interested. He worked in witness protection, so the job was right down his alley.

I could tell Garth had a lot of questions but both Nika and I were pretty beat, so I begged off telling our story until in the morning. Garth was gracious about it and showed each of us to a bedroom. As I drifted off to sleep I thought of Isidora. I had big plans for the next day.

We were all up at the crack of dawn, Nika and I because we were still on Central Asian time, and Garth because he's naturally an early riser. As we sat around the kitchen table, I told Garth the story. I knew I could trust him, so I overlooked security considerations and told him everything. After all, he'd be taking a risk by putting up Nika, so it was only fair that he know all the facts. When I finished my story, he just shook his head.

"I knew you had a little situation going in Russia, but I never realized it was something this big. You've been a busy boy these past few weeks."

Nika laughed. "Not as busy as he could have been."

Garth gave me a confused look. I'd omitted some personal parts of the story, particularly those pertaining to Nika. I thought it best to change the subject.

"Well if you don't mind letting Nika hang out here for awhile, maybe you could do me one more favor."

"What's that? Garth asked.

"I need to go by my apartment and pick up my car and a few personal items. I'm guessing Marks has someone watching the place. I need you to cover my back while I get in and out."

Garth was in his element. "Are you kidding? I'd take a comp day to do that." He thought for a minute. "As a matter of fact I will. I've been thinking about checking out some real estate out in Western Maryland. I can help you this morning and then do that too."

So it was agreed, but before we could get too far along with our plans. Nika spoke up.

"You two aren't going to leave me here. I'm coming too."

I looked at Garth, he looked at me, and we both shrugged. The Garth turned to Nika.

"You want to look at some real estate later?"

Nika never missed a beat. "Yeah, I don't think I have anything better to do."

It didn't take us too long to spot the guy. I waited down the block until Garth pulled his black Bronco up next to the white Ford Taurus. He exited holding his badge.

"U.S. Marshall. Step out of the car."

When Garth had his man spread eagle on the ground, I made my move toward my apartment. Once inside I claimed my cell phone and my car keys. Then I went to my gun safe and dialed in the combination. I removed my USP 45 pistol and holster and two boxes of ammo. Because of my job, I was "licensed to carry" in D.C. and most adjacent states. Once I had secured the pistol, I packed a small travel bag with the things I'd need for a few days on the road.

When I exited, I noticed that Garth still had his man face down and was subjecting him to a mock interrogation. I went to my car and started it. When I was ready to roll I gave a wave toward the black Bronco. Nika partially rolled down a tinted window on the passenger side and returned my wave, and then I was on my way. I hoped she and Garth would have a good time checking out country real estate.

To make sure I wasn't followed I made my way to the beltway. Once on the beltway I drove about five mph slower than the 55 mph speed limit. With traffic whizzing by at 75, anyone following would stand out like a sore thumb. I drove a few miles and then pulled to the shoulder before an exit. I waited, checked the shoulder as far as I could see behind, then exited and looped back the other way. Anyone following would have to be in a helicopter.

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The car raced through the flashing yellow light of the intersection without slowing down, tires squealing as it took the turn in the road beyond it while traveling at the same breakneck speed. "Jesus, Susan, are you trying to get us killed?!" Ann shouted, her left hand over her pounding heart, her right hand holding the door handle with a white-knuckled grip. "Maybe I should be asking you that question!" Susan yelled. "That was just brilliant, Ann, simply fucking brilliant." "Well,...

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Fantasies Leading To Twists And Turns 8211 Part I

Me and my gf are together for some 4-5 years. We have enjoyed love, sex and various moments together. Slowly with time we both found that our interest and activeness in sex is decreasing. Its just because that we were getting bored doing similar stuffs again and again. Also we have noticed that porn in the categories of group, threesome, swingers etc gave both of us ultimate excitement. We both never dared to take things further. But one night we both discussed on this topic. We discussed about...

3 years ago
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Under the table reception fun

A few months ago we were invited to a wedding of a coworker of mine. I wasn't excited about going I usually don't care to go to these types of things, but since we are a pretty close group of coworkers we went. I work with a lady her name is Julie that I have gotten pretty close to she is very good looking and a lot of fun to work with. We do a lot of flirting with each other and I have gotten the impression from her that I could maybe even get into her pants, but up to this point it hasn't...

2 years ago
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Surprise part 2

‘I asked what time I should pick you up next week?’ ‘Huh, oh.’ I was day dreaming. ‘Next week? Umm, I don’t know. I can manage to get here myself, thank you.’ ‘You’re not thinking of skipping out, are you? I promised everyone an encore, you wouldn’t want to disappoint everyone would you?’ you say with a evil grin. ‘I am planning on coming! I just don’t need a ride that’s all. I have gotten here on my own, and I will continue to get here on my own! Thank you, and goodnight.’ **** The get...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 19 Gift

Everyone, with the exception of Eve, was seated around the breakfast table discussing their plans for the holidays. Nothing had really changed except for Eve's holiday plans. She had left the night before after telling Andrew that she was going to take a quick vacation for the holidays. She had booked a flight and flown off to Aspen saying that she'd be back after Christmas. Andrew took her excuse at face value. For Amber, Eve's sudden departure had caused a small problem that might lead...

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Wife Runali My Sister and Me

Saul was in his room catching up with his email when he heard his wife and sister giggling rather loud. Peace in the house while entertaining his sister was something Saul was relieved about. The two ladies hit it off quite well. It had been a few months since she had arrived at their house. His sister was a beautician by profession and that helped matters. His wife was pampered by his sister with various creams and oils. Saul loved to watch his wife being massaged by his sister although it...

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Plasma incident

Trembling with emotion, her voice was barely a whisper when she spoke. “…Victor?” Time itself seemed to wait with baited breath. There’s no breeze in a closed off, underground laboratory. Yet, Agnes shook with relief at the barest touch of wind against her shoulder, an intangible caress that she felt more keenly than the weight of the clothes over her body, cotton and nomex. Agnes quickly divested herself from the lab coat, eager to feel more. “V-victor, is that really you?” She stepped...

2 years ago
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Hard Fucked Housewife In Jaipur

By : Fuuckker.Karan Hello every body, I’m Karan aap sab ke liye laya hoon mera dusra story hai. Mere pehle story pe jin sab ne mujhe reply bheje the sab ko thanks. Koi anty yone mujhe questions puchhe the ke unhe mujhse chudwane ka mann kar raha he lekin dar te hain kahin kisi ko pata chal gaya to? To mera reply ye hai ke Karan ke saath jo bhi sex kiye hai woh mujhe bar bar phone kar te hain. Kyun ki ek biswas hi original satisfaction deta hai. Mai sex ko apni jaan se bhi pyari cheej man ta...

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Vanessa No 1

THE FOLLOWING IS A WORK OF FICTION "'tis blasphemy you speak. Call of Duty doth be a game of glory and honor. Thine younger brother must become l33t through it's Nazi Zombie minigame," I argued to my cousin. 'twas Christmas Eve and the family was invited to my aunt's house for dinner. Much energy there was throughout the house...much warmth. Suddenly, I felt I had to use the bathroom. The only one I could remember was upstairs, so there I went. After I finished, I ran into her in the...

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Fun On The Bus With A Hot Bengali Aunty

Hello friends, this is my first experience. I am Rahul and 21 years of age. I was fit until recently after which I met with an accident and I am still in bed rest now. This experience of mine took place around a year back when I was in my hometown (Kolkata) for my semester break. I have a height of 5ft 8inch, I am decent looking and I was a gym freak and a runner till before my accident and thus had a muscular body. Now coming to the story, I was traveling in a mini bus from my house to my...

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The ArchducklingsChapter 3

I dreamt about my cousin Rudolf over the next few nights. Rudolf, six or so years my senior, was certainly my favourite relative. My older brother was a stuffy bully, even when he was six or seven and I was four or five. Rudolf was a cadet when I was learning to read and write. When I rode a pony, he had graduated to a horse. And when I began noticing girls, he was casting women aside. I was thirteen when he took me to an assignation with a woman called Franzi. She was a large woman in her...

3 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 2

September 6, 1973 Geography isn’t usually much of an element to a story, except when it is a critical element to the story. A tale that takes place in the Grand Canyon or on Mount Everest is going to owe a lot to geography. That’s not true when the locale is an upper middle class suburban subdivision which is basically laid out in a north-south, east-west grid with regular spacing between streets and houses. The only role the geography has to play is one of scale. Benny lived in a...

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1 March 2008Chapter 6

Brad’s eyes devoured Jennifer’s luscious looking body. Slightly taller than Abby with bigger breasts and a fuller figure, she and Abby made him naked. The girls embraced, breast to breast and sensually kissed. Brad could feel his cock stirring from the erotic display. Abby brought Brad closer encouraging him and Jennifer to embrace. “We are going to have so much fun together!” Abby smiled as he placed Brad’s hand on Jennifer’s left breast. She rubbed their bare backs watching them share...

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My sexual past

I like writing stories about the girls I have had a sexual relationship with some lasting almost 5 years. This one is about Missy ,who is still one of my wife's oldest and dearest friends.It all started after 6 years of marriage , Missy came to live with us after her latest boyfriend walked away. My wife and I have a decent sex life but I often lasted too long for her liking. That night when she told me to finish quickly I just pulled out and laid down beside her.A lot of the time she...

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The Pill

John woke up from a dream he could not remember. He tried to shake off the odd feeling that it left him with but it hung over him like a curtain. As he headed to the shower he didn't even glance at the mirrored wall. He'd seen his severely average reflection enough. Today was both his 18th birthday and the last day of summer before his senior year in high school. He didn't need to be any more depressed. He'd be excited about his birthday except for the fact that it wasn't his own. He had a twin...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 4 New Partner

Rebecca The Long Beach airport is one of Southern California's better kept secrets. Ask almost anyone in America about flying here and they only think of LAX. For almost exactly the same money you can fly into either Burbank or Long Beach and avoid a lot of stress. For one thing, Long Beach in particular is far enough off the beaten path that you don't have nearly the traffic problem getting to it. As a result, I was waiting in the terminal thirty minutes before my new partner was...

1 year ago
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More Than Coffee Bargained For

Alan was a 35 year old insurance agent working at a small company called Ensured Insurance. He was actually quite successful and had recently got a promotion granting him a private office in their small firm. While this was great for privacy and thinking, it restricted his access to his secret of success... coffee. He couldn't get enough of the stuff. His old desk was only a couple of paces from the break room where the coffee maker was kept. This meant only a minute or so was all it took to...

Quickie Sex
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Adventures of Carrie Motel

She had spent the afternoon and evening of the day before in a motel with a man. Actually, with two men at two different times. As Carrie sat at her desk now her mind wandered away from the figures in front of her and back to the day before. Her prim little suit, high- collared white blouse and professional appearance did not betray the erectness of her nipples or the wetness between her legs as her mind drifted back to the previous day. One of her co-workers, a man she had been seeing...

4 years ago
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The perfect butt out of my german book Glut

The perfect buttBig Boobs are the main attraction for me – so far. Together with eyes and lips, these two attributes are deciding for me voting a woman as erotically attractive.But then, something happened. I was playing badminton with my friends in a sports center. Suddenly the door was opened and SHE entered the badminton courts! I caugth sight of her stunning brown-green eyes, but I stopped breathing, when she turned around, closing the door – she had a butt, the pushed my pulse in...

3 years ago
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Swing Time

Bruce and Hannah had been married for fifteen years. They were wonderful happy years and they had a beautiful family with two kids, pets and everything a family should have. Unfortunately the flames of passion that burned so hot when they were dating and first married had smoldered and were threatening to go out altogether. The solution to their intimacy problems came quite unexpectedly one week during the summer. Hannah called her friend Mary to change their plans for the weekend. ‘I am so...

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I was orphaned at an early age and lived on the street. I got my education through the public comp systems. At sixteen I got a job just off the port warehouse district as a night watcher. It was not much but I made enough to rent a one room apartment once called a studio. The area was very old and close to the port so the buildings were between six to ten stories tall. Since the area was old it was also neglected by a lot of the city maintenance workers. Few constables patrolled the area and...

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The Life GuardChapter 3

Matt went home after dropping off Erin. There was a phone message from Patty's mom. Matt could not imagine what that was all about, but it couldn't be good. Reluctantly, he returned the call. Mrs. Allen, Patty's mom, said that her neighbor needed someone to cut her lawn, that it wasn't a very large lawn, and that she was willing to pay to have it mown. Mrs. Allen thought that Matt might have time to do this, and be interested in the extra money. Matt took the information and told her that...

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StepSiblingsCaught Lucy Doll Big Dick Step Brother

Lucy Doll wants to ask her stepbrother Preston Parker some questions about sex, and he eventually agrees to teach her. The next thing he knows, Lucy is on her knees sucking him off and promising not to ever tell anyone about what she’s doing. Then she’s wiggling out of her thong so that she can sink down onto Preston’s fuck stick and start riding him. Bouncing her booty up and down, Lucy takes her pleasure for as long as she can stand it before coming apart. Then Preston flips...

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The cuckold nursery

her soft David woke with a start, heart pounding, sweat on his chest and face. He opened his eyes at last, a quick glance showed the familiar cot bars and the pink glow of sunlight through the nursery curtains. Relief flooded through him, it was only a dream, the same dream, a frightening dream, and a visit to his past life.Shifting slowly in his cot the dream faded, it was alright he had just wet his nappy in his sleep. He was safe in his cot; the golf club was a distant memory not to be seen...

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They Cant Be Real

© 2002 John Helms let out his breath as he reached the end of the story. "Man, It would be great to be a member of that family," he thought as he finished looking through the list of new stories at StoriesOnline. "Everybody got in on the action there at the end; mom, dad, the brothers and sisters, even the in-laws and grandparents!" John shifted his hard dick to a more comfortable position in his jockey shorts and glanced once again at his bedroom door to make sure it was locked. The...

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Annas Song

I looked around the room as I entered the bar. What was I doing here? I hadn’t come to a bar in years. Certainly not one like this. A meat market. I ordered a Long Island Iced Tea, stronger than I should be drinking I suppose, and barked like a dog. That caught me totally off guard. Tourettes Syndrome? Generally it doesn’t just happen to a 28 year-old out of the blue. But there it was – one quite audible woof. Get a grip, Anna. I looked around sheepishly to see if anyone would fail to pretend...

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Enjoyed full night in group

Hi I am Ramesh 36 year’s old handsome guy & staying in Bangalore. I would like to share my true experience with a Married couple who met me. I would narrate this story in detail & this happened three months ago. Basically I am north Indian. Once I had gone to attend the party which was arranged by my friends Rakesh. After finishing our party I was returning to house while on the road I heard a call from one unknown person of may be 40 Years old his name was piyush & his beautiful wife Sanjana...

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My New College Fetish Smoking

After I graduated High School in Tampa Florida, I decided to take a trip over to the east coast of Florida and go to college over there. In college is where I met my dream guy. His name is Michael, he is 22 years old, he has short brown spiked hair, gorgeous blue eyes, great build, nice tan and a tattoo on his groin area that reads (YOUR HOT ROD) Oh my god every time I suck his cock it makes wanna cum just looking at it. (Really girls you would have to see it to understand what I am...

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Seriously I went for Salt

I woke up so horny this morning, thinking about having some cock in my pussy. I layed on the bed watching some 'blues' on this site, of woman being fucked in the pussy and ass by strangers, their br0thers, fath3rs and any man with a cock who comes along.....damn i want that to be me.It was an expecially vivid one that i really enjoyed: a girl getting a bottle rammed up her pussy and ass. Hummmmmmm...I wouldnt mind getting that done to me today!After watching about four of my favorites and...

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Prom Ch 06 Just Friends

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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car fun

Some years ago, I had overnight business travel and I cross-dressed in my motel rooms after hours. I had some married men that I met online that would come see me when I was in their towns, and get some sweet head from me on their way home from work or whatever. One of my regular hookups, named Frank, pulled into the motel parking lot late one afternoon and looked up and saw me on the balcony. I was in a mini dress; heels and all dolled up, waiting for him, but was just getting a little...

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SExual perversion has its benefits

After an afternoon shopping spree at the mall one Friday, Terri and I planned to go to my house with our newly purchased sexy lingerie as usual. We often modeled sexy attire together to see what would we wanted to wear on a night out on the town with our men. Hell after all, they are the ones who got us enjoying dressing like little sluts for their sexual amusement. We  liked to play around as we flaunted our stuff while sampling the newly purchased merchandise. Pulling into the driveway, I...

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The World is my Oyster

THE WORLD IS MY OYSTER By Geneva A committee of women change a domineering scientist to a woman to remove him from a position of power. (This is for KJ, with thanks for an idea!) START Vera looked over her glasses at the eleven women facing her at the long table. As usual, she was chairing the meeting, being the most senior member. "Thank you, Helga, for the Treasurer's Report. The balance looks very healthy. It's good to know we have a healthy cash reserve to carry out our...

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The Preacher ManChapter 2 Day of Judgment

According to the preacher's texts, The Holy revealed His new calendar when Bandar the Wanderer entered the seaport city of Punta Arenas at the southern end of the ancient and mythical country of Chile. He came less than a month after the War of the Burning Metals and the blazing of Shaitan's fires across the globe. Eight years later the Holy revealed Bandar as His preacher and anointed him Bel'dar, creating the first of the Cunif Califar. We are all taught geography as children of course....

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That Day in Your Office

Your phone rings and a colleague tells you that you have visitor called Rex. You weren't expecting me but I'm there. On the way to reception, you check out the meeting room. It's not being used. It has a solid door windowless door, ideal. You meet me and we shake hands politely but your wink gives it away to me.“Please come with me, Mr Smith.” Should that have been cum?You lead the way, up one flight of stairs. While out of sight of the open plan office I check you have dressed correctly. My...

Office Sex
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New Start Rays StoryChapter 8

"Liz today is a spectacular day. It is the first sunny day after weeks of rain," Ray said. "What makes it such a grand day?" the woman said looking extremely attractive in her navy blue suit. "Dana and I are taking all the right steps to rebuild. And its just plain magic to be wanted. I don't think women realize how much a man just wants to be wanted. Wanted in their lives, in their hearts, in their beds." "So I take it something has occurred, a breakthrough with you and Dana,"...

1 year ago
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Lavanya 8211 Part 1 8211 Introduction To Sex World

Hello folks, this is Madhan from chennai.No need to know about me (imagine as yourselves to feel it better). This story is the start of an series lavanya. Lavanya is the heroine of the series. Let me describe about her she is fair in color, 5’6 in height. Her stats are 32-30-32. She is the best friend of my elder sister as both of them are classmates from childhood. This sweet incident of mine happened in2008.I was studying 10 and she was in12 class. She use to visit my house frequently to meet...

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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 30 A Special Day for Jennifer

Dave woke early on Friday morning; as he stood in front of the mirror he looked carefully at his bruised face. He could clearly see a trace of yellow spreading under his eyes and he knew that two black eyes would soon color his face. He ate breakfast before he brushed his teeth and left for the Hawk's Hallow Golf Course. He practiced hard for three hours before he played eighteen holes. He picked up a game with three young juniors and enjoyed playing with the developing players. One...

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