Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 5 free porn video

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I went back to the hotel; packed what few things I had and checked out. I retrieved my truck from the hotel's garage and drove to the embassy. It would stay in the embassy garage until I was back in the States, and then embassy people could return it to the rental agency. I was to stay out of sight until we were ready to put our plan in motion. It would blow everything if I were spotted wandering around Georgia without Isidora.

The same Marine who had driven Isidora to the airport was detailed to help me empty the truck. He was quiet and courteous and called me sir as he unloaded the cans of diesel. When I pulled the two pistols out from under the front seats he eyes got wide, and after I extracted Badra's VSS sniper rife out from under the folded down rear seat, he could no longer contain his excitement.

"Holy shit sir. You got enough artillery here to start your own war."

I laughed. "You don't have to call me sir, my name's Trent."

"OK, Trent, you got some wicked pieces here. Did you ever have to use them?"

I thought about brushing him off, but he seemed to be a decent guy, and as low as I was feeling, a little friendly conversation might help. I was pretty sure he wouldn't be leaking any critical intelligence. I stuck out my hand.

"I'm Trent Lyons."

He took my hand with a firm grip. "I'm Sgt. Crockett, Dave Crockett."

When he saw my smile, he explained. "My mom had a sense of humor."

"Well Dave, to be honest, I never fired any of these weapons, but a friend of mine did. That VSS rifle saved my life."

"No shit! He must have been some friend. A Russian?" He asked.

"Actually she's a Chechen."

"A woman? You're jerking me around, right?" Then he thought for a while. "I'd like to meet the chick who could handle one of these things. She must be something."

"Yeah, she's something alright." I agreed.

Now that Dave had discovered that I wasn't some officious jerk, his curiosity got the better of him.

"That girl I took to the airport. Is she your fiancée?"

I nodded.

"I hope you don't mind me saying so, but she's one hot babe." Then for fear he'd offended me, he backpedaled. "She must be crazy for you, she blubbered all the way."

"Yeah, I'm a little crazy for her too." The mention of Isidora jerked my mind back to my situation and my face must have shown it. Dave noticed.

"Hey, don't worry. I drove for Capt. Meltzer for over a year. He's a good guy. He'll take care of your girlfriend."

I assumed that Capt. Meltzer must be the air attaché.

Dave went on. "I know Mrs. Meltzer pretty well too. She's like super-mom. They're great people."

Hearing these things from Dave did make me feel a little better. Mr. Ward might have his own reasons for trying to reassure me, but Dave had no motive to lie.

"Thanks man, I guess you can tell I'm a little worried." I confessed.

Dave took a closer look at me.

"You a Marine?" The way he phrased the question revealed something about Marine mentality. There are no ex-Marines: once a Marine, always a Marine.

"No, Navy, but I worked with the Marines. My last tour was with the Teams in Little Creek."

"You were with the SEALs?"

"Yeah, Team Two. We were all over Europe. That's how I got into the security business. I thought I could get out of the Navy and make a bunch of money. Take my advice. Stick with the Marines."

Dave laughed. "Yeah, I hear you."

For the next few days, my job was to keep out of sight and wait. The safe house was on the outskirts of Tbilisi. Like Salma's house, it was well concealed behind a tall concrete wall. It was quiet and the bed was good, so I caught up on my sleep. Mostly, it was tough doing nothing, but I did manage to get a phone call off to my cousin Garth. I explained as much as I could to him without breaking security. He didn't ask too many questions and assured me that he'd keep an eye out for Isidora.

Late in the afternoon, after three days of waiting, Mr. Ward showed up in a black Suburban. He had two people with him. One was a short wiry guy in his late thirties, and the other was a young woman. When I first saw her I did a double take. She wasn't an exact duplicate of Isidora, but there were a lot of similarities. She was the same height, with dark hair, maybe a shade lighter than Isidora's, and she was on the delicate side, although a little more curvaceous. The most striking difference was her deep blue eyes. She looked a little older, but she could still pass for eighteen. If my heart hadn't belonged completely to Isidora, I would have noticed that she was a total babe.

Mr. Ward made the introductions. The thin wiry guy was Gus Gustavson. He was to be our "handler". His job would be to strategize and direct the operation from a distance. The woman was Nika Baluyevskova. She was the agent the Russians had selected for the mission. We shook hands, said the typical polite things to each other, then Mr. Ward made his exit. Gus was now in charge.

He didn't waste much time with formalities, but started right in.

"My job is to make sure this operation is successful. It's your job to act on the guidance I give you. I say guidance, because most of the time, you two are going to be on your own. I can tell you what I want to happen and how, but fact is, in this business, circumstances change and lots of times you'll just have to play by ear."

He turned to Nika. "How's the English Nika? Am I going too fast?"

Nika just smiled. "My English is fine. I went to high school in Virginia."

I was surprised. Her English was perfect. Gus was unaffected and continued on.

"Trent, I've read your rap-sheet, and I know you've got one hell of a reputation in security, but the first thing you should know is that this work is very different. Security work is straightforward. This work is not. You're going to have to get into the habit of analyzing every step you take before you take it. Sometimes it's like a game of chess. What appears to be the right move at the time can result in disaster later.

I nodded, thinking to myself "What a load of crap".

Gus either missed or ignored the smirk on my face and he went on.

"Here are the rules for now. First, stay out of sight until you're ready to appear as "Trent and Isidora". Then appear only as directed. Second avoid any hassle with Georgian authorities. Third, no confrontation with Basayev's men while you're here in Georgia. For god's sake, no gun fights. If they find you, run, resist only to save your lives. We'll have people backing you up, but they won't step in unless absolutely necessary. We don't want anything to happen that will spoil the deal right here in Georgia.

Any questions?"

Nika had one. "If Basayev's men are watching the airport, and if we don't want to be taken by them, how are we going to get out of Georgia?"

Gus looked mildly amused. "Yeah, that's a good question. We're working on it. You two may have to go for a little drive."

With that, Gus looked at his watch. "Look, I have to brief the ambassador, and then I'm going to get a good night's sleep. I flew in from Tokyo, and my body thinks it's about three in the morning. What I want you two to do is get acquainted tonight. Trent, you fill Nika in on details about Isidora and Nika can tell you all about herself." He smiled. "It should be fun. I'll see you in the morning."

As the door shut behind Gus I turned to Nika. We both smiled uneasy smiles and I spoke first.

"So, how does a high school girl from Virginia end up as a Russian secret agent?"

She laughed. "I'm far from a secret agent. I'm a lawyer. I went to high school in Virginia because my father was stationed at the embassy in D.C."

"Your father is a diplomat?"

"No, actually, he's the spy in the family, or at least he was while we were in D.C. He's an army officer, and while we were in the States, his job was to mostly just gather intelligence."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Are you sure you're supposed to be telling me that your father was a spy?"

"Why not? It's common knowledge."

It might be common knowledge, but not to me. I guessed that I had a lot to learn about this spy business.

"Now you're a lawyer?" She looked way too young.

"Yes, I just started work for the office of the Deputy Prosecutor for North Caucasus. I think I was picked for this job mostly because I have a little knowledge of the Basayev operation, that and because I look a little like your Isidora and understand some Chechen."

She did look like Isidora, maybe a little too much. I joked. "You're a lawyer not a secret agent? You don't have a code book and a gun, maybe some poison pills?"

"No, none of that. Sorry."

It turned out that Nika was a nice person and easy to talk to. I filled her in on all the details I could remember about Isidora. I was getting a little sad by the time I finished. Nika picked up on my mood and tried to cheer me up.

"Hey, we're stuck here together for the night and I'm getting hungry. What do you have to eat?"

My eating habits hadn't been too good for the last few days. I'd been living off whatever was in the safe house refrigerator, mostly cheese, assorted lunchmeats and brown bread, washed down by Georgian beer. I hadn't been too hungry but mostly I didn't care to cook. I pointed Nika to the refrigerator.

"Help yourself."

She had kicked off her shoes, so she padded barefoot over to the refrigerator and inventoried the contents. Then she checked the kitchen cabinets.

"How about Italian? Everything we need is here?"

"I've just been eating sandwiches." I replied, lying back on the sofa where I'd been sitting.

"Well, you could have Italian tonight if you'll get off your lazy butt and help me a little."

--She was laughing but I saw a glint of steel in her eyes. So I got off my butt and helped her, and we did have Italian, and it was pretty damn good.

I didn't sleep too well that night. I dreamt of Isidora, but the dreams weren't good ones. She was sad, crying for some reason. I was there with her and I wanted to comfort her, but your some reason I couldn't. When I tried to hold her, she slipped right through my arms as if I wasn't there at all. It was a rotten dream and I tossed and turned all night.

Next morning I was up at first light. I shuffled to the one bathroom in the house wearing only my boxer shorts. Just as I was about to open the door, the toilet flushed and out stepped Nika. She was wearing only a bra and thong panties.

When I saw her I jumped back. She just laughed at me.

"Hey, they didn't give me time to pack my pajamas."

"Nika, I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd be up." I apologized.

"Look Trent, if we're going to live together and work together, things like this are going to happen. We're both grownups, so don't worry about it."

--Then she stepped gracefully by me and into her room, closing the door softly behind her. I guessed she was right, but I was still a little shaken. I had noticed that she had a dancer's body. Those curves of hers were well-defined muscle and I felt disloyal to Isidora for paying such close attention to them.

Gus showed up as Nika and I were sipping our morning coffee. He was wired and ready for business.

"OK gang, we got a big day in front of us, but before we start on the details, let me give you the overview. If you know the strategy, then if you have to improvise tactics, maybe you'll make better decisions."

Nika gave me a private little smile. She knew what I was thinking about the whole strategy/tactics thing. Gus ignored her.

"Our combined governments know that Marks and Basayev are working together in a wide range of criminal activities. We know this because we've been reading their mail. Both U.S. and Russian intelligence people have wiretaps in place on their landlines. We're intercepting their cell phone traffic when we can and we're scanning their e-mail too. The problem is that there's a difference between intelligence and evidence. Even if we wanted to reveal our sources, intelligence usually can't be used in court, and to get evidence we need a court order for the wiretaps. Things may be a little different in Russia, but they got political problems that keep them from acting right now."

"Following me so far?"

We both nodded.

"Well, thanks to Trent and Isidora and their recent adventures of past months, we now have enough ammo to go to a judge to get those court orders. We'll be legally gathering evidence within a day or so, just as soon as we get a couple of depositions done."

I wasn't 100% clear on the deposition thing, but Nika smiled and nodded. Gus seemed pleased and continued.

"Once we're gathering legal evidence, we want to give Marks and Basayev lots of reason to talk to each other. Every time they open their mouths it's an opportunity for us to develop criminal charges against them. Getting them to talk is where you two come in. Your movements have to be detected by Basayev or Marks. You have to be doing things that would indicate that you're acting by yourselves and that you have no idea that Marks is in with Basayev. You'll be walking a fine line, leaving a little trail, but never getting caught. It should be fun."

Apparently Gus thought that anything Nika and I might find uncomfortable would be fun. He was still wound up and he continued without a pause.

"OK, now that you got the strategy, here's what we're going to do near term. First, some people from the embassy are going to come by here in about 15 minutes to take Trent's deposition. After that "Trent and Isidora" are going to go out on the town to try to get "Isidora" some forged travel documents. The part of town you'll be going to is a little rough, but we'll have people nearby. You should be safe. While you're shopping for documents, you'll drop the hint that you're on the run from Basayev. The kinds of people you'll be meeting are the kind who might gladly sell this info to Basayev. Hopefully they will."

Nika spoke up. "But if Basayev finds out we're buying documents, won't his people be waiting for us when we go back to pick up them up?"

Gus gave an evil laugh. "Yes my dear, but that's the trick. You won't ever go back for them. The more Basayev waits for you to show, the antsier he'll get. Finally, he'll have to conclude that you were either warned or got scared and went somewhere else. That will most likely generate an incriminating call to Marks."

I began to think that Gus was either an evil genius or else a little too twisted for any of this to ever work. We'd soon find out.

Later that morning after I'd given my deposition, Nika and I loaded into one of the black embassy Surburbans. This one had heavily tinted windows. We were dropped off on a deserted side street near the center of Tbilisi. Before we stepped out of the suburban, Gus warned us.

"I'm not worried about Basayev this time, but keep in mind that you're going into a rough neighborhood. You're obviously foreigners and that makes you a good target. Robberies and kidnappings are routine around here."

I was surprised when Nika just smiled. At the time, I figured that because she was Russian she was just too familiar with that kind of criminal activity to be very concerned.

We walked a few blocks and then caught a cab to the address Gus had given us. It was a neighborhood that wouldn't be seen in any travel brochures.

The place where we were going was in sort of a strip mall of small shops. It was on a dirt street with a narrow dirt parking lot in front. Beat up vehicles, most with all sorts of tasteless aftermarket chrome and plastic hanging on them were parked at odd angles in front of the shops. The place we were looking for had a sign in front that was in English. It read "Exchange. Dollars. Best Rates". All the other advertising was in a Georgian script that I couldn't read.

When we pushed open the door, a buzzer rang. The smell of hashish almost knocked me over. There was a skinny, dark complexioned man of about thirty sitting on a stool behind a glass display case. He gazed suspiciously at us with bloodshot eyes. I spoke in Russian.

"We're looking for Botso. Is this the right place?"

"Botso?" He answered in good Russian. "Never heard of him."

"Are you sure? We were told we could find him here." I placed a 50 Lari note on the counter. He reached for it but I kept my hand on it.

"Maybe I could find a person by that name. What do you want him for?"

"We were told that he could help us get some papers we need." I released my hold on the bill and he took it.

"Wait here. I'll see what I can do."

A minute later, the dark complexioned man returned with a short fat man in tow. He waved the fat man toward us and then disappeared into the back room. The fat man spoke, also in Russian.

"Some people call me Botso. It's a nickname. Perhaps I'm the man you're seeking?"

"Yeah, perhaps you are." I motioned to Nika. "She needs a Russian passport with a visa for travel to the U.S. Can you help her?"

"That kind of document is very expensive. Are you sure that's what you want?"

Now Nika spoke. "Yes, you see, I left home rather unexpectedly, and I didn't bring my passport."

The fat man had ignored Nika to this point, and now he turned to her.

"Ah yes. That would explain the need. Unexpectedly you say?"

Nika played it perfectly. "Yes, my grandfather has a bad temper, and he doesn't want us to marry. We had to run away." With that, Nika took my arm and gazed lovingly up at me.

"Ah, True love. How nice. Because you're in love I will help you. But, it will still be expensive." He smiled a greedy little smile.

It was now my turn. "How much?"

"Can you pay in U.S. dollars?"

I nodded.

"I can have what you need in a few days. It will cost $10,000."

Nika laughed in his face. "You've been smoking too much hashish. We can give you a thousand."

He turned to me. "Surely your young lady doesn't understand these things."

Nika didn't wait for my response. "This young lady understands just fine. You're a thief, and you're trying to steal my fiancé's money."

The fat man rolled his eyes. "You misjudge me. There are many expenses. Perhaps if I cut a few corners, I could do what you want for $5000."

They were in full-haggle mode now.

Nika responded. "$1500."

Fat Man came back. "Maybe for $3000."

Nika took my arm. "Come on Trent. Let's go." She started to steer me to the door.

Fat Man caved. "OK, OK. $2000."

Nika smiled. "Deal."

Fat man looked at me with respect. "She is indeed a thrifty woman. She will make an excellent wife."

Then he turned to Nika. "Now tell me dear, what name shall we use on the passport?"

Nika gave him Isidora's full name, and in the process managed to drop Basayev's name and a few details about our "elopement". If Fat Man recognized Basayev's name, he didn't give a hint. He guided Nika to a backdrop and took a few pictures with a digital camera. We agreed to meet again in two days, and then we were ready to leave.

As we turned for the door, Fat Man addressed me in an ingratiating whine. "Sir, if you could leave a little deposit, say $500 it would help to speed things up."

Nika laughed at him again. "You'll get your money when we get the passport." She took my hand and pulled me out the door. As we exited, I noticed that our cab was gone. I'd asked him to wait, but cabs are everywhere in Tbilisi, so I wasn't too worried.

As we walked to the corner where there was a better chance of getting a cab we passed a group of three men sitting on the hood of a beat up old Lada sedan. The car was tricked out with huge chrome hubcaps and tassels hanging in every window and the men were passing around a screw cap bottle of some cheap Georgian wine. Unemployment in Georgia is over 40%, and beer isn't even classified as an alcoholic beverage, so the scene was nothing out of the ordinary.

As we passed, one of the men muttered something in Georgian to Nika. Nika stopped and turned to him. She addressed him in Russian.

"Care to speak to my face in a language I can understand?"

The guy was big and he looked like he could be trouble. I might be able to handle him, but Gus had made a point about not doing anything that might get Georgian authorities involved. I took Nika's arm and tried to guide her away, but she shook me off. In the mean time the guy turned to his friends, said something else in Georgian and laughed. Nika walked right up into his face.

"Well? Are you too stupid to understand or too scared to talk?"

He turned to his friends with a smirk on his face before he spoke in broken Russian.

"I said you have nice tits. I bet you'd like it if I pinched them."

Nika called his bluff. "Why don't you try?"

The big guy looked at me, then he looked at Nika, then he looked at his friends. He gave a little sneer and reached toward Nika's breasts. Nika responded like a cobra. With a movement that was almost faster than I could follow she deflected his hand and smashed her palm into his nose and upper lip. Her second blow to his solar plexus was just as quick. The big guy's eyes just rolled back into his head and he fell straight back onto the hood of the Lada. He lay there unmoving, blood flowing from his broken face.

Nika glared at the other two men, but they were stunned into immobility. I was too. Nika smiled and took my arm. As she walked me away she turned to them.

"You should have more respect for foreigners. Especially ladies."

When we reached the corner, a cab appeared as if by magic. I shoved Nika in and scrambled in beside her. As the cab pulled away, I began to think about what had just happened. I was angry.

"Damn Nika! That was stupid."

The satisfied smile on Nika's face faded and she looked at me with surprise. "What do you mean?"

"It was a nice display of martial arts skill, but it was incredibly dumb. You could've gotten us both beaten up or worse, and you may have blown our cover. What for? To teach a street punk a lesson?"

Nika had a genuinely hurt look on her face. "But he was insulting us."

"That doesn't make any difference. You lost your perspective. The important thing is to get through this operation."

Her voice was low. "I'm sorry. Maybe I just wanted to prove myself to you."

I'd seen this kind of macho behavior before, but always in guys. It always disgusted me.

"If you want to impress me, do it by being smart. Baiting a guy and then beating the shit out of him for no good reason isn't going to do it."

Nika looked on the verge of tears. "I had a good reason."

"What could that be?" I wondered.

"I understand Georgian. He didn't say my tits were nice. He lied when he spoke in Russian."

Now I was confused. Nika explained in a little girl voice.

"What he really said was that it looked like I was leading you around by your tiny little dick."

I struggled hard to keep a stern face, but it was useless. I burst out laughing.

"OK, so you did have a good reason to smack him, but it was still risky. Don't do something like that again."

She smiled and moved closer to me. "OK, from now on, I'll try to be a good Isidora."

Something about the way she said that creeped me out a little but I let it pass.

I was curious. "You told me you're a lawyer. Do they teach you to hit people like that in law school?"

"No. Before I went to the U.S., I studied ballet. There were no good ballet schools near where we lived in Virginia, so I took karate instead. You'd be surprised how similar karate is to ballet."

Then she thought a minute. "You know, I've never actually hit anyone for real before."

I thought back over the past months and sighed. "Yeah, for some reason I seem to bring out the killer instinct in women."

That evening, Nika was very quiet. Once again she dug through the groceries in the safe house and created an excellent meal. She didn't ask for my help this time, but seemed very anxious that I enjoy her creation, which I did. Afterward, we sipped American beer and watched American TV via the safe house satellite hookup. More than once I caught her looking at me instead of the TV. Finally I questioned her.

"What's up Nika? You're watching me like you think I might bite you."

She hesitated for a moment then spoke in a soft voice.

"It's just that I want to do this job right. I'm worried that you're not happy with me, and I want you to be."

"Nika, it's no big deal. You just made a mistake today. Maybe I came down on you a little too hard. We'll do fine together."

I could see that she was still unconvinced, so I went on. "The part today where you haggled with Fat Man was really great. I'm sure Isidora would probably have done the same."

She smiled. "I only want you to give me a chance."

Next morning, as before, Gus was wired and full of nervous energy.

"OK gang, we got it figured out. We know how we're going to get you out of Georgia. You're going to Armenia. It should be fun."

Both Nika and I rolled our eyes.

"Basayev's watching the airport here, but it's highly unlikely he or Marks will have anyone in Armenia. You can fly from Yerevan via Aeroflot to London, and then right into Baltimore."

Nika interrupted. "How are we going to get to Yerevan?"

Gus had an answer. "It's only a half day drive from Tbilisi to Yerevan. We're going to dust off Trent's rental truck. You guys can drop it at the airport in Yerevan."

Now I had a question. "What about travel documents?"

Gus just laughed. "We're the American embassy right? We can make you any kind of documents you want." Then he got serious. "We've got people working on your travel documents now. We could get the real things, but since we want Marks and his gang to think you're still on your own, everything will be forged but look very authentic."

Nika had one last question. "When do we leave?"

"This afternoon if possible. With any luck you can fly out of there tomorrow evening. The timing should be perfect."


--"Yeah, just before you board your flight to London, give Marks a call. Tell him you got his daughter and you're coming home, but don't tell him how. Hopefully Basayev will be going crazy because you missed your appointment to pick up the forged documents in Tbilisi. It could result in some very interesting conversations between the two of them. Conspiracy is as good a charge as any to hang on Marks."

Just after lunch that afternoon, Nika and I were on the road to Yerevan, Armenia. As we cleared Tbilisi, Nika turned to me and sighed.

"At last!"

I assumed she meant that at last we were out of that safe house, away from Gus, and on our way to the U.S. and I agreed.

As the crow flies, the distance between Tbilisi and Yerevan is about 170 kilometers. By road, it's almost 300, and the road isn't that good. The going was slow but steady and the scenery was spectacular, especially if a person likes rocks. Armenia must be one of the rockiest places on earth.

To pass the time, Nika and I talked, trading stories about our lives and experiences. I learned that she was an only child, that her father is a very high-ranking military man and that she had traveled all over Russia, Eastern Europe and the U.S. when she was young. She had not only gone to high school in Virginia, but when her father was transferred back to Russia from his tour in D.C., she had stayed on in the U.S. for another two years to complete her undergraduate degree at Georgetown University.

She'd almost married her American boyfriend, but they'd broken it off during the last half of her senior year when it became clear that she wanted to live in Russia and he did not. She'd returned to Russia and gotten her degree in international and constitutional law, and had just taken her first job when she was asked to volunteer for this mission. She was just twenty-four and a rising star in the new Russian bureaucracy, but she wanted to prove that she was worthy of bigger responsibilities because of her own abilities and not her father's connections.

She found herself caught between two cultures. She was intensely loyal to her Russian heritage and saw her future in Russia, but she'd spent too many of her formative years in the U.S. Her way of thinking was too American and it frequently clashed with the Russian mind-set of her friends and co-workers. She admitted that her love life sucked. In her words:

"Russian men just don't get it. I've dated lots of them, but they all want to treat me like property."

"Lots of American men are assholes too." I suggested.

"Yeah, that's true." She laughed. "But I think American women have them straightened out on the equality thing. At least American men are equal-opportunity assholes."

"Well Nika, I guess you'll just have to find an American man who'll live in Russia."

"I've been looking." She agreed.

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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 10

I didn't discuss Garth's call with Isidora that night, and she didn't ask. It was our first night as man and wife, and we both had more important things on our minds. Bad news could wait until in the morning. Some people might think that married sex isn't all that exciting, or that sex at grandma's house while grandma sleeps in the next room might be a little inhibited, but Isidora wasn't one of those people. We didn't sleep much that first night of our marriage. Next morning wasn't...

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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 11

I approached Garth's house in Alexandria warily. Although everything looked normal, I was bothered by the way Garth's truck was backed in his driveway. In our entire adult lives I had never seen him back a car into his drive except to load or unload. It was a little thing, but it set my senses on edge. I decided to do a little reconnaissance before I went to his door. A drive around the neighborhood revealed at least two plain, lease style sedans with Virginia plates parked on side streets....

3 years ago
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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 12

Lonnie was not only the local magistrate; he was the local cab company. When the news of Trent and Garth reached Ocracoke, Rose gave Lonnie a call and he agreed to drive Isidora to Alexandria. Isidora was alternating between tears, anger and depression and Rose would have ridden along to comfort her except that she just no longer had the strength. Before the cab pulled away Rose took Isidora into her arms and made her best attempt to give her courage for the days ahead. "Sweetheart listen...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 14 Theyrsquore All Sick

Monday October 10 Before I left the hospital, they’d given me instructions on how to rehab my hip pointer. They called the first few days the ‘acute phase.’ I assumed that meant pain level because I agreed it was ‘acute.’ The suggested treatment was to rest, ice it down, take pain and anti-inflammatory meds, and to wrap it. They warned me not to try to do too much until the pain subsided some. My instinct was to stretch and exercise, but they’d warned that I had to let my injuries heal before...

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Alexandras only hope

I am presenting a true story about a woman called Alexandra.Alexandra was a skinny,hot and desirable woman in her thirties.She lived in a ukrainian town with her husband and their only son,Robin.Robin was a growing young k**,sweet and innocent.Alexandra was very inquisitive and adventurous as a teenager.Unfortunately, she was too shy to make boyfriends.Her hunger for sex was insatiable,and this was killing her from inside.She sharpened her masturbation skills over the years as she was turning...

1 year ago
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CamSoda Teen

Cam Soda Teen! Are there images of naked teens harboring rent-free on your mind? Well, I understand your predicament! Someti-cum ames I will have a wet dream about a tight teen cunt, and the next thing you know, I’m masturbating skin-to-skin using my pres lube! I can’t fucking help it: teen pussy just really puts my cock into fifth gear!Now, you are checking this part of my website because you are crazy about teens or just curious to know what teens are hiding under those skimpy dresses. Well,...

Live Teen Sex Cams
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SWMS Redux Sugar and VinegarChapter 4

The hot water hit my face soothing it and waking me up at the same time. It had been a weird couple of days. First I had made love with Heather. It had been wonderful. She didn’t want a relationship, so I tried for at least a one-time stand with Sarah. That did not go well. It turned out she was a complete bitch. I found Caitlin in the woods, swimming nude, and we had made love while trying to outrun the rain, which was killer. Then she dropped the bomb that she couldn’t have a relationship...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Athena Rayne Ballerina Boning

Becoming a world class ballerina is not easy, especially when you are as easily distracted as Athena Rayne. She cannot help but imagine what it would feel like to wrap her lips around her dance judges dick tip. This girl is driven and is determined to make her cock sucking dreams a reality. She prances around and then rips her panties open, inviting him to stick his dick in her perfect young pussy. She bends over backwards to suck his prick, and then rides him like the elegant dancer she is....

4 years ago
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I often say this when writing about Christine - if you haven't previously read about my encounters with her then it will probably help to go back and read some. Christine isn't a fictional character created for the benefits of these pages - she's 100% real and all my stories are completely true, told as accurately as I can recall and without any embellishment whatsoever.Folklore would have you believe that there are women out there who guys can call on at any given time for sex and I'm sure...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 512

“Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many. “ SENIOR DRIVER My neighbor was working in his yard when he was startled by a late model car that came crashing through his hedge and ended up in his front lawn. He rushed to help an elderly lady driver out of the car and sat her down on a lawn chair. He said with excitement, “you appear quite elderly to be driving.” “Well, yes, I am,” she replied proudly. “I’ll be 97 next month, and I am now old enough that I don’t even...

1 year ago
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Dominant wife

"Harold, get in here right now, I haven't got all day," Miranda Davis snapped as she sat in front of her dressing table while preparing to go out for the evening with several of her female friends, "do you hear me, you insignificant piece of crap, I said get your ass in here!!!" Harold Davis hurriedly put down the load of dirty clothes he was carrying to the laundry room and entered his wife's dressing room with his head hung low and a worried look on his face as his wife of twenty two years...

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A Movie and a cougar

I work at a job that is pretty flexible. I can leave the office for a few hours at a time and noone notices. So every once in a while a take an extra long "lunch" break. I drive up to the movie theather to see the latest "blockbuster". It was the last time that I went that I had a very interesting encounter. I got in line to buy my ticket to the movie. Right behind me was a very attractive older woman that appeared to be alone. She was about 5'8, 150 pounds. Very well put together. I'd say she...

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Jessis Bucket List

Jessi and I had been together since we were juniors in high school. Yup, it was love at first sight for both of us. Of course, at the time everyone said it was just puppy love but there we were, twenty years later with one daughter in college and still very much in love. At least that's the way I felt... Looking back over our lives together it's incomprehensible for me to believe the events that took place on our long-awaited vacation to the Virgin Islands. It was only for a week but we had...

1 year ago
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Moviendo Los Hilos

Esta historia comienza en un Antiguo Reino conocido como Lionés. En lo que parece una población en ruinas vemos a un joven caballero, que se ve nervioso. — Oye — Exclamo Alguien con Una apariencia de Ser un Caballero Viejo — ¿Tienes un minuto? ven necesito ayuda con algo. – A-ah, Si – Respondió el Joven. –¿De donde Eres?– Dijo el viejo con interrogación. – Soy de Keints – Respondió el Joven levemente abrumado por la sorpresa. –¿Keints? – Respondió el viejo con Intriga – He servido a este reino...

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Luc Jenny chapter 6

I woke up to the feeling of something hot and wet sliding up and down my cock. I slowly opened my eyes to Jenny’s head bobbing up and down my cock, her hair in disarray covering part of her face. ‘Hi’ she said grinning, my cock held tight in her hand. ‘How long have you been awake?’ I asked her. ‘For five minutes or so’ she said looking at the clock. ‘I just wanted to taste my ass on your cock.’ ‘How does it taste?’ I inquired smiling. ‘Not bad, sort of earthy.’ Her mouth...

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The Three RsChapter 3

Had it not been for the look in Maxine's face, I might have passed off her possible inadvertent exposure to our son. It's not the first time that had happened. Growing up over the years, we'd all seen one another in the nude on many occasions, not to mention in various states of undress outside of that. But her look ... the way her mouth hung open in startled revelation told me in an instant everything I wanted to know. Stacy hadn't just dropped the other shoe. She'd thrown it ... at the...

1 year ago
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The Honeymoon Continues part 6 of the Business

Introduction: Bruce and Carla visit another hospitible ranch in Nevada..Carla has learned about induced lactation, skillful ponies and traditional prostitution in Nevada. Her husband Bruce is excited by his wifes wild nature and joins her in the action. Carla and Bruce made their way up the Washoe Valley and through Reno. They headed up the pass over the Sierra Nevada. They had had a second weekend of honeymoon excitement. Carla had taken on the boys at the brothel in Virginia City. They met up...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 20

Doctors at the military hospital said, "You sure do heal fast, Sergeant Stone." They were right, I heal very fast. I was past Joey's not so gentle goodbye before the sun went down on Saturday. It still hurt, but it didn't stop me from planning a trip to the Cop Out. I was enjoying my weekend, since I didn't know when one with nothing to do would come around again. With Lucas pushing me to chase bail jumpers, I might not be able to take too many weekends completely off. "Max, what do...

2 years ago
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Fun With Girlfriend In A Theatre

Well i dont know how to pen down my thoughts, but i know the right time has come.I have been an avid reader and also have included online erotic stories in my readings from a long time. To begin with, I am an average Indian/IT guy and am putting up in Mumbai while working for an MNC at a good position. My age is 26 yrs.The story i am about to narrate is an incident that happened with me about one month ago.I started dating this girl a year back and we were going through thick of the times. We...

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An Affair to Remember Part One

I had just left college and got my first job working for a bank in the city of London. It was my sixth month into my new life and I was already fed up with the commute into town. I was living in Maidenhead at the time sharing a flat with two mates from college, none of us could afford a place of our own. The trains were packed tighter than a tin of sardines, they were hot and to be honest a little smelly. The sent of heavy perfumes and aftershaves mixed with sweat is not pleasant. I'd been a...

3 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 8

I studied her as she calmly smiled, sipped her coffee, and commented on how good it was before I quit smiling long enough to ask "I take it you've met Loki?" She nodded and said "no, but I've met Freyja and it was the shrine that finally convinced me about you. I knew you weren't the same Matt Sussmann I remembered fondly from my other life the moment I saw you again. It wasn't only that we met later. You're much the same, but different in subtle ways. You're more mature and...

4 years ago
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Sneak Peak Part 2 the Mall

I went to bed dreamy and happy. When I woke, I could feel the heaviness of the makeup on my eyes. I had pulled off the dress but still had on the tights, panties and bra. The evidence was there. It had to have been a dream, but it wasn't. WHAT HAVE I DONE! Oh, and Mom had seen me! She must have heard me stirring and I can imagine she couldn't wait to talk to me and find out what in the world I was doing dressed like that last night. Before I could get out of bed, Mom knocked twice...

2 years ago
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Lucy goes to the Ball Part 1

Lucy couldn't deny she was nervous. For weeks she had planned to attend the annual "Halloween Leather and Lace Fetish Ball" held in the nearby city with two close friends, Hayley and Kelly. They had all thought it would be a liberating experience and were all anxious to see attend an adult themed Halloween party. Now, she sat in her car parked alone, as her friends had backed out unexpectedly at the last minute. She seriously considered just leaving, but the ticket hadn't been cheap. The drive...

1 year ago
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Just Win Baby

My wife was a former exotic dancer, and I placed a large bet with my rival co-worker that she would win the contest."Five hundred dollars says if my wife enters the contest, she'll win." I was confident to the point of being arrogant."Deal, ass wipe," he answered before throwing a used jock at my face.I wanted to win, but also I wanted to show off my hot sexy wife. Her lovely twenty-six year old body was in fantastic shape as she maintained a rigorous work-out schedule.I worked as a sports...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Taking Care Of Shannon

"Shannon honey.." was all she could mangage to say before she saw me. But before we venture into what happend. I'l share with you what happned just hours before. I woke up rather early, about 8:00 A.M and proceeded to take a shower and my morning workout. By the time i was done it was 10:00 A.M. My parents had already left for work and my sister was at her friends house for the weekend, leaving me all alone. After getting something to eat i sat down to watch t.v and then the phone...

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Costume for Life

Costume for Life by Leslie Leigh It was when my wife suggested that she wanted to be a man for Halloween that perhaps I should have sensed something askew. Or perhaps fate dealt us a full house. As I tell you my tale I am waiting for my "Man" to come home from the office and I have a secret.. I came home from the office on Friday, October 30, and was exhausted from a long week of work. I was an art director at a small advertising agency in Evanstown, Virginia and we had four...

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Yummy 8

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.Doug was a hunter and fisherman - he loved the outdoors! It was his passion. At work, he was an IT nerd, inventing programs, routines and subroutines to accomplish the amazing on a computer. But, once he left work, it was all about outdoor activities. His wife did not share his passion whatsoever, she was an introvert, staying at...

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Secret Affairs with my friends son part2

I left Rachel’s house without answering the questions that, Adam had in his mind. It was still raining, but not very much. After I reached my house, I went straight to my bedroom. I took off my wet clothes, and got into the bed totally naked. I covered myself with a blanket. The window in my room was left opened, but I didn’t want to get out of my warm bed to close it. I could hear the sound of rain, and I was thinking about what I had just done with my best friend’s son. My mind was telling...

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just got fucked by my 2nd BBC

I got my 2nd good BBC fucking today and loved every minute if it. I had my 1st BBC and 1st anal back in April and have been craving a repeat ever since, I finally decided to do something about it. I Placed an ad on craigslist for a black man that wanted to use a white sissy crossdresser, After weeding through the fakes, old white perverts and one liners. I responded to 3 guys that fit what I wanted, I picked one that could host at his place that said he loved white sissy ass He said he had a 9...

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Virgin Girl Request For Sex

Hi, am Ashok and back again with a sensual fucking experience with my Marwari landlord’s STD IX virgin but cunning and hot school girl who lost her virginity to me and we both enjoyed the sensual sex and after which she became obsessed for sex with me. I had freshly completed my engineering and joined a civil construction company and was immediately posted for my training to a small township, Roha in Madhya Pradesh (Jharkhand) where my company had a contract for a 50 km highway construction. I...

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How it all

I grew up with father, mother and a year older sister. We lived in a three room apartment in a small town in southern Sweden. Our parents had one of the rooms as bedroom and me and my sister shared the other room. It was fairly frustrating to have sis in the same room since it meant that I couldn't have any privacy if any of my friends would visit without being disturbed by Ina, my sister. Despite that my sister and I were the best of friends and it was rare that we had a fight. Mother and...

2 years ago
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Kellys First Time 4

It took no time for Leann, Kelly, and Steve to adjust to Leann moving in with the other two. Steve's bedroom was across the hall from the girls' rooms, but nobody bothered closing the doors any more. In fact, Steve even considered removing the doors from the hinges, but that seemed to be going too far. After graduation from high school, Kelly and Leann both got jobs and immediately began to contribute more to the household than just their bodies, though that was a significant contribution in...

4 years ago
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In a Secret GardenChapter 10

When I first saw my dream home it was a dump, albeit an extraordinarily interesting one that called out to me like a wet bedraggled lost pet yearning for a new master. Or rather it looked like an army of scavengers equipped with heavy power tools and bad attitudes had torn out, dug in, ripped apart or flat outright dynamited every square inch of space where it looked like any two original pieces of wood might have once made contact. All of the above combined to make it fairly hard to tell...

2 years ago
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She walked into the entry of the small sandwich shop, her eye glistening with tears. I watched her as she stood there looking back out the glass door muttering to herself. I assumed that she must have had a fight with her boyfriend. It was nearly 2 am and the bars and clubs were just emptying out. She stood there looking helpless. She was dressed in a short, mid-thigh length denim skirt, pale bare legs. She was wearing black flats that reminded me of ballet shoes. Covered on top by a white...

4 years ago
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French Class

Oh, look at me, getting way ahead of myself. My name is Will, and I’m a freshman in high school. I’m not that popular, but my friends are. Its sort f weird like that, but it’s because I played football at my high school starting in 7th grade, and that gives you certain credibility at our school. I wasn’t the superstar or anything, but I was noticed for two things: my height and my last name. No, I’m not a giant; in fact I’m not that short, but whatever. I’m 5’6 and 140 lbs, most of that being...

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I Promise I wont Penetrate You PT2

There I was, laying on my back as Tom straddled my chest and fed his flaccid cock into my willing mouth. I picked up my head to be able to suck him into me. I actually sort of liked the softness of his cock in my mouth like this. I swirled and sucked his cock, almost playing with it for the moment. Then I remembered that I needed to stop just enjoying the play time and get him hard. Tom wasn't going to leave until he came in my ass again and I needed him out of the house before my wife came...

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Magical dream I had last night

My dream started off as if I was on a field trip to a magical place. There was a lady, mystical in some way, who offered me my favorite popcicle flavor orange cream? She knew it was my favorite, and suggested towards a plate of lollipops in her hand. I grabbed one that was a rainbow swirl of colors thinking it would not taste like it, sure enough if was that tasty cream orange popcicle flavor.She told me her magical world was endangered by these two guys on my trip. I wasn’t sure how I could...

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Looks Like I Didnt Forget My Brothers Present After All

Anybody would think I was pretty normal at a first glance, grew up in a small family, nice house, quiet town, did well in school, had a loving mom and dad, and a little brother who we’ll name John, but all his friends called him Jman. You should remember that for later. I eventually moved out into the city 30 minutes away to start college for programming, and with that racking up a debt that would take me an eternity to pay back. After graduating it was tough finding real work, sure I could...

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Maths Opened The Gates Of Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi all. This is Priya from Hyderabad. I am working as a software engineer in one of the TOP MNC’s. I am married last year. My husband also works in the same company. He is well built and good looking. We have a great sex life every day since the day we got married. I was a virgin when Ii was married and lost it to my lovely husband only. Since 4 years I was (am) following the ISS site and I am interested to write few sequences also. But all my stories are purely fake and only from my...

1 year ago
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xHamster ASMR

I know that ASMR porn seems like something out of this world, but it’s actually something that has been gaining in popularity recently. Many of these big porn tube sites have started getting a lot of videos in the ASMR porn domain, so when you want to enjoy yourself with that kind of content, you can go to these sites. Which sites am I talking about? Well, I mostly think that you’ll find a lot of luck on sites such as With these websites, you can always know that you’re going to...

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Pink Pajamasd

Pink Pajamas Katie Leone Published by Katie Leone at Amazon Copyright 2014 Katie Leone Kindle edition -1- Francine was tired of being depressed and down in the dumps and was looking for anything to feel productive once again. The year had been a hard one, she was consistently at odds with her fifteen year old son, but he decided to leave her, and she didn't know when they would see each other again. She looked up the stairs, hoping that by raising her chin she could...

1 year ago
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Robbing the BunkerChapter 14 Welcome to Fry Arizona Territory

We awoke to find ourselves in a rocky desert. The machine had landed, if that is the right term, against a large rock and tipped sideways. I helped pull the others from the machine and climbed to the mouth of the canyon to see where we were. From the canyon, I looked down on a small village. We had done it. I could tell that this was Hole-in-the-Wall. I turned to the group and said, "This is it. That town must be Fry. We've done it!" We pulled our costumes out of our 20th century gym...

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In Her GenesChapter 11 Jeanne

By January 3, David, Melanie and Josh were back in L.A. They had all gone to the New Year's Eve gig of the Clearwater Posse and had great fun. Of course, with David in his wheelchair, there had been no dancing. Melanie spent most of the night with her small tushy parked in David's lap. A few snide remarks and veiled accusations were made, but there was also a great number of people who were genuinely happy when David did a brief demo of his improving leg control. That night, Melanie also...

4 years ago
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Tabitha "So this is the little punk who threatens my administration?" Ryan watched as his jaw muscles flexed in slight agitation. "You know, Davy, of all the things I ever thought could bring us down it certainly wasn't some punk kid who stuck his nose in somebody else's business." "Yes, sir. What do you want to do with him?" President Stephen Bolland, began pacing the floor puffing on his cigar in thought, "Popping off a couple of Democrat senators is one thing, they were...

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A Stones Glow AwayChapter 4

Ledger spent the rest of that day walking as well as he could, as fast as he could manage. He paused a few times to relieve himself and drink enough water to stay hydrated. He also would stop to check that his boots were still holding up. He figured he was two hours from sunset when his legs finally started giving out. He was in a lightly wooded area now and he hadn’t seen any other farms since he had left the one earlier in the day. “Ok Ledger,” he said out loud. “We need to set up a camp...

2 years ago
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Across The Airways

Copyright 2000 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without written permission author. * * * * * Martha’s cell phone rang. It was Steve taking a break back from whatever ‘wars’ his company had him leading in parts unknown. Martha and Steve had been a number until he taken his new job fourteen months ago with its excessive travel schedule. No ring tied them, but few wed couples could claim the total commitment that they shared to that point. Her car shuddered in the slip stream created as...

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Modelling ke bahane bhabhi ko choda

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nimku aur mere lund ka size hai 7inch. Toh iss kahani ki heroine hai Supriya. Jo meri padosan hai. Uski height 6ft hai aur uska figure 36-32-36 hai. Supriya shadi shudha hai aur usko ek bacha bhi hai. Par woh kisi model se kam nahi lagti. Shoulder par ek tatto hai aur pairon mein payal. Ek complete sexy aurat hai woh. Toh haal hi mein jab mein insta chala raha tha toh mujhe unki ID mili. Maine dekha unhone abhi hi ID banayi hai. Toh maine apne real nahi balki dusre...

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Honeys After the HoneymoonChapter 4 Formalizing the Household

Security comes first from inside of you. Then, if you are very lucky, you will be in a position to find other people who also possess that same sort of security and build some sort of family or community as a team.” Anthony D. Ravenscroft, Polyamory: Roadmaps for the Clueless and Hopeful: An Introduction on Polyamory{br} Setting up a polyamorous household definitely has its challenges. Personally, I am quite aware that there’s just so much that one man can do. As erotic as I find watching...

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He Couldve Rped Me And Id Enjoy It

This guy was so big, taller than me and I'm 6 feet, and bigger, not fat, just right for his big size, and I am so skinny, except for my tummy, that he could have pinned me down and forced himself onto and into me against my will, and no matter how much I'd struggle with him and fight back, he could have conquered me. That didn't happen. At least that way. I met the guy here and I'll just call him "W," and after weeks of texting each other, we were finally able to meet when his work paid for his...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 11

“What do you mean ‘you can’t’?” Jake Hedron demanded. “Why can’t you? You are the only Femme who can handle mass teleportation!” “Not anymore,” Lisa said, almost whispering. “I have to rely on my own energy now. I’m no more able to do repetitive teleportation than any of the others. My body will starve just like their’s does!” “Why?” Jake cried. “What happened? And why now? We need you more than ever to get the Phoenix loaded. You were fine a week ago when you created the San Luis...

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Sitting in the Rain

Sitting in the rain, I wonder how much longer she will let me be out here. It’s not like my roommate to let me stupid for long, but I couldn’t let her see that He had found me. I couldn’t let her see the bruises, couldn’t let her see all the marks that had been left. I barely escaped Him, but if He found me this time, I know it won’t be long until He finds me again. I haven’t told anyone, not anyone, not even those I promised to tell if anything were to happen. It’s getting colder, I’ve been...

3 years ago
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Johnny Rockard a subs journey with me

Right up until the point when I encountered Johnny Rockard my life couldn't have been any more vanilla and to an extent, dull. I was wild at heart but too tame for my own good, and when the b**st within me became too much to handle I took the biggest, riskiest and wildest leap of faith I could have ever imagined. I'd done the occasional photo-shoot here and there but while I had fun there was always something missing. As a submissive girl at heart, there was never enough dominance from the...

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