My New Brother Zane free porn video

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I have two little sisters, both of whom are much younger than me. Dad lost his job early on, and they just didn’t have time to…well anyhow this is about stuff other than my parents love life. If you want that, I guess ask someone other than their son to write about it…
Every guy secretly wants a little brother. Not just because they’re adorable and the key to getting amazing dates, or because they’re a lot easier than sisters, but simply because slavery becomes legal and I suppose it’s someone to hang with. I mean, who else is your closest friend? Well that said, I didn’t have one.
So here I am, sitting here, senior year, life changing, and my parents sit us down for dinner at a fancy restaurant. This rarely happens. Something big must be about to happen.
My dad sits up a little straighter, looks at all of us kids, then mom, then back at us. “Your mom and I have been talking…”he says, then takes a sip of red wine. “We have decided we have always wanted another boy, especially because we have two beautiful girls, and we have had such a great time raising Tyler,” he pats my arm and I look at him curiously, “that we…well, we think we may adopt a boy. His name is Zane.”
My little sisters get all giddy and what not. I mean hey, they’re thinking little brother like baby. I’m thinking great, a baby, or worse, a kid with major psychological problems. I mean, this is my senior year coming up. A brother is sweet but still…
After a long dinner conversation, my thoughts opened up a little. Turns out, Zane is 15, about a year younger than me, and lives a few hours from here. We are meeting him this weekend, to which he will come stay with us for a few days. Turns out, my parents have been doing some serious work under the radar.

So the weekend finally gets here, and we show up in Orlando. He’s been staying in foster care, and the parents seem nice. The house is a beautiful two story Victorian. These people must be crazy fostering teenage boys…
We stand there in the foyer, waiting for him to come down. I see a hand running down the balcony railing, but not much else. Then legs. Wow, this kid must be tall, like me. Legs, legs, crotch…ok hurry up cant stare at that all day bro…torso, chest…this kids in shape…head…wow that’s shaggy hair…Zane.
He jumps off the third step lands directly in front of me. “HI!” he says with a huge grin. We both blink then stare. Woah, this kid seriously looks like he could actually be my brother…
“We kinda do look a like…” he says, then extends his hand. “Well hey! I’m Zane. You must be Tyler. I kinda stalked your facebook some.”
I laughed and shook his hand. Funny guy…. The family all said hello, and we sat in the formal living room and had sweet tea. Zane and I ended up talking the most, probably because we sat on the same couch, while the foster parents talked with some agent lady or something and my sisters played with the foster parents little girl Hannah. Yeah confusing, I know. Lots of talking. Turns out, though, that he would be staying with us on some pre-arranged “trial run” sort of thing to see how he fit with the family. My mom and his foster mom were on the same cheer squad in high school, so we got to pull some strings.
The three hour car ride back home was pretty normal, actually. Like I said, my sisters were happy to have a cute boy in the car with them, especially a new “big brother,” and I actually had a friend. We talked about sports, he played soccer and baseball; music, both of us loved it all; and school.
Our house is a two story colonial style on three acres. It’s pretty big, 5 bedrooms and 5 baths. Though we did have a guest room, it was decided he would stay with me for the week, or the first few nights at least, just to be more comfortable.

We both retire upstairs to my room after the long afternoon, dinner, and running around playing tag out back. Zane sits on the edge of my bottom bunk, so I grab my computer chair, prop my feet up on the desk, and flick on my lava lamp for some soft lighting.
“So…” Zane trails off, suddenly kinda nervous, it seems. “N-nevermind…” he says, lowering his head.
“What’s on your mind, bud?” I ask, rolling over a little closer. “You can stay in the guest room if you’re not comfortable.”
He shakes his head, the big dirty blonde mop whipping the air. “No no…it’s not that. Just…I’ve… never had a big brother…or anyone really…”
I slowly slide off the chair and onto the bed beside him and put my arm around him. “Well, you do know,” I whisper as I pat his shoulder. He picks his head up a little to look at me with those sad little green eyes.
“I’ve never had a girlfriend…”
Try as I might, I cannot repress the stupid grin on my face.
“Don’t laugh. Its…I…I just cant…”
“Buddy,” I say shaking my head and laughing a little, “seriously. Its ok. I didn’t have my first girlfriend until last summer.”
He stares at me confused. “But you’re hot!” he blurts, then goes all bug-eyed like he just exposed some national secret. “Oh…uh…I mean…”
“Dudeeee!” I say all surfer like and punch him playfully in the arm, “hot like bottle rocket on the fourth of July!”
He relaxes a little, so we talk about girls. It’s getting late, and being the typical 15 year old guy he is, his thoughts go a little more and more sexual as he opens up.
“Hey so…I keep getting…like…sometimes when…Can I ask something personal?” he just blurts out mid conversation about what the hottest actress is at the moment.
“Uh…sure?” I say, leaning back.
“You ever get like…” he crosses his legs and adjusts his shorts. I see where this is going, as he tries desperately to adjust his shorts. “like…you know…” He says as he all but looks at me.
“Awkward boner?” I laugh. He smiles sheepishly at me.
“Sorry if I turn you on so much.” I wink. “Well yeah man, it happens. In class, movies, around friends…you name it, it pops up.” He nods. A few moments pass as I study him, wondering what he’s thinking. In the dim light I can see him shaking. I put my arm around him and pull him into me. “Hey, were pretty much brothers man, or gonna be soon. You can talk to me about anything man.”
He sits there quietly, then nods. “I just wonder if I’m normal,” he says barely audibly. “I mean, I know my foster parents love me, and your family, but…I’ve been alone since I was six. And I don’t have a girlfriend, don’t know how to get one, don’t know what’s going on with my body and thoughts…”He lets out a huge sigh and I see a small tear run down his face.
“Zane, its ok bro,” I whisper as I rub his arm softly. “You’re ok. I mean, you’ve got a family here. Or will soon. You’ll find a girl.” I squeeze his arm where his biceps have started to develop some, “and hey, puberty’s doing you some good kid!”
“Yeah…I suppose.” He says then looks at me. “Thanks Ty.” He looks down again, obviously thinking hard. I pat his back, letting him know its ok. “You ever…”he starts, ”You ever wonder if you’re…if youre big enough…down there?”
I laugh and tell him most guys do.
“Yeah just…I remember being a little kid. I walked in on this older guy in the house, Chris, who was taking a shower. I mean, his was sooo much bigger you know? I mean, am I gay for thinking about that? I can’t be gay. I mean, y’all wouldn’t adopt me if I was gay. And I couldn’t like girls. But I think about him, and how mine compares now, and I’m not gay Ty I swear I’m not, but like…ugh! Whats going on Ty?” he cries, slumping against me.
I sit there silently for a moment. “Well, to start with, I think you’re probably a lot bigger now that you were then, and most guys wonder how they compare to others. So good news, you are normal there. And I mean, some guys go through a stage of wondering what other guys are like then get over it. Its just a stage. I think you’re ok man.”
I figured hed ask. He did. He wanted to know if I had ever had that stage. I did. Kinda am still in it, actually, but a lot less than when I was younger. Much less than last year.
“So, how big should I be?” He asks, looking at me curiously.
“I dunno…Im like 7ish?” I say and shrug.
“Oh good me too!” He grins. “I was just worried watching this…uhhh…”
I start laughing. “You talk too much you little perv!”
He shrugs. “Hey don’t most guys look at that stuff? I thought you were supposed to, just not around other people.” He grabs at his crotch again, obviously trying desperately to keep me from noticing his hard on, which he is making even more obvious.
Finally I give up and just pull my basketball shorts tight, revealing my slight boner I had kept hidden until now. All this talking about woodies and porn and girls had finally gotten me hard. He looked down, somewhat surprised. I’m not sure what was more shocking, the fact that I showed it or had simply kept it hidden for who knows how long.
Zane started squirming again. “I…I gotta pee,” he said in the worst lie I’ve ever heard. I pointed to the door on the left of the bed, the bathroom. He went in.
A few minutes later, I knock on the door. “Havin fun in there buddy?” I laugh. There’s a scrambling noise and a quick “uh-huh.” I turn the knob. He forgot to lock it.
Sitting there on the toilet is my soon to be little brother, attempting to pull thin sports shorts over his raging boner and failing. Its obvious he has been jacking off. I lean against the door frame. He really didn’t think his new big brother was stupid, did he? His head lowered, in complete shame. I walked over and knelt down in front of him. His eyes look up at me, sad. I pat his shoulder, then walk out. He follows a few minutes later.
“You’re not mad are you Ty?” He says, standing in front of me while I sit on my bed.
This kid is adorable, and the fact that he is about to poke me with that massive boner makes the awkward situation even more funny. “No Zane, were teenage guys. Everyone does it.”
He nods. “Wanna do it with me?” He says quietly, his voice shaking. “I kinda wanna see…” his shaking voice fades.
I grab his pants and give a tug. “Those obviously aren’t hiding anything at all,” I say sarcastically. His dick bounces up, finally free. It is big. Almost as big as mine.
The poor guy is shy at first, then makes his move. He slowly grabs onto my crotch through my shorts. “Can…can I feel it?”
His fingers slowly pull back the elastic as his hand slips into my boxers. I feel it tickly the tip of my caged monster. My hand gropes around for his. I find it and he lets out a deep sigh.
My pants are then ripped off and he starts milking my cock hard. I buck into his hand a few times as I feel his surprisingly low hanging balls. Theyre not huge, just hang really low. I lay down on the bed, and he jumps ontop of me. His dick grinds into mine.
“Rape much?” I laugh and grab his bubble butt. It’s in really good shape from so much running.
I can see his grin through the dim light. He rolls off and starts rubbing up and down on my pulsing manhood. I start rubbing his.
“You know any tricks? Ive never done this…” He says, sitting up a little.
I think for a moment, then start moving my hand a little differently, add a little spit, and go some more. He hasn’t thought of spit before, apparently, which I find odd. A little lube does the trick as usual, and soon hes moaning and thrusting his hips around. Big brother point bonus: teach the little bro how to jack off properly.
He sits up and looks at me curiously. I ask what hes thinking. He just smiles and straddles me, our dicks touching. I look down, and he struggles to line them up, or appears to rubbing them together. I then realize hes trying to see whose is bigger. Like I said, mines a little bigger by about a quarter of an inch. He looks up at me. “You win.” He lays back down, defeated.
“I know something you might can beat me at” I say, turning over a little to look at him. He looks at me, suddenly excited. “Can you shoot?” I ask when he can’t wait any longer for a new game.
“Shoot?” He asks, a curious smirk coming over his face.
The two of us start jacking ourselves off. I told him to copy me, but tell me if he felt like he was going to cum. Not gonna lie, it is kinda hot having someone watch you jack off. Anyhow, so I start rubbing slowly, then spit on my hand and rub a little faster. I squeeze the top some, rubbing just the uppermost part. Then the bottom. Then caress my balls with my right hand, switch, and rub left.
“Woah that feels cool!” HE says to himself after switching hands. I just shake my head. This kids nuts. He looks back at me and starts going faster like I did. He squirms.
I look over. “Remember, don’t cum! Tell me if you’re close, I’ll tell you what to do.”
He stops. “Oh yeah…Im close.”
I reach over and squeeze the top of his dick. He pushes his butt into the matress, holding back orgasm. “Hang on…” I say, waiting for his locked and loaded balls to relax. They do. “Ok start again,” I command, and resume rubbing myself.
“Wait…so we don’t cum? I thought that was the best part?” He asks completely lost.
I just laugh and tell him it’s called edging. Basically, you put off orgasm for a few times, letting it build up. Kind of like pumping a water gun. The more you pump it, the more you can squirt.
I swear, if that kid light up more, the room would have gotten brighter. “Oooohhhhh!!!” He said, “Gotcha!” then started pumping furiously on his dick. I just kept going at a normal pace, trying not to laugh at his adorable face, completely focusing on his manhood, biting his lip in complete concentration.
“Youre goin down broski!” He giggled. “Ive gone a few days. I almost hit my bellybutton last time I went this long!”
I ended up snorting holding back a laugh. “Oh trust me, itll go farther.”
I stopped, squeezed the tip a little, then started back. He copied me. We lay there for a while doing this, both mirroring each other and trying different hang positions. Eventually, we agreed it felt kinda cool getting jacked off by another person, so we focused on each other for a change.
After about three minutes of jacking each other, I let go of his to focus on my own. It was time for out shooting competition.
“Ready kiddo?” I asked. He nodded and grinned.
“Heck yeah!”
We both start pumping furiously. I counted down. 1…2…3…

To say it was the biggest orgasm of his life would be like comparing the titanic to a canoe. As I lay there, my dick pulsing streams of hot gooey jizz, I counted his spasms. 1…2…3… He just lay there in shock as a shot hit his face, running down to his lips.
His hands quit moving, so I reached over and slowly squeezed his cock as it released all that built up cum in about 5 shots and then a few pulsing streams. When he finally started breathing, it was deep and heavy. He wiped his mouth with his hand, then licked his lip curiously.
“HM…tastes…kinda…different.” He panted. “But WOW!” he looked over at me. I had shot to my chest. “Woah. Youre like a freakin super soaker bro!”
I had shot a little more by volume, being a bit older, but he probably out shot me distance wise. (I still hold the record though. 12 streaming shots of cum, the second landing 6 feet infront of us, by the way. Yes, it is possible. NO, I didn’t move the rest of the weekend) Anyhow, this time he won.
After a moment or two to catch his breath, he looked over at me and said wow about a dozen times within a few minutes. I just lay there smiling. Bro points quadrupled, teach the kid to edge AND shoot.
“You ever taste it?” He asked, sitting up and trying to contain the pool of sperm on his belly.
I shrugged. I had once. It was ok, though not good enough to try again. I told him if he was done eating his then we could go shower up, together to save time.

We stepped into the warm shower. It was around three am, and after the massive orgasm, both of us were pretty tired.
I soaped up his back, then just decided Id wash him and he could wash me. I gave his dick a little tug when I got to it, saying “Good work soldier!” then stepped aside to let him rinse the suds off.
He, washing mine, commented about it being a “freakin nuke.”
We decided bonding time was good to start with, so we just cuddled in the bottom bunk and fell asleep, nice and clean. By the way, cuddle wise, it was more brother to brother cuddle. Not like romantic cuddle. We weren’t naked or anything.
Six months later, and after many more “trial sleepovers,” Zane is officially my little brother. It is now my senior year. We both have girlfriends, actually dating two sisters…its weird how that happened…and I am preparing to go to college in a few months. There are many more stories, but those are for another time. Hope you enjoyed. We both did. Later!

PS, check back sometime. Maybe ill tell another. College is pretty crazy…


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his story was written as an extreme adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. Simka walks in the house, glad to be home, glad to be alone at home. “I think I am going to go sit in the hot tub for a while and just relax, especially since no one else will be home for a few hours. She quickly runs up stairs and strips out of her school clothes. After a moment of looking in her drawers, she finds a bikini. It is not her new one, and it is slightly...

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sister gets to know her brother better

I spent the hottest day of the summer sitting by my pool with my friend Stacey. We spent the afternoon working on our tans and talking about nothing in particular. At some point, I had noticed the curtains in one of the windows was pulled back slightly.“Don’t look now Stace, but I think my brother is watching you.”She raised her eyebrows slightly and peered up at the window.“Oh my God! What’s with him? Not only is he weird, but he’s a total perv!”“Hey that’s my brother! He’s not a perv, and...

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Sexual Liaisons With My Cousin Brother 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, the story continues as narrated by Riya who is my good friend, I am writing it on behalf of her. After a good oral session between Riya and Pankaj, they both decided to stop and keep this as a secret in their hearts. Pankaj got a job in Bangalore while Riya completed her studies in Delhi. Both were in regular touch on chat and often on call too. They used to have some hot sessions when they had a safe chance. Time flew and it was after 4 years they had a chance to meet again....

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Billi Jos big brother revised

Introduction: submissive girl finds out who her true love is Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She did not care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondocks family. Dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

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Breed Me Big Brother Chapter 3 Little Sister Bred and Loved

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Little Sister Bred and Loved By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled as I trudged behind President Carver through the halls of my college. All the pleasure, the delightful rapture of my naughty sex with my big brother had died into trembling terror. My stomach writhed and swirled, and a cold sweat broke out across my skin. My heart palpitated in my chest. How could I be so stupid? Why did...

3 years ago
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Being a helpful Brother

Introduction: Being a brother means its your job to be helpful to your sister at all times. Although what happens when being helpful goes to far? Jason Lee and Kimmy Lee are the only Asian kids in there whole school. That ment they are more then just brother and sister they were also best friends. Jason was a year older then Kimmy so it wasnt uncommon for him to only see his sister after school. That made him lonely during school. Not only was he awkwardly tall having a growth spurt every few...

4 years ago
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Letting my brother take my virginity

My mom and dad were out of the house today. My brother, Billy, always watched porn when they were out. He hid them somewhere safe so no one would look at them. I know where he hides them, but I’d never tell my parents. Billy had made sure of that. I was in my room listening to the loud moaning coming from the living room. I was reading my Twilight book and I had a hard time concentrating on my book, the loud moaning was really annoying me. I shut my book off and kept it down, I stood up from...

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Billi Jos big brother revised

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She did not care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondocks” family. “Don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

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Brother Dearest

Brother dearest I was born in Whitstable, England in the year 1823. I was the second son born to my father, Edward Lawrence, a merchant. My older brother, Johnathan, was only a year older than me, so we grew up being very close. My father wasn't well off but neither did we fare badly either. As children Johnathan and I were both quite adventurous and would regularly go out in the local woods, usually by foot but sometimes we could ride most of the way by horse and carriage, getting a...

1 year ago
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Injury leads to intimacy between brother sis

i****t/Taboo, groupBec stared at her brother, lost for words. "You want me to do what?" she asked, stunned."I need you to wash me. Geez, didn't Mum talk to you about this before she left?" Matt asked, his face flushing red with embarrassment."No, she bloody didn't or I probably wouldn't have agreed to stay home and look after you!""Crap, I thought that she would, I mean it's the last thing I want to have to ask you to do, believe me, but I can't go for three weeks without washing myself!"Bec...

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brother pt 2

Randy looses his virginity, to his slutty little brother. And finds out a couple of Billy's secrets! I couldn’t believe what I’d done. What we’d done. And all the incredible feelings I’d felt the night before turned on me. Before I even got to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, I was pissed-off and paranoid. Like I said, my little brother Billy had always been a major brat. Whenever he got a little dirt on me, he always reported it to our mom. I’d barely taken my first puff of a cigarette, or...

2 years ago
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Breed Me Big Brother Chapter 1 Little Sister Begs to be Bred

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Little Sister Begs to be Bred By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I was so bored. It was Sunday and my book wasn't holding my attention. I lay on my bed in my bedroom, my Kindle resting on my naked stomach, my small breasts rising and falling. They were little mounds, small handfuls of titties that had barely sprouted. It kept me looking girlish and childish, younger than my nineteen years. Which...

2 years ago
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Brother and Sister Go Too Far Ch 01

It was so long ago. They were both so young. Yet, she’ll never forget how her brother made her feel wanted, loved, and special. He was as horny as she was. The relationship she had with her brother was the closet she ever felt to a man. With nothing to hide, with her brother knowing her as he did, she felt a freedom from playing games that she never felt since with other men she dated. There she was naked for the first time and vulnerable to a man who accepted her for who she was and she...

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My Brother Massaged Me

Hello readers, I received this story from Pinky Agrawal my net friend with a request to get it posted at ISS. Please read this story and send your comments to or or or Hi guys this is Pinky and Devil(brother and sister) here submitting before you our new stories. These stories here are our real life experience which we keep on experimenting with each other. We hope you like our experience and try it at home also but secretly. Secrecy is more fun than doing it openly. Well my name is Pinky...

2 years ago
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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 1 Brother Takes My Cherry

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother Takes My Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Wilson I heaved a sigh of relieve when Ms. Samuels's class ended. I wasn't a fan of history, even with the delight at looking at the busty Ms. Samuels, her breasts almost falling out of her low-cut top and bouncing as she moved around. She dressed like such a wanton woman, like she wanted every nineteen-year-old boy in her class...

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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 3 Big Brother Knocked Me Up

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Big Brother Knocked Me Up By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Dr. Bernice Wilson I closed my eyes, my hands rubbing my large, naked breasts as I lay in bed. I had woken up horny again. I felt like a teenager instead of a woman of forty. For the last two weeks, ever since Cheryl Elliston showed up at my gynecological practice pregnant, planting the ridiculous notion that she had been knocked up by...

1 year ago
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brother pt 1

Randy was happily surprised to discover that his little brother is a big slut! I honestly didn’t ever plan to fuck my little brother. And I really don’t give a damn if you believe me or not, but it was Billy that came on to me. Now, I will admit that I was horny as a three-peckered goat, that first night. And seeing as how I was a lot older and a lot bigger than him, I suppose I could have made him stop. But like I’d said, I was about to bust a nut even before I went into the bedroom Billy...

2 years ago
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My brother busted my cherry

This is for all you men and women out there that like some taboo stories.Chapter 1Cathy Jones, walking home from school, felt a secret tingle in her pussy. She had done something at lunch time she shouldn't have done, and now she was busily trying to hide the knowledge of it from herself." Another day, another night of study," she muttered to herself. Lost in her thoughts, she wasn't aware of the heads she turned.She was only sixteen years old, but she was a traffic-stopper. Her youthful hips...

3 years ago
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How much I love my brother

Can I ask you something? Is incest sex really so bad? I mean I know having sex with a family member is not just weird and creepy, but illegal. Why? It's one thing if it's just lust. But to have centennial sex with someone you love and care about very much. Why is this so bad? I mean really why? I'm Jennifer and I'm a 19 year old lady and I have a 20 year old brother named Jim. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm about 5 ft 2 in.We both have the same mother and father, so he has brown hair and...

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Training Big Brother

Chapter I Damn him! Thirteen year old Karen looked at the bra she was putting away. One of the hooks was hanging to the material by only a thread or two. It hadn't been like that when she'd taken it off several days ago. It had to be her brother. Again. For the past couple of months she'd been suspecting that Tom had been trying on her underwear. This wasn't the first bra whose hooks looked like they'd been stretched much farther than her 32 A chest was capable. She couldn't...

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Emmas Brother and His Buddies

Hi! My name is Emma! Before telling you what happened two weeks ago, let me tell you about myself. I am a bubbly high school student with blonde hair and big blue eyes. My body type is fit and sexy. Fit, as in I am healthy enough to be the captain of our cheerleading team. Sexy, as in all guys and girls in my school are chasing me, hoping to date, kiss, and fuck me. Some got lucky, some don't. Now that you have an idea about me, I will explain what happened two weeks ago, inside our...

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Billi Jos big brother

Introduction: girl learns to be submissive to her brother Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didnt care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondock family. dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

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I let my brother take my virginity

My brother was always the mean one in the family. He was a bully, standing 6ft with well toned muscles. He never worked out, yet he had huge muscles. He always just sat home watching TV and football whenever he felt like it. He was 20 years old, with no job and had refused to go to college till he was 21. He had promised ma and pa, that he would definitely go to college, put them out of their jobs and help with the house when time came. And now as he sat there, eating pizza and rubbing his...

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Jackie Listens to Her brother

After getting wet in the rain, her brother shares a storyThe chance to finally seeing my big brother Tommy again was making me nervous. Or maybe, I don't know, really excited. What I missed most about Tommy was just talking with him, well, listening really. Anytime we talked -- his voice just seemed to calm me down and make me feel SO good. During our last phone call I said, "I really miss you.""Oh Jackie, Please, don't sound so sad, I miss you too."Talking on the phone is wonderful, but it's...

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My Brother8217s Bride

Huma presents another hot incest between brother and sister story. I thank you all for your comments on my stories. I had kept myself away from my incestuous love with my own brother Karthik, younger to by three years. Actually our first encounter had been a chance encounter. It had been my birthday and we drank just for fun. Slowly I grew tipsy and aroused sexually. My brother was fascinated by my large boobs and firm ass. To crown the evening, our Cable operator showed a blue film by chance....

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 29 Her Brother Part One

HER BROTHER, PART ONE Laura looked again at the rules for interacting with her brother during his visit to town. (1) Dress like a slut. Your outfit should be at least as slutty and publicly inappropriate as if you were wearing nothing but underwear. (2) Don't discourage him in any way from any affection or sexual interest he shows in you. Don't say no, or look disinterested or unhappy. If he hugs you, lean into it. If he gropes you, moan sluttily to show how much you enjoy it. (3)...

2 years ago
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My Brother Made Me a Cuckold

It all began when the doctor revealed that my wife wasn’t getting pregnant because of my low sperm count. “You don’t have enough sperm and what little there is just too weak,” the doctor said in a professional tone, as my wife and I took in the disastrous news. He then discussed the various options available to us, but they were all expensive, and not covered by my health insurance. Betty was devastated at the news, but she said she still loved me, and...

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Discoveries With My Brother Chapter 1 and 2

This is a work of fiction... Chapter 1 – The Temptation Begins: Although a quarter of a century has passed since these incidents occurred, it seems like only yesterday that they happened. I have never related these events to another living soul until now. To the best of my knowledge, my brother and I are the only people who are aware of our time of discovery together. Yes, I suspect it is a combination of shame and guilt that have kept either Gary or me from sharing these experiences with even...

3 years ago
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My Brother Would Be BetterChapter 2

For the rest of the week, Olivia refused to get off. These thoughts were starting to get out of hand. When she’d been comparing the strange men she was hooking up with to her brother ... well, she’d just been using him as a baseline. She may as well have been comparing the man to a randomly-selected New Zealander, or co-worker. But what had happened when she’d played with herself ... It made her uncomfortable. And so for the next few days, Olivia tried very hard not to think about sex. It...

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Sister and brother seduce their parents to save th

This story is about a elder daughter who seduced her dad and asked her younger brother to seduce her mom in order to stop their parents from separating who were headed for divorce.Shanaya returned to her home which was on the outskirts of Bangalore in Karnataka, India, when she learned that her parents had filed for divorce after 20 years of marriage. She was studying 1st year commerce degree in Mangalore University, was 19 years old and had good body with statistics of 34C-28-36. Her dad Anand...

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Billi Jos big brother

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didn’t care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondock” family. “don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

1 year ago
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A teen girl turns to her brother for entertainment

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); The late-June sun bore its weight down onto the parched Arizona landscape. I let out a quiet sigh as I looked around. Everything was hot and dry and boring and dull, dull, dull. God, I hated this place. If it was under 90 degrees right now I’d be shocked. Hell, by the time noon rolled around it would probably be over 115. We’d top out at about 120, I figured, then maybe back down to 100 by midnight. I sighed again as...

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Innocent Sisterrsquos Indecent Request By Brother2

If you have not read my first part, please read it, else you will miss a nice background. Shall not give anymore background here, let me directly come to the story.. Rakesh was dreaming of fucking off his innocent sister like a slut. He wanted to fuck her ass in front of her mother in-law. Along with his sister, he wanted to seduce her MIL and fuck them both together.But all these were in his dream only, he was not that talented to plan and execute it. But everything was coming on his way by...

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