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I made it to the top of the stairs again. The cardiologist diagnosed me as having a severe atrial arrhythmia which, as far as I could tell, meant that my blood didn't circulate efficiently to my lungs and back. That and weighing three hundred pounds made my future existence pretty bleak. Still, I soldiered on, not having any alternative.

I was still huffing and puffing, making my way down the hall to my office door. I was fumbling my keys much worse than normal. I felt like somebody hit me in the shoulder with a Louisville Slugger. I went to my knees, then my face. I didn't have the energy but to feebly raise my hands to my belly before it all went away.

I opened my eyes and said to myself, "That was a fast onset. I thought heart attacks were protracted while aneurysms and strokes were fast.

I heard a noise like someone clearing their throat. I opened my eyes and turned my head. Now there was a fellow I didn't want to meet in a dark alley, or a dark anywhere! Well over seven feet tall, built like a pro wrestler, bald, slightly green complected with brown patches and, if I wasn't mistaken, he was covered with tiny scales. Something was wrong. I wasn't scared shitless. I asked, "Chlorophyll adaptation?"

He smiled. "I've not heard that as a first question before. No, swamp adaptation. I'll give you a present if you can demonstrate a brachiating adaptation."

I manipulated the tissue ridge over my inside lower finger joints. "Flesh pad here, plus callus ridge orientation on the fingertip pads."

He nodded. "Good. The rotation pattern of the shoulder joints are another clue. I will give you one hour to collect all you can hold in your hands before you are transshipped to another planet."

I squirmed up my face. "Don't tell me you poor bastards have sociologists, too?"

He looked as if he'd been beaten with a stick. "Afraid so. Afraid so. My gift will be integrated into your rejuvenation. We can't have you kicking off from a bad heart the first week. Everyone in the project gets healthy before they get dropped. Your time starts now."

A big countdown timer appeared on the wall while he just went "poof". I didn't have time to wonder about how he did it. I ran outside with my keys in hand looking for my truck. I had some heavy camping gear stashed there in a storage box. Things like oilskins, a two-pound hammer, a diamond-point shovel and a bag of quarter-inch sisal rope were in the back as well. There was also a fresh bag of contractor's trash bags and some miscellaneous fire-pit tools behind the seat. No doubt that they didn't do my gas mileage any good, but I had a cardboard box with a duct-taped bottom containing one foot long forged steel tent pegs. If I could carry the damned things they were coming along. In the foot well of the passenger seat were my long, fancy tent pegs for boggy sites and my squirrel fork. I hacked it all back to the apartment and snatched up my backpack.

I figured that I could hold up two hundred and fifty pounds for a short period, using a strap around my neck to help hold up my hands. I proceeded to stuff that big Kelty external frame pack with everything that came to sight, including pants, boots, a shirt and three wool blankets. I kept a revolver in its factory original blue plastic box in a locked closet as well as a .45 derringer with its bag of bullets and .410 slug shells. I had recently bought a very nice cutlass and sheath that I might finally get some use out of. I had bought a 24" rope saw in a can that I thought was cool, but would probably never use. It looked like the chain part of a chainsaw.

My heaviest camp knife was thrown in, then I pulled a big flour sack out of the pack to fill with three five-pound bags of flour and a five pound bag of salt. I had bought a few little bottles of olive oil with an eye towards camping. Those went in, along with a quart plastic bottle of corn oil and two more five-pound bags of salt. I also stashed a can of baking powder along with several jars of peanut butter and jelly. I'd just bought a five pound bag of white potatoes and a three pound bag of sweet potatoes. I hung them from the pack by S-hooks. The fridge had a quarter of a boneless ham in it that I'd been making sandwiches out of. There was a sliced half-ham in the freezer. I triple-bagged both of them with all my available ice cubes and stuffed them in the pack as well.

I still had twenty minutes. I spotted a bag of carrots and a three-pound plastic tub of lard in the fridge and five pounds of corn meal. That reminded me to grab my pepper flakes and powdered hot pepper. The celery seed and whole peppercorns were right next to it which I also snatched. The pack was past full. I had a day pack that I'd thrown in the corner which I proceeded to stuff. I carefully looked around my over full apartment. Beeswax candles. lamp oil. A big ball of cotton string. Paracord. Hatchets. Flint and steel. Lighters, A jar of sulfur. Soap. Lots of soap. over-the-shoulder M3 medical bag. A fresh bottle of Gorilla Glue. A big fat spool of artificial sinew. Spare baggies, stuff 'em in anywhere they'd fit. My big LED-converted aluminum club of a Kel-light. All the batteries in AA and D size that I had. A little sewing kit. Compass. Esbit fire starter cubes. An open-bottomed tent. Camo tarp. a fine mesh screen inner tent designed to frustrate bugs. More wool blankets.

I opened up my tool kit. Wood chisels. A cold chisel. A small hand full of metal files. Pliers, several pair--Needle nose. Sliding jaw. Vice-grips. S-hooks. A box of long reproduction rose-head nails had to come in handy sometime. canvas buckets. A two quart cast iron cooking pot with a lid, on feet. A six-inch cast iron fry pan. I said to myself, "What the hell" and latched onto my ten inch aluminum Dutch oven too. My little gridiron. Spare socks and underwear. I had an oilskin waterproof poncho somewhere. Where was the damned thing?

I wrapped everything in the tarps and hefted it in my arms just as the timer clicked over to zero. Pow! I staggered dizzily as I found myself on a perfectly flat white surface half the size of a football field.

"All right, let's see what you've got."

I started laying everything out on the tarps. He asked, "Why the big garbage bags?"

"If I split a couple at the seams they should make a great waterproof roof when held down by cord or lashings and withes. Windproof layer for winter, too. When I get around to weaving baskets they'll make great waterproof liners."

"Whups. No firearms. Sorry."

"Drag. What about throwing spears?"

"They're acceptable."

"I've got a thrower upstairs in the closet, and a dozen cast steel points. Add the Gorilla glue and fake sinew I've got in the pack, and I'm set with what I can find for the wands near almost any swamp."

"Go. You've got five minutes to grab what you can."

Pow! What a shock to the system. I was upstairs in the apartment. I snatched a couple early American hunting shirts, a big wool over shirt, my atl-atl thrower and the contents of my projects drawer, which coincidentally held those points. I remembered that I had a pair of real ugly sheepskin leggings and a wool breechclout in a box. I spotted a three-gallon blue speckle-ware water boiler that I'd stashed in the closet. Lastly I grabbed a pair of pigskin gloves, an eight pound can of pennies, a full bag of big copper rivets along with their ring-set and a palm-sized punch. More AA batteries. I needed to deform those pennies into little cups for the rear of my atl-atl flights. I figured that I'd never be seeing that room again. I spotted a 2-quart canteen in a bag. Then I looked over my little tool kit. I snatched a tee-grip hand drill and all the quarter-inch bits I could quickly find. The few half-inchers were snatched up, too. I put the bails for a big steel bucket and a smaller brass pail over my arm. I was looking around for more loot and was moving towards my presentation knife box when everything went Pow! and I was back near the rest of my stuff. I saw his eyes open wide at my arms full. I innocently said, "You DID say to grab what I could."

His smile was a trifle forced. "My bad. Let's see what you picked up this time. He nodded. "Well chosen. you won't starve from not being able to hunt and you have everything you need to build an indecently good shelter. The cold chisel and files were actually a very good choice. There is workable stone where you are going.

Now, these are the rules. Pay very close attention. Everyone that gets transported is given a seven day grace period to familiarize themselves with the area. Nobody but you can get into or out of your sanctuary, but you can pass through both ways freely along with anyone you are touching. The natives are hostile. Think middle ages brigands or a pirate town. It is truly a lawless environment. Think the worst and it probably happens in the towns, daily. This is a very long running experiment and all the staff involved are too cowed to change anything. There's bows out there and crossbows so be careful. There's very little organization. Think gangs and bosses."

Poof! A big high-walled, farm-sized wheelbarrow appeared. "Stuff your things into that or you'd never be able to move it all. I saw a long hatchet in your gear and a limb saw. You'll need them to make a path for the barrow, but you'll have to hide your traces too. Take a deep breath, now--


The first thing I noticed was the rotting corpse laying there with an arrow through the chest. What a wake-up call. I guessed that meant that even though people couldn't enter the sanctuary, their arrows could. I carefully scanned the undergrowth outside the obvious periphery for motion, then I moved my barrow to the covered well at the center of the clearing. I needed some sort of wall to sleep and relax behind. I belted on my cutlass, picked out a ten-foot rope and dug out my ten-inch folding limb saw that I had found in a deer-hunter's catalog. I quietly cursed myself for not buying spare blades for it, as they were relatively cheap at the time.

I shinnied up one of the few trees in the clearing to get a look around. Why was it so easy? I had arms and legs like a gorilla, that's why! Also, I stood six-foot-eleven tall! Some gift! I saw evidence of a village off to the west. First I saw the smoke then I made out the regular street pattern. After my bare-bones warning I certainly wasn't going that way. I saw a few smoke trails here and there, and noticed what seemed to be a random series of trails crisscrossing the woods. I spotted a swamp off to the south and a stream at its western edge. This changed my immediate plans. I had all the cord I needed to weave a fishing net, and more. The swamp would also provide reeds to weave and hopefully something like diamond willow from which I could fashion my flights. I had a little steel wire cable leader material to fashion snares.

I had to water the bushes. I thanked God that I didn't reel out a fire hose to do the job. The women would all run for the hills at their first glimpse. I was "normal" sized down there.

Hopefully I'd find a place separated a bit from the swamp by a hill or a bluff. That would hopefully keep the predatory biting insects away from my camp, and if there was a cliff face I might find a small cave, flint nodules or rock suitable for building.

I carefully noted the paths that intersected and seemed to lead to near the swamp. It was then that I realized that their 'sanctuary' was a trap. It was a well-known place for the predators to come for fresh, unwary prey. Well, I damned well wasn't going to be prey for anyone without giving them one hell of a fight.

I planned to fill up my pots and water jugs from the well and leave at first light. I had cold ham and water for supper. I then wrapped up in a tarp and blanket for the night.

First light came early. The birds woke me before dawn. I oriented on the tree I'd climbed, then cut three small trees as close to flush with the ground as I could. After I rolled the barrow over the stumps I broke up the wheel tracks, smeared dirt over the stumps and stood the severed trees up, close to where they'd grown. It was the best I could do to hide my trail. The big fat rubber tire aided me in moving somewhat quietly. I broke every hour or so to drink some water and climb a tree to check my route. I only had to backtrack twice. Those paths were a real maze. After leaving the sanctuary any trees that I had to cut down I also limbed and dragged behind the barrow for later use. No sense in wasting effort. I also dragged three un-topped trees behind me to break up my trail.

I heard the swamp long before I spotted it. I'd traveled most of the day to get there. The peepers and bullfrogs gave it away. I didn't approach too closely, but rather piled brush over the barrow and reconnoitered first. It appeared that the land features were formed by an upthrust and decline which shaped the bed of a north-west to south-east swamp. There was an exposed cliff face nearly a half mile to the south-east made up of limestone with various colors in different bands. This looked promising. The face was miles long and was a classic environment to find a cave. It faced away from the swamp. I found a nice little campsite next to the cliff which featured a cold spring surrounded by a multi-colored sand pool.

The surface of the cliff was rough and sported many cracks and 'splits. I built a small fire from dry wood against the cliff so that the smoke would be broken up and the fire's warmth would reflect back onto me. I used the green tree trunks that I'd salvaged to make a reflector to sleep before. I would sleep warm and protected from a spear or arrow in the back. It was ham again for dinner. I had to finish it before it turned rancid. The ice cubes that I'd packed with the frozen meat were melted but they'd done their job. I planned to slice the ham steaks thin and dry them in the morning. I was miles away from where I'd be expected to show up and in a difficult environment.

I woke up with a sore back. It was past time to harvest reeds to weave mats. The process was an easy, almost mindless thing to do once I had the supplies. Lord, but I'd demonstrated crap like that for years back in the day. I started some meat smoking and headed out to find a likely reed bed. If it was a swamp then it had a reed bed. It was axiomatic. I kept a good eye out for long, tough saplings the size of my finger too.

I certainly didn't find what I expected. An injured lizard man lay half-in and half-out of the water with an infected shoulder the size of a cantaloupe. Somehow I knew that he was young. The kid was in a bad way. I lashed together some reeds to form a drag and hauled his ass back to my camp. He was out of it. The broken butt-end of an arrow stuck out of his shoulder. It looked like it was in a bad place. If he'd been human then the point would be stuck in the joint. I laid him out and prepped the area with iodine surgical wash, then dosed my hands and my scalpel. I pried apart the wound with one hand while I gently slit open the flesh with the other. The suppurate stank like hell and ran white-green-yellow. I kept washing the site clean with a fifty percent solution of surgical prep and spring water using a lavage syringe. Soon my blade grated on metal. I'd found the arrow head.

I did the best I could to clean a pair of needle-nosed pliers in my iodine-bromine surgical prep, then with one knee between his shoulders, I grabbed that sucker with the pliers and pulled for England. I ended up flat on my back waving a really nasty half-arrow in the air. I scrambled up and discarded the damned thing. Then I squirted a big dose of surgical prep deep into the wound, worked it around with both hands and squeezed hard on both sides like popping a pimple. The crap gushed out of him like there was no tomorrow. If that didn't do the trick then nothing would. I deep-flushed the wound twice more before sewing him up...

I covered him up and kept pumping cold water into him. When he got the shakes I set him in front of the fire. I did all the nasty little nurse things that I had to.

I'd set out some snares on what looked like critter runs and managed to harvest several little beasties that looked a lot like short-eared rabbits with nasty sharp curved claws. And really obnoxious teeth. Nasty, long, sharp, pointed teeth. I didn't know if they could jump like they had built-in pogo sticks ala Monty Python, but they sure had the rear legs for it. They made a fine stew with carrots, wild onions and potatoes. On the third morning my guest woke up and, with my help, tottered off into the bushes to take care of business. After he got himself around four bowls of stew he looked a lot better. His color looked better, if you can say a guy with green skin had color. The swelling on his shoulder was way down and he seemed to be using the arm without much stress. Doctor, the operation was successful AND the patient lived.

After harvesting a few bunnies in the morning I tried to communicate with my patient. He goggled when he saw what I'd brought in from my trap line. Apparently they were nasty little bastards to hunt and the casual way that I handled them brought me no little respect. I patted my chest and said, "Tom". He patted his chest and made a noise like a geothermal mud pot exploding. I shook my head, patted his chest and said, "Boris". I'd never seen a lizard man smile before. He nodded, patted his chest and said quite distinctly, "Boris". This was going too well. I slowly said, "Do you understand me?"

He shrugged. "Some. Enough."

I smiled. "Good"! I motioned slicing and peeling, then using the pliers to pull out the deeply imbedded arrowhead, then working the wound and squeezing the hell out of it until it went, "Bleahh" with an explosive motion of my hands. Then I held my nose and washed in the spring. He nodded and smiled. He said, "My Thanks" when I laid that nasty half arrow in his hand.

"Where you from?"

He motioned far to the east with several waves.

I said, You are here now. Get stronger. Get your wind so you can run. Stay here for now. He smiled and clasped both my wrists with his hands. I reciprocated.

Before long he was hunting in the swamp. The guy healed fast. He watched carefully as first I made reed mats, then wove a fishing net. He learned how to weave his own. Next we made him throwing spears and a thrower. We found a reasonable equivalent to tough diamond willow suckers that did the job. Our diet improved radically after he brought in small red deer which hid in the swamp and were devilishly hard to sneak up on. The first time he trapped a fang-rabbit he preened and strutted like a cockerel. Boy, was he proud!

Boris watched me examine the entire cliff face, foot by foot until he couldn't take it anymore. "What you seek? It makes me crazy!"

"A cave."

"Explain 'cave'."

"Hole in the rock big enough to live in."

He shook his head. "Very rare, hard to find."

"Not so hard if you know a secret. The water springs eat away at the rock over many, many MANY years on their way to the swamp or other waters. Limestone like this", I patted the cliff-side, "are what caves are formed in."

He was a bright kid. "So caves can be small at front and big at back, or any other shape."

I nodded furiously. Yes! Very much so. I tap with a hammer to find weak places where I might dig into the stone. Sometimes luck is good. Often luck sucks."


I mimicked kicking someone in the nuts then bent over holding my groin with a groan. He laughed like hell. "Yes! Often luck sucks! No joke!"

I tanned up a little pouch of fang-rabbit fur and a neck cord. Within I placed a sharp flint chip and a fire steel. That was my gift to him when he took his first deer. Not every piece of steel can be used for firestarting. It has to have a high carbon content and be properly tempered, so that the sharp edge of the flint can strike off a glowing shred of metal that's hot enough to make your tinder catch fire. The lizard people hadn't learned enough metallurgy to get there yet. They used another technique--bashing two pieces of fools' gold together to make a much colder spark and capturing that. It was a much harder technique but still easier than using a fire plow or a fire drill.

I found my cave! It wasn't that big, maybe twelve feet wide at the back by eighteen deep, but I had a good defensible place to live. Boris was amazed that my theory had born fruit. My success so enchanted him that he continued looking. He found another, then another. My first cave was relegated to being the smoke house! The second cave became the fuel bunker. The third and largest became my home.

My britches had about had it by that time. Denims just aren't cut out for that kind of life. Boris knew much more about tanning hides than I did. He was pleased to find something to teach me. Before long I had deerskin pants, as did Boris. He thought that pockets were the shits.

Boris was a master of the swamp. I asked him if he had found any gray or white clay. He nodded and brought back my Dutch oven filled with good, creamy white clay. He watched carefully as I tore off a section and formed it into a little clay lamp with a flat bottom and a flat lip to hold the wick. I made a good half dozen of them, then while the lamps sat and dried to a leathery stage, I dug a pit, fired it to get the moisture out, put the lamps inside and fired it again, this time with a pit full of fire and a lid of split logs, dirt and sod. I was careful to leave two small holes in the top the size of my thumb. When the cover felt cool to my hand I dug everything up. I had five black-glazed lamps and one broken failure. Not bad! I'd seen batches fired like that with only one survivor.

I asked him to please try to find salt. He found a salt lick by watching the animal trails. It was very dirty, but it was salt and we needed it to preserve our meat. He brought back skin bag after skin bag of the salty dirt. I showed him how to purify it. I put my biggest pot filled half full of water over a slow fire and dumped in a full bag of the salty dirt. When it was steaming hot, just roiling a little, I scooped out the dirt that had settled to the bottom and saved it for later processing. I added a second bag of dirt and stirred, then a third. I tasted the brine and found it quite strong. The pot was taken off the fire and allowed to cool. Salt crystals formed on the sides of the pot which were harvested and dried. It was a long, tedious process but we harvested just under twenty pounds of clean gray salt a week. After a couple months we thought that we had enough for a year. All the reserved dirt was re-processed in another two batches. The last, third batch was done by scooping out the now depleted dirt and boiling the brine dry, then collecting the last few crystals that formed. I told Boris of how it was done in Arabia and Africa, where evaporating pans were dug out of the stone at the sea shores and seawater added until crystals formed by evaporation, which were collected and further dried.

He was getting ready to leave. I could tell by the way he carried himself. I prepped my little day pack for him, along with my short hatchet, a bad civil war reproduction corn boiler made out of stainless steel, a greased bag of salt, a plastic screw-top canteen, enough canvas to wrap up in, some snare wire, fifty feet of rope and the bulk of our dried meat. He was without words, but I knew he was touched. I had given him things that were irreplaceable and he knew it. He obviously didn't want a big thing made of his leaving. I woke one morning to find him gone.

I made doors that looked like a part of the limestone walls beside them. I split off irregular stone facings from inside the caves and put some of those nails to good use to lock them in place. From ten feet away the only thing that gave the deal away were the footprints. I resolved that problem by mounting the doors back a little, leaving four by eight foot indentations in the cliff face that would have made someone a dandy short term or overnight camp. I had handles attached to the insides of the doors to pick them up, and bored a little spy hole in each one so that I wouldn't open the door to a nasty surprise. To get inside when the door was shut or to shut it when leaving required a big screwdriver or tent stake that would fit into the spy hole to lift the whole thing up and set it to one side or into the vertical slots I'd prepared.

I had no idea what the season was, but I thought it was fall. I gathered all the food I could and did my best to fill that smoke house. As I said, the middle-sized cave became my wood bunker. There was no draft in the smallest or middle-sized caves. The largest one which became my home did have a draft which meant I could build and use an indoor firepit without smoking myself out.

I'd never learned to weave baskets but it was a profoundly useful technology. I learned the best I could. It made gathering and storing my vegetables much easier.

Before they went bad I planted the last of my red potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots. They were wrinkly but sound. I found a strip of land bordering the swamp that looked to be good, black soil and seemed to have reliable drainage. I hunted down wild garlic and wild onions to transplant there as well. Any time I found a plant that appeared to be edible I tried it out. If it didn't turn me inside-out then I planted rows of it in the garden. Some, like the greens, were like poke and had to be boiled before they were edible. I was surprised to find either oak trees or a damned fine equivalent. I collected the mast, lightly crushed the nuts into quarters to remove the shells, put them into a cloth sack and put them in the stream to leach. After a thorough drying and crushing they made a good rough meal for porridge. Their harvest became a yearly ritual.

The fish had no fear of the net. I was able to harvest a lot. I cleaned them, dipped them in a strong brine, strung them on lines and hug them, bones and all, in the smokehouse to dry and toughen. Before frying fish I dredged them in crushed, leached and dried acorn meat.

I found freshwater mussels, some as big as my palm. If they were edible then I wasn't going to let another protein source go to waste. They weren't bad, but pretty chewy. I'd have to cook them to rags with some strong seasoning before they'd be a favorite. Now, if I had some wine and rice I could make a paella with all that fish...

After the harvest and just before the rains I sewed up several shoulder bags out of canvas and went exploring. I was looking for a grass something like wheat. Looking from the top of the cliff gave me an idea of where to go. The color of ripe grain is pretty characteristic.

I owned those big square tent stakes, pliers and a hammer. If I could fumble together a bellows and find something to use as an anvil then I might be able to rough up a sickle or even a scythe. If I had the skill and material I'd fashion a billhook, otherwise known as a fascine knife.

Yes, I found grain. It was mixed and looked like barley, wheat and oats. I didn't want to risk breaking loose the germ from rough handling so I cut the heads free and bagged them up. I planned on spreading them on a canvas to fully dry before putting them back into a dry storage bag and hanging them from a nail. I didn't want any foraging wee little beasties to get into them.

The mice had invaded my cave. The place smelled like mouse piss and the little shits were everywhere. I remembered seeing an article on how Alaskan miners caught their little camp robbers. They filled a bucket half full of water, propped up a flat stick for them to climb to the top, put a hole through the center of a soda bottle--top and bottom, then poked a dowel through it to freely rotate about the axle. It was baited with peanut butter around the middle of the bottle and left alone. I had been using the Coke bottle as a salt container but it worked admirably as the core for my mouse trap. Each morning the surface of the water was covered with dead or dying mice. They got disposed of in my privy. My four jars of peanut butter weren't going to last long unless I became more chary when baiting my trap.

After a month or so I stopped getting morning presents in the trap. I cleaned the hell out of the place and replaced all the sleeping mats. I was tired of sitting on the floor anyway. I used wedges to split thick boards out of wood which I'd saved out that had the least number of knots. I bored half inch holes into them, then pegged together a table top and used my one and only little six inch palm plane to clean it up. With my drill, small manual chain saw, chisels, a simple wood cudgel and my palm plane I fashioned a heavy mortise and tenon base for the thing.

Constructing my chairs nearly ruined me for furniture making. First I fashioned a deep bench seat somewhat like that used for a picnic table, but wider so that I might sleep on it near the fire if it got really cold. Then I pegged together a chair with a good back and arms. I carefully planed all the surfaces that I'd be vulnerable to rub against. I took great care to form the seat to fit my bottom as I'd sat in a chair before that bruised my tailbone.

Finally I pegged together several big storage chests that could be used as seats.

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Main jab 18 saal ka tha,to meri mausi bhi 18 saal ki thi dopeher mein jab ghar ke log thak ke so jate to main aur meri mausi ghar ke pichhe bane ek kamre mein husband wife ka khel khelte khana pakate aur kha lete, to meri mausi kehti ke, khane ke baad husband wife bachchhe paida karte hain,to main kehta ke woh kaise hota hai, To mausi kehti main batati hoon,yeh keh ke usne mera lund pakad ke kaha ise khada kar,lund uske choote hi khada hogaya tha,uske baad mausi ne apni shalwar khol ke apni...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Onzichtbare Vriendin The Invisible Girlfriend

Onzichtbare vriendin Hello, sorry to say, the following story is in Dutch. Because my English is not that good to write a complete story in English, yet! This is also my first story ever I had written. It was not easy to hold all details in the story the same. When I have written 2 or more story's in Dutch, I will translate them to English or write a whole new story. For everyone who can read Dutch, I hope you will enjoy it. For the people they can't read Dutch, it's about a boy and...

2 years ago
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Barebacking My Tight Teen Daughter

Jake reached down and grabbed a can of beer from the bottom of the refrigerator. He opened the beer in front of the fridge, taking a moment to relish the soothing coldness. He knew he shouldn’t stand in front of the fridge, but goddamn, it was a hot day.He barely just got back from work. One of the benefits of being freshly divorced, it seems, is that no one is there to tell you what to do. He was married for almost twenty years, and he'd be damned if he didn’t do everything he could to relish...

3 years ago
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Barebacking My Tight Teen Daughter

He barely just got back from work. One of the benefits of being freshly divorced, it seems, is that no one is there to tell you what to do. He was married for almost 20 years, and he’ll be damned if he didn’t do everything he can to relish some of his newly acquired freedom. Not that he wanted it. But he had no choice really. After catching his wife fucking her boss, he just couldn’t get over that particular brand of betrayal. He toiled hard everyday to make enough money to provide for his...

1 year ago
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What is Bare Punting? The name made me think of playing football in the nude, but that isn’t what the website is about. I consulted Urban Dictionary, an act that always makes me feel like the oldest fucking oldster in the world, but I’m not even sure how helpful it was. The only semi-sexy definition they had listed was, “When you send your foot so far up your girlfriend’s pussy with such force that it sends her into the air.” Well, I shouldn’t have to tell you that isn’t what the site is about,...

Escort Sites
2 years ago
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Barefoot Melissa sexy adventure

Barefoot Melissa, my fun and exciting sister in law. Melissa was 30 and fresh. She was 5’3 decently slim with wide hips and soft wide ass, small b cup breasts which were perky and fit her frame well, thick pale thighs and thin legs and slim size 7 feet.Her hair is dark and cut right below her slim neckline. Mesmerizing hazel green eyes and pale lips. Her size 7 feet have high arches and slender toes. She often goes barefoot in the house, almost immediately after entering. I enjoy her...

3 years ago
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Bareback Bi Couple Gangbang

Sonia & I meet Kathy at via a bareback internet forum; It wasn’t clear why she was so interested in our bareback swinging activity’s. She knew we were married & both enjoyed receiving anal from bare cocks, she mentioned she had a boyfriend or two who were into bareback sex. So at first it seemed like she was just a friendly and open person like us. I didn’t know that Kathy had plans for a couple like us.Kathy told us she knew a guy or two that would help us to explore and with a wink...

3 years ago
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Bare Pussy Beach

Bare Pussy Beach My thirteen-year-old daughter came barging into the house all excited about a beach that she had just been too. She called it Bare Pussy Beach. She said that there were lots of other girls there and some men. There was all the beer that she could drink too. She looked like she had had a few. Well since Kimberly was only thirteen I was quite concerned. Then I wondered where her sister was. She told me that Laurie was out on the porch where the men had left her. I sat...

4 years ago
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Bare Music Part 2

Note: To fully appreciate this part 2, please read part 1 first. I went to the gallery to pick up Jennifer up for our date. She had Bare Music prominently displayed. She paid me a great compliment by pricing it three times as much as any similar sized painting. Jennifer and I had a wonderful dinner, but I had to call the evening short as I had a rare Saturday morning meeting to attend. Over the next few months, Jennifer and I dated regularly. She helped me decorate my woefully under-decorated...

2 years ago
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Bare Music Part 2

Note: To fully appreciate this part 2, please read part 1 first. I went to the gallery to pick up Jennifer up for our date. She had Bare Music prominently displayed. She paid me a great compliment by pricing it three times as much as any similar sized painting. Jennifer and I had a wonderful dinner, but I had to call the evening short as I had a rare Saturday morning meeting to attend. Over the next few months, Jennifer and I dated regularly. She helped me decorate my woefully under-decorated...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Bare Paw Rah Rah Rah

Cast of Characters in Bare Paw Ranch From Book I From book 2 Red Team Cheerleaders Blue Team Cheerleaders In the following weeks before the Cheerleaders were due to arrive at Bare Paw Ranch there were many things to prepare for. Ben was a source of help we needed. With his experience in the ‘Guide and Outfitting business’ he was able to help us revamp the lodge for the thirty-six cheerleaders coming to visit and the fourteen staff members they were bringing with them. We...

3 years ago
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Bare Legs

Bare Legs by W. L. Telford My tuxedo was draped over the back of a chair in our bedroom, where it had been since the MIT genomics department Christmas party on the 22nd. This was now the evening of the 27th. I picked it up, intending to add it to the pile of clothes to be taken to the dry cleaner, but then had a thought. Holding the jacket at arms length I decided it could still be worn. Our bedroom occupies the third floor of the tall, narrow brick Beacon Hill house that has been in my...

2 years ago
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Barefoot Slave

When I saw the man walking towards me, my dick started to twitch. Even fromhalf a block away, he was sexy. As he got closer, his dick hardened more.The man was medium height, wearing boots, jeans and t-shirt. He was theperfect looking Daddy, with barrel chest and beer belly. He was rugged,with a big bushy mustache.The man saw my gaze and stared at me intently. I started to blush, butdidn't look away. The man came up to him and put out a big hand."Hey fella, noticed you looking at me. You're a...

4 years ago
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Bare Paw RanchChapter 5

The sun was shining bright as DE and I drove from Kansas City. DE made me promise to stop every two hundred miles or so to have a break. Too make sure I kept my promise. DE decided to wear her Chief’s jersey, sandals and nothing else. Thinking about that naked pussy in the vehicle in front of me and wanting it helped keep me awake. As she led us to the first rest stop, I was very ready when I slipped in her front passenger seat and had her hug me. She straddled my lap and had her wet pussy...

2 years ago
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Bareback sibs

Another from the archives that was deleted from site. I hope you enjoy the scene.Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, UK - 6 Dec 2020****“I want to,” my sister said.“You can’t,” I replied.It was the way we were. She was outgoing, a little wild. My sister had a reckless streak that sometimes had me worried. In contrast, like the yin and the yang, I was more careful. I thought things through where she tended towards the impulsive.“Don’t be boring,” she said, rolling her...

3 years ago
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Bare Paw RanchChapter 4

After taking care of my problem in the parking lot with DE, and to the cheers of the other three naked ladies watching, I was able to put my dick back in my pants and drive to the farm. Pulling into the driveway and walking around to DE’s door I opened it for her. I followed her to the house and opened the door for her. The other three beauties were right on my heels (ass) as I unlocked the door, wondering what all would happen in the next two weeks as I watched the fine bare bottoms enter...

2 years ago
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Barefoot Torture

My man walked in and caught me masturbating in bed. “Get up, b***h, stop rubbing your clitty and put your dress on.” I hurried up and grabbed my dress and fought with it to get it on quickly. Go take out the trash. The apartment had a gravel area near the trash cans, at the end of a hot asphalt parking lot. I couldn’t go barefoot, so I reached for my flip-flops. He grabbed my wrist. “No you go barefoot like you should be,” he said. I obeyed and walked out, carrying trash bags with me. As I...

2 years ago
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Bareback Party

Eigentlich hätte es für Jana nur ein Tagestrip nach Berlin werden sollen zuerst war alles glatt gegangen und die Termine liefen wie geplant aber dann schlug der Winter erbarmungslos zu. Der Flughafen war geschlossen worden da hatte die 34 Jährige Businessfrau die Sicherheitskontrolle schon durchschritten gehabt. Auch ein ICE Richtung Heimat war nicht mehr zu bekommen. Es war nicht so dass Zuhause jemand auf sie gewartet hätte, aber dennoch hatte sie keine Lust das Wochenende bei minusgraden in...

3 years ago
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Bareback naughty fun with hubbys friend

Hi guys ..heres another story id like to share with u guys. This took place a week ago and while still fresh in my mind id like to share it with you .So im a mid 30s Pakistani women who loves sex and married to a like minded guy who lets me indulge my fantasies. In fact theres nothing more that turns him on then me coming back to him after being all used by another man. husbands friend...lets call him "s".....has always fancied me ..hes in his 40s , indian and married . He and my...

3 years ago
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Bareback Party Geschaumlftsfrau laumlsst sich als Stut

Vorab. ich fand diese Geschichte online. Die Autorin ist Scharmrot1.Ich habe mir erlaubt einige Sätze umzuformulieren und gegebenenfalls etwas auszuschmücken. Die Grundidee zur eigentliche Geschichte gebührt allerdings der genannten Autorin.Bei dieser Geschichte handelt es sich um eine interaktive Geschichte. Das bedeutet, die Handlung kann sich in mehrere Richtungen entwickeln. Von daher bitte stets den Teil weiterlesen, der der gewünschten Entscheidung entspricht. Dann mal los :)...

2 years ago
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Bare Asses and Boyfriends

"Hello, Ryan. William is upstairs getting ready. I told him he was going to be late..." Mrs. Bin stood to the side to allow me to slip past the door. I put on a smile and thanked her.  Their house is two floors tall, and the grand foyer was— of course— grand. The decor was very comfortable, and made you feel at home. One wall was covered of pictures of his family: aunts, uncles, cousins.  She directed me to the stairs, even though I already knew their house like my own, before...

4 years ago
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Bare Paw RanchChapter 2

The next morning I got up early and took a walk. When I returned about 7:00 am, DE and KC were taking showers. I made coffee and set out the cereal and fruit. The girls came rushing into the kitchen both wearing skirts and sweaters. I was shocked that DE would wear a skirt to work, she usually wore jeans. KC wore skirts a lot at school. After breakfast, KC headed to Wichita and we drove to work. DE came to my desk mid-morning and ask if we could go somewhere for lunch. I agreed to meet her at...

2 years ago
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Bare Paw RanchChapter 3

I soon was back on US 50 headed east to the Lake City junction at the east end of Blue Mesa Reservoir. It would take us a little more than 2 hours to make the trip. As I drove, I was hearing a lot of squealing in the back seat. I knew the squeals belonged to DE. Focusing my rearview mirror on her, I saw KC was on her left and Kim was on her right, I could see that they were each sucking on one of her nipples and both had a hand in her crotch. My cock was getting even harder than it already...

2 years ago
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Bare and Tiny 1

This is a work of erotic fiction. I hope you enjoy this juicy story. Let me know if you want more of Jack’s exploits. Jack was one of those guys that was hopelessly addicted to hot, young nubile teen pussy. He didn’t have much difficulty finding such hot treats because of the internet and the willingness to search and travel a bit. He liked his conquests to be petite, girlish and act like little baby sitters that were being seduced into the filthiest little tricks that a tight...

3 years ago
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Barefoot Fetish

I guess I realized my fetish started when I was in high school. One weekend, a whole group of my friends went up to the lake to party and get some sun and water-skiing in. There was this really CUTE girl who I was seeing. Her family was rich and let her do basically whatever she wanted. So she asked to take her brother's speedboat out and of course they consented. I think that she had just learned how to drive but had been navigating her father's speedboat as well as some of our friends' ski...

3 years ago
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Bare And Tiny 3

By Will Buster If you haven’t already, you’ll get more pleasure by starting this teen tramp orgy with the first chapter. Votes and feed back welcome. This story is strictly for fun. Jack Rodman was certainly impressed with Heidi’s exquisite skills. He’d been boning her holes and mouth for over two weeks and he still couldn’t get enough of that sizzling little fox. During that time Heidi moved in to be his full time live in play thing and the emphasis was on play. As soon...

4 years ago
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Bare and Tiny 4

Introduction: Jack gets a ball on his birthday. Heidy and Angela give Jack a week end he will not forget. [b]Bare and Tiny 4 By Will Buster If you havent already, youll get more pleasure by starting this teen tramp orgy with the first chapter. Votes and feed back welcome. This story is strictly for fun. Angela lay in front of Jack. She was totally naked except for her long, gaudy ear rings. It was Saturday morning and Jack was sucking out more birthday cake from Angelas groin. It made a...

3 years ago
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Bare in the Books

Please note: ALL characters in this story are at least 18 years old. All across human history, literature has stood the test of time. Many a strongly written female character has leaped from the pages into the minds of many a man. And certainly many a man has had his own story to devise about a beautiful lady. The possibilities would be endless. Women from every kind of fantasy finding themselves without a stitch to their name! Because in the end, the best kind of girl is a lady in her most...

4 years ago
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Bare Beach By Bicycle

For foxy female friends - by pretty who hosts me hereSexy story with a pretty picture of look-a-like of awesome Anna in verses of fourHer username is here on hot hamster, to both of us she is so very dearShe is as smart as slender and as sweet as sexy this big beauty redhot real redheadI invite her for a trip to the beach by bicycle - I make sure she takes the racing bike up frontI guide her through the greenery to the dunes through a natural park to the almost deserted beachI love to look at...

3 years ago
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Bare Beach By Bicycle

For foxy female friends - by Petra, granddod of Poet Pete, who hosts me hereI invite her for a trip to the beach by bicycle. I make sure she takes the racing bike up front.I guide her through the greenery to the dunes through a natural park to the almost deserted beach.I love to look at her legs and ass move up and down while she wheels just two meters ahead of me.I wonder whether I should have asked her not to wear anything underneath that sexy short skirt?I will get her wet when we bake in...

3 years ago
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Bare Foot to Bare BALLS

This happened to me and I would like to say I would like it to happen many more times, but as with many things in life, the good moments come from nowhere and are seldom. On my way home from work on a back road I always take to avoid traffic, I saw a car pulled to the side of the road. I normally don't stop to assist people due to all the bad stories that I have heard. This situation was different. I saw a young woman, maybe 20, brunette, 5'6 and maybe 115 pounds. She was really pissed off,...

2 years ago
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Bare music part 1

Don’t be turned off by the first paragraph. The old people in the story have nothing to do with the sex; they are just part of the plot. Mom was getting on her years. She sold her house and moved into a nursing home. As she owned the house free and clear she had money to spare. She gifted me ten thousand dollars; the maximum amount allowed by the IRS before a gift of money has to be taxed. I put the money in a savings account with my wife Jean. We were saving for a down payment to buy a house....

Group Sex
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Caught Panty Handed

Caught Panty Handed!bykebbyman©There I stood, like I had on countless other occasions, hovering over my mother-in-law's open hamper, digging for the silken dirty treasures I knew where hidden among her worn clothes. I spied a hint of bright orange and reached in with trembling fingers to pull out an incredibly sexy pair of full cut briefs that I knew had been snuggled against her sweet mound. As I lifted the stained gusset to my nose and took a long inhale of her sweet aroma, they did not...

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Lindsay Lohan Caught Red Handed

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silver Mercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights and started following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stopping speeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her window down as I...

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You haven't seen beauty until you've seen my daughter riding along Country Route 18 in July. We own the land on the whole stretch of road between Wendell's farm and the Amish community up north. All you ever see on that road are haywagons and buggies. And my daughter, Katherine. I swear the only reason anyone else rides that road instead of the wider route to the south is for the hope of seeing her go by on that stallion of hers. She paid for it herself, you know. Takes care of it real good.In...

4 years ago
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He was absolutely gorgeous.No two words about it. GOR-GEOUS! I hoped it wasn’t the flashing lights or the hypnotic strobe that brought me to that decision. He had a headful of dark, curly hair that d****d over his shoulders and the darkest eyes that I’ve ever seen. I think I joked with my friends that he must have been a gypsy or something because he was so dark and hairy. My best friend, Nkechi laughed hysterically.“Oh, jeez, Muna! Next, you’ll be saying that he’s a vampire or something!”I...

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Bareback At The A B S

I have written a few stories here about my time spent at adult bookstores. Most of my visits are disappointing, either no one there or just no one I am interested in. When it comes to random hook ups, I am pretty picky. I won't just suck or fuck anybody!I was driving around running a few errands a few days ago, when realized I had some time to kill. The bookstore I usually go to wasn't too far away, so I figured I would stop by. I always hope to go and suck a nice cock or 2, but usually just...

3 years ago
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Bareback party

My wife told me she had something she needed to talk to me about. We each got a cold drink and headed out to set by the pool. I sat down and she moved a chair so she was facing me when she sat down. She was wearing a short sun dress so when she crossed her legs I was treated to a perfect view of her leg that included part of her hip. Right away she caught me looking at that beautifuly tanned leg. She smiled and pulled the hem up so I could tell she didnt have any panties on. Now that I have...

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Bareback casting party

After some very good experiences with solo boys we decided we wanted to fuck a couple of boys together. So we put some casting calls for in experienced actors in the newspapers. In the end, we invited 4 boys over. We chatted with them for a bit. But then we started to use them to satisfy our perverted fantasies.We were so horny and the boys were really into everything -- especially when we promised to make them famous. So, when we told them to fuck each other, too, they got right into it, and...

3 years ago
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Bareback gay orgy

We contacted some horny guys on an internet sex site and also contacted some escorts for a big orgy fuckfest!Our friends were so horny for full bareback action,we had to convince some guys to be fully versatile-fucking,getting fucked,and sucking-no matter which dick was put in which hole,everyone accepted every hard cock!There was so much cum around,I dont know if we will ever get to go back to that hotel!I continued fucking like hell,Will was enjoying the fucking too!Hooking up these street...

2 years ago
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Bareback With Black II

This guy responded to our profile on a swinger's site and we answered back. I was surprised Jeena wanted to write him since he sent a "cock only" photo, which we usually didn't like. Jeena said he had such a "fine looking cock" she was willing to risk the rest, and said we should meet in a "very public" place in case it didn't work out. I wrote Leon and we agreed to meet at a nearby Fudruckers since it was close to his work and he would be coming straight there after. When we pulled into the...

4 years ago
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Bare neccesity 8211 2

They went up. Together. Lady put an arm around Kiran’s waist as they walked out of the lift on fifth floor. Not knowing which one of the two doors was lady’s flat, Kiran just stumbled a step and stopped to let the Lady go forward and guide. The Lady pushed her with her hand on back of kiran’s waist, this time a little stern, toward the door on the right, as she fumbled through her bag to find the keys for the flat. Kiran held her breath, as she waited facing the closed door, thinking, “This is...

3 years ago
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Bare Paw RanchChapter 6

After playing with Kelly, the next few days everyone seemed to get more relaxed. Kelly had ordered the latex body paint in sparkling white and had discovered that Nancy was an artist who actually had experience with using it while in college. She had used the body paint as part of the costume on some of the actors in plays they had done. Kelly asked her to do the names on everyone’s chest about an inch above their right nipple. We found out that the body paint would have to be re-applied...

1 year ago
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Bare and Tiny 4

By Will Buster If you haven’t already, you’ll get more pleasure by starting this teen tramp orgy with the first chapter. Votes and feed back welcome. This story is strictly for fun. Angela lay in front of Jack. She was totally naked except for her long, gaudy ear rings. It was Saturday morning and Jack was sucking out more birthday cake from Angela’s groin. It made a tasty treat even tastier when that chocolaty frosting was mixed with Angela’s lust juices straight from her itchy,...

2 years ago
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Bare and Tiny 2

Although Jack thoroughly enjoyed Susie and her hot black snatch, his dick still itched for some new, fresh young cunt’s hole to revel and juice off inside. He loved the idea of variety. Each chick he was with sounded different, tasted different and fucked different. True, Susie was an exciting diversion until he found something foxy, fresh, girlish and either a red head or a blonde. He wanted someone with an angelic looking face and a box that boiled with insatiable urges and needs....

1 year ago
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Bare Friends Fun

This started when I was younger with a friend. The two of us were pretty close and lots of times we would talk about sex, which of course would get us feeling horny. One day we were feeling turned on, and he said how he felt like jacking off. Well, I was all for the two of doing that together. We ere at his house and nobody was home, so we sat on the sofa in the living room and took our pants down. We both had an erection, and it was fun seeing each other's. We sat there and started rubbing our...

4 years ago
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Bare cock

It took about a year but I finally got laid on this site.I had to drive a fer piece but for a piece it was worth it.She wanted me to cum in her then lick all my sperm up.We started talking on this site and I thought I was too old for her. She in her fourty and me in my 50's. I think the thing that convinced her was I told her I wanted to see her in fishnets and crotchless panties.That made her hot. We set a time and place to meet, The Lovers package.We found a fishnet that was crotchless and...

2 years ago
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Bare AssetsChapter 2

I could hear hushed voices near me as I came awake. I was pressed into the back of the couch by a soft body in front of me. Remembering Zena coming to be cuddled, I wasn't concerned, but I then realized she had my hand held around her, cupping a breast. My lower extremities became alert, and the sensation of cupping an unfamiliar breast quickly had me sticking out. Zena lifted a leg, letting my dick snap up between her legs, resting against her down covered pussy. She dropped her thigh...

1 year ago
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Caught Red Handed

” Tring , Tring ” the sound of my mobile phone snapped me out of the orgasmic trance I was in. Just as my eyes closed and ropes after ropes of white fluid landed on the kitchen window panes. I picked up the call to find a familiar voice on the other end. “Hello Beta” She said. I said ” Hello, I will be coming in about 30 mins.” “Ok , Take your time.” came the response. I ended the call and wiped my cum off the window pane and again saw the woman who was the reason for several stains on my...

4 years ago
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Caught Red Handed

When I was married and I returned home to find the house empty, I would endulge in a fetish of mine, which was wearing my wifes sexy thongs. I had always loved to see a sexy pair of panties on a hot girls ass, and wanted to know how it felt wearing them. That´s how it all started, I had picked out a sexy red pair and slipped them on. The feeling of having the thong bit riding tight up the crack of my ass had been such a wonderful feeling that I just couldn´t stop. Before she was due home, I...

1 year ago
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Bared Fangs

Joey opened the door and stepped in and smiled as soon as he seen his girl there. He was a middle aged Grey wolf, not very tall but lean and extremely handsome. He looked at her; she looked still as young and innocent since the day they met at “The Tied Knot” back four years ago. He loved her since the moment he set his eyes on her, her sleek fur and the swish of her tail. He got hard thinking back and smiled devilishly down at her, “Rise” he said as he gave her his paw and helped her up then...

3 years ago
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Bared Fangs

Introduction: furries fucking- warning- young. She rubbed the shampoo into her fur slowly, letting her paw only linger down near her pussy for a moment, No, she thought, He will take care of that when he gets here. She gave a smirk and rinsed the suds out of her fur before she stepped out of the water and toweled off in the steamy bathroom. Emmy was a young red forest fox with ample breasts and an extremely wet pussy ALL the time, she was slightly on the rounder side. She walked from the...

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