- 2 years ago
- 22
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Bare Legs
W. L. Telford
My tuxedo was draped over the back of a chair in our bedroom, where it
had been since the MIT genomics department Christmas party on the
22nd. This was now the evening of the 27th.
I picked it up, intending to add it to the pile of clothes to be taken to the
dry cleaner, but then had a thought. Holding the jacket at arms length I
decided it could still be worn.
Our bedroom occupies the third floor of the tall, narrow brick Beacon Hill
house that has been in my family for seven generations. Pressing the
intercom, I said, ?Lisa??
A few seconds passed before she replied. ?Yes.?
?Where are you??
?In my office. Why??
?Let?s go out and have a drink some place.?
?It?s freezing outside. Far less than freezing. Let?s have a drink at home.?
?I?ll warm up the car for you and we?ll just go to one of the hotels around
Copley Square where we?ll leave it with the valet. You won?t be outside
more than five seconds.?
?What brought this on??
?I thought I would wear my tux once more before sending it to the
?How can I resist such an invitation? Give me a few minutes to finish this
page and I?ll be up.?
I was tying my cummerbund when I heard footsteps on the stairs and saw
in the mirror my wife enter the room.
?Don?t you look distinguished,? she said. ?And what am I supposed to
?Your new black dress would be nice and the black patent heels.?
?And?? Her reflection smiled.
?That?s all.?
?That dress is short and backless. I?ll freeze.?
?I?ve already explained why you won?t freeze. And after sitting across
from you and looking at your beautiful bare flesh while we have a drink or
two, I promise to warm you when we come home.?
?I need to take a quick shower.?
?Meet me in the garage in fifteen minutes??
?It?s a date.?
As promised, I had the Mercedes comfortably heated when Lisa came
Her hair, more blond when we sailed in the summer, now darker in the
winter, accentuated by her long black coat, caught the light as she
climbed into the car. As did a flash of bare thigh.
Copley Square was only a few blocks and, that evening without much
traffic, only a few minutes away. Some function was being held at the first
hotel we approached. Too many cars were backed up, so we drove to
another hotel overlooking Boston Common, which for reasons that will
become apparent I will not identify.
Once inside we went to the main bar, which is on the second floor and
has a clubby atmosphere, wood paneled, dark and quiet. A few mostly
older couples were scattered around the room. A tuxedoed waiter
showed us to a window table overlooking the street below. In view of
what happened I find myself trying to remember my first impression of him,
but, as should be true of any good waiter, I can?t. He was deferential and
faded into the background. Later I studied him more closely and
decided he was about my age, which is 50, of average build and looks,
thinning gray hair. He looked like a man who had gladly spent his life
discretely serving drinks at a five star hotel.
He murmured the usual banalities about the weather and the holiday
season before asking what he could bring us.
?A martini for the lady. Tangueray. With two olives, ? I said. ?The same for
me, but with Plymouth.?
?Very good, sir.? And he gave me the non-tourist smile.
As we sipped our drinks and talked comfortably and inconsequentially,
my eyes moved between the headlights of the traffic outside and the
darkness of the Common to my wife.
In a world obsessed with looking younger, Lisa is the only woman I have
ever met who generally wants to look older. At 35 and a full professor with
expertise in a field that laymen, including me, can only vaguely
understand, she appears at least ten years younger and is often mistaken
for one of her students. In her professional life, she plays down her
appearance, but tonight, she let herself look beautiful. Her winter pale
skin made her green eyes dramatically deeper. Her breasts, larger than
her fine bones would suggest, and as I knew with great pleasure, firm and
perfectly formed, moved beneath the loose fabric. The dress I had given
her for Christmas was cut high in the front and was not tight, except at the
waist, rather it flowed with the curves of her body. At times I could see the
hard points of her nipples.
Catching the direction of my glance, she grinned. ?Do you like what you
?Indeed I do,? I smiled.
Beneath the table her bare leg pressed against mine.
?Shall we have another or go?? she asked.
?Let?s have another,? I said. ?I?m enjoying the anticipation.?
I signaled to the waiter, who was standing at the bar, talking to the
bartender. On this quiet night, they were the only ones on duty. He
nodded in acknowledgement and soon brought a second round.
A few minutes later, Lisa said, ?Excuse me for a moment while I go to the
I stood and pulled back her chair. ?I?ll enjoy the view.?
?I thought you might.?
And I did as she walked away on long legs, the line of her spine and her
bare shoulders and back, the mysterious movement of her hips beneath
the short dress. I was naturally proud that the eyes of all the other men in
the room followed her too, including, discretely, those of the waiter and
A few minutes after she left I noticed the waiter leave the bar, too, but did
not think anything of it until Lisa returned, sat down, and grinned. ?Our
waiter thinks I?m a hooker.?
I gave a surprised, ?What??
?He must think I?m your escort. He was waiting for me just outside the
lobby and whispered under his breath that I should come back after
?dinner.? ?
?I think that was his discreet way of saying after my time with you was up.?
I considered this for a few moments. While I am tall and trim, I am fifteen
years older than Lisa, who as I have said looks much younger than she is.
My temples are touched with gray. I wear a Cartier watch and my
clothes are those of the affluent real estate developer I in fact am.
Although I have never had to pay for female companionship, it was not
an unreasonable conclusion for the man to have drawn, particularly the
way we both were dressed. That we were wearing plain gold wedding
rings may have been outweighed by Lisa?s bare legs. Who else goes
without stockings around Boston with the temperature at 7??
?I?m flattered,? she said.
?Probably a first for the faculty at MIT,? I replied.
?Oh, I wouldn?t be so sure of that,? she laughed.
?Well, perhaps not.? I paused before continuing. ?Any other reaction??
?Surprise, of course. Curiosity about the details. What he would say, what
would happen. Even, I admit, a frisson, a tingle of excitement. It is so out
of character, not a way I have ever thought of myself.?
?So do it.?
?You can?t be serious??
?Why not? It might be interesting.?
?And how far do I go with this??
?As far as you want. I doubt anyone is going to rape you. You can walk
away whenever you want, get a taxi at the door and be home in five
?You really want me to do this??
I studied her. Despite the incredulity in her voice, her face was flushed,
her eyes bright, her breasts moving with rapid respiration..
?If you want to. It might make for some interesting talk when you get
home and we fuck.?
?How would it go??
?We?ll finish our drinks and leave together.? I knew she had not brought a
purse and her dress certainly had no pockets. ?I?ll give you a twenty for
the taxi. Put it in a shoe. I can?t think of any place else. You wait about
ten minutes and return here. I?ll drive home and wait for you with high lust
and expectation. You taxi home when you?re ready. And we fuck our
brains out while you tell me all about it.?
?Do you really think this is a good idea??
?Only if you want to. I can?t imagine that anything will happen you can?t
Taking a deep breath that did spectacular things to the front of her dress,
she exhaled, and said, ?All right.?
Although we tried not to hurry, we more or less gulped the remainder of
our drinks. We both were excited. I know my cock was throbbing hard.
Leaving two twenties on the table, which included a generous tip--though
how generous his tip would be the waiter did not yet know--I stood.
Lisa took my arm and as the waiter opened the door for us and wished us
good evening, she gave him an almost imperceptible nod.
?God,? she said as we crossed the lobby, ?My pussy is so wet I?m afraid it is
going to run down my legs.?
?Perhaps you should use the interval to go to the ladies room to cool off.?
Still under the watchful eye of the waiter who lingered near the bar door,
we entered an elevator and rode to the eighth floor before we got off
and took separate elevators back down. I went first. Just before the
elevator arrived, Lisa came into my arms, glued her body to mine from
breast to thigh and gave me a kiss of pure lust.
Breaking apart when the elevator door opened, I said, ?See you soon.?
And rode down.
Finding the waiter no longer in sight, I walked to the main entrance, to
which the attendant brought the Mercedes, and drove home, where I
started to pour myself a scotch, before changing my mind.
After rekindling the fire in the fireplace, I turned on the television and tried
to be interested in one of those obscure bowl games named after a
restaurant chain, which I am not likely ever to patronize. I was not
successful, barely aware even of what teams were playing as the figures
scampered across the flat screen and the crowd, some of whom
apparently did care, screamed.
My eyes kept flickering to my watch. My ears were tuned to the sounds of
cars passing on the dark street outside.
No specific images formed in my mind. Rather there was an inchoate but
all encompassing awareness of sexuality, that something enormously
erotic was occurring at that very moment. The sensation was only
heightened by my not knowing exactly what. I loosened my bow tie and
removed my jacket and cummerbund. Once or twice I stroked the hard
bulge in my pants. If Lisa?s juices threatened to run down her legs, clearly
mine were seeping through my pants which were now unquestionably
destined for the dry cleaner. But I wanted to save it for her.
I didn?t really expect her for at least a half an hour. After that I grew
increasingly anxious, both with lust and, as the minutes passed, with
concern. What if I was wrong and she had walked into something she
could not handle?
It was with great relief that I finally heard tires crunch through the crust of
frozen snow in front of the house. By the time I reached the door, Lisa was
ringing the bell. She flew past me.
?Are you all right?? I asked her retreating back.
Stopping in front of the fireplace, she turned. Her face was split by a huge
smile. I noticed that her lipstick, which had remained intact through our
last kiss, was now almost gone. Strangely sexy. ?Splendid. Perfect.
Wonderful. I have found my second career, my true calling. Science be
damned. In short, sir, I got the job.?
?What job? Tell me all about it.?
?Let me get warm and I will.?
?Do you want a drink??
?Yes. No. I?ve had enough. Two with you. And two more with Yves.?
?The waiter??
?Yes. Well, most of two. I didn?t get to finish the second.?
She is a little drunk, I thought. But even higher because of something else.
I turned off the television and sat down on a sofa, where she soon joined
?Think of me?? she asked when she had settled, kicking off her shoes and
folding her legs beneath her.
?Of course.?
?After a while.?
?I?m glad. What did you think??
?Nothing specific. I could picture the two of you talking in a room
somewhere in the hotel, fully dressed. And, of course, I could picture you
naked. But anything more was too vague. So what happened??
She leaned forward and kissed me, full, open mouth, tongue. ?Do I look
any different??
?No. Other than preternaturally excited.?
?No. Not to myself either.? She sounded almost disappointed.
?Somehow it seems such things should show. But they don?t.?
?What things??
?Let me go from the beginning.
After you left, I waited a few minutes then caught an elevator down to
the second floor, where I used the ladies room across from the restaurant.
A couple of dowager types came in and looked at me strangely: two
much skin for Boston in winter. It was rather exciting to see myself through
their eyes. But then I was so aroused everything was exciting.
When I returned to the bar, the waiter was not there. But the bartender
recognized me and as I stood hesitating, beckoned me over. ?Did you
come back to see Yves?? he asked quite politely.
?The waiter who was here before,? I was irritated at myself for almost
?That is Yves. He went to make a phone call. He?ll be back soon. Can I
fix you a drink while you wait?? he asked, directing me to a stool at the
?No. Will he be long??
The bartender looked over my shoulder and said, ?Here he is now.?
I turned and saw the waiter just coming though the door. He gave a
pleased smile and came directly over, said to the bartender, ?I?ll be gone
for a while.?
The bartender nodded, and the waiter, Yves, but I thought of him then just
as the waiter, took my elbow and brought me to my feet, gently but firmly.
He let go as we entered the lobby and made an sharp turn to a bank of
service elevators I did not know existed.
We were the only ones on the elevator. He pushed the button for the
thirty-third floor, which is, as I now know, the highest except for the
As we rode up he said, ?I did not expect you back so soon. Or for that
matter at all.?
I shrugged my shoulders, which caused his eyes to drop momentarily to
my breasts before returning to my face. ?We were through. The drinks
were the end of...my friend?s time.?
He stood a respectful distance from me as we rode the rest of the way in
When the doors opened, he again took my elbow. It was an odd grip,
almost like a boy scout helping an old lady across the street. He seemed
more comfortable on this floor, less concerned about being seen. Using a
keycard, he opened the door to 3333, and stepped aside for me to enter
the living room of a suite. I must admit I felt something clench in my belly
when the door closed behind me.?
She leaned forward and gave my hand a squeeze.
?The room was large and nicely furnished.
?Take a seat,? he called over his shoulder as he went directly to a bar and
began mixing a pitcher of martinis.
?Two olives,? he said as he handed me a glass.
Although I had deliberately sat on a sofa where there was room for him,
he moved to an armchair across from me. He raised his glass, ?To a
successful collaboration.?
I repeated the words and we both drank.
?Are you a student?? he asked unexpectedly.
Why not? I thought and replied, ?Yes.?
?Does it matter??
?No. Not really. I just want to get a feel for you. Is it too much to ask what
?I?m a grad student. Biology.?
?Interesting choice,? he smiled.
I smiled back. ?I suppose so. I hadn?t though of it that way.?
?How long have you been working??
?On my degree??
?Not...not long. How did you know? I mean about me? It was the bare
legs, wasn?t it??
?Yes. And he looked like a man who could afford high-priced company.
Do you like it or just the money??
?Sometimes both. Sometimes just the money??
?Good answer. Any problems??
?Have you ever been arrested? Do you have a record??
?Anywhere. Not just Boston.?
?Where do you get your clients??
?An escort service.?
?Which one??
?I?d rather not say.?
?I?m not really trying to pry. It?s just that there are people in this town we
don?t want to poach from and toes we don?t want to step on.?
?There won?t be a problem. I haven?t been with them long.?
He sated at me, seemingly weighing issues, then came to a decision. ?I
assume that if you had, I would have seen you before. That clientele does
not have an extensive domain.
?So here?s the pitch: come and work for us. This is what we offer: a fifty/
fifty split and absolutely no worries. You can work as much as you want or
as little The rates are a thousand an hour, five thousand a night. We
provide the rooms, all of which are on this floor. If you have any problem,
security is a buzz away. But our clientele is either already known to us or
referred by someone we know and does not cause or want trouble. All
you have to do is be beautiful--which you certainly are--and pleasing-which
I?m sure you can be.?
I took a sip of the martini and looked at him over the glass. Finally he said,
I was enjoying playing the role and so, just for fun, slowly put down my
glass and did a Sharon Stone number on him. You remember the movie. I
slowly uncrossed and recrossed my legs. It was comical the way his eyes
so predictably looked up my skirt and wondered if they really saw what
they thought they saw.
?I want two/thirds,? I finally said.
Reluctantly his eyes came back to my face. ?But,? he protested, ?We
have all the expenses, the overhead: the police have to be paid, some
other people, the hotel--the rooms have to be shown to the head office
as booked. A lot of things.?
Pushing himself wearily up from his chair, as though resigned to perpetual
disappointment at the world?s ingratitude, he trudged across the room to
the pitcher of martinis and returned to top off my glass and then his own.
?You really have no idea,? he continued when he was again seated. Then
when I only took another sip of my drink--and I must admit that I was
feeling the alcohol--this was now about two over my usual limit--he sighed,
?All right. Sixty-forty. But that is the best I can offer. And only to you.
Don?t let any of the other girls know or the deal is off.?
When, I wondered, will I meet the ?other girls?? ?A deal,? I smiled and
raised my glass.
Yves raised his.
After almost draining the glass, he said, ?One more thing.?
I could feel muscles in my body tighten in anticipation. ?I thought there
might be.?
?Actually two things. No,? he slurred the words, ?Three.?
?Two. Three. What difference does it make? First, your name. What
name do you work under??
Until then I don?t think I had realized that we had avoided that social
nicety. It brought back into focus that were weren?t there having a
pleasant little conversation. He was a pimp and I was a whore, albeit
both of us of the highest class. My mind went blank. ?Liz,? I blurted out.
?I?m Yves, Elizabeth Thatss good. Very good. Reserved. They?ll like that.
You?ve probably already discovered that they like fucking girls who they
imagine are students at Harvard or MIT. If they couldn?t get in themselves,
they?re getting even. If they could, still most of them couldn?t get the
beauties. And if they could, they like to renew the memories or get off
thinking of their current friends? nubile daughters. Or even their own.
You?re going to make a lot of money for us. And yourself, of course,? he
hurriedly added.
?Now how do you want to work??
?What do you mean??
?How often. How many nights a week? Which ones? What about days?
A lot of men are free at lunch or in the afternoons before they have to go
home to their families in Newton or Wellesley or catch a plane back to
New York or Washington or somewhere. A few of the classiest girls can sit
at the bar. You can if you want. What about dinners in public? Some
don?t want to be seen. All that.?
I had to say something, so I said, ?Two nights a week. During the week.
No afternoons. And I am one of the ones who doesn?t want to be seen in
?All right. You live here year round??
?I thought so or you?d be home now. When can you start??
?After the first of the year. Tuesday and Wednesday nights.? I just said
whatever popped into my mind. After all it was play-acting. Then in a
sentence, it changed.
?Stand up.?
I knew I could of course stand and turn and walk out. He won?t have
stopped me. He couldn?t. But I didn?t even consider it. I was too much
into the role by then and I wanted to see it through. I even though of you
sitting here and my coming back and telling you about it just as I am. I
thought you wanted me to. So I stood.
?Take off your dress.?
Not wanting to appear too eager, I raised an eyebrow.
?I need to see. To be sure. These days a lot of young girls have tattoos
and stuff that some men don?t like.?
?I don?t have any tattoos or ?stuff?.
Confidant that having come this far, I would do it, he kept staring at me.
My fingers were trembling so much--in excitement, not fear--well maybe a
little fear--that I fumbled with the catch in the back. I didn?t want to ask
him to help. I wanted to strip naked myself, and finally the catch came
undone and I pulled the zipper down. The dress naturally started to fall.
Before it dropped below my breasts I crossed my arms and caught it, held
it for a moment, watching his eyes, which were on my chest. They
opened wide when I let the dress go, then dove toward my groin. His
tongue actually ran over his lips, I don?t think he was even aware of it. I
shook the puddle of material from my feet and took a single step to the
side, and stood completely naked, but for the black patent heels. ?Oh,
yessh,? he slurred. ?Oh my word, yessh. You always keep it shaved??
I almost said, ?My husband likes it that way,? but caught myself in time and
merely said, ?Yes.?
?You are going to make some real money, honey. They?ll like that. It
makes you seem even younger. But you?ve obviously already learned
that. Turn around. Slowly. I want to see the other side.?
I was dizzy. Maybe from the martinis. Mostly from the situation. I had
never just stood naked before a total stranger, had never felt so exposed,
so on display, as though I were a tribal captive or a Roman slave girl or
something. On wobbly legs I turned, which was not so easy. You know
how high those heels are; you gave them to me. When my back was to
him, I could feel his eyes burning into me, into my thighs, into the crack of
my ass.
?Hold it there. Just like that.?
I stood, my feet apart. I heard the rustling of clothes and a zipper. ?All
right. Turn back.?
I knew he has exposed his cock, but still it came as a shock, sticking out of
his black pants, a fleshy purple flower blooming below his tux, as he sat
?Is this part of the job?? I asked.
?Yes,? he croaked.
?Just you??
?And Kevin. The bartender.?
?I met Kevin.?
?Don?t worry. We know that time is money. And you aren?t the only girl.
One more quick blow job every now and then won?t kill you. And?? His
voice stopped.
?And Rolf.?
?Who is Rolf??
?The hotel manager. He has some peculiar tastes. Some of the girls don?t
like him; some do. But don?t worry; it?ll probably be a long time before he
gets around to you. And he understands if it is a one time thing.?
I pretended to be irritated. ?So I have to keep three of you happy??
?I told you not you alone. Just every once in a while. It?s nothing.? He was
almost pleading.
I kicked off my shoes. I wanted to be completely naked. There was
something primitive about it, atavistic. Nothing civilized. No shoes. Just a
timelessly naked woman. I walked across the room and in one motion
knelt between his knees.
His cock is average, I suppose. As you know I haven?t seen all that many,
and none but yours for the past six years. It is smaller than yours and
seemed somehow old. The end was shiny with pre-come. I wanted to
taste it. I wanted to devour him. To swallow his cock whole. He moaned
when I leaned forward and licked the fluid seeping from the tip, then
wrapped my lips around him and engulfed him, sucking him deep into my
I don?t know what it tasted like: mushrooms perhaps. And the texture was
different than yours, less hard, more spongy.
I gave him an all time great head job, if I do say so myself. But then so did
he. I used my lips and my tongue--those little feathery licks you like--and
my hands. Because he is not so big, I could take the whole thing into my
mouth without choking.
Whenever I felt him swell that extra little bit that cocks do just before they
come, I stopped, sometimes squeezing the base with my fingers,
sometimes removing my mouth until his breathing slowed, sometimes
sucking his balls into my mouth and licking his scrotum. The zipper was
digging into him, but he didn?t complain.
And it was strange, because while this was absolutely about his pleasure-he
didn?t touch me, didn?t lay a finger on me, did nothing for me--I was
just here to serve him, just a hot mouth into which to spill his seed--as I
sucked and stroked, I realized that I had the power, this tremendous
power. He was the one who was helpless.
His breathing was ragged. I made his gasp. Whenever I slowed, removed
my mouth, he groaned. His legs twitched. Except for his cock, which
remained hard, I turned him to jelly.
Finally my jaw got tired and I let him come. I wanted it. I wanted it all. I
actually had a mini-orgasm when the first spurt splashed against the roof
of my mouth. I milked his balls. I milked his cock. He came a lot. No
doubt he?d been fantasizing about me while you and I were having our
drinks, but not really expecting it would happen. I sucked and swallowed
and sucked and swallowed, until I had sucked him dry. When his deflated
cock plopped from my lips, I opened the tip with my fingers and greedily
licked that last drop of come from the canal.
I had never done anything like that: just gone down and sucked a
strange man?s cock. Not the slightest semblance of affection. Just sex.
Just bringing him to orgasm. I was surprised at myself: I loved it. If I hadn?t
had you to come home to, I would have sucked that plain little man back
to hardness and fucked him senseless. But I liked just ending it there too.
Abruptly. He did not move when I sat back on my heels. Nor when I
stood and crossed to get my dress and shoes, which I carried into the
When I came back out, he had zipped up his pants and was standing at
the bar.
?That was the best I?ve ever had,? he said. ?The very best.?
?Thank you.?
I started for the door.
?How will we get in touch with you??
?You won?t, I will get in touch with you.?
?You?re on for next Tuesday??
?What time??
?Early. 6:00.?
?See you,? I said and blew him a kiss across the room before opening the
door and leaving. I found the guest elevator, rode down, got a cab,
came home, talked to you, and,? Lisa rolled from the sofa onto her back
on the carpet, lifted her skirt and opened her legs, ?now I very much need
to have my brains fucked out as promised.?
Deliberately I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock just as Yves must
have done, before falling on her and sliding it home.
She screamed with an instant orgasm. Then came again as I continued
pounding into her and asked, ?Are you going back Tuesday??
?Do you want me to??
?Maybe,? I gasped and flooded her with my come for the first of many
times that night.
True story from years ago ...I travel a lot for business and ended up in Nashville, TN for a short spell. I answered a CL ad by a woman that said she wanted to be fucked by several men and filled with cum. She replied with a phone number. We chatted for a short bit and then she told me to meet her at The Social Club ... a swingers club that allowed men to attend for a small fee.My first inclination is that I thought I was being had. But I was bored and horny in a strange town and figured what...
My first bare back session with my ex many years ago .l was regularly dating a guy but had put off the full blown sex session so to speak until we where both sure it was what we wanted .Don't get me wrong l had blown is cock many a times in session after session .But still not gone the whole way until a night out in my local town when basically it just happened.We had made a date to go out for a meal than the the theatre so I wanted too look especially nice and elegant ,classy if you like .l...
After a few visits to the adult bookstore I work up the nerve and head back to the booths. I'd seen online to come prepared so I had my balls and ass smooth hoping to entice some daddy dick. Lube in pocket with my butt plug up my ass I found three occupied booths. I knocked on the first door, no answer. Second booth had two younger guys inside jerking each other off. They invited me in but they were not what i was looking for so I declined. Almost loosing hope I knocked on the last booth's...
At first, the President of the entire planet Earth has assigned a hot andsexy-looking space-babe known only as Barbarella to travel to a distantplanet in order to search for a missing scientist named Durand Durand andbring him back to his homeworld, but that was before she had arrived onthat planet and experienced one hot and steamy sexual encounter afteranother before she had finally reached the palace of the planet's femaleleader who has called herself The Great Tyrant.But as soon as she was...
Hello Xhamster. Long time I do not post stories.I hope my English has improved and have more time to post more fun experiences.A lot has changed since my last story, I work full time and travel a lot inside the country.In these travels, I have the chance to be slutty without worrying about a person from my city discovering.So I am in Fortaleza, in the north of Brazil. I arrived Monday and will return to my home city on Friday. After a very long Monday, arriving in the hotel late, I decided that...
I was facing backward on the couch, with my face toward the wall. My knees were on the edge of the pillows and my legs were spread wide. With a quick motion, he flicked my school gurl skirt up on to my back, exposing my ass, framed by the black leather garter which held up my seamed stockings. My stilettos were pointing out, horizontal to the floor.He pushed his dick up my crack as he pressed in closer and slid it up and down. With one hand, he reached around and firmly grabbed my cock and...
Sometimes when I'm alone I think about how far I've come. I used to feel old, I'm over 30 now and I'm not going to tell you just how far over 30 I am, but ever since I've been going to the gym I feel young again. Sure I'm mature in what I'm looking for and my life, but something inside of me changed when I started working out. The stronger I grew, the more excited about life I got. And not just life, sex. I think my sex drive had died just before I started my workout program, but now after a...
Main jab 18 saal ka tha,to meri mausi bhi 18 saal ki thi dopeher mein jab ghar ke log thak ke so jate to main aur meri mausi ghar ke pichhe bane ek kamre mein husband wife ka khel khelte khana pakate aur kha lete, to meri mausi kehti ke, khane ke baad husband wife bachchhe paida karte hain,to main kehta ke woh kaise hota hai, To mausi kehti main batati hoon,yeh keh ke usne mera lund pakad ke kaha ise khada kar,lund uske choote hi khada hogaya tha,uske baad mausi ne apni shalwar khol ke apni...
Gay MaleOnzichtbare vriendin Hello, sorry to say, the following story is in Dutch. Because my English is not that good to write a complete story in English, yet! This is also my first story ever I had written. It was not easy to hold all details in the story the same. When I have written 2 or more story's in Dutch, I will translate them to English or write a whole new story. For everyone who can read Dutch, I hope you will enjoy it. For the people they can't read Dutch, it's about a boy and...
Jake reached down and grabbed a can of beer from the bottom of the refrigerator. He opened the beer in front of the fridge, taking a moment to relish the soothing coldness. He knew he shouldn’t stand in front of the fridge, but goddamn, it was a hot day.He barely just got back from work. One of the benefits of being freshly divorced, it seems, is that no one is there to tell you what to do. He was married for almost twenty years, and he'd be damned if he didn’t do everything he could to relish...
IncestHe barely just got back from work. One of the benefits of being freshly divorced, it seems, is that no one is there to tell you what to do. He was married for almost 20 years, and he’ll be damned if he didn’t do everything he can to relish some of his newly acquired freedom. Not that he wanted it. But he had no choice really. After catching his wife fucking her boss, he just couldn’t get over that particular brand of betrayal. He toiled hard everyday to make enough money to provide for his...
What is Bare Punting? The name made me think of playing football in the nude, but that isn’t what the website is about. I consulted Urban Dictionary, an act that always makes me feel like the oldest fucking oldster in the world, but I’m not even sure how helpful it was. The only semi-sexy definition they had listed was, “When you send your foot so far up your girlfriend’s pussy with such force that it sends her into the air.” Well, I shouldn’t have to tell you that isn’t what the site is about,...
Escort SitesBarefoot Melissa, my fun and exciting sister in law. Melissa was 30 and fresh. She was 5’3 decently slim with wide hips and soft wide ass, small b cup breasts which were perky and fit her frame well, thick pale thighs and thin legs and slim size 7 feet.Her hair is dark and cut right below her slim neckline. Mesmerizing hazel green eyes and pale lips. Her size 7 feet have high arches and slender toes. She often goes barefoot in the house, almost immediately after entering. I enjoy her...
Sonia & I meet Kathy at via a bareback internet forum; It wasn’t clear why she was so interested in our bareback swinging activity’s. She knew we were married & both enjoyed receiving anal from bare cocks, she mentioned she had a boyfriend or two who were into bareback sex. So at first it seemed like she was just a friendly and open person like us. I didn’t know that Kathy had plans for a couple like us.Kathy told us she knew a guy or two that would help us to explore and with a wink...
Bare Pussy Beach My thirteen-year-old daughter came barging into the house all excited about a beach that she had just been too. She called it Bare Pussy Beach. She said that there were lots of other girls there and some men. There was all the beer that she could drink too. She looked like she had had a few. Well since Kimberly was only thirteen I was quite concerned. Then I wondered where her sister was. She told me that Laurie was out on the porch where the men had left her. I sat...
Note: To fully appreciate this part 2, please read part 1 first. I went to the gallery to pick up Jennifer up for our date. She had Bare Music prominently displayed. She paid me a great compliment by pricing it three times as much as any similar sized painting. Jennifer and I had a wonderful dinner, but I had to call the evening short as I had a rare Saturday morning meeting to attend. Over the next few months, Jennifer and I dated regularly. She helped me decorate my woefully under-decorated...
Note: To fully appreciate this part 2, please read part 1 first. I went to the gallery to pick up Jennifer up for our date. She had Bare Music prominently displayed. She paid me a great compliment by pricing it three times as much as any similar sized painting. Jennifer and I had a wonderful dinner, but I had to call the evening short as I had a rare Saturday morning meeting to attend. Over the next few months, Jennifer and I dated regularly. She helped me decorate my woefully under-decorated...
Love StoriesCast of Characters in Bare Paw Ranch From Book I From book 2 Red Team Cheerleaders Blue Team Cheerleaders In the following weeks before the Cheerleaders were due to arrive at Bare Paw Ranch there were many things to prepare for. Ben was a source of help we needed. With his experience in the ‘Guide and Outfitting business’ he was able to help us revamp the lodge for the thirty-six cheerleaders coming to visit and the fourteen staff members they were bringing with them. We...
When I saw the man walking towards me, my dick started to twitch. Even fromhalf a block away, he was sexy. As he got closer, his dick hardened more.The man was medium height, wearing boots, jeans and t-shirt. He was theperfect looking Daddy, with barrel chest and beer belly. He was rugged,with a big bushy mustache.The man saw my gaze and stared at me intently. I started to blush, butdidn't look away. The man came up to him and put out a big hand."Hey fella, noticed you looking at me. You're a...
The sun was shining bright as DE and I drove from Kansas City. DE made me promise to stop every two hundred miles or so to have a break. Too make sure I kept my promise. DE decided to wear her Chief’s jersey, sandals and nothing else. Thinking about that naked pussy in the vehicle in front of me and wanting it helped keep me awake. As she led us to the first rest stop, I was very ready when I slipped in her front passenger seat and had her hug me. She straddled my lap and had her wet pussy...
Another from the archives that was deleted from site. I hope you enjoy the scene.Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, UK - 6 Dec 2020****“I want to,” my sister said.“You can’t,” I replied.It was the way we were. She was outgoing, a little wild. My sister had a reckless streak that sometimes had me worried. In contrast, like the yin and the yang, I was more careful. I thought things through where she tended towards the impulsive.“Don’t be boring,” she said, rolling her...
After taking care of my problem in the parking lot with DE, and to the cheers of the other three naked ladies watching, I was able to put my dick back in my pants and drive to the farm. Pulling into the driveway and walking around to DE’s door I opened it for her. I followed her to the house and opened the door for her. The other three beauties were right on my heels (ass) as I unlocked the door, wondering what all would happen in the next two weeks as I watched the fine bare bottoms enter...
My man walked in and caught me masturbating in bed. “Get up, b***h, stop rubbing your clitty and put your dress on.” I hurried up and grabbed my dress and fought with it to get it on quickly. Go take out the trash. The apartment had a gravel area near the trash cans, at the end of a hot asphalt parking lot. I couldn’t go barefoot, so I reached for my flip-flops. He grabbed my wrist. “No you go barefoot like you should be,” he said. I obeyed and walked out, carrying trash bags with me. As I...
Eigentlich hätte es für Jana nur ein Tagestrip nach Berlin werden sollen zuerst war alles glatt gegangen und die Termine liefen wie geplant aber dann schlug der Winter erbarmungslos zu. Der Flughafen war geschlossen worden da hatte die 34 Jährige Businessfrau die Sicherheitskontrolle schon durchschritten gehabt. Auch ein ICE Richtung Heimat war nicht mehr zu bekommen. Es war nicht so dass Zuhause jemand auf sie gewartet hätte, aber dennoch hatte sie keine Lust das Wochenende bei minusgraden in...
FetishHi guys ..heres another story id like to share with u guys. This took place a week ago and while still fresh in my mind id like to share it with you .So im a mid 30s Pakistani women who loves sex and married to a like minded guy who lets me indulge my fantasies. In fact theres nothing more that turns him on then me coming back to him after being all used by another man. So...my husbands friend...lets call him "s".....has always fancied me ..hes in his 40s , indian and married . He and my...
Vorab. ich fand diese Geschichte online. Die Autorin ist Scharmrot1.Ich habe mir erlaubt einige Sätze umzuformulieren und gegebenenfalls etwas auszuschmücken. Die Grundidee zur eigentliche Geschichte gebührt allerdings der genannten Autorin.Bei dieser Geschichte handelt es sich um eine interaktive Geschichte. Das bedeutet, die Handlung kann sich in mehrere Richtungen entwickeln. Von daher bitte stets den Teil weiterlesen, der der gewünschten Entscheidung entspricht. Dann mal los :)...
"Hello, Ryan. William is upstairs getting ready. I told him he was going to be late..." Mrs. Bin stood to the side to allow me to slip past the door. I put on a smile and thanked her. Their house is two floors tall, and the grand foyer was— of course— grand. The decor was very comfortable, and made you feel at home. One wall was covered of pictures of his family: aunts, uncles, cousins. She directed me to the stairs, even though I already knew their house like my own, before...
The next morning I got up early and took a walk. When I returned about 7:00 am, DE and KC were taking showers. I made coffee and set out the cereal and fruit. The girls came rushing into the kitchen both wearing skirts and sweaters. I was shocked that DE would wear a skirt to work, she usually wore jeans. KC wore skirts a lot at school. After breakfast, KC headed to Wichita and we drove to work. DE came to my desk mid-morning and ask if we could go somewhere for lunch. I agreed to meet her at...
I soon was back on US 50 headed east to the Lake City junction at the east end of Blue Mesa Reservoir. It would take us a little more than 2 hours to make the trip. As I drove, I was hearing a lot of squealing in the back seat. I knew the squeals belonged to DE. Focusing my rearview mirror on her, I saw KC was on her left and Kim was on her right, I could see that they were each sucking on one of her nipples and both had a hand in her crotch. My cock was getting even harder than it already...
This is a work of erotic fiction. I hope you enjoy this juicy story. Let me know if you want more of Jack’s exploits. Jack was one of those guys that was hopelessly addicted to hot, young nubile teen pussy. He didn’t have much difficulty finding such hot treats because of the internet and the willingness to search and travel a bit. He liked his conquests to be petite, girlish and act like little baby sitters that were being seduced into the filthiest little tricks that a tight...
I guess I realized my fetish started when I was in high school. One weekend, a whole group of my friends went up to the lake to party and get some sun and water-skiing in. There was this really CUTE girl who I was seeing. Her family was rich and let her do basically whatever she wanted. So she asked to take her brother's speedboat out and of course they consented. I think that she had just learned how to drive but had been navigating her father's speedboat as well as some of our friends' ski...
By Will Buster If you haven’t already, you’ll get more pleasure by starting this teen tramp orgy with the first chapter. Votes and feed back welcome. This story is strictly for fun. Jack Rodman was certainly impressed with Heidi’s exquisite skills. He’d been boning her holes and mouth for over two weeks and he still couldn’t get enough of that sizzling little fox. During that time Heidi moved in to be his full time live in play thing and the emphasis was on play. As soon...
Introduction: Jack gets a ball on his birthday. Heidy and Angela give Jack a week end he will not forget. [b]Bare and Tiny 4 By Will Buster If you havent already, youll get more pleasure by starting this teen tramp orgy with the first chapter. Votes and feed back welcome. This story is strictly for fun. Angela lay in front of Jack. She was totally naked except for her long, gaudy ear rings. It was Saturday morning and Jack was sucking out more birthday cake from Angelas groin. It made a...
Please note: ALL characters in this story are at least 18 years old. All across human history, literature has stood the test of time. Many a strongly written female character has leaped from the pages into the minds of many a man. And certainly many a man has had his own story to devise about a beautiful lady. The possibilities would be endless. Women from every kind of fantasy finding themselves without a stitch to their name! Because in the end, the best kind of girl is a lady in her most...
For foxy female friends - by pretty who hosts me hereSexy story with a pretty picture of look-a-like of awesome Anna in verses of fourHer username is here on hot hamster, to both of us she is so very dearShe is as smart as slender and as sweet as sexy this big beauty redhot real redheadI invite her for a trip to the beach by bicycle - I make sure she takes the racing bike up frontI guide her through the greenery to the dunes through a natural park to the almost deserted beachI love to look at...
For foxy female friends - by Petra, granddod of Poet Pete, who hosts me hereI invite her for a trip to the beach by bicycle. I make sure she takes the racing bike up front.I guide her through the greenery to the dunes through a natural park to the almost deserted beach.I love to look at her legs and ass move up and down while she wheels just two meters ahead of me.I wonder whether I should have asked her not to wear anything underneath that sexy short skirt?I will get her wet when we bake in...
This happened to me and I would like to say I would like it to happen many more times, but as with many things in life, the good moments come from nowhere and are seldom. On my way home from work on a back road I always take to avoid traffic, I saw a car pulled to the side of the road. I normally don't stop to assist people due to all the bad stories that I have heard. This situation was different. I saw a young woman, maybe 20, brunette, 5'6 and maybe 115 pounds. She was really pissed off,...
Don’t be turned off by the first paragraph. The old people in the story have nothing to do with the sex; they are just part of the plot. Mom was getting on her years. She sold her house and moved into a nursing home. As she owned the house free and clear she had money to spare. She gifted me ten thousand dollars; the maximum amount allowed by the IRS before a gift of money has to be taxed. I put the money in a savings account with my wife Jean. We were saving for a down payment to buy a house....
Group SexYou haven't seen beauty until you've seen my daughter riding along Country Route 18 in July. We own the land on the whole stretch of road between Wendell's farm and the Amish community up north. All you ever see on that road are haywagons and buggies. And my daughter, Katherine. I swear the only reason anyone else rides that road instead of the wider route to the south is for the hope of seeing her go by on that stallion of hers. She paid for it herself, you know. Takes care of it real good.In...
IncestHe was absolutely gorgeous.No two words about it. GOR-GEOUS! I hoped it wasn’t the flashing lights or the hypnotic strobe that brought me to that decision. He had a headful of dark, curly hair that d****d over his shoulders and the darkest eyes that I’ve ever seen. I think I joked with my friends that he must have been a gypsy or something because he was so dark and hairy. My best friend, Nkechi laughed hysterically.“Oh, jeez, Muna! Next, you’ll be saying that he’s a vampire or something!”I...
I have written a few stories here about my time spent at adult bookstores. Most of my visits are disappointing, either no one there or just no one I am interested in. When it comes to random hook ups, I am pretty picky. I won't just suck or fuck anybody!I was driving around running a few errands a few days ago, when realized I had some time to kill. The bookstore I usually go to wasn't too far away, so I figured I would stop by. I always hope to go and suck a nice cock or 2, but usually just...
My wife told me she had something she needed to talk to me about. We each got a cold drink and headed out to set by the pool. I sat down and she moved a chair so she was facing me when she sat down. She was wearing a short sun dress so when she crossed her legs I was treated to a perfect view of her leg that included part of her hip. Right away she caught me looking at that beautifuly tanned leg. She smiled and pulled the hem up so I could tell she didnt have any panties on. Now that I have...
After some very good experiences with solo boys we decided we wanted to fuck a couple of boys together. So we put some casting calls for in experienced actors in the newspapers. In the end, we invited 4 boys over. We chatted with them for a bit. But then we started to use them to satisfy our perverted fantasies.We were so horny and the boys were really into everything -- especially when we promised to make them famous. So, when we told them to fuck each other, too, they got right into it, and...
We contacted some horny guys on an internet sex site and also contacted some escorts for a big orgy fuckfest!Our friends were so horny for full bareback action,we had to convince some guys to be fully versatile-fucking,getting fucked,and sucking-no matter which dick was put in which hole,everyone accepted every hard cock!There was so much cum around,I dont know if we will ever get to go back to that hotel!I continued fucking like hell,Will was enjoying the fucking too!Hooking up these street...
This guy responded to our profile on a swinger's site and we answered back. I was surprised Jeena wanted to write him since he sent a "cock only" photo, which we usually didn't like. Jeena said he had such a "fine looking cock" she was willing to risk the rest, and said we should meet in a "very public" place in case it didn't work out. I wrote Leon and we agreed to meet at a nearby Fudruckers since it was close to his work and he would be coming straight there after. When we pulled into the...
InterracialThey went up. Together. Lady put an arm around Kiran’s waist as they walked out of the lift on fifth floor. Not knowing which one of the two doors was lady’s flat, Kiran just stumbled a step and stopped to let the Lady go forward and guide. The Lady pushed her with her hand on back of kiran’s waist, this time a little stern, toward the door on the right, as she fumbled through her bag to find the keys for the flat. Kiran held her breath, as she waited facing the closed door, thinking, “This is...
After playing with Kelly, the next few days everyone seemed to get more relaxed. Kelly had ordered the latex body paint in sparkling white and had discovered that Nancy was an artist who actually had experience with using it while in college. She had used the body paint as part of the costume on some of the actors in plays they had done. Kelly asked her to do the names on everyone’s chest about an inch above their right nipple. We found out that the body paint would have to be re-applied...
By Will Buster If you haven’t already, you’ll get more pleasure by starting this teen tramp orgy with the first chapter. Votes and feed back welcome. This story is strictly for fun. Angela lay in front of Jack. She was totally naked except for her long, gaudy ear rings. It was Saturday morning and Jack was sucking out more birthday cake from Angela’s groin. It made a tasty treat even tastier when that chocolaty frosting was mixed with Angela’s lust juices straight from her itchy,...
Although Jack thoroughly enjoyed Susie and her hot black snatch, his dick still itched for some new, fresh young cunt’s hole to revel and juice off inside. He loved the idea of variety. Each chick he was with sounded different, tasted different and fucked different. True, Susie was an exciting diversion until he found something foxy, fresh, girlish and either a red head or a blonde. He wanted someone with an angelic looking face and a box that boiled with insatiable urges and needs....
This started when I was younger with a friend. The two of us were pretty close and lots of times we would talk about sex, which of course would get us feeling horny. One day we were feeling turned on, and he said how he felt like jacking off. Well, I was all for the two of doing that together. We ere at his house and nobody was home, so we sat on the sofa in the living room and took our pants down. We both had an erection, and it was fun seeing each other's. We sat there and started rubbing our...
It took about a year but I finally got laid on this site.I had to drive a fer piece but for a piece it was worth it.She wanted me to cum in her then lick all my sperm up.We started talking on this site and I thought I was too old for her. She in her fourty and me in my 50's. I think the thing that convinced her was I told her I wanted to see her in fishnets and crotchless panties.That made her hot. We set a time and place to meet, The Lovers package.We found a fishnet that was crotchless and...
I made it to the top of the stairs again. The cardiologist diagnosed me as having a severe atrial arrhythmia which, as far as I could tell, meant that my blood didn't circulate efficiently to my lungs and back. That and weighing three hundred pounds made my future existence pretty bleak. Still, I soldiered on, not having any alternative. I was still huffing and puffing, making my way down the hall to my office door. I was fumbling my keys much worse than normal. I felt like somebody hit me in...
I could hear hushed voices near me as I came awake. I was pressed into the back of the couch by a soft body in front of me. Remembering Zena coming to be cuddled, I wasn't concerned, but I then realized she had my hand held around her, cupping a breast. My lower extremities became alert, and the sensation of cupping an unfamiliar breast quickly had me sticking out. Zena lifted a leg, letting my dick snap up between her legs, resting against her down covered pussy. She dropped her thigh...
Joey opened the door and stepped in and smiled as soon as he seen his girl there. He was a middle aged Grey wolf, not very tall but lean and extremely handsome. He looked at her; she looked still as young and innocent since the day they met at “The Tied Knot” back four years ago. He loved her since the moment he set his eyes on her, her sleek fur and the swish of her tail. He got hard thinking back and smiled devilishly down at her, “Rise” he said as he gave her his paw and helped her up then...
Introduction: furries fucking- warning- young. She rubbed the shampoo into her fur slowly, letting her paw only linger down near her pussy for a moment, No, she thought, He will take care of that when he gets here. She gave a smirk and rinsed the suds out of her fur before she stepped out of the water and toweled off in the steamy bathroom. Emmy was a young red forest fox with ample breasts and an extremely wet pussy ALL the time, she was slightly on the rounder side. She walked from the...
“You’re kidding.”Nate, my older brother, and usual partner in crime stared at me from his place on his couch. In contrast to my readiness- flawless high ponytail, dark hair contrasted with a white silky scrunchie, expensive hiking pack, brand new boots- he was horrifyingly not. He groaned and leaned his disheveled head- was that a pepperoni in his hair?- on the back of the couch.“Take pity on me,” he moaned out. “Its been a rough morning.”Growling, I grabbed one of the empty beer cans off the...
ExhibitionismSaturday nights in the summer were our busiest. Being a popular place, the bar was always packed with beautiful people. Not just the customers, but the staff also.I had been there for well over a decade now. I loved our staff. We were like a family, an incestuous family, but a family nonetheless. We loved to flirt with each other and joke around. And yes, I had slept with a few co-workers over the years. There was a new one, however, that I had been keeping an eye on.Carlos was a...
Quickie SexI can’t remember whether I suggested it or She did, but the plan was to meet at Erotica in 2006. She was sharing a stall there. I’d worshipped Her since 1999 and by 2006 I’d sent Her 1000s of worship sheets, poems, stories, mag covers. We had also exchanged many emails and by that time She knew every detail of my worship. I never dreamed I’d actually see Her for real, be allowed into Her presence. As a life-long girl-worshipping wanker it was always my dream to worship personally, but the...