Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 2 free porn video

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Leroy Allen Marks was a large and imposing man. He rose when Trent was ushered into his office and stepped forward too offer his hand.

"Mr. Lyons. I can't tell you what a privilege it is to finally meet you. Your exploits are legendary."

Mr. Marks was a wealthy and powerful man, a legend himself. Trent thought his greeting was over-effusive.

Marks waved Trent to the large, richly upholstered leather sofa that sat along one wall.

"Please, have a seat. Would you like coffee? Maybe something stronger?"

Trent declined, and Mr. Marks joined him at the other end of the sofa.

The months since Trent's return from Chechnya had been a difficult time emotionally and the pain that Trent kept bottled up inside left little room for patience or social graces. Mr. Marks was a powerful man, and he deserved respect. A little polite conversation would have been appropriate but Trent went right to the subject.

"Mr. Marks, I'm puzzled. What is it that I can do for you? It's common knowledge in my line of work that you have your own security branch. Your people are way more capable and sophisticated than my little group."

Marks laughed.

"You don't waste any time do you? But don't be so modest. You have special talents and experience that I'm not sure I can find elsewhere. May I tell you a little story?"

Trent nodded and Mr. Marks began.

"It's not very well known, but it is a fact that twenty years ago, I was in a business quite like yours, the difference being that Uncle Sam paid me. It was a time when there was a lot of unrest in the Caucasus, as there still is today. Although the Soviets had some control over the region, things were disintegrating rapidly and drug trafficking was becoming a big problem.

Back then, the U.S. had two goals in the region: first, to make things difficult for the Soviets and second, to try to stop the drug traffic. I was sent into Georgia in an attempt to facilitate these goals. Part of my mission was to establish trust and good relations with local clans who ran most of the drug operations. I fear that in one respect I overdid myself."

"Overdid?" Trent queried.

"Let me explain. I'm afraid I became a little too close to a young woman. She was a great beauty, and back then I was a lot more romantic than I am now. To make a long story short, we met, fell in love, and had a child. It was a very happy and then a very tragic time in my life. I was a bit of a wild man, young and sure I could change the world, but I didn't pay attention to the important things, and I wasn't where I should have been when my child was born. The child's mother died giving birth and I've never forgiven myself. The child was taken in by and aunt and uncle and I was forced to leave the area shortly afterward. Until recently, I've been unable to locate the child or her adoptive parents."


"Yes, as you probably know, I have many unofficial connections. I was able to read your after-action report. You had quite an adventure, but that's not what I found most interesting. What grabbed me immediately were a striking number of coincidences that seemed to link your recent adventure to mine twenty years ago. You see, my daughter's name is Isidora. She would be seventeen this year. She had three adoptive brothers."

Trent turned pale. Isidora was a subject that he was not yet ready to face.

"Mr. Marks, with all due respect, there are probably hundreds, if not thousands of young women named Isidora in the Caucasus. I'm sure most of them have brothers."

"Yes Trent. Can I call you Trent? Yes, you're right about the numbers, but there aren't that many young women who were born into Christian families in North Ossetia. The odds are that your Isidora is my Isidora too."

"OK, maybe. But what's your point? What is it you want from me?" Trent was lashing out in pain and anger. Marks had opened a very painful wound.

"I'm sorry." Marks replied. "I can see this is a sore subject for you, but bear with me a little longer. I think that I have a plan that might help ease your pain and mine as well."


"Yes. I want you to bring Isidora to me."

Trent recoiled. His heart leaped at the thought of seeing Isidora again, but his mind told him that a meeting would only bring more pain to her.

"Mr. Marks, I don't think that's such a good plan. You read the report. You know what happened. I may not have come right out and written it down, but I still love Isidora. I can't hurt her any more."

Marks had a ready answer.

"Don't you think that if you were the one who offered her a replacement for Soslan, someone else who would love her and care for her, someone like me, her real father, that it might ease her pain? Don't you think it might even cause her to see you in a different and better light?"

Trent hadn't considered this angle. He sat back and thought for a few seconds.

"Why don't you have your own people go in and bring her to you? Why involve me?"

Once again, Marks had a ready answer.

"True, I have a lot of good people, but the fact is that most of my security needs are right here in the U.S. I have no one with your language skills, your knowledge of the region, and, most importantly, your connection to Isidora. In addition, your record demonstrates that you're an exceptionally brave and resourceful young man. You're the perfect candidate for the job."

Trent was teetering and Marks sensed it. He pressed on.

"Trent, I'm getting old. I've been around a lot longer than you, and I've learned a few things about people, mostly the hard way. Let me share a little of my hard-won knowledge. Isidora's anger will fade. I guarantee it. Deep down, she knows that what happened between you and Soslan was not something you could have avoided. Sooner or later she'll work through all this, and then she'll be ready to forgive you. If she loves you, that part never died, it just got buried by the hurt. Once the hurt is gone, the love will surface again."

When Marks mentioned the part about love never dieing, Trent could swear that he saw a little tear in the corner of the older man's eye. Trent was hesitant, but his need for Isidora blinded him to any little inconsistencies there might be in the proposal. Marks was dangling a carrot that Trent could not resist.

"OK. I'm on board. How do we go about this?"

Marks smiled and offered Trent his hand.

"You've made an old man happy. For now, that's enough. Today, or tomorrow, as soon as you can clear yourself of your other obligations, come back here, and I'll introduce you to some special people on my staff I'll leave it to you to plan the details. My people will help in any way they can and make sure you have all the resources you need."

Marks stood, offered his hand once more, and the meeting was over. On the elevator ride down from Marks' penthouse offices Trent's head was spinning with ideas and from the anticipation of seeing Isidora again.

Shortly after Trent left, Marks pressed a button on his desk. In a few seconds, there was a rap on the door to his private entrance. Marks pressed another button releasing the lock. A short, stout balding man wearing a very expensive suit entered. Marks questioned him.

"Did you watch the whole thing?"

The balding man snickered.

"Yeah. You were mahavalous, simply mahvalous."

Marks had another question.

"Do you think he bought it?"

There was another snicker.

--"Yeah, hook, line and sinker."

It was spring and fate had delivered me a chance to reclaim Isadora's affections. I should be happy, but something was sticking in my craw. I tossed and turned most of the night trying to sort through things; things, which for some reason, just didn't seem to add up. As I lay in bed that night, I formulated my plan. I wouldn't be sharing much of it with Mr. Marks. I would need money for bribes and travel once I got into Chechnya and found Isidora. Marks could provide that financing, but that was all I'd ask of him. I calculated what I would need, and then added 20%. Then I doubled the amount.

I laughed when I recalled Mr. Marks comment about clearing myself of my obligations. What obligations? I'd collected my pay and my bonus four months ago, and with the exception of turning down assignments every week when my office called, I'd done nothing except for drinking myself into oblivion the first week. Then, after the drinking and the hangovers failed to provide any relief, I just exercised myself into exhaustion every day. I was in the best shape of my life, yet I still felt like shit.

When I arrived at Mr. Marks' suite of offices the next day, Marks himself was nowhere to be found. It figured. He'd gotten what he wanted, and now he left it to his underlings to see that I had what I needed to do the job. To the credit of Mr. Marks' underlings, they didn't bat an eye when I told them how much I wanted. The next afternoon, a messenger rang the bell to my apartment and delivered a package containing $35,000 in U.S. $100 bills, and a little over $42,000 in Russian 5000 ruble notes. This money would be used for bribes and for transactions no one wanted to see on a credit card statement. It was about as much as I could carry comfortably in a large money belt. I was also provided with a Marks & Associates LLC corporate American Express credit card. The card would cover more mundane expenses.

I didn't mention it to the Marks people, but getting back in to Chechnya would be easier than they thought. Normally it would be difficult to get all the visas and travel documents the Russian Federation required, but I only needed to accept one of the assignments my company was continuously offering. As Marks himself had noted, I had a good resume for security work in the Caucasus. I was much in demand.

I took the first workable assignment that came. I was contracted to be rotated into the security detail for a politically well-placed oil executive. Big oil companies are in a frenzy to nail down deals in the region, and the demand for qualified security people is brisk. The oil executive's company arranged all my visas, tickets, and travel documents for Georgia and the Russian Federation including Chechnya. They were very helpful and even booked my air travel into Tbilisi, Georgia. Once in Tbilisi, I would just fail to report for duty and disappear. It would be a while before anyone missed me, and hopefully a lot longer before anyone got excited enough about it to alert the authorities.

The Republic of Georgia shares a border with Chechnya. Fortunately for the Georgians the carnage and political upheaval that have left most of Chechnya in smoldering ruins stops at that border. While life in Georgia isn't the same as life in Middle America, it's still not bad. Hotel rooms and rental cars can be found, and the chance of being robbed or shot down on the street in the middle of the day is minimal. When I stepped off my British Airways flight into the new air terminal in Tbilisi, it wasn't much different from most other airports I'd been through. I had no baggage to claim, nothing to declare and my papers were in order, so I was shopping the airport rental car counters in about fifteen minutes. I wanted a vehicle that would be unobtrusive, but that would be capable on the goat paths that served as roads in the more remote areas near the Chechen border. I finally found a company that would rent me an older Nissan diesel 4X4. It would attract little attention, it was nimble, rugged, and had tremendous range. Hopefully it could get me into Chechnya without problems.

Since I had the visas for Chechnya, and documents showing I had a legitimate reason to go there, I tried the most straightforward approach first. I threw my gear into the back of the 4X4 and drove the hundred or so kilometers to the border. Leaving Georgia was easy. The Georgians were more concerned about Chechens coming in, and in fact were a little amused that a stupid American would be going the other way. The Russians on the other side of the border were a different story. I silently handed my papers to the heavily armed border guard; he scanned them, then smiled to himself and shouted to his only other visible comrade.

"Yuri, come look. Here's an American!" He was obviously excited.

Yuri sauntered over with a smirk on his face. I could read his mind, and I was prepared.

He spoke to the first Russian. "I'll bet he's another one of those capitalist oil people. They're all idiots." Then he placed a hand on my door and leaned into my window to give me a closer inspection.

I smiled to him and spoke in perfect Russian. "We may all be idiots, but we're very generous idiots." As I spoke I palmed a folded 5000-ruble bill into his hand. It was the equivalent of about a month of his pay 1.

Yuri stepped back with a startled look, but then glanced to the note I'd handed him. He smiled and turned to his companion.

"If he's crazy enough to want to come here, who are we to delay him?" He gave me a little salute and waved me on.

Just like that I was back in Chechnya.

Grozny 2 is the Russian name for the capital of Chechnya. Grozny means terrible in Russian, and terrible pretty much covers it. At one time, it was an oil town, but today, it's a wreck of a city that's had major battles fought over it at least three times in the past ten years. The last battle is still ongoing at a low level of intensity. In the winter of 1999/2000, Russian artillery rained down on the city continuously for over two months. Since then, Chechen bombers have destroyed what little the Russians missed. There's not much left standing. Grozny is a smoking, stinking hell. It's crawling with Russian soldiers inured to violence and they're deadly suspicious of the local populace, particularly males of military age. It's a dangerous place to be, and doubly dangerous without the right credentials.

I didn't like the idea of going to Grozny, but it would be the best place to start. I needed some specialized equipment and it's a place where a few well placed bribes can get a man just about anything he wants. I also wanted a guide. Although I spoke good Russian and passable Chechen, I would stick out like a sore thumb on my own. I needed someone who could mingle with the local population and get answers to my questions without generating questions in return.

The situation in Grozny and in most Russian controlled areas is unique in that men are almost never seen on the street. Russians checkpoints and arrests have caused that. Women do what little public work is to be done, and they are generally free to move about without too many questions being asked. For that reason, I wanted to find a woman to be my guide and go-between. A man and woman together would also draw a lot less suspicion than two men.

I started looking among the group of women 3 I found piling stone upon stone trying to rebuild the local train station. They were working without pay and they were a sad lot. Most had lost their husbands, many their sons and fathers as well. At first they were suspicious of me, but when they discovered I was an American, they warmed. I chatted with them for a while, subtly interviewing each one to find the kind of personality and intellect I would need. The most likely candidate was a woman of about forty. She had been pretty once, but war and living on edge for years had taken their toll. She had lost both a husband and a son. Her name was Badra. Her hands were rough and worn from hard manual labor and when I asked her if she would like to work for me she gave me a harsh laugh.

"I don't do that kind of work." She had thought I was looking for a prostitute.

"No, you misunderstand. This is a serious job. I'll need someone who can travel and who knows the country. I'm searching for a young woman, and if you work for me, you'll help me find her."

When I mentioned that I was searching for a young woman, she got more interested.

"You're looking for a woman? Why? For sex?" Badra seemed to have a hard time thinking that any man would have a motive beyond sex.

"No, not sex, but this woman is very dear to me. I work for her father who wants her to come to America. I want her to come too."

"You will take a Chechen woman to America?" She was flabbergasted.

"Yes, if I can find her, and if she'll agree to come. Will you help me?"

Badra snorted. "She would be a fool to stay here. I'd help you for free if it would save one soul from this hell." She waved her arms in the general direction of the flattened rubble that surrounded the station.

"It will be hard work, and possibly dangerous. Would an advance on your pay help?" I handed Badra a 5000-ruble note to seal the deal. Her eyes got large and she hid it in her bosom immediately.

I joked with her. "Don't spend it all in one place." But she looked at me in confusion. There probably wasn't any one place in Grozny where she could spend it all.

"Your first job will be to find somewhere safe for me stay while we gather the information and equipment we need. Can you do that?"

She laughed. "There is no safe place in Grozny. I can find you a place to stay, but I can not say you will be safe."

"Do the best you can. Can you leave now?"

Again she laughed. "Leave all this?" She motioned to the pile of stones. "It will be hard, but I think I can manage."

Badra guided me through a maze of bombed out apartment buildings. We took back alleys and actually drove through the shell of some partially destroyed structures. Badra wanted to avoid Russian checkpoints. I had the documents, but neither of us saw any reason to tempt fate. Finally she pointed me to one building that appeared relatively undamaged.

"There." She said. "Drive behind."

When I got to the back of the building, I saw that I had been mistaken about it being undamaged. The whole backside was blown away up to about the fifth floor.

"Why are the higher floors undamaged?" I asked Badra.

She answered with a bitter laugh. "The Russian tanks. Their guns won't point any higher." Then she laughed again. "It's lucky for you. Makes a good place to park."

She waved me on and I carefully maneuvered the 4X4 into what used to be someone's living room. As we climbed out, I turned to lock the doors and Badra laughed again.

"The Russians probably won't look here, but if they do they will blow up your truck before they try to open it. If Chechens wanted something, locks wouldn't stop them. Don't worry. They won't touch anything. This is my place."

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We had taken about four steps when we felt a few drops of rain by the time we had walked a hundred yards to the bridge we were soaked to the skin, I remember the rain was coming down really strongly.I made the decision for us to back home instead and we ran the hundred back home we could get any more wet than we actually were but the rain hurt as it hit it was that heavy.As we got through our front door the cold air continued to hit us, the central heating wasn't due to come on for another few...

3 years ago
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Ahoy Miranda Ch 07

Alan and Lydia were finishing breakfast before making an earlier start on refit work at 7:00 to push progress along when a skiff powered by a small outboard arrived and a female called, ‘Ahoy Miranda.’ Alan looked out and called, ‘Oh hi Vera, have you become lost.’ ‘No you cheeky sod. I have your mail and newspaper. Patricia Briscoe said the mail includes one official looking letter and she asked me to deliver it in case it’s urgent. Ted and I have been blue water sailing for the past three...

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Fucked Khala My Virgin aunt 3

" once again We started kissing each other. I started to roll my fingers on Khala's back, waist. My hands were on her shoulders and she was pulling me towards her and in the meantime my hands passed through her blouse and reached her breasts . My hand was pressing the breasts over her blouse . Khala's eyes were completely closed. She was experiencing my every effort and was enjoying it completely. Then I gently took her in my arms and continued to kiss on her lips. Now Noori Khala 36...

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The Training of Slut Heather The Sequel chapter 6

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPARARING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl CHAPTER VI Now, time had passed until it was only three weeks away from leaving for my life as the full time live in submissive slut with Mistress Anne and Master Tom. On that Thursday evening, I had my nightly chat with Mistress Anne on the phone. She instructed me to go tomorrow (Friday) to an upscale clothing shop for young "disco" type girls and purchase the sexiest, sluttiest, ...

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Truth or Dare With DanaChapter 4

I awoke from my New Year’s Day nap to the glorious feeling of soft lips and tongues on my cock. Looking down, I saw that Kara and Dana were pulling double duty on me, even as Carlos looked at me with obvious lust himself, his dick pointed at my face. I grinned and opened wide, figuring that I could suck him off while the ladies did the same to me. Thankfully, in his erect state, his foreskin was pulled back and he clearly kept it clean, which made sucking his sweet prick much easier. I loved...

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Another Loving Dominant

We met at a hotel, spent a few minutes snacking and chatting, then I decided to get started. "Ordering" her to stand, looking into her eyes with that predatory gaze, I held her face in my right hand, reaching down with my left, roaming along her curves with my fingertips and devouring her with my eyes. I kissed her, with a sense of ownership, control, and desire.I pulled her top part-way over her face and upstretched arms, covering her eyes and holding her arms in the air. Circling her,...

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Net friend ki mast chudai

Hi Dosto ……..Kaku Kumar Hi dosto,my name is kaku sharma , i m working in a MNC as DM. I m 5’8″ in hight and having athletic shape body. My mail id is I m 37 yr old married man.I m much interesed in friendship and fun with married ledies. Ab main apko apani ek sachi sex stories batata huin.Mujhe net per chat karne ka bahut shouk hai. Chatting karte karte meri pehan ek 30 yr ki married ledy se hue. Uska naam Kiranjeet Kaur, jo ki Dehradoon main apane parir ke sath rehati hai.Jab Kiran 25 yr old...

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Diego Part 4 finale

Chapter 10 When the three finally got home Diego realized he forgot to get the sheets and pajamas out of the dryer. Alex handed them to him, asking, "Forget something?" Diego confessed, "I just had to do some quick laundry for Stephanie before all of you saw. She was in no shape to do it herself." Ricardo asked what happened, getting a head shake and quick, "You know I love you but sometimes you are denser than granite" from Alex. Alex then asked, "Did she know what to do?" Diego...

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Lick N TiffChapter 10 The Virgin Circus

"I'm really looking forward to seeing your school, Tiffany," Dr. Hanson said from behind the steering wheel. "Aren't you, Amber?" "Absolutely, Daddy!" she agreed happily, smiling at me in the fading light of the setting sun. "I feel like we're practically sisters." "Well, it's so nice to finally meet you," Mom said as she looked over her shoulder. "Your father talks about you all the time." "My favorite topic, I'm afraid," Dr. Hanson chuckled. "I don't believe that,"...

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Wife Finds Out if True or Dare is Real

A little something about myself, my name is Ellen, I am a 32 year old from Pleasanton, California.. I'm a very petite white woman about 5'4" in my heels with deep dark red hair. I am obsessive about my body having battled extra pounds through my younger years. I now have a slim body due to all the time in the gym doing cardio w/ 32D thanks to Dr. Ostrander's fine work. My body is very curvaceous, 34D-24-32 and I get many looks that my husband gets very jealous about. My husband Mark and I meant...

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Blythes Machine Another WorldChapter 2 Return Home

Jack checked his watch again. it had been nearly three hours and nothing had been done, and then an officer and a plain clothed woman were at his door, "You're supposed to be DS Adams?" the woman asked. "I am where I come from, yes," Jack said sarcastically. He was beginning to get fed up with the waiting. "There have been some complications with your case. I'm now looking into this ... I am Detective Sergeant Jacquie Adams." The woman said, and now Jack could see his face in her...

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The Beginning

The warm glow from the flickering fire gives your skin a soft golden glow For you Megan?? Thank You????M   The warm glow from the flickering fire gives your skin a soft golden glow. Small sweat beads are forming across your quivering belly. Your body pulled taught. Hands fastened above you. The anticipation of the unknown and the lack of control feeding your desire. Blindfolded, sound is your only ally. Your nipples responding to the warm moist breathe as you beg for touch.You feel my...

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Fun with My Teacher My First Time Chapter 1

Fun with My Teacher - My First Time: Chapter 1I sat in the corner of my class, sucking on the eraser of my pencil. I was on a very difficult question in my maths paper and had no idea how to work it out. My eyes had started to wonder the room in frustration when I caught sight of my teacher, Miss Martin, bending over the work of another student, across the room. Everybody else was concentrating hard on their paper and no one noticed her. She was leaning in my direction and I had a clear view...

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Carols Christmas

Copyright ©1998 Tomorrow would be Christmas. The thought depressed me. In June, my husband left me for a friend of our daughter half my age. He left me with two children, Mandy, 19, and Jason, 17. The six months since he departed had been almost impossibly hard as I struggled to reenter the work force and keep my family together while suffering the pains of abandonment and loss. I had always been a good wife, a loving and caring wife. I worked hard to keep my body in shape to please his...

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Bikini Beach Teen Angel

Bikini Beach: Teen Angel ElrodW A young man blames himself for the accidental death of his sweetheart. His futile attempts to escape his guilt have put him on a path of self- destruction. A punk girl takes him to Bikini Beach, and he gets a new perspective, and maybe, a second chance. Notes: This story uses a few characters from Ellie Dauber's "Purse Snatcher" and "A Punk's Story" (Ed, Ken, Mel, Frankie, Tina, and Felicia). They are friends of...

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Going Down Ch 04

Author’s Note: A BIG Thank You to all of you for staying with this story, and for sending the feedback, it has been a great help. For those of you who wanted to see things heat up again, this is for you. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please remember to vote and/or leave comments! * After a week I was beginning to feel a lot better about the whole situation at work. The tension was easing and the gossip was dying down, not that I heard any of it directly. It was just the sympathetic...

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An Incestuous Episode a Willing Daughter

Everything happened at one time for 14-year-old Carrie. In the course of a week a series of events occurred that led to the night of incest. First her girlfriend Ingrid let it slip that their friend Joan's father had raped his own daughter, Joan's younger sister. This news triggered off Carrie's thinking process; wondering how a father could do that to his own daughter. It was only a day later that Carrie found herself sitting on her father's lap when suddenly she felt him harden under...

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They Will Know

It wasn't safe. I had him by the throat, pressing him down against the bed. I felt his Adam's apple shift under my palm. It made my pussy wet. It wasn't safe. My other hand was around his cock. He was naked for me when I arrived, lying in bed, his penis soft, and lying to one side. Now he was rock hard, harder than I'd ever felt him. His face was turning just a bit blue. It wasn't safe. But it was hot. I released my grip, and his breath exploded in a quick gust. I arched my eyebrow...

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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 3

Arthur sat there and watched as she wandered around the wastelands. He had been watching her for a few weeks as she tried to scavenge supplies from the ruined buildings scattered around. He was dying to introduce himself to her but every time he thought of it, he was returned to the harsh reality of things. He knew she’d think he was a monster, just like the other humans did but then again standing over seven feet tall with a bulky, dark green figure, he couldn’t really blame them. He sighed...

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The sparks flew and we hooked up Real Hookup Experiences

Much to my reluctance and mortification, I finally gave into Shirleen’s months of persuasion to join Tinder. My best friend and partner in crime, Shirleen was the fearless free spirit who believed in Carpe Diem. I am Kara, and this is the story of one of my most memorable nights of getting hooked up. I had been through a rough breakup a few weeks back. I knew I was just missing the physical intimacies you get in a relationship. At this point, I was spending my nights delving into a new fantasy...

Real Hookup
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My Daughters Best Friend Part 8

Moments prior, I'd just finished giving Amy the deep hard fuck that she asked of me. It ended with me shooting my load over her face, across her tits before she used her palm to smooth the creamy white goodness into her soft skin.  Afterwards, Amy proceeded to climb off the bed and state she's taking a shower, accompanied by a wink and an offer for me to join her.The sound of the water echoed from down the hallway, it was calling to me like a dog drawn to it's whistle. Climbing off the bed, I...

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Jane – S.L.U.T. As John enters her home Jane is dressed like a whore, her skirt very short, almost to her stocking tops, her face and hair as beautiful and made up as only such a girl who is confident in her mission can get away with, sensual yet seductive, private yet open, knowing very well that her visitor would struggle to decide whether to cast his eyes on her glowing face or perfect nylon clad thighs.Before introductions were barely satisfactorily over, and without asking...

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Saturday Night Escapades 4

It ended up being two weeks before Jess and I hooked up again. A family emergency came up that I had to deal with for a weekend, which totally killed our traditional Saturday night. I broke the news to Jess as soon as I had found out about it, which was late Thursday. Obviously, both of us were disappointed, but there was really nothing to do about it. On the plus side, the following week was a three-day weekend, so we’d have plenty of time to make up for it! None-the-less, I had a lot of...

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Another Farm Visitor

Another Farm Visitor----------I am so amazed at the prowess of my Dad. Naturally, as his daughter, he is above all others with me always, but his ability to attract women of all ages is unsurpassed. I cannot say I am not jealous, but I also cannot begrudge him getting into the pants of any females he can at his age, except of course, my girlfriends. I have watched him many times approach the older women with their young daughters that board horses here at the farm. His smooth charm, not to...

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The White Guilt PimpChapter 7

Tyrone was ecstatic!! It had worked again!! This beautiful, virginal, 14 year old blonde white slut was kneeling before him and begging to pay reparations!! He just needed to push the dumb slut down one more step in order to make the transformation permanent! Quanesha came over to Kimberly and hugged her and said, “That’s wonderful, Kimberly. I’m so glad that you don’t want to be a racist anymore”. Kimberly glowed when Quanesha said that. It had scared her to say the words, but Quanesha’s...

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Two People in the Dark

I've had to work late again tonight. I don't like being away every night knowing you are home, going to bed alone. I'm sure you miss me as much as I miss you, maybe more. We use, having to make a living as an excuse. Do we really need to spend most of our precious lifetime away from each other. I enter the dark quiet house that we call home. The silence is deafening. I miss my wife, greeting me with a kiss, hearing her say, "I've missed you so much, I'm glad you're home." I climb the...

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Cum dripping from her pussy all day

I had the day off and was just chilling in the house when my girl friend came back from work unexpectedly for lunch. I asked her why she was back and she replied that she has been horny all morning and couldn't get me out of her mind. She then pulls me closer grabbing my hand and lifting up her skirt to reveal her knickers and her stocking. She placed my fingers on her knickers which she revealed that her knickers were dripping wet with her pussy juice. One thing lead to another and I...

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Once More With FeelingsChapter 9 Patti the Teacher

Wendy really was a brain. Although we had little homework at the end of each day, she breezed through it while other girls struggled to grasp the basic concepts. I was lucky that I had gone through it once before, so I was able to keep up to her. We got into the habit of doing our homework together after supper instead of going to one of the recreation rooms. The first day we hit the track we started out at a semi quick walk. As I thought, Wendy might have some baby fat left on her, but she...

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Queen of the Sea Ch 03

From the top of the stairway, Carlix could see the grand hall was full of people. Smiling faces everywhere, some off to the side talking to each other, some were dancing and laughing. Men were talking to other men, ladies were gossiping in small groups hiding their faces behind their fans as they made eyes at some of the men and giggled. The dance floor was a swirl of colour, and music filled the air. The music was lively, but the dancing was stiff and proper. Carlix knew that Kit would find...

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Naked Workout Session With South Indian Cam Model

Hello ISS readers. My name is Himanshu (age 22) and this is a story that is going to make all the boys who are still searching for a girlfriend, contented. I too am single but last week I discovered a way to curb my sexual requirements. Honestly, nowadays I don’t even think about having a girlfriend. I would like to share my mindset changing incident with you guys based on my experience in the form of this story. On Valentine’s Day, I lost my friends (suckers!) who were single like me. My...

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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Danielle Derek 08162018

Danielle Derek has an interesting relationship with her step-son: she keeps him in his very-wealthy father’s good graces, and he doesn’t tell dad when step-mom’s been naughty. It’s an excellent relationship, actually…and it started not too long after Danielle married and moved-in to the house. First, it was walking around the house in robe and panties. Then, just panties. Then, keeping bathroom doors opened while she showered. Then, letting step-son peek in as she...

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Dot and Our Neighbor Jan episode 8

"Yes, sweetheart, sure I have. And you?" I looked into the woman's blue eyes and they sparkled with anticipation. She was sitting across the corner of the dining room table as we sipped our coffee that morning. Jan had her arms folded and leaning forward on the table enjoying our talk about sex. "Oh, yes! I laav eet!," Jan replied. "But, I don't do for a long time. Do you want to do with me, cheri?" Smiling, I took the cup from my lips and returned it to its saucer. Holding...

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The Wet Domme

You wonder how do you get yourself into these situations. Dressed in only black fishnet stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels, you lie on the bed on your back. The leather cuffs on each wrist are tight but not uncomfortable. Two feet of chain, wrapped over the bar of the headboard bind one to the other. Each ankle is cuffed separately to each bedpost. You smile, still breathing hard from the recent love making session where he ravaged you lustfully. You must have climaxed at least 3 times...

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