Sibling Discoveries
- 4 years ago
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Day fifty-seven, 5:22 PM
"I did. I don't know what happened to it. I can only assume that the aliens removed it ... unless it took three years to get here, which I doubt," she said as she slipped onto my lap.
I kissed Jane fiercely, and stood her up. I then knelt in front of her and lifted her T-shirt. I started kissing her belly, and said to my offspring, "Grow strong and healthy my little one. Daddy loves you and cannot wait to hold you in his arms."
"Daddy is silly," Noka said with a giggle.
"Yes, he is," Kai added as well.
"I am?" I said as I picked the two girls up and nibbled on their necks, and they started laughing.
Water started splashing as their feet kicked the water. After I got them going good, I set them beside their mother to catch their breaths. I then kissed all my wives on the lips, and my children's foreheads.
Jane sat beside me and gripped my hand, "James, I'm scared. I'm the only doctor here. What if there are complications? What if..."
"No 'what ifs', everything will be fine. Now I want you all to stay close to the caves. If you go out, you go out in pairs, and you go armed. Children, you only play beside the door or with the dogs. Got me?" I said.
"Yes, we will. But we want you and Vala to be safe as well. Don't take unnecessarily risks," Jane replied.
"I won't, but I will stop them if I can. I just wish I didn't have to kill them," I said as I pulled Jane back onto my lap.
"We know, James, but sometimes we have to do things that we don't want to do. When I was a vet back home, do you think I liked going to the county kennels, and euthanizing the excess population?" she said as she settled back onto me.
"No, I'm sure you didn't. Yet, as you said, it's something that has to be done," I replied.
"I know, and since you and Vala want to leave before dawn, you better go get some sleep. We will lock up and join you," Charlene said as she pushed Vala over to me.
We stood up, and stepped out of the hot tub. Grabbing our towels, we started drying off as we went inside. Going into the bathroom, we stripped out of our bathing suits and stepped into the shower. I started washing Vala's thin, muscular body as she looked into my eyes. I was washing between her legs, when the door opened and all my wives joined me except for Kari and Bakai who were still sleeping in the medical RV. I made gentle love to all my wives before we collapsed into a 'giant puppy pile'.
Day fifty-eight, 4:02 AM
The alarm went off. I groaned as I tried to wiggle free to shut it off. I heard Charlene curse and someone's hand hit plastic. The annoying beeping stopped, and I felt someone poke me in the side with their fingers. Turning, I looked into Jane's eyes, and she kissed me.
"Time to get up lover," she said and slid out of bed.
"I know," I replied and she helped me slide out of the pile.
Going to my dresser, I pulled out some camouflaged pants, shirt, t-shirt, some socks, and I grabbed my steel-toed boots. Going in to the bathroom I set my clothes down on the counter, and stepped into the shower. I was shampooing my hair when Vala stepped in and started washing my chest. I leaned down and kissed her, and rinsed off. Grabbing a bar of Dial soap, I scrubbed her back for her, as she washed her hair.
Five minutes later, we were dried off, dressed and armed as we walked into the kitchen. Jane was bagging up two huge loaves of bread. Sitting beside it was a canister of reddish material. Opening it up I grinned when I saw it was BBQ beef. I was about to snitch some when Jane whacked my hand with a wooden spoon.
"OUT! That's your lunch," she said.
"OUCH! Ok, I just wanted a taste, is all," I replied with a grin.
"Well, I will have your breakfast done in five minutes. So go take your coffee, and sit at the table," Jane said with the wooden spoon in her hand that she was using to point at me.
"Ok, I'm going," I replied as I picked up my coffee cup and went into the dining room. Sitting down, I stood my rifle beside me and sipped my coffee as Vala joined me with her own cup.
"James, we kill them, then come home. No chasing them," Vala said as she set her cup down after taking a gulp of the hot drink.
"I agree. We are few against many. We strike from a distance, and let them run. I just wish we had some Gillie suits to wear," I said as Jane came in with two plates.
"What is Gillie suit?" Vala asked in her broken English.
"It's a suit that makes you blend in to the background," I replied as I swiped toast through my runny egg yolk. Reaching over to the side table, I picked up the ketchup and squirted some onto my tatters and eggs. I then mixed it all up into a pile and started eating the mixture and used the slice of toast in my hand as a shovel. Ten minutes later, I was walking out the door with my wives.
The DUK sat in the center of the parking area. It was stocked with food, the weapons were loaded and the trailer was hooked up. I planned on picking up two of the horses, as soon as we came out. Delilah and Sampson sat up wagging their tails in the crates, and I went over and opened the door. The dogs bounded out and I ordered them up into the vehicle. They went up the ramp and into the back section as I turned and kissed all my women. Jane went and opened the door as I climbed in beside Vala.
I put the vehicle in gear, and drove down to the barn. Parking, I went in and led Scar and three of the horses out and loaded them into the trailer instead of two as I originally planned. Their pails were half full of water, and hay for them. We drove around the barn, past the PBM and back towards the house. I waved to the girls as we went by, and they waved back.
"Well here we go," Vala said as she pulled her pistol out and set it in the dash.
"NO! You put that pistol back where you can get it. It's for your safety," I said as we turned up on the ramp. The engine of the sixty-year-old vehicle groaned as it dug into the climb. Reaching the top, I stopped and stood up. I pulled the armored plates up on the windows, and locked them down. I then sat back down and started driving across the plains. Thirty minutes after leaving home, we went past the rotted remains of the men who assaulted our home.
I stopped and pulled out the map that Kalib must have left us, and I shivered as I realized how far we had to go.
"What is that?" Vala asked.
"It's a map. It shows the lay of the land, what is in the way, where the rivers are and the forests. This map shows where the enemy is coming from and where we will have to meet them."
I showed her where the caves were, where we rescued Donna and David. She caught on real fast and then asked what the X was on the map. I looked at the map and there was no description on what it was. I assumed it was where the enemy was coming from so I decided we would head that way. I just prayed it was. We drove for three days and reached the river where we found David and Donna.
We camped that night just up from the ford, during the night, we heard what sounded like a lion, but whatever it was touched the hot wire I set up, and it went running off. When I got up the next morning, I found where the creature touched it, and I could tell it was a cat, and that's all. I shut the hot wire down and pulled the PVC out of the ground. Rolling the wire up, I jumped when Vala fired her rifle, and I looked where she was pointing. A small doe was lying on the ground, and she ran to it and slit its throat. She quickly skinned it and came back with about twenty pounds of steaks and deer meat that she took down into the kitchen. I went to the dear and hacked off two of the legs and carried them back.
"Vala hand me a plastic bag," I shouted.
She came up with one of the bags and I dropped the legs into them and went back for the other two.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"For the dogs," I replied.
"We have dog food for them," she said as she wrapped the bag.
"I know, just like we had enough food, you didn't need to shoot the deer," I replied.
"Sorry, habit, see meat, kill it. Not know when next will come by," she said as she hung her head.
I hugged her, and kissed her, as I whispered in her ear, "That's ok. Better now, than when the army is just across the field. So what are you making?" I asked as I rolled up the wire and put it away.
"Stew, and I put the steaks in the fridge to stay cold. Have them tomorrow night. Will go make stew now. You drive," she said and went inside the living area.
"Yes Ma'am," I said as I tossed the PVC and wire assembly into the back seat.
"Don't get snippy or you don't get any," she said as she closed the door.
'Damn, what's her problem?' I wondered as I started the DUK up and headed for the river.
We arrived ten minutes later at the ford, and I pulled out my glasses and scanned the other side for any danger. Not seeing any, I unloaded the horses and led them across and ground hitched them. I then I ran back to the duck and drove slowly across the river and up the other embankment. Parking the DUK, I ran and opened the trailer while Vala watched out again. I quickly loaded the four horses and locked up the gate.
We drove towards where the aliens had originally planned for David and Donna to live with their father, and I stopped to look at the steel shutters over the cave entrance. I was tempted to go in, but I didn't and headed west again. The small grassland plain between the forest and the towering mountain of rock and snow came alive with the animals from rabbits to deer to tigers. I even saw a big horn sheep standing on the side of the mountain grazing on a bush as we drove by. I was so tempted to take a shot at it, but had no way to get up to it if I did.
That night, we made camp in the in a small canyon I found. I set up the fence, and we had deer stew for dinner. We cuddled during the night, and we awoke to screaming. Looking out the gun flaps, I saw a Neanderthal with his hand clutching the hot wire, and he was shaking like crazy. A dozen others were watching and one of them went to grab his companion, and he was soon doing the electric dance as well.
I started chuckling as a third grabbed the second man and damned if a fourth didn't walk up, and he grabbed the third guy. By this time I was roaring with laughter that tears were running down my face, and then I yiked as Vala hit me.
"Not funny. Go free them!" she demanded as she threatened me with the wooden spoon in her hand.
"Ok! I'm going," I said as I pulled my pants on and grabbed my gun.
I opened the door, and climbed out of the sleeping area and up into the driving area. Jumping down, I walked over to the plug that was mounted up on the wall and pulled the cord out. The four men dropped to the ground, and I stood there watching them. I reached over and turned the generator off and looked at the men shake. Finally, they climbed to their feet and glared at me. One of them lifted his spear and charged me, and I shot him with my .44. The round blew through his chest, and he flew backwards and hit the ground. The hole was the size of a silver dollar in his chest, but I knew it would be the size of a dinner plate in his back.
The other three stood there watching the smoke lift from my pistol and to prove it wasn't empty. I fired it twice more in the air and pointed it back at the men.
"What do you want?" I asked and they just looked at me and grunted.
Vala came out with a rifle in her hand, and jumped down on the ground.
She looked at the men and said in Neanderthal, "What clan? What do you want? Bring dead one's mates and children here."'
The biggest looked at her and raised his fist, and she pointed her rifle at him and fired once. The round blew through his chest, and he flew backwards. "Any of the rest of you fuckers want to insult me?" she asked.
The remaining three looked at each other and turned and ran. Several females and children went after them. Three women, stood there. One was holding a new born, and I said, "Shit just what I need."
"Shut up, James," Vala said and walked over to the three women.
Day Sixty-four, 6:22 AM
"Who are you?" I asked as I neared the three women. One was about fourteen, and the other two were older.
"Me Kugg, this Sali and her baby Lagh. That is Uliga," she said.
"I'm Vala, of the Bright rock clan, far to the sunrise. That is my mate James now your mate. Come. Let me introduce you to him. He doesn't speak the people's tongue yet, but I have been trying to teach him," I said as I walked back to James, when he jumped in the DUK.
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Hi story readers me yesh from Gujarat aaj me apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu meri story readers ke sath chudai ki he, Aaj se karib ek month pahale ki baat he meri story padhkar ek couple ka mail aaya jiska name tha amit aur uski wife ka neha ( name badal diye he) Unhone kaha hume apki story achchhi lagi aur hum apke friend banana chahate he fir hum dono roj mail bhejate aur humme dosti ho gayi fir hum dono phon par bate karne lage aur usne muje surat aane ka invitation diya Me surat pahucha to...
> disse Omar, abbastanza sicuro di se, alzai lo sguardo nel guardarlo. La pioggia colpiva abbastanza severamente ma lui restò in piedi quasi tutto il tempo sotto di essa mentre io e la sua ragazza optammo per sedersi all’angolo di un muro, riparati alla meglio dal tetto di quella casa che lievemente sporgeva verso il marciapiede. Egli era il mio migliore amico, passai la mia infanzia con lui nonostante i miei genitori bigotti erano contrariati dal fatto che avessi come amico un bambino arabo....
Fantasy"Okay k**, let's see how you work this cock.""Oh fuck k**!" Sven said emphatically, "you're ready for the real thing." . I could hear him breathing rapidly and saw him reach into the open jar of Vaseline and scoop some out with his fingers."You're gonna love my cock inside you, k**," he said as I could hear the sticky slapping sound as he coated his cock with the viscous gel. The baby powder fragrance filled my nostrils and I shivered with desire at the now familiar smell. I knew that I would...
Had I made a mistake by picking up the phone? When Laura said, "I hate to ask," I thought to myself, 'who's going to tell Huley.' But it was Laura and she really did hate to ask me to run an errand. She didn't know she was asking me to break a date. How many girlfriends, sisters, wives, lovers, all rolled into one ask you to pick up a couple of whores to make her life better? Wanda Waite was ready to go. She accepted my arm and assistance getting into the car. The black Lincoln...
*** PROLOGUE ***He should have suspected a trick. What where the odds? And now herehe was in lobby of a motel, fighting a rising hunger as between hissoft, curvy thighs a vagina - his vagina - was softly pulsing, wet,eager to be penetrated. The thought repulsed him but his new,oversexed body was calling the shots now. He had been a fool, agullible male fool, to let himself be tricked like that...*** THE TRAFFIC JAM ***It was a hot, summer day. David drummed his fingers impatiently on...
what is your race?
"Go on boy, Good Old Santa!" Cindy, a precocious eighteen year old in her twelfth grade at high school, smiled sweetly at her mother and assured her that she would not stay out late. Clare, her best friend, also had school in the morning, so they would not leave it too late leaving the city centre. They would watch the movie, grab a McDonald’s and catch the bus home before the riff-raff, drinking themselves silly in the bars and clubs, spilled onto the streets and caused their usual mayhem....
SupernaturalAuthor’s notes: I’m sorry that it has been so long between stories. I’m still finding things I have to fix around the house. Unfortunately, I also had to spend the past holiday season dealing with my mother’s death and estate. It was while driving on the very long trip across country to get back home when I listened to some of my old favorite songs from my childhood. This is the story that came to my mind after listening to Jonny Cash’s version of this title. I have tried to update it from the...
The hotel bar was jammed with weekenders, people on short breaks. Alcohol was plentiful and the atmosphere lent itself to unwinding, letting their hair down Kirsty sat at the head of the table, her devil’s horns still in place and a “Groovy girl” note book in her hands like some teenage student about to sit her exams. It may not have been cool but it did the job sufficiently. “Now can I have your attention please?” Kirsty called above the hubble of conversation. The girls all turned, smiling...
Wife LoversHe had known for a few years. First meeting through his girlfriend Callie, Rich immediately lusted for Alexius. There was something about her that entranced him – possibly her wine coloured hair, her inviting smile, her petite frame or simply her enthusiastic and friendly attitude. Whatever it was, from the first time he’d laid eyes on her he wanted to get to know her better. Rich and Callie had a special relationship – they both trusted each other and she enjoyed seeing him with other women,...
You are a young adult who lives a normal life like everyone else. You just have this incredibly hyperactive sexual mind that turns you on and distracts you a lot. You manage to be utterly functional most of the time.
MatureHello folks, Akhil here again. It’s regarding my first-time sex encounter. Though I have shared many stories I wanted to share my first-time sex encounter as well. I’m from Delhi and my age is 24. And my dick size is 7-inches which can satisfy any thirsty lady. After reading the story please share your feedback with me. And don’t ask details for any ladies, you will be blocked immediatel. I’m very much concerned about the privacy. So get ready for the story, lock the door and turn off the...
"And to be perfectly blunt, you are what I want."That's what she had said. She had warned me she was not one to mince words and she said what she meant. And this message was pretty clear!"Me? But...""Michael, it was no accident that I applied for the job as your secretary. Tina, the receptionist you met when you first got here, told me that you were looking for someone to help you here. She also told me that you were very good looking and that I should try for the job."Tina and I have been...
Office SexOk, so I'm in college. love to party, drink, and fuck, and occasionally study. However, i really like fucking. relationships are cool bu t i guess i haven't found the right girl yet because whenever I get into a relationship i always find myself fucking around with other gorgeous women. I don't mean for it to happen but it does. I mean what, i have high standard, and am attractive. Girls basically throw the ass at me. Like i said I haven't found the It girl yet or else i would be able to fight...
Hi girls and bhabies…I’m back with my another sex experience….jo mujhe nhi jante unhe apne baare me bata du,mera naam karan hai or main east delhi me rahta hu or meri age 23 hai or main 1 punjabi family se blong krta hu…main sex addict hu..mujh se contact karne k liye aap meri par mail kar skte hain or isi id se mujhe Facebook or Orkut par b join kar skte hain…bt only females now come 2 the hot experience ye baat 28 oct ki hai,25 Oct ko maine apni gf rashmi k sath last time sex kiya tha uske...
Author’s Note: A special word of thanks to my editor, janiexx for polishing and refining my story. I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Chapter One: The morning crowd at the WAWA Quik Mart was thick and impatient. I was waiting six deep at the checkout with money in hand for my large coffee and bagel. At the head of the line, an elderly woman was trying to pay for a carton of cigarettes with a credit card. ‘Ma’am, do you have a different card? The one you’re trying to use is expired,’ the clerk...
Heather Preston struggled playfully at the bonds that held her. She lay naked in her back yard. Her arms and legs spread apart bound to metal stakes buried in the ground. She had been left this way by her husband, Jim, as part of their game. Heather loved bondage a ****-fantasy and Jim loved being dominant, so the two made a good couple in the bedroom. One of their little games was to have Heather bound and exposed outside. Where she would be 'forced' to give Jim a blowjob before he left. She...
8PHE0000 A note to the reader: (387 words) Hi. This is my first attempt at a story for this site. It's actually fan-fiction - if you can be a fan of something that was posted for just a few days but then removed. Inspiration for this story comes from a game on called Glitch in HAVEN, by SlayerKh. I tried contacting the author of that game before posting this. In that game, which was really more of bare-bones outline of an idea for a game, (pre-Alpha release), the...
In twenty years of marriage, I’ve always been happy and satisfied with my wife; my daily married life is definitely a pleasant reality. But in addition to reality, there is also fantasy; and for twenty years, my fantasies have revolved around my wife’s younger sister, the free-spirited Carla Jean. I first met her when she was twenty-four; now in her mid-forties, she was still as beautiful and sexy as ever. Carla Jean, never married, was the type who loved to play around, flirting with men but...