Caregiver in Love continuing the Caregiver Saga
- 4 years ago
- 47
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Author’s notes: I’m sorry that it has been so long between stories. I’m still finding things I have to fix around the house. Unfortunately, I also had to spend the past holiday season dealing with my mother’s death and estate. It was while driving on the very long trip across country to get back home when I listened to some of my old favorite songs from my childhood. This is the story that came to my mind after listening to Jonny Cash’s version of this title. I have tried to update it from the late sixties to something more current and bring it to a logical conclusion. This one is a bit long, even for me.
Once again, this is a copywrited work of adult fiction and all legal disclaimers apply. Please take the second to vote or a minute to comment on this story.
You know you life sucks when it resembles a country music song. Not even a new upbeat song, but one of those slow sappy things, full of remorse and depression. How I got to that point, I haven’t a clue. I moved out of Hicksville, Backwoods, USA, before the ink was dry on my diploma. I wanted the lights and action of the big city. I worked very hard to lose my ‘country’ accent while completing my two years of College slash Trade School.
I mean really, it’s not like I’m some kind of ‘broke dick dog’, as my dad would always say. I have plenty of money in the bank. I swore on my grandmother’s grave that I would not end up dirt poor, like so much of my family has. I saved every dollar I could.
Besides, I would always room with someone else. Just to keep the bills down. Hell, I didn’t really need a car, that’s what public transportation is all about. All I needed was my handy case that held my laptop and tools and the clean clothes on my back.
My life was going along just fine. I got laid on a semi-regular basis. I was smart enough not to let any of those bar flies trap me into fatherhood and stayed away from married women altogether.
Since I didn’t have that much overhead, I poured at least half of my paychecks into my savings accounts. I gave decent gifts for the holidays, but other than seeing my family once a year, I’d become an urbanite to the core. I finished my Master’s Degree while on the road, and never really looked back.
How I ended up in place like Folsom California, I still wonder. My boss said it was an emergency. He said the company paid for my ticket, and supposedly for the room. As far as I knew, everything was normal. Bouncing all over the country for work was the norm, not the exception. I mean I was the childless, single one. Who else where they going to send bouncing across country at a moment’s notice?
When I went to check in to my room, I should’ve known something was fishy, when I had to use my own credit card as a second payment option, just in case.
The next day I started work, just like so many other jobs. I knew going in it was a long winded project and dove right in. I kept thinking about how much overtime I’d be getting to get this job done in time and on budget. A few more jobs like this, and I just might go out and buy that truck I started wanting. I was getting tired of the cheap rentals work paid for on my trips, when they paid for them at all. And, let’s face it. With the cost of airlines, I could travel just as cost effectively overland.
So, there I was, on that fate filled morning that changed my life forever. I walked up to the granite faced building, waved at the guard as I went to my temporary office so I could fix the server banks, getting them ready to switch over to the new system. I won’t bore you with the techno-speak. It always grates on my nerves anyway.
‘Good morning Pete.’ I called as I passed.
‘Morning….’ The guard grunted his eyes never stopped moving as watched the flow of people walking past.
I took the time to savor the scenery while I entered the big glass elevator. There were women a-plenty to peruse, with their tight tops and skirts almost exposing everything. I was in heaven as the buxom blonde entered the lift.
‘Morning….’ I said brightly, trying to look into her blue eyes and ignore the abundance of soft cleavage that was thrust into my vision.
‘Yes it is.’ She snapped back in a tone that clearly said I was beneath her notice and to keep my eyes where they belonged.
‘Her G-string must be wound a bit tight.’ I murmured and shrugged as I made my way to the desk I was using. Yes, I glanced back as she turned away from me to take a good long look at those legs that made a perfect ass of themselves. So sue me, I’m male.
I logged onto my laptop and turned on the computer at the desk. I typed in my password and was astonished as it came up with an error message. I tried again, to no avail. I was just reaching for the phone when I heard the voice behind me.
‘What are you doing?’ The blonde from the elevator asked with a hiss in her voice.
‘I’m trying to logon so I can set up the bridge between the new and old servers. I might want to be able to go home sometime this month.’ I barked back as I typed furiously.
‘You need to stop that right now… You’ve been locked out!’ She reached over and shut off the computer.
‘Why…?’ I asked irritated.
‘Security will be up here to take the laptop and insure there is none of our files on it.’ She said snidely.
‘Like hell they will.’ Oh, this was going nowhere fast. ‘That’s my personal property and I don’t give it to anyone.’ I stood up to face the bitch. ‘What the fuck is going on here?’
‘Will you keep your voice down….’ She looked over my shoulder. ‘Take the laptop and escort this person out of here.’ She said to the big burly security guy as he walked up.
‘Touch it and I’ll call the cops and have you arrested for theft.’ I stepped in between him and my very expensive computer. ‘As a matter of fact, why don’t you just call the police, your boss and my boss? I’m not moving until I know what the hell is going on!’ I pronounced my judgment, like I actually could get away with it.
‘Sir you need to come with me.’The guard flexed his over developed arms.
I sat down and pulled out my cell. After punching my boss’s number at the office, I heard. ‘The number you have dialed is no longer in service….’ I punched it in again and heard the same message.
‘What the hell…?’ I asked confused. ‘Look,’ I said to the two people watching me like I was a bug. ‘there has to be some kind of mistake. I’m a paid sub-contractor sent here to set up the new server banks.’ My stomach started sinking.
‘It’s your mistake, and that job was finished last night by someone else.’ Blonde spit out. ‘Your firm was released, after we received notice that they filed for bankruptcy, as you should well know.’ Her arms were crossed and her eyes were shooting darts at me.
‘They what…? They can’t, they owe me like ten thousand dollars… and who is going to pay for the almost two hundred hours I’ve put into this job?’ I was shocked, I was pissed, but I was also smart enough to know I was the one being left out to dry.
‘We’ve paid for services rendered and notified your company that your services are no longer needed.’ I was really getting to dislike the silicone stuffed bitch and her superior tone. ‘The issues you have with your employer are not our problem. We’ve paid your company as per the contract. Now, we want to make sure all our files have been erased from any computers you have had access to. We’ll forward your computer after our IT department has cleaned it.’ She snapped her fingers at me like I was a dog.
‘Like hell. I have over five grand in programs on that thing. You aren’t stealing them from me. If I’m fired, then fine… I’m out of here like a herd of turtles. But, it will take more than you and Brutus here, to even think of taking my computer. If you want me to clear my work file, then great, I’ll do it here in front of you and your boss. But, you are smoking some good
dope, if you think I’m letting your IT geeks get their hands on my computer and fuck it up.’ I picked up the phone and dialed 911.
‘What are you doing?’ She asked shocked and appalled.
‘Calling the cops.’ I refused to back down.
‘911 what is your emergency?’ I heard over the phone.
‘I’m being robbed!’ I got out before the security guy slammed his ham sized fist down on the receiver. I just looked at him. ‘They’ll be here in about five minutes. Touch me and I’ll add assault to the charges.’ I sat back and waited.
Okay, okay… that was a bit over the top, but hell, I was blindsided with all this and my shocks were just starting. Yes, I deleted their file. Hell, I do that after every job anyway. Yes, I was walked out of the building like some type of criminal. But, it wasn’t like I was ever coming back, no matter what type of money they offered me when their servers crashed in two days.
How did I know about the crash? Because I set up test program and didn’t get to complete my work. The test program will only work the servers for two days before shutting them down and parking itself, while it does a complete diagnostic. It won’t restart until it receives the final run code, which I just erased. Sucks to be them in two days, but I had bigger problems to deal with. I went to check out and found out that the company had used my card to charge almost six grand of past due bills at the hotel chain. I called my bosses house and got his wife.
‘Wendy, what in the world is going on?’ I asked, after she told me Bill wasn’t there.
‘I was going to ask you the same thing Trenton. Bill left yesterday, cleaned out the accounts and I haven’t heard from him since. I’ve had agents from every agency with all those initials, at my door looking for him. They repossessed my car, and the school I had Christy in, has informed me unless I can pay the twenty thousand in tuition owed, she is not welcome back and they will not forward her records until they’ve been paid.’ She vented at me.
I hated being called Trenton… I much prefer Trent, but it was the name my mom saddled me with, so I sighed and took it in stride. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me…?’
‘I wish… I don’t know what I’m going to do. Bill took care of the finances and now I find that I’m in a big mess and he just walked out on me. Patty, my neighbor, just told me that Bill and his new assistant have been coming over here or a regular basis while I was at my charity meetings.’ She babbled on. I did feel sorry for her, but I had personal issues to deal with myself.
‘Have you talked to Steven?’ I interrupted her tirade.
‘He’s gone too. The guys in the suits said he fled to a non extradition country with all the profits from the business. They took everything and they showed me where they put me as a responsible party for all the debts. I can’t pay over five million dollars. I don’t know what to do…..’
She was crying, and I hate when women cry. Hell, listening to all this, I was ready to cry myself. I’m not stupid, but I was left holding the bag, as it were.
‘We’ve both been screwed over.’ I told the distraught woman. ‘Wendy, Find whatever money you can and get yourself a good lawyer. You’re going to need it.’ It was the best advice I could give her.
‘Why…? I haven’t done anything wrong.’ She said shocked into silence.
‘Neither have I, but I have a feeling that Steven and Bill had this planned and we’re the ones to take the fall for it.’ I sighed. ‘When you get that lawyer, let me know. I’m going to have to sue the company for my lost wages and stuff. You need to know if the house is part of the business. If it is, you need to start protecting yourself and Christy. A good lawyer will know what to do. I have a feeling this is all going to go south real quick.’ Okay I am human and I’ve always had the hots for Wendy, so it didn’t hurt me to be nice. It might even pay extra dividends in the long run.
‘Do you really think so?’ I could hear the fear in her voice.
‘Yeah, I think so. Sorry Wendy.’ I answered forlornly. Just as she was saying something, my phone beeped, telling me I had another call. Glancing at the display, I saw it was my roommate. ‘Sorry Wendy, but I have to go. I have another call I have to take. I’ll call you when I get back in town and maybe I could come over and go over things with you.’Like I said, I am male and I wouldn’t kick Wendy out of bed for eating crackers since she was suddenly single.
‘Sure, Trenton, I’ll talk to you later.’ I heard her sniff back more tears as I flashed over to the other call.
‘Hey homey, give me some good news.’ I exclaimed, knowing the day couldn’t get any worse.
‘Hey Dude, Um, sorry, but I ain’t got none.’ He said in his false suffer dude accent. ‘Like there was this party, and someone knocked over one of the torches and like dude threw his drink on it and it like exploded.’ He rambled on.
‘That sucks dude…!’ I interrupted his story. ‘So whose house was it at?’ I asked trying to get to the point.
‘Like, I was hosting and stuff. It was our pad….’ He huffed like I was being dense. ‘Like Dude, you think you can send your part of the rent early. I need to find a new place, man.’
‘How bad was it?’ I asked, wondering why he needed my rent to get a new place.
‘It’s like totaled man. Like to the ground… but no one was hurt. It just took awhile to get the fire people here and stuff.’ He stammered on.
‘WHAT…?’ I screamed.
‘Hey Dude… Don’t need to yell at me, man. It wasn’t my fault. I like, well you know, need to find a place and I’m like broke. I shot my wad on the party and need some cash. So whatdoya think?’ He acted like this was my problem.
‘So, let me get this straight.’ I rubbed my head in frustration. ‘My house is destroyed by a fire at a party you put on. Everything I own is ruined. I have no place to come home to, and you want me to pay you my part of the rent so you can get a new place?’ My head was pounding.
‘Exactly… I knew you’d understand, Dude. I’m like desperate man. I mean like, Missy is all over me, like to get a place to like get together and stuff… so we can take it to the next level. So, you doing the wire transfer or what dude?’ I could hear the relief and joy in his voice.
‘I don’t think so Dude.’ I was ready to explode. ‘Your housing issues are not my problem. Mine are!’ I slammed the phone shut, breaking it in my anger. I mean really, what the fuck else could go wrong? In less than a day, I’ve lost my job, had my ex-employer steal over five grand from me, had to console my boss’s wife, and found out my idiot roommate burned everything I owned if a fire that made me homeless. I needed to get somewhere to start figuring some things out.
I hate small cities. No taxi service to speak of and I hate walking more than to get from the front of a building to the pace I sit. After walking father than I ever wanted to walk again, I ended up at the cell phone store. I stood there flabbergasted as I was being told that breakage is not covered… and it would cost me to get a new phone… and, would you like to upgrade while you’re at it…?
Yeah right, let me take two to go!
Anyway, hours later and a couple hundred bucks lighter, I was walking out of the store just as it was getting dark. I looked around and knew I was going to have to find another hotel to stay at, since I was ever so nicely asked not to come back to the place I was staying at. I looked at the map-app on my new phone and found that there was a West Bestern only a few blocks away. I shrugged my shoulder strap into a more comfortable position, grabbed my overnight bag and took the shortcut behind the strip mall that had a set of tracks behind it.
I made it maybe a half a mile when I saw a lump next to the tracks. As is got closer, I saw that it was a man hunched over, grabbing his chest. I walked as fast as I could to see if I could help the poor guy.
When I got there, I rolled him to his back, trying to move the small cheap overnight case he had clutched to him. His eyes fluttered open. I saw his red rimmed, yellowed eyes and wondered if he was going to die right there. He started talking, and I leaned down, wondering what he might have to say.
‘Do you want me to call for help?’ I asked reaching for the new phone, forgetting the actual phone service wouldn’t be turned on for another day.
‘No…’ He croaked. ‘I’m glad you found me mister. I’m done in and I know it.’ He gasped out.
‘What can I do for you?’ I asked not knowing how to respond.
‘I have to trust you. Don’t have a choice… but mister, if you could, please take my stuff to Rose. Tell her to buy something pretty, please mister.’ He panted. ‘I spent ten long years paying for my crime… I was trying to get back home Louisiana, to see my Rose and to get to know my son, but I won’t make it.’ He grabbed my shoulder and looked me in the eyes before going on.
‘Give my love to Rose won’t you mister. Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes. Tell my son his daddy is so proud of him. And don’t forget to take my love to Rose.’I looked around to see if anyone was around who might be able to help me. I didn’t want him to die like this. No man needed to die like this.
He went on. ‘Tell them I’m thankful they waited for me. Tell my boy to help his mom at home. Tell my Rose to try and find another. It’s not right that she be left alone. Mister… here is a bag with everything I own… it won’t last them long, they way it goes. God bless you for finding me today. Now don’t forget to give my love to Rose.’
I could see the life leaving this poor man and he kept repeating. ‘Give my love to Rose… tell my son his daddy is so proud of him and don’t forget to give my love to Rose…,’ as his breaths became labored.
‘Hey, what are you doing there?’ A voice called out.
‘Call an ambulance…!’ I shouted back. I picked up his small bag, amazed at how heavy it was. I put it with my stuff and waited beside the dead man.
‘So, is that all, the convict said?’ The bored looking cop asked me an hour later.
‘Yeah, he just wanted his family to know he cared….’ I shrugged.
‘Did he give you a name other than this Rose person? Did he give you a last name? Any other information as to who we can bill for the service and cremation?’ He didn’t look at the covered body as he took notes.
‘Nope, never got his name… can I go now? I have to find a place to stay for the night until I can catch a flight tomorrow.’ I was getting mad at the insensitivity. A man just died and this cop acted like I was the problem.
‘Yeah, we have your information… if you remember anything important, call and let us know.’ He handed me a card and turned away.
I trudged to the hotel and paid for the room. I dropped everything on the dresser and flopped down exhausted by my day. I called for Pizza delivery and had cold Pizza and warm beer for dinner. I took a shower and tried to get the dying man’s words out of my head.
I looked at the clock as it blinked over to one in the morning. Sighing in agitation, I tossed off the covers and stomped over to the bag that was staring at me. Running my top lip through my teeth, I worked the broken zipper back. On top I saw some out of date clothes. I pulled them out as a letter fell to the floor. I went to pick it up as wads of money started falling out of the bag.
There were bundles of tens, twenties and folded over bundles of mixed cash. There had to be a small fortune there in that bag. My first instinct was to declare myself rich, but his words came back to me. ‘Take her all my money, tell her to buy some pretty clothes.’ I knew this wasn’t my money and I wasn’t a thief.
‘Damn it to hell….’ I muttered as I picked up the letter and read the address. It was to a Rose Greek of 271 Broken Oak Drive, Elizabeth, Louisiana. After a quick search, I found I was headed right back to a place like I ran from so many years ago. It was a tiny town of under ten thousand people, in the heart of Allen Parish, back-woods America.
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Caregiver in Love Part 3 In which Shawn endures a long visit to the mall and further unwelcome feminization. The Fitting Marilyn led me back to the department store. We stepped on the escalator to the second floor and went to the intimate apparel section. Marilyn got the attention of the attractive lady clerk who glided over to where we were standing. "Could you check to see if my niece is correctly fitted for the bra she's wearing? And we want to find a good bra insert to...
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/* AUTHORS NOTES: This story represents a severely edited version of the original draft. Two whole chapters have disappeared from the beginning because they featured not even a single mention of anything TG. Still it manages to weigh in at 75k plus! Whilst this story is finished, I'd quite happily extend it if there's any interest. Hope you enjoy it! */ English Rose by Kathy Core ...Jake walked towards the exit of the hotel, but was stopped in his tracks by the English...
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I appreciate getting feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is constructive. I will not hesitate, however, to delete any nasty or abusive anonymous comments. I enjoy corresponding with my readers, and if you send me an e-mail I will respond. Also, if you like this story, please register your vote with the stars at the end. –CH01– And So It Begins Rose had been a very outgoing young girl, that is, until she hit puberty. Although many might call it a blessing, Rose had been very...
Aunt Rose's Place By Bea "Come on for god's sake Janice" I snapped peevishly. "We'll be late!" Neither my words nor tone impressed themselves on Janice, my fianc?e . She was doing one of the things she delighted in making herself pretty. Peering into her compact mirror, delicately applying touches of lipstick and blusher dabbing a tiny powder applicator around her nose. She kept her compact open. Obviously letting me know that she wasn't finished. Looked over the top of...
The Rose I have always enjoyed living in the country, it maintained such a peaceful essence about it, and even still seemed peaceful after going through a horrific divorce, Lucky me she didn’t want the farm. My closest neighbor was an elderly woman who was very much like my grandmother who I checked on regularly to make sure she was alright, she recently lost her husband after 58 years of marriage and enjoyed the company. On one visit I was greeted at the door by a woman in her mid...
The Rose I have always enjoyed living in the country, it maintained such a peaceful essence about it, and even still seemed peaceful after going through a horrific divorce, Lucky me she didn’t want the farm. My closest neighbor was an elderly woman who was very much like my grandmother who I checked on regularly to make sure she was alright, she recently lost her husband after 58 years of marriage and enjoyed the company. On one visit I was greeted at the door by...
MatureShe looked toward several overdue bills laid out in front of the table of her dining room, this was the cause of all of her grief and stress. Her husband, Troy Vachite, had gamble away the sizable inheritance her parents had left her. Now Rose own money that she did not have, to people she did not know. Troy had run away with what little money was left, leaving Rose to fend for both herself and their teen daughter. “Fuck the day I ever laid eyes on that bastard.” Rose said as she poured...
Rose had just recently turned fifty. For the last year, she had worked very hard to get her body back in shape. After three kids, she had let herself go, gaining weight with her first, then never losing it all before getting pregnant with her twins. She had gained almost hundred pounds with them, and only lost about forty-five pounds after they were born. Over the years she had made halfhearted attempts to lose weight, but whatever she lost, she ended up gaining back and more. She stopped...
MILFI was determined to find out what had happened to Rose, she was Nikki's sister (see Jason's victims 2) and for some reason I wasn't allowed to help her after I found a trace from Jason's memories to her. I went to sleep and found myself in the Church; Father Murray was waiting for me he held up a hand. "My son, I'm sorry but the time wasn't right." He said. I shook my head, "What do you mean? She needed help then and I think she still does!" He sighed, "Yes, she does but not for...
It was the day after my niece Cathy’s 16 th birthday, when my sister-in-law Rose dropped Cathy off at my house for afternoon tea. “Hello Cathy, did you enjoy your 16 th birthday party?” “Yes Uncle Jim,” said Cathy, “I did, except for one thing. I didn’t get a proper birthday kiss from you. I overhead my mum talking to her friend Trudy and mum said that you are the best kisser she has ever had.” Feeling quite flattered, I said to Cathy “Well, we will just have to fix that won’t we? Why don’t you...
IncestNow. Prince Arrik peered out of the Palace tower window, his breath misting on the thin diamonds of window glass. As far as the eye could see, and he could see a long way over the flat terrain from this high up, the ground lay white in a thick layer of freshly-fallen snow. More thick soft white flakes gently floated down from a still leaden sky. His mother had forecast the snowstorm yesterday, so he shouldn’t have been surprised. The Queen was so wise and he had yet to learn such...
Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...
My name is Rose. I am a slut wife and a flight attendant for a major airline. There aren’t many women like me and I like that. So does Ed. Ed and I met on a flight to Seattle. He was the first officer and I was a flight attendant. I immediately liked him. When I stuck my head in the cockpit to say hello he said “Wow! You are some good looking lady.” Ed had that look I like in a man, slim, attractive, and a pilot’s uniform. Yes, I admit it I wanted a pilot when I met him....
Pete, Will and Rose Pete and Will had been friends for years and always tried to get a game of squash each Friday at the local sports centre. Now that they were in their 40’s – this was really an excuse for a few beers in the local afterwards. Will had been separated for a few years, but they were always met in the pub by Pete’s wife Rose, and the three of them were really close. After a few beers and glasses of wine, the banter was often a bit risqué, but nothing had ever come of...
Pete, Will and Rose Pete and Will had been friends for years and always tried to get a game of squash each Friday at the local sports centre. Now that they were in their 40’s – this was really an excuse for a few beers in the local afterwards. Will had been separated for a few years, but they were always met in the pub by Pete’s wife Rose, and the three of them were really close. After a few beers and glasses of wine, the banter was often a bit risqué, but...
Group SexMy name is Jack, I'm married, Not very happily. My wife Missy, is one of the women that think she has the only pussy on earth. I'm lucky if I get her once a month. If I do get some, she lays on the bed, spreads her legs and tells me, "Would you please... hurry the fuck up." Missy is a total babe. She stands five foot six inches tall. Long dark brown hair to the middle of her back. Big sexy brown eyes. Firm perky breast, that can bust a 36d bra open. Her nipples are light pink and always...
Our story begins with a recent refurbishment of a local theater. The local tabloids had done recent articles on the theater: when it was first constructed, its passings of ownership, and its slow decay with the poor economic times. Our two lovebirds had first fallen in love at this theater. They had been following these news articles with building interest as the week passed, for these articles were the build up to the first show of the refurbished theater. The two lovebirds had made a date of...
After several weeks volunteering for the Meals on Wheels program, one of the other volunteers was leaving for vacation. Sarah didn’t deliver to very many people, but they were spread out in the rural areas. We decided that the rest of us would just pick up one extra stop to cover down for her. I was assigned to deliver to Rose. It just so happens, that Rose is about 17 miles in the opposite direction from the rest of my deliveries. Rose was a spry 59 years young, and didn’t really...
There is no sex, it is a soppy romantic fairy story for adults wanting to warm the cockles of their heart. ***** Now Prince Arrik peered out of the Palace tower window, his breath misting the thin plate glass. As far as the eye could see, and he could see a long way over the flat terrain from this high up, the ground lay white in a thick layer of freshly-fallen snow. More thick soft white flakes gently floated down from a still leaden sky. His mother had forecast the snowstorm yesterday, so...
CHAPTER 1 _____________________ Beau Lovejoy was pretty much a nerd when he was young. He loved to read, and he was completely addicted to comic books, but anything that wasn't grounded in reality would do. He was always lost in some fantasy or another, and the real world seemed rather mundane in comparison. At least, it did until he discovered something even more facinating. Women. When he was a boy, he found girls annoying, and he actually tried to...
If you haven't read my first two stories about my first Asian Massage Parlor visit with Lucy or my second AMP and prostate experience with Sunny, please do. My prostate massage experience with Sunny had been on my mind all week. I called the massage parlor where she works and made an appointment with her for later that afternoon. When I arrived, Sunny greeted me and walked me back to the room. As we were walking, I noticed a girl coming out of the back room. Sunny, as I described before, was...
She looked down and smiled. Roses. She loved roses. But who would leave them at the door for her? She hadn’t heard from Billy since they broke up. Well she considered them broken up. She hadn’t heard from him from that stupid fight they had two weeks ago that had them both saying things she knew, or at least she thought she knew, they didn’t mean. They had both asked each other at the same time if the other one wanted to break up. No one really said a yes or no as a response. Just silence...
Chapter 11 The Devouring Rose Phar' Naqua, in the aether: Day 12, 0400 hours She could smell the dawn approaching. It was like a faint tickle that played tag with her senses; it was almost dancing there on the edge of her awareness taunting her. If she had someone to describe it to she might say that in some ways it was almost like the mental equivalent of smelling an iron pan on a stove slowly growing hotter with nothing inside it. Just as with the slowly heating pan the smell of...
Hie everyone I am from Mumbai, 22 years currently working in an MNC, I am following of Indian sex stories for past few years may be 3-4 it’s always wonderful to read experiences many times I did ended up masturbating to many of them many things I have got to know from the stories here so I thot to share one of my best experiences It’s my first time writing my experience so do please bear any errors or mistake I will try my best to make this as erotic as I can there will me many more here...
Rosaleen Dickonson’s famous quote says ‘Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.’ Some parents don’t love their children, though. Some parents hate them, wanting to be rid of them the first moment they legally can. In the small New England town of Munishire exists a school to deal with a select few of these...
This story has no sex. Sorry. It is just a man trying to use his past to understand and handle his present. If you want to leave comments, thanks. If you just want to bash the main character for being a wimp please remember that this is fiction. Thanks. * Did you ever have one of those moments when something that happened years before pops into your mind and it seems so fresh that it feels like it only happened yesterday? Well, I did and in fact it is happening right now. I’m not really...
Rose felt a tingling and tightness in her breasts. The sensation was awkward and foreign, enough to get her attention while she flipped through the channels of her TV. She moved to adjust her bra believing it must have shifted or bunched up only to remember she hadn't yet put one on for the day. Still feeling the strange sensations she stood up from her bed and walked towards the mirror on her closet door, removing her top as she did. At first, everything seemed normal and as it...
John Henry Bartlett III laid back on his bunk and closed his eyes, exhausted after another long day at sea. It had been another stressful day, causing him to question once again why he had joined the Navy. The answer was simple: his family legacy. Father and grandfather before him, along with scores of uncles and cousins…men in his family were supposed to be Navy men. He hadn’t even questioned it, the choice was made for him before he was born and he stepped into his role like a pair of...
John Henry Bartlett III laid back on his bunk and closed his eyes, exhausted after another long day at sea. It had been another stressful day, causing him to question once again why he had joined the Navy. The answer was simple: his family legacy. Father and grandfather before him, along with scores of uncles and cousins…men in his family were supposed to be Navy men. He hadn’t even questioned it; the choice was made for him before he was born and he stepped into his role like a pair of...
Straight SexIt has been several months since my wife and I had sex. Usually, our sex frequency was normal, two – three times a week, as the statistical average. We have been married for about nine years and had two young kids. But eight months ago, I was promoted as VP Sales, a job that is demanding long travels abroad. So, our intimacy and sex life took a dramatic decrease due my traveling. I spent most of the time outside the country, far away from her. During my trips away from home, as a normal man, I...
VoyeurThe faucet was tightened with a squeak, and the water was shut off. Inside a steamy shower was a young woman named Rose. There was a party going on at her friends house, and she was preparing herself for it. The red head had just finished with a long hot shower, making her bathroom quite humid. While she really enjoyed sauna-like atmosphere, she didn't want to waste too much time. She had to dry off, get dressed, and be on her way. Rose pulled back the glass shower door and reached towards her...
Ellen Hayden woke up on an operating table. Her head hurt and her legs felt like they were on fire. She tried to move her head, but found she couldn't. It was firmly locked in place. A brief test showed that she could not move her arms and legs. Her eyes were bleary, but she could hear the sound of a heart monitor, and the whispers of people talking above her head. The last thing she remembered was getting in her car to go to Pocatello, on a date; after that, nothing. A voice spoke to her....
The English Rose The English Rose 1. Spencer Thomas was a balding man in his late forties. He wore a golfing tie ? white golf balls against a vivid green field. He rotated the nearly empty pint glass in the slick of spilt beer on the bar, making trails along the bar-top. It was three in the afternoon and he really should be getting on the road again. He looked up at the fake oak-stained beam over the bar and read the curious announcement over for the third time - ?The Black...
We weren’t, however, to get right into scene. Lucy’s cell phone rang, with an odd tone. “Hang on, Howard. That’s my emergency ring. “Hi! What’s wrong? “Oh. Yes, I can help. Don’t say anything if possible. I’ll send people to come get you. We have a specialist in security clearance law, Don Jenner, who will meet us.” Lucy told Howard and Diane, “Weird coincidence. That was Rose. She’s nearly hysterical. Apparently, she got called into the security office and told that her clearance was...
I took out a loan at 25 years old and bought my wife based on her merits. Her eyes are a rare shade of gray, her hair a brilliant mane of sunshine yellow, so light it’s almost white. Milky skin, rosy lips, you see it in de***********ions of women all the time, but you have to pay to make your fairytales a reality. She came meek, and easy to use. There was no fight on our wedding night, just my hard jabs, and her soft cries as I deflowered her. Bruises of my firm hands purpled her perfect...
Clothed in only the moonlight streaming through her window, Shelli drowsily rolls over onto her belly, nestling pillows beneath her. The breeze that caresses her flutters through the curtains above the bed like a lover’s whisper and carries faintly a hint of the fragrances from the flowers in full bloom, the rose garden that is her pride and joy, even a monument to a joy once shared. There is a pleasant ache that suffuses her body. She had begun at dawn and worked until evening glimmered...