GreeniesChapter 20B free porn video

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The forty-eight hour pass was now expired and the members of the 17th Armored Cavalry Regiment were back in their biosuits in the Jutfield Gap. They carried no arms or ammunition with them on this trip. Instead, they carried shovels, sledge hammers, chisels, jack hammers, bags of specially designed cement capable of being utilized in the atmosphere of the planet, and fresh ninety kilogram sandbags filled with fresh industrial shavings. Their task was to repair the defensive positions that had been damaged in the first phase of the conflict in preparation for the second phase.

Jeff, Hicks, and Drogan were atop Hill 611, in the central portion of the gap. It was only half a kilometer away from the hill they'd occupied in the first battle and it had fared about as well. Most of the original sandbags had been blown apart, some completely destroyed. The cement barrier beneath had taken an intensive pounding as well. They had been out here for eight hours now and were only about a quarter of the way through the first stage of the repair job — that of removing the old debris so it could be replaced.

"Take ten, guys," Sergeant Walker said to his squad. "Everyone grab a seat, catch your breath, shit if you need to."

Jeff put down the electric chisel he'd been using to pry loose damaged sandbags. Hicks put down the jackhammer he'd been using to break loose damaged concrete from the under-barrier. Drogan simply sat down the broken sandbag she'd been about to heave over the side of the barrier and down the hill. At this point in the process they weren't too worried about littering the landscape.

"Anyone got a smoke?" Hicks asked, eliciting a dutiful chuckle from the rest of the people on the channel.

"I got some back in my locker," Drogan told him. "Damned if I didn't forget to bring them out here."

This got a chuckle that was a little bigger.

Jeff, tired of being in the trench — it brought back some unpleasant memories — decided he needed to get out of it for awhile. He climbed through the large opening they'd created with their removal duties and sat on a heap of discarded sandbags that had collected just below. After a moment Hicks and Drogan decided to join him. They made a few hand gestures and then switched over to a short-range channel so they could talk without the rest of the squad having to listen to them.

"Look at those poor slobs down there," said Drogan, pointing downward to where several platoons from the 2nd Infantry were collecting all of the dead WestHem marines that had been left behind — which meant all of them that had fallen out here since the marines had not had any place to store their dead during their retreat — and carrying them one by one to a flatbed, tracked agricultural truck that had been driven out for this purpose.

"Yeah," said Jeff. "I won't complain about this job. I'd rather be doing this than that."

Hicks only shrugged. "It serves 'em right," he said. "Those assholes down there never got their cherries popped at all. They sat in their trenches while we put the fuckin' hurt on the marines and drove 'em back. They never even had a goddamn arty shell land on them. They should have to come out here and grab all the dead ones we in the ACR fuckin' killed."

"It wasn't like they stayed out of battle on purpose," Drogan told him. "Cut 'em a little slack. They were prepared to fight, just like we were."

"Yeah," Hicks said grudgingly. "I suppose."

"What are they gonna do with 'em?" Jeff asked.

"I was talking to one of their guys on the way out here," Drogan said. "They're supposed to scan all of them so General Jackson can send their info back to Earth. Then they load 'em on the truck and drive 'em back to Eden and stick 'em in a freezer somewhere. When the war is over we'll send their bodies back home so their families can burn 'em with honor and all that shit."

"Well that's awfully fuckin' nice of us," Hicks said bitterly. "I say have a fuckin' bulldozer just plow them under. Why should we give a shit about those assholes or their families?"

"It's part of the rules of warfare, Hicks," Drogan said. "You collect and account for enemy dead when practical and feasible."

"You mean like the way they accounted for Sanchez?" he asked.

Sanchez's body had been found on the way out — fortunately not by those who had known him but by an infantry platoon on their way to collect marine bodies. Though the tracks of the tank that had run him down had long since been obliterated by the Martian dust that blew through the air, and though Sanchez's body had been nearly completely covered itself, there had been no mistaking what had happened to him. With the speed of a wildfire the story of the smashed MPG tank commander named Sanchez had spread through the net in minutes, fomenting sadness, outrage, and blind anger by all that heard it.

"Yeah," said Drogan. "You make a good point there."

"Yep," said Jeff. "Now we know what Valentine's not talking about. It must have been fuckin' awful to watch that."

"Anyway," said Hicks, "the WestHems still ain't never gonna know how many of their fuckin' marines we killed. Most of them are in those APCs and tanks out there and we ain't counting their asses, are we?"

"That would be considered impractical and unfeasible," Drogan said, looking out towards the armor in question. There were literally hundreds of dead WestHem tanks and APCs out there, all of them containing at least two dead marines, some containing as many as twelve. The engineer battalions from both the 17th ACR and the 2nd infantry were down there hooking each one up to a towing tank or wrestling it onto a tracked flatbed carrier. But, as Hicks pointed out, they weren't bothering with trying to collect the dead inside or even scan them since most were smashed and exploded by the lasers that had felled them. They were only moving them out of the way, dragging them to the north or the south portion of the valley and just dumping them there for all eternity so they wouldn't serve the second wave of WestHem marines as cover for their un-smashed armor or their un-shot infantry.

"They're already all accounted for," said Jeff. "We only killed a thousand or so planetwide, remember? That's what the big three are reporting anyway."

"Sure," Drogan said. "And they wouldn't lie, would they?"

"Fuck no," said Hicks. "They're the goddamn bastions of truth."

They all had a laugh at that — a slightly bitter one. Hicks was the first to mention what was really on their minds.

"They ain't lying about them coming for Eden though, are they?" he asked.

"No," Jeff said. "I don't think they are. Every military plan they announced to this point has been true."

"Sure has," Drogan agreed. "That's why General Jackson has us out here repairing all the positions in the Gap. He knows this is where they're coming."

"Almost four hundred fucking thousand of them," Hicks said. "And all their armor, all their hovers, all their artillery. We ain't gonna be able to stop them on our own."

"No," Jeff said. "Not a fuckin' chance in hell of that. Jackson needs to send us reinforcements."

"A lot of fuckin' reinforcements," Hicks said. "We need every MPG unit from every fuckin' city to fight that off. If they don't get here soon, it'll be a slaughter."

"No it won't," said Drogan. "Because if we don't get reinforcements, I'm not coming back out here. Neither are most of the others."

Jeff nodded. "I'm down with you there, Drogan. I signed up for the long haul here and I knew I was laying my ass on the line, but I ain't puttin' it in front of no fuckin' firing squad. Jackson needs to even these odds or he can count my ass out."

Hicks seemed relieved by their discussion. "I thought I was the only one thinking that way," he said. "I was keeping it to myself."

"No need to do that," Drogan said. "This is a voluntary war. Laura Whiting and General Jackson been saying that shit the whole time. No one's gonna throw their ass away against eight to one odds, me included."

"So when the fuck is he gonna start movin' those troops over?" Hicks asked. "The big three been saying that they're gonna bomb the train tracks around Eden, cut us off from supplies and reinforcement. They're probably getting ready to do that right now as we're having this conversation. So why ain't anything moving this way?"

Drogan and Jeff both shook their heads. They knew what Hicks was saying was true — MarsGroup was reporting that no reinforcements had been loaded or had even started the process for loading — but neither understood it.

"I don't know," Drogan said. "Sometimes I worry that Jackson's fuckin' lost it, that he's choking at the final moment here."

"I think maybe he bit off more than we can chew," Hicks said. "I mean, he was a smart motherfucker getting us to this point — I won't take that away from the man — but maybe WestHem was right all along. They're gonna jack this place back from us no matter what and maybe Jackson realizes that and just don't know what to do about it."

Neither of them had an answer for him. Neither wanted to admit that what he'd suggested might be the truth but neither could think of any other explanation either.

"Oh well," Hicks said, stretching his sore shoulders a little. "Enough of this depressing talk. I'm gonna go back inside and take myself a nice shit."

"Why don't you just do it out here?" Drogan asked. "We've all seen you squat and grunt a hundred fuckin' times."

"I know you like watchin' me, Drogan," he said. "And I'd love to accommodate you, but I also hear they got a new kind of food gel for us, something that's supposed to taste like cherry pie." He looked at her slyly. "You've eaten your share of cherry pie, ain't you, Drogan?"

She pushed him playfully, almost causing him to tumble off his perch. "Get the fuck out of here, asshole," she said.

He laughed and then got the fuck out of there.

Drogan and Jeff both looked at their communications status screens once he'd walked away. When they saw he'd turned his set off of the private frequency they looked at each other.

"Well," Drogan said, "go ahead. You know you wanna ask me."

"Ask you what?" Jeff said, although he knew exactly what she was talking about and knew that she knew.

"You're wondering about me and Belinda Maxely," she said. "You're wondering if I made her fall so deeply in love with me that she's forgotten all about your good friend Xenia and her supple, suckable boobs, aren't you?"

"Well... I wouldn't exactly have put it that way," he said. "But since you brought it up... ?"

She laughed, a laugh that was full of pity. "Belinda and I are just fuck buddies," she told him. "It'll never go any further than that."


"Yeah," she said with a nod. "She's fuckin' premo in the sack, I'm here to tell you. She's on my top ten list of female pussy eaters and I made her scream when I returned the favor the first time." She sighed. "But you know what?"


"When she screamed it was Xenia's name she screamed out."

"Really?" Jeff said, dejected and a little shocked. In Martian culture that was considered one of the ultimate faux pas, right up there with coming before your partner had a chance to.

She nodded. "That bitch is so in love with Xenia I'm surprised she even let me munch her muff out. If you were hopin' she'd fall for me and leave you in the clear with the X-girl, you can just put that thought right out of your horny little head."

Jeff didn't even bother denying that was what he was hoping. "Xenia never said she was that good in the sack," he said.

"Oh?" Drogan said, raising her eyebrows a bit. "They've done it before?"

Jeff clenched his teeth, knowing he'd just revealed more than he was really supposed to. "Keep that to yourself?" he pleaded.

She chuckled. "You know it, Jeffy," she told him. "You and Hicks saved my ass out here in the Gap, remember? I'd do anything for you, for either one of you. Why the fuck do you think I snatched Belinda away from Xenia in the first place? I was trying to open a corridor for your advance."

Jeff was surprised. "You mean... you mean you took Belinda away on purpose?"

"Fuckin' aye," she said. "She's not really my type anyway. I like... well... Xenia's type to tell you the truth. But I saw you was trying to get your weenie wet with her and thought I'd give you a hand. Turned out Belinda was a better fuck than I thought she'd be and I turned down what was probably a premo opportunity to lick a little X myself, you know what I mean, but I did it." She looked sharply at him. "You were supposed to take advantage of the opportunity and nail the bitch while I had her softer interest occupied."

"Well... yeah. I appreciate all that you did, really I do, but there are some complications."

"You mean that stupid-ass vow you made not to fuck her until she says she loves you?"

"Belinda told you about that?" he asked with a sigh, embarrassed.

"Yeah, she told me," Drogan said. "She told me she vowed the same thing." She shook her head in wonder. "I think both of you are out of your damn minds. Not fucking someone that you want to fuck and that wants to fuck you is a very un-Martian way to behave. I mean, for the love of Christ, what do you think we're out here fighting for if not our way of life, man?"

Jeff wasn't sure if she was joking or not but he got her point. She, however, wasn't getting his. "I'm not doing it just to be mean or to try and blackmail her and shit," he said. "I'm doing it because..." a sigh "... because I really love her. I've never felt anything like this for someone before. I didn't think I could feel something like this. I mean, look at me. I was a gang member in the worst neighborhood on the fuckin' planet. I used to sell dust and I've killed other gang members — just shot them right the fuck down in cold blood. I used to think I was the toughest motherfucker there was, someone my dad would be real proud of, and here I am now falling in love like some motherfucker in one of them stupid-ass daytime shows on the MarsGroup. Do you see what I'm getting at here, Drogan?"

"Not really," she admitted.

"I love her," he said. "I have a hard time thinking about anything but her. When those fuckin' marines were lobbing tank shells at us and hitting us with mortars, even when they were climbing those fuckin' hills to take us out, I was still thinking about her, worrying about her. That's what love is, man. You understand?"

"I think so," she said, smiling, pondering what he was saying.

"I just think that fucking her like she was just another bitch I made a connection with... well... I think that wouldn't be all that fun, that it would take away from what sex with Xenia is supposed to be like for me. I think maybe that sex between people in love is better than just the normal sex we all have and I don't want to fuck that up by doing it too soon."

"Wow," Drogan said, beaming now. "That's some romantic-ass shit you're spouting there."

"So you see where I'm coming from now?"

She nodded. "I do. And you know what?"


"I think I kind of like the idea."

Mars Capitol Building, New Pittsburgh

As soon as Laura Whiting entered her outer office Cyndee — her secretary — glared at her in a most unfriendly way. It was understandable. She had been worried about her, just like always.

"Where have you been, Governor?" Cyndee demanded. "You were gone for three hours!"

"Sorry, Cyndee," she said, actually feeling bad. "I had some business to take care of. Everything is under control."

"You left your security detail behind!" Cyndee said. "Governor, this is the fourth time in the past week you've done this. We were all frantic!"

"I apologize for disconcerting everyone but I'm back now. No harm no foul. How's the planet been holding up while I was gone?"

"General Jackson is requesting to talk to you immediately," she said. "He's called six times."

"Oh really?" she said. "Did my so-called secret service rat me out to him again?"

"Well... you ran off without telling anyone where you were going, Governor. What did you expect them to do? It's their job!"

She nodded amicably. "Yes, it is, and I'll never come down on anyone for doing his or her job. Anything else I need to know about?"

"Jack Strough called twice just after you left," she told her. "He said something about you needn't bother trying to interfere this time. His people are committed."

"Uh huh," she said, smiling in amusement. Jack Strough was the head of the cargo handlers union — a virulent, anti-revolutionary, self-interested asshole who had been a thorn in her side ever since her inauguration day speech. "I've already taken care of that particular problem. That is, in fact, where I was all morning. Anything else?"

"Nothing terribly pressing," she said. "You're getting the usual emails from the citizenry who are concerned about the upcoming bombing raids and why General Jackson is not moving reinforcements towards Eden yet. There are also several com requests from the various plant managers who are concerned about the same thing. David Reed over at the Alexander Industries plant is the most prominent of them."

"Ah yes, Mr. Reed," she said. "He and I had a most interesting conversation once. I can certainly see the source of his concern since the WestHems are intending to wipe his plant off the map. Did he leave a detailed message?"

"He did," she said. "He wants to evacuate his plant immediately. He says he's sorry about the loss of production this would entail but that he refuses to risk his employees' lives in the event of a WestHem bomber strike. He has given you five hours to reply with a coherent plan for strike forewarning or he will shut the plant down and move all of his workers to safety. And that was two hours ago, Governor."

"That's about what I would expect from him," Laura said. "He's proving to be much more of a Martian than his background would dictate."

"His background?" Cyndee asked.

"Never mind," Laura said. "I'll talk with General Jackson and then have a little chat with Mr. Reed when I'm done. Hopefully I'll be able to ease his mind and keep that plant in operation as long as possible."

"Very good, Governor," she said. Her face softened. "And, Governor?"

"Yes, Cyndee?"

"I'm glad you're safe. I was worried sick about you being out there all by yourself. Anything could happen to you out there. You've made a lot of enemies."

"I know," she said. "I appreciate your concern, Cyndee but I'm a big girl. I know what I'm doing."

"Yes, Governor."

Laura turned and entered her office, letting the door slide shut behind her. She sat down at her desk and leaned back for a minute, looking at the ceiling. Finally she pulled out a pack of Earth cigarettes — one of the workers at the train yards had laid them on her after the speech she'd given them today — and pulled one out. She sparked up, taking a deep drag and slowly exhaling the smoke into the room.

"Heaven," she said as she savored the rush of nicotine to her head. This was the first smoke she'd had in days.

She turned and looked at her computer screen, which was showing a screen savor that consisted of various views of Mars, Phobos, Demos, and the skylines of each Martian city. "Computer," she said. "Com General Jackson."

"Comming General Jackson," it dutifully replied.

He answered less than five seconds later. "Where in the name of ass-fucking and clit licking have you been?" he demanded.

"That would be ass-fucking and muff-munching," she replied dryly. "Let's not start using offensive terms in our communications now. Remember, all of this is being recorded for posterity."

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Bunny Colby is busting out of her clothes, but she is still enchanted with grown up versions of the games she played when she was little. Lately, she’s been wanting to play with her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson. Nathan is uncomfortable with the way his stepsis sexualizes everything, but he also wants to make her happy. Today, Bunny wants to play house where they act as though they are oversized versions of childhood dolls. Bunny wants to pretend they’ve gotten married and they have a...

2 years ago
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Were Just Friends

I was on my way back to the couch when I noticed something sticking out from under the door to the hallway closet. I peeked around the corner to make sure she was still asleep, and tried to open the door as quietly as I could. I picked up the object and was more turned on than surprised. HANDCUFFS! These could come in handy, I thought to myself, as I pocketed them and dug through the rest of the closet for the keys. As soon as I found them, I'd pocketed them and went back to the couch to curl...

4 years ago
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Mothers Model Son In Black Lace Lingerie Part I

Frankie stood helplessly before the two women and pivoted on his high heels. He hoped, against hope, that modeling this lingerie for them would bring an end to his part in the evening. He had deftly re-tied the wide white satin ribbon of the sheer white bed jacket he wore and now the bow rested just below his padded-out breasts. The soft folds of the jacket covered the lace bra he was wearing but that same jacket did not even reach to his waist. He was painfully aware that the jacket...

3 years ago
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Fun In The Hay 4

I recommend you read the first 3 parts to this story or it won't make much sense. Thank you. Josh went over to Pawpaw and stood in front of me, in front of Pawpaw, keeping him from moving. "It wasn't her fault, I made her do it. Don't punish her" Josh pleaded to him, holding onto Pawpaw's shoulders, shaking him slightly. Pawpaw smirked at Josh, "Boy, you know was well as I do you didn't make her do anything." He pushed passed Josh and looked down at me curled up on the ground with my knees...

1 year ago
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Daughter Loves Black Cock

100% fiction! I was at my wits end, 6 months ago my wife left me and my 18 year old daughter Lea for a black man, my daughter started dating a black man herself a month ago and I was horny as hell with nobody to fuck. Lea's a pretty girl with short brown hair and brown eyes and she wears glasses that make her look oh so innocent. She's 5' 6" tall and a little plump with a nice ass and big tits. She loves to flirt and tease men. Her new boyfriend is named Terrence and he's a 25 year old, big,...

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Male Cook In A Female Flat

Hi friends this is a story about a new cook who got lucky with one of his masters. Deep was from Bihar and recently shifter to Hyderabad in search of a job. The only thing he was good at was cooking so he decided to work as a cook and soon with help of references from some of his friends he was able to get work at a house of bachelor females This story is about how Deep ended up in bed with Swati (one of the girls in for whom Deep used to cook) Although there were 3 girls in the flat but Deep...

3 years ago
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Melissa Moore was the smartest girl I ever knew, at least before I got to college. She was one of those kids who crawled out of the crib reading her picture books. She was so smart, but she didn’t flaunt it, she just got her A’s and smiled. So I was surprised when she came and sat across from me at lunch when we were both juniors. She was a very pretty girl with a rapidly maturing body, fun to look at and think about, and she dressed kind of casually. “Got a question?” she said, with a grin.

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Wash Away the Blues

“So, where are you? How soon will you be home?” his wife asked with bubbly anticipation. Brad’s features tightened into a wince. No matter how little he had wanted to hear the news, it was far more difficult to deliver it. “Baby, the office called.” Cathy groaned and all the joy left her voice. “You’ve already been gone a week. They can’t be sending you someplace else.” “They need someone in Chicago tomorrow, and I’m the only one close enough to get there by car. The weather is delaying flights...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 21

"It's the only XP-38K-1-LO ever built ... except it's not. The XP-38K-1-LO was built by Lockheed and they refused to use Merlins. This is the aircraft the British modified with Merlins and P-40 chins ... except, you won't find it in any book ... not even the records of Supermarine. That page is torn out of the records book. The folder was still in the file cabinet when the war was over but it was empty. Ben at Franklin Aviation called it the XP. "First the Brits claimed they never...

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the first time

When I was younger there was a local toilet that was notorious for cruising. I went in there innocently for a piss when I was in the park playing with friends. I was taking a piss and was reading the graffiti on the toilet walls by the urinals. The usual stuff: "I have a 9" cock, meet you here at 2pm everyday" etc. Although, i have to say i was very curious. The two friends I was with were completely disinterested, but I wanted to meet this guy. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do, but was...

3 years ago
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Letter to a Super Stud

A story of revenge and punishment.Dear Super Stud,You seduced my Caroline too and you did write me a letter explaining what you did together. So thoughtful of you. It is not the first letter you wrote to men you considered as wimps, is it? I hope you will enjoy your time with Caroline today. I saw to it she is well prepared. I put what I thought she should wear on her bed, the thin white semi transparent silk blouse, a short black skirt and a pair of high heels. I am sorry to say; just before...

3 years ago
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Meeting the golden surfer

I had been chatting it up online with this really hot guy.He's a little older than me, but oh so sexy! Blonde hair and blue eyes, and all the bad boy tattoos!But, hes not a bad boy, he's from the island of Hawaii.Raised with manners and a calm nature.He ended up being my knight in shinging armour. After chatting a few more days off and on, he wanted me to text him. So, we exchanged numbers and shortly thereafter, my phone was ringing. It was him. He was headed out to a local bar and wanted to...

3 years ago
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Solutions IncorporatedChapter 3

“Hey, Maggots, I’m here for school,” Stephen said while strutting into the office. His mother was forcing him to be there and he was not happy with it. School was endless tedious hours of boredom and he was tired of it. In an attempt to end this travesty that was called education, Stephen planned on being obnoxious. “The name is Magus.” “That’s what I said — Maggots,” Stephen said. He smirked. Most people would have found the smirk on his face particularly irritating. Magus ignored...

4 years ago
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A Most Convienient Bank

It was spring in Montreal and my friend Adam and I had just finished our last exam of the year. As planned, we met up afterward outside the library to go out for drinks. Unfortunately it was a Tuesday night, so it seemed that it would be a pretty low key celebration. Still we had to do something. We’d just finished another semester and more or less managed to maintain our focus during beautiful Montreal spring. I don’t know what it’s like to try to study in more temperate climates, but when the...

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The Visiting Professor

Wednesday afternoon. Sigh. She knew she would miss having the Thursday afternoon workout session. It had been a nonstop day, but she was finishing up and could go home soon. Alone in the building, she was startled to hear the back door open. Probably a student coming to use the computer lab. But a minute later, someone knocked on her door. “Sorry to drop by without calling. I saw your car here so decided to stop. Hope that’s okay.” “Of course.” She and he had talked about 6 times that day...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 08

Glade kissed her young lover on the lips while Chief Cave Lion slumped on his back exhausted. A thin thread of semen trailed from his penis into the tangle of Ivory’s pubic hair. Now that Ivory had discovered her lover’s infidelity, Glade was actually rather more affectionate to her ward even when she was being fucked by the Chief. ‘You have become a more accomplished lover,’ mused Chief Cave Lion. He tenderly kissed Ivory’s pale thigh and cupped a buttock in a gnarled hand. ‘You have taught...

3 years ago
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The Seashell

Author's note: This is a short introductory chapter/story that I wrote for fun one night. If you like my work, please tell me. If I get positive feedback, I have a lot of unfinished stories that I've written over the years that I'd like to clean up and finish. I'm also considering adding illustration. ======================================================================== It was just another day at the beach... or so I thought. My friends and I had already spent a good deal of the...

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NuruMassage Avery Black Neighbor8217s Noisy Nurus

Avery Black lets her downstairs neighbor, Robby Echo, into her apartment. Robby’s been having a hard time living downstairs because of all the noise from Avery’s place keeping him up at all hours. Avery is apologetic as she admits that she does massage work from home. In fact, she’d be happy to give Robby one of her specialty massages to make up for all the trouble. Although Robby hesitates briefly as he eyes the nearby air mattress, he ultimately decides to give it a try. But...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 5

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #5 – Beck"I wish that Nate never came to California."Beck's alarm was going off loudly and he sighed angrily because the annoying piece of shit was all the way across the room. He rolled out of bed groaning, his head swimming with the hangover he brought on himself at Jade's party. He didn't even know why he was there in the first place. Since their much deserved breakup, he had barely gotten along with his insane ex-girlfriend, but of course she was...

4 years ago
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El Ojo De MalicioEpilogue

There is a lower rung on the high school social ladder than the Stinky Kid. Due to the stank, the Stinky Kid has to be avoided, but the act of avoidance acknowledges the Stinky Kid's presence. A High School Ghost is not tossed that bone--the other kids walk the halls looking right through the Ghost. Even Bailey and her troupe had to heed the proper protocols for my new place in the ladder or risk their efforts to keep the Reggie incident from going nuclear. Magdalena skirted the rules with...

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Allie and Alexander

Allie is 30 and has long, curly brown hair and emerald green eyes. She has a very voluptuous figure, her ample 40DDs definitely drawing her the most attention; even when she was skinner she was still 38D. Allie had moved in with her boyfriend over a year ago. Her and her boyfriend, James, had good sex, but usually only a couple times a week. Allie couldn’t help but long for the days when she was more promiscuous and times were more exciting, even though she had to admit James could almost...

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Ellas Story2Taboo Motel

Ella's Story-2-Taboo Motel By billy69boy(In collaboration with my dear friend Ella)It seemed like forever as I waited for Ella, my sweet young "Sex Slave" (as she referred to herself) to emerge from the motel bathroom. She was wearing the sexiest black negligee that I had ever seen…or maybe the negligee was merely ordinary, and it was actually Ella who wore it so exceptionally well. Either way, she was a vision from heaven, and I found myself grinning like someone who had just won the...

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Understanding Bondage

Let me help you understand my views on this. Dom/sub relationships are not about the bondage or the spanking or calling one Sir - or the other any sort of pet names - but it more on the way that two people interact. There are some assumptions that can be made - but then while interacting - no assumptions should be made - that is where you need to find out your partner. I am very much into the bondage aspect -- think about it for a second -- all of these images with the fancy rope are not...

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Marina Brewster Tales Takes1 SM in London

MARINA BREWER & STELLA MARIS HAVE HOLIDAYS IN EROTIC ENGLANDMarina Brewer has extraordinary teen years! Main man to blame is 'the General'. Her Dad is in fact a Colonel. We just call him General as an exaggeration, a standard 'Teen talk' tactic for sharing sexy secrets, like "How often did you hit fourth base?"Marina moves with him & her mom to the US, where he is appointed as First Military Secretary at the Netherlands Embassy - after being screened by both the CIA NATO Security...

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Ashleys Ecstasy Trip

Me; "Hello? Who is this?" Her; "My name is Ashley. I gave you my number last night?" My god. Her voice was so smooth, and so sweet. Me; "Oh, hey.. Want to come over?" Ashley; "Let's meet at my house. 315 lincoln avenue. Bring something we can have fun with.." Me; "Like what? You want some E?" Ashley; "Sure." We hang up. I go to her house, she answers the door wearing a form fitting black silk robe with green piping. She was 5'6 with blonde hair, dark...

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My 40 year old fiancée Suzie lived about 250 miles from me. Our engagement was the result of a year long long-distance relationship.Her parents were wealthy, lived in an elite suburb and held family gatherings on every holiday. The summer ones were the best, because they were held around the family swimming pool.Suzie's was a family of women. She had two older sisters. They ranged in age from the mid forties to forty (Suzie was the baby).Her father was quite a bit older than her mother, ages 79...

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yes maam

I hesitated. Not that Lucia has ever been anything but kind to me, but of course you have to be a little nervous when you approach her, especially if she sent for you. I found myself considering knocking but I knew Lucia preferred that I just come in. So still feeling nervous, I opened the door. Her back was to me as she was painting. It occurred to me that I should come in with deliberate noise rather than do everything so silently. Was my ability to move so silently one of those habits I'd...

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After the Reunion Ch 15a

Friday afternoon, Sept 22, 2028It was déjà vu all over again, waiting for my wife to meet her fuck-buddy. At least this time I had some tasks, instead of wandering aimlessly like last time. I picked up Kevin from day-care, then waited until three o’clock to pick Katie up at school, then drove them to Ontario where we’d planned to let them stay the weekend with my mom and dad. Addie had packed their bags and kissed them both goodbye that morning.After the other weekend when Addie went to...

Wife Lovers
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Adult Magazine! The number of people that remember jerking off to actual porno magazines is getting smaller and smaller as the years go on. Most young adults didn’t have to deal with finding a nudie magazine and imagining what the women on each page would do to you if they could move off the pages and start choking on your dick. But those that remember those dark times know the feeling.So it’s nice to see that even though video has basically killed print’s dominance in the porn industry, it...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Lost My Virginty With A Sex Godess

HI to all my readers, i am from kolkata, west bengal. My name is RAGHU, i am 20 years old and i am a student of one of the best college from kolkata. I have a massive huge dick of 7” and it is 3.5” thick and my power for doing sex is very long lasting. I am fair,good-looking and handsome too. I am always happy to be a friend of a widow, unsatisfied girls and bhabhis. Any one from kolkata can contact me on my email , i am also on fb same email id. Today i am going to describe my 1st sex...

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Like Mother Like Son 16

************************* Chapter 16 ************************* Synopsis: Darren, aka Nancy, and his mom travel to Mexico to see some nice doctors. This is the final chapter of Like Mother Like Son. Mom was still asleep when I woke up, so I tried to be quiet as I got out of bed. I thought about the things she'd said the night before about being a monster. She was my mother and I loved her dearly, but she was right about being a monster. I thought about her as I picked...

4 years ago
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Hollywood Handsome excerpt 1

Andie has moved to the town to manage a new production facility. Jerry is the local “go to” man for any type of machinery fix. Jenny is the local nurse. Rufus is a partner in the local law firm and uses his position and money. ======================= Andie didn’t hear from Jerry during the following week, but she had been so busy at work that she didn’t have time to chase after him, anyway. On Monday though, her phone rang. She answered excitedly,...

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Master John finds his slave

Master John finds his slaveChapter 1    John hated going to weddings. They long since ceased to be fun anymore. He wandered over to the bar again as the singer from the band introduced the wedding party. John ordered a scotch..decided he needed a double instead and watched the party walking in. As he watched John wondered how long the couple would stay married. Longer than he had he decided. But almost everyones marriage lasted longer than his had. He knew deep down not to marry a vanilla girl...

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The IslandChapter 4

Was it the secret desire to meet the savage warrior again that made me go back to the cave of skulls? Or was it the urge to confront my irrational fears — after all, I had begun to study archeology and anthropology at the University, and neither the sight of human bones nor of human artifacts should send me tumbling into a panic. Or maybe it was simply the prospect of the endless months that I would have to spend enwombed in a cave, with nothing to do but keeping the body alive by ingesting...

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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 3 8211 Slutty Eldest Sister Fucked

Greeting everyone! Welcome back once again to the saga “The Nerd Hits back!” I hope you guys enjoyed the first two parts. If you haven’t read them then kindly read them because only then you will be able to follow up with the storyline. This is the third part of the installation. So here it goes. Enjoy and have a horny read! Avi was enjoying his cornflakes in the morning and his sister was down below giving him a sexy blowjob. He was having the time of his life. His sister, Natasha, who had...

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How a Craigslist ad made me the most popular man i

This is a fictional story! !!It happened 6 years ago. I was with the girl of my dreams, until one day, I came home from work 2 hours early. I hear my girlfriend squealing in pleasure. I'm thinking she's watching a porno. In the past, when I got off from work, I always caught her jilling off.As I slowly walk up the stairs, I hear her say, "Aww Yesss!!! Lick me right there, hon!!!" I bust the door open, and discover my girlfriend of 4 years being eaten out by another man. I fight the guy, in...

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Theory Of Relativity 8211 Part 1

This is one of the few incidents of awesomeness that I had experienced with my relatives over the last so many years. Having sex or exploring with relatives I a quite tricky business. You do not know what is going to happen and how people are going to react to it. More so because you wont be able to run away from them unlike other men you meet otherwise. im a 26 yr old now. 5’11” average built, drinking beer and staying away from home and eating out has had its toll on me now with a small cute...

Gay Male

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