Tasting Wine Part I free porn video

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Friday afternoon my one friend phoned me up, he told me that the local wine cellars would be recruiting help the next week for the harvesting season. I spent the weekend updating my CV and Monday morning the moment the offices for the cellars opened; I was there to hand in my documents. About two weeks later I got a call to come in for an interview, first off I was told that I was over-qualified for anything they had, then they started asking questions about my home, the hours I’m willing to work, if I have handed in my CV for any other work. After the interview the cellar manager shook my hand and thanked me for my time, I saw this as a bad sign and went home.

Imagine my surprise when my cellphone rang a week later and it turned out to be a call from the cellar, the person introduced herself as Martha Burnes, the vice-winemaker. She asked if I had any other job and when I said no, she said that I started on Monday. The next Monday I reported for duty, got pulled aside to sign a contract, get a security briefing, more papers to read through about the safety and security of the site, which had to be signed as well. It was no surprise when I got placed behind a computer, my supervisor a lady who had been working on the system for years, with her help I quickly got the hang of the program and the rest of the day was spent exploring the outside of the cellars, as there was nothing else to do.

I was checking out the tipping platforms with the receiving holes when I noticed a small figure in a lab coat struggling to carry two buckets with two ledgers under each arm. I hurried over and when I drew close I saw that it was a woman, now at 5’9” I’m not the tallest person around, but she was much shorter than me, around 4’7” or 4’8”. Her brown hair caught back in a ponytail and when she looked up at me, her brown eyes stood out clearly against her fair skin, she had a slight tan, but it was the type one gets during a vacation. The only part of her body I could really make out under the lab coat was her breasts, even though the coat was clearly too big for her, her breasts pushed the front buttons slightly open, under the hem of the coat I could make out her calves and the hiking boots on her feet.

“Hi, can I help you?”

She immediately placed down the two sealed buckets and straightened up, gathering the two ledgers,

“Yes please, if you could carry those?”

I had a few seconds to look at her face, while not model pretty, she had high cheekbones, full lips and a slender neck, her face had a slight bit of roundness to it, but I guess that was due to the fact that she was so short. I picked up the buckets, they were surprisingly light, but one would think that a person of her stature and on a wild guess, build, would struggle with the weight.

“Well lead on then.”

She led the way into the cellars and up a set of steel stairs to the second floor walkway, she pushed open a door and motioned me inside, it was some sort of storage room wedged in between four cement tanks over which there flowed water,

“Just place it down there next to the boxes.”

I placed the two buckets down and turned, giving her a smile,

“Thank you, I’m Martha.”

I shook the offered hand,

“It’s a pleasure, I’m Ryan.”

She snapped her fingers,

“The computer guy, they stuck you down at the weigh bridge.”

I nodded, actually surprised that she remembered,

“You almost came to work with me in the laboratory, but we got somebody with a bit more experience in that direction.”

I shrugged,

“Well the science part I only did back in school because it was either science or typing and I really didn’t want to become a secretary.”

She laughed,

“Well I have to go and get everything ready for tomorrow; I’ll see you around.”

She pulled the door closed and headed off for what had to be the laboratory; I retraced my steps back outside and continued my inspection of the cellars. The day passed without further incident, I saw Martha when she walked past the office every now and then, I also got time to get to know Ann, my supervisor, better. The next day my new knowledge of the system came to the test when the first loads of grapes came in, though it was not very busy, it was quite a steep learning curve when the work had to be done. During lunch I met the winemaker, also called Ryan and his fiancée Lucy, I realized that I should know these people since they lived in the same town as my parents, but I couldn’t recall ever seeing any of them before.

Once I got the hang of the system and the work, the days actually became boring since we only started with around ten loads a day, that meant ten loads in eight hours, they usually came in three or four at a time, so I had a lot of free time, which I spent tinkering around on the system, getting to learn more about it. By Friday I had set up the program to give a spreadsheet diagram of the grapes that came in, how much tons it was and at which times it came in, I of course didn’t want to get into trouble so I kept quiet about it, I had no idea if it was allowed or not, since I did re-write some of the program.

The following week we went from ten to fifteen loads a day, yet there were still hours of sitting around, it seemed that now that everything was busy, Martha had more time. She came around to the office, chatting with us as we worked, one day she came around without the lab coat and I was stunned, she wore a light brown shirt, with the cellars’ name on it and khaki shorts. She had a lithe build; a body most athletes would kill for, the only part of her that did not fit her body was her breasts. They jutted out against the shirt, the buttons straining to keep her shirt closed, yet one got a few glimpses of her white bra.

It took me quite an effort to look at her face when she spoke to me and not her very impressive chest. Two days later I met her husband, Vern, he also worked for the cellars, but he was some sort of consultant and was on the road most of the time. The funny thing was that he was only an inch taller than Martha; I could see why most people poked fun at the two of them behind their backs. I started to see more of Martha as things started to get busier, I heard after the second week that she actually had to work on some of her own wine for the yearly competition between cellars and if the wine won there, it would compete internationally.

The times became quite hectic at peak time, we started at seven in the morning and usually I stopped working between one and two the next morning. Of course people started to get grumpy with the lack of sleep, but it was in this time that Martha seemed to seek out my company more and more. She spent her lunch times with me, when she had a free moment she came to the office to talk to me, even I it was just about some small thing like which sample looked bluer than the other. Ann always sat at her desk and watched us, a cryptic smile on her lips, she once wiggled her eyebrows at me and of course I had no idea what to make of it.

During the second week of peak time, Martha started to complain, mostly about her husband being away, but her hours and the winemaker’s demands on her time came in a close second. I always listened, yet never offered any advice as I had no idea what would help or how the whole system worked. What did make me feel sorry for her was the fact that she didn’t even get to see her husband during weekends as she still had to work, while I luckily had the Saturday and Sunday off. Things quickly came to a head the next week, she plopped down in the chair next to Ann’s desk, Ann was out to get some papers faxed and I was busy with a load that was on the bridge,

“You know Ryan, this is bullshit.”

I paused momentarily and looked over at her, she had dark circles under her eyes, no make-up at all and a few strands of hair hung in her face, the golf t-shirt she wore was one of the cellar’s as was the black shorts, her lab coat hung open and for a second my gaze lingered on her breasts which strained against the t-shirt,

“What is?”

I went on with my work and gave the load ticket to the runner to take up to the grader, the truck pulled off of the bridge and the next one came on,

“My husband finally makes it home this weekend, but I have to be here the whole Saturday.”

I took the ticket from the runner and started to enter the information,

“Why must you be here the whole Saturday? Don’t you usually come in a few hours for your tests and stuff?”

She sighed,

“The tankers start to run on Saturday and I have to handle it.”

I glanced at her as I waited for the ticket to get processed,

“Well can’t somebody else do it?”

She first shook her head, then chewed on her lower lip, her eyes narrowing a bit,

“Yes somebody can…would you do it?”

I filled in the ticket and gave it to the runner,

“Yeah sure, it can’t be that hard.”

She got up,

“Great! Let me see if I can organize it with Mr Heyman, I’ll get back to you.”

I nodded and took the next ticket, at that moment thinking more about the extra money than anything else. She left and I went on with my work, lunch time Martha came into the office, a sunny smile on her pretty face,

“It’s sorted; the hours will be seen as overtime, but once the last tanker leaves you can go home.”

I nodded at the news,

“Well then, that means you can just pop in to show me how it works and then have a nice weekend.”

She came over and hugged me tightly, her breasts pressing against me as I returned the hug, as she pulled away she kissed my cheek,

“You are the best, you have no idea what this means to me.”

I smiled at her,

“I’m sure I don’t.”

The week practically flew, Friday came and went in a flurry and as I packed up my stuff, Martha came by the office,

“Don’t forget about tomorrow Ryan.”

I nodded,

“I’m pretty sure my alarm will wake me up, same time right?”

She nodded,

“The first tanker will be here just past seven, so I will make sure that I’m here as well to show you the ropes.”

I smiled at her and slung my bag over my shoulder,

“Well then, see you tomorrow.”

The next morning I clocked in at seven, it was eerie to be there while there was almost no other of the crews about, the only door which was open, the one for the taste and sales office. I switched everything on and leaned back into my chair, I knew I would rather be home in bed, but the extra money would be welcome. The door opened a few minutes later and Martha came in, looking a little upset about something, but smiled when she saw me sitting there,

“Hey, glad you made it.”

She came over to me and I moved aside when she leaned over my desk to use my computer, she showed me how to weigh in the tankers, add what they would be loading, take the seal numbers that they will use, weigh them out and print the triplicate which they would have to take one of and the rest was for the cellar’s records. She had a light peach smell to her and her hair seemed still damp, the first tanker came in a few minutes later and she let me go through the steps, after the week’s work, this was a breeze and she left me on my own after that. It was about lunch time when Martha came back into the office, she held up a lunch box,

“I didn’t see your bag, so I guessed you forgot?”

It dawned on me that she was right,

“Yes I have forgotten.”

She grinned,

“Well that means we can share then, this is way too much for me.”

Something was different about her attire, it was a black shirt and beige cargo pants, but she has worn it before. She pulled a chair up to my desk and placed the box down, pulling open the lid in the same motion, inside was two sandwiches and a few slices of meat. From the bottom pockets of her pants she drew out two cans of cooldrink,

“I noticed you drink diet Coke, so I got two, one for you and one for me.”

I chuckled,

“You really thought of everything.”

I glanced at my watch,

“Shouldn’t you be home though?”

She sighed and placed the two cans down next to the lunch box,

“Vern phoned me last night, their flight got delayed, so he decided to stay.“

That explained the upset look earlier on,

“I’m sorry and now I’m here, costing you guys more money.”

She shrugged,

“At least I have company and you’re freeing up a lot of my time, so I get to finish up some of my admin work as well.”

The shrug made me see what was different about her attire, the top two buttons were undone, I’ve been forcing myself to not stare at her breasts, yet there they were, or at least a sizeable amount of them were on display. I quickly looked away and ran a hand through my hair, then I looked back at her and smiled,

“Glad to be of assistance, as long as I help I’m happy.”

I was not sure if she was aware of the buttons being undone, but I wasn’t going to point it out to her, it would make me look like some freak that checks up married women. Lunch went quite well and yes I did sneak a few more peaks at her very lovely cleavage, she left and came back when the last tanker left, the buttons were buttoned up again,

“You’re done?”

I nodded as I waited for the computer to shut down,

“Let me buy you a drink, you know Rosie’s?”

Rosie’s was a pub where you got the best meals for cheap and the drinks wasn’t that expensive either. I nodded at the question,

“Yeah I know Rosie’s.”

She smiled,

“Great, then I’ll see you there.”

With that she turned away and left before I could voice any objection, not that there was any to begin with. So I followed of course, leaving the locking up to the security guard, I was using my father’s old bike, it was no modern day superbike, but was quite a hit with the more “old school” crowd with the styling and old engine it had. The drink turned into a few and it became quite late before we left the pub, she sure wasn’t very steady on her feet and made very certain to have an arm around my waist and holding on tightly. I knew there was various ways that this could go down, I mean with one of the shirt’s buttons undone on our way out of the pub and by the time she leaned against the SUV another button had become undone, there was very little keeping me from offering to drive her home…the only little detail was that ring on her finger.

The next week I didn’t get to see much of Martha, but it was one of the most hectic weeks I have ever had in my life, work wise. According to Ann it was the last peak week, after that we should have a nice four weeks of winding down and basically just picking up the scraps. Only it seemed that she was wrong, the following week was crazy as well and amidst this Martha came around again, especially lunch times. Turned out she had a huge fight with her husband the previous week and was just trying to sort it out, one of the speciality filtering machines broke down and she had to sort that out. It seemed like things was back to normal, the only extra that happened was the Saturday shifts, but it reflected well on my pay check so I had no problem with it.

Things finally started to slow down, actually it dropped from over two hundred loads a day to about fifty, it was a great thing, started to get more sleep and had more time at work. Martha made sure to be around as much as her wines and tests allowed her to be and I found that I have made a new friend. OK a very hot friend who seemed to lose her clothing the drunker she got, we went to the pub a few more times and I have to admit that by the end of the last week of the seasonal work, I knew that she had quite good taste in bras.

The following year I got into a small company, who did computer repairs, I kept contact with Martha and Ann. Martha seemed to get more and more frustrated, she had won at the cellars’ competition, won the national competition for a white semi-sweet and went to international where she came in third and judging from her texts, hubby couldn’t be at a single one of the award evenings as he was still running around between farms, giving advice and getting ground samples. Unfortunately for me the company folded, not from not getting their work done, which was my area, but because their overheads caught up with them. So one month before the next grape harvesting season and I was jobless again.

This time I didn’t need a heads-up, my phone rang and Martha just asked if I had a job, then offered me a temp job at the cellars again. Remembering the very good pay and the occasional perks, I eagerly accepted. Two weeks after the call I showed up, went through the same briefing and while I thought it would be back to the weigh bridge I was surprised when I was turned over to the small, but capable hands of Martha. She seemed very glad to have me and from day one she took it upon herself to teach me as much of the chemistry that I needed to know.

This meant that for those first two weeks we spent almost eight hours a day in a room in just each other’s company. As we worked I finally figured out that the spontaneity I had experienced the first year was not spontaneity at all, she was actively flirting with me. Very subtle of course, since the cellars was known to crack down hard on any kind of sexual harassment, not that I would have called myself harassed at all. I just continued as usual and when peak time hit, I was very well schooled in the laboratory’s work and functions.

Again days of little sleep and long hours hit us, but this time it was worse, now I had to wait for the last of the grapes to get processed and then I could go to work on the juices. I saw my room at the most three hours a day, luckily Martha was a very resourceful boss and I found that she had smuggled a camping bed into the storage room. We both worked long hours, but we also got in a few more hours’ worth of sleep a day on that camping bed. Saturdays I got to work with the tankers again, which led nine times out of ten to drinks at Rosie’s, of course I made sure that Martha never got too drunk, in fact I checked her drinking habits and I found that her staggering drunk every time was a ruse, she could never be that drunk. I was being played, it was part of a plan she obviously had, not that I was complaining, I loved looking at the various bras she wore on such evenings.

This obvious teasing had to come to a point though and boy what a point it came to, peak time was something in the past, Martha’s wines was coming along nicely and she came to work dressed with almost just enough, deep v-line tops, shorts which would fit on Lara Croft instead of an assistant-winemaker. She of course had the lab coat to cover up with, but in the lab it was a different story, she always moved around without the coat, or when she really had to wear it, she wore it. All of this and her continuous flirting really was taking a real toll on my inhibitions about her being married.

The second to last Saturday found me finishing the last tanker a bit earlier than usual, and like usual Martha came into the office just as the tanker drove out of the security gates. Only this time she didn’t banter, she just locked the door behind her and walked passed me to pull close the blinds, she turned towards me with a little mysterious smile on her lips,

“You are quite a hard guy to break, you know that?”

I was stunned,

“Break? What? What do you mean?”

She walked closer, shedding her lab coat, under it she wore one of the tops I like the most, it clung to her body and breasts, her nipples on proud display, along with it white shorts, she had only wore them once, but they had left a lasting impression as they clung to her hips and sexy ass. She came to stand in front of me, her one hand reached up to trace over my chest,

“Yes, you have been acting all gentleman like ever since we met, yet you have this strange way of making me want you more and more every time I don’t get through your defences.”

She smirked,

“So I took the liberty to see which outfits works for you and I know you love these. Even though you said nothing, your eyes told me all I needed to know.”

I could feel heat creeping up from under my collar and she smiled at me,

“Don’t worry Ryan, it is not bad at all.”

She grabbed hold of my shirt’s collar and pulled me down to her, her full lips meeting mine, opening slightly as she sighed into the kiss. I can proudly say that I did not kiss back for the first few seconds, but as she snaked a hand behind my head and her tongue teased my lips, I could not refuse her any longer. I slid my arms around her, pulling her against me as I kissed her back, her lips parting more and my tongue met her own. The one thing I wasn’t ready for, was her other hand, it grasped my cock through my shorts, it sent a jolt through me, but she held my head in place as her hand unzipped my shorts and slid inside.

Her breathing grew hotter as we kissed, her hand stroking my cock through my briefs, making it grow quickly. I slid my hands down her back to cup her ass in my hands, pulling her against me, trapping her hand between our bodies. Still her fingers didn’t stop their fondling, pretty soon my cock was aching to be released, my hands kneading the firm flesh of her ass. Finally she broke the kiss and stepped back, my hands sliding from her ass to her hips, she wasted little time in unbuttoning my shorts and pushing them down, her hands hooked my briefs, releasing my nine inch cock,

“Oh my…”

That reaction told me that her husband was built proportionately, question was, did she do this often? Her lips locked around the head of my cock and I looked down to find her bending over to suck my cock into her mouth. She was no slouch in this area that was for sure, she sucked, licked, slurped, nibbled and jerked on my cock like it was the last thing she would ever do. I undid my shirt’s top button and slipped it off, throwing it onto the chair as Martha kept sucking on my cock.

After a few moments of pleasure, I pulled my cock from her very talented mouth, pulling her to her feet; I started to undo her own shorts. I pushed it down her toned legs, a red thong revealed itself under the shorts, so I hooked my thumbs into the waist band and pulled it down as well, revealing her shaved pussy, her lips already glistening in the light of the fluorescent lights, a small landing strip leading straight towards her otherwise smooth pussy. I went on my knees and leaned in, her smell filling my nose as I ran my tongue over her lips, tasting her juices. I felt clothing slide over my back and glanced up to see her naked breasts dangling above me, she held them in her hands, pinching her own nipples.

I leaned back into her crotch, licking on her sweet pussy, eliciting soft moans from her with each sweep of my tongue. I used my hands to grab hold of her naked ass and kneading it as I kept licking her pussy, that along with her own actions on her nipples brought on an early orgasm, I knew this as she was moaning loudly, pressing my head against her groin and thrusting a suddenly sodden pussy into my face. When her body finally stopped convulsing and the pressure on my head lessened, I got to my feet. There was no question what was to follow, the question was more how it was going to happen, I answered that question quickly.

My hands was still on her tight ass, using that as leverage, I lifted her onto the desk, I slid my hands over her hips, down her legs and pushed them open, revealing her pussy to the light. She grabbed hold of my cock and as I stepped closer she guided it straight into her pussy. She leaned back, resting on her arms, her breasts pushed out proudly, her face contorted into a mask of pleasure as I shoved my cock deep into her soaking wet pussy. I was amazed at how tight she was, if it wasn’t for the orgasm or the amount of juices I would have had a difficult time getting this deep into her.

Grabbing hold of her hips, I pulled back and pushed back into her again, her muscles contracting around my cock and a loud groan issued from her lips. I leaned down and sucked one of her dark pink nipples into my mouth, rubbing my tongue over it as I nibbled gently on it, this brought more moans from her. I slid back and again stuck my cock deeper into her, feeling her cervix open up for me and the rest of my cock slid into her, making her cry out, whether it was pleasure, pain or maybe both I did not know.

I pulled back and slid back into her, keeping the pace slow and easy, giving her time to adjust to my cock inside of her and giving me more time to lick and suck on her marvelous breasts. She had little to no sag to them, they easily filled a 32D cup if not more, it was freakishly huge on her petite frame and I fucking loved it. Many women had to get implants to get tits this great, but these was clearly all natural and she loved the attention I gave them as I continued to work my cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy.

As the moments passed, my excitement grew and I started to thrust harder and faster inside of her, she only reached out to hold onto my shoulder as I nibbled, sucked and licked on her nipples, her tits bouncing with the rhythm of my groin slapping against her own. I slid my hands to her lower back, pulling her closer to the edge of the desk as my thrusts grew in power and speed, her moans for more fueling on the pleasure we both derived from our coupling.

She had her head thrown back, I’m pretty sure if anybody walked past the office, they would know that she was getting a shafting, her moans was filling the office and there was no mistaking them for what they were. She dug her nails into my shoulder as the convulsions in her pussy started to become more erratic, I could feel the pressure building up in the base of my cock and scant moments later her teeth sunk into my shoulder muscle, her arms wrapping around me as she screamed. The sudden tightness of her pussy as I pumped in and out of her did the trick and before I had a chance to react my cock convulsed and rope after rope of my cum erupted into her.

It took some time for us to come down from our orgasmic high, it took us a bit longer to disengage and get dressed, she didn’t say a word until she had her lab coat wrapped around herself again, she smiled broadly at me, pulled me down for a kiss and headed for the door,

“Thank you Ryan, that was just what I needed.”

She paused at the door and looked back at me as she unlocked it,

“You better get ready for more stress relief next week.”

With a cheeky smile she slipped out, leaving me behind, trying to figure out just how I have just ended up fucking a married woman.


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Feeling eyes on her Brenda looked over the rim of the glass of red wine she was drinking. She saw a couple of guys sitting at the bar, across from the corner table where she sat was a sultry redhead. Making eye contact with the woman she put the glass down and ran her tongue across her lips feeling the cool wine slide down her throat, not breaking the gaze she watched as the other woman stood up and walked over to her. Feeling a smile come to her she squeezed her thighs together, this could be...

1 year ago
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A Glass of Red Wine and a Red Bottom Too Part One

My regular meetings with Mrs. Taylor continued into the following year when I was in Sixth Form. Although I hadn’t chosen to do French, I had kept in contact with Wendy and we managed to see one another outside school every four to six weeks, depending whether or not her husband was home. I was spanked each time, having confessed to Auntie Wendy what I had failed to do over the previous few weeks or for admitting having misbehaved or for simply making things up. Generally, this was my admission...

3 years ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 16 I Give Kay Too Much Wine

"I don't know how that went Kay, but it didn't sound too bad from what I heard of the conversation." "It didn't go badly but it didn't go well either. The best thing I can say about it is there wasn't an absolute and immediately negative reaction. Mom's not happy; if she was she'd have let me know that. Since she didn't say anything about the arrangement I know it's bothering her but not how much, yet. Dad on the other hand is really bothered by it. He wants to think about it and...

3 years ago
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It Happened In The Winery Ch 02

Robby was tucking in his shirt when I pulled open the door of the winery. The second car we heard drive up had stopped, forcing us to get a move on. I don’t know how long we would have laid on top of the pallet of wine. I took a moment to brush off any dirt my t-shirt had accumulated while it was on the floor. Satisfied, I looked up to greet the new customers. Before I could shout, I heard Robby say quietly behind me, ‘I plan on continuing this tonight.’ Inwardly, I grinned. Outwardly, I...

2 years ago
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White Wine Concubine

White wine concubine!Bubbly, vivacious, out going, fun, pretty blond, 27 year old milf, big boobs, blue eyes and are words the could describe the wife Wendy on any normal day. Oh and while she is lovely she is not very bright - but hey she has the other attributes When she has had a drink, particularly white wine for some odd reason, one could add the words; daring, uninhibited, up for anything, promiscuous and little or no self restraint.They have been married 5 years and her husband Steve...

1 year ago
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A Night in the Cabin Some Wine and Our New Friend

Recently my wife Sue and I enjoyed a short vacation in a lovely lake front home secluded in the woods. Earlier in the year some friends had booked the home through a rental agency however due to one of their parent’s health issues they asked if we would consider taking their week as they could not make it. After looking at pictures of the quaint home we agreed and the agency had no problems with the arrangement considering the circumstances.We also thought this would be a great opportunity...

2 years ago
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Pearls Before Wine

Queen Fanura smiled wryly as she looked up from the parchment in her hand. The messenger who brought it offered to interpret it into her language, but she had no need of translation. She read and spoke Corthon almost as well as she did her own Nurian. Her mother, who had been Queen before her, had seen to that by giving her the son of a Corthon warrior, one of her mother's many lovers, as her playmate. When she was twelve, she had taken him to her bed and made him her first boy slave. "Our...

4 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 22 The White Witch of Walden Wine and Murder

When I returned, the sun was low in the western sky. I'd given them enough time. Now, I was going to have all the answers to my questions, one way or the other. Once again, just as my life was beginning to follow some sort of badly needed routine, it had been turned topsy-turvy. Tonight, I was going to know why. Dee had outdone herself in the kitchen. Both she and Brenda came to kiss me when I entered, while Willie simply stood and blushed at the open display of affection. Brenda had...

4 years ago
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Playing with wine bottles

Object ConfessionsLet's get this out of the way right up front - any woman can have any guy she wants. So this isn't about whether or not I can get a guy or have sex with a guy. No man I've ever met is going to turn down pussy or ass, and if he does then either a gal is doing it wrong or his interests are invested in other men. And a lot of gals do it wrong, or get all messed up in their head over "Is it love?" and "Is it a LTR?" and other crap - and none of that has a thing to do with...

2 years ago
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Red Wine Romance

As she sat across from him at the beautiful candle lit table she could hardly believe it had been eight wonderful months since she had first met the amazing creature that set opposite of her. The last months had been the most wonderful time of her life, she had never felt so relaxed, open and herself with anyone. Now here they were, having a wonderful romantic dinner to celebrate. As she started to rise from the table, he said, ‘wait’, and reached for her glass of wine, he pored more of the...

3 years ago
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Kisses Sweeter Than Wine

My name's Alexander Nwabudikae Morgan Sexton and way too many of my male friends think I'm a damn lucky son of a gun. When I turned 21 I was struck by the Sexton Family Curse: my lips and tongue taste like the best red wine in history to any woman whom I willingly kiss that has ever tasted a red wine before: and will get them drunk like it too. You'd have thought that would be a blessing, but it's not, oh boy, it's not! Just for starters, sure, girls throw themselves at me looking for a free...

3 years ago
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Fine Italian Wine Chapter 01

Sherri spotted him in the receiving line. There he was, standing out like an African Adonis. He was moving slowly towards her. Sherri held her breath. She had to meet him! “Sherri! Sherri! I’m talking to you.” Sherri’s mind snapped out of her dreamy fog. It was her sister, Veronica. It was her wedding. In fact, it was Veronica’s third wedding. “I need you to find papa. I can’t find him,” Veronica said. “I’ll check on him!” Sherri said. She knew where he would be. She found him in his...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Visit Wine and Panties

A true story with changed names that happened at our house on Monday, June 3, 2019.My wife and I arrived home from work and decided to enjoy the nice weather sitting on our back porch drinking wine. Into our second glass a neighbor stopped by to chat and we invited him to join us. Somehow, the evening had gone from 6:30 to 11 pm. We had also managed to drain four bottles of wine between us. I looked over to see my wife was no laying across the patio couch with her sundress riding up. She had...

2 years ago
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Wine and Roses

Friday night traffic on the Interstate was at a crawl, and it looked as though I would be later than usual getting home. It was shaping up to be a less than perfect ending to a less than perfect week.Things had looked bright enough on Monday morning, and it seemed like I would have a good week of sales. But, on Monday afternoon, an appointment for a large account was indefinitely postponed, and things went straight downhill from there. It was a Murphy’s Law kind of week punctuated with car...

2 years ago
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Fine Older Wine

Last October, a group of friend and I went to The Central Coast G****s and Grains Festival. We tried all sorts of beers and by mid afternoon I had a light buzz going and decided to try something more. Going to the wine section, I started tasting the different red wines at various booths. Jokeing with all the tasters and haveing a great time. At one of the local booths another taster bumped into me almost spilling her wine on my tee shirt. "whoops, you almost got me!" looking up at I saw a...

2 years ago
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Days of Wine and Roses

We were walking near the shoreline along a sandy trail. It was summer and my family was staying at a rented house in a town on the Texas coast. Janie was a girl I met the first day we were there. She was short pixie of a raven haired girl. She was staying the next house over from us. She was the same age as me.This was the first summer after I started college and I was on vacation from school. So was she. Even though we were not twenty-one yet we had been able to get an older guy to buy us some...

2 years ago
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Getting Some Wine

You're going for wine and you know exactly what we both want you to do. You're in a very short dress and a thong. I'm at work dying to hear how it went. When you get there he's checking out one customer and he looks at you as you enter the store. You push up your sunglasses and smile nicely at him. He likes it and smiles back. You stroll the aisles until he's done at the register. You see him walk over towards you and you have butterflies in your stomach. He's tall and lean and black. ...

2 years ago
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Of Wine And Pearls

The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently.We had to go because Amy was getting a 10-year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I’m average height and weight, in my 40s and I wear my curly auburn hair at my shoulders. I would have looked stupid trying to dress as if I was 30, so I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting...

4 years ago
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SRU Wine

SRU Wine BY Bashful Darrell Singleton was lonely and depressed. He always got this way around the beginning of December. The start of the holiday party season. He was a nice enough looking guy and his friends and co-workers liked Him, but he didn't get out much. He was shy, especially in large groups and around women. It had always been that way. This year, he was determined to do things differently. He was going to learn to mix with people and maybe find himself a...

4 years ago
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A Wine bottle and a Sex act

Not a sexy start nor words to want to make you read on, but I really do wonder about some men who hang-out in sex chat rooms and try to come across like they just accidentally stumbled-in and are deeply shocked at what they read.If you visit an establishment that has to do with male and female sexual interaction, then come in with an open mind and don't be embarrassed about masturbating, I do it and I am a girl, I talk dirty and expect the guys to say dirty things, like they want to stick it in...

1 year ago
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TGT Red Red Wine

Red, Red Wine A "Twisted Glenn" Tale by Trinity Podryn sat at the bar of the Crimson Hen and tried to drown his worries with ale. He was an unassuming lad, shorter than most yet heavier than some, and his brown hair was currently flopping any way it felt. He was dressed like a typical squire, leather boots with sturdy cloth pants and a tunic that looked like it had seen some time. The Hen was a tavern typical to the forested villages of Twisted Glen, mwith wood beams...

1 year ago
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The Wine Festival Part 1

It all started with my plans for the weekend blowing up in my face. On Friday morning everything I had been looking forward to was shot in the ass either by being cancelled or postponed so I was left with a boring weekend in site. I grabbed the paper and tried to find something, anything to do. It was so lean that the best I could find was a wine festival in the mountains. Me, at a fucking wine festival. Shit I don’t even like wine but oh well, might as well make the best of it so Sat morning...

3 years ago
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The Wine Cellar

Somewhere in the ether between the conscious and surreal, Katherine awakes with a start. Her nightclothes cling to her body with a soft sheen of perspiration. Is it the humid summer night or perhaps something more feverish? Chaotic imagery flashes through her thoughts. She recalls wild dreams in restless sleep. In bare feet and wispy gown, Katherine pads across the large Elizabethan manor house. Her attire is hardly appropriate outside her bed chamber, but no one should be awake at such an...

1 year ago
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The wine tasting SIL domination part 3

So, football season is here, and I am paying back my SIL for allowing me to cum on the 4th of July. All good....loving it actually. I am out doing some contract work when I get a call from Linda. She is at wok in her salon and I wonder what she could want. "Hi Ty, I am having a wine tasting at my house this evening and I know you know wine and have all the appropriate glassware......could you come over and be our sommelier?" "I think I am free, Let me check with Sarah". Linda comes back with "...

2 years ago
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Aged like fine wine

Unusual experiences are hard to forget. The howling Canadian man, was he a GRANDPA? My experience with GRANDPA s has been that they play hard to get initially but once they come around they are the most PASSIONATE. Howling is a first though. Did he shoot a LARGE load? My experience with a GRANDPA in his late 60s was very interesting. I went wine tasting in NAPA and I saw that he liked to talk about the wine a lot. I was a novice back then. He spoke at length about his wine collection. He was...

3 years ago
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Old Wine Is The Best Wine

I am writing down my experience with 63 year old Lady with whom sex was one of the best-thing It ever happened.Little intro about myself, I am an Indian Origin, 6ft 2inch in height, average size tool, 6inch & 2.75 inch thickness with large mushroom head. This is a lady of 63 year age (40:32:38 Stats) who was my regular customer named Doreen (Name Changes for security Purpose) at the shop where I worked. I think this is enough of intro let me come to the real part.In those days I used to...

1 year ago
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Wine Cake And Sex With A Married Woman

Hello everyone. This is D here and this incident happened a few months back. I have recently started reading erotic stories here and I felt like I should share my experience too. I had never been with an older woman. For the most part of my Adult life, I had a girlfriend. If I broke up with someone, it wouldn’t be long before I got into another relationship. So I really never planned or neither was there an opportunity to be with an older woman. It all changed when Payal came along. We met at a...

2 years ago
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I am writing this chapter with an inflated, vibrating buttplug secure up my ass. It is lubricated with Ben Gay. I also have a tight spring-loaded clothespin on each of my sensitive and very responsive nipples, to bring out my feminine responses. Finally, I am locked in my CB 6000 chastity cage so that I won’t jerk off until this is finished. It is a tribute to Sylvia who, unfortunately, now is a Domme in the Sky. Sylvia always had perverse medical fantasies as far back as she was a little girl....

3 years ago
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Old Wine Is The Best Wine

Hi to everyone specially the matured Women, Divorced Ladies, Widow Women. This Is London Boy. I am narrating this true incident happened in my life back in 1997, where I was only in late teens & early twenties. As I am regular visitor of ISS and enjoyed quiet few stories. After so long I am writing down my experience with 63 year old Lady with whom sex was one of the best-thing It ever happened. Little intro about myself, I am an Indian Origin, 6ft 2inch in height, average size tool, 6inch &...

1 year ago
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The Wine Cellar

Somewhere in the ether between the conscious and surreal, Katherine awakes with a start. Her nightclothes cling to her body with a soft sheen of perspiration. Is it the humid summer night or perhaps something more feverish? Chaotic imagery flashes through her thoughts. She recalls wild dreams in restless sleep. In bare feet and wispy gown, Katherine pads across the large Elizabethan manor house. Her attire is hardly appropriate outside her bed chamber, but no one should be awake at such an...

3 years ago
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Dianne And The Girls Go Back To The Wine Bar

It had been suggested that the four female friends from work go to the local wine bar on Tuesday evening after work but Dianne Jones, aged fifty-three, was unsure about the wisdom of her doing so. It was not that she did not get on with the other women, Sheila and Mary, who were in their forties and Kim, who was in her twenties; it was because of who else would probably be there.The other three women did not know about what had happened, but when the four women had been at the wine bar the...

1 year ago
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Of Wine and Pearls

The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently. We had to go, because Amy was getting a 10 year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting use later in the evening. Amy wore her little black dress, which makes my pussy wet whenever I see her in it. God that woman is HOT! I suspect she...

3 years ago
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Much Sweeter Than Wine

Eric groaned as consciousness forced itself upon him once more. Pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd ended up naked, in bed, and feeling as if he'd been force fed to a trash compactor. Not bad for his first night back home. Of course, the sad thing was he hadn't even gone out drinking. Not that he could recall, at any rate. In fact, now that he thought about it, the only thing he remembered drinking last night was a glass of wine from...

2 years ago
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Red Wine Kisses

If I close my eyes, I can see her face and the sultry smile that warmed the coldest of days. If I concentrate, I can feel her skin, run fingertips over its silky smooth surface and smell the light floral fragrance that lingers upon it. And, as I conjure that fragrance, I recall the heat of her body and the electric tingle that arced between us when we kissed. Romilly. I need her, I want her, and if I close my eyes…“Mum!”Snapped back to reality, I see Emma standing, hands on hips, one eyebrow...

3 years ago
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Christine and Wine

“Hey Justin*.” I returned the smile and removed my sunglasses, “Well, well if it isn’t my favourite sales lady, hey Christine, how is things?” She chuckled at my half-compliment, “Not too bad, business is slow though.” I nodded my head, placed my helmet on the counter and leaned on my arms next to it, “Yeah I hear you, having a slow time myself.” Christine is almost ten years my senior, after her divorce I’ve been flirting regularly with her, but never actually tried to...

2 years ago
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Wine and The Husband of my Sisters Best Friend

Steve was the husband of the best friend of my sister, Jenn. I always did my best to keep my relationships professional and platonic, especially when it came to my family and family friends. There is an old saying that “familiarity breeds contempt” and while I was not as familiar with Steve as I would like to have been, our casual run-ins in our community, always spiked my interest in Steve, even though I knew he was married. Steve had a vivid interest in photography and he was good at it. I...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary part 11 Burgundy Wine and MoonlightDate Night

Dear Diary, How did I get here. Someone please pinch me. I was asked on a date from a real sweet guy I met online a while ago. I didn't know what to make of it all and got swept up into an electric current pulling me into the unknown. I have always been drawn to the idea of dating a guy but I never in my wildest dreams thought it would actually happen. I've only ever dated girls before so when Dalton asked me to a date, I was as excited as I was petrified. He expected me to be the...

1 year ago
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Sarah and the Wine Cellar

SARAH AND THE WINE CELLAR        Sarah?s curvy young figure looked incredible stretched out over what I had affectionately begun calling ?The Rack.?  It was actually the rim to a tractor?s large rear wheel, half of which I had buried in the earthen floor of the old wine cellar, leaving a wide, arching steel band exposed.        Though modest, it served admirably in arching Sarah?s back, stretching out sexy young body against her will.  Arranged at the corners of a square perimeter around the...

4 years ago
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Killing Malomar Twine

Jack and I had gotten away with the perfect murder, so why did I feel so shitty? And, as Jack had said, "The bitch deserved it!" She did, if anyone did, so why did I feel so shitty? The police were at a complete dead end, no closer now to solving it then they were last week. So why did I feel so shitty? I just did, is all. Perhaps the fact that I don't go around killing people, whether they need it or not, as a general practice, figures in somehow. I'm funny that way about killing people....

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 14 Swine and Dine

The eating and drinking, mostly the drinking went on well into the early morning hours. As the guest of honor I had to remain of course until the very last guest finally left, was carried away or slipped under the tables. It was always windy on Nilfeheim, now during the height of Shortsummer less than usual but a sudden surge of wind made me turn and I saw the enormous ship slowly climb into the sky! Even though I knew about Arti grav, our fliers used it. To see such an enormous object defy...

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The Stranger At The Wine Bar

You stroll down the narrow streets of the old town, popping into various shops along the way. The client conference is finally over and you are stressed out and exhausted. Eight hours of meetings followed by photo editing late into the night have you completely worn out. You think that a bit of casual boutique shopping might help clear your head and help you relax.Strangely enough, as tired as you are, you are feeling quite pent up as well. You’ve fought to suppress a dull ache in your clit for...

1 year ago
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Mom Wine and a Scary Movie0

"Mom, I got straight A's!" he says as her question snaps him back to reality. "That's great, let's celebrate! I'll order a pizza and we can order a movie. What would you like to watch?" "Something scary." Billy yells as he runs up to his room to change out of his school clothes while Mary scrolls through the movies and orders something recommended before checking on the laundry. Its not long before the the pizza arrives and Mary joins Billy on the couch, very full glass of wine,...

2 years ago
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A Bottle of Damson Wine

The deep red of the wine in the goblet caught the sun and reflected red into the air. You looked deep into the Damson and touched it to your lips allowing the heavy sweet liquor to soothe your throat. Sighing you looked about the field of long grass and wept due to loneliness. You a daughter of a humble crofter had married the lord of the manor but he was an old man and you a passionate woman who sought a love you could not have. He delighted in dressing you in the costliest silks and fabrics....

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