Killing Malomar Twine! free porn video

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Jack and I had gotten away with the perfect murder, so why did I feel so shitty? And, as Jack had said, "The bitch deserved it!" She did, if anyone did, so why did I feel so shitty? The police were at a complete dead end, no closer now to solving it then they were last week. So why did I feel so shitty?

I just did, is all. Perhaps the fact that I don't go around killing people, whether they need it or not, as a general practice, figures in somehow. I'm funny that way about killing people. Even slimeball bitches.

I looked at the clock. Jack would be here in thirty minutes. I had time to get one more drink under my belt before I had to listen to his rah-rah bullshit again. His pep talk, so to speak. His, "We've got nothing to worry about, so relax, old fart. The cops are looking for a guy who doesn't exist. With DNA from a man who died ten years ago. So, lighten up, for crissakes, before you have a friggin' heart attack." I could hear it now and quote it verbatim if I had to.

If only I had resisted his usual jackass bullshit on that fateful day. But I was too fucking stupid, or too fucking horny! Horny! Yeah, for a piece of Malomar Twine!

Malomar Twine! What a woman! She made all other women, including my darling wife, Angie, look like Ben Franklin by comparison. Malomar was the epitome of feminine sexuality. The be all and end all, if you will. And I will!

She topped out at 5' 7" tall, with a set of sculpted, long legs on her that looked as if Michaelangelo had spent his entire life drawing them until he got it perfect. Add long, ash blonde hair and the bluest eyes you've ever seen to the mix and the picture's getting even sweeter to look at.

But don't stop there, no sirree, buddy! Put some nice breasts on that puppy. And not your run-of-the-mill boobs, either, but those kind of titties that make most men drool all over themselves just thinking how those beauties would feel like to the tongue. Picture, if you will, the most perfect breasts you've ever seen in any copy of Penthouse or Playboy, then triple it! Fuck, quadruple the equation.

While were on this add-to-it tack, put some wide, flaring hips on Malomar. Those hips the old time wives would say are built for child bearing. Or, as the old time men would say: Built for holding onto as you pound her beautiful fucking ass into the mattress.

Got the picture, fella? If not, friend, you need a blood transfusion. Stat!

Yeah, Malomar Twine. I'd secretly had the hots for her from the first day I laid my old peepers on her. Shit, I can't count how many times I thought of her while fucking Cindy. I would even squint my eyes and pretend it was Malomar's perfect bubble-butt ass I was doggy-style humping to beat the band instead of my wife's nice, but average-like little heinie.

But that was then and this is now. If only I hadn't listened to Jack on that fateful day. If only I hadn't such hots for Malomar Twine. If only I had listened to the little voice in my head that warned about cheating on the marriage. If only...

THE PARTY was in mid-swing and Cindy had asked me to refresh her drink, her usual rum and coke. I passed Malomar Twine on the way to the kitchen and, as always, felt that old stirring in the old crotcheroony.

In the kitch, I bumped into my old pal, Jack Spratt, as he fetched his wife, Loretta, a refill.

Yeah, I know, he's got a funny name. Rhymes with fat. And if Jack hadn't heard every possible fat and lean reference people can come up, well, he ain't heard a one. I approached him from behind as he was putting some ice cubes into a glass.

"Hey, Jack," I said. "You bartendering? I'll have a rum and coke, and while you're at it, throw in a Scotch on the rocks, splash of soda with a twist of carefully sliced lemon. And be quick about it, man, as I've got a big thirst comin' on." He spun around, grinning. That grin of his! Every time he laid it on me, I thought of a canary. Sometimes it was Tweety Bird. In Sylvester's big, old cat mouth.

"Yow, it's Artsy Fartsy," he said, then whispered. "The man who hasn't had a decent blowjob in six years!" Shit, I never should have told him Cindy hated oral sex and had performed it on me just one time, on our wedding night, six years ago. She had been way tipsy and way overfed. And, when I came in her mouth, surprising her, well, shit, she upchucked an entire meal all over my crotch. Filet mignon, roast potato, carrots and peas. Colorful, even on a groin area.

I would have stood for all the upchucking if Cindy had just kept doing that magical shit to me, but, as she put it, "That's it! I'm never doing that nasty thing ever again! See? It made me sick, Arthur." Hell, Cindy, throw up on me, I don't care. That's the reason showers were invented in the first place. Dontcha know?

"What's new, Jack, besides your neverending fascination with ball-busting me?"

"Relax, old top, just funning. But as to what's new... " He grinned, an especially wide one, even for him. Then he whispered in a very conspiratorial tone, "You know Malomar Twine? Sure you do, you fucking lech! Well, old crumpet, I've tagged her!" He grinned again, his eyes bright.

"Tagged her?" Sometimes I have a senior moment. Even at forty two. For some strange reason, an animal's ear was in my head. You know, where they tag them and let the loose in the wilds.

"Schmuck! I've been fucking her, old fungus! For weeks now. And you know all those perverted fantasies you have in your head about her? Well, fuck it, old twerp, cross 'em out and start all over! This bitch invented sexual heaven!"

As Jack grinned once more, I could see Malomar Twine out in the living room. She was conversing with that old, bald fart, Dexter Drake, the president of our town's only bank. While Malomar chatted at him animatedly, I could see old Drake had a small tent in his trousers. And his upper lip was covered in a shiny layer of perspiration. He also looked quite demented. And horny, if that's how staid bankers look when their excited about anything other than money.

And, I hate to admit it, but, even at this distance, I had the start of my own woody. She'll do that to a guy, even an ex-choir boy like myself. I shifted my eyes back on Jack. He was adding soda to my drink. I guess he was the barman, after all.

He handed me the drink. "You forgot the lemon, Jerk!" I took a sip. "But anyway, Jack, tell me more about this Malomar lie of yours. I'm all ears, Sylvester." This reference went over his head, as it should have, but he did correct the lemon oversight by quickly slicing a chunk off one and plopping into my drink.

"Well," Jack began. "I was on the road one evening and... " Jack stopped. Drake had just walked in, two stubby drink glasses leading him. He was obviously fetching a refill for Malomar. He had a look on his puss that said he had high hopes of making a small deposit this fine night in the First National Malomar Bank.

We both helloed old Drake and then Jack took me by the arm and led me out the kitchen's back door for some backyard privacy. I was eager to hear his tale.

"As I was saying, I'm on the road, right? Well, I come across sweet ass Malomar. With a rear flat, in fact. Anyway, to make it short, the brazen hussy says that if I can find it in me to fix her wheel, she'd find me in her! Just like that, but with a wink thrown in just to make it all the clearer.

"And, old foghorn, just to make sure even a dunce like me got her meaning, she ups and throws both arms around my neck. And plants one right on me! Right there on the fucking road."

"No shit?" My woody was saying hello to me again.

"No shit! Scout's honor and all. Well, of course I said OK. Who the fuck wouldn't? After fixing her flat, we went to her place. Nice apartment over on Kenway Street. Well, as you can probably guess, old curmudgeon, I was all over her ass! Like a fucking teenager who's just found out his girlfriend's titties are for real and are now available to him.

"Man, I groped her and pinched her and pulled on her and you name it, I did it. I hadn't been that fucking hot in thirty years, if even then." Oh, yeah, woody was talking up a storm at me. I could see Jack had a similar problem caused, no doubt, in reliving that first night with Malomar.

"And, old tire iron, if you think she's mouth-watering in a tight knit dress, well, baby, in the buff, holy mother of God, she'd raise the dick of a castiron statue!"

I saw through the kitchen window that old Drake had taken his deposit elsewhere and Malomar was now chatting amiably with another horny fucker, Charlie Payne, owner of Payne's Messenger Service. Payne kept shooting glances in the direction of his frowzy-looking wife, May, who was glaring at him from the sofa. Jack had said something.

"... figuring this could be a one-shot deal, I put her through the all the paces. I had her blow me, I ate her pussy, I fucked her missionary, then her on top, me from behind and a few new positions I think I invented on the spot. And, old fruit, I had to think of every fucking baseball game I'd ever seen, from Abner Doubleday's birth all the way to the present, just to keep from popping my cork too soon! It was tough as hell, I'll tell you!" I could imagine.

"She actually blew you?" I was now looking through the window and squinting my eyes to focus them on Malomar's luscious and pouty lips. Oh, man, I thought, her fat bottom lips would have me cumming so fast baseball wouldn't have a chance. I had new admiration for Jack's tenacity.

"Oh, yeah, old watch fob, and she deep-throated my old schlong, too! Right down to the fur! All eight inches of it! No shit! No lie! She gives new meaning to the term cocksucker! And, old nutsack, it was pure hell not to unload in that fucking lusciously soft mouth of hers! Pure unadulterated fucking hell!" I knew exactly what he meant. So did the insistent wooden thing now poking my trousers.

In case you're wondering why Jack uses so many old thing this and old thing that, well, the fucker has watched way too many Britcoms for his own good. Dumb fucker now thinks he was born in Liverpool and not Brooklyn, New York.

"And fucking her, old sot, is something else, too! I don't know what it is, but her pussy is different from your ordinary house pussy. It sucks on your cock just like a hot, wet mouth would, squeezing away at you and nibbling on it. Un-fucking-real, I'll tell you! It's like putting your dick into the hottest, wettest, grabbiest pussy your mind can conjure up. And when I finally let loose in her, man, she used her internal muscles to vacuum me dry! Un-fucking-real!" Like my If-I-Don't-Cum-And-Cum-Soon-I'm-Gonna-Make-You-Very-Sick woody was right now. Un-fucking-real!

Jack chuckled at me. "Yeah, old whippersnapper, I see your fucking tent! Shit, old codger, I think they can even see it from one of those space satellites! Shame, shame!" He grinned again.

"Blame your vivid tale-telling, Jack. And the fact that Malomar is now hotly whispering into Payne's left ear." I pointed toward the kitchen window. Jack looked and said, "I'll bet poor Payne's woodied up, too, right now. Look! He is!" Yep, Payne was, no denying it. He had a visible tent, a fierce one, on his right pant's leg. That Malomar! What chance did the Paynes of the world have against such a creature?

"I'll also bet, old pissant, every fucking guy in your house is on a woody. Shit, you should name this place, the way rich people name their second homes. You could call it Arthur's House of Wood!" He laughed. "No! Even better! Call it Chez Malewood! A lot classier, dontcha think? Like something out of an old English novel." Now I laughed. Chez Malewood, indeed. But I knew he had a point. I had seen more than one male in full tent tonight, no doubt caused by Malomar's mere presence.

Jack was back on his story. "Well, hoping she was real appreciative for my flat-fixing effort, I wanted to tag her again as a night cap, but she said she had to get up early. Which, in a way, while disappointing, meant I could get home, late as hell all ready, to the little lady I so loosely call wife. But Malomar told me she had enjoyed it and wouln't mind a rematch, her word for it. So, right then and there, we made a date for the very next day.

"Oh, her bed has a mirrored ceiling no less. What fun that is, I'll tell you. But anyway, I've tagged her six times since that first night. Each time getting wilder and wilder. The bitch is unsatiable when it comes sex. And downright animalistic. She yells, moans, groans and goes absolutely fucking ballistic when she cums! Ball-fucking-istic!

"She even likes to watch fuck films at the same time, something I've tried a zillion times to do with Loretta... to no fucking avail. Loretta thinks they degrade women! Fuck, so what? I loved degraded women. All men do! Don't you?"

I nodded. What else could I do? Besides, deep down I felt he had somewhat of a valid point. He continued his deliciously and woody-inspiring pornographic tale.

"And, although she's only twenty-six, Malomar has done it all. From anal to well hung black guy gangbangs! She told me she once had a thing she called a suckathon. She gave cum-swallowing blowjobs to sixteen guys in one night! When she was only fifteen! Her boyfriend of the moment wanted to share her with his gang of buddies, so he told her, to which she readily agreed.

"Yeah, old Kumquat, Malomar's a cum slut whore, but she's my kinda woman! Yours too, if your honest and up front about it. Tell me, wouldn't you just love to put this cock-loving whore's cunt over your head like a showercap?" He grinned at me and waited for my answer, which I knew, he all ready knew

"You know it, fucker," I said. "But unless you're now her pimp, I don't think my chances with her are too good. She looks like she'd prefer the outdoorsy type, like yourself." It was true to me. That's how I perceived myself. The nerdy type, who gets no closer to the Malomars of this world than a color photo in a men's mag.

"Pimp? That's an idea, old bumbershoot! But seriously, folks, if you'd like a shot at her, and I mean shot in the most slimiest and perverted way imaginable, I can set it up!" His grin seemed the widest it had been all night. His words, however, had me feeling excited and disoriented at the same time. Like someone who's just won a big lottery, but can't remember where he put the damned ticket.

"You can?" Sometimes I'm at a loss for words.

"Oh, yeah, old frump, just like that." He snapped his fingers. "You won't believe me, but Malomar has all ready agreed to shtumping you, old pentunia! Seems she likes the cut of your nerdy jib, whatever the fuck a jib is! She brought your name up herself, right after a good session of suck and fuck. We were talking about sex of all things new, ha ha, and she said she had a small sex crush on you. Said she always noticed how you stripped her naked with your eyes each and every time you looked at her." I think I blushed for I felt some heat around my neck, but if I did, Jack didn't comment on it.

"Seems she gets turned on by men with glasses who make passes at girls with nice asses. Her words... I swear. And she said she also gets real hot when a man idolizes her to such an extent he's at a loss for words. She loves, as she put it, being that kind of man's wet dream come true.

"She digs it when a guy fumbles with her bra and trembles just touching her, mumbling instead of talking. So, old nerdy type, all you gotta do when you're face to face and naked with her is just be your born and bred nerdy self!" He laughed. I tried to laugh, but only a dry chuckle came out.

"So, old fucker, you game?" Game? Hell, I'd eat a mile of Malomar's shit just to find out where it came from!

I agreed to it all and he said he'd set it all up and call me about the where and when. And, I swear, knowing that a rock hard woody at the time is no excuse, at no time did I even contemplate the consequences...

WELL, GOOD OLD JACK, that shit-grinning anglophile, was true to his word. Two days later found me, with a Scotch and soda with a splash and a carefully sliced lemon blending in the glass in my hand, sitting in Malomar's living room.

She had, as it is said, broken the ice by offering to make me a drink and telling me, as she put it, to just relax. "I won't bite you, Arthur... not just yet, that is!" She had giggled. A girlish and very feminine giggle. And the way that bottom lip of hers quivered slightly, well, I took a seat quickly, the better to conceal up my new trouser tent.

We had two drinks each and small talked our asses off, all the while my eyes giving me trouble. I found myself unwillingly, but also very willingly, staring at each part of her in turn, from her gorgeous barely concealed cone-shaped breasts to her shapely, oh so fucking shapely, legs.

And, each time my eyes would settle into a stare at any one particular delectable part of her, I'd find myself fighting to divert them somewhere else. Any where else, I wasn't choosy. And the somewhere else soon became my next stare target. Much to my embarrassment as I recalled her comment to Jack about how I stripped her naked with my old, bespectacled eyes. And how she had told him it wa each and every time I looked at her.

The overall effect Malomar had on me also had me stumbling over words in a way that reminded me of a nervous kid doing a recital of all fifty states' capitols in front of a large adult audience. "Now, Timmy, what the is the capitol of Indiana?"

"I know it, Ma'am, don't tell me, just let stand here sweating myself into a human puddle." Yeah, she had that effect on my ass. My Malomar-staring ass.

Well, anyhooha, the two drinks had fortified me and made me brassy enough to say, with a look-down-at-my-watch flourish tossed in for good measure and overall general effect, "Should we, uh, Malomar, get it to? I-I mean get to it?" What class! What savoir faire! What a shithead.

I had spoken the words as I stood up, my tent somewhat dulled by the two Scotches, thank you, God, and crossed the distance between us. I felt tottery on my feet and light-headed and it wasn't from the alcohol. It was the smell of her as I neared her, my stupid glass still in my hand, that had me feeling giddy. It was a light and delicate odor, magical almost, as if flowers now had stiffer competition than they could easily handle. It wafted up to my nostrils and filled my brain with images of harems and naked women.

Well, we got to it, all right. Immediately. She stood up and told me to undress her. I knew her dastardly plan! She wanted to enjoy watching her word-fumbling, hand-trembling, sweating and idolizing nerdo make a sweat puddle of himself on the carpet just before he gasped his last words and died, his woody tent eyeing the ceiling. Well, I thought, if that floats her boat, I'll more than oblige her.

Now, if I hadn't been forewarned by Jack, my normally idiot self would have amused her, indeed. But, with his words in my brain, I nerdied it up even more. I fumbled, I mumbled, I squirmed, I stuttered and made myself visibly tremble, all over and complete like. What a perfomance! I was Mr. Nerdo, personnified.

And she loved it. She giggled here and there and even laughed once. But not in a deprecating manner, oh no, more like as a fun thing, if you get my drift. She made me feel downright comfortable stripping her ass naked, which I secretely thanked her for. Then she stripped me down, with hands that spoke from great practice and experience. My 7-1/2" lollipop proudly pointed his indented cyclopian eye at her.

When I took her naked body into my arms and kissed her, our first kiss, I couldn't believe how it felt to me. Her lips weren't just soft and lovely and, as the poets say, sweeter than wine, they were beyond intoxicating. It was as if I was falling into her, my whole being and soul swallowed up by her, in a vortex, a whirlpool, of sublime ecstacy. I had never imagined a kiss could be like this, so heady, so mind-blowing, so luscious. So beyond the ability of words to describe.

Malomar, I reasoned with a brain turned to fudgy wonder, had to be a goddess. A goddess sent here to drive mere mortal men into an early grave just by kissing them. For her kiss, that one kiss, had reached into me with a magic, a magic unknown to humans, that went down to a depth in my very soul I didn't know I possessed. No man should ever fall in love with a woman from just one kiss, but no woman ever kissed a man the way Malomar Twine kissed. I was in love.

When we finally ended up in her big bed, after my living room gropings, fumblings, salivatings and many finger-fuckings of her hot, wet pussy, I looked up at the ceiling mirror over us and knew I had died and God had put me in charge of fornicating with Malomar Twine. Thank you, Big Fella!

After a myriad of hot, wet and sloppy French kisses, my first attack, so to say, on her ever-fascinating body, was a direct tongue and mouth assault on her vagina. After less than a minute of tongue actions I had just invented, with her squirming and moaning and holding my head, I knew I had found the fountain of youth. And it tasted like pussy. Ponce de Leon, eat your fucking heart out, pal! I got here first.

I hate for a time and heard her say, "Arthur, let's 69, I want to taste your nice cock at the same time as you suck on my cunt!" Just like that, she laid it on me real dirty-like and all. My dick got even harder, if that was at all possible.

Malomar told me to get on top of her and deep-throat mouth-fuck her while eating her out. Just that way. Oh, man, the head of my cock could now teach even a baby beet the meaning of the word red. With some pink and purple tossed in for added color.

Thus, as I used my recently invented pussy-eating techniques on her snatch, I mouth-fucked her, exactly the way a man fucks a woman in the missionary position with long, deep in and out strokes. Her mouth was more pussy-like than any woman's real-life pussy. Un-fucking-imaginable!

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Killing Me SoftlyChapter 2

Clare flicked through a take-away menu and chose some food for them both. After she had ordered it, she opened a bottle of wine and began to clear up the kitchen while Charlotte played happily in her rocker chair. It didn't take an expert to see how down and depressed Erica was. She had never seen her sister dragged so low before — she had always been the strong one out of the two of them. It seemed more than just a case of the baby blues. Clare instinctively knew it was more serious than...

1 year ago
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Strong fingers lace with mine as we amble beneath the oak canopy along the woodland track. The breeze carrying vestiges of the lazy summer – our summer – ruffles the tiny fair hairs on the back of my hand. Hairs that he's brushed so often, my sharpened senses respond automatically, pulse quickening.The serenity is absurd compared with the firestorm of passion that has raged unchecked throughout his secondment. It can't end. I won't let it. But it must.Today.Winter without him seems...

2 years ago
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ENM Intertwined

Four gorgeous guys end up becoming friends thanks to an embarrassing event in their shared pasts. Since then, they have just been trying to live out their lives but somehow end up naked and embarrassed in front of the people they get involved with...and then some! As for these men: There is Rorke Blazeman; with a name like that, of course he became a muscular party planner with a party-sized ego to go with it. He secretly has a fetish for tomboyish girls, particularly his childhood friend who...

2 years ago
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Kill My Husband Please

Irma Franks, a hard-nosed former factory processor, fell onto good times when her boyfriend lost her in a poker game and she went to live with a wealthy guy Ben Franks, who won all rights to her. After getting used to her appalling accent, Ben married Irma after his estranged wife was killed by a sexually short-changed Russian who ran amok in the brothel called a club that she managed. On this Wednesday afternoon, Ben’s golf afternoon, Irma sat on the meaty thighs of Ben’s sales manager...

1 year ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 2

What had I gotten myself into? I now had two young women sharing a tent with me; both having been sexually assaulted, we each climbed into our sleeping bags; quickly and quietly we all drifted off to sleep. I opened my eyes and could see the sun was shining in through the vent screening running around the side of the tent; I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 6:25. I slid out of my sleeping bag and moved out of the tent. After starting a fire and setting up the coffee pot, I took...

1 year ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 12

Mark was relieved to hear how we felt and asked what our group would do now. I looked at Tia and Randle, then turned to the rest of our group and called them together. Most had heard Mark's question but some had not, so I repeated the question for everyone and waited while they pondered on it. Then I said we all had to make a decision about what we wanted to do now. It was almost 0300 and the sun would be coming up in just about three hours. I told everyone to get some sleep and we would...

4 years ago
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Kill Switch Version C

The lights flickered, then one computer system after another began to shut down. The engine of the anti-grav hover tank shut down and we slammed into the surface of the partially terraformed moon colony. Somewhere out there was a rebel base. Then the oxygen generators shut down and we REALLY knew we were in trouble. Michelle, Frankie and me (Jake) had launched from the cargo lander an hour ago and given our search area. Rebel activity was light in this area, so four anti-grav tanks were...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 10

Nathan Ken-Gi and I packed our day-packs and moved out on foot to recon the perimeter of CAR. The girls would stay at our camp and be ready to come to our aid with the horses if needed and call in the QRF should things really go bad. It took us three hours to circle the perimeter of CAR. We did not see anyone moving around and all the gates were open. It seemed like the whole Post was deserted. We all agreed that something was not right and felt we should wait until dark to move into CAR and...

2 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 14

We did a communication check and moved into position. Nathan's team entered the Eastside without being noticed. They found a staircase immediately on the left and informed me they were moving up to the second floor to ensure that there were no surprises from any of the floors above us. My team entered the Westside and was greeted by two surprised goons. Neither of them made a sound as they were lowered to the ground. Six bullets each was overkill but we had not set an order of fire, so...

4 years ago
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Kill Switch Version B

Michelle, Frankie and me (Jake) had launched from the cargo lander an hour ago and given our search area. Rebel activity was light in this area, so four anti-grav tanks were dropped onto this rock, and sand covered moon. Command ordered a 1000 square kms search grid for each tank which would be far enough away from each other to explore suspected places for rebels to hide. We had to stop every few days to replenish our batteries for all of our systems except the main gun. The guys in charge...

1 year ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 6

O'Kei: I will explain as my brother cannot. Our father was a vice-president for a large company and mother was a freelance financial analyst. But that was only a cover for them as they were both Yakuza. They had been sent to check on business when the sickness struck. One of the surviving local Yakuza, Horukei wanted my brother to pronounce him the new leader here and was going to take me as his wife to seal the deal. We fled and he sent men after us. He put a bounty on us to be brought in...

4 years ago
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Kill Switch Version A

The lights flickered, and then one computer system after another began to shut down. The engine of the anti-grav hover tank shut down and we slammed into the surface of the partially terraformed moon colony. Then the oxygen generators shut down and we REALLY knew we were in trouble. Back up supply would last thirty minutes and then advanced carbon dioxide scrubbers would give us two hours more for a crew of three. Even the emergency beacon was dead and had not transmitted a distress call. All...

4 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 8

I moved to the cabin door and called for the woman inside. Roberta Wynn a 57 year old lady answered back. She asked if it was safe to come out. And followed that question with one about where her husband was. A 5'5" tall woman with short brownish-grey hair and grey-blue eyes walked out she had a revolver holstered on her hip and was holding a shotgun. She had the appearance of a woman who could take care of herself, but at the same time she looked worried. Two more beautiful women walked...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 11

I had just closed my eyes to rack out when I remembered that there were 45 more attackers coming in the way Ken-Gi Nathan and I had entered through the culvert. As I sat up calling Major Smith, Ken-Gi and Nathan were already grabbing their gear. Mark was up and moving toward me as I was moving toward him. He hollered "What has you so worked up!" I replied, "About 45 more attackers coming in the same way we did." The three girls stopped dead in their tracks when they heard what I said,...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 13

General Linda Styles blew Fort Carson off the state and nearly off the planet. There was not a building let alone a foundation left when it blew. Nathan had managed to get eyes on the building where they were holding Tia. When CAR blew everyone in the building freaked and started running around like chickens with their heads cut off. He tried to sneak in but with everyone rushing around in chaos he was not successful. The good news is that the few goons he did kill were not missed. Three...

2 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 3

O'Kei asked what I was going to do with the two of them. Ken-Gi and I elected to sleep next to the camp fire and the girls took the tent since we only had three sleeping bags the girls would have to share one sleeping bag. The girls spread out the sleeping bag and slept on top, I gave them my poncho liner to cover up with, it was cold but they were able to sleep. I heard the intruder just as the barrel of a rifle pressed against my chest. I calmly opened my eyes to see several figures...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 4

If only I could catch up to them, who were they? I had no idea but I did know that they were well armed and very organized which made me think professionals. Three days later I found where they had stopped. I had circled the ranch for the fifth time, watching the four groups of roaming guards; each group was made up of two guards who seemed more interested in talking to each other rather than observing the area they were patrolling. There were three guards in the tower built in the center...

1 year ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 5

It was just starting to get light and the haze from the stadium lights against the fog was doing just as I had hoped for. You really couldn't see more than eight to ten feet in front of you. I knew the tower guards were only watching for something far and really could not see anything. The walking patrols were still talking between each other and not watching anything either. I knew this because I was already checking the door to the large building I had moved too. It was not locked, so...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 7

Evening was coming the sun had already passed the top of the mountains and it would be dark very soon. We could see the warehouse and the people walking around it. It looked like three or four people but we were trying to make sure we knew exactly how many before we made ourselves known. They seemed to know what they were doing, as only one would move at a time while the others watched. They had circled the warehouse twice before stopping at the main entrance. We had carefully moved closer...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 9

I was stunned as everyone turned and looked toward me for my answer. I almost stuttered as I asked, "Who made me the boss?" The answer was either — "I did!" or "ME!" depending on who you were listening too. Everyone started to laugh and giggle as they realized just how quickly and finally they had spoken. They did this without even having a discussion about it. Roberta stood up and calmly said that it was obvious that I was a natural leader, since everyone felt the same way without...

1 year ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 15

A month later General Styles called us all to the briefing room and asked if we were up for a new mission? Sonny's collarbone is still healing he has to be careful lifting things and not rough house with anyone. O'Kei, Randle, Ken-Gi, Nathan, and I have nice scars from our wounds but for the most part we are back to what could be called healthy. Zeke only lost the last digit of his ring finger, but both his pink and ring finger are sort of stuck in a semi-closed grip. He cannot extend or...

3 years ago
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Killed During Sex

His lungs were burning, as he struggled to draw any air. Her weight was crushing him, as she drove his head between her breasts. Before, he was able to move his head and wiggle to create some room and get some oxygen to his deprived brain, but now, she had an air tight seal around his nose and mouth. The only sounds coming from him now were groans of ecstasy. His cock was inside her wet pussy, and he could feel her hot juices streaming down his shaft onto his balls. Even though he was going to...

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A Kinky Australian Cum Slut

Chapter one The woman in this story started her quest for kinky sex in her teens! Her name is Mich short for Michelia, she was named,.. strangely enough after an exotic flower that grows in the Himalayas. As a young woman she lived with her parents in a rural part of NSW, she had been born in the big smoke of Sidney and had lived there for a short time as a young girl. Her boyfriend Mike later to be her husband was the first, that turned her on to kinky sex! She was a young wowser...

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Seducing a friend

"Hey!" she said, as she strolled in."Oh, hi!" I replied, my cock already beginning to throb."So, how's it going?""Pretty good thanks. How's things with you?""Alright.""You look nice today," I said."Ha! No I don't. I'm tired and tense from working all day."My eyes lit up, but I stayed calm."Well you could've fooled me. You look great."There was a pause. An uncomfortable one. Had I gone too far?"Would you like a tea? Or coffee?" I said, breaking the silence."I'd kill for a coffe. Black. Thanks,"...

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The Fuming Entrance

So this was the big night, and Heather looked so tasty and fuckable I was walking around with a permanent hard-on. I wanted to ravage her right then and there but no, she was for the party. She had her hair and make-up done professionally so she had a very sophisticated yet totally sexy look that was almost intimidating. But when you see a girl like that lose her composure, and make a total slut of herself with shameless abandon, there’s nothing hotter. This was gonna be a night to remember....

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British Bukkake

Do you get horny as fuck about beautiful British women that want to chug cock like they are dying tomorrow? What about horny bitches that love being surrounded by hung studs, drowning in their cum? That may sound like a tall order. You may feel like you cannot find a site that actually delivers that kind of content. But boy, you would be dead wrong to assume that!What makes my ass so certain? Because once you visit British Bukkake, you can find all of this content and more! It is a wide variety...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Mistis Adventures Part 70

The morning came, clear as a bell, without a single cloud in the sky. It was cool, but, not to the point where more than a light jacket was needed.They had, as usual awoke at 5:30 in the morning, gone up and took their showers that they had failed to take last night. Scrubbed and clean, they went about their early morning routine. Cathy and Robbi started breakfast, and Billy and Rick, after a cup of coffee, had gone out to care for the livestock. They had loaded a round bale of sorghum hay for...

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BABS brother

Barbara & her brother sister STRIPS Jerry was spending a few days with his old high school buddy,Bill, and his sister, Barbara. Jerry hadn't seen Bill in years,and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he hadcalled to say hello. Bill had insisted that he stay with them,instead of at a motel. That evening, after a good dinner, the threeof them were sitting in the den sipping wine and talking. "By the way, Barbara, how did your class go...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 15

USU'OZEIB 7 CAPITAL CITY OF DWURI Yuri sat up quickly in the bed, her face and neck laced with a fine sheen of sweat, the thin loose shirt she wore spotted with sweat stains in several places as well. The bedroom was dark except for the lights of the capital drifting in through the large floor to ceiling windows that open onto a balcony. Yuri turned her head quickly in the dim light of the room to see that his eyes were still closed and his naked chest rose and fell evenly. Robert's large...

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The Biggest Tits in the World

"Fuck me, those are the biggest tits in the world." Russell Nolan didn't know what to say. He sat there and stared at the blonde stripper, his mouth agape. They were balloons. That was the only description that seemed apt. The girl had stepped out on stage with two large, flesh-coloured balloons attached to her chest. Dark pink nipples wobbled at the centre of each enormous breast. "Fuck, who'd have thought that drug-addled muppet was actually telling the truth for a change." "Hey,...

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Teasing Neighbour gets her lesson

I have never has any real form of sex before.. well at least until that day. Im 19, and im doing a degree in computer studies. Let me explain my neighbourhood to you.. i live in Malaysia. Thats a little asian country where the place is flocked with chinese and malays. And thats a good thing mind you. All the houses are really spreaded out. Except for the ones across each other. Well, it all started when we first moved into our new house. I was carrying my computer into my house. And it was the...

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FTM Sexy Antics

I haven’t always been a guy though, I was born female and transitioned over a decade ago. You would never know this to look at me as I am 5ft10”, broad in the shoulders from hitting the gym, heavily tattooed, sporting a skin head and a luscious big beard. I could walk right passed you on the street or be sat next to you in a bar and it would never even cross your mind that I am trans. The biggest give away would perhaps be if you were to see me naked as I have opted to not have any genital...

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NubileFilms Alina Lopez October 2021 Fantasy Of The Month

The spooky season is officially here, and Alina Lopez has a fantasy that fits the vibe. Playing the part of a sexy ghost, Alina is haunting the property that Nathan Bronson has just rented for a getaway. When she sees her sexy new unwitting roommate, Alina knows she has to find a way to have him. Over time, Alina graduates from watching Nathan to following him around and disappearing any time he might lay eyes on her. Alina is always there, watching. She even winds up in bed, rubbing her...

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Forbidden Lust For My Cousin

It is in the middle of June and is a warm day outside. I am sitting outside in my red bikini catching some rays when David showed up.I say "Hey cousin."David says "Hey. Whew, it sure is hot today"I think to myself "Yeah, it sure is."I turn my head to look at him and could not keep my eyes off his body. He is wearing a white T-shirt and denim shorts.I move my eyes up and down his body stopping at his hips.Staring at the crotch area of his shorts thinking of what a hot 13 1/2-inch cock is hiding...

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180 Degrees

They said my world would change when my chosen numbers came up winners. Before I even turned that ticket in, I hired a lawyer and a financial planner. I may not have a college degree but I'm far from stupid. I had k**s and grandk**s to think about after-all.The lawyer was both for estate planning and divorce. Luckily, we had been legally separated for months. Due to financial constraints we were still living together but that ended the day my numbers flashed up on the screen. I took my k**s...

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Two week vacation part 1

Well it all started when school let out for my last summer break of my high school year. My parents were going to an business convention. I chose to stay behind but they pretty much told me that they would feel better if I stayed at my Aunt's house for the two weeks they would be gone. Reluctently I agreed to the terms cause I knew I'd have a better time there than bring dragged around with the folks and my baby sister. Though she is only a year and a half younger than me I knew I'd...

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Feminist and Proud

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" The amplified voice booms over the massive stage and the packed audience as its owner, an immaculately dressed middle-aged man strolls out into the view, followed by the spotlight. "To our returning guests and viewers, welcome back. To those joining us for the first time: it will be worth your time. Just a quick reminder for all; in a moment I will be joined by lovely ladies who have shown themselves, in social media or in person, to be vocal supporters of feminism....

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Banding the Cuck

I do love it when Master calls and gives me an assignment, although I do have to be careful. When he orders me to do something, I know that I will be punished if I fail. When he asks me to do something, I know that I will be rewarded if I succeed.This was a request and I was keen to please him. He informed me that slut Ann would also be involved along with the cuck 634. From the moment that Master took the three of us from the cuck he insisted that we refer to each other as sluts and cucks; I...

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Paige Owens is a gorgeous model in lingerie. Her photographer, Olive Glass, guides her through various sexy poses, then helps Paige to pull down one of her bra straps to look even sexier. After that, Paige decides to take her bra off to try doing even hotter photos, and Olive promises the photos will look good. As the photo session continues, Paige suggests removing her panties so she can pose nude, and Olive likes the suggestion very much. Paige does some sexy naked posing, but then both women...

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Halloween Delight Part One

Halloween Delight; Part one: When I was young, I was only allowed to play in the basement. The upstairs was off limits to me as a play area. I could play in my room, but that was it, other than the basement. This was fine with me, as I found a lot to play with down there, and it was all mine. When I was either 5 or 6, I found a box full of dresses. They were from the late 1800's or the early 1900's and made of silk. They had full skirts that flowed to the ground and long sleeves....

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Aunty Ne Dunia Badal Dhi

Hai mera naaam Ali hai main karnataka se hu..main 25 saal ka ladka hu…mera height 5’10 hai aur average body hai agar apko meri story pasand aye tho mujhe replay kijia par….karnataka ki kisi be kone me main available hu…. Chalo ab story pe athe hai…a story mere aur ek aunty ke story hai jisne mera life hi badal dala…a 2 saal purHai mera naaam Ali hai main karnataka se hu..main 25 saal ka ladka hu…mera height 5’10 hai aur average body hai agar apko meri story pasand aye tho mujhe replay kijia ...

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Jessie finally takes a cock

The star of this little story is my friend Jessie. Jessie is a gorgeous blonde, with a voluptuous figure. She has perfect breasts, a tiny waist, sexy hips and a pussy with a neatly trimmed bush that accentuates her meaty lips. She is a sorority sister of me and my best friend Shannon. When we were in college, we found out that Jessie was a virgin. She had heard me and Shannon making love one night and she let us know that it turned her on. She was a daddy's girl, spoiled, and a little...

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