Kill Switch Version C
- 4 years ago
- 21
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I had just closed my eyes to rack out when I remembered that there were 45 more attackers coming in the way Ken-Gi Nathan and I had entered through the culvert. As I sat up calling Major Smith, Ken-Gi and Nathan were already grabbing their gear.
Mark was up and moving toward me as I was moving toward him. He hollered "What has you so worked up!" I replied, "About 45 more attackers coming in the same way we did."
The three girls stopped dead in their tracks when they heard what I said, Mark stopped and with a serious look and calmly said, "OH SHIT!" quickly grabbing his radio he began to give orders listening to whoever was on the other end. After a two minute conversation he said that there was no way the seven of us could handle 45 attackers.
I stopped and told him it was time for some answers. I continued asking him what he was doing here and who was giving him his orders.
After a short pause and a couple of cuss words, Mark began to explain what his mission was and what was left of the Military. BLUF {bottom line up front} what was left of the military grouped together as one and decided to get rid of all the weapons of mass destruction along with weapons of devastating power such as aircraft bombs, missiles, indirect fire weapons and all nukes. Since there was not any force large enough to justify keeping them. It also eliminated the possibility of someone getting there hands on something and causing a serious accident.
I told him that our forces combined could handle the new attackers; I just wanted his word that my people would be free to choose what to do afterwards. He replied ask me that again if we are still alive when this is over and I will tell you anything you want to hear. We were moving toward the Northeast corner of CAR where the culvert cut under the fence. I knew they would have to come in single file one behind the other do to the size of the culvert. But they had enough time to have just about all of them in by now. I was telling Mark what had been reported to me and he was trying not to be upset; finally he asked how I could forget about 45 bad guys coming to kill me. I laughed and said that right as I got the report all hell broke loose and when the shooting had stopped and the dust cleared he and I were having a rather serious talk. Then we were friends and it was time to relax. I just smothered a laugh and said "shoot me why don't ya" Mark replied "I would if I didn't need you right now" we both laughed as we picked up the pace to catch the other who were getting ahead of us because we were walking too slow as we talked.
Mark suddenly stopped and said "I'll be damned" I asked him 'WHAT?' the others stopped when they heard both of us, Ken-Gi looked like he wanted to cut both our throats because we were being so loud.
Mark was listening to that somebody again and had a shit eating grin on his face. When he started shaking his head side to side in the motion you would make to signal NO I asked him 'WHAT?' again only quite a bit softer. The eye in the sky was reporting that the 45 attackers had only sent a group of about 5 to scout the area first. They might have suspected a trap or were just being very careful.
I call Tia on my radio and asked where she was. Randle answered and said that Tia had reported the situation to him along with my orders to pull back. They had just rendezvous when Zeke called to get a location to switch out with Randle. Since he was here too Randle decided to get eyes on the bad guys himself and reassess the situation.
I just smiled and asked him what his assessment was.
He said that since they could only go single file that if we let them get about 1/3 of them inside before they attacked. Chances were highly likely they could wipe them out completely without any serious casualties. I agreed with him but edited his plan to allow half to enter and once they attacked then we would hit the group on the inside when they were focused on his attack.
Mark had been listening to me but could not hear what Randle had told me. His eye in the sky had just picked up on Randle's group and reported them to him.
We had just reached the last building that would give us cover before the open field to the culverts. It was only about 30 meters but it was open and flat. We could see the last scout climbing back into the culvert. Mark spread his team out to the left and we moved to the right leaving Mark in between. I
It was the longest 15 minutes I had waited in a long time. Then Randle called to say they were moving to enter; Mark was getting the same from his eye in the sky somebody.
We were not going to be very lucky as the attackers came through the culvert they quickly started for the builds we were at seeking cover and concealment just as Ken-Gi Nathan and I had done. Ken-Gi rolled over me literally so he was between me and Mark. I don't know who was more shocked Mark or me. Ken-Gi quietly said to let him eliminate the attackers as they approached and not to start shooting unless the attackers did first.
______________[recommended page width; please use MS Word]______________ DISCLAIMER: I. This story is fiction. II. This story is FICTION! III. The author doesn’t endorse or play down violence and brutality of any kind against living beings in general and females in special. The author insists on the consumption only by those legally of age and where ADULT MATERIAL isn’t prohibited by law. If you get offended by those...
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The lights flickered, and then one computer system after another began to shut down. The engine of the anti-grav hover tank shut down and we slammed into the surface of the partially terraformed moon colony. Then the oxygen generators shut down and we REALLY knew we were in trouble. Back up supply would last thirty minutes and then advanced carbon dioxide scrubbers would give us two hours more for a crew of three. Even the emergency beacon was dead and had not transmitted a distress call. All...
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Mark was relieved to hear how we felt and asked what our group would do now. I looked at Tia and Randle, then turned to the rest of our group and called them together. Most had heard Mark's question but some had not, so I repeated the question for everyone and waited while they pondered on it. Then I said we all had to make a decision about what we wanted to do now. It was almost 0300 and the sun would be coming up in just about three hours. I told everyone to get some sleep and we would...
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General Linda Styles blew Fort Carson off the state and nearly off the planet. There was not a building let alone a foundation left when it blew. Nathan had managed to get eyes on the building where they were holding Tia. When CAR blew everyone in the building freaked and started running around like chickens with their heads cut off. He tried to sneak in but with everyone rushing around in chaos he was not successful. The good news is that the few goons he did kill were not missed. Three...
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Nathan Ken-Gi and I packed our day-packs and moved out on foot to recon the perimeter of CAR. The girls would stay at our camp and be ready to come to our aid with the horses if needed and call in the QRF should things really go bad. It took us three hours to circle the perimeter of CAR. We did not see anyone moving around and all the gates were open. It seemed like the whole Post was deserted. We all agreed that something was not right and felt we should wait until dark to move into CAR and...
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This is dedicated to my dog, Shandy, who died around the same time I had my wisdom teeth out. And of course, my lovely lady, Liv. The events in this are fiction, but the background with my teeth and dog actually happened. RIP Shandy 4/26/02-5/5/12. You’ll be in our hearts forever. Hope you like it. I had a hell of a week. My dog died on Saturday and I had my wisdom teeth yanked the following Monday. I couldn’t eat much and could barely talk. I missed school 3 of the 5 days that week. And my...
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A month later General Styles called us all to the briefing room and asked if we were up for a new mission? Sonny's collarbone is still healing he has to be careful lifting things and not rough house with anyone. O'Kei, Randle, Ken-Gi, Nathan, and I have nice scars from our wounds but for the most part we are back to what could be called healthy. Zeke only lost the last digit of his ring finger, but both his pink and ring finger are sort of stuck in a semi-closed grip. He cannot extend or...
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I had not long got home from a particularly hard day at work. The client had been a real pain in the ass. The guests had been full of compliments but all he could do was complain about anything and everything. I poured myself a glass of wine and slumped into the chair to check on my emails. I switched on my laptop and opened up my email account, picked up my glass and took a mouthful of the ice cold Sancerre. The third message from the top stood out in bold lettering and caught my attention. ...
Three months had passed since that first night with Ben. We had met up a couple of times since then but, even though we had enjoyed our encounters, it was never going to go anywhere. I understood that, even though the sex was fantastic, he wanted a woman in his life. Sex with a guy was fine but he could never fall in love with one, the feelings just weren’t there. Last Friday morning, he telephoned me and said that he wanted to meet up for a drink. It was something of a surprise for me. We...
I’ve just got home from one of the most interesting encounters I’ve ever had, so I thought I’d share it with you. I’m Paul by the way, a 35 year old gay guy, 6′, slim with short brown hair and blue eyes. It’s my eyes that get me noticed, not that I know why, they’ve always just been my eyes but other people seem to like them. I’m thankful for that because otherwise I’d be just your average Joe. Well this all started about 3 months ago when I was online in one of the chatrooms on Gaydar....
Now this is how you spend Halloween!You smile at him across your glass of wine. The night has been as near perfect as first dates ever get. The meal was good, the show a bit boring - so you left after half an hour and went dancing - and he was a hell of a dancer. So now you study him over the rim of your wine glass, wondering how to begin the seduction.Thick dark hair, dark eyes, the kind of lean, rangy build that you just know can work miracles on a mattress. He’s dressed in plain jeans and...
SeductionNow this is how you spend Halloween!You smile at him across your glass of wine. The night has been as near perfect as first dates ever get. The meal was good, the show a bit boring - so you left after half an hour and went dancing - and he was a hell of a dancer. So now you study him over the rim of your wine glass, wondering how to begin the seduction.Thick dark hair, dark eyes, the kind of lean, rangy build that you just know can work miracles on a mattress. He’s dressed in plain jeans and...
SeductionThree months had passed since that first night with Ben. We had met up a couple of times since then but, even though we had enjoyed our encounters, it was never going to go anywhere. I understood that, even though the sex was fantastic, he wanted a woman in his life. Sex with a guy was fine but he could never fall in love with one, the feelings just weren’t there. Last Friday morning, he telephoned me and said that he wanted to meet up for a drink. It was something of a surprise for me. We had...
Gay MaleI've just got home from one of the most interesting encounters I've ever had, so I thought I'd share it with you. I'm Paul by the way, a 35 year old gay guy, 6', slim with short brown hair and blue eyes. It's my eyes that get me noticed, not that I know why, they've always just been my eyes but other people seem to like them. I'm thankful for that because otherwise I'd be just your average Joe. Well this all started about 3 months ago when I was online in one of the chatrooms on Gaydar....
Gay MaleMark and Mary Adams were the ideally suited couple, just like Barbie and Ken used to be. They were in their mid twenties and also were a great looking couple, he being around 180 centimetres tall, had a good face, was dark haired and well built with the 2 games of squash a week and jogging at least 3 times a week obviously paying off. Mary was gorgeous, just plain gorgeous, around 170 centimetres tall, hair jet black, beautiful face, lovely olive complexion and all her components being nicely...
Clare flicked through a take-away menu and chose some food for them both. After she had ordered it, she opened a bottle of wine and began to clear up the kitchen while Charlotte played happily in her rocker chair. It didn't take an expert to see how down and depressed Erica was. She had never seen her sister dragged so low before — she had always been the strong one out of the two of them. It seemed more than just a case of the baby blues. Clare instinctively knew it was more serious than...
His lungs were burning, as he struggled to draw any air. Her weight was crushing him, as she drove his head between her breasts. Before, he was able to move his head and wiggle to create some room and get some oxygen to his deprived brain, but now, she had an air tight seal around his nose and mouth. The only sounds coming from him now were groans of ecstasy. His cock was inside her wet pussy, and he could feel her hot juices streaming down his shaft onto his balls. Even though he was going to...