Killing Me Softly
- 3 years ago
- 27
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The baby lay on her side, her thumb firmly plugged in her tiny rosebud mouth. Her breathing was slow and rhythmic, although her eyelids fluttered from time to time. Erica knelt beside the cot, resting her forehead on the painted wooden side, exhaustion stroking her head with cool fingers.
It was hard to believe that the angelic child lying fast asleep amidst the pink fleecy blankets had been screaming for endless hours all evening. Only now, after what felt like an eternity of pacing the polished floorboards, had she finally fallen asleep in her arms.
Rubbing her heavy eyes, Erica carefully stood up, wincing as her knee cracked painfully. It was nearly four am and if she went to bed now, she might be lucky enough to catch a couple of hours sleep.
Silently she tiptoed out of the nursery and made her way back to their room. Chris was lying on his stomach, snoring gently and managing to steal most of the duvet. For a moment she stood staring at him, resentment threatening to smother her.
Every night it was the same. Erica was the one left to try and calm the fractious baby as she screamed herself blue with colic. Chris’s excuse for leaving her to it was that he needed his sleep.
‘I have to go to work every day!’ he had yelled at her when she had finally snapped the night before last.
‘I’m not asking you to stay up all night — just taking Charlotte out for an hour and giving me a break would be helpful.’
Erica had felt like screaming with frustration by then. But she knew it was pointless — Chris just didn’t understand how hard it was dealing with a crying baby, day in and day out. Five months of no sleep and constant crying was killing her slowly.
Most days she was a zombie. She functioned, but only on a superficial level. Going out was impossible, Charlotte very rarely settled for any length of time and pushing a screaming baby round the shops just prompted busybody’s to ask her if the baby was hungry.
The health visitor had promised her Charlotte would settle down once she had begun weaning her. Well that was one month ago and she was still waiting for the crying to abate. The baby was putting on weight, but she still cried all the time.
Erica dropped her dressing gown on the carpet and climbed into bed, yanking some of the duvet back from Chris. He grunted slightly, but he didn’t wake up. Bloody typical, she thought venomously. It seemed that most nights an earthquake could have shook them to pieces and still he would have slept through the commotion.
She lay in the half-light, desperate for sleep, but unable to switch off. Too many jumbled thoughts ran round her head in a confusing maelstrom. She wondered whether she would have agreed to have a baby had she known how much her life would change.
Having a child was meant to bring them together. Instead it was slowly driving them apart. Some days they barely exchanged two words at all. As for sex, well that was pretty much non-existent. Erica was always too tired and Chris had given up trying.
As far as she was concerned, if she managed to snatch some time in bed when Charlotte was asleep, she wanted to sleep too. Making love was not exactly a priority in her daily schedule.
Unsurprisingly Chris had disagreed with her on this. They had almost come to blows one night when she finally fell into bed, exhausted after trying unsuccessfully to encourage Charlotte to sleep.
She had left the baby sobbing fitfully in her cot. For hours she had been rocking and trying to comfort her, with no discernable effect whatsoever. The baby had become increasingly irate, she didn’t want feeding, she was neither too hot, nor too cold. She just wanted to cry.
In the end Erica had placed her in her cot after making sure she was warm enough and her nappy was clean. She left her to cry. It seemed cruel, but she was at the end of her tether. She could still hear her screaming loudly from their bedroom, but the crying was slightly muted. It did not stop the wrenching feeling in her gut however.
When she crawled into bed, all she wanted to do was to sleep. As soon as she felt Chris snuggle up behind her, his hard cock pressing insistently into her back, she knew exactly what was coming.
‘I’m horny…’ the words spoken softly in her ear made feel like crying. His hand stroked her breasts through the cotton nightdress she wore and with a discernable sigh, she moved out of reach.
‘Not now — I’m shattered. I need to sleep, not fuck,’ she said, struggling to control her temper.
‘When WOULD be a good time for you?’ Chris snapped icily, snatching his hand away. ‘It seems to me there is never a good time these days.’
‘Oh just drop it, Chris!’
Erica turned her back on him, curling her body into a tight ball, the tension knotting her shoulders and pushing any chance of sleep she might have had into the realms of distant memory.
Chris retreated back to his side of the bed, turning his back on her too. The area of mattress between them turned into Siberia in the space of a few seconds. Eventually Erica heard Chris begin to snore. With a careful movement she turned onto her back and stared at the ceiling.
From the nursery Charlotte was still sobbing fitfully. The plaintive sound echoed down the hallway and tugged at Erica’s heartstrings. She knew the baby was fine — she had been fed and changed. It still didn’t stop her feeling like a useless mother.
She turned back on her side and closed her eyes. Tears trickled slowly down her cheek, making the pillow wet. Thoughts of how her life used to be flooded her mind with rose-tinted memories. As much as she adored the baby, she missed her job and her freedom. It felt like she was no longer a person, she was just a mother and a drone.
What she missed most of all was her husband. They had grown so far apart it felt like they lived on different planets some days. Erica wondered just how long their relationship could survive this kind of pressure. She also wondered how long she would continue to care…
* * *
Chris awoke when the alarm went off. Quickly he reached out and turned it off, his eyes stinging in the light from the open curtains. Damn, he thought crossly, he should have pulled them shut last night. The early morning sun was lovely, but slap bang in his eyes first thing it was not so bloody lovely.
He turned over and realised to his surprise that Erica was lying fast asleep beside him. Normally she was up long before him as the baby tended to be nocturnal. In fact Charlotte just didn’t sleep full stop, he reminded himself wryly.
His cock was hard and for a blissful second he debated waking Erica up for some fun. Then he remembered the words of last night and thought better of it. No doubt she would still be pissed at him. It felt like she was permanently pissed at him these days.
God knew he did his best — but at the end of the day, what COULD he do? She had decided to breast feed so he was unable to help. She watched him like a hawk every time he tried to change a nappy or bath the baby. It was like she didn’t trust him to do anything right.
Eventually he had stopped trying at all. If she wanted to be super-mum, then so be it. With a resigned sigh he climbed carefully out of bed. Erica didn’t stir. For a second he paused to look at her thoughtfully.
Her face was pale and drawn, dark circles under her eyes. Her dark hair was lank and greasy, stuck to her forehead in stringy strands. He felt guilty for a moment, wishing he could make it all better, but not knowing how. He just hoped that things would improve soon — if they didn’t then he wasn’t sure how much longer either of them could go on like this.
Padding down the landing, Chris peeked in through the nursery door. It was rare that he had any time alone with his daughter. Mostly Erica had the baby, either feeding her or trying to sooth her when she had one of her long crying j
The opportunities when he was left alone to care for Charlotte were few and far between. To say Erica was over-protective was an understatement. Most of the time Chris felt excluded from the close relationship Erica had with Charlotte, she acted like she didn’t need him at all. He sometimes wondered if she would even notice if he didn’t come home one day. In his worst moments, he seriously considered it.
Charlotte was lying in her cot wide-awake. For once she was happy and smiling, her small chubby legs kicking around in the air. Chris looked over the bars of the cot and felt his heart contract tightly with love. It was a miracle he thought tenderly, that something so beautiful could have come from him.
He was no oil painting and he knew it. He was tall, stocky and had often been described as ‘interesting’. He knew this meant that he was not ugly, but nor was he handsome in the classical sense.
Not that he cared especially. He was in good shape and he had never had any trouble attracting women. They liked his easy charm and sense of humour. They also liked the fact that he was not vain and didn’t spend hours preening himself in mirrors.
Reaching into the cot, he gently lifted the baby up and smiled as she cooed happily at him. She was adorable, he thought with a warm fuzzy feeling. ‘Come on sweetie,’ he said softly, holding her against his shoulder. ‘Let’s go and find some food before mummy wakes up in another foul mood.’
‘Gagabagaba,’ said Charlotte happily as they headed downstairs.
Charlotte sat in her high chair playing with a toast crust, watching him intently as he moved quietly around the kitchen. She was just beginning to mouth on finger foods, pushing just about anything between her gums given half a chance.
It was unbelievable, he thought as he sat down at the table. The baby was never normally this sunny in the morning. She had co-operated when he changed her nappy and dressed her. She had not even objected when he strapped her in her chair after giving her a bottle of milk. She cooed at him and waved her crust around, happy smiles lighting up her angelic face. If only life was like this every morning, maybe then things would be okay…
* * *
Erica opened her eyes with a vague feeling that something was not right. For a minute the daylight streaming through the window disorientated and confused her. Normally it was still dark when she was up and out of bed.
The silence struck an ice-cold shard of fear through her veins. Why was Charlotte quiet? Why wasn’t she screaming for attention? With her heart racing she jumped out of bed and ran into the nursery.
The cot was empty and there was no sign of her daughter. Erica listened for a moment and heard the faint sound of the radio. She grabbed her dressing gown and headed downstairs to the kitchen, wondering frantically what on earth was going on.
Dashing into the kitchen, she rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Chris was sat at the table eating toast and reading the paper. Charlotte was in her high chair, happily chewing on a crust and making a mess. The pair of them looked at her innocently and Erica felt horribly excluded from their private club. She was surprised at how upset this made her feel.
‘Morning,’ Chris said coolly, still remembering last night.
Erica ignored him and went to flick the kettle on again, reaching down to open the dishwasher in the hunt for a clean mug. She knew she ought to let things go, but she didn’t feel like forgiving and forgetting. Why the hell should she roll over and say sorry all the time?
‘Morning Chris…’ he said sarcastically when he realised Erica was pointedly ignoring him. ‘Thanks for changing Charlotte’s nappy and giving her a bottle.’
Erica turned to face him, her green eyes flashing in anger. ‘Excuse me?’ she said, seething furiously. ‘She’s your daughter too and it’s about time you did something with her.’ With a bang she slammed the dishwasher shut again.
‘Oh really — who the fuck goes out to work everyday and earns money to feed us? You?? No, it’s me who works all hours, and all so you and our daughter have a nice home to live in.’
‘Don’t you DARE lay a guilt trip on me,’ snarled Erica. ‘It was you who was so desperate for a baby! I wanted to wait until we had more money saved up, but oh no, you wanted to try for one immediately.’
Chris stared at her in disbelief. ‘What are you saying here, Erica? Are you trying to tell me you regret having our daughter?’
Erica turned away and stared unseeing into the garden. The kettle boiled and clicked off, but she was oblivious. Was she saying she regretted having Charlotte? Suddenly she didn’t know anything anymore. She was confused. She loved the baby, but she also resented her.
Sensing the tension and anger, Charlotte screwed up her face and began to cry. Hot tear ran down her chubby cheeks and within moments she was bawling loudly.
‘Well done, Erica,’ said Chris flatly. ‘She was quite happy until you went off on one.’
He drank the rest of his coffee and threw the dirty mug in the sink crossly. Christ, they couldn’t even have a civil conversation these days. He was beginning to think that their relationship was heading for the rocks big time.
‘Right, I’m off to work. At least there it’s peaceful…’ he muttered. He turned to face Erica, but she had her back to him. She was trying to pull the struggling baby from the high chair in an attempt to quieten her down. It wasn’t working and Charlotte just screamed all the more.
In the face of zero response, Chris stalked out of the room, collected his stuff and headed to work. Hopefully she would be in a better mood tonight. If not, there was always a bottle of whiskey to finish off. Alcohol was an excellent anaesthetic.
* * *
Erica held the screaming child tightly as she watched Chris reverse out of their driveway. She felt numb seeing the black car disappearing down the road and out of sight. Eventually she gave up trying to hold the tears back. It was no use, nothing she did was ever right.
With a sense of desolation she allowed the misery wash over her again, the black depression rising up like a noxious cloud. Despite the fact she had had far more sleep than normal, she felt desperately tired. She wearily climbed the stairs and took Charlotte into bed with her. They lay together, both crying, but for very different reasons.
* * *
Chris moved the drawings round his desk mindlessly. He had a report to finish, but he had no real inclination to work on it. The seven million dollars the client was looking to claim for delays to the contract, seemed somehow irrelevant.
His coffee stood congealing in a flowery mug and he eyed it distastefully. He really needed a fresh cup and maybe then he might be able to concentrate on something useful. At the moment all he was doing was rehashing the events of the last twenty-four hours. Not that it helped in any way. Whichever way he looked at it, he saw no way of fixing things.
There was a knock on his office door and he said gruffly, ‘Yes, what it is?’
A young woman cautiously entered and asked hesitantly, ‘Would you like a fresh cup of coffee, Mr Langdon?’
For a moment Chris looked at her blankly. He had not seen her before, he knew he would have remembered if so. She was bloody gorgeous!
Long platinum blonde hair, slim figure, nice tits, pretty face…hell yes, he would not have forgotten her…
‘Err…yes, that would be great thanks, err…sorry, I don’t know your name?’ He smiled congenially at the girl, suddenly feeling a whole lot more cheerful than he had five minutes ago.
‘My name’s Connie, Mr Langdon,’ the girl smiled sweetly. ‘I’m the new office junior.’
‘Hello, Connie, please call me Chris.’ He held out his hand warmly and Connie walked over to shake it politely.
For a moment he held her gaze and felt a warm buzz of int
erest seep through his veins. Up close the girl was even hotter. She fairly oozed sex appeal.
‘Hi Chris,’ Connie said slightly huskily as she shook his hand, holding onto it for a fraction longer than necessary.
‘How do you like it?’ she asked suggestively. ‘Your coffee I mean!’ she added with a flirtatious smile.
‘White, one sugar,’ Chris said. He smiled back at her, noting the interest in her eyes. Then he mentally slapped himself. What in God’s name was he thinking!
Fortuitously the phone rang and he turned away to answer the call. It was a client calling about a potential new job and he reluctantly dragged his mind back on to work matters. However it didn’t stop him admiring Connie’s pert bottom as she sashayed out of his office.
The conversation with Mr Wong was interminable. Chris found his concentration drifting away on a lustful reverie whereby Connie was bent over his desk wearing virginal white stockings. A photo of Erica and Charlotte caught his eye when he was prompted to add something to the dialogue and he felt a sharp twinge of guilt shoot through his midsection.
He had not looked at another woman since he met Erica. It was a scary symptom of just how bad things were between them. He wound up the conversation and replaced the phone on its cradle. Just what the hell was he going to do?
Connie reappeared with his coffee and he thanked her politely, managing to ignore her blatantly leaning forward and exposing some tempting cleavage. She spun on her heel and left him alone feeling guilty about the hard-on that filled his expensive trousers.
No, he mused regretfully, impure thoughts about the office junior were not going to help his marriage in the slightest.
* * *
Two weeks passed and the emotional chasm between them grew ever wider. Chris tried to make amends, but Erica was too stubborn to listen. As far as she could see, nothing had changed one iota. Her husband continued to spend all the hours God sent at work, while she had to deal with a screaming baby.
Charlotte was now teething which added insult to injury although Erica had had a brief respite from the endless crying. For a blissful two days Charlotte had seemed a whole lot happier. She had slept better and had generally been far easier to deal with.
Even the dreaded supermarket shop had passed without incident. Then the baby’s cheeks had turned red and her gums became inflamed. Erica had consulted her books and realised with a sinking feeling that her daughter was teething.
Sure enough, that evening the crying had begun again. Nothing seemed to sooth her daughter. Painkillers worked for a short spell, but as soon as the medicine wore off, she began to scream again. It was a nightmare with no discernable end in sight.
Chris had then helpfully announced he was away for three days. He had a meeting in London he said, and he would be gone for two nights. Erica had said nothing. There seemed very little point really. She knew he had no choice about going, it just felt like the timing was too damn convenient.
They were barely talking beyond essential dialogue about Charlotte. Every night Chris went to bed and stayed firmly on his side of the mattress. He could feel the chill emanating from Erica and couldn’t be bothered to try and talk to her. He knew she was in no mood to listen.
* * *
Chris packed his briefcase and grabbed his laptop. He had an hour to drive to the station in order to catch his train. His head was full of work related thoughts and taking the stairs down to the basement car park, he walked over to his car, mulling over a telephone conference he had had that morning.
A soft voice startled him and he jumped slightly.
‘Hello, Mr Langdon,’ said Connie, a store carrier bag in her hand.
‘Oh hello Connie, what are you doing down here?’ Chris asked in surprise. He unlocked his car and placed his gear on the back seat carefully.
‘Just putting my shopping away,’ she smiled sweetly. ‘I needed some new lingerie, so I had a spending spree in my lunch hour!’
Chris was slightly taken aback at such a bold admission. He was not sure why she was even talking to him really — but the thought of a bag full of sexy lingerie was undeniably arousing. Uncomfortably he shifted on the spot.
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Michelle, Frankie and me (Jake) had launched from the cargo lander an hour ago and given our search area. Rebel activity was light in this area, so four anti-grav tanks were dropped onto this rock, and sand covered moon. Command ordered a 1000 square kms search grid for each tank which would be far enough away from each other to explore suspected places for rebels to hide. We had to stop every few days to replenish our batteries for all of our systems except the main gun. The guys in charge...
O'Kei: I will explain as my brother cannot. Our father was a vice-president for a large company and mother was a freelance financial analyst. But that was only a cover for them as they were both Yakuza. They had been sent to check on business when the sickness struck. One of the surviving local Yakuza, Horukei wanted my brother to pronounce him the new leader here and was going to take me as his wife to seal the deal. We fled and he sent men after us. He put a bounty on us to be brought in...
The lights flickered, and then one computer system after another began to shut down. The engine of the anti-grav hover tank shut down and we slammed into the surface of the partially terraformed moon colony. Then the oxygen generators shut down and we REALLY knew we were in trouble. Back up supply would last thirty minutes and then advanced carbon dioxide scrubbers would give us two hours more for a crew of three. Even the emergency beacon was dead and had not transmitted a distress call. All...
I moved to the cabin door and called for the woman inside. Roberta Wynn a 57 year old lady answered back. She asked if it was safe to come out. And followed that question with one about where her husband was. A 5'5" tall woman with short brownish-grey hair and grey-blue eyes walked out she had a revolver holstered on her hip and was holding a shotgun. She had the appearance of a woman who could take care of herself, but at the same time she looked worried. Two more beautiful women walked...
I had just closed my eyes to rack out when I remembered that there were 45 more attackers coming in the way Ken-Gi Nathan and I had entered through the culvert. As I sat up calling Major Smith, Ken-Gi and Nathan were already grabbing their gear. Mark was up and moving toward me as I was moving toward him. He hollered "What has you so worked up!" I replied, "About 45 more attackers coming in the same way we did." The three girls stopped dead in their tracks when they heard what I said,...
General Linda Styles blew Fort Carson off the state and nearly off the planet. There was not a building let alone a foundation left when it blew. Nathan had managed to get eyes on the building where they were holding Tia. When CAR blew everyone in the building freaked and started running around like chickens with their heads cut off. He tried to sneak in but with everyone rushing around in chaos he was not successful. The good news is that the few goons he did kill were not missed. Three...
O'Kei asked what I was going to do with the two of them. Ken-Gi and I elected to sleep next to the camp fire and the girls took the tent since we only had three sleeping bags the girls would have to share one sleeping bag. The girls spread out the sleeping bag and slept on top, I gave them my poncho liner to cover up with, it was cold but they were able to sleep. I heard the intruder just as the barrel of a rifle pressed against my chest. I calmly opened my eyes to see several figures...
If only I could catch up to them, who were they? I had no idea but I did know that they were well armed and very organized which made me think professionals. Three days later I found where they had stopped. I had circled the ranch for the fifth time, watching the four groups of roaming guards; each group was made up of two guards who seemed more interested in talking to each other rather than observing the area they were patrolling. There were three guards in the tower built in the center...
It was just starting to get light and the haze from the stadium lights against the fog was doing just as I had hoped for. You really couldn't see more than eight to ten feet in front of you. I knew the tower guards were only watching for something far and really could not see anything. The walking patrols were still talking between each other and not watching anything either. I knew this because I was already checking the door to the large building I had moved too. It was not locked, so...
Evening was coming the sun had already passed the top of the mountains and it would be dark very soon. We could see the warehouse and the people walking around it. It looked like three or four people but we were trying to make sure we knew exactly how many before we made ourselves known. They seemed to know what they were doing, as only one would move at a time while the others watched. They had circled the warehouse twice before stopping at the main entrance. We had carefully moved closer...
I was stunned as everyone turned and looked toward me for my answer. I almost stuttered as I asked, "Who made me the boss?" The answer was either — "I did!" or "ME!" depending on who you were listening too. Everyone started to laugh and giggle as they realized just how quickly and finally they had spoken. They did this without even having a discussion about it. Roberta stood up and calmly said that it was obvious that I was a natural leader, since everyone felt the same way without...
A month later General Styles called us all to the briefing room and asked if we were up for a new mission? Sonny's collarbone is still healing he has to be careful lifting things and not rough house with anyone. O'Kei, Randle, Ken-Gi, Nathan, and I have nice scars from our wounds but for the most part we are back to what could be called healthy. Zeke only lost the last digit of his ring finger, but both his pink and ring finger are sort of stuck in a semi-closed grip. He cannot extend or...
His lungs were burning, as he struggled to draw any air. Her weight was crushing him, as she drove his head between her breasts. Before, he was able to move his head and wiggle to create some room and get some oxygen to his deprived brain, but now, she had an air tight seal around his nose and mouth. The only sounds coming from him now were groans of ecstasy. His cock was inside her wet pussy, and he could feel her hot juices streaming down his shaft onto his balls. Even though he was going to...
SoftBy 2nnWARNING! This story is not for minors or people who don?t like sexual writings and such. It deals with hard core homosexual sex and body modifications. If this offends you or you are a minor, stop reading now.Chapter 1: MeetingI?m not on the prowl, looking to hook up or anything like. It?s been two months since I broke off with my then boyfriend and although the breakup was friendly enough ? we both agreed it had run it?s course ? I don?t feel like finding a new boyfriend just yet and...
It was a month back when this incident happened. Well my brother moved in from Bangalore with his family and actually he was my cousin. He went searching for a house nearby his workplace. To my surprise he got one opposite to where I was living. It was a residential complex. They have a 3 year old daughter. It was time when my parents wanted to go to Bangalore to perform ritual rights to my late grand-dad. I could not go there as I had my semester practicals on the line. So my dad decided to...
July 8, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Is it really that surprising?” Leah asked. “I suppose not,” I replied. “I just didn’t read too much into the kiss on the cheek.” “I didn’t think it was a good idea to kiss you on the lips with all those people around, because I had no idea who they were or what they would think. You were VERY careful with our dance, so I kind of followed your lead.” Which showed very mature thinking on her part. Both of these girls were exactly the kind of students I...
Warning! There are two versions of this chapter. Because of the serious nature of the content, we have created a “cleaner” version. This is the cleaner version, it doesn’t contain anything more offensive than is seen previously in this series (which isn’t much). If you want the original version it is also posted. Taylor and Julie awoke during the night, laying together naked on the couch. They looked over and saw Alex asleep, a finger barely still inside her pussy. The girls quietly...
A/N: Regardless of the choices and paths you choose, there are no dead ends in this story. I’ve linked certain chapters in each storyline so that the story progresses accordingly and one path isn’t incredibly short. If you reach the point where it says there are no more chapters left, it means that you’ve caught up with my writing and check back later for updates! Hope you enjoy the story and don’t forget to like and comment! -L There are a lot of good things about flying first class, but the...
My friends would tell ya I was a mean, cold, unfeeling son of a bitch. That is IF I had friends. I don't and I like it that way. You know that old saying "The more people I meet, the more I like my dogs". I do like my dogs, though. If not for them, I'd be lying dead from Cree arrows. As it is, I'm still limping along on a game leg from where one of those Cree bastards hit me. Sneaky bastards I should say. A little over a week ago, four of them jumped me, as my dogs and I worked my sled...
I thought everyone else was already in bed. I knew my parents were. I assumed Emma was too, as I hadn't seen her for over an hour. It was after midnight, but still Friday night to me. After a week of my final year in high school, I was all about staying up late, having a snack, hoping to catch a so-bad-it's-good gem among the late night movies. But then Emma stepped into the room. She was dressed for bed in a t-shirt that maybe should have been a little longer for wearing when not directly...
My name's Samuel or Sam for short and... my sister... Samantha. Yeah, two Sams. Oh joy. Sam and Sam. Sam's Club. But I'm eighteen and my sister's is four years older (that would make her twenty-two for those of you with impaired math skills). And now for the best thing about her return is that she's such a bitch she doesn't really have friends which means she just stays home all day assuming her reign as queen bitch and ruling over all that live in her miserable kingdom. Now my...
Copyright Oggbashan February 2005 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. It started at Amanda’s disastrous reunion on New Year’s Eve. She had invited all our year at University to a local club. I accepted immediately. Amanda had been my dream partner when I was a student....
Her sexy thin lips were moving, but her words never reached my ears. I couldn't stop imagining what her lips would taste like-- strawberries, vanilla... The way she was positioned on the other end of the sofa could easily be mistaken for unspoken permission to satisfy her. With her legs tucked beneath her bottom, her posture caused her shiny metallic dress to rise higher up her sexy thighs, ever so close to exposing her underwear. Her head rested against the back of the sofa; her body on the...
LesbianHer sexy thin lips were moving, but her words never reached my ears. I couldn’t stop imagining what her lips would taste like– strawberries, vanilla… The way she was positioned on the other end of the sofa could easily be mistaken for unspoken permission to satisfy her. With her legs tucked beneath her bottom, her posture caused her shiny metallic dress to rise higher up her sexy thighs, ever so close to exposing her underwear. Her head rested against the back of the sofa, her body on the arm,...
Monday morning Peter takes Kyle and Charlotte into the office and Kyle is soon at work reviewing and approving paperwork. Some of it requires decisions and he makes them. By lunchtime he’s caught up on the paperwork he must handle as CEO. The afternoon is spent with more interviews of senior executives, but from the next tier to those of his last round of interviews. A lot more had been scheduled, but the people resigned and were allowed to leave at short notice. The trouble makers and...
The tenders for the extra garaging were submitted and Grace was able to put together her paper explaining the need for more trucks and the space to keep them. She made recommendations. She left the final draft with Peter Curzon. She had also let Anthea have a look at it. Peter was very complimentary. “You’ve done a very good job there, Grace. I can’t fault the reasoning and I didn’t spot a single typo or poor choice of words. Well done you!” Grace was unable not to blush with pleasure....
Jessie and Padma are friends. Jessie is a nice guy, and very studious in college. Padma is a Brahmin girl. Quite characteristically this Brahmin girl is fair, 5’2 in height, and has a lovely face. Her smile is mesmerizing and she talks well with all males. Her vital assets must be something like 30–28–32. But uncharacteristically, though her parents are well-studied and are in key positions, she is quite dumb in studies. She often gets humiliated by her teachers for not studying well. Jessie...
A Chance Encounter by 1941aaa Part One That night was the first time that I’d ever had my cock sucked, by another man! My name is Robert Conway and usually get called Bob which I’ve come to accept. My wife Sally had just had her shower and was getting dressed while I had mine, when the phone rang. She answered it of course and came into the bathroom just as I stepped out of the shower. ‘That was Sue,’ she began. Sue was one of her friends that went out walking in the morning to give her dog...
BisexualChapter 2 The New VentureBill Todd was enjoying watching his new found, world class beauty licked clean by his secretary. He could have had them do anything but he had other things to do.“Rebecca, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast. Inga looks like she enjoyed your attention. But the day is slipping away and we have a number of things to do.” Bill announced.“Take you new friend and get her a shower. Wardrobe should have some clothes that she can wear. Make the arraignments. Get back up here as...
Was a friday nite and my son had left hours ago to stay at his mom's for the weekend. I was thinking ok, cool, time for dad here to go on the prowl and hit a few bars and see what cums up. Went to a local dive bar, more of pool table, cowboy shot and beer type bar, Love checking out str8 guys who are really bi or intereted in a tease. Noticed this one guy at few stools down, fucking gorgeous hunk of a guy, Tall, fucking black cowboy boots on, and shirt unbuttoned to show off his hairy chest. He...
Downcast I was about to go when I realised that there was lots of holes in the planks where knots had fallen out and looked through some of them until I found one that had been made bigger for some reason. I soon realised why when I could see my brother, laid back along a bench, trousers round his ankles and a man who imagined to be the fat friend at him. Mercy me!!!!!! I was shocked to see that the man was sucking on his cock, bobbing his head up and down so that he was not wanking him with...