Killing Curiosity Part 3 free porn video

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I had not long got home from a particularly hard day at work. The client had been a real pain in the ass. The guests had been full of compliments but all he could do was complain about anything and everything. I poured myself a glass of wine and slumped into the chair to check on my emails. I switched on my laptop and opened up my email account, picked up my glass and took a mouthful of the ice cold Sancerre. The third message from the top stood out in bold lettering and caught my attention.

The sender was ‘Behonestly69’ and the subject was ‘Des Amis Du Vin’. My mind immediately went back to London . When I lived there, I had often gone to Café Des Amis Du Vin in Covent Garden . It was one of my favourite watering holes and memories of meeting Ben there also came flooding back. My hand was shaking slightly as I placed the glass down and opened up the message. My stomach flipped over as I read it.

“Hi stranger, Des Amis Du Vin, June26 at 6pm. Ben x.”

What was that all about? I hadn’t seen or heard from Ben for four years and obviously, he had no idea that I didn’t live in London any more. I had thought that I was getting too old to be running a nightclub. I had become tired of the fast pace of the big city so had moved back north to where I was born. I had found a new job in Event Management, which I usually enjoyed, and started a new chapter of my life.

I had seen Ben on television a couple times. He was now based in New York and was a real high flyer in his bank, Head of Global something or other. I had even Googled him and discovered that he had married two years ago to an Englishwoman, whom I assumed was the one he told me about. As far as I knew, they had no children.

My mind drifted back to those encounters with Ben. My cock started to engorge when I recalled the incredible sex that we had had. Since that last encounter, I had even become a bit more versatile in bed but nobody had ever come close to matching Ben when it came to fucking me. My hole started to twitch at the possibility of a repeat performance and I had to readjust myself to give my prick more space as I considered my reply.

I checked my diary and found that I was free from the 23rd to the 30th, so I wrote in it ‘No Appointments’ between those two dates. That bastard knew that I would agree but at least I didn’t have to cancel anything, or get my deputy to stand in for me. When I was dealing with a client, I always felt that it was my responsibility to be there at the event. Now, if we got a prospective client during that period, Dave, my deputy, could deal with them and take care of the event.

I pondered for some time about the response and decided to play a little hard to get, knowing that I would kick myself and quickly backtrack if it went wrong.

‘That is difficult. I don’t live in London any more. Paul xx,’ I tapped out.

I was surprised when I immediately got a message back

‘I don’t care! Book a hotel, I’ll pay. No excuses! I know you want to see me! You can’t kid me! Or yourself!’

You arrogant little shit, I thought.

‘What about your wife?’ I fired back.

‘I’ll explain it all on the 26th. Just say you’ll be there. Please!’

‘Yes, I’ll be there! You knew damn well that I would say yes!!!!! You had better have a good reason for dragging me back there and I don’t need you to pay for me. I am quite capable of paying for myself, thank you!’

‘Thanks, that’s great Paul. You won’t be sorry, honestly! I’ve missed you!!!!!’

Now my stomach felt worse than ever. I had a raging hard on and yet I thought that I was going to puke. I took a big mouthful of wine to try and quell the queasiness and leant back in my seat. This whole scenario had me stumped. What did he want with me? What about his wife? What did he want to get up to in London ? Why did he say he had missed me? Questions, questions, questions……but no answers!

Over the next couple of days I sorted out work, visited the clinic for a check up and made my hotel arrangements. I decided to go on the 25th and come back on the 30th. I booked to stay at the Waldorf Hilton on Aldwych, a stones throw away from Covent Garden and also convenient for the West End . No doubt Ben would be staying at The Dorchester or Clarridges, nice but a little too pretentious for my liking. The Waldorf was luxurious but not over the top and I had found it a friendly place on previous visits.

The 25th came around soon enough and I found myself on the train to London . All those questions were, once again, racing through my mind. I was really looking forward to seeing Ben but I found all this uncertainty was unsettling. Although I toyed with various possibilities, I knew that if he was still married I would not be going to bed with him. That was a certainty, I didn’t believe in that and there no room for compromise!

Alighting at Euston Station, I caught a taxi to my hotel, checked in and got settled into my room. After unpacking, I took a shower and changed into some fresh clothes. I sent an email to Ben, letting him know my hotel and room number, before I wandered out towards the West End . I headed for Comptons, one of my favourite bars situated in Old Compton Street .

As usual, the place was packed with a variety of gay guys from eighteen to eighty, a real eclectic mix of the London Scene. There was that old familiar smell that I had missed, a mixture of beer, locker room and the men’s cologne section of Selfridges. I bought a drink and stood near to the window, taking in the various goings on around me. There were the guys who had met their boyfriends there after work. The guys who were on the pull, either strutting their stuff or looking coquettishly at a prospective lay. The businessmen, in conversation with the rent boys who frequented the place. Then there were the guys who, like me, were just out for a drink. The atmosphere was always electric, a real mishmash of hopes, dreams and possibilities.

One guy approached me; he was about thirty years old and very good looking. He introduced himself as Rob and we soon struck up a conversation. He told me that he was in London for a few of days on business. He didn’t get to London that often and had come here because a friend at home had recommended the place. He seemed pleasant enough and he was easy to get along with. After an hour of idle small talk I suggested that we go and eat together, to which he agreed. I suspected he was glad of the company, just happy not to be eating alone.

We chose a little Italian restaurant around the corner and enjoyed a wonderful Linguine Carbonara accompanied by a bottle of Barolo. During the meal I explained that I was meeting an old friend the next day, without divulging too much detail. He asked me if I had plans for the evening and I got the distinct idea that wanted the night to end either in my bed or his. I played with the idea of making a night of it with Rob but the thought of meeting up with Ben tomorrow put a dampener on it. I did not want to be sexed out before I met him, just in case we did end up having sex. On the contrary, I wanted to be ready for a night of lustful, animalistic fucking, if he was free! I told Rob that I was getting an early night but if he wanted to get together on the 27 th , then I would be more than happy to meet up with him and I gave him my phone number.

After paying for our meals, I headed back to my hotel, alone. When I was in my room, I lay on the bed and wondered if I had done the right thing. What if the meeting with Ben is a blow out? What had he meant by ‘you won’t be sorry’? Why the fuck isn’t it tomorrow!!! Why did Rob have to go and enter the equation? Why was I even bothered about Rob? What the hell was going on with me? This is not how I act! This was Ben, the little fucker, messing with my brain.

I needed a distraction so I ordered a bottle of wine from Room Service and switched on the television. Soon after, there was a knock on the door and a waiter entered with the bottle of wine and two glasses. I checked him over as he handed me the slip for my signature. Cute, I thought and even considered offering him the use of the spare glass but then thought better of it. I signed the chit and he left me, alone in the room.

I poured myself a glass of wine, sat in the armchair and turned my attention to the news that was on the television. A minor earthquake somewhere off the coast of Japan A forest fire raging in California and threatening to reach the outskirt of Los Angeles. The Governor of The Bank of England, giving the closing speech to a group of leading bankers at a conference in London. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as the camera panned round and I caught sight of Ben, looking as stunning as ever. At least now, I knew why he was in London .

By midnight, I had finished the bottle of wine. I decided to take a cool shower, to try and shake off the effects of the alcohol before going to bed. Sleep was fitful, interspersed as it was with so many dreams of me with Ben in a multitude of sexual positions.

I woke the next morning later than usual so I decided to call room service for breakfast. Twenty minutes later there was a rap at the door and the waiter wheeled a trolley in with a Full English Breakfast and a pot of steaming hot tea. I slipped a bath robe on and signed the proffered slip, again noticing how cute the waiter was. God I was horny, especially after the series of erotic dreams I had had during the night. I could have sworn that the waiter winked at me when I handed the slip back to him before he left.

By noon, I was ready to go out and kill some time before returning to get ready to meet Ben. I decided to pay a quick visit to some friends before having some lunch at Balans. After lunch I called into the Golden Lion for a quick drink before heading back to the hotel. Even in the afternoon the place was busy, as it always was, filled with low end rent boys who worked from there and the businessmen who frequented it.

I got back to the hotel around four and started the painstaking ritual of preparing myself for the possibility of anal sex. Three anal douches and a couple of showers, everywhere had to be meticulously cleaned. I would have one final douche would be just before leaving, I was taking no chances. If all this preparation was a waste of time I would be so disappointed. At five thirty, I was finally ready to go and meet him. I had decided to wear a pair of beige Chinos, a Ben Sherman shirt and a lightweight tan jacket along with a pair of white Nike trainers.

The short walk to the bar seemed to take forever with all the possibilities still playing around in my mind. I didn’t know whether to turn back or to run there and put an end to all of the questions. I was no better when I arrived at the door, hesitating, before entering with trepidation. I looked around and saw him sitting in a corner, well away from the other customers that were there. He looked up and smiled as I made my way over to him and then stood up, arms open, when I reached him.

As we hugged each other he snuggled his head into my neck and I felt him kiss it, ever so gently. Shivers ran down my spine and I got a tingling sensation in my fingers and toes, I felt like a schoolgirl on her first date. I knew that I was in danger of going along with whatever he wanted but I was determined to fight my feelings, at least until I found out what he had in mind. I pulled away from him and took a seat, trying to compose myself as Ben went over to the bar and ordered our drinks.

I sat impassively as he returned with two bottles of Becks. Placing one in front of me, he sat down opposite. He looked even more handsome than I remembered, if that were possible. A brilliant white shirt set off his deep tan, blue loose-fit jeans and blue deck shoes completed the outfit. A smile played on his mouth as those chocolate eyes watched me examine him.

“Do you still approve? I haven’t gotten to old for you, have I?” he teased.

“No, you’ll do as long as nothing better comes along,” I countered, displaying no emotion.

His look changed to one of concern.

“Is there something bothering you? Is it me? Have I done something wrong?” he sounded worried.

“Are you still married?” I asked, deciding to come straight out with it.

“Yes, why?” he queried

“In that case I’ll leave now. You didn’t know but I won’t do anything with you while you’re married. So, you’ve wasted my time and yours,” I replied, tersely and began to rise.

“Even if she knows?” Ben said quickly, “Even if she told me to get in touch with you? Even if she wants to be in the room with us?”

I stopped dead in my tracks. My mind was completely blank, as though it could not comprehend what had been said. I just stood there, frozen, looking at Ben but not really seeing him.

“I think you’d better sit back down and let me explain,” he said, trying to reassure me. “Anne knows all about us, well, except for your name that is. We were talking about our fantasies, our sexual bucket list. You know the type of thing, our deepest, darkest secrets and I mentioned something about being with a guy again. When she quizzed me, I told her about the times that I’d enjoyed with you and she got really turned on by it. She also has this fantasy about being cuckolded but not humiliated, like it usually is in porn films. More like, she’s made to watch me with someone else, a sort of forced voyeur. So it was her idea that she watched me and you together, that way both of our fantasies could happen at the same time.”

“She does know that I’m gay then? That it’s not going to end in a threesome?” I asked, concerned that there was another part to their fantasy.

“Yes, she knows. Whatever happens is up to you. If you don’t want her to be involved at all then you can just leave after we have sex. If you do want her to get involved with us afterwards and you’re comfortable with it, that’s fine to. You make your own rules; I’m certainly not going to push you.”

“I haven’t been with a woman for years, not since university. I don’t even know if I could remember anything that I did with a woman back then. Anyway, what’s she like?”

“She’s older than me,” he answered “By five years. Five foot eight, brown hair, hazel eyes with a fantastic body and a gorgeous face.”

“Well I knew she’d be gorgeous!” I laughed “Haven’t you got a picture of her with you that you could show me?” I was intrigued.

“Yes, but I’m not showing it to you. She’ll have a veil covering her so she won’t see what you look like, it’s only fair that you don’t know either. If it goes further you will both get to see each other.” Ben leant back and smiled.

“When does this take place then?” I asked.

“We can leave any time you like. I have to phone her to let her know when we’re on our way and she can get ready. Just give me the nod and we’ll go.”

I stared intently at Ben. My brain was telling me to leave, my heart was telling me to stay and my cock had the casting vote. No contest! I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach but I simply smiled at him.

“Let’s go then. This could either be the best night of sex in my life or the worst case of stage fright in my life! Let’s go and find out which it’s to be,” I quipped.

We stood up, left the bar and headed to the Savoy , a short distance away. On the way Ben made the phone call, then explained to me that he would go up to the room first and I was to come up ten minutes later. When we arrived at The Coal Hole on The Strand, I said that I was going in there to have a drink while I waited and he could call me when it was time to come up.

Ten minutes and a large cognac later, my phone rang and Ben told that they were ready. I left the pub, crossed the road and made my way up the small road leading to the hotel’s main entrance. I entered The Savoy and made my way through the plush foyer, to the elevators. I told the attendant the floor that I required and leant against the wall with my eyes closed as the lift rose, silently. A small cough signified that I had reached my destination so I exited and headed towards Ben’s suite. At the door, I stopped and stared at the number, hesitant and yet excited.

I knocked, gently, and the door opened, silently. Ben stood there, with a forefinger pressed to his lips, urging me to be quiet. He beckoned me in and I followed him through, into the sumptuous lounge area of his luxurious suite of rooms. The place screamed of opulence with its rich upholstery and antique furniture. He stopped me and leaned his head to my ear.

“You know what to do. As far as we’re concerned, we are the only people in that room. We pay no attention to her and we do whatever we want. There is absolutely no need to hold anything back.” he whispered.

I simply nodded my understanding and we crossed over to the bedroom. Ben noisily thrust open the door and laughed as he dragged me into the room. The room was in darkness, save for two bedside lamps which had a yellow, gauze material draped over each of them. This golden glow illuminated just the large bed but left the rest of the room in shadow.

“Fuck, I’ve missed you. I’ve missed fucking with you for so long. I can’t wait to feel that cock of yours inside of me again, pounding my ass.” He sounded almost desperate, as he spoke.

He pulled me into an embrace of such savage passion that in bordered on assault. A split second later and I was returning it with equal fervour. We were like two rutting stags but we were not fighting for a herd of does, we were fighting for dominance of another kind. Our hands raked over each others body, pulling at the clothes in a desperate bid to get the other naked. Sweat was glistening as our torsos were exposed and our mouths moved to each others necks.

We pulled apart and raced to finish removing the remainder of our clothes. We stood facing each other, breathing heavily with our cocks jutting up and out like swords. Ben seized my arm and dragged me onto the bed. Not once had we looked towards the shadowed figure, seated on a chair in the unlit corner of the room. We tussled on the bed, like two wrestlers in a ring, trying to find a winning hold that would lead to a submission. As our mouths locked, I heard a sharp intake of breath that had a definite female tone to it.

I extricated myself from his grasp and spun my body round so that my head was directly in front of Ben’s groin. I seized his cock and plunged my mouth onto it and in one fell swoop the entire thing disappeared into my mouth and down my throat. His groan echoed around the room and a distinct moan could be heard from the corner. As Ben recovered from the initial sensation, he took hold of my prick and licked it, like a hungry schoolboy with a lollipop. Up and down the shaft with long strokes and swirling his tongue around the head, trying to tease the pre cum out of it.

In this position, I knew that neither of us would last very long and that was not my intention. Maybe a couple of minutes and then we would both be blowing our loads down each others throats. Releasing his tool from my mouth and freeing my own, I moved between Ben’s legs and raised them. His hands automatically went behind his thighs to support them, giving me access to his amazing hole. Whilst from the corner, I heard some movement.

Lowering my mouth, my tongue savoured Ben’s rosebud, swirling it round and lapping up that taste that I had hungered for over the years. The distinct smell and flavour that only he had, sent my senses reeling. Over and over, my tongue licked, stabbed and probed his sphincter, opening it and relaxing it to allow the entry that was soon to follow. I moved again, this time kneeling between his splayed legs and lined up my tumescent rod to the opening

Gently I pushed through the muscled outer ring, which gave way remarkably easily, and then through the second ring, until the whole of the glans was inside.

“Oh fuck yes! Oh fuck yes! Push your fucking meat inside! I want all of you inside me!” Ben groaned, loudly. His lust fuelled words, echoing round the room.

“Ohhhh!” came a woman’s voice from the corner, clearly audible above Ben’s groans.

Granting Ben’s wish, I sank my cock to the hilt and held it there.

“Oh fuck, that feels so good! Oh Christ I’ve missed it! Now fuck me you bastard, fuck me as hard as you can!”

I began to thrust in and out with increasing speed and force until I was pushing his body back towards the headboard. Relentlessly pummelling his ass while he shouted obscenities, which only spurred me on all the more. The moans and gasps of breath from the corner of the room were becoming louder and louder. They were accompanied by the rustling of material and a faint wet smacking sound.

Ben’s asshole was beginning to spasm and the heat from the friction between us set off the tingling sensation in my balls. Both were sure-fire signs that our orgasms were on there way. His whole body started to tense up and twitch, his ring squeezing and relaxing around my fuckpole. As though it was milking it, urging it to produce the cream it sought.

“Now, you fucker, cum in my ass! Breed me you bastard! Let me feel you shoot!” Ben growled.

As the cum began to spew from his piss slit, I felt my own cock give that one, final swell and a fountain of sperm spurted deep into his bowels, blasting the walls. A high pitched squeal followed by a rapid panting emanated from that dark corner. I collapsed on top of Ben, struggling for breath as he lay there smiling at me. We kissed passionately before Ben rolled me off onto the bed. He smiled and motioned his head towards the corner, the look in his eyes was almost pleading. I simply nodded.

He took my hand and led me to the darkened corner where the noise had been coming from. Nervously, I stood naked before the shadowed figure with my deflating manhood. I noticed the same gossamer material that covered the lamps, draped over the entire figure. This had allowed them to see but not clearly. Ben lifted the material to reveal the shape of a naked woman. I felt a pair of small hands take hold of my buttocks and pull me closer. One hand moved to my penis and took hold, then a warm mouth enveloped it.

Ben moved towards the light switch by the door and flicked it on. The room lit up and I looked down at the woman who was sucking eagerly on my cock. She was looking directly up at me. Our eyes locked and I stood there, almost paralysed. She tried her best to smile but my prick, which was still in her mouth, made that difficult. As her eyes beamed, my face remained impassive and my heart thumped. Her teeth closed around my shaft holding it firmly and her eyes flashed a warning to me. The merest movement of my head signalled understanding.

I looked over to Ben and noticed that his dick had started to grow as he watched the scene unfold before him. This was my chance to leave but I knew that I wanted Ben inside me one last time so I just smiled at him. I pulled away from his wife and walked over to him.

“I want you to fuck me,” I whispered in his ears and he nodded.

I went back to the woman, led her by the hand over towards the bed and then directed her to lie down. I joined her, kneeling between her opened legs and staring at the shaved mound before me. Memories of all those pussy eating days at university came flooding back. A shit eating grin appeared on my face and when I looked at her, she smiled back. As my mouth homed in on its target, I felt my ass cheeks being spread and the tip of Ben’s tongue teasing my hole.

My own tongue began to circle the hood of her clitoris, trying to tempt the hard pearl into emerging from its hiding place. At the same time, I was trying to push my butt backwards onto Ben’s probing tongue. These conflicting actions were not really helping any of us, I had to make a decision and quickly. I decided to concentrate on giving his wife an oral experience that she would remember for a long time and leave him to do whatever he wanted with my ass.

I snaked my tongue along the lips of her pussy, finishing with a little flourish round her now exposed clit. Her juices were flowing freely from her cunt onto my tongue and I savoured that long forgotten, sweet taste. Her hands were on my head, pulling me into the folds of her vagina as she moaned in appreciation. I moved two fingers in and out of her dripping gash then onto her anal opening, playing and tantalising the small, pink rosebud.

Behind me, Ben had loosened my sphincter and at least two inches of his tongue was working on massaging the inner ring of muscle. There was a pause and I felt the cold softness of lube being applied with one, and then two, deft fingers. My body was relaxed as I waited for the imminent feeling of his cock stretching and filling my chute. I wasn’t disappointed, the glans and shaft of his thick endowment slid in with minimal discomfort or pain, just as it had that first time.

Ben struck up a slow steady rhythm, which first pushed my tongue into his wife’s welcoming slit and then drew me slightly away from it. Each forward movement of my body was matched with an attempt to drive my tongue, as deeply as I could, inside of her. Each penetration of my tongue caused her to grip my hair harder and drag my head further into her. I was making muffled groans of pleasure as I lapped up her nectar. She was moaning and mewing loudly whilst Ben was producing a series of grunts and growls that were worthy of any wildlife film.

“Oh yes Paul! That’s it! That’s it!” she moaned and I gave her a warning look.

I lifted my torso and pulled her down the bed until she was below me and sank my prick into her dripping cunt. Even with so much lubrication, the walls of her vagina moulded firmly around my manhood. She gasped and my mouth found her long forgotten lips. I tried to match Ben’s movements but to no avail so I pulled my head away and turned towards him.

“Stop moving and move a bit closer,” I mouthed to him, “Then let me do it.”

He nodded, letting me know he understood what I meant. I plunged into his wife and then pulled back, sinking my butt onto Ben’s waiting cock. Adjusting to this position, I was able to increase the strength and speed of my movements. Slamming into his wife or impaling myself forcibly onto his thick shaft with each stroke. My whole body was covered in sweat with the effort, causing slapping sounds with whichever body I hit.

Soon, a prickling sensation in my thighs was traveling towards my bollocks and I knew that I would last long before I erupting. Supporting myself with one arm, I pinched her nipples hard, knowing that this would speed her orgasm along. I squeezed my sphincter in a series of contractions, trying to warn Ben that my orgasm was on the way.

“Mnnughhhh!” I grunted, as the first volley of sperm shot deep inside her vagina.

My butt hole tightened, which set Ben off on his orgasm. I could feel him coat my insides as I continued to spew the contents of my nuts into his wife. Her own orgasm had taken hold and as her body shook violently. Her nails dug painfully into my back, marking the flesh as she savagely ran her hands up and down.

“Oh fuck yes Paul! Oh Paul” she shouted.

I put my hand over her mouth in an attempt to quieten her, hoping Ben hadn’t heard. Ben fell onto my back, completely spent, and bit my shoulder. As we all collapsed into a post coital tangle on the bed, something must have registered with him and he raised himself onto one elbow and looked at us.

“How do you know his name? I was very careful not to mention it,” he asked, looking at his wife.

Anne looked at me. I looked back, smiled and then nodded. “We went out together for a couple of years at university. I had no idea it was going to be him, I didn’t even know he was gay!”

“It sure is a small world! And it certainly brought back some old memories,” I said, laughing.

I got up from the bed to retrieve my clothes. When I was dressed I went back over to the bed and gave each of them a kiss. I said my goodbyes and as I left, I no longer had that sad feeling that I associated with knowing that I wasn’t going to see Ben. In some strange way, knowing he was with Anne made it easier.

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The Story 8211 Episode 1 8211 Curiosity Is The Beginning

Hi readers, I’m Aman (name changed), a Southee, 25 years old currently working. This is my first sex story in ISS. Though I have been following ISS since 2010, I never had the will to submit a story of my own till now. So here’s my story :( will be different from typical cliché stories) It began at a very young age (I know this thing is not allowed but at that time I was not aware of the things I was doing, but believe me, all my entire life was influenced by the events that took place at that...

1 year ago
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This began simple enough but turned into a total fucked up mess with me in the middle and center of attention. Having been married a long time it's easy to become very definitive in your lifestyle. For years my wife would always bug me about tasting my own cum or dining on a cream pie. Weather she blew me and fed it to me or eat her out after I came in her pussy didn't make any difference to her, she just wanted to see me eat my cum. With a very emphatic "SORRY I don't go there" statement I...

3 years ago
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Rebecas Curiosity

Rebecca's Curiosity I have the internet to thank for my journey into femininity. Walking my long road in high heels began in 1997 when I was but 12 years old. At the time, AOL had several text-based games, and one of them was a mystery game set on a tropical island. The players had the option of going into a store and changing the clothing their characters were wearing. Being 12 and a huge fan of Monty Python, I thought it was the absolute pinnacle of hilarity to put a miniskirt and...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Curiosity Satisfied

The teen years are confusing enough for everyone but, for those, like me, who don’t quite fit the description of normal, whatever that is, they can be extremely confusing and frustrating. In my case, there really wasn’t anything normal about me. First, I was not a member of the predominant religion in the area that over ninety percent of my classmates were. In addition, I was physically larger than all but one or two others in the school and had a full thick beard by the time I was sixteen....

Gay Male
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Curiosity Cured

Curiosity Cured By: Londebaaz Chohan“Natured or Nurtured”, the debate is still on and the jury has still not announced its verdict but, Arvind Kumar was not interested in all of the mess. The only thing, he knew was that he was soon going to be graduating from the high school and joining a college and wanted to experience it before then. He had faked every possible move; the high school boys do but nothing had soothed him. He had a girlfriend, just short of fucking her like most of his groupies...

2 years ago
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Karlas Curiosity 4 The Final Chapter

At 7:30, things were starting to finish up. Karla was on a mattress in the center of the court being sandwiched in her ass and pussy by Jimmie Williams and Craig Hixon. She was exhausted and sore, and drained internally from her night’s multiple orgasms. Her moans of pleasure were echoing off the walls of the empty area. Under one of the baskets, Vicky was being impaled reverse cowgirl style on Ronnie Simpson’s 9 and a half-inch pole. As she hopped up and down on his thick black bone, she was...

1 year ago
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Curiosity Vol1 4CCG

Volume 1: Curiosity By John Morrison Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly” With an anonymous collaborator Chapter 1: Curiosity Killed the Pussy October, Freshman year The sun rose, turning the room a light yellow. The girls slept through the morning sun. Cynthia awoke later. “Hey Julie, you...

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A Haunting Curiosity

A Haunting Curiosity I walked up to the rusty iron bar fences. I never thought I would make it here, especially after hearing so much about this place. I looked through the bars and could see why so many thought it to be the place of nightmares, but I thought surely it couldnt be as bad as what they said. Surely it couldnt be haunted, I mean its the sort of thing you hear about in books or television shows, not the stuff of reality. But the stories that were told of what happened in this...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Changes

Driving home was always the worst part of the day. It wasn't that I didn't like going out for drinks with them, its just that as soon as they got the least bit intoxicated, they immediately launched into tales of the previous conquests, the things they did, the things they liked about her, the things they wished they had done with her, and on and on. Being the last one in the group to experience this, I usual just disengaged and spent the rest of my night in my own little word wondering why I...

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The Chronicles of Abby Abbyrsquos Early Curiosity of

Synopsis: This part of the story tells about Abby’s early awareness of the effects of her panties on males. Since it’s the early part of the story, there aren’t any sexual scenes yet. But for panties and upskirt lovers, this can be enjoyable. Abby, an innocent first grade elementary school girl. She looks almost like the c***d actress, Madeleine McGraw from the movie ‘Lucy in My Eyes’. She’s absolutely pretty and perfect for any girls of her age. Since Abby was five years old, she has been...

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What price curiosity Part 1 Wi

“You look like shit!” Paris peered over her sunglasses and took in Tom’s seedy appearance. The heavy eyes, tousled hair and dark stubble that shadowed the ridge of his jaw could lead to only one conclusion - he hadn’t been home last night. Her lips pursed as she blew the foam from her cappuccino. “And you’re late. Again.” A small burst of air raised a chestnut curl from in front of hazel eyes as she huffed her displeasure. Tom looked down at his wrinkled shirt. “Just rolled outta bed,” he...

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Curiosity  The car swerved in and out of the lane yet again. After following for several blocks, Bill was wondering what was going on with the female driver as he slowed down once more to maintain a safe distance behind her. What he didn't know was that something had possessed her to download a few hot erotic audio stories to her cell phone and she had decided to indulge herself by listening to them as she drove to work. He also was unaware the reason she was having to struggle to maintain her...

Quickie Sex
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Karlas Curiosity

Karla never expected she'd find herself fucking a black man, let alone nine different black guys that night. But once the idea was introduced to her, it was all she could think about that entire day.A Midwest-grown girl in her twenties, Karla was always a girl full of both curiosity and promiscuity. As a teen she was very experienced when it came to sex, which included a few lesbian encounters in college. The one thing she had never experienced though was interracial sex. If there had been...

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Curiosity Killed the Cat

Curiosity Killed the Cat Tom was a very lucky man. At the age of 21, he did exceptionally well in school, made lots of money at his job in the hardware store, and was still able to party every weekend. His friends were always jealous of how lucky he was with the ladies, calling him 'The Cat' because of how he stalked his prey with animal intent and always got what he wanted. But life was on the upswing even then. A new senior co-ed had moved into the dorm room right next to his, a...

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Curiosity captured the cheerleader

Curiosity captured the cheerleader Curiosity Captured the CheerleaderBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was sitting in her apartment, surfing the web and reading a book.? She wasn?t looking for much, just a friendly story site or picture trading club where she could sit and admire the strange new world of bondage she had discovered.? She had crafted herself a new screen name on yahoo which she thought was clever, sarahpony2005.? As she sat there surfing, a new PM popped up, from another...

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Zendayas Curiosity

The dog, seemingly satisfied with the cleanliness of his balls, moves on to his second favorite hobby, humping his stuffed bear into oblivion. “Noon! Really?” Zendaya yells at the dog, but he only locks eyes with her and continues his molestation of the thoroughly used toy. Gaze affixed on the hound, Zendaya can’t help but feel a twinge of something growing inside her as the pup persists in his recreation. She finds her hand slipping beneath her daisy dukes and between her thighs. Spreading...

2 years ago
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Killing Laura

?So, how do you want to die ?So, how do you want to die?? ?Please,? she begged ?You don?t have to do this.? ?You?re absolutely correct,? I replied, ?I don?t HAVE to do this. The thing is, Laura, I want to do it. And I?m going to do it. And there?s nothing you can do to stop it.? ?But I don?t want to die!? she screamed, eyes pleading as she burst into tears. ?Oh, little Laura,? I whispered as I bent over my young captive. She was naked, of course, wrists shackled together behind her and...

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Killing Me Softly

Completely concealed, she watched with a vicious excitement she hadn’t felt in years. Finally it would be over today. Live or die, it would be over. The arid wind blew the one stray blonde tress of hair that she could never get to stay under the hair cap. Her husband had always joked that it would be the one thing that would get her killed. A sad smile crossed her face as she thought that it was the ONE thing that had saved her life that day. Her mind raced back over the years that they had...

4 years ago
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Killing Malomar Twine

Jack and I had gotten away with the perfect murder, so why did I feel so shitty? And, as Jack had said, "The bitch deserved it!" She did, if anyone did, so why did I feel so shitty? The police were at a complete dead end, no closer now to solving it then they were last week. So why did I feel so shitty? I just did, is all. Perhaps the fact that I don't go around killing people, whether they need it or not, as a general practice, figures in somehow. I'm funny that way about killing people....

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Killing Angels For Sport

Oh death, why has thou forsaken me? My name is Anthony Dhaliwal Adewale, and I want to die. The problem is that I can’t. And that, my friends, is a problem. Anyone looking at me would see a six-foot-one, lean and athletic young biracial man with light brown skin, light brown eyes and curly black hair. I was born in the City of Imphal, in the Manipur State of the Republic of India, to an African immigrant father and Punjab Indian mother. I lived in the Republic of India for most of my early...

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Curiosity and Questions A Sons Perspective Part 2

Monday after school, Tommy stopped by a friends house to hang out for a little bit before heading home. He was tempted to tell someone what happened over the weekend with Susan but he knew he needed to keep it a secret. When he got home and walked in, his mom and step dad were in the kitchen. His mom had already changed from work, now wearing a curve hugging pair of black leggings and a cutoff sweatshirt. He heard his mom laughing as he walked in and she said, ‘Maybe, we’ll see.” to my stepdad...

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Karlas Curiosity 1 Girl dreams of black cock

Just barely out of college, an art major, Karla moved into her own apartment in the city and got a job at a local Starbucks to pay her bills while She waited for something better. Everyday she would take the train from the station near her apartment to go to work where she worked twelve long hours, five days a week. She wanted to be a graphics designer but jobs in that field were scarce. Slinging coffee was something she had to do to get to the life she prepared for with all her schooling. It...

3 years ago
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Fantasy or Curiosity

Well, where do I even begin………I’m sure, I’ll figure it out…. I have been in my relationship with a wonderful man for 3 years and I can honestly say it has been the best. He has taught me quite a few things about fucking that I never even knew existed. Food, Fruit and toys, well I can say they play a big role in having fun when it comes to sex. Let alone, a video cam corder makes it even more fun. This man, oh my god, he has got the biggest cock I have ever laid my lips upon. I never...

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Susans Curiosity Revised

Sue leaned back in her chair relaxing, after yet another grueling day of school. Sue was a very pretty girl, but she had never made a real effort to get to know other girls, or get a boy friend, much to her parent’s "not-really-caring-ness". She lived her life mostly on the internet, and made a healthy living of it doing surveys for big companies, and playing games. She stayed in shape by exercising every few hours or so, or playing with her friends, and every week, she would go and swim...

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Susans Curiosity

Sue was a very pretty girl, but she had never made a real effort to get to know other girls, or get a boy friend, much to her parent’s "not-really-caring-ness". She lived her life mostly on the internet, and made a healthy living of it doing surveys for big companies, and playing games. She stayed in shape by exercising every few hours or so, or playing with her friends, and every week, she would go and swim the at the local beach, sometimes even on her own if no-one else wanted to. Over...

2 years ago
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A man sees a group of dogs fucking a bitch in heat curiosity gets to him and he joins then so does another man

This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life in anyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story; should seriously consider seeking professional help!! It was a night much the same as many others. I was sitting home, lonely, horny, and wondering what to do about it. There was no one to call and nowhere to really go, so I decided maybe a nice long walk might help. It was a quite hot night so I just...

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Curiosity    The car swerved in and out of the lane yet again. After following for several blocks, Bill was wondering what was going on with the female driver as he slowed down once more to maintain a safe distance behind her. What he didn’t know was that something had possessed her to download a few hot erotic audio stories to her cell phone and she had decided to indulge herself by listening to them as she drove to work. He also was unaware the reason she was having to struggle to maintain...

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Curiosity at its Finest

I’ve always been a little curious about my sexuality. I have a boyfriend whom I love and find very attractive. But yet I find my self wondering what it would be like to be with a girl. I have this attraction to women that I can’t get over. Don’t get me wrong, I have an extremely good sex life with my boyfriend and we always have amazing sex, but being with a girl has always sparked my curiosity. There’s just something about them that turns me on. There is just something about them that guys...

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Curiosity Runs Hot

Curiosity Runs Hot Lacy and I had been living together for a year and a half when the social structure between us and our sex lives took a significant turn. We had met through a mutual friend, and enjoyed a platonic relationship for several weeks, having lunch or dinner together, attending art shows, the opera and occasionally sitting side by side in the library reading fiction for hours. I preferred lurid tales of love and lust, while she was interested in psychology. After being together...

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Curiosity Gone Too Far

He sat there chatting to women in chat rooms. Suddenly, a gay man popped up, offering to chat. Gay? I'm not gay? But something in him stirred him to curiosity. He responded.... "25mWI, James," he typed. "Wisconsin? So am I! Where??" the other man responded. Now he was nervous. He didn't expect to be in the same state. "Green Bay," he nervously typed. "me too! My name's Bryan, 30..." the conversation went on and on, discussing looks, body, sexual preferences... "Would you like to meet?" Came the...

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Curiosity 4

“We can’t thank you enough for doing this,” said Mrs. Gibson. “I am just glad I can help, at least I will give it my best shot,” I said and drank the tea in front of me. Mr. Gibson sighed. “We don’t know what has gotten into her. She used to be so good in school, the best grades and never missed a day in class. These last couple of months have been a disaster. Since Christmas, her grades have dropped below the school average and she has missed several days. She leaves early in the morning and...

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I stood on the balcony and took in the amazing view of the Mediterranean Sea in front of me and the white beach. There were a lot of people either lying on towels or on sunbeds. Some had parasols but most drank in the hot sun and their bodies glistened from sun oils. “Dad, can we go to the beach?” I said, turning back into the hotel room. My dad came out from the bathroom and said, “In a minute. Let’s unpack first. Go and help your mom.” The accomodation was a suite with two bedrooms and a...

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She had been working for the Smiths for more than two years. They were a nice enough couple who always paid her on time and didn't give her too much extra work. There was laundry and dusting and polishing, sweeping and mopping, vacuuming. Occasionally they would have company over the night before and on those days there was always some extra work to do. Still, she had heard so many complaints from the other girls she worked with about the horrible, nasty homes they had to look after and she...

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Curiosity Part IV 4

Part 4:The first cock I ever sucked was Mr. Paterson's, my eigth graide math teacherr. When I asked what I could do for extra credit to bring up my grade, he made a semi honest offer to tutor me after class and on our first private tutoring session he caught me staring at his bulging crotch. Thinking back on it now I'm pretty sure he was already semi hard, even before our brief study session was over. Feeling embarassed, I excused myself as I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. I was...

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Curiosity Part III

There I was, standing in the empty space between Mr. Paterson's desk and the door which I could've easily used to escape this obvious trap I was about to be entangled in. Part of me begged my feet to just kept walking towards the door, but my curiosity peaked once again as I heard the loud jingle sound of my hot math teacher's belt buckle coming loose and I turned around to face him instead...When Mr. Paterson asked me to come over to him there was little I could do to stop my dick from getting...

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Curiosity Part 1

I'm gay, I've known I was ever since I was just a boy. It took a few "special moments" growing up to finally acknowledge it to myself, but in the end I always felt it was true.For instance, back when I was in grade schoul I had this little crush on a boy but I knew I could never show my true feelings since I feared the wrong type of response and I felt I would get laughed at for it. There were a few boys I had a crush on throughout my youth, but I never grew the courage to tell any of them how...

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An invite to my neighbor Lisa's house for tonight. Lisa and I can best be described as "Neighbors with Benefits". It had been a month or so since we had matching schedules. I can say, I was really anxious for what this night could bring. The evening came and we went out for a quick dinner and some drinks. While there, Lisa kept excusing herself and would go outside and make phone calls."Is there something wrong?" I asked after she came back from one of her trips."Oh, no, nothing wrong. One of...

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Curiosity killed the Cat

Curiosity killed the catA long week end I was home alone again: my loving Victor flying away until Monday.I was getting a little bit boring, when I saw my neighbor Thomas on the street.He was a handsome guy and was the owner of a sex shop Victor and I had never visited. I went outside just to say hello. Thomas smiled and we chatted about his business.He said it was going very fine, even few women sometimes would find their way there."Women go in too…on their own?" I asked a little...

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Curiosity Filled the Cat

8:45. Shit! I'm late! Lauri thought, annoyed. She needed to get to her Saturday morning college class. First, though, she had to print her essay, but her printer was refusing to work. With a sigh of frustration, she ejected and yanked her USB from the computer. This was her first semester of classes. The 18-year-old coed had graduated high school 4 months ago and been accepted to a college close enough that she could live at home, instead of the dorms. She loved both not having to deal with...

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Throbbing of curiosity

This a true story from way back, and a little emphasised in parts but you get the drift... ...............Part 1 At the time I was around 12-13 home life was often strict and dysfunctional at the best of times. The school summer break had only just began and my feelings of dread started to role in regarding having to do stuff in the garage with dad when I would rather be out hanging with Anthony who's mom and dad owned the Tavern inn across from where we lived.This...

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Curiosity at its Finest

I've always been a little curious about my sexuality. I have a boyfriend whom I love and find very attractive. But yet I find my self wondering what it would be like to be with a girl. I have this attraction to women that I can't get over. Don't get me wrong, I have an extremely good sex life with my boyfriend and we always have amazing sex, but being with a girl has always sparked my curiosity. There's just something about them that turns me on. There is just something about them that guys...

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Too Much Curiosity Made The Cat

Too Much Curiosity Made The Cat By TwistedAngel Tom was doing the laundry for the family, as punishment for staying out too late at a party. As he got to his older sister's panties, he felt the material, and spent a bit more time than usual noticing the details. They were bikini-cut and pink, made of shiny satin. He spent a few minutes rubbing the fabric between his fingers. A bird chirping outside snapped Tom out of his trance. He quickly finished the rest of the laundry,...

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When Curiosity Fills

I sat in alone in my office at 11:00 p.m. on a Thursday night in April, preparing an important motion in a multi-million dollar malpractice suit. After editing the final draft I sat back and took a deep breath. I was exhausted, and, oddly enough, pretty horny. The wife was out of town and somehow I couldn't stand the thought of spending the night with just my hand. Shaking off the sordid thoughts that were roaming through my head, I stood up and began the walk down the empty hallway...

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Prisoners Dilemma Curiosity Killed the Cat

Prisoner's Dilemma Curiosity Killed the Cat Professor Ripley's research division of Lockman University's college of biotechnology had a peculiar reputation. All of the students knew that there was good money to be made volunteering for biotechnical research. The department was always looking for warm bodies, and he paid well for the use of them, but volunteering for Ripley's experiments usually left his volunteers with a slightly different warm body than the one they started with. ...

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Curiosity Killed My Kitty Kat Part 1

She had me at goodbye. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the conversation. I was just too afraid to tell her that I loved the way she smelled, looked, and spoke to me. It was the middle of August and still hot, so we were both wearing bathing suits. The summer air escaped from outside relieving those of us who had decided to dip into the bar from the heat. Only difference between my bathing suit and hers was that I chose a sheer cover up. Being somewhat insecure about the instant pooch that I'd...

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Curiosity Runs Hot

Curiosity Runs Hot Lacy and I had been living together for a year and a half when the social structure between us and our sex lives took a significant turn. We had met through a mutual friend, and enjoyed a platonic relationship for several weeks, having lunch or dinner together, attending art shows, the opera and occasionally sitting side by side in the library reading fiction for hours. I preferred lurid tales of love and lust, while she was interested in psychology. After being together...

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Curiosity Spanked the Sissy

You had driven all night to get to where you were and as you look at the house you wonder why? You just cannot understand why you are outside the house of Mistress Penny. Is it curiosity you wonder, certainly she is a completely different Mistress from your own goddess, Mistress Michele. She is the Mistress to your good friend on Fetlife, Sissy Davina but the only thing you know about her is how she has been described by Davina. You know she is curvy Mistress unlike Mistress Michele, is...

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CuriosityBy Sarah        Part 1 – Sarah Gets TrappedSarah was always an imaginative and curious girl growing up.  From age 13 on, she kept having dreams where she was a slave girl, a pony girl, a dolcett girl, a cow, just about every sort of slave that could be seen wandering the streets of Dolcett.  She always seemed to wake up, thought, before she experienced an orgasm in her dreams.  Being 19 now, Sarah was legally able to declare herself as meat or slave at any time, or could be considered...

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