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By Sarah

       Part 1 – Sarah Gets Trapped

Sarah was always an imaginative and curious girl growing up.  From age 13 on, she kept having dreams where she was a slave girl, a pony girl, a dolcett girl, a cow, just about every sort of slave that could be seen wandering the streets of Dolcett.  She always seemed to wake up, thought, before she experienced an orgasm in her dreams.  Being 19 now, Sarah was legally able to declare herself as meat or slave at any time, or could be considered as such, if she was caught in some of her play games.  Sarah had a habit of sneaking around her house when her parents weren’t home trying out the various devices most families kept in their homes in Dolcett.  She was always careful thought, not to leave a trace of her mischief, thought, or so she thought.

As she went downstairs one morning, She found her mom working on a meat girl in the family kitchen.  Her mom had just finished tying the meat girl into a turkey position with her ankles crossed, her arms tied to her ankles, and her nude pussy exposed to the world. Sarah watched from the door as her mom picked up and apple and shoved it into the meat girl’s mouth.  Her mom then went and picked up her home made stuffing, and began shoveling it into the exposed and vulnerable meat girl’s pussy, as the meat girl squirmed and moaned on the apple.

Watching from the door, unnoticed by her mom or the meat girl, Sarah’s hand traveled down to her pussy, and began rubbing herself, watching her mom stuff the meat girl.  Sarah felt her pussy juice up at the sight of her mom’s hand dipping repeatedly into the tight pussy of the meat girl.  Sarah knew there was a holding cage for the meat girls in the backyard of the house, and knew that it was probably empty by this time.  She hatched a plan to sneak down to the pen later that night, to try to see what it was like for the girls in the pen.  Little did she know, her nighttime trip would have an unforeseen outcome.

At 11 that night, her parents went to bed, after having told Sarah not to stay up too late.  Sarah had asked if she could stay up to watch the predicted meteorite shower, and her parents had said she could as long as she stayed in the back yard.  Sarah had hugged them both, and listened as they went to bed.  Sarah waited a few minutes, to make sure they didn’t come back downstairs, then she scampered off into the backyard, and made her way towards the slave holding pen.  As she reached the point of opening the cage, she paused and took a look around.  She then thought to herself, if she was going to do this, why not do it all the way?

Sarah went to the back of the house, on the other side of the yard, and began removing her clothes.  She stripped out of her shorts and tee shirt, paused as she admired herself in the moon light, and then removed her bra and panty.  The only thing she wore now was the required clit ring of all girls, and some flip flops.  She giggled softly, then flipped the shoes onto the pile of clothes, then began to skip to the cage.

As she reached the cage, she paused one more time, looked back at her house and the darkened windows, then as quietly as she could, she opened the gate, and went inside.  She wasn’t careful thought.  A loud BANG! Rang out as the gate slammed shut, and with an electronic BEEP, the gate’s locking mechanism engaged, trapping Sarah inside.

Sarah was in a panic.  She knew she couldn’t open the cage from the inside, as the keypad was near the back door.  She also knew, if her parents caught her out here, she was likely to be in serious trouble.  Her only hope was that she wouldn’t be missed.  Not very likely, given the way her parents were checking on her.  As the hours passed, Sarah could only pace in the cage.  She tried to lie down on the pads, but every noise seemed to snap her awake.  Finally, she drifted off to sleep.

?Wake up, sleepy head?

Sarah awoke with a start.  Her mom was standing outside the cage, smiling at her.  In her hands, she was holding a box with some metal in it.  Sarah could tell there was metal, cause whenever the box moved, there was a rattling from inside.  Sarah scampered to her feet, her face turning crimson red from being discovered out in the cage.

?Mom, um....I was just?.?

?Shush, dear.  I know what you were doing.  I know what you have been writing in your journal.  Mom’s have ways of finding out.  So, do you really want to lie to me, or will tell me what you think I should do to you, to get that nice pussy of yours dripping??

Sarah blushed, and then mumbled to her mom. ?Mom, there never was any fooling you.  Ok, you caught me.  I guess I’m not your daughter, but your slave now, right??

Sarah’s Mom smiled to her helpless daughter.  ?Yes dear, your mine now.  But I am still mom to you.  Not that you’ll be speaking for a while.? 

Sarah wondered what her mom meant, till she saw the contents of the box.  Inside it was a rubber suit, bit, bridle, hoof boots and mitts, and a tail on a chastity belt.  Sarah had always fantasized about the pony girls some of the families had owned in town, but knowing her mom had been saving up her money to help support her, Sarah knew they couldn’t afford one of their own.  Now, it seemed, Sarah was going to get to live her fantasy, and help her mom at the same time.

?Now, Sarah, I am going to pass you in the suit.  I want you to dress in it, and then come to the cage door, and stick your hands out, behind your back, ok??

?Yes mom.?

Sarah took the suit as it was passed into the cage, and unfolded it.  The suit was a royal purple color, with zippers on the breasts and over the pussy, as well as one running up the back.  Sarah unzipped the back zipper, and worked her legs into the clingy rubber of the suit.  Her feet slipped into the built in booties, and Sarah began working the suit up her legs and on to her hips. 

As she squirmed into the suit, she could feel it molding to her body.  Sarah grinned as she continued pulling it up, slipping her arms into the sleeves, her fingers into the attached mitts, and finally tucking her head into the attached top.  As she went to the fence, her mom reached in, took hold of the back zipper, and zipped the suit closed, sealing Sarah inside.  Sarah then stuck her hands behind her back, and felt her mom clip some handcuffs around her wrists, securing her hands behind her back. 

The gate lock buzzed as her mom pressed the remote button, and Sarah was pulled out of the cage by her cuffed hands.  Sarah’s mom then unzipped the hood of the suit, pulled Sarah’s hair out of it, and then zippered it closed again, so Sarah could have a mane.  Her mom brushed her hair into a ponytail, and secured it with a rubber tie. 

Sarah then felt her shoulders pressed downward, so she kneeled onto the ground.  Sarah’s mom picked up a collar, and closed it around her daughter’s throat.  With a loud click, the built in lock clicked closed, trapping the collar around Sarah’s neck.  Sarah’s mom then took some leather straps out of the box, and draped them over her daughter’s body.  As Sarah stood, her mom buckled the straps tight.  The straps were comfortable, with a main running down her back, and straps passing over each shoulder, over and under her breasts, and then splitting again to circle her waist and drip in between her legs.  As Sarah was strapped up, she shifted her hips, enjoying the feel of the strapping as it rubber over her pussy.

?Easy, dear;? Her mom told her in a light hearted manner.  Her mom then unzipped the breast and crotch zippers, exposing Sarah’s Firm 42B breasts and smooth pussy and pouting vaginal lips to the world.  Sarah gasped as her privates were exposed, but before she could protest, her mom had slipped a rubber coated bit and bridle over her head, buckling it tight.  Sarah shook her head, trying to dislodge the bit, but it was no use.

Sarah’s mom then removed the custom pony hooves and mitts from the box, and slipped them on her daughter’s hands and feet.  Sarah teetered on the unfamiliar footwear for a bit, but slowly got used to them.  Finally, after having secured a tail harness to her daughter’s waist and securing the rest of the straps and buckles, Sarah’s mom led her to the front of the house, where the garage was.  Sarah was blushing furiously, but unable to do anything to stop herself, she followed her mom out to the world.

Her mom led her to the garage.  There, she found herself staring at a beautiful pony cart.  Sarah felt herself almost fait from her excitement as her mom hitched her to the cart.  Not only would she be a pony girl now, but her mom would be using her and showing her to the town.  Sarah’s head was filled with both dread and excitement.  As her mom locked up the house, Sarah waited patiently.  She knew soon she would get to live her dreams. 

?Get going, pony.?  Her mom snapped a whip and it caught Sarah’s exposed ass.  Sarah had been daydreaming, and hadn’t felt her mom get in the cart.  Now, she was walking down the driveway pulling the cart and her mom behind her.  Sarah felt the tail tickling her thighs as she walked, could hear the neighbors commenting on the pretty pony, and could feel her pussy dripping from her arousal as the strap between her legs rubbed her pussy with each step.  Sarah held her head up high, proud and excited she was able to live her dream.

Part 2 – Registration and Life as a pony slave.

?Go on pony, you know we have to get you registered.? Sarah’s mom called out from the cart, and Sarah, dressed in her full pony tack, began to pull the cart again.  Sarah had stopped when she had passed one of her friends.  Ashley had stared at Sarah, and begged Sarah’s Mom to wait while she got her mom.  Apparently Ashley had the same dreams Sarah had, and seeing her best friend in full pony tack, had set the girl’s mind in motion.

Ashley’s mom and Sarah’s mom had talked at the cart, while Ashley had gone to the front of the cart, to admire and touch Sarah.  Sarah squirmed under the prodding and poking, and once, nuzzled Ashley in a more than friendly way.  Ashley had continued rubbing Sarah’s exposed breasts and pussy, much to Sarah’s enjoyment, until Ashley’s mom had to call her daughter away so Sarah and her mom could continue on their chores.  Ashley whispered she would try to see Sarah that night, if she could sneak out of her house. 

A quick swat from her mom’s crop started Sarah moving again, and with the enjoyment she was feeling, her ass resumed its sway, with her tail flicking to the side with each step.  Sarah’s mom also was thrilled by the sight of her daughter in full pony tack, and vowed to try to make a matching pony, if one came along.

As Sarah and her mom entered town, Sarah’s nerves came back some, as almost everyone wanted to see the prancing pony as she clip clopped down the street.  What was normally a 10 minute ride to the registration office took Sarah and her mom nearly 45 minutes, as people kept looking and touching the pretty pony girl.  Finally, Sarah and her mom pulled into a parking space at the slave registration office.  Sarah was unhitched from the cart, and led inside on a leash her mom clipped to her collar.

Inside, there were other mothers and daughters, a few dads and daughters, even a few sisters.  Lines were formed depending on the fate of the slaves.  As can be expected, a lot of daughters found themselves in the line for meat conversions, while others were in lines for cow registration and puppy registration.  The pony line was empty, which pleased Sarah’s mom.  She walked to the counter, and presented the certificate which entitled her to own slaves, as well as her daughters registration certificate and meat tag number.  The agent behind the counter scanned all the documents, and then beckoned Sarah forward to the railing.  Without preamble, he took her pussy ring and clipped a small registration tag to it, along with a small bell.  Now Sarah would tinkle with each step she took.

?Ok Miss.  Your pony has been registered to you.  Are there any other slaves you need to register today?  And do you plan on converting her to meat when she is done??  The agent looked again at Sarah, and smiled.

?I might have another tomorrow, depends on circumstances.  As for meat conversion, I want to see if she can drop a foal or 2 before becoming meat.  If she can’t, I’ll convert her in 2 years, as per the law.?  Sarah’s mom smiled at the desk clerk, and asked if she had to bring any new pony slaves to the office to be registered, or just their paperwork.

Satisfied with the answer, she smiled and took Sarah’s leash and led her back to the cart.  She hitched Sarah to the cart, and climbed in.  After a swat from the crop, Sarah guided the cart out into the street, and to the pet supply store.  Here, she was tied to a post outside, while her mom went in to purchase some supplies.  People passing on the street took turns feeling Sarah’s breasts and cunt as she waited, each one it seemed brought her to orgasm before moving on.  By the time her mom came out of the shop and loaded the supplies into the back of the cart, there was a noticeable puddle under Sarah.  Another quick swat and they were off again, this time back home.

Sarah was tired as they pulled into the driveway and into the garage.  Sarah’s mom unhitched her pony slave, and led her to the back enclosure.  Sarah was grateful her mom had bought a new mattress, but wasn’t sure why it was so wide.  Putting the thought out of her head, she lay down, and was quickly asleep.  Sarah’s mom, meanwhile, called Ashley’s mom and told her they were home, and asked her to bring Ashley’s papers over to the house when they came to dinner.  She had a hunch Ashley would be paying Sarah a visit later that night.  Ashley and her mom came over for dinner, and the mom’s had no problem letting Ashley take Sarah some food. 

As Ashley scampered out the back door, Sarah’s mom asked the obvious question of Ashley’s mom. ?Ashley seems really taken by Sarah as a pony.  Do you think she is thinking of trying to sneak over here tonight??

?Honestly, I think she is.  I have her papers here, and mine as well.  If your going to be taking her, that would empty my house, and since my husband died, I think it would be 2 hours at most, before I was converted to meat.  So if Ashley makes her visit tonight, you can collect me as well.  I’ll think of some excuse to stay over tonight.?

?Very well then, dear.  If Ashley makes it into the cell naked, I will convert her to be Sarah’s twin pony.  I won’t have her cooked until it is also Sarah’s time, and I’ll make your conversion as easy as I can, ok dear??

?Ok.  I am sure she will be out tonight.?

The two ladies continued their talk, discussing meat preparations, the latest friends they knew who were converted, as well as who might be the best to be mated to their daughters. 

Ashley meanwhile was staring thru the bars at the sleeping Sarah.  Ashley knew Sarah was happy, because she could see the moisture dripping from her pussy.  Ashley studied the gate, the locks, and the outfitting on Sarah, and knew she had found her calling.  Silently, so as to not wake up Sarah, Ashley slipped the food into the cage, and then went back inside. 

?Ashley dear, since it is getting late, and I don’t want to leave Sarah’s mom alone tonight, we’re going to spend the night here.  Now, I know Sarah is your best friend, but I have to warn you now, if your caught out there in her cage nude, your likely to suffer the same fate as her.  Now, go on up to the shower in Sarah’s room, and clean up.  You can sleep in her room tonight.?

Ashley nodded and scampered upstairs, and began her cleaning routine. 

The two mothers smiled, and began watching the TV.  A show was on, in which the contestants were trying to guess the word without hanging themselves.  It lasted about an hour tonight, with about 5 girls ending up dangling from the nooses.

Ashley came downstairs in some borrowed underwear form Sarah’s room to kiss her mom goodnight as the show ended.  Her mom hugged her, spanked her bottom lightly and playfully, and sent her up to bed in Sarah’s room.  Ashley squeaked as her bottom was spanked lightly, then with an impish grin on her face, went back up to Sarah’s room and listened as her mom and Sarah’s mom came up the stairs and went into Sarah’s mom’s room. 

Ashley gave the adults 30 minutes to get to sleep or to do what they were doing.  She then quietly scurried downstairs and out the back door, into the yard.  She lowered her borrowed panties to the ground, and keyed the electronic lock.  She rushed to the enclosure and pulled open the gate, scampering inside as the gate clanged closed.  Sarah heard the gate close, and was surprised to see Ashley there in the nude, clambering down next to her.

Ashley wasted little time and began to hug her best friend close, and then she began to finger Sarah’s pussy.  Sarah was shocked at first, but soon lost herself in Ashley’s attention.  As the girls began their sex romp, Sarah’s mom heard the buzz from the remote, indicating the gate had opened and closed, and went to the window to look out.  She beckoned Ashley’s mom to watch, as the girls began their sexual play with each other.

?Looks like I’m meat now, too.?  Ashley’s mom surrendered herself to Sarah’s mom that night, first by removing her clothing, then allowing her hands to be bound behind her back.  Sarah’s mom called the registration office, and read off the meat conversion and the pony registration for Ashley and her Mom.

Ashley and Sarah spent the night in the cell together, Ashley bringing Sarah to orgasm after orgasm.  Sarah could do nothing to stop Ashley, not that she wanted to.  After 3 hours of that, thought, both girls were exhausted and drifted off to sleep, Ashley holding onto Sarah’s body like a teddy bear.

?Well, what do I have here?  Looks like, yes, another pony has wandered into my enclosure last night.?

Ashley awoke with a start, to see Sarah’s mom standing at the gate to the slave pen, with a box in her hands.  Surprisingly, her mom was crawling next to her, naked.  Ashley sputtered a moment, and then quickly realized what had happened.  She wanted to beg to let her mom go, but her mom gave a warning look at her, and Ashley shut her mouth.  Sarah likewise was awoken by her mom’s voice, but seeing the box, she knew she had some time, so she relaxed on the mattress.

Sarah’s mom outfitted Ashley exactly like Sarah had been the day previously, and soon both girls were standing at the cart, waiting for their owner to load in Ashley’s mom.  Sarah and Ashley were almost twins, standing there in identical pony outfits.  Both girls’ pussies were dripping from the excitement, and both pawed the floor with their hooves, eager to go.

With a swipe on their asses, both ponies began pulling the cart out into the street again, heading to the registration office.  Ashley couldn’t help but blush as old friends and neighbors came out to see the pair, just like they had done when Sarah was walking down the street.  Both ponies found themselves squirming under the manipulations of old friends fingers. 

At the registration office, Sarah was left hitched outside, while Ashley, her mom, and Sarah’s mom went inside to be registered.  Ashley was brought outside and tied next to Sarah after 20 minutes, but it took an hour to get Ashley’s mom converted to meat, as the line was long, as usual.  While they were waiting, the girls took to swishing their hips, and panting as people passing by stopped to finger their exposed pussies and breasts.   As the adults came out, both girls had a puddle under them, and sported huge blushes on their faces.

As the crop spanked their rumps, the ponies headed back to Sarah’s mom’s house.  Both girls were panting, both from the exhaustion of the trip, and the repeated orgasms the tags and bells in their pussy rings caused.  Sarah’s mom first put the ponies out into the slave shed, and then took Ashley’s mom into the house, to begin her prep work, for the feast to celebrate the conversions that weekend.  Both girls squirmed on the pad in the cell, trying to make each other cum.  They ended up in a 69, with each working on the other’s pussy.  As exhaustion set in, both girls drifted off to sleep, unaware they were being watched.

Part 3 – Ashley’s Mom rides the spit

?Wake up, sleepy head? Sarah’s mom prodded Ashley’s mom awake the following morning.  She had spent the night cuddling with Sarah’s mom, a final act of love between two women who had grown up together. Ashley’s mom stretched out and yawned, having enjoyed the shared pleasure of the night.

?It is time we got you ready for your big roast.  I think the girls should remain out in the cage, as I don’t want Ashley or Sarah to get jealous and try to make me cook them too soon.  I expect great things from those girls.?

Sarah’s mom got up and took a length of cord from her dresser table.  She had Ashley’s mom turn around and present her hands behind her back, where they would be bound together.  Wrapping the chord around Ashley’s mom’s wrists, Sarah’s mom effectively bound her best friend, and then led her to the bathroom to do the required cleaning.  Sarah’s mom positioned the bound woman over an automated meat prep station, stuffing both her ass and pussy with the dildos, and started the machine.

Ashley’s mom moaned as the cleaning cycle began, and purred as the dildos hummed, teasing her to orgasm as they finished.  The cleaning cycle involved multiple enemas and rinses, both to ensure the meat was cleaned inside and out, as well as to record the statistics of the person using it, to ensure proper adherence to the female living code.  Violations of the code could lead to automatic conversion if a girl was not careful.

Having finished cleaning out her best friend, Sarah’s mom led the woman down to the kitchen, and pulled out the ingredients to aid in stuffing and cooking.  Ashley’s mom took the time to look out the window at the sleeping girls, still in their pony tack, and couldn’t help but smile as she watched them squirm in their dreams.  What the girls were dreaming about, she could only guess. 

Sarah’s mom, meanwhile, began doing the pre-cooking preparations.  Her famous marinade was already simmering over the stove.  She took some carrots, lettuce, and rice, and began to dress out a presentation plate.  She knew the roasting spit and pit was always ready, having ordered one installed when the family had first moved in some years ago.  Being a natural gas and charcoal setup, it promised the ease of cooking, combined with the feeling of a good coal cookout. The only other thing that needed to be done, before the meat could be put on the spit, was to make sure there were enough mouths to feed so the meat wouldn’t spoil. 

Sarah’s mom, as most mothers in Dolcett, belonged to a block phone tree.  When one of the neighbors was planning a cookout, the whole block was normally invited.  Today would be no different.  Picking up the phone, she called her neighbors, and soon the word spread, Ashley’s mom was the main course.  There was, however, one strange point in the morning phone calls. 

One of the neighbors thought they had heard someone sneaking around the backyard the previous night.  Hearing this, Sarah’s mom looked out at the pen holding her two pony girls, and could see them both sleeping there.  She did however, also notice some of the shrubs were a bit out of place, as thought someone had been sneaking around in them or behind them. Thinking to check the records, she opened the recording equipment that monitored the yard, and scanned back over the previous night.  Sure enough, at about 3 am, she could see someone in the shrubs.  Zooming in n the tape, she got a good smile and a wicked thought.  She was going to plan a little trap of her own, for the party.

Confident her plans would work out, Sarah’s mom returned to her preparations.  Finally ensuring everything was ready for the meal to begin cooking.  She gave a spank to Ashley’s mom’s rump and began to lead the woman to the Jessica 3000 deluxe.  This improved model Jessica not only would spit the meat girl properly, it would automatically carry the spitted meat to the roasting pit.  Ashley’s mom gave a giggle upon feeling the swat, and with her usual charm, followed along to the Jessica.

?OK dear, its time we got you ready to take your ride.  I know you want to orgasm a few times before we fill you full of spit, so I am going to set the feedback machine to one hour before spitting.  Now, let’s get you into position, and get your nice pussy all wet and juicy.?

Ashley’s mom bounded to the Jessica and positioned herself into the restraints.  She was all excited that Sarah’s mom had remembered her fantasy of a dripping pussy on the machine, and was doubly pleased that she would be a quivering, horny bundle of meat when the spit came and claimed her.  With a snap and click, the ankle restraints closed around her ankles, and the machine began its cycle.  A bar came forward from the back of the machine, forcing her to assume the bent over position the rider needed to successfully ride the machine.  She giggled and wiggled into position as the machine continued to move her into the best position.  Her breasts slipped into the cups, and her thighs were secured to the frame.  With a final clicking and whirling, the needles began to fill her breasts with the cooking mixture, while the pleasure feedback unit clipped to her pussy ring, and began its assault.

Ashley’s mom squirmed and moaned on the Jessica machine, each orgasm building on the last, till soon she was just a quivering meat girl.  Sarah’s mom watched her best friend buck with each orgasm, rubbing herself off each time Ashley’s mom came.  Waking herself, however, she knew she had best feed and water her ponies, and get the back table setup for the neighborhood guests.  She also had a trap to prepare as well.

Sarah and Alison, meanwhile, had spent a fitful night in the slave kennel in the backyard.  They had enjoyed a very passionate sex encounter, and drifted off to sleep in each others arms. However, both girls had heard something in the shrubs near the kennel earlier that morning, and both were a bit nervous.  The girls could see their mothers preparing inside the house, and knew their time together would soon be interrupted with the life of a pony girl.  As they stretched out, and began to move around, both hugged and nuzzled each other, till they both knew it was time to get going. 

As one, they got to their feet, and went to the built in shower area.  As they passed under the shower, an automated arm grabbed onto their clit rings, trapping them there.  The girls had seen the showers in use, so neither was surprised as the water and soap mix assaulted their rubber covered bodies.  Their clit rings provided them with a much needed distraction, as automated scrubbers cleaned and polished the durable suits.  Both ponies were then bent over and had their pussies and asses stuffed by some massive dildos.  The girls moaned and squirmed as the cleaning cycle began, but again, their clit rings went to work, having both girls in a highly aroused state by the time the machines cut off and released their rings.

Sarah’s mom came out of the house then, carrying some carrots and warm oatmeal, and shoveled the ponies’ breakfast into the feeding tubes.  The container ended with 2 hollow dildos, which the girls had to suck on to get fed.  Both girls took to the dildos, and within moments, were bobbing their heads as the oatmeal began to dribble into their mouths.  Sarah’s mom watched the girls work on the dildos for a bit, confident they would be fed well.  She then took some time to inspect where the prowler had been the night before, and confirmed what the surveillance video had shown.  Knowing now that she would be ready, she decided to hatch her plan at the evening cookout. 

Sarah’s mom returned into the house in time to see the spit being positioned behind her best friend’s exposed and dripping pussy.  Moving quickly, she picked up her camcorder and began filming the progress of the spit.

The Jessica machine had given Ashley’s mom so many orgasms that she was left a quivering mound of meat girl.  As the spit inched its way closer to her now very wet pussy, she was lost in a fog of orgasmic bliss.  The first thing she felt, was the metal tip sliding into her pussy.  She came just from the touch of the spit, and Sarah’s mom giggled at her responsiveness.  As the Jessica continued, Ashley’s mom continued to orgasm as the spit progressed.  Up thru her belly, into her stomach, and with a final nod and thank you to Sarah’s mom, the spit emerged from her opened mouth. 

With the spitting now complete, the extra features of the Jessica kicked in.  Within moments, the anal stabilizer was in place, Ashley’s mom’s ankles were tied into the spit post, and robotic hands were lifting the meat girl to the delivery track, for the roasting pit.  Sarah’s mom taped the whole event so she could show the video to the neighbors and the girls, once dinner was served.  As the robotic arms deposited the spitted meat girl over the coals, the gas jets ignited the coals, and the tenders began to shovel on the coal, ensuring a proper cooking temperature for the meat.

Sarah’s mom loaded in her special basting sauce to the robotic basting machine, and with a final look over the preparations for serving, she changed into some formal clothes, to greet her neighbors for the cookout.  As it was pot luck, each was asked to bring a side dish.  She knew some of the neighbors would bring drinks, others salads and side items.  Overall, it was looking to be an excellent party.

Part 4 – The cookout for Ashley’s mom and a surprise is sprung

As the guests started to arrive, Sarah’s mom greeted each family, and had them place their dishes on the table.  Everyone came into the back yard to admire Ashley’s mom rotating over the spit, and then they stood around, admiring the ponies in their cage.  One young man in particular, seemed really keen on them.  He was the son of Sarah’s next door neighbor, and from the rumors on the block, a bit of a sissy.  His mom and dad had split up some time ago, and she was left to raise the teenager.  Trying to take some cues from the other parents on the block, however, wasn’t the smartest thing she could have done, since now he seemed addicted to the same revealing skirts and tops the girls loved.

Brent knew he was different, but because there was no father figure in his life, he had gravitated to the feminine side of life.  He couldn’t help but admire Sarah and Ashley in their pony tack, and daydream he could look just like them.  Sarah’s mom also took note of his fascination with her ponies, and smiled.  He thought he had been careful when he came to look at them the other night, but he was in for a shock later on.

All the guests gave Sarah’s mom an appreciative and very welcome congratulations on how well Ashley’s mom appeared to be cooking.  Sarah’s mom couldn’t help it, and began to give out some cooking tips and ideas for serving girl meat.  Soon, the whole block would be humming with the recipes that were being shared around.  After all, that was part of the block party spirit.  As the day wore on, the guests took turns marinating the now cooking meat, or admiring the ponies, or just sitting and relaxing and enjoying the community spirit that accompanied the get-togethers.  During this time, Sarah and Brent’s Moms got together, and began discussing the plan Sarah’s mom had hatched.  It seemed Brent’s mom as all in favor, as soon after the discussion broke, she disappeared for an hour, only to return carrying a few parcels which were left in the house.

After several hours over the coals, countless marinating sessions, and of course a few well timed pokes to make sure the meat was perfectly cooked all over, Ashley’s mom was taken off the coals, and placed on the serving platter.  She was trussed up in the traditional turkey position, with an apple stuffed in her mouth, her pussy stuffed with stuffing and sealed with a carrot in each hole.  Sarah’s mom passed the carving knife to the street elder, Mr. Orton, who promptly carved the meat.  He saved the filet and a breast for himself, and Sarah’s mom carved some thigh meat for the ponies.  She also carved herself the other breast as her meal.   The rest of the block helped themselves, each person taking what they wanted from both the meat and each other’s side items.  All began by saying the traditional Dolcett grace, except the ponies of course, who remained gagged.

After beginning to eat, Sarah’s mom beckoned Brent over to her side, to bring the ponies some of Ashley’s mom’s meat.  He complied, eager to get closer with the objects of his desires.  As the ponies watched Brent’s approach, both looked eagerly to enjoying some meat.  Ashley was a little skittish, as could be expected, but since it was the only food she would be getting that day, she soon lost her hesitation.  As Brent dumped the meat into the pony’s feeding station, he couldn’t help but whisper that he would try to see them that night.  Both ponies looked at him with a mix of fear and excitement, but quickly resumed eating, so not to attract attention to the boy.

As the meal finally began to come to a close, a few of the neighborhood girls helped to clean up the yard, parents busied themselves with gathering leftovers, and all had to agree that that was one of the best block parties they had been to.  Sarah’s mom accepted their praise as any good hostess would, and when Brent and his mom came to say their goodbyes, a quick nod and wink, with some carefully timed distractions, allowed some papers to be passed between the two adults.  As Sarah’s mom finished her cleaning, she set the auto lock on the cage, reset the security monitors, and quickly scribbled a note and attached it to the gate of the pony pen.  With that, she turned, and headed up to her room, to settle in for the night.  It had been a long day, after all.

Part 5 – Brent makes a Visit

Brent crept into the downstairs kitchen in his house, after checking to see his mom was asleep.  He had wanted to risk going to the ponies next door earlier, but thought better of it at the time.  Better to be sure she isn’t going to miss me, than loose my chance of going over and visiting the ponies.  As he crept out into his backyard, he could still smell the scent of the cookout.  Ashley’s mom had been an excellent roast, and he was glad he had gotten the opportunity to feed the ponies.

Brent thought on their outfits, the way their pussies and breasts were exposed to the world, and yet they were so helplessly bound, they couldn’t do anything on their own besides the basics of feeding from their dildo feeding system, sucking the dildos for their water, and going to the bathroom in an automated toilet system.  Brent had dreamed of the time he could spend with them, using their pussies, and if he was real careful, making it a nightly event.  Already he had jerked off behind the shrubs of their pen.

Brent climbed thru the hole in the loose fence boards, and quietly went up to the pen gate.  He drew up short thought, spotting an envelope with his name on it.  Hesitantly, he took the letter from the envelope, and began to read, his eyes bugging out as his excitement grew.


       I have you on video sneaking into my back yard, to admire my ponies.  While I was at first tempted to have you tried as a trespasser and converted to ground beef, I have decided instead to offer you a deal.

       My ponies will need a stallion to cover them now that they’re converted and of age.  I was going to take them down to the local breeding stables, and let the stallions there have the honors, but instead, I will offer you the job, on 3 conditions.

Condition 1 is that you voluntarily convert yourself to a pony meat slave.Condition 2 is that you will undergo modifications I deem important to you, both to allow you to be shown, and to give you what your heart has always desired.Condition 3 is that when you are not mating with my fillies, you will be locked in a chastity device which will be kept under my control.

If you wish to accept these conditions, come to the back porch, ring the bell, strip off all your clothing, and wait.

If you do not want to accept the deal, I have you on video again tonight, and with the repeat offences, I am sure the courts will convert you and have you ground into chuck.


Sarah’s Mom.

Brent knew he had been caught, and also knew with both his visits on tape, there was not a chance to get off.  However, he also knew his heart wanted to be a pony girl, despite his male birth.  Gathering his courage, he walked to the back porch, rang the bell, and stripped off his clothing.

Sarah’s mom took her time coming down the stairs to meet the cowering boy.  She knew her note would drive fear into his mind about being turned into ground beef, despite the fact it was almost impossible to get men converted in actual fact.  Still, the youth would provide something she wanted without having to pay for.  He was perfect to mate with her fillies, and give them foals.  She knew the girls had not been with a man before, so she had a special session planned for them both, once she settled the new pony boy out.

Brent could see Sarah’s mom coming, and he decided to put on his most slave like behavior, to try to show he was both willing and accepting of her position in the house.  Brent knelt down and spread his legs wide, and put his hands behind his head.  He hoped his demeanor would let him have a place with the pony girls, or at least let him be around them.

Sarah’s mom opened the door, saw the submissive boy, and smiled.  She knew he was going to be a fine stallion, until each of her fillies had at least one foal.  Then, she had a plan for the boy.  She went right by the kneeling boy, to test to see if he would remain in place or follow without orders, and was pleased to see him remain.  She gathered up the package she had bought the other day, and went to the kneeling slave boy, and ordered him to rise.

       Brent rose, and without being told, kept his head bowed, and his legs spread.  He knew he was going to be tested, and he figured he should put on his best effort.

       Sarah’s mom was pleased with the boy’s potential.  She opened the box, revealing the exact same suit the girls were wearing.  Brent’s eyes followed the suit, a begging look in his eyes.  Sarah’s mom handed the suit to the boy, and told him to slip it on.  Brent thanked her deeply, then unzipped the back zipper, and began to get dressed.  He slipped his legs in one at a time, working the suit up to his thighs.  As the suit reached his crotch, Sarah’s mom guided it into a special tube, that would keep all but the head covered, denying him any pleasure except when he was not chastity restrained.  Brent continued pulling the suit up his body, and over his head and arms.  He stood still as Sarah’s mom zipped the suit closed, and applied a hot glue gun to the zipper, making the suit permanently sealed.

       Sarah’s mom then applied a collar to the boy’s neck, followed by the hand and foot hooves and harness.  Brent’s harness differed from the girl’s harness only in that the chastity cage could be connected to it with a simple lock.  To finish off, Sarah’s mom produced a metal chastity tube, and slipped it over Brent’s cock.  Brent shifted as the tube went on, knowing he was now totally dependant on Sarah’s mom for when he could cum.  Sarah’s mom clicked the lock, and finished off by strapping a ball gag bit into Brent’s mouth, then leading the pony boy to the slave pen and putting him inside.

       Sarah and Ashley watched as Sarah’s mom came with the pony boy, and both girls were frightened at first, till they saw the chastity tube on Brent’s cock.  They still backed nervously away from him, as most girls do, when presented with a cock for their first time.  Sarah’s mom closed the gate, letting the ponies have the night to get to know each other.  Ashley was the first to go up to Brent and nuzzle him, trying to offer some form of comfort or reassurance to the boy.  Sarah joined in a little later, and Brent nuzzled both girls back.

       Sarah’s mom watched them on the monitors for a little, and then went to bed, happy to know now she had the makings of a nice little pony family. She knew that the next week would be interesting for all the ponies.

       Part 6 – The ponies go on their first outing

       Brent, Sarah, and Ashley woke up the following morning to the sound of their Mistress opening their pen door.  She was carrying 3 leashes, which she clipped to the collars of her ponies.  The ponies eagerly got to their feet, and followed the tugs on their leashes to the garage.  There, the ponies were hitched to the cart.  Sarah was on the left, Brent in the middle, and Ashley on the right.  Sarah marveled at the ponies, admiring them from all angles.  They were hers, and she couldn’t have been happier to own such beauties.

       Sarah’s mom climbed into the cart, and with a flick of her crop, the ponies began their drive.  The residents on the block were surprised to see the trio of ponies, and all had to stop and stare as they passed.  Comments praising their looks and behavior followed Sarah’s mom and her ponies, as she made her way into town.

       As the ponies entered town, Sarah’s mom guided them to a pet supply shop.  There, she parked the cart, and hitched the leashes of the ponies to the provided railing.  The ponies watched as she walked into the store, while passers on the street took some time to finger the girls’ pussies.  The girls were used to this treatment, and soon both were orgasming from the manipulations of their tormentors.  Brent meanwhile was left frustrated, and he shifted restlessly from hoof to hoof, as his desire built. 

       Sarah’s mom came out of the shop an hour later, with a delivery crew following her.  She unhitched the ponies, and led them back to her house, followed by the pet store truck.  She hitched the ponies inside the garage, and closed the doors, so they couldn’t see what was being unloaded.  The delivery men carried the items she had ordered to the basement of the house, and installed them where directed. 

       Paying the men a tip, Sarah’s mom went back up to the garage, and took her ponies back to town, to register all of them as breeders and to confirm Brent’s status as pony slave.  The girls again were left being tormented by those on the street, and Brent again was left to be frustrated. 

       After the usual time in the office, Sarah’s mom came out, untied the ponies from the railing, and led them home again.  When they reached the house, however, she produced some blindfolds, and covered Ashley and Brent’s eyes.  She unhitched Sarah, and led her to the basement.

       As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Sarah’s mom blindfolded her as well, and then guided her to the new toys.  Sarah was left to wonder what this was all about, when she suddenly bumped into something.  A mechanical click announced her ankles being bound to whatever it was.  With a gentle press on her back, Sarah bent forward, and again, the mechanical click announced her head was now caught.  As her hands were released, they too were bound to the machine.  Sarah was now left bent over, her ass out thrust.  Sarah felt fingers probing her pussy, and a delighted ?good, your ready? was heard.

       Ashley and Brent shifted under the blindfolds, when they felt the return of someone.  Ashley felt herself being unhitched, and without being able to see, followed the tugs on her leash.  She felt herself picked up and carried down some stairs, and then placed on the floor.  The tugs again picked up, and she clip clopped along, following the pulls.  A CLICK sounded by her feet suddenly, and she couldn’t move her ankles.  As she felt a pressure on her back, she bent forward, and another CLICK sounded, and she couldn’t move her head.  Her arms were freed for a moment, but 2 more CLICKS sounded, and she found herself immobile, her ass thrust out behind her.  Probing fingers at her pussy, and a ?Good, they’re both dripping wet? followed, indicating something was happening or about to happen to her and presumably Sarah.

       Brent was getting nervous.  Both Ashley and Sarah, as far as he could tell, had been taken away some place.  Then he felt the presence return, and began to unstrap him from the cart.  Brent felt the leash pull him, and he followed blindly, unable to see or prevent whatever was going to happen. 

       Sarah’s mom didn’t want to waste time with trying to get her fillies with foals, so she decided for the next week, her stallion would be doing the honors.  She also knew, that once they were with foal, only the pony boy would be useful since she didn’t want to risk loosing the foals.  She wanted more girls to raise, after all.

       Brent felt himself carried down some stairs, and again, a tug on his collar.  And then, a hand at his chest, stopping him short.  He heard a CLICK, and suddenly, he was being freed of the tube.  His cock sprang to life, growing rapidly with his arousal from his time in town.  His blindfold was removed, and he was presented with the sight of the two pony girls bent over and strapped into mating racks.  He pawed the ground eagerly, ready to do anything to get at those beautifully exposed pussies.

       The pony mating racks were, by design, intended to have the pony girl bent over in such a way that it was impossible for them to prevent being mated.  There was a padded cuff for each ankle and wrist, a padded waist bar, and padded neck stocks.  All the padding was needed to make the mating and expected bucking of the pony girl minimal and undamaging.  The height was adjustable, to fit the stallion or men using the restrained pony, and could even be used as a spitting bench, in the event manual spitting was desired.

       Brent looked to his owner, who nodded to Sarah first.  Brent moved quickly behind the pony girl, flicked her tail aside, and shoved his cock into her pussy with one massive thrust.  Sarah let out a yelp of pain as her cherry was brutally popped by the invading cock.  Brent jack hammered in and out of the moist pussy, bringing the pony girl to 3 orgasms before he shot a load into her pussy.  Pulling out, he was pleased to see his cum and her juices on his cock.  Sarah’s mom likewise was pleased to see the results, and wiped down the cock, before moving Brent behind Ashley.

       Ashley had heard the yelp from her pony sis, and wondered what had happened.  She could hear creaking next to her, and a squishy noise, but she didn’t know what to make of the sounds.  She wiggled her hips, wondering what was happening.  Then she felt a presence behind her, and something diving into her pussy.  She bucked as her cherry popped, and wiggled her hips, trying to dislodge the cock diving into her.  Her body, however, responded to the friction from the cock, and began to juice her pussy.  Her arousal grew, till she went over the edge and came.  The cock continued its thrusting, however, and soon had her bucking a second, then third time, until she felt it stiffen and squirt hot cum into her pussy.  Her fourth orgasm then crashed over her, blanking out her thoughts in delight.

       Brent was in heaven.  He had plowed both pony girls’ pussies, and was eager to go again with Sarah.  Sarah’s mom, however, stopped him, and led him to another mating bench, where he found himself locked in place like the girls.  Brent wriggled his hips, his tail tickling the backs of his thighs.  His tail suddenly was pulled aside, and a paddle was rubbed over his ass. 

       POP! POP! POP!


       The paddle connected with his ass in rapid succession.  Brent bucked on the stand, trying to keep his ass from the sting of the paddle, to no avail.  Sarah’s mom paddled the pony boy for a good 20 swats, then stopped and rubbed his ass.  She had decided to begin to implant in him the idea that after each fuck he had, he would be punished.  She could see the girls on their stands wiggling their asses as well, thinking they were in for the same, but she had other plans for them.  She lowered a blindfold over Brent’s eyes, and left to attend to the fillies.

       As she approached the girls, she picked up 2 vibrators.  She positioned one under each girl, and made sure to align it so it would tease her clit.  She then turned them on, pleased to see the girls squirming and wriggling on their stands, as the vibrators went to work, bringing them back to orgasm quickly.  She watched the show for half an hour, then went to gather the feeding dildos, and loaded them with oatmeal.  She removed the ball bit gags from the ponies’ mouths, and replaced them with ring gags, into which she plugged the feeding dildos.  She watched as the girls eagerly began sucking the fake cocks, while Brent fidgeted for a bit, before a quick swat to his ass had him sucking it too.

       After the feeding time, Brent was let up off the stand, and again put to the girls, who were still being tormented with the vibrators.  Both the girls and Brent were exhausted by the end of the second round, and Sarah’s mom decided to leave them on their frames for the night.  She turned off the vibrators, made sure the blindfolds were in place on all the ponies, and then went upstairs to go to sleep.  The fillies had their bellies filled with cum, and Brent had the memories of flooding their pussies, to help them all sleep that night.

       Part 7 – Results of the mating session

       Sarah’s mom continued the mating sessions with the fillies for the next week.  By the end of it, all the ponies were exhausted.  Sarah felt like she had cum stuck to her thighs and legs that would never come off.  Ashley too felt like she had been filled to over flowing by the horny pony boy.  Brent knew he couldn’t cum again for a while, having filled both pony girls so full, they must be carrying by now.  After the final fuck, Sarah’s mom let each of the ponies rest for 2 days on their frames, before transferring them back to their corral in the back yard.

       The fillies first knew something had changed, when they started eating more than normal.  Brent could also sense the change in the girls’ behavior, and seemed more than happy to leave them alone when he saw their faces change.  By the end of the second week of the mating session, Sarah’s mom was ready to take her girls and Brent for the exams necessary to see how well they were doing.

       All three ponies were hitched to the cart, and with a pat on their presented rumps, the ponies trotted off to the town vet.  Driving the cart into the animal reception area, Sarah’s mom unhitched the girls first, followed by Brent.  All three were loaded into separate stalls, while Sarah’s mom went inside to make sure they were on time for the appointments.  Sarah was taken into the exam room first.

       Sarah hesitantly followed the gentle pulls on her leash, following the vet tech into the exam room.  She knew something most likely happened when Brent was filling her up with his seed, but the frequency of the mating times left her wondering just what had happened.  She was positioned on an exam bench, her hooves secured to the corners, spreading her wide open.  There she waited, wondering what had happened.  Ashley was led into a similar exam room, secured to a similar table, and left to ponder the results she too must have known were coming.  Both fillies were nervous, as the doctor and a medical android came to each and began her evaluation.

       ?Filly name: Sarah Spirit.  Age: 18 Mated with Stallion 2 weeks ago.  Vaginal area appears bruised from mating.  Definite arousal from touch.  Noticeable moisture from cunt area.  Breasts C cup and swelling, Ultrasound and biofeedback report indicate multiple foals now developing.  Expecting 3 foals in 4 weeks.  Nano-robotic and biomedical feedback results looking positive for health and development in foals.? 

       The vet made her report as briefly as possible, leaving Sarah to wonder what half of it meant to her.  One thing she did know for sure thought, was she was with foals, and not just 1 or 2, but 3.  She went into mother mode almost instantly, worrying about how her offspring were developing, why the process was sped up, even how painful it would be when they came.  Sarah was a nervous filly at this point, but if she was nervous, Ashley was terrified.

       ?Filly Name: Ashley Soul.  Age: 19 Mated with Stallion 2 weeks ago.  Vaginal area appears bruised from mating.  Definite arousal from touch.  Noticeable moisture from cunt area.  Breasts C cup and swelling, Ultrasound and biofeedback report indicate multiple foals now developing.  Expecting 4 foals in 4 weeks.  Nano-robotic and biomedical feedback results looking positive for health and development in foals.?

       Ashley whinnied in shock and surprise.  4 foals, she was carrying 4 foals in her belly.  She was going to be in for a rough birth, she was sure of it.  Dropping 4 foals was going to be a nightmare.  Both fillies were placed on restrictive duties, and ordered to rest at home or at the office, until they could drop their foals.  Both were also ordered to be milked daily to store up enough milk for their foals.

       Brent too, was in an exam room, but he was undergoing a much more humiliating exam. He had been strapped to an exam table, but the humiliating thing was that the room was a bright pink color.  Brent felt his face flush, as he saw the medical android enter the room, and give the doctor the scan results.

       ?Stallion name: Brent Angel.  Age: 19 Matted with 2 fillies in the past 2 weeks.  Cock and ball sack seem deflated.  Biofeedback indicate chemical imbalance, inability to produce more sperm, and hormonal flux.  Owner requests change and mating.  Treatment commencing immediately.?

       Brent found himself upended by his ankle cuffs, and hauled over a vat.  He took a breath as the machinery lowered him into the sticky goo within.  The lid was placed over the chamber, and Brent was forced to open his mouth to breathe.  This was all the nano-bots in the chamber were waiting for, and within milliseconds of entering his mouth, they were swarming over and inside his body, breathing for him, and beginning to change him.  Brent was put under by the machines working on him, but the medical android stayed to watch and adjust programming signals.

       The machines began working on Brent’s physical appearance.  They changed his body shape, reducing his height by 6 inches, redistributing fat deposits, and reworking hair and other external indicators of gender.  They attacked his breast and genitals, adding to his breasts by rapidly promoting tissue growth.  Brent would awaken to find himself sporting a C cup pair of breasts.  The machines also changed his gender plumbing, removing his cock and building a brand new vagina for him.  They altered her internal plumbing, memories, even her eye color.  Brent ceased to exist at the end of the treatment, and instead emerged Brenda the Filly.

       Sarah’s mom waited for the results in the waiting room, and was pleased to hear the doctor’s reports.  2 of her girls were with foals, and the third was ready for her turn on the mating stands.  Sarah thanked the doctor, turned down an offer to buy the fillies’ foals, and hitched Brenda to the cart, while Sarah and Ashley were loaded on the back, as per the doctor’s orders.  A sharp crack on her upturned ass, and Brenda began the trot home.

Part 8 – Brenda gets mounted

       6 weeks have passed, and both Ashley and Sarah have dropped their foals.  Sarah had produced 3 daughters, while Ashley had dropped 2 girls and 2 boys.  Both fillies were exhausted, both from the birth and from the constant milking they had undergone during and now following their deliveries.  All the children were taken by Sarah’s mom to live under her roof, to be raised and educated in the ways of dolcett life. 

Brenda too, was exhausted.  She had spent the 6 weeks providing transportation for Sarah’s mom during the numerous chores that needed to be done to prepare the house for the new arrivals.  Brenda had enjoyed her first outing as a fully formed pony girl, but the maddening rubbing the crotch straps did to her new clit caused her to quickly orgasm numerous times.  Sarah’s mom had to pull over at some points during the trips around town, just so Brenda could recover. 

Now that Sarah and Ashley were getting back into their pony girl lives, however, Brenda wondered what her fate would be.  She knew she wasn’t what could be considered prime grade girl meat.  She also knew that while the genetic and nano robotic changes had altered her physical and mental makeup, she couldn’t really be considered a full woman.  Brenda was slipping into the darker reaches of her subconscious, trying to find her new self. 

Sarah’s mom had seen Brenda’s behavior change, and knew something might need to be done, to pull this pony out of her funk.  At first, she considered a mating for Brenda, but the pony didn’t seem ready for the mental strain this could cause.  Not wanting to further damage the fragile mind, Sarah’s mom decided the only proper thing, would be to collect the pony and put her out of her misery. 

Making up her mind, Sarah’s mom hitched up her daughter and Brenda to the cart, and drove them into town.  She knew one thing that no one in the town owned, and she decided she would be the first to try it.  She guided the ponies to a new shop, which specialized in preservation and documentation.  Not exactly something known for in the town, but the curious little shop had one unique feature.  For a price, the shop owner could preserve anything to be admired for later use.  There were some other options as well, which made Sarah’s mom grin.

She parked the ponies in front of the store, and went inside to talk to the owner.  The ponies were left to squirm under the probing touches of the people passing by on the street, until the shop owner and Sarah’s mom came out of the shop, to collect Brenda.  The shop owner led the pony back into the shop, and into a work shop in the back. 

Brenda was nervous, unsure of what was happening to her.  She knew something was up, but she couldn’t figure out what.  The shop owner had led her to a metal chamber in the back, and secured her arms and feet in a pose.  He had removed her expensive tack, and had connected leads to her head and various points of her body.  The next thing she knew, the room had flashed white, her sight had faded to black, then it came back.

Sarah’s mom had stayed to watch the process as the shop keeper explained what was going on.  The first step, was to make the form for the pet to maintain.  This was accomplished by a quick freeze shock, followed by neural muscular interrupters.  This would, in essence, freeze the victim into a pose.  The next step, would be to literally download the mental processes and memories into a temporary storage unit, while the next steps were done.  The victim wouldn’t know what had happened to them, they would only know there was a brief period of a black out.

While the consciousness was in limbo, the shop owner would use a special scanning and injection molding system to replace the human body with a rubber, steel, and composite body, in essence, a human form clone mannequin.  Once the body was done to the customer’s satisfaction, the victim’s consciousness would be re-implanted into the duplicate body, while the original body would be ground up into pet food and fertilizers.  The duplicate would then be outfitted however the customer wanted, to be a literal living statue.  Maintenance would only need to be done every 30 years, to replace the power cells and fix any minor cosmetic damage.

Brenda felt herself being lifted and moved into the back of the cart, but for the life of her, couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t move.  She tried to speak, but nothing came out.  She tried everything she knew to try to communicate, but it was like no one was hearing her.  She figured at first that it was the strange flash of light, but it didn’t explain everything.  As she was carted back to the house, one inescapable conclusion came to her.  Either she was suffering some sort of after effect of some treatment, or something life altering had just happened. 

Sarah’s mom, with the help of some of her neighbors, placed the Brenda statue into the family living room.  Brenda could see the babies crawling around in the cribs, could see Sarah’s mom coming and going, but she couldn’t move.  Brenda became panicked for the first week after whatever had happened to her, but then calmed herself down, as a quite night allowed Sarah’s mom to have a talk with her.

?Brenda dear, I have had you turned into a living mannequin.  The reason is so that you may witness history.  Our family has been around for over 500 years.  And always, we have tried to keep a record of births and deaths.  Everyone in the village knows me as the mother to Sarah.  But I was the daughter of Sarah Ashley, who in turn was the daughter of Ashley Marie Sarah, who in turn was the Daughter of Stephanie Ashley.  You see, our family lives on a rotating cycle.  One of these female children is the reborn spirit of one of our past descendants.  The whole block, in fact, is all related at some point in the past.  Why do you think, Brenda, you came to be with us??

Brenda was shocked.  She had known something was peculiar in the block, how people seemed familiar to her, how even places she had never been, and yet seemed familiar as soon as she started traveling to places. 

?We have a very unique place in history.  We have been around since the fall of Rome.  We have seen the world evolve; we have seen the world like few have been able to.  Immortals sometimes need to be reborn, to avoid attracting suspicion.  We have walked with kings, danced for sultans, and even loved a few of the great historical figures.  But our numbers always have been guarded, for fear of being hunted out and tested.  This isn’t the first time we have had this chat.  In time, you will be the one to pass on our legacy to these, our daughters and sons.  Listen and observe all you see, for you, now, are the keeper of the greatest secret in the world.?

Brenda suddenly became aware of many more views.  She could see Sarah and Ashley in the slave pen, grinding against each other.  She could see the streets around the village, the coming and going of the population.  She could tap into the world internet connections, and see news reports from around the globe.  Suddenly, she found herself mistress of information.  She absorbed everything.  She even found a means of communicating to the masses if she had to.  She could create holographic or digital overlays of herself and project them on the screen.  In short, she became a permanent observer to the passage of time and history.

Part 9 – The future

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I stood on the balcony and took in the amazing view of the Mediterranean Sea in front of me and the white beach. There were a lot of people either lying on towels or on sunbeds. Some had parasols but most drank in the hot sun and their bodies glistened from sun oils. “Dad, can we go to the beach?” I said, turning back into the hotel room. My dad came out from the bathroom and said, “In a minute. Let’s unpack first. Go and help your mom.” The accomodation was a suite with two bedrooms and a...

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She had been working for the Smiths for more than two years. They were a nice enough couple who always paid her on time and didn't give her too much extra work. There was laundry and dusting and polishing, sweeping and mopping, vacuuming. Occasionally they would have company over the night before and on those days there was always some extra work to do. Still, she had heard so many complaints from the other girls she worked with about the horrible, nasty homes they had to look after and she...

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An invite to my neighbor Lisa's house for tonight. Lisa and I can best be described as "Neighbors with Benefits". It had been a month or so since we had matching schedules. I can say, I was really anxious for what this night could bring. The evening came and we went out for a quick dinner and some drinks. While there, Lisa kept excusing herself and would go outside and make phone calls."Is there something wrong?" I asked after she came back from one of her trips."Oh, no, nothing wrong. One of...

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My name is Eric Samson, I'm thirty five years old and I'm looking in at my newborn daughter through the viewing window at the maternity ward. Her mom, is resting comfortably, and I'm waiting for a nurse to come out and suit me up, so I can hold my daughter again. For some reason, the nurses always want to put me and other visitors in scrubs, and clean us up before they allow us to touch the baby. I guess it makes sense because I wouldn't want anything to happen to my precious little angel...

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Melissa Moore was the smartest girl I ever knew, at least before I got to college. She was one of those kids who crawled out of the crib reading her picture books. She was so smart, but she didn’t flaunt it, she just got her A’s and smiled. So I was surprised when she came and sat across from me at lunch when we were both juniors. She was a very pretty girl with a rapidly maturing body, fun to look at and think about, and she dressed kind of casually. “Got a question?” she said, with a grin.

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This is my first gay story. Please feel free to comment on my chapters or inbox me your thoughts. Obviously, I would love an author to join in. Hello and welcome to my story. If you’re here then I guess you’re either gay, bisexual, or like me, just… curious. So, let me set up the story. It is a story I have never told anyone before. The night I was turned, and experienced the other side love. My name is Dave. I'm not gay, I wouldn't even say I'm bisexual. Of course that last point is perhaps up...

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Skip this to start if you don't care what I have to say. This is my first story so I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'm Going to try my best. leave tips if you want but for now I'm winging it, this first story is going to have comedy in it because porn and sex should be fun, if you cant have a good time then whats the point. Pictures will be included because I myself am more of a visual jerker so if you are too I hope you appreciate it! ENJOY! (or dont and in that case fuck off!) THIS...

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Melissa Moore was the smartest girl I ever knew, at least before I got to college. She was one of those kids who crawled out of the crib reading her picture books. She was so smart, but she didn’t flaunt it, she just got her A’s and smiled. So I was surprised when she came and sat across from me at lunch when we were both juniors. She was a very pretty girl with a rapidly maturing body, fun to look at and think about, and she dressed kind of casually. “Got a question?” she said, with a grin. I...

First Time
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I had been curious about guys for years. I had tried looking around online, but never really found someone I was satisfied with. Finally, one day I emailed a guy on craigslist who was perfect. He was just 24, I was 18, and a few inches taller than me, dirty blonde hair and a 7 inch cut and shaved cock. We met up at my place and he brought some herb to relax us. As we hit the bong, we talked about our experiences. He had been with a few guys, but I was completely without experience, apart from...

1 year ago
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I was about to get married in about three months, but was very curious to have closer look of a pussy. I found a woman, she agreed to my request. Both were closeted in a room with dim light. se removed her clothes first, looked to me why I am hesitating being a male! Then I gathered courage, by which time I had got nice erection, this happens to every man when a woman is very close, in front and naked, willing to oblige. I had very close look like a doctor or an obstetrician would do. Moved my...

2 years ago
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The young lady next door and I had been friends for quite some time. We often chatted about things... anything, silly stuff, serious stuff, interesting stuff. Because I was substantially older than she, I had many responsibilities, however... while she had few. And occasionally, she would come and sit and watch while I worked and chat with me. One day, I was cleaning the leaves out of the gutters... sticking my hand in that muck and tossing them down to one side of the ladder. The effort...

1 year ago
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100% fiction! It was the summer I turned 18. My Uncle Tim decided to come out to the family and announced that he was leaving my Aunt because he was gay and he didn't want to hide his sexuality any longer. We were always a very close family, and lived just two blocks away from each other. Growing up, I did not have a father figure in my life, so I spent most of my weekends at my Uncles house, hanging out doing guy stuff. We were all shocked, no one ever suspected that he had been keeping this...

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"I don't care how you do it, just try and find out."So said my mother over the phone.She had phoned saying she had a delicate matter to discuss, and wanted a favour.This was the favour:She was concerned that my little brother, Paul, might be gay, or at least unsure of his sexuality.She had been concerned at some of the friends he was starting to hang around with, some of the clothes he had started to wear, and some of the things he had started to say.She was wondering, since Paul and I used to...

3 years ago
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Tantalizing Chapter Two

"Jensen" Mr. Jacobson's voice was loud but had a happy sound to it. "You're already done?, Why aren't you in Ap?" Mr. Jacobson smiled a big smile. Gavin in return smiled a big white smile as his eyes started to sparkle as they usually did. "It's what I do, if I were in Ap I couldn't listen to your amazing lessons Mr. J" Mr. Jacobson laughed and replied with a "Yeah right Jensen you don't listen to a word of my lectures." Gavin then smiled and laid his head back down. As...

3 years ago
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Drunk fun

Hi to everyone. ISS has become the perfect platform for all of us to share our experiences and fantasies. Not only in India, has it seemed very popular in other countries too like Nepal for example. I am Raj, a 25 year old male from Katmandu Nepal sharing this experience with you. It happened about 3 years back during my graduate years. There were a group of four people (me Raj, Sunil, Neha, and Rani) in our group and we used to hang out together. Though it was just friendship in the beginning,...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 15 Party Time

Chapter 15: Party Time It was heading toward November, classes were just the same, though having to restrict my reading to only what was covered in the lesson, kept me from being totally comatose in class. The football teams kept on with the same type of performances, the varsity team kept on trying, but also kept on losing. The freshman team was getting better at working together, getting the plays better organized and executed as they were planned. They won some and lost some, but they...

4 years ago
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The Offence Moms Retribution

Kathy, Lisa, Jill and mom continued their disciplinary regime lifestyle which they all enjoyed and suffered together.Kathy opened the front door to her house. It was after work and she was tired, and although she had just about recovered from a very hard paddle spanking and caning she had received just five days earlier. Her bottom was still slightly bruised blue with raised red welts that hadn’t fully flattened and she was still having to be careful when sitting down. She knew this also...

3 years ago
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Rocking a rowboat

Eric and I were out fishing in his rowboat one day on a little lake that we know of.It was almost 11 or so in the morning and the fish were not biting at all when Eric looked at me and asked if was up for a bit of fun already knowing what my answer would be. I am a nymphomaniac to tell the truth. I said sure pull ashore by a some trees and we'll see what develops. He says to me no lets just do it right there in the boat. I take a quick look around and see we were still by ourselves and...

4 years ago
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WarlockChapter 21

"Oh." Sophia said. Then she ran out of words. "None of the internal systems have been tested." Banks said, his voice unusually diffident, "The Captain's been too busy to check them, and the rest of us don't know enough about vanships to do more than basic repairs." "We had a hard enough time putting the hull back together. I don't think there was any panel that didn't need to be reworked flat." Seth looked upon the Warlock with obvious pride. "We refilled the impact foam...

3 years ago
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Pony Girl Races Chapter 3

SECOND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE CHAPTER III Fun Week-Ends in Las Vegas Synopsis: This is a continuing story of the Pony girl races. This story is about GG's and TG's in a "family" that enjoys erotic sports, and adult sexual entertainment. Since we were now getting most all of the arrangements for the race completed, we did have a little more time for personal pleasures and relaxation. On our next week end visit to LV, we met with the general manager of one of the most prestigious...

3 years ago
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The Sissy boy test

I fail their test miserably....or i pass it as they told meI didnt know what they were saying before i had a hand in my speedo spreading my ass until his finger starter marking circle on my cherry looking around if people could see but evryone were doing there stuff ''please stop it please''''dont get hard , its a test , Mike here think you are a sissy''under the water my lil cock lost the fight i was having , focussing not to get hard''he wont last 5min i think yo are right mike''jeff holding...

2 years ago
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The MIdAS Touch

THE M-IdAS TOUCH by Jenny North ::CyberLan shutdown OK:: ::Neuro handshake disengaged:: ::ExNet disconnected:: Sitting in his den, Darren Wynn blinked as he disconnected from the cyber slipstream, taking a moment to readjust to reality. He decoupled the data jack from the wetware implant behind his ear and closed his eyes, verifying the data integrity of the software he'd downloaded, safe and sound in his secondary memory implant. His wife Miko had objected to the expense of the...

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Sissys new life

SISSY'S NEW LIFE Part 1 By Goddess Laura My name is Laura. I married my husband James when we both very young. We had a relatively normal marriage for the first year or so. We role played occasionally, James being the submissive and me, of course being dominant. We were both naturals at those positions. I loved being waited on, tying him to our bed and teasing him, and he loved groveling at my feet and being controlled by me. It wasn't until I came home...

2 years ago
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Higher Power

Three hundred and sixty five days in a year and there is only one that is universally dreaded by single people. Valentines Day, the holiday that everybody knows Hallmark collaborated with the flower vendors to create an extra revenue stream. On Valentine’s Day it’s almost literally illegal to be single and the pain of being alone is so much sharper when the world is a saccharine saturated mess. Somehow or another Chris’s original plans for Valentine’s Day had fallen through. Considering it...

3 years ago
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My First Time Mac and I

I had been emailing Mac for about 3 months about wanting my secret desire to be treated like a sissy with a man. Today he was going to pick me at noon. I didn't sleep the entire night nervous if i would go through with meeting him. Part of me was scared that he might be a killer while another part of me was fearful he might just hurt me. He seemed like a nice older man and said he had always been attracted to men. I didn't want to be with a man only because they couldn't get pussy. I emailed...

2 years ago
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Rhode Island RedChapter 3

The preacher was a jovial man. He was more than happy to marry us. Miles had arranged for his neighbors, John and Sylvia Wild to be the witnesses. They had been married for two years but so far no offspring. When we got to the church Miles had a white wedding dress he picked out for me to wear. It was so opulent. The gown was made of satin and lace with a little matching veil to hide my face until Reverend Moore pronounced us man and wife. Then he would lift the see through covering, and kiss...

3 years ago
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More Than Words Ch 01

As always: Thanks to ‘Alpineskier’ for editing. Thanks to ‘Doc’ for writing Jim’s character. More than Words: Code, Honor, Discipline ‘Upon my code of honor, with the discipline of my being, I am bound to serve and protect you with my life and sword’ * My mother and I live as second class citizens in our own home. No, let me correct that. The maid, butler, and the chef live better than my mother and I. On the random day I see my father, it is usually from a distance and I receive a small...

1 year ago
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Watching my buddy and his GF

Sorry for the long break between stories, things have been really busy for me lately. The events in this story took place last fall. I know your probably thinking "why has it taken you so long to write them down"? Trust me when I say 3 months ago or not, I doubt I'll ever forget this night. First, let me go through the formalities of introducing the people involved in this one. Of course you know me by now (I hope), I'm Josh, 29, 6' tall, average build with light brown hair and amazingly blue...

3 years ago
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Learning My Place

About three months ago, I arrived home from work one Friday evening to find that my wife was not at home. However, there was a note on the dining room table, which I picked up and read. Dear Richard, You know how much I love you, and enjoy being married to you, but you also know that I have been dissatisfied with our sex life. Your cock is a pitiful size, and you seem incapable of lasting for more than a few seconds. It is for this reason that I have taken a lover. We have been seeing each...

3 years ago
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Sex Extreme

Ah, but how the body tires with age, and the beauty and virility we took for granted in our youth become our most sought after goals, ever more distant, like a ship drifting away on the horizon. How would I fare today should a similar adventure befall me? As I look down the broad, leaf filled bridleway, deep in the heart of the forest, in the very same spot where those two ladies, the vixen and her slave, had briefly taken over my existence twenty years before, I have to wonder. Would they...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Mother 8211 Part 1

It’s been a long time since I have here. This is an old story I had written a few years ago. I hope you’d appreciate it. I woke early that morning, well, not too early. As I stepped out of my bedroom, I saw my sister getting into the bathroom and dad sitting in the hall packing his office bag. He saw me and said, “Look who’s woken up. Good morning, Rishi.” “Good morning, dad,” I replied. He was done packing his bag. “Okay then, I’ll leave for the office now. Since you’re awake, why don’t you...

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My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter part 3

My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter, part 3 By: Malissa Madison I woke up early, my wet diaper urging me awake as I opened my eyes. Mommy was watching me sleep, and I realized her hand was resting on the crotch of my plastic panties pressing the wet diaper against my skin. "Did Mommy's baby girl wet her diaper," she smiled at me. "We can't have you in a wet diaper now, mommy's just going to have to change that," she helped me out of bed and I climbed up on the changing table, putting...

2 years ago
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Best friends girl

I have known Rick since we were seven years old. We are completely different people but we have stayed best friends. Rick is smart and ambitious. He is handsome and good with the ladies. I have always envied his charm. He seems to attract women without even trying. I am more of a quiet person. I enjoy being alone with a book or a movie. I have accepted the fact that I will never be cool or part of the ‘in crowd.’ Still, Rick and I have always been tight. There is a bond between us that I don’t...

1 year ago
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First time fun with A

A is a 25 year old women who I had the pleasure of meeting and omg I love spending time with. The 1st night we met we had a few drinks and a chat and I was undressing her with my eyes I suggested we went back to mine in the cab going back I couldn’t believe my luck. Once in mine we had a few drinks then I accidentally brushed passed her we grabbed each other kissing passionately I whispered lets go upstairs leading her to my room watching her every move we franticly strip each other laying her...

1 year ago
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Voice Chat with the MSN Virgins

The conversation was polite but nuanced. At least she was picking up on my double entendres. When we exchanged photos, I nearly fell off my bed. She'd be considered a knockout in any part of the world. I told her exactly that, and asked if she wanted to switch to voice chat."We are 2 girls here," she replied. "That is photo of my friend Igzi.""Igzi is a dream come true! Want to talk to 1 guy?""If this your pic, cool!" she wrote. "My friend fall in love with u."It went like this for a while with...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Aaliyah Hadid 22445

What’s hotter than banging your buddy’s sexy wife? Bangin’ her while his dumb ass is still in the house somewhere! That’s just how Aaliyah Hadid and her husband’s friend JMac push the limits to heighten the levels of their ongoing tryst. J is so horny for that pussy he climbs 18 stories up her building to come in the back door, only to find Aaliyah dressed up like a hot cop — leather boots, hat, handcuffs and all! She’s role playing with her husband to celebrate their anniversary, but JMac...

2 years ago
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Valley GirlChapter 8

The next week, Pavel called me into his office. “OK, they arrest Nancy last night. I have locksmith there now changing locks, she also fired. Linda, that office is yours now. Tonight you get keys from me before you go, I also have passwords and alarm code waiting for you. Tomorrow morning, you open at 9 and be there until 5:30. You take hour for lunch, you get paid for half hour though. That fair?” I went and hugged Pavel, and told him it was more than fair. “You know, I miss you already. If...

1 year ago
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My Daddy is my Mommy Rev3

Authors Note. This is story of my life so far. It is essentially true though there is only the odd embellishment and it is just Joanne’s dream of having a full transplant. One day it will be possible no doubt. At present she only has had SRS. Rev3 has only added a few more memories.Hello my name is Sally. I am 12 years old and I love my Daddy to bits. He is so kind and does his best looking after a little girl whose mommy had died a year ago. The trouble is he doesn’t really know how I like to...

2 years ago
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The Photo ShootChapter 9

Miss. Johnson had taken off her black robe, and is now in jeans with a shirt that said, FBI on it, she is holding a gun in her hand, and she told master; FBI YOU MOTHER FUCKER, GET YOUR HANDS UP YOU ASSHOLE. It all happened so fast, I’m laying down in my master’s pee. Miss Johnson has her gun pointed at Master, I don’t know where, Master got his gun, but he is pointed it at Miss. Johnson, then two loud gunshots rang out. Master fell to the floor, he looked dead, there is blood coming from...

3 years ago
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Up Town

Up TownSome time ago now, when we lived in London, we used to go uptown on a Saturday night, just to enjoy the hustle and bustle, I used to wear a long coat in the winter, but underneath very little, a micro skirt tartan, high heels, white suspenders and white stockings, sheer silk white panties, and white sheer blouse with no bra. I must admit I love looking sexy, and this particular night I did !I had already had fun on the train to Charing Cross, sitting opposite a old man on the train, I...

4 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 32

The next evening we were loading up in Jacklyn’s Cadillac again. Jacklyn wasn’t with us, she was going to the shower with her boss, Willard Musgrave since they have just about made final commitments to each other after just one date that lasted one day and two nights. I knew I’d get some more of Jacklyn’s pussy before I returned home, and from the way Willard looked my teenage friends over, those girls may just get a big bonus from the rich old fart tonight. They were dressed to kill too,...

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Hot beautiful girl with large strapon ravages girl

Introduction: My first lesbian experience with a woman in college. Lisa takes a large strap-on and ravages her sorority sister pussy I am a member of one of the top sororities at a college in San Diego CA. I had an awesome sexual experience that I needed to put on paper. I have a roommate who is absolutely beautiful with a perfect body. She pretty much gets any guy she wants. We know a lot of fraternity guys and through the sorority grapevine get to know a lot of details about them like who is...

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Doctor exams

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ever since I was boy I had a huge crush on my uncles' girl friend Diane. She was in medical school while uncle was already a doctor. Diane too eventually became a Doctor. She has a very pretty face and Uncle sometimes even call her Phoebe a reference to my uncle's fantasy girl in his childhood Phoebe Cates with whom Diane had strong resemblance. Fast forward, they are married, had one daughter and lived in an upper class neighborhood, she was 32 and...

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Sammy Burr escorted his date Emily D'palma to her door. This was their first date and Sammy had been a perfect gentleman. He had picked her up on time. They had a great meal at a nice restaurant. They enjoyed a pleasant stroll after where they got along great. Now he was dropping her off at her condo. What Emily saw of Sammy she liked and she was ready for a goodnight kiss to cap off their first, but hopefully not their only date. She liked that he hadn't been too pushy and...

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Hawaiian Vacation

  Hawaiian Vacation     I was anxious to pick her up at the airport. I bought the largest bouquet I could. It was at least 3 feet long. We had many conversations and agreed that we would spend a week together in Hawaii . Her stipulation was that we had to go ‘dutch’ including the airfare. After agreeing to her wishes, I made the reservations and garnered us a neat package. Time was of the essence as we both had limited vacation periods. It made sense to meet her incoming flight from the...

3 years ago
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The Rainy night

Another day of work completed as I load up my tools in the truck and my coworker says hey join us for a drink at the tavern Bill . I look over and say not today Rick as I want to get home and get a shower. The others get in their trucks and head off to the tavern as I finish loading up my tools. I walk around the house we are building checking a couple things out and will be glad when the trusses get here Friday and we can get them set. I get in my truck and head home. I pull in the...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 50

Jean demanded, “Last question: what are the odds of my dying in childbirth? I have heard horror stories of such deaths in the 1700s and 1800s.” John admitted, “Even the most modern hospital cannot give a 100 per cent guarantee, but usually far better odds than dying in a road accident. Here, you have two important factors: the medical nanites in your blood, and the stash of medical supplies we have found in the store room. The nanites are gradually spreading throughout the tribe, so every...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 35

Mary had thoroughly enjoyed the sexy evening of sexy fucking she'd shared with Philip the night before. But the next morning as she lay in bed, she was still feeling very horny evening though Philip had really fucked her pussy good when he'd been inside her pussy. She wanted to reach down and rub her pussy until she brought herself off and tweak her nipples until her pussy was screaming to cum, but she got on the phone and gave Pam a call, asking her to come over and spend some time alone...

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caught naked at the YMCA

It had been a long day, I had woken up early to drop off my pesky brother at a friend’s house so he and his friend could go off canoeing that day, but I still met up with my dad at the YMCA for our workout. I hit all the weights hard, trying to catch up to my dad, and keep ahead of my brother. After 5 sets of everything we could think of, we switched to volleyball in the gym, and then jogged a mile on the indoor track before finally heading our separate ways for the day. I told dad I would...

1 year ago
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Mom found my Boner

100% fiction! I was pulling an all nighter trying to get some last minute work in for my article for the local newspaper that was due the next day. I had accidently fallen asleep at my laptop. When I woke up it was around 1 A.M. so I decided that I needed some cafiene and a small snack if I was going to get my article done on time. I got up and went outside for a quick smoke trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake anyone else up. I was staying with at my parents house for a few days...

1 year ago
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The Exciting Adventure part1

Kayla slammed her locker and strolled down the hall, catching the eyes of various guys along the way. She pushed her hair back. She had beautiful, lush brown hair. Kayla pushed open the school doors and slowly walked to her car. "Hey Kayla!" yelled her best friend Caroline, or Carry for short. "Kayla!" "Hey Carry what's up?" "Can I come over to your house? I don't have a ride home. Besides, we can hang out for a while." She said, catching up to me. "Yeah sure, get in." We loaded our stuff in...

4 years ago
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Wie ich mit der Intimrasur anfing meine Zeigegei

Schon seit ich Jugendlicher bin, hatte ich ein besonderes Verhältnis zur Nacktheit. Mit der Pubertät wurde ich mir bewusst, dass ich mit meiner Nacktheit auch meine Geschlechtsteile anderen Leuten zeige, und diese sich daran sexuell erregen. Ich selbst war ja auch begierig darauf, andere Leute nackt zu sehen und mir bei Frauen deren Brüste und Fötzchen, bei Männern ihr Glied und Hoden anzuschauen. Dass sich andere an meiner eigenen Nacktheit ergötzen und sich damit aufgeilen, wurde mir damit...

3 years ago
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Desperate Roommates Turn To Lovers 8211 Part 1

Hi guys! My name is Paul and I am 20 years old. I wanna share with you an incident that took place some time back in my life. I am currently doing my engineering in a Mumbai college. Since I am not from here I have to stay in a hostel. This is an incident that happened between me and my roommate. My roommates name is Jack. He is also 20 years old and happens to also be doing engineering in my college. Since we are from the same college we see a lot of each other and as time passed, have become...

Gay Male
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Dominique Ch 06

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the right...

1 year ago
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Alex a study in domination

She strains against the leather straps holding her to the a-frame erected in our room. Her body yearning to be free. She looks at me with that look again… my hands gently floating over her skin millimetres away from touching her. As my hands glide over her shoulders, her torso raises as if she is willing me to touch her breasts, but I shy away, keeping, just far enough away to tease her further. My lips move closer to her neck, my hot breath on her skin, a gentle touch of lips on skin, to...

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