Cruising Ch. 09 free porn video

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I felt something strange and unusual. It felt like I was being attacked by pipe cleaners but nicely. Consciousness crept in and I was laying on my stomach and my arms were wrapped around the pillow under my head in almost a death grip. The clock said 6:35 and things weren’t making sense to me.

‘Are you awake lover?’ was whispered into my ear and spoken with a French accent.


‘Sergio came in and made sure the coast was clear and then he let me in.’ she said.

‘I completely forgot about meeting you.’ I said.

‘I didn’t. I’ve been thinking about it all night.’ Sophie said.

Sophie was rubbing her whole body up and down my back and legs seductively. My cock instinctively started to rise.

‘I need to use the bathroom.’ I said.

She rolled off of me to stand next to the bed. She held out her hand and led me to the bathroom. Without a word she took me to the toilet, lifted the seat (no surprise there) and held my dick aiming it at the bowl. It was an unusual moment for me having someone else holding my joint as I tried to urinate. In a bit nature took over and my stream began. Usually when women do this for me they move the cock around, side to side, up and down or try and ‘write their name in the snow’. Not Sophie. This was not her first rodeo. One hand on my dick slowly jerking me going for an erection and the other on my ass cheek teasing my butt further stimulating me. She explained that she had to report to her duty assignment to help the passengers disembark so we needed to get started.

True to her word, Sophie rode me like a champ. She gave me several minutes of head and proceeded to use me like a dildo. She rode me cowgirl and reverse cow girl. We moved to the couch and she rode facing me and then facing away. She has me lay on the floor and rode me some more. She was a nonstop orgasm machine the whole time. She was getting worn out after about an hour of this and asked what I’d like and how she could get me off. I suggested doggie as my go to position. She got onto her knees and lowered herself so I could reach her pussy. Pounding away I knew this wasn’t going to work. Sophie must have sensed it too.

‘Take of the condom and fuck me in my ass.’ Sophie insisted.

For some reason impaling her skinny little ass appealed to me. I took off the rubber, lathered on some lube and got into position. She was still lifting her butt up off the mattress, I guess she’s used to fucking taller guys. This wasn’t going to work for me. I placed both hands on her ass cheeks and forced her butt down. In one smooth motion I went down and into her sphincter like we were made for each other.

‘Oh oui, plus, plus difficile!’ she cried out.

Not being fluent in the language I determined from her actions she wanted more. I proceeded to fuck the shit out of Sophie’s ass. She squirmed around under me encouraging me in two languages. It seemed the more excited she got the more French came out. Between manhandling her little tits and the blissful pressure on my dick I came good and hard in Sophie’s ass.

‘OH MERDE!’ Sophie cried out quite loudly as she came one last time.

I was a satisfied pile of sweat. After pulling out of Sophie’s rear I went right to the shower and washed off without a word. My plan was to shower just before getting dressed to leave the ship but I needed a fast rinse. Before I could finish Sophie stepped into the shower with me.

‘That was so good, thank you.’ Sophie said as she leaned down and kissed both cheeks.

‘You have very good endurance. You stay hard a very long time. Very nice for the ladies.’ She smiled as she washed herself.

I stepped out of the shower and began drying off allowing Sophie room to operate. We chatted as she dried and dressed as I pulled on boxers and began to scramble around packing.

‘I’m sorry that I have to go but I’m grateful for the time we spent together. Have a safe trip home.’ Sophie said before slipping out into the hallway.

I had so much to do. I took out what I was going to wear today, pack what I was wearing tomorrow in the overnight bag leaving it open for toiletries. I packed up the backpack which went by the door with Laurie’s, Ronnie’s and Bob’s suitcases. Next was my big bag. Everything went in there. I wasn’t careful about packing since it was all going into the wash when I got home. Lastly was my garment bag. I packed up my hanging clothes and I was done. I threw the boxers I was wearing into the big bag and took a last long cleansing shower. When I came out Sergio was scurrying around the room.

‘Good morning. I took the liberty of bring you some breakfast.’

‘Thanks, I didn’t think there was room service this morning.’ I replied.

‘There isn’t but a friend in the kitchen helped.’

Sergio busied himself attaching large neon orange tags to the bags by the door. My clothing for the day was laid out on the bed. I dropped the towel and exposed my ass towards Sergio as I pulled on underwear, shorts and a polo shirt. If he got a peek, so be it.

‘May I take your bags?’ Sergio asked. ‘If I take your groups bags together they will stay together.’

‘Sure, but these two stay with me.’ I replied point to the smaller pieces.

Sergio blocked open the door and began rolling out the suitcases as I sat and ate another overly generous meal and pouring down coffee as fast as I could take it. Between Sergio’s second and third trip Laurie walked into my room. After Sergio’s third and final trip he released the door to allow it to close.

‘I wasn’t the only one with a late start, huh?’ she smiled.

‘It was actually an early morning. A masseuse attacked me in my sleep.’

‘You’re leaving your door open looking for strays now?’ she joked.

‘No. She’s a friend of Sergio’s, he let her in. Oh shit! I almost forgot about Sergio. Look in the desk drawer, I saw some envelopes with the ships stationary.’

Laurie opened the drawer and took out an envelope bringing it over to me.

‘I didn’t think about this until now. We should have discussed this sooner. How was the steward in your room? Did you leave a tip?’

‘I left fifty bucks. I don’t know the etiquette. Is that OK?’ She asked.

‘Personally I go on the high end. Sergio when above and beyond for me.’

‘I see. My guy didn’t really do anything special.’

‘Please get me two more envelopes.’ I asked.

I counted out a thousand in fifties and hundreds for Sergio and put two hundred in each of the other two.

‘Go back to your room and get your money if you can. Give or leave this for your guy. If you know his name please write it on the outside. Then go to Ronnie’s room and give her the second envelope for her guy and say the same thing.’

‘You don’t have to do that.’ Laurie said.

‘I said that I would cover all the expenses.’ I stated firmly.

She knew I wasn’t budging and left on her errand. I finished eating and did my final trip to the bathroom. I packed the toiletries into my overnight bag and pulled on my shoes. Going outside I looked at the lines queuing up to go through US customs and seeing rack after rack of suitcases being offloaded by fork lift. Sergio came out onto the balcony.

‘Sir, you have been a remarkable guest. It’s been a pleasure serving you. I will always remember this cruise as special.’ Sergio said holding out his hand to shake mine.

A handshake just didn’t seem fitting. I’m not a hugger by any means but I felt the need this time. I moved in and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He didn’t hesitate and hugged me back.

‘I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done. You’ve made this cruise extraordinary for me, and I really dislike cruises.’

We broke the hug and Sergio said, ‘From my point of view I’d say that you had a pretty good time.’ Sergio smiled.

‘Yes, an excellent time. Come here, I have something for you.’ I sai
d leading him back into the room.

‘A small token of my appreciation. I put my contact information in there as well. If I can ever be of any help to you, please contact me.’

Without looking in the envelope Sergio smiled widely, ‘Thank you very much sir.’

‘And what little booze is left is all yours.’

‘Thank you again sir. I will remove it when I am cleaning the room when I can hide it in the cart.’ he said as there was a knock on the door.

Sergio went to open the door as he put the envelope away. Bernice and Cherilyn nearly burst into the room carrying what seemed like 20 shopping bags apiece. They are not getting on an airplane like that. They gush how much they enjoyed meeting me and guaranteed that they would be contacting me about the New York trip soon after they got home. Ronnie, Bob and Laurie all arrived together which Bernie and Cherilyn took as the signal to leave.

Once calmness was restored Laurie handed me the printout of the charges made to her room. There were none, nothing. The thousand was still there.’

‘Why?’ I asked Laurie.

‘You were so generous that I felt like I was piling on if I made you pay for drinks too. Plus most of my drinks were paid for by others.’ She grinned.

Ronnie took the bill from Bob and gave him a dirty look which made him cringe a bit. She handed me the statement.

‘Sixty five dollars? Are you kidding me?’ I asked.

‘Laurie and I talked about it and we both said that we wouldn’t charge anything to you. You’ve done way to much already. But mister drinks-a-lot didn’t get the word. He started putting drinks on the card and two carafes of wine because he forgot his wallet.’ Ronnie said.

‘Sorry, I didn’t know. I can send you a check when we get home.’ Bob offered.

‘No need. I appreciate the sentiment.’

‘Well, Bob and I absolutely appreciate every second of this trip and all that you’ve done.’ Ronnie said.

‘Yeah, this has been a great trip. Thank you very much.’ Bob said shaking my hand.

‘I hate to be a party pooper but Bob and I need to get moving so we can make our flight.’

I looked at Laurie, ‘Are you ready to go?’

‘I have no other plans at the moment.’ She replied.

We gathered our things and headed out into the corridor. I saw Sergio several cabins down assisting an elderly couple out of their cabin. He noticed me and smiled with a head nod I took as good bye and thanks.

We made our way to the demarcation level and headed out the gangway in between the smiling crew in their dress uniforms. Towards the end I saw Sophie giving every passenger a warm sendoff as they passed. Fortunately most of the passengers were off so progress was slow but steady. When I neared Sophie we locked eyes. She gave me her biggest smile.

‘I hoped you had a pleasant trip sir.’ Sophie said to me.

‘Each day was better than the last.’ I replied.

Sophie brought her hand up to her mouth I believe to keep from laughing out loud but once she composed herself she put her hand on my shoulder and said, ‘I hope you will take another trip with us very soon.’

We made our way down the gangway to the clusterfuck of immigration. We were in the same room where we departed from but tables were arranged differently. Parallel to the ship were the bins of luggage divided by colors. Not surprisingly the orange tags were first. We quickly located our luggage and joined the queue to go through customs after each of us was handed the customs paperwork. Over the public address system a recorded message looped over and over telling the passengers to have their passports and declaration forms ready. Things moved quickly except for Ronnie who had made many purchases.

While she finished I made my way to the cruise ship desk to settle my bill (technically get a refund). The twenty something pretty woman very sweetly suggested I leave my remaining balance in my account to either make a deposit on my next trip or to use for onboard purchases net time. I tried to be patient and explained that I had no idea when I would cruise again (I wasn’t lying) so please refund my money. It was a few thousand dollars that I didn’t want sitting around and forgotten. Then she suggested that everything that was available in the ships stores was available online at the cruise lines web site except for alcohol and tobacco products and leaving my money in the account would make purchasing easy. I explained less patiently that I wasn’t about to buy their overpriced crap and if she wasn’t going to give me a refund to get me someone who would. She sweetly smiled and explained that she was just passing along the wonderful offers the ship makes available to passengers. I said to refund me in ten seconds or get me her manager. It took her closer to fifteen seconds but I let it slide.

Outside the terminal it was the usual family and friends trying to locate passengers and vice versa. Busses, cabs, vans and every other wheeled vehicle larger than a motorcycle was trying to move through the jam up. I spotted our hotel van a hundred feet ahead of us and the older couple who drove with us to the ship frantically trying to stuff their belongings in. The gentleman spotted me looking and gave a satisfied grin that this time he’d won.

It was suggested that we all get a cab to the hotel, Laurie and I would get out and Ronnie and Bob take it to the airport. We began to look for a cab when another hotel van pulled up to the rear of the line of cars. Bob was on the ball and waived him down. The driver helped up load everything up as we formulated plan B where we go to the hotel and get a cab from there. Once loaded the driver made an end run and took the outside lane (which the cops were keeping clear) and cleared the terminal in less than a minute. We actually arrived at the hotel right in front of the older couples van. When they saw that we arrived first and with less trouble I swear they each had a ‘foiled again’ expression on their faces.

We got ourselves organized and put Ronnie and Bob in a taxi after our goodbyes. After they pulled away Laurie and I had a brief conversation where she insisted on spending the night with me. I explained that I’d made plans this afternoon but the evening and night was all hers.

It was a little after eleven and the hotel was still checking out guests. They offered to store our bags until the room was ready. Laurie mentioned that she was hungry so I suggested the Cuban restaurant. We took a cab but found the restaurant closed on Sundays. I knew a nice seafood place near the bay so we headed there. After ordering a large platter of seafood delicacies and a pitcher of iced beer I excused myself to call Monica to see about another appointment. After leaving a voicemail I returned to the table.

‘So, how long are you going to be out?’ Laurie asked.

‘I’m not sure how long or even if I’m going out. I haven’t heard back yet.’

‘Well, I’m pretty beat. Once we get in the room I might just nap until you get back or if I can’t sleep I’ll explore the nearby area.’

Just then my phone rang and I could see form the ID it was Monica. I excused myself and took the call. Monica was glad I called and explained that she was visiting a family member but would be available in an hour. She suggested she meet me in my room since it was on the way for her. I told her that I would have to call her back on that. After ending the call I went back to join Laurie.

‘So, I was wondering if you could vacate the hotel room for a couple of hours.’ I asked.

‘I guess. You meeting someone there?’


‘Would it be impolite to ask the situation?’

Laurie knew I enjoyed receiving anal having done it many times to me. I didn’t know if shemales was a sticking point for her so I broached the subject carefully. Laurie, like a trooper, waived it off as a ‘no big deal’ kind of thing. Laurie agreed to leave the room for a while and I texted Monica the all clear message a
s we enjoyed the meal. At the end of lunch Laurie asked to see photos of Monica so I pulled them up on my phone.

‘Do you think the three of us could play together?’ Laurie asked.

‘You understand she’s a paid professional?’ I asked.

‘You just showed me her website offering her services for hire. Yeah, I got that. If you’re paying her, couldn’t I pay her too?’

‘I don’t know if she goes with women. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask.’ I said.

We decided to let Monica make the decision when she arrives at the room. We finished lunch and returned to the hotel. After cleaning up we waited for Monica’s arrival. I took the time to make sure the limo company would be there to pick us up at the airport tomorrow. Eventually Monica arrived.

‘Monica, this is my friend Laurie. We were wondering if it would be all right if Laurie joined us.’ I asked.

Monica looked at Laurie skeptically saying, ‘I normally don’t do threesomes and it’s extremely rare that I am with women. Can you convince me that she’s a player?’

Laurie smiled and stepped up to Monica. She went right down onto her knees and began opening up the front of Monica’s shorts lowering them to the floor. She moaning positively at the black lace panties and gently pulled them down exposing Monica’s dick. After admiring it briefly Laurie gobbled it up and began lovingly working it with her lips and tongue. The tranny seemed pleased with Laurie’s work and nodded approvingly to me.

After Laurie gave a demonstration of her deep throating skills Monica said, ‘OK honey, that’s good enough. You can stay. Let’s discuss what you two would like to do.’

Laurie and I looked at each other. We didn’t talk about it at all. The three of us sat down with Monica stroking her cock and we decided what we’d like to do and things we wouldn’t be doing. Monica seemed like she was getting excited the prospects we talked about.

We each got ourselves undressed. I started of going down on Laurie who was already fairly wet while Monica played with Laurie’s tits. Then Monica and Laurie tag teamed sucking my prick (like it wasn’t rock hard already). First I wanted to fuck Laurie while Monica banged my ass. Laurie asked that I ass fuck her so we got into position. Monica entered me easing in nicely as Laurie waited for me to accommodate the dick in my butt. Once I was settled the three of us got into a rocking motion where Monica and I both pulled out and slid back in together. It was a strange but pleasurable experience for me being on both ends of the giving and receiving. Laurie is one of the few women I know who can orgasm from anal and she had two good ones.

Next Laurie asked that we both fuck her pussy at the same time. I’ve never done double penetration before and Laurie’s pussy isn’t large by any means. Monica laid on her back and Laurie mounted her cowgirl style. It was unusual seeing two sets of boobs mashed together knowing that there was a dick in there. I tried to force my way inside from behind Laurie but it wasn’t going to happen. Laurie then ask that I reenter her ass and we double fucked her to a couple more orgasms. Monica said that she wanted a turn in Laurie’s ass so we moved again. Laurie was on her hands and knees, Monica roughly slammed her way inside the ass and I went on my knees in front of Laurie so she could suck my prick so she was spit roasted. Laurie was in ecstasy.

We went round and round eventually finishing up with Laurie swallowing my cum while I was standing but bent over with my hands on a chair as Monica savagely fucked me from behind. Laurie took Monica’s load down her throat while they were in the 69 position with Laurie on top (but Monica refused to eat pussy). We laid exhausted on the bed as Monica used the bathroom to wash up. After she was dressed she kissed us both goodbye. I almost didn’t have the energy to stand to give her a nice tip. After Monica left Laurie and I napped for a couple of hours.

It was almost eight at night when Laurie woke me asking if I was hungry. I was but I didn’t want to go to any trouble. I looked at that the hotel had to offer food wise. We cleaned up and dressed casually and headed down to the steak and seafood place in the lobby. We ate well and had a few drinks each. Afterwards we took a short walk and Laurie gave me her opinions on being with a transsexual most of which was positive. Back in the room we had a long, slow lovemaking session that ended the night beautifully.

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I sat at my desk during lunch and decided to see what story sites I could get into and out of before the others around me got back. You see, we are not allowed to get into sex sites at work. Since I am the in-house computer wiz, I do all the programming installation and other computer work for the company; it is also my job to not only keep the company online, but to also monitor the 283 CPUs on everyone's desk and to report abuse to my boss, you know, anyone breaking the company policy...

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Naked at the park

This happened back in 1970. I was a Junior in high school, and had recently bought my 1st car. It was a 1964 Chevelle Malibu with bench front seats, 3speed on the column and a 283 under the hood. I loved that car! I went to a Catholic private school about 25 miles from home and up till now I had to ride the bus. So getting my own wheels meant freedom in more ways than one. I had a female friend who I had known since we where very young as our parents had been friends. We grew up kind of like...

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Paul part 2

I'd made all of the arrangements for the gardening work with Paul, so his mobile number was in my contacts. The day after he and his friends had been in our garden for the afternoon, he rang me in the morning. I was at work, still feeling a bit dazed that I'd had four young men inside me the previous afternoon, the last drops of their cum dripping out of me and making my panties damp. Wishing I'd let them all have me again (and again). And horny as hell. But I was at my desk, so couldn't take...

4 years ago
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Jessicas LiveIn Babysitter Part 2

Jessica's Live-In Babysitter - Part 2 by CutePatti A couple of weeks later Sam was at the desk in his bedroom late in the evening, writing some memos on his laptop. He finished and logged off his company's secure network, but didn't shut down his computer. Ever since he had moved into Becky's house he had been in an almost constant state of arousal because of his proximity to Jessie and her clothes, but he was trying to be good. Trying not to allow his fetishes to overwhelm...

3 years ago
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Mabels StoryChapter 3 A Knotty Problem

"What do you think happened, Mike?" "Happened? What do you mean, Delores?" Mike and Delores were lying side by side in bed as they often did after they made love at night. They preferred early morning fucks because the extra burst of testosterone that men typically have in the morning made it better for both. It also left them both relaxed for a day's work but for several nights Mabel had been getting in bed with them sometime during the sleeping hours. "She's been getting in bed...

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WinterbornChapter 4 The Conclusion

Dillon faded in and out of consciousness. One time he felt he was lying on a hard surface but could feel it moving. The next time he was on something soft and felt someone applying a cool wet cloth to his forehead. Finally he fought his way back from the darkness; he was on a big bed in a room that he didn't recognize. He tried to sit up and was rewarded with a shooting pain in his neck. Dillon fell back and moaned. Damn that hurts, he thought. The door opened and he saw Oso entering the...

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Older man Takes Young Woman

There a young, somewhat inexperienced girl who has been flirting with me all evening at some sort of party and I decide to call her bluff. I pull her into an empty room, pull her close to me, whisper in her ear asking her if she wants to feel me inside her. Playfully running my fingers down her neck, lightly tracing her nipple with my finger. She responds with a yes and I ask if she's ever fucked an older man. She says no. I can tell she's nervous. I ask if her pussy is wet and before she...

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So You Want To Make it Big a short essay

??As a person who has spent his live in Show Business, I have been asked to impart some advice to young wannabe stars. ?"How do I make it in show business?" I am asked every day by boys from nine or ten up to eighteen or nineteen years of age. The recent influx of teenage films with young filmstars as well as in the teen pop music scene explosion, has inspired many young talents to seek out their fortunes in Show Business. Well, the answer quite simply is SUCK DICK AND TAKE IT UP THE ASS. DRINK...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 18

After returning to the Druid College when the conference that Kelly had attended was over, Ed went up to the roof to watch the sunset. Much to his surprise and pleasure, John stepped out of the stairwell and joined him in one of the chairs. The two were quiet as the sun set over the horizon. The colors were muted compared to the colors of sunsets of the desert. Here, the mists around the distant mountains tended to give it a softer and gentler appearance. The effect on the men was predictable...

4 years ago
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1928Chapter 3

Late in the morning Frank Tucker sat in Longchamps nursing a hangover that he hadn't quite chased away yet. He had no idea why he was in Longchamps. He remembered coming out of his hotel about an hour ago with the idea of getting some fresh air. He'd walked south on Fifth Avenue until he thought it might be a good thing to eat something, and now here he was in Longchamps of all places. Then a slight twinge in his head reminded him that he'd be better off not thinking so much about where...

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Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them...

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Lost FoundChapter 58

Trevor and Stephanie were still asleep when I left for school Monday morning. I bumped into Andrew Perkins and a semi-awake, very worn out Tyler Madden on the way to the parking garage. Andrew was driving Tyler and himself to the airport to catch their flight to Indianapolis for the NFL Combine. Half a dozen other seniors hoped to get an invite but didn't. Their only shot at impressing NFL scouts would come later in March when our team held our Pro day. I wished Andrew and Tyler good luck...

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Some Steamy Things

We’re in the streets, finally, after a boring night at the bars – two relatively lost souls, wandering the suburbs of Seoul. I think Tracy’s going to come home with me, not that she’s horny for me, but because the rain is starting to come down. I’m horny for her, but she’s never responded to me that way – maybe because my shy approach isn’t to her tastes. Maybe the idea of a white guy dating a black girl just doesn’t naturally cross her mind, as she has plenty of black guys interested in her....

4 years ago
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Gaand Ka Garam Halwa Choot Ka Sherbat

Hello sex ke deewano dosto, Aaj jo mai aap sex pujariyo ko kahani batane ja raha hu ye meri apni zindagi ka experience hai. Ye kahani bahot vulgar hai kyun ki mujhe dirty and nasty sex bahot pasand hai isliye ise sirf wo hi padhe jise ladki ke jism ka har body part pagalo ki tarah pasand ho,jo ladki ki body se nikli har chiz pasand ho jaise uska pasina,moot,tatti. Maine aaj tak kai girlfriends banayi aur unki aisi dirty chudai ki aur wo aaj bhi mere sex karne ke andaz se darti hai. Kahani shuru...

4 years ago
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My humiliating experience with Sandy Part 1

This happened to me a couple years ago…. I’ve had an experience that was pretty humiliating. I’m a 19yr old guy, kinda small…about 5’2′, 115 lbs. I go to the community college, but live at home with my mom. There’s a big pool in our development, and I go there all the time. One time I went with a friend (Mike)…he’s 18 as well, but pretty big. His 16 yr old sister was at the pool too, with a couple of her friends. His sister (Sandy) is really pretty and sexy for a 16 yr old. She’s bigger...

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Lydias Ordeal

On this particular night, Lydia was satisfied with the way she had dressed. She wasn't going for super sexy, but she also wasn't trying to dress like a grandmother. She had chosen to wear a pair of hip-hugger jeans that accentuated her curvy shape and a sleeveless pink blouse. Her straight, shoulder length hair flowed and brought out the olive green of her bright eyed gaze. Lydia's friends were wearing a little less than she was, but it was starting to grow colder outside and she did not...

1 year ago
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Private Marica Chanelle Lya Missy Gonzo Anal Threesome

Tall, tattooed, and a pair of amazing big tits, that’s right it’s none other than Marica Chanelle and today this sexy blonde debuts alongside teen Lya Missy in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private. Enjoy all the quality gonzo action as the girls get warmed up in their lingerie, playing with their favourite toys whilst they wait for the lucky Nick Moreno to arrive. Then watch these beauties go to town as they share a nice sloppy blowjob before taking turns getting fucking as Marica...

3 years ago
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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi Chapter 5

They arrived across the street and she is relieved that none of the neighbors are outside to see her naked. Once inside he removed the collar and she fell to her knees with her head down in the submissive position.He stroked her hair and told her she was a good girl and that everything will be okay.“Thank you, Sir, I do hope that is true.”“So, let’s begin your next step in your submissive training. I want you to stand and bend over the arm of the couch so I can look at the plugin your ass.”She...

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A Kiss Worth Dying

A wonderful feeling had woke her in the middle of the night. Sally Findley was positive that she was either having some type of erotic dream, or that someone or something had been touching her gently between her thighs. The bright morning sun, now shined through her bedroom window, and then like someone who realizes they’ve left the stove on, while there out, she realized that she had closed her blinds last night, as she did every night before bed. “ How did they open?” She asked herself...

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“Angie” was a girl I worked with, years, quiet, soft spoken, very catholic and conservative. Always wore conservative clothes, never flirted, never called attention to herself. I shared an office with her and got to know her over several years. Underneath the fa?e she was funny, great to talk to and great to be around. Also, she as gorgeous. When you looked past the conservative clothes and demeanor, she was amazing. She was, married, Mexican and spoke English with probably 95% accuracy and a...

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Through the Looking Glass Part II The Discovery

Part II The Discovery - Through the Looking Glass. Anne’s stride had purpose.   She had heard something and Robert was nowhere to be found.   She panicked slightly hoping that Robert was alright.   She hoped he had not hurt himself on one of his early morning walks around the property that she knew he enjoyed so much.    She realised that she had virtually ignored him since the shower fuck last year and had been feeling both guilty and a little horny lately.   She just could not bring herself...

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Blue Lagoon Book IChapter 8

The next morning, the two children were tired upon awakening. They were invigorated, however, when they remembered they were returning to the waterfall. There they could relax and bathe in fresh water once again. They figured that the hike to follow the stream from the pool would be easier than spending the day hauling boxes up to their new campsite. So, they were looking forward to it since they would be foregoing much heavier work. They took only some small cans to fill up with water which...

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Emma Ch 28

XXVIII Susan was very kind to Amna after her day’s work, sensitively noting the young girl’s disorientation, but perhaps not really understanding why. She and her Pakistani friend took her to a burger bar where they chatted over some very squelchy whopper-burgers. Amna realised through the haze of her thoughts that Susan and the Pakistani were getting on very fine, swapping telephone numbers and quite freely kissing each other. She felt great jealousy which reinforced her general feeling of...

2 years ago
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The Summer Project

THE SUMMER PROJECT       By T.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy.  Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental.  If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here.  If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of rape, bondage and sex, please stop reading here.  The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use.  The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish...

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Maine Aunty Ki Gaand Mari Bathroom Me 8211 Part V

To auntiyo apane mere kahani ka 4 tha bhag to padha hi hoga ki kaise maine aunty ko pataya aur unko unke hi bedroom me chodane ke liye leke gaya agar abhi tak ki story kisi aunty ko pasand aai ho to jarur mujhe mail karana ye sab maine apane aunty ke sath kiya hai wo unke sath bhi karunga mera email id hai “” me apake mail ka itazar kar raha hu to abhi me story pe aata hu rat me aunty ke sath dudh pine ke baad me aur aunty ek hi sath so gaye me Aunty ke pure badan ko chusata raha aur wo ek blue...

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Chris took a deep breath before he knocked on the door. There’s no reason to be nervous, he reminded himself. But reassurances had long since stopped soothing him. Beth’s smile when she opened the door helped, though. She ushered him in. “C’mon into the den. It’s more comfortable there.” Then she turned and led the way with another smile over her shoulder to make sure he was following. Chris let out another deep breath but forced a smile this time. By the time they settled into their...

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Charmed Right Out of Yourself

Note: We are just having fun with the characters of 'Charmed'. NO copyright infringement intended. If this story could possibly happen, it would be in season 2. Charmed Right Out of Yourself By Eric and Jacquie Windsor Edited by Caleb Jones Prologue Prue was very worried. What if the succubus had possessed her sister Piper at her club when it was exorcized? True, why would a succubus possess Piper when a red-hot babe like herself was available was open to question? But...

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CAROL - I HAVE BEEN A BAD CAT THREEHun being fucked by that tree I realy licked, my mind as I masturbated those men and the way there cum felt between my fingers. Looking up at the tree that when I would rotate my pelvis with the not bending lem in me, deep in me, finding the lim places I have never been touched before. My mind made the tree real and like it was matting me. I would stair at it waiting for its cum to shoot into me. My climax was so hard and then a man forced my clit down on the...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 8 Trail Ways

"Well, that is mighty helpful." Catherine says in a snippy tone as she faces off with me. With another inward sigh, I realize she is back to snapping at me. I shake my head in an attempt to shake away her feelings as they slide over me. "What I mean is," I give her a sharp look that stops her from cutting me off. "You could go, on your own. Maybe you will be stealthy enough to not get caught. But you are up against somethings that you do not understand. And will you be able to hold out...

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Hi Im Jax

Hi, I'm Jax, not my real name of course, but for many years it was my logon name. For those of you out there who have read some of my stories, you know that I try to make each story as different as I can from any of my previous ones. As inspiration I draw on my own experiences and fantasies, but as I have written almost two hundred, even my well must run dry sometime. Those readers who have written to me with comments are often asked about their fantasies and I have used this information in a...

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There I was downtown Tacoma. 733 was on the other side of Jerrys Adult Video Store. It was what people called an alternative club. The club never had a name, it just was on 733 Broadway, so everyone called it 733. I wish that I could just where a sign that say " I suck dick"Anywho, I am in the club at the bar getting a drink. I walk away from the bar and bump into the guy kind of aggresive like, as if to say, who is going to say excuse me.Alternative yea right, it was kinda a gay club. Fuck...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Roxy Lips Invitation To DP Submission

Italian stud Luca Ferrero is horny for some BDSM fun and asks his buddy David Perry what he thinks of having a kinky threesome with Russian submissive Roxy Lips. What dominant loving guy in his right mind would say no to that? So in comes the sexy brunette dressed for their BDSM playdate in a leather top and mini-skirt, with metal collar and shackles ready to go. Blindfold on and it’s play time in 4K for today’s House of Taboo premium porn scene. The two studs get hard while...

2 years ago
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Neighbors Slut Wife and Young Black Cock

I was working from home one day sitting at my desk when I noticed Dwane the 17 year old black k** from across the street walking between mine and my neighbors house. I thought this was kind of odd he should be in school what was he up to? I went into the kitchen looked out the window into the back yard, watched him open the gate to my neighbors yard. He looked around then closed the gate behind him, walked over to the patio door where he was greeted by my neighbors wife Janet. This peeked my...

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The Chinese Mahogany Desk

Mr Anderson was a dignified man. In his early forties, he was respected throughout the community as The All Girls Vittoria Academy’s Headmaster. With salt and pepper hair he was not an ugly man, but he was not a smoking hot young one. His look was distinguished, powerful. All Girls Vittoria was a prestigious school, a school that Mr Anderson took pride in. The school valued student appearance with great importance, as the girls, aged from 14–18, were each required to dress in regulation...

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First Stop – 370 miles STOP/Gas&Goodies/St. Louis STOP/Springfield, Missouri HOTEL/La Quinta Inn VENUE/Stop & Sleep With all the new people, the ladies created a set of room groupings. They tried to put people together who wouldn’t normally talk to one another. In rooms with two doubles or queens, they put up to four girls. Boys would only be put in two doubles ... queens would be a waste. All very scientific, which got us twenty rooms for the boys, and eleven rooms for the girls....

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Marina's arrival The car drew up alongside the kerb and slowly ground to a halt. The rain, which had been constant for the last two hours, ran in rivulets down the windows and screen, creating patterns of reflected light from the neon signs that advertised the shops from which they hung. Marina stared through the distortion the water caused. She did not know this area of London. The back streets always seemed to contain a brooding darkness that hid a promise of malevolence, barely concealed...

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